Are You Leading You? Are You Leading You? The Impact of The Impact of Leadership on Leadership on Business” Business” Dr Darryl Cross, PhD FAPS, FAIM, PCC Leadership Coach & Psychologist Aligning Minds Playford Partnership Networking Breakfast, 12 June, 2009

“Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

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Aligning Minds. “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”. Dr Darryl Cross , PhD FAPS, FAIM, PCC Leadership Coach & Psychologist. Playford Partnership Networking Breakfast, 12 June, 2009. Did you know?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

““Are You Leading You? The Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Impact of Leadership on

Business”Business”Dr Darryl Cross, PhD

FAPS, FAIM, PCCLeadership Coach & Psychologist

Aligning Minds

Playford Partnership Networking Breakfast,12 June, 2009

Page 2: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

Stanford Research Institute reports that organisational success and profit

is determined by 2 core aspects:

1. Job Knowledge & Technical Skills

2. Interpersonal & Communication Skills

What percentage however, is attributable to Box 1 in comparison to Box 2?

12.5% 87.5%



Did you know?

Page 3: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

Emotional Intelligence

“When I compared leaders who were linked to strong performance with average performers, 90% of the difference was attributable to emotional intelligence rather than technical skills.”

[David Maister, The Australian Financial Review, July 2000 --*Source: What Makes a Leader?, Daniel Goleman (author of Emotional Intelligence, Bantam 1995 and Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam 1998), Harvard Business Review, November-December 1998]

“My entire education over-developed my IQ skills and nowhere along the line did anyone ever teach me social skills, interpersonal skills – more importantly, emotional skills – which are at the centre of developing trust.”

Page 4: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

Can a good company become great and if so, how? What factors takes it from good to great?

Looked for companies that that had cumulative stock returns at or below the general stock market for 15 years, punctuated by a transition point, with cumulative returns at least 3 times the market over the next 15 years

Recent Developments in Leadership

[Jim Collins "Level 5 Leadership", Harvard Business Review, 2001, Page 67-76]

Page 5: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

• 1,435 companies• From the Fortune 500 list• From 1965 – 1995• Found only 11 companies

Page 6: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

Level 5 Leadership

The common theme?

• The key factor was the top executive.

• "The executives in the companies that went from good to great and sustained that performance for 15 years or more were all cut from the same cloth – one remarkably different from those which produced executives at the comparison companies in the study".

• The successful organisations all had a "Level 5" leader at the time of the transition.

Page 7: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”





LEVEL 1 Highly Capable Individual

Makes productive contributions thro' talent, knowledge, skills & good work habits

Contributing Team Member

Competent Manager

Effective Leader

Level 5 Executive

Contributes to the achievement of group objectives; works effectively with others in a group setting

Organises people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of pre-determined objectives

Catalyses commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision: stimulates the group to high performance

Builds enduring greatness thro' a paradoxical combination of humility plus professional will

Page 8: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

Level 5 leaders are a study in duality

Level 5 = Humility + Will

Modest & Wilful

Shy & Fearless

Personal Humility & Professional Will

For example:

Abraham Lincoln – "a quiet, peaceful, shy figure"

Nelson Mandella; Mother Teresa; Martin Luther King

Level 5 Leadership

Page 9: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”



Needing to win

Needing to be right

Needing to be superior

Needing to have more

or get more

Needing to look good

Needing to achieve

Needing to have a reputation

Needing to possess







Mine Mine


"In more than 2/3s of the comparison companies, we noted the presence of a gargantuan ego that contributed to the demise or continued mediocrity of the


Page 10: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

‘Corporate Athletes’

Corporate Coaches of Corporate Athletes

Page 11: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

"When looking to enhance knowledge and ability, even the most elite and talented athletes need a coach, someone who will help them analyse their performance and set goals for what they want to achieve in the future, and direction in achieving those goals. Business is no different."

(Rebecca Spicer, "The Coaching Drill”,Dynamic Business, July 2007)

Page 12: “Are You Leading You? The Impact of Leadership on Business”

““People don’t People don’t care what you care what you know until they know until they know that you know that you care”care”

The Final Word