doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.9919325.v1 A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic Dipeptides Alexander Kleinsmann, Boris Nachtsheim Submitted date: 30/09/2019 Posted date: 01/10/2019 Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Citation information: Kleinsmann, Alexander; Nachtsheim, Boris (2019): A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic Dipeptides. ChemRxiv. Preprint. This paper describes minimalistic cyclic dipeptides acting as esterase-mimicks in a self-assembled hydrogel state. It demonstrates that cyclic dipeptides could have acted as enzyme-precursors on a primordial earth and hence be important for abiogenesis. File list (3) download file view on ChemRxiv manuscript_DKPs_ChemRxiv.docx (1.24 MiB) download file view on ChemRxiv manuscript_DKPs_ChemRxiv.pdf (459.83 KiB) download file view on ChemRxiv SI_DKP_ChemRxiv.docx (1.77 MiB)

A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

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A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic DipeptidesAlexander Kleinsmann, Boris Nachtsheim

Submitted date: 30/09/2019 • Posted date: 01/10/2019Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Citation information: Kleinsmann, Alexander; Nachtsheim, Boris (2019): A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based onCo-Assembled Cyclic Dipeptides. ChemRxiv. Preprint.

This paper describes minimalistic cyclic dipeptides acting as esterase-mimicks in a self-assembled hydrogelstate. It demonstrates that cyclic dipeptides could have acted as enzyme-precursors on a primordial earth andhence be important for abiogenesis.

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Page 2: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

A Minimalistic Hydrolase based

on Co-Assembled Cyclic


Alexander J. Kleinsmann[b] and Boris J.


Abstract: The self-assembly of small peptides into larger

aggregates is an important process for the fundamental

understanding of abiogenesis. In this article we demonstrate that

blends of cyclic dipeptides (2,5-diketopiperazines – DKPs) bearing

either histidine or cysteine in combination with a lipophilic amino acid

form highly stable aggregates in aqueous solution with esterase-like

activity. We demonstrate that the catalytic activity is based on an

intermolecular cooperative behavior between histidine and cysteine.

A high control of the molecular arrangement of the peptide

assemblies was gained by C-H-π interactions between Phe and Leu

or Val sidechains, resulting in a significant increase in catalytic

activity. These interactions were strongly supported by Hartree-Fock

calculations and finally confirmed via 1H-NMR HRMAS NOE


The transition of simple small molecular building blocks, inparticular fatty-, amino- and nucleic acids, into self-replicatingsystems with an autonomous metabolism is the critical step forthe emergence of the first living cells with a minimalisticgenotype and phenotype.[1] The initial manifestation of smallpeptides as enzyme precursors that could have providedimportant catalytic properties for autonomous self-replicatingsystems is still underexplored.[2],[3] Here, self-assemblyprocesses that form higher ordered aggregates fromspontaneously formed small oligopeptides throughintermolecular H-bonding interactions is believed to be an

important initial step.[4a–c,2,4d] In this regard, cyclic dipeptides (2,5-diketopiperazines – DKPs) are observed frequently as undesiredside-products during peptide formation and under prebioticconditions,[5] in particular as degradation products of smalloligopeptides.[6] In addition, they have been found on theYamato-791198 and Murchison carbonaceous chondrites.[7] Werecently demonstrated that a variety of Phe-containing DKPsform highly stable aggregates in aqueous solutions. [8] Their self-aggregation is the result of strong H-bonding interactionsbetween the cyclic amides and additional π-π or C-H-π-interactions between the Phe sidechains. For proving therelevance of DKPs in the context of abiogenesis, their catalyticproperties must be elucidated. So far their catalytic activity hasonly been demonstrated by Lipton and co-workers in solution forthe asymmetric Strecker reaction.[9] Presuming their hightendency to aggregate in water into a defined moleculararrangement, we proposed that simple blends of two DKPscomposed of proteinogenic α-amino acids with lipophilic sidechains and differing “functional” side chains should renderenzyme-like catalytic activity in the co-assembled state throughintermolecular cooperative effects.

Figure 1. (a) A DKP-based mimic of a catalytic dyade (b) Investigated DKPstructures

To verify this working hypothesis, we generated a minimalistichydrolase mimic (Figure 1a). In the catalytically active side ofhydrolases, imidazoles of His-residues are in close proximity toSer, Cys or Asp side-chains as the structural basis for catalyticdyads or triades. Artificial enzymes, in particular esterasesbased on the self-assembly of short oligopeptides have beendescribed frequently.[10] Commonly, lipophilic tripeptides,amphiphilic oligopeptides or amyloid-forming peptides arenecessary to generate self-assembled nanostructures withesterase-like activity.[11] Catalytically active aggregates can alsobe formed based on artificial dendrimers, by fixation of a peptide

[a] Prof. Dr. Boris J. NachtsheimInstitut für Organische und Analytische ChemieUniversität BremenLeobener Straße 7, 28359 Bremen, [email protected]

[b] Dr. Alexander J. KleinsmannInstitut für Organische ChemieUniversität TübingenAuf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

Page 3: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

onto nanoparticles,[12] or the generation of other amino acid-derived hybrids.[13],[14] The relevance of these approaches inabiogenesis is questionable due to the artificial nature of theunderlying molecular building blocks. To the best of ourknowledge simple dipeptides without non-natural syntheticmodifications are not known as minimalistic esterase mimics.Based on our recent findings towards the outstanding self-aggregation properties of DKPs, we combined His-DKP 1 andCys-DKPs (2, 3 and 4) as shown in Figure 1b. These threedifferent blends [1+2], [1+3] and [1+4] should give co-assembled nanostructures with a putative esterase activity. [15]

We first investigated the principle co-aggregation properties ofall three blends. Co-assembly was verified through hydrogelformation and subsequent investigation of the freeze-driedhydrogels via SEM (Figure 2). All three blends formed stablehydrogels through a simple heating/cooling cycle in pure waterat concentrations between 80 and 106 mM. SEM and TEMimages showed the appearance of nanofibers with varyingaverage diameters ([1+2]: 12.3 nm, [1+3]: 32.6 nm and [1+4]:21.4 nm) (for detailed analysis of representative SEM-imagessee ESI).

Figure 2. SEM- and TEM-images of co-assembled DKP-blends A: [1+2]; B:[1+3]; C: [1+4].

To investigate esterase-like activity of the co-aggregates, thehydrolysis of sodium 4-acetoxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (ANBS,Figure 1a), a water- soluble derivative of the common modelcompound 2,4-dinitrophenyl acetate (DNPA), was chosen as themodel reaction. A solution of ANBS was added on top of thepreformed hydrogel and reaction kinetics were monitored byUV/Vis. Initial Job’s plot analysis revealed a maximum initial rateconstant v0 at = 0.4 for blend [1+2] and = 0.5 for blends[1+3] and [1+4] (Figure 3 - A). We then investigated the pH-dependency of the ester hydrolysis (Figure 3 - B). While with[1+2] v0 reaches a maximum at pH = 7.50, co-assemblies of[1+3] and [1+4] reached explicit maxima at slightly lower pH-values (7.25 and 7.38).

Figure 3. A: Job’s plot analysis of DKP-blends [1+2], [1+3] and [1+4]. B: pH-dependency of the initial rate constants.

In sharp contrast, v0 of pure self-assembled 1 has a maximum at6.50 which corresponds well to the pKa-value of His. For self-assembled DKP 2 v0 increases until pH 7.5 and reaches aplateau.The broad maximum of Job’s plot analysis for blend [1+2]together with the slight shift from the theoretical optimal ratio ofboth DKPs from 1:1 as observed for [1+3] and [1+4] is indicativefor a random distribution of 1 and 2 within the fibrous network(Figure 4 – A). The sharp maxima at = 0.5 for [1+3] and [1+4]on the other hand indicate a highly defined co-assembly of bothDKPs (Figure 4 - B).

Figure 4. A: Random distribution of DKPs 1 and 2 within the co-assembly. B:Alternating distribution of DKPs 1 and 3 or 4 within the co-assembly.

This defined alternating co-assembly should also result in highercatalytic performance of blends [1+3] and [1+4], as alreadyindicated by the significantly higher v0-values. Next, we wantedto compare v0 of the DKPs between the co-assembled hydrogelstate and a solution by disturbing the co-assembly processthrough DMF addition. In general, v0 should be reduced for thehydrogels since substrate availability is initially strongly limitedby diffusion processes. In addition, the accessibility of thecatalytically active His and Cys residues should be stronglylimited in the self-assembled hydrogel state throughintermolecular interactions of individual strands to form thethree-dimensional network. As an initial control experiment, we

Page 4: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

tested the catalytic activity of pure His-DKP 1 in solution (Figure5 – A, dotted lines). Even though 1 accelerated ANBS hydrolysis,it cannot be defined as catalyst. The solution exhibits a fast initialreaction turnover in the first 10 minutes and finally approachesasymptotically a substrate conversion that matches the totalDKP concentration. Hence, only one turnover is observed. Withthe same absolute molarity, the corresponding hydrogel of 1shows an inferior substrate conversion, also with a stronglydecelerating slope finally converging to an overall conversionclose to the DKP concentration. This diminished reactivitystrongly indicates the lower accessibility of the His-residues inthe aggregated state. The observed saturation in both thesolution and the gel state of 1 indicates a quick N-acetylation ofthe His-residue followed by a very slow deacetylation, excludinga truly catalytic behaviour. Next we investigated thecorresponding blends (Figure 5, A-C). In all cases the self-assembled blended DKPs were compared with thecorresponding DKPs kept in solution as a control. As alreadyobserved for pure 1, all blended solutions, even thoughaccelerating ester hydrolysis, provided only one turnover. Realcatalytic behaviour is only observed for blended hydrogels. For[1+2] total conversion of the solution again converges to theinitial DKP-concentration while in the co-assembled stateproduct concentration exceeds DKP-concentration after 35 min(Figure 5 – B). A similar catalytic behaviour was observed for[1+3] and [1+4], although, as already indicated in Figure 3 - A,ANBS hydrolysis was throughout faster, exceeding the initialDKP concentration after 20-25 min. In sharp contrast to pure 1and [1+2], initial hydrolysis rates using the co-assembled blends[1+3] and [1+4] were comparable to the solution phaseexperiments (Figure 5 - C and D). Overall, the co-assembledblend [1+4] shows the best results in direct comparison with thecorresponding solution phase and in direct comparison to theother blends.

Figure 5. Product formation in ANBS hydrolysis, c (ANBS) = 60 mM; solidlines: reaction was performed in the self-assembled hydrogel (gel); dashedlines: reaction was performed in solution (sol) (HEPES:DMF = 1:1, V = 1.25ml); dotted lines: total DKP concentration referenced to the total volume; A: 1,pH = 6.50, c (1-hydrogel) = 92 mM; B: [1+2] (1.5:1), pH = 7.50, c = 92 mM; C:[1+3] (1:1), pH = 7.25, c = 106 mM; D: [1+4] (1:1), pH = 7.38, c = 80 mM.Product conversion was detected via UV/Vis at = 406 nm. In all experimentsbackground hydrolysis of ANBS was measured in the corresponding buffers atthe same pH with identical substrate concentration and subtracted from themeasured values.

For a more precise comparison of their catalytic efficiency, v0

was investigated in dependence of the substrate concentrationat the optimal pH and ratio for each blend. The Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics model was used to calculate the rateconstants for all co-assembled hydrogels. In all blends, catalystturnover became the rate-limiting step at very high substrateconcentrations, a typical behaviour for enzyme-catalysedreactions (see ESI – Table S2). Michaelis Menten constants(KM), rate constants (Kcat) as well as the catalytic efficiencies (Kcat

/ KM) are given in Table 1. The highest substrate-affinity and thehighest catalytic efficiency was once again observed for blend[1+4] (KM = 6.81). Kcat values between [1+3] and [1+4] differ onlyinsignificantly but KM is twofold higher for [1+3]. This is indicativefor a significantly weaker substrate affinity and might be theresult of sterically more favourable or multiple C-H-π-interactionsbetween 1 and 4 which subsequently leads to a closer proximityof the imidazole and thiol functionalities at the opposite site ofthe DKP.

Table 1: Summary of Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

Hydrogel KM

(10-3 M)K


(10-3 s-1)Kcat/KM

(10-1 M-1 s-1)

[1+2]a 8.51 0.73 0.86

[1+3]b 12.18 1.60 1.31

[1+4]c 6.81 1.46 2.14

a 1.5:1 ratio of 1 and 2, pH = 7.50; b: 1:1 ratio of 1 and 3, pH = 7.25; c: 1:1ratio of 1 and 4, pH = 7.38.

Page 5: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Figure 6. Calculated structures of DKP-dimers. A: [1+2]; B: [1+3]; C: [1+4].Structures were calculated using the semi-empirical HF-3c functional in thegas phase.

To verify this hypothesis, gas phase calculations based on thelow cost Hartree-Fock/minimal basis set composite method HF-3C which shows excellent performance for noncovalentinteractions[16] have been accomplished for dimers of [1+2],[1+3] and [1+4] (Figure 6). Each energy minimized structureconfirms two central intermolecular H-bonds between the twocyclic amides with typical O-H-distances ranging from 1.74 to1.92 Å. H-Bonds between the lipophilic amino acids aresignificantly longer (1.89-1.92 Å) than the H-bonds between theHis and Cys amino acids (1.74 – 1.76 Å). As predicted, alllipophilic side chains show significant C-H-π-interactions. For[1+2] two C-H-π-interactions of the ortho- and meta protons ofthe Phe side chain in 2 and the π-system of the Phe side chainin 1 give a disordered T-shape geometry between the twobenzene rings with C-H-π-distances of 2.80 and 3.17 Å. In thecalculated structure of [1+3] two significant C-H-π-interactionbetween two C-H protons of the terminal CH3-group of the Valside chain in 3 and the benzene ring in 1 exist. The calculatedC-H-π-distances to the centroid of the benzene ring is 3.04 Åand 3.05 Å to the centroid of the C3-C4-π-bond. For [1+4], twoC-H-π-interaction are calculated with C-H-π-distance of 2.70and 2.77 Å between C-Hprotons of both terminal CH3 groupsand two distinct C-C-π-bonds of Phe. All distances are in goodagreement with typical average distances of C-H-π interactionsas observed in solid state protein structures.[17] Obviously, theadditional methylene group in the side chain of 4 allows asignificantly stronger C-H-π-interaction as implicated by shorter

C-H-centroid distances. In all blends, combination of the twocentral amide hydrogen bonds and the additional C-H-π-interaction arranges the functional imidazole and thiolfunctionalities into close proximity. Calculated S-H-N-distancesvary from 2.18 Å in [1+2] and [1+3], and 2.07 Å for [1+4]. It hasto be mentioned, that the horizontal dimension of thesecalculated single-strands (approx. 1 nm) is one dimension belowthe observed fibre thickness as observed via SEM and TEM.Thus, further inter-strand interactions must be operational whichstrongly limits the true accessibility of the catalytically activesides in the self-assembled state. Under this premise it is evenmore surprising that blends [1+3] and [1+4] show similar initialhydrolysis rates in comparison to the corresponding DKPs keptin solution. To finally verify that the calculated alternating co-assembly in [1+3] and [1+4] is based on C-H-π-interactions, 1HHRMAS NOESY experiments of the co-assembled hydrogelswere performed in D2O (Figure 7). Clearly, the strongest NOEcorrelation was observed between C-H of 3 or C-H of 4 and C-Haryl of 1.

Figure 7 A: Detail magnifications of 1H HRMAS NOE spectra in D2O of A:Hydrogel [1+3] (1:1) and B: Hydrogel [1+4] (1:1); diamonds: aromatic protonsof the Phe sidechain of 1, triangles: C-H protons of the Val sidechain of 3,circles: C-H protons of the Leu sidechain of 4.

In summary we described the most minimalistic peptide self-assembly with an enzyme-like activity. It is based on abiogenesisrelevant cyclic dipeptides solely build from the proteinogenicamino acids Phe, His, Val, Leu and Cys. A high catalytic turnoveris exclusively observed in the self-aggregated state forheterologous mixtures (blends) of His- and a Cys-containingcyclic dipeptides. Hartree-Fock calculations as well as HRMASNOE experiments strongly indicate that C-H-π-interactions aswell as intermolecular amide hydrogen bonds are responsible forthe heterologous self-aggregation which finally leads to a closeproximity of His and Cys side chain to give a catalytic dyade.These findings offer a new perceptive toward a potential role ofthe so far undervalued role of cyclic dipeptides in chemicalevolution and further implies the importance of self-assembledpeptide aggregates in the pre-Darwian evolution.

Experimental Section

Experimental Detail can be found in the Supporting Information.

Page 6: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Keywords: Self-assembly; Esterase; Molecular Evolution;

Hydrogel; Abiogenesis

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Page 7: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic
Page 9: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

A Minimalistic Hydrolase based

on Co-Assembled Cyclic


Alexander J. Kleinsmann[b] and Boris J.


Abstract: The self-assembly of small peptides into larger aggregates

is an important process for the fundamental understanding of

abiogenesis. In this article we demonstrate that blends of cyclic

dipeptides (2,5-diketopiperazines – DKPs) bearing either histidine or

cysteine in combination with a lipophilic amino acid form highly stable

aggregates in aqueous solution with esterase-like activity. We

demonstrate that the catalytic activity is based on an intermolecular

cooperative behavior between histidine and cysteine. A high control

of the molecular arrangement of the peptide assemblies was gained

by C-H-π interactions between Phe and Leu or Val sidechains,

resulting in a significant increase in catalytic activity. These

interactions were strongly supported by Hartree-Fock calculations

and finally confirmed via 1H-NMR HRMAS NOE spectroscopy.

The transition of simple small molecular building blocks, in

particular fatty-, amino- and nucleic acids, into self-replicating

systems with an autonomous metabolism is the critical step for

the emergence of the first living cells with a minimalistic genotype

and phenotype.[1] The initial manifestation of small peptides as

enzyme precursors that could have provided important catalytic

properties for autonomous self-replicating systems is still

underexplored.[2],[3] Here, self-assembly processes that form

higher ordered aggregates from spontaneously formed small

oligopeptides through intermolecular H-bonding interactions is

believed to be an important initial step.[4a–c,2,4d] In this regard,

cyclic dipeptides (2,5-diketopiperazines – DKPs) are observed

frequently as undesired side-products during peptide formation

and under prebiotic conditions,[5] in particular as degradation

products of small oligopeptides.[6] In addition, they have been

found on the Yamato-791198 and Murchison carbonaceous

chondrites.[7] We recently demonstrated that a variety of Phe-

containing DKPs form highly stable aggregates in aqueous

solutions.[8] Their self-aggregation is the result of strong H-

bonding interactions between the cyclic amides and additional π-

π− or C-H-π-interactions between the Phe sidechains. For

proving the relevance of DKPs in the context of abiogenesis, their

catalytic properties must be elucidated. So far their catalytic

activity has only been demonstrated by Lipton and co-workers in

solution for the asymmetric Strecker reaction. [9] Presuming their

high tendency to aggregate in water into a defined molecular

arrangement, we proposed that simple blends of two DKPs

composed of proteinogenic α-amino acids with lipophilic side

chains and differing “functional” side chains should render

enzyme-like catalytic activity in the co-assembled state through

intermolecular cooperative effects.

Figure 1. (a) A DKP-based mimic of a catalytic dyade (b) Investigated DKP


To verify this working hypothesis, we generated a minimalistic

hydrolase mimic (Figure 1a). In the catalytically active side of

hydrolases, imidazoles of His-residues are in close proximity to

Ser, Cys or Asp side-chains as the structural basis for catalytic

dyads or triades. Artificial enzymes, in particular esterases based

on the self-assembly of short oligopeptides have been described

frequently.[10] Commonly, lipophilic tripeptides, amphiphilic

oligopeptides or amyloid-forming peptides are necessary to

generate self-assembled nanostructures with esterase-like

activity.[11] Catalytically active aggregates can also be formed

based on artificial dendrimers, by fixation of a peptide onto

nanoparticles,[12] or the generation of other amino acid-derived

hybrids.[13],[14] The relevance of these approaches in abiogenesis

is questionable due to the artificial nature of the underlying

[a] Prof. Dr. Boris J. Nachtsheim

Institut für Organische und Analytische Chemie

Universität Bremen

Leobener Straße 7, 28359 Bremen, Germany

[email protected]

[b] Dr. Alexander J. Kleinsmann

Institut für Organische Chemie

Universität Tübingen

Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

Page 10: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

molecular building blocks. To the best of our knowledge simple

dipeptides without non-natural synthetic modifications are not

known as minimalistic esterase mimics. Based on our recent

findings towards the outstanding self-aggregation properties of

DKPs, we combined His-DKP 1 and Cys-DKPs (2, 3 and 4) as

shown in Figure 1b. These three different blends [1+2], [1+3] and

[1+4] should give co-assembled nanostructures with a putative

esterase activity.[15] We first investigated the principle co-

aggregation properties of all three blends. Co-assembly was

verified through hydrogel formation and subsequent investigation

of the freeze-dried hydrogels via SEM (Figure 2). All three blends

formed stable hydrogels through a simple heating/cooling cycle in

pure water at concentrations between 80 and 106 mM. SEM and

TEM images showed the appearance of nanofibers with varying

average diameters ([1+2]: 12.3 nm, [1+3]: 32.6 nm and [1+4]:

21.4 nm) (for detailed analysis of representative SEM-images see


Figure 2. SEM- and TEM-images of co-assembled DKP-blends A: [1+2]; B:

[1+3]; C: [1+4].

To investigate esterase-like activity of the co-aggregates, the

hydrolysis of sodium 4-acetoxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (ANBS,

Figure 1a), a water- soluble derivative of the common model

compound 2,4-dinitrophenyl acetate (DNPA), was chosen as the

model reaction. A solution of ANBS was added on top of the

preformed hydrogel and reaction kinetics were monitored by

UV/Vis. Initial Job’s plot analysis revealed a maximum initial rate

constant v0 at = 0.4 for blend [1+2] and = 0.5 for blends [1+3]

and [1+4] (Figure 3 - A). We then investigated the pH-

dependency of the ester hydrolysis (Figure 3 - B). While with [1+2]

v0 reaches a maximum at pH = 7.50, co-assemblies of [1+3] and

[1+4] reached explicit maxima at slightly lower pH-values (7.25

and 7.38).

Figure 3. A: Job’s plot analysis of DKP-blends [1+2], [1+3] and [1+4]. B: pH-

dependency of the initial rate constants.

In sharp contrast, v0 of pure self-assembled 1 has a maximum at

6.50 which corresponds well to the pKa-value of His. For self-

assembled DKP 2 v0 increases until pH 7.5 and reaches a plateau.

The broad maximum of Job’s plot analysis for blend [1+2]

together with the slight shift from the theoretical optimal ratio of

both DKPs from 1:1 as observed for [1+3] and [1+4] is indicative

for a random distribution of 1 and 2 within the fibrous network

(Figure 4 – A). The sharp maxima at = 0.5 for [1+3] and [1+4]

on the other hand indicate a highly defined co-assembly of both

DKPs (Figure 4 - B).

Figure 4. A: Random distribution of DKPs 1 and 2 within the co-assembly. B:

Alternating distribution of DKPs 1 and 3 or 4 within the co-assembly.

This defined alternating co-assembly should also result in higher

catalytic performance of blends [1+3] and [1+4], as already

indicated by the significantly higher v0-values. Next, we wanted to

compare v0 of the DKPs between the co-assembled hydrogel

state and a solution by disturbing the co-assembly process

through DMF addition. In general, v0 should be reduced for the

hydrogels since substrate availability is initially strongly limited by

diffusion processes. In addition, the accessibility of the

catalytically active His and Cys residues should be strongly limited

in the self-assembled hydrogel state through intermolecular

interactions of individual strands to form the three-dimensional

network. As an initial control experiment, we tested the catalytic

activity of pure His-DKP 1 in solution (Figure 5 – A, dotted lines).

Even though 1 accelerated ANBS hydrolysis, it cannot be defined

as catalyst. The solution exhibits a fast initial reaction turnover in

the first 10 minutes and finally approaches asymptotically a

substrate conversion that matches the total DKP concentration.

Hence, only one turnover is observed. With the same absolute

molarity, the corresponding hydrogel of 1 shows an inferior

substrate conversion, also with a strongly decelerating slope

finally converging to an overall conversion close to the DKP

concentration. This diminished reactivity strongly indicates the

lower accessibility of the His-residues in the aggregated state.

The observed saturation in both the solution and the gel state of

1 indicates a quick N-acetylation of the His-residue followed by a

very slow deacetylation, excluding a truly catalytic behaviour.

Page 11: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Next we investigated the corresponding blends (Figure 5, A-C). In

all cases the self-assembled blended DKPs were compared with

the corresponding DKPs kept in solution as a control. As already

observed for pure 1, all blended solutions, even though

accelerating ester hydrolysis, provided only one turnover. Real

catalytic behaviour is only observed for blended hydrogels. For

[1+2] total conversion of the solution again converges to the initial

DKP-concentration while in the co-assembled state product

concentration exceeds DKP-concentration after 35 min (Figure 5

– B). A similar catalytic behaviour was observed for [1+3] and

[1+4], although, as already indicated in Figure 3 - A, ANBS

hydrolysis was throughout faster, exceeding the initial DKP

concentration after 20-25 min. In sharp contrast to pure 1 and

[1+2], initial hydrolysis rates using the co-assembled blends [1+3]

and [1+4] were comparable to the solution phase experiments

(Figure 5 - C and D). Overall, the co-assembled blend [1+4]

shows the best results in direct comparison with the

corresponding solution phase and in direct comparison to the

other blends.

Figure 5. Product formation in ANBS hydrolysis, c (ANBS) = 60 mM; solid lines:

reaction was performed in the self-assembled hydrogel (gel); dashed lines:

reaction was performed in solution (sol) (HEPES:DMF = 1:1, V = 1.25 ml);

dotted lines: total DKP concentration referenced to the total volume; A: 1, pH =

6.50, c (1-hydrogel) = 92 mM; B: [1+2] (1.5:1), pH = 7.50, c = 92 mM; C: [1+3]

(1:1), pH = 7.25, c = 106 mM; D: [1+4] (1:1), pH = 7.38, c = 80 mM. Product

conversion was detected via UV/Vis at = 406 nm. In all experiments

background hydrolysis of ANBS was measured in the corresponding buffers at

the same pH with identical substrate concentration and subtracted from the

measured values.

For a more precise comparison of their catalytic efficiency, v0 was

investigated in dependence of the substrate concentration at the

optimal pH and ratio for each blend. The Michaelis-Menten

enzyme kinetics model was used to calculate the rate constants

for all co-assembled hydrogels. In all blends, catalyst turnover

became the rate-limiting step at very high substrate

concentrations, a typical behaviour for enzyme-catalysed

reactions (see ESI – Table S2). Michaelis Menten constants (KM),

rate constants (Kcat) as well as the catalytic efficiencies (Kcat / KM)

are given in Table 1. The highest substrate-affinity and the highest

catalytic efficiency was once again observed for blend [1+4] (KM

= 6.81). Kcat values between [1+3] and [1+4] differ only

insignificantly but KM is twofold higher for [1+3]. This is indicative

for a significantly weaker substrate affinity and might be the result

of sterically more favourable or multiple C-H-π-interactions

between 1 and 4 which subsequently leads to a closer proximity

of the imidazole and thiol functionalities at the opposite site of the


Table 1: Summary of Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

Hydrogel KM

(10-3 M)

K cat

(10-3 s-1)


(10-1 M-1 s-1)

[1+2]a 8.51 0.73 0.86

[1+3]b 12.18 1.60 1.31

[1+4]c 6.81 1.46 2.14

a 1.5:1 ratio of 1 and 2, pH = 7.50; b: 1:1 ratio of 1 and 3, pH = 7.25; c: 1:1 ratio

of 1 and 4, pH = 7.38.

Figure 6. Calculated structures of DKP-dimers. A: [1+2]; B: [1+3]; C: [1+4].

Structures were calculated using the semi-empirical HF-3c functional in the gas


To verify this hypothesis, gas phase calculations based on the low

cost Hartree-Fock/minimal basis set composite method HF-3C

which shows excellent performance for noncovalent

interactions[16] have been accomplished for dimers of [1+2], [1+3]

and [1+4] (Figure 6). Each energy minimized structure confirms

two central intermolecular H-bonds between the two cyclic

amides with typical O-H-distances ranging from 1.74 to 1.92 Å. H-

Bonds between the lipophilic amino acids are significantly longer

(1.89-1.92 Å) than the H-bonds between the His and Cys amino

Page 12: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

acids (1.74 – 1.76 Å). As predicted, all lipophilic side chains show

significant C-H-π-interactions. For [1+2] two C-H-π-interactions

of the ortho- and meta protons of the Phe side chain in 2 and the

π-system of the Phe side chain in 1 give a disordered T-shape

geometry between the two benzene rings with C-H-π-distances

of 2.80 and 3.17 Å. In the calculated structure of [1+3] two

significant C-H-π-interaction between two C-H protons of the

terminal CH3-group of the Val side chain in 3 and the benzene

ring in 1 exist. The calculated C-H-π-distances to the centroid of

the benzene ring is 3.04 Å and 3.05 Å to the centroid of the C3-

C4-π-bond. For [1+4], two C-H-π-interaction are calculated with

C-H-π-distance of 2.70 and 2.77 Å between C-H protons of both

terminal CH3 groups and two distinct C-C-π-bonds of Phe. All

distances are in good agreement with typical average distances

of C-H-π interactions as observed in solid state protein

structures.[17] Obviously, the additional methylene group in the

side chain of 4 allows a significantly stronger C-H-π-interaction as

implicated by shorter C-H-centroid distances. In all blends,

combination of the two central amide hydrogen bonds and the

additional C-H-π-interaction arranges the functional imidazole

and thiol functionalities into close proximity. Calculated S-H-N-

distances vary from 2.18 Å in [1+2] and [1+3], and 2.07 Å for

[1+4]. It has to be mentioned, that the horizontal dimension of

these calculated single-strands (approx. 1 nm) is one dimension

below the observed fibre thickness as observed via SEM and

TEM. Thus, further inter-strand interactions must be operational

which strongly limits the true accessibility of the catalytically active

sides in the self-assembled state. Under this premise it is even

more surprising that blends [1+3] and [1+4] show similar initial

hydrolysis rates in comparison to the corresponding DKPs kept in

solution. To finally verify that the calculated alternating co-

assembly in [1+3] and [1+4] is based on C-H-π-interactions, 1H

HRMAS NOESY experiments of the co-assembled hydrogels

were performed in D2O (Figure 7). Clearly, the strongest NOE

correlation was observed between C-H of 3 or C-H of 4 and C-

Haryl of 1.

Figure 7 A: Detail magnifications of 1H HRMAS NOE spectra in D2O of A:

Hydrogel [1+3] (1:1) and B: Hydrogel [1+4] (1:1); diamonds: aromatic protons

of the Phe sidechain of 1, triangles: C-H protons of the Val sidechain of 3,

circles: C-H protons of the Leu sidechain of 4.

In summary we described the most minimalistic peptide self-

assembly with an enzyme-like activity. It is based on abiogenesis

relevant cyclic dipeptides solely build from the proteinogenic

amino acids Phe, His, Val, Leu and Cys. A high catalytic turnover

is exclusively observed in the self-aggregated state for

heterologous mixtures (blends) of His- and a Cys-containing

cyclic dipeptides. Hartree-Fock calculations as well as HRMAS

NOE experiments strongly indicate that C-H-π-interactions as

well as intermolecular amide hydrogen bonds are responsible for

the heterologous self-aggregation which finally leads to a close

proximity of His and Cys side chain to give a catalytic dyade.

These findings offer a new perceptive toward a potential role of

the so far undervalued role of cyclic dipeptides in chemical

evolution and further implies the importance of self-assembled

peptide aggregates in the pre-Darwian evolution.

Experimental Section

Experimental Detail can be found in the Supporting Information.

Keywords: Self-assembly; Esterase; Molecular Evolution;

Hydrogel; Abiogenesis

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Page 15: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Supporting Information

A Minimalistic Hydrolase based on Co-Assembled

Cyclic Dipeptides

Alexander J. Kleinsmann[b] and Boris J. Nachtsheim*[a]

a Institut für Organische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Bremen, Leobener Straße 7, 28359 Bremen, Germanyb Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, Germany


Page 16: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Table of Contents


1.2UV/Vis experiments........................................................................................................4


1.3.1General procedures for the Synthesis of DKPs 1-4:.................................................6

1.3.2Cyclo[l-His-l-Phe] (DKP 1)........................................................................................6


1.3.4Cyclo[l-Cys-l-Phe] (DKP 2).......................................................................................6


1.3.6Cyclo[l-Cys-l-Val] (DKP 3)........................................................................................7


1.3.8Cyclo[l-Cys-l-Leu] (DKP 4).......................................................................................8

1.3.9Sodium 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate.............................................................8

1.3.10Sodium 4-acetoxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (ANBS)..............................................8

2Nanofiber Diameter Determination with SEM Images.........................................................10

3Enzyme Kinetics Model.......................................................................................................12

4Computational Studies........................................................................................................14

4.1General Details.............................................................................................................14





5NMR Spectra.......................................................................................................................21

5.11H and 13C NMR spectra of ANBS and DKPs 1-4..........................................................22

5.21H HR-MAS NOE spectra of co-assembled hydrogels..................................................28

5.31H NOE spectra of blended DKP solutions....................................................................31

6 References.........................................................................................................................34


Page 17: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

1.1 Materials

Unless otherwise stated, all chemicals were used as received from a commercial supplier.The water used for the preparation for the hydrogels and buffers was of Millipore Milli-Qgrade. Buffer solutions were stored under exclusion from light and used up within five days.MES buffer (0.25 M) was used for pH 6.25 and 6.50, HEPES buffer (0.25 M) was used frompH 6.75 to 8.50.

For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the DKP-samples were dissolved in water of Milli-Q grade in 4 ml screw-cap vials and the warm solution was applied to pre-cooled aluminumsheets. The samples were allowed to mature at 4°C for 20 minutes, lyophilized and coatedwith a thin layer of platinum by using a Balzers SCD 050 sputter coater. A Hitachi SU8030scanning electron microscope was used to record the images of the xerogels with anaccelerating voltage of 1 kV.

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were recorded with a Hitachi SU8030scanning electron microscope in STEM mode at an accelerating voltage of 30 kV. Thehydrogel samples were prepared in a 4 ml screw-cap vial, lyophilized and distributed onto aTEM grid (200 mesh copper grid) that was coated with carbon film.1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Advance 400 MHz instrument in DMSO-d6 or D2O. The 1H chemical shifts are reported as (parts per million) relative to the quintetsignal of DMSO at 2.50 ppm or to the singlet signal of 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d4

acid sodium salt in D2O at 0.00 ppm. The 13C chemical shifts are reported as (parts permillion) relative to the DMSO septet at 39.43 ppm or to the singlet signal of 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d4 acid sodium salt in D2O at 0.00 ppm. The followingabbreviations have been used to describe splitting patterns: br=broad, s=singlet, d=doublet,t=triplet, q=quartet, qi=quintet, m=multiplet. Coupling constants J are given in Hz. 1H HR/MAS NMR NOE spectra of the hydrogels in D2O were recorded on a Bruker ARX 400MHz instrument with a 4 mm triple resonance HR/MAS probehead. The samples weremeasured at room temperature at spinning frequencies of 2.5 or 4.0 kHz.

IR spectra were recorded with a Jasco FT/IR-4100 spectrometer. UV/Vis spectra wererecorded with a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 2 UV/Vis spectrometer. Mass spectra were recordedon a Finnigan MAT95 spectrometer. High-resolution mass spectra were recorded by usingESI method with a Bruker Daltonics Apex II FT-ICR mass analyzer. Optical rotations weremeasured with sodium light on a Jasco P‐1020 polarimeter. Elemental analysis was carriedout on an Elementar Vario MICRO Cube analyzer. Melting points were determined with aBüchi B‐540 melting point analyzer.


Page 18: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

1.2 UV/Vis experiments

Kinetic experiments

For experiments comprising DKPs with cysteine, the buffer was degassed before DKPaddition by sparging argon through. DKPs were dissolved in the corresponding buffer (0.25M) by heating in a 4 ml screw cap vial, the solution was allowed to reach room temperatureand the pH of the mixture was checked and adjusted if necessary. The mixture was heatedagain, dipped in a water bath at 50°C for a few seconds to avoid burst of the vial andimmediately cooled in an ice bath for 20 minutes. The hydrogel was subsequently allowed toreach room temperature for additional 20 minutes. The corresponding buffer (950 µl) wascarefully added on top of the hydrogel followed by substrate solution (50 µl in DMF) andgently mixed by agitation. For higher substrate concentrations (more than 60 mM in thebuffer-DMF solution), applied for the substrate concentration dependent initial ratemeasurements, the substrate was directly dissolved in buffer/DMF (950:50 µl) mixtures andplaced on top of hydrogel. The reaction mixture was gently agitated every 10-15 secondsduring the measurements and samples were diluted with the corresponding buffer. Theproduct formation was measured at 406 nm and extinction coefficients for the calculation ofthe product concentration were determined experimentally (Table S1). All experiments wererepeated at least three times and the average value was used for further calculations. In allexperiments background hydrolysis of ANBS was measured in the corresponding buffers atthe same pH with identical substrate concentration and subtracted from the measuredvalues.

Table S 1: Experimentally determined pH dependent extinction coefficients of ANBS in 0.25 M HEPES buffer(measured at = 406 nm).

pH valueMolar Extinction Coefficient

[m2/mol]6.25 335.556.50 358.116.75 378.107.00 400.467.25 410.007.38 413.72


Page 19: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

7.50 416.787.75 420.068.00 424.138.25 426.798.50 427.49


Page 20: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

1.3 Synthesis

1.3.1 General procedures for the Synthesis of DKPs 1-4:

Boc‐His(Boc)‐OH was synthesized following the procedure by Castro and co‐workers.[1]

DKP 1 and the S-4-methoxybenzyl (PMB) protected precursors of DKP 2-4 were preparedaccording to our previously reported procedure.[2]

The PMB-protected DKPs (2.50 mmol) were dissolved in 25 ml of a TFA/H2O/phenol (90:5:5)mixture and refluxed for one hour. The reaction mixture concentrated to a fourth part andcooled to 4°C and an excess of diethylether was added. The precipitate collected by filtration,washed three times with diethylether and dried under reduced pressure. The crude productwas dissolved in a dithiothreitol (DTT) solution (100 ml, 10 mM in THF/H2O (8:2)) and 1.5 mlof saturated sodium bicarbonate solution were added. The solution was stirred for 30minutes and subsequently THF was removed under reduced pressure. The resultingsuspension was cooled in an ice bath and the precipitate was collected by filtration andwashed with water.

1.3.2 Cyclo[L-His-L-Phe] (DKP 1)

DKP 1 was synthesized according to the general procedure usingBoc‐Phe‐OH (23.70 g, 89.33 mmol, 2.0 eq.) and Boc‐His(Boc)‐OH(47.62 g, 134.00 mmol, 3.0 eq.). The crude product solution in THF-water (8:1) was concentrated under reduced pressure until all volatilecomponents were removed. The aqueous suspension was cooled in

an ice bath under strong stirring and an excess of diethylether was added. The solid wascollected by filtration and washed with water and diethylether. The crude product wasrecrystallized from water, subsequently recrystallized from methanol and dried under reducedpressure. DKP 1 was received as a white solid (6.48 g, 22.79 mmol, 51%).1H NMR (400 MHz, D2O) δ 8.52 (s, 1H), 7.46-7.33 (m, 3H), 7.19 (d, J=6.9 Hz, 2H), 6.95 (s,1H), 4.54-4.44 (m, 1H), 4.26-4.12 (m, 1H), 3.17 (dd, J=14.0, 3.2 Hz, 1H), 2.98 (dd, J=14.0,4.4 Hz, 1H), 2.53 (dd, J=15.3, 4.4 Hz, 1H), 1.89 (dd, J=15.3, 7.6 Hz, 1H). 13C NMR (101MHz, D2O) δ 172.0, 170.7, 137.7, 136.7, 133.5 (2x), 131.9 (2x), 130.7, 130.1, 120.7, 58.6,56.2, 41.2, 31.2. MS (FAB) calculated for C15H17N4O2 [M+H]+: m/z 285.1, found: 285.2.[2]

1.3.3 Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Phe]

Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Phe] was synthesized according to the generalprocedure using Boc‐Phe‐OH (17.46 g, 65.83 mmol, 2.0 eq.) andBoc‐Cys(PMB)‐OH (33.72 g, 98.75 mmol, 3.0 eq.). The crude productsolution in THF-water (8:1) was concentrated under reduced pressureat 50°C, until the THF was removed completely, and stirred strongly

at 4 °C. The product was collected by filtration, washed with water and dried under reducedpressure. Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Phe] was received as a white solid (5.82 g, 15.72 mmol,48%).1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.28-8.17 (m, 1H), 8.07-7.95 (m, 1H), 7.28-7.14 (m, 7H),6.85 (d, J=8.6 Hz, 2H), 4.23-4.14 (m, 1H), 3.87-3.80 (m, 1H), 3.72 (s, 3H), 3.51 (s, 2H), 3.14(dd, J=13.5, 4.7 Hz, 1H), 2.94 (dd, J=13.5, 4.9 Hz, 1H), 2.31 (dd, J=13.7, 3.9 Hz, 1H), 1.50(dd, J=13.7, 7.4 Hz, 1H). 13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 166.2, 165.9, 158.1, 136.3, 130.2(2x), 130.1, 130.0 (2x), 128.1 (2x), 126.7, 113.7, 55.4, 55.0, 53.6, 39.5, 35.2, 34.7. MS (FAB)calculated for C20H23N2O3S [M+H]+: m/z 371.1, found 371.2.[2]

1.3.4 Cyclo[L-Cys-L-Phe] (DKP 2)


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Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Phe] (1.00 g, 2.70 mmol) was deprotectedaccording to the general procedure. DKP 2 was received as a white solid(0.58 g, 2.30 mmol, 85%).1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.22 (s, 1H), 8.04 (s, 1H), 7.30-7.14 (m,5H), 4.24-4.17 (m, 1H), 3.93-3.86 (m, 1H), 3.15 (dd, J=13.6, 4.3 Hz, 1H),

2.92 (dd, J=13.6, 4.9 Hz, 1H), 2.36-2.29 (m, 1H), 2.02-1.92 (m, 1H), 1.74 (t, J=8.5 Hz, 1H).13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 166.5, 165.5, 136.3, 130.3 (2x), 128.1 (2x), 126.6, 55.9,55.2, 38.2, 27.4. MS (FAB) calculated for C12H14N2O2SNa [M+H]+: m/z 251.1, found: 251.1.[2]

1.3.5 Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Val]

Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Val] was synthesized according to the generalprocedure using Boc‐Cys(PMB)‐OH (16.55 g, 48.48 mmol, 2.0 eq.) andBoc‐Val‐OH (15.80 g, 72.72 mmol, 3.0 eq.). The crude product solution inTHF-water (8:1) was concentrated under reduced pressure at 50°C, untilthe THF was removed completely and stirred strongly at 4 °C. The product

was collected by filtration, washed with water and dried under reduced pressure. Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Val] was received as a white solid (3.36 g, 10.43 mmol, 43%).1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.18-8.11 (m, 1H), 8.11-8.06 (m, 1H), 7.27-7.20 (m, 2H),6.90-6.81 (m, 2H), 4.19-4.13 (m, 1H), 3.76-3.65 (m, 6H), 2.84 (dd, J=13.8, 4.9 Hz, 1H), 2.75(dd, J=13.8, 4.1 Hz, 1H), 2.26-2.15 (m, 1H), 0.98 (d, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 0.89 (d, J=6.8 Hz, 3H).13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 166.8, 166.5, 158.2, 130.3, 130.0 (2x), 113.8 (2x), 59.4,55.0, 54.2, 35.5, 34.4, 31.2, 18.6, 17.3. HRMS (ESI) calculated for C16H22N2O3SNa [M+Na]+:m/z 345.12433, found: 345.12463. FT‐IR (cm‐1): 3188.7, 3090.4, 3055.7, 2969.8, 1655.6,1608.8, 1582.8, 1510.5, 1444.9, 1303.2, 1241.5, 1175.9, 1107.9, 1031.7, 831.7, 787.8,676.9. α 22

D = -20.8 (c=0.67, DMSO). Mp: 219 -222 °C (decomp.).

1.3.6 Cyclo[L-Cys-L-Val] (DKP 3)

Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Val] (1.00 g, 3.10 mmol) was deprotected according tothe general procedure. DKP 3 was received as a white solid (0.43 g, 2.13mmol, 69%).1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.07 (s, 1H), 8.03 (s, 1H), 4.20-4.15 (m, 1H),3.78-3.74 (m, 1H), 2.96-2.86 (m, 1H), 2.80-2.72 (m, 1H), 2.28-2.19 (m, 1H),

2.18-2.11 (m, 1H), 0.97 (d, J=7.2 Hz, 3H), 0.87 (d, J=6.8 Hz, 3H). 13C NMR (101 MHz,DMSO-d6) δ 167.3, 166.4, 59.2, 55.3, 30.7, 26.7, 18.5, 17.2. HRMS (ESI) calculated forC8H14N2O2SNa [M+Na]+: m/z 225.06682, found: 225.06702. FT‐IR (cm‐1): 3182.9, 3049.9,2956.8, 2872.5, 2564.4, 1656.6, 1446.8, 1340.3, 1241.5, 1196.6, 1175.9, 1160.9, 1122.9,1106.9, 973.4, 837.0, 800.3, 758.9, 737.2, 651.8. α 22

D = -89.9 (c=1.0, DMSO). Mp: 251-253°C (decomp.).

1.3.7 Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Leu]

Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Leu] was synthesized according to the generalprocedure using Boc‐Leu‐OH*H2O (12.47 g, 50.00 mmol, 2 eq.) and Boc‐Cys(PMB)‐OH (25.61 g, 75.00 mmol, 3 eq.). The crude product solution inTHF-water (8:1) was concentrated under reduced pressure at 50°C untilthe product did start to precipitate. Subsequently, an excess of n-hexanewas added and the suspension was strongly stirred at 4°C until it became

homogeneous. The product was collected by filtration and dried under reduced pressure.Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-L-Leu] was received as a white solid (2.27 g, 6.76 mmol, 27%).


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1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.39-8.30 (m, 1H), 8.14-8.06 (m, 1H), 7.27-7.18 (m, 2H),6.91-6.82 (m, 2H), 4.17-4.09 (m, 1H), 3.83-3.76 (m, 1H), 3.75-3.68 (m, 5H), 2.86 (dd, J=13.9,4.6 Hz, 1H), 2.71 (dd, J=14.0, 4.1 Hz, 1H), 1.94-1.83 (m, 1H), 1.72-1.58 (m, 2H), 0.90-0.84(m, 6H). 13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 167.9, 166.1, 158.2, 130.1, 130.0 (2x), 113.8 (2x),55.0, 54.6, 52.6, 44.1, 35.5, 34.6, 23.4, 23.1, 21.8. HRMS (ESI) calculated forC17H24N2O3SNa [M+Na]+: m/z 359.13998, found: 359.14022. FT‐IR (cm‐1): 3183.4, 3046.0,2956.3, 2895.1, 1662.8, 1610.3, 1511.0, 1458.9, 1328.7, 1300.3, 1243.9, 1175.4, 1097.3,1033.2, 827.3, 762.7, 690.4. α 22

D = -26.9 (c=1.0, DMSO). Mp: 177-180°C (decomp.).[3]

1.3.8 Cyclo[L-Cys-L-Leu] (DKP 4)

Cyclo[L-Cys(PMB)-l-Leu] (0.90 g, 2.67 mmol) was deprotected according tothe general procedure. DKP 4 was received as a white solid (0.41 g, 1.89mmol, 71%).1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.25 (s, 1H), 8.02 (s, 1H), 4.20-4.11 (m, 1H),3.86-3.76 (m, 1H), 2.95-2.86 (m, 1H), 2.78-2.69 (m, 1H), 2.24-2.16 (m, 1H),

1.94-1.81 (m, 1H), 1.72-1.63 (m, 1H), 1.61-1.52 (m, 1H), 0.91-0.82 (m, 6H). 13C NMR (101MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 168.4, 166.0, 55.5, 52.4, 43.0, 26.9, 23.4, 23.0, 21.9. HRMS (ESI)calculated for C9H16N2O2SNa [M+Na]+: m/z 239.08247, found: 239.08257. FT‐IR (cm‐1):3480.4, 3430.7, 3185.4, 3045.5, 2956.3, 2873.4, 1662.3, 1459.9, 1386.1, 1364.9, 1324.9,1117.6, 1094.9, 971.5, 846.6, 810.9, 681.7. α 22

D = -66.4 (c=1.0, DMSO). Mp: 221-224°C(decomp.).[3]

1.3.9 Sodium 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate

5.95 g of 2-Nitrophenol (42.77 mmol, 1.0 eq.) were dissolved in 50 ml drycarbon disulfide under argon atmosphere, the flask was sealed with septumand an injection needle was applied to provide hydrogen chloride removalduring the reaction. The solution was cooled in an ice bath for 10 minutes

and 2.84 ml of chlorosulfonic acid (42.77 mmol, 1.0 eq) were added dropwise. The reactionmixture was stirred for another 10 minutes at 4°C, allowed to reach room temperature andstirred for another 20 minutes. The resulting precipitate was collected by filtration andwashed three times with hexane. The received 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid wasevaporated to dryness, suspended in 10 ml of water and cooled in an ice bath. Thesuspension was treated carefully with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution under stirringuntil pH = 4-5 was reached. The crude product was collected by filtration and washed withacetone (x3) which was collected separately from the aqueous filtrate and disposed. Theaqueous filtrate was concentrated and the former process was repeated. The resultingsodium 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate was dried under vacuum, dissolved in boilingacetic acid and filtered while hot. The product was recrystallized from acetic acid/benzene,washed with benzene and dried under vacuum to yield 8.35 g (34.63 mmol, 80%) of a yellowsolid.1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 11.15 (s, 1H), 8.02 (d, J=2.1 Hz, 1H), 7.72 (dd, J=8.6, 2.1Hz, 1H), 7.09 (d, J=8.6 Hz, 1H). 13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 152.3, 139.8, 135.3,132.5, 122.2, 118.6. Anal. calcd. for C6H4NNaO6S: C 29.88, H 1.67, N 5.81, S 13.29 %;found: C 29.48, H 1.59, N 5.86, S 13.18. HRMS (ESI) calculated for [M]-: m/z 217.97648,found: 217.97636.[4]

1.3.10 Sodium 4-acetoxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (ANBS)

3.00 g of sodium 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (12.44 mmol) weresuspended in 75 ml of acetic anhydride and refluxed for 15 hours. The


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reaction mixture was cooled in an ice bath and the precipitate was collected by filtration. Thecrude product was first recrystallized from methanol and washed with ethanol, then fromacetic acid/benzene and washed with benzene to yield 2.97 g (10.49 mmol, 84%) of sodium4-acetoxy-3-nitrobenzenesulfonate (ANBS) as a white solid.1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 8.22 (d, J=2.0 Hz, 1H), 7.98 (dd, J=8.4, 2.1 Hz, 1H), 7.44 (d,J=8.3 Hz, 1H), 2.34 (s, 3H). 13C NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 168.47, 147.19, 143.08,140.61, 132.27, 125.26, 122.46, 20.55. Anal. calcd. for C8H6NNaO7S: C 33.93, H 2.14, N4.95, S 11.32; found: C 33.89, H 2.03, N 5.10, S 11.39. HRMS (ESI) calculated for [M]-: m/z259.98705, found: 259.98723.[5]


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2 Nanofiber Diameter Determination with SEM Images

Figure S 1: SEM image of xerogel 1; nanofiber diameter measurement represented.

Figure S 2: SEM image of xerogel 2; nanofiber diameter measurement represented.

Figure S 3: SEM image of xerogel [1+2]; nanofiber diameter measurement represented.


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Figure S 4: SEM image of xerogel [1+3]; nanofiber diameter measurement represented.

Figure S 5: SEM image of xerogel [1+4]; nanofiber diameter measurement represented.


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3 Enzyme Kinetics Model

Table S 2: Initial rates of ANBS hydrolysis depending on the substrate concentration catalyzed by co-assembledhydrogels in 0,25 M HEPES buffer. Hydrogel [1+2] (1 : 1,5 (n/n); pH = 7.50; c (hydrogel) = 92 mM); c (totalvolume) = 18.4 mM. Hydrogel [1+3] (1 : 1 (n/n); pH = 7.25; c (hydrogel) = 92 mM); c (total volume) = 18.4 mM.Hydrogel [1+4] (1 : 1 (n/n); pH = 7.38; c (hydrogel) = 80 mM); c (total volume) = 16.0 mM.

c(ANBS) [mM]Hydrogel [1+2]

v0 [mM/min]Hydrogel [1+3]

v0 [mM/min]Hydrogel [1+4]

v0 [mM/min]10 0,436 - 0,8320 0,559 1,10 1,0440 0,665 1,33 1,2060 0,712 1,48 1,2590 0,727 1,53 1,30

100 0,739 1,58 1,31120 - 1,60 -

Figure S 6: Initial rates of ANBS hydrolysis plotted against the substrate concentration (top) and thecorresponding Lineweaver-Burk plots (bottom). (A+D) Hydrogel [1+2] (1 : 1,5 (n/n); pH = 7.50; c (hydrogel) = 92mM); c (total volume) = 18.4 mM. (B+E) Hydrogel [1+3] (1 : 1 (n/n); pH = 7.25; c (hydrogel) = 92 mM); c (totalvolume) = 18.4 mM. (C+F) Hydrogel [1+4] (1 : 1 (n/n); pH = 7.38; c (hydrogel) = 80 mM); c (total volume) = 16.0mM.


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4 Computational Studies

4.1 General Details

Structure calculations were performed by employing Orca 4.1 software. [6] The structures were m withHartree-Fock/minimal basis set composite HF-3C.[7] Harmonic vibrational frequency calculations wereperformed at the same level of theory to characterize the nature of the stationary points along thereaction coordinates. For all optimized structures, no imaginary frequencies were found. The density-fitting RI-J approach for the Coulomb integrals was applied for the geometry optimization andfrequencies calculations.[8]

4.2 Coordinates

4.2.1 [1+2]

C 1.64660503369833 0.71829933000705 -1.90593427631273

N 1.51085892125377 1.12244835856581 -0.51646986848090

C 0.49120335538741 0.65671641644035 0.29850071672167

C -0.76141256304809 0.08532458316751 -0.43849829500061

N -0.80426038401843 0.42266615110435 -1.84278883062057

C 0.26156562499085 0.81207849065733 -2.60898212354175

O 0.14506600487860 1.19681601682318 -3.75635481500535

O 0.52826847469930 0.71759068264233 1.50684583579751

C 2.24686600003256 -0.72674248574964 -2.01018698364000

C 2.22998722331780 -1.31462212691193 -3.41390569566369

C 3.38520267562308 -1.34044922642227 -4.18179804028309


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C 3.37792773783534 -1.91167888874418 -5.44785824146546

C 2.20828512800229 -2.45806994752320 -5.95636128191051

C 1.04723897661953 -2.43256199642000 -5.19245912368440

C 1.06053683727092 -1.86422875081248 -3.92846295495896

C -0.90084367074323 -1.45358017602799 -0.16946421449641

C -2.15025340913867 -1.98746354175916 -0.83009240704359

C -2.32107306535719 -2.82956289610631 -1.88261674016280

N -3.67974727908135 -2.96195132200242 -2.16439094859990

C -4.31049892969649 -2.21923348684530 -1.30261535880759

N -3.41994905392255 -1.59781548466811 -0.45201522524692

H 2.30666563370193 1.41471520736752 -2.42259604715242

H 2.32392078098049 1.48850030553561 -0.04274696864257

H -1.61218089536888 0.56368510113811 0.05093224475531

H -1.70280454156177 0.33434037917251 -2.32678265432067

H 1.68768745165817 -1.37097449298647 -1.34485920496635

H 3.26568704304435 -0.68515745623729 -1.64249078773981

H 4.29677595417095 -0.91991274192387 -3.78656452927043

H 4.28349486926205 -1.92831780616441 -6.03614554454839

H 2.19879150475456 -2.89968833977376 -6.94193679400725

H 0.13015606795288 -2.85278690229709 -5.58074394302694

H 0.15567587453081 -1.85133268149010 -3.33990205242821

H -0.04920309311397 -1.98946170471788 -0.56997971860710

H -0.92178771529744 -1.61098363789290 0.90731965992073

H -1.56520619796956 -3.33723892163097 -2.45766405124006

H -5.38238510919346 -2.07805474508916 -1.22711445569619

C -2.67875437973291 1.77582514653845 -6.46517560247304

N -2.40598680660589 1.17868691828695 -5.17044007620811

C -3.26056064146341 0.34706036425195 -4.50025764194374

C -4.52172734487733 -0.10163601505665 -5.29509073497136

N -5.03302230717474 1.02446937882951 -6.05292413424848

C -4.20487679324940 1.85658522537133 -6.79185904925004

O -4.62422693869664 2.62285144277786 -7.62900308922521

O -3.09260143726117 -0.01700759538637 -3.35135571193316

C -1.90475414213058 1.09280358676869 -7.64465894928756

H -2.34496209935111 2.81536636414360 -6.43785974182801

H -1.49964198066446 1.36154728471496 -4.73299948559716

H -6.01764663810652 1.05890546976589 -6.27178483747476

C -4.24497281422948 -1.33202499635258 -6.22937654142929

S -3.08318153417440 -2.58872163696337 -5.56254336830732

H -3.81192126324700 -0.97027108082032 -7.15762793563683

H -5.20242315441674 -1.78287845980319 -6.47958978616223

H -3.68784819668220 -2.77706531063072 -4.33442453198125S15

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H -5.25640032714105 -0.39498945197652 -4.54549520913612

H -2.33744036566487 1.43817099133037 -8.57772831480508

H -2.01707827804209 0.01814493201129 -7.58134657538323

H -3.64540674106952 -0.96425357554104 0.30382580222999

C -0.43200309346510 1.46890849224963 -7.58071898193529

C 0.01852431427203 2.61845883884382 -8.21996142343962

C 0.46071114814154 0.70375681513235 -6.84703578095652

C 1.34888774748983 2.99579470371671 -8.13088266276857

C 1.79409808697255 1.08147235376961 -6.74963596201109

C 2.24108373953952 2.22655212446780 -7.39218532556238

H -0.67681817775375 3.21652078736218 -8.78871115948479

H 0.11894334044251 -0.18588447740971 -6.34045669340166

H 1.69086991896143 3.88789850237495 -8.63389327583496

H 2.47351646451629 0.47755937523624 -6.16727520694033

H 3.27689241370978 2.52089544857156 -7.31872570123643


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4.2.2 [1+3]

C 1.51808168679845 0.50609125942352 -1.39576731152621

N 1.27898821320987 0.50893154661653 0.03598748747933

C 0.19557256100104 -0.10049023445895 0.64581783549675

C -0.97191708971099 -0.48272904122959 -0.31322188831350

N -0.95096725106844 0.28240603202795 -1.53743299296353

C 0.18436897403405 0.69057988751241 -2.18184952632196

O 0.17533348219148 1.20087327818711 -3.28685578619174

O 0.13572219785788 -0.30615637476712 1.83702144929831

C 2.28751359728117 -0.77769244827668 -1.85345512562246

C 2.46357849733890 -0.87164628487239 -3.36280981075565

C 3.12191780839248 0.13258666061324 -4.06417796153411

C 3.30018945181920 0.03019810804905 -5.43466777349874

C 2.82485067220024 -1.08291721991230 -6.11907507509162

C 2.16653621713943 -2.08631935776667 -5.42435597828764

C 1.98514382471633 -1.97631475650606 -4.05160401046036

C -0.97850735798576 -2.03278190092548 -0.57124764800826

C -2.03142593142656 -2.37313001962193 -1.59797148892286

C -1.94435995220407 -2.50138891338098 -2.94896764312529

N -3.21307394666411 -2.71587375836415 -3.47991228473689

C -4.04344105011451 -2.71620625061655 -2.47753600252334

N -3.36984223259846 -2.51057458594599 -1.29223795973998

H 2.12812868164652 1.37247393543175 -1.65142260534031

H 2.04461420597247 0.76228202227112 0.64291286650292

H -1.89129854816945 -0.23945003054444 0.22123069335938

H -1.84430911271107 0.38789088770125 -2.03249995505374

H 1.76623846923743 -1.65423455211575 -1.49650343065263

H 3.25974101054383 -0.76197740434301 -1.36778328698693

H 3.49572588351675 0.99744386133513 -3.53897180875097

H 3.81029732984543 0.81708978090183 -5.97086910475793

H 2.96284530809469 -1.16234429367950 -7.18720200802656

H 1.78931354964160 -2.95193446026367 -5.94896440501196

H 1.47347872939257 -2.75921161938749 -3.51424132596844

H -0.01418019428908 -2.35032258806873 -0.94738319272127

H -1.15599898660833 -2.54465070565767 0.37122469977012

H -1.06397780138249 -2.44400510478601 -3.56711475163641

H -5.11763440950286 -2.85498547345242 -2.52528579465346

C -2.20966306362052 1.66073507701354 -6.14092698111233

N -2.29171053775885 1.36218548323930 -4.72294794497013

C -3.41005876295533 1.00467747475856 -4.03589600250354

C -4.78871150279694 1.25857881560107 -4.71094832653188


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N -4.68985733653564 1.94097076440993 -5.97966268530409

C -3.54540819310990 2.21925744159463 -6.70646139458826

O -3.59212237125628 2.85088479885196 -7.73927283818731

O -3.38748963257435 0.56350250777811 -2.89614654289976

C -1.75716129195863 0.43163579164860 -7.00472426844734

H -1.46378832205219 2.44508515960845 -6.27395991878365

H -1.39825011064139 1.27677520652569 -4.23155095880085

H -5.54924674681106 2.27067877154249 -6.39226965393414

C -5.61406015455317 -0.06745652934129 -4.78017612992917

S -5.00467965499002 -1.28806368042201 -6.00954315036964

H -6.63759155704826 0.18835919368132 -5.04470640037539

H -5.62837798165340 -0.50285930471746 -3.78372180945850

H -4.13893671721996 -1.95221500927912 -5.15562849576705

H -5.31730473931509 1.90379399344188 -4.00053021083875

H -2.61549571232459 -0.21144689884182 -7.15556881370443

H -3.77444580112171 -2.45337030892007 -0.36598119726549

C -0.66084018988513 -0.37315608624677 -6.26833952900768

H -1.05121612449416 -0.82198503436724 -5.36395073974449

H -0.29577827457560 -1.16377479973191 -6.91205495358927

H 0.17522184638222 0.26380882102616 -6.00276994693171

C -1.24183542374906 0.92306255212584 -8.37794586066276

H -0.34561462208194 1.51742130314967 -8.24676997712270

H -1.00207149497481 0.07494689564952 -9.00808065027702

H -1.98976401375987 1.53181571909356 -8.87482771361471

4.2.3 [1+4]

C 1.47850710030332 0.50201924909328 -1.53622521535497

N 1.23924653047458 0.65579066667923 -0.11240904452897

C 0.15967770544121 0.10711218153402 0.55955360965050

C -1.02108332259017 -0.34230496337237 -0.35205414025225

N -0.99144440301670 0.30087227867214 -1.64316204087760

C 0.14511921571087 0.60794422240282 -2.33894821788326

O 0.13336853299350 0.97499088220466 -3.49954096534541

O 0.11166693932376 0.00616980838943 1.76471945858018

C 2.23704754053863 -0.82876518937435 -1.85497911983508

C 2.54564022295821 -0.99478241688103 -3.33524783497589

C 3.45362600631817 -0.14825228068369 -3.96094622685852

C 3.76093341969903 -0.31650791910291 -5.30172228341751

C 3.16118902928677 -1.33703481363769 -6.03061137864201

C 2.24885353839546 -2.17931083132692 -5.41237908197909

C 1.94251374985078 -2.00514246250405 -4.06930509986620

C -1.06466734629375 -1.90962907964498 -0.46283964638807S18

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C -2.14042628097165 -2.32148944703151 -1.43999551554543

C -2.09547251539826 -2.49878214743011 -2.78795138177836

N -3.37306421982840 -2.77582498236602 -3.26563014563870

C -4.16860064094444 -2.76453322975583 -2.23548515114698

N -3.46245914436103 -2.49069801945172 -1.08305270612425

H 2.09808951565713 1.33013871600503 -1.88148627606805

H 2.01159256378052 0.95598637735665 0.46399236838662

H -1.93215356347306 -0.02951212640313 0.16019050901942

H -1.88660474838412 0.37065178440942 -2.14185856026298

H 1.65342265823816 -1.66944841218875 -1.50832602818283

H 3.16190646061345 -0.81714384238701 -1.28555246244494

H 3.92606301308199 0.64010113683923 -3.39598519182061

H 4.46890008072462 0.34486042129266 -5.77959739709833

H 3.40272467306569 -1.47063701375341 -7.07452204644644

H 1.77516883204692 -2.97155425080132 -5.97341904258332

H 1.23759124076948 -2.66575335784509 -3.58943335389859

H -0.11120332636699 -2.28209048494368 -0.81620709355945

H -1.24130542358017 -2.32713214172316 0.52495677242369

H -1.24136253118350 -2.43202233379424 -3.44082119631249

H -5.23809074611081 -2.94183133971965 -2.23921668377559

C -2.41709993303089 1.56237368431517 -6.29417871381452

N -2.41134033056882 1.17913091383462 -4.89237008630293

C -3.49506805506614 0.90631310537132 -4.11678093150394

C -4.91214775288887 1.15063389054633 -4.70853692953523

N -4.89750052109886 1.82220364465318 -5.98578910839818

C -3.81249597328456 2.00038445654240 -6.82290836899372

O -3.92827419190739 2.48949940442842 -7.92475500488377

O -3.41596612601344 0.50830819195693 -2.96386152811655

C -1.88565331982364 0.44261630305657 -7.23555452810267

H -1.77343727545277 2.43555035355742 -6.41385543436104

H -1.49223881147953 1.06163933990125 -4.45813967994234

H -5.78805693843355 2.09670063026023 -6.37254057561486

C -0.43734010885813 -0.00533598549686 -6.92496580247341

C -5.70370792957513 -0.19786280993492 -4.73480462900809

S -5.04078681453522 -1.42707397775902 -5.92929202091185

H -6.73458369472504 0.02062002512167 -5.00385682719349

H -5.70166085568093 -0.60971737219978 -3.72832677788577

H -4.23741410031718 -2.09694863728581 -5.01987039248546

H -5.41280336141007 1.78929804084652 -3.97361780393816

C -0.03216469619443 -1.08806654889696 -7.95649316885740

H -0.40436046975220 -0.44138285689019 -5.93312573837931

C 0.55726962930490 1.17949885275122 -6.96942325035702S19

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H -1.93409046825465 0.82727430634316 -8.24824399446056

H -0.70592749363537 -1.93522825459316 -7.90493837729301

H 0.97580750187682 -1.43285916194549 -7.76776848076259

H -0.07328601242384 -0.67914853935013 -8.95892100825461

H 0.48125412128622 1.70051181178572 -7.91625855379707

H 1.56990306278718 0.81301497534995 -6.85418930068344

H 0.36567355528972 1.87988937602027 -6.16608408020875

H -2.54890035225954 -0.41157569939251 -7.17312522220129

H -3.83613164064384 -2.41410010165347 -0.14526887044718


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5 NMR Spectra


Page 36: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

5.1 1

H and 1


C NMR spectra of ANBS and DKPs 1-4


Page 37: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Figure S 7: 1H NMR spectrum of DKP 1*TFA with 3-(Trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d4 acid sodium salt in D2O.

Figure S 8: 13C NMR spectrum of DKP 1*TFA with 3-(Trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d4 acid sodium salt in D2O.


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Figure S 9: 1H NMR spectrum of DKP 2 DMSO-d7.

Figure S 10: 13C NMR spectrum of DKP 2 DMSO-d7.


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Figure S 11: 1H NMR spectrum of DKP 3 DMSO-d7.

Figure S 12: 13C NMR spectrum of DKP 3 DMSO-d7.


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Figure S 13: 1H NMR spectrum of DKP 4 DMSO-d7.

Figure S 14: 13C NMR spectrum of DKP 4 DMSO-d7.


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Figure S 15: 1H NMR spectrum of ANBS DMSO-d7.

Figure S 16: 13C NMR spectrum of ANBS DMSO-d7.


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5.2 1

H HR-MAS NOE spectra of co-assembled hydrogels

For 1H HR-MAS NOESY experiments 75 µl of the warm DKP solution in D2O weretransferred to a spinner and cooled in an ice bath for 20 minutes. The hydrogel in the spinnerwas allowed to reach room temperature for 20 minutes and subsequently measured at roomtemperature.


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Figure S 17: 1H HR-MAS NOE spectrum of a hydrogel [1+2] (1:1) in D2O. Total DKP concentration: 56 mM (1.50wt%); Spinning frequency: 2.5 kHz; Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 2 protons.

Figure S 18: 1H HR-MAS NOE spectrum of hydrogel [1+3] (1:1) in D2O. Total DKP concentration: 80 mM (1.94 wt%); Spinning frequency: 2.5 kHz; Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 3 protons.


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Figure S 19: 1H HR-MAS NOE spectrum of hydrogel [1+4] (1:1) in D2O. Total DKP concentration: 80 mM (2.00 wt%); Spinning frequency: 4.0 kHz; Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 4 protons.


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5.3 1

H NOE spectra of blended DKP solutions

As reference for 1H HR-MAS NOESY experiments, less concentrated DKP solutions in DMF-d7/D2O (1:1) were measured correspondingly.


Page 46: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Figure S 20: 1H NOE spectrum of a DKP 1/2 (1:1) solution in DMF-d7/D2O (1:1). Total DKP concentration: 18 mM;Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 2 protons. Circles indicate DMF protons.

Figure S 21: 1H NOE spectrum of a DKP 1/3 (1:1) solution in DMF-d7/D2O (1:1). Total DKP concentration: 18 mM;Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 3 protons.


Page 47: A Minimalistic Hydrolase Based on Co-Assembled Cyclic

Figure S 22: 1H NOE spectrum of a DKP 1/4 (1:1) solution in DMF-d7/D2O (1:1). Total DKP concentration: 18 mM;Diamonds indicate DKP 1 protons; Triangles indicate DKP 4 protons.


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