Appendixl Rolf P. Knierim Our focus on the Old Testament in its own right is, while not exclusive, legitimate. Its legitimacy does not depend on whether the Old Testament should be read together with the New Testament, or whether it should be read by itself before being read with the New Testament. This question should not be determined by an either/or. As long as both testaments are read together eventually, the question of where to start the process of reading is of secondary importance. However, the claim that the Old Testament is theologically signifi- cant only when it is read in light of the New Testament, or of Christ, has imperialistic implications and is theologically counterproductive: it is imperialistic because it censures the Old Testament's theological validity by external criteria; and it is counterproductive because the theological significance of Christ or the New Testament - in as much as the Old Testament has something to do with them - cannot be substantiated with reference to the Old Testament's theological insignificance. The legitimate focus on the Old Testament in its own right depends on some mutually supportive reasons. First, this corpus is claimed by the Jewish as well as by the Christian tradition. The two claims conflict, and an arbitrating third party is not around. It should be clear, at least for the Christians, that an interpretation of their Old Testament must be mindful of that dissensus and therefore rest on the Old Testament itself, and not on their New Testament or an a priori combination of both. Such a combination of both testaments on the well-meant assumption by some Christians that Christianity is essentially Jewish because Jesus was a Jew does not stand the test. Jews will recognise no Jewishness of Christianity on the ground of Jesus's Jewishness, rightly so. And for Christians, the condition and ground for the election of all humans into God's kingdom and salvation are not based on the Jewishness of Jesus. Salvation may have come from or through a Jew, but it is not Jewish in nature. Christians owe Jews a great debt indeed, for more than one reason. But Christianity is not essentially Jewish. 227

Appendixl - Springer978-1-349-09434-9/1.pdf · Appendixl Rolf P. Knierim ... 1. Index of Authors Abrecht, Paul 128 Augustine 198, 206 Ahmad, K. 76 Ahsan, M. M. 76 Albright, William

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Appendixl Rolf P. Knierim

Our focus on the Old Testament in its own right is, while not exclusive, legitimate. Its legitimacy does not depend on whether the Old Testament should be read together with the New Testament, or whether it should be read by itself before being read with the New Testament. This question should not be determined by an either/or. As long as both testaments are read together eventually, the question of where to start the process of reading is of secondary importance.

However, the claim that the Old Testament is theologically signifi­cant only when it is read in light of the New Testament, or of Christ, has imperialistic implications and is theologically counterproductive: it is imperialistic because it censures the Old Testament's theological validity by external criteria; and it is counterproductive because the theological significance of Christ or the New Testament - in as much as the Old Testament has something to do with them - cannot be substantiated with reference to the Old Testament's theological insignificance.

The legitimate focus on the Old Testament in its own right depends on some mutually supportive reasons. First, this corpus is claimed by the Jewish as well as by the Christian tradition. The two claims conflict, and an arbitrating third party is not around. It should be clear, at least for the Christians, that an interpretation of their Old Testament must be mindful of that dissensus and therefore rest on the Old Testament itself, and not on their New Testament or an a priori combination of both. Such a combination of both testaments on the well-meant assumption by some Christians that Christianity is essentially Jewish because Jesus was a Jew does not stand the test. Jews will recognise no Jewishness of Christianity on the ground of Jesus's Jewishness, rightly so. And for Christians, the condition and ground for the election of all humans into God's kingdom and salvation are not based on the Jewishness of Jesus. Salvation may have come from or through a Jew, but it is not Jewish in nature. Christians owe Jews a great debt indeed, for more than one reason. But Christianity is not essentially Jewish.


228 Rolf P. Knierim

The recognition that Jews are no Christians, and by far most of the Christians are no Jews, has nothing to do with racism. It amounts to a mutual recognition of difference. However, the denotation by Christians of the Jewish Bible as their Old Testament must not mean 'passed away, inferior, invalidated, abolished'. It can mean only antecedent to the New Testament historically, even as this anteced­ence is not the basis for determining the relationship of the two testaments.

Secondly, the Christian tradition has distinguished, in essence, between two testaments in its Bible. Their relationship has been subject to varying and often controversial interpretation. However, each interpretation has always claimed to be legitimate, and not a usurpation or imperialisation of one testament by the other. This claim must be taken seriously. The proper way for the Christian tradition to submit to its standards is to recognise the Old Testament in its own right before its relationship with the New Testament is determined.

Thirdly, there are, in a substantive sense, not only continuity and congruency connecting both testaments but also discontinuity and incongruency separating them. The question is open - and, indeed, undecided - as to which of the testaments interprets which, and what the role of continuity or discontinuity is in such interpretation, or whether any of the two testaments should be at all the basis for the interpretation of the other. This open situation suggests that the case not be prejudged in advance, and that each testament be understood as a whole in its distinctiveness before both are compared.

It is true that the title 'Old Testament' presupposes the 'New Testament' and, hence, the Christian Bible. This fact does not mean, however, that the Old Testament cannot be interpreted in its own right. It means only that the relationship of the two testaments must also be determined. Under discussion is whether this relationship is to be determined prior to and as the basis for, or after and on the basis of, their independent interpretation.

Likewise, nothing is said against the need for a biblical theology. What is emphasised is only that the approach to it must be based on a genuine comparison of the ideologies of the two testaments, for which the independent interpretation of each is at least as viable a starting point as their correlated interpretation from the outset.

Appendix 229


1. From 'The Task of Old Testament Theology', Horizons in Biblical Theology, 6 (1) (June 1984) pp. 52-3, n. 1.

Index of Authors

Abrecht, Paul 128 Augustine 198, 206 Ahmad, K. 76 Ahsan, M. M. 76 Albright, William F. 56 al-Farabi 102-3, 106 al-Faruqi, Isma'i! 76 al-Ghazali 104 Ali, Abdullah Yusuf 106 Alighieri, Dante 102, 103, 106 al-Sadiq, Ja'far 104 al-Sulami 104 Anawati, M. M. 99, 105 Aquinas, Thomas 55, 118 Arendt, Hannah 179 Aristotle 102 Asfour, D. 179 A verroes 102 Avishai, Bernard 180

Badawi 99-101, 107, 110 Baillie, Donald 205-8, 210 Baillie, John 220, 224 Barth, Hans-Martin 57 Barth, Kalr 33, 219-20, 224 Bassetti-Sani 105 Ben Gurion, D. 148 ben-Sasson, Hillel 130 Benvenisti, Meron 180 Berger, Peter L. 82 Birnbaum, Philip 29 Blau, Joseph 178-9 Bober, Arie 179 Bokser, Ben Zion 225 Bonaventura 135 Borowitz, Eugene 61-2 Brenner, Lenni 179 Browne, E. G. 76 Buber, Martin 15, 24, 29, 33, 82, 155,

177 Bultmann, Rudolf 205

Calvin, John 113 Chardin, Teilhard de 114 Chavel, Charles 155

Chomsky, Noam 178-9 Christ, Carol 29, 83 Cobb, John 129-35, 165 Cohen, Morris R. 216 Cohen, Seymour 155 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 42 Corbin, Henry 99-100, 104-6 Cox, Harvey 130

Daly, Mary 83 Dante see Alighieri, Dante Davies, W. D. 155-6 Davis, Uri 179 Dawood, N. J. 106 Dentan, Robert 56 Dorff, Elliot N. 29-30,32-4,36-7,

61-2 Dostoevsky, F. 216

Eckhart, Meister 135 Eliade, Mircea 105, 141, 155

Falaturi, Abdoldjavad 105 Ferre, Frederick 29 Feuerbach, L. 219 Feuerlicht, Roberta 179 Fishman, Samuel C. 164 Flannery, Austin 171 Frankfort, H. 224 Friedlander 155 Funkenstein, A. 135

Gandhi, Mahatma 122, 168 Garber, Zev 62 Gardet, Louis 99, 105 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 105-6 Goldmann, Nahum 178, 180 Gordis, Robert 11, 28-9, 37 Gordon, A. D. 146-8 Green, Arthur 79, 82, 164 Gregory of Nazianzus 199 Gross, Rita 29

Halevi, Judah (Yehuda) 7, 10, 11, 15, 24-6, 28, 32-3, 36, 139


232 Index of Authors

Halevi, Yehuda see Halevi, Judah Hallaj 100 Handelman, Susan 135 Harnack, A. Von 209 Hartman, David 134, 153-4, 156-7,

164, 166 Herberg, Will 29 Hertzberg, A. 155 Herzl, Theodore 173-6,178 Heschel, Abraham Joshua 22, 29-30,

32-3, 82, 130, 137, 154 Heschel, Susannah 83 Hick, John 1, 58, 62, 211-13 Hourani, George F. 106 Horovitz, Marcus 182

Ibn Ezra, Abraham 163 Ibn Khaldun 105 Ibn Rushd see A verroes Ibn Sina 104 Ibn SUlayman, Muqatil 103-4 Ibn Taymiyah 70, 76 Ibna-Abbas 39 Ibna-Katheer 39 Irenaeus 225 Irving, T. B. 76 Ispahani, Hatif 71

James, William 224 Jospe, Raphael 164

Karo, Joseph 149 Kimball, John 179 Kitagawa, Joseph 105 Knox, John 209 Kook, Abraham Isaac

HaCohen 147-8, 156, 225 Kook, Zvi Yehuda 147 Krinsky, Fred 168 Kubic, M. 180 Kummel, Werner 56 Kiing, Hans 209

Lampe, Geoffrey 205, 207-8, 210 Langer, Felicia 179 Lerner, Ralph 106 Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev 79, 82, 163 Luther, Martin 113

McCarthy, Richard Joseph 106 McClendon, Jr, James 11,29 Mack, A. 179 Maggid of Mezritch 160 Mahdi, Muhsin 106

Maimonides 29, 131, 142, 145, 148-50, 156-7, 161, 164

Marcion 60 Martin, James A. 29 Marx, Karl 218-19 Mason, Harold W. 105 Massignon, Louis 100, 105 Mawdudi, A. A. 39, 77 Menuhin, Moshe 179 Metz, J. B. 118 Mezvinsky, N. 179 Milton, John 218 Modudee, Syed Abu-ul-ala see

Mawdudi Moshe Chaim Ephraim of

Sudlikov 160 Mujahid 104 Muqatil 104

Nachman, Moses ben see Nachmanides

Nachman of Bratslav (Nahman) 79, 82 Nachmanides 142-4, 148, 161-4 Nadwi, Abul Hassan Ali 76 Najjar, Fauzi M. 106 Neusner, Jacob 158-9, 164 Niebuhr, Reinhold 215-16, 218-19 Niebuhr, Richard 220 Nietzche, F. 220 Nwyia, Paul 104, 106

Origen 54, 206

Panikkar, Raimundo 85 Pannenberg, Wolfhart 57 Pascal, B. 7 Parkes, James 180 Patai, R. 155 Paul of Antioch 212 Peale, Norman Vincent 218 Peters, Joan 180 Petuchowski, J. J. 33 Pine, Martin 106 Pittenger, N. 209 Plaskow, J. 29 Polk, W. 179

Quinn, Edward 210

Rahman, Fazlur 76 Rahner, Karl 198, 209 Rambam see Maimonides Ramsey, Ian 29 Rashi 110, 161-3

Index of Authors 233

Ratzinger, Joseph 57 Richardson, Cyril 33 Rodinson, Maxime 176, 179 Rosenthal, Franz 106 Rosenzweig, Franz 15, 33 Rubenstein, Richard 27, 141, 146,

153-5, 166 Rumi, Jalalu'l-Din 225

Sabellius 53 Sadra, Mulla 100 Said, Edward 180 Salisbury, Edward E. 106 Sanders, James 157-8, 164 Sanders, Ronald 179 Schillebeeck, Edward 209 Schimmel, Annemarie 100, 105 Scholem, Gershom 135, 156, 164 Seidler-Feller, Chaim 165, 172 Shahabi, Amr 39 Shirazi, Ruzbihan Baqli 106 Shzipanski, Israel 142 Siddiqi, Muzammil 38,77-8,80-1 Simon, Uriel 164 Sittler, Joseph 114 Smith, Gary 179 Smith, Jonathan Z. 154-5

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell 76, 99, 105, 216

Stamler, D. 179 Stern, S. M. 106 Stone, I. F. 173, 176, 179 Sundberg, Al 31 Sweetman, J. W. 99, 105

Tal, Uriel 155-{) Tertullian 56, 202 Theodore of Mopsuestia 206 Tibawi, A. L. 76 Tillich, Paul 221, 224 Trethowan, Illtyd 210

Verheyden, Jack 59-{)2 Vital, David 157, 164 Von Rad, G. 138, 154

Waskow, Arthur 131 Watt, W. Montgomery 106 Wiles, Maurice 209 Wilson, John 215 Wolfson, Harry 212 Wright, G. Ernest 56

Yuval-Davis, N. 179

Index of Foreign Language Terms


Ali 201 Allah 188 'asabiyah 101 Ayah 88, 96, 101 ayat 65, 73

Fattah 201 fi~rah 74, 190

Ghaffar 201 Ghafiir 201

Hadi 201 Hadith 36, 191 Halim 201 l:Iaqq 63 huwa 68

ljtihad 36, 39 ilqa' 74 ilham 74 imam 102-4 imamah 102 imarah 102 lORA 98 islam 74, 105, 187 lstiqra 39

Kaba'ir 92 kalam Allah 73 kashf 74 Khalifah 88, 97, 101-3, 189 Khaliq 201

Latif 201

Malik 201

Masjid 98 mawsuf 213 Mililit 37 minhaj 101 Muhyi 201 Mujib 201 mulk 102 Muqit 201 muslim 74 Mutakabbir 201

Oiyas 39 Our'an 36

rabb al-'alamin 72 Rahim 201

sagha'ir 92 Salam 201 shir'ah 101 shirk 73, 93-4, 189 sifat 213 sunnah 102

Tagwa 95,97 Tamathil 39 Tawbah 92-3,95 tawhid 69, 76, 96 ta\vil 104, 106 Tawwab 93 Tawabeen 93

wahy 73 wujah 104

Zakah 97 Zulm 38


Index of Foreign Language Terms 235

GREEK arch!! 52-3

diabolos 33

logos 198


Abba 47, 50, 202 Adam 107,108-9 Adama 108-9 afar 108 aliya 149, 153 'al tiqre 32 Amida 139 'amidat ha-ziiqen 32

Baavorecha 110 bal tashchit 131 Bar Mitzvah 12 Bat Mitzvah 12 Benai Adam 107 bikkurim 151 b'rith 182

chadash 151 challah 151 chazakah 149-50 chovot haguf 144 diratam 160 dorotam 160

elohim 8 Eretz Yisrael 138-9, 141, 143-4,

147-9, 162 even shetiyyah 145

galut 160 geulah 160

haggadah 30-1 halachah 30-1,77,83, 141, 182

kedoshim 181 kedushah 149-51 kedushah rishonah 148 kedushah shniyah 148 kibbush 142-3, 148 kilayim 151

le-dorotam 160 leket 151

ousia 203

telos 150

trias 202

rna' or 29 maserot 151 Medinat Yisrael 147 mezuzot 144 midrash 20, 135, 141, 144 mishnah 151 mitzvah 142-4, 163 mitzvot 18, 61, 130, 144, 163, 182-3 mitzvot hatluyot ba'aretz 151

ohel 160 Ohel Moed 146 orner 151 orlah 151 ot hi l'olam 160

peah 151

Satan 33 se'or 29 shechinah 149, 159 shelilat hagolah 163 Shema 221 sheviit 151 shikchah 151 sod 144 sod 'adonai 185 sod 'elohim 185

terfillin 144 terumah 151 Teshuva 109 tikkun olam 182 tiqqun sopherim 32 T'nak 138, 158 tochachah 153 Torah 31 Torah she be 'al peh 31

yhwh 9 Yigdal 29 yishuv 143, 148

Zoreh Gavoha 80

236 Index of Foreign Language Terms


axis mundi 146, 166 dominium 115

homo religiosus 218 homo sapiens 218

imitatio dei 32, 34 imitatio hominis 34


abaddon 186 adamu 108

Heilsgeschichte 73, 157

maya 223 mot 186

persona 54, 200

sacro egoismo 177 scientia cordis 167 scriptura humane loquitur 135

via negativa 66

samsara 223

T'ien 221

zazen 168

Index of Textual Citations


Amos 5:18 56

Canticles 7:3 151

Deuteronomy 1:21 142 Deuteronomy 9:23 142 Deuteronomy 11:17-18 143 Deuteronomy 11:31-2 144 Deuteronomy 14:28-9 152 Deuteronomy 15:16 152 Deuteronomy 22:9-11 156 Deuteronomy 24:19-22 156 Deuteronomy 26:1-11 156

Exodus 3:14 56 Exodus 15:18 56 Exodus 20-3 32 Exodus 20:2 56 Exodus 20:11 161 Exodus 20:21 109 Exodus 33:20 56 Ezekiel 38:12 145

Genesis 1:1 161, 164 Genesis 1:3 56 Genesis 1:27 108 Genesis 1:28 110 Genesis 3:19 108 Genesis 5:29 110 Genesis 12:3 56 Genesis 15:5 9 Genesis 15:7 141 Genesis 15:13-19 138 Genesis 18:22 32 Genesis 26:2-5 138 Genesis 28:13-15 138 Genesis 28:18 145 Genesis 28:22 145

Hosea 6:6 159

Isaiah 1:19 152

Isaiah 24:5-6 110 Isaiah 42:14 56 Isaiah 45:5 56 Isaiah 49:6 210 Isaiah 52:10 56 Isaiah 57:15 56

Jeremiah 2:2 158 Jeremiah 16:10-11 152 Jeremiah 16:11 16 Jeremiah 23:24 56 Jeremiah 31:21 144 Job 28:13 111 Joe12:28 56 Joshua 23:35 141 Judges 8:22 56

1 Kings 8:39 56

Leviticus 11:21 110 Leviticus 12:2 110 Leviticus 18:25 143 Leviticus 18:28 152 Leviticus 19:2 29, 181 Leviticus 19:9 152 Leviticus 19:9-10 156 Leviticus 19:23 156 Leviticus 23: 14 156 Leviticus 25:1-7 156 Leviticus 25:23 152 Leviticus 26:3 153 Leviticus 26:19 153 Leviticus 26:29 153 Leviticus 26:31 149, 153

Malachi 1:11 210 Malachi 3:6 56

Numbers 15:17-21 156 Numbers 18:8 156 Numbers 18:11-12 156



Numbers 18:21-4 156 Numbers 19:14 110 Numbers 33:53 142, 155

Psalm 8:5 110 Psalm 19:2 153 Psalm 19:8 153 Psalm 24:1 110 Psalm 99:5 23

Index of Textual Citations

Psalm 111:6 161, 163 Psalm 111:7 163 Psalm 115:16 110 Psalm 145:16 23

I Samuel 16:7 56 I Samuel 26:19 143

Zephaniah 1: 15 56


Acts 2:36 56 Acts 7:44ff. 56

I Corinthians 15:3 56 I Corinthians 15:10 210 II Corinthians 5:19 57

John 1:9 210 I John 4:9 56

Luke 7:47 56 Luke 12:5 56 Luke 23:38 56


2:30 90, 189 2:31 189 2:37 91 2:37-8 74 2:115 98, 210 2:130-2 74 2:136 74 2:165 95 2:177 96 2:186 72 2:190 97, 194 2:255 66 2:256 97, 194 2:285 191 2:286 92 3:1-3 37 3:7 104 3:18 69 3:31 95 3:52-3 74 3:64 35,87 3:76 67

Mark 1:14-15 56 Matthew 10:40 56

Romans 3:21-2 56 Romans 3:26 57 Romans 3:31 32 Romans 5:8 56 Romans 7:1-10 32 Romans 7:12 32 Romans 11:25 57

I Timothy 2:5 56

3:84 74 3:110 97 3:134 67 3:135 93 3:146 67 4:17-18 94 4:31 92 4:48 94 4:69 91 4:93 67 4:110 92, 193 4:150-1 191 4:152 74 4:163-5 74 4:171 70 5:7 92 5:44 74 5:48 74-5, 101 5:49 101 5:51 194 5:54 67 5:60 67

5:64 67 5:72-5 71 5:75 94 5:77 70 5:82-3 100 5:90-1 96 5:117 71 5:119 67 6:59-61 72 6:103 188 6:127 95 6:130-1 74 6:160 93 7:23 91 7:31-2 96 7:54 67 7:156 92, 193 7:157 191 7:179 90 7:180 66 7:185 89 9:46 67 9:100 67 10:3 67 10:19 75 10:25 95 10:68 70 10:71-2 74 11:114 193 12:87 93 12:101 74 13:2 67 13:7 74 13:28 95 14:10 64 15:29 189 16:3-18 64 16:36 74 16:51 69 16:125 87 17:42 69 17:55 191 17:70 89 17:110 66 18:50 89 18:109 69 20:5 67 20:8 66 21:25 190 22:31 94 22:34 74 22:67 74

Index of Textual Citations

23:37 67 23:44 74 24:35 210 25:11 191 25:59 67 28:71-3 65 28:77 96 30:8 89 30:22 96 31:27 69 32:4 67 32:6-9 88 32:7 189 32:9 188 35:24 74 35:28 98 37:112 39 39:53-4 93 42:11 38, 66, 67, 188 45:13 97 48:6 67 48:18 67 49:13 97 50:38 72 51:20 65 51:56 88 52:35-6 63 52:48 67 53:38-41 92 54:14 67 55:26-7 67 57:2-4 72 57:4 67 58:11 98 58:14 67 58:22 67 59:22-4 67 59:23 95 59:24 66 60:8-9 194 61:6 191 61:37 67 65:8 92 67:2 88, 192 71:3 90 89:27-80 95 90:10 90 91:7-10 96 96:1 98 98:8 67 112:1-4 68


240 Index of Textual Citations


Avot d'Rabbi Natan 6, 164 Mekhilta Shirah 3, 29 Midrash Habadol Genesis 7:3 109 Midrash Rabba(H) Bereshit Rabbah 6:5 155 Genesis Rabbah 13:3 107 Genesis Rabbah 14:7 108 Midrash Tanhuma 5:2 155 Kedoshim 10 145 Vayikra 112 111 Mishna Mishna Kelim 1:6 156 Mishna Sanhedrin 4:5 134 Mishna Tanhuma Vayera 1 164 Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer 11 108 35 155 Pesikta d'Rav Kahana ch. 15 29 Peske 12, sec. 6 82 Pegikta Rabbati 82 Sifra Kedoshim 11:14 156 Leviticus 19:2 29 Leviticus 19: 18 61 Sifre

Deuteronomy 109 156 Eikev.43 143 (= Ekev.) Ekev.85a 29 R'eih 80 144 Talmud (BTrrB = Babylonian Talmud!

Talmud Bavli) BT Baba Bathra 158b, 155 (= Bava

Batra) Bava Batra 12a 29 Bava Metzia 59b 29 BTChagiga 3b 155 BT Chagiga 36 156 Chullin lOa 156 BT Ketuboth 110b 155 BT Kiddushin 49b 155 Megillah lOb 156 BT Megillah 16b 164 Sanhedrin 11a 29 Sanhedrin 36b (Babylonian) . 29 BT Sanhedrin 37a 156 BT Sanhedrin 91b 150 Shabbat 156a 9 TB Shabbat 140b 131 Shevout 16a 156 Sotah 9b 10 Sotah 14 29 Tosefia Avodah Zarah 5:5 155 Sanhedrin 7:3 29 Shevuot 3:6 29