Bldg Blocks

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  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation


    • To review basic building blocks for implementing automation

    • To consider application conditions

    • To introduce assessment criteria

    • To test understanding of the material presented 

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks• Sensors

    • Analyers

    • Actuators

    • !rives

    • "ision system #integrated sensor$analyer%

    Inductive proximityInductive proximity


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

      Building Blocks  – sensor features• Accuracy and repeatability

    • &recision

    • Range

    • Response time

    • 'alibration methods

    • (inimum drift

    • 'osts and reliability

    •  Sensitivity

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    )e can characterie a sensor*s capability

    by it*s operating fre+uency or by its

    response time, Both determine how well thesensor might measure the desired property

    #pro-imity. length/% of a moving object,

    0sing a sensor*s specification. how might

    we determine how fast a moving object

    might move past the sensor and the sensorstill read the object parameter correctly1

    Building Blocks  – sensors & moving objects

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

      Building Blocks –  sensor devicesSee te-t for in depth description2

    • &hotoelectric sensors

    • &ro-imity switches #inductive and capacitive%

    • Range sensors #ultrasonic$acoustic. laser reflectors/%

    • Transducers #encoders%

    Inductive proximityInductive proximity




    Absolute rotary


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    7/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

     Building Blocks –  analyzers Encoder e-ample 3 An absolute optical encoder has 4 rings. 4 5E!

    sensors. and 4 bit resolution, 6f the output pattern is 78878778. what is theshaft*s angular position1

    Ring Angle #deg% &attern "alue #deg%

    7 748 7 748

    9 :8 8

    ; =,>9= 7 =,>9=

    ? 9,479= 7 9,479=

    4 7,9= 8  Total 978,:<

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    8/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks  –  drives

    • Stepper (otors #inde- by open@loop control%

    • A'$!' servomotors #&6! feedback control. holds tor+ue

    when at rest%

    • inematic devices #intermittent

    operation. e,g,. geneva mechanism%

    • !igital drives

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    9/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks –   present drives




       S  e  t   &  o  i   n  t  s    S  e  t   &  o  i   n  t  s    A    m   p  l  i  f  i  e  r  s    A    m   p  l  i  f  i  e  r  s





  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    10/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks –  digital drives

    • (icroprocessors and !igital Signal &rocessors #!S&*s% are replacing

    analog components with digital components #i,e,. digital drives%,

    •E6A RS@

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    11/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks –  digital drives

    Ormec’s servowire implementation of IEEE 13!


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    12/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    &)( and digital drives "binary control#$ &)( 3 &ulse )idth (odulation @ a constant fre+uency. two@valued

    signal #e,g,. voltage% in which the proportion of the period for which thesignal is on and the period for which it is off can be varied,

    • &ercentage of time on is called the duty cycle%

    • "oltage value will depend on the application

    • &)( fre+uency must be high enough so that motor cannot respond

    to a single &)( signal

    On On

    Off Off  

    T 9T ;T

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    13/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    A$! Signal 'onversion

    Resolution of A$! is represented by number of conversion bits n

      C+ F number of +uantitiation levels F 9n

      R F conversion resolution F "oltage range$#C+ 3 7% #G 78 "%G R 


    (or Voltage)


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    14/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    A$! Signal 'onversion

    Successive appro-imation method is similar to the method we usedto e-tract the encoder value from the binary output but

    backwards, Here is simple e-ample

    Range #G 78 "% Iuantitiations Bit #on or off% "alue>,4 " = 7 =

    7,4 9,= 8

    7,4 7,9= 7 7,9=

    8,== 8,>9= 8

    8,== 8,;79= 7 8,;79=

    8,9;?= 8,7=>9= 7 8,7=>9=

    8,8479= F error >,?7: "

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    15/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    !$A Signal 'onversion

    The decoding e+uation is

     Eo F Eref J8,= B7 K 8,9= B9 K 8,79= B;K/K#9n%@7BnL


    Eo F output analog signal value

      Eref  F ref voltage

    Mor e-ample 78878 means B7 F 7. B9 F 8. B; F 8. B

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    16/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    'urrent flow produces magnetic field and associated flu-,

    'hanging field #flu-% through a coil induces a reactive electromotive force #emf% e

    e F @C d 

    $dt #Maraday*s 5aw% C F N turns in coil is flu- in webers

    This in turn generates an induced current in opposite direction and a resulting opposing flu-

    as described by

     e F @5 d $dt 5 F inductance in henrys



     MM == II ll xx BBMM == II ll xx BB





  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    17/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    A' motorsStator structure is composed of steel laminations

    shaped to form poles around which are wound

    copper wire coils, These primary windings connectto. and are energied by. the voltage source to

    produce a rotating magnetic field, Three@phase

    windings spaced 798 electrical degrees apart are

    popular in industry,

    Rotor #or rotating secondary% is another assemblyof laminations over a steel shaft core, Radial slots

    around the laminations* periphery house rotor bars

     Pcast@aluminum or copper conductors shorted at

    one end and positioned parallel to the shaft #see


    The motor*s name comes from the alternating current #ac% Qinduced into the rotor by therotating magnetic flu- produced in the stator, (otor tor+ue is developed from interaction of

    currents flowing in the rotor bars and the stator*s rotating magnetic field,

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    18/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    #new tech% 5inear motors

    Slot@less refers to a special design of steel laminations where the windings go through holes in the

    stator rather than slots, The result is a smoother surface facing the magnet, This design

    also reduces cogging by eliminating variation in attractive force,


    Tubular linear motors roll up the unit about an a-is parallel to its length, 6n one style. an outer

    thrust block carrying the motor coils envelops and moves along a stationary thrust rod that

    houses magnets, Another style has a central rod with magnets that moves relative to an outerstator member, Travel is limited since the thrust rod must be supported at both ends #or at one

    end for the moving@rod version%, 

    ubular linear motor 

    Two basic classes 7% permanent magnet #&(% brushless.

    and 9% asynchronous linear induction motors #56(s%,

    &( brushless motors abound in various subclasses. such

    as the moving coil and moving magnet types, 6ronless

    refers to a core containing only copper coils #and epo-y

    encapsulation%, Smooth cog@free motion is produced

    since no attractive force e-ists between coil and magnet@@

    but at the cost of lower force output,

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    19/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    #new tech% Switched reluctance motorReluctance @ opposition of a material to magnetic lines of force

    Both stator and rotor of the switched reluctance motor have

    projecting poles, 6n the image. poles 7 and 7 are energied,These are wired in series, The rotor has no permanent magnets

    or windings, Thus when one of the four phases of the stator is

    energied. the closest set of poles of the rotor #made up of

    reluctance magnets% are pulled into alignment, By turning off

    phase 7 and energiing phase 9. you can visualie how the rotor

    will rotate 7= '') to align the rotor poles closest to phase 9,

    A four phase converter capable of accepting feedback is used to energie the coils in order to control

    the switched reluctance motor, The feedback is necessary to run the motor in self@synchronous

    mode. which enables a continuous smooth speed operation, By energiing the phases in reverse

    se+uence. the motor can also run '), The switched reluctance motor along with the four phaseconverter are meant to be used as a precise speed control device. and they are appro-imately 9D

    more efficient than the other A' speed control systems,

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    20/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    6EEE 7;:

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    21/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks Assessment

    7, )ho are major vendors of pro-imity switches.


    9, )hat are the limits to sensor pro-imity distances1

    ;, )hat types of pro-imity accuracies might you e-pect

    from pro-imity sensors1

    , )hat are weight to tor+ue ratios for common


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks

    22/31ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks Assessment

    ?, )hat does tor+ue speed curve look like for the

    motors typically used to control robots1

    4, )hat is difference between absolute encoder and

    relative encoder1 How do encoders measure

    directional changes1:, )hat is difference between a resolver and digital


    78, 'osts of sensors. motors. etc,1

    77, How do the new linear drives work. and what are

    their response characteristics1

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    Building Blocks –  mac'ine vision

     (efinition 3 Q(achine vision is the capturing of an image #asnapshot in time%. the conversion of the image to digital

    information. and the application of processing algorithms to

    e-tract useful information about the image for the purposes of

    pattern recognition. part inspection. or part positioning and

    orientation/,Ed Red



  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation


    • 'omputer

    • Mrame grabber

    • 'amera #''! array%

    • 5enses

    • 5ighting

    • 'alibration templates

    • Algorithms







    Building Blocks –  mac'ine vision

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    (achine "ision 3  structured lighting

    Structured 5ighting is used in a front

    lighting mode for applications re+uiring

    surface feature e-traction, Structured

    lighting is defined as the projection of a

    crisp line of light onto an object, The

    patterned light is then used to determine

    the ;@! characteristics of an object fromthe resulting deflections observed,

    Cote the non@typical

    approach of

    projecting a grid

    array of light on an

    object to detect


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

     (achine "ision 3  image processing

     +egmentation 3 !efine and separate regions of interest

    'res'olding  3 'onvert each pi-el into binary #B or )% value

    by comparing bit intensities

     Edge detection 3 5ocate boundaries between objects

    ,eature e-traction 3 !etermine features based on area and

    boundary characteristics of image

     .attern recognition 3 6dentify objects in midst of other objects

    by comparing to predefined models or standard values #of

    area. etc,%

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

     (achine "ision 3  applications

     (imensional measurement 

    Object verification 

     .roper position/orientation 

    ,laws and defects


    uidance and control "offsets2 tracing$

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    (achine "ision 3  e-ample

    • 4@bit image of metallic iron as it appears in iron

    ore #lighter objects in the image represent the metallic iron%

    • Histogram displays pi-el intensity distribution /

    background appears at gray level

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    (achine "ision 3  e-ample

    Suppose we wish to calculate the areaand centroid of the selected binary

    region in the last figure. how would

    you do it1 Assume that you have a

    camera such that the pi-els are

    s+uare and you have a matri- of

    pi-el values as depicted in the figure


    )hat e+uations would you apply1 U


  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - AutomationME 486 - Automation

    (achine "ision Assessment

    7, )ho are major vendors of vision systems and the various


    9, )hat are typical camera resolutions1

    ;, )hat are typical camera calibration techni+ues1

    , How long does it take to process images1 As a function of image

    processing function1

    ?, )hat are typical costs for imaging systems1 Mor frame grabbers.cameras. lenses. lighting1

  • 8/17/2019 Bldg Blocks


    ME 486 iME 486 A t tiME 486 A t tiME 486 A t ti

    Building Blocks

    4'at 'ave we learned5