Audit Fees (Angeline & Djolly)

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  • 8/10/2019 Audit Fees (Angeline & Djolly)








    Angeline Sibuea

    Djolly Pranata Tjakrapawira

    SUBMITTED TO : Judith T. GallenaSinaga, MBA, BSA

  • 8/10/2019 Audit Fees (Angeline & Djolly)




    COVER ........................................................................................................ I

    TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. 2

    INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 3

    RELATED LITERATURE ......................................................................... 7

    CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 25

    BIBLICAL REFERENCES ...................................................................... 26

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    In this era, companies are mushrooming in Indonesia. The company went public and

    non go public began to grow rapidly along with the development of civilization. One of the

    responsibilities of each of these companies is to deliver annual financial statements audited

    by a public accounting firm.

    In Indonesia, there are only about 6,500 companies that have used the services of a

    public accountant. And that means only about 10% of the total existing company use the

    service of a public accountant. Companies that have total assets less than U.S. $ 50 billion is

    not obliged to use the services of public accountants. While the numbers public accountant

    firm continue to increase for any public accounting section is getting smaller. And it is not

    including the foreign public accountants which is start to practice in Indonesia. This is of

    course directly or not will impact to the fierce competition. Then in turn will have an impact

    on competition audit.

    Public accountant or an independent auditor in auditing their client, company has a

    strategic position as a third party in environment that is when the client of public accountants

    firm and task responsibility of the management (agent) to audit the financial statements of

    company management. In this case the wish that its management performance always looks

    good in the eyes of external parties, especially owners (principal). But on the other hand, the

    owners (principals) want to keep the auditor's report truthfully state that existed at the

    company been financed. From the discussion above shows the existence of an interest

    different between the management and the users of financial statements. Great confidence of

    users of audited financial statements and services provided by other public accountant is

    what ultimately require public accountant audit of the quality it produces. The questions

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    from the public about the quality of the resulting audit by accountant greater public after

    many scandals involving accountants public either domestically or abroad.

    The auditors must work professionally, given their responsibilities are so great in the

    results of the audit of the financial statements of a company that has their audit. Their role is

    so important that it demanded professionalism as an auditor. Carry out an audit of financial

    statements of a company must be in accordance with Auditing Standards, it is one of

    professionalism that should be done by all auditors. Besides determining the fee for the audit

    work carried out has also become one of the mirrors of professionalism.

    To support his professionalism as a public accountant auditor in performing audit

    tasks should be guided by the auditing standards established by the Indonesian Institute of

    Accountants (IAI), the general standards, standards field work and reporting standards.

    Where is the common standard reflection of the personal qualities that should be possessed

    by an auditor who requires the auditor to have the expertise and technical training sufficient

    in performing audit procedures. While the field work standards and auditor reporting

    standards set in terms of data collection and activities Other implemented during the audit

    and require the auditor to prepare a report on the audited financial statements are overall.

    But in addition to standard auditing, CPAs also must adhere to a code of ethics profession

    which govern the behavior of public accountants to practice their profession in well with

    fellow members and the general public. code The ethics governing the professional

    responsibility, competence and prudence professional, confidentiality, professional behavior

    and technical standards for a auditors in their profession.

    An auditor also should have an independent attitude. The independence of public

    accounting is necessary because the public as an appraiser perform the audit of financial

    statements is not only for the benefit of clients who pay the fee but also to third parties or the

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    public who have an interest in the client's financial statements are audited or inspected such

    as shareholders, creditors, investors, prospective lenders , potential investors, and government

    agencies (especially the tax authorities). To maintain its independence, the auditor should

    accept an audit of the audit fee before starting work for the next period. The auditor is also

    not allowed to accept an engagement if the client has not paid off the previous auditor


    Many factors can affect the size of the audit fee. And this causes the amount of audit

    fees is still a great debate in Indonesia. The size of the client, the location of public

    accounting firms and public accounting firm size are all factors that affect the size of the

    audit fee. In addition to these factors, many other things that should be considered by public

    accounting firms in setting the audit fee or a fee. These things include: duties and

    responsibilities under the law (statutory duties), the needs of the client, independence, skill

    levels (levels of expertise), experience and responsibilities, the amount of time required and

    effectively used by a public accountant. Stages of the audit work and reporting is also to be

    considered by the public accounting firm.

    In Indonesia there are only a few research on audit fees. Though the amount of audit

    fees set by a public accounting firm is an interesting thing to study. Not only in Indonesia, but

    this is happening in most of other developing countries. In contrast to countries that are

    already developed, public accounting firms have set the size of the audit fee is also published

    to the public. Whereas in developing countries besasrnya audit fee is relatively closed.

    This could be because the audit fee set by public accounting firms in Indonesia are

    still not published such as in Europe, America, Australia and other developed countries. The

    situation is different when compared to the countries mentioned above, which has been

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    published so that the audit fee research on audit fees is often performed and published in

    scientific journals or other publications (Al-Shammari et al., 2008).

    We need a further research about the audit fee in Indonesia. Since the issue is really

    interesting, public should know more and understand about that. In this papers we will try to

    study more deeply about the audit fee.

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    1. Hartadi, Bambang. (2009). Pengaruh Fee Audit, Rotasi KAP, dan Reputasi

    Audi tor Terhadap Kuali tas Audit di Bu rsa Efek I ndonesia. Ekuitas: Jurnal

    Ekonomi dan Keuangan ISSN 1411-0393.

    Ada satu fenomena dimana dari berbagai wacana, ternyata terbukti secara empiris

    bahwa kualitas audit ternyata lebih disebabkan oleh faktor fee audit, rotasi auditor, dan

    juga reputasi auditor. Sehebat apapun kemampuan teknikal auditor akan sangat

    tergantung dari variabel eksternal lainnya yang mendasari pengambilan ke- putusan

    auditor dalam pemberian opini.

    Apabila kita mengacu pada dua ketergantungan atas definisi kualitas auditor di atas,

    maka sebenarnya sangat sulit untuk mengaitkan langsung antara kewajiban rotasi dengan

    kualitas auditor, tetapi utama nya pada poin kualitas, memang dimung- kinkan bahwa

    kedekatan emosional yang terlalu lama akibat tenure yang panjang antara auditor dan

    klien dapat meng- akibatkan terganggunya kualitas tersebut tetapi apabila auditor tetap

    menjaga sikap profesionalnya, maka tidak akan pernah terganggu kualitasnya walaupun

    auditor tenure-nya lama tetapi pengaruh dari fee audit dan reputasi auditor banyak sekali

    yang membuktikan bahwa kedua variabel tersebut sangat mempengaruhi kualitas audit.

    Dari beberapa temuan riset sebelumnya, ketiga variabel ini ternyata memiliki pengaruh

    yang variatif. Ada beberapa diantaranya yang berpengaruh signifikan, tetapi banyak juga

    diantaranya yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan.

    Abdul et al. (2006) menemukan bukti bahwa fee memang secara signifikan

    mempengaruhi kualitas audit. Hoitash et al. (2007) menemukan bukti bahwa pada saat

    auditor bernegosiasi dengan manajemen mengenai besaran tarif fee yang harus

    dibayarkan oleh pihak manajemen terhadap hasil kerja laporan auditan, maka kemung

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    kinan besar akan terjadi konsesi resiprokal yang jelas akan mereduksi kualitas laporan

    auditan. Tindakan ini jelas menjurus kepada tindakan yang mengesampingkan profesi-

    onalisme, dimana konsesi resiprokal tersebut akan mereduksi kepentingan penjagaan atas

    kualitas auditor. Dhaliwal et al. (2008) menemukan bukti bahwa fee audit secara

    signifikan mempengaruhi kualitas audit (independensi auditor).

    2. Suharli, Michell., Nurlaelah.Konsentrasi Auditor dan Penetapan Fee Audit:

    I nvestigasi pada BUMN. Jurnal

    Iskak (1999) mendefinisikan audit fee adalah honorarium yang dibebankan oleh akuntan

    publik kepada perusahaan auditee atas jasa audit yang dilakukan akuntan publik terhadap

    laporan keuangan. Iskak sendiri melakukan penelitian tentang audit fee yang dipengaruhi

    oleh ukuran perusahaan dan ukuran KAP dengan hasil yang signifikan. Penetapan biaya audit

    yang dilakukan oleh KAP berdasarkan perhitungan dari biaya pokok pemeriksaan yang

    terdiri dari biaya langsung dan tidak langsung. Biaya langsung terdiri dari biaya tenaga yaitu

    manager, superpiser, auditor junior dan auditor senior. Sedangkan biaya tidak langsung

    seperti biaya percetakan, biaya penyusutan computer, gedung dan asuransi. Setelah dilakukan

    perhitungan biaya pokok pemeriksaan maka akan dilakukan tawar menawar antar klien yang

    bersangkutan dengan kantor akuntan publik.

    Penetlitian Audit Fee di New Zealand

    Penelitian pada pasar audit New Zealand menyebutkan auditor didominasi oleh Big

    Five. Gilling (1985) meneliti masa transisi lingkungan audit New Zealand dari tahun 1986 -

    1983. Gilling mencatat bahwa kenaikan yang signifikan pada konsentrasi market antara

    perusahaan audit terbesar di New Zealand (diukur berdasarkan jumlah klien yang dilayani),

    sementara jumlah perusahaan audit menurun dari 120 menjadi 29. Pengaruh ini dihubungkan

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    dengan kombinasi bisnis antara perusahaan New Zealand dan perusahaan merjer KAP. Studi

    Jonson (1995), memperbaharuhi studi Gilling (1985), tentang dampak perubahan pada pasar

    audit New Zealand sejak awal tahun 1980an. Penelitian biaya audit yang dilaporkan oleh

    perusahaan untuk menyediakan ukuran langsung kon sentrasi auditor pada pasar New

    Zealand. Konsentrasi auditor yang diukur dengan biaya audit dan membandingkan langsung

    rasio konsentrasi auditor di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat dengan metode yang sama. Dalam

    penelitian ini peneliti akan membandingkan audit fee yangditerima oleh KAPbig fourdengan

    jumlah audit fee yang diterima oleh KAP keseluruhan. Untuk itu dibuatkan rumusan untuk

    mengukur tingkat rasio konsentrasi auditor penelitian.

    Penelitian Audit Fee di Canada

    Andersen dan Zeghal (1994) melakukan pengujian atas audit fee di pasar Kanada

    dengan menggunakan cross time data KAP dan industri. Observasi atas jasa audit fee

    dilakukan dalam satu periode waktu yang dikaitkan dengan kode etik profesi tentang tender

    dan iklan pada saat itu, yang secara umum di Kanada sedang lesu. Hasil studi ini mendukung

    jasa audit yang terdiferensiasi dalam pasar audit di Kanada dan konsisten dengan De Angelo

    (1981). Walaupun ukuran luas kualitas audit tidak secara signifikan berbeda dengan

    penetapan harga atas jasa audit yang dideteksi, tetapi data tersebut menyajikan bukti

    perbedaan audit pricing antara kantor akuntanBig Eight atas pasar auditee yang berukuran


    Ukuran Kantor Akuntan Publik

    Kantor akuntan publik besar yang dapat berlaku universal adalah big six worldwide

    accounting firm. Kantor akuntan besar disebutkan memiliki akuntan yang berperilaku lebih

    etikal daripada akuntan di kantor akuntan kecil (Loeb, 1971). Dengan demikian kantor

    akuntan besar lebih memiliki reputasi baik dalam opini publik. DeAngelo (1981)

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    menyimpulkan bahwa kantor akuntan publik yang lebih besar dapat diartikan kualitas audit

    yang dihasilkan pun lebih baik dibandingkan kantor akuntan kecil. Dengan demikian pihak

    manajemen akan segera menyampaikan laporan akuntan yang telah diaudit kantor akuntan

    besar secara tepat waktu.

    3. Audit Fee in Singapore

    The top five audit firms in Singapore have a 94.5% share of the market in 1986 compared

    with 96.3% inn 1983 in audit fee termss. The individual rankings of the top firms remain the

    same since 1983 although their relative market shares have altered.

    The highest audit fee paid by alisted company to its auditor and the auditors of its

    subsidiaries in 1986 was $1.3m and the lowest $9,000. The most common fee range is again

    $11,000 - $50,000, paid by 37.8% in number of listed companies which is however

    considerably less than 47.5% in 1983. Each year there were progressively increasing

    proportions of companies in the $50,000-$100,000 and $100,000-$500,000 ranges.

    The industry analysis provides statistics for various industrial sectors and lists individual

    company data under each sector. The analysis should enable a company to compares its audit

    fee with those paiid by other companies in the industry. Any comparison between companies

    should, of course, take account of economics of size, and the organisational and other

    complexities peculiar to each company. Users should also take into account staffing policies

    and thoroughness standards of different audit firms.

    Finally, the industry specialisations of the larger accounting firms are considered in the

    report. there is no significant change in their apparent specialisations.

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    4. Pratistha, Dwiyani., Ni Luh Sari Widhiyani. (2014). Pengaruh I ndependensi

    Auditor dan Besaran Fee Audit Terhadap Kualitas Proses Audit. E-Jurnal

    Akuntansi Universitas Udayana ISSN: 2302-8556

    Penelitian Castellani (2008), menemukan bahwa independensi auditor berpengaruh pada

    kualitas audit. Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian Saputra (2012), yang memperlihatkan

    bahwa independensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas audit. Hasil

    penelitian berbeda di ungkapkan oleh Hanny, dkk (2011) serta Rapina, dkk (2011) yang

    menunjukkan independensi auditor tidak berpengaruh pada kualitas proses audit. Fenomena

    lainnya yang juga mampu mempengaruhi kualitas audit yaitu kontrak kerjasama dalam hal

    penentuan besaran fee audit antara auditor dan klien. Hoitash et al.(2007), menemukan bukti

    bahwa ketika auditor melakukan negosiasi dengan pihak manajemen mengenai besaran tarif

    fee yang dibayarkan terkait hasil kerja laporan auditan, maka kemungkinan besar akan terjadi

    konsensi resiprokal yang jelas akan mereduksi kualitas laporan auditan. Elder (2011:80)

    menyatakan bahwa imbalan jasa audit atas kontrak kerja audit merefleksikan nilai wajar

    pekerjaan yang dilakukan dan secara khusus auditor harus menghindari ketergantungan

    ekonomi tanpa batas pada pendapatan dari setiap klien.

    Bervariasinya nilai moneter yang diterima auditor pada tiap pekerjaan audit yang

    dilakukannya berdasarkan hasil negosiasi, tidak menutup kemungkinan akan memberikan

    pengaruh pada kualitas proses audit. Jong-Hag,et a.l (2010) juga berpendapat hal yang sama,

    bahwa fee audit yang besar dapat membuat auditor menyetujui tekanan dari klien dan

    berdampak pada kualitas audit yang dihasilkan. Penelitian terkait hal tersebut dilakukan

    Wuchun (2004) yang menunjukkan bukti berbeda, bahwa fee audit berpengaruh positif

    terhadap kualitas audit, sedangkan Dhaliwan et al. (2008) membuktikan bahwa fee audit

    secara signifikan mempengaruhi kualitas audit.

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    Pengaruh Besaran Fee Audit terhadap Kualitas Proses Audit

    Besaran fee audit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara statistik terhadap kualitas

    proses audit. Kondisi ini menggambarkan semakin tinggi fee audit yang diberikan klien,

    semakin luas pula prosedur audit yang akan dilakukan auditor maka kualitas audit yang

    dihasilkan pun akan tinggi.

    Auditor dengan fee audit yang tinggi akan melakukan prosedur audit lebih luas dan

    mendalam terhadap perusahaan klien sehingga kemungkinan kejanggalan-kejanggalan yang

    ada pada laporan keuangan klien dapat terdeteksi. Pendeteksian kejanggalan mencerminkan

    kualitas proses audit tinggi, hal ini dikarenakan kualitas proses audit merupakan pelaksanaan

    audit dengan penerapan standar akuntansi dan standar audit yang benar oleh auditor.

    Wuchun (2004) menemukan bahwa fee audit berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas

    audit. Hartadi (2009) dan Suryatini (2012) juga menemukan hal yang sama bahwa tingginya

    fee audit akan disertai pula pada tingginya kualitas proses audit. Hasil statistik penelitian ini

    pun mendukung penemuan sebelumnya.

    5. Iyer, S Govind., Venkataraman M. Iyer, Birenda K. Mishra. (2003). Advances In

    Accounting.Elsevier Ltd. Kidlington. Oxford, United Kingdom.

    Companines Act in the United Kingdom has required the disclosure of audit fees in the

    annual report for a long time. However, the requirement to disclose non-audit service fees

    paid to incumbent auditor hhas been a recent reform. The impetus for this amendment to the

    Companies Act 1989 was provided by growing allegations that large accounting firms were

    submitting loss leading bids for audit contracts in the hope of securing lucrative consulting

    work. In response to such allegations, the Companies Act 1989 (Disclosure of Remuneration

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    For Non-Audit Work) 1991 Regulations mandated that non-audit fees paid to the incumbent

    auditor should be disclosed in the annual report. The disclosure requirement is predicated on

    the belief that it would lead to the increased transparency of the economic bonding of the

    auditor and the client management. That is, shareholders, lenders, investors, and others would

    be able to judge for themselves whether the auditor is overly dependent on a particular client

    for substatial amount of income thereby impairing auditor indendence. Shareholders who

    become concerned about the relaionship could force the company to restrict purchase of

    consultancy services from the incumbent auditor ot insist that another auditing firm be


    The increased transparency of the economic bonding of the auditor and the client

    management can also become another weapon in the armory of a shareholder in case of a

    shareholder lawsuit against the auditor for sub-standard audit. Deep pocket auditors become

    more vulnerable to shareholders lawsuit especially in situations where they have provided

    large amounts of non audit services (where shareholders can cite prima facie lack of

    independence). Alternatively, an auditor may also indicate his/her independence by curtailing

    the revenue generated from non-audit services. In the following sections, we document the

    effect of the disclosure requirement in the United Kingdom by tracking a sample of

    companies over a period of four years.

    Effect of disclosure on Audit Fee and Non-audit Service Fee

    We use 1991 as a bencmark for comparing the trend in the non-audit service fees for

    years 1992, 1993, and 1994. First, we document the trends in the mean audit fee, non-audit

    service fee, and total asset after adjusting for the effects of inflation. Changes in audit and

    non-audit service fee are positively related. This is also prima facie support for the argument

    that under a disclosure scenario, audit firms tend to manage nonaudit revenue.

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    6. (2008). Audits of Public Companies. New York: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.

    With Continued Audit Market Concentration, Large Public Companies Se

    Limited Choice, But No Apparent Significant Effect on Fees.

    Despite some reduction since 2002, the overall public ccompany audit market has

    remained highly concentrated. For large public companies, the market remains highly

    concentrated, with four largest accounting firms auditing the financial statements of almost

    all large public companies. However, the audit market for smaller public companies has

    become much less concentrated since 2002. Larger public companies indicated that the

    industry expertise and technical capability that they sought in an auditor generally meant that

    their choices were limited to the largest accounting firms in this highly concentrated market.

    Those we spoke to and surveyed had mixed views on the extent to which the current level of

    concentration adversely affected choice, audit prices, and audit quality, but most participants

    did not see the current level of concentration as significantly affecting participants did not see

    the current level of concentration as significantly affecting these aspects of competition.

    Although audit fees have increased and public companies opinions of the adequacy of

    competition ii the audit market varied, companies factors appear to exxplain the recent fee

    increaases. While the current level of concentration does not appear to be having significant

    adverse effect, the loss of another of the larger firms would further increase concentration and

    limit company choices and may affect price competition. Regulators overseeing the

    functioning of the audit market could take several actions in response to another large audit

    firms leaving the market. Market participants and others cited various factors that had

    contributed to recent fee increases. The most significant factors that staff from the largest

    firms cited in interviews were the increasing complexity of accounting and financial reporting

    standards and the additional reuirements of new auditing standards that had increased the

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    amount of work involved in audits and the need for technical expertise. For example, one of

    the largest firms noted that the number of experts on staff at the firm more than doubled

    between 2003 and 2007. Many market participants noted similar factors as impacting fees.

    The largest firms alsi cited the increased sosts of attracting and retaining talented stadd and

    specialists. Similarly midsize and smaller firms reported on our survey that the top four

    factors increasing ther cost since 2003 were compelxity of accounting principles and auditing

    standards, additional requirements of new standards, the time and effort necessary to prepare

    for PCAOB inspections, and the costs incurred to hire and train staff.

    In particular, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which increaed the amount of audit work

    performed at public companies, was frequently cited as one of the major factors in the recent

    fee increases. This legilation introduced a number of new requirements for audits of public

    companies, and many market participants told us that the new requirements accounted for

    much of the fee increases since 2002. representatives from some audit firms we spoke to said

    that section 404 of the act had, where implemented, substatially increased their worload and

    costs for implementing new methodologies and staff training. In addition, 84 percent of

    companies reporting that their audit fess had increased since 2003 indicated on our survey

    that the audit of internal control over financila reporting as one of the reasons for the

    increase. To datem only larger public companies-which SEC calls accelerated filers-have had

    to comply with the new requirements for assssing these internal controls. Smaller public

    companies-those considered non accelerated filers-are scheduled to fully comply with the

    new audit requirments in annual filing after December 15, 2008, potentially resulting in

    further increases in these companies audit fees. Independence requirements may also have

    changed the way some firm price audits, resulting in rising fees.

    7. Sercu, P., M. Willekens. (2005). Corporate Governance at the Crossroads. Oxford:


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    Audit Pricing

    Based on the empirical evidence of high supplier concentration in the audit market,

    early audit fee research was mainly inspired by concerns about price competition in the audit

    market. In his seminal paper, Simunic (1980) proposed a model of audit pricing to test for

    competition in thw US audit industry. He assumed that tprice competition prevails in the

    small auditee market segment because of the lower supplier concetration in this segment, but

    that the large auditee market may not be competitive because of big N (then big 8)

    concetration. By comparing pricing in the tow market segment, Simunic draws conclusions

    about competition in the audit market. From the results of his study the hyhpothesis that the

    audit market is competitive could not be rejected, as no dignificant premia were found for bi

    N (then big 8) firms in the large client segment of the market. Many subsequent studies

    adopted a similar approach to study audit pricing. Unlike Simunic, most studies report a

    significant big N audit fee premium and exlain this finding by product differentiation by the

    big N and not as a result of big N market power. The different findings as to big N premia are

    explained by size differences in the client samples under investigation. Later audit fee studies

    were mainly concerned with specific determinants of audit ffees, such as the effect of auditor

    switching, auditor concetration and auditor industry specialization.

    Fee studies have also been done outside the U.S. for example, Francis (1984), Francis and

    Stokes (1986), Craswell et al. (1995) report evidence on the Australian market; Chan et al.

    (1993), Pong and Whittingtion (1994), Taffler and Ramalinggam (1982) on the UK market;

    Firth (1985) on the New Zealen market; Anderson and Zeghal (1994) on the Canadian

    market; and Chung and Lindsay (1988); Dominica Suk-yee Lee (1996), Gul (1999) and

    DeFond et al.(2000) on the Hong Kong market; Willekens and Achmadi (2003) for Belgian

    audit market. Overall, we can conclude that:

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    1. A fairly robust audit fee model seems to explain 50%-70% of audit fee variations

    across the world, including auditee size, client complexity and riskiness as

    explanatory variables, and

    2. Significant price premia for big N firms are observed worldwide. Note that almost all

    prior audit fee studies used samples of public clients.

    In recent study, Menon and Williams (2001) report eveidence on long-term

    trends in audit fees in the US audit market. They find that fees increased in the 1980s

    but stayed flat in the 1990s. In particular, a significant increase in fees is noted in

    1988, which the authors atrribute to an expansion of audit effort as a response to the

    issuance of the expectations gap standards. The evidence also indicates a short-term

    but not a long-term effect of the big 8 mergers in 1989 on audit pricing. Some

    changes in the audit fee model over the sample period (1980-1997) are also


    Note that Hay, Knechel and Wong (2005) provide a meta-analysis of audit fee

    determinants across 88 audit fee studies. The audit fee is determined by a wide range

    of variables. On the one hand, client-firm characteristics have a seroius impact on the

    time invested and the risk faced by the auditor. On the other hand, also audit-firm

    characteristics have an impact on the audit fees. The audit pricing literature suggests

    that dor clients with certain litigations risk, or extra extra effort to produce a more

    defensible audit. Five client characteristic are considered to have a possible impact on

    the audit price: firm size, the ownership type, organitazational compelxity, the

    financial situatuation, and board characteristics. Certain auditor-firm characteristics

    may have an influence on the audit fee. The two characteristics that are generally

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    considered are economies of scale and product differentiation or specialisation. Tow

    studies have been done on audit pricing in Beelgium.

    Willekens and Achmadi (2003) provide evidence on audit pricing in the

    private client sement of he audit market in 1989 and 1997. They investigate whether

    (1) audit pricing is competitive in the private client segment of the audit market, and

    (2) the increase in market concentration between 1989 and 1997 resulted in more or

    less price competition. They report that audit fees are significantly associated with the

    incumbent auditors market share both 1989 and 1997. This resul is similar to prior

    studies on pricing in the public client segment of the market. It is not clear whether

    this finding implies that there is a lack of competition in the market or whether the

    price premium is due ti product differentition.

    Knechel and Willekens (2004) invetigate audit pricing in the ublic client segment of

    the Belgian audit market and find that internal control, risk management and

    governance significantly affect audit demand and pricing. In particular, audit fees are

    higher when a company has an audit committee, disclose a relatively high level of

    financial risk management and has a larger precentage of independent board

    members. Audit fees are lower when a company disclose a relatively high lelvel of

    compliance risk management. That latter result indicates that controls are only

    complementary as long as voluntary, as mandated controls act as substitues for non-

    mandated controls.

    8. Boynton, William C., Raymond N. Johnson. (2006). Modern Auditing: Assurance

    Services anf the In tegri ty of F inancial Reporting. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Rule 503Commisions and Refferal Fees

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    A. Prohibitted commisions. A member in public practice shall not for a commision

    recommend or refer to a client any product or service, or for a commision

    recommend or refer any product or service to be supplied by a client, or receive a

    commision, when the member or the members firm also perfoms for that client.

    (a)An audit or review of financial statement, or

    (b)A compilation of financial statement when the member expects, or reasonably

    might expect, that a third party will use the financial statement and


    An examination of prospective financial information.

    This prohibition applies during the period in which the member is engaged to

    perform any of the services listed above and the period covered by any historical

    financial statements involved in such listed services.

    B. Disclosure of permitted commissions. A member in public practice who is not

    prohibited by this rule from performing services for or receiving a commission

    and who is paid or expects to be paid a commission shall disclose that the fact to

    any person or entity to whom the member recommends or refers a product or

    service to which the commission relates.

    C. Referral fees. Any member who accepts referral fee for recommendingor reffering

    any service of a CPA to any person or entity or who pays a referral fee to obtain a

    client shall disclose such acceptance or payment to the client.

    This rule was also modified significantly in1990 to comply with a FTC order. The

    former rule contained a general prohibition against members accepting any

    commission, even when disclosed to, and approved by, the client. The FTC

    deemed the former rule to be in restraint of trade.

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    When the FTC order leading to the amendment of rule 503 was imposed in 1990,

    CPAs in 50 of the 54 jurisdictions nonetheless remained subject to state statutes or

    state board of accountancy regulations that barred them from accepting contingent

    fees and commissions. Now, most of these jurisdictions have eliminated or

    reduced limits on these arrangements for nonattest services. However, students

    should be aware that some states may bar contingent fee and commissions either

    through state board regulations or through state statutes. Some states may permit

    contingent fees but not commissions, or they mey permit CPAs to accept, nut not

    pay, commissions and referral fees.

    Under the current rule, a CPA may accept a disclosed commissions. For example,

    a CPA may accept a disclosed commissions from a computer manufacturer based

    on equipment purchased by a client on the CPAs recommendation, except when

    the CPA performs any of the services described in the rule for the same client.

    Payments by a CPA to obtain a client are now permitted provided disclosure is

    made to the client.

    9. Boynton, William C., (2003). Modern Auditing ji li d 1 (edisi 7).Terjemahan

    Paul A. Rajoe, dkk. Jakarta: Erlangga.

    Imbalan Yang Belum Dibayar.

    Imbalan yang belum dibayar untuk jasa profesional yang telah diberian akan

    dianggap sebagai pinjaman yang diberikan anggota kepada klien. Oleh karena itu,

    independensi kantor akuntan publik dapat dianggap melemah apabila CPA telah

    menerbitkan laporan audit untuk tahun berjalan bagi klien, namun CPA belulm

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    menerima imbalan, baik telah ditagihkan atau belum ditagihkan selama lebih dari

    satu tahun. Ketetapan ini tidak berlaku bagi imbalan yang belum dibayar akibat

    pailitya klien.

    10.Lindrianasari. (2010). Pergantian CEO Duni a Suatu Bukti Pentingnya I nformasi

    Akuntansi dalam I su Pergantian CEO. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

    Financial Restatement

    Pada studi Feldman, Read and Abdolmohammad FRA (2009), mereka

    menguji post-restatement, audit fess dan executive turnover pada sampel

    perusahaan yang melakukan restated laporan keuangan mereka tahun 2003. FRA

    menginvestigasi dan menemukan bukti bahwa audit fees yang lebih tinggu

    terdapat pada perusahaan yang melakukan restatement dibandingkan dengan

    perusahaan lain yang tidak melakukan restatement yang menjadi sammpel kontrol

    pada penelitian.

    Tujuan paper FRA ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi apakah audit fee yang lebih tinggi pada

    perusahaan mengikuti kesalahan pelaporan keuangan dan untuk menentukan apakah bagian

    dari tindakan pengulangan tersebut dapat meningkatkan audit fee. Mengikuti penelitian

    sebelumnya, FRA menggunakan restatement sebagai kesalahan pelaporan keuangan

    (financial reporting failure). FRA mengajukan preposisi bahwa mengikuti pelaporan

    keuangan yang salah-catat (misstatement), seorang auditor sepertinya menilai bahwa

    perusahaan memiliki risiko audit yang lebih tinggi relatif terhadap perushaan yang tidak

    memiliki permasalahan audit. Karena terdapat hubungan positif antara risiko dengan audit fee

    yang telah mapan di dalam literatur, FRA menghipotesiskan dan menemukan bahwa

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    perusahaan dengan restatement memperlihatkan audit fee yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan

    dengan sampel kontrol perusahaan yang non-restatement.

    Financial restatement yang dilakukan perusahaan mengindikasikan bahwa sebenernya ada

    kesalahan yang terjadi di dalam laporan keuangan. Kesalahan tersebut akan meningkatkan

    risiko audit dan akhirnya akan menambah audit fee, jika restatement dilakukan sebatas

    kesalahan yang tidak material. Jika restatement dilakukan untuk menutupi kesalahan fatal

    yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen, risiko audit akan semakin tinggi dan akhirnya akan

    mendorong audit fee yang tinggi pula. Kondisi inilah yang dapat merugikan legitimasi

    perusahaan, dan beberapa perusahaan akhirnya akan mengganti eksekutifnya yang terkait

    dengan tindakan financial restatement tersebut. Penjelasan ini yang meyakinkan beberapa

    peneliti untuk menjelaskan bahwa hubungan financial restatement dengan pergantian adalah


    11.Hartoyo, Dwi. (2011). Panduan Audit I nvestigatif Korupsi di Bidang Kehutanan.

    Bogor: Center for International Forestry Research.

    Penyusunan rencana biaya audit

    Berdasarkan program kerja pemeriksaan maka auditor juga dapat memperkirakan biaya yang

    diperlukan untuk mendukung pelaksaan audit. Biaya audit harus mencakup seluruh biaya

    yang diperlukan untuk mengumpulkan bukti dalam pelaksanaan audit serta melaporkan dan

    menyampaikan hasil audit kepada pihak-pihak yang ditentukan. Jika auditor telah menyusun

    dan menetapkan perencanaan audit maka audit investigatif dapat mulai dilaksanakan.

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    12. Mulyadi (2002) Auditing Buku Dua, Edisi Ke Enam, Salemba Empat, Jakarta.

    Menurut Mulyadi (2002:33), umumnya hirarki auditor dalam perikatan audit dalam

    kantor akuntan publik dibagi menjadi berikut ini :

    1. Partner (rekan)

    2. Manajer

    3. Auditor Senior

    4. Auditor Yunior.

    Adapun uraiannya sebagai berikut :

    Partner (rekan)

    Partner menduduki jabatan tertinggi dalam perikatan audit; bertanggung jawab atas

    hubungan dalam klien; bertanggung jawab secara menyeluruh mengenai auditing. Partner

    menandatangani laporan audit dan management letter, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap

    penagihanfee audit dari klien.

    13. Supriyono, R.A. 1988. Pemeriksaan Akuntansi (Auditing) : Faktor-faktor

    yang Mempengaruhi Independensi Penampilan Akuntan Publik. Penerbit Salemba

    Empat, Jakarta.

    Menurut Supriyono (1988:60) audit fee yang kecil kemungkinan dapat mengakibatkan suatu

    kantor akuntan lebih independen karena:

    (1) Kantor akuntan tidak merasa tergantung pada klien tertentu sehingga lebih berani

    menentang kehendak klien yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang diterima umum

    atau norma pemeriksaan akuntan.

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    (2) Hilangnya klien yang audit fee-nya kecil tidak mengakibatkan turunnya

    pendapatan kantor akuntan dalam jumlah yang relatif besar. Wati dan Subroto, Faktor-faktor

    yang Mempengaruhi Independensi Penampilan Akuntan Publik akan tetapi, audit fe e yang

    kecil kemungkinan dapat pula mendorong akuntan publik kurang independen dalam

    memberikan opini atas laporan keuangan klien karena waktu dan biaya audit yang terbatas.

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    Audit fee adalah honorarium yang dibebankan oleh akuntan publik kepada perusahaan

    auditee atas jasa audit yang dilakukan akuntan publik terhadap laporan keuangan. Penetapan

    biaya audit yang dilakukan oleh KAP berdasarkan perhitungan dari biaya pokok pemeriksaan

    yang terdiri dari biaya langsung dan tidak langsung. Biaya langsung terdiri dari biaya tenaga

    yaitu manager, superpiser, auditor junior dan auditor senior. Sedangkan biaya tidak langsung

    seperti biaya percetakan, biaya penyusutan computer, gedung dan asuransi. Setelah dilakukan

    perhitungan biaya pokok pemeriksaan maka akan dilakukan tawar menawar antar klien yang

    bersangkutan dengan kantor akuntan publik.

    Besaran fee audit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara statistik terhadap kualitas

    proses audit. Kondisi ini menggambarkan semakin tinggi fee audit yang diberikan klien,

    semakin luas pula prosedur audit yang akan dilakukan auditor maka kualitas audit yang

    dihasilkan pun akan tinggi.

    Auditor dengan fee audit yang tinggi akan melakukan prosedur audit lebih luas dan

    mendalam terhadap perusahaan klien sehingga kemungkinan kejanggalan-kejanggalan yang

    ada pada laporan keuangan klien dapat terdeteksi. Pendeteksian kejanggalan mencerminkan

    kualitas proses audit tinggi, hal ini dikarenakan kualitas proses audit merupakan pelaksanaan

    audit dengan penerapan standar akuntansi dan standar audit yang benar oleh auditor.

    Jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara lain, pembahasan mengenai audit fee di

    Indonesia masih sedikit. Dan KAP di Indonesia masih terbatas dibandingkan dengan negara-

    negara maju dan belum banyak penelitian yang membahas mengenai audit fee. Di negara lain

    sudah banyak penelitian mengenai audit fee dan lebih transparan.

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    IBRANI 13:5

    Janganlah kamu menjadi hamba uang dan cukupkanlah dirimu dengan apa yang ada padamu.

    Karena Allah telah berfirman: "Aku sekali-kali tidak akan membiarkan engkau dan Aku

    sekali-kali tidak akan meninggalkan engkau."

    HEBREO 13:5

    Mangilag kayo sa pagibig sa salapi; mangagkasiya kayo sa inyong tinatangkilik: sapagka't

    siya rin ang nagsabi, Sa anomang paraan ay hindi kita papagkukulangin, sa anomang paraan

    ni hindi kita pababayaan.

    HEBREW 13:5

    Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He

    Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.