Art and Literature

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Art and literatura of Ancient Egypt

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Egyptian literature dates back to the Old Kingdom in the Millennium before of Christ.

Writing Systems: Hieroglyphs were a writing system developed and used by the ancient Egyptians from predynastic until the fourth century, and represent both ideograms and phonograms.

Religion: Better known because they worshiped many gods. Example:

Amamet: God devours the guilty after trial in the afterlife, is a hybrid monster god, with features of lion, hippo and crocodile.

Anubis: It was a funerary god and protector of the necropolis afterlife pattern, where had the tasks: the custody of the palace of Osiris and chair, along with Thoth, the weighing of the heart of the deceased.

The art in antique egypt art is divided into many parts in painting, sculpture and architecture. their materials were stone and clay.

Egypt's economy depended on the natural resources available: the Nile valley formed by a very fertile black soil, mountains, other domestic animals and cultivated plants. The Egyptians took advantage of all its resources for obtaining other needed materials through trade.

The life of Egypt depended on crop land flooded by the Nile, as its valley was very fertile. Irrigated agriculture predominated although the rains were scarce, but the annual flooding of the Nile gave them favorable conditions to produce the crop.

Ancient Egypt was also a theocracy, , controlled by the clergy

Pharaoh: He was only man dominated Egypt.

The Pharaoh advisors and ministers: were the only ones that made Pharaoh's orders

The governmental officials: The are vizier, or the prime minister, the chief treasurer, the tax collector, the minister of public works, and the army commander.

Citizens: They were forced to go to the army for a period of time to pay what was called a corvée.

Slaves: were forced to perform hard labor as the construction of the pyramids and sacred monuments

Peasants: They who worked the land along the fertile Nile flood basin. These people had no voice in their government

There were more than three thousand different hieroglyphs, and each hieroglyph had its own special meaning.

But most of these three thousand hieroglyphs were not often needed, only about seven hundred were used in most everyday writing.

Although hieroglyphs were originally intended to be carved they could also be written (drawn) on almost any surface with a brush.

A man who earned his living by writing (drawing) hieroglyphs was called a scribe: scribes in Ancient Egypt were very important people.

The men who carved the hieroglyphs were called masons and were much less important: they merely carved what the scribes had written.

This is why we see it so often in inscriptions - so the difference was very important.

So for everyday writing on papyrus the Ancient Egyptians used a very much simpler set of signs, called hieratic.

Hieratic can be written very much more quickly, although it does not look so nice. Later on another form of writing, called demotic, was used. Demotic could be written even faster than hieratic. Egyptologists need to be able to read hieratic and demotic

Papyrus was made from the papyrus plants which used to grow along the banks of the River Nile. Today very little papyrus grows in Egypt. Papyrus plants are a type of reed, growing about two metres tall.

Paraoh: Nobility:




The people: