Great Additions 58 Hardwood Floors August|September 2012 Ho Ho H Ho Ho o o ome m m m m m m wo wo o oo od o od o o Inc. Ho Ho Ho Ho o om m me me mew w wo wo wo w wo wo wo o w od od od od od od d I Inc nc c c c. . . m m m ma ma m manu nu nufa f ct c ctur ur res wood vents in a var rie ety of f spec e ie es. s. T The he h c c co om ompa pa a n n n n ny y n sp sp p sp spec ec ec ec ec ec e ec e i ia ia ia i ia ia ia ali li l l li l lize ze ze e es s s s in in n in in i r r r r r r r rec ec ec ecla la l l im im med ed d an an a a a a and d d an an an an a an anti ti i tiqu qu qu qu qu que e e e e e wo wo wo wo w wo ood od od od od od ods s s s s s s an an an an an an and d d d d d al al l al al lso so so so so c c c c c c ca an an an an produce c vents u u using a cust tom o er’s wood. Metal and pl lasti ti ti ti ti ti tic c c c adjustable registers a a a a a a are availabl bl bl le e e e e e on on on n on o on s s s st ta ta ta ta d nd d d nd nda a ar a a d size ze ze e es s. s s s. s. s. L L L L L L Lar ar a ge ge e e e s s s sin i in i gl gl gle- e- e- - di di di di di di dir r re r ct tio i io io i na na na nal, b bid idir ir r rec ec e ti t t on onal al a a an and d d d cu custom om g g g g gri ri ri ri i i rid d d d ve ve v nts ar ar ar a e e e al al al also so s o off f f er er r r red ed e ed ed e . ww ww ww www www ww w .ho .ho ho o h mew mew mew mew me ew w mewood odinc. com Gr Grill W W W Wo Wo Work rk k ks s s s In In In In nc. c. Gr Gr Gri il l ll l l l W Wo Wo Wor rk r rk k ks s In In I c. c s say ay y s s s s s s it pro oud udly l makes e i its t flu l sh-w wit it th- h- h- h h- - h f fr fr fr fr fr fram am am am am ame e e e e e ve v vents s in in i t t the he e he e e U U U U Unite ed d St Stat ates es es. Th T Th h hey y are ava a a a a a a il il il i ilab able i in n a a va vari riety y of t thi h ck ck ckne ne ne e ne ne ne ne ess ss ss sses es, in in in n n n ncl clud ud ud udin ing g 5 5 / / 5 5 8 8 -, - 9 9 / / / / / / 9 9 16 16 -, ½-, 3 / 3 8 - an an n n nd d d 5 5 / / 5 5 16 16 -i i -i i in n nc nc nc n n n h h h, and they al also so o c c c com om om om o om o o e in a variety of of c col o ol ol olors for matching w wi ith th th th t t a floor . w w w www w w .grillworksinc c. c. c c. c c com com m D D Di D D Di D st st t t st s in in in in i inct ctiv ive e e H H Ha Ha Ha Ha Hard rd rd rd rd rd rdw w w wo wo w w od od d o Flo lo o o oor r r or ors s Dist stin i ctiv iv v v v iv ve e e e e e Ha Hard rd rd dwo wo wo wo woo od od d F Flo lo o o o oo o ors sp ec ec cia ia ia iali li li li lize zes s in in in n n c cus u tom m d d de de de desi s sign n n n a and n fab brica cat tion of un un unique wood d floor r ac ac ac c cc c ce ce cen n n nt nt n s. I ts C CNC NC rou u u ut t te ter pr pr od od od du u uc uc uces inl l nl nl la a ay ays s wi with th g gre reat ater er toler er - an ance ces s an and d d d no no no no no one ne e e o of f f th the e bu burn rne ed ed ed ed e edg dges es tha ha hat t t ca ca caus use e bl bla ac ac ac ac ac a a k k k k ou outl tl tl tl l l l lin i in in in in in ine es s i in laser c c cu cu cu cu c c t t in inla la la la la la a l y ys , th the co comp mpany n no note te te te es s s s s. s s A Al lso o avai ilab ble ar are e be beve ve ve e ve vele led d an a d distre essed ed d d d d d d in inla la a a ays ys y a and nd m med edal alli lion on n n n n ns s s to to ma ma a a a a a a a atc tc ch h h h an an a y fi fini nish sh. ww ww ww ww w w w ww .di .di i disti sti sti s nct nct c c ive ive e e- - h har har har har h h h ha dwo dwo dwo dw dw dwo dw w w dw wood. od co com com co c c C Cz Cz C ar Floor or ors s s Inc. c. Czar F F F F F F F F F Flo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo loor or or or r or ors’ s s’ s’ c c cus us usto tom m m i in in in inla l la la laid id id id d i b b b b b bor or or r r r or orde de d de de de d d de der r r “F “F “F “F Fru ru ru r i it it it it it B B B B B B Bas as s as a as as a ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ket” t” t” t” t t” r rep ep li lica cate te tes s s th th t t e e in in in i t tr tric ic i at at at e e e marquetr try y y y y y wo wo wo w wo w w rk k rk rk rk fou und nd n n i in n a a a cl cl c c ie ie ie e ient nt t t t t’s ’s ’s ’s a a a a a ant n nt nt n ntiq iq iq q iq iq qu ue ue u ue I Ita ta ali li li l an an t t tab ab a le le e e. . Th This is is a a and nd nd n n num um umer er er rou ou o o s s ot ot the he her r cu cu cust st tom om om b b b bor o or orde de ders rs rs r c c can an n an be be d dev ev vel e el e op op ped ed ed ed t t to o o re re recr cr c ea eate te e an any y de desi sign gn i ide de ea. a. . T T The he he c com om om om- - pa pany ny s say ays s th that at t c c com om mbi bi i bi ni ni ni ning ng n ng pr pr p e ecis se e e e CN CN CN CN N CN CN CN N CNC C C C C C C C cu cu cu cu cu u cutt tt tt tt tt ti in in ing g g wi wi wi wi wi i with th th th th t de de eli li l ca ca a a ca ca ate te te te te te te t h h ha a and d d d d d sc s rollin n n n ng g g g l l al ll l low w w w ws w f f for or the i inc ncredi dibl b e e e leve el l of of of of of f of d d d d d t et et et et i i ai ai ai ail l l l l l se se s s s se s s en e e h here. e. www w www w w ww ww c .cz z cz .cz z zarf arf a a a arfloo loo oo oo oo loo o o oo rs rs. rs s rs r r r co o om om m m om o o o om Co Comp mp mp mp mp p p mpuW uW W uW uW W u u oo ood d M M M M Mf Mf Mf f M Mfg g g g. g. g g Ltd t . . This is s s s s s com ompa pa a an n ny ny m m m mak akes cus s st st st t t t s om om me e ed ed ed d d e e alli lion ons, l lik i ike e th th his is s s 36 6 6- - - -i -i -inch-w wi i i i i i wi ide de e com mpa pass r ros ose e e ma a a a a a a a ade de d usi sin n ng ng ng n ¼-inc c c ch h h ha hard rd- wo o oo o o od od o m mou ou u un nt nt n ed e on ½-inch c Balt lt lt t t l lt t ti ic ic i b b bir ir i ch ch h h h ch h. . The e ba ba b ck- grou u u u un n nd nd n n m mat at ter er er er e eria i l is i W Wes ste t tern n n n n n rn mapl l le; e e; e; e; e; ; ; t the he r rin in n ngs gs gs gs , , lett tt t tters, and poin in in n n in in n in i ts ts t are re w w wen en en en e ge g ; an and the direct tio io io io o o o ona na na n n l l ar arro rows ws ws ws ws w w w w wer e e ma a a ade de de e de de de de u u u u u u u u i si si si si si si si ing ng ng ng ng ng N N N N N Nor or or or or o o o o th th t A Ame meri i rica a a can n n n n n ch ch ch ch h h he er er er e er rry ry ry ry ry y a a a a a and nd d nd nd d r r r red ed ed d e e e oak ak ak ak ak ak ak. . . w ww www w ww www www ww www w ww .co .co co co comp mp mp mp mp pu u m woo wo dmf mf mf mf mf mf f mf m m g. g g g g. g g g g. . com com om om m m m m c m At At At At A A la l l nta In I laid id i i Floor o s by y y y y y L L L L L Las as a er e T T T ec ec ec c c ch h h h h At At At At Atla la la la la ant n n a a a In In n n n n n nlaid Floor r rs s s s s s b b by Laser r r T T Te Te T e T T c c ch ch c c c c says it c c c c c can cre- at at at at at t t a e e e e e e a a a an a an a y y y y y y y y c custom m m m m m m m m medallion a at at at at at t a a a any ny ny ny ny y ny size fro om om om m om m m v v var ar ario io ious us us wo wo wo wo wo wood od od od o od ods u u u us u u ing th h h h h h he e e e late t st techn n no n n n n n lo o o o o o o ogi g g es. Th The e e e e e 17 1 -foot me meda da da da da a dal ll ll l ll l io o on n n n n n pictured ed d d d d w w w w was m m ma m de u u usi i i i i i i i i ing ng n n w whi h te o oak ak ak ak k k ak k k k, , , wenge e an and B B B B B Bra a a az az z a il lian ch ch h h h h her er er e e e e erry ry ry r . www w w w w.at at t tla a a an n a t ta ta ai a ta a nlaid- floor ors rs rs rs rs s.co .co co .co .co o o .com m m m m A GREAT INLAY OR BORDER can set a floor apart. Add in matching vents and molding, and you’ve got a floor worth writing home about. Here we’ve given leading manufacturers of these products space to tell what makes them special. Borders, Inlays, Moldings + Vents ProductFocus www.hardwoodfloorsmag.com Flickr | Karen Horton

A/S12 Inlays, Borders and Vents Product Focus

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Page 1: A/S12 Inlays, Borders and Vents Product Focus

Great Additions

58 Hardwood Floors ! August|September 2012

HoHoHHoHoooomemmmmmm wowooooodoodoo Inc.HoHoHoHooommmememewwwowowowwowowoow ododododododd I Incncccc.. . mmmmamammanununufaf ctcctururres wood vents in a varrieety of f spece iees.s. T Theheh cc coomompapaapppp nnnnnyyn

spsppspspececececececeece iiaiaiaiiaiaiaalililllillizezezeees ss s ininninini r r rrrrrrececececlalall imimmededd ananaaaaand d d ananananaanantitiitiququququququeeeee e wowowowowwooodododododododsssssss ananananananandddddd alallalallsososososo cccc c c caanananan producec vents uuusing a custtomo er’s wood. Metal and pllastititititititiccc cadjustable registerss aaaaaaareavailablblbllee eee e onononnonoon s sss ttatatata dndddndndaaaraa d sizezezeeess.sss.s.s. L LLLLL L arara gegeeee ssssiniini glglgle-e-e--dididididididirrrer cttioiioioi nanananal,, bbididirirrrecece titt ononalal aaanandd d d cucustomom gggggririririiirid ddd vevevv ntsararara e ee alalalalsosos ooffff ererrrrededeedede .wwwwwwwwwwwwwww .ho.hohooh mewmewmewmewmeewwmewoododinc.com

GrGrill WWWWoWoWorkrkkks s s s InInInInnc.c.GrGrGriillll l l l WWoWoWorrkrrkkks s InInI c.c ssayayyyssss ss it prooududlyl makese iitst flul sh-wwititth-h-h-hh--h ffrfrfrfrfrframamamamamamee eeee vevvents s inini t ttheheeheee U U UU Uniteed dStStatateseses. ThTThhheyy are avaaaaaaaailililiilabable iinn a a vavaririety y of tthih ckckckneneneeneneneneesssssssseses, inininnnnnclclududududiningg 55⁄⁄55 88⁄⁄⁄⁄ -,-, 99⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄9999 1616⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄ -, !-, 3⁄3 8⁄⁄ -

anannnnd dd 55⁄⁄55 1616⁄⁄⁄⁄ -ii-iiinnncncncnnn hhh, and they alalsosoo c cccomomomomoomoo e in a variety ofof c coloolololors for matching wwiiththththtt a floor.wwwwwwww .grillworksincc.c.cc.cccomcomm

DiDiDiDDDiD ststttsts ininininiinctctivive e e HHHaHaHaHaHardrdrdrdrdrdrdwwwwowoww ododdo FlolooooorrrororssDiststini ctivivvvvivvee eeee HaHardrdrddwowowowowooododd FFloloooooooors sppececciaiaiaialililililizezes s inininnni c cusu tom m dddedededesissignnnn aandn fabbricacattion of unununique wood d floor r acacaccccccececennnntntn s. IIts CCNCNC rouuuuttteter prprpppp odododduuucucuces inllnlnllaaayays s wiwithth g grereataterer tolerer-

ananceces s anand dd d nononononooneneee o of ff ththe e buburnrneedededed eedgdgeses thahahatt t cacacaususe eblblaacacacacacaa kkk k ououtltltltllllliniinininininineess iin laser cccucucucuccut t ininlalalalalalaal yyss, , ththe cocompmpany nnonoteteteteesssss.ss AAllso o avaiilabble arare ebebeveveveeveveleled d ana d distreessededdddddd ininlalaaaaysysyy a andnd m mededalalliliononnnnnnss s toto mamaaaaaaaaatctcchh hh anana y fifininishsh.wwwwwwwwwwwww .di.diidistististis nctnctcc iveiveee--hharharharharhhhha dwodwodwodwdwdwodwwwdwwood.od cocomcomcocc

CCzCzC ar Floorororss s Inc.c.Czar FFFFFFFFFFlolololololololololoororororrorors’ss’s’’’ cc cususustotom mm iininininlallalalaididididdi b b bbbborororrrrorordededdedededddeder rr “F“F“““F“FFrururur iititititit BB B BB BBasasasasaasasa kekekekekekekeket”t”t”t”tt” r repeppplilicacatetetes ss ththtt e e e ininini ttrtricici atatattee e marquetrtryyyyy y wowowowwoww rkkrkrkrk fouundndnn i in n aa a clclcc ieieieeientnttttt’s’s’s’’s a aaa aantnntntnntiqiqiqqiqiqquueueuue IItataalililil anan t ttababa leleee. . ThThisisis a aandndnd n nnumumumerererrououoo s s

otottheheher r cucucuststtomomom b bbboroorordededersrsrsr cccanannan bebe d devevveleele opoppedededed ttt oo o rererecrcrc eaeateteeanany y dedesisigngn i idedeea.a.. T T Thehehe ccomomomom--papanyny s sayays s ththatatt cccomommbibiibib ninininingngnng prprp eecissee e e CNCNCNCNNCNCNCNNCNCCC C CC CC cucucucucuucutttttttttttiinining g g wiwiwiwiwiiwithththththtdedeelilil cacaaacacaatetetetetetetet hhhaaand ddddd scs rollinnnnng g g ggggg

llalllllowwwwwsw ffforor the iincncredidiblb e eeleveel l ofofofofoffof dd ddd tetetetet iiaiaiaiaill l lll sesessssesss enee hhere.e.wwwwwwwwwwwww c.czzcz.czzzarfarfaaaarflooloooooooolooooooorsrs.rssrsrrr cooomommmomoooom

CoCompmpmpmpmpppmpuWuWWuWuWWuu oooodd MMMMMfMfMffMMfgggg.g.gg L tdt ..Thisissssss comompapaaannnyny mmmmakakes cussstststttts omom meeedededddee allilionons, llikiikee ththhisisss3666----i-i-inch-wwiiiiiiwiidedee commpapass rrosose ee maaaaaaaaadeded usisinnngngngn "-incccch hh hahardrd-wooooooododo m mououuunntntn ede o n !-inchc Baltltltttlltttiicici bbbiriri chchhhhchh. . The e babab ck-grouuuuunnndndnn m matatterererereeriai l isi WWesstetternnnnnnrn mapllle;ee;e;e;e;;;; t t hehe r rininnngsgsgsgsg , , lettttttters,and poinininnnininnini tstst arere w wwenenenene gegg ; anand the directtioioioiooooonananann ll ararrorowswswswsws w ww wwere emaaaadededeedededede uuu uuuu u isisisisisisisiingngngngngng N NNNN Norororororoooo ththt A Amemeriiricaaacannnnn n chchchchhhheererereerrryryryryryy aaaa a andnddndndd r r rredededdeee oakakakakakakak...wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .co.cocococompmpmpmpmppuum woowo dmfmfmfmfmfmffmfmm g.gggg.gggg..comcomomommmmmc m

AtAtAtAtAA lall nta InI laididii Flooro s byyyyyyyy LLL L L Lasasa ere T TTecececccchhhhhAtAtAtAtAtlalalalalaantnn aaa InInnnnnnnlaid Floorrrsss s s s bbby Laser rr TTTeTeTeTT ccchchcccc says it ccccccan cre-atatatatattta eee e e e aaaanaana y y y y y y yyy ccustommm m m mmmmmedallionaatatatatatt aa a anynynynynyyny size froomomommommm vv varararioioioususus wowowowowowoododododoodods uuuusuu ing thhhhhhhe ee e latet st technnnonnnnn loooooooogigg es. ThThe eeeee 171 -foot memedadadadadaadalllllllll iooonnn nnn picturededdddd www ww as mmmam de uuusiiiiiiiiiingngnn wwhih te ooakakakakkkakkkk, , ,wenge e anand BBBBBBraaaazazza illian chchhhhhhererereeeeerryryryr .wwwwwww.atatttlaaaannaa ttataaiataa nlaid-floororsrsrsrsrss.co.coco.co.cooo.commmmm

A GREAT INLAY OR BORDER can set a floor apart. Add in

matching vents and molding, and you’ve got a floor worth

writing home about. Here we’ve given leading manufacturers

of these products space to tell what makes them special.

Borders, Inlays, Moldings + VentsProductFocus

www.hardwoodfl oorsmag.com

Flickr | Karen Horton

AS12-IBV-PF.indd 58 7/25/12 2:08 PM

Page 2: A/S12 Inlays, Borders and Vents Product Focus

SeSecllclayayyyyyay PPPP P Prererererereecicicicicc sisis onononStStStononone e e InInInlalalaysysysyyyPPrPrPrPrPP ecee isionStone Inlays makes its products usingg aa c ccccomomoo bination of stone, metalananaanaa d ddddd wwoww od. PaPattentnted throughout North Americiciccccaa a a a anana d ddd EuEuE rororooorooopepepepp , the key to the com-

ppapaappp ny’s design is the abababbbabilii ity of the product totototo aa a bsb orb wood cococontntrararaaacttcctccc ion and exexxpapapap nnsnsnsssssiiion without sasaacrcrcrccrcrrrififififi icing a seam-lellleless fit. The comppany y yyysasasaassaysysysysysys iii i ii ittststststtss pp ppp p rorororororodddudududduu tctctctctts sss s ararararaare eeee anan i idedeeealalalall c cc ccomomomplplpp e-e-menttt fff fororor ffff flllololoorororiniininingggg,furniture, cabinetry and molding.wwwww .ses clay.com

RRRRiRidgdgggggdgefefefefefefefiiiieieieldld I IndndusustrtriiesRRRRiRRRiRR dgdgefefieieeldlddldlddld I Industries offers a nnew high-h--ououououtptttput, lflususssh-h-h-h-momomooomomomomooununununununuununtt tttt wowowowowowow odododdododododoodod vvvvv vv vveeenenenenenenee t ttt thththt attat aalallolowsws fffffffforororoooro 333 30 0 00 percent more airflow andnd ffffeaee tures s ananannna ii i iiinntntntnntntegegegegeee rararararaaarateteteteteted,d,d,d,d,d, eee e eeeasasasaasa ilililililly y yyyyy rereeremomomomovavavavablblblb e eslslididining g dad mpmppmpmpmppeeereeeee . The company currentlly stoco ks tthihiiisssss veveveveevv ntntntntn i iiinnn nn nn 202020202000 s sspeppepp ciciciciciciesesesessesesess iiii i ii nnnnn n alalallalallalalllllll ll ththththhthe e e e eststannandaddaaaaardrdddrdrdrdr s ssizeses, and it’s offered in a normrmal or wiwidedede fffffrararar mememeeme..wwwwwwwwwwww .geg twoodffflooring.com

OsOsOOO hkhkkkkkosh DesignssssAsAs iin n nananananaaan tutututurererer i i itststselelelelf,f, O Oshshshhkkokkoshsh DDesesigggggggggnsnsnsn s sayayyyyyys,s, tthehe d dddesesesesigiggnsnsn ffououououndndnd w witithihih n n itits s dedeeecococoraraaratitittitiivvvevvev ininlalay y yyy yyy ccocococollllllllecececctititiiononons s s alalalallololoow www thththhe e e nnnanatutuuraraaaal lll l ununiqiqqqqqqqueueuu nenenenesssssss o o f f nanaaatuttuturararal l l hahhardrddrdwowoodododododod aa a a ndndd s stotototoooonnnenen totoo aaa a a ddddddd c cc chahahararararactctctcterererer a a andndndn d d ddimimimimenenenensisisionononon t t t to oo eaeaeeaee chchhh o oooo of f itits mem dadadallllioion, bb borordeddder rr r oror ppararququetet ddddedededesisisisisiiiigngngngngngngnss.s. T TT TTTTheeheheheheheheh c c cc omomommpapanynyy’s’’s produuctcts showowowwwwwowcacac sese aaaaa a w ww w wwidi e varirietety y off d ese igigigggn n nn momom titifsfsss a aandnd inininnnnnnspspspspspspsppiriiriririratatatatatioioiooioi nsnsnsnsnsnsnsns t t t tt tt tooo o o chchc oooooooosese f frorom.m.m.m.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .os.os.ossososo hkhkhkkhkokoohkhkhkokossshshdhdsh esiesigns.cococoocommmmmm

Olde Wood d Ltd..Olde Wood Ltd. offers a variety of high-quality custom vents, cacacacaacacaaasisisisisisisingngngnn and ttrrim mmmmpieces, as well as rough-stock lumber, which is all made from rrereeeeeeclclclclclclaiaia memeeemeed,d,d,d,ddd, n nn n ewww or old-growth materials. The vents are available in flush-mounununnnunnnt,t,t,t,t,,t,t, fff luluuluuuushshshhhshshhh w-w-witth-h-h-h-hframe, self-rimmeddd,,, , bebebebbevevevevev llleleleeddd ddd anannanand dd d roroooounununnunnunnnnddd-d-d-dd-d-ddd ovovoovovooovooo erereeee options, and it aaalslslsslslslslslssooooooo o ooffofofofooffeffefefeferrs customm mmmmmmprefinished anananddd cololooorr-mamatctctctchehehehehehehehehed d d dd d dd dedededddd sisisigngngns.s.ss.s.sss.www.olololdewdewoodoodooooddoodo dltdltdltdltd c.com

PIPID FlFllloooooooooooorsrsPIDDD D Floooors hannndcddd raftftfftftsssss s ccucucuccucuc ssts omommmomm iiii iiinnlnlnllnllnn aayayayyayaya s,s,s,s,s,s, b bb bb bbbororororooro ddedddedededd rsrs aaa andndndndndndndnd m m mm m medddedeedededede aalalalallilill ononnnns s inininininnnin i i ii tts BBroroooookoklylyyn n nnworrkrkshhopppo . The e compannnnyy yy saasasayysyysysysysyy itstsss c cccccllilill enenenenennennntstststtststst c cc c c ccanananananan rrrrr reqeqeqeeqequeueueueeueststststst vvvv viririirirttututuututualalalaalaala lylylylyly a aa aannyynnny ppp p proroduductct sssspepepep cicici--ficaaation aaandn expect shorrrrt t tt lelelelelelel adaddadadadaddd tt tttimimimeseses a aa aaandndndndnddn ee eee eeexcxcxcxccx ellelelentntn r rresesee ulullllululu tstststss. . AllAllAlAAlll lll thhthhthththththhheeee e e e cccocooccompanany’s inlaaayyysysyysy aaaaarer mmmmade with reaal lllll #-#-#-#-#-#-##-inininininchchchchhhchchchc s sooliddid hhararardddwdwdddwdd oooooood,d,d,d, a arer uunfnnfnfnfnfnnfininininnisisisisishehehehehehehehedd,dd,d,dd,dd aaaa aand rana gege in sis ze ffffrrorororooommmm m m 242442424 t t to 7222 i iiinchees. CCCususususususususttotoott m m mm desisigngns s s aaarararaareeee avavavavaiaaia lalalalablble e uuupupupuponononononon r rrr rreqeqeqeqqeequeuuueueueeeeeest.wwwwwww.pip.pi.ppi.ppi.p.pp dfldflddfldfldflflfd oooororooooooooo s.com

LoLooooLouuiuiuiuiuissvsvsvsvsss ilillele W Wooooooo d d FlFloooooooooo rsLoLoLoLoooouuuuiu svvililililililllllllele W Woooodd FlFlooo rsrsrsrrss’’’’’ prprpprprrprp odododododododddduuuuucts ffeeaeaeaeaaaaatuttutututtutturererererre c c cusustotototoom m mmm aacaaccents. The companyyyy’’s’s’ss’sss madade-tttotot -ordrdrdrdrdrdddeeer iinlnlayayss ararrrrreeeee e eeee aavavaavavaa aiaiaiaiaiaiailalalalalalaalalabbblblblblbllbblleeeee e ininininin aaa aanynynynynnyny c ccccususussussu totott m m m m m thththththicicknness, scale, species and tet xture,unununununnunnunfffififififif ninishsheded o or r r r r r pppprprpprrefefefefe ininininnnnnnniisiisiisiishhhedddd.d..d. T T TTTheheehe c cc ccomomommomomomppapapappapaaaaannnnyny says iits inlaysy fit well in residentiala ,cocommerciciciiialalalalalalalall o ooorr r inininnnnnnsstststststststititititttitititituuuuutuuuu ioooioonnnnanananananaallll l l acacacaaaccecentntntnt a aaaaaa arrrrrer assss,,, ,, aanananannananandddddd ddd ththththththhatatatat i iiitt t t cacaccc n n n inininii clude anythingfrom aaa c c c cccccccccooororooorpopopopooooooorrrarararrr tete loggo o o o o o tttotootottototo a aa aa aaa ff f f f fffamamamamaaamamamiililiiillilililyyyy cocoococoatatatata o oooff ff f f aaararaaaa msmsmsmsms iiii i innnn n a aaaaaaaa hahahhahahardrdrdrdrddrdwwowowoowow odooo floor.wwwwwwwwwwww.lo.lo.lo.looouisuuiuiuiiisissuisu svilvillewlewlewwewewewwwwl oooooooooodoododododoooo floorsorsorsorrssrss.c.cocococoooooommmmmmmm

August|September 2012 ! Hardwood Floors 59

Borders, Inlays, Moldings + VentsProductFocus

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AS12-IBV-PF.indd 59 7/25/12 2:08 PM

Page 3: A/S12 Inlays, Borders and Vents Product Focus

60 Hardwood Floors ! August|September 2012

Product Focus | Borders, Inlays, Moldings + Vents

YaY rererereeemamamm M MararququetetryYaYaaYarerererereeemama MMarrquqquq ete ryy, , a a aaaaaa mamamanunuuufafafactctururu ereerer o ooof f 14141 NN NNWFWFWW AA WoWoodo Floooror of the Year wwininnenenen rsrs, ,ofofoffffffefersrsr aaaaaaaa d d divivveersese s sellecececcce tititttt oooono of medadd llllllllioioioonsnsnsns, , bobobob ddrdders and parquet patterns. The com-papapaaaanynynynn c ccananana a also o asassasassisisistst ccccc lllililiene ts in creating cusu tom designs to fulfill their uniquququeee viviivvvissisisisiiono . ThT e e e e ccococococcompmpmpmpmpmpm anananaa y y yyy says all of this can be done with efficiency andd s ssssururrurururu ppprprprprisisisissininininini ggg g gafafaafafaaffffofoooofooffordrdrr abbabilitititittttyyyy y y y wiwiwiwiwiwiwiththththththth iii iiitstststststs n nnnn n newewewewewewew aa a aa dvdvdvdvdvdvdvd ananananaa cececec dd d fafabricating g and manunuufafafafactctctcturururuururiinininininngg ggg g ffafaffaff ciciciciciililiililitytytytyty..wwwwwwwwww.ym.ymmmmmflofffff orss cococococc mm

WWWoWWoododShShShShhShShapapaaaa eeseseseees IIncnc.SiSince 1990, WoodShShShhhShhhapapapaaaa eess II I IIncncnc. hahas beb en mmananannnufufu acca tutututuuuriririringngngng h h hhigggigigigh-h-hh ququuququuallallalalititititityyy y y wowowoododveventn s ana d cold-air retetetettuuuuruuru nssn .. .. ThThThhee ccompm any’s pppprrododucucucucucucuct tttt t lil ne iincnclululuuuuudedededeees s sss seseseeseeseselflflflflflflflf r-r-r--rimimimimimmmmmimimimimmm ngngngng, ,flflusush-h-hhhhhhh mount and fllusushh-h-h--h-wiwiw ththhhhhht -r-r-r- ababbebeeeteted-d-d frrrframamammmmee e e ststyllylyyy eses i iiiin nnn looouvuvuvuverererrededdeded aaaa ndndndddddnd g g g gggg riririririr d-d-d-dd stststtss yllylyly e eeecoc nfnffiiigigigigigi urations. Dampm ererrrr aanndddddn p pprerefifinininiiishshhs ining opopopoo tit ono s sss araaara ee e avavavavaiaiaiailalaaablbblble.e.e.ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .wooodvvents.c.ccomomomommmmomm

WeWeWeWeellllmamammmm deeedd PPPPPeeeererereee fofofof rmrmrmrmanana ce FFlooorinngWeW lllmaaaaam dededdd o offfferrs s a a a aaa fuffufufufull colleeelectcttctcttttioioioioioioiiii nnn n n ofo sstrt ananananananandddddddd d aananaaaanana d d trtrtraddadditioioooooooonnnnanananal l l llll bababababababababambmmbmbmbmmbmmbmbooooo moldingsanand d vev nttt ccccccovovo erere s.s. BBBBuuyuyuuyu erererrrerrrss s s cacacacacacaannnnn n n choooooosesss fffrrrororr m shoemooldldldsss, TTT T mm-m lololddds, reducers, thresh-ololololdsdsdd , anand d nooooossisisss ngs innn a aaaa aa wwww w wwwwididddiiidii e color assortment, while e ththhhe e e cococcompmpmpmpanananany’y’yy sss s veveeentntntt c c ccovovovovereee s sarare e ava aia laabllbllblbblb e e inin naatattttuuurururalalalaalallal, caaaaccccc rbrrbonizzzzzedededed aaaaaaandnn “tiger” c cccolololololololororororororororor tttt t trerererererereatatatatata mememmememmem nnttntnn s.wwwwww.w.wwwewewww llmllmmadeadeededeeeeefloflooflfflfl orsors.co.cooooommmm

SoooutuuuthFhFhFFFlolooroorororororSoSoSoSoSoSoSoutututuututuututhFhFhFhFhFhFhFhFFlolollll orooo ’s cccccccomo plplletettttteee eeeeee line of vents, grills, grateteteteetetetess s ss anand dd didididididididiffffffffffffffffususususususususererererererssss s ississisiis made frfrrroooomooothththththhthe e sasasaasammme neww aaaaaandnd rrececllalalalllllalaimed heart ppppppininininiininee asasa t thehhehhehehehe cccc c coooomoo papanyny’s’s sololidi andnd eengngnggngngiiinininini eeereredwowooddod floorororinining. TTTTTTTThehey arrreeeee e ee availablblblblblblbb eeee ee e iiinin aa rranangege o of f sstylylllleeeesesees aaaa ndndndndndnddd ss ssssiziziziizzeseseseseeee , , wiwithhhh or r wiwiththouut tdadampmperers. FFFlulull shh---m-- ouuntnttt oor seselflf-r-rimmmmmmmimmimimimimm ngngn d drororr p-p-inin sstytyleleeeessssss s iininiii louvevered,d, llininnnnnneaeaeaeeae r oro egeggge g-g-g crcrate dedesisigngngngnnns s are ofofoffffo feferered.dwwwwww .sosoouthuththhthfffloflofff or.or.cccccomcomcc

ShShShSheoeogaga HHarardwwood FlFlFlFlFF ooooooo riririringngng && PPananelelining g Innc.c.SShShShheoeogagagga oofffferrrs sss sos lid, hhanannd-d-d-dd crcrcrcrcrrafafafafafaafafftetettetetetetet dddddddd d wowowowowowoododdododododod vvv vv v venenenenenentststststs.. . ThThThThee e vevents are available unfin-

isisisisisii hehehehhh d d or prefinishedininin ddommomesesessestititititiiccc c oro immmimmimmmpopopopopopoopoppp rtrtrtrtrtrtrtedededededededed ss s s ssspepepepepepepeciciciiciciciciesessesesesee .. .AvAvAvAAvAvaiaiaiaiiiiiailalallaalaalalal blblblblblblblb eeee e stststststsstyylylylylylyly ees includdde:e:ee::: f ffff ff fflullull shhhshsh-mount, flushshshshshshshs --mount with fraraaaaaamememememmemm ,, ,,,self-rimming, thhhhrrerererererer e-e-e-eeedimensional annnnnddd d d dd cubed. Standararararrrrdddddddd ddd anananaaananaaa d dd custom sizesarararara eee ee aavavavavavavaiaa lable.wwwwww.shshshshshsheoga-floflofloflof oriororirro ng.ngng.ng.cccomccc

SeSeSeSeSeSeSeSenenenenenn cacacaaacacaacaccacaa M MM MM M Milllwwlworork k InInc.cSeneneneeecacacacacaccc Millworrk k k InInInInInInInInc. manufactures highgh-qquaualilityty h harararrrdwdwdwdwdwdwdwdwdwdwooooooooooooooo dd d momoooldldldlddinininingg g g gggg prprprprrododododucucucuctstststfor the fflffff ooringngggggg ii i i i industry. Products inclclude T-T-moldings, staiaiaiaiaiiiirr r r non sisingngnggngngssss,s,s,s,ss r r r rededededuucucucerererers,s,s,s,,

tththththhrererererr shshshshhshhololololooo dsdsdsdsdsss,, ,,,,,, babbababbb sesesese p p pppppppprorororoorororod-d-d-dd-ducuccctstststststs aa a andndndnd s s ssstatatataaaairiririririr tttt t ttrereererereereeadadadaaa ss.s..ItItItIts s s s dududududdurararararablblblbllblblble ee e e momomomomomomom ldlddlddldldll iinnnininnggsgsgssssssg arararare e ee avavavavavvavaiaiaiaiaiaiaiailalalalalllaablblblblbb eee e e ununununnnnnnffififififififinn-nnn-isisisisishhheheheheh d ddd orroror pp pppppprerererrefififififinished anananana d d ddd uutututiilize theCCCoCoCC lorMr aster stain mmmatchingg system.SpSpSSpSpSpSpecececececiaiaiaiaiiaaaltlltltltlty y y y yy fifif nininininishss es (p(pp(p(p(p(piciciicictututuuuuuturereeerered)d)d)d)d) s sss suucucuccuuch hhh as an-tiqququeded, hahahahaaandnndndndndd-s-s-sccrcrraped annna d d distststtrererrrerer sssssssededededeed arealssosos available.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ssesse.se.see.se.s necnennecnecneccnn amia ll-worworororrrrk ck ck ck.ck.ck.c.comomoomomomo

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AS12-IBV-PF.indd 60 7/27/12 11:42 AM