ASOSIASAUN RADIO KOMUNIDADE estasan radio komunidade ida bele hamri’ik tamba iha nia estrutura rasik ne’be mak halao mandatu tuir regras ne’ebe mak determina tuir komu-nidade

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Mata dalan ba Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste

Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste,Rua Avenida Nasional Press Center, Dili, Timor-Leste

KontedoLian Makloke ........................................................................................ 1

Introdusaun ........................................................................................... 3

Tamba sa mak bolu Radio Komunidade? ............................................. 4

Saida mak estasaun Radio Komunidade? ............................................. 4

Estrutura housi estasaun Radio Komunidade ....................................... 6

Klibur Radio Komunidade ................................................................... 6

Staff Radio Komunidade ..................................................................... 8

Responsabilidade housi Estasaun Manager .......................................... 8

Responsabilidade housi Voluntario Radio ........................................... 9

Estudio ................................................................................................ 10

Programa ............................................................................................. 10

Komunidade ne’ebe Parte housi Estasaun Radio ................................ 11

Mudansa Sosial ................................................................................... 12

Fundus ................................................................................................ 13

Promosaun ba Estasaun Radio ............................................................ 16

Suportas ne’ebe mak Mai housi Fatin Seluk ........................................ 18

Saida mak Estasaun Manager Persija atu Hatene ................................ 19

Treinamento ....................................................................................... . 19

Mentoring/Pendamping/Fo Conselho ................................................... 21

Indikadores........................................................................................... 21

Anexo A: Survey ba Estasaun Radio .................................................... 23

Anexo B: Perguntas ba Fokus Grupus .................................................. 25

Formulario atu Hari’i Radio Broadcasting housi AIRCOM ................. 26


Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor Leste (ARKTL) ho nia membrus to-mak agora ne’e dadauk dejenvolve hela sira ninian matenek konaba serbisu saida mak bele halo ba estasaun radio komunidade iha nasaun otas nurak ne’e, ne’ebe hahu tiha ona housi tinan 2001. Ami hatama ona matenek nebe mak ami iha, ba modul radio ne’e, nebe mak produs tiha ona, hodi nune’e, bele sai nudar matadalan ba gerasaun foun.

Ami espera katak liu husi publikasaun ida ne’e, sei bele prova katak fo duni valorijasaun ba seitor radio komunidade tomak iha Timor-Leste no liu husi dalan ne’e mos, sei bele aumenta matenek ba membrus radio komuni-dade no populasaun. Ba oin, ami mos espera katak modul ne’e, sei provoka liu tan diskusaun konaba radio komunidade no nia papel iha Timor-Leste, hodi nune’e bele diriji ita atu bele truka malu ideas, atu nune’e, iha loron ikus sei fo benefisio ba seitor ida ne’e no mos bele fo benefisio ba komuni-dade tomak iha nasaun ida ne’e.

Intensaun husi modul ne’e, mak atu sai nudar matadalan ida, nebe mak bele hetan modifikasaun no bele aumenta liu tan iha tempu tuir mai, sei karik iha modul ne’e, rai ona rekurso nebe mak la iha ona valour iha tempo oin mai.

ARKTL hakarak hato’o agredesemento ba ema barak ne’ebe mak fo ona tulun atu halo modul ne’e, hodi bele iha posibilidade atu publika. Ida ne’e mak resultado husi tinan rua serbisu ba peskija no halo konsultasaun atu pro-dus modul ne’e, liu husi suporta finanserio husi UNESCO, ne’ebe halao husi ARKTL no hetan asistensia husi International Center For Journalsit (ICFJ) iha Timor-Leste. ARKTL oferese laran luak nakonu ho obrigado wa’in ba staff husi UNESCO nebe mak fo tulun no fo ami biban atu bele realija pro-dusaun modul ne’e no lahaluha mos, ARKTL hato’o obrigado wa’in ba ser-bisu maka’as housi staff ICFJ Timor-Leste mak hanesan Eis Deputy Country Director Sr. Imanuel Braz, ema nebe mak fo tulun maka’as atu hetan fundus ne’e, Eis Country Director Sr. Chuck Rice, ema nebe mak oferese gratuita nia tempo atu truka ideas no mos halo editing ba publikasaun ho versaun English, ARKTL mos debe obrigado wa’in ba eis staff ICFJ seluk mak hane-san Ivan Lopes, Bendita de Jesus no mos eis staff Voluntario Radio Comuni-dade Lorico Lian, Longinhos Leite. Maluk sira ne’e mak serbisu hamutuk ho hau durante halo asesmento no peskija ba projeto ne’e. Asosiasaun mos ha-karak hato’o obrigado wa’in mos ba jornalista sira, estasaun manager sira, no mos voluntario sira nebe mak serbisu ba radio komunidade hodi bele fo mos sira nian resposta iha prosesu asesmento hodi halo kompleto ba modul ne'e.

Lian Mak LokeModul ba Radio Komunidade 1

ne’e, lahaluha mos hakarak hato’o obrigado wa’in ba komunidade sira nebe mak fo mos sira nian hanoin diak balun nebe mak iha valour ba modul ne’e.

Ikus liu ARKTL hakarak hato’o mos obrigado wa’in ba membro Board ARKTL tomak (Adao Batista, Laurentino Freitas, Joao Borges, Rita Baros, Lucio Pinto, Jose…..) nebe mak fo ona konfiansa mai hau atu halao projeito ne’e, lahaluha mos ba Sra. Jennifer Scott nebe mak ajuda mos atu halo edit-ing iha versaun English no mos ba ema se deit ne’ebe mak ami latemi iha ne’e, maibe sira fo ona sira nia kontribusaun liu husi fo sira nia hanoin diak ruma no mos sira nia abilidade atu produs modul ne’e.

Prezado Ximenes, Presidente ARKTL Dili, Medio de Fevereiro de 2012

2 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

Timor-Leste nudar nasaun ida ne’ebe mak iha diversidade povu no kultura. Aumenta tan, ho lingua ofisial Portuges no Tetun, iha mos dialetu 33 ne’ebe kualia iha distrito 13.

Atu bele asegura diversidade hirak ne’e hodi bele fo mos kontribusan ba prosesu demokratijasaun ne’ebe mak lao buras hela iha ita nia rai doben ne’e, Timor-Leste persija iha media ida ne’ebe mak bele garante diversidade hirak ne’e bele moris tuir orijinalidade ne’ebe mak sai nudar identidade housi na-saun otas nurak ida ne’e.

Radio komunidade nu’dar media ida ne’e mak bele fasilita povo ho nia kultura atu moris no buras ba bebeik. Radio komunidade nu’udar kanal ida ne’ebe mak bele ajuda komunidade hodi bele dejenvolve ninia identidade no mos bele hetan informasaun ne’ebe los liu housi komunidade nia dialetu rasik.

Lia fuan hamulak tradisaun ne’ebe mak ema uza, barak mak lakon iha tinan barak liu ba. Ema uitoan maka bele le jornal, ema barak mak lahatene le.

Tuir lian fuan ibun nian, survei hatudu katak ema hetan informasaun barak mak liu housi radio – partikularmente sira ne’ebe maka hela iha distrito – ne’ebe eletrisidade lakan deit ba oras lima (5) to’o oras neen (6) kada loron.

Iha tinan sanulu (10) liu ba, estasaun radio komunidade estabelese ona iha distrito ida-ida iha distrito sanulu resin tolu (13). Estasaun Radio hirak ne’e sei la’o hela, maibe ita nia mehi seidauk atinji tanba menus staf, menus fundus no mos iha ekipamentus balun mak labele halao operasaun ho diak.

Faktus hatudu mai ita katak estasaun radio sei la’o hela, indika katak sei iha komitmentu iha komunidade ida-ida atu funsiona nafatin sira nia es-tasaun radio – maske ba oras haat (5) ka oras lima (6) kada loron. Estasaun balun produs ona notisia lokal, kria mos programa debates no diskusaun iha radio, maski barak mak sei toka deit muzika.

Iha Timor-Leste, hahu iha 2001, Radio Komunidades estabilizadu ho suporta housi duadores Internasionais. Kondisaun ne’e, diferente ho radio komunidades housi nasaun seluk ne’ebe estabilizadu ho fundu hosi partisi-pasaun komunidade. Ida ne’e mak sai nudar difikuldades ba radio komuni-dade sira iha Timor-Leste atu hetan partisipasaun husi komunidade liu-liu atu hetan suporta finansamento. Tamba mosu iha komunidade nia persepsaun ne’ebe mak moris ba bebeik katak estasaun radio komunidade sira ne’e, na’in husi ONG no hetan suporta husi ONG sira, hodi nune’e voluntario radio ko-munidade sira ne’e, serbisu ba ONG no iha responsabilidade atu suporta

IntrodusaunModul ba Radio Komunidade 3

ONG sira ne’e. Atu aumenta liu tan katak konfujaun nebe mak mosu ne’e, komplika fali fungsaun housi radio komunidade ne’e rasik iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebe tuir faktus hatudu katak to’o ohin loron sidauk iha rekonhesemento legal husi governo ba radio komunidade sira iha Timor-Leste.

Liu husi buat sira ne’e hotu, espera katak modul ne’e, sei aumenta liu tan komprensaun husi ita tomak konaba papel housi radio komunidade no mos bele diriji ita atu hamosu dialogu entre maluk radio komunidade sira no ko-munidade tomak atu hetan dalan nebe mak diak liu hodi bele halao estasaun radio komunidade tomak iha nasaun ida ne’e.

Livro matadalan ne’e nia objetivu atu fo dalan ba estasaun radio komu-nidade atu bele ajuda halibur komunidade, hamosu rendementu sufisiente no hamosu mudansa sosial hodi hasa’e kualidade moris iha komunidade nia laran. Manual ida ne’e mos sei fahe ba sira ne’ebe interesadu atu hari’i es-tasaun radio komunidade iha sira nia knua ka sidade.

Tamba sa mak bolu Radio Komunidade?Radio komunidade nu’udar radio ida ne’ebe mak iha karakteritiku diferente ho radio publiku no radio komersio.

Radio komunidade bele ejiste, wainhira iha partisipasaun komunidade. Siknifika katak komunidade mak hamoris no sei garante sustenabilidade husi radio komuniade ne’e rasik.

Radio komunidade sei fo sai informasaun konaba saida mak komunidade persija no mos sei halao husi membrus komunidade rasik ho orientasaun laos atu buka lukru.

Radio komunidade hanesan meiu ida ne’ebe partikularmente di’ak la’os deit halo informasaun bele avaliadade, maibe importante liu, atu enkoraza ema vunerabel sira atu hakbesik an hodi hato’o sira nian problemas, hakbesik an ba dalan dialogu no negosiasaun ne’ebe sai nudar parte fundamental husi kultura domokrasia.

Saida mak Estasaun Radio Komunidade?Estasaun radio komunidade nu’udar estasaun radio ne’ebe ninia area kober-tura ladun luan hanesan radio publiku no radio komersio. Iha estasaun radio komunidade iha ninia estrutura ne’ebe mos diferente ho radio komersiu no radio publiku.

Tamba radio komunidade ne’e, nia na’in mak komunidade rasik.Kada estasaun radio komunidade ne’e uniku, tamba refleta ba diver-

4 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

sifikasaun housi komunidade ninia nesesidade ne’ebe mak diferente. Iha dalan oioin atu deskrebe saida maka estasaun radio komunidade bele halo Iha Timor-Leste, por ezemplu, estasaun radio komunidade bele fo sai in-formasaun ou programas radio tuir dialetu komunidade ne’ebe mak hela iha area kobertura. Estasaun radio iha knar bo’ot iha sosiadade atu bele pro-move atividades kulturais hanesan kore metan, tara bandu no mos promove atividades pas no dame liu husi dalan kultura. Wainhira iha sosiadade, mak sei iha mos komunidade ne’ebe mak diferente, maka iha ne’eba mos, sei hamosu estrutura baziku, ne’ebe mak bele sai nudar dalan atu hari’i estasaun radio komunidade ida ne’ebe bele sustentabel. Por exemplo iha sosiadade iha grupu komunidade balun moris nudar agrikultores, balun nudar peska-dor, balun grupus foin sa’e, balun negosiantes, grupu housi membrus igreja no seluk-seluk tan. Baseia ba diversifikasaun grupus komunidade hirak ne’e mak sei bele hamosu estasaun radio komunidade ida. Grupus hirak ne’e mak sei fo kontribusaun maka’as hodi bele hari’i no sustenta moris housi radio komunidade ne’e rasik.

UNESCO, iha nia livru manual “How to Do Community Radio” difini radio komunidade hanesan ne’e: “Hanesan estasaun ida servi iha komuni-dade” konaba komunidade no housi komunidade”.

Prinsipius housi estasaun radio komunidade nian mak inklui:

Modul ba Radio Komunidade 5

1. Servi ba komunidade2. Enkoraza demokrasia partisipatoriu3. Permite membrus komunidade atu espresa sira nia opiniaun partikularmente sira ne’ebe laiha asesu ba media massa.4. Hetan sustenabilidade housi komunidade ninia partipasaun no la’os konsiderasaun komersiu5. Na’in no jestaun maka reprezentante housi komunidade6. Promove no hasa’e meius rezolve problemas iha komuni-dade7. Hasa’e fluensia informasaun ne’ebe mak los no balansu ba no iha komunidade nia laran8. La hetan lukru, la’os sekretariadu no la’os partidade9. Autoriza forum atu hala’o kultura lokal

Informasaun iha livru ki’ikoan ne’e, ho objektivu atu ajuda komunidade sira ne’ebe mak iha interese atu hari’i no mantein estasaun radio komunidade atu bele lao ba oin. Ne’e la signifika perfeitu, mas bele servi hanesan matada-lan geral hari’i estasaun radio komunidade.

Estrutura Estasaun Radio KomunidadeWainhira estasan radio komunidade ida bele hamri’ik tamba iha nia estrutura rasik ne’be mak halao mandatu tuir regras ne’ebe mak determina tuir komu-nidade nia interese.

Estrutura baziku husi radio komunidade mak hanesan tenki iha klibur, Manager no voluntario.

KliburKlibur nia funsaun maka atu tau matan ba klala’ok husi radio komunidade. Klibur sei diriji housi presidente klibur ne’ebe normalmente hili housi ko-munidade.

Mekanismu atu hili klibur ba estasaun radio tenki liu husi kongreso no baseia ba estatuta housi radio komunidade ne’e rasik. Klibur tenser 1/3 kom-postu housi maluk feto sira, hodi nune’e bele garante konaba representante feto iha estrutura radio.

Kada estasaun radio komunidade, tenki iha ninia klibur ne’ebe mak rep-resenta grupus komunidade bele inklui mestri, toos-nain, vendadores, estu-dante, reprezentante housi igreja, ukun na’in bairo no membro guverno. Rep-resentante komunidade ne’ebe mak tur iha klibur bele ema na’in lima no mos bele ema na’in hitu.

Por ezemplo, iha estasaun Radio Komunidade Atoni-Lifau, klibur ba es-tasaun radio hili housi komunidade rasik ne’ebe kompostu housi represent-ante ema na’in hitu ne’ebe mak representa housi organijasaun sosiadade sivil, igreja, grupus feto, foin sa’e, membru governo no autoridade lokal iha nivel suco.

6 Modul ba Radio Komunidade



Staff Voluntario

Klibur bele forma ho dalan selseluk. Por ezemplu, iha knua Bucoli, besik Baucau, klibur forma housi autoridade local iha nivel suco. Ne’e inklui Xefe suco, Xefe Aldeia, Lia-nain, reprezentante joven nain rua (2)- Mane ida (1) Feto ida (1).

Autoridade local hirak ne’e, la’os teknikamente parte hosi governo, no mos ida ne’e mak posibilidade nebe mak iha, hodi involve ema hirak ne’e tamba karik la iha ema ruma nebe mak iha interese atu tau matan ba estasaun radio.

Iha kazu ne’e, di’ak liu ita organiza sorumutu ida nivel suku ka bairo no determina semaka iha interese no hakarak involve iha estasaun radio komu-nidade.

Oinsa hili Presidente Klibur Radio Selesaun atu hili Presidente Klibur Radio tenser liu husi prosesu demokratika ida ne’ebe mak fasilita housi Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade nebe mak eziste no iha kapasidade atu halo. ONG balun ne’ebe mak servisu ba dezemvolvi-mentu media bele fo mos aprovisionamento hodi fo suporta ba prosesu hili estrutra klibur radio.

Wainhira atu hili presidente klibur tenki baseia ba estatutu radio no liu housi surumutu ida ne’ebe mak lidera housi ema peritus balun iha area radio komunidade.

Liu husi sorumutu ida mak membrus komunidade tenser hatama naran kandidatus ne’ebe sira sente bele representa sira nia grupus komunidade hodi nune’e bele forma Klibur Radio. Se iha kandidatus liu husi ema nain hitu (7), eleisaun ida tenser halo iha sorumutu ne’e hodi bele hili ema na’in hitu deit. Kandidatu ida ne’be mak eleitu ho votantes voutus barak liu mak sei sai nu’dar presidente ba Klibur Radio.

Membrus husi Klibur Radio servi ba periodu tinan tolu (3) hahu hosi tempu ne’ebe komunidade hili membru foun. Membrus Klibur Radio bele servi to’o deit ba periodu dala rua (2).

Responsabilidade Klibur RadioPresidente Klibur Radio iha responsabilizasaun atu hili manager ba estasaun radio komunidade. Manager ba radio komunidade, tenser ema ida ho espere-insia iha jornalismu no perfere liu ema ne’ebe mak iha skill iha area jestaun. Maneger labele servisu iha governo. Presidente Klibur fo hanoin no garante konaba estasaun radio komunidade atu lao tuir programa iha sedula no oinsa manager hakbesik ba komunidade lorloron. Manager responde ba Klibur Radio no hetan mandatu housi Klibur. Klibur Radio halao knar nudar ema

Modul ba Radio Komunidade 7

independente iha estasaun radio, hodi nune’e bele rona no rezolve konflitus entre staf no voluntarius sira.

Importante, katak lei no regulasaun ne’be iha, tenki deskrebe fungsaun no responsabilidade husi staf no voluntarius. Serbisu housi Klibur bele la’o di’ak ho lei ne’e.

Servisu operasaun ba estasaun radio tenser fo fiar husi Klibur ba Estasaun Manager.

Tanba sa:1. Se Klibur Radio la permite staf radio atu kontribui, ema iha estasaun

sente katak sira nian presensia ne’e labale.2. Se Klibur maka involve liu iha estasaun, Klibur se labele halao kna’r

hanesan orgaun independente. Ne’e bele halo komplikadu liu ba Klibur atu rezolve konflitus wainhira mosu.

Staff Radio KomunidadeStaff ba radio komunidade kompostu housi estasaun manager no staff volun-tario mak hanesan koordenador programa, koordenador teknika, tezureiro, reporter, journalista no broadcaster. Manager tenki simu salario kada fulan liu housi kontratu ida. Staff voluntario ba radio komunidade tenki hetan sub-sidiu ki’ik kada fulan atu fasilita sira hodi bele serbisu voluntario.

Fundus permanente atu suporta ba operasaun radio komunidade tenki mai mos housi grupus ne’ebe mak ninia representante eleitu nu’udar klibur ba estasaun radio. Wainhira staff ba estasaun radio bele hetan salario mak sei bele garante funsanamento sistema gestaun iha estasaun radio komunidade.

Knar no responsabilidade Manager: Manager responde dereitamente ba Presidente Klibur. Manager tenser rai ka hatama relatorio finanseiru konaba projetu ne’ebe mak halao tiha ona husi estasaun radio kada fulan tolu (3) dala ida ba Klibur – deskrebe, ho detaila, atividades iha estasaun radio komunidade. Manager tenser halo sorumutu informalmente ho Klibur fulan ida dala ida, hodi halao diskusaun kona ba atividades husi estasaun radio. Manager mak iha responsabiliza ba rekrutamentu staff seluk ne’ebe mak atu serbisu ba estasaun radio. Atu hetan staff ne’ebe mak diak, manager tenser servisu besik ho komunidade atu ga-rante katak se deit mak servisu ba estasaun radio iha oportunidade. Manager responsabiliza ba programa hotu ne’ebe fo sai iha estasaun radio komunidade. Manager tenser ativamente rekruta ema halo programa no ativamente buka ema ho peritu iha area spesifiku – porezemplo dotores, lei nain, no sira seluk

8 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

ne’ebe bele halo programa tuir sira nia skill. Por ezemplo, doutor ida bele lori programa regular konaba saude preventiva ka fo resposta kona problema mo-ras nian. Manager tenser dezemvolve plano servisu no kria modelu negosiu ou modelu bisnis ba estasaun radio. Atu bele realija plano serbisu hirak ne’e, manager tenser tuir treinamentu iha jornalismu no skill gestaun. Manager tenser hatudu ba komunidade konaba tragetu husi programa radio ne’e saida no konteudu husi programa radio hirak ne’e. Atu bele realija lala’ok ne’e, tenser inklui hamosu kaixa ba sugestaun, halao survey (tinan ida dala rua) no mos kria atividade fokus grupu (tinan ida dala ida).

Staff voluntario: Estasaun radio komunidade hala’o housi voluntario ne’ebe rekruta housi manager. Staff tenser kompostu housi ema ne’ebe hela iha ko-munidade nia leet no labele bandu ou hasai membrus housi komunidade ne’ebe hakarak partisipa iha programa radio.

Kordenador Programa: Kordenador programa responsabiliza ba dezem-volvimentu programas bazeia ba nesesidades komunidade. Kordenador tens-er servisu besik ho manager atu konfirma komunidade katak fo hanoin diak ruma ba programas hotu. Kordenador programa mos tenser garante katak membru komunidade involvidu iha produsaun programa nebe mak atu fo sai ba rona nain. Kordenador programa, hetan matadalan hosi manager hodi dezemvolve shedula programa radio nebe mak valioja ba komunidade.Kor-denador jurnal toma konta ba produsaun jurnal no konteudu informasaun programa radio ba komunidade. Kordenador programa mos tenser tuir trein-amentu jurnalismu regular atu aumenta tan sira nia skill. Kordenador mos tenser transfere nia skill ba membru staf jurnal balun.

Kordenador Tekniku: Kordenador ida ne’e, garante katak equipamentus hotu kontroladu regularmente no funsiona ho di’ak. Kordenador ne’e, halo mos manutensaun ba komputador estasaun no garante katak anti-virus hetan up to date. Pesoal ne’e tenser tuir treinamentu tekniku regular

Tezureiro: Pesoal ne’e, responsabiliza ba akauntabilidade no konfirma katak akauntabilidade jere ho dalan transparante. Fundus ne’ebe hetan housi doad-ores tenser iha audit regular.

Staff Seluk: Atu aumenta deit informasaun ba Kordenador sira katak es-tasaun radio komunidade kria staff voluntariu oioin nebe mak fo suporta - reporter, operador, disc Joki, aprezentador, sikuriti no hamos nain (Cleaner).

Modul ba Radio Komunidade 9

EstudioFatin estasaun radio komunidade sei fo impaktu boot ba nia kbi’it rasik atu influensia publiku. Estasaun radio tenser hari’i iha fatin sentru – hodi nune’e, fasil ba komunidade atu asesu no se iha posibilidade karik, iha fatin estadaun ne’e aluga ho folin baratu ka gratuita. Idealmente estasaun radio tenser sai na’in mos ba edifisiu/propriedade.

Studio tenser iha fatin ne’ebe neutral atu hases an hosi interferensia poli-tiku ka governo.

Estasaun radio ida-idak, tenser fornese kuartu ida ba studio on air no kuartu ida ba studio produsaun hodi halo notisias atu ajuda staf voluntariu prepara no produs programas ho qualidade di’ak.

ProgramaEstasaun radio komunidade tenser refleta nesesidade husi komunidade. Pro-grama tenser diversiu (oin-oin) hanesan komunidade ne’e rasik. Programa tenser inklui lian hotu ne’ebe mak kualia iha komunidade refere.

Jurnal no Informasaun: estasaun tenser fosai jurnal ka informasaun regu-larmente kada loron. Indisu Jurnais tenser 90 % hosi lokal no inklui lian natural rasik iha komunidade. Jornais tenser fosai ho maneira interesadu. Es-tasaun tenser fo sai informasaun publiku ho gratuita no regular, atu nune ema hotu bele iha oportunidade atu hetan informasaun.

Programas Kultural: Estasaun radio komunidade tenser selebra kultura lo-cal liu husi programa regular.

Targetu programas: Estasaun radio komunidade kompleta nesesidade ne’ebe estasaun komersiu no estasaun estadu laiha. Bele produs programas segmentus espesifiku housi komunidade- housi ema hotu. Por ezemplo, pro-grama ba labarik bele fo sai housi labarik sira – se sira hetan treinamentu appropriadu. Iha Maubese, por ezemplo, survey uma-kain 100 hetan katak pregrama preferidu barak konaba agrikultura. Survey hanesan dalan ida ba estasaun radio komunidade atu bele hatene saida mak komunidade persija atu hetan housi estasaun radio liu housi programa radio.

10 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

Staf sira ne’e hotu responde ba kordenador tuir serbisu ne’ebe mak nia halao no ikus liu sei responde ba estasaun manager.

Komunidade ne’ebe Parte housi Estasaun RadioSentimento hanesan na’in ne’e sei fo kritiku ba susesu estasaun radio komunidade. Se membrus komunidade sente katak sira maka na’in ba estasaun radio komunidade, sira sei involve an – maske serbisu voluntariu, sira sei hola parte ba programas ka halo doasaun orsamento ba estasaun.

Presidente Klibur no Estasaun Manager, tenser servisu hamutuk no ga-rante katak komunidade mak sei halao papel sentral ba operasaun estasaun –involvemento komunidade hahu housi eleisaun atu hili president klibur to’o iha atividades hato’o no fahe informasaun ba programas husi estasaun radio.

Se estasaun kompriende nesesidade komunidade, estasaun radio tenser hakbesik ho komunidade – regularmente.

Iha dalan oioin atu hakbesik an ba komunidade. Por ezemplo, molok halo estabelesementu ba Radio Maubesi-Mauloko, estasaun radio komuni-dade iha k’nua Maubese, iha Sentru Timor-Leste Survei baziku hala’o iha uma ka’in 100 atu determina tipu programas povu gosta rona. Pur sentu (%) 71, ema gosta programa konaba agrikultura, 57 % hakarak programas iha ekonomia no 54 % gosta rona reportagem notisias konaba politiku.

Iha adisaun survey, hetan katak pur sentu(%)88, ema hakarak sai volun-tario iha estasaun radio. Pur sentu (%) 99, haklaken katak sira prefere pro-grama radio iha lian Tetun duke uza dialetu. Pur sentu (%) 67, indika katak sira iha radio rasik. Pur sentu (%) 97, hateten katak komunidade presiza estasaun radio komunidade.

Faktus ne’e hatudu katak komunidade hakarak atu involve iha estasaun radio komunidade. Lala’ok estasaun, hanesan estasaun komunidade, sei depende ba jestaun abilidade atu hakbesik ho komunidade.

Survei: Survei nu’udar dalan fasil liu, atu sukat katak estasaun radio ko-munidade atu bele ona hatene ou deskobre komunidade nia hakarak. Servei tenser halo maizumenus dala rua ka dala tolu kada tinan. Survei ne’e, bele halao husi staf voluntario radio sira. Liu husi survei bele determina buat barak – tempu ne’ebe maka ema gosta rona radio, idade huosi rona-na’in, tipu programa ne’ebe mak rona-na’in prefere no sugestaun oinsa atu hadia sedula programa(Favor Hare ba anexu A: Perguntas konaba survei)

Fokus grupu: Diskusaun fokus grupu, nu’udar mekanismu di’ak liu atu hetan informasaun konkretu konaba saida maka estasaun radio komunidade

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halo. Diskusaun Fokus grupu tenser konsiste ema la liu husi ema 16-20 – mediu tenser konsiste husi grupu feto. Grupu tenser konsiste hosi demo-grafiku atu bele hetan sampel reprezentatativu hosi rona-na’in. Fokus grupu bele hala’o hosi staf estasaun – ne’ebe hetan ona treinamentu.( Favor hare baAttachment B: Perguntas konaba diskusaun ba Fokus Grupu.)

Kaixa sugestaun: Atu hetan dalan fasil liu katak estasaun responde ba ko-munidade nia nesesidade ka lae maka prepara kaixa sugestaun. Kaixa ne’e tau iha fatin estrategiku ne’ebe iha ema barak. Por ezemplu, iha merkadu hanesan fatin ideal liu atu tau kaixa sugestaun. Kaixa ne’e tenser iha ko’ak iha leten atu komunidade bele hatama sira nia komentariu.

Rekrutamentu staff: Wainhira estasaun radio komunidade ida esforsu hela atu hetan voluntario ne’ebe mak sufisiente hodi servisu iha estasaun, ida ne’e indikasaun di’ak ida ba estasaun radio katak estasaun sei la halo buat barak atu hakbesik an ba komunidade. Tamba joven, partikularmente, gosta voluntariu. Liu husi serbisu voluntario sei fo buat diak ba sira atu halo no aprende no servisu iha estasaun nu’udar prestiju ida. Dalan atu bele rekruta voluntario maka taka ou hato’o informasaun iha fatin publiku, halo anunsiu iha radio, iha sorumutu publiku no vizita eskola sekundariu atu buka ema ne’ebe iha interese atu aprende skill radio.

Mudansa SosialEstasaun radio komunidade bele sai pontu sentru atu halibur ideas komu-nidade no bele kontribui hasa’e kapital umanu liu housi atividades radio ne’ebe mak halao iha studio laran no mos iha liur.

Rekursu Saude Komunikasaun baziku Australia fo sai relatoriu iha 2008 konaba impaktu husi serbisu estasaun radio komunidade iha Bali, Indonesia, ba ninia komunidade rasik. Tuir relatoriu, evaluadores hatan katak rende-mentu projetu ne’ebe hahu housi estasaun radio lori ona mudansa ba moris husi povo ne’ebe mak hela iha aldeia liu hosi promosaun radio.

Ne’e hanaran estasaun “pig project”. Estasaun radio komunidade hetan no impresta “Piglet” no Pi pens ba familia vulnerable. Quando Piglets boot no haki’ak, familia sira utiliza rendementu ne’e hanesan rekursu ba rendi-mentu familia nian. Familia sira ne’e mos presiza fo filafali Piglets ba es-tasaun radio. Piglets sira ne’e depois passa tan ba familia vulneravel seluk – ne’e halo programa sustentavel. Familia utiliza rendimentu hosi piglets atu

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hola nesesidade baziku, aimoruk no selu oan sira nia eskola.Estasaun radio komunidade iha Gobi Desert iha Mongolia halo ona mu-

dansa ba fatin remotas ne’ebe serve liu hosi atividade transmisaun. Estasaun fahe ona kaixa survey iha komunidade no hetan katak servisu ba adultu sira la eziste ona. Manager estasaun bolu atensaun hosi Governo, ne’ebe foti me-dida kona asuntu ne’e.

Ezemplu seluk, iha parte Norte Mongolia, antes konferensia kona ba mukit, governor lpkal kria slogan “ mai ita liberta mukit”. Atu hetan feed-back hosi komunidade, Governo hakbesik ba estasaun radio komunidade atu hetan ronana’in sira nia komentariu. Liu husi dalan ne’e mak governo bele foti asaun ruma hodi bele resolve problemas.

Ezemplu ida tan mak wainhira akontese krisi politika iha tinan 2006 iha Timor-Leste nebe mak hamosu mos voilensia ras halo komunidade iha si-dade Dili moris iha diskonfia malu nia laran. Kondisaun ne’e halo ema tauk atu ba visita ba malu. Radio Comunidade Lorico Lian fasilita programa radio konaba hari’i pas no dame. Liu husi programa ne’e, komunidade sira ne’ebe mak hela iha sidade Dili bele komunika ba malu hodi bele hato’o mos sira nia opiniaun ruma konaba oinsa atu hamenus no halakon tensaun konflito. Programa ne’e sai efektivo liu tan wainhira hetan mos suporta husi ONG no governo hodi halibur foin sa’e sira atu kualia no halao asaun atu halakon konflitus iha sidade Dili.

Iha sub distrito Maubise, wainhira akontese konflito entre grupus arte marsias iha tinan 2009. Membrus komunidade sente tauk wainhira hakarak ba merkado tamba fatin merkadu sai fatin konflitu. Atu hamenus no halokon tensaun konflitu, estasaun Radio Komunidade Maubise-Mauloko kria pro-grama regular konaba pas no dame. Iha programa ne’e, involve mos lider housi arte marsias sira atu hato’o sira nia mensagem konaba pas no dame ba ninia membrus. Iha tempu fulan ida, mosu ona asaun konkreto housi grupus arte marsiais sira hodi kria pas no dame iha sira nia hela fatin. Kondisaun ne’e halo komunidade sira sente hakmatek tamba sira bele halao fali sira nia atividades ekonomia iha merkado.

FundusKustu ba operasaun estasaun radio komunidade kiik los. Geralmente, kustus inkluidu utilidades hanesan - eletrisidade no telephone, fundu reservadu hodi sosa sasan eqipamento ne’ebe mak at, kustu ba supply office (CDR, Pila, surat tahan) no kustu ba manutensaun geral.

Staff radio komunidade mai housi voluntariu ne’ebe mak iha komuni-

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dade. Operasaun estasaun radio komunidade la iha intensaun atu buka lukru, maski estasaun radio komunidade mos persija sustentavel, atu nune’e bele eziste nafatin. Staff managementu tenser treinu konaba oinsa buka fundus – housi komunidade lokal, nasional no internasional. Iha dalan oioin ba es-tasaun radio komunidade atu hetan fundus. Dalan hirak ne’e mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

Reklamasaun/Iklan: Dalan atu hetan fundus ba estasaun radio komunidade maka liu hosi faan reklamasaun. Fasil atu faan reklamasaun iha sidade boot, maibe, quandu estasaun radio komunidade lokalizadu iha sidade kiik ka iha kn’ua, reklamasaun se difikulta no estasaun sei buka dalan seluk atu hetan fundus.

Grupu Negosio: Quandu iha agensi reklamasaun nebe mak lokadu iha sidade boot, agensia ida ne’e, bele faan reklamasaun iha grupu no fahe reklamasaun ba estasaun iha merkadu kiik liu hosi komisaun kiik ida. Porezemplu: Agen-sia bele faan reklamasaun ba distribuidor motorizada iha capital no promesa ba distributor katak reklamasaun ne’e fo sai liu hosi estasaun radio komuni-dade. Estasaun radio komunidade kiik hetan persentagen hosi fundus konaba fo sai reklamasaun no agensia forma komisaun ida atu hetan reklamasaun.

Troka/Barter: Lapresiza estasaun no komunidade hetan benefisiu osan. Bar-ter ka troka sasan ho sasan, hanesan dalan kreativu transaksaun negosiu. Por ezemplu, manager estasaun radio iha Ermera, Timor-Leste, regiaun produs kafe mayoria, iha idea atu anunsiu folin merkadu kafe ba toos-na’in quandu sira hakarak kontribui kafe saku ida ba estasaun radio. Estasaun depois bele faan kafe atu hetan fundus. Kuda-nain kafe kontenti tanba estasaun fosai katak bain-hira no iha ne’ebe atu faan sira nia kafe ho presu di’ak liu no estasaun kontenti tanba hetan ona dalan atu kria fundus atu hala’o estasaun.

Fund raising no Grant writing: Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade bele hala’o buka fundus liu husi hakerek grant ba rede radio komunidade hodi hetan fundus. Dalan ne’e bele hetan komisi (dalawa’in kua prosentu sanuluh) husi hakerek grant/fundus ne’ebe mak approva tiha ona. Fundus no duadoneres bele hetan liu husi ONGs no ajensia governo balun ne’ebe mak fo tulun por exemplu (USAID, AusAID, Care International, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, JSMP, Plan Internasional, Caritas Australia, Timor-Leste Media Develop-ment Center, Search For Common Ground no seluk-seluk tan) no tulun husi organijasaun media internasional balun.

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Muzika no Anunsiu requezisaun: Dalan ida fasil liu ba estasaun radio ko-munidade atu hetan fundus kiik hodi selu buat kiik hanesan utilidades. Rona-nain sira hetan konvite ba iha estasaun radio no selu 25 sentimus bele dedika muzika ida ba kolega ka membru familia. Estasaun radio komunidade balun fo fatin atu halo konversasaun no fo selu ba rona-nain sira ne’ebe hakarak hato’o reklamasaun ruma ba sira nia parseiru.

Anunsio ba komunidade: Housi tempo ba tempo, institusaun governo, ONGs no ajensia suportador seluk, sempre uja radio komunidade hodi hato’o anunsio ruma ba komunidade. Liu husi dalan ne’e, estasaun radio komuni-dade sira bele husu selu wainhira sira halao programa ne’e.

Programas ne’ebe selu: ONG no organizasaun internasionais balun, hane-san UNDP, JSMP UNICEF, Care Internasional, TLMDC, Search For Cam-mon Ground no seluk tan, produs programa ne’ebe sira hakarak transmite liu hosi radio. Estasaun radio komunidade bele hetan osan liu hosi transmisaun ka fosai programa hirak ne’e.

Programas atu hetan sponsorship/ajudus: Estasaun radio komunidade bele halo aprosimasaun ba ema sira nebe mak halao atividades bisnis, ONGs no departamento husi governo hodi fo sponshorsip ba programa husi estasaun radio rasik wainhira programa hirak ne’e, iha relasaun mos ho organijasaun hirak ne’e nia produtu ou iha relasaun ho sira nian visaun. Por exemplo, kria especial programa konaba fornese informasaun nebe mak iha relasaun ho moras HIV/AIDS iha loron Mundial ba moras AIDs ou salae kria programas nebe mak foka liu konaba problema saude geral. Programas hirak nebe mak detalaidu no mos ho tipu asistensia nebe mak diferente, bele validu liu wain-hira implementa iha iha area nebe mak local sei bele atrai hodi hetan suporta husi ONGs sira.

Oferese servi oin-oin: Estasaun radio komunidade iha kapasidade atu halao servi oin-oin hodi bele hetan fundus. Por exemplo bele fo aluga equipamento balun ba membrus radio komunidade ou bele mos oferese internet café hane-san rendemento nebe mak aplika ona iha Uma Media Regional sira.

Transfere Skill: Iha parte balun, ONG local hakarak produs programa radio, mais sira laiha skill atu halo. Kazu hanesan ne’e, estasaun radio komunidade bele oferese treinamentu, hodi hatudu ba ONG ne’ebe mak atu produs pro-gram radio.

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Salario nudar komisi: Iha okaziaun barak wainhira lokal ONG bele pro-dus programa radio, mas laiha tempu, laiha staff no fatin studio atu halo programa. ONG ne’e, bele aluga estasaun radio no selu mos staff radio ko-munidade sira atu hakerek no produs programa nudar rendemento ki’ik ba estasaun radio.

Iventu Publiku: Konsertu muzika no iventus cultural nebe mak akontese iha publiku, bele hamosu bebeik rendemento ba estasun radio, tuir dalan oin-oin mak hanesan hamosu sponsorship/ajudus, fa’an bilite, fa’an ai han ruma, be malirin no mos fa’an mos sasan produsaun hanesan trabalhos manuais.

Trabalhos manuais: Sasan trabalhos manuais hanesan kamijola, lapizera, estikir, CDs muzika nebe mak bele fa’an hodi aumenta rendementu. Estasaun radio komunidade bele hari’i fatin ki’ik kuan atu bele fa’an sasan hirak ne’e iha fatin nebe mak sai nudar fatin ba iventu publiku. Bele hari’i iha fatin simu ema wanhira atu tama iha area iventu publiku. Estasaun radio bele buka dalan atu hetan tulun housi bisnis na’in balun por exemplo tau logo hamutuk entre logo radio no logo kampania balun ne’ebe mak suporta sasan trabalhos manuais sira mak hanesan kamijola no selseluk tan.

Fa’an lotre no halo kompetesaun: Iha kompetasaun oin-oin ne’ebe mak estasaun radio komunidade bele kria, liu husi kompetasaun nebe mak simples hodi hasa’e talentu kontestante. Estasaun radio bele halao aprosimasaun ba binis nain lokal sira atu bele fo tulun liu husi ajuda fo sponsor hodi ajuda kompetasaun hirak ne’e ou bele fo mos sira nia tulun liu husi fo duadores ba hadia ba kompetesaun hirak ne’e. Por exemplo bele husu tulun hodi hetan sponsor husi Timor-Telkom, Banku Micro finansa, lojas no selseluk tan.

Promosaun ba estasaun radioPromosaun ba estasaun radio bele ajuda hamosu fundu atu suporta ba es-tasaun radio. Promosaun bele aumenta partisipasaun rona nain hodi nune’e bele atrai ema atu mai tau sira nia reklame iha estasaun radio. Liu husi dalan ne’e, sei hasa’e mos konsiensia husi estasaun radio hodi bele serbisu ha-mutuk ho duadores nebe mak iha potensia atu suporta. Iha dalan barak atu promove estasaun radio komunidade mak hanesan:

Promosaun Krus: Estasaun radio komunidade ida nebe mak hamosu notisia local karik bele halo promosaun ida liu husi akordu ho media print (Journal)

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hodi oferese istoria ba media print (Journal) hodi nune’e media print sira bele halo reklame iha sira nia journal konaba estasaun radio. Dalan ida ne’e bele mos hametin ligasaun entre estasaun radio ho media print (Journal)

Promosaun liu husi media social: Fatin ba media online mak hanesan face-book nudar fatin ne’ebe mak gratuita atu asesu no mos ema se deit bele le, iha fatin nebe deit wainhira hetan asesu ba internet. Publikasaun konaba in-formasaun hanesan schedules programa, iventus ne’ebe mak sei tuir mai no notisia local husi estasaun radio bele hato’o liu husi fatin ne’e nudar dalan promosaun ida. Dalan ne’e, sei fo mos asesu ba ema hirak nebe mak iha interese konaba Timor-Leste atu asesu informasaun liu husi pagina estasaun radio, maski sira hela iha nasaun seluk. Oportunidade ne’e, sei hametin liu tan relasaun sentimento entre ema hirak nebe’e mak hela iha Dili ou hela iha fatin seluk ho sira nian estasaun radio komunidade rasik.

Rede serbisu: Estasaun manager tenki regular halao kontakto ho dua-dores pontesiais no mos suportador sira liu husi telephone, internet ou bele hasoru malu per-sonalmente. Ida ne’e importante tamba bele hamosu lista kontaktu foun housi duadores hotu, bisnis na’in sira no mos organijasaun husi governo no ONGs.

Forum ba komunidade: Estasaun radio komunidade bele forte wainhira hetan partisipasaun husi komunidade rasik. Atu bele atrai liu tan partisipas-aun komunidade, estasaun radio komunidade bele atrai rona nain foun liu husi hamosu dialogo iha forum komunidade ho issue local. Por exemplo, is-sue konaba estarada nasionais ou bele mos issue konaba avaliabilidade husi asistensia mediku emergensia ba komunidade. Lideransa local no represent-ante husi governo, representante husi ONGs, bisnis nain sira no represent-ante komunidade husi seitor oinoin bele mos hetan konvida atu partisipa iha forum komunidade.

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Presidente ARKTL Prezado Ximenes

iha estasaun radio Iliwai, Manatuto

ho Laurentino Freitas estasaun


Ronan na’in/membrus komunidade Estasaun radio komunidade labele moris ba tempu naruk wainhira laiha su-porta husi komunidade. Estasaun radio tenki garante katak membrus komu-nidade bele hatene konaba oinsa sira bele ajuda ou partisipa iha programa radio. Rona na’in membrus komunidade bele ajuda estasaun radio liu husi dalan oinoin mak hanesan:

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Fontes ba suportador selseluk

► Serbisu voluntario ba iha estasaun radio komunidade. Ema ne’ebe mak diferente sei hamosu mos abilidade no kbi’it ne’ebe mak diferente iha estasaun radio, hodi nune’e, bele hamosu mos mekanismo oin-oin atu fo tolun ba estasaun radio komunidade. Sira bele produs saida mak atu bele fo sai iha radio, sira mak na’in ba programa radio, sira bele fo tulun atu fa’an programa radio ou selae sira mos bele kontribui atu suporta hadia propriadade radio liu husi pinta estasaun radio ou hadia fatin estasaun radio.► Hamosu idea no informasaun konaba programa radio. Estasaun radio komunidade ejiste atu servi ninia komunidade no tenki ati-vamente haforsa rona nain sira no membrus komunidade seluk atu fo sira nia opiniaun konaba programa radio, fo mos sira nian ideas no informasaun ruma.► Fo tulun ba estasaun radio liu husi halo lobi ba governo no ONG wainhira persija.► Fo tulun liu orsamento no equipamento ba estasaun radio

Eskolantes no universitariaDejenvolve rede serbisu entre estasaun radio ho eskola pre skundaria, sekundaria no mos nivel universitaria. Liu husi mekanismo ne’e, estasaun radio bele hetan voluntario foun, truka malu abilidade no mos bele haten ema ne’ebe mak talentu iha area on air/siaran. Estasaun radio komunidade bele halo aprosimasaun ba profesores iha eskola sukundario karik sira bele enkoraja estudantes sira atu bele involve iha es-tasaun radio liu husi mekanismu oin-oin. Profesores, eskolantes no dosente universitario sira nu’udar fontes prinsipais ne’ebe persija hetan aprosima-saun atu bele sai parseiro serbisu. Igreja, grupus foin sa’e no organijasaun komunidade: hanesan eskola no uni-versitaria, igreja no mos organijasaun komunitaria bele sai nudar fontes ba suporta servisu komunitaria. Atu aumenta tan katak, komunikador diak husi organijasaun hirak ne’e bele hetan konvite husi estasaun radio hodi halao dis-

Saida mak estasaun manager persija atu hatene

Treinamentu Treinamentu hanesan buat ne’ebe mak kritiku tebes hodi hetan susesu ba es-tasaun radio komunidade. Treinamentu ne’ebe mak di’ak, iha parte gestaun, iha parte Jurnalizmu ka iha parte dezemvolvimentu skill tekniku, mak sei sai nu’udar xave ba sustentabilidade. Elementu importante seluk maka transfere abilidade hirak ne’e, housi staff tuan ba staff foun.

Gestaun/Managementu Estasaun radio komunidade tenser iha gerente ka manager ne’ebe interesadu atu dezemvolve nia skill iha gestaun. Manager ne’ebe susesu, tenki hatene oinsa atu dezemvolve planu servisu no modelu negosiu ne’ebe bele lori es-tasaun radio komunidade ba sustentabelidade. Manager tenser iha kbi’it atu bele performa abilidade tomak housi ninia staff. – hahu housi hala’o inter-viu no edit digital software, bele komprende funsionamento komputador ho di’ak no mos bele performa manutensaun baziku ba equipamentu.Wainhira manager iha skill hirak ne’e, nia sei transfere ba membru staff foun sira.

Dalaruma, estasaun radio komunidade hasoru mudansa maka’as tamba hetan staff voluntariu ne’ebe mak sempre truka malu hela deit. Kondisaun ne’e persija tebes atu iha manager ida ne’ebe mak iha kbi’it institusional no

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kusaun konaba issues hirak ne’ebe mak fo afeita ba membrus rona nain sira ou bele konvida sira atu sai nudar fontes iha prgrama talkshow radio ou bele mos foti sira nian opiniaun no toka iha programa radio. Husi organijasaun hirak ne’e, dalaruma organijasaun balun bele fo asesu atu aumenta tan abili-dade no equimpamento ba estasaun radio.

Atu hetan susesu wainhira promove sira nian estasun radio, hodi garante fundus no mos hetan suporta selseluk, kada estasaun manager tenki hatene konaba:

► Se mak sira nia komunidade no saida mak komunidade hakarak husi estasaun radio► Bisnis saida deit mak ejiste, liu-liu konaba bisnis iha nivel lokal no saida mak bisnis na’in sira ne’e halo► ONGs, grupus no organijasaun saida deit mak ejiste iha ita bot nia area estasaun radio no saida mak sira halo► Diferensilidade entres ministerio husi governo baseandu ba sira nia papel no mos kontaktu husi ministerio relavante.

koñesementu iha gestaun – koñesementu hirak ne’e tenki kompleta babebeik iha tempo oin mai.

Jurnalismu Treinamentu ba reporter husi radio komunidade, ne’e buat ida importante tanba komunidade fiar sira atu fahe notisias ne’ebe akuradu no balansu. Staff husi estasaun radio tenser iha kompreinsaun klaru konaba standar etiku in-ternasional no kaer metin standar ne’e. Se estasaun radio komunidade lakon nia kredibilidade hanesan rezultadu housi fo sai informasaun inakuradu, sei difikulta tebes atu hetan fali komunidade nia konfiansa. Iha prosesu dezem-volvimentu mundial, ONG internasionais ne’ebe tau matan ba dezemvolvi-mentu media, dalabarak implementa projetus. Projetus hirak ne’e inklui mos treinamentu regular ba jornalista.

Estasaun Manager radio komunidade tenser aproveita treinamnetu ne’e, no konfirma katak reporter ne’ebe mak atende ka tuir ona workshop tenser transfere skill ba staff sira seluk.

TeknikuSe equipamentu balun husi estasaun radio komunidade mak at ou la fun-siona dalawain halo mos estasaun radio labele funsiona. Ho realidade henesan ne’e, importante mak iha estasaun radio tenser iha staff ida mak tuir treinamentu iha area tekni-ku. Se failansu equipamentu ladun fo impaktu bo’ot ba estasaun radio, estasaun radio bele lafunsiona ba tempu badak maibe failansu ki’ik oan bele sai mos difikuldade bo’ot ba estasaun radio, wainhira iha estasaun radio laiha ema ne’ebe mak treinadu iha area abilidade ba parte tekniku.

Se iha ema ruma iha komunidade ne’ebe hakarak serbisu hodi hadia komputador no equipamentu seluk, ne’e di’ak liu tan, ba estasaun radio atu hatene no haree, se karik nia bele servisu oras balun kada fulan ho voluntari-umente atu haree no mantein equipamentu.

Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade, hanesan ARKTL bele sai fatin ne’ebe mak diak atu fasilita buka treinamentu tekniku ba staff husi estasaun radio komunidade. ARKTL bele fo mos apoiu ba manutensaun ba equipamentu wainhira iha kolaborasaun entre estasaun radio ho asosiasaun.

20 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

Longhinos Leite (liman los) exjornalista husi radio Lorico Lian ho Jornalista husi radio Iliwai,Manatuto ho Cova Taroman Suai aprende konaba perparasaun teknika.

Mentor/konselhoIha modulu ne’ebe ho papel di’ak, bele sai nudar mata dalan ba gerente/man-ager no nia staff atu dezenvolve sira nia skill. Atu bele hakbi’it kapasidade husi manager/gerente, estasaun radio komunidade persija hetan mentor/kon-selho. Nu’udar mentor bele servi ba estasaun radio hanesan papel importante ida. Asosiasaun radio komunidade karik bele iha kbi’it atu fasilita ema ida atu sai nudar mentor iha estasaun radio komunidade.

Mentor ne’e persija ema ne’ebe ho skill makaas no iha konhesemento konaba radio komunidade hodi ne’e, bele ajuda deriji estasaun atu lao tuir misaun hodi kontinua atu hakbesik an ba komunidade.

Resultado husi programa mentoring hatudu ona susesu iha Timor-Leste, iha inisiu tinan 2000, estasaun radio komunidade iha Los Palos, hetan mentor internasional durante fulan 3 to’o fulan 6. Mentor ne’e, fahe esperensia no matenek ba estasaun manager liu husi konhesemento ba abilidade/skill oioin. Estasaun radio komunidade ne’e, sai nudar estasaun radio ida ne’ebe mak susesu iha rai laran, tamba iha programa ne’be mak hakbesik ba komunidade, iha gestaun diak no mantein fo treinamento ba staff voluntariu.


► Estasaun radio tenki iha missaun klaru ne’ebe mak informa liu husi programas, iklan no hetan desizaun. Staff membru idaida no voluntario kompriende misaun radio ne’e no uza misaun ne’e atu deriji estasaun.► Estasaun radio tenki iha audensia defenidu no hakuak audensia kontinuamente► Lian klaru (jeitu aprezentasaun) ne’ebe konfidensial no distintivu radio komunidade. Estasaun lable kopia ka duplika servisu ne’ebe ezisti ona► Reputasaun husi estasaun radio komunidade tenki independente

Modul ba Radio Komunidade 21

Buat ida ke duadores potensias dalawa’in hare'e, molok atu investe iha es-tasaun radio komunidade mak, estasaun ne’e efetivu ka lae, hodi fo susesu wainhira responde ba nesesidade husi komunidade.

Iha dalan oioin atu determina katak estasaun radio komunidade ne’e sau-davel ka lae?. Bill Sieming, prezidente ba organizasaun media Developing Radio Partners, halibur ona lista ida kona ba buat ne’ebe nia fiar hanesan pasu esensial ba radio komunidade atu performa hodi serve komunidade efe-tivamente. Buat sira ne’e maka inkklui hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

22 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

hosi influenza no iha standar professional jornalismu akurasi, justu no balansu ba programa informasaun► Konteina ho programas lokal no muzika► Lideransa forsa no justu kombina ho abilidade atu haforsa staff dada sira konstrutivamente► Mekanizmu evaluasaun kontinuamente atu estima efetividade programa, gestaun no servisu ba komunidade► Loke relasaun ho stakeholder, inklui board, staff, doador, reklamador no rona nain ne’ebe enkoraja programa kretivu► Independensia finanseiru► Klibur ativu housi Presidente ne’ebe hakbesik estasaun ba reprezentativu housi komunidade► Kode etniku suporta no uza hosi staff no voluntir

Buat ida ne’ebe mak esensial katak estasaun radio komunidade hetan monitorizasaun housi komunidade rasik, no mos housi asosiasaun radio ko-munidade atu konfirma estasaun katak kaer metin mandat. Papel asosiasaun maka kritiku no fo sistema atensaun inisiu ba estasaun ne’ebe monu iha area balun – hanesan halao survey audensia, fahe reportajem lokal konfirma katak ba komunidade ne’ebe hakarak hetan oportunidade hola parte iha estasaun radio komunidade.

Eduardo Exposto (tur) estasaun manager husi radio tokodede,Liquisa no jornalista husi radio Lorico Lorico, radio Rai Husar, Aileu no Radio Cova Taroman, Suai.

Anexu A: Survei Radio EstasaunModul ba Radio Komunidade 23


6. Ita rona radio tuku hira?

LoraikDader Meudia

7. Iha isu ne’ebe ita hakarak rona iha radio?

Sim Naun

7b. Sei iha, favor espelika detailho?

1. Iha ita nia uma iha radio?

Sim Naun

2. Ita rona radio?

Sim Naun

5b. Sei iha, tamba sa' mak ita bo'ot favoritu ba estasaun ne'e?


3. Ita rona radio dalahira?

4. Ita rona radio iha ne’ebe?

KaretaUma Servisu fatin

5. Ita iha estasaun radio favoritu?

Sim Naun

Kadeves Regularmente

Seluk tan

24 Modul ba Radio Komunidade

8b. Sei iha, tipu programa saida ne'e?

8. Iha tipu programa ne’ebe ajuda tebes ita?

Sim Naun

9. Ita fiar informasaun ne’ebe ita rona iha radio ezatu/los?

Sim Naun

10. Ita bolu estasaun radio ruma atu kolia konaba programa?

Sim Naun

11. Ita hakarak rona reportagem reuniaun sidade iha radio?

Sim Naun

Antesedentes informasaun iha intervista

Ita nia naran:

Hela fatin:



Nivel edukasaun:

Estadu sivil:


Seluk tan

12. Ita hetan informasaun/notisias barak iha ne’ebe?

JornalRadio Televizaun

● Tipu programa radio saida maka ita hakarak rona ?● Programa radio saida maka ita rona barak liu?● Tanba sa maka ita rona?● Bain hira ita rona?● Ita rona estasaun radio komunidade dala hira?● Iha tipu program radio ne’ebe maka ajuda tebes ita? Prgrama saida no halo nusa maka ajuda tebes ita?● Ita bolu estasaun radio ruma atu kolia konaba programa?● Se iha, Resetivu oinsa diretor estasaun halo komentariu?● Ita hakarak rona reuniaun sidade liu hosi anin?● Ita bolu program radio atu ofrese ita nia hanoin liu hosi anin?● Ita hanoin estasaun radio komunidade halo estoria ne’ebe kaer governu/politikus responsavel ba promesa durante kampañe? Ita bele fo ezemplu? Halo nusa maka estasaun bele halo servisu di’ak?

Anexo B: Pergunta ba focus grupuModul ba Radio Komunidade 25

Objetivu: Atu determina estasaun radio komunidade kaer komunidade konaba sosiedade sivil, etc

A Model for Community Radio 25

Volunteer journalists from around the country practice working as a team before going out into the field to conduct a mobile broadcast at the 2010 Labor Day celebrations in Dili.

24 A Model for Community Radiow

Above: Community radio journalists on their way to broadcast a radio program in Oesilo sub-district, Oe-usse, using mobile broadcasting equipment. Right: Volunteers prepare for the broadcast. Below: The journey to Oe-Cusse.

A Model for Community Radio 23

● What types of radio programs would you like to hear?● What radio program do you listen to most often?● Why do you listen?● When do you listen?● How often do you listen to the community radio station?● What do you want from your community radio station?● Are there any types of radio programs that have been helpful to you? What were the programs? And in what ways were they helpful?● Do you ever call a radio station to comment about a program?● If so, how receptive was the station director do your comments?● Would you like to hear town meetings on the air?● Do you ever call a radio program to offer your thoughts on the air?● Do you think the community radio station does stories that hold the government/politicians accountable with regard to campaign promises? Can you provide examples? In what ways could the station do a better job?

Attachment B: Questions for focus groupsObjective: To determine whether the community radio station

is engaging the community in matters of civil society, etc

22 A Model for Community Radio

8b. If so, what types of programs were they?

8. Are there any types of programs that have been helpful to you?


9. Do you believe the radio is a trustworthy source of information?


10. Do you ever call a radio station to comment on a program?


11. Would you like to hear town meetings broadcast live on the radio?



12. Where do you get most of your news?

Newspapers RadioTelevision

Background Information


Household address:



Education level:

Marital Status:



6. What time of day do you listen to radio?

Afternoon MorningMidday

7. Are there issues that you would like to hear about on the radio?


7b. If so, please provide details.

1. Does your household have a working radio?


2. Do you listen to radio?


5b. If so, why is this radio station your favorite?


3. How often do you listen to radio?

4. Where do you listen to the radio?

Car HomeWork

5. Do you have a favorite radio station?




Attachment A: Radio Station Survey A Model for Community Radio 21

► An active board of directors that is engaged with the station and representative of the community. ► A written code of ethics supported and used by staff and volunteers.

It is essential that the community radio station is monitored by the community itself, as well as by the community radio association, to ensure the station is adhering to its mandate. The association’s role is critical and provides an “early warning” system to the station that it may be slipping in certain areas – such as conducting audience surveys, providing local news and ensuring that all in the community, who have a desire, are given the opportunity to play a role in the community radio station.

20 A Model for Community Radiow

Community radio volunteers from across Timor-Leste take part in mobile broadcasting and IT training in Dili and Oe-Cusse organized by community radio association ARKTL.

One thing that a potential donor often looks for before investing in a commu-nity radio station is whether or not the station is effective – that is, successful in meeting the needs of the community.

There are a variety of ways to determine whether a community radio station is healthy. Bill Siemering, the president of the media organization Developing Radio Partners, has put together a list of what he believes are essential steps for a community radio to be performing in order to serve the community effectively. They include:

► A clear mission that informs programming, advertising and outreach decisions. Each staff member and volunteer understands this mission and uses it to guide the station. ► A defined audience and ongoing engagement with that audience.► A clear voice (or style of presentation) that is confidently and distinctively community radio. The station does not copy or duplicate an existing service.► A community-wide reputation of being independent of outside influence and adhering to professional journalism standards of accuracy, fairness and balance in information programming. ► Local content and music.► Strong and fair leadership combined with the ability to empower the staff by engaging them constructively.► Ongoing evaluation mechanisms to gauge effectiveness of programming, management and service to the community.► Open relations between stakeholders, including board, staff, donors, advertisers and listeners who encourage creative programming.► Financial independence.

A Model for Community Radio 19


community radio skills, can help guide the station toward its mission and continue to re-enforce the need to engage the community.

Mentoring programs have proven successful in Timor-Leste, where in the early 2000s a community radio station in Los Palos had an international mentor for three to six months. The individual trained the manager in a vari-ety of skills. The community radio station became one of the most successful in the country in terms of community engagement, management and main-taining a trained staff of volunteers.

and editing on digital software to understanding how a computer functions and performing basic maintenance on the equipment. If the manager has ac-quired these skills he or she can then transfer them to new staff members.

Sometimes, community radio stations have a high turnover of volunteer staff. It is important to have the institutional memory and knowledge in the manager – so this knowledge can be perpetuated.

Journalism: The training of community radio reporters is important be-cause the community relies on them to deliver accurate and balanced news stories. The news staff must have a clear understanding of international ethi-cal standards and adhere to those standards. If a community radio station loses its credibility as a result of an inaccurate story, it is extremely difficult to win back the trust of the community.

In the developing world, international NGOs that focus on media devel-opment are often implementing projects. Those projects often include regu-lar training workshops for journalists. The community radio station manager should take advantage of these trainings and ensure that the reporter who attends the workshops transfers those new skills to the rest of the news staff.

Technical: If a piece of broadcast equipment breaks down, the community radio station often must go off the air. It’s important that someone on the staff have some training in technical trouble-shooting. If the breakdown is minor, and a staffer has basic skills, the station might only be off the air for a short time; however, a minor breakdown can be a major hassle for a station with-out a person trained in technical skills.

If there is someone in the community who likes to tinker with computers and other equipment, it might be worthwhile to get to know this individual and see if they might volunteer their services a few hours each month to check and maintain the equipment.

Community radio associations such as ARKTL are good places to look for technical training for the staff. They might even be able to provide some maintenance to the equipment if the station joins the association.


Having a good role model is a great way for a manager and his or her staff to develop their skills. A mentor can serve such a role and the community radio association may be able to provide such a person. The mentor, with strong

18 A Model for Community Radio

What station managers need to know

To successfully promote their community radio stations and secure funding and other support, each station manager should know:

► Who their community is and what they want from the community radio station► What businesses exist, especially local businesses, and what they do ► What NGOs, groups and organizations exist in the area and what they do► The different government ministries and their roles, and the relevant ministry contacts.


Training is critical to the success of the community radio station. Good train-ing, whether it is in management, journalism or the development of technical skills, is the key to sustainability. Another important element is the transfer of those skills to the rest of the community radio staff.

Management: The community radio station must have a manager who is interested in developing his or her skills in management. The successful man-ager knows how to develop a work plan and a business model that will put the community radio station on the road to sustainability. The manager should be able to perform all of the skills of his staff – from conducting an interview

A Model for Community Radio 17

can also be approached as interview subjects or talk show guests. By creating associations with universities, the community radio association or individual stations may be able to organize for journalism students from other countries to volunteer at a community radio station as part of their studies.

Churches, youth groups and community organizations: Like schools and universities, churches, youth groups and community organizations can be good sources of volunteer support. In addition, good communicators from these organizations can be invited to discuss issues affecting their members on air, or to become regular guests on talk show or interview programs. These organizations may also be able to provide access to skills and equipment.

Networking: Station managers should regularly liaise with potential donors and supporters, whether via telephone, the internet or in person. It is impor-tant to maintain updated contact lists for all donor, business and government organizations.

Community forums: The community radio station can strengthen its ties to its community and attract new listeners by hosting community forums on important local issues, for example the state of the roads or the availability of emergency medical assistance. Local leaders and representatives from the government, NGOs, local businesses, and different sectors of the population can be invited to participate.

Other sources of support

Other sources of support:Listeners/community members: Community radio stations could not survive without the support of their communities. Stations should ensure community members know how they can help or participate. Listeners/community members can assist stations in several ways, such as:

► By volunteering at the community radio station. Different people have different skills and strengths, and there are many ways for volunteers to help a community radio station. They could produce content for broadcast, host programs, help with marketing, or even contribute to the upkeep of the property by painting or gardening. ► By providing ideas and information for programs. Community radio stations exist to serve their communities, and should actively encourage listeners and other community members to provide feedback, ideas and information.► By helping the station to lobby the government and NGOs when necessary.► By donating money or equipment.

Schools and universities: Developing links with schools and universities can lead to the recruitment of new volunteers, skills sharing and the sourc-ing of on-air talent. The community radio station may approach local high school teachers, who can encourage their students to get involved with the station in various ways. Teachers, school principals and university lecturers

16 A Model for Community Radio

Commission fees: There are occasions when a local NGO may want to pro-duce a radio program, but doesn’t have the time, staff or studio space to do so. The NGO could hire the radio station to write and produce the program for a small fee.

Public events: Music and cultural events, for example, can generate revenue in several ways, including sponsorship, ticket sales, and the sale of food, drink and merchandise.

Merchandise sales: Merchandise such as station T-shirts, coffee mugs, pens, bumper stickers and CDs can be sold to raise revenue. The station may be able to set up a small merchandise display in the reception area. The station may seek co-sponsorship from businesses for the production of merchandise, for example T-shirts displaying both the business’ logo and the station’s logo.

Raffles and competitions: There are many different kinds of competitions that can be run by community radio stations, ranging from simple raffles to talent contests. Stations can approach local businesses seeking sponsorship for these competitions or the donation of prizes.

Station promotionStation promotion can help to generate funding, by increasing listenership, which makes the station more attractive to advertisers, and by raising awareness of the station and its work among potential donors and supporters. There are many ways to promote a community radio station, including:

Cross promotion: A community radio station that generates local news may want to negotiate a cross-promotion agreement with the print media, offering stories to newspapers in return for advertising and credit or attribution.

Social media: Online social media sites such as Facebook are free and can be read by anyone, anywhere there is internet access. The publication of in-formation such as program schedules, upcoming events and local news on these sites can be used to promote the station. People living overseas who are interested in Timor-Leste will be able to access news and information online through the station’s page, while people from the local community currently living in Dili or elsewhere will be able to maintain a feeling of connection to their local station.

A Model for Community Radio 15

of community radio stations. It can also take a commission (usually 10%) for generating the funds. Grants and donations can be sought from NGOs and government aid agencies (USAID, AusAID, Care International, UNDP, JSMP, UNESCO, UNICEF, PLAN International, Caritas Australia, TLMDC, Search For Common Ground etc) and international media organizations.

Music and announcement requests: This is an easy way for the station to generate small amounts of funds to pay for things like utilities. Listeners are invited to come to the radio station and for 25 cents can dedicate a song to a friend or family member. Some community radio stations even host a dating service and charge a small fee to listeners who want to advertise for a partner.

Paid community service announcements: From time to time the govern-ment, NGOs, aid agencies and other organizations might like to run commu-nity service announcements, which the community radio station can charge a small fee to broadcast.

Programs for fees: Some government ministries, NGOs and internation-al organizations, such as UNDP and UNICEF, produce programs that they would like to get on the air. Community radio stations can charge a small fee to broadcast these programs.

Program sponsorship: Businesses, NGOs and government departments can be approached about providing sponsorship for programs related to their products, services or goals. For example, a special program providing infor-mation on HIV/AIDS for broadcast on World Aids Day could attract spon-sorship from an NGO working to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS or health issues in general. Programs detailing the different types of assistance avail-able in local areas could also attract support from various NGOs.

Offering other services: There are many services a community radio station may be able to offer to raise funds. For instance, it may be able to lease stu-dio equipment to community members, or provide an internet café like those generating revenue at Timor-Leste’s Regional Media Houses.

Skills transfer: In some cases, a local NGO may want to produce a radio program, but doesn’t have the skills to do so. In this case, the community ra-dio station might offer to conduct training, for a small free, to show the NGO how to produce the radio program.

14 A Model for Community Radio

FundingThe costs associated with operating a community radio station are quite small. Generally, the costs include utilities – electricity and phone – and funds for spare parts, office supplies and general maintenance. The staff is made up of volunteers from within the community.

Community radio stations are not intended to be for-profit operations; however, they must be sustainable in order to survive. The management must be trained in how to raise funds – from within the local community, nation-ally and even internationally.

There are a variety of ways for a community radio station to raise money, including the following:

Advertising: One of the ways for the community radio station to generate revenue is by selling advertising. It is easier to sell ads if you are in a large or medium-sized town; however, if the community radio station is located in a small town or even a village, advertising will be more difficult and the station may have to rely on other means of generating revenue. They include:

Group sales: If there is an advertising agency based in a large city, the agency may be able to sell group ads and disperse the ads to stations in small markets for a small commission. For instance, the agency might sell an advertisement to a motorbike distributor in the capital and promise the distributor that the advertisement will air on a network of community radio stations. The small town radio station gets a percentage of the funds for broadcasting the adver-tisement and the agency takes a commission for obtaining the advertisement.

Barter: Money doesn’t always have to be involved in order for the station and the community to benefit. Bartering is a creative way to transact busi-ness. For instance, a radio station manager in Ermera, Timor-Leste, a major coffee-producing region, had an idea to broadcast coffee market prices for farmers if they would agree to give the station a sack of coffee. The station could then sell the coffee to generate funds. The coffee growers were happy because the station informed them when and where to sell their beans to get the best price and the station was pleased because it had found a way to make a few bucks to keep the station running.

Fundraising and grant writing: The Timor-Leste community radio as-sociation (ARKTL) can do fundraising and grant writing for the network

A Model for Community Radio 13

having on its community. According to the report, the evaluators found that an income-generating project started by the radio station had brought about change within the village with an off-air promotion.

It cites the station’s “pig project”. The community radio station obtained and then loaned piglets and pig pens to vulnerable families. When the piglets matured and were bred, the families used the resulting litters as a source of income. These families were also required to give back two piglets to the radio station. These piglets were then passed on to other vulnerable families – which made the program sustainable. Families used the income from the piglets to buy basic necessities and medicine, and to send their children to school.

A community radio station in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia was able to bring change to a small village it served with an on-air activity. The station had placed survey boxes around the community and learned that many ser-vices for the elderly were no longer available. The station manager brought this to the attention of the local government, which took action to solve these concerns.

In another instance, in northern Mongolia, before a conference on pov-erty, the local governor created the slogan, “Let’s get free of poverty”. To get community feedback, the governor came to the community radio studio to get listener comments that he took to the conference.

There are also local examples. The 2006 political crises in Timor-Leste resulted in violence and suspicions within the community. People living in the capital, Dili, were afraid to visit each other. Dili community radio station Radio Lorico Lian helped to defuse the situation by broadcasting a program aimed at restoring peace. Through this program, community members living in Dili could communicate with each other and share their opinions on how to reduce the tension and end the conflict. The program became even more effective when it received support from NGOs and the government to gather youths to talk on air and take action to eliminate conflict in Dili.

In 2009, a community radio station took action when there was conflict between martial arts groups in Maubisse sub-district. The local market had become a conflict area, and community members were afraid to go there to buy or sell products. Community radio station Maubisse-Mauloko created a regular program about peace in an effort to address the problem. Martial arts group leaders were invited to share messages of peace with their mem-bers through the program. Combined with other peace-building actions, this helped to restore calm in the community and allowed people to resume their economic activities in the market.

12 A Model for Community Radio

Surveys: One of the easiest ways to gauge whether the community radio station is meeting the needs of those it serves is to conduct surveys. Surveys should be conducted a least three or four times a year. They can be conducted by the volunteer radio staff. Surveys can determine many things – the time that most people listen, the age group that is listening, the type of programs that listeners want to hear and suggestions on how to improve the program schedule. (See Attachment A: Survey Questions)

Focus groups: This is the best way to get a detailed look at how the com-munity radio station is doing. The focus group should consist of no more than 16-20 people – half should be women. The group should consist of all demographics in order to capture a representative sample of listeners. Focus groups can be carried out by station staff who have undergone training. (See Attachment B: Questions for Focus Groups)

Suggestion boxes: By far the easiest way to find out whether the station is responding to the needs of the community is to set up suggestion boxes. They should be placed in strategic areas where there are lots of people. For instance, the town market would be an ideal area to place a suggestion box. It should be sealed with a hole at the top of the box where people can insert their comments.

Recruiting staff: If a community radio station is struggling to find enough volunteers to work at the station, that’s a pretty good indication that the station is not doing enough to reach out to the community. Young people, in particular, love to volunteer. It gives them something to do and working at the radio station is prestigious. The best ways to find volunteers are to put up notices in public places, make announcements on the air and at public meetings and visit the high schools to seek those interested in learning radio skills.

Social changeThe community radio station can be a central gathering point for community ideas and thus the station can contribute to building social and human capital and capacity through on-air and off-air activities.

The Australian-based Health Communications Resources issued a report in 2008 on the impact a community radio station in Bali, Indonesia, was

A Model for Community Radio 11

Ownership is critical to the success of the community radio station. If com-munity members feel they are “part owners” of the community radio station they are going to get involved – either by volunteering, taking part in call-in programs or even donating money to the station.

The board of directors and the manager, working together, must ensure that the community plays a central role in the operation of the station – from the election of the board of directors to the provision of input on the program-ming of the station.

If a station is to understand the needs of its community, the station must be in touch with the community – on a regular basis. There are a variety of ways to achieve this.

Before the establishment of Maubisse Mauloko, the community radio station in the village of Maubisse, in central Timor-Leste, a baseline sur-vey was conducted among 100 villagers to determine the types of programs people wanted to hear. Seventy-one per cent wanted programs on agriculture, 57% requested programs on economics and 54% wanted to hear reports on political news.

In addition, the survey found that 88% of the people questioned said they’d like to volunteer at the radio station. Ninety-nine per cent said they would prefer programs in Tetum rather than the local dialect. Sixty-seven per cent indicated they had their own radios. Ninety-seven per cent said they needed a community radio station.

These findings indicated the community was ready to engage the com-munity radio station. The survival of the station, as a community station, will depend on the management’s ability to stay in touch with the community.

Community outreach

10 A Model for Community Radio

Cultural programs: The community radio station should celebrate the local culture with regular programming.

Targeted programs: The community radio station fulfils a need that com-mercial and state-funded stations are unable to. It is able to produce programs for specific segments of the community – by those individuals. For instance, a program for children can often be produced by children – if they are given proper training. In Maubisse, for instance, a survey of 100 residents found that most preferred programs about agriculture. Surveys are just one way for the community radio station to engage the community.

The studioThe location of the community radio station will have a huge impact on its ability to engage the public. It should be centrally located – easily accessible to the community and, if possible, inside a building that has a low rent or is even rent-free. Ideally, the station would own the building.

In any case, the studio should be located at a site that is neutral from vest-ed interests so that the station avoids political or governmental interference.

Each radio station should provide a room for studio production in addi-tion to an on-air studio room to facilitate the preparation and production of good-quality radio programs.


A community radio station should reflect the needs of the community. The programming should be as diverse as the community itself. It should include programs in all languages spoken in the community.

News and information: The station should broadcast news on a regular basis each day. The news stories should be 90% local and include natural sound and short sound bites. The news should be presented in an interesting manner. The station should broadcast public information for free and on a regular basis so that as many people as possible have a chance to hear this information.

A Model for Community Radio 9

Engineering director: This individual ensures that all the equipment is checked regularly and works properly. This person also maintains the sta-tion’s computers and ensures the anti-virus is up to date. This individual should undergo regular technical training.

Accountant: The accountant handles all book-keeping and ensures that all accounts are handled in a transparent manner. Any funds received from do-nors are subject to regular audits. Other staff: In addition to the directors, the community radio station is made up of a variety of volunteer support staff – reporters, disc jockeys, presenters, talk show hosts, security guards and cleaners. All staff members answer to their department head and ultimately to the station manager.

Volunteer responsibilities

Community radio stations are operated by volunteers who are recruited by the manager. The staff should be made up of people living in the community and should not exclude any members of the community.

Program director: The program director is responsible for developing pro-grams based on the needs of the community. The program director should work closely with the manager to ensure the community is providing input for all programs. The program director should also ensure that community members are involved in producing programs for broadcast. The program director, with guidance from the manager, develops the program schedule and makes it available to the community.

News director: The news director is in charge of producing news and infor-mation content for the community radio station. The news director ensures that all news stories are accurate and balanced. The news director should make sure the news focuses on local stories that affect the lives of those in the community. The news director should also undergo regular journalism training to continually hone their skills. The director should also transfer their skills to the other news staff members.

8 A Model for Community Radio

Volunteers are vital to community radio stations,

taking on jobs ranging from broadcasting to

technical support

2. If the board becomes too involved in the station the board will no lon-ger be seen as independent. This will make it more difficult for the board to resolve conflicts if they arise.

The staffThe staff of a community radio station generally includes a paid station manager and volunteers working in roles including program coordinator, technician, finance officers, journalists and presenters. Volunteer staff should receive small subsidies each month to facilitate their volunteer work.

Roles and responsibilitiesThe manager: The manager answers directly to the board of directors. The manager files a written financial and project report every three months to the board – describing, in detail, the activities at the community radio sta-tion. The manager meets informal-ly with the board once a month to discuss station activities.

The manager is responsible for recruiting the staff. In order to do so, the manager must work closely with the community to ensure that anyone who wants to work at the station has the opportunity.

The manager is responsible for all programs that are broadcast on the community radio station. The manager should actively re-cruit people to host programs and actively pursue those individuals with expertise in specific areas – such as doctors, lawyers and others who could produce a program about their skills. For instance, a doctor could host a regular program on preventive health care or answer questions about health care issues.

The manager must develop a work plan and create a business model for the station. As it becomes available, the manager must undergo regular training in journalism and management skills. The manager must provide outreach to the community about goals for the station and programming con-tent. The outreach is to include suggestion boxes, surveys (twice yearly) and focus groups (once per year).

A Model for Community Radio 7

ARKTL president Prezado Ximenes at

Radio Manatutu with station manager

Laurentino Freitas.

that case, it would be better to hold a village or town meeting and determine who in the community has an interest and would be willing to be involved in the community radio station.

How the board of directors is chosen

The selection of the board of directors should be a democratic process fa-cilitated by a community radio association if one exists and has the capacity to do so. An international NGO that works in media development could also provide guidance.

As many members of the community as possible should be brought to-gether and informed about what community radio is, how it works and the responsibilities of a board of directors. This informational meeting should be conducted by someone who has expertise in the operation of community radio and understands how the board should be made up of a “snapshot” of the community.

At the end of the meeting, the community members should submit the names of candidates they feel would make good board members. If there are more than seven candidates, an election should be held at the meeting. The board members serve for a period of two years at the end of which the commu-nity votes for new members. Board members may serve for only two terms.

Responsibilities of the board

The board of directors is responsible for appointing a manager for the com-munity radio station. It should be an individual with some experience in jour-nalism and preferably some management skills. The manager should not be employed by the government. The board of directors provides oversight of the community radio station – ensuring the program schedule is followed and that the manager is in touch with the community at all times. The manager answers to the board and can be reprimanded by the board.

The board can act as an independent body in the station that can listen to and resolve conflicts among staff and volunteers. It is important that rules and regulations be written down describing duties and responsibilities of staff and volunteers. The board can be very helpful with these rules.

Day-to-day operations should be left to the manager and his/her team. Here’s why:

1. If the board does not allow the staff to contribute, the people at the station will not feel valued. If the staff is unhappy, it may quit.

6 A Model for Community Radio

The board

The structure of a community radio stationA successful community radio station has a structure and a mandate deter-mined by the interests of its community. The basic structure includes a board, management and volunteers/staff.

A community radio station is usually overseen by a board of directors – usu-ally chosen from the community. The board, all volunteers, should consist of between five and seven members. The board should represent the community – it can include teachers, farmers, business owners, a student, a church repre-sentative, a village leader, and one government official. A third to half of the board should be made up of women. This guarantees that issues relating to women are fully represented.

Boards can be structured in other ways. For instance, in the village of Bucoli, near Baucau, the board is made up of the locally elected legal authority. It includes the xefe suco, or local leader, a traditional leader and two youth representatives – one male and one female.

This legal authority is not technically part of the government and among the possible drawbacks to having these individuals involved in the station is that some or maybe all might have no interest in overseeing the station. In

A Model for Community Radio 5




starting up and making a community radio station sustainable. This is by no means the final word, but it can serve as a general guide to creating a com-munity radio station.

Why do we call it community radio?Community radio, around the globe, has been shown to have a profound effect on the listening audience because of its immediacy. It actively encour-ages listener participation and public scrutiny in real time.

Community radio is a medium that is particularly well suited not only to making information available but, just as importantly, to encouraging poor people to become engaged in articulating issues, engaging in the dialogue and negotiations that are a fundamental part of the culture of democracy.

What is a community radio station?

There are a lot of ways to describe what a community radio station does. Every community radio station is unique because each community is differ-ent and has different needs. In Timor-Leste, for instance, a different dialect is spoken in each district.

UNESCO, in its manual “How to Do Community Radio” defines com-munity radio in this way: “It is a station operated in the community, for the community, about the community and by the community.”Some of the core values of a community radio station include:

1. It serves the community2. It encourages participatory democracy3. It allows all members of the community to express their opinion, particularly those who normally have no access to the mass media4. It is motivated by community wellbeing, not commercial considerations5. Its ownership and management is representative of the community.6. It promotes and improves problem solving in the community7. It increases the free flow of accurate and balanced information to and within the community8. It is non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan9. It provides a forum to celebrate the local culture

The information in this booklet aims to help any community interested in setting up and maintaining a community radio station to do so. While each community is different, there are some basic structures that are common in

4 A Model for Community Radio

IntroductionTimor-Leste is a diverse country with a diverse people and culture. In addi-tion to the official languages of Portuguese and Tetum, there are 32 dialects spoken across the 13 districts.

The spoken word is how most people get their information. The oral-based tradition goes back centuries. Few people read newspapers, many peo-ple are illiterate.

In addition to word of mouth, surveys have shown that most people get their information via radio – particularly those living in the districts – where the electricity is on for five to six hours per day.

Over the past 10 years, community radio stations have been established in each of the 13 districts. All of the stations are still functioning, but most struggle to remain on the air due to staff shortages, lack of funding and equip-ment breakdowns. The fact that all of the stations have survived indicates there is a willingness in each community to keep the home-town station on the air – if only for four or five hours per day. Some of the stations produce local news, but most play music.

In Timor-Leste, community radio stations have been established with support from international donors since 2001. This situation differs from that of many other countries, where community radio stations were established with funding from community participants. It has been difficult for commu-nity radio stations in Timor-Leste to get community participation in terms of funding to support the radio stations because of the ongoing community perception that community radio is supported and owned by NGOs, and that community radio volunteers in turn work for and have a responsibility to sup-port those NGOs. Adding to the confusion about the function of community radio is the fact that at present there is no official government or legal recog-nition of community radio in Timor-Leste.

It is hoped that this model will enhance understanding about the role of community radio and lead to a dialogue among community radio stations and communities in general about the best ways to run community radio stations in this country.

This booklet aims to provide basic guidelines for community radio sta-tions in order to help them engage their communities, generate enough in-come to survive and bring about social change in order to increase the quality of life within their communities.

This manual is also geared towards those who are interested in starting a community radio station within their own village or town.

A Model for Community Radio 3

2 A Model for Community Radio

The Timor-Leste community radio association (ARKTL) and its member sta-tions have been developing their knowledge of what works for community radio in this country since 2001. We have poured that knowledge into this model, which has been produced to guide the new generation.

We hope this publication will prove useful to Timor-Leste’s community radio sector and that it will enhance understanding of the sector among its members and the general population. We also hope it will provoke a lively discussion of community radio and its role in Timor-Leste that will lead to the sharing of ideas that will ultimately benefit the sector and the nation’s people. This model is intended to be a guide that can be modified and added to over the years that will remain an invaluable resource well into the future.

ARKTL would like to thank the many people who made the creation of this model possible. It is the result of two years of consultation and research funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and conducted by ARKTL with assistance from the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) in Timor-Leste. ARKTL offers its heartfelt thanks to the UNESCO staff who supported the vision and gave us the means to make it a reality; and to the hardworking staff at ICFJ Timor-Leste, such as former deputy country director Emanuel Braz, who helped us to secure this funding, and former country director Chuck Rice, who provided guidance and freely shared his ideas and skills, writing and editing the English version of this publication. ARKTL also owes its gratitude to ICFJ’s Ivan Lopes, Bendita de Jesus no mos eis staff Voluntario Radio Comunidade Lorico Lian, Longinhos Leite, who worked with me on the assessment and research stage of the project. The association would also like to thank the other journalists, station managers and volunteer staff at Timor-Leste’s community radio stations who offered vital insights and feedback, the communities themselves for their invaluable input, ARKTL’s board members for putting their confidence in this project, editor and designer Jennifer Scott for her work on the English version, and for producing a professional final product, and everybody else who contributed to the production of this model by sharing their skills, knowledge and opinions.

Prezado Ximenes, ARKTL president February 2012


ContentsPreface ................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ........................................................................................... 3

Why do we call it community radio? .................................................... 4

What is a community radio station? ...................................................... 4

The structure of a community radio station ........................................... 5

The board ............................................................................................... 5

The manager .......................................................................................... 7

Volunteer responsibilities ...................................................................... 8

The studio .............................................................................................. 9

Programming ......................................................................................... 9

Community outreach ........................................................................... 10

Social change ....................................................................................... 11

Funding ................................................................................................ 13

Station promotion ................................................................................ 15

Other sources of support ...................................................................... 16

What station managers need to know .................................................. 17

Training ................................................................................................ 17

Mentoring ............................................................................................ 18

Indicators ............................................................................................. 18

Attachment A: Radio station survey .................................................... 21

Attachment B: Questions for focus groups ......................................... 23

Application form for new community radio stations .......................... 26


Mata dalan ba Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste

Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste,Rua Avenida Nasional Press Center, Dili, Timor-Leste

A Modelfor Community Radio