The Bathford Bulletin

Bathford Bulletin June 2012

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Bathford newsletter June 2012

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The Bathford Bulletin

The Monthly Magazine For The Parish OfBathford

June 2012


We are always looking for interesting or unusual ones of the vil lage; particularly anythat capture a distinct character of the vil lage or are from an unusual vantage point.

Please send your submissions to: [email protected]

The Coffee Plus Café buzz - see page 5

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8:1 5am Holy Communion

1 0:00am First Sunday - Family Service

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday - Holy Communion

3rd Sunday - Morning Worship (No Communion)

6:30pm First Sunday - Holy Communion - Other Sundays - Evensong

Mondays - Thursdays

9:00 - 9:30am Prayer Time In Church


2:00pm 2nd Monday – Service In The Community Room


2:30pm Holy Communion each 1 st Weds of the month at Shockerwick


House Groups Details from the Churchwardens or Notices.

St. Swithun’s Church Bathford

Rev Jane Burgess - Telephone: 858325

email:[email protected]

Churchwardens: Alison Mil lar 851 095 Joy Craine 85861 3

Readers: Gerry Mil ler 858402 Michael Craine 85861 3

Gil l Gilbert 858927 Dennis Pearson 858293

Everyone Is Warmly Welcome!

We have the fol lowing groups for children during our Sunday Services:

Crèche (0-3); Children’s Church (3-1 0); Rock Solid Youth Group (11 +).

Our 1 4+ youth group, 'Rock on Saturday', meets three times each month. For detai ls

please ring Michael Craine.

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From the Registers

Weddings Apri l 28 Mathew Byrne and Hannah Egan

Baptisms April 23George Parsons

Confirmations April 23Sam Burgess Maureen Bullock Tim Craine

Jonty Craine Henry Hyde David Lenderyou

Laurie Maylor Jemima Mil lar Jason Stone

George Parsons Ffion Wil l iams

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discipleship. But what is discipleship?Disciple when translated from the Greekmeans to be a ‘learner‘. Thus, to beChristian, a disciple is somebody whowants to learn, grow and deepen in theirfaith, to love and serve in the way Christdid.

The Bishop helpful ly reminded thecandidates and the rest of us at theservice, ‘confirming your faith does notmean that from this moment on that l ifewil l go swimmingly and you wil l have allthe answers to the many and variousquestions and challenges that l ife wil lthrow at you’. Rather he prayed that theywil l be able to trust enough to know thereality of God’s love. In this respect I findthe metaphor of a ‘journey’ helpful.

The Confirmation service is a keymilestone on that journey of faith forthose being confirmed but itnevertheless remains a journey witheach at different points along the way.

In a society in which, to quote TonyBlair’s press secretary AlastairCampbell , ‘we don’t do God’, at leastpublicly, it was inspirational to see 1 6people bold enough to confirm their faithpublicly and it was a privi lege for me tohear something of their journeys thathad led to this step.

Final ly do have a look at our newwebsite www.stswithunsbathford.co.uk

With warmest greetings


The Bathford Bulletin Page 3

From the Vicarage...

The word ‘confirmation’ wil l evokevarious memories for some of us.Perhaps our minds think back to thereceipt of a letter which starts ‘I ampleased to confirm’………the offer of anew job; or confirmation of a place at auniversity or in a new school; or, lesshappily, evidence that ‘confirms ourfears’. The term ‘Confirmation’, equally,carries a special significance in theChurch of England because it marks thepoint in the Christian journey wherethose who have been baptised make afirm commitment to Christiandiscipleship.

I t is both a purposeful and individualdecision and since the last Bulletin waspublished we have had the excitement ofhaving a Confirmation service in St.Swithun’s. Churches within a local areatake it in turn to host Confirmationservices and so they are usuallyinfrequent but special events in the l ife ofany individual Parish Church.

I t was a particular joy because of thetotal of 1 6 candidates, 1 1 worship at StSwithun’s and covered a wide range ofages between 1 0 and 74.

Each candidate had their own story thathad led them to take this step. Some hadbeen on the Alpha course and afterhaving wrestled with what Christianitywas about, had decided they wanted tofol low Christ themselves; another hadbeen off to university, had explored thebasis of faith from an intel lectualperspective and had chosen to fol lowChrist. Another person talked of findingfaith through a painful l ife situation.

Through prayer and the laying on ofhands by the Bishop of Taunton, weasked God to give the Confirmationcandidates the power to practical ly l iveout their faith and to grow in their

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Treat yourself!

New At Bathford's CommunityCafé

From this month the cafe is able to offera selection of home-made cakesproduced in their homes by a group ofvolunteers who love baking. Betweenthem they hope to produce an excitingchoice for you from banana bread tobeetroot and chocolate cake, fromdrizzle cake to biscuits, brownies andpastries and much more.

Why not drop in between 9:00am and2:00pm, Monday to Saturday for acuppa and a slice of somethingdelicious. You can even take a slice ortwo of your favourites home for tea!

The Eker Bursary

A reminder to al l young people inBathford that there is a travel scholarshipavailable to visit Artannes to have avaluable French experience.

The Twinning Association invitesapplications from anyone aged 1 6-21 ,l iving in Bathford or Kingsdown.Accommodation in Artannes wil l be freeand the bursary (named in memory ofChris Eker, former Twinning AssociationTreasurer) wil l help with travel expenses.

Last year, the first youth bursary wastaken up by Emma Grenham of DoversPark. She had a wonderful time and wasable to further her language skil ls,experience French culture and enjoy awarm welcome from French famil ies.

I f you, or someone you know, areinterested in the scheme, contact

Kevin Marris

01 225 859353

Bathford Youth Club

The new Bathford Youth Club has got offto a l ively and noisy start and continuesin June running on Mondays 11 , 1 8 and25 between 7:00pm and 8:30pm in StSwithuns Church.

There won’t be Youth Club on the 4thJune. The club is being run by the churchfor the vil lage, providing various activitiessuch as music, chi l l out zone, tabletennis, pool and a Wii provided byBathford Parish Council .

There is no rel igious content to theevenings.

The club is open to all chi ldren in Year 7and above. I t costs £2 which wil l be puttowards club equipment and activities. I fyou need more information pleasecontact the Youth Club on

Val Stone, Michelle Williams and KaraMaylor, 0744 646 8025

Little GalleryWork by Shirley Bloomfield can beviewed at the Little Gallery at BathfordCommunity Cafe from 2 July.

The artist began painting twelve yearsago and likes to work in water colours,oi ls and pastels. Favourite subjects arelandscapes including those of the localarea as well as people and animals.

Shirley belongs to two art groups and herwork has been seen in variousexhibitions including the Mayor of Bath'sAnnual Exhibition.

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Roll up, rol l up. . . the Olympic-themedBathford Summer Fête is coming totown on Sat 7 July. There wil l be over 30stal ls, as well as the hugely popularquad bikes, bouncy sl ide and bouncycastle and face painting. Some newattractions this year include a children'sassault course, tug of war, traditionalchi ldren's races eg: egg and spoon and3-legged, and a candy floss stal l .

Local businesses and clubs, pleasecontact us to advertise in the fêteprogramme while there is sti l l space. I t'sa great way to get new business withthe number of people who attend on theday. The cost of advertising in theprogramme is £25 for a ful l page (A5size) or £1 5 for a half page, ful l colour orblack and white. Please email me formore information or to place an ad.

The raffle is one of the highl ights of thefete and has some great prizes. I f you oryour company have a prize to donate,please let us know. Following thesuccess of the Mulberry bag raffle lastyear we are also looking for a one-offspecial prize. Does anyone knowanyone who works for Jimmy Choo?

This year there wil l also be somechildren’s stal ls sel l ing items the childrenand parents wil l l ike to buy, e.g:jewellery/accessories, books, games,clothes etc. I f you or someone you knowwould l ike to hire a table, do get intouch.

Many thanks,

Emma Horn, FOBS Chair

[email protected]

07977 539472

The Bathford Bulletin Page 5

Coffee Plus Café

Monday lunchtime is no longer the sameany more thanks to Coffee Plus Café, anexciting new venture in Bathford’sCommunity Shop Café started in Apri l bya group of Bathford mothers keen togive carers of young children a breakfrom the usual routine.

The aim is for children and adults toenjoy a tasty lunch and leisurely drink ina safe, welcoming environment andhave a chance to chat with friends.Delicious home-made cakes and soupsare on offer and paninis with salad, withfun smaller cakes for children.

There are toys and activities for childrento enjoy and make them feel at home aswell as people to chat and play with.

"I was amazed that someone was happyto chat with my children so I could enjoya drink and catch up with other mums. ”said one mum.

Coffee Plus Café has been so much funfor us all , on both sides of the counter.I t’s a great setting where people cancome and enjoy good food and goodcompany.

All are welcome to come and enjoy thiscommunity hub on 2nd and 4th Mondayevery month

11 :45am-2:00pm during term times.Monday 11 and 25 June.

Fenella Avison and Clare Malone

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01 225 [email protected]

Funding for activities for youngpeople – the Parish Council has accessto money being held by B&NES to beused for activities benefiting youngpeople in the parish between the ages of11 -1 9. The new Youth Club has appliedto use some of this money and theirapplication is being considered. TheParish Council would welcomeapplications for funding from any groupsin the parish working with young peoplein the age group above. I f theapplication meets the qualifying criteriathe request for funding can be put toB&NES for consideration. Please sendenquiries and/or applications to theClerk.

Dog Mess – The Parish Council hasreceived a strong complaint from aresident about the increasing amounts ofdog mess pil ing up around the school,particularly along Birdcage Walk. I t isreal ly unpleasant for everyone when thechildren step into the mess on their wayto and from school. Please clear upafter your dog. You can put bags of dogmess into any litter bin on your route ortake it home with you for disposal. Thelitter picking volunteers are doing a greatjob eliminating l itter from the vil lage. I twould be nice to eliminate the nuisanceof dog foul ing too.

Flood questionnaires – B&NES areseeking comments from residentswhose homes might be at risk fromflooding. I f you would l ike to respond,B&NES have issued a questionnairewhich can be downloaded fromwww.bathnes.gov.uk or a copy can beobtained from the Clerk.

Date of Next Meeting – wil l be held onMonday 1 8 June at 7:30pm in the ParishOffice. Parishioners are reminded that al lParish Council meetings are open to thepublic and residents are welcome toattend as observers or to bring matters ofconcern to the attention of the Council inthe first 5 minutes of the meeting.

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Interested in joining the BathfordEnergy Group?

We are holding an open meeting onWednesday 1 3 June in the Cafe foranyone interested in finding out moreabout joining the Bathford Energy Group.

The meeting wil l last only an hourbetween 8:00pm and 9:00pm. We wouldwelcome ideas and suggestions aboutfuture projects that the energy groupcould undertake. We wil l answerquestions about being a member of thegroup and hopeful ly welcome a few morevolunteers to the team. We look forwardto seeing you on the evening.

For more information please contact

Peter McCowen 852689 or

John Malone 859022.

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Bathford Fun Run 201 2

As part of Bathford’s Jubileecelebrations, this year’s Fun Run wil ltake place on Monday 4 June, beginningat 1 pm. The run wil l be 201 2m in lengthand is open to all ages. Runners canenter on the day at the Folly Field onAshley Road. Registration wil l start at1 2:1 5pm.

We are sti l l looking for help organisingthe run and then on the day. Volunteermarshals for the run itself would be verywelcome. For more information, pleasecall John on 859022.

The Bathford Bulletin Page 7

Thank You Bathford from Save theChildren

I should l ike to thank everyone who sogenerously emptied their pockets andpurses for Save the Children Week.Bathford wil l be sending £1 299.67 to theorganisation. This wil l go into theirgeneral funds allowing them the freedomto work directly where the need isgreatest either here in the UK oroverseas.

May I also take this opportunity to thankeveryone who collected.

Judy Marris

It's been 1 0 years!

Firstly, the Twinning Association wouldl ike to report a very successful SpringBarn Dance in Apri l . We had about 70people of al l ages, who trod the boardswith gusto. After a delicious supper, thecaller took us through a range oftraditional dances.

Many thanks go to all those whoprepared the fantastic food.

The event, although not primari ly a fund-raising one, real ised £400 which wil l beused for future activities.

The link between Bathford and ourFrench vil lage, Artannes, is celebrating a1 0th anniversary this summer!

So, what's happening to mark thisoccasion? The French are coming overhere and we'l l have a long weekend ofvisits, activities, meals together andgeneral entente cordiale. The dates areJuly 6 - 1 0.

We hope the programme, sti l l to befinal ised, might include a visit to Bristol toexplore the waterfront, an opportunity todiscover some of the lesser-knowntreasures of Bath and even a boat trip.

The highl ight of the weekend wil l be anAnniversary Dinner on Saturday evening,July 7 at the Bailbrook House Hotel, Bath

We hope you wil l be able to join us forthis happy celebration. The tickets areexpected to be £25 per head, includingwine. To reserve a place, phone TonyWoodcock, 01 225-8591 32

If you are interested in hosting any of theFrench for this visit or just want to findout more about it, please phone

Peter Rideal

01 225-858322

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Film Club

The next meeting of the Film Club wil l beon Monday 25 June at 2:00pm in St.Swithun’s Church.

The fi lm wil l be MADE IN DAGENHAMstarring Sally Hawkins & Ben Hoskins.The true story of the women who madehistory in the fight for equal pay forwomen.

Do come along and join us for anenjoyable afternoon’s entertainment,fol lowed by tea and cakes.

Transport available if required.

Contact Robert Wolsey Tel. 851 390.

Hope and Homes Events

Saturday 2 June

Jubilee Tea at Sycamore House, ChurchStreet, Bathford (by kind permission ofRob and Jo Joll iffe). 3:30pm to 5:30pm.Tickets £5 wil l include ful l afternoon teaand should be pre-ordered so numberscan be established. The swimming poolis available for use under supervision.Any profits wil l be shared between Hopeand Homes for Children and St.Swithun's Church. There wil l be a raffle.

Friday 22 June

Pimms and Paella at The Pepper PotCafe at Dick Wil lows. 7:00p.m. Tickets£1 0.

Picnic tables and chairs are available forfamily use in the vil lage for a smalldonation to Hope and Homes forChildren. Contact Keith Masdin

Two dates for your diary:

Sunday 1 July

Car Boot Sale on the Crown Field.

Saturday 24 November

Annual Auction of Promises.

Details, tickets, etc. for al l events fromKeith & Julia Masdin - 01 225 858042.

Bathford Passion Play Countdown

Play rehearsals have now begun, andother aspects of the production are goingwell . Our grateful thanks to everyonewho has raised funds to support us.

Tickets (£5 each, £3 children) wil l be onsale from 1 June either from theCommunity Shop or from Judy Sharmanon 852652. Book early for 1 4 and 1 5 Julyto avoid disappointment!

As yet we are without someone to be incharge of Sound. Is there anyone whowould be prepared to instal l microphonesetc nearer the time, and/or beresponsible for sound effects?

Dancers from ‘Bath Youth for Christ’ wil lbe performing throughout the Play, andwe hope to have a chorus of (adult)Angels. I f you can sing, please get intouch with us (8521 24, [email protected]), or withour composer Nick Breeze([email protected]). All offersgrateful ly considered!

Some silent Angels are also needed. Nosinging, no speaking, and you would nothave to join the rehearsals unti l the endof June. Any child (ten years or over), oradult can be a silent Angel. Costumeswil l be supplied.

Also, we wil l need stewards, marshalsand backstage helpers on the days of theperformance (eg 1 pm-5pm). Pleasecontact us if you can assist. Noexperience necessary.

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Diamond Jubilee Events

At time of writing plans are welladvanced for a fantastic range ofactivities across Bathford in co-operationwith Batheaston and Bathampton, the"3B's", to mark the Queen's DiamondJubilee. Running from Thursday 31 Mayto 1 7 June there are over 25 events tosuit al l tastes and all ages. A ful l printedprogramme booklet is available in theCommunity shop with a donation of £1going towards the events. Some of thehighl ights are:

• Flower arrangements and bell ringingacross all three parishes

• Afternoon teas and open gardens

• 3B's 5-a-side football competition

• The Big Lunch in Church Street onSunday 3 June

• The Big Lunch in Batheaston riversidepark on Sunday 3 June

• Batheaston 3 B's gig

• Family afternoon and BBQ onBathford's Folly Field on Monday 4 June

• Bathford Heritage Walk on Monday 4June

• Night-time 'bal loon glow' on SolsburyHil l and Beacon lighting at Brown's Follyon Monday 4 June

•Fun run, cricket and fishingcompetitions

Come and join in, support yourcommunity and revel in thecommemorative celebrations going onaround the country.


The school governors are delighted toannounce the appointment of MattStone as Headteacher of BathfordPrimary from September 201 2. He hasbeen Deputy Head and class 2 teacherat the school for four years.

Matt’s appointment fol lows a lengthyrecruitment process culminating in twodays of specific tasks and interviewsattended by governors, staff, chi ldren,and representatives from the LEA andDiocese. The post attracted a highcalibre of experienced candidates with abroad range of strengths and skil ls.

We wil l of course pay proper tribute toDiane Grebby in due course, who hasled the school through some challengingtimes during her 1 6 years of service.Thanks to her tireless efforts, supportedby the whole school community, wehave a wonderful school well placed toface the future in Matt’s capable hands.For now we thank her for herunwavering commitment and dedication.

The governors would l ike to lead theschool in giving our wholeheartedcongratulations to Matt and assuringhim of our support, loyalty andfriendship as he takes on his excitingnew role.

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My name is Josh Bone, I 'm 21 and andembarking on a major challenge thisSeptember - to run from London to Paris,a marathon a day for 7 days, in memoryof my father Ron who died last year fromcancer, and to raise money for CancerResearch UK and Dorothy House.

I wil l be holding an auction of promiseson Tuesday 1 4 August from 6:30pm atthe Crown, Bathford, as part of myfundraising efforts ahead of my run. Theevening wil l have a French theme andmenu. I f you are an owner of a localbusiness, and are able to donate anauction item for this event, I would beextremely grateful. The proceeds wil l besplit equally between Cancer ResearchUK and Dorothy House Hospice. I f youare able to offer an item or service for theauction, to support these 2 charities,please contact my mother Maggie Boneon 859226. My fundraising page is

uk.virginmoneygiving.com/joshbone1should you wish to sponsor me.

Thank you. Josh.

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Saturday JUDO, 9-1 0 am

(Following National Curriculum Guidelines)

FREE ‘TASTERS’ ages 5-1 3.

The Parish Hall, Church Street, Bathford

Check our website gleesonjudo.com

for dates and information.

Or call Finn on 0781 0790039

Look forward to seeing you there!

Diary Of Events

The deadline for receiving copy for the July 201 2 Bulletin is 1 5 June 201 2Please put your items into the Bulletin Box in the Bathford Village Shop,

email to: [email protected]