Ass Two Omid

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  • 8/6/2019 Ass Two Omid




    a. The material used in the construction of our hostel are as follows belowBricks.






    Asbestos (roof)

    PVC pipes

    Copper wire (electrification)

    Aluminum (window frame)





    About whether bricks are used or notare, bricks are used in the construction ofthe hostel.

    This is the advantages that have been gain.

    Good thermal conductivity- it makes the room warm duringthe winterand coldduringthe summer.

    Sound proof-it makes the whole ofthe building sound proof; you cannot hearanynoise from outside because ofthe brick used in the construction ofthe hostel.

    It makes the buildingto lastlong because it is strongerand solid than blocks.

    It makes the buildingto be termite resistance. And it is fireproof.

    And the followingare the disadvantages that would have been gained.

    Itadds alot of weightto the foundation due to its solid nature. The initial cost is very high. Extreme weather may cause degradation ofthe surface due to frost (cold). Plastering is required. Where brick is porous if its a serious one, a crackthat follows a brick work is a

    sure sign of structural or foundation construction defect, this often happens as a

    result of water due to improper sealing.

    The brick should be built on a verygood and strong foundation to avoid potentialcrackingand settling.

    PRESS, C. H. 2006

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    b. The process of making bricks viaa video transcriptClay is the principal material raw material, is been collected from the river (Hugli) which is fast

    silting up, box

    feeder is the first machine in a big plant, clay is mechanically dumped into thebox feeder , it holds, supplies the clayto the mix-grinding inlet. From the grading inlet clay is

    conveyed through belt conveyorlayerto along mixing machine where the clay is mixed with

    water, steam if required.

    Through another belt conveyor clay is transported to the extruder where it is extrude as a shape

    ofa brick of desired dimensions, automatic shaping machine, it cuts multiple bricks atatime and

    pushes the wet cut bricks to the conveyor belt, where the series of conveyors specially

    manufactured to soft handle the wet bricks up to the steel furniture. Bythe wet brick has set on

    top ofthe others. Were the wet bricks has transported into the hot drying chamber mechanically

    by fork car (forklift), wet bricks have dried within a pre determine time.

    Dry bricks are been transported by fork cars (forklift) inside the kiln where dry bricks are setas

    pera pre determine pattern and fired from the top, the existing kiln name as modified Hoffman

    kiln, the feeding of fuel may be sold, liquid orgas is mechanically operated and the fueling is

    done automatically byauto cold feeder with auto recorder system which controls, monitors and

    pick outtemperature inside the firing room, 250 to 300 finished bricks will be strapped bya steel

    strapping machine and each unit of strapped material is been transported to the store yard by

    fork cars (forklift) and loaded on atruck when desired .

    The finished productare three hole perforated brick, hollow brick, ten hole perforated brick,

    common solid brickand walltiles.

    The above expiation is atranscript from a video explaining how the bricks are being produce.

    Video from

    c. The properties and type of bricksThe followingare the types of bricks and their properties.


    i. Modularbricks

    -rough in

    appearance.- Very strong.

    -they have holes onthem to reduce


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    ii. Paving bricks -theylook denserthan the otherbricks.

    -its wide face isvisible.

    iii. Fire brick -theyare yellowishoff-white inappearance.-theyare made up

    of special clay.-theyare always

    used in fire place

    iv. Face brick -theyare uniform incolor, texture andsize.

    -theylooklike old

    bricks.Theyare variousshades ofgray, red,

    yellow and white inappearance.

    v. Clinker brick -theyare overburnt

    -theyare usuallyrough.

    -theyare also hardand durable.


    Pressed bricks -Theyare madefrom dry press

    process.-they have regular,

    smooth faces, sharpedges and perfectly

    square corners.-theyare used like

    face bricks

    vii. Glazed bricks -theyare generallyfound in places like

    hospitals andlavatories.-theyare coated

    with white orcolored ceramic

    glazing-theyare glass like

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    viii. Sand limebrick

    -made from mixture

    oflean of slakedlime and fine sand.

    -theyareextensively used in


    Table 1. Dr. OmidS.R. 2011

    d. The extend bricks are been used in the Malaysian construction industry.Accordingto whatthe contractortold me, bricks are frequently used in the Malaysian

    construction industryto the extentthatyou hardly see house built with block, brickare

    mostly used in the construction of external wall (fence) ofthe house. He told me various

    reasons why bricks are frequently used in the Malaysian construction industry which Ive

    listed below.

    i. When bricks (mud) are used in construction ofa house, no further painting orplastering is required, because its already has its own beauty.

    ii. House build with bricks doesnt needs much maintenance, because it doesnt havepaintto be repainted and plasterto cater for.

    iii. House build with brick is strongerthan the ones build with blocks, because brickis solid withoutany hallow on them while blocks have hallows in them which

    make them notas strongas the bricks. So brickare durable than blocks.

    iv. And finallythe aesthetic aspect ofthe bricks. Bricks look more pleasantto eyesthan blocks because bricks come in so many forms, colorand shape, so with that

    ifa house is well design with brick itgive the perfectappearance forthe eye.

    So the above reasons I mentioned are whatthe contractortold me, about why

    Malaysian construction industry used bricks frequentlythan blocks for building.

    e. The current status of bricks utilization in my country.The current utilization of brick is my country Nigeria is notallthat much; I willgive it

    10% out of 100%. Someone hardly see a house build by bricks in my country. Brickare

    the main building material used in my country.Ithinkthe following reasons I willgive

    are the main reason why brickare not used in my country.

    i. The cost of bricks make it impossible fora common man to use, blockare cheaperthan brick so thats why everyone is using it for construction.

    ii. Some places is because ofthe availability of raw material which is mud, it makesit very difficultto produce the bricks.

    iii. One ofthe biggest challenging we are facing is lack oftechnological knowhow,on how to produce the better quality, different forms ofthe brickand color, so

    that people will be convince it is verygood for building.

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    iv. Lack of exposure ofthe people makes them notto welcome a new development ,so even if someone orgroup of people come outto enlighten the people aboutthe

    good side of bricks people dont usually welcome such development because they

    are used with blocks or mud house for people in the ruralarea.

    Q2 GLASS

    a. The manufacturing process ofglassRaw materials

    Glass is mainly consist of silica which is gotten from pure sand, the sand will be washed

    to remove shell, large grain of sand and unwanted materials , before it is mixed with

    other materials which controls the colorand other characteristics.


    Glass is made up of different ingredients in different proportion depending on whatthey

    wantto produce.Must consist ofthe majors mixed with alittle amount ofthe minors. The

    minors are weigh in a special weighing hopperand then added to the major with alittleamount of water, water is very important in every dry mixthe fines can blow offthe

    batch as it enters the furnace and chop up the furnace tubes .

    The two tone batch will be mixed with the batch mixer forlike 2 to 3 minutes before

    beingtransported to the batch hopper from which is gradually fed into the furnace. The

    mix of raw materials strictly depends on type ofglass desired, and also the color has to do

    with the choice of minors, color result from two factors, the specific colorantaddictives

    used and the oxidation state ofthe glass. The oxidation is promoted byadding carbon

    while some using colorant.

    Figure 1. Is showingabatch mixer

    Step 2

    the ingredients mixture is been continuously fed into the furnace run by naturalgas, and

    when necessary boosted by electricity, the glass is first heated up to 1540c, at which

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    temperature the mixture melts. The glass is then held above 1400c while it is been

    refined and CO2and SO3 evolve, the glass is readyto be formed into the final product when

    no gas evolve. The furnace are keptata specific temperatures bya cross fired system which

    lessen the heatloss and promotes equal heat distribution in the molten gas in the furnace as

    follows bellow.

    i. Preheated airthat has been heated up by passing up through the generator parkingand so coolingthe parking is blown into the furnace bylarge fans.

    ii. The air mix with naturalgas and combust.iii. The flow ofair pushes the tube gasses across the furnace, overthe glass and down

    opposite regeneration heating up its packing.

    iv. After half hour, the opposite regenerator is used and recycled reverse.

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    Figure 2. Showingthe systematic diagramofglass manufacturingprocess

    Shaping plate glass

    The cooled molten glass from the furnace flowed into extension ofthe tank known a

    drawing canal, where the molten glass is been cooled offto 100c before drawn upinto the drawingtower by dippingan iron grill into the glass, unto which the glass

    stuck. The 2.5 meters wide sheet ofglass was drawn up into the tower byasbestos

    roller, coolingas it rises up, plate glass as thin as 2mm can be made. Bythe time the

    glass reaches the towertop it is tem meters above the molten glass and only 280c the

    glass is monitored to ensure its constantthickness, and then scored and snapped off

    by break off machine. With the help ofa rubber suction pad theylifted to the

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    conveyor belt where their rough edge is snapped offand they cooled offat same time

    before theyare transported to the warehouse.

    Molding glass containers

    When the glass is removed from the furnace through the fore hearts where it is cooledoffto bellow 1100c and 1150c, the temperature varies depends on the productto be

    formed, then fed into forming machine where sheet cut off weighed lump of red hot

    glass, single, two, orthree as required, theyare molded inside the machine, held fora

    short period oftime to cool offafterthattransported to the annealinglehrs. The

    annealinglehrs are further stage in the cooling process ofthe glass, where the bottles

    are reheated to 600c and slowly cooled offto remove the stress pointand preventthe

    glass from becoming brittle, finallytheyare coated with shinny, slippery spray on

    coating, that protects them fora while from being scratched, and then parkthem for

    deliveryto the client.

    Figure 3. The figureaboveis showingtheannealingprocess ofglass bottle.

    . Callan, Louise, 1989.

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    The advantages and disadvantages ofglass in the building sectorAdvantages

    Glass adds beauty (aesthetics) to the building. It is use fulfillthe architectural view for external decoration. One ofthe important features ofglass block wall is its fire resistivity because of

    its thickness.

    It is an excellent material ofthermal insulation, because its water proofandenergy conversing.

    Glass block wallare also resistantto graffiti art workand theyare easyto clean. Glass block wall bringlightand privacyat same time into the building because it

    lets light in to the buildingand sill have privacy, because its not pure transparent.


    It is not safe in earthquake prone places. If used in hillyand desertareas it may cause more maintenance cost. The use ofglass mayalso increase the cost of security It is a very costly material; it may increase the budgeted cost of construction


    Smooth transparentglass are non resistance to pollution especially dust.

    The installation ofthe glass is only done bythe professionaland you have to paymore for installing.

    WIGGINTON, M. 2002

    c. The various connections ofthe glasses are shown below.

    Figure glass wall connection

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    Figure showingtheglass slidingwallconnection

    Figure showingthe connectionof curtainwall

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    d. The type ofglass used in the construction industryand their properties are shown on thetable below.

    Types of glass Properties

    i. Self cleaningglass - The glass brakes down and washstubborn dirtthat sticks on it.

    - It has high performance of solarcontrol, it blocks up to 78% of heatgoing into it.

    ii. Laminated glass - They converts sound wave intoheat.

    - Theyare two or more glass bondedtogether by interlayers.

    - They provide protection fabricsand other interior object because it

    does notallow the sun effecttopass through it.

    iii. Clear white glass - Theyare transparent; its the mosttransparentarchitecturalglass.

    - Itallows the passage oflightthrough it, it provide possible

    visible light in to the building.

    iv. Embossed pattern glass - They have a decoration embossedon them.

    - It is decorative; itadds aesthetic tothe building.

    - They can fullyallow light into thebuildingand the same time limitclear view.

    v. Fire resistance glass - It is fire resistance as the nameimplies, and the most important

    property of it.- Italso reduce sound, it is also a

    sound insulation.- Mostly found in the interior ofthe


    vi. Georgian wired glass - This type can be clear or obstruct.- The glass is embedded with wire


    - The glass is also rated as a fireresistantglass.

    vii. Toughened glass - This is a safetyglass, becausewhen it brakes, it breaks into

    smaller pieces which make itlessdangerous.

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    - Superviii. Screen printed glass - Theyglass have high mechanical

    strength and impact resistance than

    mostthe common glass.- Theyglass is moisture and acid

    resistance.- The glass can shine forthe rest ofits life.

    - Theyare vivid, colorfuland someeven pattern.

    e. The behavior ofglass wall in an earth quake prone placesThe glass wall within a stifferaluminum frames were less tolerant ofglass-to-aluminum

    collisions and were associated with glass falloutatlower drift magnitude than were the

    same glass types tested in more flexible aluminum frame.Glazing detail were also found

    to have significant effects on the seismic performance ofthe glass wall usinga structural

    silicone glaze on two sides exhibited higher seismic resistance than did Identicalglass

    specimens dryglassed on all four sides within a comparable wall framing system.

    f. Consideringthe lightand thermal factors, the use of curtain walland glass wall in mycountry.

    Consideringthe thermaland lighting factor, glass wall is extensively used in my country,

    because glass is a verygood thermal conductor, it makes the room warm during winterand makes it cool during summer, glass has agreat U-value which makes itagood

    thermal conductor.Glass is verygood atlighting issues, because itallows the flow of

    lightthrough them, thereby making verygood material for bringinglight into the building

    and at same time with privacy because the glass walls are not clear or pure transparent

    theyare a kind of blur.

    Glass wall is verygood in terms of both lightand thermal conduction.

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    a. The ten type of polymer materials.Theyare as follows below

    I. Coatings i.e. Varnish and paints.II. Sewerand waste water pipes, rain water control i.e. drainage.III. Putty, Caulking, weather stripping i.e. sealant.IV. Glues and resin i.e.adhesive.V. Foam, beads, sheeting i.e.thermal insulation materials.

    VI. Trim and fixtures i.e. Doorand window frames, base board and lightingfixtures.

    VII. Tapes i.e. Electrical insulation.VIII. Tiles, linoleum, asphaltic and polymer concrete, carpeting i.e. flooringand


    IX. Shingles, roofing membrane, siding vapor barriers, ceilingtiles i.e. cladding.

    b. The advantages and the disadvantages of polymer in five building components are.

    Building components Advantages disadvantages

    i. Roofing material - It helps to insulate, coverand protectthe surface of

    the buildingagainsttheenvironment.

    - Itgives higharchitectural quality.

    - It is verylight in weightespeciallythe polymeric


    - It needs an expertworkmanship if notthe

    work will not be donecorrectly.

    - It can easily be puncturebya sharp object.

    ii. Adhesive - Some adhesive can withstand harsh weather.- Adhesive are effective

    even at high temperature.

    - Some can easily fail

    when the join becomevery damp.

    - Adhesive cannot be usedon all materials; they can

    only be used on wood andpaper.

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    iii. Paints and coating -it makes the buildingmore resistance to

    weather.- And also it makes the

    buildingto look morebeautiful.

    - Some ofthe paints andcoating can easily be

    washed away by water.

    iv. PVC pipes -theyare tough anddurable; they withstand

    hard nock withoutbreaking.

    -theyare light in weight,lighterthan iron, it weight

    makes it easyto install.- Theyare cheaperthan

    steeland iron pipes and

    the installation is verycheap.

    -because oftheirlightweighttheyare prone to

    cracking.-theyare available in

    small number of size.-italso has an

    environmental effectaccordingto savvy caf,

    they contain traces of

    compound which are harmfullto the environment.

    v. carpeting -carpet provides verygoodinsulation for underfoot

    making itthe best optionfor cold rooms.

    -basically carpet is one ofthe cheapest if notthe

    cheapest flooring material.-unlike other floor

    finishing, carpets use tocome along with

    manufacturers warranty.-carpet is verygood at

    sound reduction, whenyou reside neara busy

    traffic carpet will help youreduce the sound.

    -Carpet has a health risktoeveryone living in the

    buildingaccordingto U.S.environmental Protection

    Agency, because itaccumulates dustand dust

    mite. And also new carpetemits chemicals causing

    head ache.-carpetget spoiled easily

    because it is made fromrebounding material

    - theyare made ofsynthetic material which

    give them shortlife span

    Table2. RamachandranV.SandJames J.B 2003

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    c. Ten photo of polymer componentat KLCC and Pavilion shopping mall.

    Figure4. exitsignmadeby polymer figure5. showingwater closettank

    Figure6. PVC pipes for sewage Figure7showingelectric switch

    Figure8. Insulatingmaterial figure9. carpeting

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    Figure10. PVC Figure11. Caulkinginatoilet

    Figure12. Roofinsulatingmaterial Figure13.sealantusethebuilding

    The advantages ofthe above polymer material used in the buildingare as follows


    Theyare durable, that is theylast verylong. Some have high tensile, flexure and comprehensive strength. They have wide range ofapplication. Theyare resistantto corrosion, they dont rust. Theyalso require low maintenance. Theyalso serve as thermal insulators example fiberglass

    And the followingare the disadvantages.

    In the aspect ofadhesives most ofthem are not stable atatemperature above177C.

    PVC pipe are Sensitivityto ultra violet (UV). It has high exothermic reaction when used neat. Some ofthe polymer materials cannot be used in a moist or damp


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    Mostthe polymer materials have alimited thickness.

    d. The advantages and the disadvantages of newly introduced polymer material.The followingare the advantages

    The newly introduce polymer materials in construction industryare durableand flexible. They do not rust breakand they degrade slowly.

    Theyare resistantto chemicals. They have load bearing capacity. Theyare verygood sound and thermal insulators. They have simpler mode of construction. And they require less maintenance.

    The followingare the disadvantages,

    One disadvantages of plastic material is its tendencyto soften at very hightemperature.

    Some ofthem are difficultto recycle. Some safety issues arise from the use of polymer concrete. The cost of some is extremely high; it more expensive than cementand the

    production is very complicated.

    It can cause allergic reaction to workers when installing.HOLLAWAY, L. 1990

    e. Ten photos of polymer materials in Linton University College.

    Figure14. PVC pipe Figure15. Water closettank

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    Figure16. Insulatingmaterial Figure17. Carpet

    Figure18. Exitsignby polymer Figure19. Electric switch

    Figure20. PVC pipes forelectric Figure21. Roofingmembrane

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    Figure22. Sealant Figure23. Caulking

    The followingare the function ofthe above polymer materials

    - A PVC pipes are use for sewage collection from the lavatories or kitchen to theseptic tank.

    - Water closettank is used for holding water in the toilet.- Fiberglass insulating material is used as insulating materials it is been place or

    blown into the cavity walls; it makes the room warm during winterand cools

    during summer.

    - Carpeting, carpeting is very important in terms of sound insulation, it keeps theroom warm, and it makes the room comfortable. Above all itgives the room


    - The exit sign on figure number 18 shows the way out in building in case ofemergency, it is made by polymer.

    - Electric switch make it possible to switch ``on`` and ``off`` the light.- PVC pipes is different from the above this one is use for electrification theyare

    smallerthan the ones used for sewage transportation.

    - Roofing membrane is used in roofing it is use to preventleakingand move rainwater offthe roof.

    - Sealantare also use as water proofing material, theyare use to seal off smallspaces mostly on glass, metal, concrete.It main uses are around doors and


    - Caulking materials are a kind of same with sealant, theyare use to seal offjoints in pipingand to seal up space between masonry (bricks or blocks).

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    a. Explanation on how timber is producedThe first process of manufacturingatimbers is started atthe forest, where the

    timberlogare been harvested they weigh about 1tone/m3, when the finish harvesting

    the log it will be transported from the forest in atruck, most ofthe saw mills arelocated in the forest where the trees are been grown.Ifthe distance between the saw

    milland where the tress are been harvested is long, the logs are to be transported using

    trains or by ship.

    Once the logarrives to the saw millthe manufacturing process begins.It starts with

    conversion oflogs into use full product, which is timber.

    Figure24. Showingthe forest.

    Figure25. Showinghowtimberlogis been sawninwood.

    Hard wood has more irregularities than soft wood, such as hollow cores the logs are

    needed to be cut (sawn) in a particular manner so thatthe timber can properly be

    seasoned (dried). High tech yielding saw millingand dryingare been developed to

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    improve the proportion of high value recovery , the materials thatare not used up in

    the timberare regarded as by product such as saw dustand wood chip, so no waste

    present in the timber manufacturing process .

    Afterthe logs are been cut into timberatthe saw mill, the timber is been leftto dry

    either naturally in an open air orartificially in an oven called kiln, this process is

    called seasoning. Seasoning provides a stable product for use in a range of building


    Figure26. The figureaboveis showingthenaturalmethodoftimber seasoning.

    Air or natural drying is slow because it uses the solar (sun) energy for drying, butthe

    artificial method which is beingthe kiln is fasterand require high amount of energy, in

    this stage no preservatives are used except for maintainingthe equipmentand

    treatment of some material. When the timber is finally dry either naturally or

    artificially, it can be dress, mould or sold rough. Dressing is the process of painingthe

    wood while molding is the shaping of wood into another form otherthan rectangular.

    So the above explanation is the manufacturing process of wood

    b. Different method which can make atimber durable.The ways we can make timber durable arei. Preventingthe timber from weather- this means thatatimber

    That is exposed to the environment should be painted if not, the timber will rot,

    crackand lose its surface color. But by paintingthe timber it will prevent it

    from the above defects there by making itto lastlong (durable).

    ii. Choosingthe right material forthe rightjob- choosingthe right wood fortherightjob is very important, if we wantto have the maximum life span of our

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    timber we have to choose wisely while choosing forajob. For example we

    wantto use timber for stair case; a verygood quality of wood should be use

    preferable hardwood because people will be trampling on it so it needs to be

    strong so that it can withstand the tramplingand the weight of people usingthe

    building.Ifthe material used is not strong enough it will notlastlong it will

    get spoil because it doesnt have the capacityto do withstand that kind of


    iii. Prevention of insects- insectare the number one treat fortimber, insect such astermites, lyctive beetles and anobild borers use to destroytimber in a short

    period oftime. So the ways to get rid ofthis destructive insect is bythe use of

    chemicals called preservative (preservative are solution, mixture or compound

    used for preservative treatment of wood) and the preservative exist in three


    Water borne preservative

    Oil borne preservative example creosote and pigment emulsified


    Other ways to preventthe insectare as follows bellow

    - Eliminating or minimizing of crack in concrete foundation and slabs.- Untreated timber soil contact should be minimized, because it may be the

    potential source oftermites.

    - Ensure the building site is free of debris after buildingand landscaping havebeen completed.

    If the a bove is done it will eliminate or minimize the insectattack there by

    increasingthe durability ofthe wood.

    c. The anatomy of wood.A wood is made up of hallow elongated spindle shaped cell, theyare apparelto each

    other, the thingthataffects the strength properties appearance, resistance to

    penetration by chemicaland water is the characteristic of celland arrangement.

    The feature ofa wood beneath the bark ofa wood, lays a verythin layer called

    cambium, it cannot be seen with naked eyes. Here the cell divide, within some time

    discern to form the barktissue to the outside ofthe cambium and the wood (xylem)and wood tissue to the inside. The wood that has being formed new is termed as sap

    wood it contains living cell in itand conducts sap (nutrients) upward in the tree. After

    a while, the inner sap wood will be inactive and transformed into heart wood. The

    formation usually stringalong bythe formation of extractive that darkens the wood,

    make itless porous and sometimes provides more resistance to decay. The center of

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    the trunk is the pith, the softtissue which the first wood growth take place in the

    newly formed twigs.

    The combined band of darkand lightareas are the annualgrowth rings, it determine

    the age ofthe tree veryyeara ring is been added to atree, these ring varies in shape,

    width and shape. The width is influenced bythe environment.


    Figure27. Showingtheannualrings ofthewood

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    Figure28. Showingthe sidevies ofthewood

    Figure29. Showingtheanatomy ofthewoodindetail

    d. The utilization oftimber in the building industry in the context of sustainabledevelopment

    Overthe years the concept of new building is to make sustainable in the sense that

    they will consume less energy, to reduce the negative human health impactand to

    shape the future. For us to achieve thatthe right building materials are to be used and

    timber is one ofthem. The reasons whytimber is considered as a sustainable building

    materialare as follows below.

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    i. Carbon impact- carbon has a negative impact on our environmentand generalgood of our planet. Forest playand all othergreen planta big role in earth

    carbon cycle by eliminatingthe carbon and introducing oxygen in the

    atmosphere by what is called photosynthesis. This process helps to purify our

    atmosphere with oxygen and take offthe carbon in it. Forest helps our

    ecosystem through this way.

    ii. Sustainability- our forest is renewable unlike metaland fossil-fuel basedproduct, with a proper management ofthe forest, wood flow will be indefinite

    that means the future generation will have somethingto use.

    iii. Embodied energy- the word embodied energy means the total energyrequired to harvest, mine, manufacture, and transportto the point of use ofthe

    material. Wood need alittle amount of energyto perform allthe processes, it

    has a verylow compare to other building materials such as steel, copper

    aluminum and e.t.c.the sun provide the energyto grow the threes and rain to

    nourish them.

    e. Photos of 5 building material made from wood found in Linton University College.

    Figure30. Showingawooden frameofaglass inthelibrary

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    Figure31. Showingawoodenwhiteboardinthe class

    Figure32. Showingawoodendoor

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    Figure34. Showingawellpolishedwoodendoor

    Figure35. Showinga partitionmadewith awallinthe schoollobby

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    f. The three reasons why wood is used in Malaysian construction industry more frequentthan china orMiddle Eastare.

    The three reasons whytimber is used frequently in Malaysiathan chinaand the

    Middle Eastare as follows bellow.

    Availability of land- Malaysiaan abounded land, the availability ofland makeit possible forthe forest which supplythem with wood (timber) that is

    extensively used in their construction industry. As forthe chimes the dont

    have the land in excess due to rapid population growth, the number one use of

    land is human settlementand the available forestthey have cant satisfythe

    high demand of public due to the number oftheir population.

    Good weather- one ofthe major successes of forestry in Malaysia is theirweather. They have atropical rain forest with rain throughoutthe year. Such

    weather really supports the growth of plants.In the case ofthe middle east,

    their weather is not suitable forthe plants growth, the rain fall is notallyear

    round like that ofMalaysiatheir rain is usually fall for 5,6, months which is

    notthat frequentand heavy, theylive in on the desert. And some part of china

    also has the desert issue. So due to their weatherthey dont have forestthat is

    whytimber (wood) is not used in their construction industryas the Malaysia

    construction industry.

    Good management-the Malaysian forestry is properly managed, that is why itis stillgives out much. Things like exploitation ofthe forest is very minimal

    here in Malaysia, deforestation is very minimaltoo, and when the threes are

    been harvested theyare being replace with smaller one in orderto keep forestgoing. But places like the middle eastand china have problem of exploitation

    ofthe forest bythe people which is illegal, and the replacement ofthe plants if

    theyare been harvested is notthatgood as the Malaysian. So that is why wood

    (timber) is not usually used in the Middle Eastand chinas construction

    industrylike the Malaysian construction industry.

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