Artículo Hoffmann

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  • 7/28/2019 Artculo Hoffmann


    Hoffmann etal. / Ethylene Complexes 3801(9) E. Duff, D.R. Russell, and S. Trippett, Phosphorus, 4, 203 (1974).(IO) (a)R. K. Brown, R. 0.Day, S. Husebye, andR. R. Holmes, Inorg. Chem.,17 , 3276 (1978); (b) P. F. Meunier, R. 0.Day, J . R. Devillers, and R. R.Holmes, ibid., 17, 3270 (1978); (c) W. Althoff, R. 0.Day, R. K. Brown, andR. R. Holmes, ibid., 17 , 3265 (1978).(1 1) (a) A. C. Sau and R . R. Holmes, J. Organomet. Chem., 156, 253 (1978);(b)M. Eisenhut. D.Sc. Thesis, Technical University, Braunschweig, WestGermany, 1972.(12) International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Vol. I, Kynoch Press,Birmingham, England, 1969, 99.(13) The function minimized is Sw(F , - I F c( ) 2. tomic form factors fornonhydrogen atoms were taken fromD.T. Cromer andJ . T. Waber, ActaCrystaIIogr., 18, 104 (1965); scattering factors for hydrogen atoms weretaken from R. F. Stewart, E. R. Davidson, and W. T. SimDson, J. Chem.Phys., 42, 3175 (1965).

    (14) Goodness of fit, S= [ Z M F , - F, I )2/(No- A,,)]? No =number ofobservations,Nv =number of variables.(15) R. S.Berry, J. Chem. Phys., 32, 933 (1960).(16) (a)R. K. Brown andR. R. Holmes, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,99 , 3326 (1977);. . .(b) Inorg. Chem., 16, 2294 (1977).(17) R . R. Holmes, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,97 , 5379 (1975).(18) E. L. Muetterties, W. Mahler, and R. Schmutzler, Inorg. Chem., 2, 613(1963).(19) R. R. Holmes, {Am. Chem. SOC.,g6, 4143 (1974).(20) R. J . Gillespie, Molecular Geometry, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, Princeton,N.J ., 1972, and references cited therein.(21) In ref 17, the structural displacement was approximated as 57% from thetrigonal bipyramid toward the square pyramid. This estimate was basedon an erroneously report& trans basal S-P-S angle of 132.0. This hasbeen corrected to 143.5 (7)0.8b

    Ethylene Complexes. Bonding, Rotational Barriers,and Conformational PreferencesThomas A. A lbright, Roald H offmann,* J ack C. Thibeault, and David L . ThornContribution r om the Departmentsof Chemistry, Cornell University,I thaca, New York 14853, and University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77004.Received September 19, 1978

    Abstract: Rotational barriers and conformational preferences are a primary probe of bonding in olefin complexes. Such bar-riers in ethylene-M L2-s are analyzed in terms of differential interactions between the frontier orbitals of the ML , fragmentand the ethylene 7r and x * . I t is found that the large barrier to internal rotation about the M-ethylene axis in ethylene-ML2complexes, favoring the in-plane orientation, is due to loss of overlap between ethylene 7r* and an ML2 b2 orbital-the domi-nant interaction in these compounds. A n analogous situation exists for rigid rotation in ethylene-M L4 within the trigonal-bipy-ramidal geometry. A much lower energy pathway for this complex is found if rotation is accompanied by pseudorotation. T hebarrier in square-pl anar ethylene-ML3 compounds of the Zeises salt type, on the other hand, is largely set by steric factorswhich favor the upright geometry. V arious strategies are devised to lower the barrier or reverse the conformational preferencein these complexes. This may be accomplished by changing the electronic or steric properties of the ligands on the metal or theethylene. Finally unsymmetrically substituted olefin complexes are examined. In the M L3 case the metal-carbon bond to thecarbon bearing the weaker donor or weaker acceptor should be the stronger or shorter one. In the ML2 and ML4 complexes ofethylene the acceptor effect is accentuated, that of the donor less important.

    Few qualitative pictures have served the chemist as beau-tifully as the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model of metal-olefinbonding. I n the flowering of organometall ic chemistry thismodel has proven a stimulus to much synthetic, structural, andmechanistic work. N ot surprisingly, considerable theoreticaleffort has also been devoted to obtaining a detailed descriptionof the electronic structure of transition metal-ethylene com-plexes.* One aspect of the chemistry of these complexes wherethe experimental information isrelatively new, and yet providesthe most direct evidence on the nature of the bonding, is thebarrier to internal rotation about the metal-olefin axis. Thisis the primary focus of the present study,3which forms part ofa general analysis of polyene-ML, rotational barrier ^The problem then that we will attack is the origin of thebarrier to internal rotation in the molecules i-iv. The interre-

    I I1 l l i I Vlationship between the various coordination geometries willprove to be illuminating. W e will rationalize the observedequilibrium geometries and the magnitude of the rotationalbarriers in these complexes. The understanding obtained in theprocess will be used to explore ways in which these barriers maybe modified by varying substituents on the ethylene or themetal, or by sterically imposed geometrical deformations. Aspecifi c problem of asymmetry in metal-olefin bonding will

    * Cornell University

    be studied at the end. The discussion presented in this paperwill serve as an introduction and guide to a general analysis ofpolyene and cyclopolyene ML2, ML4, and M L5 complexes.ML2-5 Fragments

    A natural framework for the analysis of rotational barriersis found in the conceptual construction of the complex fromML, and olefin fragments. T he M Os of the M L , fragmentsare first developed and then interacted with the levels of theethylene in several extreme geometries which correspond tothe end points of a rotational process. Standard perturbationtheoretic arguments are used to pinpoint the differences in theconformations considered. Our actual calculations are of theextended H ii ckel type, with parameters specified in the Ap-pendix.Detailed discussions of the frontier orbitals of ML , frag-ments have been given el~ewhere.~ere we shall describe onlytheir salient features, emphasizing those orbitals which even-tually lead to a conformational distinction. The valence orbitalsof four ML2-5 fragments are shown in Figure 1.Three of thefragments bear carbonyl ligands, the fourth a CzL: hlorideintended as a precursor for the important class of olefin com-plexes of the Zeises salt type. TheC3upyramidal M L3 frag-ment, and the barriers it engenders, has been discussed else-where.4 The four fragments in F igure 1 are arranged not inorder of coordination number, but to exploit a similarity to bediscussed below, between M L3 and M L5 on one hand, andML2 and ML4on the other. The electron counts will also varywith the actual complex, but the typical situations are antici -0 1979 A merican Chemical Society

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    J ournal of the American ChemicalSociety / 101:14 / Ju ly 4, 1979attached carbonyl s and toward the incoming polyene. On theother hand bl is made up mainly of metal yz wi th some car-bony1ir*mixing in a bonding fashion. There is essentiall y nometal y that mixes into this level. This means that the overlapof b2 with a polyenex orbital will be larger than that between1bl and ir,Figure 1shows another high-lying orbital which wehave labeled 2bl . I t is mainly carbonyl ir* 81%), although wehave only shown the metal component. Thi s orbital is hybrid-ized inasense similar to b2-bonding to metal x, antibondingto metal yz. 5d Because of i ts relatively high energy and smallmetal character it will not be a significant factor in settingconformational preferences. T o reiterate, i t is the b2-1 bl dif -ference in energy and hybridization that wil l set a conforma-tional preference in polyene-M L2 complexes. We shall seeexamples of this in action in the following sections of thi s

    There is a marked resemblance between the valence orbitalsof the Ni (C 0)2 and Fe(C0)4 fragments, as seen in F igure 1.For Fe(C 0)4 again there is a large energy and hybridizationdifference between bl and b2. The 2al orbital (x2- y2) inNi(C0)2 is destabilized tremendously with the addition of twoaxial li gandsin Fe(C0)4 and does not even appear in Figure1. To stress the similarity between the valence orbitals in thesetwo fragments a slice of the wave functions in the yz plane forNi (C 0)2 and Fe(C0)4 is presented in F igure 2. The hybrid-ization inherent in bz but absent in bl can clearly be seen inboth cases. Notice also that there is almost nodifference in theshapes of the orbi tals of these two fragments around the metalatom, with the exception of 2al in N i(C 0)2, which does nothave a partner in Fe(C0)4.


    301r.2h - -8

    b z ~ B paper.


    Figure1. Important valence orbitals of some metal fragments. The energyscale markings are in eV.

    pated in F igure 1 by specifying a d6 ML5, ds ML 3 and ML4,and dIo ML2.For each of the fragments there is a high-lying a1 orbitalcomprised mainly of z2,s, and z on the metal. In the ML2-4fragments there is alsoa filled a1 orbital at low energy. T heseorbitals are cylindrically symmetrical and consequently cannotgive rise to a barrier of rotation. Aside from the high-lying alorbital the fragments dif fer, and yet certain important simi-larities will be found. W e discuss each case in sequence.In the Ni (C0)2 fragment there is a nest of four low-lying,occupied levels. There is only a small energy difference betweentwo of these, 2al and a2. Since both have 6symmetry with re-spect toan incoming polyene, the two when taken together willnot lead to a significant conformational preference. This leavesus with 1bl and b2. There is a large energy gap between them.If a polyene possesses a ir orbital which is antisymmetric withrespect to the yz plane (see the coordinate system in F igure l ) ,then it will interact with b2. Upon rotation by 90 this irorbitalwill interact with lbl . Because of the large energy gap between1bl and b2, the polyenex level will preferentially interact withone of these orbitals, dependingonwhether its energy lies abovebz or below 1bl and the number of electrons in the system.There is also an important dif ference in the spatial extentor hydridization of b2 and 1bl. The carbonyl C orbitals interactwith xz in an antibonding manner in b2, which is the reason forits high energy. However, the metal xorbital mixes in in sucha way as to alleviate the antibonding character. The net effect,shown in 1, is to hybridize the metal orbital away from the


    The Cr (C 0) j fragment in Fi gure 1 is most clearly relatedto an octahedral complex.5aThere is a lower set of three levels,e +a2, descended from the octahedral t2g. A t much higherenergy (not shown in Figure 1) isx2- 2, which together with1al formed the egin ML6. The hybridization of la1 has beendiscussed in detail elsewhere.ja The orbitals of PtC13-, shownin a contour diagram in F igure 3, are similar. At low energythere are three orbitals, bl , b2, and a2, which correspond to e+a2 in Cr(C 0) j . The la1 orbital can be viewed as derivedfromx2- 2 n Cr(C0)5, greatly stabil ized by removal of twoligands. I t now lies low in energy and isoccupied by the twoelectrons added in going from Cr(C0)5 to PtCI j-. This la1level, of course, becomes the familiar z 2orbital in Zeises salt,using the more conventional coordinate system. Note that thePtC13- fragment bonding orbitals are at higher energy thanthose of the three carbonyl -containing fragments. This is aconsequence of thex donation of the chloride ligand relativeto the acceptor character of the carbonyl.The important point to note is that there is li ttle or no dif -ference in hybridization or energy between bl and b2 in theM L j and ML 3 fragments [in Cr(C0)5 they are degenerate].There is a substantial difference between this orbital pair inFe(C0)4 and Ni(C0)2. With this in mind we now turn ourattention to the ethylene complexes. T he reader is referred toan important paper by M ingos6 in which ideas similar to thosepresented here were independently developed.Ethylene-M L 2 Complexes

    A large number of X -ray structures have shown that themost stable conformation of ethylene-ML2 complexes is thetrigonal in-plane one in which the ethylene carbons lie in theplane of the ML2 unit as in 2. The structures typically show;;.---Q

    2 3small twists of the olefin away from the plane. This appearsto be the result of crystal packing forces and minimization of

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    Hoffmann et al. / Ethylene Complexes 3803

    Figure2. Contour diagram of the valence orbitalsof Fe(C0)4 (left) andNi(C0)Z (right). The values of $plotted are0.4,0.2,0.1,0.05, and0.025.The solid lines indicate positive phase, the dashed lines negative. The or-bitals are shown in theyz plane, except for b2 and a ~ ,here a slice parallelto that plane and 0.5A away was taken. The 2bl orbital of Ni(C0)Z isomitted.intramolecular close contact ' Replacement of the methyleneunits by heteroatoms causes no change in the conformation.The ML2 unit lies always approximately in the plane of the Ksystem. Examples of this are known for ML2 complexes ofimines, azo compounds, oxygen, ketones, etc.* The trigonal


    a 2

    Figure3. Contour diagram of the valence orbitals of PtCI3-. The$valuesand planes are given in the caption to Figure 2.

    conformation is also found for all known acetylenesg and al-leneIO-M L2 complexes. Experimental estimate ^ ^ I haveindicated a barrier of 18-25 kcal/mol on going from the in-plane conformation, 2, to the "upright" one,3, for a dIo metalcomplex.To understand this large conformational preference considerthe interaction of an ethylene with the ML2 fragment i n thetwo extreme orientations, 2 (in-plane) and 3 (upright), inFigure 4. I n both conformations the ethylene7r donor orbital,al , interacts with la1 and 3a1 of the M L2 unit. Since theseorbitals are approximately cylindrically symmetrical, the or-bitals after interaction do not change much in energy on goingfrom 2 to3.The 2al and a2 orbitals of the ML2 are essentiallynonbonding and do not give rise to a conformational prefer-ence. The major bonding for trigonal ethylene-ML2 complexesoccurs between b2 and the ethyleneK* orbital which is also ofb2 symmetry. However, upon rotation to3the interaction withb2 is lost since the H* orbital is now of bl symmetry. Now K*forms a bonding combination with 1bl of the ML2 fragment.The 2bl orbital (see Figure 1) does not significantly interactwith the 1bl +H* bonding combination for the reasons men-tioned in the previous section. For reasons of clarity we haveomitted it from Figure4. There is a great difference betweenstabilization of b2 in 2vs. lbl in 3. In the usual perturbationtheoretic expressionI2 for the stabilization energy:the in-plane conformation is favored through the denominator(b2 is above lbl in the fragment) and the numerator (b2 isbetter than 1bl for overlap with K*) .I n a model calculation on ethylenenickel dicarbonyl, withan angle between the carbonyls of looo,we calculate a barrierof 23.6 kcal/mol. This corresponds to rigid rotation of theethylene unit with respect to Ni (C0)2. The hydrogens of the

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    3804 J ournal of the American C hemical Society / 101:14 / July4, 1979

    O ze?1Figure 4. Interaction diagram for (CO)zNi(ethylene) in in-plane (left)and upright (right) conformations.

    ethylene have also been held coplanar with the carbon-carbonbond up to now. In fact the groups substituted on the ethyleneare always bent back,7 as shown in 4. If we hold 8again con-

    stant at 100 but let 4 assume its average of 25O, thenthe calculated barrier rises to 33.7 kcal/mol. T he reason forthis increase in the barrier is twofold. When the hydrogens arebent back, R* mixes in a higher lying IJ antibonding level, 5,to give6.Their*orbital is hybridized toward the ML2 unit by

    5 6this mixing.I3 This increases the overlap of b2 with r * and alsolowers it in energy, Both of these factors contribute to the in-crease in the barrier.One reason that the upright geometry is soenergeticallyunfavorable is due to the high-lying, nonbonding b2 level (seeFigure 4). I ts energy can be lowered by allowing the L-M -Langle, 8, in 4 to increase in the upright conformation. I n eth-ylenenickel dicarbonyl8 for the in-plane geometry was opti-mized to be 112. However, in the upright conformation 8opens up to 130 (4 was held constant at 25). The rotationalbarrier now drops back to 23.3 kcal/mol . A calculation onethylenenickel biphosphine, perhaps a better model for theavailable complexes, yields similar results. We calculate 8 tobe 114 and 126 in the in-plane and upright conformations,respectively. The barrier with 4 held constant at 25 was 21.6kcal/mol. This is in reasonable agreement with experimentalestimate~.~aJ ~I lThe barrier of rotation in these complexes can be tuned tosome extent. In particular, is there a possibility whereby theelectronic structure is modified to the extent that 3becomesmore stable than 2? L et us fi rst change the substituents on theolefin. In the series of molecules7 the R groups were bent back25 in each case and 8 was allowed to vary for both confor-mations. These calculations show that there is a relationshipbetween the energy of R* and the barrier height. As the energy

    RTNi-,fH3P/ e;

    7R D U L C . t4ni.r

    7 a CN - 1 0 . 7 a V 2 1 . 7 kul/rnolb H - 8 . 6 21.6c C - 6 . 2 1 4 . 6

    of ir*goes up from 7a, R =CN , to 7c, R =C1, the barrierdecreases. In theory one could push the energy of R* sohighthat there would be nobarrier in going from the in-plane to theupright conformation. However, since the b2 R* interactionaccounts for so much of the bonding in these complexes, it isdoubtful whether one could prepare such a complex with su-perlative R donorson the ethylene and still have it bound.A nother strategy to lower the barrier in these complexes isto enlarge the L -M -L angle8.This will decrease the energyand the p admixture in the b2 (see l), hus making it more likelbl . In test calculations the rotational barrier does fall almostlinearly with increasing 8,down to -1 5 kcal at 8 = 130. Thusligands designed to enforce a large bite sizeI4 should decreasethe olefin rotational barrier.Still another way to minimize the b2-1 bl difference is by theuse of l igands which are goodR donors but poor c donors. Thiswil l cause the energy of l bl to rise while keeping the energyof b2 relatively constant. Furthermore, l bl wil l be hybridizedin a manner analogous to b2 as shown by 8. Such ir-donor

    8substituents could also be viewed as pushing the system partway toward L 2M(C2H4)2-. In such a hypothetical moleculea two-electron stabilizing b2, ir*or lbl, H* interaction wouldbe changed into a four-electron destabil izing one. The moststable conformation should then be the one with least inter-action,I5 Le., the upright one. A calculation in fact showed itto be more stable by 78 kcal/mol. Another way to see this resultis to think of full donation of an electron pair from ML2 toethylene, converting the latter into a bidentate C2H42- ligand.Then the neutral compound LzNi(C2H4) becomes formallya dscomplex, square planar, whereas L ~N ~( C Z H ~) ~-s dlO,tetrahedral as expected.Acetylene-M L2, or for that matter any ML2 complex of anorganic li gand characterized by an orbital similar to ir*, illalso have a large rotational barrier, for the same reasons thatwere outlined above. For example, a 28.6 kcal/mol barrier iscalculated for acetylenenickel dicarbonyl. This value corre-sponds to bending the hydrogens back 35. Again 8opens from112 in the in-plane geometry to 130 in the upright confor-mation. The reader is referred to an important quali tativeanalysis of LzM (acety1ene) bonding by Greaves, Lock, andMaitlis.I6A llene-M L2 complexes also are predicted to have largebarriers. H ere the ML2 unit can migrate from oneirbond toanother, which can give an overall result of rotation if the alleneis symmetrical. We will discuss this f luxional process else-where.Ethylene-ML 4 Complexes

    We emphasized the analogy between the orbitals of the ML2and C2u ML4 fragments in a previous section. Referring backto Figure 1, there is a high-lying b2 orbital on the ML4 frag-ment and a bl orbi tal at considerably lower energy. This, aswas the case for ethylene-M L2 complexes, will cause a marked

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    Hof f mann et al . / Ethylene ComplexesY *

    0 20 4 0 60 80


    Figure 5. (a) Energy contours, i n kcal/mol, for the coupled rotation-pseudorotation pathway in Fe(CO)d(ethylene). The angles are definedin9 (b) Rotational barrier in a square pyramidal Fe(C0)4(ethylene) asa function of the trans basal anglei,efined in 13.

    preference for the coordinated ethylene to lie in the equatorialplane as in 9,over the upright orientation, 10,where the eth-

    9 10ylene lies along the axis. All of the avail able structural data isconsistent with this, not only for coordinated ethylenes,l' butalso acetylenes,18and compounds where a heteroatom has beensubstituted for one or both of the methylene units.19 Likewise,there are a number of compounds20 with two or three ethyleneswhich conform to the orientation in9rather than 10.In a model compound, ethyleneiron tetracarbonyl , holdingthe angle between the equatorial carbonyls, a,and axial car-bonyls, @, constant at90and 180, respectively (the ethylenehydrogens were bent back 20), 9was calculated to be 32kcal/mol more stable than 10.A n ab nitio calculation obtains31 kcal/mol for the same process.20 However, N M R mea-surements put the rotational barrier (or the barrier to li-gand-ligand interchange) at 1 0- 15kcal/mol for substitutedethylene- oracetylene-M L4 complexes.21Given the approx-imate nature of our calculations, we would not have been un-happy with the disparity between the experimental and theo-retical numbers. Y et the situation is better than that. T hereason for most of the discrepancy is that we have held aandconstant during the rotational process. I f we vary these an-gles, as well as the angle of rotation, y (y =OD for 9and 90'for lo), then it is found that the ethyleneiron tetracarbonylcomplex undergoes a pseudorotational process in concert withrotation. This is shown schematicall y by the sequence of eq2.

    Figure6.Schematic evolution of the orbitals of an M (C0)4 fragment alonga Berry pseudorotation coordinate.

    a a n

    11 12 11'Independent variation of the three angular variables led tothe surface shown in Figure 5a. Each point for @, y on thissurface represents an optimum value of a.T he dashed linecorresponds to the interconversion of 11 to 11'. The transitionstate, 12, is given by a cross in the figure. The optimumground-state structure, 11,was calculated to havea = 118O,f l = 181,y =Oo while 12is defined by a =@ = 1 5 7 O , y =45'. Our calculations give an activation energy of 10 kcal/molfor this pseudorotation-rotation iti nerary. A b initio calcula-tions using assumed geometries along a similar path have givena barrier of 12 kcal/moL2PIt is instructive to examine this process in greater detail. Our

    previous discussion of the ML4 fragment kept it in a C2"ge-ometry 13a.The pseudorotation requires examination of a CdUfragment 13b,and indeed polyene-M L4 complexes, to be ex-?13a 1 3 b

    amined later, often possess M L4 fragment geometries inter-mediate between these two extremes. The evolution of thefragment orbi tals along the pseudorotation itinerary, Figure6, is easily understood. The a2 and a1 levels remain approxi -mately constant in energy along the distorti on coordinate. Theslight rise for 2al is a result of increased antibonding from thecarbonyl u leve1s:The most important change is that b2 dropsin energy while bl rises to form an e set. As the bond angleabetween the equatorial carbonyls increases, the antibondingbetween carbonyl CJ and metal x z decreases. L ikewise, as theangle between the axial carbonylsp is decreased, antibondingbetween carbonyl u and metal yz is turned on.Consequently,bl rises in energy.Returning to the ML 4-ethylene complex, let usexamine thebarrier in a stepwise manner. I t requires 7.5 kcal/mol to distort11 to a square pyramidal geometry, 14, withy held atOo, and

    1 1-14

    - 2

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    3806 J ournal of the American Chemical Society / 101:14 / J uly 4, 1979a further 2.6 kcal/mol to rotate the ethylene from 14 to 12.Remembering the crucial role of the b2 orbital, we may referback to Figure 6 and note that it becomes a less effective donorin the square pyramidal geometry. The b2 orbital also losessome of its metal x character as cy increases. Both of thesefactors are responsible for the larger initial increment on goingfrom 11 to 14.The energetics of the next step, olefin rotation overasquarepyramidal fragment, have little to do with x bonding. Note thatin the Cpu fragment b2 and bl merge into an e set, whoseoverlap with ethylenex * is independent of conformation. Nowit is the ethylene x whose repulsive interactions with otherorbitals vary somewhat with orientation. I n both 14 and 12 irinteracts approximately equally with la1 and 2al. But inconformation 12 an additional repulsive interaction with thefil led a2 orbital is turned on. It is this two- orbi tal - f our- el ectr onrepulsion which causes the barrier. In F igure 5b weseethatthis barrier is somewhat sensitive to the square-pyramidalgeometry with which we start. A s the trans carbonyl angles,7 (see 14), are increased, the barrier rises. This is due to thefact that at large values of 7 there is not only significant overlapof irwith metal xy in a2 but also with carbonyl x * . W e shallsee below that these same factors are responsible for the ro-tational barrier in ethylene-M L5 complexes.Prompted by some experimental studies of Faller and co-workers,22we have also considered a turnstile rotation mech-anism given by eq 3 for the rotation and interconversion of11 -&%++- (3)

    15 16a 1 6 bcarbonyls. I t is found that going from 11 to 15 requires 14.4kcal/mol. Furthermore, it appears that 16a, rather than 15,represents a local transition state for this rearrangment mode.The sixfold barrier in going from16a to 16b is very small-0.3kcal/mol (with 16b more stable). Experimental data is con-sistent with a small barrier for an axial The sta-bilization of 16a or 16b is due to the fact that in the C3"Fe(C0)4 fragment there is again an e set, 17, which can

    17back-bond with ethyleneK* (the nterested reader isreferredto ref 5a for a detailed discussion of the orbitals for this frag-ment). The e set in 17 is stabilized considerably by back-bonding from carbonyl x * , making the energy gap betweenethylene K * and 17 much larger than the b2-x* gap in 11.Alsothe hybridization present in b2 is lost in 17. Because of theapproximations made within the extended Huckel method, wecannot conclusively rule out eq 3 as the low-energy rear-rangement mode. However, the ab nitio calculations of V eil-lard and co-workers2p have put the barrier of 11 to 16a at 21kcal/mol, also a high value.The substitution of eitherx donorsor x acceptors on eth-ylene raises the barrier for the combined rotation-pseudoro-tation by our calculations. There is some experimental datawhich is consistent with this proposal.2c In 18 the R groups

    0C ROC- I Roc.Fe-b/ RC14018

    R - IC . bar1r18 a H !C! kcal/mol- b C1 11.9

    5 i N 1 2 . 8

    were bent away from the metal by 20 in each case. Insteadof calculating the full surface for 18b and 1% we have onlyoptimizeda for the trigonal bipyramid (conformation 11) and7 for the square pyramidal structures corresponding to 12 and14. Using the reasoning of the previous section, one might haveexpected the donor substitution in tetrachloroethylene to lowerthe barrier instead of raising it. So it does for a pure rotation,but the situation for the combined rotation-pseudorotation ismore complicated. In 18c most of the barrier is containedwithin the first step, distortion to the square pyramid. On theother hand, in 18b the barrier is mainly due to rotation withinthe square-pyramidal geometry. T here are a number of reasonsfor this trend and we do not wish to take the space here todiscuss it in detail. Suff ice it to say that, as the bonding withethyleneT* becomes more important, the energy loss on goingfrom 11 to 14 isgreater. L ikewise, as the energy of ethylenex is increased, the repulsion between it and a2 increases ingoing from 14 to 12.Ethylene-ML 3 Complexes

    X-ray structures of Zeise's salt and related square-planarethylene-ML3 complexes,23 as well as complexes of acety-lene,24 consistently show the olefin oriented in or near theupright geometry, 19, rather than the in-plane conformation,20. The barrier of rotation in these complexes as measured byNM R25a-d s typically in the range of 10-20 kcal/mol. Forexample, in 21 the barrier was measured as 12 kcal /m01.~~~

    19 20 21W e will argue that the main factor which determines theequil ibrium orientation of the olefin in these complexes is stericand not electronic. This has also been the conclusion of theJohnson and L ewis group from their experimental studies,25aand of some other theoretical work as Consider the in-teraction diagram for Zeise's salt, in the upright conformation19, in Figure7. The major bonding interactions in this complexare between 2al and ethyleneK along with back-bonding fromb2 into x * . Upon rotation to the in-plane conformation it is nowbl which will interact with T* . n the M L2 fragment there wasa large energy and hybridization difference between b2 and bl.But, as one can see from F igure 1or 7, there is essentially nohybridization and only a small energy dif ference (0.4 eV ) forthe PtC13 fragment. Furthermore, since bl lies marginallyhigher in'energy than b2, one might even suppose, as has beennoted previously by Lewis and co - w o r k er ~, ~~~hat the moststable conformation would be the in-plane one.This is not so.The calculations reproduce the correct uprightgeometry, but appear to overestimate the barrier considerably,yielding a value of 34 kcal/mol.26 This will be reduced con-siderably when the constraint of rigid rotation is removed, butfor the moment let us proceed with the analysis of the bar-rier.2'

    Essentially all of this barrier comes from interactions of thecis chlorines with the ethylene. For example, approximately70%of the barrier is due to the increased repulsion betweenethylenex (and the carbon-carbon (T bonding orbital) and arelatively high-lying, filled orbital comprised mainly of C1lonepairs, 22. About 10%of the barrier is a consequence of the fact

    22 23that the overlap of bl and ir* or the in-plane conformation sless than that between b2 and x* for the upright geometry (the

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    Hoffmann et al. / Ethylene Complexes 3807

    X \

    Figure 7. Interaction diagram for PtCl3(ethylene)-group overlaps between these fragment orbitals were 0.0903and 0.1503, respectively). Behind this difference is not a hy-bridization change at the metal, but the fact that b2 is notsimply a yz orbital, but contains CI p orbitals mixed out ofphase. These then diminish the net group overlap with the**,as shown in 23. The remaining barrier contributions arise fromsimilar interactions. Note that there is no fundamental dis-tinction between steric and electronic effects, and indeed wecould have termed both of the factors above electronic. But,if steric interactions are to be found anywhere in one-electronmolecular orbital calculations, it is in four-electron repulsionsand secondary ligand-ligand interactions.An obvious way to diminish the barrier is to allow the cischlorines to bend back, away from the ethylene, for the in-planeconformation. If this is done, they bend back 7 O , and the barrieris reduced to 22 kcal/mol. The extended Hiickel calculationstill overestimates the barrier.The steric sources of the barrier can be probed by varyingthe bulk of the transorcis ligands. Putting a phosphine in thetrans position, as in 24, raises the barrier to 27 kcal/mol.However, in the isoelectronic compound, 25, where the rela-

    24 25tively small hydride occupies the trans position, the calculatedbarrier is lowered to a small 5 kcal/mol. This low barrier issolely due to the ability of the phosphine ligands to bend towardthe hydride in the in-plane conformation, since the barrier wascalculated to be 31 kcal/mol with rigid rotation. Similarly,substitution of hydrides cis to the olefin lowers the rotationalbarrier, an important consideration in the mechanism of theethylene insertion reaction.28 I t should also be noted that, ifthe hydrogens on ethylene are not bent back away f rom themetal, as is experimentally the case for Zeises then amaximum is reached on the potential surface for rotationsomewhat before the in-plane orientation is reached20 (thiscorresponds to a rotation of 6 7 O in our calculations). A t thispoint the hydrogens eclipse these cis chlorines. However, thismaximum disappears when the hydrogens are bent back.

    Figure 8. Interaction diagram for two conformations of a transPtC12(ethylene)z.

    Our notion that the barrier in square-planar ethylene-M L3complexes is set by steric rather than electronic factors isfurther supported by the fact that most square-planar car-bene-M L3 complexes adopt the conformation given by 26rather than 27.29The carbene ligand has a donor function 28

    26 2 7 28 29which is topologically equivalent to the ethyleneH orbital andan acceptor p orbital, 29, equivalent to H * . If there would beelectronic advantages to bonding with b2, then one would ex-pect 27 to be more stable. But this conformation is stericallymore encumbered than 26. One carbene complex does indeedadopt the wrong conformation, 27, by virtue of the fact thatit is tied into a five-membered heterocyclic ring which alsoincorporates the metal.30Anytime that one has a steric rationale for a preferredconformation one should be able to think of a steric strategyfor reversing the conformational preference, for making themolecule uncomfortable in the previously favored geometry.Molecules where a Zeises salt-type upright conformation isimpossible may be at hand, for instance, the 5-methylenecy-cloheptene c0mplex,3~0, in which, if it is monomeric, bothethylenes cannot be upright. I t also should be possible to makemolecules of the type 31, where, so to speak, the steric table isturned on the upright conformation. 32 appears to be less

    \x[0-3 t C 230

    -+ 7 v31 32hindered. Still another maneuver, mentioned above, is to tryto put sterically small groups trans to the olefin.Another probe of the source of the orientational preferencemay be found in bis(o1efin) complexes, and takes advantageof the fact that two ethylenes, trans to each other, will preferto bond with orthogonal metal orbitals rather than the sameone. Consider the two cases shown in Figure 8. In caseI the twoolefins are oriented in the normal upright geometry. T he eth-ylene** orbitals produce two combinations, b3,, and b2g in theD2h symmetry of the molecule. The two metal orbitals whichare important in this discussion are of b2gand b3g symmetry.Therefore one of the metal orbitals, b ~ ,s of correct symmetryto interact with one of theH* combinations. However, the other

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    3808 J ournal of the American Chemical Society / 101:14 / J uly 4, 1979metal orbital, b3g, remains nonbonding. We will label theamount that metal b2g is stabilized by AEl . In case I1 oneethylene is in the upright geometry and the other adopts thein-plane orientation. The ethylene and metal orbitals nowtransform as bl and b2 in the GzD geometry of the complex.Thus both metal orbitals are stabil ized by AE2. I t has beenshown pr ev i ~usl y ~~, ~~or other related examples that, althoughA El >AE2, 2AE1

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    Hoffmann et al. 1 Ethylene ComplexesTable1. Pt-C Bond Lengths in Olefin-PtL3 Complexes


    olefin"CH 2=C (OM e)2C H 2=C H OHCH 2=C H OE tCH 2=CH (OR )RCH =CH(OR)CH >=CH PhNM ez-pC H 2=C H PhC H 2=C H PhC H 2=C H PhNO2-pC H 2=CH EtCH2=CH-i-BuCH =CHR~


    - Pt-CI, A2.086 (28)2.098 (10)2.128 (7)2.12 (3)2.13, 2.04 (2)2.137 (17)2.188 (8)2.180 (12)2.174 (13)2.163 (25)2.17 (5)2.11 (1). 2.17 (3)Pt-C?. A ref

    2.798 (30)2.222 (9)2.208 (7)2.20 (3)2.32, 2.33 (2)2.262 (16)2.219 (9)2.236 (10)2.216 (11)2.173 (23)2.26 (5)2.14 (2). 2.19 (3)

    23m23r23s23023P231123f2311231123k23123ua I n the olefin the fi rst carbon as written is C ,, the second is C2. R =CH2CH 2CH 2NH 3+. The two entries refer to two crystall ine modifi -cations, one orange, the other yellow.

    Table11. M-C Bond Lengths in Olefin-M L2 and -M L4 Complexesolefina M no. M - C I . A M-C,. A (M -X ) ref

    C H 2=CH CNC12C=C(CN)2CH 2=N(M e)2+(CF3)2C=NN=C(CF(CF3)2C=OC H 2=C H CNCH.=C

    C H 2=C HC ( 0)O M e7''K\"





    2.016 (10)2.00 (2)1.884 ( 5 )2.02 (1)1.89 (2)2.092 (2)2.10 (1)2.098 (5)2.092 (7)

    1.911 (10)1.920 (4)1.87 (1)2.106 (2)2.09 (1)2.127 (4)

    2.10 (2)2.112 (9)

    2.024 ( 5 )


    " I n the complexed ir ligand the first atom (C) as written is numbered 1, the second (C, N , or0) s labeled 2.Table111. Calculated OverlaD PoDulations in Olefin-PtC12- and Olefin-N i(PH2), Comdexes

    olefin-PtCI3- olefin-Ni(PH3)~olefin" no. Pt-C, Pt-C2 no. Ni -C , N IX248a 0.1083 0.1083 49a 0.2324 0.232448b 0.1639 0.03 1 1 49b 0.2115 0.201148c 0.1 168 0.0408 49c 0.2465 0.151548d 0.1346 0.1657 49d 0.2041 0.1264

    a In the olefin the first carbon as written is C I , he second is C2.

    overlap population corresponding to a decrease in bond lengths.The results, shown in T able 111, nicely reflect the experimentaldata cited in Tables I and 11.The general pattern can be understood from the interactiondiagrams (Figures 4 and 7) and the polarization pattern andenergetics that follow from substitution. I n ethylene-PtC13-(Figure 7) there are two strong, approximately equal, orbitalinteractions: between the fil led T orbital of ethylene and theempty 2a1,and between the filled b2 and emptya*.A adonorraises the T and a * energies, so that the 2a1,a interactionbecomes stronger. I n that interaction, il lustrated in 50a, the

    5O a 5 0 bCl coefficient is larger, and so the Pt-C , bond will be stronger.On the other hand, for a T acceptor the T and a* are bothlowered. This emphasizes the bz, T * interaction, 50b, which

    again leads to a shorter Pt-C I bond. Not surprisingly, donorand acceptor substituents onopposite ends of the ethylene tendto cancel each other's effects. The olefin-M L s case should bequite similar.The situation is slightly different for olefin-ML2 (and thesimilar -M L4) complexes. The high energy of b2 (see Figure4) makes the b2, a* nteraction much more important than the3a1,a interaction. This accentuates the effect of a a-acceptorsubstituent, so, as in olefin-M L3 complexes, the bond from themetal to the unsubstituted carbon should shorten, in agreementwith Table 111and the experimental data of T able 11. Substi-tution by adonors, however, will produce variable results. Theeffect of polarizing theaorbital is diminished by the weaknessof the 3a1,T interaction. For a superlative T donor one mightsee a shortening of the bond to the unsubstituted carbon. Butour results ona moderateT donor, chlorine (Table I I I,49b),show relatively l ittle differentiation between the Ni-C I andNi-C2 overlap populations. With adonors at one end of theethylene, T acceptors at the other, the acceptor dominatesbecause of the strong b2, a* nteraction. The M -C l(Cl2) bondis calculated to be stronger, and it is shorter.When a more electronegative heteroatom replaces carbon

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    3810 J ournal of the American ChemicalSociety / 101:14 / J ul y 4, 1979in ethylene, both the x and x * levels go down in energy.12-36Furthermore, x * becomes polarized so that the coeff icient atthe less electronegative carbon is increased, 51. So there is a

    51natural tendency for the M -C bond to be shorter than theM -X bond, disregarding all other factors. This is probably thesource of the interesting bond lengths of 42a-c in Table 11. Thesame effect should be operativein imine-PtC13 complexes.Calculations were also carried out on the Feists acid com-plex 43d, whose Fe-C bond length differentiation does not fitthe general pattern. T he calculated overlap populations f roma computation with equal M -C bond lengths agree with theobserved bond length trends, but we have not yet been able toconstruct an explanation for the result.Asymmetric x bonding to an olefin and the associatedslipping of the olefin unit are of course signs of an easy trans-formation to a zwitterionic x-bonded form, with importantconsequences on the olefin rea~ti vi ty .~~n at least one of thecases cited, 40a, the olefin displacement and asymmetry areso great that the a-bonded extreme is approached.M etallocyclopropanes or Olefin a Complexes?

    The answer we would give, which will not satisfy some, isboth. The question, of course, is an old one. Is the best rep-resentation of olefin complexes 52a or 52b? To deal with this

    5 2 a 52bproblem we must be clear about the meaning of the two sym-bolisms. On the face of it 52b implies x donation to the metal,but of course the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model extends thisto include back-donation from a metal orbital (b2 or bl) toethylene T* .What is a metallocyclopropane? Taking the localizedbonding scheme seriously, we begin with two localized M-Cabond orbitals. These must be symmetry adapted, and this istrivially done by forming in- and out-of-phase combinations53 and 54. These are seen to be the two components of the

    53Ma;tir-complex model, bonding (a, +T ) and back-bonding (b2or

    So the two pictures are equivalent. W hat does vary is theextent of the admixture of metal and ethylene orbitals in 53and 54. These drawings, totally arbitrarily, give the impressionof equal mixing. This will be true, and then only approximatelyso, in cyclopropane itself, Le., where ML , is CH2. In any or-ganometall ic case there will be a range of interaction from little(53mainly x , 54mainly metal b2, ethylene reasonably intactwith a short C=C and hydrogens not pinned back) to great (53

    bl +x * ) .

    Table I V . Parameters Used in Extended Huckel Calculationsorbital Hii , eV (1 r 2 CI a C7aC r3d -11.224s -8.664p -5.24

    4s -9.17N i3d -12.994s -8.864p -4.90Pt 5d -12.596s -9.086p -5.48C 2s -21.402p -11.40N 2s -26.002p -13.40P3s -18.603p -14.000 2s -32.302p -14.80CI 3s -26.303p -14.20H I S -13.60

    Fe3d -12.704p -5.37

    4.95 1.60 0.4876 0.72051.701.705.35 1.80 0.5366 0.66781.901.905.750 2.00 0.5683 0.62922.1002.1006.01 2.70 0.6334 0.55132.552.551.6251.625I .95I .95I .601.602.2752.2752.0332.0331.30

    Coefficients in double {expansion.and 54 both carrying substantial metal and olefin character,C-C approaching a single bond, hydrogens bent back). T hebest we can say from a calculation, orbetter still from observedstructures, is roughly where along the continuum a given typelies. T hus cyclopropane and heteroatom-substituted cyclo-propanes are clearly cases of strong mixing (see the interestingcase of ethylene sulfide, sulfoxide, the dl0L2,4M-ethylenes of less interaction, the d8 L3M-ethylenes ofstill less. But, given the wide range of substituents which canmodify the electronic structure within a given class, it wouldbe counterproductive to deny the existence of a continuum ofinteraction, and to attempt to pigeonhole these complexes asbeing of one type and not another.38Acknowledgment. We are grateful to the members of ourgroup for numerous discussions, and to Paul Dobosh for acareful reading of the manuscript and some suggestions.Helpful discussions with J .A. Ibers and L. J .Guggenbergerare also acknowledged, as is the hospitality extended to R .H .by the Department of Organic, I norganic and TheoreticalChemistry of the University of Cambridge, where this workwas completed. The drawings and typing were skillfully doneby J . Jorgensen and E. K ronman, respectively. Our researchat Cornel1 was generously supported by the National ScienceFoundation through Grant CHE-7606099.Appendix

    All calculations were performed using the extended Huckelmethod.37TheHiis for chromium and iron were taken fromprevious work.4 The Hii s for nickel and platinum were ob-tained from charge iterative calculationson ethylene-Ni(C0)2and ethylene-PtC13-. The metal orbital exponents for the dfunctions are those given by R ichardson, Basch, et a1.,4O whilethose for the 4s and 4p functions are taken from previousThe values for theHiisand orbital exponents are listedin Table I V . The modified Wolfsberg-Helmholz formula wasused.42The following idealized bond distances were used: C-H,1.09; C -0, 1.14; Ni-P, 2.15;P-H, 1.42; C-C(N), 1.45; C-N,1.16; C-Cl , 1.70A. Also all C-C-C , C-C-H , M -C -0, andNi-P-H angles were set at 120, 120, 180, and 123.1, re-spectively. The M-C(0) distances were set at Cr, 1.84; Fe,1.78; M n, 1.80; Ni, 1.82 A. The geometries for ethylene-

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    Hoffmann et al . / Ethylene ComplexesNi(PH3)2,7a eth~l ene-P tC 13- ,~~~nd ethylene-Fe(C0)4I7'were adapted from experimental structures. The Cr-ethylenebond in the Cr(C 0)S complex was fixed at 1.88A .


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Harrison, M. Murray, J . L. Spencer, and F. G.A. Stone, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1337 (1978) .( 12)R. Hoffmann, Acc. Chem. Res., 4, 1 (1971) ; . Heilbronner and H. Bock,"Das HMO-Modell und Seine Anwendung". Verlag Chemie. WeinheidBergstr., Germany, 1968.( 13) For related discussions see ref I C, 29, and2w andR. Mason, Chem. SOC.Rev., 1, 431 (1972).14) N. J. DeStefano, D. K. J ohnson, and L. M. Venanzi, Angew. Chem., 86, 133( 1974) ;M. Barrow, H. B. Burgi, D. K. J ohnson, and L. M. Venanzi, J .Am.Chem. SOC.,96, 2356 (1976) , nd references cited therein.15) See, for example, ref 12;L. Salem, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,90, 543 (1968) ;K. Muller, Helv. Chim. Acta, 53, 1 1 12 (1970).16) E. 0.Greaves, C. J . L. Lock, and P. M. Maitlis, Can. J .Chem., 46, 3879(1968).17) (a) M.R. Churchill andS. A. Bezman, J .Organomet.Chem, 31, C43 ( 1971) ;M.R. Churchill and K.-K. G. Lin, J .Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 76 (1974) ; . R .Churchill andS.A. Bezman, lnorg. Chem., 11, 2243( 1972) ; 2, 260, 531(1973) ;b) G. B. Robertson and P.0.Whimp, J. Chem. Soc.,Dafion Trans.,2454 ( 1973);M. A. Bennett, G. B. Robertson, I. B. Tomkins, and P. 0.Whimp, Chem. Commun., 341 ( 1971) ;c)D. Bright and0.S. Mills, J .Chem.SOC.A, 1979 (1971) ;d) . S. Ricci and J. A. Ibers,J .Am. Chem. SOC.,93,2391 (1971);L. Manojlovic-Muir, K. W. Muir, and J . A. Ibers, Discuss.Faraday SOC.,47, 84 (1969) ; . W. Muir and J. A. Ibers, J . Organomet.Chem.. 18, 175 ( 1969) ; . A. McGinnety and J . A. Ibers, Chem. Commun.,235 ( 1968); e) C. Kruger and Y.-H. Tsay, Cryst.Struct.Commun., 5, 219(1976) ;f) T. H. Whitesides. R. W. Slaven, and J. C. Calabrese, lnorg. Chem.,13, 1895 ( 1974) ; 9) . Browning. M. Green, B. R. Penfold, J. L. Spencer,and F. G. A. Stone, J. Chem.Soc. ,Chem.Commun.,31 (1973); . Browningand B. R . Penfold. J. Cryst. Mol. Struct., 4, 335 (1974) ; h)R . Guilard andY . Dusausoy, J . Organomet. Chem., 77, 393 ( 1974) ; i) F. A. Cotton andP. Lahuerta, lnorg. Chem., 14, 116 (1975) ; j)M. J . Davis and C.S.Speed,J. 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    3812 J ournal of the American ChemicalSociety / 101:14 / J ul y 4, 1979Shapley. and J . A. Osborn, ibid., 96, 4038 ( 1974) ; d) T. Kaneshima,K.Kawakami, and T. Tanaka, Inorg. Chem., 13, 2198 ( 1974) ; norg. Chim.Acta, 15, 161 (1975);T. Kaneshima, Y. Yumoto, K. Kawakami, and T.Tanaka. ibid., 18, 29 (1976); e) K. van Putle and A. vander Ent, ibid., 7,497 ( 1973) ;A. Onderdelinden and A. vanderEnt, ibid., 6, 420 (1972) ; f)H. C. Clark and L. E. Manzer, Img. Chem., 13, 1996 (1974);g) P. W. Clarkand A. J . J ones. J. Organornet. Chem., 122, C41 ( 1976) ;h) C. A. Tolman.S. D. Ittel, A. D. English, and J. P. J esson, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,100, 4080( 1978) .( 22) . W. Faller, private communication; Adw. Organomet. Chem., 16, 21 1( 1977) .( 23) (a)R. A. Love, T. F. Koetzle. G. J . 9. Williams, L. C. Andrews, andR. Bau,Inorg. Chem., 14, 2653 ( 1975) ;b) W. C. Hamilton, K. A. Klanderman, andR. Spratley, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A, 25, S172 (1969) ;c) . A. J. Jarvis,9.T. Kilbourn, and P. G. Owston, Acta CrystaIIogr,Sect. 6, 27, 366 ( 1971) ;(d) E. Benedetti, P. Corradini, and C. Pedone, J. Organomet. Chem., 18,203 (1969);e) . A. Evans and D. R. Russell, Chem. Commun., 197 ( 1971) ;(f)R. G. Ball and N. C. Payne, Inorg. Chem., 15, 2494 (1976) ; 9) P. Mura.R. Spagna, G. Ughetto, and L. Zambonelli, Acta Crystallogr.., Sect.6, 32,2532 (1976) ; . Spagna and L. Zambonelli, J. Chem. SOC.A, 2544 (1971) ;R. Spagna, L. M. Venanzi, and L. Zambonelli, horg. Chim. Acta, 4, 475( 1970) ; . Spagna, G. Ughetto, and L. Zambonelli, Acta CrystaIIogr., Sect.6, 32, 2532 ( 1976) ; h) M. A. Bennett, P. W. Clark, G. B. Robertson, andP.0.Whimp, J. Chem. Soc. ,Chem.Commun., 1011( 1972) ;i) .J . Bonnet,Y. J eannin, A. Maisonnat, P. Kalck, andR. Poilblanc, C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser.C, 281, 15 (1975); )M. Green, J . A. K. Howard, R. P. Hughes, S. C. KeIIett,and P. Woodward, J. Chem.Soc. ,Dalton Trans., 2007 ( 1975) ;k) C. Pedoneand E. Benedetti, J .Organornet. Chem., 29, 443 (1971) ; I)S. Merlino,R.Lazzaroni, and G. Montagnoli, ibid., 30, C93 ( 1971) ; m)A. De Renzi, 9.Di Blasio, G. Paiaro, A. Panunzi, and C. Pedone, Gazz.ChiM. /tal., 106, 765( 1976) ; n)S. C. Nyburg, K. Simpson, and W. Wong-Ng, J . Chem. SOC.,DaltonTrans., 1865 ( 1976) ; ee also D. G. Cooper, G. K. Hamer, J . Powell,and W. F. Reynolds, J . Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 449 ( 1973) ; 0) .Sartori and L. Leoni, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. 6, 32, 145 ( 1976);p)R. Masonand G. 9. Robertson, J. Chem. SOC.A, 492 ( 1969) ; 4)C. Busetto, A.D'Alfonso, F. Maspero. G. Perego, andA. Zazzetta,J. Chem.Soc.,DaltonTrans., 1828 ( 1977) ; r)F. A. Cotton, J . N. Francis, 9. A. Frenz. and M.Tsutsui, J .Am. Chem. SOC..95, 2483 ( 1973) ; s)P. G. Eller, R. R. Ryan,andR.0.Schaeffer, Cryst.Struct. Commun., 6, 163 (1977); t)R. C. Elderand F. Pesa, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. 6, 34, 268 1978); u)R. Spagna andL. Zambonelli, ibid., 28, 2760 ( 1972) . v) An 18 deviation from the uprightgeometry is found in the relatively unconstrained ethylene complex studiedby F. Caruso, R. Spagna, and L. Zambonelli, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 32, L23(1979) .( 24) (a)R. J . Dubey, Acta Crystallogr., Sect.6, 32, 199 ( 1978) ;b) G.R. Davies,W. Hewertson, R . H.9.Mais, P. G. Owston, and C. G. Patel, J. Chem. SOC.A, 1873 (1970); c)B. W. Davies andN.C. Payne, Can. J. Chem., 51, 3477( 1973) .( 25) (a) C. E. Holloway,G. Hulley,9.F. G. J ohnson, andJ . Lewis, J. Chem. SOC.A, 53 (1969) ;1653 ( 1970) ; . Ashley-Smith, Z.Douek, 9.F. G. Johnson,and J. Lewis, J .Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans., 128 ( 1974) ; . Ashley-Smith,I. Douek, B. F. G. J ohnson, and J. Lewis, ibid., 1776 ( 1972); b) M. Her-berhold, C. G. Kreiter, and G. 0.Widersatz, J . Organomet. Chem.. 120,103 (1976) ;M. Herberhold and G. 0.Widersatz, Chem. Ber., 109, 3557(1976) ; c)H. Boucher and 9. Bosnich, Inorg. Chem., 16, 717 (1977) : d)M. A. Bennett,R. N. J ohnson, andI.9.Tomkins,J. Organomet. Chem., 133,231 ( 1977); e)R. E. Ghosh, T. C. Waddington, and C. J . Wright, J. Chem.

    SOC., Faraday Trans.2, 275 (1973).The barrier reported for Zeise's saltby inelastic neutron scattering is much too large, based on the work citedabove.( 26) The ethylene hydrogens were bent back 16 in this calculation.( 27) Here, as elsewhere in the paper, we are greatly aided by the fragment MOmethodology: (a)R. Hoffmann, H. Fujimoto, . R. Swenson, and C.-C. Wan,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 95, 7644 ( 1973) ; b) H. Fujimoto andR. Hoffmann, J.f hys . Chem., 78, 1167 (1974) .( 28) D. L. Thorn and R. Hoffrnann, . Am. Chem. SOC.,100, 2079 ( 1978) .( 29) a) D. J . Cardin, 9. Cetinkaya, M. F. Lappert, L. J . Manojlovic-Muir, and K.W. Muir, Chem. Commun., 400 ( 1971) ; . J. Cardin, 9.Cetinkaya, E. Ce-tinkaya,M.F. Lappert. L. J. Manojlovic-Muir, and K. W. Muir, J. Organomet.Chem., 44, C59 ( 1972) ;W. M. Butler and J . H. Enemark, Inorg. Chem.. 12,540 ( 1973) :0. . Anderson and A. 9.Packard, ibid., 17, 1333 ( 1978) . b)The barriers of rotation for these complexes may be found in M. J . Doyleand M. F. Lappert, Chem. Commun., 679 (1971) .( 30) W. M. Butler, J. H. Enemark. J . Parks, and A. L. Balch, Inorg. Chem., 12,451 ( 1973) .( 31) C. 9. Anderson and J . T. Michalowski, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun..459 ( 1972) .One wishes that the structure of dipentene-PtCIz, N. C.Baenziger, R. C. Medrud, andJ . R. Doyle, ActaCrystallogr...18, 237 1965).Were known more precisely. It has one double bond perpendicular and onetwisted 62 from the coordination plano, and the distances fromF't to thecarbons of the more twisted ethylene appear shorter.( 32) M.M.-L. Chen, Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, 1976. See also C. Bach-mann, J . Demuynck, and A. Veillard, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,100, 2366(1978) .( 33) (a) C. G. Kreiter andH.Strack,2. Naturforsch.6, 30, 748 1975) ; . Koemm,C. G. Kreiter, and H. Strack, J. Organomet. Chem., 148, 179 (1978); b)L. D.Brown, C. F. J . Barnard, J . A. Daniels, R. J . Mawby, andJ . A. Ibers,Inorg.Chem., 17, 2932 (1978);c) P.E. Riley andR. E. Davis, ibid., 14, 2507( 1975) . he argument on lack of metal-d olefin ?r* bonding in this paperis not correct. See also M. Bottrill, R. Goddard, M. Green, R. P. Hughes, M.K. Lloyd, 9.Lewis, and P. Woodward, J. Chem. Soc.,Chem. Commun., 253( 1975) .( 34) For other structures exhibiting this asymmetry see ref 23 and M. K. Cooper,T. J . Guerney, M. Elder, and M. McPartlin, J . Organomet. Chem., C22(1977) .( 35) L. Libit and R . Hoffmann, J. Am. Chem.Soc., 06, 1370 (1974).( 36) W. L. J orgensen andL.Salem, "The Organic Chemist's Book of Orbitals",Academic Press, New York, 1973, pp 19- 23, 115.( 37) See, for instance, . Hillis, J . Francis, M. Ori, andM. Tsutsui, J. Am. Chem.Soc., 96, 4800 (1974) .( 38) A comprehensive, up-to-date discussion of the problem is given by Dewarand Ford in ref la. For reasoning by others with similar conclusions see:(a) J . Chatt, Chim. Inorg., Accad. Nazl. Lincei, Roma, 113 ( 1961) ; b) ref16; c) W. H. Baddley, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,90, 3705 1968) , nd ref 7 ; (d)ref 7e and 17d.( 39) R Hoffmann, J. Chem. fhys., 39, 1397 (1963) ; . Hoffmann and W. N.Lipscomb. ibid., 36, 3179, 3489 ( 1962) ; 7, 2872 (1962).( 40) . W. Richardson, W. C. Nieuwpoort,R. R. Powell, and W. F. Edgell,J. Chem.fhys., 36, 1057 (1962) ; . Basch and H.B.Gray, Theor. Chim.Acta, 4, 367( 1966) .( 41) R . H. Summerville and R. Hoffmann, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 98, 7240(1976) .( 42) . H. Ammeter, H.-9. Burgi, J . C. Thibeault, andR. Hoffmann, J .Am. Chem.Soc. , 100, 3686 1978).

    Polyene-ML2 and -ML4 Complexes. ConformationalPreferences and Barriers of RotationThomas A . Albright, Roald Hoffmann,* Y uk-ching Tse, and Ted D'OttavioContribution rom the Departments of Chemistry, Cornell University,I thaca, New York 14853, and Universityof Houston, Houston, Texas 77004.Received September 19, 1978

    Abstract: Rotational barriers in acyclic and cyclic polyene-ML 2 and -M L4 complexes are analyzed by subdividing the mole-cules into polyene and ML , fragments. I n C,H,-ML2 the inherently small rotational barrier may be strongly perturbed bysubstitution patterns which create an electron density asymmetry. Slipping and geometrical deformations of the coordinatedpolyene may also occur. n acyclic polyene-M L2 complexes generally large barriers are to be expected, with well -defined equi-li brium conformations. The analysis of ML 4 complexes fol lows similar lines, but is complicated by a geometrical degree offreedom which relatesC4"and C2" ML4 fragment geometries.

    In several preceding papers we have analyzed the bonding,conformational preferences, and rotational barriers in poly- ene-ML3' and ethylene-M Lz-5 transition metal complexes.*The barrier to internal rotation about the metal-l igand coor-dination axis is a most direct probe of the bonding in thesecompounds. In this paper we study the important class ofCornell University.