VOI 8 NO. 34 Arabian American Oil Co , Dhahran, Saudi Arabia AWUS~ 26, 19s ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' Schools Open September Fifth Thesenior Staff Schools are due to open for the Fall term on September 5that 8:3O a.m.. moreorless sharp. Aramco's eager young scholars will re- turn to the familiar grind from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:15 p.m., except for the first graders, who are a urned loose at 2:45 to give them a head start at the ice- box. Parentsof Dhahran's Senior Sbff children who have not attended either school or kindergarten may register theiroffapring on Augumt 26th or 27thbetween 9:00 a.m. and won, armedwith any transfer papers and old report cards they have on hand. Registra- tion and school mchedules in other districts are aimilar. and can be checked by a phone call to the Principal's office. Kids must be scheduled to 0 celebrate their fifth birthdays by Dec. 31st, to be eligible for kindergarten during this session.And. unlesa they have previously attended kinder- garten, they can't be admitted to the 1st Grade unless they are due to reach the ripe old age of six by New Year's Eve. New mtudents for Grades 2 through 9 will be tested at the schoolhouse on Saturday. August 30th. at 9:00 a.m. The Senior Staff Schools operate under Board. of Education, consisting of the District Manager or him ap- pointed reprementative, the Superintendent of Schools, the Principal, and two parents of schml-age children. The p r c d parent-members in Dhahrurare Mrs. R.H. Davis and Mr.. W. H. Erlenmeyer. The Board meets on the last Saturday of each month. and *meetings arc open to all in- teremtcd persons. The schLrelcome vidtwm, m d parents who wimh to con- sult any teacher are urged to do so; but much visits are preferred after 3:00 p.m.. to avoid dimrupting classroom schedule#. The best mymtem is to contact the teacher in ad- vance to arrange a mutually convenient time. Teacher. have homework, too. The Company furnishes the necessary books md classroom materials. but the moppets themselves are responsible for the care of the books en- trusted to them. Charges similar to those made by the Library are assessed for books that go permanently aa- tray on the devious homeward way, or those that suffer un- usually grievous wounlsthrough such treatment as being used for bases in sand-lot ball game.. Mother's sofa cushions workbetter, anyway. They're easier to spike down. The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, and the school hours, . ~. TEN RESCUED FROM DRIFTING BOAT Down The Hatch! ..A 6 This visiting moppet, nephew of Bill Brown. who took the pic, uses his sand bucket for defensive measures against are given on Page 8. I the weather. LITTLE WORLD SERIES STARTS FRIDAY by High Commismioner Barney Robertson That time of the year has arrived again - the time for the Arabian Little World Seriem. This year the opening gamewillhe playedin the city by the sea. Raa Tanura, on Augrut 28th. At 8:00 p.m. that evening the Ras Tanura Blue Devils will meet the Air Force Flyers in the season- opener. Dbahran's opening game willbe played on August 29th between those perennial Four Blue Devils in Ram Tanura, Ike Southern,Joe Schmidt, Jim Fitamimmona and Lou Dube, plbt some nefarious schemes to try on the Air Force Flyers this Friday when they journey to the Re- finery for the opening game of the 1953 Little World Series. rivals, Abqaiq and Dhahran. This year there will be an added team which may be the dark horse of the playoffm, namely, the Fluor team from the Airport, which also in- cludea Navy and Civil Service personnel. This team was good enoughto winthe Air Base League. and may be the team to watch in this series. Abqa~q, who have been con- sistent winners .since 1949. will be out again with a strong (Continued on Page 4 Tenamateur mariners from Dhahran. who spent thirty hours atthe mercy of the high winds and blazing sun of the Persian Gulf last weekend, were spottedby an Air Rescue aircraft on Saturday and brought ashore safely that night by a rescue expedition from Aramco's Marine Division. The ten put to sea on Fri- day for a holiday afloat in their sailboat. Blownoff course by the wind, they drifted south until they were eventually marooned ona shoal ten miles offshore and far south of the usual lanes for sea or air travel. Full emergency air search procedure was put into opera- tion by the U. S.A. F. and Aramcds Aviation Department a t 11:OO a.m. on Saturday. The stranded boat wam found by anaircraft dthe Air Rescue Flight at DhahranA~rport,and the castaways received emer- gency supplies by air until they could be reached by an Aram- co vessel which brought them all safely to port that night. (Safe ashore after their near-tragic experience, the ten employees expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their rescuers in a letter to the Sun and Flare, which will be found on page 2 .) ARAMCO PL16HTS TO BAHRAIN DROPPED Effective August 23rd, 1953. mcheduled flight8 to Bahrain Island by Aramco aircraft were discontinued. The Traf- fic & Transportation Depart- ment advisem that employees or their families wishing to travel to Bahrainfar recreation may book paomage on Gulf Aviation through their office located in the Cumtoma Building at Dhhran Airport. They may be reached by relephone by asking the Aramco operator for "Air Baseq'and then asking the Base operator to call 182 Ring I. Their office how* are 9:30 a.m. to 12:OO noon. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Paasports will be cleared in the usual manner, and requests for clearance should be filed at leaot 10 days ahead. - 1

a the first graders, who are - Aramco ExPats · ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' ... The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, ... Abqa~q, who have been con-

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Page 1: a the first graders, who are - Aramco ExPats · ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' ... The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, ... Abqa~q, who have been con-

VOI 8 NO. 34 Arabian American Oil Co , Dhahran, Saudi Arabia AWUS~ 26, 19s

ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' Schools Open September Fifth

Thesenior Staff Schools a r e due to open for the Fall term on September 5that 8:3O a.m.. moreor less sharp. Aramco's eager young scholars will re- turn to the familiar grind from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:15 p.m., except for the f i rs t graders, who a r e a urned loose a t 2:45 to give them a head start a t the ice- box.

Parentsof Dhahran's Senior Sbff children who have not attended either school o r kindergarten may register theiroffapring on Augumt 26th o r 27thbetween 9:00 a.m. and won, armedwith any transfer papers and old report cards they have on hand. Registra- tion and school mchedules in other districts a r e aimilar. and can be checked by a phone call to the Principal's office.

Kids must be scheduled to

0 celebrate their fifth birthdays by Dec. 31st, to be eligible for kindergarten during this session.And. unlesa they have previously attended kinder- garten, they can't be admitted to the 1st Grade unless they a r e due to reach the ripe old age of six by New Year's Eve. New mtudents for Grades 2 through 9 will be tested at the schoolhouse on Saturday. August 30th. at 9:00 a.m.

The Senior Staff Schools operate under Board. of Education, consisting of the District Manager o r h i m ap- pointed reprementative, the Superintendent of Schools, the Principal, and two parents of schml-age children. The p r c d parent-members in Dhahrurare Mrs. R.H. Davis and Mr.. W. H. Erlenmeyer. The Board meets on the last Saturday of each month. and

*meetings a r c open to all in- teremtcd persons.

The s c h L r e l c o m e vidtwm, m d parents who wimh to con- sult any teacher a r e urged to do so; but much visits a r e preferred after 3:00 p.m.. to avoid dimrupting classroom schedule#. The best mymtem is to contact the teacher in ad- vance to arrange a mutually convenient time. Teacher. have homework, too.

The Company furnishes the necessary books md classroom materials. but the moppets themselves a r e responsible for the care of the books en- trusted to them. Charges similar to those made by the Library a r e assessed for books that go permanently aa- tray on the devious homeward way, o r those that suffer un- usually grievous wounlsthrough such treatment a s being used for bases in sand-lot ball game.. Mother's sofa cushions workbetter, anyway. They're easier to spike down.

The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, and the school hours,

. ~.


. .A 6

This visiting moppet, nephew of Bill Brown. who took the pic, uses his sand bucket for defensive measures against

a r e given on Page 8. I the weather.


by High Commismioner Barney Robertson

That time of the year has arrived again - the time for the Arabian Little World Seriem. This year the opening gamewillhe playedin the city by the sea. Raa Tanura, on Augrut 28th. At 8:00 p.m. that evening the Ras Tanura Blue Devils will meet the Air Force Flyers in the season- opener. Dbahran's opening game willbe played on August 29th between those perennial

Four Blue Devils in Ram Tanura, Ike Southern,Joe Schmidt, Jim Fitamimmona and Lou Dube, plbt some nefarious schemes to t r y on the Air Force Flyers this Friday when they journey to the Re- finery for the opening game of the 1953 Little World Series.

rivals, Abqaiq and Dhahran. This year there will be an

added team which may be the dark horse of the playoffm, namely, the Fluor team from the Airport, which also in- cludea Navy and Civil Service personnel. This team was good enoughto winthe Air Base League. and may be the team to watch in this series.

Abqa~q, who have been con- sistent winners .since 1949. will be out again with a strong

(Continued on Page 4

Tenamateur mariners from Dhahran. who spent thirty hours atthe mercy of the high winds and blazing sun of the Persian Gulf last weekend, were spottedby an Air Rescue aircraft on Saturday and brought ashore safely that night by a rescue expedition from Aramco's Marine Division.

The ten put to sea on Fri- day for a holiday afloat in their sailboat. Blownoff course by the wind, they drifted south until they were eventually marooned ona shoal ten miles offshore and fa r south of the usual lanes for sea o r a i r travel.

Full emergency a i r search procedure was put into opera- tion by the U. S.A. F. and Aramcds Aviation Department a t 11:OO a.m. on Saturday. The stranded boat wam found by anaircraf t d t h e Air Rescue Flight at DhahranA~rport, and the castaways received emer- gency supplies by a i r until they could be reached by an Aram- co vessel which brought them all safely to port that night.

(Safe ashore after their near-tragic experience, the ten employees expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their rescuers in a letter to the Sun and Flare, which will be found on page 2 .)

ARAMCO PL16HTS TO BAHRAIN DROPPED Effective August 23rd, 1953.

mcheduled flight8 to Bahrain Island by Aramco aircraft were discontinued. The Traf- fic & Transportation Depart- ment advisem that employees o r their families wishing to travel to Bahrainfar recreation may book paomage on Gulf Aviation through their office located in the Cumtoma Building a t Dhhran Airport. They may be reached by relephone by asking the Aramco operator for "Air Baseq'and then asking the Base operator to call 182 Ring I. Their office how* a r e 9:30 a.m. to 12:OO noon. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Paasports will be cleared in the usual manner, and requests for clearance should be filed a t leaot 10 days ahead. - 1

Page 2: a the first graders, who are - Aramco ExPats · ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' ... The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, ... Abqa~q, who have been con-

Su, ad F l m - 2 -

Junior Swim Meet Over four hundred speclitors

swarmed aro ind the Dhahran pool last Friday to watch the Junior Sultnming Champion- ship meet sponsored by the Youth Recreation Group. The 23-event program was directed bykamco's most distinguish- edfish-man, Joe Hayes, with the noble assistanceof Graham Beresford, Joe Piat. Bill Stegenga, Bill McV'ood. Bill Squires, Bob lhvis. Lyn &lam, andEileen and Bob Eeds.

Funniest Dive Contest: 1st. Janet Fleharty; 2nd. Judith T h o e s ; 3rd. Albert Thomas.

Girls' 9 & 1 , s . Race: 1st. Margaret Ann Slngelyn; 2nd. Pat Ford; 3rd. Sharon McKsegan.

Boys' (9 & 10 yrs.): 1st. Al- bert Thomas; Znd, Terry Mc- Mullen; 3rd. Chris Weathers.

G i r l s 1 & 12 r s : 1st. Fat Hills; 2nd. Judy Ander- son; 3rd. Bonnie Ramsdell.

Boys' (I1 & 12 yrs.): 1st. Berry Brockhagan;Znd,Tornrny James, 3rd. J. B. Rodieck.

Girls' (6) Pollywog Race: 1st. Judith Thomas; 2nd. Lorna Weathers.

Boys' (6 & und.): lst, Murray Mclntosh; 2nd. Allen Horn; 3rd. Johnny McGowen.

Girls' (12 & und. )Tube Race: 1st. Bonnie Ramsdell; 2nd. Ann Barger; 3rd, Gladys Mc- Wood.

Boys' (8 & und. ) Spoon & Egg Race: lat, Bobby Brown; 2nd. Randy Miller; 3rd, Mike Barger .

Girls' (14 & und.)Tube h e : 1st. Mary Pat Singelyn; 2nd. Pat Hills; 3rd. Ann Barger.

Boys' (12 & und.) Tube Race: 1st. Tommy James; 2nd. Mark Beresford; 3rd, Terry Mc- Mullen.

Boys' (14 hund.) Tube Race: lst, Sherwood Case; 2nd. Tonuny James; 3rd, Albert Thomas.

Boys' (14 & und.) 2 Lengths: l a . Sherwood Case; 2nd. Berry Broclrhlrgen. 3rd. Albert Thomas.

Boys' (I 0 & und. ) Balloon Race: 1st. Terry McMullen 2nd. Mark Beresford; 3 ~ d . Walter Eeds.

Girls' (10 & und. ) Balloon Race: ls t , Janet Fleharty; 2nd. Margaret Ann Singelyn; 3rd. Camille McCann.

Glrls' (8 & und.) Freestyle: 1st. Claudia Hills; 2nd. Nancy Novak; 3rd, Janet Fleharty. Boys' (8 & und.) Freestyle:

lat. Walter E e b ; Znd, Bobby Brown; 3rd. Randy Miller.

Underwater Swim for Dis- tance: 1st. Pat Hills; 2nd. Sherwood Case; 3rd. Mike stegcnga.

Girls' (anyage) Freestyle: 1st. Mary Pat Singelyn; 2nd. PatHills;3rd. BonnieRamsdell.

RACN DAY WOWS DBABRAN CROWD Dhahran's General employe-

e s and their holiday visitors turnedout enmasse for a gala day of donkey, bicycle and foot races at the Dhahran Sports Center last Friday. An estimated crowd of 1500 spectators shouted encourage- ment to their favorites in the twelve events featured during the day, and cheered the win- ners as they stepped up for their prises.

The crowddrew special en- joyment from the donkey r a c e . The little black donkey ridden by Jaffar ibn Ahmad undoubted- ly brokeall burro recorda for the quarter mile. Runner-ui, in affections, if not priaes, was the donkey who refused to compete unless her fuzzy little colt ran with her.

The three-legged races brought many laughs, a s well a s fal1s;but the two-man teams quickly learned to work to- gether andmade an interesting and fast race.

The bicycle races were ex- tremely fast and exciting. Saleh ibnAhmad came through to win by a scant ten yards over Abdur Rahman ibn Fahad.

The interest among compe- titors and spectators alike ran so high on Friday that plans a re already under way for an- other such event in late September.

ABQAIQ WOMENS GROUP Our. thanks to Staff Sgt.

Jones, soloist, and his ac- companist. Staff Sgt. Wey- mouth, who came up from the Dhahran Airport to present the program at our August 9th meeting. Thanks also to MIS& Gaulke and MIS@. McGlothlan, entertainment aupervisor atthe D.A. B. Our sincere apologies that their names were omitted in last week's news.

Political Agency Hours The Conaulate General has

kindly supplied us with the schedule below, which will be of interest to any employees having business to transact at the Political Agency in Bahrain.

The offices of the Political Agency in Manama are open during the following hours:

Mondays throughThursdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Friday, closed all day. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to

1:00 p.m. ' Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:OO

noon. The regular business meet-

ing of the DHAHRAN PAWN PUSHERS will be held at the Senior Staff +hool on Monday. August 31, 1953, at 7:30 p.m.

All-Districts Water Tourney on Friday The 5th Annual Aramco In-

ter-District Swimming Mest is to be held in Dhahranthis Fri- day, August 28th. The after- noon section w i l l begin at 1:30 p.m. The evening section is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m., and w i l l culminate in the presentationof the W. R Cooper

Swimming Trophy. Follow-mg is the order of events:

Afternoon (1:30): 50 yd. Freestyle, Men 50 yd. Freestyle. Women 25 yd. Freeatyle, Boys

100 yd. Breast Stroke, Men 100 yd. Back Stroke. Men 100 yd. Freestyle, Men 100 yd. Back Stroke, Women 30 yd. Freestyle, Girls 90 yd. Medley Relag, Women 90 yd. Medley Relay. Men

Evening (7:OO): 200 yd. Freestyle, Men 200 yd. Freeatyle, Women

50 yd. Freeetyle, Boys

Women's Diving 50 yd. Freestyle, Girls 90 yd. Ind. Medley, Men 90 yd. Ind. Medley, Women

Men's Diving 120 kd. Freestyle Relq, Worn. 240 yd. Freestyle Relay, Men

Anyone interested in compet. ing is requested to call 7265, Dhahran.

LETTERS Editor. Abqa*l

I would like to take this means of expressing my sin- cere thanks to the Abqaiq medi- cal staff for the attention given my needs during my four week stay in their hespifal. I appreciated the book-toting and Sanka-bearing friends, also. We a re fortunate to have so many kind and thoughtful souls in the field.

Hank (light bousekeeper)Ferris

Editor. Dhahran

The undersigned were lost at sea for a time on Saturday. Words cannot do jlutice to mr feeling at bein8 rescued. We a re humbly grateful to Air-Sea Rescue, to the personnel of the Identification, Aviation, Marine. Medical and Com- munity Ssrvlces (Mning Hall) D e p r t m d s , to all the un- known participants, to all those W ~ O ktec U L ~ Vign.

Jean Keefe, Dee Dalidonis, Joan Mariani. U r g e Cundall, Chris Healy, Rich Carl. Ken Babb. Norm Hampton, Dick Parker, Tony Tyran.

BOWLERS MEET Anqval Meeting,

Dhphran Fowling Association Augbst d9, 1953, 7:30 p.m.

Election of officers, plans, programs. All members a re urged to attend.

Saturday: Men's Handicap. Meeting Sept. 5.

Sunday: Departmental Meet- ing Sept. 6.

Monddy: Women's League. Meeting Sept. 7.

Tuesday: Men's Scratch (845 to 860). Meeting Sept. 8.

Wednesday: Mixed League. Meeting Sept. 9.

Entries for leagues should be turned in to H. M. Pearcy (7275) or A.F. Reinke (32%). League organiaation meetings will be held ae noted above. in alleys at 7:00 p.m. posed start of league play w be on Sept. 12th. The pr% In departments where there

a re several large sections. such a s E & MS or MS & CS, teams should be formed in the different sections.

The Dhahran bowling alleys are closed for repairs. They w i l l re-open on o r before September 5th.

Accounting Wins Dhahran Series

Led by diminutive Maury Hollyfield,Accounting crushed thshighlytoutedMS&CS team. () 16 to 6. to copthe 1953 Dhah- ran Softball Championstup last week. Played before sell-out crowds, thebest-of-five series saw the victors enter the fourth contest with a 2 to 1 lead in games. and promptly startoff withthree runs zn the 1st inning sad two ia the 2nd. MS&CS brought in five runs in the second to tie it up; but from there on out it was Ac- counting all the way.

The champs scored four more runs in the 4th. hao in the 5th and five in the 7th to win going away, 16 to 6. Be- sides his talented pitching. Hollyfield led his team at bat with three hits, Bob Oleon sharing the honors with a double and a long homer. Jack Greenwood excelledat the plate for the losers; and although. a s pitcher, heyielded 12 hits, he deservedabetter fate tbsn his mates' poor ficlding gave him.

Dhahmn Womens Group On September 1.t at ten in

the morning there will be an- other WELCOME COFFEE Mrs. Karl Beekhuis and her committee most cordially in- vite YOU to be there. At the Fiesta Room.

Page 3: a the first graders, who are - Aramco ExPats · ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' ... The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, ... Abqa~q, who have been con-

Sun and F l m

A R O U N D FISH STORY.. . The beach

a t Half Moon Bay looked like Coney Island las t Friday, we hear, with practically a l l of camp a t the AEA picnic. Good food, goodfun, goad company. We were a t Half Moon a t 6:00 a.m. that morning. fishing with Johnnie and Charlie Gray. It was ladies' day, however. w iththe men furnishing advice. the ladies catching the fish, an? Val hookingthe largest one of the day. Ah, youth1 She turned right around and went backwiththe AEA picnickers. .

NEW ARRIVALS.. . A holi- drqnewcomer:PltriciaAnn Mc- Gough,born to Kathy and Floyd McGough on Friday afternoon, Aug. 21.t. Congratulations.. . Friends of Rachel and Joe Cameron a r e beating a path to

e i r door to welcome Carol @ ' ue. the little . daughter recent- ly adopted in Sweden. She's dar1ing.a dark-hi redcontras t toblondKeith.. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Karsten, former Aramcons (you a l l remember he r a s Ruth McMillian, one of our favorite nurses a t the Clinic) a r e the proud parents

REFINERY Prettynice holidays here in

Rae Tanura. Eventhe weather wasn't too bad. Thanks to the AEA,there were lots of things to do. Hereare the winners an the various events sponsored by them:

Table Play: l s t , ArtAnder- sen and Bill Jarrell. 2nd. Dale Gray and Joe Engen. 3rd. John Trapaniand Clyde Brass- field. 4th. Hans Norjord and Dave Mhyre.

Snooker: 1st. John J. Wilhams. 2nd. Ralph V. Ben- son.

Shuffleboard: 1st. Hal Spar- wath and A. N. Renzi. 2nd. Joe Gallagher and E. Kokot.

Bowling: Team High Series: M.E. Menking and L.C. Eck- berg (1252).

Women's High Series: Mrs. Dave Mhyre (620).

Men's High Series: Lynn Moss (637).

Three more gir ls for Ras Tanura:Karen Leslie Southern, born to Judy and Dre Southern; Murrel Anne Ahlbarn, born to Roxie and Johnny Ahlborn; and Janet Maureen Schila, born to Janand Johnny Schila. Looks badforthe kindergarten c lass of 1948 unless some of you future parents have b y e .

Speaking of kindergarten. school s tar ts Saturday, Sept. 5th. so al l you kids had better make the moat of the r e s t of this vacation. I'll bet you've forgotten what you did with your pencil and notebook.

a r e now living in Los Angeles. a t 1013 N. Normandie Ave.. . . We hear also that Mimi and Jere Slocum f m m a Abqaiqians. will be a threesome sometime in November. Je re is on leave of absence, attending school in Louisiana. . .

A B v Q A I Q of a baby girl. The Karstens

by Jack Mahoney MALE STALEMATE.. . "I'm car- and coats are shorter (and they did

tninly tired of seeing facsimiles of that in the 20s). Adrian explained the mole fashion plate with the that men need more leisum clothes soma identical cut of clothes doy --thatword "IelsureYcan beconied after day.Will they neverchange?" too furl criedastyls-comcious stem (since For there "leisure hours," Adrian



. -. -. -. - - - . .

BOOKS AND COOKS.. . . . Everyone'senquiringabout the reported Pocketbooklibrary a t the Ras Tanura canteen. Ab- qaiqwhodunit fans (and they're legion) a r e most anxious to have one of their own.. . . . Christine Perr ine celebrated he r seventhbirthdaylastweek. It's hard to believe that she was onlytenmonthsoldwhen1 f i rs t arr ived in the Field. . . Out- door chefs and barbecue en- thusiasts a r e lugging out their equipment with the first signs of milder weather.. . The Angelk,withtheirl~littleAngell" back from long vacation, r e - turning onone of the American Export "Four Aces" ships to Beirut.. . Dave James return- ingfrom long vacation, bring- ing the family back with him,

I see the teachers a r e back from Beirut, where they've been goingto a special school session. Understand the weather wasn't too bad and the course was really worth the time. Arlene Guenther tookoff for home from Beirut. Hope she has a nice vacation.

Don't forget, the f i rs t home gameof the inter-district soh- ball is this Friday evening, Aug. 28th. a t 8:00 p.m. We play the Air Force. We beat them in a practice game laat Thursday, so maybe we can repeat in this opening game. Anyway, it promises to be a good game, s o be on hand to back the home team. Moral support helps a lot.

Heard a couple of conflicting storiesabout how Lynn Moss got that cut over h i s eye. One concerns a bowling ball, the other a shoe heel. Either one sounds probable but not pos- sible. Maybe you should have ducked, Lynn. By the way, how a r e you a t wrestling?

I'll bet Gerry Kennedy will finance his daughter any Mon- day night from now on. He was splitting with her las t week, andhistake wasn't bad for no effort expended. Keep trying, Katy; you may make your tuition inBdrut this year.

BENDIX. de lure model, 1946. Top running condition. Kiddie Koop crib andmattrese. Taylor Tot. Phone 2602, Ab.

there are many of them, it is safe has designedoseriesof shirts to be to pin it on a steno). "I don't worn outside the trouaen (hers, mean," h e continued, "that any we've baen doing that for mole should appear at a formal in He hos made there shirts in shadm a fireman's red shirt. But it's the inspired by stone and mineral cut,theveryappaaronce that makes colors. For the man who wonk to allmalmlodrsasimilar...it verger entertain at home hold your hatsl) on baing monotonour. * Then, in a Adrian hm cmwupwith mething redeming voice she directed her to rival a wanon's mink-trimmd caMlenh more to home. "Of hortsu coat. He uses shimmering cwoc,yw always looknice,but.. . ." antique silks-- in iewel tones such she said to her escort, and the as anethyst and topaz --for shirk1 conve~tiononsty~esformen peter- The designer favon one sharp a- ed off into a whisper. cent of color rather than noisy

A colunnist (whme wme s l ip checks or plaids (so, you'd batter us)recently soidhdom Schioparelli throw youn away). wasgivingseri~usthou~htto chang- Men's clothing for other than ing men's styles. Said the fashion leisure wear has taken onthe ele- expert, "Man himself will not bring gance once belonging strictly to about the change, it has to ba w a e n l This foll, molt men's wear thrust upon him." And then she sources say, the fellows will have went on to take off carbin silly o fashion term of their own -- the trends to which man has ,=lung for Edwardian look. That refers to a years. She admitted it aingle&reasted jacket with nar- bger since anything new h a bean rower, easier shoulders (no phony added to adorn the mole peacock. padding any more) which is named Rather, certain m b e l l i h e n h are for the Britishrulerwhowosa great quite unnecessary, she opined. For style leader at the turn of th* instonce, the French couturier century. Trousers ore sllmmer ond brwght out, there ishardly anyone cuffs normwar. "Andthat brings us who can explain the reason for right back to our first thwght," cuffs on trwsen, except as dirt snorts our steno friend: "the cut of cotchsrs. And the collor on cwts man's clothes todoy remains little is 0 military t h r o w k k , just like changed down thrwgh the years. the buttans a, the sleeve ends. Ar Themule iusthasmstyle gumptionln a matterof fact, insteadof being at Oh yes,asforcolor,the spectrum the rear of the sleeve where man is the limit this fall, for therein rpom them today, they were (only) shall one male stand off from originally on the front. That was othen of his species. It is a f a t in the days when the concealment that stotuide m e n still purchase of a sneeze was an ort, when men the maiorityof mall items lor male carried snuff i? their mristcwt necessity and adornment. And pocket, and lace handkerchief they'll buy plenty of color1 Some in their left sleeve (usually). Of have even purchased o suit on oc- course, soldim could not afford casion and no doubt \ m u d up with handkerchiefs and uniformr had to the wmng size. be kept or neat as p i b l e . &It bromcon males going to the

Reading up further on the motter Stotes on long vacation this fall or we learn in oll seriousness that winter will hardly be out of style designersofmen'sweor ore about to in awit, the cut of which may ba gong up o" their own sex. They're 20 yean old, providing the darned makingaman'sclothingmo~e caswl thing is in conservative taste. As and comfortable, so that he'sdresr- for color, he'll return with plenty ed up (and this may hurt sane) to of it - if there's a wanan Wind help the little m a n , not neces- the ventwe. "I wondcr," queried mrlly with the hwse work here, Miss Stew, who startod all this. butwith gordeningandother chum. "Ifhe's abochelor,he'll come b a k

Even Gilbert Adrion, once o top with wraaning colors. Poor fallow Hollywood designer of women's will have no guidance." fashions,has turned to men's cloth- ing ondisplottlngagafnst hisfellow man who wuld rather have his weekends free to loaf or play golf (or if heas rich enough, rport a- rwndcamp in his own cor). An ad- vance look at what men will wear for fall, says a fashion note, shows ,hat hme through the shoulders (they did this in h a 3&), shirtcollon are softer,

- First Dutch Daughter

The f i rs t Dutch girl born to Aramcon parents is Andrea- Josette Van den Houdt born on August 23, to Henny and

Van den HOudt* who reside in Dhahran. Laat May loth the Dutch Jan Van was born

.Wilma and AlexVan de Van.

Page 4: a the first graders, who are - Aramco ExPats · ARAMCO KIDS FACE EDUCATION' ... The schedule for registra- tion of new pupils in Ram Tanura, ... Abqa~q, who have been con-

Clasiical Program W L'IXESDAY 8:00

Symphony No. 1 in B Flat Major alld No. 2 in A Major

Boyce Capriccio for Piano and

Orchestra Stravinsky Serenade No. 1 in D Major

Mozart 10:30

Choreograph~c Episodes Undertow

P~ano Concerto In G Major Ravel

Four Sea Interludes Britten

FRlDAY 3:OO Kostelanetz Favo rltes Selections from Blossom

Time Neu Sound - Les Paul

7: 30 H. M! S. Pinafore

Gilbert & Sullivan 10:30

Symphony No. 8 in C Minor Bruckner

SATURDAY 8:00 Finlandia Sibelius Sinfonia Concertant* in E Flat

-)or Mozart Espana - Rhapsoa.

Orchestra Chabrier lot30

Choseographic Poem Judith Horn *rto in D Ma ior

khydn C a s d i o n No. 1 in C Xajor


SUNDAY 8:OO Symphony No. 7 i r B Flat

W j o r and No. b m D Minor Boyce

Oliver Twist Bax Gli Uccelli Reapighi

10:30 Quintet for Piano and Strings

Bloch Bohemian Dances Suite


MOhJAY 8:OO Symphony No. 35 in D Major

Mozart Violin Concerto No. 2 in E

Major Bach Antiche Danze Ed Arie

Respighi 10:30

From My Life (Quartet in E Minor) h e t a m

Concerto for Harpsichord, Viola, and Orchestra

J.C.F. Bach The Red Shoes Ballet Music


TUESDAY 8:OO Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1

Lisat Concerto No. 5 in A Major

Mozart Peer Gynt Grieg

10:30 ;IJ.I Quixote Strauss G ee r i ; Organ - Biggs

(Continued from Page 1.

team in an endeavor to prove that they are still the beet. Mansger Bill Cwper will have the Dhahran entry all fired up and ready to try to bring the championshipbackto Dhahran. the winner in the inaugural year of competition. 1948. The Ras Tanurans have always given a good account of them- selves, and judging by the hot preliminary season up there, this may he their year. Don't sell the young Air Force Flyers short, either.

A l l inall. this year's aeries should bring out some good ball games. lots of entertain- ment for the fans. and good competitive sportsmanship among the team8 entered.

Other opening dates w i l l be Fluor vs. Dhahran at the Air- port on August 31at, while the Air Force Flyers will again hit the road to provide Abqaiq with its opening-day compe- tition on September let.


R. T. School Dates Schwl open, Saturday, kpt5th.

Registrotion open, August 29th ond continues through Sept. Ind, b- tween the hours of 8:00 o .m . ond 4:00 p.m .All kindergartenchildren and pupils entering school for tho first time must register. All other children,just beon time hsflntdoy. School horn ore the sane as bs- fore. Rimrygralsrgo frm 8:30 a.m. to 11~30 a.m. ond from 1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Other groder go frcm 8:W a.m. b 12:m noan and from 1:15p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

DHAHRAN NOTICE The time for watering lawns has been extended to include the hours sof 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. daily.

IN TRE HOSPITAL Patients in the Senior Staff

Hospitalas of August 25, 1953: Joseph B. Fellows, George N. McAdams, Grayson D. Sea, White Roy, Stuart Elliot. Charles P. Watkins, Howard D. Kennedy. John J. Collins, Thomas S. Dunlap. Julius R. Gasperetti. Merrifield Cecil, Kenneth T. Muthe. James R. Turner, Klaus H. Wischmann. Cornelis M. Ultee. Cstherihe M. McOough. am Doxanoli., Henrika Vanden Houdt ,Frances Belle Kirk, Dorothy M. Hamilton.


born on August 18. CONKLIN, James Vernon.

born on Auguat 19. AHLBORN. Murrell Anne,

born on August 22. VANDEN HOUDT, And-ea

Josotb, born on August 23.

Residential air-conditioning units a re inatalledwith a i r in- take screen. for the definite purpose of filtering air a d for the protectionof the rotat- ing unit and bearings and the coils. Removing this screen w i l l provide temporarily an increese in AC circulation; however, if left off for any length of time, the rated AC output factor w i l l decline in proportion to the amount of duat accumulrtion within the unit.

It is therefore ersential that all individuals who have re- meved AC unit screens dean them by washing, reinstdl them, and keep them on the units. Reguhr crewaare as- signed for the purpose of waohing screens andcoila and oiling moving parts. If any houses a re locked up during day scheduled worldng hour.. i t is then the responsibility of the occupant to maiatain the individual unit.

Curwat AC maintenance costs e m be reduced con- siderably and the anticipated life of the unit realised through cooperation of residents in the following:

Replace all AC filters. Clean out AC rooms and

keepthem clean. These reoms are not storeroome.

Waeh filter. weekly. If you cannot do it yourselves, con- tact Hou~ing Office and re- quest cleaning ?sad oilfng maintenance.

Non-compliance with the above suggestions may mean that an individual may be without AC ahould demand fcr replacement unit. exceed the supply. Ploaae help Resi- dential Services to help you -in the most comfort pos sible .

EVINRUDE outboard. 22 hp. House 15-582. Abqaiq.

BABY SITTING. Call a t House 313. Dhahran. LOST: Sun goggles, dark brown lenses, prescription ground. Please notify Lee, phone 3254, Dhhran.or House 4247-3. WANTED: Home for a mother and four kittens. Three of the kitten# a re male.. High class alley cats. House 628-B, Dbahnn. evening..

MISSING: Persoq.1 effects. Whitelamp shade, 8 in. deep. 20 in. diameter. Beige and brown striped rug. 9 x 12. with brown 9 x 12 pad. Please phone 2131, orcal lat House 4271-6. Dhahran.

Jaguar, 1953 Mar VII Sedan. for hotel delivery N.Y. City. Phone Oehlert, 5513. Dhahran.


wflrglnio kbyo,Gene Nelson Ror Tmum Aug 26-27

1stdayR.T.-11:343:30,7&9prn. 2nd day R.T.--3S0, 8:W p.m.

"OFF LIMITS* f k e d y w/llab Hope,Morilyn Moxvmll

Ror lanum Aug 28-29 IrtdayR.T.-11:~3:3Q7&9pm. 2nd d q R.T.-400 p.m.

"THE PATHFINDER" Action w/G .Mwtgwnery,Heleno Corter

MMhran Aug 26-27 Ror Tanum Aug 3051

ldday oh43Q5.347:10,9,p.m. 2nddeyDh-11:30.6:45&50 p.m. l t tdayR.T~11:3$3r3~7&9pm. ZnddayR.T.&OO p.m.

"I LOVE MELVIN" Musical w/D.O1Gnnor,D&bie ~oynol&@

ohduan Aug 28-29 ROI Tmura Sept 2- 3

l s t d g r D h 4 3 Q 5 ~ 1 ~ 7 Q 9 p.m. Mday Dh-1 1:30,6:45,850 p.m. lrtdayR.T~l1:3Q3:30,7&9p.m. 2nddnyR.T.4~30, a00 p.m.


w/Jahn Waym,oOma Reed -1q Dhdirm

"" = - D ' Srpt 2-

lrtdayAb-3dOp.m., Contin- 2nddoyAb-ll:30,2:a0, Cont. lstday Dh430,W47:30, 9:N. Wday Oh-1 1:30,6:45&50 p.m.

"TONIGHT WE SING" Mrxical w/kvid Wayna,Lio Anzo b h kg 26-29

1st day Ab-4:30 p.m., Gntlnuous mddayday--ii:11:30,5115, cmt.

mMISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" Drana wnyrone Power,Plp.r Lourre Abwh Aug 31- 1

1st dayhb--&30 p.m., Continuous 2nd &y Ab-3:30 p.m., Cmt.

'PARK ROW" Dram w/Gem Evm,hy Welch -1q sept 2- 3

lstdoy -30 p.m.,Continuous M day &--I 1:30,2:W, Cont.


"Above and Beywxd" is be- ing brought baek by popuhr request for one showing only. at 8:30 p.m. on Auguat 30th.

TEMPERATURES Tempsra-es for the week

ending Augumt 25. 1953. High Low

Dhahran 108 82 Abqaiq 118 81 R.. Tanura 102 78