Aiesec Recife gcdp projects 2016

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A I E S E C R E C I F EG C D P O P P O R T U N I T I E S B O O K L E T A N D E P L E T T E R 2 0 1 6

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Are you ready to come to one of the most brilliant cities

in Brazil? We are ready to have you here with us!

We’ve prepared a Booklet filled with some very interesting

and important information that will give you a hint of what

you’re going to see during your stay here. Enjoy it! This

Booklet was made for you to have the most exciting

experience of your life: your exchange! We would be really

proud to have you here!

Brazilian Venice. It was so named this city planted by

the sea and the river. It was just a port of Olinda,

Pernambuco capital the way back in 1535. And for this

very port of Recife condition that has become a meeting

point for people of different cultures, a mosaic of customs,

which generated most of the city cultural diversity of the

country and charming everyone. There is cultural diversity

goes from its gastronomy to the party.

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R E C I F E   &   P L A C E S

NO T   J U S T   A   C I T Y ,   M A N Y   P L A C E S   A ROUND




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1. Boa Viagem Beach. Recife

2. Recife Antigo. Recife

3. Porto de Galinhas. 2 hour distant

4. Bonito. 2 hour distant

5. Jardim botânico. Recife

6. Olinda. 30 minutes

7. Itamaracá. 1,5 hour distant

4 5


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Weather January to Mars: 30°C to 25°C April to June: 29°C to 21°C

 July to September: 28°C to 21°COctober to December: 30°C to 25°C

No need to take vaccination

Hostelcheap: R$ 40high: R$ 100

Night liveR$50

BusR$ 2,45 – R$ 3,35;

Restaurantcheap: R$ 15high: R$ 50 

MetroR$ 1,60

Taxi startR$ 4,32 


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G C D P P r o j e c t s2 0 1 6

Smarketing X4Change


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Smarketing project17 JAN - 24 JAN - 01 FEB - 21 FEB - 01 MAR - 13 MAR - 03 APR - 17 APR - 1 MAY - 15 MAY - 06 JUN- 20 JUN - 04 JUL - 19 JUL - 01 AUG - 15 AUG - 04 SET - 18 SET - 02 OUT - 16 OUT - 01 NOV - 13 NOV

Entrepreneurship - Social Business - Organisational development

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About the project:A project that works exactly the greatest needs of an NGO: marketing and administration. TheSmarketing developed to restore and assist with consulting and promotes an internationalenvironment for NGOs, expanding concepts and establishing an operational plan five weeks canmake for GAPs improvements and expand the social promotion.

You will be responsible for breaking paradigms and run macros in three dimensions, the path tothe intended goals with the organization. We believe this is the opportunity politically support allNGO partners to evolve and impact increasingly on their projects.

And as such, it is part of its activities in the project:1- Prepare and develop the 6 week period the specific material for each stage of the project andpresented elements aimed at design excellence;2- Supporting the local administrator, prioritizing the proper development of the operational plan;3 - Participate in the Virtual Meeting prior to arrival in Brazil, leads and specific training throughoutthe project, as well as official events of AIESEC;4- Participate in weekly meetings of project planning, recording the activities performed;5- To act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in all performed actions.

EXPECTED RESULTS AT THE END OF THE INTERNSHIP- 90% of the Shares ruled achieved in specific operational plan;- 80% made effective communication plan;- Fundraising Action taken;- Promotion of NGOs in certain numbers of communicative vehicles.

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X4Change project - Globalgoals SDG 4

17 JAN - 24 JAN - 01 FEB - 21 FEB - 01 MAR - 13 MAR - 03 APR - 17 APR - 1 MAY - 15 MAY - 06 JUN- 20 JUN - 04 JUL - 19 JUL - 01 AUG - 15 AUG - 04 SET - 18 SET - 02 OUT - 16 OUT - 01 NOV - 13 NOV

Cross-cultural dialogues - Leadership - Language literacy

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About the project:AIESEC developed in the project X4Change the opportunity to work learning a second language ina dynamic and culturally enriched way, that because the project brings in its proposal facilitationmade by people like you who are immersed in an exchange to transform realities.This Project is conected to The Global Goals for sustainable development for humankind that willbe choose on September 25th in UN. It's conected to the goal number 4 Quality Education - Ensureinclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The project is being implemented in three simple steps :Basic process of understanding the expressions through learning speech. Implement learning in global issues. InterAction: more effective dialogue, breaking and entering fears learning challenges so that theyunderstand the importance of interacting for learning the language

And as such, it is part of the description of the activities carried out by you:1-Prepare and develop the 6-week period classes with contextualized themes aimed at designexcellence;2- To develop the material to be used in this period, following the schedule-based and guidance ofthe management team;3 Participate in the virtual meeting prior to arrival in Brazil, leads and specific training throughoutthe project, as well as official events of AIESEC.4- Participate in weekly meetings of project planning, recording the activities performed;5- To act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in all performed actions.

EXPECTED RESULTS AT THE END OF THE INTERNSHIP- 100% of 3 steps completed;- 100% of the performance of the activities of the Learning by doing step;- 80% of students with significant learning.

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Driblando project

17 JAN - 24 JAN - 01 FEB - 21 FEB - 01 MAR - 13 MAR - 03 APR - 17 APR - 1 MAY - 15 MAY - 06 JUN- 20 JUN - 04 JUL - 19 JUL - 01 AUG - 15 AUG - 04 SET - 18 SET - 02 OUT - 16 OUT - 01 NOV - 13 NOV

Sport and recreation activities, Leadership

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About the project:The idea of providing for children and adolescents a global learning from their best interests is anopportunity to lead them in a pleasurable way to the concept of important social values. Theproject Dribbling developed by AIESEC in Brazil performs the work with cooperative sports the richcultural appreciation and the formation of three basic elements: leadership, teamwork and self-knowledge.

- Leadership: realizing that everyone has leadership potential, it is important to make them involvedearly;- Teamwork: enabling mediation of differences and promoting a no-bullying environment;- Self-knowledge: understanding that, when we met we learn to better understand ourenvironment and to the stage of discoveries that participants spend, is a valuable element.

1- Prepare and develop the 6 week period the specific material on the sports and presentedelements aimed at design excellence;2- Provide dynamic and contextualized activities involving the participants in the project objective;3 Participate in the virtual meeting prior to arrival in Brazil, leads and specific training throughoutthe project, as well as official events of AIESEC;4- Participate in weekly meetings of project planning, recording the activities performed;5- To act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in all performed actions.

EXPECTED RESULTS AT THE END OF THE INTERNSHIP- Conducting at least five cooperative games;- 80% of participants satisfied;- 60% of the whole school community to the project;- 100% development of the concept of three elements.

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Gaia project

17 JAN - 24 JAN - 01 FEB - 21 FEB - 01 MAR - 13 MAR - 03 APR - 17 APR - 1 MAY - 15 MAY - 06 JUN 20 JUN - 04 JUL - 19 JUL - 01 AUG - 15 AUG - 04 SET - 18 SET - 02 OUT - 16 OUT - 01 NOV - 13 NOV

Flora and fauna protection, Waste management, Climate change

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About the project:The project environmental education Gaia proposes the transformation of the attitudes of youngpeople towards the environment which they live, adopting sustainable practices guided by the four Rs: - Rethink: Make them aware of the processes of environmental education, reflecting on our actions, theimpacts and how you can change that reality thinking at best. In a second step, the end of the project isextremely important to rethink the whole exercised practice, causing the participants internalizeeverything learned and how the role of his continuation will provide a great benefit to theirenvironment;- Reduce: Make possible sustainable consumption, make them understand the economy andrelevance of each wild action;- Reuse: Reuse the most of the resources in the same way or another, using creativity for effectiveness;- Recycle: To transform what would be theoretically no longer useful for something relevant.

And as such, it is part of the realization of the project:1-Prepare and develop the 6-week period activities following the four components of environmentaleducation;2- Prepare the necessary material for the activities;2- Participate in the virtual meeting prior to arrival in Brazil, leads and specific training throughout theproject, as well as official events of AIESEC.3- Attend weekly meetings of project planning, recording the activities performed;4- act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in all performed actions.

EXPECTED RESULTS AT THE END OF THE INTERNSHIP- Conducting at least five cooperative games;- 80% of participants satisfied;- 60% of the whole school community to the project;- 100% development of the concept of three elements.

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GiraMundo project

17 JAN - 24 JAN - 01 FEB - 21 FEB - 01 MAR - 13 MAR - 03 APR - 17 APR - 1 MAY - 15 MAY - 06 JUN 20 JUN - 04 JUL - 19 JUL - 01 AUG - 15 AUG - 04 SET - 18 SET - 02 OUT - 16 OUT - 01 NOV - 13 NOV

Cross - cultural dialogues - Leadership

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About the project:Seeking an environment of inclusive education through actions of culture, information and Fun,Gira Mundo Enables organizations working with young people and / or children foster anenvironment of discussion about global issues.

The social project Gira Mundo works over 6 weeks, workshops and various activities the fourhuman development priorities within an educational environment, namely:Cultural diversity - Entrepreneurship - Sustainability - Citizenship

AAnd as such, it is part of the description of the activities made by you:1- Prepare and develop the 6-week period presented workshops on topics aimed at designexcellence;2- Participate in the virtual LEAD prior to arrival in Brazil, leads and specific training throughout theproject, as well as official events of AIESEC.3- Attend weekly meetings of project planning, recording the activities performed;4- act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in all performed actions.The activities carried out in the project are intended to positively impact a site, the lives of childrenand young people and we believe that through these 4-axis guides, you are the person who canbe the agent of change.

EXPECTED RESULTS AT THE END OF THE INTERNSHIP- Number of project participants;- Retention of participants to the site;- Conducting activities carried out according to established planning;- Realization of 4 axes of social development.

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We notify you initially that each NGO or School hasdifferent and specific needs. We expect you to besensitive to those needs and act proactively to do thebest work you can towards helping them. Also, you mustbe adaptable to very different realities - this is the onlyway to truly immerse yourself into the project and tomake a positive impact on the lives of the people youwill be working with.

Project duration- 6 weeks (8 weeks in July and Dec)Work time- 20 per weekMeal- lunch in the work dayTransportation- not providedArrival reception- Pick up from Airport to accomodation(Monday till Saturday, from 8 am to 11 pm)Accommodation- host family, single host, hostel orTrainee’s house.TN Fee - High peak US$ 50, Off Peak US$ 45

As AIESEC is a non-for profit organization, this fee covers the costs of the TNs (MC fees,transportation and cotract costs, etc). By applying to one of our projects, you agree to pay this feeat the beginning of your project. If you decide to do a second Project in Recife, this fee will beapplied again.


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What we expect from you- Be open to share your culture;- Be open mind with the cultural exchange;- To act with commitment, ethical and pro-activity in allperformed actions;- Be patient, positive and resilient answer the e-mails ontime to good communication;- Send us de documentation till 15 days before arrival.

What you can expect from us- Preparation Before Arrival: One online meeting toexplain all that the trainee needs to know about Recifeand answer questions that the trainee have.- IPS: Incoming Preparation Seminar: workshops tounderstand the value of projects, tour in the historicalzone of the city and planning session.- Constant Communication.- A Buddy responsable to help you in your work andinformations of the city.

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Heath insurance - Passport - Visa - Fligh tickets (arrival and departure)

Health insurance

In all our processes we need to control and manage the information(passport, health insurance, visa, ticket - arrival and departure) toensure AIESEC in Brazil the legality of the exchange studentpermanency in Brazil. That said, it is your duty to provide and submitsuch documentation as quickly as possible to the contacts below.Required documentation for trainees to be delivered from MATCH:

Must contain all your personal information.Must cover the whole country, in this case, Brazil.Must cover the entire internship period from.

European Communitty citizens and Latin Americans citizens don’t need to take visa -Legalization in Brazil For 90 days or lessTo other nationalities it’s necessary to have the temporary visa I (entry visa for Brazil); For more than 90 days exchange - It’s necessary to have the RNE (Registro Nacionalde Estrangeiros – The National - Registry of Foreigners). The document is withdrawnafter the arrival in Brazil. For such, it’s necessary to present some documents,including: authenticated copy of your passport, authenticated copy of your Brazilianentry card, a 3x4 photo and an authenticated copy of the visa request.


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We will confirm the address of the accommodation up to 10 daysbefore arrival.

Personal Possessions

AIESEC Recife provides free accommodation for all EPs for theduration of the projects. You might stay in a host family, singlehost, hostel or in the NGO (Trainee’s house), if they have guestrooms. However, we must receive the documentation 15 days inadvance. Otherwise, benefits such as pick up and host may sufferlogistic problems. Remember the host needs to know beforehandthe intern arrival date so as to better receive it. If you arrive priorto the start date and/or leave after the end of your project, youwill be responsible for paying your accommodation. Usually,though, host families agree to host the EPs for a little longer (bothbefore and after the project), but we can’t guarantee that. Ifneeded, you may turn to cheap or even free options, such ashostels or Couchsurfing.

AIESEC is not responsible for money or personal objects ofthe exchange student. It is the exchange studentresponsibility to keep and care of their own belongings.

Host Family - Single Host - Trainee House - Hostel


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Our process for accepting host families is just as careful asour process for accepting you into our program. Weconduct a comprehensive screening and applicationprocess before each family is able to match with one of ourcandidates. Features of the families; - Brazilian citizens; -Middle Class; - Generally they work out; - They can besingle or couple parents; - It is possible to have pets - Theymay belong to different religious beliefs; - You may havemore than two to four children; - 80% have never ever had aforeigner at home; - They live in metropolitan zone ofRecife; - They are hospitable and like to cultural exchange

Trainee's houseTrainee’s house You should be aware that you will live in theirworking environment and must have an acceptable behaviornot to interfere in the lives of communities or disrespects them.Above all it is essential to have empathy and posture and followliving rules drawn up in the house.


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EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT YOUR FUTURE HOST- They are not being payed to host you. They are volunteer as you. Whatthey want in the experience is to practs the language and have a culturalexchange in the home.- As a member of the Brazilian family, you will enter the division of household chores.- Most families own a car, but not all lend or leave available for exchange student use. So duringipso ask about public transportation conditions in the city.- Hosts are not Responsible for your feeding. The two of you may come to terms about cooking and/ or sharing spending on food.- AIESEC Recife cannot Ensure That You will have amenities such as a private room, Wi-Fi, airconditioning or any other fancy treat in your host. Related to web connection, our office has internetsite and you are welcome to use it if you need;- The EP must follow the rules of his / her host place, such as Maintaining the order, askingpermission before bringing someone in, pa ticipating in household chores with others living with you,using suitable garment at home, respecting the manners of acting and speaking, and any other rulesexplicit by the host.- AIESEC Recife may change the EP to another host, if he or she is in any kind of discrimination.However the EP may lose the right for accommodation if he / she violates any policies stated by thehost, such as breaking internal code of conduct or any other ethical, religious or cultural norm. If thisis the case, AIESEC Recife would have the obligation of providing another host or accommodation.- Living in a Host is part of your experience and, therefore, you are responsible for making the bestout of it. If you are in the host family, we recommend that you spend some time and engage withthem to their daily lives. Give yourself the change to get to know them and you might get yourself aloving and welcoming family far from home.

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C I T Y . A I E S E C R E C I F E I S W A I T I N G F O R Y O U !

D O C U M E N T E L A B O R A T E D B Y : P R I S C I L L A B E L L O

T O A P P L Y F O R O N E O F O U T P R O J E C T S , P L E A S E A N S W E R T H EF O R M I N T H E L I N K B E L L O W : H T T P : / / G O O . G L / D S G S Z 0 I F Y O U A R E

A V P O R P M O G X A N D W A N T T O D I S C U S S A P A R T N E R S H I PB E T W E E N O U R L C S , P L E A S E G E T I N T O U C H A T :

P R I S C I L L A . B E L L O @ A I E S E C . N E T