Black boxes: Hypothesis testing via indirect perceptual evidence Max H. Siegel, Rachel Magid, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, and Laura E. Schulz {maxs, rwmagid, jbt, lschulz}@mit.edu Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Abstract Studies of children’s causal learning typically provide learners with clear evidence for direct causal relations, e.g., a machine that activates when a toy is placed upon it. But causal systems in the real world often present indirect perceptual evidence generated by interactions between hidden variables: Consider a child trying to figure out what’s inside a box by shaking it. We propose that effective learning and exploration depend on being able to interpret evidence through the lens of intuitive theories – theories of both the physical world and one’s own perceptual apparatus – to imagine how one’s actions might change the state of the world and what kinds of changes would be most perceptually discriminable. We present three studies exploring these capacities in young children, and suggest how they could support powerful and sophisticated inferences about hidden causes. In science, much of the evidence we get for causal rela- tionships is indirect: we cannot observe the activation of neu- rons or the presence of microorganisms directly so we de- velop sophisticated technologies to detect neural activation from blood flow, or the presence of microorganisms from the amount of dissolved oxygen. This kind of inference is not re- stricted to scientific practice. Even in everyday life, there are many cases where we have to infer unobserved causes from indirect evidence. We see a curtain move and infer the cat be- hind it, we hear dripping and worry that the faucet is leaking. These are very ordinary examples, ones that might be acces- sible even to small children, but they suggest an extraordinary capacity: the ability to reason backwards from new evidence to probable unobserved causes of the data. While there is a wealth of research on children’s causal reasoning, the majority of studies has focused on childrens inferences about direct causal relationships: observed blocks that do (or do not) light up machines, levers that do (or do not) activate toys, etc (Gopnik, Sobel, Schulz, & Glymour, 2001; Gopnik & Sobel, 2000). Moreover, although there is some work outlining childrens ability to infer unobserved causes from patterns of evidence (Kushnir & Gopnik, 2005; Schulz & Sommerville, 2006; Schulz, Goodman, Tenenbaum, & Jenkins, 2008), in such cases children were asked about arbi- trary causes and what is at stake is simply childrens ability to detect conditions under which a latent variable might explain the pattern of evidence. Here we ask a different question: Do children’s intuitive theories support these inferences in cases where the mapping from causes to effects is unspecified and complex? One way of investigating unfamiliar scenarios is to take actions designed to reduce uncertainty. We can pull back the curtain, we can use more powerful tools as they’re de- veloped. Cook, Goodman, and Schulz (2011) demonstrated that children preferentially select more informative interven- tions when exploring a new causal domain; and there is more generally a rich literature on active learning and information selection in adult human cognition (Oaksford & Chater, 1994; Tsividis, Gershman, Tenenbaum, & Schulz, 2014). We aim to investigate a complementary question. People (scientists or otherwise) are never able to directly observe data that most informs the questions they actually want an- swered, for good reasons: the equipment is too expensive, the cat (or is it?) runs away as we approach. What scientists (and other people too) actually do is more pragmatic. We know our tools, eyes, ears, or electron microscopes; and we know how they sense and transform the objects we’re interested in studying. Answering questions thus requires us to select not only the right tests, but data that would yield informative re- sults given the right test. We are especially interested in what learners decide to in- vestigate in situations where evidence is richly perceptual and interpretation involves intuitive theories of the physical world, because these are closest to the ways young children most naturally explore their surroundings. Our focus here is on physical interactions between objects that generate sound, and on what we need to know, both about these physical events and our abilities to perceive them, in order to learn about objects from the sounds they produce. We take sound as a case study because children have expectations about how objects interact to produce auditory signals, because these in- teractions produce nontrivial evidence (so that there is clearly some work to be done in interpretation), and finally because of the intuitive, everyday quality of perceptual inferences. A rubber ball shaken inside a closed box will sound differ- ent than a glass marble. Two rubber balls will sound different from either; five glass marbles will sound more different still. A novel object that looks pointy or feels hard to the touch will sound different from one that looks rounded or feels soft. How do we know these things? One might think that these examples can be explained as consequences of cross-modal perception and memory. We have experienced seeing a faucet drip while also hearing it. We have all shaken a wrapped present to find out what might be inside. However, we do not always have access to information in multiple modalities, and in these cases we are still able to reason about the causes of various sounds. Indeed, the combinatorial explosion that accompanies real-world perception suggests that reasoning from indirect evidence requires sophisticated and subtle ca- pabilities which are far more powerful than those commonly assumed. We follow in a research tradition that highlights how people use mental models and theories about the world to generate predictions, which are used to interpret new data (Tenenbaum, Kemp, Griffiths, & Goodman, 2011). But we

Black boxes: Hypothesis testing via indirect perceptual ...web.mit.edu/maxs/www/papers/cogsci_2014.pdfEven in everyday life, there are many cases where we have to infer unobserved

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Page 1: Black boxes: Hypothesis testing via indirect perceptual ...web.mit.edu/maxs/www/papers/cogsci_2014.pdfEven in everyday life, there are many cases where we have to infer unobserved

Black boxes: Hypothesis testing via indirect perceptual evidenceMax H. Siegel, Rachel Magid, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, and Laura E. Schulz

{maxs, rwmagid, jbt, lschulz}@mit.eduDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

AbstractStudies of children’s causal learning typically provide learnerswith clear evidence for direct causal relations, e.g., a machinethat activates when a toy is placed upon it. But causal systemsin the real world often present indirect perceptual evidencegenerated by interactions between hidden variables: Considera child trying to figure out what’s inside a box by shaking it.We propose that effective learning and exploration depend onbeing able to interpret evidence through the lens of intuitivetheories – theories of both the physical world and one’s ownperceptual apparatus – to imagine how one’s actions mightchange the state of the world and what kinds of changes wouldbe most perceptually discriminable. We present three studiesexploring these capacities in young children, and suggest howthey could support powerful and sophisticated inferences abouthidden causes.

In science, much of the evidence we get for causal rela-tionships is indirect: we cannot observe the activation of neu-rons or the presence of microorganisms directly so we de-velop sophisticated technologies to detect neural activationfrom blood flow, or the presence of microorganisms from theamount of dissolved oxygen. This kind of inference is not re-stricted to scientific practice. Even in everyday life, there aremany cases where we have to infer unobserved causes fromindirect evidence. We see a curtain move and infer the cat be-hind it, we hear dripping and worry that the faucet is leaking.These are very ordinary examples, ones that might be acces-sible even to small children, but they suggest an extraordinarycapacity: the ability to reason backwards from new evidenceto probable unobserved causes of the data.

While there is a wealth of research on children’s causalreasoning, the majority of studies has focused on childrensinferences about direct causal relationships: observed blocksthat do (or do not) light up machines, levers that do (or do not)activate toys, etc (Gopnik, Sobel, Schulz, & Glymour, 2001;Gopnik & Sobel, 2000). Moreover, although there is somework outlining childrens ability to infer unobserved causesfrom patterns of evidence (Kushnir & Gopnik, 2005; Schulz& Sommerville, 2006; Schulz, Goodman, Tenenbaum, &Jenkins, 2008), in such cases children were asked about arbi-trary causes and what is at stake is simply childrens ability todetect conditions under which a latent variable might explainthe pattern of evidence. Here we ask a different question: Dochildren’s intuitive theories support these inferences in caseswhere the mapping from causes to effects is unspecified andcomplex?

One way of investigating unfamiliar scenarios is to takeactions designed to reduce uncertainty. We can pull backthe curtain, we can use more powerful tools as they’re de-veloped. Cook, Goodman, and Schulz (2011) demonstratedthat children preferentially select more informative interven-tions when exploring a new causal domain; and there is more

generally a rich literature on active learning and informationselection in adult human cognition (Oaksford & Chater, 1994;Tsividis, Gershman, Tenenbaum, & Schulz, 2014).

We aim to investigate a complementary question. People(scientists or otherwise) are never able to directly observedata that most informs the questions they actually want an-swered, for good reasons: the equipment is too expensive, thecat (or is it?) runs away as we approach. What scientists (andother people too) actually do is more pragmatic. We knowour tools, eyes, ears, or electron microscopes; and we knowhow they sense and transform the objects we’re interested instudying. Answering questions thus requires us to select notonly the right tests, but data that would yield informative re-sults given the right test.

We are especially interested in what learners decide to in-vestigate in situations where evidence is richly perceptualand interpretation involves intuitive theories of the physicalworld, because these are closest to the ways young childrenmost naturally explore their surroundings. Our focus here ison physical interactions between objects that generate sound,and on what we need to know, both about these physicalevents and our abilities to perceive them, in order to learnabout objects from the sounds they produce. We take soundas a case study because children have expectations about howobjects interact to produce auditory signals, because these in-teractions produce nontrivial evidence (so that there is clearlysome work to be done in interpretation), and finally becauseof the intuitive, everyday quality of perceptual inferences.

A rubber ball shaken inside a closed box will sound differ-ent than a glass marble. Two rubber balls will sound differentfrom either; five glass marbles will sound more different still.A novel object that looks pointy or feels hard to the touchwill sound different from one that looks rounded or feels soft.How do we know these things? One might think that theseexamples can be explained as consequences of cross-modalperception and memory. We have experienced seeing a faucetdrip while also hearing it. We have all shaken a wrappedpresent to find out what might be inside. However, we donot always have access to information in multiple modalities,and in these cases we are still able to reason about the causesof various sounds. Indeed, the combinatorial explosion thataccompanies real-world perception suggests that reasoningfrom indirect evidence requires sophisticated and subtle ca-pabilities which are far more powerful than those commonlyassumed.

We follow in a research tradition that highlights howpeople use mental models and theories about the world togenerate predictions, which are used to interpret new data(Tenenbaum, Kemp, Griffiths, & Goodman, 2011). But we

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suggest that learners also have intuitive models of the psy-chophysical properties of evidence - we know what, giventhe constraints of our senses and our world knowledge, wecan know via perception. In particular, children and adultsknow when patterns of perceptual data are more or less dis-criminable, and they use this knowledge to guide their explo-ration of the world.In the experiments to follow, we test children’s ability to makeindirect perceptual inferences; to use these judgments wheninterpreting ambiguous evidence; and to exploit their ”intu-itive psychophysics” to predict and evaluate the quality ofdata, even before encountering it.

In a preliminary investigation, we considered how learn-ers interpret auditory cues to determine their (unseen) causes.We examined whether 3- to 6-year-olds can determine thekind of hidden object that generates the sound they heard,whether they can infer the number of identical hidden objectsthat produce the percept, and we discuss several additionalexperiments that control for low-level confounds but are alsoof independent interest. Study 1 probed children’s use ofindirect acoustic cues to reason about what’s not perceived:can children evaluate the diagnosticity (or discriminability)of evidence when inferring hidden causes? Specifically, wetested whether participants choose more discriminable evi-dence over less, both when evaluating differences in kind andin number of objects. Finally, Study 2 investigated whetherchildren can make these judgments predictively, even withoutobserving the effects of hidden causes. We hypothesize thatlearners can imagine possible patterns of evidence and choosethe most distinctive data set, without needing any perceptualaccess to distinguishing evidence.

Box-Shaking GameWe used a simple paradigm which we will call the “box-shaking game”. The basic schema is as follows. Childrenwere shown two objects (or two sets of objects) and told thateach would be hidden in a box and shaken several times, andthat they’d be asked to choose which box had each objectbased on the sounds they heard (they also saw the way thebox was shaken). We hid everyday objects like bean bags andplastic balls, and also sets of marbles.

(a) Object IdentityIn the first version of the box-shaking game, the experi-

menter showed children (N = 16; mean: 3 years, 11 months)a pair of boxes, identical except for color. The objects thatwe hid and shook were a bean bag and a plastic ball; theball was weighted to match the mass of the bean bag. Theexperimenter produced the objects to be shaken and brieflydescribed their properties. Children chose which object theypreferred and then the experimenter then explained the task:“I’m going to put each one of these things in a different box,and then shake each box! Then we’ll listen and try to figureout which box has your favorite thing in it. Do you want tohelp me figure out which box has your favorite thing in it?”The objects and box were then hidden by an occluding screen,

Box-Shaking Game


b; d


Study 1



Study 2

Figure 1: Illustration of methods. In the preliminary box-shaking game, we placed the objects on the left and rightsides in different boxes and shook them. Children identi-fied (a) their preferred object; (b) the box with fewer or moremarbles; (c) the box with the blanket; and (d) the box withmore marbles under a different box manipulation that con-trolled for loudness. In Study 1(a-b), we placed one ob-ject (target or distractor) from each side (left=Unambiguous,right=Ambiguous in figure) in a different box, then shookeach box. The target objects were shiny pencils and color-ful marbles, and the other objects were distractors. Childrenpicked a box to find a target object. In Study 2, we asked chil-dren to choose which box to shake before receiving any data,requiring them to imagine which stimulus set (left or right)was more discriminable.

after which each object was hidden in a different box and theoccluder finally removed. After reminding participants of thetask, each box was shaken for several seconds (five shakes).The experimenter then asked, “Which box has your favoritething in it?” In this task, all of the children chose the box thatcontained their preferred ball.

(b) Number of ObjectsWe next tested whether preschoolers can perceive the quan-

tity of hidden objects from indirect evidence. Children lis-tened to two boxes shaken, one with 2 marbles and one with8 marbles, and were asked to identify which box had a few

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(a) Preferred object (b) # of marbles (c) Blanket (d) # of marbles (shaken/rocked)

Figure 2: Results of preliminary box-shaking task (figure la-bel corresponds to experiment heading) - number of childrenchoosing the indicated box. (a) Box containing preferredobject. (b) Box containing more or less marbles. (c) Boxcontaining felt (blanket). (d) Box containing more marbles(rolling/shaking contrast). ∗∗= p < .01, ∗∗∗= p < .001 viabinomial test

(or many) marbles. Children, (N = 16, mean: 3 years, 11months) were shown two identical black boxes with detach-able lids (preloaded with 2 and 8 marbles) along with a set of2 marbles and a set of 8 marbles each placed in a translucentcylindrical tube. We also used a puppet, ”Bunny”, who ex-pressed a preference for either a few (2) marbles or a lot (8)of marbles, counterbalanced across participants. Next, theexperimenter showed the children the two closed boxes andexplained that one box had a few marbles and one box hada lot of marbles. The experimenter shook each box for ap-proximate 5 seconds before asking, “Which box does Bunnywant to open?” All sixteen children identified the correct boxbased on Bunny’s preference.

(c) Level

Children could be performing the number discriminationtask by using a simple heuristic: higher sound level meansmore objects. This rule indeed holds for the case we’ve con-sidered above. But this rule fails in many cases, for examplewhen a piece of soft material is added to a box (dampeningthe sound of other objects). The next experiment conductedas part of the box-shaking games rules out simple heuristic-based accounts, and also demonstrates the productivity andflexibility of these perceptual judgments.

To test whether children are able to reason flexibly aboutthe contents of boxes from indirect evidence, we first askedchildren to identify which of two boxes had a felt blanketinside it, along with other objects. The felt dampened thesound; if children succeed nonetheless, we can conclude thata level heuristic does not account for participant’s judgments.Participants (N = 16; mean: 4 years, 10 months) chose thecorrect box more often than chance (p < .01 by two-tailedbinomial test). This result suggests that the ability to makejudgments about quantity based on indirect evidence does notdepend on cross-modal mapping between more items in thevisual domain and a louder sound in the auditory domain.

(d) Diverse Cues

All of the previous experiments in the box-shaking gameused the same physical manipulation, namely up-and-downbox-shaking, for all contrasts. Is it possible that this simpli-fies children’s task, by allowing them to focus in on some sin-gle dimension of sound (number of collisions, for example)?To address this hypothesis, we again asked children to iden-tify which of the boxes contained more marbles, but shookonly the box with 2 marbles and gently rocked the box with 8marbles, producing sounds very different in quality. Children(N =16, mean: 4 years, 11 months) interpreted the perceptualresults of these different manipulations and recovered infor-mation about the quantity of marbles inside the boxes in thiscase as well. Gentle rocking and vigorous shaking producevery different sounds even with equal numbers of marbles,but 14 of the 16 children successfully discounted the physi-cal motion to choose the box with more marbles (p < .01 bytwo-tailed binomial test). The perception of numerosity fromsound may not therefore be attributed to simple heuristics – itmust incorporate some intuitive knowledge of the physics ofobjects.

The results of the box-shaking game, in its various forms,established that children can test hypotheses using evidencethat is very different in kind than that typically used in de-velopmental studies, in several ways. First, the perceptualdata that children received were natural sounds, which areinteresting because they seem both harder and easier to in-terpret - real perceptual data is ambiguous and variable, un-like preferred developmental stimuli. However, real data isstrongly tied to real-world processes, so it may be easier tointerpret than the arbitrary causal associations found in otherwork. Second, as we didn’t preview to participants the soundsproduced by our box-shaking game, their success implies thatthey must have access to task-relevant memories (what eachobject sounds like when shaken) or to the means to generatesuch data (we suggest via mental simulation).

Study 1In the box-shaking game, we demonstrated that children read-ily draw inferences about physical properties of hidden ob-jects based on indirect, perceptual evidence. We next consid-ered whether children intuitively grasp the relative ambiguityof perceptual data, and how this knowledge informs their de-cisions. Suppose you have a black box that contains either ashiny pencil or a normal pencil. If you shake the box, youwould hear the sound of a hard, light object hitting the walls,but you wouldn’t know exactly what was inside the box. Butsuppose you have another box that contains either a shinypencil or a cotton ball, and you hear the same sound; youwould be certain that the box contained the pencil. If you hada choice between these two boxes in front of you (knowingwhat could be inside and hearing, in both cases, a hard lightobject) and you wanted the shiny pencil, which box wouldyou choose to open? Intuitively, of course, you would choosethe box that had either the shiny pencil or the cotton ball. But

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to judge that this box would give you a better chance of get-ting the shiny pencil, you must understand what each objectwould sound like when shaken inside a box, and you mustreason both about what you heard and about what you didn’t.You must also compare the probability of obtaining the de-sired object from each box. In Study 1, we put children inexactly this situation to investigate whether they understandthat what they hear can be more or less informative dependingon what they didn’t perceive.

Experiment 1(a): Object KindParticipants We tested twenty-four preschoolers (mean: 4years, 7 months; range: 3 years, 1 month - 6 years, 2 months)visiting the children’s museum.

Materials We used the same two boxes from our prelimi-nary investigations, two pencils with holographic coating astarget stimuli, and one standard pencil and a small, cotton-filled fabric cushion as distractor stimuli.

Procedure The setting and instructions were similar tothose described earlier. Children were first shown two pairsof objects, each of which consisted of a target and a distractorstimulus. The target stimulus (i.e., shiny pencil) was identicalacross both pairs, and was more desirable than either distrac-tor. The distractor in one pair (Ambiguous pair) was an ob-ject that would sound very similar to the target when shakeninside a box (i.e., a standard No. 2 pencil). The distractorin the other pair (Unambiguous pair) was chosen such thatit would sound very different from the target (i.e., a pillow).After introducing the objects in each pair, the experimenterasked children what their favorite object is in each pair. Inorder for the task to measure children’s sensitivity to ambi-guity, it was important that children have a preference for thetarget object in both pairs; we inferred learners’ sensitivityto ambiguity by presenting evidence that was consistent withthe (identical) target objects being in both boxes, and if chil-dren preferred one of the distractor objects, they might simplychoose the box it might be in. Therefore, we dropped and re-placed children who preferred the distractor object in eitherpair. After children picked their favorite (target) objects, theexperimenter then told children that he would take just one ofthe objects from each pair and hide it in each of the two boxes,and that they could choose a box and take its contents home.After the objects were hidden, he reminded children aboutwhat could be inside each box (e.g., ”Remember, inside thisbox, there could be a cool shiny pencil or the pillow”). Theexperimenter then shook each box twice, after which childrenpicked a box and collected its contents.

Results and Discussion Before the objects were hidden,the experimenter asked children which object in each pair wastheir favorite. Therefore, we only included and analyzed datafrom the 16 children who preferred the target objects (shinypencils) in both pairs. Thirteen of sixteen children correctlyselected the Unambiguous box (p < .05 by two-tailed bino-mial test). The results of this experiment suggest that childrenunderstand that the Unambiguous pair box had to contain the

Figure 3: Results of Studies 1 & 2 - children’s preference forUnambiguous boxes containing (Expt 1(a)) pencils and (Expt1(b)) marbles, and their predictive judgments (Study 2).

target object (because if it didn’t, a different sound wouldhave been produced), whereas the Ambiguous box may havecontained either the target or distractor object (the shiny pen-cil or the yellow pencil).

Experiment 1(b): Number of ObjectsParticipants Sixteen children (mean: 4 years, 6 months;range: 3 years, 1 month 5 years, 9 months) were recruitedfrom the museum.

Materials We used the colored boxes described above. Weused four different sets of marbles: two sets of 8 marbles, ofall different colors, one set of 2 white marbles, and one setof 6 white marbles. The four sets of marbles were placedin clear tubes, with the top sealed using packing tape. Weprinted out cartoon versions of the marble tubes as a memorycue. Finally, the bunny puppet (Bunny) from the box-shakinggame was used as a confederate.

Procedure The study began with a warm-up task, similar tothe basic object-identification box-shaking game, except thatafter the child identified his/her preferred object, Bunny ex-pressed a preference for the other object. After hiding andshaking each box, children were given a sticker for success-fully choosing the box containing their previous choice. Next,the experimenter displayed the four tubes, filled as describedabove. Bunny expressed a preference for white marbles,touching the appropriate tubes and exclaiming, “White mar-bles! I love these white marbles!” Next, the experimenter in-dicated the two tubes containing 8 colorful marbles and said,”See these marbles of different colors? For this game, theseare yours! You’re going to try to find your marbles.” Next,children were introduced to the hiding game, and told thatone tube of marbles would be hidden inside each box. For theAmbiguous box, the possible contents were 6 white marblesor 8 colorful marbles; for the Unambiguous box, the possiblecontents were 2 white marbles or 8 colorful marbles. Be-

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fore hiding the marbles, the experimenter familiarized chil-dren with pictures depicting the possible contents of the twoboxes (shown in Figure 1). The experimenter then hid 8 mar-bles inside each box. After removing the screen, the experi-menter reminded children about the boxes’ possible contentsby pointing to the cartoon pictures, (e.g., “Remember, in thisbox there could be your marbles (indicate picture of child’s 8marbles) or there could be Bunny’s marbles (indicate pictureof Bunny’s 2 marbles (less ambiguous) or Bunny’s 6 marbles(Ambiguous).” The experimenter shook both boxes twice. Fi-nally, children were asked, “Which box do you want to opento find your marbles?”

Results and Discussion Fifteen of the sixteen children(p < .001 by two-tailed binomial test) chose the less ambigu-ous box, confirming and extending the results of Experiment1(a). Critically, children heard identical evidence from bothboxes, so they must have taken into account information otherthan the sounds they heard when choosing which box to open.What sort of reasoning might support these judgments? Ouraccount is simple but sufficient. After hearing the results ofshaking each box, children imagine (mentally simulate) thesound that they would have heard had the boxes containedeither the target or each of the distractors.

Study 2We demonstrated above that children are able to use knowl-edge of their own perceptual capabilities to prune hypotheses,distinguishing informative sets of data from less informativeones. Our results revealed that children interpret equivalentpercepts differently depending on what else they might haveheard. Thus children use the outcomes of mental queries tointerpret real evidence. But if learners are able to imagine al-ternative data, they shouldn’t need to hear any evidence; theyshould be able to imagine the perceptual results of each inter-vention on each object, and in this way design an appropriateexperiment before any actual manipulation is performed.

We modified Study 1 so that children reported their choicebefore they heard any relevant perceptual data. Children werepresented with the game and told that they could choose theset of objects (which were more or less ambiguous whenshaken) to play with. We therefore tested whether childrencan predict which set of data they’d be able to discriminate.

Participants Another 16 children (mean: 4 years, 9months; range: 3 years, 9 months 6 years, 0 months) were re-cruited from the museum. An additional 17 other participantswere replaced because they preferred the distractor objects,because of experimenter error, because of language difficul-ties, or because they chose not to complete the study.

Materials We used the black boxes and pencils from Ex-periment 1(a) as well as an ordinary cotton ball.

Procedure The study began with a warmup task, identicalto the object-identification game. Next, children were toldthey would play another hiding game where they could keepthe object inside the box that they chose. As in Experiment

1(a), children were shown two sets of objects and were askedto choose their favorite object from each pair. The Ambigu-ous pair of objects consisted of a shiny pencil and a yellowpencil, and the Unambiguous pair consisted of a shiny penciland a cotton ball. Once children picked their favorite objectsfrom each pair, the experimenter said, “This game is specialbecause you get to choose what I hide. I could hide this shinypencil (from Ambiguous pair) in one box and this boring pen-cil (from Ambiguous pair) in the other box, and you’ll listento me shake each box. Or I could hide this shiny pencil (fromUnambiguous pair) in one box and this piece of fuzz (cottonball) in the other box, and you’ll listen to me shake each box.Which set of things do you want me to hide?”

Results and Discussion Thirteen of sixteen children askedthe experimenter to hide the Unambiguous pair (p < .05 bytwo-tailed binomial test). Recall that we proposed mentalsimulation as a way to know what shaken objects wouldsound like, had they been shaken. In light of children’s suc-cesses in Study 1, we also noted that this simulation accountshould predict that children can make the same judgmentseven before hearing any relevant sounds. The results of Study2 thus confirm this prediction, giving evidence that simula-tion is indeed a good candidate for explaining the remarkableperceptual achievements necessary for solving these tasks.

Discussion and ConclusionsIn three studies, we investigated how children discover hiddencausal structure in the world by reasoning about what theycan perceive. In the preliminary box-shaking game, childrenmade accurate inferences about hidden causes from percep-tual evidence that required nontrivial interpretation, inferringthe nature and quantities of objects inside a box from diverseforms of sound data. After verifying childrens ability to iden-tify a variety of items based on only their sounds, we consid-ered whether children can use their mental models of physicsand perception to assess the discriminability of different setsof evidence. In Study 1, children distinguished evidence thatwas more or less likely to be informative about a box’s con-tents, even though the evidence they heard was perceptuallyidentical. In Study 2, we showed that children design novelinformative experiments, evaluating what which data shouldbe tested given a hypothetical tool (box shaking).

These results contribute to a long-running debate on how,and to what extent, children or adults effectively learn aboutthe world like scientists do (Gopnik et al., 2004; Schulz,2012; Chen & Klahr, 1999). Going back to J. S. Mill, it hasoften been proposed that experiments (either formal or infor-mal) should be designed by a process of deductive reasoning,where the causal structure of the experimental setup (whichvariables might possibly influence each other) suggests whichinterventions to perform. This syntactic view (e.g. the ”con-trol of variables strategy” (Chen & Klahr, 1999)) indeed canqualitatively describe some behavioral and cognitive aspectsof human learning. But it also leaves out several key is-sues that our work aims to address. Variables are rarely di-

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rectly accessible, so we must figure out ways to get at them,whether through microscopes or sounds made by shaking ob-jects in boxes. If learners understand the way that their instru-ments work, they can work backwards from measurements tocauses, but this means solving a nontrivial and non-obviousproblem (as children did in our box-shaking game). Also,the strength of the causal relation between variables matters.Thus knowing whether variables are confounded in a logicalsense is not enough, as the result of the intervention in ourstudy (and of interventions in the world) can produce con-founded results – each box in Study 1 produced a sound thatcould possibly have been made by either of its possible con-tents. If children had been unable to reason about the evi-dence produced if the other object or set of marbles been in-side the box instead, they would have chosen boxes at chance.Yet children overwhelmingly picked the box whose evidence,based on its possible contents, was more discriminable.

Taken together with Cook et al. (2011), the results of thecurrent study make a strong case for children as rational ex-perimenters. Simply put, children know when and how tocarry out actions that effectively answer questions. Childrenlearn about the world by intervening on their physical sur-roundings and perceiving outcomes filtered through extrinsic(the box, for example) and intrinsic (their own senses) inter-mediaries. Such learning is therefore contingent on knowingwhat sort of interventions will produce informative data, andwhat sort of data are informative with respect to specific in-terventions. Future work might investigate how an ”intuitivepsychophysics – a mental model of one’s own perceptual ca-pacities – guides childrens spontaneous exploration and ex-perimentation. But what are these capacities? How do learn-ers, children and scientists alike, know what they can per-ceive? We hypothesized that children can use their intuitivephysical theories along with an ”intuitive psychophysics” tosimulate the rich perceptual evidence that would result froman intervention like shaking or rolling a box, to filter observedevidence through their own ability to interpret it, and to planinterventions guided by their understanding of these abilities.In other words, people are able to simulate and imagine theworld’s dynamics and their own perceptual grasp of the same.

The experimental evidence presented here points to amostly unexplored capacity of even young learners, and wehave included the makings of a potential explanatory theory.Future work aims to cash out these intuitions in a formalmodeling framework encompassing both the perceptual andmetacognitive aspects of the abilities demonstrated here.

Children, and probably scientists too, interpret data andevaluate candidate experiments through a process of infer-ence to the best explanation where probabilistic inferencesabout one’s measurement or perceptual apparatus go hand-in-hand with inferences about the world’s hidden causal struc-ture. We argue that the capacities studied here may be at theheart of how we come to know what we know.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank the Boston Children’s Museum as well as the fam-ilies who volunteered to participate in our studies. (Verymany) thanks also to Hyowon Gweon and Julie Kim; addi-tionally, three anonymous reviewers provided helpful com-ments. This material is based upon work supported by theCenter for Brains, Minds, and Machines (CBMM), funded byNSF STC award CCF-1231216 and was funded by a NationalScience Foundation Career Award (#0744213) to LS.

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