Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 www.stjohnberchmans.org 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment A N O I N TI N G M AS S ~ S A TU RDA Y, A PRI L 9TH @ 5 PM April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter

April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter - John Berchmansstjohnberchmans.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/000599SJB16040… · invitar a otros a confiar en su amor y misericordia. Sus

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Parish Office: 773.486.4300

Parish Fax: 773.252.5346

School Office: 773.486.1334

School Fax: 773.486.1782


2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647

Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m.,11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m.

Reconciliation (Confession):Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Weekdays: by Appointment

Anointing M

Ass ~ sAturdAy, April 9th @ 5pM

April 3, 2016Second Sunday of Easter

Page 2: April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter - John Berchmansstjohnberchmans.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/000599SJB16040… · invitar a otros a confiar en su amor y misericordia. Sus

Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016


Our Mission:Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place.

Dear Friends,

He is risen! Alleluia!

Today we mark Divine Mercy Sunday. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the day should have even more significance in the life of the Church. Some people have commented, perhaps half-jokingly, that I’ve been

talking a lot about mercy lately. Maybe it is the “Francis Effect,” or the fact that as I get older, I realize more and more my own need for the grace and mercy God offers us. I know, in my heart of hearts, that without God’s mercy I would be lost.

We received the message of Divine Mercy from a 20th Century Polish Sister, and instructions on the practice of Divine Mercy from a 20th Century Albanian Missionary Sister. And this week we mark the death of another sister who devoted her life to communicating the message of Divine Mercy via the use of modern technology. Like the women at the tomb who told the good news of the resurrection of Jesus, these fine religious sisters did the same in their own lives and invited us to know God’s love and mercy, to live God’s love and mercy and to proclaim God’s love and mercy to all we meet.

Sister Faustina had visions of Jesus, who spoke with her and encouraged her to invite others to trust in his love and mercy. Her messages written in her diary have touched many hearts and changed many lives. Those messages strongly influenced the Popes we remember: John Paul II, Benedict, and even Francis. A few years before her death, Jesus appeared to Sister Faustina and invited her to paint a picture of the Divine Mercy. In her diary, she wrote, “In the evening, when I was in my cell, I became aware of the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment. One hand was raised in blessing; the other was touching the garment at the breast. From the opening of the garment at the breast there came forth two large rays, one red and the other pale. In silence I gazed intently at the Lord; my soul was overwhelmed with fear, but also with great joy. After a while Jesus said to me, ‘paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the inscription: Jesus, I trust in You.’”

She painted the image. We have the image in the church today. Her influence on Pope Francis so motivated him that on the eve of Divine Mercy

Sunday of 2015, he promulgated the Bull of Indiction announcing the Year of Mercy. And at his recent Mass in Cuba, in the Sanctuary, the image of Jesus of Mercy could be seen, along with the words, “Jesus I trust in you.” As the message penetrated the hearts of the popes, allow it to penetrate yours. Trust in Jesus, in his power over sin and death, above all in his mercy. Let us humbly approach God, as Saint Faustina invites us, as say, “For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, a missionary from Albania to India, heard the call to bring God’s mercy, in tangible form, to the slums of Calcutta. She described herself as a pencil in the hand of God, and challenged all she met to bring the compassion and mercy of Jesus to those around them. Her daily payer inspires me. Maybe you will be inspired too.

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others.

This week, the world said goodbye to Mother Angelica, who died on Easter Sunday. She was 92. Mother Angelica, whether one agreed with her ecclesiology or not was a powerful communicator of God’s mercy. One of her great quotes, and she had many, reminds us of the tirelessness of God’s mercy. “God always forgives when you are totally repentant and you desire to change. He forgives...and He never gets tired of forgiving. Never. You may get tired asking. I hope not. He never, never tires of forgiving. Never.”

These three sisters inspire me to be better, to trust in God’s mercy, to live God’s mercy and to never forget to run to God’s mercy. I hope they inspire you too.


Jesus, I Trust in You

Wayne’s World

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Second Sunday of EasterApril 3, 2016


Parish AnnouncementsParish AnnouncementsANOINTING MASS

On Saturday, April 9th there will be an anointing Mass at 5:00pm. All those who are ill in body or mind are welcome to come and be anointed.


All women of faith are invited to come and pray - Tuesday, April 12 at 7pm in the Saint John Berchmans School Chapel (enter through gate between rectory and convent). All women of all ages are welcome! Come and bring a friend.


Many of the students in both our school and Religious Education program are in the final stages of preparing to receive Sacraments in the first week of May. First Communions will be celebrated at the 5pm Mass on Saturday, April 30th and the 9:45am, 11:30am & 6:30pm Masses on Sunday, May 1st. Confirmation will be celebrated at 7pm on Wednesday, May 4th. Please keep these students in your prayers during these final weeks and consider joining us at one or more of the Masses to share their Sacramental joy!


Thank you to all who helped and all who came to our 3rd Annual Saint Joseph Table. We enjoyed preparing for it, and the joy and enthusiasm of all who joined us, made it all worthwhile. If you didn’t have a chance to join us, mark your calendars now for next year’s event - MARCH 18, 2017. SEE YOU THEN!


God sends his only Son among us for one mission, one purpose— to bring us his mercy. Jesus says of himself that the Lord has sent him “to bring good news to the poor . . . to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.” (Luke 4:18) Here is the mercy of God in the mission of Jesus among us.

Archdiocese of Chicago - Parishioner Survey

Archbishop Cupich wants your input! When the Renew my Church initiative was announced, he invited everyone in the Archdiocese of Chicago to participate in the process of revitalizing our parish communities. Please take time to respond to a survey designed to help Archbishop Cupich and the Archdiocese better understand the perspective of Catholics across Cook and Lake counties. The survey can be found at www.archchicago.org/renew. We encourage you to complete the survey online, but paper copies are available.

Stewards of God’s CreationBy Nicole Vilches

Peace & Justice, Paz y Justicia Commission Co-chair

Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Care for God’s Creation

“We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.”

Happy Easter from the Peace & Justice, Paz y Justicia Commission! As we join in joyful celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, all around us we can see signs of life returning to Logan Square after the long Chicago winter. Throughout the month of April, the Peace and Justice/Paz y Justicia Commission invites you to join us as we explore the many ways that we can help to be stewards of God’s creation. Watch the bulletin each week for reflections and invitations to action. Together, we can make a difference!

The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.—Genesis 2:15

Garden Clean-up - Saint John Berchmans Saturday, April 9, 2016 ~ 10:30am

Again, all are invited to help clean-up our campus and our gardens in preparation for the spring planting. Bring your garden gloves and weeding tools! We will meet in front of the Logan Buildings.


Page 4: April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter - John Berchmansstjohnberchmans.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/000599SJB16040… · invitar a otros a confiar en su amor y misericordia. Sus

Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016


Nuestra Misión:“Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.”

Wayne’s World

Queridos Amigos,

¡Él ha resucitado! ¡Aleluya!

Hoy conmemoramos el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia. En este Año de la Misericordia, el día debería tener aún más importancia en la vida de la Iglesia. Algunas personas han comentado, tal vez bromeando, que he estado hablando mucho sobre la misericordia

últimamente. Quizás sea el “Efecto de Francisco”, o el hecho de que a medida que envejezco, me doy más cuenta de mi propia necesidad de la gracia y la misericordia que Dios nos ofrece. En el fondo de mi corazón, sé que sin la misericordia de Dios estaría perdido.

Recibimos el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia de una hermana polaca del siglo veinte, y las instrucciones sobre la práctica de la Divina Misericordia de una Hermana misionera albanesa del siglo veinte. Y esta semana conmemoramos la muerte de otra Hermana que dedicó su vida comunicando el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia mediante el uso de la tecnología moderna. Al igual que las mujeres en la tumba que anunciaron la buena noticia de la resurrección de Jesús, estas refinadas hermanas religiosas hicieron lo mismo en sus propias vidas y nos invitaron a conocer el amor y la misericordia de Dios, a vivir el amor y la misericordia de Dios y a proclamar el amor y la misericordia de Dios con todos aquellos que conocemos.

Sor Faustina tenía visiones de Jesús, quien habló con ella y la animó a invitar a otros a confiar en su amor y misericordia. Sus mensajes escritos en su diario han tocado muchos corazones y cambiado muchas vidas. Esos mensajes fuertemente han influenciado a los Papas que recordamos: Juan Pablo II, Benedicto, e incluso a Francisco. Unos pocos años antes de su muerte, Jesús apareció a Sor Faustina y la invitó a pintar una imagen de la Divina Misericordia. En su diario, ella escribió: “En la noche cuando estaba en mi celda, vi al Señor Jesús vestido de blanco. Una mano estaba levantada en ademán de bendecir y, con la otra mano, se tocaba el vestido, que aparecía un poco abierto en el pecho, brillaban dos rayos largos: uno era rojo y, el otro blanco. Yo me quedé en silencio contemplando al Señor. Mi alma estaba llena de miedo pero también rebosante de felicidad ‘Pinta una imagen Mía, según la visión que ves, con la Inscripción: Jesús, yo confío en Ti.”’

Ella pintó la imagen. Tenemos la imagen en la iglesia hoy. Así, su influencia motivó al Papa Francisco en la víspera del Domingo de la Misericordia de 2015, proclamó la Bula de Convocación anunciando el Año de la Misericordia. Y en

su reciente Misa en Cuba, en el santuario, la imagen de Jesús de la Misericordia pudo verse, junto con las palabras: “Jesús en Ti confío.” A medida que el mensaje penetró los corazones de los Papas, permitan que penetre los suyos. Confiando en Jesús, en su poder sobre el pecado y la muerte, sobre todo en su misericordia. Acerquémonos humildemente a Dios, como Santa Faustina nos invita, diciendo: “Por el bien de su dolorosa pasión, ten misericordia de nosotros y del mundo entero.”

Santa Teresa de Calcuta, una misionera de Albania hasta India, escuchó la llamada a llevar la misericordia de Dios, en forma tangible, a los barrios pobres de Calcuta. Ella se describió como un lápiz en la mano de Dios, y desafió a todos los que se reunieron a llevar la compasión y la misericordia de Jesús a aquellos a su alrededor. Me inspira su oración diaria. Tal vez ustedes también serán inspirados.

Querido Jesús, ayúdame a esparcir tu fragancia adondequiera que vaya. Inunda mi alma de tu espíritu y vida. Penetra en mi ser y aduéñate de tal manera de mí, que mi vida sea irradiación de la tuya. Ilumina por mi medio y toma posesión de mí de tal manera que cada alma con la que entre en contacto pueda sentir tu presencia en mí. Que no me vean a mí, sino a Ti en mí. Permanece en mí de manera que brille con tu luz y que mi luz pueda iluminar a los demás. Toda mi luz vendrá de Ti, oh Jesús. Ni siquiera el rayo más leve será mío. Tú, por mi medio, iluminarás a los demás.

Esta semana, el mundo se despidió de la Madre Angélica, quien falleció el Domingo de Pascua. Ella tenía 92 años. Si algunos están o no de acuerdo con su eclesiología, la Madre Angélica era una potente comunicadora de la misericordia de Dios. Una de sus grandes frases, y tenía muchas, nos recuerda la perseverante misericordia de Dios. “Dios siempre perdona cuando usted está totalmente arrepentido y desea cambiar. Él perdona ... y nunca se cansa de perdonar. Nunca. Usted puede cansarse de suplicar. Espero que no. Él nunca, nunca se cansa de perdonar. Nunca.”

Estas tres hermanas me inspiran a ser mejor, a confiar en la misericordia de Dios, a vivir la misericordia de Dios y para que nunca me olvide pedir la misericordia de Dios. Espero que también les inspire.


Jesús, Yo Confío en Ti

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Second Sunday of EasterApril 3, 2016



El sábado, 9 de abril habrá una Misa de unción a las 5:00pm. Todos los que están enfermos física o mentalmente son bienvenidos a venir y ser ungidos.


Todas las mujeres de fe están invitados a venir y orar - Martes, 12 de abril de 7pm en la Capilla de la Escuela San Juan Berchmans (entran por las puertas entre la rectoría y el convento) ¡Todas las mujeres de todas edades son bienvenidas! Siéntase libre de traer una amiga.


Muchos de los estudiantes en nuestra escuela y del Programa de Educación Religiosa están en las etapas finales de preparación para recibir los Sacramentos en la primera semana de mayo. Las Primeras Comuniones se celebrarán durante las Misas el sábado, 30 de abril a las 5pm y el domingo 1 de mayo a las 9:45am, 11:30am y 6:30pm. La Confirmación se celebrará el miércoles, 4 de mayo a las 7pm. ¡Por favor mantenga a estos estudiantes en sus oraciones durante estas últimas semanas y considere unirse a nosotros en una o más de las Misas para compartir su alegría Sacramental!


¡Gracias a todos los que ayudaron y todos los que vinieron a nuestra tercera Mesa Anual de San José. Disfrutamos preparándola, y la alegría y el entusiasmo de todos los que nos acompañaron, hicieron que valiera la pena. Si usted no tuvo la oportunidad de unirse a nosotros, marque su calendario ahora para el evento del próximo año - 18 DE MARZO DEL 2017. ¡NOS VEREMOS!

Anuncios Parroquiales


Dios envía a su único Hijo a habitar entre nosotros en una misión, con un propósito: traernos su misericordia. Jesús dice de sí mismo que el Señor lo ha enviado para que dé la Buena Noticia a los pobres;. . . a anunciar la libertad a los cautivos y la vista a los ciegos, para poner en libertad a los oprimidos (Lucas 4:18). En esto se encuentra la misericordia de Dios: en la misión de Jesús entre nosotros.

Administradores de la creación de DiosPor Nicole Vilches

Co-presidente de la Comisión Peace & Justice/Paz y Justicia

Tema de la Doctrina Social Católica: El Cuidado de la Creación de Dios

“Mostramos nuestro respeto por el Creador en cómo administramos la creación. El cuidado de la tierra no es sólo un eslogan del Día de la Tierra, es un requisito de nuestra fe. Estamos llamados a proteger a las personas y al planeta, viviendo nuestra fe en relación con toda la creación de Dios. Este desafío ambiental tiene dimensiones morales y éticas fundamentales que no pueden ser ignoradas”.

¡Felices Pascuas de parte de la Comisión de Peace & Justice/Paz y Justicia! Como nos unimos en la gozosa celebración de la resurrección de Cristo, a nuestro alrededor podemos ver signos de vida volviendo a Logan Square después del largo invierno de Chicago. Durante el mes de abril, la Comisión de Peace & Justice/Paz y Justicia le invita a unirse a nosotros mientras exploramos las muchas maneras en que podemos ayudar a ser administradores de la creación de Dios. Por favor vea Ver el boletín cada semana para las reflexiones e invitaciones a la acción. ¡Juntos podemos hacer una diferencia!

Tomó, pues el Señor Dios al hombre, y lo puso en el huero de Edén, para que lo labrase y lo guardase.-Génesis 2:15

Limpieza de Jardinería de San Juan BerchmansSábado, 9 de abril 2016 a las 10:30am

Una vez más, todos están invitados a ayudar a limpiar nuestro campus y nuestros jardines, para la preparación de plantar las flores de la primavera. Traiga sus guantes y herramientas de jardinería! Nos encontraremos en frente de los edificios Logan.


Arquidiócesis de Chicago-Encuesta para Feligreses

¡El Arzobispo Cupich quiere conocer su opinión! Cuando se anuncio la iniciativa Renueva mi Iglesia, el invito a todos los miembros de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago a participar en el proceso de revitalizacion de nuestras comunidades parroquiales. Por favor tome un tiempo para responder la encuesta que ha sido diseñada para ayudar al Arzobispo Cupich y la Arquidiócesis a entender mejor las puntos de vista de los católicos de los condados de Cook y Lake. La encuesta se puede encontrar a www.archchicago.org/renew. Lo animamos a completar la encuesta por internet, pero también habrá copias impresas.

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Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016


School News

Admissions are Open!Online applications for the 2016-17 school year are open to the public! There are still openings available, but our lower grades (PK-3rd) are filling up quickly. Families who are considering St. John Berchmans School for the 2016-17 school year are encouraged to complete the application as soon as possible.

To learn more, we invite you to visit the Prospective Parent page on our website. On this page, you can learn a little bit more about our vibrant and growing school community. Here you can peek into our virtual windows and see just a small sampling of what makes St. John Berchmans School a great place to be!

But we hope your journey with us doesn’t end here. We invite you to reach out to us and stop in for a visit, so that you can see in real time and space, the rigorous, innovative and collaborative ways our students, their teachers and our administration work together to live out our mission to LEARN, GROW, SHARE & BELIEVE, together! A school tour and a personalized admissions consultation can be scheduled at any time during school hours. Contact our Assistant Principal, Amanda Sullivan to schedule your private visit today!

Why St. John Berchmans?At the core of our school mission and vision is the strong desire to nurture, engage and empower students to reach their full potential in all facets of their lives — academically, spiritually, socially and physically.


Festivities begin at 6pm, immediately following our 5pm Mass.

Rydell High Carnival (SJB School Gymnasium)

2524 West Altgeld

Enjoy an evening of food and fun in support of SJB School!

This year’s event includes . . .Silent Auction

RaffleGreat Food

Full BarDJ & Dancing

Tickets are available at www.givecentral.org or in the school office

For more information please contact Rochelle Brophy at773-486-1334, or [email protected]

Open House ~ April 7th @ 8:30amStill making the choice about school for your child next year? Come see all that SJB has to offer! To RSVP, please contact Amanda Sullivan in the school office at (773) 486-1334 or [email protected].

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Second Sunday of EasterApril 3, 2016


SJB Legacy Campaign: Restore, Renew, Rejoice!

With praise and thanks to Almighty God, and great gratitude to you, I share good news.


People thought the final year’s goal lofty, courageous, unlikely, and maybe even impossible. But, in one year, through the generosity of so many - including children who emptied their piggy banks - the Saint John Berchmans community and our generous benefactors rallied. We believed. And - WE DID IT!

As a result we are free of capital debt.

Our five-year Legacy Campaign has come to an end. Including corporate and archdiocesan grants, we have raised $4,688,692. We have restored and renewed. Now is the time to rejoice!

Please mark your calendars for a Mass of Thanksgiving and Jubilee Reception on April 23rd at 5pm - details below. I promise not to take a second collection!

SJB Legacy campaign: ReStoRe, Renew, ReJoice!

Mass of Thanksgiving and Jubilee Reception

Saturday ~ April 23, 2016 ~ 5pm

Saint John Berchmans 2517 W. Logan Blvd

Chicago, Illinois 60647

RSVP to Jennifer [email protected] or (773) 486-4300

La Campaña Legado de SJB:Restaurar, Renovar, Gozar!

ONLINE GIVING TO SJBSave the hassle of envelopes, checks, and Sunday memory lapses by giving to Saint John Berchmans online! Log on to GiveCentral to set up an account, and your weekly offering will be deducted directly from your checking or savings account.

DONACIONES EN EL INTERNET A SJBAhorre la molestia de los sobres, cheques y lapsos de memoria haciendo su donación semanal a San Juan Berchmans por medio del internet. Inicie sesión en GiveCentral para crear su cuenta y ofrenda semanal. Se deducirá directamente de su cuenta corriente o cuenta de ahorros.


March 20, 2016 Mass Collection Online giving (updated 12/2015)

Total Sunday Collection

Our weekly goalSurplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal

March 27, 2016 Mass Collection Online giving (updated 12/2015)

Total Sunday Collection

Our weekly goalSurplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal

2015-16 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7/1/15)Our goal to dateCollected year to dateSurplus/(Shortfall) year to date

Thank you ~ Gracias








Stewardship Report

Renew My Church

I believe in the Catholic Church, I belong to the Catholic Church:What does that mean?

Many people who are “born Catholic” take belonging to the Church for granted. They have never thought much about it. Certainly, it makes a difference to them, especially at the important times of life, such as the birth of a new child in the family, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, sickness, and the death of loved ones. They can also take pride in the Church at certain high moments and feel shame, when scandalous and abusive behavior in the Church surfaces for public view. But most of all, in their experience, Catholics who say they are Catholics point to their parish as the place where they feel they belong.

Question: How do I understand myself as a Catholic? How would I begin to explain my belonging to Jesus and to his Church to someone who was unfamiliar with the Catholic Church?

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Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016


Please Pray


For the health of

SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Wayne F. Watts, [email protected]

RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, [email protected]

PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins

DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, [email protected] Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Joseph P. D’Arco, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP AND LITURGY: Jennifer Cortez, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION AND EDUCATION: Shelagh Donoghue, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Jean Tuohy, [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, [email protected]

PRINCIPAL: Peggy Roketenetz, [email protected]

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Patricia Danielak, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS: Amanda Sullivan, [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Rochelle Brophy, [email protected]

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, [email protected]

Teresa Angulo, Mark Baker, Ivan Bermudez, Katarzyna Bielarz, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Rev. Anthony Bus, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Gary Calmes, Mike Cokins, Adriana Collado, Nan Condit, Jean Condon, Brian DeLeon, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Evan Flores, Margaret Gielnewski, Ruth E. Gomez, Maureen Gramling, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Lois Hinkens, Bertha Jiminez, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Mary Ann Kosiba, Hector Lorenzo, Alice Maestrazi, Olivia Maxon, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Humberto Moya, Katie O’Connor, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Debra Parsons, Genevieve Podraza, Rita Rattin, Fr. Paul Reicher, Orlando Reyes, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Celeste Schwilck, Gwen Skeoch, Simon Shilston, M. E. Shober, Joseph Slocki, Will Sullivan, Cheryl Szucsits, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres, Sylvia Torres and Lucille Wozny

Welcome to Our Family of Faith!

During the month of March, Saint John Berchmans welcomed, through the Sacrament of Baptism,three new members to our ever-

growing family of faith.

Sonia Grace, daughter of Daniel Hernandez and Denise Badillo

Selena, daughter of Joaquin Tapia and Erica Herrera

Eloise Virginia, daughter of Brian and Kristin Kiernan

along with our six catechumens - baptized at the Easter Vigil

Heather June Hartman

MacKenzie June Hartman

Zoe Marie Hartman

Emily Rose Merriman

Harlow Sophia Merriman

Mark Edward Waller


RecitalSJB cantor and choir section leader Jonathon Larson, assisted by pianist Stephen Uhl, will present a recital of arias and art songs at St. John Berchmans on

Sunday, April 3 at 4:00 PM. Jonathon has been accepted into the Young Artists Program, sponsored by Chicago Summer Opera and Vivace Opera Workshop. The free will offering will help defray the cost of participation in these programs. The program will include music by Mozart, Schubert, Ives and Paderewski. Mark your calendars now, and join us for an afternoon of great music.

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SummeR on the SquaRe

June 18, 2016There are many opportunities to volunteer for this great event, so watch the bulletin for the details on how to sign-up. For more information, please contact Joe D’Arco in the rectory office at (773) 486-4300 or [email protected].

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Second Sunday of EasterApril 3, 2016


SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTERDIVINE MERCY SUNDAYSATURDAY, April 2 5:00pm +REV. EDMUND GUZ Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Deacon: Jorge Cabrera Commentator: Art DeLeon Lector: Rachele Esola EMHC: Gary Aistrup, Martha DeLeon Altar Servers: E. Ham, C. Reynolds, A. Rios

SUNDAY, April 3 8:15am +NANCY J., NANCY M. AND MARY A. BRAVATA Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Olga Perez Lector: Theresa Bui EMHC: Jeffrey Bowen, Raghda Fakhoury, Anna Wozny-Ramirez Servers: A. Bui, J. Bui

9:45am +SADATH GARCIA GERARDO AND TOÑA TRISTAN (ANNIVERSARY) Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Joyana Dvorak Lectors: Kathleen Dillon Narko, Brendan Narko EMHC: Emily Marion, Rosa Ramirez, Noreen Russo Altar Servers: R. Rojas, R. Rojas, J. Velgara

11:30am +ALBERTO ZUÑIGA +CARMELO ZUÑIGA JESSE y ROSA TINAJERO Oficiante: Pd. Paul Reicher Diácono: Guillermo Mendizabal Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Mendizabal Lectores: Carmen Santiago, Veronica Medina MESC: Raul y Socorro Torres, Manuel Cerrillo, Guadalupe Pantoja Monaguillos: D. Hernandez, L. Melvin, D. Rodriguez

6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Kitty Tunca Lector: Cristina Gomez EMHC: Kathleen McCormick, Juan Mendoza, Phillip Ramirez Servers: J. Badillo, M. Cerrillo, S. Reyes

MONDAY, April 4 – The Annunciation of the Lord 7:00am CESARIA ZUÑIGA Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher

TUESDAY, April 5 – Easter Weekday[Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest] 7:00am +GERALDINE MCGHEE Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

WEDNESDAY, April 6 – Easter Weekday 7:00am +PETER FINLEY DUNNE Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

THURSDAY, April 7 – Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest 7:00am VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher

FRIDAY, April 8 – Easter Weekday 8:30am JOEL ZUÑIGA Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts

THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTERSATURDAY, April 9 5:00pm +REGINA DEKELAITA REV. ANTHONY BUS (HEALING) Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Lector: Gary Aistrup EMHC: Mark Dombrowski, Dan Wetstein Altar Servers: A. Pitcock, H. Pitcock, A. Teruel

SUNDAY, April 10 8:15am +FRANK L. GAPINSKI Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Anna Wozny-Ramirez Lector: Sarah Fakhoury EMHC: Nancy Krause, Kevin and Monique VanRenterghem Servers: R. Rojas, R. Rojas

9:45am +VIRGILIO BONIFAZI AND FAMILY Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Commentator: Dennis Kelleher Lectors: Kristina Kelleher, Ed Pennington EMHC: Dave Dvorak, Joe Glunz, Jeremy O’Keefe Altar Servers: E. Glunz, A. Moulton, S. Vilches

11:30am +JESUS MENDES AMADOR TINAJERO y FAMILIA Oficiante: Pd. Kevin Birmingham Diácono: Jorge Cabrera Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Gudino Lectores: Wilmer Ramirez, Esther Castro MESC: Mario Gudino, Gabby Uruchima, Armando y Maria E. Salgado Monaguillos: I. Ibarra, L. Melvin, D. Uruchima

[CONFIRMATION RETREAT] 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Wayne F. Watts Servers: R. Guerra, S. Reyes, Y. Sanchez-Peña

El Comité GuadalupanoInvitamos a la comunidad de habla hispana que asista a las juntas del Comité Guadalupano. Las juntas se llevan a cabo el primer domingo del mes. Estas juntas cubren varios tópicos que afectan a nuestra comunidad. Nuestra próxima junta será hoy, el 3 de abril, después de la Misa de 11:30am en el salón parroquial. Por favor unase a nosotros. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

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