oned24hgfq776jotr.cloudfront.net/lovetrac/crystal-ball... · 2015-07-24 · man confirm love for her, so naturally, hearing it sets her mind at ease in a very big way. Still, underneath

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Page 1: oned24hgfq776jotr.cloudfront.net/lovetrac/crystal-ball... · 2015-07-24 · man confirm love for her, so naturally, hearing it sets her mind at ease in a very big way. Still, underneath
Page 2: oned24hgfq776jotr.cloudfront.net/lovetrac/crystal-ball... · 2015-07-24 · man confirm love for her, so naturally, hearing it sets her mind at ease in a very big way. Still, underneath

Boy meets girl. The girl asks the boy if he loves her. The boy responds to the girl, “of course I do”.

Naturally, as soon as the girl hears that the boy has confirmed some feelings for her, she feels little firecrackers go off in her heart.

Not every woman is so lucky that they’re able to hear ever oneman confirm love for her, so naturally, hearing it sets her mindat ease in a very big way.

Still, underneath the satisfaction on her face, there was uncertainty in the girl’s heart. There was a feeling of dread that was born out of the doubt.

You see, even though the girl was happy to hear that her man had said that he had legitimate feelings, it didn’t seem like thefeelings were actually there.

The words themselves may be what they are, but the words still come from the logical brain! Beyond the logical brain, the tug and pull of the emotional brain are far more powerful.

When the emotional brain isn’t satisfied one hundred percent, its desires will override the ‘facts” presented to it every time!

A woman who is told that she’s loved, but still can’t feel it in that deepest core of her being, is still going to deeply desire confirmation and closure on a deeper level.

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Try as she might, she just couldn’t find a sign that she actuallyWAS as loved by the guy as he claimed to love her.

She desperately wanted to feel that he was telling the truth about the depth of his feelings for her, she didn’t FEEL that love that he insisted to have for her from the bottom of his heart.

Oftentimes, we are just at a loss to tell whether or not the men we’re with are being completely real about the feelings that they have deep down inside.

We want to be sure that there’s actually something there, naturally, but all of the evidence in the world doesn’t necessarily give us the psychic powers necessary to peer into his heart and hear see exactly what we need to see.

Now even though this may not always be the easiest pill to swallow, it’s not a burden that we need to bear just for the sake of being in a relationship!

Believe it or not, there are very real steps that we can take in order to ensure that we have a higher level of insight into just what it IS that our men truly feel.

What I’m going to share with you can be done without any need for smoke and mirrors, electrodes or even deception. Youdon’t need to be a master mental manipulator to get more insight into your man’s true feelings, because manipulation is not the objective here!

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All that we need in order to make this work is the understanding of how a man’s verbal behavior is oftentimes different than our way of verbalizing things.

The soft language barrier can be frustrating at times, but with the use of my Crystal Ball Technique, you can pick up the things that get lost in translation.

I had a client named Cheryl who asked her boyfriend if he loved her, and though he replied that he did, it just didn’t put her mind at ease - she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing, not matter what he presented to her at face value.

Like a lot of us do, the first thing that she did was turn to her girlfriends in the hopes of some sage advice. After hours of relaying her story to her girlfriends and getting her share of snarky feedback, she was still wading in a pool of “just not sure” vibes.

Of course, plenty of women out there are already convinced of the fact that men are just a little bit “different” about the way that they verbalize things than men are.

There are plenty of women out there who are all too familiar about how easily things can get lost in translation, but unfortunately, they just can’t think of many ways to recover from miscommunication.

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What I can say with confidence is that while these women are not necessarily off the mark, there’s more to it than just the fact that men are slightly “different” about the way that they vocalize their feelings.

You see, the reason that men vocalize their feelings differently is due to the fact that dealing with feelings in general is usuallya lot more DIFFICULT for men than it is for women in the first place!

Men face a lot more potential social stigma from being incredibly open about the way that they express themselves, and because of that, it makes them more emotionally “conservative” on average.

Of course there are plenty of men who open up more about their feelings than the norm, just like there are emotionally-stunted women, but the point is that the matter of the difference still matters.

If you really want to have the best level of insight into what makes a man think the way that he does, then it must be through a lens that takes social differences into consideration.

Here’s the kicker to this process that always makes me giddy about using it; you don’t have to work too hard in order to have it work.

It’s very easy to over think this process and go into a state where you over-analyze every little thing that your man says

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on a microscopic level and drive yourself crazy. If all that you’re looking to do is get a little bit more into his head than normal, then accepting that the way men and women verbalizethings is simply different will save you tons of stress in long and short run!

To be completely honest, you will only be able to completely acquire the precision of perception it takes to understand your man fully after you have accepted that the only way to do it is to make sure that you don’t tr to hard to make it happen!

If you have now made peace with the fact that you don’t need to bend over backwards to try and get into the subtext of whatyour man is saying, then you are now well on your way to perceiving your man’s mind on a brand new level!

Now once you’ve mastered the kind of perceptive precision that it takes to understand your man’s particular social lens when it comes to feelings, there will be too amazing powers that you’ll unlock in terms of communication with him:

Number 1 - Automatic Lie Detecting

Without a doubt, the number-one killer of true chemistry in a relationship comes from the deceit and miscommunication. If your man doesn’t come forth with the absolute truth, then it can easily spiral out of control and lead to a MASSIVE vacuum in trust down the line.

If you want to avoid all of this frustration, then the only way you’ll be able to get by it is by being able to detect his lies as

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soon as they’re generated. It may seem a little bit outlandish right away, but this is a technique based in understanding the words BENEATH the words.

Now a lot of women might wish that they could have a little personal lie detector to carry around in your pocket, but that’s completely unnecessary!

Believe it or not, there actually is a way that you can get better at telling a truth from a lie in your man’s words without the use of multi-thousand dollar equipment and a crime to necessitate its use! You can get your man’s words sorted out into truths and lies as easily as just know what the differences are between working hard and working too hard to understandhim.

What’s important to remember here is that you’re not just doing to be detecting serious, game-changing lies either. You will be able to get a firm handle on every untruthful thing that your man says, even if it’s only a small white lie.

There won’t be any ambiguous fog around his words that keep you from knowing exactly what’s going on at all times.

Now if there’s something that you need to keep in mind here that might actually come as a bit of a double-edged sword. Even though you’ll be able to detect white lies fairly easily, not everything that you’ll discover will be something that you actually feel good about uncovering.

If you can deal with the potentially unflattering revelations about your man, then this power will be completely worth it in

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the end. Some of the things that you might discover by being able to detect the lack of truth with minimal effort might be unsettling, the benefits completely outweigh the consequences.

If you’re really committed to the task of getting to know your man on a deeper level, then trust me, being able to tell exactlywhen he is and isn’t telling the truth will be well worth the the potential disappointment.

Now if you can cope with the potentially bittersweet power that comes with being able to tell when your man is lying and what he’s lying about, then you can definitely handle the next power that the Crystal Ball Report.

Number 2 - You will never be confused about his expectations

It can be overwhelming to think about how much your man might expect you to do for him, but just like everything else here, less is more.

It might seem a little bit contradictory, but if you can stop thinking so hard about what your man says about his expectations, then things are going to get a lot easier for you down the line.

If you’ve ever been caught up in confusion about what exactly it is that your man wants on a casual basis, then you’re definitely not alone!

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I’m not talking about what your man might want in terms of desires and dreams on his bucket list, but things like what he’llwant when he just isn’t speaking up as much as you’d like.

In the long run, you’re going to get a lot better at understanding what your man wants at all times. A relationship that has maximum chemistry, in which the womanunderstands exactly as much you are going to, won’t be compromised by you not knowing what it is that your man expects you to do.

Number 3 - You will be able to communicate with him non-verbally

Whenever a man and a woman who really understand one another communicate, there’s a deeper level of conversation happening underneath the spoken words.

When you understand your man’s verbalization to a certain degree, you will be able to always here the deeper conversation happening BENEATH the words.

When you can understand the words beneath the words without straining yourself, then you’ll ALWAYS be able to understand exactly what your man is saying, regardless of what he says or how he actually says it.

Getting to the level when you can always tell what your man issaying, at all times, will make it so that you never have another miscommunication every again! You will basically have

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access to your man’s unspoken mental voice, always verbalizing, but seldom actually heard by anyone besides the woman who understands him the most!

Once you have unlocked the insight of the woman with the crystal ball, you’ll always be able to tune into the exclusive “frequency” of your man’s most private channel when it comesto the expression of his desires.

I had client once who just couldn’t, for the life of her, ever figure out what it was that her man wanted more than anything else in the world. The HARDER she tried to make her man satisfied, the further and further away she got from actually being able to make it a reality!

When my client took my advice and stopped trying too hard to fit into the frame of what her man wanted, the results were immediately and awe-inspiring.

It was almost as if she had figured out how to play the game with inverted controls! After realizing that she no longer had totry as hard, her mind was clearer and better at picking up on the subtle “cues” her man would give off.

If you want to learn what it takes in order to unlock all of the power of a woman with true emotional insight into her man’s deepest desires, then all you have to do is learn all of the power that comes with being subtle!

In a way, you could see it as a way of clearing your mind. All of the things that we’re discussing here can be considered “complex”, but thinking too much about the complexity will

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result in you losing sight of the much simpler picture. All of themisconceptions about this kind of thing that we cab absorb in our daily lives is nothing more than a distraction!

You could almost call it like a form of romantic judo. Instead ofgoing out of your way to aggressively uncover what your man desires, with all of your effort, slowing things down makes it easier to detect the shifts and tones what you observe and useits own momentum to you advantage.

As a matter of fact, once you’ve gotten a firm handle on what it is that your man wants at all times, you won’t even NEED to talk to your man in order to figure out his desires!

In this chapter, you are going to learn exactly what it takes in order to acquire the closest thing to mined-reading that EXISTS in this world.

A woman who knows how to hear the voice of her man’s desires without him even saying anything might as well have psychic powers. I’m going to share something with you that exceeds even the most optimistic woman’s expectations.

Now, the reason that I referred to this kind of technique as “romantic judo” is because you are going to go through a calm, calculated process to addressing exactly what it is that your man wants when he wants it. In this response process, there are going to be two steps that you take in order to be successful with it:

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1. The Verbal Aspect

2. The Non-Verbal Aspect

Every time that something is verbalized, a non-verbal “cue” follows very closely after it, almost like an after-image! The non-You might actually be able to describe this as a one-two punch of perception. Usually, this process happens too quickly for most people to take note of, but after some training, you’ll never miss it happening again!

When you learn how to slow down and take your time with understanding your man’s actions, you’ll be able to detect that supersonic “after-image” of the nonverbal cue as soon as it happens!

The verbal communication aspect will occur on the surface, and the underlying non-verbal cue will ripple under the surfaceimmediately after it.

If you have the same powers of perception as kind of woman who is generally unenlightened about this sort of thing, than you will be inclined to focus on the verbal aspect of the message to closely.

Before the first step is even taken, step ZERO is to no longer assume that something is true just because the man says it! Even though it might seem like a straight-forward approach at first glance, taking the man’s words at face-value will only

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make you MORE confused.

It may be difficult to imagine just by hearing about the concept, so I have a story here that can illustrate the power ofthis technique perfectly.

A client of mine that I had informed of this technique had decided to put it into practice in her own relationship.

She and her man had just come back from an outing, and during that time, they had come across another lady that her man had paid a conspicuous amount of attention to.

She asked her man exactly why he had chatted with her so much, but his answers were incredibly ambiguous. He denied that he was actually ever even flirting with the woman at all!

In his own words, her man had actually said that he was “only having a little fun chat”. It seemed innocent enough, but like many women in her position, that answer that he gave simply didn’t cut it in terms of giving her any kind of inner peace!

In response to his claim that he was only having just a tiny bit of fun, she rebutted and insisted that he had actually been flirting with her all along.

His actions were definitely out of sync with the things that he was claiming to be true, and she just couldn’t ignore that and let it go.

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In response to her rebuttal, her man got a little bit closer to her and decided to try a little bit harder to convince her. He said to her, “Listen, you are the light of my life. You are the woman that I love. You know that I wouldn’t lie to the woman that I love, right?”

Now my client didn’t actually say anything right away, becausethe words that he was saying were incredibly loaded. Despite the fact that his words would have immediately reassured another woman, she knew better than to just go for the most obvious answer.

Something in her was screaming that what she was hearing was just simply not the truth, and as long as that screaming kept up, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to just accept her man’s externally calming words.

The man and woman’s verbal conflict ended right there, but the next couple of days that passed by would only serve to intensity the problem to an even greater degree.

For the next couple of days, the guy just kept on paying attention to his phone in a way that he never had before. Theyhad met up for a dinner date, and his attention was completelyon his mobile phone screen.

He never once mentioned who it was that he was actually so busy texting, but she wasn’t about to just wait for him to offer it up voluntarily.

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She didn’t want to make the situation any more dramatic that it wanted to be right away, so she settled for just asking him to put away his phone instead.

His response didn’t exactly enlighten him, but it was conclusive: “Sure babe.”

He put the phone away, gave her a few minutes of conversation, but then it was right on back to quality time to his phone. As if he had never actually even heard her asking about his phone fixation, he was right back to it like a fish back to water.

With no more alternate channels to take, she finally decided tojust ask him: “Who exactly are you texting?”

Who was it that she was texting? Her man said that it was a girl. When she asked whether or not the girl was “special”, her assured that she was nothing more than just a casual friend.

Hearing that her man was only speaking to a “friend” was really not enough to put her mind at ease. She pressed him further and started to get a lot of intimate about the real depthof her frustration with what she was saying.

She asked the man, “If if this girl you’re texting is just no more than a casual friend to you, then why are you glued to your phone like it’s some kind of life support?”

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The man responded by questioning her trust in him. He said, “How can you keep doubting me like this? If you know that I truly love you, then why should I have to work so hard at proving it to you all the time?”

This time, my client wasn’t content to just let the conversation drop off and just get swept under the carpet. She confronted the man about the truth of his legitimate feelings about here.

“If you really do love me as much as you claim to, why does it seem like you’re showing the opposite? You flirt with women left and right when I’m right there next to you, and you claim to love me right after you do it! What exactly am I supposed tomake of something like that?”

After the guy was confronted by these words, he was still insistent that she was completely overacting. Instead of just answering her right away, he instead asked her if she had any GUY friends.

By his logic, it shouldn’t matter if he was texting a casual female friend if she could have casual guy friends herself.

She didn’t disagree with the fact that he had female friends, but that wasn’t enough to make him let it go.

“I’m not saying that I don’t think you’re allowed to text your friends,” she said. “But something seems weird about the fact that you just can’t take your eyes off of your phone for a single second. This doesn’t really seem like he’s just a casual

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situation. Have you been meeting up with her?”

It was at this point that the man started to get defensive for the first time since she started confronting him.

“You’re not really trusting me.” he said. “I can’t be comfortablewith the fact that you can’t trust me.”

At this point, my client had gone from feeling simply suspiciousand was starting to get legitimately NERVOUS. She was able toquickly regain a sense of balance, and after that, she found it within herself to just tell her man to drop it altogether.

Her man took it upon himself to spend the rest of the evening telling her just how deep his love was her, but by that point, the damage had already been done. No flowery words could just stop what was going on in her mind.

After time had passed, after he had spent enough time gushing about her, she was practically convinced of the fact that she truly meant what she was saying. Still, despite the fact that he came close to convincing her of his love, she would never be able to completely accept his words at face value ever again.

You can clearly see the underlying, nonverbal message going on in this scenario right? Even though her man was telling her some sweet white lies, because she was perceptive enough to see the nonverbal evidence of something else happening within her.

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Sally had sharpened up her intuition to the point that she could understand that her man was possibly holding somethingback from her.

A man’s words can only been validated by her ACTIONS. She understood that the conflict between his actions and his words was real, and after making that realization, denial was impossible.

Now if you’ve ever been in this position yourself, then it might not have turned out that you were so fortunate as to have realized that you were being lied to in the first place. The mainthing to take away from situations like this is that the actions are always more meaningful that whatever words a man says.

When words are spoken, that doesn’t mean that they’ve actually taken FORM. Words don’t truly manifest until there have been enough actions to confirm the fact that they actually have meanings behind them!

As long as you’re able to pay attention to the actions, after thewords have been issued, then it will be almost impossible to deceive you.

No matter how convincing his words might actually seem, if you only give heed to the actions, you’ll be able to keep a firm grip on what the true reality of your relationship really is.

Now of course, there might be a situation in which even his ACTIONS are just as confusing as the words that he’s speaking! You might be wondering, how should you proceed if

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one thing that he does completely contradicts something that he did the very day before?

For example, let’s say that there’s something within a relationship that you have with a guy that seems right, but notcompletely whole?

What if you want something more meaningful with a man, but it just doesn’t seem like he’s willing to take it all the way?

He might even treat you like you’re his girlfriend, acting extremely protective and attached to you around the clock, buthe won’t want to make it official for some reason.

You might even find that this kind of guy could actually get jealous of you for talking to other guys, but he still not actuallydecide to make things official right away.

Now in these situations, it might just so happen that a man gets close enough to you that he understands every single reason why you’re an amazing person.

He might decide that being around you is so much fun that he wants to work as hard as possible to keep you around, and you’ll practically be treated like his girlfriend in every sense of the word.

This doesn’t actually mean that you’re his girlfriend by default,but it does make things INCREDIBLY confusing - that is, it’s confusing if you haven’t learned how to make sense of a man’soccasionally awkward way of verbalizing everything that he

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When a man has gotten to the point where he cares about youenough to truly think of you as a precious person, he might feel burning desire, but he might be terrible at VOICING that feeling that he has inside.

Still, if he can’t actually make sense of what he’s feeling, you can make sense out the patterns between everything that he communicates to you based on the ways that he treats you.

The reason that I refer to the Crystal Ball method as a “reverse order” technique is due to the fact that the fact that you put the actions BEFORE the words.

The most powerful things that you can appreciate in a position like this is to understand that speaking is not the only way people say things to one another. Before language even existed, the ways that human beings were able to talk was completely nonverbal.

When you tap into the way that you can communicate with a man non-verbally, you will basically be dealing him in the most ancient and pure way that there is in the entire world. The human race was only able to survive as long as it has due to the way that our ancestors coordinated through their ACTIONS since the beginning of the entire species.

Even though we have things like “society” and “culture” today, there are still lingering traces of our primal existence.

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Everything from our fight-or-flight instinct to the ways that we develop attachment for other people is based in way that we gravitate towards one another as red-blooded mammals.

Animals may not have our technology, but they are far ahead of us when it comes to reading behavior. Animals aren’t distracted by things like subjectivity or double-meanings; all that matters is what they can directly observe in order to find out the full truth.

Of course you don’t have to revert to a cavewoman and start hunting rabbits to eat raw for dinner, but you can definitely learn a lot from becoming a bit more primal in the way that you interpret what you man says and does! When all that pay any heed to is what you man’s BEHAVIOR reflects, you’ll have a powerful animalistic lock onto his true mentality.

If you put the actions before the words in terms of what it is that you’re looking to understand, then you will effectively been starting things off on the right foot.

If you’re able to start things off by putting your perspective in the right frame, then you won’t be fooled by the veil of what words seemingly mean what!

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