BLD St. Catharines, District in Process Bukas Loob sa Diyos Open in Spirit to God December 2011 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 16 ord Living the W

BLD St. Catharines, District in Process Living the Wordbldtoronto.net/downloads/stcatharines/SCnewsletters/SC Newsletter... · recognize our Saviour Jesus for all He has done for

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Page 1: BLD St. Catharines, District in Process Living the Wordbldtoronto.net/downloads/stcatharines/SCnewsletters/SC Newsletter... · recognize our Saviour Jesus for all He has done for

BLD St. Catharines, District in Process

Bukas Loob sa Diyos Open in Spirit to God

December 2011


ord Living the W

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Advent Messages.. …... 3 The Christmas Story…...9 Mark 10 Christmas Reflections…………….10 LSS 13…………………..13 The Parable of the Shopper………………..19

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Greetings to our brothers and sisters of

BLD St. Catharines:

ay the blessing of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

be with you always.

Advent is always a joyous occasion for most of us, who have found

Jesus not in the manger but in our hearts. As we keep busy preparing

for the birth of Our Lord, our hearts and spirits are uplifted in antici-

pation of the joyous occasion.

The joyful story started more than two thousand years ago, near

Bethlehem of Judea, when angels proclaimed to shepherds in the

fields the good news of great joy – “… a savior has been born for

you who is Messiah and Lord.” (Lk 2: 11) Finding the Child lying in

a manger, the shepherds returned home, glorifying and praising God.

This year and every year around this time, God wants all of us to be

filled with joy.

The true spirit of Christmas is not found in tinsel, lights, gifts and

outward show. It is found in the inner glow within us that is lighting

the fire inside our hearts. Christmas is a time of God showing His

great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength

for His birth brought great joy to the world.

Just as the Child in the manger is the focal point of our Christmas

celebrations, so we must affirm and witness to the fact that Jesus is

the light which shines forth from our personal and community lives

at all times. Christ is the light of the world and as disciples of the

Lord, we become the light for Christ in the world. As we accept this

direction for our life’s goal from God, and as we follow it, our

glimpse of eternal life becomes clearer.


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The light of God has come into our life and we rejoice. We re-

joice in the privilege of being His light bearers. As we anticipate

the promise of the coming year, we pray with everyone that in it

will come new hope and new blessings for all of us.

Be assured of our good wishes and prayers for all of you as

Christmas approaches and may God's blessing be on your homes

and families.

Robert & Cely Kitane,

District Servant Leaders

And the District Council of Stewards of BLD Toronto:

From left to right:

Ed & Lu Dumlao.....................Pastoral

Jimmy & Nora Valera.............Formation

Frank & Rose Cuaresma.........Management

Robert & Cely Kitane.............District Servant Leader

Jess & Marilen Angeles..........Mission

Reggie & Baby Villanueva.....Evangelization


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Looking Back in Gratefulness, Moving

Forward in the Spirit’s FIRE

Dear brothers and sisters,

2012 will usher the sixth year since we were

appointed as District Shepherds for St. Cathari-

nes. Over those years, we witnessed the com-

munity grow by leaps and bounds. Of course,

getting from 2006 to where we are now was not without its share of

challenges and growing pains. But those have been far outweighed by

the many blessings and successes we have shared as we all worked to-

gether, single-minded in glorifying God through our service. As we

look back, we are amazed by how the blessings God has poured out on

us have far exceeded the little bit we have given Him. Truly, the efforts

we have made seem to have pleased the Lord and He has blessed us a


This Christmas we ask you all to join us in thanking Jesus for His faith-

fulness in leading us every step of the way. Let us ask for His continued

guidance, in His Holy Spirit, as we move into the future. Let the slogan

which our Global Spiritual Director, Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, has

provided us serve as our inspiration as we face new challenges in the

year ahead – “BLD on FIRE Again”!

Indeed, may our beloved St. Catharines community be Fruitful, Inspired,

Renewed and Empowered as we carry on with our respective tasks. But

this is only possible if we continue to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and

give us an ever deepening determination to rely solely on His grace.

Yes, Holy Spirit, help us to be Fruitful in You; Inspire us always with

Your truth; Renew us in Your love, and Empower us with the gifts we

need to use for the glory of Your Name.

To all of you, dear brothers and sisters, we wish you and your family all

the blessings of this Holy Season.

Olie and Menchu Ealdama

District Shepherds


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An Advent Christmas Message from the DCS Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Advent Season is a time of prayer, a time to reflect on our lives and

on its meaning and purpose. When we reflect on the meaning of Christ-

mas, we all know that we have a special motive for thanksgiving at this

wonderful time of the year. We are reminded of the coming of our blessed

Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrate His birth, and we expectantly look for-

ward to Christmas.

In the ordinary events of our lives and in the midst of all the hustle and

bustle of preparing for Christmas, we can easily get caught up with our-

selves and with our things-to-buy list that we miss the true meaning of the

Season. We can become weary and discouraged by our sins and weak-

nesses; or we can become complacent in our spiritual lives. We can easily

miss out God, who loves us and is always with us and speaks to us through

these events.

On Christmas, may our Lord Jesus find a place in our hearts; go with us

throughout the days ahead, to be our Companion in all that we do. As we

celebrate Christmas, may we do it in a manner well pleasing to our God.

May all we do and say, every tribute of our hearts bring glory and honor to

our loving and merciful Saviour.

As a Community of faith let us, therefore welcome with joy His coming

into our hearts. Let the love and peace of Christ continue to reign in our

hearts as this will be the source of our strength and unity to build a truly

welcoming, caring and loving Community. May the grace of God lead

each one of us to be continually ON FIRE and faithfully commit ourselves

in the love and service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And as we go

about our final preparation for Christmas, let this preparation be a re-

minder of God’s great love, “for God so loved the world that He gave His

only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might

have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

Jesus is everything to us! Without a Savior, we are sinners with no escape!

But with a Savior, we are sinners who are set free!

Wishing you all a Peaceful and

Blessed Christmas!

Cip & Emmy Tabios (Pastoral)

Roy & Carmen Mitra (Formation)

Romy & Minda Panday (Evangelization)

Poch & Avic Robles (Management)


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And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keep-ing watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."


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e all celebrate Christmas

in different ways. Some

celebrate it by spending

time with their families to

feel that they are com-

plete; some celebrate it in

hanging out with friends

to feel that they are not alone; some celebrate by serving their fellow-

men to let them feel that we care. With all these different ways of

celebrating the coming of our Messiah - our hearts have one pur-

pose...that is to LOVE and to GIVE. This is the time to let others feel

how important they are, just like our savior does for us.

As we wait for the coming of our Savior, I look forward to celebrat-

ing Christmas together with family and friends.

Grace Gumolda -Lorenzo

Mark 10 DLC


Christmas Reflection

Advent is a time for getting ready for Christ-

mas and spending time with family and rela-tives. It is a time for love and care. We also have parties to show that we love Jesus. For me Christmas isn’t a time of presents. It is about Jesus getting born. And because we love Him, it is also a time for being sorry for our sins. Matthias Condez Mark 10

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Today a Saviour has been born to you in David’s town; He is the Messiah and the Lord. Luke 2: 11

Christmas isn’t all about receiving gifts, having parties with fam-

ily and friends, and enjoying the holiday season: it’s about the birth

of Jesus. Jesus being born brought Hope to the world because He

saved us all from our sins and death and He also spread the good

news of God. Jesus came so that the people would believe that we

all could have a chance of everlasting life. By His birth, we came to

know that God is with us.

Christmas is also an important holiday for Christians. Everyone

loves to enjoy this holiday in their own traditions or favourite ways.

But for me, decorating the Christmas tree and reading the story of

Jesus’ birth are fun ways to celebrate Christmas. I am also happy

whenever we have time to play with our friends while our parents

are busy preparing delicious meals, singing and sharing stories. I’m

sure that this will be a very Merry Christmas and I can’t really wait .

With last year’s BLD Christmas party, the Mark 10 presented the

Nativity scene. This year, we are presenting something different.

But it’s a secret for now. I am ex-

cited to join once again because I

know that it will be fun.

By: Rosanne Bajao

Mark 10


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Christmas Reflection

hristmas is when kids are so happy and cannot wait to get

plenty of presents. I am excited about getting presents, but

that is not the reason why we should be excited. The

birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is the real reason why we

Catholics celebrate Christmas. This Christmas season we should

recognize our Saviour Jesus for all He has done for us. We should

remember that without the birth of Jesus, He would not have died on

the cross to forgive our sins. The birth of Jesus is the sign of hope

that saves us from this troubled world.

A good way to celebrate Christmas is to go to church on

Christmas day. Do not just go to church on Christmas, but you

should also go to church on the 4 Sundays of Advent. Advent is a

time of waiting for Jesus’ birth. It is also a time to think about the

second coming of Jesus at the end of time.

By John Respicio

Mark 10

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Katherine Kehoe Mary Jean Te

Chrisiclla Frederick Ron Haymes

Alex Calanog Bale Calanog

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Josefa Jasper Aurelio Jasper

Martin Pinto Marie Pinto

Jenny Flores Nelson Flores

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Sr. Haydee

Gie & Beth Santulan


Val & Lina Ayroso

On Transformation Roy & Carmen on


LSS 13—Oct 28-30

Sr. Haydee Librojo Tho & Magie Respicio


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“Love is having a relationship with God and

you can experience it through the people you

love in your life that are placed in your life for

a reason. Faith is what fuels religion and it is

what creates a bond between us all and a relationship with who

we know to be God.

Through this past weekend retreat (LSS 13) I was able to better

understand how this community (BLD) helps develop an aware-

ness for God's presence which is already present in the lives of

people with a strong faith. I believe that every faith community

should have a group to meet with that develops and supports their


Katherine Tria Kehoe


“During the baptism , the Holy Spirit touched me and held my hand.

It was one of the greatest experiences in my life. I felt the connec-

tion between God and me, which had been missing before.

The fire has been ignited. I have been called to be

the salt of the earth and light of the world. I will be

happy to serve the Lord with all my heart, with all

my soul.

Father, You have been good to us. We will testify

to your love as long as we live. Help us to be busy with the right

business - the business of serving you for your glory”.

Nelson & Jenny Flores

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“During the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I had a profound encounter

with our dear Lord. Yes, brothers and Sisters,

Jesus was there with us during the LSS weekend. As I rested in the

Holy Spirit, I had a vision of Jesus reaching for my hand with HOPE

in His eyes.

My vision made me realize that all of us are broken vessels, in need

of healing, not only physically but, more importantly, spiritually.

Since the LSS, I have clung more tightly to the Lord and have be-

come truly dependent on Him to make me grow in His wisdom.

Lord, we are humbly grateful for all the gifts You have given us and

we commit to using these responsibly in Your honour so that even

our smallest accomplishment may bring You glory .”

Alex & Bale Calanog


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During the Christmas season, we are bombarded with the Mass media—TV , Newspaper /Magazine commercials/ Store displays and the general society enticing and telling us that “gift giving” and partying are all that Christmas is about. Many people will try to make us believe that the gifts you give and receive will be the measure of love we have for each other. A “Gift” will never show one true love for one another—although many will try. True Love is not found in “things” but in words and actions. We see this clearly active in with words and actions of God. When Mary said “Yes” when God spoke His “Word” and asked her to become the Mother of His Son, and in the “action” of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God the Son, became one of us two thousand years ago. THIS IS CHRIST-MAS. This is God’s action proving for all time that He loves us without measure. Let us spread far and wide, God’s gift of “word and action” In our lives so that Christmas maybe the joy and peace we all desire. Word Ministry

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Author unknown

I still remember that day as if it

were yesterday, and yet fifteen

years have gone by. Neverthe-

less, when Christmas rolls

around, I remember

that day on the bus.

My feet were tired,

my hands cold, my

arms exhausted from

the weight of the

packages, and it was

beginning to snow.

The bus was late. I

was tired. I had

been Christmas

shopping all day

long. When the bus finally ar-

rived, it was packed with holiday

shoppers in the same exhausted

mood. I sank into the only vacant

place, near the back, beside a

handsome gentleman. He politely

helped me with my packages and

even held some of them himself.

"My goodness," he said, "did you

leave any merchandise still in the

stores for the rest of us?"

"I don't think so," I moaned.

"Worst of all, I still haven't made

all of my purchases."

The woman in the seat behind us

joined in my grief and added,

"No, the worst thing is that the

day after Christmas we will be

carrying this same armload back

to the store to ex-

change it."

Her comment

brought a general

chuckle from all

those within ear-

shot, including

my seat mate. As

the laughter sub-

sided, he began in

a quiet, melodious

voice, deepened

with experience, to teach me a

lesson that I have never forgot-


"Hear now the parable of the

shopper," he said, speaking gen-

tly and indicating my packages.

"A woman went forth to shop,

and as she shopped, she carefully

planned. Each of her children's

desires were considered. The

hard-earned money was divided,

and the many purchases were

made with the pure joy and de-

light that is known only to the

giver. Then the gifts were

wrapped and placed lovingly un-

The Parable of the Shopper


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der the tree. In eager anticipation,

she scanned each face as the gifts

were opened.

"What a lovely sweater,' said the

eldest daughter, 'but I think I

would prefer blue. I suppose I

can exchange it?” Her son said,

"Thank you for the cassette

player, Mother. It's just what I

wanted”. And then aside, se-

cretly to his sister, he continued,

“I told her I wanted the one with

the automatic reverse and an ex-

tra speaker. I never get what I

want!” The youngest child spoke

out with the spoiled honesty of

her age, “I hate rag dolls! I

wanted a china doll. I won't play

with it!' And the doll, still in the

box, was kicked under the


One gift still lay under the tree.

The woman pointed it out to her

husband. 'Your gift is still there.”

He stated, "I'll open it when I

have the time. I want to put to-

gether this bike first”.

"How sad it is," continued the

gentleman in his soft, beautiful

voice. "When gifts are not re-

ceived in the same spirit they are

given. To reject a thoughtful gift

is to reject the loving sentiment

of the giver himself. And yet, are

we not all sometimes guilty of


He was talking not only to me,

but to all of those on the bus.

They had all gathered around.

The bus was parked.

He took a present from my stack.

"This one," he said, holding it up

and pretending to open the card,

"could be to you." He pointed to

a rough-looking, teenage boy in a

worn denim jacket and pretended

to read the gift card. "To you I

give My life, lived perfectly, as

an example so that you might see

the pattern and live worthy to

return and live with Me again.

Merry Christmas from the Mes-


"This one," he said, holding up a

pure, white present, "is for you."

He held out the gift to a worn-

looking woman, who in earlier

years must have been a real

beauty. She read the card out

loud and allowed her tears to slip

without shame down her painted

face. "My gift to you is repen-

tance. This Christmas I wish you

to know for certain that though

your sins be as scarlet, they shall

be white as snow. Signed, your

Advocate with the Father."

"That isn't all. No, here is a big,

red package." he looked around


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the group and brought a ragged, unkempt, little child forward. "This

package would be for you if He were here. The card would say, 'On

this Christmas and always, My gift to you is love. From your

brother, Jesus.'"

"One final gift," said my seat mate. "The greatest of all the gifts of

God--Eternal life!"

He held our minds and our hearts. We were a hungry audience.

Though our shopping had left us drained, now we were being filled

by his words.

"How we receive these gifts, these precious gifts from the Babe of

Bethlehem, is the telling point. Are we exchangers?" he asked. "Is

there really anything else we would rather have? It is what we do

with a gift long after we have opened it that shows our true apprecia-

tion." And with those words, he stood up and was gone.

That was fifteen years ago, only a wink in time. But not even an

eternity could erase the sermon, or the man.

We hear so often the phrase "Jesus died for me" that sometimes we

forget the purpose of salvation isn't just to be glad our souls are safe

for eternity; it's to follow Jesus’ example--give ourselves to oth-

ers. What if this year, you prayed for God to send you a giving ex-

perience - to be a blessing in the life of another soul--or many souls-

-whom He loves? God is more than able to answer and would de-

light at your willingness.

Lord Jesus, You gave yourself for me when I needed it. Is there

someone I know who needs the present and the presence of Jesus in

their home this Christmas? I want more

than ever to give your love to those who

need it. Is there a stranger? Please show

me who. Help me to do this in Your

Name. Amen.


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WeWish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer.

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy

New Year.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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O Holy Night!

O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,

It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.

Long lay the world in sin and error pining.

Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!

O night divine, the night when Christ was born;

O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!

O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,

With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.

O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,

Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.

The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;

In all our trials born to be our friends.

He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,

Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!

Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!

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BLD St. Catharines, District in Process

Bukas Loob sa Diyos Open in Spirit to God

May the peace and blessings

of the Christmas Season be

yours; and may the coming

year be filled with happiness. Rey and Mabel Perlas Word Ministry

Please be reminded that the first Praise and Worship in

2012 will be on Jan. 6.