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Page 1: Bass Fax Template - Apparel 21downloads.apparel21.com/downloads/2015 User Group/…  · Web viewRetail Promotions. Introduction. The retail promotions module in Apparel 21 provides



The retail promotions module in Apparel 21 provides the following:

Head office promotion rules setup. Eg. Buy one item get one free

POS automatic application of promotion rules

POS storage of link back to head office promotion for analysing promotion effectiveness

Some example promotion types that this module can handle are:

Buy one get one free

Buy one or more of a particular item and get a % off

Buy 2 specific products and get another item free (e.g. a tie)

Buy one product and get % off second of same product

Buy a jacket and a pair of pants and get second pair of pants free

Buy a jacket and a pair of pants and get a % of a shirt

Spend > $500 and get 10% discount

Apply a different price e.g. staff pricing, buy 2 for $40

Other promotions can be handled at POS with manual entry of discounts. Apparel 21 will not allow for multiple promotions to work in conjunction with each other. However, it will look at all promotions and give the customer the best deal. For example, if there is a buy one and get one free deal and a buy 5 and get 50% off all items, the best deal for the customer will be applied.



Check that the ProType refgroup has been enabled on the Reference Group Security tab for the appropriate workgroups:

Switch on Retail Promotions security for appropriate workgroups:

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There is a new security item R – Allows users to view the Retail Promotions menu and to open any saved promotionsA – Not requiredE – Allows users to create and edit promotion and to lock and unlock promotionsD – Allows users to delete a promotion


Set up some ProType references in Code Maintenance prior to the first Promotion being created. This is a mandatory reference for every promotion created.

Suggestions for initial promotion type reasons:

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Promotions will use a discount code (RetDisc / Retail discount reasons reference group). An internal “discount” code will get used by the system for all sales that include a promotion. This Promotions discount type will not appear in the discount list at POS and is just used by the system in the background. Do not make changes to this record in the RetDisc reference group.


The Retail Promotions module is available under the Retail menu of Apparel21.


The listing screen displays as follows:

This screen includes Promo Number, Promo Name From/To Date, Type, Status, Created Date

Saved promotions can be reused by applying the Save As button to create a new promotion based on an existing one.


Click the New icon or select New from the File menu.

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1. Select a promotion Type (the types are created in code maintenance under the Pro Type reference).

2. Enter a Date Range for the promotion to be active From > To (A start and finish date are both required).

3. Give the Promotion a name – this will appear on the POS docket as the discount reason.

4. Add a more detailed description (not mandatory). This does not display at POS and is for information purposes only.


1. Click on Store Selection to select which stores you wish to include/exclude from this promotion (leave the grid blank to apply to all stores).

2. Use Person Selection if you wish to restrict which customers can get the promotion.

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You can select by Person code, any Person references or Loyalty Types.

3. Click on Condition 1 to select which products you want the promotion to be included in the promotion.

The condition that the sale at POS is required to meet is setup using the drop down boxes above the product selection grid:

The Condition options are:

Value is greater than or equal to –

Set a minimum dollar amount that needs to be met for the selected product/s

e.g. spend $200 or more on shirts

Quantity is greater than or equal to -

Set a minimum quantity that must be met for the selected product/s

e.g. buy 2 or more shirts

Quantity is equal to –

The condition is per multiple of the set quantity

e.g. Every 2 shirts purchased

Value is equal to –

The condition is per multiple of the value set

e.g. every $200 spent

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There is another option to nominate whether the condition relates to full priced products, marked down products or both. ‘Both’ is the default option. A product is considered marked down where the sell price is less than the original price and this has been created either through the Retail Markdown screen or by overriding the price at POS. Loyalty discounts and manually applied discounts at store are not considered markdowns.

4. If you wish to have more than one condition against a promotion you can use the add button to apply multiple rules e.g. where you need to purchase something to get a discount on something else.

The discounts themselves are applied using the drop down boxes at the bottom of the screen, which allows a selection of which condition to use and to have the discount as a percentage or a cash amount.

The options are:

Discount items from – Choose from All Conditions or an individual condition.

Value discount on total - discount spread over all eligible items. E.g. $9.90 value would be off the total and not per unit.

Percentage discount - % off all eligible items.

Value discount per unit - discounts each eligible item by the entered amount. E.g. $9.90 off each item.

Use alternate price – when promotion conditions are met, an alternate price scheme will be used for products that are a part of the promotion.

No Further Discounts will apply – If this flag is checked then any loyalty discount will not be applied unless the customer’s loyalty discount is better than the promotion discount at which point the loyalty discount will be used and the sale will not be attached to the promotion. Otherwise, both Loyalty and Promotion discounts will both be applied (excepting Loyalty programs set to be off original price).

Please note, when multiple conditions are used, this will apply to the conditions where the discount is applied. Other conditions that make up the promotion will still be eligible for loyalty discounts if applicable.e.g. Condition 1 = Buy 1 , Condition 2 = Get 20% off second item

Shirt 1 = $50, Shirt 2 = $40 minus $8 (20% promotion discount is applied)

If a loyalty customer is attached which gives a 10% Discount

Shirt 1 = $50 minus $5 (10% loyalty discount),Shirt 2 = $40 minus $8 (20% promotion discount)

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You can save the promotion and come back to make changes at any stage before enabling.

To send the finalized promotion to POS, you will need to enable the promotion. This can be found under the Utilities menu.

Once you have enabled the promotion you will get the following message that confirms you are happy to send these details to the stores. A partial retail export to the stores is required to send the promotion (this process will happen automatically overnight or can be manually created if needed immediately).

If you have sent the promotion to the store and wish to change details or delete the promotion entirely you can disable the promotion from the top menu in the promotions screen at Head Office. Any changes need to exported to the stores.


As per Apparel 21 standards, it is possible to Save As by selecting a saved promotion and using Save As to create a new promotion. When selecting Save As, the user will be prompted for the description of the new promotion. Even if the selected promotion is marked as Enabled, the new promotion will always be created as Disabled.


Apparel21 has a built in tool so that users can test the promotions they set up prior to sending them to POS. It means that a user can check that they get the result they expect. This is used in the following way:

1. Click the Promotion Test Bed button

2. Select one of the stores that the Promotion is planned for

3. Select the Promotion or Promotions to test (if you want to check concurrent promotions). This will default to the promotion you are currently viewing.

4. Use +Add to select product / colour / size

5. Add further products or change quantities

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6. Discount lines will be added whenever the promotion conditions are met

7. You can reset the transaction and test with alternative products


When products are entered onto a POS transaction (including laybys) that fall within the promotion item conditions, a link will be stored from the product line back to the promotion record at head office. This link will be stored on all item lines and not just the discounted lines.

Eg. Buy 2 shirts get a tie free would save a link to the promotion on all lines of the transaction.

Rather than modifying the price of the item on the sale transaction, all promotions will be stored as a discount either in % or $ (according to promotion setup). This will allow for reporting on discount values as a whole. The discount code used will be the internal promotion discount code created as part of this project.

100% discount is the maximum. Price discounts can never take the purchase price below $0 i.e. $10 off an item worth $9 will apply a $9 discount instead of $10.


Discounts/price changes are always calculated in the following order:

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Page 9: Bass Fax Template - Apparel 21downloads.apparel21.com/downloads/2015 User Group/…  · Web viewRetail Promotions. Introduction. The retail promotions module in Apparel 21 provides

1. Markdown

2. Manually applied discount

3. Promotional discount

4. Loyalty discount

Markdowns and manually applied discounts are not affected by the No further discounts will apply flag.


As lines are entered onto the transaction or deleted, the promotion rules will be checked and reapplied.

For example, Buy 2 shirts get a tie free promotion, as the lines are being entered, the promotion rules will be checked and recalculated with each addition and deletion.

Action Sale$ before discount Discount Sale$ after discount

1. Enter shirt 1 + $100 = $100 0% $100

2. Enter shirt 2 + $100 = $200 0% $200

3. Enter tie + $50 = $250 100% on tie only $200

4. Delete shirt 2 - $100 = $150 0% on all lines $150

5. Enter shirt 3 + $100 = $250 100% on tie only $200

It is assumed that the POS user knows the promotion. The POS system will not prompt to remind them of the promotion rules.

Where there are several products on the sale that can qualify as the “requisite” product, the most expensive will always be used. In some cases, there may be more than one alternative to apply the discount to. In those cases, best deal for the customer will always apply.

For example, if the promotion is buy a shirt and a jacket and get a free tie, and the customer buys a shirt, a jacket and 2 ties, which item should the POS discount and attach to the promotion? This will be the most expensive tie (or the first tie if they are the same price).

Alternatively, if the promotion is to buy 2 shirts and get 50% off a third shirt, and the customer buys 4 shirts

Shirt 1 $100

Shirt 2 $90

Shirt 3 $80

Shirt 4 $70

The $80 shirt would be discounted. The two most expensive shirts would be used as the requisite products.

Promotions that have been setup to only apply to some Persons will be activated when an appropriate Person is linked to the sale.

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Eg. How does 10% discount if spend more than $500 promotion interact with buy 2 shirts and get a free tie?

At POS, if there are multiple promotions valid for selected lines on the sale, the best deal for the customer (i.e. cheapest for the customer) will be applied automatically. The discounted items will be linked to that promotion for reporting purposes.


1. Repeating $ off promotions may not give you the expected result. For example, a get $50 off for every $200 spent promotion will look at an individual product, rather than accumulating values, where a product is priced at more than $200. This plays out in the following way:

Product Price Discount Applied Total Spend Total Disc.

1 $500 $50 $500 $50

2 $150 None $650 $50

3 $75 $50 (split over 2 & 3) $725 $100

The result that you would actually want to have happen is that they would get a $150 discount because the spend is over $600 i.e. 3 x $50.

To get this result, setup separate promotions for each increment of $200 –

Promotion 1 - Spend $200 get $50 off

Promotion 2 – Spend $400 get $100 off, etc

The promotions will then all work together to give the customer the best deal.


The promotion type code will be printed on the docket in the same manner as the discount reason is printed. The promotion type description (from internal reference code on promotion) will be printed with the word “Promotion” beneath each discounted line.

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Things to check:

1. Has the promotion been enabled? Check under the Utilities menu.

2. Has an export been sent out to stores? Check the POS Monitor Detail tab to ensure that an export has been sent since promotion was enabled and that stores have processed this.


1. Are products on more than one current promotion? Open the Retail Promotions module and check the Listing tab to see all active promotions. Disable promotions to make changes, re-enable then export to stores.

2. Do you have loyalty programs running? If yes, then did you want customers to get both their loyalty and promotion discounts? If loyalty discounts are calculated on Original Price then double discounts will not occur. Only the difference between the promotional discount and loyalty discount will be applied. The No Further Discounts will apply flag on the promotion will also stop double ups. Discounts manually added by staff are applied even if the No Further Discounts will apply flag has been checked.

3. Modifications made to a promotion are not working at POS:

- Make sure you have re-enabled the promotion and exported it to stores.

- Promotion details are kept in memory at POS. Close and reopen POS to pick up the latest changes.

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