Managing Nutrients in the National Estuary Program A Watershed Academy Webcast Monday, March 1, 2010 1:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern Bernice L. Smith, Chief, Coastal Management Branch Holly Greening, Executive Director, Tampa Bay Estuary Program Kimberly Paulsen, Peconic Estuary Program Coordinator, Suffolk County New York Department of Health Services Ed Lewandowski, Director, Delaware Center for the Inland Bays Guide to Our Webcasts – For Technical Support click the “Help” button To Ask a Question – Type your question in the text box located in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and click on the “Submit Question” button To Answer Poll Question – Click on the radio button to the left of your choice and click submit. Do not type your answer in the “Ask a Question” box To See Closed Captioning – Turn your pop-up blocker off and click on the “closed captioning” button To Complete the Survey – Click the “Enlarge Slides” button and fill out the survey in the window To Obtain a Certificate – Watch 1 hour and 30 minutes of the Webcast and then click “Download Certificate.” If you are in a room with multiple attendees please wait until the last slide to obtain the URL to customize your own certificates 1 2

AWatershed Academy Webcast - pinellas.wateratlas.usf.edu · Estuary Program AWatershed Academy Webcast Monday, March 1, 2010 1:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern . Bernice L. Smith, Chief, Coastal

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    Managing  Nutrients  in  the  National  Estuary  Program

    A Watershed Academy Webcast

    Monday, March 1, 2010 1:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern

    Bernice L. Smith, Chief, Coastal Management Branch Holly Greening, Executive Director, Tampa Bay Estuary Program Kimberly Paulsen, Peconic Estuary Program Coordinator, Suffolk County New York Department of Health Services Ed Lewandowski, Director, Delaware Center for the Inland Bays

    Guide to Our Webcasts – For Technical Support click the “Help” button

    • To Ask a Question – Type your question in the text box located in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and click on the “Submit Question” button

    • To Answer Poll Question – Click on the radio button to the left of your choice and click submit. Do not type your answer in the “Ask a Question” box

    • To See Closed Captioning – Turn your pop-up blocker off and click on the “closed captioning” button

    • To Complete the Survey – Click the “Enlarge Slides” button and fill out the survey in the window

    • To Obtain a Certificate – Watch 1 hour and 30 minutes of the Webcast and then click “Download Certificate.” If you are in a room with multiple attendees please wait until the last slide to obtain the URL to customize your own certificates



  • 4

    National Estuary Program

    • The National Estuary Program or NEP is a community-based program designed to restore and maintain theecological integrity of estuaries of national significance.

    • Established under the 1987 Clean Water Act Amendments, the NEP operates through partnerships among EPA and other Federal, State, and local organizations; industry; academia; environmental and business groups; and community residents.

    • EPA is a participant and provides management guidance, along with financial and technical assistance.

    There are 28 NEPs along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts each with a Director and staff in an office working with local

    stakeholders to improve the health of their estuary.


  • NEP Management Plans (CCMP) • Together the group works to articulate common goals and take

    action to address a wide range of issues in a management plan theydevelop and implement called a CCMP or Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.

    • The CCMP contains specific actions designed to improve water quality, habitat, and living resources in and surrounding the estuary.

    • To develop the CCMP, each NEP uses an inclusive consensus decision-making process. Through collaboration with its many partners, NEPs implement the CCMP by using available regulatorytools to address point and nonpoint source pollution, and innovative restoration and protection methods and techniques to address habitat loss and degradation.

    • These approaches are uniquely tailored to local environmental conditions, and to the needs of local communities and constituencies. At the same time, the national structure provided bythe NEP has facilitated the sharing of management approaches, technologies, and ideas.

    Impacts of Nutrients One significant challenge facing our estuaries and NEPs is nutrient management. As we know, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are necessary for growth of plants and animals and support a healthy aquatic ecosystem.

    We also are aware that in

    excess, however, nutrients can cause

    ecological damages to

    waterbodies stimulating

    algal blooms.



  • 7

    Impacts of Nutrients (con’t)

    • These blooms can: -prevent penetration of sunlight destroying submerged aquatic vegetation, - result in fish disease and fish kills, and low dissolved oxygen or hypoxia, and - reduce spawning grounds and nursery habitats.

    - Excessive nutrients also pose public health risks in drinking water, and respiratory and neurological problems in swimmers.

    • Point and nonpoint sources of nutrients include sewage treatmentplant discharges, stormwater runoff from lawns and agricultural lands, faulty or leaking septic systems, sediment in runoff, animal wastes, and ground water discharges.



    • EPA issued a proposed a rulemaking involving numeric nutrient criteria for the four water body types in Florida: lakes, streams, springs and clear streams, and canals.

    • While this is certainly very relevant as part of the nutrient management discussion, this is not the topic of today’s discussion.

    If you have questions about the proposed numeric nutrient criteria rule, please contact Danielle Salvaterra at 202-564-1649 or [email protected].

  • 10



    Today’s Presentations You will now hear from three of our NEPs about their collaborative efforts involving local stakeholders to address this nutrient problem.

    Tampa Bay NEP Nitrogen Management Consortium Holly Greening

    Delaware Inland BaysPollution Control Strategies

    Ed Lewandowski

    Peconic BayFertilizer Ordinance Kimberly Paulsen

    Cooperative  Strategies  for  Nutrient  Management:  an  example  from 

    Tampa  Bay,  Florida

    Holly  Greening,  Tampa  Bay  Estuary  Pr

    February  2010

  • 12


    Tampa Bay

    Open water: 1,036 sq km

    Watershed: 6,734 sq km

    Average water depth: 4 meters

    Watershed population: 2.3 million

    Top 10 Ports in the U.S.

    Flushing rate: 3-100 days, average 13 days

    Tampa  Bay  in  the  1970s

    • Phytoplankton  and  macroalgae dominated • 50%  loss  of  seagrass between  1950  and  1980 • Newspapers  declared  Tampa  Bay  “dead” • State‐conducted  modeling  results  indicated  little  recovery  possible  even  with  all  nitrogen  sources  removed  due  to  residual  nutrients  in  the  sediments

  • 14


    Ulva mats, Hillsborough Bay

    Photo courtesy of JOR Johansson

    Tampa Bay Estuary Program

    • Inter-governmental program

    • Started in 1991

    • science-based management plan

  • 15

    Tampa Bay Seagrass Restoration Goal

    Difference between 1950 and 1990 seagrass cover

    Seagrass RestorationGoal:

    Restore seagrass acreage to that

    observed in ~1950.


    Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Strategy Paradigm

    TN Load Chlorophyll Light Attenuation

    Seagrass Light Requirement

    Seagrass Growth & Reproduction

  • 17

    Seagrass Goal: Restore and protect 38,000 acres of seagrass in Tampa Bay over time.

    2008 acreage: 29,647 acres

    Nitrogen Management Goal: Maintain nitrogen loading at 1992-1994 average level to reach chlorophyll concentration and light levels necessary to support seagrass expansion.


    Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium

    • The Nitrogen Management Consortium (made up of TBEP government and regulatory agencyparticipants, local phosphate companies,agricultural interests and electric utilities), formed in1996, accepts responsibility for collectively meetingnitrogen load reduction goals.

    • Consortium members may choose to implement any combination of projects to reach their reduction goals.

  • 19

    250 projects implemented between 1996-2009

    Improved fertilizer handling at ports

    Reduced industrial and municipal nitrogen loading to the bay

    Reduced atmospheric deposition from power plants

    Residential actions


    Significant nutrient reductions

    • Overall nitrogen load reduction and large shift in predominant sources, from point source to NPS.

    •Total nitrogen loading in 1970s about 10,000 tons/year

    •Total nitrogen loading 1998-2007 about 5,000 tons/year.







    NPS 16%

    PS 54%

    AD 22%

    GW 3%

    FL 5%








    NPS 62%PS


    AD 21%

    GW 4%

    FL 1%


    Greening and Janicki 2006

  • Historical chlorophyll-a compliance

    chl a targets:

    AWT Standards take effect

    Stormwater regulations enacted

    Consortium actions initiated

    chl a targets:– Hillsborough Bay: 15.0 ug/L– Old Tampa Bay: 9.3 ug/L– Middle Tampa Bay: 8.5 ug/L– Lower Tampa Bay: 5.1 ug/L

    Baywide Seagrass Coverage, 1950 - 2008


    • Goal: Recover an additional 8,353 acres of seagrass over 2008 levels, while preserving the existing 29,647 acres baywide. • Status: Since 1999, 4,800 acres increase- an average of more than 500 acres per year.

    Data source: SWFWMD

  • 23

    EPA Region 4 TMDL Approval

    • FDEP submitted a TMDL, and in June 1998, EPA Region 4 approved the TN loads for 1992-1994 as the TMDL for nitrogen for Tampa Bay.

    • Nitrogen load targets were developed for the major bay segments and not individual sources. This allows flexibility in the way the loads are controlled.

    • Recognized the Nitrogen Management Consortium Action Plan as the implementation plan

    • Allocations to be incorporated into NPDES permits in 2010


    Nitrogen Management Consortium

    • 40+ public and private partners throughoutwatershed

    • Collaborative approach to meeting regulatedwater quality goals

    • Consortium developed and agreed to voluntary limits on nitrogen loadsfor 189 sources in Sept.2009

  • 25

    Key elements of allocations

    All nitrogen sources within the Tampa Bay watershed, permitted and unpermitted, receive nitrogen load allocations. The cumulative allocated load is equal to the 1998 federally-recognized TMDL. Existing loads meet TMDL requirements.


    Key elements of allocations • Annual nitrogen loads are ‘hydrologically

    normalized’ to the 1992-1994 TMDL period.

    • Annual hydrologic normalizations are not applied to WWTPs and other sources which do not fluctuate with rainfall.

  • 27

    Key elements of allocations • Rainfall-driven sources, including MS4s,

    are provided a set percentage of theremaining total (hydrologically normalized) allocation each year, based on their percentcontribution in 2003-2007.

    • These rainfall-driven sources are assessed on a “sliding scale” related to rainfall, allowing higher nitrogen loads during wetyears and requiring lower during dry years.


    Entity Source

    5-yr Annual Average Allocation Proposed Set Allocations (tons/year)

    Proposed Remaining Source Allocation of Remaining Load (%)

    Cheval West MS4 0.2%

    City of Clearwater

    MS4 2.7%

    Point Source - Clearwater East SW 9.3

    Point Source - Clearwater East RE 0.1

    Point Source - Clearwater Northeast SW 16.6

    Point Source - Clearwater Northeast RE 1.1

    Heritage Harbor NPS 0.2%

    Example allocations from Old Tampa Bay Set point source allocation ‘Sliding scale’ MS4 allocation

  • The Challenge Ahead

    • Accepted allocation limits will result in wastewater plants & stormwater permits that are based on loading levels for2003-2007

    • New or expanded nitrogen sources associated with growth will have to show offsets to be permitted

    • Offsets can include new N reduction actions or transfers between sources.

    Ongoing Issues

    • TMDL and allocation complete • EPA Nutrient Criteria Rules - general approach

    for Florida • Working with EPA to ensure that TMDL and

    Nutrient Criteria are not in conflict for Tampa Bay – 2010 - Freshwater rule has “Downstream

    Protective Loads” for estuarine waters – 2011- Estuarine Nutrient Criteria



  • 31

    El Nino year

    Spike in recruitment in all Florida Gulf Coast areas in 2006








    1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006




    of P



    El Nino years

    Existing loads also maintain phytoplankton-based foodweb in Tampa Bay

    YOY Recruitment: Striped Mullet in Tampa Bay constant, with increases in El Nino year and 2006 (source: FWRI)

    El Nino year

    Spike in recruitment in all Florida Gulf Coast areas in 2006

    Existing loads maintain baitfish-feeding bird species nesting in Tampa Bay:

    Brown Pelican Breeding Pairs

    Hodgson et al 2006; Audubon of Florida

  • 33

    FINDINGS SUMMARY Existing TN and TP loads to Tampa Bay support full aquatic life

    protection and designated uses by providing a balance of adequate water clarity for healthy and expanding seagrass beds, and adequate phytoplankton production to support the bay’s fish

    and wildlife populations.


    Acknowledge existing TN and TP loads to Tampa Bay as Downstream Protective Loads

    for freshwaters and as Estuarine Nutrient Criteria


    Key Elements in Tampa Bay’s Cooperative Strategy for Water Quality Improvement

    • Science-based numeric goals and targets • Public/private collaborative actions • Regulated and regulators at the table • Written concurrence from high-level FDEP and

    EPA at each step • Watershed-based, not smaller segments • Long-term monitoring • Recognized “honest broker” to facilitate • Assessment and adjustment- adaptive

  • 35

    For more information: www.tbeptech.org

    Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium



    Holly Greening, Executive Director Tampa Bay Estuary Program [email protected]

    http://www.tbeptech.org/mailto:[email protected]

  • Nutrient  Reduction  in  the  Peconic Estuary:

    Suffolk  County  Fertilizer  Nitrogen  Pollution  Reduction  Law 

    Suffolk County Department of Health Services Kimberly Paulsen

    Peconic Estuary Program Coordinator

    Peconic Study  Area  Numbers

    • 125,783 land acres (196 square miles) • 158,056 surface water acres (247

    square miles) • 453 miles of shoreline • 100,000 year round residents • 280,000 residents during the summer • Vast majority of watershed unsewered

    and relies on conventional on-site disposal systems






    Nitrogen source diagram


    Nutrients are critical for maintaining the marine ecosystem, but can be harmful at excessive levels.

    Nitrogen is the nutrient of concern in the Peconic Estuary.

    Sources  of  Nitrogen  to  ground  water Impacts to ground water Quality from:

    • Wet and Dry Atmospheric Deposition

    • Wastewater (on-site disposal systems)

    • Fertilizer (agricultural & residential)

    • Other (pet waste, soil mineralization etc.)

    Note: Nitrogen is highly soluble and readily leaches into ground water with our permeable sandy soils; transport via stormwater runoff is generally minimal

  • 42


    Sources  of  Nitrogen  to  the  Peconic Estuary Local studies have shown that residential use of fertilizers contributes approximately one-half of the total nitrogen load to ground water from unsewered medium density residential development

    Sources  of Nitrogen to the Peconic Estuary

    • Ground Water Inputs • Atmospheric Deposition • Sewage Treatment Plants • Stormwater • Duck Farms

  • Atmospheric Deposition


    Creeks & Rivers





    System‐wide Baseline Nitrogen Load Summary

    Nitrogen Source Total Annual Nitrogen Load (pounds) Atmospheric Deposition 3,015,041 ground water 2,175,031 Creeks & Rivers 66,242 STPs 53,689 Stormwater 47,361

    Total 5,357,364 43

    What’s  the  Problem  with  Excess  Nitrogen?

    • Fuels nuisance algal blooms (potentially brown tide blooms)

    • Leads to low dissolved oxygen situations (and diurnal fluctuations)

    • Contributes to decreased water clarity

    • Direct impacts on eelgrass • Changes to the overall food web • Impacts to drinking water

  • 46


    Nitrogen  &  Ground  Water  Protection Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resources

    Management Plan (January 2008)

    • Nitrate levels have increased in all three aquifers over the study period from 1987 to 2005 – Nitrate concentrations of public water supply (PWS)

    wells screened in the upper glacial aquifer increased by 38% (to an avg 3.38 mg/L)

    – Nitrate concentrations of PWS wells screened in the Magothy aquifer increased by 67% (to an avg 1.6 mg/L)

    • Nearly 10% of private wells exceed drinking water maximum contaminate levels for nitrate nitrogen

    Land  Use  vs.  Ground  Water  Concentrations  of  Nitrogen

  • 47

    Nitrate  Concentration  in  Private  Wells

    Time # Samples # >10 mg/L % >10 Period mg/L

    1972-1983 18,870 1,447 7.7

    1984-1994 27,115 1,961 7.2

    1997-2006 10,277 994 9.7


  • 49


    Nitrogen  ManagementLong Island Sound Study Chronic, sustained hypoxia

    A Nitrogen TMDL requires Suffolk County to reduce N loads from STPs by 81%, and ground water (primarily residential fertilizer) by 19%

    Peconic Estuary Program Primarily localized, diurnal and low D.O.

    Land Acquisition No Discharge Zone designation A Nitrogen TMDL requires Suffolk County to reduce N loads from STPs by 69.5% , from ground water (primarily residential fertilizer) by 42.2% and stormwater runoff by 15%

    South Shore Estuary Reserve Eutrophic stressors, particularly on the Forge River.Stressors include:

    Duck farming On site disposal systems Sewage treatment plants Overabundant waterfowl Residential fertilizers

    Pine Barrens Area Preservation of drinking water and ecology

    Land Acquisition Pine Barren Credits (TDR) Compatible Growth Area clearing and fertilizer restrictions

    Nitrogen  Management

    • Atmospheric deposition – Clean Air Act requires 31% reduction by 2014

    • Fertilizer applications – Agricultural Environmental Stewardship 5–Year

    program to significantly reduce nitrogen leaching & run-off with Cornell Cooperative Extension

    – PEP program with 31 East End golf courses to reduce fertilizer applications

    – Residential use has not been previously regulated

  • Nitrogen  Management

     Nitrogen Management

    • Nitrogen Total Maximum Daily Load

    – A TMDL or Total Maximum Daily Load is acalculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant's sources.

    – Peconic Estuary N TMDL Approved by EPA in

    October 2007

    – This document will serve as a guide to reduce Nitrogen loading within the Peconic Estuary. It specifically focuses on portions of the estuary which area listed as Impaired Waterbodies under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA).

    *Report can be accessed via www.peconicestuary.org/pdf/NTMDLDocument.pdf

    • Suggested Implementation mechanisms to ensure N TMDL requirements are met: – Residential Sources

    – Developing recommendations and regulatory elements for reducing impacts associated with landscaping uses on residential, commercial and public properties

    » Secure funding to develop and carry out an education and outreach program aimed at working with property owners and landscapers






    Nitrogen Management Local  Law  41‐2007,  A  local  law  to  reduce  nitrogen  pollution  by  reducing  use  of  fertilizer  in  Suffolk  County

    Legislation  directed  at  reducing  the  last  major  unregulated  source  of  nitrogen  contamination  – residential  fertilizer  applications


    Lawn Coverage in the U.S.



    Nitrogen Management


    Residential Total Nitrogen (TN) Loads (lbs/day)

    On-Site Sanitary Systems




    * Based on PEP medium/low density land use data

    Other (i.e.- animal waste, soil mineralization



    Local Law 41-2007

    1. Application of fertilizer to Suffolk County owned property are prohibited, except:

    • County golf courses, which must adhere to County Organic Maintenance Plan

    • Suffolk County Farm (Yaphank), which must implement Agricultural Environmental Management practices

    • County athletic fields must implement BMPs • Newly seeded areas

    2. Application of fertilizer to any turf in Suffolk County between November 1 and April 1is prohibited

    • Farm operations as defined in Ag & Markets Law are exempt

  •  Nitrogen Management

     Nitrogen Management

    Local Law 41-2007 Requirements:

    1. Stores shall post signs and informational brochures furnished by the county in the fertilizerdisplay area

    2. Home improvement contractors (licensed byConsumer Affairs), who apply fertilizer shall takea turf management course approved by Suffolk County Dept of Environment & Energy

    3. Public education & outreach

    Local  Law  41‐2007

    Enforcement:  SC  Dept  of  Health  Services

    Penalities:  “not  to  exceed  $1,000  per  violation”

    Effective  Date:  January  1,  2009



  • Questions?

    Kimberly Paulsen, Peconic Estuary Program Coordinator Suffolk County New York Department of Health Services [email protected]

    www.peconicestuary.org http://legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/resos2007/i2117-07.htm

    Public Talk – Real Choices A public engagement process to develop

    nutrient reduction strategies for Delaware’s Inland Bays

    Ed Lewandowski, Executive Director Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program



    http://legis.suffolkcountyny.gov/resos2007/i2117-07.htmhttp:www.peconicestuary.orgmailto:[email protected]

  • Delaware’s Inland Bays Rehoboth Bay,

    Indian River Bay, and Little Assawoman Bay

    32 square miles of surface water

    300+ square mile drainage area

    ~80,000 people in the watershed


    OUR  PROBLEM • Excessive  nutrients  (N  &  P)  =  Eutrophication • Rapid  and  abundant  plant  


    • Loss  of   habitat • Alteration  of  food  web • Fish  &  shellfish  kills • Human  health  effects


    Sea lettuce (Ulva)collecting on shoreline

                       anic Matter + O2 CO2 + H2O + N + P ↔ Org




    Sources of N & P

    Baseline= 1990


    • Agriculture

    • Stormwater

    • Treated Effluent Discharges

    Total  Maximum  Daily  Load: Maximum  amount  of  a  pollutant  that  can  enter  surface  waters  and  still  meet  water  quality  standards

  • 66

    Best of the Best!


    Establishing TMDLs

    TMDL Advisory Panel

    77‐member  “blue  ribbon” panel Published  a  report Public  workshops Public  hearings TMDL’s established  in  DEC  ‘98

  • INLAND BAYS TMDL (N & P) Systematic elimination of all point

    sources of N & P Remove 40%-85% of nonpoint N Remove 40%-65% of nonpoint P 20% reduction in atmospheric

    deposition of N via Clean Air Act Attainment via implementation of

    Pollution Control StrategiePollution Control Strategies s

    ABC’s of Public Reaction Angered




    Confused Disillusioned

    Enraged Frustrated

    Who would be responsible for developing Pollution Control Strategies?

    The  public  and  resource  agencies  need  and  deserve  a  better  way  to  work  together 

    that  produces  sustainable  decisions

  • Public Engagment Model: PUBLIC TALK – REAL CHOICES

    Purpose  is  to  move  formulation  and  creation  of  a  major  public  policy  decision  from  a  public  agency  to  the  public  for  dialogue  and  deliberation  (“front‐load” the  public)

    “Local  people  – Local proble ms  – Local  solutions” Engages  the  public  in:

    1. Learning  about  the  issue 2. Weighing  costs  and  consequences  through  dialogue  

    with  each  other 3. Coming  to  public  judgment





    FacilitatedFacilitated ProcesProcesss

    1.1. OrganizationOrganization ofof workwork teamteam 2.2. EducationEducation 3.3. IssueIssue framingframing 4.4. EvEvaluationaluation ofof ththee issueissue

    frameworkframework 5.5. PublicPublic forumsforums && ChChooiiccee

    workwork 6.6. RecommendationsRecommendations



  • 72

    Organization of Work Team

    Assembled a Tributary Action

    Team (TAT) in

    FEB ‘99 Represented by a variety

    of stakeholder interests Identified clear mission and

    objectives Established ground rules!

    Brings the public agency and public - the Tributary Action Team - into agreement as to what needs to be accomplished.


    Education • Ensured  everyone  understood  the  problem

    • Provided  numerous  technical  presentations  &  tours

    • Reached  agreement  on  definitions!

    • Lengthy  and  time  consuming  process

    Builds upon the knowledge of the process shared in the organizational discussions and then adds information necessary to frame the issue.

  • 74

    Common septic, 29 lbs.

    "Alternative" septic, 14.4 lbs.

    Se wer treatment with Inland Bays discharge, 6.4 lbs.

    Sewer treatment with ocean outfall, 0 lbs.

    Annual nitrogen load into the Inland Bays watershed per household, by various treatment methods

    Sewage disposal in the Inland Bays watershed

    (by land area)

    Sewer systems


    Septic systems



    Issue Framing

    Described  broad  “choices” and  “arguments” for  public  consumption

    Should  represent  the  voices  of  all  impacted  by  the  issue

    Framework must be unbiased, represent the undergirding values embedded in policy choices and articulate the basic costs and consequences of the choices.

    Evaluate the Framework Published  an  issue  book  called  

    “Saving  Our  Bays:   Our  Challenge  – Our Choice” (20,000  copies)

    Offered  “scientifically  defensible” choices  for  policy  options  with  associated  facts,  figures,  and  pertinent  information

    Designed  to  provoke  discussion

    Charge an impact fee (“flush tax”) for septic systems and place the revenue in a fund for future sewer plant upgrades

  • Public Forums

    Cornerstone of Public Talk – Real Choices

    Hosted 9 gatherings throughout the watershed

    The “F” word…. FEEDBACK! Must result in some form of

    common ground for action!

    Significant representation of the public must deliberate the issue; occurs through successful planning and selection of venues for forums





    1.1. WhatWhat isis valuable?valuable? 2.2. WhatWhat areare thethe costscosts andand

    consequenconsequencceses ofof thethe choice?choice?

    3.3. WhereWhere isis thethe tension?tension? 4.4. WhereWhere isis thethe commoncommon

    grogrouunndd foforr action?action?

    TAT  sifted  through  and  analyzed  the  public’s  “voice” heard  during  the  forums

    Developed  recommendations

    Submitted  to  agency

    The Agency spent considerable time reviewing the recommendations before responding; TAT completed several revisions and resubmitted



  • The “Politics” TAT members co-hosted several

    public workshops in watershed to introduce proposed PCS

    Special interest groups objected to a number of recommendations

    Incidentally, these same special interests were early participants on TAT, but abandoned the process

    Delaware General Assembly intervened with proposed legislation (SCR21) to halt the Pollution Control Strategies



    SCR21 tabled when DNREC committed to meet privately

    with special interests who had organized a body known as The Coalition

    Purpose was to craft revised Pollution Control Strategies

    that addressed The Coalition’s concerns

    Unfortunate outcome was somewhat weakened revised

    Pollution Control Strategies

    “The whole purpose of a democracy is that we may hold counsel with one another as not to depend on the understanding of one person but to depend on the counsel of all.” — Woodrow Wilson, 1912









    Buffer System Regulation Comparison


    Proposed Revised

    Tidal waters/wetlands 100’ 50’

    Isolated wetlands 100’ No buffer

    Federal reg. wetlands 100’ No buffer

    Perennial streams 100’ 50’

    Perennial ditches 100’ 50’

    Intermittent waterways 100’ No buffer

    Hopkins  Prong‐ PCS  V.1

  • 82

    Governor Minner during PCS signing ceremony @ CIB


    Hopkins  Prong‐ PCS  V.2

    Inland  Bays  Pollution  Control  Strategies  promulgated  as  regulations  in  autumn  2008!

  • 84



    Ed Lewandowski, Director Delaware Center for the Inland Bays [email protected]

    Speaker  Contact  InformationBernice L. Smith, Chief Coastal Management Branch [email protected]

    Holly Greening, Executive Director Tampa Bay Estuary Program [email protected]

    Kimberly Paulsen, Peconic Estuary Program CoordinatorSuffolk County New York Department of Health Services [email protected]

    Ed Lewandowski, Director Delaware Center for the Inland Bays [email protected]









    Next  Watershed  AcademyWebcast

    Monitoring and Assessment

    Under the Clean Water Act Wednesday, April 7, 2010 1:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern

    Registration will open approximately three weeks prior to the Webcast at: www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts

    Participation  Certificate

    If you would like to obtain participation certificates for multiple attendees, click the link below:



    You can type each of the attendees names in and print the certificates




    Managing Nutrients in the NationalEstuary ProgramIntroductionCoverGuide to Our Webcasts – For Technical Support click the “Help”buttonNational Estuary Program NEP Management Plans (CCMP) Impacts of Nutrients Nutrients Today’s Presentations

    Cooperative Strategies for Nutrient Management: an example from Tampa Bay, FloridaTampa Bay in the 1970s Tampa Bay Estuary Program Tampa Bay Seagrass Restoration Goal Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Strategy ParadigmTampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium250 projects implemented between 1996-2009Significant nutrient reductions Baywide Seagrass Coverage, 1950 -2008EPA Region 4 TMDL Approval Nitrogen Management Consortium Key elements of allocations The Challenge Ahead Ongoing Issues Findings SummaryKey Elements in Tampa Bay’s Cooperative Strategy for Water Quality ImprovementQuestions?

    Nutrient Reduction in the Peconic Estuary: Suffolk County (NY) Fertilizer Nitrogen Pollution Reduction LawPeconic Study Area Numbers Sources of Nitrogen to ground waterSources of Nitrogen to the Peconic EstuarySystem‐wide Baseline Nitrogen Load SummaryNitrogen & Ground Water ProtectionLand Use vs. Ground Water ConcentraNitrate Concentration in Private WellsNitrogen ManagementLawn Coverage in the U.S.Residential Total Nitrogen (TN) LoadsQuestions?

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