Company Profile COMPANY PROFILE Anwar tumbelaka & Co

Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

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Page 1: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

Company Profile


A n w a r t u m b e l a k a & C o

Page 2: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from
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• Vision & mIssion

• about us

• our services

• walking through the spirit of the regulation

• our team

• contact us


Page 4: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from


Always Put INTEGRITY First

To The Maximum Preserve PROFESSIONALISM

Committed To Render QUALIFIED Services

with High Standard of DILIGENT

Page 5: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

VISIonOur vision is to become a prominent Indonesian

law firm with the objective serving the nation during this era of regionalization and globalization,

with emphasize to serve the financial community in Indonesia by providing qualified legal services with a valuable impact to the betterment of Indonesian

Legal System

Our mission is to establish a law firm based on integrity and professionalism, supported by qualified lawyers in banking and finance committed to serve our clients and the community.

We start our law firm with a small team, however we have a strong passion to grow big based on the trust we earn through serving our clients and the community.

We are committed to support our clients based on their needs to achieve their business deals to maximize their goals with an effective and efficiency manner.


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Page 7: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

It all begins with an idealism to have a better legal environment, whereby a legal case is rated by merit and not by negotiating the litigation cost. We understand that Indonesian law is complex, especially when we come across a litigation case whereby we often experience instances where there are many uncertainties in law enforcement. The situation as is have inspired us to do more for the society by rendering assistance for the betterment of legal practices in Indonesia, especially amongst the financial community.

As legal practitioners in banking industry, we, Partners and Associates of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from problem solving for basic legal matters, developing legal policies, handling Non Performing Loan (NPL) or fraud cases, to as far and wide as the structuring and restructuring of a complicated project finance transactions, merger and acquisitions, and many others.

As bankers, we understand general Risk Management and also Legal Risk Management within a bank better then any other legal professionals, given for our long-standing careers that we have spent, living within the banking operations.

Our partnership, Dewi Anwar and Lydia Wulan Tumbelaka, started way back when we both worked together in the same bank years ago. We both believe that our 30 and 27 years of experience in the banking industry should be capitalized to bring diligent legal services for banks, financial companies and other financial community members in Indonesia.

Based on above idealism and circumstances, in April 2016, we decided to establish this partnership and committed to run a law firm together under the name of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co (“ATC”).

We, ATC believe that financial industry, especially banking industry needs qualified lawyers that they can rely on to handle and settle their legal matters and disputes within a systematic, effective and efficient manner, as to enable their management to focus more on the development of their business, rather than be bothered by all the complications caused or arise in handling the extensive legal matters.

We, ATC offer professional, qualified and reliable legal services with competitive legal fees.

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banking & Finance


Debt & Corporate restructuring

mergers & Acquisitions

regulatory & Compliance

Good Corporate Governance

Islamic Finance


Page 9: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

“The Choice

between law and justice

is an easy one

for courageous minds.”

- Rebecca West -

Page 10: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

We also have expertise in rendering legal services for insurance business. We can act as legal adviser to insurance company as well as insurance broker company in all aspects within the Insurance Industry.

We assist in structuring insurance policy, review agency agreements, third party agreements, review Standard Operating Procedures, including providing classes on various insurance topics, both for life insurance as well as general insurance..

banking & FinanCe

Indonesia’s financial services are growing and continue to perform well despite the Global Financial Condition. We foresee that domestic financial sector shall have ample opportunities to grow since the relatively small penetrations of financial sectors in Indonesia’s economy comparing to several other ASEAN Country.

We offer legal services in the Indonesian banking & finance sector as legal adviser to domestic and foreign banks and other financial institutions in all aspects of banking and finance.

We render advises on structured financing transactions, from simple secured or unsecured bilateral lending to multifaceted and complex credit facilities. We also handle syndicated, club deals, project finance, property finance, acquisition financing, securitization and structured financing

We shall assist you in reviewing or preparing banking and finance documentations and agreements and ensuring statutory and regulatory compliance.


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merger & Acquisitions

We offer legal services in the merger, demergers, buyouts and acquisition transactions by rendering advises on the transaction structure, structuring on shareholder movement and alteration, management and succession, and formation of new entities by conducting legal due diligence on the transactions as well as all the relevant entities involved.

We shall assist you in the preparation of the sale and purchase documents, agreements and other related agreements, preparation of the necessary internal corporate documents and approvals, and completion of regulatory filings.

In a growing financial market, debt or corporate restructuring is inevitable. The market ups and down has caused the need for banks and companies to repositioned their financial situation due to the market fluctuation and due to ensuring sustainability.

We offer legal services in the debt and corporate restructuring arena, including advices on capital reduction, recapitalization and rescue schemes, loan take over and compromise schemes.

We shall assist you in reviewing or preparing documentations and agreements in this sector and ensuring statutory and regulatory compliance.

DebT & CorPorATe reSTrUCTUrInG

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islamic finance

We understand Islamic finance, and as bankers, we have been in the vanguard of the sector’s rapid expansion and development in Indonesia. With an in-depth understanding of the religious and conventional legal principles that underpin the Shariah sector, we believe we are in well positioned to offer advices on how to conduct transaction in a Shariah-compliant manner, and to provide the kind of end-to-end solutions that you need.

We shall assist you in reviewing or preparing documentations and agreements in this sector and ensuring statutory and regulatory compliance, including Shariah-compliant.

Regulatory & Compliance has increasingly becoming a very important matter, especially in financial industry. Compliance has moved up to the corporate boardroom agenda.

We render advises to the management of your corporation, the in house counsel, as well as the compliance and HR Officers in developing a compliance policy framework, embedded therein the effective legal risk management processes covering a wide range of areas, from anti money laundering employee protection to data protection and privacy.

We shall assist you in reviewing or preparing such compliance and legal policies and ensuring statutory and regulatory compliance, as well as trainings to the management and or the people in your corporation on compliance awareness.

reGUlATorY & ComPlIAnCe

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Good Corporate Governance

More and more corporation believe that if Corporate Governance is done properly, it allows the corporation to work smoothly due to the existence of a clear level of accountability and communications amongst the organization, Good Corporate Governance shall be in place if people in your organization understand their roles and responsibilities clearly.

We render advises to the management of your corporation, the in house counsel, as well as the compliance and HR Officers with the need to properly understand Good Corporate Governance and the importance to utilize the principles of Good Corporate Governance in establishing the roles and responsibilities of the key members of the management of your corporation.

We shall assist you in reviewing or preparing such Good Corporate Governance manual and policies, setting an appropriate Good Corporate Governance frameworks as well as trainings to the management and or the people in your corporation on the importance of Good Corporate Governance.

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Understanding the concept of our Company Law is not difficult. It is definitely not a rocket science, as long as we read and comprehended it by using the - what my mentor, a prominent senior lawyer in Indonesia, used to call - “legal logic” or the spirit of the law. I believe that many of us understand that in our company law system that apply 2 boards (the Direksi and the Dewan Komisaris), both has equal in rank. None is higher then the other, but having different role and responsibilities and functioning as a check and balance one to each other. The Direksi is the executive organ of the Perseroan Terbatas (PT) and the Dewan Komisaris is the supervisory organ.

However, in practice, we learn the facts that implementing such concept in the reality of our business operation is not as easy as understanding it. We can find many examples when society thinks that the Dewan Komisaris is the boss of the Direksi. They are able to give orders to any of the members of the Direksi, a Director, to do things that they desire. One of the reasons derives from the facts that most of the Commissioners are the owner of the PT, or at least the representative of the shareholder of the PT.

w A l k I n G T h r o U G h T h e S P I r I T o F T h e r e G U l AT I o n by L. WULAN TUMbELAkA

“Having the ability

to interpret and

compromising the law in

practice, is not always

easy. It needs the hand

of a specialist with a

clear mind and portion

of skill, knowledge and

wisdom, that most of the

time falls in to the hand

of a lawyer, the expert.”

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It is very rare we found Direksi that can totally independently running the PT without the strong involvement of the Dewan Komisaris. Strong involvement sometimes can be refer to as involving in the decision making or even making executive decision. Direksi is often overshadowed by the Dewan Komisaris.

The picture above is one of the many examples we may find in reality that shown the implementation of law is not always as easy as the intention of the law itself. I believe there are many other examples around us.

Now, implementing the law as intended is a choice, people can choose to use the law as it is or otherwise, and most of the time in business operation, law implementation will be compromised with the objective of the business. Not to violate the regulation, but bending it towards one’s goal, which is the business’ goal.

Having the ability to interpret and compromising the law in practice, is not always easy. It needs the hand of a specialist with a

clear mind and portion of skill, knowledge and wisdom, that most of the time falls in to the hand of a lawyer, the expert.

The quote by a novelist, critic and ardent feminist and a major figure in 20th century literature, Rebecca West saying that “The choice between Law and Justice is an Easy one for courageous minds”, really reflects the situation whereby the Law is not always bring Justice, and Justice is not always served should we bound to the law. Hence a good lawyer will know what to choose in any of a given situation.

As lawyers, we are called to take part in using our best effort walking our path through the spirit of the regulation but in the same time also use our best effort to preserve Justice. We are bound to take part in the implementation of the law towards the betterment of the legal system.

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oUr TeAm• LydiaWulanTumbelaka,SH

• DewiAnwar,SH

• YosBadilangoe,SE

• BipiPrihanggodo,SH,MH

• IndahBudiana,SH

• RinaSitiFatimahMuhardini,SH,SE

• DhyanaArifin,SH

• IntanKusumawardhani,SH

• StellaRiesta,SH

• VenaVebtriana,SH,MH

• RyandiDwinanto,SH

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lydia wulan TumbelAkA, Sh

Page 19: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

Wulan is one of the founders of An-war Tumbelaka & Co. She gradu-ated from the Law Faculty of the University of Indonesia in 1988, majoring in private international law. She has been practicing law for more than 27 years, starting in 1989 as a legal staff in one of the biggest bank in Indonesia, and has pursued her career ever since as a banker-lawyer for years from 1990 to 2007 in another prominent bank in Indone-sia whereby her last position was as a General Counsel of that bank. In 2008 she was appointed as the Cor-porate Secretary of that bank, and as a Director of Compliance, Corporate Affairs, and Legal of the same bank effectively since February 2009.

She served as a Director for around 7 years before retiring in April 2016. As a Director she has grown her leadership and management skills being part of the top management team, as well as achieving a full set of experiences among others in corporate legal affairs including mergers and acquisitions, corporate financing, managing crisis, solving non-performance loan cases, fraud management, legal risk management including managing legal organization, and many others

As a Director in the bank, she was also active in several associations in the banking industry, namely PERbANAS (Perhimpunan bank Nasional), kMPP (kelompok Masyarakat Perduli Perbankan), FkDkP (Forum komunikasi Direktur kepatuhan) and IbI (Ikatan bankir Indonesia). She also has been requested several times as a

resource person among others to support National Financial Education and Literacy program in Financial Industry and other national programs in the banking industry. She also has been invited as a speaker, facilitator and/or trainer in various trainings and seminars on Good Corporate Governance, Compliance Management, Legal Risk Management, Capital Market Legal and many other topics.

Aside from her career in banking sector, she has taken an important short break from the banking industry for around two years (1998 - 2000), while within those period she also experienced acting as a Partner at one of a Legal Consulting Firm in Indonesia for around one year, before she returned to the banking sector. That short period has added a hand full of experiences to her bucket, and later on has inspired her to start her own legal firm.

In addition to her formal education, she is also a Certified Compliance Director from International Compliance Association (ICA) and FkDkP, and has received a Risk Management Level 5 Certification from bARA-LSPP. During her time in banking industry she has also attended a long list of important and strategic training programs and seminars in various topics, among others risk management, leadership, strategic management, including a comprehensive INSEAD Leadership and Management Training in Singapore and Fountain blue-France.

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Page 21: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

Founder/ Managing Partner

Dewi is one of the founders and managing partner of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated from the Law Faculty of Airlangga University in 1981, majoring in Commercial Law.

She has more than 30 years of working experiences in several leading banks in Indonesia mostly performing as Legal Advisors and General Counsel. She has extensive experiences in handling various banking and finance transactions namely project financing, debt restructuring, managing problem loans and litigation. She also highly skilled in drafting, preparing and reviewing transaction documents, conducting legal due diligence and rendering legal opinions.

During her services years in banking, she has attended various strategic leadership and management training programs, as well as technical legal training, and she also has received Risk Management Certificate from authorized institution approved by OJk. On the other side, Dewi also has spent plenty of hours performing as trainer in various in-house legal trainings. Her major topic is on Litigation and Managing Problem Loans, whereby she always rated highly by participants.

Dewi has a huge passion in settling cases, mostly business dispute between banks and debtors, where she could come out with valuable applicative solutions to close the case amicably or through proper litigation process.

In April 2016, after a long career in banking she decided to do her own practice as an independent lawyer and establish Anwar Tumbelaka & Co with her long time colleague and best friend Wulan Tumbelaka, to pursue their idealism to contribute more to the betterment of law practices in Indonesia.

DewI AnwAr, Sh

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yos is the Of Counsel and Senior Advisor of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. He joined ATC to fill in the need of having an expert in accounting and finance to be the advisor of the Team. Yos is a seasoned professional banker that has spent his whole career in the banking sectors.

Yos held an accounting degree from Gajah Mada University, graduated in 1983. He started his career in banking on 1985 as a trainee in Executive Development Program of one of a prominent bank in Indonesia.

During his service in banking industry, he has held several important positions in many fields from Corporate Banking Group Head, Special Assets Management Group Head, ESVP for Operation and IT and reached his peak as a Director of Compliance & Human Resources in one of Top five Bank in Indonesia for around 5 years. Afterwards He has been appointed to be Director in several other banks for around another 5 years.

yos has a good eye and great sense in performing strategic planning to handle various type of special loans, as well as handling the behavioral of certain type of debtor, mostly with high level of difficulties. He has a certain qualification in managing people.

During his tenure in banking, he has participated in and attended various trainings and seminars, including programs issued by Top rank University in the World, such as the Leading Change & Organizational Renewal at Stanford Graduate School of business, and Program for Global Leadership Harvard University in USA.

We, ATC are very lucky to have him in our Team, and believe he will also a valuable advisor to the Client.

Of Counsel & Senior AdvisorYoS bADIlAnGoe, Se

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bipi is the Of Counsel and Insurance Expert of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. He just recently joined ATC to expand ATC’s legal services to Insurance businesses. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Indonesia in 1989, majoring in Business Law and held a master degree in business Law also from University of Indonesia in year 2007.

Bipi is a seasoned insurance expert that has spent his almost 30 years of career in the insurance industry as marketing, underwriter as well as lawyer. He has extensive experiences in handling various insurance transactions namely merger and acquisition, insurance claims, negotiating on policy terms and conditions and many others.

bipi has been admitted to the Indonesian bar Association and member of the Congress of Indonesian Advocates - kAI

bipi start his career as a management trainee in a prominent and reputable insurance company, and has pursued his career afterward working as marketing managers in few top-notch insurance companies or insurance broker companies. In year 2000, he departed from a leading insurance broker company in Indonesia to establish a law firm under the name of Prihanggodo, Haullussy and Partner (“PHP”). In PHP bipi has served more than 20 Insurance Companies and Insurance Broker Companies and had achieved uncountable deals, transactions and claims settlements.

In April 2017 he departed PHP and decided to join ATC to strengthened and enrich ATC’s legal services in the field of Insurance.

Of Counsel bIPI PrIhAnGGoDo, Sh, mh

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Indah is a Senior Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1989, majoring in Civil Law.

She started her career as in-house legal of a national shipping company in Jakarta for 1,5 year and continued her career by assisting a prominent and reputable Notary in Jakarta, who has many corporate & capital market clients with various legal issues. In that Notary Office, Indah has gathered extensive experiences in the field of company law and commercial law in general. Her last position in the Notary Office was as one of the senior lawyer. After spending around 5 years in the Notary Office, she then decided to pursue a different career. She was recruited by a prominent bank in Indonesia in 1997, and work there ever as in-house counsellor. After 18 years of service She then decided to early retirement in January 2016. She is now part of ATC Team.

During her career in banking, she has been rendering legal support in various fields, mainly in corporation & capital market (including: Mergers & Acquisitions and any other corporate actions). She also supported the bank in its non-banking contracts or often refers to as general contracts, namely IT Agreements, Property Agreements, Purchase Agreements & other type of contracts). On the banking side, she also experienced in rendering legal support for consumer banking and syariah banking. One of her passion is also managing legal organization by conducting legal research & legal officers development program in the bank.

Legal Officers development program provides training needs analysis and career paths programs for all in-house lawyers in the bank, whereby in one time she has to manage a large sum of lawyers for the whole bank, as many as more then 100 lawyers. Indah has great passion in being a trainer and coach for young lawyers.

During her long service in the banking industry, she also has been assisted many banking projects and enrolled to many internal and external training programs, among others one of the top school for banking in Indonesia namely SESPI bank by LPPI.

Senior Counsellor

indah budiana, sh

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Rina is a Senior Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1989, majoring in commercial law. In 1996 she also completed her study at the Faculty of Economic of the University of Indonesia, majoring in financial management. Both commercial law degree and financial management degree has given competitive advantages in her career as in-house lawyer in financial sector.

She started her career as leasing officer at a leasing company. She further join the Executive Development Program of a prominent bank in Indonesia in 1991 and after she completed the program, she has spent most of her career ever since in such bank. She has been assigned in various departments in the bank, she started as an assistant manager in System and IT Department, and in 1996 she was assigned as senior counsellor in the Legal Department to cover various fields of law such as company law, i.e. merger and acquisition, IT law and also banking law both lending and funding side as well as operational and services. Her career as In house lawyer reach her peak when she was promoted to be the General Counsel of the bank supervising more then 100 lawyers.

In 2014 after almost 18 years acting as in house counsel she was given a task to strengthened the Compliance Organization, whereby she has to be accountable for the bank’s compliances against regulation specifically regulations of Bank Indonesia and OJK. This is her last role until she retires early in 2016. During her service in the banking industry, she has enrolled to many training programs including banking risk management (bSMR1-3) and one of the top school for banking in Indonesia namely SESPI bank by LPPI.

Senior Counsellor


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Stella is an Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Parahyangan in 2005. Besides studying law, she also undertake postgraduate program at the Faculty of Communications of the University of Paramadina, which is still on going.

She started her career in 2006 as a legal assistant in one of the prominent bank in Indonesia and has been working in that bank for around 10 years. During her time in the banking industry beside legal skill, she also had a chance to improve her marketing and communications skills by joining the Corporate Communications Group where she stayed for several years. It really helps her to master several corporate communication skills, such as the public relations and media buying, event management, social media and brand activation.

During her service in the banking industry, she has enrolled to several training programs related to legal, banking and also leadership and general management.

At ATC, she specializes in corporate law, IT law and banking law. She also acts as liaison officer for Clients as she is in charge for office administration.

Counsellor of Law

stella riesta alimoeddin, sh

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Dhyana is an Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1988, majoring in Civil Law.

She has more than 25 years of experience as an in-house lawyer in the banking industry since 1988 in several banks in Indonesia, and has spent most of her career in one of the Top five banks in Indonesia.

During her service in the banking industry, she is well known to be one of the legal officers that committed to perform an effective legal service for clients in a timely and commercially oriented manner. She also rendering legal support on a wide range of retail or corporate banking matters including issues related to lending and funding. She also provides advisory services on legal quality assurance, legal audits and legal due diligence and legal opinion.

based on her experiences She also skilled in preparing security documents, banking corporates matter, project finance and debt restructuring.

During her service in the banking industry, she has enrolled to many training programs related to legal, banking and also leadership and general management.

Counsellor of Law

dhyana arifin, sh

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Intan is an Associate at Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She was graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1989, majoring in Civil Law.

She started her career as Legal Officer at a prominent bank in Indonesia in Batam branch in 1990 and she was the first Legal Officer in such branch. In 1991 she moved to a Jakarta branch.

In 1995 she started to work at one of the Top five bank in Indonesia whereby she pursue her career starting as a Legal Counsellor Division Head. Then she spent almost 20 years of her career as in-house lawyer in that bank. Her main role was managing legal risk and in rendering banking facilities covering lending, funding and banking services for both conventional and syariah banking.

She is skilled in preparing legal documentations, conducting legal review and rendering legal opinion on the banking transaction activities and she also support for Litigation unit. During her service in that bank, she was also posted in several legal units, namely Legal West Java, Legal East Java, Legal Sumatera and Legal Central Java.

During her service in the banking industry, she has enrolled to many training programs related to legal, banking and also leadership and general management.

Counsellor of Law

intan kusumawardhani, sh

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Vena is an Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. She graduated as one of the Top 10 graduates from the Law Faculty of Pancasila University in 2010, majoring in Civil Law. She also held a master degree in Business Law also from Pancasila University in 2012. Right after graduation, in 2010 she joint Prihanggodo, Haullussy and Partners (“PHP”), a legal firm specializing in Insurance Industry.

Vena is our Insurance Law specialist, however she also specializes in the area of corporate and commercial law, labor, foreign investment and litigation.

Vena has been admitted to the Indonesian bar Association and member of the Congress of Indonesian Advocates - kAI. During her service as professional lawyer she handle Insurance Contracts, render Legal Opinion, handle criminal, civil and commercial litigation and conducting legal due diligence.

Counsellor of Law

Vena Vebtriana, Sh, mh

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Counsellor of Law

ryandi Dwinanto, Sh

Ryan is an Associate of Anwar Tumbelaka & Co. He graduated from the Law Faculty of Pancasila University in 2014, majoring in Criminal Law. Right after graduation, in 2014 he joint Prihanggodo, Haullussy and Partners (“PHP”), a legal firm specializing in Insurance Industry.

Ryan is the youngest lawyer at ATC, whom has great passion to grow and enhance his skill and knowledge as professional lawyer. He aspire to have expertise in the area of corporate and commercial law, labour, banking, foreign investment and litigation.

During his service as professional lawyer he handle Insurance Contracts, render Legal Opinion, handle criminal, civil and commercial litigation and conducting legal due diligence.

Page 38: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from


Mayapada Tower 1 lantai 11Jl. Jend Sudirman kav 28Jakarta Selatan 12920+ 6221 [email protected] - www.anwartumbelaka.com


Page 39: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from
Page 40: Anwar tumbelaka & Co · 2018-10-08 · Anwar Tumbelaka & Co have encountered many legal matters and legal affairs during our long service years working in the bank, starting from

AnwAr TUmbelAkA & Co + 6221 [email protected] | www.anwartumbelaka.com

mayapada Tower 1 lantai 11Jl. Jend Sudirman kav 28Jakarta Selatan 12920