A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of Mashup Component Selection SAEED AGHAEE Master Thesis in Software Engineering and Management Report No. 2009:075 ISSN: 1651-4769 University of Gothenburg Department of Applied Information Technology Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009

A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

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Page 1: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of Mashup Component Selection


Master Thesis in Software Engineering and Management

Report No. 2009:075ISSN: 1651-4769

University of GothenburgDepartment of Applied Information TechnologyGothenburg, Sweden, May 2009

Page 2: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)


Mashups are a new and interesting brand of Web 2.0 applications. They are simply built from available mashup components on the Web providing functionality, and content. The ever-increasing number and diversity of mashup components makes the process of selecting proper components a challenging task. Hence, the present thesis work is directed towards presenting a quality-based framework providing a recommendation-based mechanism to enhance this process.

Keywords: Mashups, Mashup component, Service-Oriented Architecture, Quality evaluation.

Supervisor: Dr. Gerardo Schneider

Page 3: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)


In the first place, I would like to show my gratitude to Dr. Gerardo Schneider for his supervision, advice, and guidance from the very early stage of this work as well as giving me extraordinary experiences which will surely continue to inspire me in my future science career. Above all, he gave me the self-confidence to continue working on the present thesis.

Many thanks go in particular to Dr. Urban Nuldén and Dr. Jonas Landgren, who helped me determine the correct path towards the current thesis. Furthermore, I truly appreciate their trust and confidence in allowing me to perform research under their supervision during my master study. I am truly grateful for all that I learned from them so far.

In addition, I thank Dr. Miroslaw Staron, who helped me find a supervisor, and Niklas Mellegård, who provided me with valuable guidance to resolve some issues raised in the beginning of this work.

Finally, words fail me to express my appreciation to my family who supported me emotionally, spiritually, and financially throughout these six years of studying abroad.

Page 4: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)



1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


2.1 Mashup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1.1 Consumer and Enterprise Mashups 3

2.1.2 Mashup from SOA Perspective . 4

2.2 Review of ISO/IEC 9126 . . . . . . . . 4

2.3 A Quality Model for Mashup Compo-nents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5



4.1 Requirements Engineering . . . . . . . 6

4.2 Mashup Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.2.1 Mashup Component Pool . . . . 7

4.2.2 Domain Knowledge . . . . . . 7

4.2.3 Component Model . . . . . . . 7

4.2.4 Composition Model . . . . . . 7

4.2.5 UI Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


5.1 Mapping Requirements to Mashup Com-ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.1.1 Functional Requirements . . . . 9

5.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements . 9

5.2 Selecting Candidate Components . . . . 9

5.3 Quality Evaluation of Candidate Com-ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.3.1 Component Non-Functional Re-quirements . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.3.2 Metrics Suite . . . . . . . . . . 10


6.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6.2 Applying Framework . . . . . . . . . . 13

6.2.1 Mapping Requirements . . . . . 13

6.2.2 Selecting Candidate Components 13

6.2.3 Evaluating Quality . . . . . . . 13

6.2.4 Component Selection . . . . . . 15




Page 5: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)


Web 2.0 has interestingly turned the Web into a moreinteractive, collaborative and enjoyable environment byletting user access and share a website content or evencontribute to it [29]. The introduction of AsynchronousJAvascript over XML (AJAX) in 2005 [14] is consid-ered as a profound contribution to Web applicationsas it enables a smooth interface for web applications(similar to desktop applications) by allowing data tobe retrieved asynchronously in the background. As aresult, user interaction with the Web application doesnot experience interference caused by client-server datatransmission, and consequently it simulates the experi-ence of using desktop applications.

Google has recently caused some buzz by revealingChrome OS1, which is a completely browsers-basedOperating System (OS). The underlying concept be-hind the development of chrome OS is as simple as us-ing software as electricity (plug and play), or in otherwords cloud computing. Regardless of whether or notChrome OS will grab the market, it is suggestive of theimportant future of Web 2.0 applications in new gen-eration of operating systems, at least from one of theworld-leading IT company point of view, as being apotential replacement for current desktop applications.Therefore, Web 2.0 applications are undoubtedly get-ting more highlighted, and mashups, as a new brand ofWeb 2.0 applications, are no exception.

Web mashups owe their recent popularity to the ef-fective balance between the overall development cost(time, resource, and money), and the versatility, effi-ciency, and quality of the final solutions they can pro-vide. Web mashup simply aggregates data, content, andfunctionality from numerous heterogeneous sources onthe Web into a new solution or service. Data sourcesare usually provided in the form of RSS/atom/XMLfeeds. There are also a vast number of companies (orindividual developers) on the Web such as Google2

and Twitter3 offering functionality in the form of Webservices. Mashup composers select and combine thesecomposite Web services and disparate data sourcesfrom the Web to create a new composition provid-ing programmable APIs, data, or applications [38].1 http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html - Accessed 20 November 20092 http://code.google.com/ - Accessed 10 October 20093 http://apiwiki.twitter.com/- Accessed 10 October 2009

In this work, such composite Web services are ac-counted for mashup components, which are accessi-ble over Web via standard Web protocols (e.g. SOAP4

and REST5), and expose an Application ProgrammingInterface (API) allowing access to functionality or con-tent.

It is self-evidence that the quality of a given mashupis highly dependent on some external quality charac-teristics of its building components [6], which can alsodistinguish a “proper” component from an “improper”component. The current thesis is intended to present aquality-based framework that can be applied for com-parative evaluation of mashup components. The evalua-tion results will help the composer select a set of propercomponents, which can potentially result in composinga successful mashup.

1.1 Motivation

Despite the fact that mashups mostly target ordinaryWeb 2.0 users, by a rapid increase in the number and di-versity of mashup components, we have been witness-ing the capability of mashups to be deployed in a widerange of specialized domains such as emergency re-sponse [36], public health [7], and tourism [35]. At thesame time, the growing number of mashup componentsimposes challenges on searching and selecting suit-able components. Web APIs directory Websites suchas ProgrammableWeb6 are actively enhancing accessto mashup resources by maintaining an up-to-date listof mshup components classified into several categoriesbased on their functional similarities. So it can poten-tially reduce the effort required to search for a candi-date group of components possessing the functionali-ties of interest. However, selecting a suitable compo-nent among a group of candidates, which all providethe same functionalities, remains as a challenging task.

In the present work, the main contribution is made to-wards addressing the last mentioned challenge. Addi-tionally, the attempt is also made to provide a suitableplatform to address this challenge by presenting a con-ceptual model for enterprise mashup design (Section4).

4 Simple Object Access Protocol5 Representational State Transfer6 http://www.programmableweb.com/ - Accessed 1 December 2009


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1.2 Thesis Outline

Section 2 is dedicated to review the relevant litera-ture as a background study. In section 3, we foster theframework by proposing a tailored model for enterprisemashup design. In section 4, we present the frameworkin detail. To put the framework into practical experi-ence, we apply it on a case-study, which is a mashupproposal for emergency response (section 5). Eventu-ally, we discuss relevant work in this regard in section6, and draw conclusions highlighting some potential fu-ture work in section 7.


In order to fully understand the rest of the thesis, thissection provides a concise introduction on the under-lying concepts of this work which were based on areview of relevant literature. These concepts includemashups and key actors involved in mashup develop-ment, ISO/IES standard, and the quality model pre-sented in [6].

2.1 Mashup

In spite of the fact that the idea behind the termmashups is not new, yet it is not amenable to pre-cise definition and may vary over time. The reasonmight be due to the dramatic progress in web-relatedtechnologies, as a consequence of which the lens,through which we look at mashups, gradually getswider. However, the basic definition of mashup, as de-scribed in [27], can be conceptualized by the interac-tion among three disjoint participants: mashup compo-nent provider, mashup hosting site, and end-user’s webbrowser (figure 1).

Respectively, API/content providers, ranging from in-dividual developers to industry player companies, in-tegrate content and functionality into a single mashupcomponent, which exposes an Application Program-ming Interface (API), and is accessible via web pro-tocols such as REST and SOAP. The mashup site iswhere the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executedon both server-side (using server-side languages) andclient-side (using scripting languages). Eventually, thelast participant is user’s Web browser, in which mashupis graphically rendered and presented to end-user.

Figure 1. Mashup architecture comprises three dis-joint participants: API/content providers, mashup’sWebsite, and user’s Web browser.

2.1.1 Consumer and Enterprise Mashups

On the other hand, mashups fall into two types: con-sumer and enterprise. The most popular mashups arethose built for ordinary users and are classified as con-sumer mashups. This type of mashup provides inter-esting solutions for general purposes such as weatherforecast by aggregating heterogeneous mashup compo-nents into a single representation. Figure 2 illustrates asnapshot of Woozor7 which is a successful mashup rec-ognized by MashupAwards8 as “mashup of the day”.Woozor provides users with 10 days global weatherforecasts. It uses functionality from Google Maps9 andretrieves data from The Weather Channel10.

There is a widespread interest and acceptance of mashupsin today Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) indus-try [37]. This type of mashups is specially composedfor the enterprise. Such mashups are characterized bya massive collaboration between the end-user, as themain stakeholder, and the mashup composer, so as tomeet the stakeholder requirements [18]. However, thereis no specific boundaries between consumer and enter-

7 http://woozor.com/ - Accessed 20 October 20098 http://mashupawards.com/winners/ - Accessed 20 October 20099 http://code.google.com/apis/maps/ - Accessed 20 October 200910 http://www.weather.com/weather/rss/subscription - Accessed 20October 2009


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Figure 2. Woozor is a “mapping mashup” based onGoogle Map. It retrieves data from The Weather Chan-nel and presents it to the users in an effective way.

prise mashup in a sense that both of which relies onthe same concept: “resource composition style” [17].From development perspective, enterprise mashup cannot be supported by traditional software developmentparadigm, but instead has to be underpinned by Agilesoftware development model [18].

2.1.2 Mashup from SOA Perspective

A SOA is essentially a collection of services, whichcan be discovered, invoked through standard protocol(e.g. SOAP), and published in a public registry (e.g.UDDI). SOA places the emphasis on loose-coupling ofservices. It refers to the ability of services to functionindependently from machine.

From SOA perspective, mashup is a service compo-sition style [24], as it aggregates functionality/contentfrom the Web into a single representation. However, asdescribed in [24], mashup can be interpreted as a tai-lored version of SOA which is characterized by fourproperties:

• More Reusable: Mashup is a composition of blackbox components handling their own context andbusiness logic. It makes mashup more reusable,comparing to current SOA technologies such asBPEL (Business Process Execution Language) andWSCI (Web Service Choreography).• Web-Based: Mashup is a web-based application as

it uses scripting languages (PHP, JavaScript), andpopular data formats on Web (XML).

• Light Weight: Mashup uses external functionalityand content, which is why it is light weight to im-plement.• End Consumer Centric: Mashup can be composed

by use of available tools on the Web. Consumerswithout programing skills, therefore, can composetheir own mashup.

2.2 Review of ISO/IEC 9126

ISO/IEC 9126 is an international standard which com-prises four parts: quality model [19] , internal metrics[20], external metrics [21], and quality in use metrics[22]. It introduces a framework to assess three aspectsof software quality: internal quality, external quality,and quality in use. Internal and external quality areconcerned with software product quality and are distin-guished with the fact that external quality is assessablewhen the software is executable, whereas in early de-velopment stage, when the software is not executable,the evaluation merely stresses the internal quality as-pect of the software. Finally, evaluation of quality inuse deals with the final software running in the targetenvironment and under real conditions.

According to ISO/IEC 9126-1 [19], quality of soft-ware products (internal and external quality) can beevaluated by arriving at a quality model as a hier-archy, derived from a combination of main qualitycharacteristics, which in turn are branched into sub-characteristics, which are further divided into attributes.ISO/IEC 9126-1 specifies a fixed set of main charac-teristics for the top level: Functionality, Reliability,Usability, Efficiency, Portability and Maintainability.Moreover, the sub-characteristics level is also explic-itly outlined in the standard. However, it does not re-strict determination of attributes, as a result of whichthe model becomes more flexible, and versatile to beextended to cover various application domains.

The lowest level of quality model in the hierarchy (at-tributes) is associated with software metrics to quan-tify the quality characteristics, which further facilitatesthe quality assessment. Generally, software metrics en-able concerned-people to achieve meaningful measure-ments on quality of software product and the develop-ment process which it utilizes [28].


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2.3 A Quality Model for Mashup Components

Considering mashup components as building blocksexposing an Application Programming Interface (APIs),developer information (supported data types, securityissues, and information about usage), and occasion-ally a User Interface (UI) to mashup composers, [6]follow a black-box approach to select proper qual-ity characteristics for external quality assessment ofmashup components. The quality characteristics andsub-characteristics are derived from ISO/IEC 9126-1[19], and are organized into a quality model coveringthe three logical constituents of mashup components:API layer, data layer, and presentation layer. We con-sider it as a reference quality model by which to assessthe quality of mashup components while aggregatingthem into a single representation.

Additionally, [6] presents a set of metrics mapped to theend-point characteristics of the quality model. In thiswork, we are also intended to reuse a part of these met-rics (see appendix A), as well as to to propose a numberof new metrics (see section 5.3.2). The main motiva-tion behind the metrics generation mostly comes fromthe analysis of ProgrammableWeb, according to whichevery mashup component possess a technical specifi-cation page describing: a) protocols and/or languagesthrough which APIs are accessible, b) data formats sup-ported by APIs, c) a brief outlook into the componentsecurity (use of SSL, authentication model, and anony-mous access privileges) and usage (service endpoint,and client-side usage), d) and provider specificationsand licensing.


In this work, we follow one of the most frequent re-search strategies in software engineering, which isproposing a method to analyze a piece of software andvalidating the results through analysis of an example[33].

In Software engineering research, as any other researchdisciplines, one of the initial steps in finding a properresearch method is to assure the research question iscrystal clear [12]. To this end, a deep literature reviewon the subject area is a necessary pre-step to take.Having the research questions in one hand, and theclassification of research questions by [26] in the other

Figure 3. A quality model presented in [6] for externalquality assessment of mashup component.

hand, we could categorize the current research questionas “description and classification question” [12].

As a matter of fact research produces knowledge inthe form of a specific result [33]. The second stepis thus to clarify the type of the result we wish toachieve. In the current thesis, the result is a quality-based framework providing sequential steps to selectand evaluate candidate mashup components.

Finally, the last step is to clearly convince that theresult is valid [33]. In software engineering research,this step can be done through a variety of techniquesnamely, as it was stated by [33], analysis, experience,evaluation, persuasion, and example. In this work, weprovide evidences that the framework is applicable. Forthis purpose, we validated the result by applying it(result) on an example (case-study), which is a mashuptool for emergency response.


The framework, which will be presented in section 5,seeks to leverage the process of mashup component se-lection. Accordingly, it is worth providing a concep-tual model taking a broader view on this process bydescribing its interaction with other activities under-taken during mashup development. Since the focus ofthis work is specially on the selection of suitable com-ponents, we keep the model simple by disregarding theactivities that might be performed after it. We rather


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expand the model upward in order to identify comple-mentary activities, which together provide a platformfor a proper component selection process. As it is illus-trated in figure 4, these sequential activities are respec-tively requirements engineering, mashup design, andmashup component selection. We postone the descrip-tion of mashup component slection process to section4, in which the framework will be explained in detail.

Our tailored model is inspired by Component-BasedSoftware Development (CBSD). Though mashup is notnaturally a component-based system, we believe that itsdesign process shares similarities with CBSD in termsof general characteristics, which the main one could bethe fact that mashups, like component-based systems,are build from components that maintain their ownbusiness model and logic. Therefore, concepts drivenfrom CBSD can provide a skeleton around which todesign mashup. Afterward, as seen later in this section,the detailed design, i.e the sub activities, are supportedthrough research in Web Services and SOA.

The widespread of mashup tools on the Web en-ables even end-users with less programming knowl-edge to compose simple mashups. Examples are Ya-hoo Pipes11, Intel Mash Maker12, and IBM QEDWiki13

which provide end-users with a Web-based tool to col-lect and combine different services (or mashup com-ponents) on the Web for the purposes of composingmashups. As a consequence of that, the effort of im-plementation, i.e. component integration and mashupdevelopment, is reduced to simple drag-and-drop ofmashup components. In such a case, the providedmodel expresses all the required activities undertakenas a matter of routine for development of mashup.

To our best knowledge, enterprise mashup design lackssuch a top-down structured model, though the activitiespresented in this model have been scatteredly addressedin a number of papers. Our goal is, therefore, not onlyto provide a top-level view on the framework, but alsoto propose a structured approach for enterprise mashupdesign, inspired by CBSD, by aggregating and incor-porating relevant works into a tailored model. Thus,we overview the model by pointing out several works,

11 http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/ - Accessed 20 November 200912 http://mashmaker.intel.com/web/ - Accessed 20 November 200913 http://services.alphaworks.ibm.com/graduated/qedwiki.html -Accessed 20 November 2009

Figure 4. Conceptual model

which are essentially correlated with each activity andsub-activity included in it.

4.1 Requirements Engineering

The starting point is based on a set of requirements,which are derived from end-user needs. Mashup re-quirements can be captured in many ways; [13] listsand compares traditional techniques for software re-quirement engineering to be tailored to Web applica-tions. [4] also describes a goal-oriented approach tocapture requirements for Web applications. A well-captured set of requirements is the basis for establish-ing both the design phase and the component selectionprocess.

4.2 Mashup Design

Today, mashups go well beyond a simple UI; instead,mashups may utilize several logical layers that togethermake up the intended mashup solution. Hence, devel-opment of mashups is in need of an architectural viewdepicting the top level design of the mashup. In thiscontext, the architectural aspect provides an abstractedview on different aspects of a mashup such as com-ponent integration, structure, and UI composition. Thiskind of view has been addressed in several specializeddomains, [23] describes a reference architecture forthematic mashups. [34] tailors mashup to GeographicalInformation System (GIS) tool for emergency responseand describes a proposal architecture of such a system.


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[1] presents a lightweight enterprise mashup for dataintegration and outlines its architectural aspects.

As it is illustrated in figure 4, mashup design is un-dertaken in the light of domain knowledge, by beingable to access a mashup component pool. Likewise,component selection process is influenced by the sub-activities performed in design phase including three im-portant aspects of a mashup design: component model,composition model, and UI (User Interface) design.

4.2.1 Mashup Component Pool

It is worth mentioning that having access to a mashupcomponent pool, by which we can assure existence andavailability of a particular mashup component, is criti-cal to the mashup design as well the selecting compo-nent process. There are few Websites on the Web ad-dressing this need by collecting and cataloging mashupcomponents into a unified representation, examples areProgrammableWeb and WebMashup14.

4.2.2 Domain Knowledge

Achieving a successful mashup design requires a gen-eral knowledge about the target domain, to which themashup is intended to be deployed. This is speciallydemanded when mashup deals with a specialized do-main like Bioinformatics [15]. We can look at the termdomain knowledge in the light of traditional softwareengineering, which conceptualizes it as a valid knowl-edge that should be learned from end-users within thedomain.

4.2.3 Component Model

With a set of requirements we can proceed to design theintended composition, which specifically relies on twocomplementary blocks: components model, and com-position model [38]. A component model describes dif-ferent aspects of mashup components. There have beenseveral papers describing a specific model for mashupcomponents. [38] characterizes a component model bythree properties: type, Interface, and extensibility. [8]uses UISDL (UI Service Description Language) to de-scribe component model.

Nevertheless, a big challenge is being able to retrievecomponent specifications, as well as to assure the14 http://www.webmashup.com/ - Accessed 1 December 2009

Component Number of Examplescategory registered

componentsInternet 99 Amazon EC2

Mapping 97 Google MapsSocial 88 Twitter

Financial 77 KivaReference 69 Wikipedia

Videos 59 YouTubeShopping 58 Amazon eCommerce

Music 57 Last.fmMessaging 55 411Sync

Search 54 Google SearchTelephony 49 Skype

Photos 47 FlickrEnterprise 44 Salesforce.com

Table 1. The above table outlines some of themost popular component categories and the num-ber of registered components in each category. Datafrom this table have been collected from Pro-grammableweb (http://www.programmableweb.com/)in December 2009. Because of the space limitations wecould not include each component homepage. Alterna-tively, there are accessible from either the mentionedwebsite (ProgrammableWeb) or through Google searchengine (http://www.google.com/).

validity of those specifications. In this regard, Pro-grammableWeb is considered as a valuable resource formashup composers as it contains daily updated list ofWeb Mashups and APIs, which are accessible througha unified search interface. Beside, some of the workregarding mashup widely base on statistical analysis ofdata obtained from ProgrammableWeb [6, 41]. Regard-less of the variety and excess of mashup components,ProgrammableWeb collects and categorizes them ac-cording to their context of use (table 1). Another im-portant feature afforded by this website is providingevidence on what (and how many) mashups use a spec-ified component and vice versa.

4.2.4 Composition Model

A composition model can be described through WS-BPEL (Web Service Business Process Execution lan-guage) [5, 30], or simplified composition languages[25, 32] . Basically, it designates how available mashup


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Figure 5. User interface design of a mashup for emer-gency response. As it can be seen, the timeline is lo-cated beneath the map, which makes it easier for usersto interact simultaneously with both map and timeline(spatio-temporal analysis). The RSS feed reader, whichcontains the items that are presented on the map, is lo-cated in the left-side.

components are merged together to create the intendedmashup. [38] argues that a composition model can becharacterized based on three factors. First, the compo-sition output type, which can be classified into Data,API, and application with a user interface. Second, theorchestration style determining how mashup compo-nents are supposed to interact with each other at runtime. For instance, [8] presents an event-driven ap-proach for creating context aware adaptive composi-tion models. Third, the data-passing style facilitatedthrough two approaches: data-flow, and blackboard.Data-flow approach places the emphasis on data-flowfrom one component to another. In contrast, blackboardapproach writes data to variables, much like program-ming languages, which are treated as the source anddestination of component function invocations.

4.2.5 UI Design

The lower level design of a mashup is the phase inwhich the final UI is designed. Mashup is a composi-tion of components that generally implement their ownUI (UI components), whereby mashup UI becomes anaggregation of non-overlapping UI components. As aresult, design of a mashup UI confronts a number ofchallenges that the most important one could be ef-fective placement of the UI components. One examplecould be the importance of UI design in time-criticalwork such as emergency response. In this regard, the UI

should be kept as simple as possible and the UI com-ponent should be placed in a position where they areable to predict (Figure 6). Though these design prin-ciples seems easy to address, they play an importantrole in the applicability of mashups. Such issues havebeen comprehensively addressed in a number of previ-ous studies [9, 39, 40].


In the present work, the process of evaluating com-ponents and selecting one of them is called mashupcomponent selection. This step, which is done dur-ing mashup development, is undoubtedly an importantinfluence on the mashup success in terms of fulfill-ing mashup goals and attracting end-users. Moreover,it can considerably reduce the overhead maintenancetime and efforts which might be caused by conflicts anddefects occurred after the final mashup is deployed. Toleverage this process, we present a framework consist-ing of the following steps:

• Mapping mashup requirements to components• Selecting candidate components• Evaluating the quality of candidate components

The underlying part of the framework is based on cas-cading mashup-level requirements to (mashup) component-level requirements, enabling us to select a set of can-didate components, fulfilling the functional require-ments. The next part contains a metrics suite to evalu-ate the quality of candidate components from the non-functional view. The metrics suite is mapped to theend-point characteristics of the the reference qualitymodel [6] (see section 2.3), and measures the degree towhich a component has been selected properly.

5.1 Mapping Requirements to MashupComponents

Mashup is essentially characterized by a resource com-position style, meaning that it is merely created by dragand drop existing resources that can be functionality,content, or data. Therefore, except the required code orlogic implementing the interaction of the components,mashup rarely implements its own services. This natu-ral property suggests that no mashup requirements existwithout having a connection to its components. There-fore, mashup requirements are established through the


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joint collaboration of a group of components or explic-itly rely on a single component.

As it was described earlier, a composition model clar-ifies the way in which components are integrated witheach other. To be specific, it suggests what type of com-ponent (e.g. map component), should be used in the fi-nal composition and describes how they interact witheach other. In this stage, the requirements have beenbroken down to function level, which in turn can beeasily mapped to defined components in the composi-tion model.

To simplify the requirement mapping process, we sep-arately consider functional and non-functional require-ments and amplify our point by giving some examples.

5.1.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describes what a given mashupis supposed to accomplish. To be specific, they outlinethe essential functions of a given mashup. Consider amashup for weather forecast, whose composite modeldefines four types of component: geocoder, map, RSSreader, and timeline. Let r be a functional requirementsrequiring that mashup shall present weather forecast onthe map separately for each 10 day”. Given the com-position model, this requirements is particularly con-nected to timeline and map components. It first clearlyrequires that map component shall be able to manage(show, delete, move) icons. For the timeline, it shallprovide a feature enabling scrolling through at least 10days. Besides, it should provide a functionality to no-tify the map upon any change in the timeline status (i.e.selecting a different day).

In this stage, the orchestration model suggests the re-quired functions that each component should be ca-pable of performing. We can divide functional re-quirements of mashup, with respect to the way theyare mapped to components, into two groups. The firstgroup can be explicitly mapped to a particular compo-nent. For instance, a requirement might be that mashupshall present forecasts using different icons on the map.In this case, it is directly connected to the map compo-nent.

To meet the second group of requirements, two or morecomponents should interact with each other. This im-poses a set of requirements that each involved compo-nent should meet. In order to map such requirements,

one can use a check-list approach, in which a givenmashup requirement is described in a scenario high-lighting the requirements from each involved compo-nent. The first mentioned example is fitted into thisgroup.

5.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements

A given mashup requires some criteria, based on whichthe quality of its functions can be evaluated. Such crite-ria are considered as non-functional requirements andcan describe mashup properties related to e.g. security,performance, usability, functionality, and so forth. Sim-ilar to functional requirements, they are affected by oneor a group of components.

In the previous example, if the mashup requires thehighest-possible level of usability, the UI components(geocoder is excluded) must have the required level ofusability. As another example, availability of a mashupis influenced by all of its components in terms of dataand services.

5.2 Selecting Candidate Components

By having mapped requirements to components, wecan proceed to collect a range of candidate compo-nents meeting the specified functional requirements. Inthis regard, ProgrammableWeb could be a good start-ing point as it categorizes mashup components basedon functional similarities (table 1). A challenge is howwe can judge if a component, within the category of in-terest, can be fit into the candidate group. In fact, thecomponent meets the required functional requirementsby providing two categories of functions: internal func-tions, and API functions.

• Internal functions: are not accessible through itsAPIs, and are usually identified in the componentdescriptions. A component may provides API func-tions to disable or enable internal functions.• API functions: are invoked through the component

APIs. Almost all components have their APIs docu-mented, and ideally the APIs have been categorizedinto the functionalities the component can provide.based on that, we can realize if a component pos-sesses the desired API functions to meet the neces-sary functional requirements.

Empirically, when it comes to select candidate com-ponents, popular components are better choices to


Page 13: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

begin with. ProgrammableWeb makes it feasible bycategorizing and sorting components based on thelevel of popularity. It is a vantage point of using Pro-grammableWeb to access mashup component pool.

5.3 Quality Evaluation of Candidate Components

Having targeted a group of candidates for each com-ponent type, the next step is determination of thelevel to which each candidate component satisfies itsnon-functional requirements. This step is based onmeasurement-based evaluation of non-functional re-quirements of one candidate component against an-other. For this purpose, We first conceptualize compo-nent non-functional requirements based on its stake-holders view, from whose point of view the qualitymodel is reviewed again. Secondly, we associate a met-rics suite to the end-point characteristics of the qualitymodel.

5.3.1 Component Non-Functional Requirements

In addition to the non-functional requirements thatmust be met at run-time and are driven from mashupnon-functional requirements, mashup composers mayalso impose a number of non-functional requirements,which designate the level of component adaptationwithin a given composition model. An adapted com-ponent must cause as minimal conflicts as possible interms of data types, programming languages, and pro-tocols. It should also be able to provide efficient ac-cess to its functionalities, which are required within thecomposition.

Basically, mashup non-functional requirements stressthose aspects of a component which are essentially tan-gible by its end-users such as data and presentationquality. In contrast, mashup composer might considerthose quality characteristics concerned with the qual-ity of component API, and are merely important dur-ing development. From another angle, component non-functional requirements are directly and indirectly ex-pressed by two main stakeholders: mashup composers,and mashup end-users. The quality model mentionedearlier (see section 2) relies on both the stakeholders[6], which is why it can be used as a reference qual-ity model in this work. Based on the stakeholders view,we divide the quality model (figure 7), so as to providebetter understanding for quality measurement and eval-

Figure 6. Requirements imposed by mashup com-posers are shown as green colored characteristics,which reasonably belong to API quality. Red coloredcharacteristics are mapped from mashup requirementsgathered from end-users.

uation, though both groups of characteristics are influ-ential on mashup success.

As it can be seen in figure 6, non-functional require-ments that might be imposed by composer are a subsetof some characteristics belonging to API quality. It in-cludes interoperability, compliance, and API usability.

The remaining characteristics, therefore, include allpossible non-functional requirements that can be in-directly driven from mashup end-users. A translationof non-functional requirements to quality characteris-tics and sub-characteristics is sometimes required. Forthis purpose we first relate the non-functional require-ments to one of the logical parts of mashup components(API, data, presentation), we can then correspond it toone or more characteristics or sub-characteristics. Forinstance trustability is concerned with API quality, andcan be corresponded to reliability and maturity.

5.3.2 Metrics Suite

Metrics presented in [6] were basically supposed to beused to assess the component quality from its devel-oper’s point of view, so as to contribute to developmentof high quality mashup components. However, in thepresent work, the attempt is made to measure the qual-ity characteristics from the mashup composer’s view-point. From the goal-oriented measurement perspec-tive, metrics determination is potentially subject to in-


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fluence from the choice of viewpoint, from which themeasurement is performed [2, 10]. Such a change inviewpoint (from component developer to mashup com-poser) thus results in a change of some metrics, whichwill be discussed subsequently.

A component developer should take account of twomain stakeholders: mashup end-user and mashup com-poser [6]. Since both mashup composer and componentdeveloper’s viewpoint are in consistent with respect topotential mashup end-users, the metrics associated tothe end-point characteristics, which are mapped fromthe non-functional requirements driven from end-users(red colored characteristics in figure 6), are not subjectto change, but instead we reuse them in this work (seeappendix A).

However, the two viewpoints expressed above arenot based upon a certain position regarding the non-functional requirements (quality characteristics) im-posed by mashup composers. To be specific, mashupcomponent developers look at these quality character-istics in a general and abstract way, whereas mashupcomposers assess them with special regard to theirintended mashups. For instance, interoperability andcompliance should be essentially considered in accor-dance with other components and their interactions inthe final composition. From this viewpoint, we will re-define the metrics mapped to the following end-pointcharacteristics:

• Interoperability: will be complemented by adding anew aspect and a metric mapped to it.• Compliance: will be replaced with a new metric.• Learnability: will be mapped to a new metrics.


Interoperability is defined as the ability of a mashupcomponent to work with various components in a givenmashup composition. Interoperability of a componentcan be investigated by inspecting the following aspectsof its APIs: the number of APIs provided to support re-quired functions, available technologies to access APIs,and supported data types.

The last two aspects of an interoperable componentwere addressed in previous work [6]. There are dif-ferent technologies through which components expose

their APIs. It can be via either Web protocols or script-ing languages. The most well-known Web protocolsare REST and SOAP. The scripting language is mostcommonly JavaScript. The data types used within theAPIs are also of importance when interoperability is-sues arise. Generally, the more technologies, includingprotocols and scripting languages, and data types sup-ported by a component, the more interoperability capa-bilities it has with other components.

However, the first aspect also arises when assessing in-teroperability from a mashup composer’s viewpoint. Itis thus influenced by the number of offered APIs for therequired API functions. The more provided APIs, themore alternative ways to accomplish a task, and conse-quently, the more interoperability level within the com-position. Therefore, interoperability of provided APIscan be obtained by the following metric model:



In the above formula, n is the number of required func-tions, and NAPIi is the number of provided APIs forthe ith function (1 ≤ i ≤ n). Therefore, interoperabil-ity can be obtained as the sum of the metrics mappedto the three aspects (e.g. data, protocol, and API).


In order for a mashup component to be compliant, itmust provide a standard mechanism for accessing andusing its APIs. From a mashup composer’s viewpoint,compliance means the ability of a given component tobe compliant with the demanded technologies withinthe intended mashup. These technologies, with respectto component APIs, can be categorized to Web proto-cols, programming languages, and data types. Thereby,a mashup component is compliant if and only if it cansupport the required Web protocols, programming lan-guages, and data types. We replace the metric modelpresented in [6] as follows:


In the above formula, RDT , RWP , and RPL returntrue if the component supports, respectively, the re-quired data types, Web protocols, and programminglanguages.


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Learnability is an important aspect of API usability.It suggests the capability of a component to enablemashup composers to learn how to work with its APIs.Due to the fact that mashup components are usuallypublished under non-commercial license (i.e. commer-cial support is not available), adequate learning re-sources is of special importance. We classify the APIlearning resources and associate a learnability point toeach type:

Resource type Learnability pointAPI documentation 1

API tutorial 2Sample usage 3

Active technical forum 4

Table 2. Learnability resource types

Empirically, most of component providers publishup-to-date documentations of its APIs. Well-knownproviders commonly provide comprehensive tutorialsin some form of HOW-TO documents. Additionally,while programming APIs, sample source codes willserve as a great help. A more valuable resource is anactive technical forum, where you can access previ-ously solved problems or request a solution regardingan ongoing technical issue. We propose the followingmetric model to determine learnability:



sumOfPoints is the sum of the points obtained fromtable 2 by considering the available learning resourcesa component provides. It is then divided by 10, whichis the total number of points (1 + 2 + 3 + 4). The resultWill be a number between 0 and 1 (0 ≤ and ≤ 1).


In this work we apply the framework on a mashupimplemented as a part of an ongoing project in CrisisResponse Lab at the IT University of Gothenburg15. Wechose emergency response as an interesting potentialarea for mashup development. Mashups inherit Web2.0 characteristics like collaborative environment with15 http://crisisresponselab.blogspot.com/2009/05/mashups-for-formal-response.html

a high number of users involved. Such characteristicsare very important in the area of emergency response,due to the fact that appropriate information sharing,and collaborative work during emergency response areconsidered as the key success factors in this domain.For these reasons, we believe that mashups are goodcandidate tools for emergency response work and arecapable of proposing interesting solutions to addressthe current challenges in this domain.

6.1 Design

Before applying the framework on our intended mashup,we briefly outline its design aspects. Incident comman-ders at the command and control center should playa central managerial role by employing correspondingagencies and assuring that all involved agencies and au-thorities are aligned and coordinated toward the sametarget. This demands an interactive tool to dynamicallymonitor the involved agencies at the incident side. Cor-responding agencies can be monitored by means of un-regulated dynamic feedback from them. Such dynamicfeedback are called event log entries produced in themidst of a crisis and contain taken actions, decisionmade, or reports from the incident side.

The system thus was implemented as a distributed sys-tem, whose architecture is decomposed to a monitor-ing tool at the command and control center and mo-bile devices at the incident side equipped with position-ing capabilities, e.g. GPS (Global Positioning System).Incident-side commanders use mobile devices to gen-erate event log entries. The monitoring tool is a mashupused at command and control center, and receives eventlog entries in the form GeoRSS feeds. The goal of themashup, which is the focus of this case study, is to offera set of highly interactive features for management andmonitoring of event log entries such as storing, explor-ing, and filtering. These features have profound impactson analytical reasoning processes by boosting the abil-ity of users to detect spatial patterns and conduct ex-ploratory spatio-temporal analysis. In this case study,we focus on the mentioned mashup.

Accordingly, the main non-functional requirements forthe mashup include availability, usability, security, andtrustability. As key functional requirements it shall: a)show geographical and temporal status of event-logentries; b) filter event log entries based on time andorganization; c) enable geographically and temporally


Page 16: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

exploration of event log entries; d) notify users uponnew event log entries.

To determine service orchestration model we use theapproach proposed in [5]. We started by a high levelprocess model expressed using BPMN (Business Pro-cess Modeling Notation), and then transferred it to amore detailed WebML (Web Modeling Language) or-chestration model. Figure 7 illustrates the mashup de-sign.

Figure 7. a) BPMN model b) WebML orchestrationmodel transferred from the BPMN model

6.2 Applying Framework

The orchestration model reveals functional decomposi-tion of the mashup into components. According to theorchestration model, the mashup should use three typesof component: timeline, map, and RSS reader. In thiscase study, we merely apply the framework presentedin section 5 on the map component.

6.2.1 Mapping Requirements

The first step is mapping the requirements to mashupcomponents. It can be facilitated by investigating theorchestration model clarifying the interactions amongthe components of the mashup. The main functionali-ties that the map component should provide are, there-fore, outlined and classified as follows:

1. Zoom and navigation (internal function).

2. Manage markers with custom icons (API function).

3. Manage balloons with custom text, image, video(API function).

4. Manage polygons and polylines (API function).

According to the key non-functional requirements ofthe mashup, a candidate map component should fulfilluser’s non-functional requirements of availability, us-ability, and security.

6.2.2 Selecting Candidate Components

As a second step, a group of candidates for map com-ponent should be selected in accordance with the keyfunctions specified earlier. Using ProgrammableWeb,we considered the components in mapping category,and then collected a number of component possessingthe required API and internal functions. To ease thisprocess we started with the most popular components.The candidates group includes Bing Maps16, GoogleMaps, and Yahoo Maps17.

6.2.3 Evaluating Quality

Finally, we proceed to evaluate candidate componentsquality from the point of view of both the mashupcomposer and end user. Based on the reference qualitymodel, The main quality sub-characteristics imposedby mashup composer include interoperability, compli-ance, learnability, and operability.

According to the component non-functional require-ments (mapped from end-user needs), we are inter-ested in measuring the following sub-characteristics:data availability, presentation usability, and security(functionality).

• Interoperability

As mentioned, interoperability of each component canbe measured by counting the number of the protocols,and data formats it supports, as well as the numberof APIs it provides for the required API functions.Investigating the components website as well as theirspecification pages in ProgrammeableWeb allows us toassess interoperability of each component as outline intable 3.16 http://www.microsoft.com/maps/isdk/ajax/17 http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/ajax/


Page 17: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

It is worth mentioning that the number of providedAPIs for each API function was acquired by inves-tigating the API documentation of each component.The counted API units include both the event types re-quired to perform a specific API function (e.g. manag-ing markers).
























































































Table 3. Interoperability

• Compliance

According to the composition model, in order to ensurecompliance, the candidate components should be ableto support GeoRSS feeds (table 4).

Component ComplianceYahoo Maps Yes (supports GeoRSS)Bing Maps Yes (supports GeoRSS)

Google Maps No (does not naturallysupport GeoRSS)

Table 4. Compliance

• Security

Security of a component can be assessed by consider-ing its authentication type and whether or not it is doneover Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). According to the se-curity metric (see appendix A), table 5 suggests the se-curity assessment of the candidate components.

Component SecurityYahoo Maps 1 API keyBing Maps 2 API key+SSL support

Google Maps 3 API key

Table 5. Security

• Learnability

Learnability is also assessed by searching the compo-nents Website for the purpose of looking for the avail-able learning resources they offer. Table 6 contains themeasurement results for learnability.

Component LearnabilityYahoo Maps 1 (offers all learning resources)Bing Maps 1 (offers all learning resources)

Google Maps 1 (offers all learning resources)

Table 6. Learnability

• Operability

Operability, as another aspect of API usability, refersto the ease-of-use of the APIs offered by a component.It can be assessed by measuring three attributes: APIoperability, data operability, and security operability[6]. Operability assessment of the components is shownin table 7.

• Availability

Emergency response is naturally a time-critical work,in which all activities are to be accomplished in a verycondensed time. For this reason, availability necessar-ily arises as an important issue for evaluation of can-didate components. Service availability of candidatecomponents can be assessed by considering any APIcall volume limitations imposed by each one. In thiscase study, all the candidate components impose a lim-itation in terms of the number of API call for geocode


Page 18: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

Component Operability Attributes OperabilityAPI: 3 (JavaScript)

Yahoo Maps Data: 3 (Parameter) 10Security: 4API: 3 (JavaScript)

Bing Maps Data: 3 (Parameter) 10Security: 4API: 3 (JavaScript)

Google Maps Data:3 (Parameter) 9Security: 3

Table 7. Operabililty

requests per day. This number is 50000 for Yahoo Mapand Bing Map, and 15000 for Google Map.

• Presentation Usability

All the candidate components provide the same fea-tures for navigation and interaction with object (mark-ers) on the map. Thereby, presentation usability canbe assessed by considering the quality of the satelliteimages the candidate map components provide withinGothenburg city (since the mashup is intended to beused within Sweden). As it can be seen in figure 9,Yahoo Map presents old satellite images, in a waythat some buildings are missing. Additionally, it of-fers a lower zooming level compared to Bing Mapand Google Map. In contrast, both Google Map andBing Map present good quality images with the samezooming level. However, Google Map, compared toBing Map, provides sensibly blurry satellite images,and with lower quality.

6.2.4 Component Selection

According to the quality evaluation (table 8), Bing Mapis compliant, more secure, available, and with bet-ter presentation quality. The second choice is, there-fore, Google Map fulfilling the most important non-functional requirements (usability, availability, secu-rity), though it is not naturally compliant with GeoRSS.Yahoo Map is considered as the last choice, since itpresents low quality satellite images, even though itproperly fulfills other non-functional requirements.


Related works in connection with recommendation-based mashup component selection can be differenti-

Figure 8. Snapshots from Bing map (1), Google map(2), and Yahoo map (3) zoomed into the same place(Lindholmen science park, Gothenburg, Sweden) withthe zooming level set to maximum.

ated based on whether the focus is on replacing com-ponents of an executing mashup, or selecting suitablecomponents when composing mashups. The first men-tioned focus is to be understood in the light of adap-tivity and context awareness suggesting the ability ofmashup to react based on requirement changes in the


Page 19: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)

Quality (sub)characteristics ComparisonInteroperability YM<BM<GM

Compliance YM=Yes, GM=No,BM=Yes

Security YM=GM<BMLearnability YM=BM=GMOperability GM<YM=BMAvailability GM<YM=BM

Presentation Usability YM<GM<BM

Table 8. Comparison table. YM=Yahoo Maps,BM=Bing Maps, GM=Google Maps

run-time environment. Mashups are generally com-posed for temporary needs[38], as a consequence ofwhich mashup requirements may change dramaticallyat run-time that is also reasonable due to the high dy-namic nature of the Web. Therefore, providing supportfor adaptivity and context-awareness is the major fac-tor ensuring the widespread procreation of mashups[8]. In this regard, [11] proposes a service adaptationapproach by combining service capability model andrequirement rules, in a sense that changes in run-timeenvironment properties invoke corresponding require-ment rules, which is further used to define new servicecapabilities. After wards, candidate services (mashupcomponents) are clustered, and further ranked in eachcluster.

To our best knowledge, less research efforts were con-ducted with regard to finding and suggesting mostrelevant mashup components during the developmentphase, which is also the focus of this work. [3] presentsan efficient syntactical approach for searching andranking relevant candidates for mashup components. Itbasically relies on clustering component by identifyingsimilar parts in the messages each component provides(input or output). [31] proposes a faceted-based ap-proach for classifying, searching, and ranking mashupcomponents based on utilization and popularity. Theirapproach is considered superior over traditional WebAPIs directories such as ProgrammableWeb speciallywith respect to tagging system. However, both the men-tioned works show a substantial lack of considerationtowards other quality characteristics such as security,usability, and data quality which might be of impor-tance when to search for a suitable component. Typ-ically, their works revolve around efficient clustering

and ranking of mashup components based on the func-tionalities they provide.

Our framework takes a further step by relying on areference quality model entailing a respect towardsviewpoints of both the composer and mashup user.The main motivation behind it is the fact that mashupcomponent selection should be goal-oriented and con-ducted based on evaluation and assessment of the non-functional requirements of one candidate componentagainst another. Accordingly, the frameworks assuresthat a selected component can fulfill both the require-ments of mashup composer and user. Mapping mashuprequirements to components respectively allows us to:a) maintain a candidates group of components fulfillingthe functional requirements. b) make a subset of thereference quality model containing important qualitycharacteristics based on which the candidate compo-nents can be evaluated. It is also of importance that theframework does not explicitly rank candidate compo-nents, but rather provides objective measurement-basedresults on the aspects of importance (quality character-istics of interest), which in turn provides a rationale forobjective evaluation. As witnessed in the case-study,despite the fact that Google Maps is so popular and isalmost the first choice in most of mapping mashups (ac-cording to ProgrammableWeb), following the frame-work convinced us that Bing Map is a better choice forour specific context of use.


As the usage of mashups in enterprise environmentscontinuously increases, the expectations from mashupsrapidly grow, particularly with respect to properlymeeting the user’s needs. From the development per-spective, the key to building a successful mashupis a proper selection of its building blocks, or inother words mashup components. In the present work,we enhanced the process of mashup component se-lection by proposing a quality-based framework formeasurement-based objective evaluation of candidatecomponents, while aggregating them into an intendedmashup solution. The objective evaluation is conductedby utilizing the metrics suite to measure a set of qual-ity characteristics which are deduced from the end-userand composer needs, and are a subset of the referencequality model. Finally, we applied the framework ona case study which is a mashup used as a monitor-


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ing tool in emergency response. The result could biasour decision-making regarding selecting a proper mapcomponent.

Though the presented framework can be consideredas a new approach in recommendation-based mashupcomponent selection, we believe that it remains somepotential areas for future work. First, mapping require-ments to components can be formalized with the useof existing technologies such as Aspect-Oriented Re-quirements Engineering [16]. Second, the current met-rics do not cover cost of mashup components. In otherwords, we assumed mashup components are publishedunder a non-commercial license. Finally, the frame-work shows the potential to support context-awarenessand adaptivity that can be taken into account in futurework.

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Page 22: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)


This appendix contains the metrics which are collected from [6], and are intended to be reused in this work. The

metrics are mapped to the end-point characteristics of the quality model (see section 2.3). Before presenting the

metrics, a number of concepts should be defined:

Protocol: is suggestive of the standard Web protocols, such as REST, and SOAPT, via which the APIs are


Language: refers to scripting languages through which offered APIs can be used. For instance JavaScript is a

well-known scripting language.

Data Format: is the standard data type which is supported by mashup component operations. Examples are



Interoperability of component “comp” can be calculated using the following metric

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 =∣ 𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 ∣ +∣ 𝐿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 ∣ +∣ 𝐷𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 ∣

Where Pcomp, Lcomp , DFcomp are respectively the protocols, languages, and data formats supported by the



Security of a component can be assessed by considering its authentication type and if it is done over Secure

Sockets Layers (SSL). Accordingly, the following table can be used to assess the security for a specific


Authentication type Security (no SSL) Security (over SSL)

No authentication 1 2

API key 2 3

Developer key 3 4

User account 4 5


Since mashup components do not provide evidences on their internal performance, maturity can be evaluated by

considering the frequency of component updates.

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝 −𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑈𝑠𝑒𝑟𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 −𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝


𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 is the set containing available versions for a specific mashup component.

Page 23: A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of ... · The mashup site is where the mashup is hosted. Mashups can be executed on both server-side (using server-side languages)


Operability of a component consists of three attributes: API operability, data operability, and security operability.

The tables below can be used to assess operability.

Protocol Protocol operability



JavaScript 3

Data format Data operability



Parameters-value pairs 3

Authentication type Security operability (no SSL) Security operability (over SSL)

No authentication 5 4

API key 4 3

Developer key 3 2

User account 2 1


The ratio between the amount of data retrieved and the amount of data excepted can be used for

Completeness assessment.

𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 = 1 − (𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠)