t FAOE EIGHT "DrkTOHI TTJ't>"tfTC! ' Iff' '"fT'" —fcl.lHII.HI.IIII II ll II .1 III • ... > 11' •*. NOR ROLL OF SOLDIERS OF PORT JERVIS AND VICINITY Record Being Made for Historical Purposes—Read it Over and Notify Us of Mistakes or Omissions An effort is being made to get a complete record of the soldiers from JPort Jervis. Deerpark, Matamoras and other nearby towns with the inten- tion of preserving it as a matter of lo- «oal hisory. Rev, W. ff« Donohue, who m in charge of the Home Service of •the Port Jervis Red Cross, has given at great deal of hard work to the pro- ject and has furnished a copy for pub. Mcation as far as he has been ble to s e t it. Father Donohue as well as The -Gazette realizes that there may be errors and omissions, and if so the nearest relatives are asked to notify oither him.or The Gazette/ It is the *>lan to keep this list running for sev- eral days, so if he name of your boy, I$your brother or your sweetheart is hissing, kindly let u* know. aire information also concerning the killed and the wounded. The follow- ing is the list: liiliia.1) IN ACTION Biiz, James C. "Ryan, William J, Thorne, Samuel Aloyslus Delaney Lewis Gray Di 1 :i> IN CAMP McAlister, Elliot Kalim, Joseph Southers, Ralph Herman Koenig Charles Shane burg. WOUNDED IN ACTION , liichards, Fred l#. Newman, Charles Harry Demott Hemon, William 0urrant, Charles Denton, Percy Lambert, Emerson Cunneen, Jay 3>rake, Frank Martin, Edward . V Burr, Roy Pierce, Charles Charles Ferguson. NAME OF SOLDIERS J. Austra Wileau Askew (colored) Herbert Arthur Austin Aber,. t North St. Walter J. Aekeman, 17 penn. Ave. George W. Adams, "i6 liuig&tou Ave, Albert Applegate, 1-73 Jersey Ave. William Applegate. 173 Jersey Ave. Charles Ayiers, 19 K Main St. Clyde Angle Earl Angle •*W. J. Ryan, Fossard St., (killed in action). Anthony Barthelmus, 27 Mechanic St. Laurence Bauer, 151 W. Main St. Frank A. Bauer, ,33Coleman St. William G. Bauer, 54 E. Main St. Edward Babbin Frank Barrett Fred Barrett Earl Barton F. Belcher Y. M. C. A. Walter Beattie, ti Barcelo St. F. Belcher, Y. M. C. A. George Bennett Pike St. Oerald M. Best, 66Ball St. Leory Blood, "James O. Bliz, 159 W. Main St. (killed in action) Leory Blood, 126 Ball St. William BJoomer, 138 Front St. William J. Blake, Franklin St. JSarl Biackman, Matamoras Pa. William T. Poland, 14 Ulster Place Charles H. Boyd, 3 Fall St. vuArthur B. Boynton, W. Main St. Bert Bowman Harold T. Booth, 53 N. Church St. Leory Bockover, 237 E. Main St. . Willard Branch, 1 Ferguson Ave, W. E. Brasted, 75 Railroad Ave, Earl Bryant (colored) William Bryant t , James. O. Breen, Y. M. C, A. •Spencer Broadhead (colored), 117 Railroad Ave. ( William E. Bross, 64 King St. .John W. Bryan, 94 Front St. • Ralph H. Bross, 67 Jersey Ave. .John H. Brown, 24 Patterson St. Samuel R. Brierly, 15 Maple Ave. Oliver Buenl, Orange St. -IE. C. Buch, Y. M. C. A. drvlng J. Buckley, 3 Mt. William SL ISarl W. Buddenhagen, care Morgan. Ball St, McKinley Bullivant, 40 Orange St. Royi Burr, Washington Ave. I>r, John C. Burr, 36 Holbrook St. Howard J. Burgess, Ball St. dfrank Burns, Broome St. ., James Burke, West End. •Clarence Camerson, 48 Reservoir Moses Canfleld, W. Main St. ' !Thomas Carroll, 87 Franklin St. Walter L. Carroll, 87 Franklin St. William C. Carey, 14 Coleman St. Walter Campbell. .John H. Campbell. .sHlettry Christie, Jersey Ave, jPYank Chappie, Orange St. ^'•Walter J. Christie, 76 Jersey Ave. v.Uicant Cisco, (rejected) Culvert St. \ \F\ped Chambers, 13 Orange St. Lawrence Clark, Owen St. Benjamin H. Clarke, Franklin St. 0, y, Clark, Middletown, N, Y. /(Parents). .John F. Cieary, 229 E. Main St. .tFrasier Clifford, 149 Pike St. «J. Clifford. Vincenzo Clnelli, 17 Pike St. Ernest C. Coleman, 20 Spring St. Willard F. Coleman, 11 Clark St. Thomas Collier, Lumber St. Robert Collier, Lumber St. Hiram Conklin. .Joseph Conlon, >«. H. Corey. E. J, Conway. Albert Conrad. , Frank Conklin. fidgar E. Cowan, 31 Mechanic St. Albert Courtrlght, 8 High St. Mario Colentori, 1 Railroad Ave. .Edmund Crane, Canal St. vE, T, Crlne, 6 Chestnut St. Walter Cron, Tri-States. EAwrence H, Creighton, River St. JLeslle Crlne, 16 Chestnut St. Herman Cron, 27 First Ave. John A. Cullen, Franklin St Francis Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. John S. Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. Wallace V. Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. \, V. Clark, Owen St. 'rh>hu Cnwan, (Discharged). Hurry Cowiui, '{I iYIiNthuii (<• St. It. I'l'. Curtis:*, :>:{ Chuv.di HI.. inAiiv.i i !t>uiUiUy, i v ii'lr.'it :;r. *.-:']:uiiic.s (!. ( h o o p l t i , I.IJ2 lA'iiitt St. tftrunk i:,. (looney, 39 Mechanic St. CJharlOM M. Oaiiilehl 137 W. Main Hfc >ard T. Coiiroy, H4 Franklin St. lund Callihan, ^rest End, I Ralph L. Carey, 25 Washington Ave Charles A. Coniton, 57 Front St. Michael W; Cross, 86 Franklin St. Kusse.il D. Caskey, 242 W. Main St. Clemence Cameron, 48 Reservoir Ave. Benj, H. Clark, 49 Fowler St, Edward C. Cuddy, 71 Orange St. William A, Clancy, Fowler, St. James P. Darden, 7 Chestnut St. Al. A. Delaney, 5 Rumsoy St. Percy H. Denton, 9 Ulster Place. Levi F. Doty, 152 Jersey Ave. Ralph Doty, E* Main St. Frank Drake, 97 E. Main St. Harry Dunlap, 4 Hudson St. William E. Dunn, 12 River St, Dr. William Denton, 14 E. Main St. Leo H. Deegan, Coleman St. Edward Deegan. Edward P. Darragh, 239 W. Main St. Maurice F. Donohue, 57 Sussex St. R. L. Devore, Matamoras iS. A. Dewitt, (Rejected). \ Joseph Dolan, Delaware St, Harry DeMott. James H. Decker, 205 W. Main St. Lewis J. Delaney, 5 Rumsey St. John DeGraw, 24 Rumsey St, Frank J. Dolan, 11 Delaware St. John B. Eagan, 177 w/Main St. Joseph D. Eagan, 24 Ball St. Thomas Edwards, Orchard St. Thomas Eidel, 146 W Main St. Roland J. Elmore, 57 Canal St. Floy'd Elmore, 112 Franklin St. Gilbert Elmore, 112 Franklin St. Harold Elston, Franklin.St. John J. Elwanger, 1 Mechanic St. Martin C. Bverltt, 201 Ball St. Harry Economous, 65 Pike St. John Ellson William H. Eidel, 22 River St. William J. Earley, High St. Paul Elsenberger, 59 Ball St. Edward Ferguson, 5 White St. Charles Ferguson, 5 White St. Edward Fleming, Third St. James Fleming, Third St. George J. Flug, 10 BroWn St, John Flynn, West End. Thomas R. Foster, 43 King St. Fred Fox, 81 Ball St. Louis Fox, 81 Ball St. Russell Fox, 81 Ball St. Elwood L. Forbell, 22 River St. Michael G. Fox, 106 Front St. Ralph Fox. Prasrie Ferrari. . Robert Forster, 102 Franklin St. Frank'Fu'rman, E. Main St. C. D. Frazier, W. Main St. Juss J. Fenton, 149 Jersey Ave. Francis Fltzpatrlck. Harold Flanagan 2 2 Fletcher Gillinder, 23 Sullivan Ave. C. J, Goble, 25 Washington Ave. Joseph Goldman, 131 Jersey Ave. Harry C. Goodrich, 8 Ulster Place Cecil Goodyear, 38 Orange St. Arthur A, Gray, 69 Ball St. Samuel J. Gross, 86 Franklin St. George W. Griffin, 7 Culvert St. Flody W. Goble, 18 Culvert St. E. M. Gimlele. Charles J. Gardella. Front St. Horace Glbbs, 151 Pike St.. Leon Gordon. 228 W. Main St. Howard B. Gordon. 39 Orchard St. Frank Gleason, 4 Hill St. Melvin Greer, E. Main St. Matthew F. Gunshemah, Pike St. William Hadlick, 82 Jersey Ave. John J, Hadlick,,82 Jersey Ave., Frank Hadlick, 82 Jersey Ave. Albert Hamilton. 107 Ball St. Fred J. Hamilton, l1 Pearl St. J, E. tHannahan, Pike St. George Ha pp. 33 E. Main St, Donald S. ITaring. 33 E. Main St. Warren Hathaway, 11 Barcelo St, Eugene Hawkins. 244 W. Main St. G, E. Hazen. E. Main St * Robert Hardistue. J|>hn F. Harrison. 66Hammond St. MaynArd Hammond, Ball St. Clifford Haring. MXli .Tersey Ave. Howard Hattler, Fowler St. William R. Henion, 1 Chestnut St. Earl Heinickle, 145 Hammond St. Charles Herr. 209 W. -Main St. Earl Herr, 211 W. Main St. George Herr, 211 W. Main St. Patrick Henry, Erie Commissary. Jesse T. Hiller, 137 E. Main St. Robert Hiller, 26 Church St. " Robert Higham. Church St. Edward R. Hicks, 142 Main* St. T. Hjorth, 1 Richard St. Joseph D. Hughes, Ferguson Ave. Harry Hunt. 30. McAllister St. Harold A. Hunt, 16 Kellogg Ave. Jesse L. Hunt. -Leonard Heater, 6 Ball St. Merlin Hauber. 14 Third St. Ellas Hennessy, Y. M. C. A, Thomas D. Harrington, 158 Front St Christopher Holden, 86 Pike St. Earl Holbert. 19 Hammond St. Archie Hulse, 8 Jersey Ave. Richard T. Hunter, 5 Railroad Ave. T. J. Hoppy, 5 Mt. William $t. Lloyd J, Hornbeck. Frederick p. Rhodes, W. End. James H. Hosking. Clifton Ingram, Mervllle Jenks, 66 B, Main St. Harvey S. Johnson, 65 Sussex St. William Q, Johnson, 64 King St. James F. Jones, 145 pike St. , Vincent D. Kalltnghan, 174 W. Main E. Kalllghan, W, Main St. Charles Kalin, 7 Qaries St. HariT O. Kadel, 1 V E, Main St. Jacob Kaplan, 134 W. Main St. **Joseph Kalln, Gariss St. (Died in camp). Cecil Karr, 168 E. Main St. F. J. Kautz, W. Main St. Chris. Kautz, 206 W. Main St, Charles Kelley, 13 Frankjin St, Leo B. Kelley, 3 Fossard St. James Kelley, (Rejected). John Kennedy. Earl Kellam, E. Main St. Harold Kirk, Catherine 9t. John R. Kissinger, 21 Holbrook St. Edwin B. Klntner, 10 Patterson St Bobert Kleljnstuber, 6 Pine St, Earl Klelnstuber, 5 Pine St, Lester W. Knapp, 153 Ball St. George Knight, 29 Railroad Ave. E. H. Kuhn. Charles KnaP'p, , Walter E. Koenig, 123 Jerseyt Ave. Earl Kroger, 253 W. Main St. William Krause. George A. .Kane, 66 Hammond St. PhtMu-Mtxi Lambtn-t, Ml M U i / a b o t h S t . C'luiil^M i.ambot't, 57 Canal St. Walter Laitgan, care 74 Ball St. (Hark Langan, Fowler St. Thosv La«ardo, pike St. Leroy ]|4|^% Fowlerl St, .... Fred,• Atmr tyboU,\7 KUa^^li. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, J919 James Lyons, 113 Front St. John Lyons, W. End,' Sigurd O. Lilga, 29 Hammond St. U'dhn A. Lane, 67 Vz Orange St, Charles Lord, Y. M, C, A. i , l^eeman Lord, (Rejected) Fred Leioht, 32 Ball St. PYiend O. Lesh, Y. M. C. A. ^ Hilton Leeson, Frahklin St, Frank H, Leeson, 4 Hill St. Tracy E. Lyons, 6 Washington Ave. Thos. J. McCormick, 40 King St. Dewitt C. Mandeviie, 173 Pike St. Ralph Manwaring, 30 Ferguson Ave. James Marshall. Peter L. May, 6 Mt. William St. John G. Mack, 12 Prospect St. Andrew J, Maloney, W. Main St. Ira J. Mandeville, 173 Jersey Ave> John Manson, 14 Culvert St. Herman Manthal, 49 Canal St. Leo Markley, Grand St. Edward Martin, 35 Holbrook St. Dr. L. H. McAllister, 168 W. Main St Harry McCable, Holbrook St. Harry McCann, 174 Front St. Gordon McCathie, 3 Beach Road John MvCovey, Fossard St. Frank McCoy, Front St. Edward McCormick, 17S E. Main St Frank D. McDermott, 65 Hudson St. **EUot't McAltistpr, West Main St. (Died in camp). •William McKane, 12 Third St. 'Moylan McKinley, 81 Orange St. •John A. KtcLaughliii, 23 Railroad Ave. ' • . Homer McLean, Jersey Ave. Robert McDermott, t>5 Hudson St. W. R. McDermott, 7 S. Broome St. John H. McCormick, 178 E. Main St Harold McCabe, 7 Holbrook St. 'Frank L. Mclntyre, 10 Church St. William H. Mills, Marshall St. James J. Monahan, 6 Fossard St. G. S. Meyer, Lawrentee S. Moore Guy Moore, E. Main St. Stanley E. Mitchell. Albert Mehaftey, 59 Hudson St. Fred R, Morgan. Charles H. Merritt, 14 Sullivan Ave. Leonard Miller, 65 Kingston Ave. V. Miledones, 21 Bioome £t. J'ohn McCreary. Ralph Miller,' 65 Kingston Ave. Joseph Murnen, Elmendorf St. Charles Morgan, N. Orange St. Charles W. Mills, 297 E. Main St. Francis Murray, 32 Brooklyn St. Leo V. Murrian, 13 Crawford St. Levi W« Murphy, 110 Jersey Ave. Earl H. Maxim, Y. M. C. A. Vincent Murset, Coleman Jgt. Edwin May, 6. Mt. William St. John L. Murrian, Joseph J. Moran, John D. Myros ki, Ralph E. Morton, Joseph M. May, 6 13 Crawford St. 56 Front St. 41 Orange St. 9 Fossard St. Mt. William St . Charles Newman, 14 Ferry St. William Newman, 14 Fei ry St. F. H. Niles, Hudson St. James Nyce, 46 Hudson St.. Ralph Nyce, 46 Hudson St . William E. Nolan, 14 Clark St. Raymond P. Nealey, 121 Front St L. .J. Nallin, 25 Broome St . Fred Ncninger. Frank Obermeyo.v. 22 Buckley St. FYancis J. O'Connor. 4 Second St. J. A. O'Nei.l, Y. M. C. A. Earl Owen, Orange St. George Owen., Tri-States Levi Owens, Clove Road Harry Ot't. 96 Jersey Ave. James E. Osborne, West End Paul A/ O'Neill, 14 Fowler St. Charles E. O'ATalky, 101 E. Main IJ'ames O'Connor, Second St. Joseph O'Brien, Y. M. C. A. Walter O'Connor, W- Main St. Horton Perry, Front S'c. Sylvester Purceli, 155 Ball St. W. H. Purdy, Sussex St, James W. Pales. 5 White St. Ralph B. Pantley, 4 5 ilucisun St. Arthur Parker, 169 Bail St. Bertram peck, 30 S. lvi'aple St. St. 181 Pike St. 45 Hudson St, Canal St. , 1 5 Bumsey St, W. Maiii Leon B. Pantley, George Pantley. Walter Pelmer Henry •Powell George Penny, 4 Frank! E. Fehney Garrett J. Pohren, 195 W. Main St. Clary l J ery, Frant St. Horton Perry, Frant St. . Fritz.-.O'. Peterson, 29 Hammond St. Charles pierce, Orchard St. Earl L. Prussia, 86 Hudson St. Sylvester Purceli, 155 Ba! St. ? W. H. Purdy, Sussev St. John W. Price, 118 Jersey Ave. Herman Pantley, 4 5 Hudson St. Daniel Quigley, St. Mary's Home William Quigley, St. Mary's Home Ralph A. Quick, 10 Church St. William Quick, 157 Ball St. John J. RaU, 2.1 Buckley St. Lewis Wau, 21 Buckley St. Eloy Reagen, 6 6 W. Main St. E. J. Reeves, 112 W. Main St. Claude Reynolds, 116 Ball St. Augustus Riggs, 4 Coleman St. Francis Righter, 5 Murray St. Charles M. Romer, 80 Jersey Ave. • Elmer C, Romer, 80 Jersey Ave. John R. Rosencranse, 30 Reser- voir Ave. Isaac Roosa* Ball St. LeRoy Rowlands, Pike St. C. J. Rundle, Ball St. Charles Russell, 17 Clark Ave. . Gilbert Russell 25 McAllister St. Frederick Rltter, King St. Edward A, Ryan, Fossard St. *W. J'. Ryan, Fosard St, (kiled in action) William J. Ryan, 66 E. Maiin St. George H. Romer, 80 Jersey Ave. Kirkman W. Ridway, 3 Ferry St. Oscar Rhoades, 59 Canal St. Samuel Ready/ Theo. Rowe Donald Romalne Carlton Starr, 57 Fowler St. Harry Smith, 44 Fowler St. Fred Salmon, 15 E. Main St. Harold Scales, 16 Brown St. Thomas Scales, Brown St. James H. Schoflold, 10 Glass St. ( George R. Sid well, 17 Orchard St. Harry Skfellenger, 2 2Bruce St. H. L. Slauson, 5 E. Main St. Martin Smith, 2 2 Brooklyn St. Carlton Starr, 57 Fawler St. Daniel A. Smith, 101 E. Main St. John N. Smith, 5 Thompson St. Westbrook J. ®to}l, Ulster Place Herbert SwartwOut, 17 E. Main St. Vah Etten Swartwout, 164 E. Main St. Edward J. Sweeney, 78 Hammond St David SWinton, 20 Sullivan Ave. Ralph Swinton, 16 E. Main St. Richard Swinton, Sullivan Ave.. Roland Symonds, Seward Ave. S. E. Shore, 173 Pike St. - August Schafer, Hatnmond St. >. » Myron Startup, 221 Jersey Ave. Henry Stone, 'Ralph St. David Schwartz ^ v ' \ Robert Smith > t Harry Smith* 44 Fowler St. Rusell Startup r Gebrge -Shear/ 5 Claris St. Victor M. Sniith Ja g. John Schmidt; Y, M. a. A. Charles (>. SPCHI-M,'-! Wood St. Will lam 10. Spears, 1 Wood St. William Stone, 7 Ralph St, W. U. Sutton, Canal St. ' Louis io. Steams, S, Bush Hugh Southjerlahd Ellsworth SchwartJT^^y % »#%.;^/f| " St. Domlnlck Scarano Leroy 1 Taynton, 25 Railroad Ave. Alex Taylor, 7 Second St. Herbeli; Taylor, -Second St. James E. Taylor. . Leroy Taymton, 25 Reilroad Ave. Alex. p. Thompson, 9 Mechanic St. Josepil Tlgue, 149 E. Main 1 St. George M. Thorne, % Oak St. CoillniTony, 36 Lumber St, W. K.jTreat, Y. M. C. A. T. J. l^uex, Hammond St. Clarence Twltehell, 66 E. Main St. Edgar Twitchell, 8 Culvert St. John Trlebert, 2 20 E. Main St. August Tucker Georgl Townsend. Hobaift Uhl, care Jas. Holden. James VanAken, 101.£ Seward Ave H. Barentsen Vaninwegen, 29 Cole St. Wihard B. Vanlhwegen, 29 Cole St. Frantt C. Vaninwegen, 97 Orange St Charles VanGorder, 67 Railroad Ave Joe Virgil, West End. i Linziqf Vinzon, rare Morgan, BaBil St.1.. . Aure* Viti, 28 King St. Michjfel Vanillo, 6 Water St. . Nial garner, 70 W. Main St. F. W«gel, W Main St. Leon Wehner, 130 W. Main St. Eugene Whitney, 45 Orange St. Frarift J. .Williams, 11 Third St. Grover C. Williams, 7 Orange St. Oscar Wilson, 43 King St. John |). Wine, 136 Front St. Samuel H. Woods, 164 Jersey Ave. Ray Wormuth, 106 Jersey Ave. William Willman, 5 Ball St. Franlf Wiliiam 6, Barclay St. Fred f. Willman, Ball St. LeroyiE. Wyant, 66 E. Main St. Charlls Wendt, 26 Church St. Carl S. Warner, 70 W. Main St. RussJl J. White, Franklin St. C. Witson, 32 Church St. C. Wormuth, 106 Jersey Ave. William Walsh, 6 George St. LewiJWendt, 26 Church St. Walter W. Wanamaker, 27 Penn.Ave Earl Wilson Edwafd Whitney, Chestnut St. Charlfs Wagel. Georg'e Zellar, Mechanic St. August Zock. 18 Hill St Benjamin Zock, 18 Hill St. Edwafd Young, Lyman Si. Town of Deerpark. [/' Sparrowbush » , MileslR. Adams. Charles L. Adams. Charlls r\ Bowan. Chaills A. Child Alberl' H. loons Charfts Duryea. Earl JEnni.s. r'lareflce Gilson. •Janie.i F. Hurr. HaroM W. Johnson. Herbfr-t Lowery, Joseph Nied. Charlfs Quackenbush. Alberl Sliulta. Clarence M. Stearns. Ha. IJM Yernooy. ThonM-w J . V'Oi'ye., Charles J. Wei*;. Georgjfe Rogei's. ChestM* L.* Stearns. Jostpjf \'v agi:or. Huguenot Roy •nklin. fcauum Cohfr.. * Fred llv. Kienards. A Hani Vaninwegen. Harojl Vaninwegen. Lyman Vaninwegen. William Decker. Halptf Vaninwegen, ' Rio PeterlDunv/ald. .JacobjOb;-rmeier. E d w a jlti V a n d e 1 i p p e. Matainoias. CharlB? F. Durant'. 1' riUiilJiivey. [•er. V\'i!],iM'; Koar.'i.s. Ni WM Knapp, OBSEQUIES. •ten Mrs. Ella Campbell Van Etten The body of Mrs. Ella Campbell Van Etten, Of Pittsneid," Mass., was brought to this city on Tuesday after- noon and the interment took place at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning In Laurel Grove cemetery, where the services were conducted by the Rev. Uriah Symonds. Those who accompanied the body to Port Jervis were S. S. Van Etten, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowell, of Pitts- field; Amos Van Etten, Kingston; Levi Campbell and George N. Cobb, Binghamton. ^ WHEN YOUR CHILD CttlES at night and tosses restlessly, you feel worribct. Motner Orgy's Powders for C^irss Sreak UP Cold's in 24 hour* Relieve Feverishness. Constipation Teething Disorders, and destroy worms. Used by Mothers for 30 years. All Druggists, 25c. Sample free. Mo- ttoer <5ray Co.. Le ROY. N. Y.—Adv 4<jkn >.VWj' ^•JCTO!^ W&ty ^Y RECEIVED TODAY J.ANSON'S HIGH-GRADE ASSORTED CHOCOLATE: MASON 55-57 PIKE ST. BY THE WAY You had better not wait to >get your Kero Burner, and remember they are safe and guaranteed. See your agent J. DEWIT r MATAMORAS \ ' ;\hjl HWUWI WWf%«prtWW*> »• < —FIRE— INSURANCE I represent American stock companies that have stood the test for last 100 years. W. D. M«BS Reul Estate and Insuranoa . !V i i > III»«III>II imini • ~i i tltwywrt /? h' ! «w iwinn—nuiitinwi—» Levi PerciAal. Geoi'iH Proctor, uick. Schumaeher. Icinner. ?. Strait. .Mn.sinan. wii)jijl| r. v'anAken. Robeii M. Finla'y, 1 'rtd It. Herman. L. Plfflckman. Cliiiidl K.'Skinner. FranM'B. Wilkin. Charljfe K. Norton. JosepH A. Steel. Levi Eebar. Seth A. Hoe ken berry. Frandl L. Krause. John H. Maltby. Arthuf (\ Young. Fred ] pecker. ErnesH F. Ball. Charlfs. Schultz. Josepft D. Wilkin. John Young. Franla Wohlscheldt. '^ Alfred-L Tyler. George S. Meyer. Homer Buchanan. Lynn Hubbard. Charles Marvin. Fred Jleuter. Leo Waycle. Willis Bowland, 100 Johnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Brand, Glen Spey, N. Y. Jamea Cole, Montague, N. J. Elmer M. Dover, Ryantown, Pa. F. Gavoille, Milford, Pa. Charles Greene, Middletown, N. Y. David Q. Hammond, Salem, Mass. Franklin Hansen, 67 Nassau Ave. Elli* Haring, 511 Newark Ave., Jersey City, N. J. S. W. Johnson, Middletown, N. Y. Hiram Marion, Montague, N. J. Robert Rockers, Union Hill, N. J. Wayn# Turner, Greenville. Boy van Aken, Morristown, N. Y. FEARING ASYLUM I WOMAN ENDS LIFE •i.J '%—i- : Newbi^rgh, Dec. 31 —Mary J. Conn, wife of William R. Conn, who resides on the jLattingtown road, committed suicide |n Saturday by hanging. Mrs. Conn has been extremely nervous of late, suffering more or less from mel* axichollat and \\&.d been treated jby Dr. E. <|. Mitchell of this city. For a week past she had become impressed with the idea that she was to be sent to ft the, ^ttdjAletpw'n: State I^os^ plal fori! treatment^ and this wo** heavily npon her ntind, and ho at* tempt, dp. t|ie part of her people seemed to impress her that thin wan not; the nine. Friday, Doc. 'A'{, was her birthday anniversary. She had been born in Havllton in 1880. Subscribe tor Tne Qkiii&ii*. —THE— NEW YEAR START IT RIGHT PROTECT YOURSELF A POLICY Any Kind Written FARNUM Pike Street Broker's License. wn'ww, »,. IH.II wwww •miwmiit.K.iiiMi.nii HI 'wnimrnnii 22 FRONT STREET PORT JERVIS, N. Y. ; jf, m m fey ^ X & i l i ^ h ^ v i n g f o r s a l e 1, Adver- i Owr big ten-day Sale opened with a rc$h, far beyond'our'expectations. Were you there at the opening? Then you know the bargains we are offering. Look over this partial list of bargains and come and get your share. Ladies' and Misse$' Velour Coats, regMliair $30.00 and $35.00 kind, Sale Ladies' and Misses' Suits, our regular $18.00 kind, Sale P r i c e ; . . ; ; . . $10.98 33 1-3 OFF ON ALL FURS. Ladies' Hats* values to $6^00, Sale i rice •,••••'••• ... ......... ^ 6*^9 Ghildren's^Hats of Velvet, sold for $L75» ^ale i rice ......... * . . • • • > ^1*1,81 Best^MjaUty^-'-^Mouse Dresses^ Sale * llCC * . v • • * . • . . . . . . . . . . . . ' f l . l tl Long Outing Flannel Kimonas, values to • $5*00, Sale Price .......... $1.69 MenV Ribbed Fleece $1.50 Underwear, oaie r rice . • • •»• • • • • . . . • • *>... «foc $1.50 Corsets, Sale Price ....... $1.19 Ladies' and Misses $8.00 Coat Sweaters; Dale i rice ...... •• ........ ^4*«fo , Boys' Heavy Fleece Underwear, Sale Best Grade Percales, Sale Price .... 25c Best Quality Outing Flannel, Sale i * ICC • • •,...•»•* ... . . '• . . . . MTC $3.00 Bknkets, full size, Sale Price $2.39 Calicoes, Sale Price ;;... 15c $1.00 Ch^mosette Gloves, all colors* Sale \ ;JT!V*C • . . . * • * . . • . . . . » , „ . » , \, „ ,, fl./fj. (iuarnnl<»cd Kid (ilovc^s, $2X)() kind, Sale Dozens and Dozens of Other Big Bargains. SARGENT & DINNER'S. « L.-' J M <, m.-. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

•ten OF PORT JERVIS AND VICINITY You had better not wait ...fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Port Jervis NY...t FAOE EIGHT "DrkTOHI TTJ't>"tfTC! ' Iff' '"fT'" —fcl.lHII.HI.IIII

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    FAOE EIGHT "DrkTOHI TTJ't>"tfTC! ' Iff' '"fT'" —fcl.lHII.HI.IIII I I ll II .1 III •

    ... > 11' •*.


    Record Being Made for Historical Purposes—Read it Over and Notify Us of Mistakes or Omissions

    An effort is being m a d e to get a c o m p l e t e record of t h e soldiers f rom JPort Jervis . Deerpark , M a t a m o r a s and o t h e r nearby towns wi th t h e in ten-t i o n of preserving it as a m a t t e r of lo-

    «oal hisory. Rev, W. ff« Donohue, w h o m in charge of the H o m e Service of •the P o r t Je rv is Red Cross, h a s given at g rea t deal of ha rd work to t h e p ro -j e c t and has furnished a copy for p u b . Mcation as far as he h a s been ble to s e t it. F a t h e r Donohue as well a s The -Gazette realizes t h a t t he re may be e r r o r s and omissions, and if so t h e n e a r e s t re lat ives a re asked to notify o i t h e r h i m . o r The Gaze t te / I t is t he *>lan to keep th is list runn ing for sev-e r a l days, so if he n a m e of your boy, I$your b ro the r or your swee thea r t is h i s s i n g , k indly le t u* k n o w . a i r e informat ion also concerning the kil led and the wounded. The follow-i n g is the list:

    l i i l i i a .1 ) IN ACTION Biiz, J a m e s C. "Ryan, Wil l iam J, T h o r n e , Samuel Aloyslus Delaney Lewis Gray

    Di 1 :i> IN CAMP McAlister, Elliot K a l i m , Joseph Southers , R a l p h H e r m a n Koenig Cha r l e s Shane burg.

    WOUNDED IN ACTION , l i i cha rds , F red l#.

    N e w m a n , Char les H a r r y Demot t Hemon, Wil l iam 0 u r r a n t , Char les Denton, Percy Lamber t , Emerson Cunneen, J a y

    3>rake, F r a n k Mart in , E d w a r d . V Burr , Roy Pierce, Char les C h a r l e s Ferguson.

    NAME O F S O L D I E R S J . Aus t r a Wileau Askew (colored) H e r b e r t Ar thu r Austin Aber,. t Nor th St. Wal ter J. Aekeman, 17 penn . Ave. George W. Adams, "i6 liuig&tou Ave, Alber t Applegate, 1-73 Jersey Ave. William Applegate. 173 Jersey Ave. Char les Ayiers, 19 K Main St. Clyde Angle Ea r l Angle •*W. J . Ryan, Fossard St., (killed in

    a c t i on ) . An thony Bar the lmus , 27 Mechanic

    St. Lau rence Bauer, 151 W. Main St. F r a n k A. Bauer, ,33Coleman St. William G. Bauer, 54 E. Main St. E d w a r d Babbin F r a n k Bar re t t F r e d Bar re t t Ear l Bar ton F. Belcher Y. M. C. A. Walter Beatt ie , ti Barcelo St. F . Belcher, Y. M. C. A. George Bennet t P ike St. Oera ld M. Best, 66Ball St. Leory Blood, " James O. Bliz, 159 W. Main St.

    (killed in ac t ion) Leory Blood, 126 Ball St. Wil l iam BJoomer, 138 F ron t St. Wil l iam J. Blake, F r a n k l i n St. JSarl Biackman, Ma tamoras Pa . Will iam T. Poland, 14 Ulster Place Char les H. Boyd, 3 Fal l St.

    vuAr thur B. Boynton, W. Main St. Bert B o w m a n Haro ld T. Booth, 53 N. Church St. Leory Bockover, 237 E. Main St. . Willard Branch , 1 Ferguson Ave, W. E. Brasted, 75 Rai l road Ave, Ear l Bryan t (colored) William Bryan t

    t , James. O. Breen, Y. M. C, A. •Spencer Broadhead (colored) , 117

    Rai l road Ave. ( Wi l l i am E. Bross, 64 King St. . John W. Bryan, 94 F r o n t St.

    • R a l p h H. Bross, 67 Jersey Ave. . John H. Brown, 24 Pa t t e r son St. Samuel R. Brierly, 15 Maple Ave.

    • Oliver Buenl, Orange St. -IE. C. Buch, Y. M. C. A. d rv lng J . Buckley, 3 Mt. Wil l iam SL ISarl W. Buddenhagen , care Morgan.

    Ball St, McKinley Bullivant, 40 Orange St. Royi Burr , Wash ing ton Ave. I>r, J o h n C. Burr , 36 Holbrook St. H o w a r d J. Burgess , Ball St. dfrank Burns , Broome St.

    ., J a m e s Burke , Wes t End .

    •Clarence Camerson, 48 Reservoir

    M o s e s Canfleld, W. Main St. ' !Thomas Carrol l , 87 F r a n k l i n St.

    W a l t e r L. Carroll , 87 F rank l in St. W i l l i a m C. Carey, 14 Coleman St. W a l t e r Campbel l .

    . J o h n H. Campbel l . .sHlettry Christie, Jersey Ave,

    jPYank Chappie, Orange St. ^'•Walter J . Christie, 76 Jersey Ave. v.Uicant Cisco, ( re jec ted) Culvert St.

    \ \F\ped Chambers , 13 Orange St. L a w r e n c e Clark, Owen St. Ben jamin H. Clarke, F r ank l in St. 0 , y , Clark, Middletown, N, Y.

    / (Pa ren t s ) . . J o h n F . Cieary, 229 E. Main St. .tFrasier Clifford, 149 Pike St. «J. Clifford.

    Vincenzo Clnelli, 17 P ike St. E r n e s t C. Coleman, 20 Spring St. Wi l la rd F . Coleman, 11 Clark St. T h o m a s Collier, Lumber St. Rober t Collier, L u m b e r St. H i r a m Conklin.

    . J o s e p h Conlon, >«. H. Corey. E . J , Conway. Alber t Conrad. , F r a n k Conklin. fidgar E. Cowan, 31 Mechanic St. A lbe r t Cour t r lght , 8 High St. Mario Colentori , 1 Rai l road Ave.

    .Edmund Crane, Canal St. vE, T, Crlne, 6 Ches tnut St. W a l t e r Cron, Tr i -States . EAwrence H, Creighton, River St. JLeslle Crlne, 16 Ches tnu t St. H e r m a n Cron, 27 Fi rs t Ave. J o h n A. Cullen, F r a n k l i n S t F r a n c i s Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. J o h n S. Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. Wallace V. Cunneen, 8 Sullivan Ave. \, V. Clark, Owen St.

    'rh>hu Cnwan, (Discharged) . H u r r y Cowiu i , '{I iYIiNthuii (:{ C h u v . d i HI.. inAiiv.i i !t>uiUiUy, i v ii'lr.'it :;r.

    *.-:']:uiiic.s (!. (hooplti, I.IJ2 lA'iiitt St. tftrunk i:,. (looney, 39 Mechanic St. CJharlOM M. Oaiiilehl 137 W. Main Hfc

    >ard T. Coiiroy, H4 Frank l in St. lund Callihan, ^ res t End ,


    R a l p h L. Carey, 25 Washing ton Ave Char les A. Coniton, 57 F r o n t St. Michael W; Cross, 86 F r a n k l i n St. Kusse.il D. Caskey, 242 W. Main St. Clemence Cameron , 48 Reservoir

    Ave. Benj, H. Clark, 49 Fowler St, E d w a r d C. Cuddy, 71 Orange St. Wil l iam A, Clancy, Fowler , St.

    J a m e s P . Darden, 7 Chestnut St. Al. A. Delaney, 5 Rumsoy St. Pe rcy H. Denton, 9 Ulster Place . Levi F . Doty, 152 Jersey Ave. R a l p h Doty, E* Main St. F r a n k Drake , 97 E. Main St. H a r r y Dunlap , 4 Hudson St. Wil l iam E. Dunn, 12 River St, Dr. Wil l iam Denton, 14 E. Main St. Leo H. Deegan, Coleman St. E d w a r d Deegan. E d w a r d P . Da r r agh , 239 W. Main

    St. Maurice F . Donohue, 57 Sussex St. R. L. Devore, M a t a m o r a s

    iS. A. Dewitt , (Re jec ted ) . \ Joseph Dolan, De laware St, H a r r y DeMott . J a m e s H. Decker, 205 W. Main St. Lewis J. Delaney, 5 Rumsey St. J o h n DeGraw, 24 R u m s e y St, F r a n k J. Dolan, 11 De laware St.

    J o h n B. Eagan , 177 w / M a i n St. Joseph D. Eagan , 24 Ball St. T h o m a s Edwards , Orchard St. Thomas Eidel, 146 W Main St. Roland J. E lmore , 57 Canal St. Floy'd E lmore , 112 F r a n k l i n St. Gilbert Elmore , 112 F rank l in St. Haro ld Elston, F rank l in .S t . J o h n J. E lwanger , 1 Mechanic St. Martin C. Bverlt t , 201 Ball St. Ha r ry Economous, 65 Pike St. John Ellson Will iam H. Eidel, 22 River St. William J. Ear ley, High St. Paul Elsenberger , 59 Ball St.

    E d w a r d Ferguson, 5 Whi te St. Cha r l e s Ferguson, 5 Whi te St. Edward Fleming, Third St. J a m e s Fleming, Third St. George J . Flug, 10 BroWn St, J o h n Flynn, West End . Thomas R. Foster , 43 K ing St. F red Fox, 81 Ball St. Louis Fox, 81 Ball St. Russell Fox, 81 Ball St. Elwood L. Forbell , 22 River St. Michael G. Fox, 106 F r o n t St. R a l p h Fox. Prasrie Fe r r a r i .

    . Rober t Forster , 102 F r a n k l i n St. F r a n k ' F u ' r m a n , E. Main St. C. D. Frazier , W. Main St. Juss J . Fenton , 149 Je rsey Ave. F ranc i s Fl tzpat r lck . Harold F l anagan

    2 2 F le tcher Gillinder, 23 Sullivan Ave. C. J, Goble, 25 Washing ton Ave. Joseph Goldman, 131 Je rsey Ave. H a r r y C. Goodrich, 8 Ulster P l a c e Cecil Goodyear, 38 Orange St. Ar thur A, Gray, 69 Ball St. Samuel J. Gross, 86 F rank l in St. George W. Griffin, 7 Culvert St. F lody W. Goble, 18 Culvert St. E . M. Gimlele. Charles J. Gardel la . F ron t St. Horace Glbbs, 151 Pike St.. Leon Gordon. 228 W. Main St. Howard B. Gordon. 39 Orchard St. F r a n k Gleason, 4 Hill St. Melvin Greer , E. Main St. Mat thew F. Gunshemah , P ike St.

    William Hadlick, 82 Jersey Ave. John J, Hadlick, ,82 Jersey Ave., F r a n k Hadlick, 82 Jersey Ave. Albert Hamil ton . 107 Ball St. Fred J. Hamil ton, l1 Pear l St. J , E. tHannahan , P ike St. George Ha pp. 33 E. Main St, Donald S. ITaring. 33 E. Main St. W a r r e n Ha thaway , 11 Barcelo St, Eugene Hawkins . 244 W. Main St. G, E. Hazen. E. Main St

    * Rober t Hardis tue . J|>hn F. Harr ison. 6 6 H a m m o n d St. MaynArd Hammond , Ball St. Clifford Har ing . MXli .Tersey Ave. Howard Hat t ler , Fowler St. Will iam R. Henion, 1 Chestnut St. Ear l Heinickle, 145 H a m m o n d St. Charles Herr . 209 W. -Main St. Ear l Herr , 211 W. Main St. George Herr , 211 W. Main St. Pa t r i ck Henry, Erie Commissary. Jesse T. Hiller, 137 E. Main St. Rober t Hiller, 26 Church St. " Robe r t H igham. Church St. Edward R. Hicks, 142 Main* St. T. Hjor th , 1 R ichard St. Joseph D. Hughes , Ferguson Ave. H a r r y Hunt . 30. McAllister St. Haro ld A. Hunt , 16 Kellogg Ave. Jesse L. Hun t .

    -Leonard Heater , 6 Ball St. Merlin Hauber . 14 Third St. El las Hennessy, Y. M. C. A, T h o m a s D. Har r ing ton , 158 F r o n t St Chr i s topher Holden, 86 Pike St. Ea r l Holber t . 19 H a m m o n d St. Archie Hulse, 8 J e r sey Ave. Richard T. Hunter , 5 Rai l road Ave. T. J. Hoppy, 5 Mt. Wil l iam $t . Lloyd J, Hornbeck . F reder i ck p . Rhodes , W. End . J a m e s H. Hosking.

    Clifton Ing ram,

    Mervllle Jenks , 66 B, Main St. Ha rvey S. Johnson , 65 Sussex St. Wi l l iam Q, Johnson , 64 King St. J a m e s F . Jones , 145 p i k e St. ,

    Vincent D. Kal l tnghan , 174 W. Main

    E. Kal l lghan, W, Main St. Cha r l e s Kalin, 7 Qaries St.

    H a r i T O. Kadel , 1VE, Main St. J acob Kaplan , 134 W. Main St. **Joseph Kalln, Gariss St. (Died in

    c a m p ) . Cecil K a r r , 168 E. Main St. F . J . Kautz , W. Main St. Chris . Kautz , 206 W. Main St, Char les Kelley, 13 Frankj in St, Leo B. Kelley, 3 Fossard St. J a m e s Kelley, (Re jec ted ) . J o h n Kennedy. Ea r l Kel lam, E. Main St. Harold Kirk, Ca the r ine 9t. J o h n R. Kissinger, 21 Holbrook St. Edwin B. Klntner , 10 Pa t t e r son St Bober t Kleljnstuber, 6 P ine St, Ear l Klelnstuber , 5 P ine St, Lester W. K n a p p , 153 Ball St. George Knight , 29 Rai l road Ave. E. H. Kuhn . Char les KnaP'p, • , Wa l t e r E. Koenig, 123 Jerseyt Ave. Ea r l Kroger , 253 W. Main St. Wil l iam Krause . George A. .Kane, 66 H a m m o n d St.

    PhtMu-Mtxi Lambtn-t, Ml MUi/abothSt. C'luiil^M i.ambot't, 57 Canal St. Walter Laitgan, care 74 Ball St. (Hark Langan, Fowler St. Thosv L a « a r d o , p i k e St. Leroy ]|4|^% Fowler l St, . . . . Fred,• Atmr t y b o U , \ 7 K U a ^ ^ l i .


    J a m e s Lyons, 113 F r o n t St. John Lyons, W. E n d , ' Sigurd O. Lilga, 29 H a m m o n d St. U'dhn A. Lane , 67 Vz Orange St, Char les Lord, Y. M, C, A. i , l ^ e e m a n Lord , (Re jec ted) F r e d Leioht, 32 Ball St. PYiend O. Lesh, Y. M. C. A. ^ Hi l ton Leeson, F rahk l in St, F r a n k H, Leeson , 4 Hill St. Tracy E. Lyons, 6 Washing ton Ave.

    Thos. J . McCormick, 40 King St. Dewitt C. Mandeviie, 173 P ike St. Ra lph Manwar ing , 30 Ferguson Ave. J a m e s Marshal l . Pe te r L. May, 6 Mt. Wil l iam St. J o h n G. Mack, 12 Prospec t St. Andrew J, Maloney, W. Main St. I r a J. Mandeville, 173 Je rsey Ave> J o h n Manson, 14 Culvert St. H e r m a n Manthal , 49 Canal St. Leo Markley, Grand St. E d w a r d Mart in, 35 Holbrook St. Dr. L. H. McAllister, 168 W. Main St H a r r y McCable, Holbrook St. H a r r y McCann, 174 F ron t St. Gordon McCathie, 3 Beach Road J o h n MvCovey, Fossard St. F r a n k McCoy, F ron t St. Edward McCormick, 17S E. Main St F r a n k D. McDermott , 65 Hudson St. **EUot't McAltistpr, West Main St.

    (Died in c a m p ) . •William McKane, 12 Third St. 'Moylan McKinley, 81 Orange St. •John A. KtcLaughliii, 23 Rai l road

    Ave. ' • . H o m e r McLean, Jersey Ave. Rober t McDermott , t>5 Hudson St. W. R. McDermott , 7 S. Broome St. J o h n H. McCormick, 178 E. Main St Harold McCabe, 7 Holbrook St. ' F r ank L. Mclntyre , 10 Church St. Wil l iam H. Mills, Marshal l St. J a m e s J. Monahan , 6 Fossard St. G. S. Meyer, Lawrentee S. Moore Guy Moore, E. Main St. Stanley E. Mitchell. Albert Mehaftey, 59 Hudson St. F red R, Morgan. Charles H. Merritt , 14 Sullivan Ave. L e o n a r d Miller, 65 Kingston Ave. V. Miledones, 21 Bioome £ t . J'ohn McCreary. R a l p h Miller,' 65 Kingston Ave. Joseph Murnen, Elmendorf St. Char les Morgan, N. Orange St. Char les W. Mills, 297 E. Main St. F r a n c i s Murray, 32 Brooklyn St. Leo V. Murr ian , 13 Crawford St. Levi W« Murphy, 110 Je r sey Ave. Ea r l H. Maxim, Y. M. C. A. Vincent Murset , Coleman Jgt. Edwin May, 6. Mt. Will iam St. J o h n L. Murr ian , Joseph J. Moran, J o h n D. Myros ki, R a l p h E. Morton, Joseph M. May, 6

    13 Crawford St. 56 F r o n t St. 41 Orange St. 9 Fossard St.

    Mt. Wil l iam St . Char les Newman, 14 Fe r ry St. Wil l iam Newman, 14 Fei ry St. F . H. Niles, Hudson St. J a m e s Nyce, 46 Hudson St.. R a l p h Nyce, 46 Hudson St . Wil l iam E. Nolan, 14 Clark St. Raymond P. Nealey, 121 F ron t St L. .J. Nallin, 25 Broome St . F red Ncninger.

    F r a n k Obermeyo.v. 22 Buckley St. FYancis J . O'Connor. 4 Second St. J. A. O'Nei.l, Y. M. C. A. Ea r l Owen, Orange St. George Owen., Tr i -States Levi Owens, Clove Road Har ry Ot't. 96 Jersey Ave. J a m e s E. Osborne, West End Paul A/ O'Neill, 14 Fowler St. Char les E. O'ATalky, 101 E. Main IJ'ames O'Connor, Second St. Joseph O'Brien, Y. M. C. A. Wal te r O'Connor, W- Main St.

    Hor ton Per ry , F ron t S'c. Sylvester Purceli , 155 Ball St. W. H. Purdy, Sussex St, J a m e s W. Pales . 5 White St. Ra lph B. Pant ley, 4 5 ilucisun St. A r t h u r Pa rke r , 169 Bail St. B e r t r a m peck, 30 S. lvi'aple St.


    181 P i k e St . 45 Hudson St,

    Canal St. , 1 5 Bumsey St,

    W. Mai i i

    Leon B. Pant ley, George Pant ley . Walter Pe lmer H e n r y •Powell George Penny, 4 Frank! E. Fehney Gar re t t J. Pohren , 195 W. Main St. Clary l Jery, F r a n t St. Hor ton Perry , F r a n t St.

    .. Fritz.-.O'. Peterson, 29 Hammond St. Charles pierce, Orchard St. E a r l L. Prussia , 86 Hudson St. Sylvester Purcel i , 155 Ba! St. ? W. H. Purdy, Sussev St. J o h n W. Price, 118 Jersey Ave. H e r m a n Pant ley , 4 5 Hudson St. Daniel Quigley, St. Mary 's Home Will iam Quigley, St. Mary 's Home R a l p h A. Quick, 10 Church St. William Quick, 157 Ball St. J o h n J. RaU, 2.1 Buckley St. Lewis Wau, 21 Buckley St. Eloy Reagen, 6 6 W. Main St. E . J . Reeves, 112 W. Main St. Claude Reynolds, 116 Ball St. Augus tus Riggs, 4 Coleman St. F ranc i s Righter , 5 Murray St. Charles M. Romer , 80 Jersey Ave.

    • E l m e r C, Romer , 80 Jersey Ave. J o h n R. Rosencranse , 30 Reser -

    voir Ave. I s a a c Roosa* Ball St. LeRoy Rowlands , P ike St. C. J. Rundle , Ball St. Char les Russell, 17 Clark Ave.

    . Gilbert Russell 25 McAllister St. Freder ick Rl t ter , King St. E d w a r d A, Ryan, Fossard St. *W. J'. Ryan, Fosard St,

    (kiled in ac t ion) Wil l iam J. Ryan, 66 E. Maiin St. George H. Romer , 80 Jersey Ave. K i r k m a n W. Ridway, 3 Fe r ry St. Oscar Rhoades , 59 Canal St. Samuel Ready/ Theo. Rowe Donald Romalne

    Carl ton Starr , 57 Fowler St. H a r r y Smith, 44 Fowler St. F red Salmon, 15 E. Main St. Haro ld Scales, 16 Brown St. T h o m a s Scales, Brown St. J a m e s H. Schoflold, 10 Glass St. ( George R. Sid well, 17 Orchard St. H a r r y Skfellenger, 2 2Bruce St. H. L. Slauson, 5 E. Main St. Mart in Smith, 2 2 Brooklyn St. Carl ton Starr , 57 Fawle r St. Daniel A. Smith, 101 E. Main St. J o h n N. Smith, 5 Thompson St. Westbrook J . ®to}l, Ulster P lace Herbe r t SwartwOut, 17 E. Main St. Vah Et ten Swartwout , 164 E. Main

    St. E d w a r d J. Sweeney, 78 H a m m o n d

    S t David SWinton, 20 Sullivan Ave. R a l p h Swinton, 16 E. Main St. R ichard Swinton, Sullivan Ave.. Roland Symonds, Seward Ave. S. E. Shore, 173 P ike St. -August Schafer, Ha tnmond St. >. • » Myron Star tup , 221 Je rsey Ave. Henry Stone, 'Ralph St. David Schwartz ^ v ' \ Rober t Smi th > t

    H a r r y Smith* 44 Fowler St. Rusell S t a r tup r Gebrge -Shear/ 5 Claris St. Victor M. Snii th Ja g. J o h n Schmid t ; Y, M. a. A. Char les (>. SPCHI-M,'-! Wood St. Will lam 10. Spears, 1 Wood St. William Stone, 7 R a l p h St, W. U. Sutton, Canal St. ' Louis io. S teams , S, Bush Hugh Southjerlahd El l swor th Schwar t JT^^y % »#%.;^/f| "

    St. Domlnlck Scarano

    Leroy 1 Taynton , 25 Rai l road Ave. Alex Taylor, 7 Second St. Herbeli ; Taylor, -Second St. J a m e s E. Taylor. . Leroy Taymton, 25 Rei l road Ave. Alex. p . Thompson, 9 Mechanic St. Josep i l Tlgue, 149 E. Main1 St. George M. Thorne, % Oak St.

    Coi l ln iTony, 36 Lumber St, W. K. jTrea t , Y. M. C. A. T. J. l ^uex , H a m m o n d St. Clarence Twltehell , 66 E. Main St. E d g a r Twitchell , 8 Culvert St. J o h n Trlebert , 2 20 E. Main St. August Tucker Georg l Townsend.

    Hobaift Uhl, care Jas . Holden.

    J a m e s VanAken, 101.£ Seward Ave H. Baren t sen Vaninwegen, 29 Cole

    St. Wiha rd B. Vanlhwegen , 29 Cole St. F ran t t C. Vaninwegen, 97 Orange St Charles VanGorder , 67 Ra i l road Ave Joe Virgil, West End. i Linziqf Vinzon, r a r e Morgan, BaBil

    S t . 1 . . . A u r e * Viti, 28 King St. Michjfel Vanillo, 6 Wa te r St. .

    Nial g a r n e r , 70 W. Main St. F . W « g e l , W Main St. Leon Wehne r , 130 W. Main St. Eugene Whitney, 45 Orange St. Frarif t J . .Williams, 11 Third St. Grover C. Williams, 7 Orange St. Oscar Wilson, 43 King St. J o h n | ) . Wine, 136 F ron t St. Samuel H. Woods, 164 Jersey Ave. Ray Wormuth , 106 Jersey Ave. Will iam Wil lman, 5 Ball St. F r a n l f Wil i iam 6, Barclay St. F red f. Wil lman, Ball St. L e r o y i E . Wyant, 66 E. Main St. Cha r l l s Wendt , 26 Church St. Carl S. Warner , 70 W. Main St. R u s s J l J. Whi te , F r ank l in St. C. Wi t son , 32 Church St. C. Wormuth , 106 Jersey Ave. William Walsh, 6 George St. L e w i J W e n d t , 26 Church St. Wal te r W. W a n a m a k e r , 27 Penn.Ave Ea r l Wilson Edwafd Whitney, Ches tnu t St. Char l fs Wagel .

    Georg'e Zellar, Mechanic St. August Zock. 18 Hill St Benjamin Zock, 18 Hill St.

    Edwafd Young, Lyman Si.

    Town of Deerpa rk . [/' Spar rowbush » ,

    Mi les lR. Adams. Char les L. Adams.

    C h a r l l s r \ Bowan. C h a i l l s A. Child Alber l ' H. l o o n s Charf ts Duryea. Ear l JEnni.s. r'lareflce Gilson. •Janie.i F. Hurr . HaroM W. Johnson . Herbfr-t Lowery, Joseph Nied. Char l fs Quackenbush. A l b e r l Sliulta. Clarence M. Stearns. Ha. IJM Yernooy. ThonM-w J. V'Oi'ye., Charles J. Wei*;. Georgjfe Rogei's. ChestM* L.* Stearns . Jos tpj f \'v agi:or.

    Hugueno t Roy • n k l i n . fcauum Cohfr.. * Fred llv. Kienards . A H a n i Vaninwegen. H a r o j l Vaninwegen. Lyman Vaninwegen. William Decker. Halptf Vaninwegen,

    ' Rio Pe te r lDunv /a ld . .JacobjOb;-rmeier. E d w a jlti V a n d e 1 i p p e.

    Mata inoias . CharlB? F. Durant'. 1' r i U i i l J i i v e y .

    [•er. V\'i!],iM'; Koar.'i.s. Ni WM Knapp ,

    OBSEQUIES. • ten

    Mrs . E l l a Campbel l Van E t t e n T h e body of Mrs. E l la Campbel l

    Van E t t en , Of Pi t tsneid ," Mass., was b rough t to th is city on Tuesday af ter-noon a n d t h e in t e rmen t took place a t n ine o'clock on Wednesday m o r n i n g In Laure l Grove cemetery, whe re the services were conducted by the Rev. Uriah Symonds.

    Those who accompanied the body to P o r t Je rv i s were S. S. Van Et ten , Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y Crowell, of P i t t s -field; Amos Van Et ten , Kings ton; Levi Campbel l and George N. Cobb, B inghamton . ^

    W H E N YOUR CHILD C t t l E S a t night and tosses restlessly, you feel worribct. Motner Orgy's Powders for C ^ i r s s S r e a k UP Cold's in 24 hour* Relieve Fever ishness . Constipation Teeth ing Disorders, and destroy worms. Used by Mothers for 30 years. All Druggists , 25c. Sample free. Mo-ttoer get your Kero Burner, and remember they are safe and guaranteed. See your agent

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    stock companies that have stood the test for last 100 years.

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    /? h' !«w i w i n n — n u i i t i n w i — »

    Levi PerciAal. Geoi'iH Proctor ,

    uick. Schumaeher . Icinner.

    ?. Strait . .Mn.sinan.

    wii)jijl| r . v'anAken. R o b e i i M. Finla'y, 1 'rtd I t . He rman . L. Plfflckman. Cliiiidl K. 'Skinner. F r anM'B . Wilkin. Charljfe K . Norton. JosepH A. Steel. Levi Eebar . Seth A. Hoe ken berry. F r a n d l L. Krause . John H. Maltby. Ar thuf (\ Young. Fred ] pecker. ErnesH F. Ball. Charlfs. Schultz. Josepft D. Wilkin. John Young. F r a n l a Wohlscheldt . '̂ A l f r e d - L Tyler. George S. Meyer. H o m e r Buchanan . Lynn H u b b a r d . Char les Marvin. Fred J leuter . Leo Waycle.

    Willis Bowland, 100 Johnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

    Wil l iam Brand, Glen Spey, N. Y. J a m e a Cole, Montague, N. J . E l m e r M. Dover, Ryantown, Pa . F . Gavoille, Milford, Pa . Char les Greene, Middletown, N. Y. David Q. H a m m o n d , Salem, Mass. F r a n k l i n Hansen , 67 Nassau Ave. El l i* Har ing , 511 Newark Ave.,

    Je r sey City, N. J . S. W. Johnson , Middletown, N. Y. H i r a m Marion, Montague, N. J . Rober t Rockers , Union Hill, N. J . Wayn# Turner , Greenville. Boy v a n Aken, Morris town, N. Y.


    •i.J ' % — i - : Newbi^rgh, Dec. 31 —Mary J . Conn,

    wife of Wi l l iam R. Conn, who resides on the jLatt ingtown road, commit ted suicide | n Sa turday by hanging. Mrs. Conn has been extremely nervous of late, suffering more or less from mel* axichollat and \\&.d been t rea ted jby Dr. E.