Synopsis movie ‘My Life’ ‘My Life’ movie is about a man named Bob Jones who received news which as good news and bad news. The good news is his wife is pregnant and they are going to have their first child. The bad news is Jones has cancer and will die in about four months. Because of that, Jones start to make videotapes of himself, in which he talks to the unborn child to telling of his life that he, has learned. Jones take a treatment to Chinese practitioner and doctors inform that he is holding a lot of anger and fear inside her heart. His wife stands by him and holds herself together during the trauma of gaining a child and losing a husband. Even he feels disappointed regarding the bad news and cannot see the baby born but after a few weeks ago he already accept that he cannot longer live for a long time. So, before he died he needs to do a lot of things to his wife and baby. 1. What stages of death acceptance- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance – did Bob face after his diagnosis? Denial: After he had informed by the doctor, he try to denial about the news of the disease. This is because before this he felt that he was healthy and it is impossible for him to get sick. Anger: Bob get angry when he received bad news about the cancer. In the movie he said that “Don’t you take away my hope! It’s all I have left!” He said like that because his wife just got pregnant and they are going to have their first child. Bob put high hope to see his child born and growth in front his eyes. Every parents hope they can see their children growing up. Depression: Bob faced depression after he knew about his diseases. He starts to think about future of his wife and future child. How they going to live and survive without him? Besides that, he always kept himself at a distance 1

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Synopsis movie My LifeMy Life movie is about a man named Bob Jones who received news which as good news and bad news. The good news is his wife is pregnant and they are going to have their first child. The bad news is Jones has cancer and will die in about four months. Because of that, Jones start to make videotapes of himself, in which he talks to the unborn child to telling of his life that he, has learned.Jones take a treatment to Chinese practitioner and doctors inform that he is holding a lot of anger and fear inside her heart. His wife stands by him and holds herself together during the trauma of gaining a child and losing a husband.Even he feels disappointed regarding the bad news and cannot see the baby born but after a few weeks ago he already accept that he cannot longer live for a long time. So, before he died he needs to do a lot of things to his wife and baby.

1. What stages of death acceptance- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance did Bob face after his diagnosis?

Denial: After he had informed by the doctor, he try to denial about the news of the disease. This is because before this he felt that he was healthy and it is impossible for him to get sick. Anger: Bob get angry when he received bad news about the cancer. In the movie he said that Dont you take away my hope! Its all I have left! He said like that because his wife just got pregnant and they are going to have their first child. Bob put high hope to see his child born and growth in front his eyes. Every parents hope they can see their children growing up. Depression: Bob faced depression after he knew about his diseases. He starts to think about future of his wife and future child. How they going to live and survive without him? Besides that, he always kept himself at a distance even he is successful Public Relation Executive but when his friend asked to talk about him on a video they are loss for words. Because of that, he starts to avoid from other people. Acceptance: After he received moral support every day from his wife, Bob realized and slowly accept about his disease and believed his wife able to take care of their child even he is not around. Although his wife pregnant she always stand by him and holds herself together during the trauma of gaining a child and losing her husband. His wife attitudes and spirit make Bob feel more confident and strong.

2. What was the significance of making the videotapes? Bob insist to make the videotapes to his child came during a long night after he ate Mexicans food, he suddenly woke up convinced he was going to die. From videotapes he can talk to his child and telling of his life belief and what he has learned. Bob also want his child growth up with a perfect life. As example, he talk a lesson how to walk, eat, play a basketball, shaving beard and others because there is no one can teach everything about being a man to his child.

3. What valuable lesson(s) did Bob learn from his visits to Chinese healer? After the Chinese practitioner telling him that he holding a lot of anger and fear inside especially to his own family because he is ashamed of their ethnic origin. Since he has short period of life, he realized he must change his attitude and settle every single thing that make his heart miserable. He realized that the valuable lesson that he learn from the Chinese practitioner is that he need blessing from his parent, forgiveness before he died.

4. What the significance of Bobs visit to his family in Detroit? The main purpose Bob and his wife make a visit to Detroit is to attend his brothers wedding. He takes this opportunity to meet around his relatives and help him to forget about his disease for a while. In addition, he also wants to make videotapes about his family to show to the child.

5. What one wish did Bob made in the film? Was his wish granted? Since Bob was a child, he wishes to have a circus in backyard. When he was at primary school he told his friend that there is a circus in his backyard and he invites his friend to come to his house. Unfortunately, his father not fulfill his wish have a circus in their backyard. Bob feel disappointed and he feels that his father did not love him. So, one day Bob wish that he insists to have a circus in his backyard. Finally his family fulfills his wish by make it become true before he died.

6. Why do you think Bob was able to live than the doctor predicted? Bob was able to live longer because of he is surrounded by people that give him spirit especially his wife and the baby. Even though, he knows that he cannot show to his wife that he is weak and useless. Besides that, peoples around instead of his fierce father never said negative words to him, but give motivated to him to stay strong and healthy. From that, Bob never give up and strive to live.

7. What is the important task Bob must accomplish before he can find peace within himself? Bob needs to ride a rollercoaster to overcome his fear. Then he thinks twice how come he as an older person being afraid to ride rollercoaster even small child can ride it. So, he tried to dare himself to do thing that he cannot do it before. In this film, the character that shown by the children tried to hang up his hand without hold anything and scream while rides a rollercoaster. It portrayed that the child is brave enough. So, Bob as an older person he want to try to do something alone.

8. What was the significance of Bobs Family coming to visit him? Bobs family coming to visit him after received a call from his wife regarding his health condition is getting worse. Apart from that, they are coming to meet the new comers in their family. His family also gives him full attention with cares and love. They also make a surprise to Bob by organized a circus at Bobs backyard. To fulfill Bob wishes they tried to satisfy his desire.

9. What is the role of Hospice for terminally ill patients and their families? Why might this be preferred over hospitalization? How was Hospice portrayed in this film? Bob condition becomes worse because cancer has reached his brain. So, Hospice care is arranged for Bob. Latifah hold the role of Hospices at his home to help Bob. If Bob was send to hospital, nothing can change because his health too critical. It is better for him to spend every moment with his family that he had at that time. In addition, his wife unwilling to far apart from his side because time period was limit. Hospice portrayed in this film as privacy nurse. She can focus to give full attention and treatment to Bob condition. Hospice also gives advice to Bobs family which is support to make them strong and prevent them from negative perception. The treatment that Hospice provide is more systematic and organized by time especially medication and food.3