BATV Spring 2011 Newsletter

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  • 8/6/2019 BATV Spring 2011 Newsletter

    1/8Te Producer 1

    Inside Tis Issue:Youth at BATV .....................Page 4Annual Meeting ...................Page 5Technical Corner .................Page 6Programming News ............Page 7

    BA V Hours o OperationMon. Turs. . 10:00 am - 9:30 pmFriday .............. 11:00 am - 5:00 pmSaturday .......... 10:00 am - 4:00 pmSunday ..................................Closed

    BA V will be Closed: Monday, May 30th, 2011

    Memorial Day

    Monday, July 4th, 2011Independence Day

    Spring 2011 Issue430 Boston Road

    Billerica, MA01821

    Public Educational GovernmentThe ProducerCommunity Access Preservation (CAP) AC(article provided by Alliance or Community Media)

    In a ew weeks, we anticipate that the Community Access Preservatio

    (CAP Act) will be reintroduced in Congress. Tis Act will allow BilAccess elevision, Inc. (BA V) to continue to provide critical servicecommunity o Billerica about local events, emergencies, and other re programming. With ew outlets or local news and in ormation avain Billerica, BA V is one o the last existing sources or localism anengagement.Unlike public broadcasting, BA V receives no ederal or state approo unds, but relies on ranchise ees and support rom local memborganizations. However, support or public, educational and governmaccess have been threatened, and in some cases eliminated, by changemany states laws and resistance rom cable providers. Te CAP Act rsponds to immediate threats to our unding and those o public, educand governmental cable channels around the country: It amends the Communications Act so that public, educa

    governmental access unding may be used to support basicoperational costs;

    It rea rms the principles of the Communications Act that providers should not discriminate against us and should treat usame as other local broadcast channels;

    It promotes the preservation of public, educational and governmental access channels like BA V, and ongoing undincable providers or local programming such as municipal mee youth sports, senior events, church services, non-pro t organizaevents and more.

    Please support the CAP Act by contacting you Representatives and Seand advocating or the Act. Your voice and support is important.

    Te next regularly scheduledBA V Board o Directors

    Meeting is Wednesday, June 8th, 2011,

    7:00 p.m. at BA V.You are welcome to attend!

  • 8/6/2019 BATV Spring 2011 Newsletter

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    Board o DirectorsPresident .................................Jennifer CascoVice President ...................... David FournierSecretary ......................................John CoyneTreasurer ..................................Jim WoodsideAsst. Treasurer ...................Barbara Flaherty

    Board Member ....................Pamela AnastasiBoard Member .........................Ronald FuscoBoard Member .............................Gerry GossBoard Member ................... William HaddadBoard Member ................... Anthony LaRosaBoard Member ......................... Greg McClay Board Member .....................James McFeeley Board Member ............................. Paul Overy Board Member ....................... Donna PopkinBoard Member .......................... Helen Potter

    Te Producer 2011Billerica Access TV430 Boston Road

    Billerica, MA 01821Phone: 978-663-2284

    Fax: [email protected]

    Editor & LayoutJason Bazinet

    Contributing Writers:Paul Abrego

    Nancy AlbertsonJason Bazinet

    Sam SchauermanKaren Sennott

    Alex Shure

    BA V Staf:echnical Coordinator .............................................Paul Abreg

    Youth Coordinator ...........................................Nancy AAccess Coordinator .................................................JasoProduction/Sta Assistant ........................Matthew MacProduction/Sta Assistant ............................................Executive Director ............................................Sam ScMarketing & Outreach Coordinator ................Karen SennoProgramming Coordinator ........................................ AlBoard o Director Clerk .................................... Madel

    B A T V

    T i d b i t s



    SVHS/VHS to DVD Recorder

    ake advantage o the per ect opportunity to promot your show! Let others know about your show topics, times, and any other use ul in ormation youd like to

    I you are a producer and would like to have your ow

    show page on the BA V web site, contact Jason at 97663-2284 or e-mail [email protected]

    A reminder to all BA V members, you can now maksimple equipment and acilities reservations right onBA V web site.

    Go to and locate Equipment/Facilities Reservation request on the ront page or in ormation.

    For those members with boxes o returned archivedSVHS/VHS programming, BA V makes available t you a SVHS/VHS to DVD recorder. Should you havinterest in converting some o your old programs to while in the com ort o your home, please call BArequest a reservation.

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    BA V Production ClassesBy Sam Schauerman

    Upon entering BA V on any given day or night, betweenthe various productions, meetings and events, one might

    nd sta instructing an individual or group about theo erings and operation o resources available at BA V.Orientations, studio, mini studio, camcorder and basicedit classes are routinely o ered, while advanced editing,lighting, portable studio, town hall robotics, etc. areo ered by appointment.

    For the most part, class names have pretty much remainedthe same; however, class content has changed dramatically.I you are a member and took an editing, camcorder orstudio class three or more years ago, you should by allmeans consider re-taking the class as you are most likelynot aware o new concepts and upgrades and are notmaking maximum use o the resources. More speci cally,most equipment at BA V, to some degree, is upgradedannually. Some upgrades are minor, while others are major with substantial impact. Full knowledge o the resources will save time and aggravation. An hour or two o plannedtraining may save you countless hours o production timeand prevent common production mistakes.

    Tink about the rst production classes you took

    at BA V. You can probably even recall who else participated in the class! Studio was un, camcorder wasin ormative, and editing was even more in ormative, i not overwhelming. Ten remember the rst time youchecked out a camcorder, used the studio or arrivedto edit. For many, your rst experience using BA Vsresources was un, but harder than expected and maybeeven intimidating. And I suspect you encountered a ewroad blocks and needed assistance. I also suspect as roadblocks were removed, you thought to yoursel , no onetold me about that in class. Odds are, your road block wasdiscussed, but there was so much in ormation presented, it just didnt seem relevant at the time.

    Simply put, the average access user will nd taking ascheduled production class adequate to begin working on a project. Over time, the user becomes amiliar andcon dent with their production and inspires to addadditional production elements. While these elementsmay have been discussed during class, they werent the primary ocus o the access user, but with more experience,

    the user recognizes a desire or need to amend the production. Depending upon the user, a brie explanation or demonstration may su ce, butmany instances, re-taking a class would be ar mbene cial.

    I you are a one-armed paper hanger type produteam, you know your strengths and weaknessesand can work within your abilities. I you workon a production with several individuals, you macompromise the entire production i asked to perform, but are not e cient with the task aSo, i lately, youre nding yoursel needing momore assistance; you have the slightest inclinatiothat you may not understand how to operate a pieo equipment; or you cant accomplish the task ahand; you are probably a candidate to re-take a c

    During your next production, take time to re ectupon the process. Were you satis ed with the process, were your goals met, did you encounter problems? We at BA V understand that each producer has a vision or his / her nished projedont let a production technique change your couor vision. Production classes allow you to plan aaccomplish your vision without compromise. Walso understand how valuable your volunteer timand we want you to enjoy your time at BA V.

    We also understand what it takes to go through thclass / training process. With every new piece oequipment or upgrade, we take time to learn howthe resource works. Each session can be un oroverwhelming; we pre er un

    Speaking o un, production classes at BA V arin ormative and o ered routinely!

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    Cold Weather, Warm Toughts: Youth Happens at BA VBy Nancy Albertson

    I know most o you are thinking: Tank goodness! Spring has sprung! I wholeheartedly agree. Hooray weather, blossoming owers, and the great American past time baseball (GO SOX)! Toughts o bone ch weather and mounds upon mounds o snow are merely a distant memory. But be ore I retire my snow s put the winter coat away, Id like to take a moment to reminisce about some heart warming youth activitie

    took place during the colder months.

    BA V ran a very success ul youth workshopover the February school break. Six participants ages 9 - 14 spent their winter vacation learning video techniques andinterviewing skills. By the end o the coursethe group had gained some very valuable production skills and created an out o this world stop motion animation project! You

    can watch the ull workshop video, eaturing the stop motion project Aliens vs. GiantRat Monster on BA Vs EducationalChannel (Comcast Ch.10, Verizon Ch.24)or watch it on: BA V Video On Demandat Search or it under theEducational Category.

    Te Youth Video Clubs have been going strong since December. On uesdays6 - 8th grade students escaped the harsh weather conditions by making some videomagic at BA V studios. Te last ewmonths have consisted o creating shorts,brainstorming ideas or uture video projects,and working as a studio production crew onSuperintendents Corner. As o January2011, Tursdays High School Video Clubhas consistently had a small but dedicatedgroup o students producing some cleverand unny video sketches. Both clubs willrun through the spring season and are always welcoming more members. Be sure to checkout the YOU H tab on the BA V websiteor contact Nancy Albertson at [email protected] or more in o.

  • 8/6/2019 BATV Spring 2011 Newsletter


  • 8/6/2019 BATV Spring 2011 Newsletter

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    T e c h n i c a l C o r n e r

    B y

    P a u

    l A b r e g o

    Hello to all members. Heres hoping the winter doldrums have vanished and everyon prepared or the promise o springtime renewal. Your riends here at BA V certainthat spirit o newness, we will be adding some new technical upgrades to existing egetting some antastic new production items and are researching uture technologica purchases.

    First, Id like to remind readers about recent upgrades and purchases that have been ad

    to the vast treasure chest o BA Vs technological co ers. In the edit bays, we have some antastic third party e ects sofware that will wow any editor who takes the timgo through the plethora o specialized e ects. Basically, BA V quadrupled the amoue ects, transitions and lters that are used within Final Cut Pro. For eld productionhave purchased Steddipod camera stabilizers which act as steady-cams, booms, monotripods POV-cams and even doggie cams (low angle shots), all in one. Its a great sI look orward to training members on their use. I youre interested, please ask me set up an appointment.

    Next, some great things are on the horizon or both our edit suites and or eld prodIn the edit suites there will be even more third party sofware upgrades, stock ootagebackgrounds and text creation tools to be added in the near uture. Also, well be upthe computer drives to enable Blu-Ray HD recording internally on the edit suite compTis will enable members to shoot and edit in HD, archive their ootage on Blu-Ray dand then down-convert their programs to Standard De or broadcast. For eld produ well be adding a new shoulder mount and easy to carry and set up uorescent eld laddition, we will be purchasing some great SD/HD 7 monitors that can be mounted rour cameras, providing members with impressive visuals and making sure that every per ect shotor so we hope. So check in with me rom time to time to nd out wha

    Lastly, Id like to o er the oor to you, the membership, to come to me and let me kn what you are interested in technologically. What one piece o equipment or editing e would make your program stand out? What have you seen demonstrated in person orthat made you wonder what could I do with that? Did you see something on the intethat intrigued you? I so, let me know asI am always on the lookout or new toys

    or our membership to enjoy. I am likewisealways grate ul or any and all eedbackthe membership gives me and although Icant promise whatever you propose will be purchased, I can promise Ill give you myhonest opinion afer Ive ully looked into whatever it is that you ancy.

    As always, thanks or reading the echnicalCorner and keep up the good work!

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    P r o g r a m m i n g

    B y

    A l e

    x S h u r e

    Ice melt on Nutting Lake has given way to the tannin stained water that sleeps beneCanada geese are on the return bellowing a chorus o ridiculousness. Squirrels get they plunder or the last o their hidden nuts. Schoolchildren run with reckless abaintoxicated by the scent o spring that permeates the air. Green nally begins to pothrough the last o the crusted, brown, New England snow. And I sit here and squaan entire paragraph o my spring newsletter article... Its here everyone, time to getshake o the winter like a bear emerging rom hibernation. Its time to come to BA

    ex your First Amendment muscles. Happy Spring everybody.I really just wanted to take this opportunity to remind everybody about the ongoingBA V Producer Grant program. For those who dont know, or several years now Bhas o ered grants or producers to help out with the production costs o their show past, producers have received grants or set improvements, props, materials, costum programs and workshops, and much more. It is easy to apply or a producer grant, in to BA V, take an application and a copy o the producer grant guidelines. Grant are democratically selected by the BA V Grant Committee based on how well app

    t into grant guidelines and the unds that are currently available.

    For those applying or grants, I encourage you to think creatively, and advocate onew programming ideas. It is always nice to have new and innovative projects in th works. I you have any questions about producer grants or need assistance with theapplication, please come see me and I will be happy to help out.

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    Billerica Access elevision, Inc.430 Boston RoadBillerica, MA 01821(978)663-2284

    In Tis Issue:February Youth

    WorkshopAnnual Meeting

    rivia answersAnd much more...

    T h e

    P r o

    d u c e r


    BA V hosted its rst movie night on uesday April 5th, showing Giuseppe ornatores Cinema Paradiso

    Join us or the next movie night on uesday June 7th.Enjoy a uesday night at BA V with some popcorn, a great movie, and discussion.

    Watch your e-mail and the BA V website or details on the next movie.