Backpacking Southeast Asia

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  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Table of ContentsI. IntroductionII. About the Author

    III. MotivationIV. Where Do You BeginV. Saving Money for your TripVI. Which Credit Card to UeVII. Which ATM Card to UeVIII. Before You !eaveI". What to Bring". #ac$ !ight"I. %o& to get There' By Air"II. %o& to get There' By !and"III. %o& to get There' By Sea()iver and *ther

    *ption"IV. %o& to +ind Cheap Acco,,odation"V. %o& to +ind +ree Acco,,odation"VI. Wor$ing A-ong the Way"VII. %ea-th and Safety"VIII. +ood and Drin$"I". S$i-- and Co,petencie You-- !earn"". After the Trip/ What to do 0e1t""I. Additiona- Tip fro, +e--o& Trave- B-ogger""II. 2ratitude #age""III. #S
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    IntroductionI-- be providing infor,ation and tip on ho& you &ou-d be ab-e to trave- around Southeat Aia for i1 ,onth or,ore &ith very -i,ited financia- reource on the road.

    Ma3ority of u are not born &ith a i-ver poon in our ,outh and I dont thin$ that it hou-d top u fro,

    achieving &hat &e &ant in -ife4 &hich in ,y cae4 trave--ing. I, ure you a-o -ove to trave- that &hy you endedup &ith thi e5boo$.

    Thi boo$ i intended for thoe &ho havent bac$pac$ed yet and for thoe &ho have very -i,ited budget for theirtrave-. If youre a eaon bac$pac$er4 I, ure you a-ready $no& ,ot infor,ation that I have in thi boo$. Butif youre a ne&bie4 I can definite-y aure you that thi boo$ can he-p you in your bac$pac$ing trip in Southeat


    Thi boo$ doe not intend to rep-ace your !one-y #-anet 2uide. Thi boo$ i 0*T a detination guide but rathera pri,er to budget trave--ing.

    I hope you en3oy reading thi boo$ and I hope you get to -earn a -ot that cou-d he-p you in your firt bac$pac$ingtrip outide the #hi-ippine.reading thi boo$ and I hope you get to -earn a -ot that cou-d he-p you in your firt

    There are no paid links, affiliate links or any other forms of advertisement on this ebook

    Disclaimer:6very infor,ation ha been enured up to date a of the ti,e of &riting ho&ever4 a ti,e goeby4 infor,ation uch a addree4 contact nu,ber4 price4 decription of feature4 and other i,portantinfor,ation ,ay have changed by the ti,e you read thi eboo$. +-ip0o,ad &i-- not be he-d -iab-e for any -o4in3ury or inconvenience to any entity(party due to unintentiona- change or error inherent in the infor,ationobtained. #-eae e1ercie due di-igence in doub-e chec$ing i,portant infor,ation. Than$7
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    About the Author

    I finihed ,y degree in a pub-ic univerity in Mani-a and I ca,e fro, a financia--y trugg-ing fa,i-y. 0o& you,ight a$4 ho& the he-- did I ,anage to trave- outide the country8 The an&er i 9deter,ination to change,y -ife and achieve &hat I &ant: puhed ,e in achieving thi drea, of ,ine.

    I &a a go5getter &hen I &a in choo-. I finihed ,y co--ege under fu-- cho-arhip and $ept on -earning on,y o&n a I &or$ed for i1 year ;prior ,y firt bac$pac$ing trip. I trave--ed for a fe& ti,e becaue of ,y previou 3ob and earned ,i-e fro, it&hich I &a ab-e to ue on ,y previou bac$pac$ing trip. I did not out-ined thee infor,ation to brag butrather to provide an infor,ation on &hat I &a doing prior to giving it a-- up to purue ,y no,adic -ifety-e.

    Ive trave--ed Singapore4 Ma-ayia4 China4 Thai-and4 India4 Indoneia4 0epa-4 !ao4 Vietna, and Ca,bodia.0o&4 at the age of ?@4 I, current-y trave--ing around Southeat Aia again and hoping to viit ,ore p-acethat Ive never been to.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    0ot a-- of ,y friend and fa,i-yundertood ,y paion for trave-.

    And a fe& of the, even di,iedthe idea. It &a inane to fight forthi drea, &hi-e ,ot of thepeop-e around you &i-- 3ut te-- youto tay in the office and &or$ ongetting pro,oted intead.

    And then I rea-ied that thi i MYDREAMand not their. Wereco,ing fro, different perpective

    Let's Start with Motivation

    becaue &e have different vie&4 prioritie and apiration in -ife. My current priority i to -ive ,y -ife baeon ho& I &ant it to be.

    So dont fee- hurt if you dont receive ,uch enthuia, after te--ing the, about your p-an to bac$pac$.

    No one can kill or make your dream come true except YOU.

    %ere are t&o thing that you can do to $eep youre-f ,otivated and inpired.

    Surround yourself it! your Supporters:0othing i ,ore he-pfu- than urrounding youre-f &ith peop-e

    that undertand and upport you. Dont undereti,ate the po&er and inf-uence of poitive peop-e.Contant-y urrounding youre-f &ith poitive and -i$e5,inded individua- &or$ ,irac-e in bui-ding yourcourage and trengthening your conviction.

    Reac! Out to "ello #ra$ellers:*ne thing i for ure4 youre not the on-y one &ho drea, ofbac$pac$ing and trave--ing to different p-ace. Create your o&n upport group by reaching out to peop-ethat are eua--y paionate about trave- a you are. If you cant find the, at ho,e or in your ocia- circ-e4find the, in b-og4 T&itter4 +aceboo$4 trave- foru, and other ocia- ,edia.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Where Do You BeginSo no& that youve decided that youre going to ,a$e thi 9trave- drea,: a rea-ity4 you have to ,a$e a roughdraft of your p-an.

    %ere are the uetion that I a$ed ,ye-f before I f-e& out/

    Where &i-- I go8A, I intereted to go to thoe p-ace8Can I afford to go thoe p-ace8%o& ,uch i the dai-y cot8Are there opportunitie to trave- cheap-y ;e.g. &&oof4 free acco,,odation< in thoe area8

    And thouand ,ore uetion. Mot of the uetion &ou-d definite-y be detination5pecific. #rior to -eaving4 Ia-ready did o,e reearch about ,y target detination uing the fo--o&ing reource/

    #ra$el "orums: Lonely Planets Thorn Tree Forum4 BootsnAll and TravelFishare 3ut o,e of the trave-foru, that e1it in the internet &or-d that provide ton of reource and he-pfu- infor,ation for bac$pac$er.

    #ra$el %e&sites:XEfor e1change rate4 Seat61for over-and trave- andAttitude Travelfor a -it of -o& cotcarrier.

    #ra$el 'lo(s: You-- be urpried ho& he-pfu- trave- b-og are. They provide a -ot of infor,ation about p-acethat o,e guideboo$ have not covered and o,e of the, a-o hare their actua- e1perience &hich give youan idea of &hat to e1pect.

    So,e baic #ips on Usin( #ra$el 'lo(s as Source of )nformation/

    Bear in ,ind that it &ritten baed on the perona- e1perience of the b-ogger. It ,ay or ,ay not differ fro,&hat you &i-- actua--y e1perience once you get to that p-ace. 0everthe-e4 it a great ource of infor,ation.

    Chec$ the date of the pot to enure ti,e-ine and re-evancy of the infor,ation.

    Dont re-y on one ource and chec$ other poib-e ource of infor,ation a &e--.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Saving Mone for Your Tri!Set a 'ud(et and Stick %it! )t

    There no ene in etting a budget if youre not gonna tic$ &ith it. It -i$e &riting a p-an and thro&ing itto the trah bin after&ard. I tarted &ith -iting the thing that I need and tri,,ed it do&n to the baic.

    a. Rent:I ued to hare ,y f-at o I &ou-dnt have to pay for the &ho-e rent. If youre renting a f-at byyoure-f4 I ugget you ,ove to a cheaper one or hare your f -at &ith another peron. Thi i the bet&ay in i,,ediate-y cutting the cot by ha-f.

    &. 'ills:I cut ,y phone -ine o that a-ready a big aving. I, ,ini,iing ,y prepaid conu,ption to,a$e ure that I tic$ &ith #?@@ ;EF

  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Stop 'uyin( Stuff

    Stop buying tuff and other thing that you dont need. You &ou-dnt be ab-e to afford even a hort tripoutide the country if you $eep on pending your hard earned ,oney on thing that you $no& &i-- 3ut end

    up in the 3un$.

    If you $no& that you-- be trave--ing oon4 dont pend a di,e on anything any,ore aide fro, baicneed. Dont even buy any trave- gear -i$e uic$ dry hirt4 ,icrofiber to&e- or other tuff.

    ut uti-ie &hatever you have. It &ou-dnt ,a$e you -e a a trave--er if your hirt i not uic$ dry or ifyour bag i not 0orthface. Youd rather pend the ,oney on acco,,odation and food once youre on theroad.

    If you rea--y thin$ you need thoe ite,4 find other &ay to get the, &ithout pending a -ot. Maybe youcou-d try chec$ing out thrift tore4 I bought o,e of ,y trave- gear in thrift tore and I &a ab-e to aveda -ot of ,oney by doing o.

    Stop *ayin( for #!in(s t!at you Don+t Need,Use

    a. Unsu&scri&e:Do you have a ,againe or ne&paper ubcription8 0o& i the ti,e to unubcribe4a-,ot every infor,ation i no& free on-ine. If you rea--y fee- the need to buy the,4 buy bac$ iue4 itcheaper than the ne&-y pub-ihed edition. *r 3ut borro& fro, a friend &ho a-o a ubcriber.

    &. -!eck your *!one *lan:If youre 3ut uing ca-- and te1t and paying for a data p-an that youre notuing4 &itch or do&ngrade to 3ut a ca-- and te1t p-an. *r better yet4 &itch to prepaid4 you &ont be uingit after a fe& &ee$ any&ay.

    c. -ut your -redit -ards:Do you have ,u-tip-e credit card8 Chooe the bet card to bring &ith youand ter,inate your other credit card. You dont &ant to pay the annua- fee for o,ething that youre notuing4 do you8

    cont"""Saving Mone for Your Tri!
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    Which Credit Card to #seI &ou-d on-y ugget t&o $ind of credit card to ue/

    A. -redit -ards Earnin( Miles

    ./S'- Ma&u!ay Miles:You earn one Mabuhay Mi-e for every #J> you charge on your credit card. You canredee, your free f-ight to #A! a oon a you accu,u-ate the correponding nu,ber of ,i-e. Chec$ theirwebsitefor ,ore updated infor,ation.

    0.Standard -!artered: You earn one point for every #G@ charged to your credit card. You have an option toconvert your point to ,i-e ;e1a,p-e/ =KF@ point for >@@ Aia Mi-e

  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Which ATM Card to #seThe bet &ay to ave ,oney fro, youroverea &ithdra&a- i to open an account&ith %SBC and Citiban$ becaue theydont charge a &ithdra&a- fee if you ue

    their ATM ,achine. But they havehu,ongou initia- and ,aintainingba-ance reuire,ent that I cou-d notafford.

    Another option that I cou-d reco,,end iUnionban$ 6on.

    Unionban$ 6on doent reuire a,aintaining ba-ance a-though it ha anannua- fee of #?>@. You dont have to&orry about &ithdra&ing everythingbecaue your account &ont c-oe.

    Another advantage of Unionban$ 6on i that it on-y charge you #>@ for a #aypa- tranfer &hich you,ight find uefu- epecia--y if youre earning ,oney on-ine.

    Thi i &hat I, uing and I never had any prob-e, yet &ith the,. If youre intereted to $no& ,oreabout Unionban$ 6on4 chec$ out their website.

    You hou-d a-o carry another ATM card 3ut in cae the other one doent &or$. I ugget bring t&o ATMcard fro, different financia- net&or$4 one Via and one Matercard or Cirru if you &ant.

    It &ou-d a-o be bet if your ban$ ha an on-ine faci-ity o you cou-d ,onitor your account on-ine. Ma$eure that you dont -eave yet unti- it get orted out a o,eti,e the proceing ta$e a&hi-e and ca--ingtheir cuto,er ervice office to ,a$e fo--o& up i definite-y cheaper if youre ti-- in the country.
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    Before You Leave

    0o& that you have o,e idea on &here to go4 the ne1t uetion &ou-d be &hat to do before you -eave.%ere an out-ined uggetion that I reco,,end.

    #alk to Your "amily:Trave--ing for i1 ,onth or ,ore &i-- definite-y ,a$e your fa,i-y &orry about you andyour afety. The bet action to addre thi i to it do&n &ith the, and te-- the, your p-an. To -een their&orry I ugget you etup an on-ine b-og to $eep the, updated about your &hereabout.

    Sell Your Stuff:What &ou-d you do &ith a-- thoe thing that youre going to -eave behind8 Convert the,to ,oney. Se-- the, on 6bay or to your friend and donate the ret to charity or to &hoever you thin$ needit the ,ot. If youre 3ut trave--ing though for a hort career brea$ and intending to ue your tuff againonce you co,e bac$4 3ut a$ your fa,i-y to $eep it for a&hi-e.

    3accinations:I high-y reco,,end that you get o,e hot epecia--y if you $no& that youre going to a

    p-ace tric$en &ith o,e dieae. #revention i better4 cheaper and afer than cure. If you dont have,oney to pay for vaccine4 then 3ut tay a&ay fro, p-ace that are $no&n for o,e particu-ar dieae.*r better... 2et a Trave- Inurance.

    3isa and Ot!er *aper %orks:We dont need a via to go to any Southeat Aian countrie. %o&ever4Via upon arriva- agree,ent &ith Myan,ar ee,ed to have been upended for a-- nationa-itie. The afetbet i to get a via before you f-y to Myan,ar. Scan your paport and $eep a copy in your e,ai-. Bring aprinted copy too and -eave another printed copy to your fa,i-y.

    Ask for Support:If you dont have enough fund and you &ant to cover o,e vaccine or via pay,ent4

    you cou-d reach out to your friend and fa,i-y and a$ the, for upport. I, ure that theyd be happy toupport o,e of your need epecia--y if they have the reource to do it.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    What to Bring

    Thi depend on your need and the eaon. I, a big advocate of trave--ing &ith -e tuff. %ere areo,e baic thing that I ugget you bring'

    -lot!in( 5 !ight&eight Shirt(Dree 5 !ight&eight Short(#ant 5 Sarong 5 S&i,&ear 5 Under&ear and o,e Soc$ 5 %oodie(ac$et

    4ad(ets 5 A Mobi-e #hone4 ,ight be nice if it ha &ifi o you cou-d co,,unicate &ith you fa,i-y and friend 5

    bac$ ho,e &ithout pending a -ot on roa,ing charge or -oca- phone charge. 5A Digita- Ca,era ;to docu,ent your trave- < 5A 0etboo$ or Wifi 6nab-ed 2adget ;if you need to be on-ine often dicount. If you p-an to tay for a ,onth4try to -oo$ for an apart,ent intead.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Wor&ing Along The WaIf youre in for a -ong trip and you dont have enough buc$ for it4 a$ around for a poib-e horte,p-oy,ent. By the &ay4 before you engage in any $ind of hort ter, e,p-oy,ent4 ,a$e ure you tayinfor,ed &ith your right and other tuff -i$e that.You also !a$e to understand t!at orkin( under a#ourists 3isa is )lle(al.If in cae you get a hort ter, e,p-oy,ent4 ,a$e ure that your e,p-oyer proce

    your &or$ing via.

    A -ot of bac$pac$er are &or$ing a-ong the &ay. There a -ot of odd 3ob out there. I ,et a Singaporean inChina &ho &or$ed a a ba$er in Sapa4 Vietna, for a fe& ,onth 3ut to get free acco,,odation and freefood. There &ere o,e bac$pac$er fro, UH4 USA and other native 6ng-ih pea$ing countrie &ho dido,e hort tint in Southeat Aia and China a part ti,e 6ng-ih teacher and tutor.

    There &ere o,e bac$pac$ing artit bu$ing ;practice of perfor,ing in pub-ic p-ace for tip< a-- over the&or-d trying to earn o,e cent for their ne1t ,ea-.

    There &ere a-o a -ot of vo-unteering opportunitie that offer free acco,,odation and o,eti,e free food.

    The ne&et ;not rea--y o ne&< and the afet &ay i earning fro, b-ogging about your trave- and doingother on-ine ,oney ,a$ing activitie. Chec$ out *de$or 6-ancefor o,e on-ine 3ob.

    You cou-d a-o ub,it your artic-e and picture to o,e trave- ,againe bac$ ho,e to earn o,e buc$.

    Doing part ti,e 3ob or vo-unteering enab-e you to trave- -o&er on a certain p-ace and thu give you ,oreopportunity to i,,ene youre-f in the -oca- cu-ture. It a-o beco,e your brea$ fro, your uua- country

    hopping pree.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    ealth and Safet

    %ea-th and afety hou-d be one of your ,ain concern in trave--ing. Thi cou-d ,a$e or brea$ the a&eo,etrave- e1perience that youre ai,ing for. %ere are o,e tip to he-p you tay hea-thy and afe/

    4et a #ra$el )nsurance: Though a -ot of peop-e &ont agree &ith ,e on thi one4 getting an inurance giveyou a peace of ,ind that o,eone &i-- pay for your hopita-iation in cae o,ething bad happen. I didnthave one on ,y -at bac$pac$ing trip due to -ac$ of budget and got ,ye-f to erie of accident. 0o&4 Ibought one at Blue ross;cheapet Ive found and reco,,ended by other #inoy Trave--er

  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    cont""" ealth and SafetDistri&ute money in different

    pocketsand I ue ,y ,oney be-t toecure ,y credit card and paport&hen I, croing border or

    trave--ing -ong ditance.

    Do not lea$e your $alua&les

    unattended.Thi i pretty baic but a-ot of trave--er ti-- -oe their tuff by-eaving their bag any&here.

    Alays keep your !ostels &usiness

    card in your pocket. Thi co,epretty handy &hen you get -ot and

    cant find you &ay bac$. It ,ight behe-pfu- if you a-o have a ,ap. Uua--y

    a -ot of hote- have a ,ap printed at the bac$ of their buine card.7eep yourself informed of existin( scams in your destination to a$oid it. The bet &ay to dodgeca, i to be &e-- infor,ed about it. Before you arrive in your ne1t detination4 pend a fe& ,inutebro&ing the internet about poib-e ca, that are being operated in your ne1t detination. Trave-foru, and trave- b-og are a great ource of thi $ind of infor,ation.

    Alays kno t!e *!ilippine Em&assy contact information in your destination. Thi i very i,portant

    epecia--y if o,ething eriou happen to you &hi-e youre on the trip.

    5ea$e a #rail. !et your fa,i-y $no& &here you are and &here youre going to they &ou-dnt &orry aboutyou. I uua--y end a ,eage to o,e of ,y c-oet friend before I go to ,y ne1t detination and I a-oend the, another ,eage once I arrive afe-y.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Southeat Aia i pretty ,uch a afe p-ace to trave-. There are o ,any independent trave--er fro,different countrie trave--ing around Southeat Aia and a -ot of the, never had a ,a3or ha-e on theirtrave-. I trave--ed on ,y o&n in Southeat Aia for five &ee$ before I &ent to China4 India and 0epa-,u-tip-e ti,e and never e1perienced any a&fu- thing on the road.

    But there are certain cae &hen the une1pected happen.

    %ere are o,e trave- annoyance(ri$ that you hou-d $no& before you head on to Southeat Aia.

    Den(ue and Malaria:Mot Southeat Aian citie are free fro, ,ouito tran,itted dieae uch aMa-aria and Dengue. But if you tre$ deeper in the -uh tropica- 3ung-e of Southeat Aia4 it ,ay be adifferent cae. So,e tourit ta$e ,a-aria pi-- and they a-o bring ,ouito repe--ent -otion &ith highdeet content to protect the,e-ve fro, ,ouito bite.

    Road Accidents:Accident do happen and o,eti,e it due to our care-ene. Motorbi$eaccident are very co,,on in different part of Southeat Aia. Ive een a -ot of it &hen I &a in Hoh#hangan and &hen I a$ed the nure about it4 he aid that a -ot of thoe driver &ere drun$ &hentheyre driving.

    #!eft:A ,uch a I hate to ay thi4 theft doe e1it epecia--y in a very tourity p-ace. My friend -ot herbag in 0ha Trang. %er bag &a in the bi$e ba$et cae and it &a natched by a guy riding a,otorbi$e. I a& the a,e thing happened in !uang #rabang &hen I &a there. I got pic$5poc$eted inMani-a on ,y &ay bac$ ho,e.

    Theft happen any&here and you hou-d protect youre-f fro, being a victi,.

    #aport &ou-d probab-y be the -at thing that I &ant to -oe. I ugget you $eep a photocopy of yourpaport in your hote- and $eep a canned copy too in your e,ai-. A-&ay report thi $ind of incident tothe po-ice and &ho $no&4 you ,ight get your bag bac$ &ithin the day.

    Three Travel $is&s in Southeast Asia
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    *ood and Drin&s"ood

    2reat food doe not need to be e1penive. Southeat Aian cuiine i uch a de-ight and rea--y co,e for acheap price. You cou-d practica--y eat for a do--ar per ,ea- a-,ot any&here in Southeat Aia and a -itt-e

    ,ore than a do--ar in Singapore. There nothing ,uch that I cou-d ta-$ to about food e1cept t&o thing/

    A Ive ,entioned above4 do not eat at f-y infeted food ta-- becaue of the chance that the food ,ight beconta,inated. A-&ay eat heated food to $i-- bacteria.

    #-eae do not eat endangered ani,a-. I dont thin$ I need to e1p-ain further &hy.


    A -ot of hote- in certain area -i$e !uang #rabang offer free drin$ing &ater and coffee. You can ave a -ot

    if you tay in thee hote-.

    In %anoi4 o,e hote- offer free tea4 coffee and beer. I a& three hote- offering thoe freebie in%ote-boo$er. You ,ight be ab-e to ave o,e ,oney if you tay in thoe hote-.

    If your hote- doe not offer free drin$ing &ater -oo$ for a &ater refi-- tation and have your &ater bott-erefi--ed.

    If there no &ater refi-- tation avai-ab-e4 buy a ga--on of &ater intead of buying ,a--er bott-e4 you &i-- be

    ab-e to ave a -ot of ,oney by doing thi.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    S&ills and Co+!etenciesMot peop-e a-&ay thin$ that trave--ing i 3ut a -eiure activity and dicount the fact that therere o ,any$i-- and co,petencie that you can bui-d &hen you trave-4 epecia--y &hen you trave- continuou-y for i1,onth and ,ore. %ere are o,e of the $i-- and co,petencie that you can pic$ up on the road/

    Ne(otiation:You -earn ho& to negotiate becaue you hagg-e &ith a-,ot everything. You -earn ho& to ue

    your bargaining chip proper-y and ,ot often than not arrive in an acceptab-e price. You -earn thi&henever you buy o,ething in the ,ar$et4 &henever you bargain for your hote-4 tranportation anda-,ot on any activity that invo-ve ,oney and other reource.

    Exposure to Di$ersity:A-- -ong ter, trave--er have been e1poed to ,u-tip-e cu-ture and thi -ead tobetter 3udge,ent on a -ot of thing. #re3udice drop againt re-igion4 e14 co-or4 race4 educationa-bac$ground and other thing. Thi i a very i,portant co,petency that you can app-y on your futurebuine or on your future 3ob.

    5earn a Ne 5an(ua(e:So,e peop-e are o good in pic$ing up &ord and phrae fro, different-anguage and if they 3ut tay -onger4 they ,ight be ab-e to ,ater it.

    )mpro$e on )nterpersonal and )ntrapersonal Skills: You i,prove on thee $i-- &henever you trave-becaue of contant co,,unication to different peop-e. You a-o -earn ho& to ref-ect on your o&n be-iefand perception &henever you get e1poe to different rea-itie of -ife. Thee e1poure thu he-p hape ane& and i,proved you.

    Resource Mana(ement:!ong ter, trave--er -earn ho& to budget &e-- and ho& to uti-ie &hatever theyhave on their advantage. They a-o -earn ho& to -everage their trength againt their &ea$nee.

    5earn fun skills like cookin(8 di$in(8 snorkellin(8 spelunkin( and a lot more.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    After the Tri!) What to do ,e-t*nce youre done &ith the trip 4you f-y ho,e and te-- your friend and fa,i-ie about &hat youve een4eaten4 done etc. But after a day or t&o4 you ,ight tend to fee- o,ething unfa,i-iar.

    The rea-ity of going bac$ to a tructured -ife i tarting to hit you and f-ahbac$ of -ate night party &ith

    peop-e fro, different part of the g-obe tarting to reappear. You ,i going out to buy a choco bananacrepe or you ,i eating pad thai in the afternoon. You ,i eeing Wat and you ,i &earing a Chang orBeer !ao Thirt. The tate of freedo, -inger in your ,outh and you dread the thought of going bac$ to yourcubic-e.

    I dont $no& &hat to ca-- that e,otion o -et 3ut ay that youre in a 9tate of bac$pac$ing -i,bo:. I never$ne& about it &hen it hit ,e and I cou-d not e1p-ain it to ,y friend and fa,i-y. I tarted -oo$ing for an&eron-ine 3ut to find that I &ant a-one. That ,ot peop-e that go thru a -ong ter, bac$pac$ing trip go into thiphae. /ere+s my su((estion on !o to deal it! it:

    Accept and Don+t Resist:!et the e,otion f-o& and do not reit it. The ,ore you reit an e,otion that,ore it bite you bac$.

    7eep Yourself 'usy/+ind a 3ob or do o,ething that &i-- $eep you buy. Thi i to $eep your ,ind fro,drifting bac$ to your pat i1 ,onth.

    Reac! Out to "ello #ra$ellers:There uite a nu,ber of peop-e &ho have trave--ed for ,ore than a yearand they ,ight be ab-e to give you advice on ho& to dea- &ith thi $ind of ituation.

    4o &ack to your Nomadic 5ifestyle:If youre eriou in $eeping a no,adic -ifety-e4 then tart -earningon-ine entrepreneurhip. Thi i the path that I too$ becaue thi i the on-y rea-itic thing that I cou-d thin$ ofduring that ti,e. You cou-d a-o -oo$ for &or$ that &i-- -et you &or$ re,ote-y. With the advent of techno-ogy4there are no& a -ot of opportunitie to &or$ on-ine in the co,fort of your ho,e or any&here in the &or-d.
  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia

  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Additional Ti!s fro+ *ellow TravelersI a$ed four &e--5trave-ed +i--ipino Trave- B-ogger o,e additiona- trave- tip that &i-- ure-y he-p you onceyou tart p-anning for your Bac$pac$ing Adventure. Thee four guy and gir- have trave-ed e1tenive-y&ithin the #hi-ippine and around Aia. So,e of the, have a-o trave-ed outide Aia and their input aredefinite-y va-uab-e to u. In cae youre &ondering &ho thee trave- b-ogger are4 here they are/

    Marcos -aratao Marco ha trave--ed to Southeat Aia for,u-tip-e ti,e and the -onget ti,e he pent on the road &a G@ &ee$. %e a-o trave-a -ot in the #hi-ippine and ta$e a&eo,e picture. Marco Trave- B-og Am&ot9 A!&a recognied at the #hi-ippine B-og A&ard =@G@ a the Bet Trave- B-og ;Viaya

  • 8/10/2019 Backpacking Southeast Asia


    Additional Ti!s fro+ Marcos of /o lon( did you tra$el around Sout!east Asia and

    !ic! countries !a$e you $isited

    Ive trave-ed around South 6at Aia a nu,ber of ti,e4&ith each trip varying in duration. My -onget trip4 o far4&ent on for around G@ &ee$.

    Ive bac$pac$ed around the #hi-ippine4 Thai-and4 !ao4Ca,bodia4 Vietna,4 Ma-ayia4 Brunei4 Singapore4Indoneia4 and Myan,ar. ut about a-- countrie in South6at Aia e1cept 6at Ti,or.

    0. /o do you usually find afforda&le accommodation

    Before trave-ing to a particu-ar detination4 I try to reearchon-ine4 at trave- b-og and foru,4 for poib-e p-ace to

    tay. In cae &hen I cou-dnt find the ti,e or have the chance to go on-ine4 &hich happen fair-y often4 hote-reco,,endation by !one-y #-anet &ere very he-pfu-. I a-o try to a$ fe--o& bac$pac$er I ,eet on the road forperona- trave- tip4 inc-uding advice on &here to tay4 p-ace I hou-dnt ,i4 ho& to get around4 etc.

    1. -ould you s!are some tips on !o to find c!eap airfare around Sout!east Asia

    !i$e ,ot budget trave-er4 I boo$ ,ot of ,y f-ight during Opro,oO period or ,onth before ,y intended departure toavai- of cheap airfare.

    To $eep updated &ith the -atet air-ine pro,o4 I ubcribed to e,ai- ne&-etter and ocia- ,edia ;+aceboo$ P T&itter