Anthony Alayon Presentstoxic.fepinc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/START-HE… · at least try it out. So I follow the diet and 4 days later….YAWZA! It happened. I was

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Page 1: Anthony Alayon Presentstoxic.fepinc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/START-HE… · at least try it out. So I follow the diet and 4 days later….YAWZA! It happened. I was
Page 2: Anthony Alayon Presentstoxic.fepinc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/START-HE… · at least try it out. So I follow the diet and 4 days later….YAWZA! It happened. I was

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Anthony Alayon Presents

101 Toxic Food ingredienTs

They never Told you AbouT

Quick Start Guide

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reAd This secTion Thoroughly beFore going Any FurTher!


• You should always consult a physician before starting any fat reduction and

training program.

• If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises, consult an experienced trainer to

instruct you on the proper form and execution of the unfamiliar exercise.

• The instructions and advice presented herein are not intended as a substitute for

medical or other personal professional counseling.

• The editors and authors disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the use of

this system, its programs and advice herein.

• These precautions should be taken under consideration with all Fat Extinction

products and recommendations, whether implicitly or explicitly stated.

Copyright © 2014 Anthony Alayon

All Rights Reserved

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Who is AnThony AlAyon

My name is Anthony Alayon and I am a Certified Sports Nutritionist and Certified Fitness Trainer. I have always been into sports and loved reading the muscle building magazines growing up. You see, it has always been a passion of mine to follow fitness. I watch sports on tv just about every night growing up. It did not matter if it was baseball, football or basketball. I could not get enough of it.

Staying in shape and exercising was always easy as I stayed active. But getting my abs was a different story. No matter what I did, I could not see them until I met my high school weight lifting coach. So I will give you a brief overview of how I saw my abs for the first time with this story below.

“You should do it Alayon…what is the worst that can happen? Just try it out.”

I remember those words coming from my high school weight lifting coach like it was yesterday back in 2004 which was my junior year in high school. What I am referring to is my coach who wanted me to try out for Mr. Cougar. This was an annual bodybuilding show held at the school.

He told me, you already work out…why not follow the diet and compete. I must admit, I was very skeptical at first. I said, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Go out in front of my entire school in a speedo? What is wrong with you I told him!

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I demanded and answer but after a week of talking with him, I told him I would at least try it out. So I follow the diet and 4 days later….YAWZA! It happened. I was able to see the outline of my abs for the first time EVER!

I Became ObsessedAfter following the diet and strength training program for 3 months, I won my weight class and took 2nd place overall.

The next year I came back with a vengeance and my senior year I won the show by a land slide. I used that philosophy/discipline to dominate college and study accounting. I had to discipline myself my junior year by not going out as much to the bars and partying like many of the other people were doing. I applied that same discipline from my bodybuilding show, to graduate with honors from The University of South Florida.

But There Was Still a Problem…

Even though I had abs, my health was not where it should be. I would constantly get heart burn, have stomach aches, lack energy and just didn’t feel good.

I began investigated the foods I was eating and while they were good for me, some of the added ingredients were NOT healthy!

So I began studying book and book and consulting some of the top nutritionists in the world for advice. I realized that some of the “so called” healthy foods have been tainted!

That is right, these foods are tainted with TOXIC ingredients that the GIANT food companies didn’t want us to know about. After I stopped eating these foods and replaced them with healthier alternatives, the results spoke for themselves.

I began to have more energy, my heartburn and indigestion were gone and I felt

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like a brand new person. I was able to think clearer and live life all by switching a few things in my diet.

This is my purpose in creating this system…to reveal what these TOXIC ingredients are and how you too can replace them to restore your health today!

So let’s get started!

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WhAT To exPecT WiTh This sysTem

I am here to drop the hammer on all of the Giant Food Companies that have been feeding you nothing but lies for years. I have researched these topics for months and years on end to reveal the truth about the food ingredients you eat.You see, food companies are NOT required to tell you if they put harmful ingredients such as G.M.O.’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) in your everyday foods. The lobbyist have bought their way out of this.

What is even scarier is that over 80% of the corn and processed foods in the U.S. alone are G.M.O. G.M.O.’s have not been around long enough to severely harm us as a society but think of them as tobacco.

When tobacco was released to the general public, public health officials stated there was not enough evidence to back up the claims that cigarettes are harmful for smokers. Now, over 30 years later we know that this is FALSE! Tobacco is a PROVEN killer that causes an array of negative health side effects.

My job is to reveal not only the G.M.O. foods, but the “Dark Side” of the nutrition label as I like to call it that says “Other Ingredients”. If you have ever bothered to read these ingredients, you can see that they are all scientific terms that are hard to pronounce, much less know what they mean!

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Ingredients like Neotame, Red Dye 40, Blue #1, Yellow #5, Aceslulfame-K, Saccharin, Mannitol, Polydextrose, Dextrin, Corn Starch, Bleached White Flour, Olestra, Brominated Vegetable Oil, Azodicarbonamide, Aspartame, MSG, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), TBHQ (Tert-Butylhydroquinone), Propylene Glycol, Acrylamide, Ammonium Sulfate, and Carrageenan just to name a few!All of these ingredients have been SILENT KILLERS destroying your health behind the scenes. The good news is I will be revealing all of these foods in a 4 Step process where I decode them for what they really are.

In the 4 step process, I will explain what the ingredient is, which foods contain these ingredients, the health risks of eating these foods regularly, and some healthier alternatives to these foods that do not have the harmful ingredients in them.

So FASTEN your seat belt and get ready for the truth about food ingredient labels!

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your sTeP by sTeP bluePrinTs To geT sTArTed

It is now time to take action and for us to finish this program together. So what I did was lay out the agenda for you to read along. Basically, there are 6 parts to this program.

Simply follow my instructions below and you will finish this course in just 3 short weeks.

Step #1: Truth About Artificial Coloring and Flavors

Inside of this reference guide, you will learn which foods contain artificial coloring/flavors that are harmful for your health and some natural alternatives that can prevent these unwanted problems from occurring.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 1 and Finish by Day 4

Step #2: Truth About Food Additives

Inside of this reference guide, you will discover the truth about certain food additives that are being placed in the foods you eat every day and know if which one’s deteriorate your health and which one’s help to increase your health and vitality.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 5 and Finish by Day 7

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Step #3: Truth About Artificial SweetenersInside of this manual, you will discover the “evil” foods you eat that contain artificial sweeteners and how they are RUINING your health. I will also disclose the solution as to how you can eat your desserts without the CRAZY health side effects with natural alternatives.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 8 and Finish by Day 11

Step #4: Truth About Preservatives and Cooking Oils

Food preservatives are arguably the #1 Villain that is deteriorating your health today. You see, in order to increase the shelf life of a food item, preservatives are added in order to increase the expiration date.

However, these ingredients are harmful and many of them damage our health, increasing the likelihood of disease.

Inside of this reference manual, you will see who the villains are and a healthy alternative to continuing to eat the foods you love without the side effects.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 12 and Finish by Day 14

Step #5: Truth About Water

Drinking clean water is vital for our health as we would not be able to survive without it. Over 70% of our bodies consist of water. However, a MAJORITY of the fountain water and even bottled water contains a TOXIC ingredient that they didn’t bother telling you about.

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This is scary given the amount we drink throughout the year.

Inside of the manual you will see the type of water to AVOID and how you can ensure you are not drinking the “dangerous” ingredients lurking in the water system.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 15 and Finish by Day 18

Step #6: Truth About Food Labels

Just because a food label says “Organic”, “Healthy”, “All-Natural”, “Low Calorie”, Zero Grams of Sugar”, does Not mean it is healthy. That is correct!

Even the foods that say “Organic”, does not mean it is 100% organic. There are still some ingredients that are NOT required to be labeled which is why it is so tricky to eat healthy.

However, all of this trickery comes to an end with this manual as I debunk all of the myths surrounding food labels and give you the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding these “shady” food labels that the giant corporations do not tell you about.

When to Start and Finish: Begin on Day 19 and Finish by Day 21

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leT’s geT sTArTedIf you are reading this now and have not read the 1st 6 steps on the previous page, STOP immediately and do that first.

My goal as your coach is to get you to educate yourself. Take action and read these through as many times as it takes to understand what these ingredients are and how they affect your health.

Once you have done this, you will be well equipped and armed with the knowledge you need to reclaim your health.

So do these steps now and enjoy the results and new found energy you will have as a result of it!