1 The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz Holy Name Parish Birmingham, MI A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ

A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

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Page 1: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

A Journey Into the Mind and Heart

of Christ

The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021

Msgr. John Zenz Holy Name Parish Birmingham, MI

A Journey Into theMind and Heart

of Christ

Page 2: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

My friends, In every time and place, a necessary challenge for every human being is learning to overcome the tendency to retreat into our own safe cocoon. This temptation is all the stronger in the midst of the current health pandemic. COVID19 and its tentacles has a strong grip on every aspect of our lives and, even with vaccinations, there is no relief in sight. This Lent to Easter 2021 we are desperate for individual and communal healing. We yearn for physical well-being and greater peacefulness in our human interaction. In some ways it often seems the only thing we have in common is fear! No one seems to agree on the way out of our common anxiety: how do we find healing? Is there a recipe or path for finding peace of body and spirit? The Christian faith teaches us we were made for happiness; we are programmed for the giving and receiving of love. Created in the image and likeness of God we are capable of partnering with Him and each other in recreating/healing our world.

We begin to experience healing as we “lose” our ego and enter into the mind and heart of Jesus Christ. Our Lenten prayers and penances are intended to help us think and act more like the Lord, to love without agenda. Healing happens as we trust that the love that brought us into being is still with us and for us, trying gently (with our “permission”) to recreate and renew each of us and all things.

Page 3: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

Lent is a journey and a process of transformation: by naming and facing our fears and then letting go of them, we can follow the path of our Jewish ancestors in the faith who left behind 400 years of slavery in Egypt and experienced a “re-boot” in their 40 years of total dependence on the Lord in the desert. Jesus spent 40 days to define and sharpen His vision for His own mission of healing. We do the same during our Lenten journey—especially this year! These daily reflections offer meditations on one of the lines from the Scriptures assigned as Mass readings each of the days of Lent. I also offer a suggestion for prayer or a charitable action as a means of insuring your meditation leaves a deeper effect in your life and ripples outward to others.

Your brother in the Lord, Pastor, Holy Name Birmingham, MI

Page 4: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Repent and believe in the Gospel.” (Mark 1:15)

CChhaannggee IIss IInn tthhee AAiirr This year, these time-honored words will not be addressed to each of us individually but only as a group. We will not be marked on the forehead with ashes in the usual manner; due to COVID19, ashes will simply be sprin-kled on our heads. Change never comes easi-ly. We get comfortable with certain routines. The ritual will be very differ-ent this year. But perhaps that is a “homily” of itself: change is necessary. As Cardinal Newman once wrote, “To live is to change; to be perfect is to have changed often.” Lent is all about change or a call to conversion, a new way of thinking and acting, letting go of un-healthy patterns of living and being open to explore new possibilities. In the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus’ initial preaching was the very words proclaimed with the imposition of ashes: repent (change) and believe “good news”! To hear the good news, I have to change, What in me needs changing?? Take time to write down things you think need

changing in your life at this time. Prioritize them. Keep your list available to glance at

throughout these 40 days.

AAsshh WWeeddnneessddaayy Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Change Is In the Air

Take time to write down things you think need changing in your life at this time. Prioritize them. Keep your list available to glance at

throughout these 40 days.

Page 5: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Whoever delights in the law of the Lord… is like a tree planted near running waters…”

(Psalm 1)

WWhhoo oorr WWhhaatt BBrriinnggss MMee DDeelliigghhtt?? Lent is supposed to be a joyful season! Yes, you read that correctly; Lent is not “doom and gloom,” self-denial and discipline. It’s a time to celebrate and experience new depths of insight and peace that are born out of quiet meditation and prayer.

During Lent - at least in theory - we are sup-posed to re-discover and re-connect with our “core,” our heart and soul. We set aside our “false self” (the “self ” that wants to be popular

and charming) so as to appreciate the beautiful mystery of the unique person the Lord made us to be. We seek to bring joy to the Lord by the way we develop our gifts and talents.

Consider this question throughout the day: who/what brings you true and lasting joy? How does this person or situation tap your

spiritual “funny bone”? :) Do I perhaps make God laugh?

TThhuurrssddaayy aafftteerr AAsshh WWeeddnneessddaayy Thursday, February 18, 2021

Who or What Brings Me Delight?

Consider this question throughout the day:who/what brings you true and lasting joy? How does this person or situation tap your

spiritual “funny bone”? :)

Do I perhaps make God laugh?

Page 6: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“This is the fasting that I wish...sharing your bread with the hungry...”

(Isaiah 58:5,7)

SShhaarriinngg OOuurr BBrreeaadd The Lord does not want anyone to starve! He made us all with an appetite for food and for companionship. (In fact did you know that “companion” actually means “one who shares bread”?) We need to eat to live and we also need meaningful social connections to grow and thrive. So often, out of necessity and urgency (or because of COVID isolation) we eat alone. How sad! God wants us to “break bread together” - on our knees at Mass but also at our earthly tables. Fasting from food is not natural or easy. Nor should we ever forget the many who long for some-one with whom to break bread! Maybe this day of fasting could be best fulfilled by finding someone who is alone. Be a “companion” as Jesus was!

If you cannot find someone with whom to break bread, at least consciously pray for such

people by name - especially as you eat.

FFrriiddaayy aafftteerr AAsshh WWeeddnneessddaayy Friday, February 19, 2021

Sharing Our Bread

If you cannot find someone with whom to break bread, at least consciously pray for such

people by name - especially as you eat.

Page 7: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Leaving everything behind, he got up and followed Him.” (Luke 5:28)

DDrrooppppiinngg EEvveerryytthhiinngg…… OOnn tthhee SSppoott!! Today’s Gospel is the call of Levi/Matthew, the tax collector. As Luke tells the story, Levi literally drops everything and follows Jesus. He leaves his whole life and livelihood behind in an instant and apparently without hesitation or remorse. Talk about change and conversion! Perhaps the Gospel has “romanticized” the scene or “telescoped” a longer conversation or series of meetings between Jesus and Levi. In any case, Levi was open to letting go and very decisively made a radical turn of 360o! Who of us is not weighed down by the boredom of routine and apparently unfulfilling repetitious patterns of behavior? Imagine Jesus at the doorway of your office or living room: what is He saying to you? Of what might He be suggesting you let go?

Google Caravaggio’s painting of the “Call of Matthew.” Study the painting with its

pattern of light/darkness and the finger of Jesus pointing toward Matthew and

Matthew surprised, pointing his own finger toward his heart: me? Really?

SSaattuurrddaayy aafftteerr AAsshh WWeeddnneessddaayy Saturday, February 20, 2021

Dropping Everything… On the Spot!

Google Caravaggio’s painting of the “Call of Matthew.” Study the painting with its

pattern of light/darkness and the finger of Jesus pointing toward Matthew and

Matthew surprised, pointing his own finger toward his heart: me? Really?

Page 8: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“He was among wild beasts and the angels ministered to Him.” (Mark 1:13)

WWiilldd BBeeaassttss aanndd AAnnggeellss Mark’s Gospel never pulls any punches; he is

direct and straight-forward, even if it might puzzle his readers. As he tells the story of Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, Mark does not imagine specif-ic temptations (as do Matthew and Luke); instead he offers the curious detail about wild beasts and then almost as an after-thought, that angels ministered to Him. Strange juxtaposition is it not?

Actually, the more we face our own beasts/demons, the more ready we are for spiritual change and the consoling discovery of the angels who were there all along waiting to console us. Know the beast and you will find the angel! The humorist James Thurber once wrote a book TThhee BBeeaasstt iinn MMee. His point was that we all have our “dark side” but when we face it in hon-est dialogue with a good friend or therapist we can begin to see the beauty and goodness latent within us - and the same with other people too!

Name your beast. Enjoy your angel!

FFiirrsstt SSuunnddaayy ooff LLeenntt Sunday, February 21, 2021

Wild Beasts and Angels

Name your beast. Enjoy your angel!

Page 9: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Who do you say that I am?’” (Matthew 16:15)

DDiissccoovveerriinngg tthhee DDeepptthh ooff OOuurr OOwwnn WWoorrddss?? This feast seems to interrupt our Lenten journey yet it fits into Lenten spirituality in some strange way. Why and how? St. Peter is a great model of conversion. He was always quick with words that were bold and powerful, full of promise and zeal. Yet time and again he didn’t fulfill his commitments and promises. He doubted and faltered. He denied the Lord three times and ran for cover. In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the disciples to identify His purpose and mission. Peter had the right words: “the Christ, the Son of the Living God” but he didn’t really know what he was saying. It took a lot more suffering and struggle to finally put it all together and then be ready to die for the God-man he loved with all His heart. This feast celebrates Peter’s role of leadership in the early Church and the chair/leadership of the successors of Peter. Peter’s example is a great witness for us: God often calls us to some “leadership” which exceeds what we think we can do. We can learn “on the job”!

Pray for Pope Francis and all leaders in the Church at every level.

FFeeaasstt ooff tthhee CChhooiirr ooff SStt.. PPeetteerr Monday, February 22, 2021

Pray for Pope Francis and all leaders in theChurch at every level.

Discovering the Depth of Our Own Words?

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“This is how you are to pray…” (Matthew 6:9)

GGoodd’’ss LLoovvee LLaanngguuaaggeeAs we relate to each other we all have certain “love languages”: some enjoy gifts; others, words of affirmation and praise. Many desire touch or “quality time” and some appreciate deeds of humble service. We need to recog-nize the love language of our spouse or family and friends; we hope others will “speak” their love for us in a way that we find meaningful. What about God? What’s His “preferred” love language? Jesus tells us today: listen to the words of the Lord’s own prayer. First of all there is ad-dress to God as “Father”: that means we are able to trust Him and ask Him for bread and for-giveness. Secondly that means we are all con-nected as one family. Thirdly, we promise to forgive as we expect and hope for forgiveness. The Our Father tells us a lot about how God sees us and His dream for us. Am I “speaking” God’s language in every aspect of my life? Am I living the Lord’s Prayer? Talk to God about your own “love language” and your needs from Him for signs of love.

TTuueessddaayy,, ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Tuesday, February 23, 2021

God’s Love Language

Talk to God about your own “love language”and your needs from Him for signs of love.

Page 11: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“No sign will be given to this generation except the sign of Jonah.” (Luke 11:29)

TThhee SSiiggnn ooff JJoonnaahh As the famous Trappist contemplative Thomas Merton reflected on his own life experiences and struggle to believe, he found consolation in the above line of the Gospel referring to Jonah. How does that image have meaning for us? Jonah was a reluctant prophet; he did not want to call the Ninevites to conversion but God literally forced him to go there and to his surprise, people repented! Jonah’s journey to Ninvah meant three days and nights in the belly of the whale - a sign of Death-Resurrection. To find Jesus we must do what Jesus (and Jonah) did: die to self, allow God to “use” us as He wishes. Only through the experience of facing our fears of darkness, death and loss of control will we ever know Resurrection and the light of the Lord.

Pray about resistance to the Lord in your life right now; then, hopefully talk about it with a

good friend or spiritual advisor.

WWeeddnneessddaayy,, ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Pray about resistance to the Lord in your liferight now; then, hopefully talk about it with a

good friend or spiritual advisor.

The Sign of Jonah

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“Ask and it will be given to you...” (Matthew 7:7)

IItt NNeevveerr HHuurrttss ttoo AAsskk!! While we know it never hurts to ask, in truth, none of us likes to ask someone else (even God) for help! It hurts to ask! Why? Because it means admitting our limitations—physically, emotionally, intellectually, financially etc. But the humility of asking can purify us and surprise

us. Admittedly, sometimes we fear asking because we don’t want to hear a refusal or rejection. But it is also true that asking can sometimes open doors and maybe it softens the heart of another person and makes them recog-

nize resources they didn’t appreciate. Clearly, Jesus came to be accessible to our needs and demands. He doesn’t mind us asking :) And, if He can’t satisfy our initial or surface request. He’ll probably offer some alternatives. Ask the Lord for the spiritual gifts you or your family need. (And give Him time to answer!)

TThhuurrssddaayy,, ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Thursday, February 25, 2021

Ask the Lord for the spiritual gifts you or yourfamily need. (And give Him time to answer!)

It Never Hurts to Ask!

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“Leave your gift at the altar; go first and be reconciled with your brother.” (Matthew 5:24)

FFiirrsstt TThhiinnggss FFiirrsstt In these famous lines from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to recognize that we are not ready for worship of the Lord until we are at peace with our brothers and sisters. To put it another way we can hardly celebrate rec-onciliation with God if we are not at peace with our own family. The celebration of the Eucharist is the drawing together of all aspects and rela-tionships of our lives and placing them in the hands of the Lord; nothing can be excluded or bracketed. When you really think about it, today’s challenge from Jesus is truly amazing: God is willing to wait for us to settle and resolve our relational struggles! When we come before Him in prayer He wants our undivided attention, a heart that is pure and without any bitterness or anger. Our worship and our life are to be one harmonious whole. Honestly assess all your relationships and then

- if possible and realistic - take the risk of reaching out to someone with whom you’ve

had “bad blood.”

FFrriiddaayy,, ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Friday, February 26, 2021

Honestly assess all your relationships and then- if possible and realistic - take the risk of

reaching out to someone with whom you’ve had“bad blood.”

First Things First

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“Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

TThhee PPeerrffeeccttiioonn ooff LLoovvee,, NNoott tthhee lloovvee ooff PPeerrffeeccttiioonn 

Many of us suffer from some form of “perfectionism”: we don’t want to make mis-takes of any kind. We want to come across as “cool, calm and collected,” quietly in control at all times. Yet we know such perfection is not realistic or even healthy; striving to be perfect often paralyzes us and prevents us from re-sponding to a person or situation with compas-sion and openness. We can easily withdraw into our own little cocoon. The Biblical sense of “perfection” has to do with fullness or completion: something is “complete” when it has accomplished its’ pur-pose. God’s idea or dream of “perfection” would mean every person having the oppor-tunity to reach his/her true potential. No one of us is complete/perfect unless all of us attain our desired goal. The greatest perfection is being like God—perfect in love.

Think about someone in your family or circle of friends who seems not able

to reach his/her full potential. Pray for that person and if possible

look for a way to affirm or encourage that person.

SSaattuurrddaayy,, ffiirrsstt wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Perfection of Love,

Not the Love of Perfection

Think about someone in your family or circle of friends who seems not able

to reach his/her full potential. Pray for that person and if possible

look for a way to affirm or encourage that person.

Page 15: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“They kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the

dead meant.” (Mark 9:10)

CCaarrrryyiinngg aa MMyysstteerryyEach of the three synoptic Gospels tells the story of the transfiguration in a slightly different man-ner. In keeping with his general sense of the dis-ciples not understanding Jesus’ full message, in the way Mark tells the transfiguration, it is one more mystery they must carry in their hearts, a mystery that will make sense only after the Lord’s Death and Resurrection. Each of us carries many mysteries within our hearts, things we do not feel we should share (family or pro-fessional confidence) or per-haps feelings or insights, fears or dreams we do not even know to articulate. It’s never easy to carry myster-ies in silence but it is an as-pect of love. Often we carry the pain of unspoken hurt or de-sire. We also are privileged to hold the mysterious presence of God’s loving spirit within us.

Meditate on this line from Holy God We Praise Thy Name: “And adoring, bend the knee, while we hold the mystery…”

SSeeccoonndd SSuunnddaayy ooff LLeenntt Sunday, February 28, 2021

Carrying a Mystery

Meditate on this line from Holy God We Praise Thy Name: “And adoring, bend the knee, while we hold the mystery…”

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“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36)

MMeerrccyy MMee!! Remember last Saturday’s meditation on St. Matthew’s line “Be prefect as your heavenly Father is perfect”? Well today’s Gospel is St. Luke’s version of the same sentence: notice that Luke’s concern is mercy, not perfection. He sees the “essence” of God as being His mercy and compassion. As Pope Francis has often said, “Mercy is another name for God.” Sometimes the person who most needs God’s mercy is myself! It’s hard to ask for mercy and recognize our genuine sinfulness and failure but as we articulate our faults, then we discover a special dimension of God - His compassion for us in our weak-nesses. As we become more sensitive to that surprising gift, we can indeed be merciful to others as God is with us. But the necessary first step is my own admission of sin and a plea for “mercy.” Spend some time recognizing aspects of your

life that need God’s healing mercy.

MMoonnddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Monday, March 1, 2021

Mercy Me!

Spend some time recognizing aspects of yourlife that need God’s healing mercy.

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“All their works are performed to be seen.” (Matthew 23:5)

LLooookkiinngg GGoooodd?? The Pharisees tried very hard to be righteous according to the Law - of itself a very good and noble desire. But in today’s Gospel Jesus suggests that their motivation was not totally pure: they were looking for applause and recognition instead of doing good deeds for others without wanting or needing any reward. In religious behavior it’s all too easy for anyone of us to become arrogant and proud, comparing our “work ethic,” sacrifices or prayer commitments with the life-styles of others. We are not here for a spiritual beauty contest! We are here to support each other and also to be humble enough to accept the generous goodness of others directed our way. Jesus implies that no one of us should ever boast about our virtues because any spiritual “accomplishment” is ultimately a gift of God, To Him alone is due all glory and honor!

Examine your motives for doing things: how “pure” are they?

TTuueessddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Looking Good?

Examine your motives for doing things: how “pure” are they?

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FFeeaasstt ooff SStt.. KKaatthheerriinnee DDrreexxeell “Can you drink the chalice that I am going

to drink?” (Matthew 20:22)

AA SShhaarreedd CCuupp The chalice (or cup) to which Jesus refers is the privilege they will have to share in His sufferings. The mother of Zebedee’s sons (James and John) has just inquired about prominent places for her sons in the Kingdom to come.

Jesus answers by turning to the two disciples and directly asking them if they can drink of His cup or share His destiny. They quickly respond, “We can.” Every Christian at some point or another actually drinks the cup of suffering with the Lord: For many of us it means physical suffering; for others, challenges in our faith life or

in relationships. The point to remember is that “the cup” is shared; it is a sign of the Lord’s desire for intimacy with us. As we share His cup, we are also suffering with and for all other members of His Body, the Church.

Pray and imagine Jesus holding a chalice asking if you are willing to share it with Him.

WWeeddnneessddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeennttWednesday, March 3, 2021

A Shared Cup

Pray and imagine Jesus holding a chaliceasking if you are willing to share it with Him.

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TThhuurrssddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Thursday, March 4, 2021

“Lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus covered with sores…” (Luke 16:20)

TThhee UUnnnnaammeedd RRiicchh MMaannThe rich man has no name; that’s very unusual; we all know the names of rich people! Luke was perhaps suggesting each of us should put our-selves in the shoes of the rich man: am I indiffer-ent to the hunger and suffering of others around me? Is there perhaps a Lazarus at my doorstep whom I know by name but also simply ignore? The name “Lazarus” means “God is my helper” but how can God help him without a human in-strument of mediation? This parable can be read and applied on many lev-els. For instance during his 1979 pastoral visit to the U.S., Pope St. John Paul II spoke on this para-ble and said most of the world is at our doorstep waiting for a response of justice and charity.

Think about times you were a Lazarus and waited with hope for someone

to stop and connect with you. Consider also the Lazaruses you may have walked by without any gesture

of care of concern.

The Unnamed Rich Man

Think about times you were a Lazarus and waited with hope for someone

to stop and connect with you. Consider also the Lazaruses you may have walked by without any gesture

of care of concern.

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“They sold Joseph for 20 pieces of silver.” (Genesis 37:28)

GGoodd GGeettss tthhee LLaasstt WWoorrdd Joseph, the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons, was one of his dad’s favorites. And all the others knew it and so were jealous of him. Their deed of selling their brother into slav-ery (and lying to their father about his “disappearance”) was evil. Yet, God “wrote straight with their crooked lines.” God providentially brought good out of evil: Joseph eventually rose to a role of great power in Egypt and saved that country from famine. His brothers eventually came - in desperation - looking for food and Joseph was in a position to save them. How often God mysteriously brings good out of evil! A month from now - on Good Friday - we will be meditating on the way Jesus’ rejection and tragic death actually was the means of the salvation of us all. God’s love absorbs, heals and transforms even the worst evils possible!

Contemplate the Cross and Christ’s acceptance of human rejection.

FFrriiddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Friday, March 5, 2021

God Gets the Last Word

Contemplate the Cross and Christ’s acceptance of human rejection.

Page 21: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“But now we must celebrate and rejoice because your brother was dead and has come to life

again; he was lost and has been found.” (Luke 15:32)

AAmm II tthhee EEllddeerr BBrrootthheerr?? Which of the two sons was truly the “lost” child? In some ways, the runaway son was indeed “lost,” that is incapable of appreciating the father’s love and his own dignity. But in another sense the older son was equally “lost” even though he never left home; he was “lost” in his anger toward his brother and his father. He had no understanding of the father’s deep love and pride about him as a dedicated, faith-ful son. He thought his only worth had to do with his “work ethic.” He had no sense of joy nor a spirit of freedom; all was simply drudgery and duty. Most likely each of us have some “older brother” syndrome in us and we need to be challenged to let go of our pride and let God love us simply be-cause we are His children!

Pray for the grace to let go of pride and arrogance.

Pray also for the grace never to compare yourself with others.


SSaattuurrddaayy,, sseeccoonndd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Saturday, March 6, 2021

Am I the Elder Brother?

Pray for the grace to let go of pride and arrogance.

Pray also for the grace never to compare yourself with others.

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“His disciples recalled the words of Scripture: ‘Zeal for your house consumes me.’ ” (John 2:17)

RReettuurrnniinngg ttoo YYoouurr ““FFiirrsstt LLoovvee”” Remember the first time you felt deeply connect-ed to a person other than a family member, someone you could trust and was totally open with you, yet all very innocent and without any kind of sexual desire or control? Just pure child-like trust. Over the years time and circumstanc-es inevitably change every relationship but we never forget that taste of innocent love. That’s what Jesus came to restore for the Jewish people and their religion. That’s why John plac-es the cleansing of the temple at the outset of Jesus’ public ministry; it is programmatic of all his ministry and foreshadows what will come. The Temple was intended to be a setting for wor-ship of the Lord and for experiencing His loving mercy but over the centuries it actually became more of a barrier to a humble intimacy of faithful Jews with their loving creator. Doesn’t that happen today as well? Not just in churches but also in our hearts? How many lay-ers of unnecessary attractions and distractions are actually preventing me from re-discovering my “first love” with the Lord.

Pray for purity of heart that you might see God everywhere.

TThhiirrdd SSuunnddaayy ooff LLeenntt Sunday, March 7, 2021

Returning to Your “First Love”

Pray for purity of heart that you might see God everywhere.

Page 23: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“No prophet gains acceptance in his native place.” (Luke 4:24)

SSoo CClloossee YYoouu CCaann’’tt SSeeee Jesus experienced rejection in His own hometown synagogue of Nazareth. He was al-ready too well-known there; people could not think of Him as someone special. This sad reali-ty repeats itself time and again - hence Jesus’ proverb quoted above. We are always more dis-posed to listen to the out-of-town expert than someone in our own family. The application of this Gospel is much deeper than being more open to the Lord’s presence in our family! Spiritual writers throughout the cen-turies remind us that it is precisely when we are closest to God we cannot “see” Him. The nearness of His presence is so all-encompassing that we actually think He has abandoned us! Quite a paradox: the Lord is nearest when we are in darkness! It is as if God is at the “eye” of the hurricane of our lives and we more concerned about the wind and the waves.

Pray for the grace to trust in God’s nearness precisely in the darkness.

Spend some time with someone in darkness this day.


MMoonnddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Monday, March 8, 2021

So Close You Can’t See

Pray for the grace to trust in God’s nearness precisely in the darkness.

Spend some time with someone in darkness this day.

Page 24: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“Should you not have dealt mercifully with your fellow servant as I dealt with you?”

(Matthew 18:33)

FFoorrggiivveenneessss:: AA GGiifftt ttoo bbee PPaasssseedd OOnn The servant forgiven a great amount of debt did not have the gratitude, humility or even common sense to turn around and forgive his fellow serv-ant a much smaller debt! How could someone be

so foolish and short-sighted? How could he have so quickly forgot-ten the goodness of the master? Why did he not learn from the example of the generous master? There does not seem to be any reasona-ble answer to these questions except to say he did not understand how greatly he had been blessed.

If only we ourselves were more conscious of the countless times and ways God has forgiven us! It would be much easier and more natural to pass on forgiveness if we allowed the forgiveness we have received to change our hearts. Think about a “difficult” relationship in your life

wherein both of you need healing. Consider how you might take the first step

to get the blessing of forgiveness flowing through you.

TTuueessddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Forgiveness: A Gift to be Passed On

Think about a “difficult” relationship in your lifewherein both of you need healing.

Consider how you might take the first step to get the blessing of

forgiveness flowing through you.

Page 25: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Do not think I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come not to abolish them,

but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17)

BBeeyyoonndd OObbeeddiieennccee ttoo LLoovvee In these famous words of Jesus we are reminded that there will always be a place for “the Law” - that is, the Ten Commandments as well as laws of the Church and civil society. Laws are neces-sary as a benchmark; they provide direction, def-inition and boundaries. The real “danger” with being a “law-abiding” person is that sometimes we stop at the strict requirements of the Law and fail to consider the relationships the Law is trying to protect. Sometimes as Christians we can content ourselves with the thought “I haven’t broken any laws” but, truth be told, maybe we have not used our gifts, talents and resources as generously as possible. The Law is a startingpoint, To “fulfill” the Law means trying to get to the deeper spirit and intention of the Law. We are invited this day to move beyond obedience to love!

Discuss today’s reflection with your spouse, children or parents and how the message of

going deeper into the Law’s purpose might apply in your lives.


WWeeddnneessddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Beyond Obedience to Love

Discuss today’s reflection with your spouse,children or parents and how the message of

going deeper into the Law’s purpose might apply in your lives.

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“If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” (Psalm 95:7-8)

MMuuttuuaall OOppeennnneessss The most essential quality for any meaningful relationship is openness. If one side (or both sides - God forbid!) is not open to honest shar-ing and genuine listening, nothing will hap-pen. The relationship needs mutual openness as a foundation. As that is true between human beings, it is also true with regard to God and ourselves - individu-ally and collectively. We need to give God quiet time and space to speak and to trust that He also is trying to get through to us via people around us (family, friends and co-workers). Today’s Gospel from Luke 11 speaks about the hard-hearted stubbornness and judgmental attitude of men when they encounter Jesus. They did not understand His power to expel demons so they presumed He must be connect-ed with demonic forces. What a tragedy: they missed knowing Jesus because of their closed minds and hearts! But then again, am I really “open” at all times and to all people?

Think about times and ways you yourself are not “open”!

TThhuurrssddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mutual Openness

Think about times and ways you yourself are not “open”!

Page 27: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31)

LLoovviinngg oorr LLooaatthhiinngg MMyysseellff?? In today’s Gospel, after Jesus answers the scribe about the “greatest” commandment (loving God with our whole being), He adds a second equally critical commandment - loving one’s neighbor as yourself . Perhaps that’s one of the most underappreciated com-mands of the Gospel: we are supposed to love ourselves! So often we feel unworthy of the love directed our way by God or others. Most of us actually fear that we are not all that “loveable.” We know our faults so well that we can’t really love ourselves as we are. But when we start down that path of “self-loathing” then we’ll never real-ly be able to love the God who created us or love our neighbor without reserve. We’ll be “loving” because we want a positive response. We’ll be loving with an “agenda” and not out of the joy of God’s presence freely flowing between, through and among us.

Sit still and let God love you as you are. You’ll be surprised how much energy you’ll

have to love your neighbor!


FFrriiddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Friday, March 12, 2021

Loving or Loathing Myself?

Sit still and let God love you as you are. You’ll be surprised how much energy you’ll

have to love your neighbor!

Page 28: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” (Luke 18:13)

TTrruuee PPrraayyeerr In today’s parable from St. Luke, Jesus draws a sharp contrast between two ways of praying: the Pharisee brags about his “accomplishments” and compares himself as being better than the tax collector. Meanwhile, the tax collector just keeps repeating his need for God’s mercy. In truth, the Pharisee did not really “pray” but the tax collec-tor - despite his occupation - prayed in a manner pleasing to God. Most of us would say our prayer-life isn’t what it could be or what we’d like it to be. We pray in snatches and with distractions. We don’t really have confidence regarding how to pray; we’re always eager to learn some special formula. But this Gospel tells us all we need to do is be hon-est. Admit our sinfulness and confusion, fear and anger. Ask for mercy and guidance. Just sit

and listen. God loves a heart that is pure and without agenda. Re-member: the more spe-cific our prayer re-quest, the less it is true prayer. Genuine pray-er is “open-ended”!

Sit in silence. Enjoy being with the Lord.

SSaattuurrddaayy,, tthhiirrdd wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Saturday, March 13, 2021

True Prayer

Sit in silence. Enjoy being with the Lord.

Page 29: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert so must the Son of Man be lifted up…”

(John 3:14)

VViiccttoorryy TThhrroouugghh LLoovvee During the 40 years the Jews wandered in the desert they faced many challenges but God always provided for them: manna, water from the rock and quail each day. And when the people suffered from the sharp sting of poisonous serpents, God directed Moses to mount a bronze serpent on a pole and raise it high - a sign that the disease could be conquered by facing head-on with courage and trust in God. In much the same way Christ was “lifted up” on the cross and then again in the Resurrection raised up - a sign of victory over sin, suffering and even death. Even now as we endure this current pandemic, we do the same - we lift up Christ’s cross and unite our fears and hopes to His perfect and complete gift of self for the healing and well-being of us all. It is the “lifting up” of perfect love that inspires and sustains our hope for well-being now and for eternity. It is the source of our joy even in the process of being “lifted up” ourselves.

Consider what brings you deep joy even in these uncertain times.

FFoouurrtthh SSuunnddaayy ooff LLeenntt ((LLaaeettaarree)) Sunday, March 14, 2021

Victory Through Love

Consider what brings you deep joy even inthese uncertain times.

Page 30: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

RReejjooiiccee!! TThhee SSeeccoonndd ““HHaallff”” ooff LLeenntt For those who meticulously count the actual 40 days of Lent, we are about two-thirds of the way through our journey; hence this Sunday is called “Laetare” Sunday. There are two Latin verbs for “rejoicing.” “Laetare” (as distinct from “Gaudete,” the third Sunday of Advent) refers to the joy which comes from being “fruitful” - that is, from the service of good works and sacrifices. Our freely chosen penances and prayers bear fruit as they help others find courage and meaning in the midst of this pandemic. The second half of Lent we are invited to enter into the mind and heart of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God as He freely and lovingly accepts suf-fering and death for us and with us, showing us the way to fullness of life. As we enter into Christ’s obedience, patience and humility our dai-ly Gospels will be almost exclusively from John.


Rejoice! The Second “Half” of Lent

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“You changed my mourning into dancing; O Lord, my God, forever will I give you thanks.”

(Psalm 30:16)

JJooyy CCaannnnoott bbee RReepprreesssseedd No matter how dark the suffering, disappoint-ment or loss, hope springs eternal. Nature is always renewing itself; when one form of life ceases, new life arises. Whatever is deformed and collapses will eventually be transformed. Where there is suffering or death, new life and resurrection spring forth.

As we begin this fourth week of Lent, “Laetare” joy continues: Isaiah 65 promises a new heaven and a new earth. In John 4 the mere word of Jesus (even at a considerable distance) is able to bring recovery to the official’s son. The psalmist (above) proclaims that mourning will pass and soon there will be dancing and celebration. We are invited to trust that joy is our ultimate “default position”: we are made for happiness and we desire it. God will give us what we need and desire but we must trust in the process.

Bring joy to a person suffering.

MMoonnddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Monday, March 15, 2021

Joy Cannot be Repressed

Bring joy to a person suffering.

Page 32: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“Do you want to be healed? ” (John 5:6)

WWhhaatt HHeeaalliinngg DDoo II NNeeeedd?? Jesus asked the above question to a man who had been sick for 38 years, waiting for someone to plunge him into the healing whirlpool when the water was stirred. The man didn’t really answer Jesus’ question; he just explained his dilemma. Jesus took the initiative to speak to the man in the first place and now He commands the man to rise, pick up his mat and walk. No need of the whirlpool! Just trust the word of Jesus. He did and his life changed. But, healing brought consequences: since it was a Sabbath, the man should not have been carry-ing his mat and was severely criticized by “the Jews.” Jesus found the man a second time to reassure him and the man “announced” that Jesus had been the mystery miracle-worker. Healing starts with a desire, a recognition, a con-fession that something is not quite right. We are all paralyzed in one way or another and are in need of some personal physical or psychological healing; or perhaps we need healing in relationships.

Talk to Jesus about the healing you want or need at this time.


TTuueessddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What Healing Do I Need?

Talk to Jesus about the healing you want or need at this time.

Page 33: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz

“My Father is at work until now and I am at work as well.” (John 5:17)

CChhrriisstt wwiitthh MMee,, CChhrriisstt BBeeffoorree MMee On this feast of St. Patrick, the title for meditation comes from the opening words of his famous prayer, SStt.. PPaattrriicckk’’ss BBrreeaassttppllaattee, a summary proclamation of his firm conviction that he was always and every-where surrounded by the powerful love of Christ the Lord. St. Patrick’s prayer resonates with Jesus’ word of defense against His accusers who were attacking Him for healing on the Sabbath: God is always at work; if not, the world would cease to exist! Jesus’ “work” of healing on the Sabbath was a manifestation of God’s continuous sustaining action of creation. Creation is never “done”; it is a “work-in-progress.” We partner with God each day in re-newing the wonder of creation as we care for the world of nature around us and especially through our loving concern for every human life.

Enjoy a beer today (or some way of celebrating God’s wonderful

creative energy - with St. Patrick).


WWeeddnneessddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Christ With Me, Christ Before Me

Enjoy a beer today (or some way of celebrating God’s wonderful

creative energy - with St. Patrick).

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“Moses implored the Lord…” (Exodus 32:11)

CChhrriisstt,, tthhee NNeeww MMoosseess WWhhoo IInntteerrcceeddeess ffoorr UUss God was so upset with the Jews’ act of idolatry (making a golden calf to worship) that He want-ed to destroy them all and start all over with Mo-ses alone! But Moses insisted with God that He should forgive the people, His people. Moses’ argument/intercession won the day! In arguing with the Jews of His day, Jesus in-vokes this image of Moses as intercessor, imply-ing that Moses would be supportive of His ac-tions/miracles on the Sabbath.

In Christian spirituality we understand the importance of “intercessory prayer”: it is actually a “chain” of voices throughout the centuries from Moses through Christ Himself to martyrs and confes-sors of the faith and

cloistered monks and nuns to sick and suffering who offer their pain and loneliness as a sacrifice for the rest of the Church.

Consider prayer of intercession: first, who has been interceding for you?

Are you grateful? For whom might you intercede right now?

TThhuurrssddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Thursday, March 18, 2021

Christ, the New Moses Who Intercedes for Us

Consider prayer of intercession: first, who has been interceding for you?

Are you grateful? For whom might you intercede right now?

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FFrriiddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeennttFriday, March 19, 2021

Feast of St. Joseph “Did you not know that I must be in my

Father’s house?” (Luke 2:50)

TThhee SShhaaddooww FFaatthheerr The above response of 12 year old Jesus to Mary and Joseph as they were frustrated beyond imagining at losing Jesus must have confused them all the more and perhaps stung Joseph very deeply. But Joseph accepted his son’s subtle “correction/clarification” for he knew it was true: Joseph was the “foster-father” (or as Pope Francis referred to Him recently, the “shadow fa-ther”) for the true father of Jesus is God Himself. Joseph’s mission was to be the “shadow” (protective presence) of the Heavenly God and Father of us all. And so, Pope Francis reminds us in this year dedicated to St. Joseph that he is the guardian or custodian of the whole family of Jesus, the Church.

We all have our humble place/role to play in the on-going drama of salvation - our own

salvation and that of the whole world. Each of us obediently fulfilling our role is

essential to the well-being of all.

Pray for the grace of being “God’s shadow”!

We all have our humble place/role to play in the on-going drama of salvation - our own

salvation and that of the whole world. Each of us obediently fulfilling our role is

essential to the well-being of all.

Pray for the grace of being “God’s shadow”!

The Shadow Father

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“Since when does our law condemn any man without first hearing him and knowing

the facts?” (John 7:51)

TThhee CCoouurraaggee ttoo SSppeeaakk UUpp The above words were spoken by Nicodemus to his fellow Pharisees. Nicodemus had come to Jesus under cover of darkness in John 3 and now is bold enough to challenge the Pharisees to give Jesus a “fair tri-al.” By the end of the Gospel he will assist in burying Jesus. Nicode-mus is a model of one coming into full disciple-ship. He now has the courage to “break rank” and begin to align himself with Jesus. What about you? Do you speak up and defend faith in God?

Pray for the courage to speak about your faith in Jesus as an abiding presence

and true living person today (not just a moral figure of the past).

SSaattuurrddaayy,, ffoouurrtthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Courage to Speak Up

Pray for the courage to speak about your faith in Jesus as an abiding presence

and true living person today (not just a moral figure of the past).

Page 37: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“My soul is troubled now yet what should I say - ‘Father, save me from this hour’?

But it was for this that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” (John 12:27)

TThhee FFiinneesstt HHoouurr In the Gospel of John, “the hour” is “code” for the full manifestation of Jesus’ identity and mission, His Death-Resurrection. Until this moment in John 12 Jesus kept saying His hour had “not yet come.” But now He knows the time has come for everything to reach fulfillment. In His human

nature Jesus naturally hesi-tates and wonders if He should ask to be spared what’s coming but deep down He knows this process of Death-Resurrection is the only way to fulfill His mis-sion of manifesting God’s total loving commitment for us and our salvation.

We can identify: we have all had “an hour” of testing/crisis in our health, work or relation-ships, perhaps even our faith in God. But it is precisely by going through the experience of “the hour” that we reach the very goal of our existence. Like Christ Himself, we also are here on earth for our “hour.”

Consider what might be your own “finest hour.”

FFiifftthh SSuunnddaayy ooff LLeenntt Sunday, March 21, 2021

Consider what might be your own “finest hour.”

The Finest Hour

Page 38: A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ · 2021. 2. 11. · 1 A Journey Into the Mind and Heart of Christ The Lenten Daily Scriptures February 17 - April 4, 2021 Msgr. John Zenz


“Let the man among you who has no sin be the first to cast a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

LLeeaavviinngg JJuuddggmmeenntt ttoo GGoodd Jesus’ challenging words saved the life of the woman caught in adultery. He forced people to look into their hearts and recall their own sinful patterns of behavior. He turned what could have been a cruel death by gang violence into a time of humble self-examen; He de-fused” the angry mob. But He also challenged the woman to consider how she needed to change. Every-one left the scene with “homework” for the future. As “reader” of this text we too are being chal-lenged to consider our own tendency to “rush to judgment” - about our own moral standing and that of others as well. Jesus’ action of simply writing on the ground seems to imply that God wants to give us all a “clean slate” each day if we will let Him do so. :)

Think and pray about someone you have probably harshly (and unnecessarily) judged.

If you cannot actually ask that person’s forgiveness at least put it all in God’s hands.

MMoonnddaayy,, ffiifftthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Monday, March 22, 2021

Leaving Judgment to God

Think and pray about someone you have probably harshly (and unnecessarily) judged.

If you cannot actually ask that person’s forgiveness at least put it all in God’s hands.

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“When you lift up the Son of Man you will come to realize that I AM.” (John 8:28)

LLiiffttiinngg UUpp “Lifting up” in John’s Gospel is a special expres-sion that refers to Christ being lifted up on the cross in the humiliation of execution but it also means the “lifting up” of exaltation, glory and resurrection. One same action is both an expres-sion of ultimate vulnera-bility and true power and victory. Jesus’ full identity will be made manifest on the cross; even as He dies, He will be releasing divine forgiveness and healing and people will know that He was more than a mere mortal. This same dynamic is true for us as human beings: in our complete self-sacrifice, vulnera-bility and physical/psychological emptiness, the glory of God shines through us most powerfully and dramatically.

Visit (or connect with) someone who is seriously ill or weak.

Try to see God’s glory shining through them.

TTuueessddaayy,, ffiifftthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Lifting Up

Visit (or connect with) someone who is seriously ill or weak.

Try to see God’s glory shining through them.

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“Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abedrego… they disobeyed the royal command and yielded their bodies rather than serve or

worship any God except their own God.” (Daniel 3:95)

SSaavveedd FFrroomm tthhee FFiieerryy FFuurrnnaaccee These three young Jewish men (with “unpronounceable” names) were willing to risk being thrown into the fiery furnace rather than deny their faith heritage. Although they were exiles in Babylon, they continued to trust that their God would save and protect them. And even the evil king Nebuchadnezzar was amazed that they survived the furnace; he also became a be-liever and praised God in the words cited above.

In many beautiful and powerful ways the “exile experience” of 70 years in Babylon was a blessing for the Jews; it purified them. We too can become renewed people precisely by undergoing situa-tions of crisis, loss, failure or diminishment. The pandemic for instance, is hopefully forcing us to change many aspects of our life-style and become more spiritually focused and less materialistic.

Consider how you are being simplified these days.

WWeeddnneessddaayy,, ffiifftthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Saved From the Fiery Furnace

Consider how you are being simplified these days.

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“The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee named Nazareth to virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph of the house of David. The

virgin’s name was Mary…” (Luke 1:20)

MMaannyy AAnnnnuunncciiaattiioonnss The recently deceased cloistered Carmelite Sister Wendy Becket, in one of her commentaries on a famous painting of the Annuncia-tion, noted that according to legend, Mary had received several silent visits from Gabriel before the angel finally spoke: God gently prepared Mary for His surprising request. Perhaps Mary also had other visits from Gabriel afterwards to console and guide her: who knows? Whatever you believe about all these things, un-doubtedly Mary had many moments of insight and inspiration, many surprising gifts she needed to “unpack” gradually. For example we are told she treasured in her heart the visit of the shepherds, what Simeon said to her in the Temple and Jesus’ comments at 12 years old in the Temple. At all times Mary was open to learn and grow, ready to let go and embrace (or better, to be embraced) by a future she could not control.

Consider “annunciations” in your life: God asking you to do or accept something.


TThhee AAnnnnuunncciiaattiioonn Thursday, March 25, 2021

Many Annunciations

Consider “annunciations” in your life: God asking you to do or accept something.

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FFrriiddaayy,, ffiifftthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Friday, March 26, 2021

“In my distress I called upon the Lord… He heard my voice.” (Psalm 18:7)

TThhee NNeevveerr--eennddiinngg DDiiaalloogguuee The above words of Psalm 18, today’s Responso-rial Psalm, capture something of the mystery of Jesus crying out to His Father in the midst of human rejection, physical abuse and humilia-

tion. The Gospels give us the clear impression that Jesus found strength and consolation by silent communion with His Father as well as through the dialogue of the Psalms He prayed with His disciples and fellow Jews.

As we stand on the brink of Holy Week it is good for us to strive to “plug into” Jesus’ dialogue of loving trust with His Father. As the Jews of His day debated with Him about everything He said or did, Jesus kept going deeper and deeper into His loving bond with the Father. Pray with Psalm 2, 3, 22, 69 or 119 and consider

the conversation of Father and Son you experience in those texts.

The Never-ending Dialogue

Pray with Psalm 2, 3, 22, 69 or 119 and considerthe conversation of Father and Son you

experience in those texts.

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“It is better for you to have one man die for the people than to have the whole nation

destroyed.” (John 11:50)

TThhee OOnnee WWhhoo DDiieedd ffoorr tthhee MMaannyy The above words of the High Priest Caiaphas were the prevailing logic of the Jewish leaders: Jesus was stirring up too much trouble and would best be “removed” for the sake of peace and tranquility. Throughout the Scriptures there seems to be a pattern of putting prophets to death because of their message. Jesus Himself spoke about being a “ransom for the many” and shedding His blood “for the many.” Jesus came to take upon Himself all our sinful an-ger and wrath; He was to transform it into a beau-tiful offering to God by the way He embraced sin and evil with pure love.

Each of us sacrifice our time or resources for the sake of the well-being of others:

parents and grandparents clearly do so and many of our professions involve

self-sacrifice for the health of others.

Thank God for the ways He uses you for the salvation of others.


SSaattuurrddaayy,, ffiifftthh wweeeekk ooff LLeenntt Saturday, March 27, 2021

The One Who Died for the Many

Each of us sacrifice our time or resources forthe sake of the well-being of others:

parents and grandparents clearly do so andmany of our professions involve

self-sacrifice for the health of others.

Thank God for the ways He uses you for the salvation of others.

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“During the meal He took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them, ‘take this,’ He said ‘this is my

body.’ He likewise took a cup, gave thanks and passed it to them and they all drank from it. He said to them: ‘This is my blood, the blood of the Covenant to be poured out on behalf of many.’ ”

(Mark 14:22-24)

SSeeaarrcchhiinngg ffoorr MMeerrccyy Mark, the first of the Gospel writers, wrote in the midst of much suffering and turmoil for the early Church in Rome. He was tackling head-on the meaning of all human suffering and specifi-cally how and why Christ had to suffer. His Gos-pel is often called a Passion Narrative with a long prologue.

Mark gives great prominence in his Passion ac-count to the Last Supper for in his words at the meal Jesus interprets the meaning of His mission to suffer and die and how we share in His passion. Just as Jesus fed Gentiles and Jews in the miracles of the loaves and fishes, now at the supper the

PPaallmm SSuunnddaayy ooff tthhee PPaassssiioonn ooff tthhee LLoorrdd Sunday, March 28, 2021

Searching for Mercy

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same three verbs are used: blessing, breaking, distributing. He gives His life “for the many”; He is the bread broken and cup poured out. We disciples eat of this mystery and drink from the one same cup. We share together in Jesus’ sacrificial death and then like the disciples in Jesus’ miracles of loaves and fishes, we distribute or share His sav-ing presence with others. Jesus’ death is the summation of His whole mission: to give Himself to be our nourishment, bread and the cup of our liberation from sin and death. We are invited to do the same. The Eucharistic process of trans-formation “explains” the mystery of the Cross and all suffering. The meaning of life and death is discovered in the process of self-donation. Spend some time with the words and gestures

of Jesus over the bread and the cup. Try to envision hearing and seeing Jesus saying and doing these gestures and then

sharing of the same cup with Him and the others.

Our “liberation” from sin is happening as we

“lose” ourselves for the sake of communion, a sharing of all our lives in Christ.

Suffering is the privileged means of letting this happen.

PPaallmm SSuunnddaayy ((ccoonntt..))

Spend some time with the words and gesturesof Jesus over the bread and the cup.

Try to envision hearing and seeing Jesus saying and doing these gestures and then

sharing of the same cup with Him and the others.

Our “liberation” from sin is happening as we“lose” ourselves for the sake of communion,

a sharing of all our lives in Christ. Suffering is the privileged means of

letting this happen.

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“Why was this perfume not sold? It could have brought 300 silver pieces and the money could

have been given to the poor.” (John 12:5)

EExxttrraavvaaggaannccee?? The above words represent the reaction of Judas to the extremely generous gift of Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus) who anointed the feet of Jesus. Mary knew the secret of love: nothing is too costly when you love someone deeply. But Judas did not understand that “love language”; he was about practical concerns. (Is there not even some irony here that Judas betrayed Jesus for a mere 30 pieces of silver and the perfume was worth 10 times that amount! What is the worth of a life??) While it is true we should not be wasteful and always take care of the “poor” around us, Jesus seems to imply there is a time and place for showing to each other the “largesse” of God’s goodness. If God did not withhold His Son from death, how can we ever be stingy? In the end, the best gift is our time - “quality time” - in pray-er and in listening!

The “poor” can be anyone in need - sick, lonely, home-bound, depressed as

well as “street people.” Spend some time with someone “poor.”


MMoonnddaayy ooff HHoollyy WWeeeekk Monday, March 29, 2021


The “poor” can be anyone in need - sick, lonely, home-bound, depressed as

well as “street people.” Spend some time with someone “poor.”

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“Though I thought I had toiled in vain and for nothing, uselessly, spent my strength, yet my

reward is with the Lord…” (Isaiah 49:4)

TThhee SSeerrvvaanntt’’ss RReewwaarrdd These days of Holy Week the first reading is a passage from the four “suffering servant” canti-cles. These hymns are the voice of an anonymous prophet or messenger of God who experiences rejection by many but brings delight and joy to the Lord who marvels at the love of the servant. The Lord “rewards” the servant in His own mysterious manner. As usual with God, everything is the exact oppo-site of our human standards of “success”: the servant who appears to have failed is actually the one who fulfilled the divine mission. The “hidden” one accomplishes great things in a mys-terious, unexplainable manner. Obviously the early Church saw the presence of Jesus as fulfill-ment of this mysterious figure: the hidden God who suffered rejection and death but thereby changed everything forever! Consider how God might be inviting you to be a

“suffering servant” - doing “hidden” good!

TTuueessddaayy ooff HHoollyy WWeeeekk Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Servant’s Reward

Consider how God might be inviting you to be a“suffering servant” - doing “hidden” good!

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“Surely it is not I, Lord”? (Mark 26:22)

TTrruussttiinngg IInn GGoodd’’ss MMeerrccyy We are told by Matthew that one after another each of the 12 at the Last Supper asked the same (above) rhetorical question in answer to Jesus’ sorrowful declaration that one of them would be-tray him. The very fact they would each feel the need to articulate a response to Jesus (and in front of each other) seems to imply they already felt some guilt and were becoming nervous about

where things were headed for Jesus (and for them-selves). In some way each of them (except the “beloved”) abandoned Jesus and yet they knew they were deeply loved and would eventually receive their healing rec-onciliation with Jesus. And poor Judas? Who knows: did he repent after it was too late to change

what he had set in motion? How could the Lord who died to forgive all sins withhold His mercy for this man who simply could not understand (or accept) love? Instead of self-defense or criticism of others, perhaps we all need to ask for mercy and leave the rest of it in God’s hands.

Pray for those most in need of God’s mercy - and just maybe that’s you?!

WWeeddnneessddaayy ooff HHoollyy WWeeeekk Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Trusting In God’s Mercy

Pray for those most in need of God’s mercy -and just maybe that’s you?!

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TThhee TTrriidduuuumm In the Latin, “three days” (tres dies) could be con-densed into the single work “triduum.” The “third day” after death meant there was no doubt the person had truly died. Resurrection could not happen until the “third day”; otherwise it would have been resuscitation.

The earliest Christians did not yet have “Lent” but they had an intense three day experience of the process by which Christ gave His life and re-ceived it back; through prayer and total fasting they sought to share Christ’s journey through Death and Resurrection.

Beginning with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday through the conclusion of the Easter Vigil we celebrate one liturgy, one Eucha-rist: on Thursday night the Lord explains the meaning of His death (to wash us clean, to nour-ish us); on Good Friday Christ fulfills what He promised and on Saturday evening the Father confirms His joyful total acceptance of the Son’s Death with restoration of His full divinity and the pouring forth of the Holy Spirit in the working of the Sacraments and service of the Church. Three days but one mystery of Christ and the birth of His Risen Body the Church.

The Triduum

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“Do this in remembrance of me.” (I Corinthians 11:24)

AA LLiivviinngg MMeemmoorryy The Lord invited - even more challenged - the 12 (and all of us) to celebrate His presence in the breaking of the bread, sharing of the cup and hav-ing their feet washed by their master. What exact-ly did the Lord mean when He said “Do this…”? Was he referring primarily to continuing these rituals or was He suggesting some-thing more demanding, even all encompassing? Was he not probably say-ing “make your whole life a gift, a living sacrifice of constant availability to/for others”? The giving of the Eucharist and the washing of feet were symbolic gestures that summarized Jesus’ relationship with the 12 and with all sub-sequent disciples. We need to be washed by the Lord (and each other). We need to be fed and then to feed others. Jesus came to model immer-sion and self-gift. He came to manifest the giv-ing and receiving of His life with the Father from all eternity and let us share their eternal “secret”: by giving what we receive and in receiv-ing well, we actually are giving! Tonight spend some time in prayer letting the Lord be tender with you - touching your feet

and feeding you.


HHoollyy TThhuurrssddaayy Thursday, April 1, 2021

A Living Memory

Tonight spend some time in prayer letting theLord be tender with you - touching your feet

and feeding you.

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“It is finished.” (John 19:30)

IItt IIss JJuusstt BBeeggiinnnniinngg Every ending is also a beginning; that’s why grad-uations are called by the French word “commencement.” Christ’s last breath as a human allowed Him at the same moment to breathe forth the Holy Spirit; for St. John, the Church was com-ing to birth at the foot of the cross. The Greek word used here for “finished” can also be translated “accomplished” or “fulfilled”: Jesus’ mis-sion was now complete but not in the sense that there was nothing left to do! On the contrary, the mission of reconciling love was now being passed on to us - as a gift to be accepted and then shared. The “work” of Jesus is now our privileged oppor-tunity until we breathe our own last human breath. In some way each of us is being invited to be a minister of reconciliation, healing, hope - especially in a world with so much suffering and division. We become Christ’s cross brought to life as our arms stretch out to all who are “poor” in any way and as we accept the generosity and goodness of all who reach out toward us with for-giveness and generous compassion.

Spend time looking at the cross and think about your own death and then

the new life of the Spirit shining and working through you.

GGoooodd FFrriiddaayy Friday, April 2, 2021

It Is Just Beginning

Spend time looking at the cross and think about your own death and then

the new life of the Spirit shining and working through you.

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“The women fled from the tomb bewildered and trembling, and because of their great fear,

they said nothing to anyone.” (Mark 16:8)

AAnn EElluussiivvee EEnnddiinngg Mark’s Gospel has a most odd ending; in the Greek original it breaks off mid-sentence with a dangling participle.We are left in suspense: did thewomen finally take the risk of believ-ing the message of the angel at thetomb? Apparently so - after all, theymust have said something to othersabout the empty tomb and the angelor we wouldn’t be reading this storytoday! Mark seems to have left hisconclusion “open-ended” so that wewould not be merely recipients of thegood news but also messengers of thisastonishing truth: Jesus is Risen!

The early disciples were commissioned by the angel at the empty tomb to go to Galilee and that they would see Jesus there. Why Galilee? That’s where it all began, where they first met Jesus and fell in love with Him. They were to go back to the beginning and start all over. And so are we! We continue to make the loop or cycle of faith, hopefully each year coming to a deeper conviction that the Lord is risen and we will share that victory some day. Easter is not so much a “happy ending” or a clear resolution of all questions and struggles; while

HHoollyy SSaattuurrddaayy——EEaasstteerr VViiggiill Saturday, April 3, 2021

An Elusive Ending

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HHoollyy SSaattuurrddaayy -- EEaasstteerr VViiggiill ((ccoonntt..))

the Easter Gospel offers us some consolation it is still elusive and something of an enigma: we have to savor the mystery rather than “solve” it. Faith is not clear-cut, comfortable formulas but a humble, tentative process of living a relationship of love-looking for the Risen Lord everywhere, catching glimpses and clues left behind and mov-ing forward to our own personal “Galilee” where we’ll meet the Risen Lord. For now, it’s a jour-ney of faith with all our brothers and sisters. During these sacred hours try to find a setting

where you can talk with another person (or two or three) about this meditation on

Easter faith as a life-long process of “discovery” and conversion, starting all over

again every single day!

During these sacred hours try to find a settingwhere you can talk with another person

(or two or three) about this meditation on Easter faith as a life-long process of

“discovery” and conversion, starting all overagain every single day!

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EEaasstteerr SSuunnddaayy Sunday, April 4, 2021

“Mary Magdalene told them ‘The Lord has been taken from the tomb! We don’t know where

they have put Him!’ ” (John 20:2)

WWhheerree IIss JJeessuuss?? The discovery of the empty tomb raised as many questions as it provided answers; it was an am-biguous sign. Positively, it could mean Jesus could not be “contained” in the place of death and must therefore be alive in some new way. Nega-tively (as Mary Magdalene implies) maybe the body was stolen. The apparitions of the Risen Lord brought com-fort but yet they were also frustrating: He ap-peared and then just as quickly disappeared. Where was Jesus to be found in a steady, relia-ble, permanent way? That’s what the earliest disciples initially wanted or expected: they first presumed a restoration to their life (something like Lazarus). It took a while for them to begin to grasp (or better “be grasped”) by the mystery: He was in a whole new state of being. He was with His eternal Father in glory and had brought human flesh and blood to heaven! He was also with the community as they gathered in His name. His miracles still happened but now through the disciples: the poor were fed and the sick made well. The Risen Jesus was “real” and “for real” but for that very reason could not be controlled or limited or quantified in any fashion. But He clearly was near at hand! They came to accept that they had to live with humble gratitude for a mystery they could not

Where Is Jesus?

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EEaasstteerr SSuunnddaayy ((ccoonntt..))

control but a mystery that for the very reason was indeed true: He is life itself. He is peace and mercy. He has conquered death. He is all-embracing love. For now, Amen! Alleluia!

Rest in that presence. But never stop searching for Him.

Follow the clues He leaves. And here’s a most reliable clue: He loves “the

poor” and “the little ones.” You will find Him and He will find you - just ask

Thomas the doubting apostle, Peter the humbled leader and the mysterious

beloved disciple.

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Writing these meditations has been an act of love, a “release” of insights hidden in my heart from years of prayer and study, confessions and lectures. They are the fruit of this year of pan-demic and the limitations and uncertainty we have been experiencing for more than a year now. Who knows when we’ll “turn the corner” and experience the freedom of life-style we once took for granted. The journey of Lent to Easter has a beginning and ending on the calendar but in truth, there is no “end” in sight - no “end” to the pandemic but then again no end to God’s loving presence and gifts. Everyday is an experience - in a condensed manner - of death and resurrection, sin and grace, limitation and freedom, anxiety and peace. Thus it was, is and will be. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. And somehow, somewhere we’ll be surprised to real-ize we have unconsciously “passed over” into an eternal Easter! Your brother and friend, Msgr. John P. Zenz

EEppiilloogguuee:: PPaassssiinngg OOvveerr