THE BOURBON HEWS Seventeenth Year Established 1881 Enieied at the Post office at Paris Ky seco i ass mail matter TELEPHONE NO 124 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable in Advance One year S2 00 Six mouths as 3100 NEWS costs you cant kven oet a re ¬ port FUOM A GUN FREE OF CHARGE Make all Checks Money Orders Etc payable to the order of Champ MilIiKB Thursday and Friday Febru ¬ ary 3d and 4th we will offer be- low ¬ original cost price our entire stock of ladies muslin underwear consisting of a large line of skirts night dresses drawers chemise and corset covers It is to your interest not to miss this sale FRANK 00 Wednesday will be ground hog day - Armours sliced star bacon at McDer mott Spears Wm Willet is acting as day watch- man ¬ at the L N passenger depot Steven Willis of this city has been granted a pension of ten dollars per month - John Bauer of Cynthiana has ac- cepted ¬ a clerkship at the Bluegrass grocery The stone crossing on Third and Main streetB has been replaced by a wooden crossing The next meeting of the Kentucky Midland Medical Society will be held in Georgetown in April Wanted T6 buy three or four turkey hens bronze variety preferred Apply at The News office 2t The Mormon elders in Harrison county have so far failed to get a room in which to hold their meetings Found A etore key Owuer can have same by calling at The News office and paying for this advertisement The Paris Electric Light Company has elected the following officers Pres- ident ¬ D Turney Vice President R P Dow Jr Bev A E Tadlock will preach in Second Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 1030 oclock No evening services The pikes of Scott county have been divided among the magistrates who will assume charge -- of them and have them worked Thos Mitchell late of this city now of Cincinnati has accepted a posi- - tion as assistant book keeper for Stanage Co on Pearl and Walnut Kid LaFeber has accepted Tommy Kavanaughs offer to box for a 200 purse Jim Marshall the well known pugilidt wants a go with Heller Kavanaugh or Lafeber The hide of Owney the postal car dog that went around the world has heen stuffed and placed in the Postoffice Museum in Smithsonian Institute at Washington Thomas Goff of North Middletown and John Goff of Indian Old Fields Crk connty have just attained their seventy seventh birthday They are prably thcoldest twins in the country Prof Edwin Sparks of Chicago Uni- - versitv will lecture to night at the MethodiRt Church under the auspices of the Paris Literary lab Subject Samuel Adams Admission twenty five cents You be the doctor for a little while and make a critical examination of a bundle of our laundry work and see if jou cannot conscientiously recommend he Bourbon Steam Laundry Dr F L Lapsley of this city J P Ripley of Lawrenceburg a d Mayor Julian of Frankfort will be the4jndges at the Mid Winter declamatory contest a Winchester next Friday night he Danville Advocate says Mr and Mrs Vimont Lvle will make New York City their home Mr Lyle having ade a most desirable arrangement for the practice of law in that city Tie children who made application for membership in the National Society f the Children of the American Revolu- tion ¬ are requested to meet at the home f Mrs Robert C TaIdoU at two oclock to morrow - - Frank Ireland writes to Deputy Miinil Wallace Mitchell from Califor- nia ¬ that he has acquired an interest in a gold mine in Nevada county and hopes thave enough money to buy Paris wheji he returns to Kentucky TUe Clement Engagement Cjbese has already been quite a grati- - ing advance of tears for the Clay Cfanient engagement to morrow night artbe oper home andthe performance wil no doubt b quit society event Paris should giv the distinguished actor ind bis beaatif al plaj hearty welcome wpwm Tywvj Xaat Nights Boxing Contests THE OCTftBON TSTEWS Fill DA JANUARY 28 1898 A large crowu in which were scores of leading citizens of Paris and dele- gations ¬ from Lexington Georgetown and Millersburg saw two lively box ¬ ing contests decided at the opera house last night under the auspices of the Paris Athletic Club Tfae principal event was a ten round go between Kid LaEeber and Louis Heller of Cincinnati which referee Desha Lncas declared a draw Though Lafeber forced the fighting Heller had decidedly the best of the contest cleverly avoiding Lefebera swings and punishing Lefeber considerably The fighting was fast in the fifth sixth and eighth rounds Heller landing often on Laf ebers libs and lace and several times on his stomach Lafeber weak- ened ¬ considerably in these rounds but made a game fight throughout The preliminary contest was a swift fifteen round contest between Eddie Parker and Warren Brooks two local boxers Brooks had the advantage in weight reach and quickness but Parker made an excellent fight Louis Lafeber the referee declared the fight a draw A ludicrous contest was a free for all scrap between five colored middle weights who did much promiscuous pounding Heller and Lafeber were seconded by their brothers A Supposed Sharper In The Toils GT Fields registered at the Hotel Fordham January 10th He was ac- companied ¬ by his wife and arranged for a rednced rate saying he would re maiu several weeks No payment was made to Landlord James Connors till the 20th when a check of Robt Clark Co of Cincinnati for 15 was tendered 13 being credited on account and 2 in cash given to Fields No other payment was received though re- peated ¬ promises were made and Fields and wife left the Fordham on the 20th durine the temporary absence of Mr Connors Fields was subsequently ar- rested ¬ on a charge of fraudulently ob obtaining lodging the first case of the kind ever tried here A hung jury re ¬ sulted at Wednesdays trial but yes terday in Judge Webbs court a jury fined Fields 15 Fields was then arrested on a charge of larceny on a warrant sworn out by Mr E M Dickson charging the theft of two valuable law books It is alleged Fields check from Robt Clark Co was in payment for the stolen books Mr Dickson having recovered one of them in Cincinnati The trial was set for Monday at ten a m An officer yesterday told The News that it was thought Fields is a slick confidence man Report alleges that law books have been stolen in Winches ter and other Central Kentucky towns by a party who gave the name of Fields to book buyers in Cincinnati Fields visited the Paris newspaper offices soon after his advent in the city and represented that his object here was to get up an elaborately illustrated write up or Paris He told The News that he had published twenty two such write ups Fields was in no way connected with any Pari6 paper Landlord Connors has generously ten- dered ¬ Mrs Fields a temporary home The lady is apparently destitute of money and friends A Klondike Party f Chas Kill of this city and Sidney Offutt of Georgetownwill leave Sunday afternoon for the Klondike gold fields in company with a party of ten men Irom Ohio and Kentucky The party Trill be under the leadership of Goige Shadbourne of Indiana who has made three trips to Alaska They will go by boat from Seattle to Dyea thence to Dawson City through the Chilkoot pass the shortest route They will take with them supplies for one year and expect to reach the gold fields about the 15th of May Many friends of Messrs Hill and Offut wish them unbounded success Nevr Departure In Distilling The G- - G- - White Distillery is putting in a patent drier bv which thpy will utilize the slop which was formeily run into Stoner creek or fed to cattle The new appliance will strain the water from the pulp and will dry the latter The dried slop stuff makes excellent feed for dairy cows Most of the dried slop will be shipped to Germany and other foreign conntries Court Culllngs In Tude Purriells court Wednesday Bad Irvi was sentenced thirty days in jail at hard labor for stealiug Harry Bedfordd overcoat Kitty Greevous a fifteen year oil colored girl who was arrested orsteal ing a peck of coal from an L N car was lectured for her Greevous error and was dismissed The 750 train to Cincinnati and the an hour a half Tuesday on account of a landslide near Butler Fleischmakns compressed yeast at McDermott Spears Ousters celery freBh cakes crackers new lignum molasses New York cream cheese tf Nkwton Mitchell PEESONAL MENTION COMERS AND GOERS OBSERVED BY THE NEWS MAN f Notes Hastily Jotted On The Streets At The Depots In The Hotel Iiohbies And Elsewhere Miss Tinnie Ewalt was in Cincin ¬ nati Tuesday Mrs L Grinnau is visiifng relatives in Lexington A T Forsyth is in Richmond on a business trip Hon E M Dickson was in Ciucin nati Wednesday Miss Nannie Clay was a visitor in Lexington yesterday- - Mrs C M Clay Jr was a visitor in LexingtonlTuesday - J3 Mr Lee Price made a business trip to Mt Sterling yesterday Miss Pink Shropshire of Harrison is visiting Miss Hattie Brock Ex Sheriff Beeding made a businesi trip to Cincinnati Wednesday Mr I L Price was in Cincinnati Wednesday on a business trip Eld H S Saxby of Ruddles Mills left Wednesday for Kansas City Mrs J M Roddy of Midway visited relatives in the city this week Editor Desha Breckinridge of the Lexington Herald was in the city yes- terday ¬ Mr P Nippert goes to Louisville to- day ¬ to visit his daughter Mrs Percy Henry Miss Bessie Carter is here from Winchester on a visit to her father Mr O P Carter Misses Etta and MamieMcClintock will entertain the Violet Whist Club Tuesday night Mr Mike ITeeney Superintendent of the Lexington Gas Woiks was in the city Wednesday Mrs John D Harris of Madison arrived here yesterday to visit her daughter Mrs C M Clay Jr Mrs W G Talbott pretty little daughter Marie Dudley Talbott are visiting the family of Col Brent Arnold in Newport The Young Married Ladies Euchre Club will be entertained by Mrs Hugh Montgomery Miss Emma Scott on Duncan avenue this afternoon Mrs George Alexander and little daughter Marion Miss Edith Alex- ander ¬ are guests of Mr and Mrs Am- brose ¬ Buford in Covington this week Misses Louie Andrews and Olive Fant two very lovely young ladies of Flemingburg arrived yesterday to be the guests of Mrs George W Stuart on Mt Airy avenue - v - Mr Purnell and son Master ReynoMs PurneH who have been visit ¬ ing Judge W M Purnell and Mr and Mrs A T Forsyth returned Wednes ¬ day to Bowling Green Mo Miss Harriet Glascock passed through Paris yesterday from Mays ville en route to El Paso Texas to spend the balance of the Winter with her sister Mrs E H Fisher Langdons reception McDerinott Spears We remove the rough edges from collars and cuffs and mould them round and smooth It is a pleasure to wear our laundered linen BOURBON STEAMj LAUNDRY i Davis Thompson Isgkig have in school childrens shoes extra good values for very little money Try them Advertised Letter Iiist List of letters remaining unclaimed in Paries Ky postoffice Jan 28 1898 Adams Geo Blake John Bell Mihs Georgie Brewer Emma Brown Lizzie Bowler Robert Brown Mary L Carpenter Mary M G Crosse Julia Derby Dunphard Mealie W O Finnie Sally Garrett N W Harris Alice Henry Chas E Hixon Lewis March train flakes at Mrs Ellen Jrckson Delilah Johnson Martha Johnson Luretia Johnson Mrs Lucy JohnHon Mrs Lizzie Long Mrs Bessie Lucas Charles Coleman Nancy Mathey Cynthia Edwards Hughes Emile Parker Mrs GA Potts Miss Mag Reed Mrs Reede Mr Fannie W Robynson Pleasie Mrs Jno Winn Dennis Calvin Persons calling for aboye letters will please say advertised W Li DAVI8 P M Fancy shirts at 75 cents to close 1 at Price Oos They are winter styles and Price Co want to make room for the Spring styles Comforts and blankets prices at J T Engagements Toryth 1158 from Cincinnati were delayed Elizabeth and and and and and Joe FeblT and furniture Feb Master Hughes Nelson Adelaide Robiuson Schwartz Woods worth Hintons at your own Auctioneer A T T 7 B tf of Pritchard farm stock CbmmUiioner land aolno ofi Feb 16 C M Thomae aduirof Geo Thomas land stock crop cct Buy your carpets now J T i has best and cheapettUtv - NUPTIAL KNOTS EngaseBMBtg Announcements And Sol ¬ emnizations Of The Marriage Vows De Myre J Ramp son of Conductor Ramp of the L N will be married to Miss Eleanor H Gilrain at St Peters Church Rutland Vermont next Tues ¬ day -- - Will McMaken and Miss Stella Thomason both of Georgetown con- fessed ¬ that they were secretly married on September 6th at Franklin Ind Their marriage was a great surprise to their Georgetown friends We are just as thankful for a small package as a large one Each will re ceiye tne same thorough auU careful at- tention ¬ If we get the former itwill in timo grow to the latter by the satisfac- tion ¬ you will derive in wearing our laundered work Bourbon Steam Laundry OBITUARY Respectfully Dedicated To The Memory Of The Dad Mrs Louisa Goldstien aged seventy seven the foster mother of Mr Chas Goldstein died Monday night at St Josephs Hospital in Lexington and her remains were interred at the Lexington cemetery Wednesday The deceased had been living ajt the home of Mr L Woolstein in this city and had been at the infirmary but a week She was a most estimable woman f The Advent BIRTHS Of Our Future Women Men And At Winchester fo the wifaof David Prewitt a aaughterJ5Jizabeth Wednesday v highfcjto the wife of James Bradley an eight pound son A female child with two well formed heads and three arms was born to the wife of Thomas Plummer of Lincoln county this week It lived only a few hours Try our Bromangdon the most de- licious ¬ dessert jelly ever produced McDermott Spears Underwoods broiled mackerel in to- mato ¬ sauce McDekmott Spears If you are going to have any papering done get my prices on contract work Big stock J T Hinton tl GOSSIPY PARAGRAPHS Theatrical Aud Otherwise The Foyer Remarks in ME CLAY CLEMENT The following notice of Mr Clay Clement who appears at the Opera House to morrow night is from the De ¬ troit Tribune Clay Clement opened his engagement at the Empire in his deligbtml play The New Dominion Tne audieu ce last night was a large one and gave en thusiastic evidence of its approval by laughter and applause through the play and curtain calls after pach act includ ¬ ing the last an unusual compliment in Detroit Mr Clement has presented his play here beforebut it is one of those simple dainty lov 6toiies so tret from theatri ¬ cal effects that it seems to improve on acquaintance Its highest idedls beauti ¬ ful sentiments and attractive pictures its quaint humor and delicious comeuy make it most refreshing and effective In the character of Baron Franz Vic- tor ¬ Von Hohen8tauffen the polished high minded noble and ingenious young German who comes to this country to study botany and falls in love with a charmiig young Virginia girl Mr Clement has a most interesting and con- genial ¬ part having written it himself His appearance delightful accent and elegant manners with the quiet ease and simplicity of his acting make it a most enjoyable character study Edgar Baum of Mt Sterling is a leading member of the Eugenia Blair Company which plays in Mt Sterling Danville and Maysville next week Miss Blair who ia the wife of Robert Downing the tragedian is appearing in Camille The New Magdalen Carmen and The New East Lynne Mrs Robert Mantell Behrens is at the point of Detroit The is the as by A J Co of this city 7 a m 9 a m 10 a m 11 am 12 m 2 p m 3 p m 4 pm 5pro Charlotte death at Yesterdays Temperature following temperature noted yesterday Winters- - 28 28 29 31 32 33 86 o8 34 33 7 p m 2 STOLEN From our stable Paris Ky January 22d 1898 two aets of single buggy har ness we will pay a reward of 20 for recovery of goods and capture of thief TURNEY CLARK Djyiiop All pprson8 who have not paid fheir poll tax for 1897 are notified to call at the Sheriffs office and settle same and save costs 18jan 4t JOS WILLIAMS C B C NOTICE Will not be responsible for any debts unless written order from me S BROOKS CLAY HinfOD I ittntriorofPn1falicfioaas mi qmmsp yr V J- - 5 t YOUR SHOES Sh oil l be entirely weather proof at this season It is false economy to wear shoes that do not keep your feet dry and comforta- ble ¬ you cant afford it AVe have just arranged a special value sale o Ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes and alco Mens and Boys Shoes at low down prices Our January invoice revealed that we have too many shoes and this fact will prove greatly to your advan- - jtage if you will call immediately f Davis Thomson Isgrig Special Sale of SometMng KTX77 ON THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JAN 27 28 AND 29 We make a SPECIAL SALE of NEW EMBROIDERIES INDIA LINENS NAINSOOKS TABLE LINENS aild Napkins These goods are not odds and ends but new freh goods Our embroideries we imported ou selves for this Springs trade direct from St Gall and Herisaw Switzerland at a price 25 to 40pei cent below New York Importers We can and will show you some rare bargains in this saleTJ A sale of this kind has never been made before in Paris wherean entire new importation has been thrown on the market at such 16 w -- prices as these goods will be offered a No old stock everything new and fresh Ladies are invited to call and see these goods whether they buy or not CONDONS SURPRISE SPECIAL SAL To close but all Winter goods during the next 30 days we will sell everything in stock at prices less than cost Dress Goods formerly 75c and S100 per yard at 39 Piubracing fancy weaves broadcloths novelties and whipcord diagonal erges Table linens and napkins large variety at cost All our underwear at much less than cost Penangs and percales formerly 8c to close 4c por yard Pee our hosiery at 10c and 15c per pair worth 2fc Notions oi every description less than cost 10 4 New York mills sheeting worth 30c for lfii- - Splendid bleached and unbleached cotton 5c jcr yard FASHIONABLE TAJEHaOjRHsTC HAVE RECEIVED SPLENDID STOCK IMPORTED SUITINGS AND TROIISERIKOS FOR FALL AND WINTER Our Prices lower than any house Central Kentucky when quality and style considered you give IPIGjN JFITJB IttJSTK TTA JT T4TTORS Cuiiei WE Our 2000 and 2500 i - WE A P aire in are We ask to us a call S fi 1 5 OVERCOHTS Elegantly trimmed and made by first class tailors aad you will never pay 3000 or 300 again We make pants for 500 that are good and the best for 800 These would cost you 700 and 1200 any- where ¬ else - Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty LAVIN HUKILL Mi -- U vMcreRni tv COPYRIGHT UP TO OUR EARS WORK for which we are thankftil IN condition just now but we jsr our still want more and still strive to give the same eoiinent satisfaction thai we always have in turning out your linea -- in irreproachable stile The BourJbon Steam Laundry Wv M HINTON JR BKO Proprietors 5Celepho23 No 4 Vf - r - 1 A ol

Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris,KY) 1898-01-28 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hvw7k/data/0069.pdfTHE BOURBON HEWS Seventeenth Year Established 1881 Enieied at the Post office

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Page 1: Bourbon news (Paris, Ky. : 1895). (Paris,KY) 1898-01-28 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hvw7k/data/0069.pdfTHE BOURBON HEWS Seventeenth Year Established 1881 Enieied at the Post office

THE BOURBON HEWSSeventeenth Year Established 1881

Enieied at the Post office at Paris Kyseco i ass mail matter



One year S2 00 Six mouths



NEWS costs you cant kven oet a re¬


Make all Checks Money Orders Etcpayable to the order of Champ MilIiKB

Thursday and Friday Febru¬

ary 3d and 4th we will offer be-



original cost price our entirestock of ladies muslin underwearconsisting of a large line of skirtsnight dresses drawers chemiseand corset covers It is to yourinterest not to miss this sale

FRANK 00Wednesday will be ground hog day


Armours sliced star bacon at McDermott Spears

Wm Willet is acting as day watch-


at the L N passenger depot

Steven Willis of this city has beengranted a pension of ten dollars permonth


John Bauer of Cynthiana has ac-



a clerkship at the Bluegrassgrocery

The stone crossing on Third and MainstreetB has been replaced by a woodencrossing

The next meeting of the KentuckyMidland Medical Society will be held inGeorgetown in April

Wanted T6 buy three or fourturkey hens bronze variety preferredApply at The News office 2t

The Mormon elders in Harrisoncounty have so far failed to get a room

in which to hold their meetings

Found A etore key Owuer canhave same by calling at The News office

and paying for this advertisement

The Paris Electric Light Companyhas elected the following officers Pres-



D Turney Vice President R PDow Jr

Bev A E Tadlock will preach inSecond Presbyterian Church Sundaymorning at 1030 oclock No eveningservices

The pikes of Scott county have beendivided among the magistrates who

will assume charge -- of them and havethem worked

Thos Mitchell late of this city

now of Cincinnati has accepted a posi- -

tion as assistant book keeper forStanage Co on Pearl and Walnut

Kid LaFeber has accepted TommyKavanaughs offer to box for a 200 purse

Jim Marshall the well known pugilidtwants a go with Heller Kavanaugh or


The hide of Owney the postal cardog that went around the world hasheen stuffed and placed in the Postoffice

Museum in Smithsonian Institute atWashington

Thomas Goff of North Middletownand John Goff of Indian Old Fields

Crk connty have just attained theirseventy seventh birthday They are

prably thcoldest twins in the country

Prof Edwin Sparks of Chicago Uni--

versitv will lecture to night at theMethodiRt Church under the auspices of

the Paris Literary lab SubjectSamuel Adams Admission twenty

five cents

You be the doctor for a little whileand make a critical examination of a

bundle of our laundry work and see if

jou cannot conscientiously recommendhe

Bourbon Steam Laundry

Dr F L Lapsley of this city J P

Ripley of Lawrenceburg a d Mayor

Julian of Frankfort will be the4jndges

at the Mid Winter declamatory contest

a Winchester next Friday night

he Danville Advocate says Mr

and Mrs Vimont Lvle will make NewYork City their home Mr Lyle having

ade a most desirable arrangement forthe practice of law in that city

Tie children who made applicationfor membership in the National Society

f the Children of the American Revolu-



are requested to meet at the homef Mrs Robert C TaIdoU at two oclock

to morrow- -

Frank Ireland writes to Deputy

Miinil Wallace Mitchell from Califor-



that he has acquired an interest in a

gold mine in Nevada county and hopes

thave enough money to buy Pariswheji he returns to Kentucky

TUe Clement Engagement

Cjbese has already been quite a grati- -

ing advance of tears for the Clay

Cfanient engagement to morrow night

artbe oper home andthe performance

wil no doubt b quit society event

Paris should giv the distinguished actor

ind bis beaatifal plaj hearty welcome

wpwm Tywvj

Xaat Nights Boxing Contests


A large crowu in which were scoresof leading citizens of Paris and dele-gations


from Lexington Georgetownand Millersburg saw two lively box ¬

ing contests decided at the opera houselast night under the auspices of theParis Athletic Club Tfae principalevent was a ten round go between KidLaEeber and Louis Heller of Cincinnatiwhich referee Desha Lncas declared adraw Though Lafeber forced thefighting Heller had decidedly the best ofthe contest cleverly avoiding Lefeberaswings and punishing Lefeberconsiderably The fighting wasfast in the fifth sixth andeighth rounds Heller landing oftenon Lafebers libs and lace and severaltimes on his stomach Lafeber weak-ened


considerably in these rounds butmade a game fight throughout

The preliminary contest was a swiftfifteen round contest between EddieParker and Warren Brooks two localboxers Brooks had the advantage inweight reach and quickness but Parkermade an excellent fight Louis Lafeberthe referee declared the fight a draw

A ludicrous contest was a free for allscrap between five colored middleweights who did much promiscuouspounding

Heller and Lafeber were seconded bytheir brothers

A Supposed Sharper In The Toils

G T Fields registered at the HotelFordham January 10th He was ac-


by his wife and arrangedfor a rednced rate saying he would remaiu several weeks No payment wasmade to Landlord James Connors tillthe 20th when a check of Robt Clark

Co of Cincinnati for 15 wastendered 13 being credited on accountand 2 in cash given to Fields Noother payment was received though re-


promises were made and Fieldsand wife left the Fordham on the 20thdurine the temporary absence of MrConnors Fields was subsequently ar-


on a charge of fraudulently obobtaining lodging the first case of thekind ever tried here A hung jury re ¬

sulted at Wednesdays trial but yesterday in Judge Webbs court a juryfined Fields 15

Fields was then arrested on a chargeof larceny on a warrant sworn out byMr E M Dickson charging the theftof two valuable law books It is allegedFields check from Robt Clark Co

was in payment for the stolen booksMr Dickson having recovered one ofthem in Cincinnati The trial was setfor Monday at ten a m

An officer yesterday told The Newsthat it was thought Fields is a slickconfidence man Report alleges thatlaw books have been stolen in Winchester and other Central Kentucky townsby a party who gave the name ofFields to book buyers in Cincinnati

Fields visited the Paris newspaperoffices soon after his advent in the cityand represented that his object here wasto get up an elaborately illustratedwrite up or Paris He told The Newsthat he had published twenty two suchwrite ups

Fields was in no way connected withany Pari6 paper

Landlord Connors has generously ten-


Mrs Fields a temporary homeThe lady is apparently destitute ofmoney and friends

A Klondike Partyf

Chas Kill of this city and SidneyOffutt of Georgetownwill leave Sundayafternoon for the Klondike gold fieldsin company with a party of ten menIrom Ohio and Kentucky The partyTrill be under the leadership of GoigeShadbourne of Indiana who has madethree trips to Alaska They will go byboat from Seattle to Dyea thence toDawson City through the Chilkoot passthe shortest route They will take withthem supplies for one year and expect toreach the gold fields about the 15th ofMay Many friends of Messrs Hill andOffut wish them unbounded success

Nevr Departure In Distilling

The G-- G-- White Distillery is puttingin a patent drier bv which thpy willutilize the slop which was formeily runinto Stoner creek or fed to cattle Thenew appliance will strain the waterfrom the pulp and will dry the latterThe dried slop stuff makes excellentfeed for dairy cows Most of the driedslop will be shipped to Germany andother foreign conntries

Court Culllngs

In Tude Purriells court WednesdayBad Irvi was sentenced thirty days injail at hard labor for stealiug HarryBedfordd overcoat

Kitty Greevous a fifteen year oilcolored girl who was arrested orstealing a peck of coal from an L N carwas lectured for her Greevous error andwas dismissed

The 750 train to Cincinnati and the

an hour a half Tuesday on accountof a landslide near Butler

Fleischmakns compressed yeast atMcDermott Spears

Ousters celery freBh cakescrackers new lignum molasses NewYork cream cheese

tf Nkwton Mitchell




Notes Hastily Jotted On The Streets AtThe Depots In The Hotel Iiohbies AndElsewhere

Miss Tinnie Ewalt was in Cincin ¬

nati TuesdayMrs L Grinnau is visiifng relatives

in LexingtonA T Forsyth is in Richmond on a

business tripHon E M Dickson was in Ciucin

nati WednesdayMiss Nannie Clay was a visitor in

Lexington yesterday- -

Mrs C M Clay Jr was a visitorin LexingtonlTuesday - J3

Mr Lee Price made a business tripto Mt Sterling yesterday

Miss Pink Shropshire of Harrisonis visiting Miss Hattie Brock

Ex Sheriff Beeding made a businesitrip to Cincinnati Wednesday

Mr I L Price was in CincinnatiWednesday on a business trip

Eld H S Saxby of Ruddles Millsleft Wednesday for Kansas City

Mrs J M Roddy of Midwayvisited relatives in the city this week

Editor Desha Breckinridge of theLexington Herald was in the city yes-


Mr P Nippert goes to Louisville to-


to visit his daughter Mrs PercyHenry

Miss Bessie Carter is here fromWinchester on a visit to her father MrO P Carter

Misses Etta and MamieMcClintockwill entertain the Violet Whist ClubTuesday night

Mr Mike ITeeney Superintendentof the Lexington Gas Woiks was in thecity Wednesday

Mrs John D Harris of Madisonarrived here yesterday to visit herdaughter Mrs C M Clay Jr

Mrs W G Talbott pretty littledaughter Marie Dudley Talbott arevisiting the family of Col Brent Arnoldin Newport

The Young Married Ladies EuchreClub will be entertained by Mrs HughMontgomery Miss Emma Scott onDuncan avenue this afternoon

Mrs George Alexander and littledaughter Marion Miss Edith Alex-


are guests of Mr and Mrs Am-



Buford in Covington this week

Misses Louie Andrews and OliveFant two very lovely young ladies ofFlemingburg arrived yesterday to bethe guests of Mrs George W Stuart onMt Airy avenue -



Mr Purnell and son MasterReynoMs PurneH who have been visit ¬

ing Judge W M Purnell and Mr andMrs A T Forsyth returned Wednes¬

day to Bowling Green Mo

Miss Harriet Glascock passedthrough Paris yesterday from Maysville en route to El Paso Texas tospend the balance of the Winter withher sister Mrs E H Fisher

Langdons receptionMcDerinott Spears

We remove the rough edgesfrom collars and cuffs and mouldthem round and smooth It is apleasure to wear our launderedlinenBOURBON STEAMj LAUNDRY

iDavis Thompson Isgkig have in

school childrens shoes extra good valuesfor very little money Try them

Advertised Letter Iiist

List of letters remaining unclaimedin Paries Ky postoffice Jan 28 1898

Adams GeoBlake JohnBell Mihs GeorgieBrewer EmmaBrown LizzieBowler RobertBrown Mary LCarpenter Mary

M GCrosse JuliaDerbyDunphard Mealie

W OFinnie SallyGarrett N WHarris AliceHenry Chas EHixon Lewis



flakes at

Mrs EllenJrckson DelilahJohnson MarthaJohnson LuretiaJohnson Mrs LucyJohnHon Mrs LizzieLong Mrs BessieLucas Charles

Coleman Nancy Mathey




EmileParker Mrs G APotts Miss MagReed MrsReede Mr Fannie

WRobynson Pleasie

Mrs JnoWinn Dennis

CalvinPersons calling for aboye letters will

please say advertisedW Li DAVI8 P M

Fancy shirts at 75 cents toclose 1 at Price OosThey are winter styles andPrice Co want to make roomfor the Spring styles

Comforts and blanketsprices at J T

Engagements Toryth

1158 from Cincinnati were delayed Elizabethand






FeblTand furniture

Feb Master








Hintonsat your own

Auctioneer A T






Pritchard farm stock

CbmmUiioner landaolno ofi

Feb 16 C M Thomae aduirof GeoThomas land stock crop cct

Buy your carpets now J Ti has best and cheapettUtv



EngaseBMBtg Announcements And Sol ¬

emnizations Of The Marriage Vows

De Myre J Ramp son of ConductorRamp of the L N will be marriedto Miss Eleanor H Gilrain at St PetersChurch Rutland Vermont next Tues¬

day -- -

Will McMaken and Miss StellaThomason both of Georgetown con-


that they were secretly marriedon September 6th at Franklin IndTheir marriage was a great surprise totheir Georgetown friends

We are just as thankful for a smallpackage as a large one Each will receiye tne same thorough auU careful at-tention


If we get the former itwill intimo grow to the latter by the satisfac-tion


you will derive in wearing ourlaundered work

Bourbon Steam Laundry


Respectfully Dedicated To The MemoryOf The Dad

Mrs Louisa Goldstien aged seventyseven the foster mother of Mr ChasGoldstein died Monday night at StJosephs Hospital in Lexington and herremains were interred at the Lexingtoncemetery Wednesday The deceasedhad been living ajt the home of Mr LWoolstein in this city and had been atthe infirmary but a week She was amost estimable woman f

The Advent


Of Our FutureWomen

Men And

At Winchester fo the wifaof DavidPrewitt a aaughterJ5Jizabeth

Wednesday v highfcjto the wife ofJames Bradley an eight pound son

A female child with two well formedheads and three arms was born to thewife of Thomas Plummer of Lincolncounty this week It lived only a fewhours

Try our Bromangdon the most de-


dessert jelly ever producedMcDermott Spears

Underwoods broiled mackerel in to-


sauce McDekmott Spears

If you are going to have any paperingdone get my prices on contract workBig stock J T Hinton tl


Theatrical Aud OtherwiseThe Foyer

Remarks in


The following notice of Mr ClayClement who appears at the OperaHouse to morrow night is from the De ¬

troit TribuneClay Clement opened his engagement

at the Empire in his deligbtml playThe New Dominion Tne audieu ce

last night was a large one and gave enthusiastic evidence of its approval bylaughter and applause through the playand curtain calls after pach act includ ¬

ing the last an unusual compliment inDetroit

Mr Clement has presented his playhere beforebut it is one of those simpledainty lov 6toiies so tret from theatri¬

cal effects that it seems to improve onacquaintance Its highest idedls beauti ¬

ful sentiments and attractive pictures itsquaint humor and delicious comeuymake it most refreshing and effective

In the character of Baron Franz Vic-tor


Von Hohen8tauffen the polishedhigh minded noble and ingenious youngGerman who comes to this country tostudy botany and falls in love with acharmiig young Virginia girl MrClement has a most interesting and con-genial


part having written it himselfHis appearance delightful accent andelegant manners with the quiet ease andsimplicity of his acting make it a mostenjoyable character study

Edgar Baum of Mt Sterling is aleading member of the Eugenia BlairCompany which plays in Mt SterlingDanville and Maysville next weekMiss Blair who ia the wife of RobertDowning the tragedian is appearing in

Camille The New MagdalenCarmen and The New East Lynne

Mrs Robert MantellBehrens is at the point ofDetroit

The is the asby A J Co

of this city7 a m

9 a m10 a m11 a m12 m2 p m3 p m4 p m5pro

Charlottedeath at

Yesterdays Temperature

following temperaturenoted yesterday Winters- -


7 p m 2

STOLENFrom our stable Paris Ky January

22d 1898 two aets of single buggy harness we will pay a reward of 20 forrecovery of goods and capture of thief


DjyiiopAll pprson8 who have not paid fheir

poll tax for 1897 are notified to call atthe Sheriffs office and settle same andsave costs


NOTICEWill not be responsible for any debts

unless written order from meS BROOKS CLAY

HinfOD I ittntriorofPn1falicfioaasmi qmmsp

yr V

J-- 5


YOUR SHOESSh oil l be entirely weather proof at this season It is false

economy to wear shoes that do not keep your feet dry and comforta-



you cant afford it AVe have just arranged a special value sale o

Ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes and alco Mens and BoysShoes at low down prices Our January invoice revealed that we

have too many shoes and this fact will prove greatly to your advan- -

jtage if you will call immediately f

Davis Thomson Isgrig


We make a SPECIAL SALE of


aild NapkinsThese goods are not odds and ends but new freh goods Our

embroideries we imported ou selves for this Springs trade direct fromSt Gall and Herisaw Switzerland at a price 25 to 40pei cent belowNew York Importers

We can and will show you some rare bargains in this saleTJA sale of this kind has never been made before in Paris wherean

entire new importation has been thrown on the market at such 16w --

prices as these goods will be offered aNo old stock everything new and freshLadies are invited to call and see these goods whether they buy or



To close but all Winter goods during the next 30 dayswe will sell everything in stock at prices less than cost

Dress Goods formerly 75c and S100 per yard at 39 Piubracingfancy weaves broadcloths novelties and whipcord diagonal erges

Table linens and napkins large variety at costAll our underwear at much less than costPenangs and percales formerly 8c to close 4c por yardPee our hosiery at 10c and 15c per pair worth 2fcNotions oi every description less than cost10 4 New York mills sheeting worth 30c for lfii- -

Splendid bleached and unbleached cotton 5c jcr yard




FOR FALL AND WINTEROur Prices lower than any house Central Kentucky when

quality and style considered you give




Our 2000 and 2500




aire inare We ask to us a call

S fi 1


OVERCOHTSElegantly trimmed and made by first class tailors aad

you will never pay 3000 or 300 againWe make pants for 500 that are good and the best

for 800 These would cost you 700 and 1200 any-where

¬else -

Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty


Mi-- U

vMcreRni tv



for which we are thankftil


condition just now but we

jsr our

stillwant more and still strive to givethe same eoiinent satisfactionthai we always have in turningout your linea -- in irreproachable


The BourJbon Steam LaundryWv M HINTON JR BKO Proprietors

5Celepho23 No 4






