AROWANA CARE AROWANA CARE AROWANA CARE AROWANA CARE e e e- - -book By VINAYAKA book By VINAYAKA book By VINAYAKA book By VINAYAKA 9742092213 9742092213 9742092213 9742092213

Arowana, Water Conditions

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Page 2: Arowana, Water Conditions

Arowana is not a difficult fish to keep. After all, it has survived throught millions of

years until man came into its way. All you need is to spend one to two hours per

week taking care of it and you will have years of enjoyment watching this beautiful

fossil dragon swimming in your aquarium.

Water Condition

pH: Althought arowana can withstand a reasonable range of pH, they should be

kept in water that is slightly acidic or neutral. Make sure you check you pH

regularly, especially if you have something in your setup that will altered pH, eg

peat, CO2 system(in planted aquarium), etc.

Temperature:Water temperature should be maintianed at between 26C-30C(79F-

86F). Avoid sudden change of temperature as it may chock the fish can cause

problem like tail dropping. Although arowana can withstand higher temperature,

this is not recommanded especially if it is for long period of time. High temperature

cause wrinkling of the gill cove and destroy the authentic look of the fish.

Hardness: Arowana like soft water but can also tolerate water with reasonable


Water Change

Arowana is carnivorous fish. they produce large amount of waste. High amonia,

nitrite and nitrate are common problem in arowana tank. Regular water change is

the easiest way to deal with it. 1/4-1/3 water change per week is recommanded, 20%

twice a week is even better if you have the time. Make sure you adjust the temp and

pH of the new water similar to the tank's. Sudden drop of temperature or pH is

dangerous and could sometime proved to be lethal.

Page 3: Arowana, Water Conditions


Small arowana(below 15cm> should be fed three times a day, medium arowana<15-

35cm) twice a day and large arowana(above 35cm) once a day or alternate day.

Variety in food is important to avoid nutritional deficiency. High fat food like feeder

fish should only be used sparingly to avoid drop eye problem. If arowana is overfed

for a long period of time, it may lost its appetite and starve itself for a periods of a

few days. Overfeeding can also shorten the lifespan of arowana and affect its

breeding capability.