Body Lang Ppt

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  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    Body language is the unspoken or non-

    verbal mode of communication that we do

    in every single aspect of our interaction

    with another person.

    It is like a mirror that tells us what the other

    person thinks and feels in response to our

    words or actions.

    Body language involves gestures,

    mannerisms, and other bodily signs.

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    Facial ExpressionFacial Expression

    Eye contactEye contact


    Head, BodyHead, Body OrientationOrientation andand


    Personal SpacePersonal Space


  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    A popular saying goes like this. The face is the index of the heart.

    It plays an important role in face-to-face communication through

    which we can convey lot without speaking a word.

    Facial expressions reflect emotion, feelings and attitudes.

    Smile and eyes cover the most part of facial expression.

    Smile is a powerful cue that transmits happiness,friendliness,

    warmth and approval.

    Facial expression continually changes during the interaction.

    The meaning of these expression may be similar across cultures.

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    EyeEye isis anan directdirect andand mostmost expressiveexpressive partpart ofof ourour bodybody..

    DifferentDifferent waysways ofof EyeEye ContactContact

    DirectDirect EyeEye ContactContact:: (Shows(Shows confidence)confidence)

    LookingLooking downwardsdownwards (Listening(Listening carefullycarefully oror Guilty)Guilty)

    SingleSingle raisedraised eyebroweyebrow (Doubting)(Doubting) BothBoth raisedraised eyebrowseyebrows (Admiring)(Admiring)

    BentBent eyebrowseyebrows (Sudden(Sudden focus)focus)

    TearsTears comingcoming outout (Emotional(Emotional eithereither happyhappy oror hurt)hurt)

    andand manymany moremore

    TheThe advantagesadvantages ofof eyeeye contactcontact areare asas followsfollows::

    ItIt showsshows youryour interestinterest inin youryour audienceaudience..

    ItIt indicatesindicates youryour straightforwardnessstraightforwardness..

    ItIt addsadds facialfacial expressionexpression toto thethe messagemessage..

    ItIt providesprovides feedbackfeedback toto youyou onon youryour impactimpact onon thethe audienceaudience..

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    Have eye contact, but dontHave eye contact, but dont

    starestare While talking to several

    people, give them all someeye contact to create a betterconnection and see if they

    are listening. Keeping too much eye-

    contact might make peopleless interested.

    Giving no eye-contact mightmake you seem insecure.

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    TheThe physicalphysical movementmovement ofof arms,arms, legs,legs, hands,hands,

    andand headhead areare knownknown gesturesgestures..

    TheyThey playplay aa veryvery importantimportant rolerole inin conveyingconveying

    meaningmeaning withoutwithout usingusing wordswords..

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may beIf you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be

    perceived as boring, stiff and unanimated.perceived as boring, stiff and unanimated.

    A lively and animated teaching style captures students'A lively and animated teaching style captures students'

    attention, makes the material more interesting, facilitatesattention, makes the material more interesting, facilitates

    learning and provides a bit of entertainment.learning and provides a bit of entertainment.

    Head nods, a form of gestures, communicate positiveHead nods, a form of gestures, communicate positivereinforcement to students and indicate that you arereinforcement to students and indicate that you are


  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    InIn anyany faceface--toto--faceface communicationcommunication oror meetingmeeting oror interviewinterview thethe

    wayway wewe holdhold ourour head,head, bodybody shapeshape andand postureposture isis veryvery importantimportant..

    DontDont slouch,slouch, sitsit upup straightstraight..

    IfIf youyou wantwant toto showshow thatthat youyou areare interestedinterested inin whatwhat someonesomeone isis

    saying,saying, leanlean towardtoward thethe personperson talking,talking, butbut dontdont leanlean inin tootoo muchmuch

    oror youyou mightmight seemseem needyneedy andand desperatedesperate forfor somesome approvalapproval..

    IfIf youyou wantwant toto showshow thatthat youreyoure confidentconfident inin yourselfyourself andand relaxedrelaxedleanlean backback aa bitbit butbut dontdont backback tootoo muchmuch oror youyou mightmight seemseem

    arrogantarrogant andand distantdistant..

    YouYou shouldntshouldnt crosscross youryour armsarms andand legslegs asas itit mightmight makemake youyou seemseem

    defensivedefensive oror disapprovingdisapproving..

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt



    Personal space can also be defined as a persons comfort

    zone.It is the space around you that others are off-limits to.

    InIn socialsocial interaction,interaction, aa zonezone ofof 44 feetfeet toto 1212 feetfeet isis maintainedmaintained

    whenwhen thethe situationsituation isis formalformal..T


    his isis calledcalled socialsocial distancedistance.. InIn publicpublic gatheringgathering distancedistance isis normallynormally 1212 feetfeet toto 3030 feetfeet..

    SpaceSpace distancingdistancing differsdiffers fromfrom cultureculture toto cultureculture.. For instance,

    in France people typically do not require much personal

    space. In the United States, however, it seems to be about

    two feet.

    Very rarely will someone mention that his or her personal

    space is being invaded.Therefore, this is usually picked up by

    many nonverbal cues.

  • 8/6/2019 Body Lang Ppt


    Appearance,Appearance, forfor ourour purpose,purpose, includesincludes

    clothing,clothing, hair,hair, jewelleryjewellery,, cosmeticscosmetics etcetc..

    AllAll thesethese maymay seemseem unrelatedunrelated toto bodybodylanguagelanguage.. ButBut onon havinghaving aa closercloser looklook wewe

    findfind thatthat theythey areare veryvery meaningfullymeaningfully relatedrelated

    toto ourour face,face, eyes,eyes, gestures,gestures, etcetc..

    ItIt depictsdepicts ourour personalitypersonality..