KVi t r r 8 S3L p - l 3 m trie tr s - - j m tsKMSSSQ 3knf tr Mf Kfc Ft 2 JfT- - v v 7 W s - THE BODHBQN JEWS Seventeenth Year Established 18S1 Enteied at the Post office at Paris Ky as secoKJ iiss mail matter TELEPHONE NO 124 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable in Advance One year 2 00 Six mouths 5100 NEWS COSTS YOTJ CANT EVEN GET A RE ¬ PORT FROM A GVN FREE OF CHARGE Make all CJiecks Money Orders Etc payable to the order of CHAMP MlXiLKR Bishop Burton of Lexington will preach at the Episcopal Church Sunday morning and night Dan McKeever a plumber who for- merly ¬ lived on Broadway in this city died last week in Louisville Eld J S Sweeney filled Eld Powells pulpit in the First Christian Church in Louisville Sunday morning and evening Mrs Minerva McKimey has sold to Peter Haley four acres of land at the junction of the Cynthiana Townsend turnpikes at 100 per acre Jonas Weil shipped twenty six cars of cattle Saturday over the L N to New York Moses Kahn shipped eighteen cars Friday to thesame point -- - The Bourbon Distillery at Ruddles Mills started up yesterday for a run The Paris Distilling Companys new 30000 distillery will start up on Decem- ber ¬ 28th -- - A Christmas gift that will please any and everybody Following the Equa- tor ¬ Mark Twains last and best Order at once if you want it for Christma3 Sold only by subscription 16nov tf A C Adair Agent A C Adair has the agency for Mark Twains new book Following the Equator It is decidedly the best book the great humorist has written and has had a very large advance sale Sold only by subscription 16nov tf o The November term of the Bourbon Circrit Court begins next Monday On the docket are 41 Commonwealth cases 294 old equity cases 38 equity appearances 65 old ordinary and 47 ordinary appearances Friday afternoon a thief entered the home of Thos Woods about three miles from Paris on the Clinton ville pike and stole some clothing and a sum of money while Mrs Woods was making a brief visit at the home of a neighbor just a hundred yards distant vc The Court of Appeals has decided that the legislative act allowing circuit clerks a fee of 5 in felony cases to be paid by the State was unconstitutional This decision will make some clerks of- - flees worthless because little else but felony cases are tried during their terms of court Will Johnson colored one of the parties charged with shooting and wounding Wm Cunningham at Escon- - dida last week was arrested by Special Deputy James Gibson early yesterday morning and placed in jail Mr t Cunningham is the L N agent at Cunningham station Tlie lxingr Contest The much talked of boxing contests will occur at tne opera house to night and will be witnessed by a large crowd The first event will be a fifteen round contest between Kid Lefeber and Lou Heller Both men who have finished their training here are in fine con- dition ¬ There will also be a ten round bout between the heavy weight Dave Jackson of Paris and Albert Allen of Georgetown and a five round go between Eddie Parker of this city and SugarfootLee Hill of Ciacinnati Between these contests will be inter- - spersed buck and wing dancing by Cincinnati attists and vocal selections by the Silver Toned Quartet News Of The Churches Interest in the meeting at the Chris tian Church is increasing at every ser ¬ vice and Eld Powells excellent ser ¬ mons are being heard by large and at- - tentive audiences Sunday night extra - seats were necesary to accomodate the audience Miss Nannie Clay united with the Church Sunday The services will be continued through this week be gining at seven oclock each night Rev Dr Evans of Lexington preach ed two interesting sermons Sunday at the Methodist Church The Womans Society of the Christian Church will have their cake sale on Tueday and Wednesday before Thanks ¬ giving Persons who favor them with orders will get something extra nice The Methodist Social announced for Friday evening has been postponed on account of the protracted meeting at tLe Christian Church For Rent Desirable brick cottage five rooms good cellar and other im- provements ¬ on South Main street For particulars apply to tf J T Hinton X THE BOURBON NEWS TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16 1897 Bourbon Schools Contribute To The Boone Fund The Bourbon county schools that re- cently ¬ observed Boones day and receiv- ed ¬ penny contributions from the pupils to help create a fund to keep the Boone monument at Frankfort in repair re- port ¬ the following contributions Hutchison Nora Wadell teacher 60 Monterey Julia McClelland 50 Jackstown Lucy Krenkel 40 Palmer Maggie E Davis 35 Purdy Margaret Chanslor 34 Stony Point Josi6 Lenihan 28 Burris Sue Talbott - 25 Sopei H S Bell 25 Clays Cross Roads Susie Clay 25 Little Rock E M Costello 25 Plum Lizzie Lenihan 22 Dudley Myrtle Ashbrook 22 North Middletown Lillie Vanhook21 Bethlehem Lillie Van Hook 20 Watt Gay Nelle Bedford 16 Cunningham Carrie Nichols 15 Paris High School 200 A Burglar Bold and Polite Sam Rice colored is a bold burglar but he is thoughtful and polite About twelve oclock Saturday night just after Rice had entered Newton Mitchells grocery by climbing down a sky light he was surprised by Night watchman Newt Clark who shot him as he attempted to escape through the sky light While hanging in mid air the burglar felt cLe bullet enter his anatomy and immediately cried out Dont shoot any more This is Mr Rice Mr Clark After this iatroduc tion Nightwatchman Clark captured Rice and took him to jail Rices wound is painful and will force him to take his meals while in a standing posi- tion ¬ A Circulating Library For County Schools t It was decided at the last Teachers Institute to try to have a circulating library for the county schools It is the aim to place a box of twenty books in each school and when they are read to exchange them for another box of twenty at the office of the County Superintendent where all the books are to be kept during vacation Families where the children are grown may like to donate their juvenile books They will be thankfully received at the office of the County Superintend ¬ ent Trying For A Record Al Edwards a Louisville cycler started at twelve oclock Friday night to break the double century record over the Louisville Paris course but oroke a pedal after going twenty two miles and had to give up The record is eighteen hours and thirty two minutes made by Newt Crawford Mr Abram Hite Bowman of Louisville came here Sat- urday ¬ to pace Edwards to Frankfort but returned home That evening Edwards will make anothpr attempt to day to lower the record He should arrive in Paris between eight and nine oclock Ii6xugton Likea Bcv Mann The Lexington Argonaut Friday said The revival service at Hill Street Church will continue over Sunday Rev E G B Mann of Paris Ky is preaching some very able and entertain ¬ ing sermons Rev Mann is a very ear- nest ¬ and energetic preacher The beau- tiful ¬ church edifice that was recently dedicated at Paris proves his worth push and energy in tne ministry The congregation at Paris is very much de- voted ¬ to their pastor Rev Mann is a very active Epworth League worker The Thos Woodford Will Case Quite an array of legal talent has been retained in the Thos Woodford will case which comes up in the Bour- bon ¬ Circuit Court the last of this month The followiug counsel has been em- ployed ¬ to defend the will Ex Senator J C S Blackburn of Versailles Judge W H Holt of Frankfort McMillan Talbott of this city and others The opposing counsel will be Hon Chas J Bronston of Lexington and E M Dickson J S Smith and T E Ash ¬ brook of this city Farm Ordered Sold The Court of Appeals has affirmed the decision of the Bourbon Circuit Court in the case of W B Halls ad- ministrator ¬ vs Mutual Life Insurance Company The Court of Appeals hold that the estate of W B Hall must pay 8000 mortgage held on the farm of Hall by the Mutual Life Insurance Com ¬ pany and borrowed on 10 000 The court orders the sale of the farm Col Baldwins Pike Deal Saturday Col W W Baldwin of MaysvilJe sold to the Nicholas Fiscal Court the fourteen miles of the Mays ville Lexington turnpike lying in Nicholas county for 24500 On Friday Col Baldwin sold eight miles of the same road lying in Fayette to theFayette Fiscal Court for 15555 -- - Kentucky Postmasters Appointed John M Jameson Jr a well known citizen of Millersburg was Saturday ap- pointed ¬ postmaster at that place Mr Jameson is one of the editors of the Millersburg Raven and Is being con ¬ gratulated by many friends Ben W Hall -- was alsoappointed post ¬ master at Mt Sterling Saturday I PERSONAL- - MENTION COMERS AND GOERS OBSERVED BY THE NEWS MAN Notes Hastily Jotted On The Streets At The Depots In The Hotel Ijobbies And Elsewhere Ray Mann is ill of fever Re v Dr Scudder of Carlisle was in the city yesterday Miss Margaret Butler was a visitor in Lexington yestei day Mrs Anne Lucas of Lexington was in the city Saturday Mrs Wm Drummey of Lexington is visiting Mrs Mary Roche Mr Desha Breckinridge of Lexing ¬ ton was in the city yesterday Col John B Chenault of Rich- mond ¬ was in the city yesterday Mrs Ernest Exon left yesterday for a visit to relatives in Cincinnati Mr and Mrs G N Parris spent Sunday with relatives in Winchester Hon Lucius Desha of Newport was here Saturday on legal business Hon W C OweLS of Georgetown was in the city Friday and Saturday Mr and Mrs WW Forman are are visiting relatives in Mason county Mrs J T Mosely of Cynthiana is spending a few days with friends in the city Miss Lelia Johnson visited relatives inMt Sterling from Saturday until yes- terday ¬ Mrs J T Hinton Jr who has been verjT ill for two weeks is much improved Messrs Junius Clay and Buckner Clay went to Nicholas county yesterday on a hunting trip Mrs H M Taylor of Carlisle is spending a few days with her sister Mrs Harvey Hibler Miss Lucy Lowry arrived home Saturday from a visit to Miss Addie Garner in Winchester Mrs James Mc Clure is visiting her daughter Miss Anna B McClure at Science Hill Academy Shelbyville Mr and Mrs R L Thomas return- ed ¬ Saturday to Ford after spending a week at Capt J M Thomas on Main street Mrs Lee Barbour of Prospect Ky and Mrs Wesley Williams of Louisville will arrive to day to be the guest of Mr and Mrs W A Hill Several Parisians have received in- vitations ¬ to attend a Dinner Dance to be given by the Cooking Club in Mays ville on the evening of the 26th at the home of Miss Suzanne Hall it will be a fashonable event j Miss Bertha Peck1 6fv Avondale Miss Nellie Frost and Chas Staple of Lexington Louis Boyd of Maysville Morris Miller of Winchester Misses Annie D and Ella Dudley and Ella Howse of Carlisle and Rudolph Davis and Jesse Letton of Paris composed a house party which was royally enter- tained ¬ from last Wednesday until yes- terday ¬ by Miss Maymie Bramblett at the home of her father G W Bram ¬ blett near Carlisle The guests were entertained Friday evening with a tacky party and on Saturday with a grand rabbit Jhunt One hundred and twenty seven persons on horse back en- joyed ¬ the chase and the dinner in the woods r- Be good and you will ba lone- some ¬ Mark Twains new book tf Gayeties In Cynthiana Cynthiana is in festive attire this week in honor of the meeting of the National Fox Hunters Association which convenes to morrow After the business of the association is completed the chase will begin and be continued at the pleasure of the visitors A grand ball will be one of the entertainments given in honor of the citys guests The meeting will continue about ten days The Democrat says The ball will be given at the opera house Friday evening 19th Inst No invitations have been issued and society people in other cities may consider this notice as an in- vitation ¬ to attend For Sale Good anthracite stove Call at The News office The Childrens Missionary Band of the Christian Church will run an excur ¬ sion over the Kentucky Midland and Q C to Cincinnati on Saturday Nov 20th leaving Paris at 710 a m return ¬ ing will arrive at Paris at 1035 p m Round trip from Paris 150 Men who like a cool quick quiet and easy shave should patronize Crawford Bros barber shop Clean first class bath rooms are connected with the shop Satisfactory service at all times tf New crop currents raisins citron peaches prunes apricots hominy oat meal rolled oats tt Newton Mitchell Insure in the Northwestern to ¬ day to morrow may be too late Wrights Celery Tea regulates the liver and kidneys cures constipation and sick headache 25c at all druggists- - - ae NOjFICE TO TAX PAYERS Pay your taxes be ¬ fore December 1st 1897 and save six per cent penalty and ad ¬ vertising as I will be compelled to advertise all property on which the taxes are not paid by December 1st in or derto make my settle ¬ ments with Stafe and County E T SEEDING v SB O NUPTIAL KNOTS Engagements Announcements And Sol emnfzations Of The Marriage Vows Nineteen mismated couples have asked the Mason Circuit Court to divorce them Miss Maggie Glenn of Vine street will be -- married next Tuesday to a Mr OConnor of Newport The engagement is announced of Miss Madie Cooper daughter of Mr and Mrs John R Cooper of Covington to Mr Clarence DeFoe Wilson of Rochester N Y Miss Cooper has frequently visit- ed ¬ Mrs WW Massie and the Misses Alexander and is well known to many persons in this city One of the handsomest social events seen in Georgetown this season was the marriage of Mr C Louis Kerr of Cin ¬ cinnati and Miss Carrie Davis of Georgetown which was solemnized at the Baptist church Thursday night in the presence of a vast assembly of friends The edifice was beautifully decorated with palms and other tropical plants Dr A C Davidson President of Georgetown College performed the ceremony Miss Ellen Moorman was maid of Honor and the lridesmaids were Misses Annie Kerr of Cincinnati Eva Craig Julia Thompson and Julia McMeekiu Mr Joe Kerr of Cincin ¬ nati was best man and the groomsmen were Messrs Shinkle of Cincinnati and John Lewis Asa Brown and Webb Offntt of Georgetown The ushers were Messrs R Q Ward and B L Rucker After the ceremony there was an elegant reception at the brides hand ¬ some home and the youug couple left for a bridal trip j BIRTHS The Advent- - Of Our Future Men And Women Yesterday to the wife of Gus Fee a daughter Krin thistci ftey esfqaytbjhet wif eg off OBITUARY Respectfully Dedicated To The Memory Of The Bead Mr Pack Thomas one of the leading citizens of Louisville died of pneumonia Friday morning after being ill only a few days The deceased was Secretary of the Board of Park Commissioners of Louisville He was a brother of Mrs Kitty Brown of this city and an uncle of Mrs J T Hinton Mrs W L Davis and Mr E O Brown also of this city The remains of David Wilson Offutt aged sixteen who died in Lexington of fever were brought to this city yester- day ¬ afternoon on the 330 train for bur- ial ¬ at the Paris cemetery The services were conducted by Rev McEIroy of Lexington The deceased was a son of David Offutt of Lexington and a grand son of the late J P Wilson of Cane Ridge Oysters celery fresh cakes and crackers new sorghum molasses New York cream cheese tf Newton Mitchell Wrights Celery tea ouirs -- nnisti tion Licc hcauaciies 23c a- - iruggi- - The Northwesterns dividends to policy holders are unequaled and to procure Northwestern dividends you must carry Nortnwestern insurance tf UoYou Play Whist Euchre Or Other Games The F F V playing card is better than any 50 cent card on the market Send 1 cents for one deck or 25 cents for two decks stamps or currency to C B Ryan Asst Genl Passr Agt C O Ry Cincinnati Ohio -- i J welt shoes button or lace DOllarS patent leather tip foxed heel three styles of toes Would be good value at 400 RION CLAY Buck and Bills Barber Shop For first class work Three first class barbers All work done strictly first class Next door to Bourbon Bank 4nqv tf rJp- - r KScaai PUT OUR NAME Oq your list when in need of Footwear Our new stock of Shoes is arriving daily which comprises all the new shapes and tips better values than we have ever been able to offer before Our Childrens School Shoes have been selected witfr miicn care insuring both durability and comfort Ask for school tablets fres for the little ones when making your purchases Davis Thomson Is My importations for this Fall and Winter of Ladies and Chil ¬ drens Dress Goods exceed in cost of investment 10000 auv other pur- chase ¬ I ever made in this one line of goods With forty years experi- ence ¬ in Diy Goods business in Paris I saw it was to your and my in- terest ¬ to secure these goods under the low tariff consequently I invest- ed ¬ every available dollar I had in goods at low prices The new Dingley tariff bill has already made and will when set fully at work make all classes of Dry Goods fully double in price what they were un ¬ der the Wilson or low tariff I have the advantage of this ily goods were bought when cheap and it is my intention to hold them down as long as a yard of them lasts If you want to save money in your pur ¬ chase this Fall and Winter come and see me and examine my srock and hear prices before you invest elsewhere G TU TT MAIN PARIS 1897 NEW HOOSIEK WHEAT DRILLS Both Shoe and Disk Oldest and Most Reliable Built See them ZFce JS4X Toy O- - jE20 Just received Car the Celebrated STEELE SKEIN BIEDSELL WAGOIS Call and examine before you buy 0 PariSi WE ARE ALWAYS A new lines cutting old prices with a store full of new Pall Goods to show you Large line of new Dress goods strictly wool 25c a yard Novelties in Pbiin and Fancy Dress goocis at50c sold everywhere else for 75c to L per rard Handsome line of Silks Velvets and Braids of all descriptions for trimmings Penangs Pereales and Fancy Outing Cloths 5c 7c and 10c Table Linens and Towels at old Drices notwithstanding tanff ad- vance ¬ of 20 per cent Notions of all kinds and in Dress linings we will save you 25c on the dollar Ladies Ladies life size charge CONDON STOCK AND Prices any Central We S Cutter DONT TRUST EVERY LAUN ¬ SIGN SEE Consult your friends first whoin you see wearing unfraved beauti ¬ fully and will find when you come to 529 ST KY of waose they tliat i It H - v - - 3- - y IT Adding Fall Underwear for Gen ¬ tlemen and Children of ¬ at half the usual price Blankets SI kind for 49c and all wool at 250 per Splen ¬ did line of JSed Comforts Full line of Hosiery one great special being our and Chil seamless at 10c We are the store in town that carries full line of Ice Wool and fancy 3Taris We still sell 10 4 Pep perel ¬ ing at ISc and extra trood bleachr- - ed and unbleached cutton at 5c Family Portraits Free of -3- WE RECEIVED A SPLENDID W IMPORTED SUITINGS TROUSERINGS FOR FALL AND WINTER Our are lower than house in wh9D quality and style are considered ask you to us a call JTLNJEi TAILORS E TIPTON YOU while traveling street laundered linen you inqu laundry patronize every de- scription pair drens full only Zephrasr sheet HATE Kentucky give IVX33nCIIvT DRY down I IV The Bourbon Steam Laundry VV M MJUNTON JR BRO Proprietors Telephone No 4 i 9v

Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris, KY) 1897-11-16 [p 5]. · 2017-12-11 · Mrs Minerva McKimey has sold to Peter Haley four acres of land at the junction of the Cynthiana Townsend

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Page 1: Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris, KY) 1897-11-16 [p 5]. · 2017-12-11 · Mrs Minerva McKimey has sold to Peter Haley four acres of land at the junction of the Cynthiana Townsend

KVit r








trs -














s -

THE BODHBQN JEWSSeventeenth Year Established 18S1

Enteied at the Post office at Paris Ky assecoKJ iiss mail matter



One year 2 00 Six mouths 5100



Make all CJiecks Money Orders Etcpayable to the order of CHAMP MlXiLKR

Bishop Burton of Lexington willpreach at the Episcopal Church Sundaymorning and night

Dan McKeever a plumber who for-


lived on Broadway in this citydied last week in Louisville

Eld J S Sweeney filled EldPowells pulpit in the First ChristianChurch in Louisville Sunday morningand evening

Mrs Minerva McKimey has sold toPeter Haley four acres of land at thejunction of the Cynthiana Townsendturnpikes at 100 per acre

Jonas Weil shipped twenty six carsof cattle Saturday over the L N toNew York Moses Kahn shippedeighteen cars Friday to thesame point

-- -The Bourbon Distillery at Ruddles

Mills started up yesterday for a runThe Paris Distilling Companys new30000 distillery will start up on Decem-


28th-- -

A Christmas gift that will please anyand everybody Following the Equa-tor


Mark Twains last and bestOrder at once if you want it forChristma3 Sold only by subscription

16nov tf A C Adair Agent

A C Adair has the agency for MarkTwains new book Following theEquator It is decidedly the best bookthe great humorist has written and hashad a very large advance sale Soldonly by subscription 16nov tf

oThe November term of the Bourbon

Circrit Court begins next MondayOn the docket are 41 Commonwealthcases 294 old equity cases 38 equityappearances 65 old ordinary and 47ordinary appearances

Friday afternoon a thief entered thehome of Thos Woods about three milesfrom Paris on the Clinton ville pikeand stole some clothing and a sum ofmoney while Mrs Woods was makinga brief visit at the home of a neighborjust a hundred yards distant

vc The Court of Appeals has decidedthat the legislative act allowing circuitclerks a fee of 5 in felony cases to bepaid by the State was unconstitutionalThis decision will make some clerks of--

flees worthless because little else butfelony cases are tried during their termsof court

Will Johnson colored one of theparties charged with shooting andwounding Wm Cunningham at Escon- -

dida last week was arrested by SpecialDeputy James Gibson early yesterdaymorning and placed in jail Mr

t Cunningham is the L N agent atCunningham station

Tlie lxingr Contest

The much talked of boxing contestswill occur at tne opera house to night andwill be witnessed by a large crowdThe first event will be a fifteen roundcontest between Kid Lefeber and LouHeller Both men who have finished

their training here are in fine con-


There will also be a ten roundbout between the heavy weight DaveJackson of Paris and Albert Allen of

Georgetown and a five round go

between Eddie Parker of this city andSugarfootLee Hill of Ciacinnati

Between these contests will be inter--

spersed buck and wing dancing by

Cincinnati attists and vocal selectionsby the Silver Toned Quartet

News Of The Churches

Interest in the meeting at the Christian Church is increasing at every ser¬

vice and Eld Powells excellent ser¬

mons are being heard by large and at--

tentive audiences Sunday night extra- seats were necesary to accomodate the

audience Miss Nannie Clay unitedwith the Church Sunday The serviceswill be continued through this week be

gining at seven oclock each night

Rev Dr Evans of Lexington preached two interesting sermons Sunday atthe Methodist Church

The Womans Society of the ChristianChurch will have their cake sale on

Tueday and Wednesday before Thanks ¬

giving Persons who favor them withorders will get something extranice

The Methodist Social announced forFriday evening has been postponed on

account of the protracted meeting at tLe

Christian Church

For Rent Desirable brick cottagefive rooms good cellar and other im-



on South Main streetFor particulars apply to

tf J T Hinton



Bourbon Schools Contribute To The BooneFund

The Bourbon county schools that re-


observed Boones day and receiv-ed


penny contributions from the pupilsto help create a fund to keep the Boonemonument at Frankfort in repair re-


the following contributionsHutchison Nora Wadell teacher 60Monterey Julia McClelland 50Jackstown Lucy Krenkel 40Palmer Maggie E Davis 35Purdy Margaret Chanslor 34Stony Point Josi6 Lenihan 28Burris Sue Talbott - 25Sopei H S Bell 25Clays Cross Roads Susie Clay 25Little Rock E M Costello 25Plum Lizzie Lenihan 22Dudley Myrtle Ashbrook 22North Middletown Lillie Vanhook21Bethlehem Lillie Van Hook 20Watt Gay Nelle Bedford 16Cunningham Carrie Nichols 15Paris High School 200

A Burglar Bold and Polite

Sam Rice colored is a bold burglarbut he is thoughtful and polite

About twelve oclock Saturday nightjust after Rice had entered NewtonMitchells grocery by climbing down asky light he was surprised by Nightwatchman Newt Clark who shot himas he attempted to escape through thesky light While hanging in mid airthe burglar felt cLe bullet enter hisanatomy and immediately cried outDont shoot any more This is Mr

Rice Mr Clark After this iatroduction Nightwatchman Clark capturedRice and took him to jail Riceswound is painful and will force him totake his meals while in a standing posi-


A Circulating Library For CountySchools


It was decided at the last TeachersInstitute to try to have a circulatinglibrary for the county schools It is theaim to place a box of twenty books ineach school and when they are read toexchange them for another box oftwenty at the office of the CountySuperintendent where all the books areto be kept during vacation

Families where the children aregrown may like to donate their juvenilebooks They will be thankfully receivedat the office of the County Superintend ¬


Trying For A Record

Al Edwards a Louisville cyclerstarted at twelve oclock Friday nightto break the double century record overthe Louisville Paris course but oroke apedal after going twenty two miles andhad to give up The record is eighteenhours and thirty two minutes made byNewt Crawford Mr Abram HiteBowman of Louisville came here Sat-


to pace Edwards to Frankfort butreturned home That evening Edwardswill make anothpr attempt to day tolower the record He should arrive inParis between eight and nine oclock

Ii6xugton Likea Bcv Mann

The Lexington Argonaut Friday saidThe revival service at Hill Street

Church will continue over SundayRev E G B Mann of Paris Ky ispreaching some very able and entertain ¬

ing sermons Rev Mann is a very ear-


and energetic preacher The beau-tiful


church edifice that was recentlydedicated at Paris proves his worthpush and energy in tne ministry Thecongregation at Paris is very much de-


to their pastor Rev Mann is avery active Epworth League worker

The Thos Woodford Will Case

Quite an array of legal talent hasbeen retained in the Thos Woodfordwill case which comes up in the Bour-bon


Circuit Court the last of this monthThe followiug counsel has been em-


to defend the will Ex SenatorJ C S Blackburn of Versailles JudgeW H Holt of Frankfort McMillanTalbott of this city and others Theopposing counsel will be Hon ChasJ Bronston of Lexington and E MDickson J S Smith and T E Ash ¬

brook of this city

Farm Ordered Sold

The Court of Appeals has affirmedthe decision of the Bourbon CircuitCourt in the case of W B Halls ad-


vs Mutual Life InsuranceCompany The Court of Appeals holdthat the estate of W B Hall must pay

8000 mortgage held on the farm ofHall by the Mutual Life Insurance Com ¬

pany and borrowed on 10 000 Thecourt orders the sale of the farm

Col Baldwins Pike Deal

Saturday Col W W Baldwin ofMaysvilJe sold to the Nicholas FiscalCourt the fourteen miles of the Maysville Lexington turnpike lying inNicholas county for 24500

On Friday Col Baldwin sold eightmiles of the same road lying in Fayetteto theFayette Fiscal Court for 15555

-- -

Kentucky Postmasters Appointed

John M Jameson Jr a well knowncitizen of Millersburg was Saturday ap-


postmaster at that place MrJameson is one of the editors of theMillersburg Raven and Is being con¬

gratulated by many friendsBen W Hall --was alsoappointed post¬

master at Mt Sterling Saturday





Notes Hastily Jotted On The Streets AtThe Depots In The Hotel Ijobbies AndElsewhere

Ray Mann is ill of feverRe v Dr Scudder of Carlisle was

in the city yesterdayMiss Margaret Butler was a visitor

in Lexington yestei dayMrs Anne Lucas of Lexington

was in the city Saturday

Mrs Wm Drummey of Lexingtonis visiting Mrs Mary Roche

Mr Desha Breckinridge of Lexing ¬

ton was in the city yesterdayCol John B Chenault of Rich-


was in the city yesterdayMrs Ernest Exon left yesterday

for a visit to relatives in CincinnatiMr and Mrs G N Parris spent

Sunday with relatives in WinchesterHon Lucius Desha of Newport

was here Saturday on legal businessHon W C OweLS of Georgetown

was in the city Friday and SaturdayMr and Mrs W W Forman are

are visiting relatives in Mason county

Mrs J T Mosely of Cynthiana isspending a few days with friends in thecity

Miss Lelia Johnson visited relativesinMt Sterling from Saturday until yes-


Mrs J T Hinton Jr who hasbeen verjT ill for two weeks is muchimproved

Messrs Junius Clay and BucknerClay went to Nicholas county yesterdayon a hunting trip

Mrs H M Taylor of Carlisle isspending a few days with her sisterMrs Harvey Hibler

Miss Lucy Lowry arrived homeSaturday from a visit to Miss AddieGarner in Winchester

Mrs James Mc Clure is visiting herdaughter Miss Anna B McClure atScience Hill Academy Shelbyville

Mr and Mrs R L Thomas return-ed


Saturday to Ford after spending aweek at Capt J M Thomas on Mainstreet

Mrs Lee Barbour of ProspectKy and Mrs Wesley Williams ofLouisville will arrive to day to be theguest of Mr and Mrs W A Hill

Several Parisians have received in-


to attend a Dinner Dance tobe given by the Cooking Club in Maysville on the evening of the 26th at thehome of Miss Suzanne Hall it will bea fashonable event j

Miss Bertha Peck1 6fv AvondaleMiss Nellie Frost and Chas Staple ofLexington Louis Boyd of MaysvilleMorris Miller of Winchester MissesAnnie D and Ella Dudley and EllaHowse of Carlisle and Rudolph Davisand Jesse Letton of Paris composed ahouse party which was royally enter-tained


from last Wednesday until yes-


by Miss Maymie Bramblett atthe home of her father G W Bram ¬

blett near Carlisle The guests wereentertained Friday evening with a

tacky party and on Saturday with agrand rabbit Jhunt One hundred andtwenty seven persons on horse back en-


the chase and the dinner in thewoods


Be good and you will ba lone-


Mark Twains new book tf

Gayeties In Cynthiana

Cynthiana is in festive attire thisweek in honor of the meeting of theNational Fox Hunters Associationwhich convenes to morrow After thebusiness of the association is completedthe chase will begin and be continued atthe pleasure of the visitors A grandball will be one of the entertainmentsgiven in honor of the citys guests Themeeting will continue about ten days

The Democrat says The ball willbe given at the opera house Fridayevening 19th Inst No invitations havebeen issued and society people in othercities may consider this notice as an in-


to attend

For Sale Good anthracite stoveCall at The News office

The Childrens Missionary Band ofthe Christian Church will run an excur ¬

sion over the Kentucky Midland and QC to Cincinnati on Saturday Nov

20th leaving Paris at 710 a m return ¬

ing will arrive at Paris at 1035 p mRound trip from Paris 150

Men who like a cool quick quiet andeasy shave should patronize CrawfordBros barber shop Clean first classbath rooms are connected with the shopSatisfactory service at all times tf

New crop currents raisins citronpeaches prunes apricots hominy oatmeal rolled oats

tt Newton Mitchell

Insure in the Northwestern to ¬

day to morrow may be too late

Wrights Celery Tea regulates theliver and kidneys cures constipationand sick headache 25c at all druggists- -




Pay your taxes be ¬

fore December 1st1897 and save six percent penalty and ad ¬

vertising as I will becompelled to advertiseall property on whichthe taxes are not paidby December 1st in orderto make my settle¬

ments with Stafe andCounty



Engagements Announcements And Solemnfzations Of The Marriage Vows

Nineteen mismated couples haveasked the Mason Circuit Court todivorce them

Miss Maggie Glenn of Vine streetwill be --married next Tuesday to a MrOConnor of Newport

The engagement is announced of MissMadie Cooper daughter of Mr and MrsJohn R Cooper of Covington to MrClarence DeFoe Wilson of RochesterN Y Miss Cooper has frequently visit-ed


Mrs W W Massie and the MissesAlexander and is well known to manypersons in this city

One of the handsomest social eventsseen in Georgetown this season was themarriage of Mr C Louis Kerr of Cin ¬

cinnati and Miss Carrie Davis ofGeorgetown which was solemnized atthe Baptist church Thursday night inthe presence of a vast assembly offriends The edifice was beautifullydecorated with palms and other tropicalplants Dr A C Davidson Presidentof Georgetown College performed theceremony Miss Ellen Moorman wasmaid of Honor and the lridesmaids wereMisses Annie Kerr of Cincinnati EvaCraig Julia Thompson and JuliaMcMeekiu Mr Joe Kerr of Cincin ¬

nati was best man and the groomsmenwere Messrs Shinkle of Cincinnatiand John Lewis Asa Brown and WebbOffntt of Georgetown The usherswere Messrs R Q Ward and B LRucker After the ceremony there wasan elegant reception at the brides hand ¬

some home and the youug couple leftfor a bridal trip



The Advent- - Of Our Future Men AndWomen

Yesterday to the wife of Gus Fee adaughterKrin thistci fteyesfqaytbjhet wifeg off


Respectfully Dedicated To The MemoryOf The Bead

Mr Pack Thomas one of the leadingcitizens of Louisville died of pneumoniaFriday morning after being ill only afew days The deceased was Secretaryof the Board of Park Commissioners ofLouisville He was a brother of MrsKitty Brown of this city and an uncleof Mrs J T Hinton Mrs W L Davisand Mr E O Brown also of this city

The remains of David Wilson Offuttaged sixteen who died in Lexington offever were brought to this city yester-day


afternoon on the 330 train for bur-


at the Paris cemetery The serviceswere conducted by Rev McEIroy ofLexington The deceased was a son ofDavid Offutt of Lexington and agrand son of the late J P Wilson ofCane Ridge

Oysters celery fresh cakes andcrackers new sorghum molasses NewYork cream cheese

tf Newton Mitchell

Wrights Celery tea ouirs -- nnistition Licc hcauaciies 23c a- - iruggi- -

The Northwesterns dividends topolicy holders are unequaled and toprocure Northwestern dividends youmust carry Nortnwestern insurance tf

UoYou Play Whist Euchre Or OtherGames

The F F V playing card is betterthan any 50 cent card on the marketSend 1 cents for one deck or 25 centsfor two decks stamps or currency to C

B Ryan Asst Genl Passr Agt CO Ry Cincinnati Ohio

--i J welt shoes button or laceDOllarS patent leather tip foxed

heel three styles of toesWould be good value at400


Buck and BillsBarber Shop

For first class work Three first classbarbers All work done strictly firstclass Next door to Bourbon Bank

4nqv tf

rJp- - r


PUT OUR NAMEOq your list when in need of Footwear Our new

stock of Shoes is arriving daily which comprises all thenew shapes and tips better values than we have everbeen able to offer before

Our Childrens School Shoes have been selected witfrmiicn care insuring both durability and comfort

Ask for school tablets fres for the little ones whenmaking your purchases

Davis Thomson Is

My importations for this Fall and Winter of Ladies and Chil ¬drens Dress Goods exceed in cost of investment 10000 auv other pur-chase


I ever made in this one line of goods With forty years experi-ence


in Diy Goods business in Paris I saw it was to your and my in-terest

¬to secure these goods under the low tariff consequently I invest-


every available dollar I had in goods at low prices The newDingley tariff bill has already made and will when set fully at workmake all classes of Dry Goods fully double in price what they were un¬

der the Wilson or low tariff I have the advantage of this ily goodswere bought when cheap and it is my intention to hold them down aslong as a yard of them lasts If you want to save money in your pur¬

chase this Fall and Winter come and see me and examine my srockand hear prices before you invest elsewhere



Oldest and Most Reliable Built See them

ZFce JS4X Toy O- - jE20

Just received Car the Celebrated

STEELE SKEIN BIEDSELL WAGOISCall and examine before you buy


WE ARE ALWAYS Anew lines cutting old prices with a

store full of new Pall Goods to show youLarge line of new Dress goods

strictly wool 25c a yardNovelties in Pbiin and Fancy

Dress goocis at50c sold everywhereelse for 75c to L per rard

Handsome line of Silks Velvetsand Braids of all descriptions fortrimmings

Penangs Pereales and FancyOuting Cloths 5c 7c and 10c

Table Linens and Towels at oldDrices notwithstanding tanff ad-


of 20 per centNotions of all kinds and in

Dress linings we will save you 25con the dollar



life size charge




Prices any CentralWe

S Cutter



Consult your friends first whoin

you see wearing unfraved beauti ¬

fully and will

find when you come to

529 ST KY


waose they tliat


It H

- v



3-- y


Fall Underwear for Gen¬

tlemen and Children of ¬

at half the usual priceBlankets SI kind for 49c and

all wool at 250 per Splen¬did line of JSed Comforts

Full line of Hosiery one greatspecial being our and Chil

seamless at 10c

We are the store in townthat carries full line ofIce Wool and fancy 3Taris

We still sell 10 4 Pep perel ¬ing at ISc and extra trood bleachr- -ed and unbleached cutton at 5c

Family Portraits Free of




FOR FALL AND WINTEROur are lower than house in wh9D

quality and style are considered ask you to us a call



while traveling street

laundered linen you


laundry patronize

every de-



drens fullonly








I IVThe Bourbon Steam Laundry

VV M MJUNTON JR BRO ProprietorsTelephone No 4

