A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation WHITE PAPER

A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that

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Page 1: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that



The Power of Brand Activation WHITE PAPER

Page 2: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


Table of Contents


A matter of perception

A veritable treasure trove

A collaborative journey

Activating true potential






Page 3: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


The best brands are more than just

a fancy logo or a colorful aesthetic.

They are a medium with which

to influence and interact with the

world at large. But you don’t start

with a powerful brand on day one.

That’s where brand activation

comes in: Be it a campaign or

interactive experience, brand

activation is essential to creating

a base of loyal consumers and

generating attention around a

suite of products or services your

company provides.

With the right brand, companies can practically move mountains.

Page 4: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


The strongest brands move beyond

simple visuals and sway people on an

emotional level. But what exactly goes

into a successful brand activation? There

is no definitive map for successful brand

activation, because each company might

be different in terms of its end goals.

Instead, a properly planned launch touches

on a few essential elements.

The first is to figure out specific actions

that you want consumers to take. With

clear goals in mind, you’ll have a fuller

picture of how to make that vision a reality.

These actions could be purchasing a new

product or signing up for an email list.

From there, you need a specific idea for the

activation process. That is, what steps can

you take to make a truly lasting impression

on people, something that goes beyond

actions like giveaways or hosting a party.

Finally, any meaningful activation needs

to result in promotional opportunities –

A matter of perception


Page 5: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


building interest and participation by

offering up elements like content,

advertising and merchandizing.

To understand how these steps

materialize in the real world, it helps

to have a case study to examine.

Based out of Surprise, Arizona,

Catch a Wave Vacations helps plan

everything from family vacations to

destination weddings. The company

described its use of car wraps as

a kind of “moving billboard,” with

people noticing how colorful and

creative the wrap was from day

one. And that appeal had real-world

effects: As much as 65 percent of

the company’s subsequent inbound

calls came from people responding to

the wrap. It just goes to show that

this simple but effective approach

can significantly increase a brand’s

exposure, and that ultimately

boosts its ability to close deals

with customers.

Any meaningful activation needs to result in promotional opportunities.

Page 6: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


A veritable treasure trove


Brand activation means that people

recognize and trust companies more

readily. But how does that awareness

impact an organization directly? Once

a brand enters the public, how does a

company benefit in a way that matters

to their bottom line or place in the

larger marketplace?

At the most basic level, proper brand

activation means you can better engage

with the market, and that’s important not

only for higher sales but an understanding

of the latest trends and traffic within a

given industry. Brands can also experience

a greater level of media exposure, and

it’s these newspapers, magazines or web

shows that can assist an organization with

effective outreach and generating added

business. Finally, all of this attention

is crucial for building a long-lasting

relationship with clients and consumers.

Happy customers can help further promote

a company through a ripple effect, meaning

more referrals with less overall effort.

Page 7: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


Examining another case study

better illustrates this point: In the

mid-2000s, 91.3 Jack FM – a radio

station out of Los Angeles known for

playing classic rock – launched a car

wrap campaign to help promote its

afternoon “Jack Show.” The wrap,

which featured the station’s logo

as well as several brightly colored

guitars, was a perfect choice: As

audience numbers tend to peak

during periods of high traffic, it

made sense to employ a car-centric

form of exposure to reach a target

audience. And the move worked,

as Jack FM was able to transform

a simple decision into a noticeable

bump in listeners. This decal was a

prime example of awareness of your

audience, which is a centerpiece of

any meaningful activation.

Happy customers can help further promote a company through a ripple effect, meaning more referrals with less overall effort.


Page 8: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


A collaborative journey


Knowing what brand activation does for

companies, and how to get to that heightened

exposure, is only part of the process.

When it comes to capitalizing on branding

opportunities, companies need a partner they

can rely on. It’s this collaborator that must

excel at honing in on target audiences and

generating sustained media exposure, on top

of overseeing day-to-day management of

branding activation objectives.

Through a partnership with the experts

at Signature Graphics, you can ensure

your company receives the very best in

vinyl wraps, decals and custom designs.

Signature Graphics has built its long-standing

reputation on the pillars of creativity and

clean, simple design work, ensuring your

brand generates continued exposure among

your client base. From bright, bold colors to

truly engaging design schemes, Signature

Graphics understands the power these

visuals can have for your brand, whether

it’s for relaunching a brand or starting a

new enterprise.

Page 9: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that


Activating true potential


Brands must continually aim to

ascend to the top of their respective

industries. Brand activation is the

path to that goal.

It starts by building perception

among your clients and creating a

sense of value that your brand holds.

From there, it’s using that exposure

to continue to reach out and develop

relationships with clients. But

none of that happens without one

essential connection: a company

like Signature Graphics to make the

most out of the visual components of

brand activation.

With Signature Graphics, you can

reach the mountaintop in no time.

Page 10: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The Power of Brand Activation · Brand activation is the path to that goal. It starts by building perception among your clients and creating a sense of value that

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