Body Fit’s… June 2010 Richly Rewarding Living Richly Rewarding Living Richly Rewarding Living Your Monthly Newsletter For Maximizing Life’s R.O.I.™ “The more you put into it, the more you get out of it” For Clients and Friends of Body Fit Health Club Skin Cancer...you’ve heard of it, you’ve looked at your moles with suspicion, thinking you’ll see the dermatologist about them when you ‘get around to it’….but did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Canada. It accounts for an esti- mated 1/3 of all new cases of cancer in Canada and its incidence rate continues to rise. Skin cancer is the only cancer you can actually see and most skin cancers are preventable. According to the Skin Cancer Founda- tion, more than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by sun expo- sureand for your children, regular sun protection throughout childhood can reduce the risk of skin cancer by up to 80%. Here’s what you should know. There are basically two types of skin cancerlethal and disfigur- ing. The lethal kind is melanoma. Melanoma can develop anywhere on your body, in otherwise normal skin or in an existing mole that turns malignant. For men, melanoma most often appears on the trunk, head or neck; for women, it most often develops on the arms or legs. The vast majority of mutations found in melanoma are caused by ultraviolet rays. Melanoma accounts for about 6% of skin cancer cases, however, it causes more than 75% of skin cancer deaths. If it is recognized and treated early, it is nearly 100% curable. But if it is not, the cancer can advance, penetrating the skin, entering the blood- stream, and spreading to other parts of the body, where it be- comes hard to treat and can be fatal. It’s important to get to know your skin very well to recognize when any changes in the moles on your body appear. What to look for—the ’ABCDE’s’ of melanoma if you see one or more, make an appointment with your dermatologist immediately. Asymmetry: if you draw a line through a mole and the two halves do not match Border: the borders of an early melanoma tend to be uneven, the edges may be scalloped or notched. Color: having a variety of colors is a warning signal Diameter: melanomas usually are larger in diameter than the What’s The Deal With The Title? When I was trying to come up with a name for this newsletter, lots of stuff went through my head onto this page. But nothing grabbed me until I hit on the title/ subtitle you see now. Because I think it sort of encompasses what I view as my role in your life: helping you really get the most bang for your buck. Helping you grab this bull by the horns and take it for a good, long, fun and rewarding ride . My hope is that, just like any friend, I can positively impact your life, and not just through exer- cise and nutrition, but also with stimulating and entertaining information. I’m certainly far from perfect, and have my moments of doubt and frustration like everyone, but I look at it as a privilege and an honor to have the opportunity to make my life, and to help make the lives of those around me, as good as they can be - as rewarding as they can be. But ultimately, it all comes down to what we put into it, right? The more we put into life, the more we get out of it. Return On Investment (ROI). The more we exercise, eat right, love, laugh, strive to accomplish goals, have fun and really LIVE...the better we feel, the better we are! It is the immutable law of life : you get out of it what you put into it. So that’s why I chose this title. The Cancer You Can See Community News This month I wanted to remind every- one that Father’s Day is on JUNE 20TH. I know we have a few mem- bers out there who are new dad’s and a few that have been dad’s for a while. If there is one thing we have in common it’s the funny little things that our kids do or say that make us laugh. Kids usually just say what’s on their mind and with their limited vocabulary it can sometimes be quite funny and it’s usually the truth. Thinking back I can re- call such a moment with our middle boy, Raymond, who is now 5. We were driving down to Florida and as usual we packed a bunch of sandwiches for the trip. All three boys were used to ham and cheese. It was pretty much a staple. But this time we didn’t have enough ham and so we also packed bologna. After the ham sandwiches were done, my wife handed Raymond one of those bolo- gna sandwiches. He took a big bite thinking it was the normal ham. His expression changed a bit and he slowed his chewing. A little puzzled, he looked at the sandwich and then looked at both of us. Then he figured out the new taste. After he swallowed, he smiled and said,” Mmmmm, hotdog ham!” Have a great Father’s Day! www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

Body Fit’s… 2010 Richly Rewarding Livinguxbridgefitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/05_RRL_June_2010-web.pdfThe other kinds of skin cancer—Basal-cell carcinoma and Squamos-cell

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Body Fit’s… June 2010

Richly Rewarding LivingRichly Rewarding LivingRichly Rewarding Living

Your Monthly Newsletter For Maximizing Life’s R.O.I.™ “The more you put into it, the more you get out of it”

For Clients and Friends of Body Fit Health Club

Skin Cancer...you’ve heard of it, you’ve looked at your moles with suspicion, thinking you’ll see the dermatologist about them when you ‘get around to it’….but did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Canada. It accounts for an esti-mated 1/3 of all new cases of cancer in Canada and its incidence rate continues to rise. Skin cancer is the only cancer you can actually see and most skin cancers are preventable. According to the Skin Cancer Founda-tion, more than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by sun expo-sure—and for your children, regular sun protection throughout childhood can reduce the risk of skin cancer by up to 80%. Here’s what you should know. There are basically two types of skin cancer—lethal and disfigur-ing. The lethal kind is melanoma. Melanoma can develop anywhere on your body, in otherwise normal skin or in an existing mole that turns malignant. For men, melanoma most often appears on the trunk, head or neck; for women, it most often develops on the arms or legs. The vast majority of mutations found in melanoma are caused by ultraviolet rays. Melanoma accounts for about 6% of skin cancer cases, however, it causes more than 75% of skin cancer deaths. If it is recognized and treated early, it is nearly 100% curable. But if it is not, the cancer can advance, penetrating the skin, entering the blood-stream, and spreading to other parts of the body, where it be-comes hard to treat and can be fatal. It’s important to get to know your skin very well to recognize when any changes in the moles on your body appear. What to look for—the ’ABCDE’s’ of melanoma if you see one or more, make an appointment with your dermatologist immediately.

Asymmetry: if you draw a line through a mole and the two halves do not match Border: the borders of an early melanoma tend to be uneven, the edges may be scalloped or notched. Color: having a variety of colors is a warning signal Diameter: melanomas usually are larger in diameter than the

What’s The Deal With The Title? When I was trying to come up with a name for this newsletter, lots of stuff went through my head onto this page. But nothing grabbed me until I hit on the title/subtitle you see now. Because I think it sort of encompasses what I view as my role in your life: helping you really get the most bang for your buck. Helping you grab this bull by the horns and take it for a good, long, fun and rewarding ride. My hope is that, just like any friend, I can positively impact your life, and not just through exer-cise and nutrition, but also with stimulating and entertaining information. I’m certainly far from perfect, and have my moments of doubt and frustration like everyone, but I look at it as a privilege and an honor to have the opportunity to make my life, and to help make the lives of those around me, as good as they can be - as rewarding as they can be. But ultimately, it all comes down to what we put into it, right? The more we put into life, the more we get out of it. Return On Investment (ROI). The more we exercise, eat right, love, laugh, strive to accomplish goals, have fun and really LIVE...the better we feel, the better we are! It is the immutable law of life: you get out of it what you put into it. So that’s why I chose this title.

The Cancer You Can See Community News

This month I wanted to remind every-one that Father’s Day is on JUNE 20TH. I know we have a few mem-bers out there who are new dad’s and a few that have been dad’s for a

while. If there is one thing we have in common it’s the funny little things that our kids do or say that make us laugh. Kids usually just say what’s on their mind and with their limited vocabulary it can sometimes be quite funny and it’s usually the truth. Thinking back I can re-call such a moment with our middle boy, Raymond, who is now 5. We were driving down to Florida and as usual we packed a bunch of sandwiches for the trip. All three boys were used to ham and cheese. It was pretty much a staple. But this time we didn’t have enough ham and so we also packed bologna. After the ham sandwiches were done, my wife handed Raymond one of those bolo-gna sandwiches. He took a big bite thinking it was the normal ham. His expression changed a bit and he slowed his chewing. A little puzzled, he looked at the sandwich and then looked at both of us. Then he figured out the new taste. After he swallowed, he smiled and said,” Mmmmm, hotdog ham!”

Have a great Father’s Day!

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

size of the eraser on a pencil Evolving: any change—in size, shape, color, elevation, or an-other trait or any new symptom such as bleeding, itching or crusting—can point to danger

Prompt action is your best protection against melanoma. The other kinds of skin cancer—Basal-cell carcinoma and Squamos-cell carcinoma—can be disfiguring. Basal-cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, making up about 80% of all non-melanoma skin cancers. These cancers arise in the basal cells, which line the deepest layer of the top skin layer. Basal–cell carcinomas occur on parts of the body excessively exposed to the sun—especially the face, ears, neck, scalp, shoulders, and back. On rare occasions, BCC tumors can develop on unexposed areas. Squamos-cell carcinoma, the second most com-mon skin cancer, develops in the squamos cells that make up most of the skin’s upper layers (epidermis). Squamos-cell carcinomas are most common in areas frequently exposed to sun, such as the rim of the ear, lower lip, face, bald scalp, neck, hands, arms and legs; however, it can occur on all areas of the body. Both, basal–cell carcinomas and squamos-cell carcinomas are easily treated and cause mini-mal damage, if detected at an early stage. The larger the tumor has grown, however, the more extensive the treatment needed. Although these skin cancer seldom spreads, they can damage surrounding tissue sometimes causing considerable destruction and disfigurement. Skin cancers are on the rise, no matter your age or skin color—each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the com-bined incidence of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer. Here’s a few tips for prevention:

Avoid the sun between 10am and 4pm. The sun’s rays are strongest during this period—even in winter or when its cloudy. Wear sunscreen everyday year-round. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15; look for ingredients such as titanium dioxide and mexoryl, they do a better job of blocking UVA rays. Wear protective clothing, a broad-brimmed hat, and don’t for-get sunglasses. Be aware of sun-sensitizing medications. Avoid tanning beds and tan-accelerating agents. Check your skin regularly and report changes to your doctor.

Quick Tips To Revitalize Your Life 6 Ways To Revive Your Dreams & Passions

Are you living your dreams? Do you even remember your dreams? Or are you too busy trying to keep up with daily demands to take the time to dream? People who do what they love are typically healthier and have lower levels of stress. Here are 6 quick ways you can take time for you and discover what truly matters to you.

1. Set aside time for you. Keep a journal and write in it regularly to help you stay on task and track your progress. Think about what has ignited your imagination in the past.. Ask yourself whose life you would love to have and why. What was particularly moving or important about them? As you journal, note up to five things that spark your passion. 2. Pick one of your passions and brainstorm with others to identify ways you could explore it. Take a workshop or class that touches on your passion or sign up for some part-time or volunteer work in a related area. 3. Identify roadblocks and figure out how to over-come them. 4. Define your limits. Some questions to ask your-self: Do you need to limit your passion to hours outside your workweek? Do family responsibilities already con-sume a great deal of your time? Can you capitalize on point where your passion, job, family activities, and community may overlap? 5. List five steps you can take today. First con-sider the small, easy ones that can move you closer to realizing your passion. Don’t shy away from the larger steps though. Think of a reasonable time frames to take initial steps and look at ways to eliminate nones-sential time-gobblers. 6. Now—Get Started! Set up a schedule and do something. Enlist your friends and family as your

‘support group’, give them updates on your progress; continue journaling; and share your feelings as you go. After a couple weeks, evaluate how its going. Are you healthier now than when you began? Is this something you want to continue pur-suing, or might you need to redirect your search for your pas-sion?

Did You Know?

We offer a variety of fitness

and nutritional services here

at Body Fit, including:

Personal Training

Fitness Assessments

Weight Room


Nutritional Counseling

Fitness Classes

Babysitting (Mon-Fri)

Trainer Designed

Complementary Program

with online assistance.

Free Dietary Analysis

For a complete listing of services visit our web site:

www.bodyfit.ca Or just give us a call for more

information. 905-852-6175

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

Inside This FUN Issue of

Richly Rewarding Living…

The Cancer You Can See...Page 1

Quick Tips To Revitalize Your Life...Page 2

Client of the Month….Page 3

10 Reasons to Eat More Fruit ...Special Insert

And don’t forget, if you have any questions or concerns

about your health, we’re just an email or phone call away.

We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health. If you have a

question about fitness, weight loss, health trends, or a

supplement/nutritional product you would like checked

out, email or call with your question and I’ll do my best to

address it in an upcoming issue (or with you personally).

I’d love to hear from you. [email protected] * (905) 852-6175


Welcome New Clients! Here are the new clients that became members of our

fitness family this last month and some that are returning! We’d like to welcome you publicly, and wish

you all the best! Chris & Sean Feasby, Heinz Nitschke, Kristi Grant,

Debbie Ovens, Deborah Rankin, Kevin Martins, Robert Norris,

Luke Prontac, Erin Den Ouden, Alex & Mark Welsh, Andrew Miller,

Cory Kirkhus, Leah Ostermaa, Leslie Nagle, Diane Hopfner

Rob Nicholson, Katelyn Negrazis, Brendan Rae, Christine Irvine,

Katie & Claire Findlay, David Croxall, Clay Huntley,

Ryan Williams, R.J. Ellis, Tyler & Braden Jones, and Laura Davis

This month’s client of the month is…

John Baines Congratulations!

Every month we choose one client who has done something exceptional and reward him or her with a

FREE LUNCH at Scrambles Restaurant (One of my favorite restaurants - I highly recommend it!)

Watch for YOUR name here in a coming month!


John has been a member at Body Fit for about 13 years. More than 15 years ago, he was involved in a serious car accident. After 2 years of therapy John walked in our doors and has been coming back ever since. John exemplifies the small town friendly attitude that helps give the gym that wel-coming environment. He should also be the poster boy for commitment. Unless he is away on vacation, he is here at least 3 times per week and always comes in with a smile. It is our pleasure to award John Baines as the Body Fit Client of the Month. Congratulations John! You deserve it.

Local Business of the Month Every month I share one of my local favorites!

IK Contracting is owned by long time mem-ber and friend of mine Iain Keith. For 7 days of the month Iain works as a Fire Fighter in Toronto. The rest of the time he spends do-ing home improvements. How many people would you trust to do work for your mom?? Iain is one of them. Iain’s work is meticulous, clean and fairly priced. Home renovations such as hardwood and tile floors, bathrooms, basements, decks, roofs, and siding are just some of the jobs I’ve seen him do. Below is the deck he just built for my mom.

Congratulations John!

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

10 Reasons To Eat More Fruit 1. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and

calories. None have cholesterol. 2. Fruit consists for the largest part of water. Just

like the human body does. 3. Fruit is the most natural food. 4. Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall

healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber-containing foods such as fruits help provide a feel-ing of fullness with fewer calories. (Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary fiber; fruit juices contain littler or no fiber.)

5. Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

6. Eating a diet rich in fruits (and vegetables) as part of an overall healthy diet may protect certain can-cers such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum

cancer. 7. Fruits are important sources of many nutrients,

including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).

8. Diets rich in potassium may help maintain healthy blood pressure, and also may help to decrease bone loss. Fruit sources of potassium include ba-nanas, prunes and prune juice, peaches and apri-cots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and oranges.

9. Fruit is not as expensive as you may think. Take a good look at how much money you spend on other processed foods (per serving), it could be worth something to replace some of those with fruit.

10. Fruit stimulates our memories. Fruit is the ulti-mate brain food, having a positive effect on our brains and making recall of information easier and faster...

The Top 10 Fruits

Ever wonder which fruit is healthiest? Blueberries rank the highest, accord-ing to Health Canada. They contain more disease-fighting antioxidants per 1-cup serving than any other fruit. Check out the rest of the top 10, and note one additional measurement: total antioxidants per calorie. Cran-berries have the highest score in this category, containing the most antioxi-dants for fewer calories.


Sure, it’s 92% water, but that other 8 percent is loaded with lycopene, a phyto-chemical that may protect your heart, prostate, and skin. A 1-inch slice of wa-termelon contains as much lycopene as four medium-size tomatoes. The nutrient can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 34 percent, while boosting your skin’s natural SPF. And middle-aged guys with low lycopene levels are three times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke; lycopene helps prevent LDL cho-lesterol from oxidizing into artery-blocking plaque.

Pineapple This delightful tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bro-

melain and the antioxidant vitamin c, both of which play a major role in the body’s healing process.

Bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory with analge-sic properties, encourages healing especially with bruises, sprains, and strains by reducing swelling, ten-derness, and pain. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory prop-erties can also help relieve osteo- and rheumatoid arthri-tis symptoms.

Pineapples also provide an ample supply of vitamin C. Vitamin C protects the body from free radical damage, boosts the immune system, helps build and repair bodily tissue, and can reduce your risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

The best option—fresh pineapple. (Unfortunately, most of the bro-melain in canned pineapple is destroyed due to the heat used in the canning process.) When choosing a fresh pineapple, do not judge ripe-ness solely based upon color. The most important factor in determining ripeness is smell. Ripe pineapples give off a sweet, fresh tropical smell.

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

Body Fit Health Club

PREFERRED PROVIDER ROLODEX These are local businesses we patronize and highly recommend. They are all local and they

all are a pleasure to do business with. I will be featuring different businesses each month and I encourage you to support those who continue to support our community.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a person that smiles and

laughs as much as Bernadette. She is one of those peo-

ple who just loves what she does and her loyal clien-

tele are living proof that she does it well. If you are

looking for a quick escape up north to a lakeside resort

check out www.ResortsOfOntario.com then give her a

call for the best rates. If you have a little more time,

she highly recommends the Rocky Mountaineer. One

of the most breathtaking rail experiences ever. For the

online brochure, go to www.RockyMountaineeer.com

then let Bernadette take of the details.

Ever wondered where I buy my paint? Probably not,

but now you know. Kurt and Lorraine have been mix-

ing my paint, selling brushes, rollers, deck stain and

wall paper for years. With their flagship location in the

Staples plaza and a second shop in Stouffville, they

have you covered. Kurt is a wealth of knowledge about

his products and he can match any colour you bring

him. He even keeps records of those colours so when

you have to repaint or touch up, you don’t have to

worry about keeping that little paint chip. Go see what

he can do for you.

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved

Bartley's Landscaping & Construction Inc.

905-852-3894 Have ever tuned into Breakfast

Television on City TV, and

watched the amazing 24, 48 and 72

hour landscape renovations that are

sponsored by the Home Depot?

Well guess who is actually doing

all that work?? You guessed it,

Jeremy Bartley and his crew. They

are one of Uxbridge’s best kept

secrets when it comes to Landscape design and reno-

vations. Tell him Andy from Body Fit sent you

when you call for your Free Estimate.

I’ve golfed at Foxbridge since I was 11 years old and

now my kids likes to strike a ball or two. It’s close, con-

venient and affordable. If you’ve been thinking how to

spend some time with dad, this is a great choice. Bring

him out for 18 and you’ll get the cart for Free on Fathers

Day. Then relax at the 19th hole...Scrambles Restaurant

with a bite from their Special Fathers Day Menu. Don’t

forget about the 9 and Dine Special every Saturday after

3:00PM…..for only $19.95 you get golf and a meal!

Father’s Day Factoids

The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have

been held on June 19, 1910 through the efforts of

Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane from Washington. She

wanted a celebration that honored fathers like her own

father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran who was

left to raise his family alone when his wife died giving

birth to their sixth child.

The first presidential proclamation honoring fathers was

issued in 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson desig-

nated the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Father’s

Day has been celebrated annually since 1972 when

President Richard Nixon signed the public law that

made it permanent.

The necktie is the most popular Father’s Day gift.

The rose is the official flower for Father's Day. Wearing

a red rose signifies a living father, while a white one

represents a deceased father.

Father's Day is the fifth most popular card-sending holi-


“Any man can be a Father, but it takes a

special person to be called Dad.”

Be Inspired!

“You cannot dream yourself into a character;

you must hammer and forge yourself into one.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Exercise of The Month (Dale's Ole Fashioned

Arm and Shoulder Work Out) Three Days per week works well.

Start by standing outside and, with a 5 pound potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out to your sides and hold them there as long as you can. After a few weeks move up to 10 pound potato sacks, then 50 pound potato sacks and finally you’ll get to where you can lift a 100 pound potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight out for more than a full minute! Next, start putting a few potatoes in the sacks, but I would cau-tion you not to overdo it at this level!!

Kid Fit Cardio

Graduating Class Of Spring 2010!!

www.bodyfit.ca 905-852-6175 © SERG Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved


I’d much rather pay you with free stuff or lavish gifts than

pay for advertising. Just refer us a friend, co-worker or

family member who becomes a client and you WIN! And

the more you refer...the more you win. There’s no limit

to my gratitude! Just tell the person you refer to use your

name when they call or come in, and we’ll roll out the red

carpet for them. Seriously, we have a red carpet and

we’re not afraid to use it!!