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You might wonder constantly, just how can you make it so that a man see your complete worth?

How can you have a man understand that you’re worth more than your weight in gold?

Thousands of women are constantly unaware of just how they can make their men value them more, and so it’s completely understandable if you share the same concerns!

A client of mine came to mine came to me with this burning question not too long ago. She understood that it would take more than just wanting her man to value her more in order to actually receive the adoration she wanted,and so she came to me looking for a method.

The good news is that there are methods to making this happen! I wasn’t always knowledgeable about what the best method was, but after some time, I had an epiphany!

You know that moment when you have such a good idea that you actually feel dumb just for not having it sooner? That’s the kind of feeling I had when I finally realized what the best method is.


Before I crack into what this golden method is, it would be best to give you just a little bit of background info. Before Iwas even close to being a relationship coach, I was just another frustrated girl who was navigating the dating worldlike a drunk mouse in a rotating maze.

I was deep into reading up on psychology books, but it took me a long time to find the core lesson that helped me start doing things the “right” way.

I discovered that that when it comes to making any romantic partner start valuing you more, it all boils down to one little unique concept that no so many people are completely aware of.

This one little basic concept that changed everything for me is something that I make a point of sharing with all of my clients to this very day, and now, I’m happy to be able to share it with you too! We can all graduate from being thirsty for appreciation to making men thirsty for our appreciation instead.

I’ve broken down the crazy realization into three crucial concepts that bring the whole picture together:

First Concept - Don’t overestimate looks

Okay, we all know that looking good feels good. I’m not


going to tell you that there’s not some power in being physically attractive.

The hormones at play when you’re around someone you think is hot as a very real effect. What I want to make clear here, above all else, is that there’s something a lot MORE powerful than just the physical aspect of things.

What’s more important than the physical side of the coin is the the emotional side of coin. The best thing that you can do is to get rid of the idea that you won’t succeed in love if you’re not “pretty” enough.

If you’ve already decided that you don’t believe in that mindset, then great! If you’ve ever thought that you’re not pretty enough, then there’s no need to worry.

If I could put i into percentages, then I would say attraction is only about 10% physical and 90% emotional. You could literally be the most pretty woman that he’s everlaid eyes on in his entire life, but it will pale in comparison to a woman who can make an emotional impact on him greater than any other he’s ever felt before.

On the other hand, if you don’t heed the importance of making that strong emotional connection, the man will findit very hard to stick around once the physical novelty wearsoff! No physical attraction lasts permanently, so it’s really only a matter of time.


To put this in slightly clearer perspective, think of it when you see a guy with model looks out on the town with a woman who seems completely average. Do you know whatit is that makes so many people able to get into relationships with other people who seem miles out of theirleague?

The secret truly isn’t so secret at all, it’s just a matter of what can and can’t be seen under the surface. What can’t be seen on the surface is the most powerful factor,, and that’s where the emotional aspect of it all really kicks in. When there’s a real emotional draw in the relationship, he’sgoing to see something in his woman that most just won’t be able to see.

We’re going to get into the deep tissue of this matter at a later point in time, but for now, let’s just focus on the next important concept to keep in mind when it comes to creating value in a man’s eyes.

Second Concept - His perception of you will match your perception of you

How many women do you think struggle with earnestly getting their men to see the best qualities within them? If you’ve ever struggled with the concept of getting your manto completely understand that you’re worthit, without having to do anything, then you’re definitely not alone!


When it comes to getting a man to recognize the best qualities that you possess, things can seem pretty daunting!

In countless different situations, a woman believes that a man sees her in particular way, but it only comes to pass that he actually views her in a way that’s the direct OPPOSITE of what she believed!

When you have to face the fact that your man sees you in a way that really contradicts what you may have thought before, it can definitely be a very jarring experience! If youwant to bounce back from this, it won’t require that you move mountains or inject hippo fat into your backside.

Don’t feel as though your reputation is so far gone with him that you can’t possibly get him to see your best values. With the technique that I’m going to be sharing with you in this report, you’re going to be able to show the man all of your positive aspects and actually ignore your negative ones. Later in the report, I’m going to show you exactly how this is done.

Third Concept - Automatic, Effortless Attraction

When you can finally dig down into the core of what I’m going to be teaching you here, attraction will be one hundred percent effortless! When a man is being unresponsive, the first instinct may be to keep on trying


harder - don’t be that woman!

As tempting as it may seem, the best course of action is to avoid thinking that you have to just try as hard as you can to make the man see all of the reasons that you’re worth taking a short for.

Attraction cannot be manufactured from thin air, no matter how fantastic that might sound! If attraction could just be forced, it wouldn’t be legitimate attraction at all! If you canmaster what I’m going to be teaching you here, then you won’t even need to lift a finger in order to make a man fall head over heels for you.

What we’re going to be doing here is diving into the art of making a man come to the decision that you’re worth it all on his own. Nothing is less attractive than a woman who is just plain trying too hard, but nothing is more attractive than an inexplicable attraction to a person that happens completely naturally.

What you will be achieving here is the kind of attraction that is not only completely natural, but the kind of attraction that is self-sustaining. This is the kind of attraction that just plain doesn’t stop once it starts!

Now that you have a good grasp on what the big three concepts are, we can start diving into a deeper level of thisiceberg. What you’re going to be focusing on now is


something that I like to call the concept of “Perceived Value”.

Perceived value is the type of value that a man sees within you completely of his own accord. When a man perceives that your value is worth even more than gold, then it won’tmatter what anyone else in the world believes - he will want you to be his, and nothing will be able to stop that feeling. Perceived value is completely beyond the fickle physical things!

You see, as human beings, there are things we see as having objective value and things that we give our own value to. Objective value takes the form of something like aprice tag on something at the supermarket, but the subjective value is the kind of thing that fuels relationships.When subjective value is high enough, no objective value in the world will compare to it!

The trick to making this happen is as simple as seeing that amazing subjective value within YOURSELF first! I know you’ve probably heard that saying “just be yourself” more times than you could possibly count, but it’s just a little bit deeper than that! Start envisioning your own being as the best possible being you can envision, and the effects will be incredible.

You might actually be able to start just by getting a notebook and writing down every redeeming quality that you think you have - after that, make the decision that you


KNOW you have those qualities, and not just that you thinkyou have them. Write down your weaknesses too, and consider those things as nothing more than springboards toapprove.

When you’re working to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be, do it for you and you alone, and not any other person in the world - not your friends, not your family, not the strangers who would judge you, and not even your ideal man!

Be brutally honest with yourself, but at the same time, be just as unrelenting about the fact that you are capable of embracing the best possible version of you that there is. You don’t need to be the best looking woman in the world or the most talented - you just have to take everything that makes you rock and own those things to the fullest!

The moment that you start trying to improve yourself in order to make others perceive you as worth more, you’ll just be operating in another person’s frame, and all that will do is rob you of the amazing sense of agency that you have to be a powerful and enriched woman.

People who have an intense level of perceived value within themselves are the kinds of people who naturally draw others to themselves to get a taste of that confidence - thisapplies to everyone, both in a professional sense and a romantic sense!


You know what can illustrate this even more clearly? Imagine that there’s a giant peace of cake right in front of you, and it’s the best kind of cake that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Does it have tons of whipped cream?

Are there strawberries on top? However the cake looks, chances are that it’s made of two things: the icing on top and cake itself!

When it comes to the typical piece of gourmet cake, what brings out the most impact is generally the cake itself. The creamy toppings generally only compose about 20% of the entire cake, and the actual cake contents make up the remaining 80%!

If you focus on being your best self only in terms of what other people see as being your objective value, then it’s all just going to be icing. If you play to your strengths and determine what your value is from the inside-out, then you’re going to be enriching the actual cake content of the cake, and you will have true substance.

When the man is attracted to your home-grown substance and not the icing, it’s going to be a lot more substantial than if you only tried doing things that you thought he would find attractive and valuable. Try focusing on your looks and it’s all going to be cream, but focus on the thingsthat matter, and you’re going to be the whole gourmet cake masterpiece!


This is not a game that’s focused on nothing more than hookups - this is a game that focuses on developing the kind of value that makes a meteoric impact and lasts for longer than just a single night! You will be capturing the man’s heart to the fullest, and not just his eyes and body for a little while.

It may seem a little bit cruel, but the best way that I can really describe the kind of women who only focus on their looks and superficial things is with the term visual blur.

What do I mean by the visual blur? By visual blur, I mean aspeeding strike of motion that is gone as soon as it arrives!The looks may speed things up to a rapid pace in the very beginning, but without enough attention paid to the deeperthings, that visual blur is going to whip right on by and be forgotten in no time!

Now of course, there are lots of women who ARE in long-term relationships despite the fact that they only ever took things from that superficial visual blur angle. It might seemlike a good deal on the surface, but at the end of the day, it’s a situation that’s doomed for failure. The man just won’t be able to figure out why he’s with the woman besides her looks!

If a man is only with you because he things that you’re a hit piece of eye candy, then I hate to say it, but he’s not really into you for you. What you need is the kind of heavy-


duty emotional impact that has absolutely no expiration date attached to it!

Value attached to appearances is like a hollow chocolate piece of candy, but when you’ve got that SUBSTANCE backing things up, you’ll be like a never-ending feast that he just can’t take his eyes off for the life of him!

Now that you understand the power of creating this awesome perception of value, we can get into the main drill. The main drill here is composed of three simple steps that I’ve broken down here into a list that anyone can follow:

Step 1 - Establish your control of the pace

Step 2 - Use the pace to always act instead of reacting

Step 3 - Capitalize on the attraction that you create

So let’s take a moment here to think about the first step in detail. When I talk about the pace, I’m just referring to thecontrol that you have of the interactions held between you and your man at any given point in time.

Every single interaction, no matter how quick or insignificant it may seem, has a leader. The leader is the person who controls the tone of the interaction. The leader


is the person who usually almost always determines when the interaction begins and ends! This is where we tie back to acting more in a proactive way than a reactive way.

When you become the woman who controls the pace of theinteraction, you will be the alpha female. The alpha female’s authority is determined by the undisputed value that radiates from her very core. After you’ve built up your own sense of value to a high-enough level on the inside, being the leader of the interactions with the man will seem natural to you!

More than any other phase of the relationship, I must especially stress just how important this is to keep in mind in the early parts of the dating phase! You could say that an entire relationship itself is like an ongoing conversation between you and another man, and the very first dates arewhat determine the tone of that conversation for all of the hereafter!

Now, on the other hand, there are serious consequences that can occur if you fail to establish the kind of value that you need in order to be the master of those interactions. If you don’t gain that control over the interactions, then you’re going to be at the mercy of whatever direction he takes the interactions.

Without even meaning to, you’ll basically be letting the man’s every whim be like a carrot in front of your face thatkeeps you chasing after signs of validation from him. You


don’t want to be the woman who jumps for the carrot, you want to be the woman who gives the directions for where things are going to be headed next!

Now remember, you don’t even have to give the man any explicit commands about anything to keep control of the interaction, and neither does he. The frame of the interaction belongs to whoever keeps the most stable composure. If you don’t let yourself get taken on an emotional ride, not flinching or conceding when your buttons are pushed, the control will be yours!

When the man gets too much control, too early in the game, he’s going to move forward thinking that he can justget you whenever he feels like. The man being in control may create some mild interest in the beginning, but it’s really just not a long-term investment. Put the control in your court, and he’s going to

Believe it or not, the man is actually likely to give you some subtle psychological tests early in the relationship in order to gauge just how much power he has early in the game! Both women and men alike actually tend to “size each other up” in the earliest parts of the relationship in order to see just who has more dominance - this is a very important test to pass when it arises!

Fortunately, you’re already studying for the test right now. Whenever the man asks you a provocative question, or whenever the conversation goes to a place that tests how


much control you have over future events, hold fast and keep cool! Poke him back with teasing questions of your own and see if he responds in kind or sweats where he stands.

Just by being aware of this little dynamic that happens at the earliest parts of the relationship, you ALREADY differentiated from the majority of women who don’t have a clue. He may not even be aware of the social tests that happen in the early parts of relationship, but he will be able to sense that something about you is very different from most women out there!

Now here we can swivel our perspective onto the next most important concept of establishing control over the pace of the interactions - making sure that you are PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE.

When you have assumed complete control of the pace of the interactions between the two of you, you’re never going to be caught off-guard by the things that he says! You will be the one who controls when every conversation has run its course, and he will be the one who has to react to the way that you want the talk to flow.

By comparison, we have to take some time to break down just why we don’t want to be in a reactive state of mind when it comes to establishing a balance of power in the relationship. When are in a reactive state, you are going to simply be waiting for him to give you something before you


assert your value - while it can be effective, it just doesn’t show power.

The truth is that a lot of men are very much conditioned to seeing most women as constantly being a in reactive state.The man’s primal being is prone to seeing the woman as a passive being who just has life happen to her, but since you are a woman of value, you will show him your life is in your hands.

When he knows that he is dealing with a woman who is completely comfortable having her own life in her own hands, he is going to get the sense that his interactions with her mean that he has to step into her frame. The moment that he’s forced to operate within your frame, he’snot going to have any choice but to go into a reactive stateto the force of your independence !

Now let’s just put forth a little example here that can illustrate the importance of establishing your proactive behavior in a powerful way. When a man doesn’t call you after a period of time that he said he would, just waiting for him to get back to you is being in a reactive state. Instead of going down the reactive path, you can instead take the proactive road and call him instead.

Not too many other women are comfortable with making the first move, because they fear that it’s going to make them seem needy or thirsty for attention - while this is certainly a VALID fear, it’s not one that you have to listen


to! As long as you don’t come off as needing him to reply, you can comfortably make the effort to follow up with him after there’s been a communication lapse.

Now after you’ve reached out to him, your job is done! You’ve done the right thing and made your proactive approach, and after that, the next step is to simply live your life. Don’t let the time that isn’t spent talking to him be completely defined by how long its been since the two of you last talked.

If you’re the type of woman who likes to text, then a good way to keep control of this is to closely monitor just how many texts you send and how often you do it! Just ONE text message to follow up will usually do the job, and then after that, you go on ahead being the most awesome you that you can be.

Do you know that separates the most intelligent and successful investors in the world from the ones who enter the stock market and can’t make a simple penny? The failed investors only care about how much they can win, while the experts make sure that they NEVER RISK more oftheir precious capital than they want to lose! Money and time are the elements of this game.

In this context of the dating world, you could consider the attention that you get from a man to be like the potential amount of money that you could get from a promising investment. Your own PERSONAL TIME, however, should be


compared to the capital that you don’t want to lose in yourinvestment.

Just like professional trader invests their money in order to make their money, we invest our TIME in the hopes of getting affection in return. Before even meeting a guy, set a personal limit on the amount of time that you’re willing toinvest in getting him to respond, and you will automaticallyhave more control over the pace of your interactions!

Now we can move onto the 3rd pillar concept in this alpha female technique - capitalizing on the control after you have successfully gotten him to chase your affections! What you’re doing here is taking the favorable balance of power that you’ve created and using that to mold those first sinews of powerful attachment to him.

In a way, you could say that what you’re doing here is actually assuming the affection when the time is finally right! You are basically striking when the iron is blazing hot, hitting the core of his mind that controls attraction at the best possible moment!

This is one of trickier parts of the process, but it’s probably the most important of all! The other parts are practically buildup to this step, which is like the coup de grace in making him see you as the woman of his dreams.

You know how I said earlier that too many women are


obsessed with how to become the most attractive human specimens on the planet in order to try grabbing a man? Well even though we know that being supermodel isn’t necessary, I’m going to just ask you take a moment and imagine your own eyes seeing through the perspective of this “ideal” superwoman.

How does this woman think? What does a woman who can have guys coming to her with the twitch of finger actually consider the extent of her full power? Does she wile her time away waiting for a man to hit her back, or does she confidently live her life without any regard for whether or not a man knows what he’s missing out on?

You already know the answer: this queen among women is the type e who doesn’t even need to worry about how she comes off, because she’s internalized everything that makes a woman high-value in the first place!

The magic happens when you put yourself in the shoes of this amazing woman and realize that embodying her qualities is as easy as believing that you deserve to! You assume all of these qualities internally, and after you do that, the results are going to take place on a surface level AND an internal level!

Capitalizing on the affection and securing his attraction is just a matter of being consistent when it comes to establishing that amazing internal value. Prioritize the bodyof the cake before the cream, and keep that up, and his


attraction will be almost completely inevitable!

I cannot tell you just how much success that friends of mine have had after they’ve made a personal little pledge to follow this advice and put it to work in their dating lives. I had a friend who was probably even more stressed out than most of my clients when it came to establishing real value in her relationships, but the techniques here MULTIPLIED her impression on men.

She had struggled to keep men around for more than just a couple of dates. Just like the scenarios that I’ve mentioned before, this woman was basically neglecting theimportance of keeping her own frame when she was dealing with new men! As soon as she took the frame into her own hands, however, she needed advice on how to handle how much men wanted her!

Now in my friend’s specific case, I actually gave her a little list of unconventional suggestions that helped her our in aneven bigger way that some of my clients had experienced in their own dating lives.

What I suggested was that she stop wondering whether or not a man was attracted to her at all! I suggested that she instead believe that the men were ALREADY attracted to her before even meeting up! When you already think a man has the hots for you, do you feel an urgent need to keep on working on changing yourself? Of course you don’t!


Now after telling her that it would be best if she already took the position of a desired woman before meeting them,I asked her what it was that she had been doing in the past. This is what she told me about her behavior prior to my advice:

-She said that she would always be overwhelmed with excitement before a date

-She said that she had trouble saying “no” to things that she felt were happening too early

-She said that she was almost always the first to reach out for a phone call

-She said that she was losing sleep over feeling guilty a lot

-She said that she would always ask them what they thought of her after the date

Everything that she was doing was taking away any controlthat she could possibly have of her FRAME with the guys she dated! To put it simply, doing the opposite of all of these things is what makes you the definition of a woman with extremely high value - it worked wonders for my friend, and I say wholeheartedly that it can work for you too!

It’s easy to make the dating game seem like a big and scary outside force, but from the beginning to the end, it’s an internal battle than can be WON. Once the internal


battle is finished, victory on the outside is effortless!