ART ON T IK SIM..;. Till', LABORS OF TIIK MTV, PAINTKR. now ms erong nun os non inti oi nra am- 1 I IM eui. 1Y|i \Y .1. II- OLOIfa.Bil M.MLlilYl.- AM> Mlliltll).-. Scetie painting in an art by iisilf. There is nesoll, r tn en. st eef is,i.i)' Ugjo t like lt, cither tn th* VS nely i-f -mi ,-t- t--iiin-:te el ot In Ute incl lind* fliuilo.Y sd lbs isereogh se* nie ai Hat asa Ob ciiuaiiy si notts* Ib ISUdSOSpe m- n,;ir tis- work, mehi, unal or fteaoo, lit I.- tm! |, e,.,: led to cultivate say psnteslsi ce! In* ni . aot mir Live.ruc *Iy1s. Il' inns: le-* Hi.le- He preielll -, ni nit Lui- t ,. v.i-l lill, ll ^ Ul,il* pSSSSS Ol kwh airland ot the lat meadows ol HoUand; tbe green lanes td .inn-Lt,.- England ur the whidingralieysot n"h.ii t iHpatn. Io Sta architectural wert )-. di voi-' un .-if it. t e Qotkte que, mv Iiitl-I ..,- t ,; i.i:- m. st a ut 111, M "I li, ri, QreeB iilei ItoOnn n ,n r to-.ai b* calle ilnttbe Tciii|i e cf M n y a. an.l '-t ni T. ,, '1 t i.i-- weak ii. yy ii um- ii,.t,i, uni .. Palace cr Ve.isi, '. t. ll . all kStilWI il,-, (Old III" BIMI J lill lilli!!-. -¦¦ lHI*t IK' III I'l- ta .! I.i rite lt I: eal lit v, a "i'l li my ol Ile- Iii ile: 1 ls ri emp 0.1 .e: ¦¦ t In,I,t Iii. BS ' '.'! Y 'I '.Y !l paton ¦. i e-Y appi nearly to tl of me -. t pres Bere used ,* th ., ne i ale . Hoe, 1 lt -. I! i i -tciies ira modi . tao el dter, \y Bo buildi rorli ind l ' li ls teen reade lor the ic..." .).. I. ¦¦. iffsir, anna ape n I YY tb ( .111,1..I-.V.-I.ms Blt I I t .ri .ii it tbe b ... obed t*y tvbi< I'HiMl. I I,' .let in f f ti si ami ".ii al t- ., trh e. ihe bottom la tt.tiei ur tm* stace. 1 f: imt lo reach a ne. Be )¦- prov yy- lt .;>. ,.f i>i i- agfn i .. i id :.i n ii, -tie-.i ii-1» ii*, ,i ;¦. Bttall aharp one for drawing flin In addition io Ike -I ,1 YY ll.ll YY.i-i, bl U r II: tl .' yy .-a saud .-ki.s. Hts colors ara kept in bm oana ..... tte isa long table ¦.: i, .riiiinncil cuni,'.': ito bold Stnitll tjll ttiiltl' ). e.! Ciel.T. Iiivi' J.U'i nnYV flt* ki-tf**. iii-'a,,*, plenty of twice aod sinks of ami bi i* is ,i|. ti, go towosfk. IL- i-i lin t .. prime" - .. i kia :- aa with s eal white. ma .iii others tut-d by him arc wuk "altmg." waieh laslmplys i of glue. Working witn colors otlxi ..nt.:' ,. ,, ailed painting 1! l.l Ii s Li, ., ,e)l Y'.'lll 06 spoken of un iii.r ob. The pruM g ,-¦ tl ls laid ou with a i.e.ivy esnliewaab brush,oars beiugt kern todrive the t "i well mtu lite cam i*. * in ..yi nn .'Ci 11,11-1'!! i- ll-t- I tin ll .'.I ral u duck. .'.it- r um y .- i pt iii.-.j .m.! iiis. tbe read] lo dina Moat aceoio paint rs do their Ur«t Inir in .i v- rv nketcat msuner. at lei | ont- ll ta gone over e-refullj rub an ink p-.teii ,.-,, , it I,,: i,,,i .,],. .| j Olliei lean .. ul art. li archill Bl ihe w.rk IS .-. i Ui ,,-. rennl..r.i.i ol "ii m 'ii* tall ti n te - r.. A - nt- pain U ,. ka waver, ii-seii- ven mach like the e B ban i ililli .li* !. - IQ eil)' L.,1, 1 .,' f,. .,, Bator, lie -i oe paint*] : , . i- Besoi v.-. ir aa I 1..Y Bini. ill.:! .il \e r.«l) '.' lt on .; ,;,ree- -ea e IB Univ Be me se thal Li t... iv mpl I edee: i nu' tolsbiag i. ," sease, and at te ..-..- it ni a pm .ii.- lu ., li nini...- at tbe lop ol tis- ¦., k* ..lt, nt tue lort t-i ni '. -li- lal ri s bel Rc the .- kiaSke oa the ,.i b ban oil t-.tl OH HS Ul ai eW, dniYY s lt It.ni ... ,, tht .>¦ en lu the i r aa a eui j... :,,| ,,... nus bo I'l Ytiiii in at. v.:111 ,>;k .. 1 ruler, i ¦. i .i- e t i-. able tn rin iU a pel leel pe upi otive l.\i lu wm li . Bel ia: _e DUI Hog -:i kayo Hie perspei ive increaeed In effcot bi milnulnja t wa.I ie ramuari duwn iu,- st .ne upon .. ---j.tlc piece set t-i.ici¦ y ie. iii.- iiiu- ni i>-1.-... tu e. BKCBCTS OF III) .-. NB lil .1 I'.. Iks nest step la Hw laj ag m o: ihs Ike sky ts. ol eoatae, the-Oil point Thia ls done with wi.itew.usii iiiii.*:!, s, tks pi.inter hems Bbeolutely free from ail restraint in his mel hod ol patting ul Un Boll Tbe paint n.a' i.tiint is to pt t ii cn quickly. Ami Sere tks gnat annmulti:.'* ol paiaii ,_¦ in OiaMmpH nee .nm' bei msgtdj plain. Tbeaa aero..mosarc two tn Booberi ti.e Hilt is, tin! Un cenleir iln- - Ve ry ij'itikly. tllUI iilT.iti!- liuc Iks artist a Incl* rue nt speed IB working ; secu a,. Ih' '-"':' r* if'aiii Yii.cn s|:> prei ti.-.v ii,iii i.i fi i. i-i: e adzed, lie- .i'i HUon ol the sith g B.dk b eaeb coloi inverai abadaa darker ih.in lt ii tvin u aiuip.Y' in 'in- |KiY».i**ii-d siaie. The koow i-dge of t:.i Eel and th.ie.li un erslauding ol !,,. iff cl the I Mni pr* lilies* ailsr drying i* en,.- u'. the great seen . Hi. art. Oil paintet* o huh .tamUBi bavt been known letti the diatempet method with aneri] ri utatrui eurte c,,!,,,. iii exe wini eui .ai .say- darken several BkadOS .mi r.-ni. .in dark. C lur- mixed With * it l VT..yadi) iiiuieeiii.il originalahade. liiBer* nt p.iinteib have difli-n-ni methods, sod as'i.uii v.ir .ty in tue scinitiis nt areue p iniius as ii. Biker hraiicbes of an Too Gt-rmaa, French and y gao artists u i spagae waahea, or.ss it asualli es pixumr d, tYci k tn " l* .dy coleii." The Kit-liuli iel wkish tua-teslsat sdvsoeBa have been mads, nat glaS - Tal* III ..celie pal UDiI Is tlM >| Ile l.'eist Itllil lu*.-! effective-. Morgan, M .r*t ii, lox uml VoeKlltu are ;sin. og the lendint' r, pr-eeontattees "i nu* school la America, and iicir incl nod ih mdusllj »pre-dlog among the art- tots oi "ns ct.uiiLr.v. ttarsindity amy lu J idueo trom ibe fact Ilia on (.! Ikeee ari i-1- a1 cly pain It il a ?.-¦ te iii um!*: twenty by lalttj leel ia 1c*d tuan f mi s nu Kine ul ile- if re nts-ot eitfleertiioes iii seana palutlug tristii ordinary Yiat.-r color paiiuiig that,walla the Balers ol the Intier are ttanspswsnt, 'lio»e ol Hie fannel ari. OP-'iae'. Pot ms! un'--, tli. YvaU-r-e.iren p linter tan lav lu a vt**ib ot jcllOYY octire. nnd. n> OOVennii I; when dry, wiso s light cool eif mander lake, etta it-uafora irina .ott utau-ie. Iii distetniis r, however, n.t vtut of oiaeldel lake we,ii'I nut allow tin- rchow to allow hut would completely hide it, a.ni Uta ._il pr«-eeut«-d trould lie pure pink. From this tact n*>uun a leitai dlffen oe la the oalnnug eef iullage. Tue wat-r-oolor puoter lays In hu il-ht tiuif first aud |eut*in blaakadowa aflerwarel Tke scene paiutef may do Uusoruei as he pleases, ll mav put bil hgsl Unit over nie dara uaeBMid ihe-v vt, D.i luii-any o. their brtilUnc-y. Tbt* aa vantage ol ian lu remnf* io *i»¦*'* u,4>' '"' saaliy Bean. If tn. « fclol Pieiiiir .-. isneh ti) put * le.i. liK.it ni the lui Idle ol aahodow.ue must tl *t eraei wilka skarp knueapot tioneithi*>ii*rktinuoi else pot oas lieavy spotol Chine st* a,.tte Over tks spot, lam er*Med .r w..,i nci lit pat* the requited um- Ike disieaiD-i painter is relieve I of talarouuuBbout Btoeess.for hui.-ly dot. m iii- buhl ctiioi Ytiinivei Lc needs il ovet thc darker abade and lt ahowswltfl I'l'tiect hnllianey. A-.-;tiit. In palnilus elie* thc cee-nc p..lnte-i wen ks hy a niel lind of inti own. nut unite mat adopted by oil painters. Tba water- ooinr p.tliiier must lcav- hi. tue tei .ail li(-ht-) ol lu* i-kv wie'-p pstrtug m toa sum eotor, andie -it'ii.-iei t-iYYuric w.th hn. tims wc'- Toe scene painu-r may ny rn tm an- tiro »ky wita teluc, and p_in. his li^lit y.iltBWieAit cloud,. over it aiteiwuni if ineordiaarj satee-eoloi poeatet ttrtt tn do this, his clouds u.iun' In- grtt-n. OOOI SCCUe vatnicis, however, work ihe,r entire sklei **rt. Tue eels el ol i* slit p.iintcil ilma alwiiya vt:r> line; hut pi.ly an arfet lUiinu.-hiy oooreraaai *vuh tut-valuta oi bbb several pigmema cando ni- i-'e,r lhe«eisn,li win bc r "int misers-d, pr, aini a verv di..erent appear- hnoe When srel from tout wktck tiny itate w.ien uty. Ooer.e palotiug baa i> .*¦«. nu so Imporlaal aa ari that .no targe tum ia tumeity makai » lui-at ipecially ol Imoortedmaterials. In r, a loim ,i*i oteeloreand o.ner thfahi used i'Xciu-ivi-.-rta «e um arUiasd u. nrovem. nts ara I"*11"-' oonetaatly ma!-. Poraiero aoene oamieri were obiuceii io ni.ii'1 h. er owu cohen, t-Qt lheR« .. .- now pr- P-rod Ul PO I' " -tn .t ia. grtiOaa it water kmoag the ool-ra used a-moat exolu.ivcl) bi bi,nu artlatsare Eueliab Pans wi.il- sine skin w_ite* dion bksca,ffr-akioti black, t'urkey nu. lt niau .-ic:...--. Coiogue earth, U | s, Se Swen lui tm r ifre-B-ii Ne nv-1- eler uneu, uilramarinegreeu, ill ri...-ll tlue ssura blue. PetvlaB searlei, Turket red, luat-an r.-i -o;.i*il'.", Mageuta, Muuich lake 1 trenHui Yienualaki ana blue lake. H rn ol beete ooloraare alao ¦aad b) fl e. f.i.lie I- llni.-i Yt.. .. hu I, t l|,.l exec pi iu irtistsare Ceieatiai iilucsohlea tx ari-eti lakea, Mllorl gr»-eas, Freaeh green anei ltaknn 1 nt . .. il * si.e-il.i iv leiiiHi. ...! I-', scsoe pall en ate eaaraaUon. royal purples, srei a .;i)b- mdt UubcMomc. ludigol used in y lylaim (uantu acs-uu* ariiau. hut it'- nae Vert model teij bj color at ti-: Ii ai'ta eesi.rM'L i..i- t io tue ix,., is- ol aciliiiit up accuery. as lt foal* -ri 60 per pound In ory ct, ,. t,i, ii 7., in po ¦. The mos eap-nsiveco myal rase a ai. ga 78 per j -aiagenia. SI ~'.: 'olieHBo, **i .. royal Ill live la,.s *»'.' 75 Tin ft] In- t'-.ul- .!.'. iel el t li" V. 1 . p Billi..-) vf indigo alone ute sometimes igieaeeue. omi it ma HiiAi..- I. I.. .ks asens paluisr, koweeer, is nm es.flaed io ce.len* la pgedoemg bis egeota Tkew ls a number ot other m,.tA.rusi* at gwal laspotlsaws ls scow palatug i go'tg. on- dashei ol Nus, erlmsoa, ye los ... i purple tkal make Ike resslsBdenl fairy gratia srs met stone BB-Bctesl Ths!Iltfai -;'" !* " " Blalarflinle* and StafaeUlM I* I'i"" '"-I bj Ot* 0 gad ailvec teat Bomeuaaea lt bi pto pro- iocs np- ti um seana ¦ soi asa, gi I - whleh ,iiaii be ae hued nu-1* prod Tkej are niade ed pgpei wlh ¦ polish, i i .rc very -He "Ye- IB fait] SCI BBS. I * '-' .'* l,ri,i,.' p.,YY,;. i ai. made si a th i 1,,. nowd Mirer, bri ll., a. A bi-u.li fun " ) u- ii ne* Ul. I. <i BU.. ,., ,,,ii' ni ap|M irani eli mal ol . "' .J p; u tu ne.,, ,i i,..-c.i lllvei. ll *.r.-ii.-*lt ian " -.') '.¦!' '.'"l .i '¦. !¦" i - " ''",";* |W K, aland ike *:¦"" "' *-- .'"¦' li .,. tiicati eal -''' ¦' "tl* t" yyIi.i art . ?.,:'.. - , ute i.I- I tine, lu " ipc.l .i fai-cai-wel, .V.r. ,',,.-.|. a ¦ tor ol I'ci-" oi t fu ,, . atc.di a .1- ¦"'¦.-' ' .1- repi usn K_4."islW. u^ahigui/*pod#bedmsulawfcanai ts the rays >f tbe run. This ls done hy means of colored lacon, rn. Tbe surface ot the metal I* painted and a wash ol tiles.-laequera, bieiul >ig from one tint lute another. Until over lt Tuc. light rsBMStsd from these different ooloretl washes produces ihe desired effect arni give* a lilbbiy realistic reen seiiuimn of a *urfaoe of inetal. An les sc.-iie ia aiv" somptete witeont seaMtksis to pro¬ duce glitter snd -puvkle. This effect ls produced hy " freel mg- *' al rruaiictl ula**, which are made to adhere to the eanvaas tn the sbbm wassel aa thohreass pow¬ der*, The . laborats ersameatal worn in latertor scene* v.-ilini lt tn-tua nf aten.-ils rut ni pasteboard iii.re .-un books pu. Il-lied on tn- ca painting, whMh mvi) lar i.iniiiii ra ol b autifa dr-iim* for panels, cellrnr*, :m ill-ill t a .uni oin. te lltiie'Mal Work. l'.ViTV iri'iu-- painter hm i collection of (ness ivor.-. Tbi Ingenious i. .it-t'i;. ia eniisiiiniiv eotnhie 'ni,' the different deal ns and often lavente asw ouch. Mc i- thu* enabled to preasal te ths public an sver-chaagiag viin- I iv. rim inst thine t.. nt c asene patater dei b fen ths produ i, ii tu a ne ptej la to have UIbi I open ge ai ni it.11 in order thal be san arroasi the llsbl- Ins of them, 'i i. saa man " ot a tboatre ls tbe arti.t'a II USUI II I-- ia ni- p..vt-i n. nun the fliic-t act-tie in ,t ¦¦ t;:.,,! ', is Inreerl hm) high upon a moonligni seene. eaieluni* wuh riana mit prop in ii;i'-ii..., f shadow ot a atral lorder- , in, n .:i.I-...- Boaga ire ruin to tut ii '- .n in: hoi K. T .<¦ K- ol a a. ene i». there ore, a mallei thai ri pins ibe nu-; caret ul ulnar, i ie artist uta In tbe centre nf .i.i aod ul fi ri ii ii and ii re a light I* tamed up aud them oi lamil tbe proper il c ia a- outed, I '"" "' every I in ntl', in n tbe pi ufa 1, >w pl a.- m.il" r ire ii work ; result tin B lt ll n il '. lin tr ..,..¦ .'.'. Il Bl l-l ..i lUl* '; 1 ima I.et li i- ,, ... a: ibe cloie of tue p ni"'. -i it .... I m III -.- p urea ai storth Ju sal ia lbs] are i>...i.ieii..' BJ OJ Ml I ll li. US. i U I tetts '! dame Thiers \ta.s a year older than Qn \ ria and waa married -ix yean before her ie of Prince i oerl ol Saxi Co- Iiml ti. i tn nen 'i a fe ol M. .1. b bride waa p tbi can if pt - nd uucient la guugna, of bbUorr, and .in II b bad bad tue um'iinon toabinen* iii ¦-- i. ii uuii'i.n a brUUaol writ r. lier style was i y, verj anginal, and yel po lahed anil wi liH'i. Bat mere never perhaps yetltvedn wnmai - ..¦ with som n opportuuitiea to -.,?/¦ and sp! ii bd p ': in tot a ld, eared i ii tor bi ap Inga. utiful hi yontn. Th outlines of bei race were pur regu rbeu I.- is Mei -itonlili i rn : ie .1 iii bi r life wen -.' .ii- .1. .ml ie r -t and banda were celebrated for the* lon ot tt.i n form, lu .h>- nutei m ol tb* ,-r nnd Mai tenta Mm 1 rsa M r e 'i ¦- a ho Ibeu V l. ih a ii '.:'¦ a,i: a tn., fl i ering Uk ;..--.. ..rn ... .i . iCiiiititt to « rite mt..- / to writi Thiers, paid Iii Ii r : ihe ed. ct ii croat* >1 at a fane] i- in tm en in ::.- i. -..-, ,: al another (ctr ai rn- bonn ol i- Minc, riiicrs .it the fol iiimo Mme ,:. rs in ti,,- intellect if i Panatenne of the o n : mit. » lin iuverg ie, ., :. in nm - Ihei time OUl ni i-. i. iui sal It-d la " on bi i.i -1 bos 'fi r, ililli nol till iritirn'inic ii- Parit In h i 'i : i lu fii - ¦'.. il .' Il ti .,'. I M .Ul . I , ,-.-. te iminUtrativa -. ipa ii i. " a .... n with pai -i i.i Bid .a upon M. lated I said sue .eiifi . i. ila ¦- ." i- i., i, -. .in after In r UintOei mere were, iiitii.-.¦ tbi-r, six mi ten lunts I HW lc ll -.... >t bi ter bj i * Ile hall _ rt it il li ill ol Iii tn de. U \tl_U" I, i an.-ai mer, Cousin, and ) , i is et auily asked ,i ll elng luxurious wai an exi beni oae, and tin- BOt-oUl WO. ''..li-.tllle. After ¦' ihe wea*her w.ia noe, n>- toes bu vialiors toto me gamea, ap and down which h.- b iskly Mini. I biers aloud ut _ done-window. I'be luomeul IU. n in, er..: m. lowered t -ti .ipi ii mi, uni: ,, toa* ini wt l-l. i. He ,.¦¦,. tl SOe lll»l»ll I iii ll- VTll rt ill n. I it I. tn in -.in ii iii rs tt i- ii -'-. ind ni* ¦. as ii ii ni " M. -. .. .'ll I, "I 1. M.l'l..'." Hi* last. -. a in: -. " :it -:i .. .- i wbel me. Al t ' " .i KIP IV ¦rt ie. nut tiiti iiiii uni.i. .ii- ra ba thal i'm n rei Ibu fore li id the inii .mi the w ..it m oi in.* e t, red with creen satin, I ion u r Ina; io a lauy'a complexion. A uuruner ol tba fair les oi ber Bain i be u. Iveisa! ii 'ti. madi .. po or in rn bile it ben- v, nt ass lue v ii.111. wu a in-r. A-i.'.i.' - l'n-f at a, Mme. 'I'i it-i- waa also tni f...' at Ihai lour lo looa ttlltri Ililli. i..!i w a loo bust IUi :,. area to i«"- aalei Ia tbe evt-nln* r ii-1 wt en ilini, ., ,,. The t rr ol uer boiou di ut wa* otu n ad - .. tmi,hi mmu :t c nt..-.. .-:t .ti:,'. « \, "I. U.i ,,-ateo ,,..¦ ei ih tribe of old la.drop a»n .-. .a m. tair. and leu atlantis 1st r sun up, aud, iuii,oui xaetlj kui Wing s here - e waa, a ina, .i,. ..i ij ea -. 1 hare be ird bei tims tink on taloa mi I-- :t. -nd ii to toe sam ,i un, Louis llerbette, Prltiw Orlotf, Priaee Hob ol lie, and a- Due de Broglie, lime, i'biera, Ute uigui ihe ii 'uso- Bunche mon ai tacod hei Douai In 1870, fat .i really co *e«l lt Her courage ul ways roae wita danger. a pluck, aiiuoug- I believe la bel lire soe qttarreUed wttr, relative or friend On tu -ion ol M. lui. r-'r OBeral sim defied M 1'ttiii tm. ami tv, u ttii- a<nura... ii .>: liep.iii.it-.,ti ¥ nm, pi um- blah loin- ivliici sm-nt k -i.'.'ii.iiiuiiiiu;-.,, ,. , !, i, rein !. tl .->,,,-wa. In- Hivc-cl in nf P.h.s um Hat on >. 'eu si,.-tiree detl vt I'ltlers'* oorpee id a gol ca r tie muf¬ fle uti lu cr ipi lu Pi rc Luoii lise, aod ber pupa arny bau noi abated ou the .i ».» at Um flr.i aaaivenun-y 'int.. The i;u>- mi-en by y,u.c. 'Ti ci- an tbe pnbl cs ton by h.-r of M. Thiers'- uist penuca! manifeaio, ra a great measure loaureC Ihi defeat ot tbe Elyse* t.arty. she, ,t. not rea'.gn hemeU lo beaubaeqii ni toraetlntneaa mi., nhirh ins . great memory" ad talla-, lu Heifort, because nc given ii Irom Um rruaalaus, abe tonk io the v-t-ri laai a deep Interest. The poor ol BeifutT were the object of her particntar aoiieliade, ind a quartet of aa hour heiott-lin-.lie* ber !a-t breath ibe begged.the M. lu af ilia: tnttu ii.r.iii. cal,eil.tool Ba BBonld he lil lUgbl t" Uer ned- le. lt wei lui tTisli In semi a mrs aaai to lie..tori. Bal hei weakness wa- too great le speak Wiit-ll Iii: elie". Hil.K ms hand lp SOe ol pera amt wits tas other pointed to ¦* bust ol If. linera Doubt lees she wanted to es ri s.- patrloUc sentiment neil to Bonnee! him wi li lt It is anio tua' alu ki a lie- queethed her bon foi Be to ber sister, and aa her death to the Citj ol i'ari*, to i»e converted into a 1 luerri MiiHeuiti. ^___________________ _/ / VS IC II 1 B B A 7 II I. ll lt ll 'OM T. GOVERNMENT INDICATIONS. mvOViSfor ll* /<t'*f ~\ ht.nis. Wa.-himi roar, Dec. 27, 1 a. m..Snow eon- Banesta Nw Kogleod. witb bigta nortbeasi winds.no eaiange in temporal ur ..n de* ldc Hy lower baro-Mter. Bnow prevailed in tb Biddle Stale*, lollowed in the Southern portion bv clearing weather,biak lortb wes iii winds, sad rlMug tatrometer, lin- narnu .ter tia* rlaenini itbara Btatee, wnhportly okmdi weeta- ii, i mil erl toeasterlj s ls, s d Doehaogc la teni- per.it .ri-, i in baromi i bas fallen in tbe Lake region, w,;n variable winda, cloudy weather and snow, and i.'.irU i ii di." - in temperature. Pa Uj eloudj weathei and light snow are reported frorn the Northwest, witb Dj .' .Pr northerly winda, and Intoe Ifisaourl Volley, bight r barometer. Tuc ana of i iw barometer ia cn il near Newport, and tbe bammetsi i- noualla Nj Ibe i. -i --ti--, url V li y. In-ht li' .a. li i . el.. 1 illina ibo? 'l by .i :.!¦. i obaoge I-or. iii- Biddle Vista.. r-lt ar or clearing ti Dight d r we.ti..er i aunonai - i. .if. -ll t r ;-. ,, \ -i in fKIBUNE 1.01 Al. OltSJ **AT1 ¦ i li.' ii i. . n fi.Tm "*' Jj_ .Igu. - ^29. .. 'I RI SCSS Ol I pp l... Ul . . "Il the i er tl ii. .... Ct od by rlearinr and partly chtinly weather, 111111 bc expt to-t'iY iii nm city aud vicinity. -?- CTNTKAI. TAKK oh-TUVATOMMI JbttratJ of Mttroroloutrnl Fejinrt fur theieeek ratted at 1 pm. Ktiruriiay. lier. 'ls. I!AK'')MKTr.K. I nelie*. Mean.99 MB Max. iii tn inr.'.'I 'in.-'n, Mfa. I. I'M.. I')'.. -il '.".'.al'i Baa ss.059 I H HM- -MK I r"K. I'egreea. Hsss -.074 M .X..(i I). OU, Der MU it Mill., i'll. Itl lure. _:n ..H. liAieir- . ut. niatatira travelled by tho wuiel ilunnK tha neel, ISIS mlle*, tu marks. Ami'iiiU of wan-r Dec. 21. anowfrom 'J inn. m. to ?p. m .PI .J Ii.,- J I. anew from eerie) ;> tu. tee Lip ni.14 IB en 'l'--'r*l amount nf water feir Ilia wre-k. *' U"h Daptkalsaaw.s iochmi. TAMMANY AND .1 V 7 /-7M MM IN Y. THI'. DEMO! BATIC I.'KMNANTS. TltVIVU IO PATCH li' A PASTY eeir elf VKItY POOk M Y LIA!.- DI -I lil Lins III. )M I tMMAXY. Tin* in.-'nu/ itieiti ul the Demoetotk Assem¬ bly Ulallie! I'.-eniiitte.- uml. i* tks *".<.» f* r 1 M,. iii |--->t I i.,'.-er .. pl,j,ni ir |ll iii irv" el.eil i* lien' Y' ..! II''- tesl,ats.1 all ate tn working order. Votkiag atora wW be daaa fat tbs prasaat, TbeCounty Oo-uaittes willeaoalstol nine' lin nih -ra fm ,t e-ai-ii As-ctnlilv District. II- i'ii| IBU leTB mil in bin i iii tease centra pl ie ¦. aod the! aaa) mute.' yv n m. st nt tessi onee ¦ wee k daring a polities! campaign, 11 w. Bs tbe liam forkoldlng sn. yb mi, ,i,- ii, geminate candidates io ks roted lot la mora thaa ons Assrmhlj Distrlet mm is Ikeaeateat approach to a " hail" i. ot snisstloa wUI e. AH otkei p.--r i-ie :nel In Ike Assembly I) tm Co imlttecs snd tbs rsnous conventions which tn tun.' Ut iitne. iii re is a good deal ol eorloslt] smong pnttllelsBs i-n. b's h. in g ih.* i|ie-u.'i, -Ait. t ci tbe Hotel Bronawtok ami ins Young lieu's Democratic Club Commit!* a loovemenl wbich aha ir.ve muck real strength. Tiie pi ian.m ia freely made thal tb un aili a -Y-, i owen np bj tbe .per-Tbompaon- rsetlon. it t-.¦! .1 thni ap. eta nit- li, rntie-. ,|. ia tit.- new move mei li- lr,e. I-, YY iie-l .' ) .., rOg Its ile yu*" tlItt* alli toward building up Ibe Aseeml Diitrlcto SltlOl ,.¦ nu ri uri nt Y*. ni le wit.it fnri-s'. ih call fi,r tin- meeting tn'se* held '¦< s e-Y, mt. |, al lin- ( iieeni-r InatltUte signature*, and ic vera! prom neut Demo* signed h. I la notloeable tani .Mayor Cooper** uame li from the iii >. ihed i.-l Me vt.i* oas eif those Wbo origin r.l\ tue, it te- Uuii BrOOSWIOk, BBd ht gUVC i ewsfreelj at that meeting. Among those t boara expected lo add ree* the meetimr al the Cooper Inotltuii ai e o*walli Oitennorf r. Aumin B. Hewitt, Whee er fl li-a shan ..lim \ J ole} an Johu ii. Develin. I YY (, I YMYLYSV lee ITS l.Y II¦'. The ei"-er.-i imi, ram many lt.iii -mi eontin-a members of tbs Vlth Aaaembiy Di trlel . -Ommlt- is-s. yyi,,. n, re ni.! ]¦:..- -ii at the meeting -, the com¬ mittee ,i ii rn,, evening, bave writtea to Edward Mci ii .inn,in of the oommlttee, approrlug bis Brilon and declaring .* tbal tbe Intolerant aetlun of Jobs '- mted .ni tfereoee ni the aflaii ol uni' dialnci ore mob thal we Bad tl re i* noth¬ ing lefl I..i ic,', man wltii independence "i- self-reapect to do but to retire (ram .rn orran ii ition walch tolerate* un - mi Atti r. an K.rK. ol De II A*-, rabi) DUH I Ile nen Ito.rd ... A du ui ti, rmi b.v .uiy m a n mn; te re in mi Hill, bul with lld i;ii - ail k"eii.m ..ml -I, Y .,, ibi iel I the Irving Hell mem.MTa, HU tin- ground mu lu Y ure fellowing Mc a lliej In Ipe .! lo ell s-i. Ed .! - y , , n.t v.. -ii tm Sin ll s:..ii in i' ll tea Iv ras Mr. K ¦'- io I its '"i |!"- niun!!. mon io i inr na it le hi.icedi to T.eeiim y it,, ihl-e rear, ll ii ler in " ' md i '-. it baa in ir a cl ¦. p r»onal pon cal I De dm Mr :'. *. ame th- r- ora. Uuii n 1 7.. uin tne -i .y ,..>. ,,i I ..a il e... il .' U Y'.;lli I -ii.un.ut-. tut rep lug a 1 -tr. r ling h v .-. ..I, bi H -un ii i, ,i. i yy,.i be aie.iibi-i the XX mimili .-. i uti -....'. :. i.a eui m. titt- t-ucMtion ol f Mr. K imp thal ,. ia el un ni y l- .ri sn tue i 'ii: ii leaden to drop thc old com¬ mittee q ii ' ai qui i- .i ie ., one. 1:1(11 IBO .1. M-1U1I-- I (OB, remains ol toe te rm of iii' e of tb* i;.i .ni ol Al lei m ii fi ii mw ii la i- u to bc duos alter tbe n-rolutioo e-fie ¦-i ¦> tne "combmactou" a ali >ri time sg >. i ¦" u ont ul yet rei ..una to i'l 111 il mi'- eel Ih. I.Ye -. I II,:il!S-l ,||,'re)ll|.s. Ci, lim,1 .1. M ¦!. -Y I. ll -tie ..: tn hui na , ll,-; lu li mmi.ii tteii -then the ii,. --;.. Fnedsam d Mltcbt ll YYcrs* a. nt .it io lbe Aldermen for oonflrmatton. lill- i' IV'' ti ... tsi [lie I '*|' "t Ill I1 I nu ni' a. Bl Mr Yveiiiiii boll over natl) after Mayor-elssci an ntlie -, windi hil nain-- vy.i.i.I la -i ni iii hv UM llllll-l. lt Wa- a- .1 ad al thc tune tie- c. niiii-iatiiiii aaa wade tkal tkli vviiis the arlee eif Alderman Helbig*i erote, aad tba charge waa made ope Ij la tbe Tkmmaaj Ooonaltteeoa Ors alsation .and denied minsiocer Moerrtison, He do - uni Ytaiii i.i.. ongttetoa ol Bxctse Commlssiooet ussr ihat of ii eu (ie-rle or Secretary to 'lava .r i. yji *i,,r ,-,,n i. ;, lawyer, and li aaxlouato fallow his |irn: -ni.i. He yvu) Au tbl*, and mav rs- oi iy Miine non»id i fi om tha i>rp.,r ttiou 11 mi -i -i's. :in -. Tue pelion who liven likely ta be norn t- n i-i,I "ii 'lie Ii ': ll I int .- r .1 tUMS L. Yl.eii- h. i -. I* .,- ('..tuiii --nitier nnd ,,i ju,.,ni y| ,\ ,. , hu tracey, m.iy, r Cooper** Chief Clerk, yy BU UM -nus- pine un ., Mayor Grace. i- yu:, ii i, -eli "OS nu ii '.' i. "T Theie nu been much interest felt by politicians gsa. erallj ni kiis-w vin) h anting ths eommunicationa in The Star, *lgoed .' Man os tke Penes." ll* hss already ftli-ei si.r tl in i-iiti-l'is- sine WrlutU omore.ik lu tho T.tin- ni ni y Committee nu Orgao 1. mn bj bis sharp comments sm r. I'.. Bi loots. 11-i rv li Pun .j. Ea i- ( ommli imnet Mun i-i-nii (uni nih era I-.* "'ian nu tin- Patine" ia obvn tu y i Ye-te-r.ui politician, sad partly em seeoast of bt* style of eu , part',] became of aerials facia whii ii in- hal ii-1 ni .1 anil a lin* mn- to earl tin p ilitle mi and eventt of tue past, tboss Yt an wi l-intormrd In mi ii matteri are Inclined ta Believe thai George H. Pinner la tbe .. Maa.* He ekas been very Intimate with Mi Kelly dur,ii- and slnea tbe Issi Ional political earn- a iud n.i ii ill] li ti inti" lore i tr Ino** who were Mr. Ker lt'- i ..lill.L-l. tia? a it,-.-rs yy h, ii Mr. I'ur-tr Yvas oin- nt lbe pi.lai l ol Irv ii Hali. BEERING POPULAU KEOKOANLZITIOR. The Brnn**wiek Hotel Committee ami tin* Young Men's Deameratle -dub Committee mel yestei day afternoon al '. o'clock al Wo. 19 Monk Twenty fiiiuth-t to perfect data! t fur the maee-Mettag to bs held nest Tuesday All the members af tbi t v.- eon m itt eei were present. It was d' (ermine-, thai tin- bein lue Of I)'tn,-ii.mc reorganisation ihoUld li, .- y n a hruad popular form. THE PBOSPtBITY OF CHICAGO, ULM Mi* Y III K llil'i,Li-** UlitlMi 1IILS VLAK. Chicago, Dec. 26..A review ol tbe lmsi- nia- nt um year la I Bfasgnskowa naparallaled prospar iij a. >i un rossi in tkassatragsta rt-auit*. Hoodredgol new ladnslriss have bees sstaklisksd, tboassatts ol -silling'smllumbsssboasss hav-- bess sreeced, and tiiiuiiifacturea Bare la ssaw eaass more taaa douoied iu raina aad aasmmt. ibe bOOk (realities bBTe li irena il OVSt la-t car, which wa.-' Um heavleai in t.i,- lusturv of tba oily, hy jt336.cOO.000. ttie total ir tba y-ar belag $1,003,000,000, sad Iks basks give a loartshtag tiir.u.- tiiil exhibit. Hui Iib- sin. I mr reaao ll in Ut- grain trails-. Elevator r.i ha- besfl iBSfBSSsd oret S.000^100 huahe'R Tiiaie bas beea an sggregata of crain 1 ¦¦ redo 161.000,000 btinela, agaluat 138.000.000 In 1879 sod no nun,duo iii 1870. Inc itirnaai1 of thu rear OTSr la«! li ii enrn gad oats, tn* "Le-r cereal* ibowinr a falling ng, owlag lo the " corner" ol 1870. wbloh bi oagbl om quantiilas nf oid -*. mi. li, lsTii ine receipts were :i 37.0 barrell ,t fl.stir. 34.0OO.CHM) bualiel* ol 1 eal, 54.0.-u hu-;,.- ,,. m. 17.000,000 buiebel* of oati aud 7,000.000 bnahals ,.f y's- ..ni Lain y. I .,,. ve -ir I.. '*'. l-l- ¦¦¦¦ - ¦'¦.lb uri'ls of Boor, 23,000,00.1 hUlbell eil wira, 'i !. ss, hims tiu-ie I- ol corn, 'J-.' iai i.OOO bu*bels ., uat*. bu 7,000,1 IX) ,,( 11. rlej -.i.i'- eal Wl ,, 10.000.000 -I bela, ai,d ISSI Ye-ai I'.i i.ixiii,! ie eu I be pin p-cl iel ne-* Winter ansi -pru g ll lue rn lu in a. I, ¦,- y ol tier rom ni tdlty di sit In ri i niesrked li r *.* in amonnt prices lld. Ttol .;.e.a itt ,,r rraa* *e.d lg lim IH.OOO.OOO .nula rn 1879 lhere tvere 1--.emu.nun ...ii -I- ul Hit ... ., i i. ir; OS 'sin n ase pom -.alli-! .,1 "l.si.. |. .1, .1 i-l Yi ill .uni i .. -I .i e. ii pound* I.i-t J' III ll" I'i. I- lol l.l. ) ll . ir leal ,\ .Y I.ill I I, I - -I ¦. uteri11 be re ag ..n-i eei ...i nun ' ¦¦ ..I a lae. I., en cn ii" b itel pan ol tbs pa. king .. -. ipNi-liy ol the pat king i- 100,0 does* YYII.- red lien -¦.. :.¦ ii.i ile r ni '..: .ii Ilea. . el nere received,aw i d I ..-..¦ .¦. ____--__-_____-___-.-__ i .a -n io ah is nn ,-i ui 1.1: A |-e-ii eillilli iel Ml- 1'iiiti Pl li.- »sa'Illil I lu l-nl V e.f b in in du led like n y igrant iv nu' ob tl at Eldridge and Htanton--ila last uight. lhere bruis- im H .-ii'"'.ii .-tii iv ,i fracture of thi li" i'"'1 it first to i" Ls-vi in i' lie ni ii. hail i-ee-n ilks -ti., ii us ii minx., aita! ,inI si length (all lee ih. ;k. Un* bod) wa . used io soj one lust intuit. THE Tin HUNK FOR 1881. Reprint fd from The Ueekly Tribune cf Pet 1. Dining tbe past year The Nkw-Yobk, Tumim reaehed the largnel circulation it ever attaiDcd. with thc single excep¬ tion of a short period in the fi nt Lincoln r_unpa-gn. It a hvgnr cinula- tion, .'iud more widely distributed over the whole country than any ever enjoyed by riny other aewepaper. in the United states. Ibis fact may be taken uh the verdict el' the Atneiicaii People on Tup. Tiui'.i'nk's political force, ita fidelity to lound principle-, and it-* uieiiis ps a Dewspaper. Pot 1881, lill, Tl.lin Mi will try tO de¬ serve equally well ol tb** public Whnt and how much it <!iil for the suc- ni' Grenerul Gurfield it is eon- teni to let earnest Repnbllcnns tell, lt now hopes tn give to bi> Adminis¬ tration a discriminating anpporl aa effect- lee as its-i (fbi i for hia election. Tm: Tumi \i. vvill labor for, and it confi¬ dent!) expects tbe incoming Administration i«» promote, a free and fair iiiffrage, South imd North, sound money, protection to Home Industry, judicious liberality in lutcrual ovements, and a Civil Service conducted on business principles, on the theory of ele¬ vating, imf ol ignoring or degrading politics. Every citizen who belped to hiing in this Ailinn ,. should watch its course. The events to bc recorded in Tub Tribcxb for 1881 will therefore have a peculi r inten 1. The year ptom'ses be les t<> show whether ;ln Booth will still .-ac; nice every¬ thing to solidity ; and whether the Democratic after twt nt.v years of disloyalty and *lc- feat, will dissolve or reform. Abroad ii will -I ip.', whether England can compose Ireland; whether tbe Republic in France, w,ili¬ um tbe rapport of tbe leaden wbo established it, can stand alone; whether the link can longer pollute Eu- rope. lu Science it promises such practical iiuiiii[ilis as tin- ase nf electricity tor .ms, new nu-its of heating, and mv. forma ol p' tt.i in place of steam. In Literature ami An ii offer* iii very Bower ol our Nine¬ teen tu i irj developmeul ; in Religion, a concentration of force, and union of organiza¬ tion! on iltnpler creeds and Inlier wink. N'u iutelligenl man will in- willing to live i, the yeat without reading of these things; sud he will bc wise to look foi them in the journal which baa long enjoyed ih" distinction ol the largest circulation he le >t i opie. Th - position Tbi T Min si, secured and mi ins to retain by becoming the medium of the best thought aud the voice of the beat con- science ol the time ; by keeping abreast ni the bight il in-.^i ss, favoring the ill-en-- hui, hearing all rides, ap¬ pealing always to the best intel li- _i.ui ami the purest morality, and re¬ runing to cate! to the tastes ol the vile, or the prejudice! ol tbe ignorant. The well known special features <>!' fur. Tkibuki ill be aedalously maintained, lt- Agi ii in.m.il li. ji irtmenl will remain the fullesl and beet. i he House¬ hold iiml tbe Young Folks'Departmente, tin literary, scientific anti religious features, the siam:;.ni mai kel reports, will all be kept up, alni, ;is opportunity offers, extended. I ne special preminma for Tan Tribune ve di be found b low. The regular linns oi subscription per year, postage paid, are as lui!.-,ms¦. tun i Imi.im.r'l 00 nm v in ii cm., without Honda] ni tum . IO OO si sum ii.ii,i si: . 2 00 lill. .-I Ml VV 1.1.k.l.Y H.Hil M. repr.ouersar.*:i ot) ir. p. oas year. 2 'io»>ac!i Ten copies, oas reoi. 00 utob lill WI 1 Kl V rBIBI Ni- Snide mpv. tue r.-ar.§2 00 I it. rm p a. Ol I rear. 1 SO euell rea eot'lea,.yi ir. l OOeseb Any Dauber ol eoptes of eitber sdlaoa aaovo toa M tbe same rate, Additloni toelausmaj bo made at say Lu,. ,ii club rafi Remit bf Draft on New-York, Post ni.fi i irder, ot In r. gi»t*re«l Letter. THE irii-'M.s sr ia I al PEEMIUM8. -rn- THE GREAT BIBLE CONCORDANt Vm Nu's Anai.yi ic vi L'OBOOBB vmh: TO TBI 1'iint.i'. with every nun! alphabetically ar¬ ranged, showing thc Hebrew or Greek ongi- nal, it- meaning ami pronunciation; with 311,000 references, 118,000 beyond i roden ; marking 30,000 various readinss in the Greek Nen Testament; with ths latest information on Biblical geography an I antinuitiea ol tbe Palestine Exploration Society, in one quarto volume, containing over 1,100 three-column pages. ibal tbe rehder may understand inure per¬ fectly ibe si/i- of this -.-real Work, WU bate . mit to state thal the pages and type are Ibe same size bs those ol Webster*! unabridged Dictionary.the iti»" having a beautiful, bold, elrui lace, makins: it more easilj reacLeven than that of the Dictionary. The itereotyiie plates iitiiiu v. iti.-ii ii in printed having been made by tin- photo-engraving process, il is necessarily an exact rac-simile ol Ute English work. withoul tae abridgmenl or variatioB of a word nr letter. This ia the im>r,t important work in relig¬ ion* literature that has bern produced foi many years. It certainly will supersede and displace all similar works which have preceded ii. It is ai once a Concordance, a Greek, He¬ brew ami English Lexicon of Bible words, ami ;t Scriptural Gazetteer, and will be aa val¬ uable to students ol Hie Holt Word us an Unabridged Dictionary ht to the tfrueral reader. lt will be indispensable to the library of every clergyman, and ot tbe grenteal value to everj sunday school superintendent ami I'.ibb. class teacher Bndscholar. In fact, every home timi has it Bible in it ought ulso to have tins great help to Bible-rea ling ami study, it is its well adapted to the nae ol the common reader ai to that of the scholarly clergyman. This great work was originally published in England in October, 1879, and was sold at £1-'*. We .an univ offei il in connection with lin I BIBI M. al the following remarkably low rates : lor $t\ the Concordance and one copy of im. \\ i.i ki.v ii m m live years, or five cop¬ ies one rear, to different addresses. I'or >|| the Coucoriluiice ami mir copy ol i'm. kmi-Wi km.i Tbibi vk five >eais, ur five copici one rear, tn iiuii>n u; mill,t sse-, or ten copies ol i m. v\ i.i ui.i I iiir.i m: one year. I'or .'..O lin Chico,.! Int .in twenty collies Ol lill. WSEKLl ililli >K nile ve.ll. Tin- pottage nu ihe Concordance ia IO rents which the subscriber will remit If wishing it sent by mail. Eic |>. short di-t ince-, the mail v. ill be chi apt i than the expii lill. LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. I.Iii'.I a. Hi t Inp",ila mini.i 1.-, omitting only some ol tbs cute, with extenaive additions bv sa able corps ol Am rican eil I tors, in- ttmg aboul 15,000 a Iditio ml top tburougbly Americanising ths satire sdilin: tn it tn, , 25 pel i I "i tin- ti.- it, in - p. i'i ,. matter, 'li mg i.» Hasdaome Octavo Vol lillie* li ..-, fjlg pp n I.ii good siroug e.ilcinlei', il paper, a .tl inti.nm in VVe ¦¦ work in conned ion m un 1 ur i mm fi ss fol I ws: Bl lin. Uti "l I I'. IBBAI Kimi I DOS 1 "i i.fl.it i n li I'or <a|."» Ila.li ll 'in, in utll na I l III. I.UH. t I " ¦ 'oi- *'_n .... iii i I 1 Hill < nu i.nu tar or Un va 11 hoi I oi- 11 ;i i i m. / a i m » year, .,-... ri.r.iMii; I'or >*-.» ; sh ( m. \\ i.i iii i'lVi; t...nun af tin ..... t... Hirth is nearly through Hie press, and the rest will rapidly follow. It will be acnt ny mailor ex preaa at the aiibsi nfmr'.-i expense. The postage, if sent by mail, will be 21 cents per volume. In packin,"-*, by ex press, they can be tiad much cboaper. I'UOMPT WOBK. We want pronipt and active work on the part of Thf. Trttnt\p'n friends for this great preinitim, and BS BU additional incentive for them to «*»nd in their order* prompt Iv, we make Hie following additional sad atom E-cnuoaouianT Otsn: WHhtnen-nt '2,00(1 order* received for TlIK LiRUAitY Of Ott* vm-Ai KmiWi.i doc we will send free, as a pirsmt from Tin: Thiiiim tfassulsg*! Ht-'nr-) of Baatami, In three handsome volume*, printed on burgs type ami ginni paper, ami neatly bound in cloth. The reason we aaake ibis additional offer la that we tvant to get huh great premium promptly be¬ fogs the people, knowing, a* we do, that e. "IV Viiliiuie nf it sent out will 'e a Urst-elass adve I m nt, amt will sst others t * work to procure I'm: ! pihi'm snd tbe premium, mother words, we propose to invest ths oost ol u.nun ,,,/.,,! | ,,| Macaulay** Hiatory In btinging tb ia great premium before t ie people. ih se booka. Uko tbe others, a ul boson! al sub- icrib rs7 .xpenan by mail or exoreaa. The postage nu ne three volumes will be'_'l cents. Bl QUI! K Ainu | li This extraordinary offer, vye gnow, wiU attract wide sttontion, and Induce lively eomneti- tion. That's ju>i wba ws want. Still, i- will t;i!i" a litll" tims in c.rr, off all Hi¦ -e 2.1 '' -n tnat no one neill he afraid to competi torfe l ola Boding no chance. CHAMBERED ENCYCLOPaKDl \. A I in ti.H'iu v ol Universal K lowlsdgs fur i bs Peo¬ ple, in Ofteen volumes: being io szael reprint omitting univ tbe cute, ol" the ve»rjr lasts*! 11879 edition ol C ambers. Edinburgh Ency- .-r with four Isurgps tjpa i >f from 7'M* io uno pat aud treating about l.~,'>;»o topics Bot found in tbe original work. I hewe volumes are-deaianed te -. i..l tv.nun -,; iinei leen i'. id -. plying tbe nain al deli he English work. We offer this great work Hie lw v-wanns «'oiii,>Ivl«-' ;;;n)ii tbs following icrin-: I CHA -I,.lilt-'- i:.V Vi I.Ol'.KIitA. ititi! tie- Am-1 lean v'PH ma, a- ibove, 19 voil i'or £!.. substantial!! i.i.ii ni m c mb, mnl ma BJ ) lim.i NS 9 year-, to .me sub.-, ri- Der. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPADia. with ., ,-._ i tbe Amen an Amil.t, a* above. 191 la., a or ..a-*, .^.i,,,. hkui wssblt TnisosB h yesn I i mi, iii a ilt-r. For i BAMBEB.V8 ENCY! l.()l'.T-:i>l *, with ,_ S ihe American Aildittoi i, a* above JO vela., e*8M md ten ooph io! Tub Wbbbxv Taiaoai one year. CBAKBEBS'S EHCTCLOPJSOIA. wBh c.»^ S he American Addltlona, as abnve.19 vol*., wWV.*i md iw Dtycupieaol run Wi; nu it Tani i ss i'in- year. For ¥8*. CHAMBERS'S NI YCI.OI'.I-.IMA. willi v nu- Am. ie .ti Vipini.iii -, sabave, 19 vols., i nd im Baili kim mc two years, ex- ustve ol Hie Bundar - Ution. Fifteen volumes <>f the remilar Encyclopedia are now ready. Hie tint volams ol the large type American Additions Ia also ready for delivery, the booka are sent bv msil or expreei al tbs inb- .-cr; .i's pxpenie. I bs postage, if sent by mad, tt iii be IO teii.s a rolnme, which me subscriber will nun! it wishing them tims sent. Bv express, is packages, they ctn be had much cheaper. WORCESTER'S QRKAT UNABRIDGED DICTION LB. Inim nk will I" glad t'> lead Bl the sub- siibr'- expenae for (reight, ur deliver in New- i >k City firer, Worcester- Qreal Unabridged Quirt*! liln-M-i .! Dictionary, bound in sheep, .dillon ol'I-.71), ii- very lateal and very best eti 11 mu of ihai _t e., work, to anyone remitting: .$10 for a ningle five-Years' subscription in advance, or live one-year subscriptions to 'lill'; WEEKLY; or. fis tor ¦ single titt-veais' inbscription in ad¬ vance, or five one-year subscriptions te THE SEMI-WEEKLY ,oi ons tem'- lubscription to THE DAILY, excluding sunday Edition; or, .s-30 (ors ungle Ibres-vears' lubscriptton in ad¬ vance tn THE DAILY TRIBUNE, excluding Sunday Edition. Tor otc dollar extra mr postage th* Dictionary can bs sent by mail loan, pan of the United States, while for short distance* the sspraaa is much cheaper. For further information about any of those pre¬ miums, address THE TRIBUNE, Nnw-Yoax. f Ul I TV A lt T. JOHN in-Ki'lt HECHL I.nxDuv, Dec. 27..John J. Meehi, tim atrricul timst sud rsxorstrop maker, whoas failure was so in hi need on the 16th inst., is deed. Mr. Meehi was tim smi ot Giaccomo Mi chi, nf Bologna, wbo settled In England and eblqtnsd s peel In Hie benssbold of fJeorge m.. wai boru in I. -iidi ia, May 23, IBOS. ead entered a mercantile at the age of sixteen yean. Ahem lsj? ne set ap tor ht maali a* u cutler, ami between is:;n nut l-io muu> a handsome tartans br ihs sale ni the " Miine Balor Sirup" which bears in-, ii.inn-, ile karand in* stteauen thea te Bsitlsh farming, aud adopteil a Hystuin of deep drain a_'e ly tue au* nf sU:..tn power on hi* farm of 17n acre- at Tiptree Heath, la Suaeex. The re¬ sult wa* a coltiplelt) tiiuu.pli of Bgrll ultiir.il science, re- numerative to s blah degree. He wss appointed in i-",»'. to tbs Shrievalty of Loudon, aud ens ciiti-i ii au allic ininti tin' next Jiar. He wa* a member ol tue Connell ,.r th,. Pm-iety of Arts, urul a iuror in tbe Depart¬ ment nf Art ami Science at the )\ bibulous of 1851 and 1895, ms published work.- in¬ clude: "Ls'tera ¦>. Vitncultural itnpruvsmeat*,'' Kx perteuec in Dran ta ' snd "Hos to Farm Proiitably." JOHN Ul IT SH IN. Dbnyeb, Col., Dec. iii;..fohn Hittson, one of the nealtbiesl ann Issi kaowg came tutu of tin- Weat, na* killed ysaterday- si Bael Bijun, near Deer Troll, bis hems, by being thrown frew a carriage, ru** li i cs al :.-.cle il tn lue ramage were rmi mug away. THE srSHAY TRIBUNE In ite issue ot yesterday Tun Bokoa. Tiiuhm. contained, smongothers, (be followingipeeisl (ea¬ rn rca ! Tbe Newt In London..Tbs special cable dispatch tn Tiik 1 Ki pim -'i.tea tbsl serious troubl .may anse from ne s atu Sti lean revolt; Jobn Biigbt -viii nat reply lo tbr Ear. of Carnarvon; the fimer.il sf " (.curer- Bllof .. will ta'ie pince on Wednesday, and icrent snii.-ituiii, ia fell hi Louden fur Mr. LOWCU'S retSBUon aa li. niall Alu¬ na- idiir. Knglaml un.I the Bast..I letter fruin Mr. ti. Vi. BmalTey on fllr Charles Mike's reply tc i.nrd Bshebory, regarding Beglsod'a foreign poller. ii-l-'n-ii, i. a atieinv..lin regular sorrsspewdssl of lin 'lunn m; gives ao a..-.nut ol Bngeas Latasha, sad ,. .ti,i ...tt bli reeeptlua into tbe Preneu A sdsniy, Reroliectloni "f i Besdar..lu Un* sitiste Mr. Ooagdnn wmesoftbs Cunoatttes of Medici oe. from ute days of i la i-i linn n tn " nar oe u good doctor " Dun tbe Damme..Tue Iniiriiev trmn Ll nz ti, Bat- grade, ami the pletureaQUc Boenea mel with mi the wu v. Pl ague Spots in tbe Ci tv. .A gtanes at tams of til. place* whare <ii»eas. is meit or teat* red, Studying c.,-' and Hodel -A dseenpHon ot tho art SchiMSla r,' t bis ell'.' Dr. lt: un .n's Sword Hilt.A tale of Kn_!i*h life. linne lulen Ita. I, item .r ira the Peep s. Kn tung and Crochet, ah Anrod te ut 0 mittons. .I... k 'll uni his wif,. Ki lg ona Inti lliget.ee. ,-e euee for the People. Garibaldi . Faigliabman. ,i... ni,-- Tooth. liirtlel'l. i, ., i, i's Mother. The French Detective Among leading ar' ides of general nowa wars the following: A Veil Mt rr. Christin.:*..An account Ol flic ap. mi _g lay lu tuiacltj Bli vie mn. and at pub! ei arti ibu-1 ibiuiloi indel ¦¦ i, ,-n- of the Feast. -Beporta or a number of Christ ii ta tenuous preached bj proutueni cloi ry men , Iv. '-.-¦ (ton rbednftot poittloai and social ita ia during the bnlldat -un-.hi rn lbs National Capital. i leueral l'¦.' elgo Ni ¦.. a. I .. rain Ci up of Kan ri Beeord. Basic and ue Drama. I.I MlaceU-uy. Borne Ni .i-. The news of tbs day was briefl) express) I In tbs foliowini numma]. s i kiom .fha I.nm;,m , ii,ie diapatch to I'm .i s states revolt in tbe ra -v ...il overn- moot will have to attempt lo nut down the revolt; -t return .n Lord Kino from Itidia ia deemed iuevitiible; Mr. Brigh will n plj to Lord! ¦:. mi mi i: tin funeral tn Ihe late "(.....ree Ell H 1 ... ,.|| w. i eadey -'.t K' Baal tireen ; ii I that M mst* I.inti.l I,- , .mt nu, il tu I'll" f ll) 1.ll >: II ll il .it I, rms iii tt Im ii tl ed the in len. il nee ol Ibe ii instill Kepuhitr sro auimuuced. 'h. Indi titer:, tuc Swiss 1 le lu I \ t ¦'., lei tl >.. Vi ' the Weat i line "i '. PaciHe Bu , mi, r . i"ti a cob (OU (.. Hilo lill) 1 Territory. .. Rnow has fallen heavily in [oJmn i, Kentneky. North Carolina aud Virginia. \ railroad colliaion shout twe-lvo mile** tm lanta. Oa., Saturdav, raw-ed flic death of tin- iriticer and fireman of the O-kf-SS train. === lhere wasainutinv Hu'unlay among thc pnMMCIIN I Columbus, Ohio. jail. Cirt and .si'iit'Kniv..Cliristmai waa tn»ore erall.e and liberally obssiraH tkga f-" JM hist lew yt ant; the ( liurcne* were wil attended *'. .. spits tba boil weather.:_=A borkssper si li<" a- airily Beoebsbol ami killed ti ib it I an bat stieata were Bsads la Bmaklya tai sanooedoa wilta the fumed chei kt. Ooptaaaf the pa per may Billi ba ohtainei a- . ..* eiflhe of Tan Tm nt ni: er bp mini. Prise 0 eenie, A physician hos Joel tHeeorered tbal drink- 1 ti LT euler eau«e- l-OUlnettMB. UlonoOSl WDSB '<. r nasas a fallow bave trouble la aslklug. of coi j t ti. tiiiint -m. On, anal sksald we do wi bool ll I pliisi--i,ni l-lBtMton i'i--' PASSENGERS ARRI VI D. I RO'l I.HMM-, gi -IllYI-,111' I SMIll. awdry. Miss M B Briai By. JmipB BeU rn, MlasJ Hii'l-,.1, I uni ia .) 1 /jellly eon I. lt ...iy nis.Yi uni.mi s iii rta t rnmr bobo*. f n e'eidt ei Li. rv, ri li Mis- A B -t. is i-r. Mr* R S. limn r. J r.0 Iib: , ilaiiiiiiir. I Una. J M. iili.e'li Mrs YI Ki ... || I. ' ti, Wodra!* ei kieiti.uri-i. capt j gabr. B A < e,;.n Seems y sm\ii. Appair..Moot poo* pie neglect it. Wboauudaitl Y-* a e-n.-l aw? tara to c. ti niiiptiBiti,nmi net, tallawa sta ..th. Better isks a cold la Uaw tty ostag Dr. D. layatft i k> at, tks wetl-kauwB al int ransdy fir rrrgtq, ;ii',.i,i'-iiiii., hriBin nitia ami ,il| * uLniili.irv comp Un ts, md rour eotd will dissppear, as wail an nil .i|l ie.e.-tl ...,;| o' ela. * o.Bitrto Grape \K lue allie, ,i \i -; -it \ r .lill' -'ll III 111 nf at.I and Hadianii ive* Ill ll,.ai* I 1 ..¦ -|,e. < i-iet drape anet Bargu I Inc e- i-t. mr .- t. ti loni t- i. ne nnv oi h*i iii- lur Uta New Veal'I tabla, let e,nisei,e ala .:.'! I-n Ihe ii. Kly s.Ul-,,Itt.j,lites. -aierTt u ti ..4 YY a rea * .s V The N.*w Pool Cilttr-i- I let.nor*. Ul"1'- '' el r. .1... at.,- :.¦.'. w.n. tr. titii-ii' delay* .tm ari ii iii, in* i, .... ;,. ale u ... tb* Ne« T ti. L"-t ,t , oat ll f lt".*. .1 md (1 ,,-¦'..-.,¦ ,: eratora have been *ub*Utnl*4 at seam ol * ibaa r.i'.OOO. li. ile BlOSSWSy Pavilion thu m.i'iiiijj .uni tri r.sn reimUi! f beti rhe new titi* Kev..t.et. ivi.l lift 3.5IM teoa .ne ipesdol 2SO tset per nita ut*, w ta « water preeaenr* ,,f bi \ willie tie n ti DBeblaasnqnlrsd SOO pun lem rs "In- rats Tb tee! pe i itel ate, ii,. ,¦,,.! ,,i rnuumi th* ssw ¦ scMns* et i in- abs il limn .i hal of the ole! emt s, t.i -a. l I hm i: o' I'i* tr mg IS te Iloira. DIED III. YiK'tYi Lt -ibi Kr-lal. I).-.-.-ntK-r 31 ilt'io r.-ii'ifi' st i.i. pother ni uiw, YV.iiiani !.,y.i Juiiea. - alb > stir n«y, L. I. .Limes KiaekweU isaCKM-) Relative* .in.i Ll -ml- ar.- Invited l" nm ml tl,- (um ru nerviest al Ht. Luke s Church, c ii.P'.jy,- between Kn .,,, taodo-avss., brooklyn, on laeaday, D< .. r ila, al i -IO S. ttl B RAD I.E K "; -ti n!:iv, !)¦. ri-ii-i lt'. .' ; u..i".r.ia, I'd lt Bril lilt itlva*an.lfriendsarer**pectl*tiltv Invited lo ittaad *ie» aral aervteon tr..in hi* late reairt* Brooklyn,on rneadav. iMUi mat., al .:.-ip. ni Itt le rn nt ul P. rtti A:nti.iy. Beeton ape n i mas npj CRI H' yi Meat-la-*, 3f. J., December >'¦ 'sf -iipitthi-ri, sam el Barry loongsatamof Samuel an.l Aim* Cramp, ¦ged -. Y- c - and 1 tuoiiih i-ii.u*t.*i pr,.at.. <i vi .... iy December tl*, -ii th i-l. Yl .s l"'HK u un-i maa iinn n.nc. of PBS -m .. lain** I.iatlam li l-l. n. n.i,. .YI I- .en at t'.- lats R v anthony i meadorf, 0. u.. la int Wth yesr sf bia tan Pnnem lervieeewiUlal pla -ai kslat* rmlniBOS.Sta.BM i-i h.e..i atc. tummaty, et I o'eloet P tc. li n el',..-eli. -et, lay, l),-ei.|iil.er '-.el, B.Mig, inly Child ol JeehO Prank foot* lim ral *.*vice*at tb* reaid .. e. nf bel pamita 116%aaa .i'l ,, e Iles,...lyn, ol, 1 UB-s.tay, 2Sth mat., at 1 o'sit* k lnirinil-lit private I. A N I. Al Qw ii -. I. I., mi Sititnliiy, .. JP-n janim Leane, Li the ..'¦.; faat .'f h - funeral on Tueaday. at 1 o'clock p m., at hi* lal Rt slices ami frienis ire ut-, n.-i MdNi'i.'tMl- ICY -mi -itui ie, Uta '.'"Iii inst., e.r hr-'iuiiUl*, un,ml a ii nf Lui, ,r Yt a.. .iim _n , aged 7 ws ki and .", 4 iy «. BARINE em December iM. as 111 Bsat :>i',.-t gae ol pmmmooia Therms s. Intent dan un f Wt tml sad -I - Untie. I ii'ii-t.il -ti vier-e.' tin- 1. u.r- Mi.ii.I iv, JTtli u.-t at pta. tn. Political Kottccts To Ute Deniorratu ot the lily of >i -w*VorU i Tha nu In muli) tu a ca i fur a ggBltS SH TtllTg '>f 11'an" crat* ta be hals al Oaapw laaUSnte aa .m '.'sm Sap of Da ts iiitii-i. '. BBB. ai - ii c ..i I n. in tn (.minute thc ol-Jerta acl fmrli in the BSaiSSBS inplrit at a meemi* liehl at the ilr-nii tnt a ll lol e,u tho letti mat. 'loth'-declaration ot po itiral t nin.ipleii C*_._..I in Hal aSdram wa ,i,ret,v mbaeriba. The-1),. iseralis- partv BaUavM ta tl..' pra-i-rvatiun ol III* n?hl nf lotal .seif-K-iV'nini' Ul. .ills! la BBPSBSd I" tho tllirttl* e liakSSOSB u'piiWer. Il lu neve.s in i.aiti eii.jti y* .in.i f:. 1! deiiianli a thiiisBiiaii retlorin lu tue uni} laws ansi ni tho cit ii -ei rles uuara the saeessa of tksse pnaclplai a rsargaolaattaasl the Denleseratle1 parly iee the* City of New.York la *n nu-ei.i- UYe ascsaatty. Tks slattag argaat___aas Os sot poMeai ihe ronitdrnct of UH peon e. Uniter tin-premat tyttatt UM -mst majority ot Uir, ps.riy iiro e iiluele-il from ani participation in Us is,iu, Un,au peW.I ¦tilt "lUsl lil UM 111 l!S t,I a fl»YV hilllelr. Villi,r> llties* to ItSfpstasM ihetr SSattOl Si the marilin* ami ptadaM atnllrii iliviMi.iii am! fain "f., hy roasBBi, ot w ute aitlf-« alni eon ten. linns thc priiiiinles ami larger anns of ihe- paity au- .acnlit ed In lue.rely local aiithlt.ou* ami jeaimisioo . wa.fiue ot Hie party ileuiamu a thane* ti li.ia renr-l .y lin h rantiut leo a.¦< *iii|ilislieil w.tiiout lt* laStgBBlaBHBB ami complete rauuion. Bash SBSIIgBSbBMtSS ihouhl t* mSSa uti a bcofldsadBkstalbsOa,aaa ahou,.i hive tvs pnociDal ob¬ ject* - lirat To ass un- the participuuon of Hie Democrallc i::a.-«e* In t.'.e pr.mai lei ot th, party. -..i-ssp.i -To hoc are frtuu said prnuarie* tl.o fair and 'iirnmt explf-riOSS otttie vi ill of the raajonir. .vu Osstaamis are eordetaUy invited to i«k* p»n in tan pro- puseti maattagi YYi ...u (i Hunt, D. YVillli Jatnm, Hamal P. li*-ni.un, Hiram li ,'tiev. Jehu T. Agnew, lii.lericU I' nitvitr. OowaM Ottaa.srlw, BBspssrdP, Knapp, Uol.crt I! Vinturn, LawM May, li. P. Plower, Henri- H Aiiiieraoa, I-'. I" Marl.urv, Jamel W c*erani. Hum-it ii. RosMrveir, Rteamass Ba.mi hia, a. h. .YisiBB.itasgk, i..!,te. Darla Thats her M. Ail OBS, Autlioiiy Kn h_ff. Js'st-ph il (eiiivviii, jr., John K DaVSOB, Abraham l)evo«. POraM ll l'.irk-r, K. Eliety Auelora n, I. I. N. taiark. PiankOaMsoa, I krissagkarO naitY»;n; Isa.er .\e*wt--n. Whe.inr H. .. . nt IL I'.lv-lii'.biire. J --ih Laren.(lie. William C. Whilnev, Werteriek lt. e'..u hrt Brent! i* Drkeslsa »'. BSsip Daggs, pater B Otoa-y, abram a. newitt john !). cnmuiu.ii, Abiab.iin DswOasgi YYIrlt.iiti J. A MoOlSBk, 0 n ..- Ulm Livni i. Baser, lawassad ax, joha ii Rlkor, n*-*)' bm om ¦. Kiiis ni i. Panta OseOCmspBisdlllgglBa iienrv Marrissa, PtBakTkBmpgss -me u-ls rue. Jss-eph ll Lawn i'i; Yt 1. I* lil- f. tillie .1. Vail tialYtAlit, (linties Coade rt, .Lime'* K Ciralitll. Oasrgal Bsmasl i> Bsamsk. inltll A K"l. V. .l.ll|-» I Kt.tM'l!,. jacn !.. Bstaan OemmyaB ,>|, ,i,,», YYili.mili lleeltiiian. c;tl-«-rt H. Uoife-ra. John I. suiherland. Algasl r Bfoadward, Iggma P BBSOaiSa lt- Henry Wltihau*. joesph istllhrr BaasOiaaOala I.vttleai ll (lairetion. AstSSSSKattaSSt Barnard BasUm. Ja-n,'* u. ui maa. rr. . tut nilli} olli) r. i nucciiil Notice* llccrlonl I'ei-ot - \ *. Y1.1 - iee,ivt*t ililli* ard order* the ot r product* el tots tell-know* lani nv y Ki-it M i-..;.i.\l.i. .*. < INUIT. Stb av*, arni .,ih-. LIMillAlH N .eu. No I,.7- llle.l.YS.iV ll ll K 1 K. \.. ,.., Lt..,i,1 Yt at. S, EL YY l.l I AM -e V N .. .:¦¦ l:r-ei.1 . .iy Ditiriest. IMI. I'spanm llasks, Plrat-Clam st,iiou**ry. 11. -'. aii.t i..K..l. .'... KUY.N' lg .. Issi 1 til.l, ij Ma.den Lui' lli-niv t. O.i.iiel* >l. H.. ll laii-u'ii.t avu.. o-.ir '.a 11 ... IS lo 7, yi eui t.i g,'ulle'iieii Laieztnc cure* Whooping Cos . md *U c., na- Price, .!. 'ems Hill-* p-Tiiiaiie-nilr erntll *ateel vii un ilir.-n ».¦.,! :,-» te .- sit l l.l ie Y in ,i| ,.,^ rt ie flit i..,. I) ll I I ll it I-),* I ..*>.! iee reirn malla for I .* a*ea*ad u -ni' t . t y JI y 1, ,-,-i en l'1'te.-.iiYY , I Oaaaartawa sa - ., 'i ai J iii. im Kraut* sUrw .. tr ... lil li -u \ , e,,-, lit .lea',.. tis ...ii.li. n, f. ii s o' ' IO.»wa aa -iii iii- y y ai t ri* lilas. in ttl eel B.i|' anti .il a. tn nu hi t' e I i.e l,lt *l. I. bin., uni. vii -'- ittmninl' te .uni limn lint. ll a 1 ii, luaus for , ,Y Y K ie .S. tt iii \ B, Y S. ., ., Y, .,1 . J na H J lol Y ,..,-... i.a a..; t 1 I 111 !*)... ,\ I -i. .' I,, lil,, li. loaiuii.te, Mew-Yurs, Decambar-k isso.

ART ON T IK SIM..;. THE...fclol Pieiiiir.-. isneh ti) put * le.i. liK.it ni the lui Idle ol aahodow.ue must tl *t eraei wilka skarp knueapot tioneithi*>ii*rktinuoi elsepotoaslieavy

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Page 1: ART ON T IK SIM..;. THE...fclol Pieiiiir.-. isneh ti) put * le.i. liK.it ni the lui Idle ol aahodow.ue must tl *t eraei wilka skarp knueapot tioneithi*>ii*rktinuoi elsepotoaslieavy


Till', LABORS OF TIIK MTV, PAINTKR.now ms erong nun os non inti oi nra am-

1 I IM eui. 1Y|i \Y .1. II- OLOIfa.Bil M.MLlilYl.-AM> Mlliltll).-.

Scetie painting in an art by iisilf. There isnesoll, r tn en. st eef is,i.i)' Ugjo t like lt, cither tn th* VS

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preielll -, ni nit Lui- t ,. v.i-l lill, ll ^ Ul,il* pSSSSS Ol

kwhairland ot the lat meadows ol HoUand; tbe greenlanes td .inn-Lt,.- England ur the whidingralieysotn"h.ii t iHpatn. Io Sta architectural wert )-.

di voi-' un .-if it. t e Qotkte que, mv

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Bttall aharp one for drawing flin In addition io

Ike -I ,1 YY ll.ll YY.i-i, bl U r II: tl .'

yy .-a saud .-ki.s. Hts colors ara kept in bmoana ..... tte isa longtable ¦.: i, .riiiinncil cuni,'.': ito boldStnitll tjll ttiiltl' ). e.! Ciel.T. Iiivi' J.U'i nnYV flt*ki-tf**. iii-'a,,*, plenty of twice aod sinks ofami bi i* is ,i|. ti, go towosfk. IL- i-i lin t

.. prime" )¦ - .. i kia :- aa with s ealwhite. ma .iii others tut-d by him arcwuk "altmg." waieh laslmplys i of glue.Working witn colors otlxi ..nt.:' ,. ,, ailed painting

1!l.l Ii s Li, ., ,e)l Y'.'lll 06

spoken of un iii.r ob. The pruM g ,-¦ tl ls laid ou witha i.e.ivy esnliewaab brush,oars beiugt kern todrive thet "i well mtu lite cam i*. * in ..yi nn

.'Ci 11,11-1'!! i- ll-t- I tin ll .'.I ral u duck..'.it- r um y .- i pt iii.-.j .m.! iiis. tbe

read] lo dina Moat aceoio paint rs do their Ur«tInir in .i v- rv nketcat msuner. at lei | ont-

ll ta gone over e-refullj rub an inkp-.teii ,.-,, , it I,,: i,,,i .,],. .| jOlliei lean .. ul art. li archillBl ihe w.rk IS .-. i Ui ,,-.

rennl..r.i.i ol "ii m 'ii* tall ti

n te - r.. A - nt- painU ,.

kawaver, ii-seii- ven mach like the e B ban iililli .li* !. - IQ eil)' L.,1, 1 .,' f,. .,,

Bator, lie -i oe paint*] : , . i-

Besoi v.-. ir aaI 1..Y Bini. ill.:! .il

\e r.«l) '.' lt .¦ on .; ,;,ree- -ea e IBUniv Be me se thal Li t... iv mpl Iedee: i nu' tolsbiag i. ,"sease, and atte ..-..- it ni a pm .ii.- lu .,

li nini...- at tbe lop ol tis- ¦., k* ..lt, nt tuelort t-i ni '. -li- lal ri s belRc the .-

kiaSke oa the .¦ ,.i b ban oilt-.tl OH HS Ul ai eW, dniYY s lt It.ni ... ,,

tht .>¦ en lu the i r aa a euij... :,,| ,,... nus bo I'l

Ytiiii in at. v.:111 ,>;k .. 1 ruler, i ¦. i .i- e t i-.

able tn rin iU a pel leel pe upi otive l.\ilu wm li. Bel ia: _e DUI Hog -:i

kayo Hie perspei ive increaeed In effcot bi milnulnja t

wa.I ie ramuari duwn iu,- st .ne upon .. ---j.tlc pieceset t-i.ici¦ y ie. iii.- iiiu- ni i>-1.-... tu e.

BKCBCTS OF III) .-. NB lil .1 I'..

Iks nest step la Hw laj ag m o: ihsIke sky ts. ol eoatae, the-Oil point Thia ls done withwi.itew.usii iiiii.*:!, s, tks pi.inter hems Bbeolutely freefrom ail restraint in his mel hod ol patting ul Un BollTbe paint n.a' i.tiint is to pt t ii cn quickly. Ami Sere tksgnat annmulti:.'* ol paiaii ,_¦ in OiaMmpH nee .nm' beimsgtdj plain. Tbeaa aero..mosarc two tn Booberiti.e Hilt is, tin! Un cenleir iln- - Ve ry ij'itikly. tllUI iilT.iti!-

liuc Iks artist a Incl* rue nt speed IB working ; secu

a,. Ih' '-"':' r* if'aiii Yii.cn s|:> preiti.-.v ii,iii i.i fi i. i-i: e adzed, lie- .i'i HUon ol the sith gB.dk b eaeb coloi inverai abadaa darker ih.in lt ii tvin u

aiuip.Y' in 'in- |KiY».i**ii-d siaie. The koow i-dge of t:.i

Eel and th.ie.li un erslauding ol !,,. iff cl the IMni pr* lilies* ailsr drying i* en,.- u'. the great seen .

Hi. art. Oil paintet* o huh .tamUBi bavt been knownletti the diatempet method with aneri] ri utatruieurte c,,!,,,. iii exe wini eui .ai .say- darken severalBkadOS .mi r.-ni. .in dark. C lur- mixed With * it l

VT..yadi) iiiuieeiii.il originalahade.liiBer* nt p.iinteib have difli-n-ni methods, sod

as'i.uii v.ir .ty in tue scinitiis nt areue p iniius as ii.

Biker hraiicbes of an Too Gt-rmaa, French and y

gao artists u i spagae waahea, or.ss it asualli es

pixumr d, tYci k tn " l* .dy coleii." The Kit-liuli ielwkish tua-teslsat sdvsoeBa have been mads, nat

glaS - Tal* III ..celie pal UDiI Is tlM >| Ile l.'eist Itllil lu*.-!

effective-. Morgan, M .r*t ii, lox uml VoeKlltu are ;sin. ogthe lendint' r, pr-eeontattees "i nu* school la America,and iicir incl nod ih mdusllj »pre-dlog among the art-

tots oi "ns ct.uiiLr.v. ttarsindity amy lu J idueo trom ibefact Ilia on (.! Ikeee ari i-1- a1 cly pain It il a ?.-¦ te iii

um!*: twenty by lalttj leel ia 1c*d tuan f mi s nuKine ul ile- if re nts-ot eitfleertiioes iii seana palutlug tristii

ordinary Yiat.-r color paiiuiig i» that,walla the Balers olthe Intier are ttanspswsnt, 'lio»e ol Hie fannel ari.

OP-'iae'. Pot ms! un'--, tli. YvaU-r-e.iren p linter tan lav

lu a vt**ib ot jcllOYY octire. nnd. n> OOVennii I; when dry,wiso s light cool eif mander lake, etta it-uafora irina

.ott utau-ie. Iii distetniis r, however, n.t vtut of oiaeldellake we,ii'I nut allow tin- rchow to allow hut would

completely hide it, a.ni Uta ._il pr«-eeut«-d trouldlie pure pink. From this tact n*>uun a leitai dlffen oe lathe oalnnug eef iullage. Tue wat-r-oolor puoter lays In

hu il-ht tiuif first aud |eut*in blaakadowa aflerwarelTke scene paiutef may do Uusoruei as he pleases, ll

mav put bil hgsl Unit over nie dara uaeBMid ihe-v vt,

D.i luii-any o. their brtilUnc-y. Tbt* aa vantage ol ianlu remnf* io *i»¦*'* u,4>' '"' saaliy Bean. If tn. «

fclol Pieiiiir .-. isneh ti) put * le.i. liK.it ni the lui Idle ol

aahodow.ue must tl *t eraei wilka skarp knueapottioneithi*>ii*rktinuoi else potoas lieavy spotol Chine st*

a,.tte Over tks spot, lam er*Med .r w..,i nci lit pat*the requited um- Ike disieaiD-i painter is relieve I oftalarouuuBbout Btoeess.for k« hui.-ly dot. m iii- buhlctiioi Ytiinivei Lc needs il ovet thc darker abade andlt ahowswltfl I'l'tiect hnllianey. A-.-;tiit. In palniluselie* thc cee-nc p..lnte-iwen ks hy a niel lind of inti own.

nut unite mat adopted by oil painters. Tba water-

ooinr p.tliiier must lcav- hi. tue tei .ail li(-ht-) ol lu* i-kv

wie'-p pstrtug m toa sum eotor, andie -it'ii.-iei t-iYYuric

w.th hn. tims wc'- Toe scene painu-r may ny rn tm an-tiro »ky wita teluc, and p_in. his li^lit y.iltBWieAit cloud,.

over it aiteiwuni if ineordiaarj satee-eoloi poeatetttrtt tn do this, his clouds u.iun' In- grtt-n. OOOI SCCUe

vatnicis, however, work ihe,r entire sklei **rt. Tueeels el ol i* slit p.iintcil ilma l« alwiiya vt:r> line; hut

pi.ly an arfet lUiinu.-hiy oooreraaai *vuh tut-valuta

oi bbb several pigmema cando ni- i-'e,r lhe«eisn,liwin bc r "int misers-d, pr, aini a verv di..erent appear-hnoe When srel from tout wktck tiny itate w.ien uty.

Ooer.e palotiug baa i> .*¦«. nu so Imporlaal aa ari that

.no targe tum ia tumeity makai » lui-at ipecially olImoortedmaterials. In r, i« a loim ,i*i oteeloreando.ner thfahi used i'Xciu-ivi-.-rta «e um arUiasd u.

nrovem. nts ara I"*11"-' oonetaatly ma!-. Poraieroaoene oamieri were obiuceii io ni.ii'1 h. er owu cohen,t-Qt lheR« .. .- now pr- P-rod Ul PO I'

" -tn .t ia. grtiOaa

it water kmoag the ool-ra used a-moat exolu.ivcl) bibi,nu artlatsare Eueliab Pans wi.il- sine skinw_ite* dion bksca,ffr-akioti black, t'urkey nu.

lt niau .-ic:...--. Coiogue earth, U | s, Se Swen lui

tm r ifre-B-ii Ne nv-1- eler uneu, uilramarinegreeu, ill ri...-ll

tlue ssura blue. PetvlaB searlei, Turket red, luat-anr.-i -o;.i*il'.", Mageuta, Muuich lake 1 trenHuiYienualaki ana blue lake. H rn ol beete ooloraare alao

¦aad b) fl e. f.i.lie I- llni.-i Yt.. .. hu I, t l|,.l

exec pi iu irtistsare Ceieatiai iilucsohlea tx

ari-eti lakea, Mllorl gr»-eas, Freaeh green anei

ltaknn 1 nt . .. il * si.e-il.i iv leiiiHi. ...! I-', scsoe pall en

ate eaaraaUon. royal purples, srei a .;i)b- mdt

UubcMomc. ludigol used in y lylaim (uantuacs-uu* ariiau. hut it'- nae Vert model teij bjcolor at ti-: Ii ai'ta eesi.rM'L i..i- t io tue ix,., is- ol

aciliiiit up accuery. as lt foal* -ri 60 per pound In oryct, ,. t,i, ii 7., in po ¦. The mos eap-nsivecomyal rase a ai. ga 78 perj-aiagenia. SI ~'.: 'olieHBo, **i .. royalIll live la,.s *»'.' 75 Tin

ft] In- t'-.ul- .!.'. iel el t li" V. 1 . p Billi..-)

vf indigo alone ute sometimes igieaeeue.omi it ma HiiAi..- I. I..

.ksasens paluisr, koweeer, isnm es.flaed io ce.len*

la pgedoemg bis egeota Tkew ls a number ot other

m,.tA.rusi* at gwal laspotlsaws ls scow palatug i

go'tg. on- dashei ol Nus, erlmsoa, ye los ... i purpletkal make Ike resslsBdenl fairy gratia srs met stone

BB-Bctesl Ths!Iltfai -;'" !* " "

Blalarflinle* and StafaeUlM I* I'i"" '"-I bj Ot* 0

gad ailvec teat Bomeuaaea lt bi pto pro-

iocs np- ti um seana ¦ soi asa, gi I - whleh

,iiaii be ae hued nu-1* prod Tkejare niade ed pgpei wlh ¦ polish, i i

.rc very -He "Ye- IB fait] SCI BBS. I * '-' .'*

l,ri,i,.' p.,YY,;. i ai. made si a th i

1,,. nowd Mirer, brill., a. '¦ A bi-u.li fun " ) u-

ii ne* Ul. I. <i BU..,., ,,,ii' ni ap|M irani eli mal ol .

"' .Jp; u tu ne.,, ,i i,..-c.i lllvei. ll

*.r.-ii.-*lt ian " -.') '.¦!' '.'"l

.i '¦. !¦" i - " ''",";*|W K, aland ike *:¦"" "' *-- .'"¦'

li .,. tiicati eal -''' ¦' "tl* t" yyIi.i art .

?.,:'.. - , ute i.I- I tine, lu " ipc.l .i

fai-cai-wel, .V.r. ,',,.-.|. a

¦ tor ol I'ci-" oi t fu,, . atc.di a .1- ¦"'¦.-'

' .1- repi usn

K_4."islW. u^ahigui/*pod#bedmsulawfcanai

ts the rays >f tbe run. This ls done hy means of coloredlacon, rn. Tbe surface ot the metal I* painted and a washol tiles.-laequera, bieiul >ig from one tint lute another.Until over lt Tuc. light rsBMStsd from these differentooloretl washes produces ihe desired effect arni give* a

lilbbiy realistic reen seiiuimn of a *urfaoe of inetal. Anles sc.-iie ia aiv" somptete witeont seaMtksis to pro¬duce glitter snd -puvkle. This effect ls produced hy" freel mg- *' al rruaiictl ula**, which are made to adhereto the eanvaas tn the sbbm wassel aa thohreass pow¬der*, The . laborats ersameatal worn in latertor scene*

v.-ilini lt tn-tua nf aten.-ils rut ni pasteboardiii.re .-un books pu. Il-lied on tn- ca painting,whMh mvi)

lar i.iniiiii ra ol b autifa dr-iim* for panels, cellrnr*,:m ill-ill t a .uni oin. te lltiie'Mal Work. l'.ViTV iri'iu--

painter hm i collection of (ness ivor.-. Tbi Ingeniousi. .it-t'i;. ia eniisiiiniiv eotnhie 'ni,' the different

deal ns and often lavente asw ouch. Mc i- thu*enabled to preasal te ths public an sver-chaagiag viin-

I iv.rim inst thine t.. nt c asene patater dei b fen ths

produ i, ii tu a ne ptej la to have UIbi I openge ai ni it.11 in order thal be san arroasi the llsbl-

Ins of them, 'i i. saa man " ot a tboatre ls tbe arti.t'aII USUI II I-- ia ni- p..vt-i n. nun the fliic-t act-tie

in ,t ¦¦ t;:.,,! ', is Inreerl hm) highupon a moonligni seene. eaieluni* wuh riana mit propin ii;i'-ii..., f shadow ot a atral lorder-

, in,n .:i.I-...- Boaga ireruin to tut ii '- .n in: hoi K. T .<¦

K- ol a a. ene i». there ore, a mallei thai ri pinsibe nu-; caretul ulnar, i ie artist uta In tbe centre nf

.i.i aod ul fi '¦ ri ii ii andii re a light

I* tamed up aud them oi lamil tbe properil c ia a- outed, I '"" "'

everyI in ntl', in

n tbe pi ufa 1, >w pla.- m.il" r ire ii work ;

result tinB

lt ll n il '. lin tr..,..¦ .'.'. Il Bl l-l ..i lUl* ';

1 ima I.et li i- ,,


a: ibe cloie of tue p ni"'. -i it.... I m III -.-

p urea ai storth Ju sal ia lbs]are i>...i.ieii..'

BJOJ Ml I ll li. US.

i U I tetts'! dame Thiers \ta.s a year older than

Qn \ ria and waa married -ix yean before herie of Prince i oerl ol Saxi Co-

Iiml ti. i tn nen 'i a fe ol M..1. b bride waa p tbi can if pt -

nd uucient la guugna, of bbUorr, and.in II b bad bad tue um'iinon toabinen* iii¦-- i. ii uuii'i.n a brUUaol writ r. lier

style was i y, verj anginal, and yel po lahed anilwi liH'i. Bat mere never perhaps yetltvedn wnmai- ..¦ with som n opportuuitiea to -.,?/¦ andsp! ii bd p ': in tot a ld, eared i ii tor bi ap

Inga.utiful hi yontn. Th outlines of

bei race were pur regu rbeuI.- is Mei -itonlili i rn : ie .1 iii bi r life wen-.' .ii- .1. .ml ie r -t and banda were celebrated for the*

lon ot tt.i n form, lu .h>- nutei m ol tb* ,-r nnd

Mai tenta Mm 1 rsaM r e

'i ¦- a ho Ibeu V l.ih a ii '.:'¦ a,i: a tn., fl i ering Uk ;..--..

..rn ... .i . iCiiiititt to« rite mt..- /to writi Thiers, paid

Iii Ii r: ihe ed. ct ii croat* >1 at

a fane] i- in tm en in ::.- i. -..-, ,: alanother (ctr ai rn- bonn ol i-Minc, riiicrs .it the fol iiimo

Mme ,:. rs in ti,,- intellect if i Panatenne of theo n

: mit. » liniuverg ie,


:. in nm - Ihei time OUl nii-. i. iui sal It-d la " on bi i.i

-1 bos 'fi r,ililli nol tilliritirn'inic ii- Parit In h

i 'i : i lu fii -

¦'.. il .' Il ti .,'. I M .Ul

. I ,

,-.-. te iminUtrativa-. ipa ii i. " a .... n with pai -i

i.i Bid .a upon M.

lated I said sue.eiifi . i. ila

¦- ." i-

i., i, -.

.in after In r

UintOeimere were,iiitii.-.¦ tbi-r, six miten lunts

I HW lc ll-.... >t bi ter bj

i * Ile hall _ rt it il liill ol Iii tn de.

U \tl_U" I,i an.-ai mer, Cousin, and ) ,

i is et auily asked,i

llelng luxurious wai an exi beni oae, and

tin- BOt-oUl WO. ''..li-.tllle. After ¦'

ihe wea*her w.ia noe, n>- toes bu vialiors totome gamea, ap and down which h.- b isklyMini. I biers aloud ut _ done-window. I'be luomeul IU.n in, er..: m. lowered t -ti .ipi ii mi, uni: ,, toa* ini

wt l-l. i. He ,.¦¦,. tl SOe lll»l»ll I iii ll- VTll rt ill n. Iit I. tn in -.in ii iii rs tt i-

ii -'-. ind ni* ¦. as ii ii ni" M.

-. .. .'ll I, "I 1. M.l'l..'."Hi* last. -. a in: -. "

:it -:i .. .- i wbel me. Alt ' " .i KIP IV

¦rt ie. nut tiiti iiiii uni.i. .ii- ra bathal i'm n rei Ibu fore li id the

inii .mi the w ..it m oi in.* e t, redwith creen satin, I ion u r

Ina; io a lauy'a complexion. A uuruner ol tba fairles oi berBain i be u. Iveisa!ii 'ti. madi .. po or in rn bile it ben-

v, nt ass lue v ii.111. wu a in-r.

A-i.'.i.' - l'n-f at a, Mme. 'I'i it-i- waa also tni f...' atIhai lour lo looa ttlltri Ililli. i..!i w a loo bust IUi

:,. area to i«"- aalei Ia tbe evt-nln*r ii-1 wt en ilini, ., ,,. The

t rr ol uer boiou di ut wa* otu n ad - ..

tmi,hi mmu :t c nt..-.. .-:t .ti:,'. « \, "I. U.i ,,-ateo,,..¦ ei ih tribe of old la.drop a»n .-. .a

m. tair. and leu atlantis 1st r sun up, aud,iuii,oui xaetlj kui Wing s here - e waa,a ina, .i,. ..i ij ea -. 1 hare be ird bei tims tink on

taloa mi I-- :t. -nd ii to toe sam ,i un,Louis llerbette, Prltiw Orlotf, Priaee Hob ol lie, and

a- Due de Broglie, lime, i'biera, Ute uigui ihe ii 'uso-

Bunche mon aitacod hei Douai In 1870, fat .i

really co *e«l lt Her courage ulways roae wita danger.a pluck, aiiuoug- I believe la bel lire soe

qttarreUed wttr, relative or friend On tu-ion ol M. lui. r-'r OBeral sim defied M 1'ttiii tm. amitv, u ttii- a<nura... ii .>: liep.iii.it-.,ti ¥ nm, pi um- blahloin- ivliici sm-nt k -i.'.'ii.iiiuiiiiu;-.,, ,. , !, i, rein!. tl .->,,,-wa. In- Hivc-cl in nf P.h.s um Hat on >. 'eu

si,.-tiree detl vt I'ltlers'* oorpee id a gol ca r tie muf¬fle uti lu cr ipi lu Pi rc Luoii lise, aod ber pupa arny baunoi abated ou the .i ».» at Um flr.i aaaivenun-y 'int..The i;u>- mi-en by y,u.c. 'Ti ci- an tbe pnbl cs ton by

h.-r of M. Thiers'- uist penuca! manifeaio, ra a greatmeasure loaureC Ihi defeat ot tbe Elyse* t.arty. she,

,t. not rea'.gn hemeU lo beaubaeqii ni toraetlntneaami., nhirh ins . great memory" ad talla-, lu Heifort,because nc given ii Irom Um rruaalaus, abe tonk io thev-t-ri laai a deep Interest. The poor ol BeifutT were theobject of her particntar aoiieliade, ind a quartet of aahour heiott-lin-.lie* ber !a-t breath ibe begged.theM. lu af ilia: tnttu ii.r.iii. cal,eil.tool Ba BBonld helil lUgbl t" Uer ned- le. lt wei lui tTisli In semi a mrs

aaai to lie..tori. Bal hei weakness wa- too great lespeak Wiit-ll Iii: elie". Hil.K ms hand lp SOe ol pera

amt wits tas other pointed to ¦* bust ol If. lineraDoubt lees she wanted to es ri s.- patrloUc sentimentneil to Bonnee! him wi li lt It is anio tua' alu ki a lie-queethed her bon foi Be to ber sister, and aa herdeath to the Citj ol i'ari*, to i»e converted into a

1 luerri MiiHeuiti. ^___________________

_/ / VS IC II 1 B B A 7 II I. ll lt ll 'OM T.

GOVERNMENT INDICATIONS.mvOViSfor ll* /<t'*f ~\ ht.nis.

Wa.-himi roar, Dec. 27, 1 a. m..Snow eon-Banesta Nw Kogleod. witb bigta nortbeasi winds.noeaiange in temporal ur ..n de* ldc Hy lower baro-Mter.Bnow prevailed in tb Biddle Stale*, lollowed in the

Southern portion bv clearing weather,biak lortbwesiii winds, sad rlMug tatrometer, lin- narnu .ter tia*

rlaenini itbara Btatee, wnhportly okmdi weeta-ii, i mil erl toeasterlj s ls, s d Doehaogc la teni-

per.it .ri-, i in baromi i bas fallen in tbe Lake region,w,;n variable winda, cloudy weather and snow, andi.'.irU i ii di." - in temperature. Pa Uj eloudj weatheiand light snow are reported frorn the Northwest, witb

Dj .' .Pr northerly winda, and Intoe IfisaourlVolley, bight r barometer. Tuc ana of i iw barometer ia

cn il near Newport, and tbe bammetsi i- nouallaNjIbe i. -i --ti--, url V li y.

In-htli' .a. li

i .el.. 1 illina ibo? 'l by.i :.!¦. i obaoge

I-or. iii- Biddle Vista.. r-lt ar or clearing ti

Dight d r we.ti..eri aunonai -

i. .if. -ll t r

;-. ,, \ -i in

fKIBUNE 1.01 Al. OltSJ **AT1¦ i li.' ii i. . n fi.Tm"*' Jj_





pp l...

Ul .. "Il the

ier tl

ii. ....

Ct odby rlearinr and partly chtinly weather, 111111 bc exptto-t'iY iii nm city aud vicinity.


JbttratJ of Mttroroloutrnl Fejinrt fur theieeek ratted at 1 pm.Ktiruriiay. lier. 'ls.

I!AK'')MKTr.K. I nelie*.Mean.99 MBMax. iii tn inr.'.'I 'in.-'n,Mfa. I. I'M.. I')'.. -il '.".'.al'iBaass.059

I H HM- -MK I r"K. I'egreea.Hsss -.074M .X..(i I). OU, Der MU itMill., i'll. Itl lure. _:n ..H.liAieir- . ut.

niatatira travelled by tho wuiel ilunnK tha neel, ISIS mlle*,

tu marks. Ami'iiiU of wan-r

Dec. 21. anowfrom 'J inn. m. to ?p. m .PI .JIi.,- J I. anew from eerie) ;> tu. tee Lip ni.14 IB en

'l'--'r*l amount nf water feir Ilia wre-k. *' U"h

Daptkalsaaw.s iochmi.



M Y LIA!.- DI -I lil Lins III. )M I tMMAXY.

Tin* in.-'nu/ itieiti ul the Demoetotk Assem¬bly Ulallie! I'.-eniiitte.- uml. i* tks *".<.» f* r1 M,. iii |--->t

I i.,'.-er .. pl,j,ni ir |ll iii irv" el.eil i* lien' Y' ..! II''- tesl,ats.1all ate tn working order. Votkiag atora wW be daaa fattbs prasaat, TbeCounty Oo-uaittes willeaoalstol nine'

lin nih -ra fm ,t e-ai-ii As-ctnlilv District. II- i'ii| IBU leTB

mil in bin i iii tease centra pl ie ¦. aod the! aaa)mute.' yv n m. st nt tessi onee ¦ wee k daring a polities!campaign, 11 w. Bs tbe liam forkoldlngsn. yb mi, ,i,- ii, geminate candidates io ks roted lot lamora thaa ons Assrmhlj Distrlet mm is Ikeaeateatapproach to a " hail" i. ot snisstloa wUI

e. AH otkei p.--r i-ie :nel In Ike AssemblyI) tm Co imlttecs snd tbs rsnous conventions which

tn tun.' Ut iitne.iii re is a good deal ol eorloslt] smong pnttllelsBs

i-n. b's h. in g ih.* i|ie-u.'i, -Ait. t ci tbe Hotel Bronawtokami ins Young lieu's Democratic Club Commit!*

a loovemenl wbich aha ir.ve muck realstrength. Tiie pi ian.m ia freely made thal tbun aili a -Y-, i owen np bj tbe .per-Tbompaon-

rsetlon. it t-.¦! .1 thniap. eta nit- li, rntie-. ,|. ia tit.- new move mei li-lr,e. I-, YY iie-l .' ) .., rOg Its ile yu*" tlItt* alli

toward building up Ibe Aseeml DiitrlctoSltlOl ,.¦ nu ri uri nt Y*. ni le wit.it

fnri-s'. ih call fi,r tin- meeting tn'se* held '¦< >¦ se-Y, mt. |, al lin- ( iieeni-r InatltUtesignature*, and icvera! prom neut Demo*signed h. I la notloeable tani .Mayor Cooper** uame li

from the iii >. ihed i.-l Me vt.i* oas eif thoseWbo origin r.l\ tue, it te- Uuii BrOOSWIOk, BBd ht gUVC

i ewsfreelj at that meeting. Among those t boaraexpected lo add ree* the meetimr al the Cooper Inotltuiiai e o*walli Oitennorf r. Aumin B. Hewitt, Whee er flli-a shan ..lim \ J ole} an Johu ii. Develin.

I YY (, I YMYLYSV lee ITS l.Y II¦'.

The ei"-er.-i imi, rammany lt.iii -mi eontin-amembers of tbs Vlth Aaaembiy Di trlel . -Ommlt-

is-s. yyi,,. n, re ni.! ]¦:..- -ii at the meeting -, the com¬mittee ,i ii rn,, evening, bave writtea to EdwardMci ii .inn,in of the oommlttee, approrlugbis Brilon and declaring .* tbal tbe Intolerant aetlun of

Jobs '- mted .ni tfereoee ni theaflaii ol uni' dialnci ore mob thal we Bad tl re i* noth¬ing lefl I..i ic,', man wltii independence "i- self-reapectto do but to retire (ram .rn orran ii ition walch tolerate*

un - mi Atti r. an K.rK. olDe II A*-, rabi) DUHI Ilenen Ito.rd ... A du ui ti, rmi b.v .uiy m a n mn; te re

in mi Hill, bul with lld i;ii - ailk"eii.m ..ml -I, Y .,, ibi iel I the Irving Hellmem.MTa, HU tin- ground mu lu Y ure fellowing Mc

a lliej In Ipe .! lo ell s-i.Ed .! - y , ,n.t v.. -ii tm Sin ll

s:..ii in i' ll tea Iv ras Mr. K ¦'- io I its'"i |!"- niun!!. mon io i inr na it le hi.icedi toT.eeiim y it,, ihl-e rear, ll ii ler in "

'md i '-. it baa in ir a cl ¦. p r»onalpon cal I De dm Mr :'. .¦ *. ame th- r- ora.

Uuii n 1 7.. uin tne -i .y ,..>. ,,iI ..a il e... il .' U Y'.;lli I

-ii.un.ut-. tut rep lug a 1 -tr. rling h v .-. ..I, bi H -un ii i, ,i.

i yy,.i be aie.iibi-ithe XX mimili .-. i uti

-....'. :. i.a eui m. titt- t-ucMtion olf Mr. K imp thal ,. ia el un

ni y l- .ri sn tue i 'ii: ii leaden to drop thc old com¬mittee q ii ' ai qui i- .i ie ., one.

1:1(11 IBO .1. M-1U1I-- I (OB,remains ol toe te rm of iii' e of tb*

i;.i .ni ol Al lei m ii fi ii mw ii la i- u to bc duosalter tbe n-rolutioo e-fie ¦-i ¦> tne "combmactou" a

ali >ri time sg >. i ¦" u ont ul yet rei ..una toi'l 111 il mi'- eel Ih. I.Ye -. I II,:il!S-l ,||,'re)ll|.s. Ci, lim,1.1. M ¦!. -Y I. ll -tie ..: tn hui na , ll,-; lu li

mmi.ii tteii -then the ii,. --;.. Fnedsam dMltcbt ll YYcrs* a. nt .it io lbe Aldermen for oonflrmatton.lill- i' IV'' ti ... tsi [lie I '*|' "t Ill I1 I nu ni' a. Bl MrYveiiiiii boll over natl) after Mayor-elssci anntlie -, windi hil nain-- vy.i.i.I la -i ni iii hv UMllllll-l. lt Wa- a- .1 ad al thc tunetie- c. niiii-iatiiiii aaa wade tkal tklivviiis the arlee eif Alderman Helbig*i erote, aad tbacharge waa made ope Ij la tbe Tkmmaaj OoonaltteeoaOrs alsation .and denied !¦ minsiocer Moerrtison,He do - uni Ytaiii i.i.. ongttetoa ol Bxctse Commlssiooetussr ihat of ii eu (ie-rle or Secretary to 'lava.r i. yji *i,,r ,-,,n i. ;, lawyer, and li aaxlouatofallow his |irn: -ni.i. He yvu) Au tbl*, and mav rs-oi iy Miine non»id i fi om tha i>rp.,r ttiou 11 mi-i -i's. :in -. Tue pelion who liven likely ta be norn t-n i-i,I "ii 'lie Ii ': ll I int .- r .1 tUMSL. Yl.eii- h. i -. I* .,- ('..tuiii --nitier nnd ,,i ju,.,niy| ,\ ,. , hu tracey, m.iy, rCooper** Chief Clerk, yy BU UM -nus- pine un .,

Mayor Grace.i- yu:, ii i, -eli "OS nu ii '.' i. "T

Theie nu been much interest felt by politicians gsa.erallj ni kiis-w vin) h anting ths eommunicationa in

The Star, *lgoed .' Man os tke Penes." ll* hss alreadyftli-ei si.r tl in i-iiti-l'is- sine WrlutU omore.ik lu tho T.tin-ni ni y CommitteenuOrgao 1. mn bj bis sharpcommentssm r. I'.. Bi loots. 11-i rv li Pun .j. Ea i- ( ommli imnetMun i-i-nii (uni nihera I-.* "'ian nu tin- Patine" ia

obvn tu y i Ye-te-r.ui politician, sad partly em seeoast ofbt* style of eu , part',] became of aerials faciawhii ii in- hal ii-1 ni .1 anil a lin* mn- to earl tin p ilitle miand eventt of tue past, tboss Yt an wi l-intormrd Inmi ii matteri are Inclined ta Believe thai George H.Pinner la tbe .. Maa.* He ekas been very Intimate withMi Kelly dur,ii- and slnea tbe Issi Ional political earn-a iud n.i ii ill] li ti inti" lore i tr Ino** who were

Mr. Ker lt'- i ..lill.L-l. tia? a it,-.-rs yy h, ii Mr. I'ur-tr Yvas

oin- nt lbe pi.lai l ol Irv ii Hali.

BEERING POPULAU KEOKOANLZITIOR.The Brnn**wiek Hotel Committee ami tin*

Young Men's Deameratle -dub Committee mel yesteiday afternoon al '. o'clock al Wo. 19 Monk Twentyfiiiuth-t to perfect data! t fur the maee-Mettag to bsheld nest Tuesday All the members af tbi t v.- eonm itteei were present. It was d' (ermine-, thai tin-bein lue Of I)'tn,-ii.mc reorganisation ihoUld li, .- y n

a hruad popular form.


ULM Mi* Y III K llil'i,Li-** UlitlMi 1IILS VLAK.

Chicago, Dec. 26..A review ol tbe lmsi-nia- nt um year la I Bfasgnskowa naparallaled prospariij a. >i un rossi in tkassatragsta rt-auit*. Hoodredgolnew ladnslriss have bees sstaklisksd, tboassatts ol-silling'smllumbsssboasss hav-- bess sreeced, andtiiiuiiifacturea Bare la ssaw eaass more taaa douoied iu

raina aad aasmmt.ibe bOOk (realities bBTe li irena il OVSt la-t car,

which wa.-' Um heavleai in t.i,- lusturv of tba oily, hyjt336.cOO.000. ttie total ir tba y-ar belag$1,003,000,000, sad Iks basks give a loartshtag tiir.u.-

tiiil exhibit.Hui Iib- sin. I mr reaao ll in Ut- grain trails-. Elevator

r.i ha- besfl iBSfBSSsd oret S.000^100 huahe'R Tiiaie

bas beea an sggregata of crain 1 ¦¦ redo 161.000,000btinela, agaluat 138.000.000 In 1879 sod no nun,duo iii

1870.Inc itirnaai1 of thu rear OTSr la«! li ii enrn

gad oats, tn* "Le-r cereal* ibowinr a falling ng, owlaglo the " corner" ol 1870. wbloh bi oagbl om quantiilasnf oid -*. mi.

li, lsTii ine receipts were :i 37.0 barrell ,t fl.stir.34.0OO.CHM) bualiel* ol 1 eal, 54.0.-u hu-;,.- ,,.

m. 17.000,000 buiebel* of oati aud 7,000.000 bnahals,.f y's- ..ni Lain y.

I .,,. ve -ir I.. '*'. l-l- ¦¦¦¦ - ¦'¦.lb uri'ls of Boor,23,000,00.1 hUlbell eil wira, 'i !. ss, hims tiu-ie I- olcorn, 'J-.' iai i.OOO bu*bels ., uat*. bu 7,000,1 IX),,( 11. rlej -.i.i'- ealWl ,, 10.000.000 -I bela, ai,d ISSI Ye-ai I'.i i.ixiii,! ie eu

I be pin p-cl iel ne-* Winter ansi -pru g ll lue rnlu in a. I, ¦,- y ol tier romni tdlty di sit In ri

i niesrked li r *.* in amonntprices lld. Ttol .;.e.a itt

,,r rraa* *e.d lg lim IH.OOO.OOO .nula rn 1879lhere tvere 1--.emu.nun ...ii -I- ul Hit ... .,

i i. ir; OS 'sin n ase pom-.alli-! .,1 "l.si.. |. .1, .1 i-l Yi ill .uni

i .. -I .i e. ii pound*I.i-t J'

III ll" I'i.I- lol l.l. ) ll . ir leal ,\ .Y I.ill I I, I - -I

¦. uteri11 be re ag ..n-i eei ...i nun' ¦¦ ..I a -¦ lae. I., en

cn ii" b itel pan ol tbs pa. king.. -. ipNi-liy ol the pat king

i- 100,0 does*YYII.-

red lien -¦.. :.¦ ii.i ile r ni '..: .ii




nere received,aw i d I ..-..¦.¦.


i .a -n io ah is nn ,-i ui 1.1:

A |-e-ii eillilli iel Ml- 1'iiiti Pl li.- »sa'Illil I lu l-nl V

e.f b in in du led like n y igrant iv nu' ob tlat Eldridge and Htanton--ila last uight. lherebruis- im H .-ii'"'.ii .-tii iv ,i fracture

of thi li" i'"'1 it first to i"

Ls-vi in i' lie ni ii. hail i-ee-nilks

-ti., ii us ii minx., aita! ,inI si length (all lee ih.;k. Un* bod) wa . used io soj one

lust intuit.

THE Tin HUNK FOR 1881.Reprintfd from The Ueekly Tribune cf Pet 1.

Dining tbe past year The Nkw-Yobk,Tumim reaehed the largnel circulation itever attaiDcd. with thc single excep¬tion of a short period in the fintLincoln r_unpa-gn. It i« a hvgnr cinula-tion, .'iud more widely distributed over thewhole country than any ever enjoyed byriny other aewepaper. in the United states.Ibis fact may be taken uh the verdict el' the

Atneiicaii People on Tup. Tiui'.i'nk's politicalforce, ita fidelity to lound principle-, and it-*uieiiis ps a Dewspaper.Pot 1881, lill, Tl.lin Mi will try tO de¬

serve equally well ol tb** public Whntand how much it <!iil for the suc-

ni' Grenerul Gurfield it is eon-

teni to let earnest Repnbllcnns tell, ltnow hopes tn give to bi> Adminis¬tration a discriminating anpporl aa effect-lee as its-i (fbi i for hia election.Tm: Tumi \i. vvill labor for, and it confi¬

dent!) expects tbe incoming Administrationi«» promote, a free and fair iiiffrage, Southimd North, sound money, protection toHome Industry, judicious liberality in lutcrual

ovements, and a Civil Service conductedon business principles, on the theory of ele¬vating, imf ol ignoring or degrading politics.Every citizen who belped to hiing in this

Ailinn ,. should watch its course. Theevents to bc recorded in Tub Tribcxb for1881 will therefore have a peculi r inten 1.The year ptom'ses be les t<> show whether;ln Booth will still .-ac; nice every¬thing to solidity ; and whether the Democratic

after twt nt.v years of disloyalty and *lc-feat, will dissolve or reform. Abroad ii will-I ip.', whether England can compose Ireland;whether tbe Republic in France, w,ili¬um tbe rapport of tbe leaden wboestablished it, can stand alone; whetherthe link can longer pollute Eu-rope. lu Science it promises such practicaliiuiiii[ilis as tin- ase nf electricity tor

.ms, new nu-its of heating, and mv. formaol p' tt.i in place of steam. In Literatureami An ii offer* iii very Bower ol our Nine¬teentu i irj developmeul ; in Religion, a

concentration of force, and union of organiza¬tion! on iltnpler creeds and Inlier wink.

N'u iutelligenl man will in- willing to livei, the yeat without reading of these

things; sud he will bc wise to look foi them inthe journal which baa long enjoyed ih"distinction ol the largest circulation

he le >t i opie. Th - position TbiT Min si, secured and mi ins to retainby becoming the medium of the bestthought aud the voice of the beat con-

science ol the time ; by keeping abreastni the bight il in-.^i ss, favoring the

ill-en-- hui, hearing all rides, ap¬pealing always to the best intel li-_i.ui ami the purest morality, and re¬

runing to cate! to the tastes ol the vile, or

the prejudice! ol tbe ignorant.The well known special features <>!' fur.

Tkibuki ill be aedalously maintained, lt-

Agi ii in.m.il li. ji irtmenl will remainthe fullesl and beet. i he House¬hold iiml tbe Young Folks'Departmente, tin

literary, scientific anti religious features, thesiam:;.ni maikel reports, will all be kept up,alni, ;is opportunity offers, extended.

I ne special preminma for Tan Tribuneve di be found b low. The regularlinns oi subscription per year, postage paid,are as lui!.-,ms¦.tun i Imi.im.r'l 00nm v in ii cm., without Honda] nitum. IO OOsi sum ii.ii,i si: . 2 00

lill. .-I Ml VV 1.1.k.l.Y H.Hil M.

repr.ouersar.*:i ot)ir. p. oas year. 2 'io»>ac!iTen copies, oas reoi. 00 utob

lill WI 1 Kl V rBIBI Ni-Snide mpv. tue r.-ar.§2 00I it. rm p a. Ol I rear. 1 SO euellrea eot'lea,.yi ir. l OOesebAny Dauber ol eoptes of eitber sdlaoa aaovo toa M

tbe same rate, Additloni toelausmaj bo made at sayLu,. ,ii club rafi Remit bf Draft on New-York, Postni.fi i irder, ot In r. gi»t*re«l Letter.

THE irii-'M.s sr ia I al PEEMIUM8.-rn-


1'iint.i'. with every nun! alphabetically ar¬

ranged, showing thc Hebrew or Greek ongi-nal, it- meaning ami pronunciation; with311,000 references, 118,000 beyond i roden ;marking 30,000 various readinss in the GreekNen Testament; with ths latest informationon Biblical geography an I antinuitiea ol tbePalestine Exploration Society, in one quartovolume, containing over 1,100 three-columnpages.ibal tbe rehder may understand inure per¬fectly ibe si/i- of this -.-real Work, WU bate.mit to state thal the pages and type are Ibesame size bs those ol Webster*! unabridgedDictionary.the iti»" having a beautiful, bold,elrui lace, makins: it more easilj reacLeventhan that of the Dictionary. The itereotyiieplates iitiiiu v. iti.-ii ii in printed having beenmade by tin- photo-engraving process, il isnecessarily an exact rac-simile ol Ute Englishwork. withoul tae abridgmenl or variatioB ofa word nr letter.This ia the im>r,t important work in relig¬

ion* literature that has bern produced foimany years. It certainly will supersede anddisplace all similar works which have precededii. It is ai once a Concordance, a Greek, He¬brew ami English Lexicon of Bible words,ami ;t Scriptural Gazetteer, and will be aa val¬uable to students ol Hie Holt Word us an

Unabridged Dictionary ht to the tfrueralreader.

lt will be indispensable to the library ofevery clergyman, and ot tbe grenteal value toeverj sunday school superintendent ami I'.ibb.class teacher Bndscholar. In fact, every hometimi has it Bible in it ought ulso to have tinsgreat help to Bible-rea ling ami study, it is

its well adapted to the nae ol the commonreader ai to that of the scholarly clergyman.This great work was originally published in

England in October, 1879, and was sold at£1-'*. We .an univ offei il in connection withlin I BIBI M. al the following remarkablylow rates :lor $t\ the Concordance and one copy of

im. \\ i.i ki.v ii m m live years, or five cop¬ies one rear, to different addresses.I'or >|| the Coucoriluiice ami mir copy ol

i'm. kmi-Wi km.i Tbibi vk five >eais, ur fivecopici one rear, tn iiuii>n u; mill,t sse-, or tencopies ol i m. v\ i.i ui.i I iiir.i m: one year.I'or .'..O lin Chico,.! Int .in twenty collies

Ol lill. WSEKLl ililli >K nile ve.ll.Tin- pottage nu ihe Concordance ia IO rents

which the subscriber will remit If wishing itsent by mail. Eic |>. short di-t ince-, themail v. ill be chi apt i than the expii

lill. LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE.I.Iii'.I a. Hi t Inp",ila mini.i 1.-,

omitting only some ol tbs cute, with extenaiveadditions bv sa able corps ol Am rican eil I tors,in- ttmg aboul 15,000 a Iditio ml toptburougbly Americanising ths satiresdilin: tn it tn, , 25 pel i I "i

tin- ti.- it, in - p. i'i ,. matter, 'limg i.» Hasdaome Octavo Vol

lillie* li ..-, fjlg pp

n I.ii good siroug e.ilcinlei', il paper,a .tl inti.nm in

VVe ¦¦ work in conned ionm un 1 ur i mm fi ss fol I ws:

Bl lin. Uti "l I I'. IBBAI Kimi I DOS1 "i i.fl.it .¦ i n li

I'or <a|."» Ila.li ll 'in, in ut llna I

l III. I.UH. t I " .¦

¦ 'oi- *'_n .... iii i

I 1 Hill

< nu i.nu tar or Un va 11 hoiI oi- 11 ;i i i m.

/ a i m » year,.,-... ri.r.iMii;

I'or >*-.» ; sh( m. \\ i.i iii

i'lVi; t...nun af tin ..... t...

Hirth is nearly through Hie press, and the rest willrapidly follow. It will be acnt ny mailor ex preaaat the aiibsi nfmr'.-i expense. The postage, if sent bymail, will be 21 cents per volume. In packin,"-*, byex press, they can be tiad much cboaper.

I'UOMPT WOBK.We want pronipt and active work on the part of

Thf. Trttnt\p'n friends for this great preinitim, andBS BU additional incentive for them to «*»nd in theirorder* prompt Iv, we make Hie following additionalsad atom E-cnuoaouianT Otsn: WHhtnen-nt'2,00(1 order* received for TlIK LiRUAitY Of Ott*vm-Ai KmiWi.i doc we will send free, as a pirsmtfrom Tin: Thiiiim tfassulsg*! Ht-'nr-) of Baatami,In three handsome volume*, printed on burgs typeami ginni paper, ami neatly bound in cloth.The reason we aaake ibis additional offer la that

we tvant to get huh great premium promptly be¬fogs the people, knowing, a* we do, thate. "IV Viiliiuie nf it sent out will'e a Urst-elass adve I m nt, amt will sst otherst * work to procure I'm: ! pihi'm snd tbe premium,mother words, we propose to invest ths oost olu.nun ,,,/.,,! | ,,| Macaulay** Hiatory In btingingtbia great premium before t ie people.ih se booka. Uko tbe others, a ul boson! al sub-

icrib rs7 .xpenan by mail or exoreaa. The postagenu ne three volumes will be'_'l cents.

Bl QUI! K Ainu | li

This extraordinary offer, vye gnow, wiU attractwide sttontion, and Induce lively eomneti-tion. That's ju>i wba ws want. Still, i-will t;i!i" a litll" tims in c.rr, off allHi¦ -e 2.1 '' -n tnat no one neill heafraid to competi torfe l ola Boding no chance.


A I in ti.H'iu v ol Universal K lowlsdgs fur i bs Peo¬ple, in Ofteen volumes: being io szael reprintomitting univ tbe cute, ol" the ve»rjr lasts*!11879 edition ol C ambers. Edinburgh Ency-

.-r with four Isurgps tjpai >f from 7'M* io uno pat

aud treating about l.~,'>;»o topics Bot found intbe original work. I hewe volumes are-deaianed te

-¦ -. i..l tv.nun -,; iinei leen i'. id -.

plying tbe nain al deli he English work.We offer this great work Hie lw v-wanns

«'oiii,>Ivl«-' ;;;n)ii tbs following icrin-:

I CHA -I,.lilt-'- i:.V Vi I.Ol'.KIitA. ititi!tie- Am-1 lean v'PH ma, a- ibove, 19 voil

i'or £!.. substantial!! i.i.ii ni m c mb, mnl maBJ ) lim.i NS 9 year-, to .me sub.-, ri-


CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPADia. with., ,-._ i tbe Amen an Amil.t, a* above. 191 la.,a or ..a-*, .^.i,,,. hkui wssblt TnisosB h yesn

I i mi, iii a ilt-r.

Fori BAMBEB.V8 ENCY! l.()l'.T-:i>l *, with

,_ S ihe American Aildittoi i, a* aboveJO vela.,e*8M md ten ooph io! Tub WbbbxvTaiaoai


c.»^ S he American Addltlona, as abnve.19 vol*.,wWV.*i md iw Dtycupieaol run Wi; nu it Tani

i ss i'in- year.

For ¥8*.CHAMBERS'S NI YCI.OI'.I-.IMA. willi

v nu- Am. ie .ti Vipini.iii -, sabave, 19 vols.,i nd im Baili kim mc two years, ex-

ustve ol Hie Bundar - Ution.

Fifteen volumes <>f the remilar Encyclopedia are

now ready. Hie tint volams ol the large typeAmerican Additions Ia also ready for delivery,the booka are sent bv msil or expreei al tbs inb-.-cr; .i's pxpenie. I bs postage, if sent by mad, tt iii

be IO teii.s a rolnme, which me subscriber willnun! it wishing them tims sent. Bv express, ispackages, they ctn be had much cheaper.

WORCESTER'S QRKAT UNABRIDGED DICTION LB.Inim nk will I" glad t'> lead Bl the sub-

siibr'- expenae for (reight, ur deliver in New-i >k City firer, Worcester- Qreal UnabridgedQuirt*! liln-M-i .! Dictionary, bound in sheep,.dillon ol'I-.71), ii- very lateal and very besteti 11 mu of ihai _t e., work, to anyone remitting:.$10 for a ningle five-Years' subscription in advance,

or live one-year subscriptions to 'lill';WEEKLY; or.

fis tor ¦ single titt-veais' inbscription in ad¬vance, or five one-year subscriptions te THESEMI-WEEKLY ,oi ons tem'- lubscription toTHE DAILY, excluding sunday Edition; or,

.s-30 (ors ungle Ibres-vears' lubscriptton in ad¬vance tn THE DAILY TRIBUNE, excludingSunday Edition.

Tor otc dollar extra mr postage th* Dictionarycan bs sent by mail loan, pan of the United States,while for short distance* the sspraaa is muchcheaper.For further information about any of those pre¬

miums, addressTHE TRIBUNE,


fUl I TVA lt T.

JOHN in-Ki'lt HECHLI.nxDuv, Dec. 27..John J. Meehi, tim atrricul

timst sud rsxorstrop maker, whoas failure was so

in hi need on the 16th inst., is deed.

Mr. Meehi was tim smi ot Giaccomo Mi chi,nf Bologna, wbo settled In England and eblqtnsd s peelIn Hie benssbold of fJeorge m.. wai boru in

I. -iidi ia, May 23, IBOS. ead entered a mercantileat the age of sixteen yean. Ahem lsj? ne set

ap tor htmaali a* u cutler, ami between is:;n nut

l-io muu> a handsome tartans br ihs sale

ni the " Miine Balor Sirup" which bears

in-, ii.inn-, ile karand in* stteauen thea te Bsitlshfarming, aud adopteil a Hystuin of deep drain

a_'e ly tue au* nf sU:..tn power on hi*farm of 17n acre- at Tiptree Heath, la Suaeex. The re¬

sult wa* a coltiplelt) tiiuu.pli of Bgrll ultiir.il science, re-

numerative to s blah degree. He wss appointed ini-",»'. to tbs Shrievalty of Loudon, aud ensciiti-i ii au allic ininti tin' next Jiar. He wa* a

member ol tue Connell ,.r th,. Pm-ietyof Arts, urul a iuror in tbe Depart¬ment nf Art ami Science at the )\bibulous of 1851 and 1895, ms published work.- in¬clude: "Ls'tera ¦>. Vitncultural itnpruvsmeat*,'' .¦ Kxperteuec in Dran ta

' snd "Hos to Farm Proiitably."


Dbnyeb, Col., Dec. iii;..fohn Hittson, one

of the nealtbiesl ann Issi kaowg came tutu of tin-

Weat, na* killed ysaterday- si Bael Bijun, near DeerTroll, bis hems, by being thrown frew a carriage, ru**li i cs al :.-.cle il tn lue ramage were rmimug away.


In ite issue ot yesterday Tun Bokoa. Tiiuhm.contained, smongothers, (be followingipeeisl (ea¬rnrca !Tbe Newt In London..Tbs special cable dispatch tn

Tiik 1 Kipim -'i.tea tbsl serious troubl .may anse fromne s atu Sti lean revolt; Jobn Biigbt -viii nat reply lotbr Ear. of Carnarvon; the fimer.il sf " (.curer- Bllof ..

will ta'ie pince on Wednesday, and icrent snii.-ituiii, ia

fell hi Louden fur Mr. LOWCU'S retSBUon aa li. niall Alu¬na- idiir.Knglaml un.I the Bast..I letter fruin Mr. ti. Vi.

BmalTey on fllr Charles Mike's reply tc i.nrd Bshebory,regarding Beglsod'a foreign poller.

ii-l-'n-ii, i. a atieinv..lin regular sorrsspewdssl oflin 'lunn m; gives ao a..-.nut ol Bngeas Latasha, sad,. .ti,i ...tt bli reeeptlua into tbe Preneu A sdsniy,Reroliectloni "f i Besdar..lu Un* sitiste Mr. Ooagdnn

wmesoftbs Cunoatttes of Medicioe. from ute days ofi la i-i linn n tn " nar oe u good doctor "

Dun tbe Damme..Tue Iniiriiev trmn Ll nz ti, Bat-grade, ami the pletureaQUc Boenea mel with mi the wu v.

Plague Spots in tbe Ci tv. .A gtanes at tams of til.

place* whare <ii»eas. is meit or teat* red,Studying c.,-' and Hodel -A dseenpHon ot tho art

SchiMSla r,' t bis ell'.'Dr. lt: un .n's Sword Hilt.A tale of Kn_!i*h life.linne lulen Ita.I, item .r ira the Peep s.Kn tung and Crochet,ah Anrod te ut 0 mittons..I... k 'll uni his wif,.Ki lg ona Inti lliget.ee.,-e euee for the People.Garibaldi . Faigliabman.

,i... ni,-- Tooth.liirtlel'l.

i, ., i, i's Mother.The French Detective

Among leading ar' ides of general nowa wars thefollowing:A Veil Mt rr. Christin.:*..An account Ol flic ap. mi _g

lay lu tuiacltj Bli vie mn. and at pub!ei arti ibu-1 ibiuiloi indel ¦¦

i, ,-n- of the Feast. -Beporta or a number of Christii ta tenuous preached bj proutueni cloi rymen, Iv.

'-.-¦ (ton rbednftot poittloai and socialita ia during the bnlldat -un-.hi rn lbs National Capital.i leueral l'¦.' elgo Ni ¦.. a.

I .. rain Ci up of Kanri Beeord.

Basic and ue Drama.I.I MlaceU-uy.Borne Ni .i-.

The news of tbs day was briefl) express) I In tbsfoliowini numma]. s

i kiom .fha I.nm;,m , ii,ie diapatch to I'm.i s states revolt in tbe ra -v ...il

overn-moot will have to attempt lo nut down the revolt;

-t return .n Lord Kino fromItidia ia deemed iuevitiible; Mr. Brigh will n

plj to Lord! ¦:. mi mi i: tin funeraltn Ihe late "(.....ree Ell H 1 ...

.¦ ,.||

w. i eadey -'.t K' Baal tireen ; ii I thatM mst* I.inti.l I,- , .mt nu, il tuI'll" fll) 1.ll >: II ll il .it I,

rms iii tt Im ii tl ed the in len.il nee ol Ibe ii instill Kepuhitr sro auimuuced.

'h. Indi titer:, tuc Swiss 1le lu I

\ t ¦'., lei tl>.. Vi

' the Weat iline "i '. PaciHe Bu, mi, r

.i"ti a cob (OU (..

Hilo lill) 1

Territory... Rnow has fallen heavily in [oJmn i,Kentneky. North Carolina aud Virginia. \railroad colliaion shout twe-lvo mile** tmlanta. Oa., Saturdav, raw-ed flic death of tin-iriticer and fireman of the O-kf-SS train. === lherewasainutinv Hu'unlay among thc pnMMCIIN IColumbus, Ohio. jail.Cirt and .si'iit'Kniv..Cliristmai waa tn»ore

erall.e and liberally obssiraH tkga f-" JMhist lew yt ant; the ( liurcne* were wil attended *'. ..

spits tba boil weather.:_=A borkssper si li<" a-airily Beoebsbol ami killed ti ib it I an batstieata were Bsads la Bmaklya tai sanooedoa wiltathe fumed chei kt.

Ooptaaaf the paper may Billi ba ohtainei a- . ..*

eiflhe ofTan Tm nt ni: er bp mini. Prise 0 eenie,

A physician hos Joel tHeeorered tbal drink-1 ti LT euler eau«e- l-OUlnettMB. UlonoOSl WDSB '<. rnasas a fallow bave trouble la aslklug. of coi jt ti. tiiiint -m. On, anal sksald we do wi bool ll Ipliisi--i,ni l-lBtMton i'i--'


awdry. Miss M B BriaiBy. JmipB BeU rn, MlasJHii'l-,.1, I uni ia .) 1 /jelllyeon I. lt

...iynis.Yi uni.mi s iii rta trnmr bobo*.

f n e'eidt ei Li. rv, ri li Mis- A B i»-t. is i-r. Mr* R S. limn r. Jr.0Iib: , ilaiiiiiiir. I Una. JM. iili.e'li Mrs YI Ki ... || I. ' ti,Wodra!* ei kieiti.uri-i. capt j gabr. B

A < e,;.n Seems y sm\ii. Appair..Moot poo*pie neglect it. Wboauudaitl Y-* a e-n.-l aw? tara toc. ti niiiptiBiti,nmi net, tallawa sta:¦ ..th.Better isks a cold la Uaw tty ostag Dr. D. layatft i k>

at, tks wetl-kauwB al int ransdy fir rrrgtq,;ii',.i,i'-iiiii., hriBin nitia ami ,il| * uLniili.irv

comp Unts, md rour eotd will dissppear, as wail an nil.i|l ie.e.-tl ...,;| o' ela. *

o.Bitrto Grape \K lueallie, ,i \i -; -it \ r

.lill' -'ll III 111nf at.I and Hadianii ive*

Ill ll,.ai* I 1 ..¦ -|,e. <

i-iet drape anet Bargu IInc e- i-t. mr .- t. ti loni t- i.

ne nnv oi h*i iii- lur Uta New Veal'I tabla,let e,nisei,e ala .:.'! I-n Ihe ii. Kly s.Ul-,,Itt.j,lites.-aierTt u ti ..4 YY a rea * .s V

The N.*w Pool Cilttr-i- I let.nor*.Ul"1'- '' el r. .1... at.,- :.¦.'. w.n. tr. titii-ii' delay*

.tm ari ii iii, in* i, .... ;,. ale u ...

tb* Ne« T ti. L"-t ,t , oatll f lt".*. .1 md (1 ,,-¦'..-.,¦ ,:

eratora have been *ub*Utnl*4 atseam ol * ibaa r.i'.OOO.li. ile BlOSSWSy

Pavilion thu m.i'iiiijj .uni tri r.sn reimUi! f betirhe new titi* Kev..t.et. ivi.l lift 3.5IM teoa .ne ipesdol

2SO tset per nitaut*, w ta « water preeaenr* ,,f bi \willie tie n ti DBeblaasnqnlrsd SOO pun lem rs"In- rats Tb tee! pe i itel ate,

ii,. ,¦,,.! ,,i rnuumi th* ssw ¦ scMns* et i in- abs illimn .i hal of the ole! emt s, t.i -a. l I hm i: o' I'i* tr mg IS teIloira.

DIEDIII. YiK'tYi Lt -ibi Kr-lal. I).-.-.-ntK-r 31 ilt'io r.-ii'ifi' st

i.i. pother ni uiw, YV.iiiani !.,y.i Juiiea. - alb > stir n«y,L. I. .Limes KiaekweU isaCKM-)

Relative* .in.i Ll -ml- ar.- Invited l" nmml tl,- (um ru nerviestal Ht. Luke s Church, c ii.P'.jy,- between Kn .,,,

taodo-avss., brooklyn, on laeaday, D< .. r ila, al i -IOS. ttl

BRADI.E K "; -ti n!:iv, !)¦. ri-ii-i lt'. .' ; u..i".r.ia, I'dlt Bril lilt

itlva*an.lfriendsarer**pectl*tiltv Invited lo ittaad *ie»aral aervteon tr..in hi* late reairt*

Brooklyn,on rneadav. iMUi mat., al .:.-ip. niItt le rn nt ul P. rtti A:nti.iy.Beeton ape n i mas npjCRI H' yi Meat-la-*, 3f. J., December >'¦ 'sf -iipitthi-ri,sam el Barry loongsatamof Samuel an.l Aim* Cramp,¦ged -. Y- c - and 1 tuoiiih

i-ii.u*t.*i pr,.at.. <i vi .... iy December tl*, -ii thi-l. Yl .s l"'HK u un-i maa iinn n.nc. of PBS -m .. lain**

I.iatlam li l-l. n. n.i,. .YI I- .en at t'.- lats R v anthonyi meadorf, 0. u.. la intWth yesr sf bia tan

Pnnem lervieeewiUlal pla -ai kslat* rmlniBOS.Sta.BMi-i h.e..i atc. tummaty, et I o'eloet P tc.

li n el',..-eli. -et, lay, l),-ei.|iil.er '-.el, B.Mig, inly Child ol JeehOPrank foot*

lim ral *.*vice*at tb* reaid .. e. nf bel pamita 116%aaa.i'l ,, e Iles,...lyn, ol, 1 UB-s.tay, 2Sth mat., at 1 o'sit* k

lnirinil-lit privateI. A N I. Al Qw ii -. I. I., mi Sititnliiy, .. JP-njanim Leane, Li the ..'¦.; faat .'f h -

funeral on Tueaday. at 1 o'clock p m., at hi* lalRt slices ami frienis ire ut-, n.-iMdNi'i.'tMl- ICY -mi -itui ie, Uta '.'"Iii inst., e.r hr-'iuiiUl*,un,ml a ii nf Lui, ,r Yt a.. .iim _n ,

aged 7 ws ki and .", 4 iy «.

BARINE em December iM. as 111 Bsat :>i',.-t gaeol pmmmooia Therms s. Intent dan un f Wt tml sad

-I - Untie.I ii'ii-t.il -ti vier-e.' tin- 1. u.r- Mi.ii.I iv, JTtli u.-t at pta. tn.

Political KottcctsTo Ute Deniorratu ot the lily of >i-w*VorU i Tha nu

In muli) tu a ca i fur a ggBltS SH TtllTg '>f 11'an"crat* ta be hals al Oaapw laaUSnte aa .m '.'sm Sap of Dats iiitii-i. '. BBB. ai - ii c ..i I n. in tn (.minute thc ol-Jerta aclfmrli in the BSaiSSBS inplrit at a meemi* liehl at the ilr-niitnta ll lol e,u tho letti mat.'loth'-declaration ot po itiral t nin.ipleii C*_._..I in Hal

aSdram wa ,i,ret,v mbaeriba.The-1),. iseralis- partv BaUavM ta tl..' pra-i-rvatiun ol III*

n?hl nf lotal .seif-K-iV'nini' Ul. .ills! la BBPSBSd I" tho tllirttl*e liakSSOSB u'piiWer.Il lu neve.s in i.aiti eii.jti y* .in.i f:.1! deiiianli a thiiisBiiaii retlorin lu tue uni} laws ansi ni tho

cit ii -ei rlesuuara the saeessa of tksse pnaclplai a rsargaolaattaasl

the Denleseratle1 parly iee the* City of New.York la *n nu-ei.i-UYe ascsaatty.Tks slattag argaat___aas Os sot poMeai ihe ronitdrnct of

UH peon e.

Uniter tin-premat tyttatt UM -mst majority ot Uir, ps.riyiiro e iiluele-il from ani participation in Us is,iu, Un,au peW.I

¦tilt "lUsl lil UM 111 l!S t,I a fl»YV hilllelr. Villi,r> llties* toItSfpstasM ihetr SSattOl Si the marilin* ami ptadaM atnllriiiliviMi.iii am! fain "f., hy roasBBi, ot w ute aitlf-« alni eon ten.linns thc priiiiinles ami larger anns of ihe- paity au- .acnlit edIn lue.rely local aiithlt.ou* ami jeaimisioo

. wa.fiue ot Hie party ileuiamu a thane* ti li.ia renr-l.y lin h rantiut leo a.¦< *iii|ilislieil w.tiiout lt* laStgBBlaBHBB amicomplete rauuion. Bash SBSIIgBSbBMtSS ihouhl t* mSSa uti a

bcofldsadBkstalbsOa,aaa ahou,.i hive tvs pnociDal ob¬ject* -

lirat To assun- the participuuon of Hie Democrallc i::a.-«e*In t.'.e pr.mai lei ot th, party.

-..i-ssp.i -To hoc are frtuu said prnuarie* tl.o fair and 'iirnmtexplf-riOSS otttie vi ill of the raajonir.

.vu Osstaamis are eordetaUy invited to i«k* p»n in tan pro-puseti maattagiYYi ...u (i Hunt, D. YVillli Jatnm,Hamal P. li*-ni.un, Hiram li ,'tiev.Jehu T. Agnew, lii.lericU I' nitvitr.OowaM Ottaa.srlw, BBspssrdP, Knapp,Uol.crt I! Vinturn, LawM May,li. P. Plower, Henri- H Aiiiieraoa,I-'. I" Marl.urv, Jamel W c*erani.Hum-it ii. RosMrveir, Rteamass Ba.mi hia,a. h. .YisiBB.itasgk, i..!,te. DarlaThats her M. Ail OBS, Autlioiiy Kn h_ff.Js'st-ph il (eiiivviii, jr., John K DaVSOB,Abraham l)evo«. POraM ll l'.irk-r,K. Eliety Auelora n, I. I. N. taiark.PiankOaMsoa, I krissagkarO naitY»;n;Isa.er .\e*wt--n. Whe.inr H. .. . nt

IL I'.lv-lii'.biire. J --ih Laren.(lie.William C. Whilnev, Werteriek lt. e'..u hrtBrent! i* Drkeslsa »'. BSsip Daggs,pater B Otoa-y, abram a. newittjohn !). cnmuiu.ii, Abiab.iin DswOasgiYYIrlt.iiti J. A MoOlSBk, 0 n ..- UlmLivni i. Baser, lawassad ax,joha ii Rlkor, n*-*)' bm om ¦.

Kiiis ni i. Panta OseOCmspBisdlllgglBaiienrv Marrissa, PtBakTkBmpgss-me u-ls rue. Jss-eph ll Lawni'i; Yt 1. I* lil- f. tillie .1. Vail tialYtAlit,(linties Coade rt, .Lime'* K Ciralitll.Oasrgal Bsmasl i> Bsamsk.inltll A K"l. V. .l.ll|-» I Kt.tM'l!,.jacn !.. Bstaan OemmyaB ,>|, ,i,,»,

YYili.mili lleeltiiian. c;tl-«-rt H. Uoife-ra.John I. suiherland. Algasl r Bfoadward,Iggma P BBSOaiSa lt- Henry Wltihau*.joesph istllhrr BaasOiaaOalaI.vttleai ll (lairetion. AstSSSSKattaSStBarnard BasUm. Ja-n,'* u. ui maa. rr.

. tut nilli} olli) r.


nucciiil Notice*llccrlonl I'ei-ot - \ *. Y1.1 - iee,ivt*t ililli* ard order*

the ot r product* el tots tell-know* lani nvy Ki-it M i-..;.i.\l.i. .*. < INUIT. Stb av*, arni .,ih-.LIMillAlH N .eu. No I,.7- llle.l.YS.iV ll ll K 1 K.\.. ,.., Lt..,i,1 Yt at. S, EL YY l.l IAM -e V N .. .:¦¦ l:r-ei.1 . .iy

Ditiriest. IMI. I'spanm llasks, Plrat-Clam st,iiou**ry.11. -'. aii.t i..K..l. .'... KUY.N' lg .. Issi 1 til.l, ijMa.den Lui'

lli-niv t. O.i.iiel* >l. H.. ll laii-u'ii.t avu.. o-.ir '.a 11... IS lo 7,

yi eui t.i g,'ulle'iieii

Laieztnc cure* Whooping Cos . md *Uc., na- Price, .!. 'ems

Hill-* p-Tiiiaiie-nilr erntll *ateel vii un ilir.-n ».¦.,! :,-»te .- sit l l.l ie Y in ,i|

,.,^ rt ie flit i..,. I) ll I I ll it

I-),* I ..*>.! ieereirn malla for I .* a*ea*ad u -ni' t . t y JI y

1, ,-,-i en l'1'te.-.iiYY ,

I Oaaaartawa sa-

., 'i ai J iii. im Kraut* sUrw.. tr ... lil li -u \ ,

e,,-, lit .lea',.. tis ...ii.li. n, f.

ii s o' ' IO.»wa aa -iii iii- y y ai tri* lilas.

in ttl eelB.i|' anti .il a. tn nu hi t'


I i.e l,lt *l. I.

bin., uni. vii -'- ittmninl' te .uni limnlint. ll


1 ii, luaus for ,

,Y Y K ie

.S. tt iii

\ B,Y S. ., ., Y, .,1 . J na H J

lol Y,..,-... i.a a..; t 1 I

111 !*)... ,\ I -i. .' I,, lil,, li.

loaiuii.te, Mew-Yurs, Decambar-k isso.