J'esctf- r\Î~ **->«. x \ BJR. 1ÂL(1)/1Ô37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Not to be communicated to anyone outside H.M. Service ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER VOLUME 1937 PART I—FLEET EDITION

Admiralty Fleet Orders 1937

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Admiralty Fleet Order Volume 1937, Part One - Fleet Edition.

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  • J 'e s c t f - r \ ~ * * - > . x \BJR. 1L(1)/137


    Not to be communicated to anyone outside H.M. Service


    VOLUME 1937


  • B.R. 121(1)/1937

    FOR O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y

    Not to be communicated to anyone outside H.M . Service






  • A d m i r a l t y , S.W .l,

    31s/ August, 1938.

    Admiralty Fleet Orders, other than those containing amendments to books, that have been issued in the general series up to 31st December, 1937, which it is essential to retain for general reference, are reprinted in this volume. They have not been generally revised and care should be taken to comply with any later instructions.

    The Admiralty Fleet Order Volume, 1936, and Orders issued in the general series during the year 1937, are to be dealt with as directed in paragraph 20 of the instructions opposite.

    By command of their Lordships,

    To all Commanders-in-Chief, Flag Officers, Senior Naval Officers, Captains and Commanding Officers of H .M . Ships and Vessels, Superintendents or Officers in charge of H.M . Naval Establishments and A dmiralty Overseers concerned.


    INSTRUCTIONS1. Definition. A d m ira lty F lee t O rders is th e ti tle a d o p ted for p rin ted

    o rders an d in s truc tions , n o t in th e form of books of regu la tions o r in s tru c tion , an d o th e r com m unications p ro m u lga ted b y th e A d m ira lty , th a t h ave general app lica tion to ships o r n av a l estab lishm en ts, or to th e various A dm ira lty O verseers.

    2. Date of Issue. A d m ira lty F le e t O rders a re issued w eekly on T h u rsd ay , b u t an u rg en t com m unication o f general in te re s t th a t canno t aw a it th e n e x t w eekly issue m ay be p ro m u lga ted in a special issue. A com plete lis t o f A d m ira lty F lee t O rders issued d u ring th e w eek th a t a re n o t re s tric ted to th e sep a ra te series m en tioned in p a ra g ra p h 14 is p rin ted w ith each w eekly issue, th e various orders being classified in accordance w ith p a rag rap h 9.

    3. Specially Urgent Orders. A com m unication o f general in te re s t and o f such urgency th a t i t is p ro m u lg a ted in th e firs t in s tance by le tte r , or by te legram , is issued also as an A d m ira lty F lee t O rder, unless i t is m erely tem p o ra ry an d in fo rm ative .

    4. Action on Receipt. Officers concerned a re to a c t upon A d m ira lty F lee t O rders w ith o u t w aiting for fo rm al d irections from th e ir C om m ander- in-Chief, S u p erin ten d en t, o r Senior Officer, unless o therw ise d irec ted , any necessary rep o rts being forw arded th ro u g h th e p ro p er channels.

    5. Publication, and Sale Copies. A d m ira lty F lee t O rders (excep t as m en tioned below) are m a rk ed F O R O F F IC IA L U S E O N LY , an d a re n o t to be d ivulged to anyone ou ts ide H .M . Service, b u t th e A d m ira lty reserves th e r ig h t to com m unicate to th e pub lic p ress an y o rder o f general in te re s t w hich m ay be pub lished w ith o u t d e tr im en t to th e Service. Such orders are d is tingu ished b y an aste risk p laced ag a in s t th e n u m b er o f th e order. A selection of o rders th u s m ade publio is p rin ted sep a ra te ly q u a rte r ly and p laced on sale. Copies can be o b ta ined th ro u g h an y bookseller, or d irec t from H .M . S ta tio n e ry Office.

    6. Notice Boards Edition. O rders o f general in te re s t to th e fleet are rep rin ted in poste r form for d isp lay on sh ip s no tice boards. O rders th a t are m erely tem p o ra ry an d in fo rm ative , such as those g iv ing sp o rts notices, resu lts of com petitions, an d disposals o f can teen funds, also a re inc luded in th e N otice B oards E d ition , b u t on ly th e n u m b er an d su b jec t o f such orders are show n in th e F lee t an d F lee t an d Shore E stab lish m en ts E d itio n s . I f an y such o rder m ay be requ ired for reference for m ore th a n th ree m o n th s i t is p rin ted in full in th e F lee t an d F lee t an d Shore E stab lish m en ts E d itio n s.

    7. Confidential Orders. A ny o rder th a t o u gh t to be seen on ly b y officers is m arked C O N F ID E N T IA L an d is issued separa te ly , b u t th e n u m b er of th e order, w ith a n o te th a t i t has been issued confidentially , is included in th e non-confidential issue. T he sep a ra te issues of C onfidential A d m ira lty F lee t O rders are serially num bered . U p -to -d a te techn ica l in fo rm atio n in C onfidential A d m ira lty F lee t O rders is to be com m unicated to ra tin g s concerned, who are serving in ships n o t d irec tly affected b y th e orders, to a sufficient e x te n t to ensure th a t in th e ev en t o f tran sfe r to a sh ip th a t has been affected by th e orders, th e y shall have an ad eq u a te know ledge o f recen t developm ents.


  • f8. Separate Series. A d m ira lty F lee t O rders a re issued in sep ara te series according to th e su b jec t m a tte r , an d a re n u m b ered consecutively s ta rtin g a t nu m b er 1 in each series a t th e beg inn ing o f each ca lendar year.

    9. General Series. O rders in th e general series a re classified in sections as follows :

    S e c t io n 1

    A d m in is t r a t io n o f t h e F l e e t , C e b e m o n i e s , F o r e ig n P o r t R e g u l a t io n s , e t c .

    S ta tion L im its : F ig h tin g Efficiency o f Ships : F lee t A ir A rm A dm in istra tio n : In te rn a l O rganisation o f Ships : N av iga tion an d S ea m a n sh ip : F lee t Exercises an d P ractices.

    S e c t io n 2

    P e r s o n n e l , P a y , S e r v ic e s , D i s c i p l i n e , e t c .

    S e c t io n 3

    G., T ., N ., E . , e t c . , a n d S t o r e s ; H u l l , E q u i p m e n t a n d F i t t i n g sN ote. O rders in th is section are a rran g ed accord ing to th e d e p a rtm e n t

    o f sh ip concerned, o rders concerning m ore th a n one d e p a rtm e n t being included u n d er General, as follows, b u t th is a rran g em en t is n o t m ad e in th e an n u a l volum e.

    G unneryG uns, M ountings, A m m unition , T u rre ts , D irec to rs, F ire C ontrol, D iv ing A p p ara tu s , M agazines, e tc ., an d S tores.

    TorpedoTorpedoes, T ubes, M ines an d M inesw eeping, D e p th C harges, P a rav an es , E lec trica l E q u ip m en t, A nti-gas, A irc ra ft Torpedoes, e tc ., an d S tores.

    N avigationN avigation S tores, S ex tan ts , C om passes, C harts , A nchors, Sails, e tc .

    EngineerM ain an d A ux iliary E ngines, B oilers, o th e r M achinery in charge of th e E ngineer Officer, including C atapu lts , Coal an d Oil F uel, and E ngineering Stores.

    S ignalsW /T and V/S A p p ara tu s an d S tores.

    A n ti -Subm arineAsdics, H ydrophones a n d E cho Sounding an d S tores.

    GeneralH ull, A rm our, G eneral E q u ip m en t an d F ittin g s , e tc ., an d O rders affecting tw o o r m ore D ep artm en ts .

    S e c t io n 4

    O t h e r St o r e s N a v a l S t o r e s *, V ic t u a l l in g , M e d i c a l , e t c ., S t o r e s ,a n d C o n t r a c t s

    (*N ot included under Section 3.)


  • 5S e c t io n 5

    B o o k s , F o r m s , R e t u r n s , C o r r e s p o n d e n c e

    S e c t io n 6

    S h o r e E s t a b l is h m e n t s

    O rders affecting on ly Shore E stab lish m en ts .

    10. Editions. N on-confidential o rders o f th e general series a re p rin ted in tw o ed itions :

    () F le e t E d itio n conta in ing only Sections 1 to 5issued to H .M .ships.

    () F le e t a n d Shore E s tab lish m en ts E d itio n conta in ing a ll sectionsissued to shore estab lishm en ts , A d m ira lty overseers, an d o th e r au th o ritie s . Copies o f th is edition , add itio n a l to th e F lee t E d itio n , a re supplied , fo r in form ation , to all flag officers an d senior officers.

    11. Diagram Issue. D iagram s referred to in A d m ira lty F le e t O rders a re nu m b ered consecutively . T h ey a re p r in te d sep ara te ly in a serially n u m b ered d iag ram issue, excep t th a t d iag ram s referred to in C onfidential A d m ira lty F le e t O rders a re a tta c h e d to th e orders.

    12. Amendments to Books see p a ra g ra p h 14.

    13. Index. A n index to a ll A d m ira lty F lee t O rders e x ta n t in th e genera l series is rev ised q u a rte rly an d issued as a sep a ra te p u b lica tio n . I t consists o f a general index , an d o f sep a ra te indexes to th e orders co n cern ing th e gunnery , to rpedo , signal d ep a rtm en ts , an d am en d m en ts to books, respectively , to g e th e r w ith a lis t o f cancelled orders an d th e orders by w hich th e y a re superseded.

    14. A., K.R., P., and S. Series. T he following a re ad d itio n a l to th e general series o f A d m ira lty F lee t O rders :

    A. Series. C ontain ing A d m ira lty decisions upon proposed a lte ra tio n s an d ad d itions to ships, an d d is tr ib u ted on ly to techn ica l officers concerned n um bered A .l , A .2, e tc.

    K .R . Series. C ontain ing fo rm al am endm en ts to th e K in g s R eg u la tions an d A d m ira lty In s tru c tio n s n um bered K .R .l , K .R .2, e tc .

    P. Series. C ontain ing form al am en d m en ts from 1st J a n u a ry , 1937, to books o f th e B .R ., O .U. (o ther th a n Signal Books) an d C.B. series generally , an d to o th e r books o f regu la tions a n d in s tru c tio n s , e tc . num bered P .] , P .2, e tc . T hese orders a re p r in te d an d d is tr ib u ted as d e ta iled in A .F .O . 333/37.

    S. Series. C ontain ing orders on signalling m a tte rs an d am en d m en ts to signal pub lica tions o f th e S .P . series, an d signal books o f th e O .U . an d B .R . series n um bered S .l , S .2, e tc . Special in s tru c tions app licab le to o rders o f th e S. series a re p rom u lga ted th e re in .

    15. References. R elev an t orders, a n d books o f in s tru c tio n s affected , a re quo ted in b rack e ts a t th e end o f an A d m ira lty F le e t O rder. R eferences to A d m ira lty F le e t O rders a re m ade as follows :

    A d m ira lty F lee t O rder C onfidential A d m ira lty F le e t O rder A d m ira lty F lee t O rder, A . series A d m ira lty F le e t O rder, P . series A d m ira lty F lee t O rder, S. series A d m ira lty F lee t O rder, K .R . series

    A .F .O . N o.Y ear.C.A .F.O . N o.Y ear.A .F .O . A. N o ./Y ea r .A .F.O . P . N o ./Y ea r .A .F .O . S. N o .I Year. K .R . N o.Y ear.

    (C 3 0235) B 3

  • 616. Scale of Supply. A d m ira lty F lee t O rders a re d is tr ib u te d in acco rd ance w ith th e scales show n below.

    GeneralSeries** D ia Notice S .

    and C .A . gram, Boards K .R . Series.Index . F.Oa. Issue. Issue. Series. t t

    fF la g Officers an d Staffs 6 6 4 6 5 3fC om m odores an d Staffs 3 3 3 2 3 3fC ap ta in s (D), &c., an d Staffs 4 4 3 2 4 3 C o u rag eo u s 24 16 6 8 16 40 F u rio u s 24 16 7 9 14J 60O th er A ircraft C arriers B a ttlesh ip s , B a ttle Cruisers,

    20 12 6 8 lOJ 40

    Im proved B irm ingham , K e n t, N orfolk , Y o rk , L ondon an d L eander Class Cruisers, D epo t Ships for D estroyers or Sub-m arines, an d R ep a ir Ships 16* 8 6 8 8 40

    H .M .S. V indictive 16* 8 6 8 15+ 6O th er Cruisers 10 8 5 6 8 40N etlaye rs 7 2 2 3 40M onitors (Large) T rib a l F lo tilla L eaders an d

    4 4 2 2 3 t 40

    D estroyers ...F lo tilla Leaders, D estroyers,

    3 3 1 2 3 3

    M i n e l a y e r s , M onitors (Sm all), Surveying Ships, R iv e r G unboats, E sco rtand Patrol Vessels 2 2 1 2 3{ 2

    Minesweepers 2 2 1 2 2 2Escort and Patrol Vessels

    centrally stored 4 2 1 2 3 2Submarines 1 1 1 1 1 1Registered R.F.A.s ... 2Ships in Reserve :

    Parent Ships 10 6 4 8 n 2Tenders 1 1 1 1 2 1

    C om m issioned Traw lers, and T ugs m anned by N avalcrows 1 1 1 1 2 1

    H o sp ita l Ships 3 1 1 3 3 ** N on-confidential orders.* T he C om m anding Officer is responsible for d is trib u tio n w ith in th e sh ip

    as he th in k s fit, b u t th e n u m b er app roved p rovides one copy for each o f th e fo llo w in g :C a p ta in ; C o m m an d e r; G ., T ., N ., E ng ineer, M edical, A ccoun tan t, an d R .M . Officers ; C ap ta in s, S h ip s an d V ic tualling Offices ; A ccounting Officer for E xplosives ; R eg u la tin g Office (for D iv isional Officers an d M .A .A .); also one copy for C en tra l S to re Officer (and for C en tra l S to re Office), leaving one spare copy.

    f A ll F lag Officers an d Senior N ava l Officers a re to be supp lied w ith tw o o r m ore copies o f th e F lee t an d Shore E s tab lish m en ts E d itio n , for in fo rm ation , w ith th e F lee t E d itio n (p a rag rap h 10 (6 ) ).

    J Inc ludes one copy for sh ip s lib ra ry .0 T h e in ten tion is th a t one copy shall be availab le for th e V isual

    D ep a rtm en t, one for th e W /T Office, one for th e C ypher Officer, an d th e fo u rth for th e C ap ta in s Office, or such o th e r p lace as th e C ap ta in m ay d irec t.

    f t N o t applicable to S. o rders am end ing signal p ub lica tions o f th e S .P . series an d certa in signal books in th e O .U . series.

    R .F .A . oilers an d sto re carriers a re supplied from th e A d m ira lty d irec t. O ther registered R .F .A .s (i.e., exclud ing y a rd c ra ft) a re to be supp lied from th e p o r t on w hich th e y a re based .

  • 417. Despatch from Admiralty.A dm ira lty F lee t O rders of th e various ed itions an d series a re d is tr ib u ted from th e A d m ira lty to au th o ritie s a t hom e, w eekly, in one opera tion , so fa r as th is is p rac ticab le (see p a ra g rap h 2), to fac ilita te local d is trib u tio n , b u t th e supplies o f confidential orders for au th o ritie s ab ro ad are d espatched separa te ly from th e supplies o f non-confiden tia l orders, so th a t th e la t te r m ay n o t be delayed th rough lack o f o p p o rtu n ity for conveyance o f th e confidential orders.

    18. Any failure to receive supplies, o r th e rece ip t o f copies in excess o f requ irem en ts , should be rep o rted im m edia te ly .

    19. Annual Volume. All A d m ira lty F le e t O rders, o th e r th a n those co n ta in in g am en d m en ts to books, e x ta n t in th e general series a re review ed an n ua lly , an d those w hich i t is essen tial to re ta in for general reference for th e tim e being are rep rin ted , w ith th e ir orig inal num bers, in volum e form . T he an n u a l A d m ira lty F lee t O rder volum e is in th ree sep a ra te p a r ts :

    P a r t I F lee t E d itio n . C ontain ing non-confidential o rders issued in sections 1 to 5.

    P a r t I I C onfidential. C ontain ing confiden tial o rders (all sections).P a r t I I I Shore E stab lish m en ts E d itio n . C ontain ing non-confidential

    orders issued in section 6.P a r t I also con ta ins :

    (i) A num erica l lis t o f th e orders in th e vo lum e show ing th e section in w hich each o rder appears .

    (i i ) A lis t g iv ing th e n um ber an d subj ec t an d disposal o f each o rder n o t in th e volum e th a t w as con ta ined in th e preceding an n u a l volum e, o r w as issued during th e year.

    P a r t I I also con ta ins a list o f th e o rders included th ere in show ing th e section in w hich each appears .

    N ote .(a) O rders of lim ited app lica tion on w hich ac tion can n o t be com pleted

    in th e n ea r fu tu re m ay be issued w ith a d irec tion th a t th e y are to be re ta in ed u n til com plied w ith . Such orders are n o t rep rin ted in th e volum e.

    (b) O rders n o t rep rin ted in th e la te s t vo lum e because th e y a re con sidered to be sufficiently p rom ulgated , a lthough n o t obsolete, m ay be re ta ined an d referred to as necessary , b u t th e ir confidential o r official n a tu re m u s t be p reserved, an d th e g ist of th e orders is to be given w hen th e y are qu o ted in official com m unications.

    20. Disposal of Superseded and Obsolete Orders. O n receip t o f th e la te s t an n u a l volum e, o rders n o t re ta in ed u n d e r N otes (a) an d (6) of p arag rap h 19 a re to be disposed of as follows :

    (i) T he w eekly issues of th e prev ious year, o th e r th a n e rra ta issues,a re to be destroyed , th e confidential o rders, to g e th e r w ith th e confidential p a r t o f th e superseded volum e, being destroyed b y fire. F o rm al certificates o f d estruc tion a re n o t requ ired .

    (ii) T he non-confiden tial p a r ts o f th e superseded volum e a re to bed e a lt 'w ith as laid dow n in p a rag rap h 14 of F o rm O .U . 2A.

    21. Disposal on Paying oif. A d m ira lty F le e t O rders are to be re ta ined on b oard u n til a sh ip is finally paid off, w hen th e y a re to be forw arded to th e C om m ander-in-C hief a t th e p o r t o f pay ing off.

    22. Officers unemployed. A d m ira lty F le e t O rders issued in th e general series w ill be fo rw arded w eekly d irec t from th e A d m ira lty to officers who are unem ployed w hils t on th e ac tiv e list, an d w ho desire to be supplied w ith th em , b u t confidential o rders w ill n o t be supplied to officers below th e ran k o f C ap ta in .



  • 8A n officer w ho desires to receive copies should fo rw ard a n app lica tio n to th e S ec re ta ry o f th e A d m ira lty (E d ito r o f F lee t O rders), a n d shou ld g ive th e address a t w h ich he w ill be. O nly th e officers rea l add ress can be accep ted . T h e o rders can n o t be sen t ab ro ad o r fo rw arded to a b a n k e rs o r c lub address. S upp ly w ill cease w hen a n officer tak es up a n av a l a p p o in tm e n t o r is p laced on th e re tire d list.

    I t m u s t be clearly recognised th a t C onfidential A d m ira lty F le e t O rders a re s tr ic t ly confiden tia l an d th a t th e o th e r copies a re fo r official use on ly . A n officer, w hen forw ard ing th e app lica tion , m u s t g ive a n assu rance th a t a ll copies w ill be k e p t u n d e r lock an d key , th a t ev ery p recau tio n w ill be ta k e n ag a in s t th e ir being m islaid , a n d th a t th e ir confiden tia l o r official n a tu re w ill be preserved b y h im . F u rth e r , on each 1st J a n u a ry he w ill be requ ired to forw ard a certificate to th e S ecre ta ry o f th e A d m ira lty (E d ito r o f F le e t O rders) th a t th e docum ents are in safe cu stody . W hen a rec ip ien t ta k e s up a n av a l ap p o in tm en t, o r proceeds ab ro ad , o r is re tired , he is to fo rw ard a certificate o f d estru c tio n o f o rders th a t h av e been supp lied to h im .

  • 9SECTION LIST(Showing the Sections in which Admiralty Fleet Orders in the 1937 Volume

    appear.)Numbers in italics refer to C.A.F.O.s (shown in Part II of this volume).

    A.F.O. Section. J A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section.

    1920. 1928. 1931. 1932992 6 57 1 144 3 (contd.)

    2157 2 64 2 193 6 2021 23657 2 422 5 277 1 2023 23680 2 919 1 400 6 2048 3

    927 2 428 1 2074 21463 2 542 6 2171 2

    1921. 1837 6 543 3 2399 212 2 2232 3 796 2 2401 2

    1307 2 2416 3 859 6 2447 32655 1 975 2 2618 62895 6 1003 3 2658 2



    2944 6 1131 2 2846 11183 1 2851 2L






    1924.! 3 1 1610 2

    4 1 1629 3 1933.762 2 5 1 1754 4 5 2

    1295 3 172 1 1811 3 140 11371 6 184 1 1831 6 150 21865 2 710 3 1909 2 161 31881 3 973 6 1995 6 186 31990 2 1202 2 2089 2 196 43367 4 1278 6 2100 6 236 3

    1308 2 2208 6 258 11517 1 2562 6 267 2

    1925. 1870 1 2631 4 381 261 5 1955 2 2737 2 396 3

    1550 6 1967 3 2810 3 412 51558 6 2135 3 3007 2 432 11893 2 2337 1 442 22370 3 2452 3 448 22959 3 2797 3 1932. 473 33536 3 3004 3 i 92 3 501 2

    3046 1 203251




    1926. 351 2 620 32583 3 594 1 630 52889 3 1930. 619 3 634 63038 2 435 6 1003 2 637 13546 3 436 6 1052 6 688 23548 3 577 2 1114 6 700 2

    650 3 1240 2 831 3880 6 1337 6 920 2

    1927. 1026 3 1467 4 933 a159 3 1077 3 1484 6 944 4510 5 1132 2 1569 4 955 6628 1 1277 2 1664 1 981 3

    1328 3 1366 3 1667 1 983 41406 2 1493 2 1670 2 1226 31461 2 1827 4 1796 2 1234 32135 3 2783 1 ' 1815 3 1238 42168 2 2809 3 1835 6 1383 62327 6 2985 3 1924 1 1390 22347 3 3097 6 1928 2 1516 32380 1 3138 2 1935 2 1548 62910 1 3277 4 1945 3 1564 2

  • .F.O.









    Section. A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section. A.F.O.

    1034 i 1935 1935(contd.) [contd.) (contd.)

    3 2440 6 1230 3 30523 2500 6 1278 3 30761 2509 2 1281 3 1 30802 2511 2 1374 3 30823 2516 3 1471 6 30856 2539 4 1488 3 ! 31001 2546 6 1499 3 !3 2549 6 1551 3 11 2551 1 1565 33 2644 2 1590 2 19363 2738 3 1675 1 36

    * 3 2 778 2 1695 3 ! 483 2791 3 1750 3 ! 1223 2795 3 1759 3 1261 1786 2 1301 1821 6 1461 1855 3 1601 1935 1875 6 ! 1673 18 3 1902 2 ! 1712 31 3 1921 4 ! 187

    78 1 1922 3 ! 20983 3 1985 4 21887 3 1990 4 220

    100 6 2031 3 2223 101 6 2032 3 2312 105 1 2014 3 2336 133 6 2047 3 2401 156 1 2070 2 2513 252 6 2122 3 ; 2553 265 1 2132 6 ! 2584 268 3 2186 1 2736 296 4 I 2187 1 3253 298 4 j 2211 3 ! 3305 352 1 2220 4 3381 353 1 2278 2 3861 393 3 2279 2 3876 475 1 2288 3 3893 482 2 2293 3 1 3973 509 3 2295 3 ; 4003 515 4 2309 3 ! 4115 527 1 2364 3 ! 4243 561 3 2376 3 4303 574 3 2382 4 4796 647 1 2389 6 4831 694 3 2394 6 4851 708 1 2486 3 4923 735 6 2501 6 5024 794 3 2504 1 | 5035 795 3 2510 2 5043 798 3 2523 3 5223 800 3 2533 3 5366 820 6 2573 3 5483 942 3 2589 3 ! 5535 950 3 2634 3 ! 5586 953 3 2663a 3 5592 971 1 2745 2 ! 5624 973 1 2765 3 ; 5803 984 3 2800 2 6633 1001 3 2808 3 6681 1017 6 2872 5 ! 6706 1030 3 2908 3 ! 6713 1056 2 2998 2 6862 1079 3 3002 2 6953 1141 2 3025 3 7002 1203 1 3026 3 ; 7066 1212 2 3030 4 j 723

  • ,F.0.
















































    A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section. A.F.O.


    1605 3

    j 1936(contd.)





    29961607 3 1 2275 3 29991609 3 I 2318 3 30141619 3 2320 3 30281690 2 2321 3 30411702 3 2354 1 30421720 3 2356 2 30551723 3 2358 2 30731771 3 2359 2 30741772 3 2368 3 30851779 3 2383 4 30911783 4 2422 3 30931785 4 2425 3 31071794a 1 2428 3 31111794b 1 2435 4 31121817 3 2486 2 31131818 3 2497 3 31241819 3 2498 3 31281821 3 2501 3 31351822 3 2508 3 31361826 3 2526 2 31451827 3 2564 21832 3 2570 21833 3 2576 31835 3 2578 3 19371837 3 2579 3 11838 3 2586 3 161839 3 2590 3 221857 6 2601 5 231869 2 2607 1 241874 3 2619 2 251875 3 2620 2 261884 3 2635 3 271885 3 2636 3 291892 3 2642 3 391896 3 2670 3 451915 6 2672 3 511929 3 2681 3 601932 3 2682 3 611939 3 2693 6 691945 5 2744 2 741997 2 2746 2 1 762014 3 2748 2 822039 1 2762 3 832042 2 2765 3 882058 3 2769 4 1062059 3 2771 4 1072081 5 2780 1 1322087 2 2790 2 1522091 2 2801 3 1542111 3 2804 3 1632115 3 2821 1 1642116 3 2822 1 1652119 3 2834 2 1672122 3 2844 3 1732124 3 2861 4 1802133 3 2873 2 2022134 3 2878 2 2062136 3 2896 3 2212138 4 2900 3 2242144 5 2903 3 2282165 2 2921 5 2292171 3 2983 2 2302181 3 2984 2 2392253 2 2985 2 2402256 3 2995 3 243

  • 12

    A.F.O. Section. Section. A.F.O. A.F.O. Section.


    247 257 267 276 291 298300301 304 306 312 314320321 323 331 333 352 355358359 364 379 382385386 392396397 400 416422423 432 438445446 451 459 462 470 472 476 479 482 484 487 491 501 517 524 529 535542543 545 557 560 565567568 572 57.6 583 591 605


    606607615616623624 631 633 635 651 655 662 669 675677678 682 698 707709710 727734735 741 744 760 762765766 775779780 7S3 787 790 797 800 804 807 815 817 828 830 32 837 839 841844845849850851852 854 858877878 880 95897898 902906907 939


    941943944946947 951 964 953 984 986 988 999

    100310071010101410191029103610461048105010511053105410651066 1069 1075 1083 1101 1116 1122 1124 1127 1129 1145 1149 1152 117011901191 1195 1197120412051206 1208 1209 1217 1222 1226 1234 1239 1248 1253 1270 1273 1284 1289 1293 12951302130313041305


    131113251327133113491350 13541356135713591360136113711372 1375 1381 1386 139114111412 1417 1420 1427 1434 1446 14491458145914611462146314641465146614681469 1474 1478 1486 150115041505 150915141515 1523 1528 1530 1534 1546 154915521553 15771579158015851586 1596 1603 1608 1609161316141615 1626 U






























  • .F.0.





    A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section. ; a.f .o.


    1902 3


    2129 3

    1937i (contd.)

    24641916 6 2140 6 ! 24711917 1 2149 2 ; 24761919 2 2155 2 24911922 2 2161 3 24971924 3 2166 3 24981925 3 2168 3 24991926 3 2169 3 25031930 3 2171 3 25041931 3 2172 3 25071932 3 2177 3 25251939 3 2179 3 25341940 3 2180 3 25381943 3 2181 3 25431946 3 2182 3 25441947 3 2183 3 25481956 4 2185 3 25531957 4 2187 3 25551962 6 2208 1 25561969 1 2209 1 25591970 1 2223 2 25601971 1 2232 3 25681972 1 2235 3 25711977 2 2240 3 25791978 2 2243 3 25801979 2 2252 1 25811983 3 2258 2 25861984 3 2260 2 25911985 3 2268 2 25951987 3 2274 3 25961990 3 2283 3 26021991 3 2294 5 26071994 3 2303 6 26091995 3 2305 6 26111998 3 2310 1 26122002 3 2311 1 26132004 3 2312 1 26142033 1 2314 2 26152034 1 2322 2 26162036 2 2327 3 26182041 2 2328 3 26392047 3 2329 3 26422051 3 2354 6 26432053 3 2355 6 26442054 3 2357 1 26482058 3 2358 1 26502064 3 2362 2 26532065 3 2366 2 26602073 3 2373 3 26652081 5 2380 3 26712088 6 2381 3 26732093 1 2385 3 26752096 2 2386 3 26792102 2 2396 3 26832105 3 2401 4 26852106 3 2402 5 26902107 3 2420 1 26942108 3 2422 1 26992112 3 2428 2 27022114 3 2436 3 27182120 3 2440 3 27192121 3 2443 3 27222122 3 2446 3 27232123 3 2447 3 27242124 3 2453 3 27272127 3 2454 3 2728

  • 14

    A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section. A.F.O. Section.


    2729 3


    2765 2


    2781 32731 3 2768 3 2782 32734 3 2769 3 2784 32735 3 2770 3 2785 32743 5 2772 3 2794 32755 2 2773 3 2797 32759 2 2777 3 2798 32763 2 2778 3 2804 32764 2 2780 3 2806 4



    2811282128272828 2834 2836


  • 15

    DISPOSAL LIST(Showing the disposal of Orders not in the 1937 Volume that were con

    tained in the A.F.O. Volume, 1936, or were issued during 1937.)(a) = Obsolete.(b) = Cancelled or superseded, and by what Admiralty Fleet Order.(c) = Incorporated in other books of regulations or instruction, and where.(d) = Considered sufficiently promulgated although not obsolete.

    Orders marked are formal amendments to Books of Regulations, etc. They are to be retained until they are included in Addenda to the Books or re-issued in the A.F.O. P Series.

    A.F.O. Subject. Disposal.


    468 Lifting Hooks, Keel Plates, Bolts, etc., of Boats ofMercantile TypeSurvey ... ............... (d)

    1927579 Royal Naval Benevolent TrustContributions from

    Canteen Rebate, etc. (b) A.F.O. 839/38.1286 Roster Positions of Naval RatingsInformation regarding (d)

    19281672 Gun Mountings, 6-in., P .III, P .IIIS, P.IV, and P.V*, for

    A.M.C., D.E.M.S., etc.R E P O R T S ........................... (d)

    19292 British Oversea PortsMemorandum as to the Procedure

    regarding the Visits of Foreign War Vessels and ServiceAircraft accompanying them ... (b) A.F.O. 2311/37.

    1549 Bolts and Studs subjected to High Temperature ExaminationREPORT j(d)1864 Gun Mountings, 6-in.Particulars of Range Dial Graduations on Reconditioning and Conversion

    1871 Great Britain and Northern IrelandRegulations for Visits of Foreign War Vessels and Service Aircraftaccompanying them (b) A.F.O. 2310/37.

    1997 Reserve FleetNotice of Readiness for Sea (a)2175 ArmyAttachment of Naval OfficersExpenses (b) A.F.O. 587/38.3215 EgyptPassports and Visas (b) A.F.O. 2252/37.

    1930345 Torpedoes for Fleet Air ArmTemporary Nomenclature (a)366 Spare Propellers (Battleships, Battle Cruisers, Cruisers,

    and Aircraft Carriers) (b) A.F.O. 934/38.1487 Dominion and Colonial RatingsProcedure with regard

    to Training3200 V/S and W/T Organisation and ComplementsRevision J

    19312 Aircraft Modifications (d)

    238 Rabies and its Treatment ... (b) A.F.O. 2223/37.1889 Correspondence on Air Matters from and to the F leet... (d)2343 Cartridges, Impulse, Torpedo, 25-oz., Flashless ... (a)

    1932131 Gun Mountings, 2-pdr., M, Mark VSafety Trainers

    Sight (d)777 Plain Clothes Gratuity (b) A.F.O. 941/38.944 Blank Ammunition for 3-7-in. Howitzers (d)

    1214 Drinking Water SupplyPrecautions ... (c) B.R. 875.1445 Fuzes, Time, for H.E., Star, and Target Smoke Shell

    Supply Arrangements ... (a)1624 GunsMuzzle Velocity determined at ProofNotation

    on Memorandum of Inspection... (c) O.U. 6090 (A)(1).

  • A.F.O.
























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).Anti-gas InstructionOfficersOrganisation of Ships CompanyOrdinary Seamen ... Propeller ShaftingCorrosion ( V and W Class

    Destroyers) ...........................Royal MarinesPromotion, etc., of Non-Commissioned

    OfficersQ.F. Cartridges fitted with No. 9 Percussion Primer

    IntroductionVictualling of Army Officers and Other Ranks in H.M.

    Ships and Naval EstablishmentsRecovery of Cost... 18-in. Sperry Signalling Lamps ...Smoke FloatsDelay Action FittingsInstructions for

    Use ...........................................................................Naval ObserversBasis of Training

    Felt in Ammunition and Warhead BoxesTreatment to Prevent Mildew ...

    TorpedoesResponsibility for, in T/B Flights...Ships Searchlight EquipmentInstructions for carrying

    out Trials after Modernisation ...Catapults for New ConstructionInstallation ...H.M. Ships being prepared for SaleBoatsBoats SlingsAnnual Tests and Replacements...D.S.E.A.Provision for Additional Personnel on board

    Submarines during Sea Trials ...Pumps for Fire Service, etc.Additional 50-ton Pump

    ( Kent, L o n d o n York, and Norfolk Classes and Dockyards) ...

    Special Service Ordinary SeamenTrainingPrivate Wireless ApparatusInstallation in Admiralty

    Buildings ...Machinery InstallationsDetection of Cracks ...Bookstalls ...E.A. PlantsSecondary Compressors (Ships concerned

    and Dockyards) ...Gun Mountings, 3-in., H.A.Sight Dials to be used ...Carbon Monoxide PoisoningExamination of Blood

    Specimens in Suspected Cases ...Gun Mountings for A.M.C.s and other Special Services

    Training Index Racers and PointersREPORTS (AU Yards and Parkhead)

    SO S Distress Calls ...............

    Supply RatingsExaminations, Advancement and interchange of Duties ...

    Cartridges, Q.F., 2-pdr., Sub-calibre, C.N.F., Plugged Supply to 8-in. Cruisers for Low Angle Practice from 2-pdr. H.A. Sub-calibre Guns ...

    Claims for Work done by Naval Ratings and Royal Marines on behalf of Private Individuals, Dominion, Colonial, Dependent or Foreign GovernmentsCharge for Marriage Allowance ...

    Chinese RatingsSupplementary Allowance to meet Extra Cost of Victualling in Ships on Passage to and from England

    RangefindersLenses, Astigmatic (Ships, Dpts, and Gunnery Schools)

    Bombs, Pyrotechnics, etc.OutfitsStowage in Ships other than Aircraft Carriers (Dockyards, Nelson, Royal Sovereign, and Queen Elizabeth Classes, Renown and Repulse, Hood, 8-in. Cruisers, Leander and E Class Cruisers)...

    Provision for Laying and Maintaining a Controlled Minefield ...

    (c) O.U. 5427 (1).


    (c) Forms S.365a and S.365b.


    (c) K.R. & A.I.(d)


    (a)(b) A.F.O. 2114/37.

    (c) O.U. 6146.(b) C.A.F.O. 1323/38.(d)(b) A.F.O. 347/38.

    (b) A.F.O. 283/38.


    (b) A.F.O. 1088/38. (d)(b) A.F.O. 839/38.


    '(b) A.F.O. 1398/38.


    (c) C.A.F.O. 1323/37.

    (b) A.F.O. 780/38.

    (b) A.F.O. 2193/37.


    (b) C.A.F.O.s 1987/37 and 1991/37.


  • 17

    A.F.O. Subject. Disposal.

    1934 (contd.).1250 Plotting Instruction for Instructor Officers and School

    masters (d)1273 18-in., Mark VIII*, F.A.A.3 TorpedoesModification to

    Horizontal Rudder Controlling Gear ... (d)1356 BandsConditions of Loan or Acceptance of Private

    Engagements (c) K.R, & A.I.1409 Practice Ammunition for L.A. Fire from 4-in. H.A. Guns

    in 8-in. CruisersType of Ammunition for Supply ... (d)1453 Electrical Installation in ShipsResponsibility of

    Torpedo and Engineer OfficersREPORTS ... (b) A.F.O. 711/38.1610 Alterations and Additions to H.M. ShipsIntroduction

    of F o rm s .......................................................................... (c) K.R. & A.I.1644 CatapultsSecuring Breech Disc to Explosion Chamber2161 Allowances to Civil StaffAssessment ... L //j\2320 Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus r \a)2358 Ammunition, 4-in. and 4 -7-in., Q.F., FixedFailures ... J2515 Director Firing GearClassification of Gyro Sights,

    Local Director Sights, Range, Elevation and Deflection Units, Elevation and Training Receivers, Pom-Pom Directors, H.A.C.S. Directors and BombardmentLevels (Ships and Establishments concerned,) ... (b) C.A.F.O. 2327/37.

    2578 ProvisionsLanding at Home Ports (b) A.F.O. 2401/37.2610 Rangefinder Window Cleaning GearCorrosion of

    Rangefinder and Hood ... (d)2649 Subscriptions to Mutual Aid Societies or Funds in H.M.

    Ships ... ... ... ............... (c) K.R. & A.I.2659 Tubes, Vent, Electric, 5-in. (c) C.B. 1876 (a).2725 Courses for Naval Observers at the R.A.F. School of "

    Photography2783 Director Firing Gear, No. 7, Mark II*, Dial Sights

    Allocation and Disposal from Ships going into Reserve (d)2789 Torpedoes, 21-in., Mark V, issued to Vessels with Revolv

    ing TubesRemoval of Gyro Angling Gear ...2830 Empty Cartridge CasesPacking to prevent Damage ...

    193516 5-in. Machine Gun Ammunition in LinksPacked in

    Boxes, A.S.A., G.S., H.4, Mark XI ........................... (a)19 Cases, Powder, Rectangular W Stowage ...88 Method of supporting Flexible Cables on the Coned >(d)

    Portion of Turrets J124 Torpedo Tubes, 21-in., Q.R. I l l and III*Re-arming

    with 21-in., Mark IX-IX*, Torpedoes. (H.M. Ships Codrington, Acasta Class, Keith, Beagle Class, Kempenfelt and Crusader Class andDockyards) (b) A.F.O. 208/38.

    125 Demolition StoresIntroduction of T.N.T.187 Mess GearAbolition of certain ArticlesIntroduction

    of New Patterns ...214 Piasaba Brushes and CleanersPreservation ...276 A.W. Torpedo TubesModification to Cordite Impulse r()

    Firing Gear (Vessels and Dockyards concerned)360 Entertainment of Officers by Naval Ratings ...380 Gun MountingsSwashplate Engines for Oil Pressure ...383 Cases, Cartridge, Q.F., 4-in., Mark IV, of K.N. 1914,1915,

    1916, 1917, and 1918 Manufacture (a)440 Director Firing GearIllumination of Director Training

    and Elevation ReceiversImprovements to be incorporatedREPORT (Acasta, Beagle, Crusader, Defender Class, Leaders and Destroyers, Dorsetshire, Norfolk, York, Exeter ; Dockyards) (d)

    495 Fuzes, Time, Mechanical, No. 206Supply Arrangementsfor 1935 ... (b) C.A.F.O.s 1605/36 and

    895/37.560 H.P. Air Pressure GaugesREPORTS ... (6) A.F.O. 2008/37.

  • A.F.C



























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).Rangefinders, 22 ft. F.X.3, on M.G. 23 MountingsBack

    lash in Elevating DriveElimination ( Kent and London Classes)

    Michell Thrust BlocksTorpedo StoresGuards, Safety, Air Levers, St. No. T.87

    Modification ...CartridgesEmpty Cylinders, Q.F., 4-in., Mark V, and

    Q.F., 4 7-in., Mark VIIIAccumulation during Firings Lecture LibraryFuzes, Drill, Time, No. 198, Marks I and IIRepair ... Stabilised Chloride of Lime (Bleaching Powder) for Gas

    DecontaminationStorage and Test ...SloopsNomenclature for all Types Removoil (Roftas)Use (Dockyards and Oil Fuel Dpts) R.N. and R.M. Officers attached to R.A.F. for service

    with Fleet Air ArmReporting Movements ...Shells, B.L., 4-7-in., Heavy, S.A.P., Mark IVA, N.T.,

    with Tracer Cavity PluggerInterchangeability withMark IIA S h e l l ...............................................................

    H.M.A.S. Sydney Recovery of Cost from the Commonwealth Government ...

    Meteorological Offices and Pilot Balloon Shelters Provision of

    Gun Mountings, 3- 7-in., Howitzer Field Equipments Sights

    303-in., Red Label Ammunition, Ball, Mark VII Supply (H.M . Ships other than Aircraft Carriers)

    24%-in. TorpedoesBlowing HeadsRe-introduction ofOil Tracks

    Director Firing GearHenderson Gyro Firing Gear and Type G Gyro Director SightsImproved form of Contact Holder (All Ships concerned ; H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth)

    Chlorosulphonic Acid Plants in Two-speed Destroyer SweepDestroyers

    Gun MountingsMaxim Tripod Mountings, Mark IV Modifications

    GyroscopesN.A.R.W. and N.A.R.J.W.Modification to prevent Fouling of the Horizontal Gymbal.

    Acting Sub-Lieutenant (E)Promotion from the Lower Deck

    Officer ObserversLiability of all Executive Officers for Selection for Qualifying Course

    O.B.L., 8-in., Mark VIII*Damage to Chamber, Shell Drill, B.L., 8-in., Mark II*B or IIIB Looseness of Fixing Screw securing Brass Nose

    Electric Panel Fires for New ConstructionHeight from DeckModification

    Supplies for 10-in. Signalling Projectors (New Construction and all Ships fitted with Four Sets of Resistances)...

    Repayment Services executed on behalf of the Air Ministry ...

    Wired Glass for use in Buildings ...Torpedoes and StoresNickel-copper Alloy Coupling

    Screws, for use with certain 18-in., Mark VIII*, F.A.A. Type TorpedoesIntroduction

    Supply of Mines to Submarines ...Respirators, Anti-gasIssue of Type E Containers Minor Defects in OarsDirector Firing GearMethod of ensuring that Bearing

    Drives to Tilt Correctors are Assembled Correctly ... Gun Sighting and Director Periscopes, Telescopes, and

    Binoculars ; also Range and Heightfinders Light Filters or ScreensREPORT ...

    Flares, AircraftReconnaissance ( Leander and Arethusa " Class Cruisers)

    |> (d)

    (b) C.A.F.O. 745/38. (a)


    (b) A.F.O. 2797/37.

    j(d)(c) C.B. 1948 (4).


  • 19

    A.F.O. I Subject.

    1935 (conld.).2356 i Telescopes, Pattern G.350supply; Telescopes,

    I Patterns G.330 and G.331Surrender. 4-in., H.A.I III, III* and IV Gun MountingsModification to

    Open SightsREPORTS 2487 Asdic Loud Speaker EquipmentAbolition in Submarines 2552 Colosyl W.X. Degreasing AgentUse (Dockyards and

    Shore Repair Establishments, etc.)2651 Submarine Smoke CandlesTypes in Service and In

    structions for their use in Submarines...2652 Aircraft Smoke Floats and Practice BombsConfusion

    with Submarine Smoke Candles 2665 Respirators, Anti-gas Containers, Type E Issue,

    and Haversack Modification 2678 10-in. Signalling Projectors, Patterns 3860a and 3860 ... 2744 SabotageImmediate Report to Director of Naval

    Intelligence2764 Protector Paravane RopesIssue of Left-hand Lay ... 2819 Anti-gas StoresBleach Ointment and Bleach Paste

    Instructions2824 16-ft. Skiff DinghiesReplacement of Existing Rig by

    New Rig ...2848 Gun Mountings, 15-in., Mark IUnloading Arrange

    ments2850 Gun MountingsHydraulic Hoist PressesSecuring of

    Guards and Limit Stops..............2853 Depth ChargesRevised Allowances 2916 Bedding for Admiralty and Contractors Personnel

    attending TrialsSupply, etc. ...3029 Trial of Contract-made Boots for Royal Marines

    REPORT ...............................................................3071 Cylinders, Guncotton Dry Charges, 2J lb.Defective ... 3101 Subhead E.28Special Reserve Sets of Naval Stores

    REPORTS ...............................................................

    193611 Commissioned Gunners, Commissioned Gunners (T), and Commissioned BoatswainsRetention beyond age of 50 ...

    19 Royal Marine SignallersBadges for Non-substantive Ratings

    41 Contractors for Searchlight Control System, Mark V ... 51 History Sheets of Asdic OscillatorsAbolition ...68 C.B. 1791/33Amendments69 C.B. 1829Amendments ...70 C.B. 1838 (1)Amendment71 C.B. 1877Amendment ...72 C.B. 3026Amendments ...73 B.R. 14Drafting Regulations ... ... ... ... i74 B.R. 16Engineering Manual ... ... ... ... |75 B.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers)... ... ... !76 B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men) ... ... ... !77 B.R. 64Instructions for the Royal Naval Shore Signal

    and Shore Wireless Services78 B.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ..........................................................................79 B.R. 672Expense Accounts Instructions, 190480 B.R. 672aExpense Accounts InstructionsRepayment!

    Services, 1926 ... ... ... ... ... ... |81 B.R. 67'4Store Duties Instructions ... ... ... i82 B.R. 677Instructions for Naval Hospitals, etc., 192783 O.U, 5225Home Dockyard Regulations84 O.U. 5379/35Turret Gun Drill for 16-in., B.L., Mark I

    Gun on Mark I Triple Mounting85 O.U. 5422/34 Drill for 4- 7-in., Q.F., Marks IX and IX*

    Guns on C.P. XIV and XVII Mountings86 O.U. 5435/31 Drill for 4 - 7-in., Q.F., Mark IX* Gun on

    C.P. (S) XVI M ounting...................................................



    (b) C.A.F.O. 2358/37.

    (b) C.A.F.O. 2357/37.

    (b) C.A.F.O. 1776/37.(b) A.F.O. 874/38.

    (6) C.A.F.O. 189/38. (d)

    (c) O.U. 5427/38.


    jtf)(b) C.A.F.O. 407/38.

    (b) A.F.O. 2804/37.



    (c) R.M. Dress Regulations.(d)(c) Handbooks of Asdic sets.

  • A.F.O.






























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).O.U. 5449Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark II-V Torpedoes ...O.U. 5450Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IV*, S. and S.0 . Torpedoes, etc.O.U. 5451Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark VII Torpedoes O.U. 5452Regulations for Maintenance of 24-in.,

    Mark I Torpedoes O.U. 5461Handbook for 21-in. Torpedoes, Mark II-V O.U. 6146Instructions for Torpedo Trials O.U. 6234Reserves of Naval Stores to be maintained at

    H.M. Dockyards at Home O.U. 6247Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark VIII-VIII* Torpedoes .......................................O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IX-IX* Torpedoes O.U. 6259Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark VIII*, F.A.A. Torpedoes...O.U. 6270Memorandum on Reserves of Naval Stores at

    Naval Yards Abroad O.U. 6281Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark XI Torpedoes Travelling ConcessionsReserve Personnel and their

    Wives and Families Practice Ammunition for L.A. Fire from 4-in. H.A.

    GunsNew Type of Ammunition for Supply.Torpedo Tubes21-in., T.R. IV, Q.R. VII, Q.R. VIII

    and P.R. IModification to Top Strips (Arethusa, Galatea, Ajax, Apollo," Amphion, Sydney, GrenviUe, Greyhound Class Destroyers and Dockyards concerned)

    W/T Sensefinders S.42, Pattern 1266AKPurchase and Allocation (Ships and authorities concerned) ...

    Torpedo Specialist CourseRevised Syllabus ... Privately-owned Motor Vehicles used on Official Business

    by Naval and Marine PersonnelInsurance ... Travelling Expenses between Lodgings and Place of Duty

    at NewcastleMinesSupply to SubmarinesArrangements concern

    ing Disembarking Mines...Smoke CandlesTypes in ServiceAllowances and

    SupplyRecovery and Examinations of Failures ... Star Shell Deflection CalculatorsModification to

    Illumination Arrangements (Battleships, Battle Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers and Cruisers of E and later Classes, Ships concerned and Home Yards)

    Side Ready SwitchesFitting of New Type (Acasta and Beagle Class Destroyers and Leaders. H.M. Dockyards)

    Gyro Compass BalancersReplacement of Worn Duralumin Side Plates of Ball CagesREPORTS ...(Battleships, Cruisers, and Aircraft Carriers) ...

    Government Telegraph CodeAppendix (1935)Naval Correction No. 1 ...

    Torpedo and StoresAdapters, Blowing-through Bottles, Small, St. No. T.199ModificationIntroduction of Adapters, St. No. T.199a

    Heads, Blowing, 24-in., Mark IModification to Catch for Tube-held Locking Device ...

    Mark V Minesweeping OutfitsLight Hand-worked Oropesa Sweep ...

    Gyroscopes, A.R.A., A.R.A.T., A.R.P., A.R.N., A.R.P.W.Jamming of the Spring Catch in the Vertical Gymbal

    Synchronous Motor Transmitter Units and Relay Boxes Material for Relay Contacts

    Memorandum N.I. (S), 1932Amendments Memorandum N.I. (U), 1932Amendments


    (c) O.U. 5302.



    (b) C.A.F.O. 1248/38.


  • 21


    Subject. Disposal.

    1936 (contd.).342 C.B. 1783 (29)Amendment .......................................343 C.B. 1791/33Amendment344 C.B. 1814 (29)Amendment345 C.B. 1917Amendments ...346 C.B. 1919Amendments ...347 C.B. 1935Amendments ...348 C.B. 3000 (31)Amendments349 C.B. 3000A (27)Amendments ...350 C.B. 3015Amendment ...351 C.B. 3019Amendment ...352 C.B. 3020 (1)Amendments353 C.B. 3028Amendments ...354 B.R. 14Drafting Regulations ...355 B.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers)356 B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men) ... ...357 B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...358 B.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ...........................................................................359 B.R. 670Regulations for H.M. Naval Yards Abroad...360 B.R. 672AExpense Accounts InstructionsRepay

    ment Services, 1926361 B.R. 674Store Duties Instructions362 B.R. 677Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals

    and other Medical Establishments at Home and Abroad, 1927

    363 B.R. 697Training Service Regulations364 O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations, 1925365 O.U. 5408/35Naval Magazine and Explosives Regula

    tions366 O.U. 5427Defence Against Gas367 O.U. 5449Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Marks II-V Torpedoes ...

    368 O.U. 5450Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in., Mark IV* S. and S.O. Torpedoes

    369 O.U. 5451Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in., Mark VII Torpedoes

    370 O.U. 5452Regulations for Maintenance of 24J-in., Mark I Torpedoes ... ... ... ...............

    371 O.U. 5455/1933Torpedo Drill BookA.W. Revolving Tubes

    372 O.U. 5461Handbook for 21-in. Torpedoes, Marks II-V373 O.U. 6090 (B)Range Tables for 4*7-in. Guns...374 O.U. 6090 (E)Range Tables for 2-pdr. Guns ...375 O.U. 6090 (J)Range Tables for 6-in. Guns376 O.U. 6090 (K)Range Tables for 4-in. Guns ...377 O.U. 6090 (W)Range Tables for 8-in. G u n s ...............378 O.U. 6178Handbook of Signalling Equipment379 O.U. 6209Salvage Craft, Yard Craft, etc., and Salvage

    PlantParticulars380 O.U. 6234Reserve of Naval Stores at Home Dockyards381 O.U. 6247Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark V III-VIII* T o rp e d o e s .......................................382 O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IX -IX * Torpedoes383 O.U. 6259Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark VIII* Torpedoes ...384 O.U. 6270Memorandum on Reserves of Naval Stores

    a t Naval Yards Abroad ...385 O.U. 6281Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark X I Torpedoes ...............405 Fuzes, Time, No. 206Introduction of Washers, Copper

    and Asbestos, 2-4-in., Mark II ... (c) C.B. 1876 (a).406 B.L. and Q.F. Ammunition Stowed in Ready-use Lockers,

    etc.Instructions (b) C.A.F.O. 150/38.420 Signal Flag Lockers fitted in H.M. ShipsRe-marking ... (d)421 20-lb. BombsStowage (Ships carrying Aircraft other

    than Aircraft Carriers) ... (b) C.A.F.O. 1987/37.

  • 22










    600 601








    610 611

    I612 :613 j614615 !616 617 i

    (contd.).Fast Type Boats Manufactured by British Power Boat

    Co.Hull and Electrical FittingsReplacements REPORT (Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships and Yard Officers)

    Decontamination of Aircraft from Mustard Gas Gas Attacks on ShipsMarriage AllowanceStoppage on Estrangement of

    Husband and Wife Gyro Compass RepeatersPressure-tight (Submarines) H.A. FiringRecords of Control ErrorsREPORT

    (All Ships fitted with H.A.C. S .) ...Bow Protector Paravane Equipment of H.M. Ships

    (Supply of Roller Cutters, etc.) ...Signalling Equipment in H.M. ShipsPeriodical ReportsException from Unemployment InsuranceC.B. 998AmendmentC.B. 1791/33AmendmentsC.B. 1814 (29)AmendmentC.B. 3020 (6)AmendmentC.B. 3026Amendment ...B.R. 16Engineering ManualB.R. 17Field Service Pocket BookB.R. 49 (1933)Naval Secretariat Handbook ...B.R. 61R.F.R. RegulationsB.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers)...B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men)B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 201/35Turret Gun Drill for 15-in., Mark I Guns

    on Twin, Marks I, I*, and II Mountings B.R. 210/34Drill for 4-in., Q.F., S.A. Guns on L.A.

    Mountings...............B.R. 225Gun Mounting Store Duties Instructions, 1932 B.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ...........................................................................B.R. 670Regulations for H.M. Naval Yards Abroad...B.R. 677Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals

    and other Medical Establishments a t Home and Abroad, 1927

    B.R. 886Regulations for the Supply of Residential Furniture

    O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations, 1925 O.U. 5377/35Drill for 4-7-in., Mark VIII Gun on

    H.A., Mark X II Mounting .......................................O.U. 5408Naval Magazine and Explosives Regulations,

    1935 O.U. 5422/34Drill for 4 -7-in., IX and IX* Guns on

    C.P. XIV and XVII Mountings ...........................O.U. 5428Handbook of the Torpedo Gyroscope O.U. 5449Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Marks II-V, Torpedoes O.U. 5450Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IV*, S. and S.O. Torpedoes O.U. 5451Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark VII Torpedoes O.U. 5452Regulations for Maintenance of 24^-in.,

    Mark I Torpedoes O.U. 5453Drill for 0-5-in. Guns on M, Mark I

    Mountings ... ... ... ... ... ...O.U. 5463Handbook on Ammunition ... ... ... O.U. 5464/35Drill for 4-in., Mark V Gun on H.A., III

    and IV Mountings ...................................................O.U. 6090 (B)Range Tables for 4 -7-in. Guns O.U. 6090 (D)Range Tables for 15-in. Guns ...O.U. 6090 (J)Range Tables for 6-in. Guns O.U. 6090 (K)Range Tables for 4-in. Guns ...O.U. 6147Handbook for Sinkers, Marks X II-X II* ... O.U. 6164Handbook for Mine H .II, Mark II

    (d)(c) O.U. 5427/38.(c) O.U. 5427/38.

    (c) Forms S.67 and S.68.(d)

    (b) C.A.F.O. 2213/37.

    (c) B.R. 366.(b) A.F.O. 1062/38.(d)

  • ..F.C























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).O.U. 6247Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark V III-VIII* Torpedoes ......................................O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IX -IX * Torpedoes O.U. 6259Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark VIII* Torpedoes O.U. 6270Memorandum on Reserves of Naval Stores at

    Yards Abroad O.U. 6281Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark X I Torpedoes R.N.A.S.B.R. RegulationsMain Battery Components carried in Submarine Depot

    ShipsRevised Allowances Steam Cooking PlantSafety Precautions Oars Shipped AbroadMethod of PackingREPORTS Meteorological Organisation on the Mediterranean

    StationSupply of Special Forecasts by the Meteorological Offices a t Malta and Heliopolis ...

    Gun and Director Sight Dials6-in. Mountings ( Queen Elizabeth " and Royal Sovereign Glasses and Dockyards concerned) ...

    Catapults Queen Bee Charges, Mark I Director Firing CircuitsGyro Firing Relays, Marks IIC,

    IID, IIIC and HID, and Spark QuenchersFitting of (Amazon," A m b u s c a d e Acosta, Beagle," Crusader," Defender," Eclipse," and Fearless " Classes; Codrington," Keith," Kempenfelt," Duncan, Exmouth," F a u lk n o r Enchantress," Leander," Norfolk," and York Classes ; Ajax," Amphion," Arethusa, Apollo," Sydney " and Galatea )

    Air Filtration UnitsSpare Prefilters forREPORTS (Ships concerned)

    W/TInterference between Main and Fire Control W/T SetsSeparation of Aerials (Flotilla Leaders and Destroyers)

    Form S.1246pHistory Sheet for Air Gunner and Observers MateInstitution ...

    Civil StaffAnnual ReturnGun Mountings, 8-in., Mark II and II*, and 6-in.,

    Mark XXI, H.P. Air Stop Valves ( Dorsetshire," York," Leander, Modified Leander and Arethusa Classes)

    TorpedoesPeriodical Overhauls and Examinations Procedure as to Landing for Repairs, or on Deposit, at Torpedo Depot ...

    T.S.D.S. DavitsPadlocksPipes, Conduits, Ducts, and CablesIdentification and

    Marking of, in Buildings Guns, Q.F., 4-in., H.A.Low Angle Range Strips

    GraduationGun Mountings, 4-in., H.A., Marks III and III*D.F.

    Operating Gear ...Types 403 and 403X Warning Telephone Installations

    Supply of Spare Power-amplifiers, Pattern 8761a (Achilles," Leander," Neptune," Orion," and Exeter")

    Type 404 Warning Telephone InstallationsImproved Design of Power-amplifierPurchase (Arethusa, Ajax," Amphion," Apollo," Galatea and Sydney")

    Wa/T, Type 404Conversion of Loudspeakers, Pattern 8888 to Pattern 8 8 8 8 a (H .M . Ships Ajax," Arethusa," Galatea " and II.M .A .S. Sydney ")

    Signals for Indicating Changes of Speed to the Asdic OperatorSubmarines o f Oberon and later classes, which are not provided with an Asdic operating position open to the control room


    (b) C.A.F.O. 1123/38.

    (b) C.A.F.O. 1123/38.

    (c) O.U. 5427/38.


    (b) A.F.O. 1049/38.

  • A.F.O.























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).C.B. Form U.2C (1935)Correction No. 9C.B. 878 (34)Amendment No. 1C.B. 3028-Amendment ...National Anthems, Salutes, and Official Marches Book...B.R. 11Admiralty Memorandum on Naval Court-

    Martial ProcedureB.R. 14Drafting Regulations ...B.R. 16Engineering ManualB.R. 35Sperry Gyro-compass EquipmentGeneral

    Instructions regarding Supply ...B.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers)...B.R. 64Instructions for the Royal Naval Shore Signal

    and Shore Wireless ServicesB.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 209/35Drill for 2-pdr., Q.F., Mark I I and II*,

    Pom-Pom Guns on H.A., Mark II, Mounting ...B.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ..........................................................................B.R. 670Regulations for H.M. Naval Yards Abroad ...B.R. 674Naval Store Duties InstructionsB.R. 677Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals

    and other Medical Establishments at Home and Abroad, 1927

    B.R. 732Instructions for the Disposal of Mines and Bombs washed ashore

    B.R. 875R.F.A. Regulations and Instructions O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations O.U. 5377/35Drill for 4 -7-in., Q.F., Mark VIII, Gun

    on H.A., Mark XII, Mounting ...O.U. 5422/34Drill for 4- 7-in., Q.F., Marks IX and IX*,

    Guns on C.P. XIV and XVII Mountings O.U. 5425Instructions for Lining up Director

    TowersO.U. 5463Handbook on Ammunition ...O.U. 5464/35Drill for 4-in., Q.F., Mark V, Gun on H.A.,

    Mark III and IV Mountings O.U. 5482Drill for 4-in., Marks XVI and XVII, Q.F.,

    Semi-automatic Guns on H.A. Twin, Mark XIX, Mounting ...

    O.U. 6209Salvage Craft, Yard Craft, etc., and Salvage PlantParticulars

    O.U. 6234Reserves of Naval Stores to be Maintained at H.M. Dockyards, etc., at Home

    O.U. 6270Reserves of Naval Stores at Yards Abroad... Failures of Fuzes ...Plugs for Small Electrical DevicesSupply Turning Wheels of Main Engines of Submarines

    Securities ( Oberon, Odin (ex Orpheus ), and Thames Classes, and Porpoise )

    Sullage RemovalClassification of Expenditure. Demolition Stores (Destroyers attending on Aircraft

    Carriers) ...Guns, Machine, Vickers, -5-in., Mark II IIntroduction

    of Mark II Springs, Side Plate and Modification of Plates, Side, to suit

    Stowage of 8-lb. Practice BombsPistols, Type 3F, St. No. T.274Modification ...............Stannic Puff ApparatusIssue to Fleet Air Arm Removal or Installing of Asdic Directing GearDocking

    Information (H.M. Submarines)Electric Torches for Diving Purposes, in lieu of Diving

    Lamps, Pattern 899REPORTS Gun SightsTesting after Gun TrialsREPORTS ... Fire Control InstrumentsDreyer Fire Control Tables,

    Marks IV* and VModified G.D.T. GearExamination of Working Parts ...

    Bomb Loading Device for Catapult Aircraft

    (d)(c) B.R, 4.

    (d)(c) B.R, 671/37.


    (b) C.A.F.O. 1987/37.


  • 25

    A.F.O. Subject. Disposal.




    11191120 1121 1122112311241125112611271128
















    (contd.).Torpedoes fitted with Breech Blocks, St. No. 922

    (24-in., Mark I, 21-in., Marks VII-IX*, 18-in., Mark XI and later)Ignition GearTest of Blow of Hammers ...

    Asdic Directing Gear CompartmentFitting of Radiator in Submarines with Type 120 and 120a Asdic Installations

    Eyeplates and Cleats to be secured by Welding... Cutters, Tube (R.A.F. PatternAllowance (Aircraft

    Carriers and other Ships carrying A ircraft, and Destroyers attending on Aircraft Carriers) ...

    Memorandum N.I. (S), 1932AmendmentsC.B. Form U.2C (1935)Correction No. 10C.B. 1791/33AmendmentsC.B. 1917Amendment ...C.B. 1925 (2)AmendmentsC.B. 1925 (5)AmendmentC.B. 1925 (9)AmendmentC.B. 3019Amendment ...C.B. 3033 (35)AmendmentsB.R. 4Instructions relating to the Supply of Naval

    Stores to H.M. Ships, etc.B.R. 14Drafting Regulations ...B.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers), 1932 ...B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men)B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 153Demolitions Drill BookB.R. 153 (2)Demolitions Drill Book, AddendumB.R. 182Drill for 7 5-in., B.L., Mark VI Gun on C.P.V.

    Mounting ...B.R. 202/34Drill for 6-in., B.L., and 5- 5-in., B.L. GunsB.R. 203/34Drill for 4- 7-in., B.L., and 4-in., B.L. GunsB.R. 206/33Drill for 3-in., Q.F. Guns on High Angle

    MountingsB.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ...........................................................................B.R. 677Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals

    and other Medical Establishments at Home andAbroad ... ... ...............

    O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations, 1925 O.U. 5254General Directions as to Pilotage of H.M.

    ShipsO.U. 5408/35Naval Magazine and Explosives Regula

    tions ...............O.U. 5424Turret Gun Drill for 8-in., B.L. Guns, Mark

    V III and VIII* on Twin II and II* Mountings.O.U. 5427Defence Against GasO.U. 5441Maintenance of Submarine Torpedo Tubes O.U. 5457Maintenance of A.W. Torpedo Tubes

    Q.R. I-V I and T.R. I I - I I I .......................................O.U. 5463Handbook on Ammunition ...O.U. 5464/35Drill for 4-in., Q.F., Mark V Gun on H.A.,

    Marks II I and IV Mountings ...O.U. 6090 (E)Range Tables for 2-pdr. Guns O.U. 6125 and O.U. 6125 (4)The Director Firing Hand

    bookO.U. 6127Addendum No. 2 to the Director Firing

    Handbook, 1917, the Henderson Gear, Mark II, 1918, formerly C.B. 1461A. (Affixed at back of book.)

    O.U. 6142A and O.U. 6142BManual for Power-worked Mountings

    O.U. 6178Handbook of Signalling Equipment, Correction No. 49 ...............................................................

    O.U. 6192Handbook for the Director Sight, Marks I,II, III, IV and V ...................................................

    O.U. 6226 and O.U. 6227Handbook for 8-in., B.L., Mark VIII Guns on Twin, Marks I I and II* Mountings

    (c) C.B. 1876 (d).

    (d)(6) A.F.O. 1267/38.

    (b) A.F.O. 817/38.

  • A.F.C





















    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).O.U. 6234Reserves of Naval Stores to be maintained

    at Dockyards, etc., at Home ...O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in., Mark

    IX IX* Torpedoes O.U. 6270Reserve of Naval Stores at Naval Yards

    AbroadO.U. 6280Equipment of Naval Stores for Armed Mer

    chant Cruisers, etc.Anti-rabic TreatmentChief Centres Abroad where it

    can be obtained ...Government Telegraph Code, Appendix (1935)Naval

    Correction No. 2 ...Petty OfficersIncreased RequirementsREPORTS... Sailors HomesHydrogen and Air BalloonsUse of, as Anti-aircraft

    TargetsREPORTS (Ships concerned, of Home and Mediterranean Fleets)

    Supply of Messrs. Peacock and Buchans Boot-topping Compositions

    Gun Mountings, 6-in., Twin, Mark XXIPivoted Shell- loading Trays in Gun-house (H.M. Ships Leander Achilles, Orion, Neptune, Ajax, Arethusa, Apollo, Qalatea, H.M .A.S. Sydney and Reserve Mountings)

    Fuze, Percussion, D.A., No. 241Introduction... Short Type Rubber Buoys for AircraftInstructions

    for Maintenance ...Echo Sounding Gear in H.M. ShipsImpaired Results

    due to Deterioration of Paint on inside of Hull

    Gun Mountings, 15-in., Mark I and Mark IILarge-scale Trial of Coopers Lubricant in Swashplate EnginesREPO R T..........................................................................

    Cartridges, S.A., 0-5-in.(a) Introduction of S.A.P. Ammunition(b) Use of Existing Type of Ball Ammunition in Supply for Practice

    Director Training Motor-starters ( Leander and Arethusa Classes)

    C.B. 1869 (34)AmendmentsC.B. 1877Amendment ...C.B. 1907Amendment ...C.B. 1917Amendment ...C.B. 1926Amendment ...C.B. 1935Amendment ...C.B. 1937Amendments ...C.B. 3014Amendments ...C.B. 3025Amendment ...C.B. Form U2C (1935)Correction No. 11National Anthems, Salutes, and Official Marches BookB.R. 16Engineering ManualB.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers), 1932 ...B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men)B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 224The Gunnery Pocket Book .,.B.R. 672AExpense Accounts Instructions, Repayment

    Services, 1926B.R, 677Instructions for Royal Naval Hospitals and

    other Medical Establishments a t Home and Abroad O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations, 1925 O.U. 5408Naval Magazine and Explosives Regulations O.U. 5420/1936Rate Book of Victualling and Royal

    Marine StoresO.U. 5449Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Marks II-V Torpedoes ...O.U. 5450Regulations for the Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Marks IV* S. and S.O. Torpedoes, and 21-in., Mark IIS.F.P. Torpedoes in Submarines

    (6) A.F.O. 2223/37.

    (d)(b) A.F.O. 2649/37.


    (c) B.R. 4.


    (c) B.R. 10/1.

    (c) Echo book.

    Sounding Hand-

    (b) A.F.O. 969/38.

    (b) C.A.F.O. 478/38.


  • A.F.O.






















    Subject. Disposal.


  • 28

    A.F.O. Subject.1i Disposal.1

    193ft- (contd.).1658 B.R. 672ADockyard Expense AccountsRepayment

    Services ...1659 B.R. 674Naval Store Duties Instructions1660 Form D. 621AInstructions for the Preparation of

    Annual Demands at H.M. Naval Yards Abroad1661 O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations1662 O.U. 5225 (2)Home Dockyard Regulations, 19251663 O.U. 5441Maintenance of Submarine Torpedo Tubes1664 O.U. 5449Regulations for the Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark II-V Torpedoes ...1665 O.U. 5450Regulations for the Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IV* S. and S.O. Torpedoes and 21-in., Mark IIS.F.P. Torpedoes in Submarines

    1666 O.U. 5451Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,Mark VII Torpedoes

    1667 O.U. 5452Regulations for Maintenance of 24-in.,.Mark I Torpedoes

    1668 O.U. 5455Torpedo Drill BookAbove Water Revolving Tubes

    1669 O.U. 6066The Sight Manual, Vol. I, 1921 ...............1670 O.U. 6066AThe Sight Manual, Vol. II, 1930 ..............1671 O.U. 6090 (J) (W), etc.BallisticsList of Current

    Range Tables, Fuze Scales, etc.1672 O.U. 6090 (J)Range Tables for 6-in. Guns1673 O.U. 6090 (K)Range Tables for 4-in. Guns ...1674 O.U. 6090 (W)Range Tables for 8-in. Guns ...1675 O.U. 6146/1934Instructions for Torpedo, Depth Charge,

    Minesweeping and Power Controller Searchlight Trials1676 O.U. 6191/30Instructions concerning Ships taken up

    for Naval Service in War1677 O.U. 6190 (34)Handbook of Hydrophones1678 O.U. 6234Home Dockyard Reserve Memorandum ...1679 O.U. 6247Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark V III-VIII* Torpedoes ......................................1680 O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IX -IX * Torpedoes1681 O.U. 6259Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark V III F.A.A. Torpedoes ...1682 O.U. 6270Memorandum on Reserves of Naval Stores

    at Naval Yards Abroad1683 O.U. 6281Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in., XI,

    Torpedoes1684 O.U. 6282 (2)Plotting TableA.R.L. ...............1705 Torpedoes, 21-in., Marks V III-IX*Fitment of New

    Design Water Non-return Valve in Group Valve (c) C.B. 1876 (d).1710 Stowage of Demolition Stores ( Halcyon Class)1713 18-in. Sperry Signalling ProjectorsModification to Arc

    Striking Arrangement of Lamp, Pattern 2550REPORT ..............................................................

    1725 A/S Cabinet Doors ( Swordfish Class Submarines) ...1726 Protective Gloves for Handling Hot Fired Cartridge

    Cases ... ... ... ... ... ... ...1728 Searchlight CarbonsTrialsRE PORTS1748 Re-organisation of Catapult Units in the Fleet Air Arm1755 Retention of Ratings beyond the Expiration of their

    Special Non-continuous Service EngagementS.56X (b) A.F.O. 136/38.1769 Cartridges, Impulse, TorpedoFitting with No. 9 in lieu

    of Combined (E. and P.) Primers (d)1773 Paravane Towing WiresNew ConstructionSupply for

    Paravane Equipment and Running Trials (c) B.R. 366/37.1792 Tucker Anti-rust ProcessUse of, for Electrical

    Apparatus in Internal Installations of Buildings (d)1794d Special (Short) Service Seamen and R.M. Recruits

    Firings (c) O.U. 5362 (B)1828 Gun MountingsMesothorium Compound for Sights of

    Gun Mountings Stored Abroad (Malta, Gibraltar,Esquimalt, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Simons- > wtown, Devonport, New Zealand, and Sydney) ... J

  • A.F.O.

























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).Sailing and Pulling Launches, Pinnaces and Cutters fitted

    with Auxiliary Motors ...Established Women Clerks, Grade IVLeave ... Surveying ServiceVolunteers required...BoilersCorrosion ofForms M.22, S.47, M.123, M.123a and M.123bAmend

    ment of, in Manuscript ...A.A. Control for Ships Mounting one H.A. or H.A./L.A.

    Gun on a BroadsideC.B. Form U.2C (1935)Correction No. 13C.B. 920AmendmentC.B. 1791/33AmendmentC.B. 1829Amendment ...C.B. 1935Amendment ...C.B. 3028Amendment ...B.R. 16Engineering ManualB.R. 62R.N.R. Regulations (Officers)...B.R. 63R.N.R. Regulations (Men)B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 669Instructions for the conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ... ...............................................................B.R. 672AExpense Accounts Instructions (Repayment

    Services) ...B.R. 732Instructions for the disposal of Mines and

    Bombs washed or brought ashore O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations O.U. 5449Regulations for the Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark II Torpedoes O.U. 5450Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IV*, S. and S.O. Torpedoes, etc.O.U. 5451Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark VII Torpedoes O.U. 5452Regulations for Maintenance of 24^-in.,

    Mark I Torpedoes O.U. 5453Drill for 0-5-in. Guns on M, Mark I

    MountingO.U. 5457Maintenance of Above-water Torpedo Tubes,

    T.R. II -III , etc.................................................................O.U. 5462Maintenance of Above-water Torpedo Tubes,

    T.R. IV, Q.R., etc.O.U. 6125The Director Firing Handbook O.U. 6127 (2)Addendum No. 2 to Director Firing for

    Flotilla Leaders and Destroyers O.U. 6190 (34)Handbook of Hydrophones O.U. 6234Reserves ofNaval Stores at Home Dockyards O.U. 6247Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark V III-VIII* Torpedoes O.U. 6251Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in.,

    Mark IX* Torpedoes O.U. 6259Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark VIII, F.A.A. Torpedoes ...O.U. 6270Memorandum on Reserves ofNaval Stores at

    Naval Yards abroad O.U. 6281Regulations for Maintenance of 18-in.,

    Mark XI Torpedoes Boom Defence Inventory ...R.N. and R.M. W arrant OfficersAdvantages of becom

    ing Voluntary Contributors under the National Health Insurance, etc., Acts

    Royal Fleet Auxiliaries AbroadSickness of Officers and Ratings serving inREPORT

    Torpedoes, 21-in., Marks IX-IX*, and 21-in., Marks I I - II****, J.S.F.P. Air LeversAdjustment of Height ...

    Fresh Water at LowestoftMark VIII* F.A.A. TorpedoesTest of Check Valve in

    the Air Lead from Disc Reducer to Servomotor during Routine 0 REPORT

    (d)(a)(d)(c) B.R. 16.


    (c) C.B. 3028 (1)

    (6) A.F.O. 140/38.

    (c) B.R. 875.



  • 30

    iA.F.O.! Subject.



    (contd.).Hydraulic Transmission UnitsSteering Gear ...British Empire TypewritersRepair Agents ... Warrant ShipwrightRoster of Candidates Q.R. V, VI*, VII, VIII, T.R. IV and P.R.L. Torpedo

    TubesREPORTS ( Leander, Arethusa, Southampton and later Cruisers; Faulknor and Fearless Class, Grenville and Greyhound Class and later Destroyers)

    Asdic SetsFitting of (Leaders and 4-7-in. Gun Destroyers) Firearms (Amendment) Act, 1936Prohibited Weapons W arrant RankCandidates for Gunner, Gunner (T),

    Boatswain and Boatswain A/S 15-in. TurretsFiring and Night Sight Circuits (Battle

    ships and Battle Cruisers)Gas Meter RentalsCharges for Periods of less than a

    QuarterC.B. Form U.2C (1935)Correction No. 14C.B. 01800 (27)Amendment .......................................C.B. 1791/33Amendments .......................................C.B. 1801 (1931)A m en d m en t.......................................C.B. 1803A m en d m en t...................................................C.B. 1808Amendment ...C.B. 1809A m en d m en t...................................................C.B. 1832 (1930)A m en d m en t.......................................C.B. 1854rAmendment ...C.B. 1864 (1932)A m en d m en t.......................................C.B. 1897 (1934)Amendment ...C.B. 1898 (1934)A m en d m en t.......................................C.B. 1899 (1934)Amendment ...C.B. 1900 (1932)Amendment ...C.B. 1930 (34)AmendmentC.B. 1939 (35)AmendmentC.B. 1941Amendment ...C.B. 1946Amendment ...PamphletInstructions for the use of the Gunnery Re

    cording Camera and Method of Analysis of Practices of Short Range H.A. WeaponsAmendment

    B.R. 14Drafting Regulations ...B.R. 16Engineering Manual B.R. 61R.F.R. RegulationsB.R. 64Shore Signal and Shore Wireless Instructions B.R. 65R.N.V.R. Regulations ...B.R. 93Manual of Victualling ...B.R. 153 (2)Demolitions Drill Book ...B.R. 154Ammunition Pocket Book, 1935B.R. 669Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties,

    1932 ...........................................................................B.R. 672AExpense Accounts Instructions, Repayment

    Services, 1926B.R. 674Naval Store Duties Instructions O.U. 5225Home Dockyard Regulations, 1925 O.U. 5302/35Mining Drill BookO.U. 5416/32Tables showing Particulars in regard to

    Naval Ordnance ...O.U. 5424Turret Gun Drill for 8-in., B.L. Guns, Marks

    V III and VIII*, on Twin, Marks II and II* Mountings O.U. 5426/32Gun Drill for 2-pdr., Mark V III Guns on

    M, Mark V Mounting O.U. 5428Handbook of the Torpedo Gyroscope

    O.U. 5429/31Turret Gun Drill for 8-in., B.L. Guns, Marks VIII and VIII*, on Twin, Marks I and I* Mountings

    O.U. 5449Regulations for Maintenance of 21-in., Mark II Torpedoes

    O.U. 5452Regulations for the Maintenance of 24-in., Mark I Torpedoes


    (c) B.R. 16.(b) A.F.O. 946/38.(d)

    (e) O.U. 5462.(d)(c) K.R. & A.I.


  • A.F.(d)

    3105 Telescopes, Gun Sighting, Monocular, PrismOmission

    3114of Aperture Cap ...

    Testing of Navigation Lights -

    19372 Eardley Howard-Crockett PrizesR.N. College,

    Dartmouth (a)3 Nearest Relative or FriendRecord of ... (c) Form S.585.

    L /yw\4 Higher Educational Test, March, 1937Time Table ...5 Artifi cer DiverShortage of Candidates... Ha)6 Motor Transport Service across London for Baggage of

    Naval Ratings (c) B.R. 878.7 Admiralty Surgeon and Agent (London District No. 16,

    Holloway, etc.) ... ShipsFundsDisposal

    (c) Navy List.89 SportsR.N. and R.M. Sports Control BoardDonation }((d)15 CorditeLandingDestruction ...17 Eyeguards, Sponge Rubber, for Monocular Telescopes

    18Addition to Authorised List of Naval Stores ...

    Torpedoes, 21-in., Marks IX-IX*Depth GearModi

    19fication to External Setting Clutch

    Torpedo WarheadsRemoval of Tar/Scotch Oil Mixture Torpedo StoresAddition of Pins, Screwed, St. No.

    1269, to Contents of Chests, Spare Gear, 24-in., Mark I (H.M. Ships Nelson and Rodney )


    (c) C.B. 1876 (d).21 Submarine Torpedo GyroscopesTrial of Anti-Rusting 'I28

    CoatingW/T Tuner-Amplifier B.13Allocation ( Duncan and

    Defender Class Destroyers) ...Gyro CompassesSupply of New Type Balancing Levels


    3031 D.S.E. A.Stamping of Dates of Tests on Oxygen Flasks (c) B.R. 16.32 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Freighting TankersTransfer to 133

    Admiralty Management Mess GearCessation of Supply of Coopers Tools Md)

    34(H.M. Ships)

    Admiralty Fleet OrdersErrata Issues, 1937 ...J(a)

    35 Forms S. 165Reports of Movements (d)36 Form 0.6 Ammunition Labels (c) Form O.6.37 Coloured Pencils for Plotting (d)38 ChargemenRate of Pay on resuming Charge Duty ... (c) B.R. 669.

  • 37

    A.F.O. Subject. Disposal.

    1937 (conid.).40 Annual LeaveTemporary Ungraded Drawing Office

    AssistantsWorks Department41 Guns, Q.F., 2-pdr., Mark II*Lock, Percussion, Mark I

    Rounding Front End of Frame Guide Ribs ... >(d)42 Electric Current Supplied to Oil Fuel DepotsClassification

    43 Louvres, Directional, AirAddition to Rate Book44 Nomenclature of Vessels previously termed Sloops46 New Zealand DivisionOfficers required on Loan47 Interpreters Examination, April, 193748 InterpretersIndication in the Navy List (d)49 Special Engagement Bonus (b) A.F.O. 717/38.50 P.R.T. InstructorsQualifying Course...............

    } ()52 Northern IrelandCensus, 1937 ...53 German Registered MarksMethod of Supply and

    Accounting (b) A.F.O. 848/38.54 Naval Salvage MoneyDistribution55 Sportsthe Lawn Tennis Championships, 1937Seats

    in Centre Court Stand ... (a)

    56 Guns, Q.F., 4 -7-in., E and G, Marks IX* and IX**, Q.F., 4-in., Marks XVI and XVII, and Q.F., 4-in., E , Mark V*Supply of Naval Armament Stores for Testing of Firing Circuits ...


    58 Gun Mountings, 8-in., Marks II and II*Speed of Cages in Cordite HoistsREPORTS

    59 Gun Mountings, 4-7-in., in Modem ConstructionPeace Time Firings on Extreme Bearings

    62 Fuzes, No. 198, Marks I and IIDifferences in Ranging and in Times of Burning in Q.F., 4 -7-in., Mark VIII,and Q.F., 4-in., Mark V Guns (c) Range Tables.

    63 Gunnery Record Cameras, Mark IIRe-allocation (b) C.A.F.O. 1109/38.64 Cordite-operated Catapult S.II.LProvisional Drill

    Amendment ( Penelope )65 H.A.C.S. I l l TablesRegistered Nos. 1 to 12Modifica

    tion to Low Limit Stop of I/R Range Transmission Gear (Ajax, Arethusa," Apollo, Amphion, Galatea Coventry, P e n e lo p e Woolwich and Royal Oak. Dockyards)


    66 Measures and Strainers for Filling Hydraulic Cylinders Allowance

    68 Torpedo Appropriations (H.M. Ships Kempenfelt and Keith ....................................................................... (b) A.F.O. 208/38.

    70 Anti-Gas RespiratorsIssue to R.A.F. Personnel ]71 Hand Bench Grinders, Pattern 3630aAllowance to

    Surveying Vessels and Sloops ...Hd)

    71a AircraftShark INot to be converted to Floatplanes (a)72 Central StorekeepingRevised Valuation Allowances...

    Novutox Local Anaesthetic(c) B.R. 4.

    7375 O.U. 5485 Handbook of Depth Charges and Equip

    ment, 1936 Distribution >(d)77 Admiralty Engineer Overseer, Messrs. Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., BirkenheadChange of Appointment

    78 Civilian StaffsVacancies79 Inspectors of Fitters (Torpedo Depots) and Assistant

    Foremen of FactoryExaminations for(d)109 Boiler Tubes (H.M.S. Enchantress ) ...110 Omission of Zinc Slabs from BoilersREPORTS 1111 Worms, Pattern 800Abolition ... J112 W/Tand Wa/TApparatusLanding from Ships paid eft ... (c) B.R. 54, 696 (II) an

    K.R. & A.I.113 List of Ships fitted with Electric Cables of New Type and

    Sealing Ends for such Cables ...**

    114 Easy Chairs and Card TablesAllowance for Officers of Captains Rank in Ships of over 2,000 tons ...

    115 Binoculars, Pattern 1907aAllowance (Destroyers) y(d)116 Cramps, Joiners, Pattern C.529Allowance (Arethusa

    Class Cruisers)117 Naval StoresTransfers between various Subheads and

    Items of Vote 8, Section II118 Morris Motor VehiclesLucas Dynamotors (c) B.R. 878.119 Nosological Return (Form M.178)Abolition of, and

    (c) K.R. & A.I.substitution by Medical Officers Journal (Form M.179)120 C.B. Form U.2C (1935)Correction No. 18121 B.R. 184/1936Royal Naval Handbook of Lewis and

    Machine GunsIssue(a)

    122 O.U. 5313Bombardment CodeNon-issue of Revised Edition

    123 Forms S.180, S.346, S.355, and S.356Outstanding Returns for Period ended 31st December, 1936- REPORTS ...............................................................


    124 Form S.1303ALists of Men recommended to qualifyfor V/S or W/T Non-substantive RatingsRendering (b) A.F.O. 894/38.

    125 Contracts for Lighterage of Naval, Victualling, and Naval 1Armament Stores in the Thames and vicinity... Hd)

    126 Form 0.51 (Part 32)A bolition....................................... J127 BallisticsLists of Current Range Tables, Fuze Scales

    and Trajectory Charts, and Tables for Special Services (b) A.F.O. 184/38.128 Officiating Ministers of ReligionChurch of Scotland and

    Presbyterian, Methodist and United Board ... (b) A.F.O. 48/38.129 Chief Superintendent of Armament SupplyAppointment (d)130 Acting Sub-Lieutenants CoursesREPORT ...131 Promotions to Acting W arrant Engineer and Acting W)

    W arrant Mechanician1st April, 1937 J133 Supply of Money to H.M. Ships at Portland and

    Weymouth (d)

  • .F.C

























    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).Engagement for Three Years S e rv ic e ...........................Educational Tests I and II, March, 1937Special

    Examinations for Home and Mediterranean Fleets only Instructional Film LibraryAddition ...Admiralty Surgeon and Agent (Boston)...Admiralty Surgeon and Agent (Doncaster)Royal Tournament, 1937Cadet Entries and Palmer

    Trophy Competition Royal Tournament, 1937Physical Training Staff

    Instructors Competitions Royal Naval Benevolent TrustContributions from

    Canteen Funds ...Advancements from Port Division Rosters AdenNaval Canteen and Recreational Facilities SportsR.N. and R.M. Golfing SocietyMinutes of

    Committee Meeting SportsR.N. and R.M. Athletic and Boxing Associa

    tionsDates and Arrangements for Championships,1937 ...........................................................................

    Guns, Sub-Calibre, Q.F., 2-pdr. :Q.F., 4-in., Mark XVI Gun, L.A., Mark I. Q.F., 4-in., Mark XVII Gun, L.A., Mark I. Method of SecuringModification ...

    Gun Mountings, 8-in., Marks I and I*, II and II*Valves of Turret and Shell Room PumpsWithdrawal

    Gun Mountings, 4-in., C.P. IIRun-out GearBolts Securing Front Bracket to Cradle

    Fire ControlFuze Instruments for 8-in. System Removal ( Kent Class Cruisers and Dockyards concerned)...

    H.A.C.S. Tables, Mark II IDeclutching Gear for Drive to Plotting PaperREPORTS (Ajax, Apollo, Amphion, Arethusa," Galatea, Coventry (2) and Woolwich )

    Slipping Back of ProjectilesDamage to B.L. Guns due toProjectiles to be Re-rammed before Loading Charge

    Catapults, Aircraft Chambers, Explosion (all Types) Spare Valves, Release ValveAllowance

    Magnetic Compass Establishment Amendment ( Sterlet) ... ...

    Boiler Tubes (H.M.S. Arethusa ) ...........................Boiler Tubes (H.M.S. Grenville )Boiler Tubes (H.M.S. Hunter )Tubes, Steel, Copper Bearing, Rust-resisting, for Air

    Pre-heaters (H.M. Ships Apollo, Amphion, Arethusa, and Galatea ) ...

    Spares for Oil Fuel SprayersAllowances W/T Set, Type 50/XWiring of Main Emergency Switch Alterations and AdditionsPolicy Fold-up Lavatories, Pattern 733aAllowance (Sloops,

    Sloop Minesweepers, Twin-screw Minesweepers and Surveying Vessels)

    Lamps, Electric, Pattern 3862a , for 10-in. Signalling ProjectorsReturn of Lamp Caps

    Oil Lanterns for Secondary LightingAllowances to Coastal Sloops

    Mess GearNew Pattern Soup Ladles for Seamens Messes Royal Fleet Auxiliaries and Admiralty Motor Transport

    Reports concerning Accidents, Collisions, etc.O.U. 5415/36Search and Patrol by Surface Craft

    IssueO.U. 6286Equipment of Naval Stores for Vessels of

    the Contraband Control ServiceIssue Form D.271 AAnnual Report on Members of the Staff

    Minor Clerical and Typing Grades Non-Industrial Staff Paid Weekly Abstracts of


    (b) A.F.O. 1051/37.

    (a)(b) A.F.O. 918/36.

    }(c) Navy List.





    (c) Drill Books.


    (c) O.U. 6270.


  • .F.O





















    Subject. Disposal.

    (contd.).Spraying Outfits for DecontaminationReserve of certain

    Components to be Maintained at Yards Abroad Frysol Soldering Flux (Dockyards at Home and A broad) Plotting ExercisesLoan from H.M. Navigation School H.M. Training Establishment, SheemessDesignation Signalling between H.M. Ships and British Merchant

    VesselsQuarter ended 30th September, 1936 Uniform RegulationsWearing of Broad Ribands of

    Orders of Knighthood ...Ships AgentsNaval Agency and Distribution Act, 1864R.N.R. RatingsVaccinationRoyal Marines Rifle Association Meetings, 1937...SportsR.N. and R.M. Sports Control BoardDonations Guns, Q.F., 4-in., Marlas XVI and XVIIModifications

    to Breech Ring, and to Rack and Cap of Levers, Breech Mechanism

    Gun Mountings, 15-in., Mark IFoul between Tilting Tray of Gun-loading Cage and Tilt-operating Lever ...

    Gun Mountings, 8-in., Marks I, I* and I IStrengthened Stanchions for Turret Roof Plates ( Kent and London Classes, Dorsetshire, N o r f o l k a n d York " and Dockyards)

    Breech Mechanism, Q.F., 4 -7-in., E and G, Marks VIII, IX, IX* and IX** Guns, Rod, Safety, Mark IModification to Facilitate Functioning of Safety Latch Plunger

    Breech Mechanism, Q.F., 4-7-in., E and G, Marks VIII, IX-IX**, 4-in., E , Marks V*, and 4-in., Marks XVI and XVII GunsReplacement of Paxolin Insulation by Carp Tufnol, in Blocks, Needle

    Breech Mechanism, Q.F., 4-7-in., Marks VIII, IX, D, Marks IX* and IX**