O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my journey of faith. June / July 2018 Vol. 2, No. 3 Pastor’s Corner .......... 2 Sr. Carol’s Message .... 3 Mutual Ministry......... 4 Contact Us ................. 5 Call Commiee .......... 5 Investment Consolidaon Status ..6 Church Sign Update ... 7 Internal Audit ............ 7 Conference Series ...... 7 Commiee News ....... 8 ELCA / Synod ........... 10 Gordon Jagsaran Obituary .................. 14 Calendar .................. 15

O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my ... · O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my journey of faith. June / July 2018 Vol. 2, No. 3 Pastor’s Corner.....2

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Page 1: O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my ... · O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my journey of faith. June / July 2018 Vol. 2, No. 3 Pastor’s Corner.....2

O Lord, open my heart and mind andlet Christ guide my journey of faith.

June / July 2018Vol. 2, No. 3

Pastor’s Corner ..........2

Sr. Carol’s Message....3

Mutual Ministry.........4

Contact Us .................5

Call Commi�ee ..........5

InvestmentConsolida�on Status ..6

Church Sign Update ...7

Internal Audit ............7

Conference Series ......7

Commi�ee News .......8

ELCA / Synod ........... 10

Gordon JagsaranObituary .................. 14

Calendar .................. 15

Page 2: O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my ... · O Lord, open my heart and mind and let Christ guide my journey of faith. June / July 2018 Vol. 2, No. 3 Pastor’s Corner.....2

2 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

After a long, cold winter, summer is finally arriving. It’s time now to complain about the heat and humidityand be grateful for air conditioning. Here in the US welive a pretty cushy life. If we’re getting too warm in our home we simply flip a switch, turn a dial or punch a button and cool air begins to circulate, making ourhome more comfortable. We avoid being outside in the middle of the day and doour garden chores in the shade of the house in the morning or mow the lawnright about dusk.

We know Jesus and his faithful followers didn’t have such luxuries. Theytracked all over the Holy Land, on foot, in 80-95 degree weather in the summer,and the humidity was just as high, especially near Capernaum where Jesus mayhave had a home base. All around the Sea of Galilee they walked; all along theJordan River south to Jerusalem. After Jesus’ ascension, his disciples continuedhis mission of bringing the love of God into all the land.

Day after day in the sweltering heat they kept going. They had walked withJesus, listened to his stories, witnessed his compassion and eagerness to sharethe good news of God’s grace. And they, like us, were commissioned to continueJesus’ ministry wherever the Holy Spirit led them. Come again to the sanctuarywhere this community of faith worships, prays and is strengthened to carry outJesus’ Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HolySpirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. Andremember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Where has the Holy Spirit led you lately? Have you had a chance to share thegrace of God with anyone today? Your smile or word of encouragement may bethe only one they get all day, all week, oreven longer. Have your actions and attitudesinvited others to love the Lord? You can do iteach and every day because wherever yougo, Jesus goes with you. His promise to bewith you is true for all time. Know God’sgrace in all you think and say and do.

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 3

Greetings “friends of Jesus”! We areentering the season of Pentecost after ajourney through the 50 days of Easter, withexcitement and love, ready to serve in thechurch and in the world. Faith is not static,for sure! I will be back in Connecticut soonwith a new knee and eagerness to get backin ministry with you all!

While I was in Colorado, I became anAssociate Member of WELL OF HOPE, a“Reconciling in Christ” congregation thathas embraced me and others in awelcoming ministry and outreach that isinspiring and uplifting, to say the least. Theirinvitation simply states, “WELL OF HOPE isan inclusive community of faith. We valueyour race, culture, sexual orientation,gender identity and unique life experience.You are welcome here.”

In addition to leading Bible study andpreaching, I also returned to anotherministry that is close to my heart: RejoicingSpirits. This ecumenical worship (presentlya ministry of Mosaic) provides people with

disabilities, their families, friends and othersupportive community membe rs withan opportunity to come together to worshipin a shush-free, open environment. Peoplecan express themselves without beingtold to "be quiet.” The ministry is builtaround a free-flowing worship service set in a free and expressive environment to bemore welcoming to people with intellectualand developmentaldisabilities. Worshippers are also given theopportunity to gather together forcommunity and friendship. Churches thatuse the Rejoicing Spirits model are able toserve and grow with people with disabilities,but also: (listen to this!)

1. Experience a renewed sense of missionand call to service.

2. Tend to view each other, not just peoplewith disabilities, with a morecompassionate eye.

3. Foster a more creative spirit and takemore risks in other areas of ministry.

I don’t know if this is something forCross of Christ to explore, but who knows?The Spirit compels us, does it not? I hope totalk to you with more information when I getback. This could be an outreach ministrythat can serve our community in Waterburyand surrounding communities in creativeand welcoming ways! For starters: ARejoicing Spirits worship service canmeet people's needs by serving as astepping stone for those wanting to take thefirst step into a faith community; or it can offer complementary worship andfellowship opportunities for those whoalready belong to a faith community; and

(Continued on page 9)


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4 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

Pastor and I have officially welcomed 4 parishioners to become our mutual ministry team.

Carl Edquist, Seita D'Costa Glasgow, Al Ladyga and Kay LaRosa will meet for the first time in June.

The term “mutual ministry” recognizes that the Church’s ministry is the mutual concern ofboth the laity and the pastor. It encourages us to move away from a primary focus on theministry of ordained clergy alone and includes all the people of God in the mutual work ofministry. There is one ministry in Christ and all baptized people participate in it according tothe gifts given to them and the specific ministries entrusted to them.

Duties that this committee may perform:

Dialogue about perceptions and concerns within the congregation. Not every perception orconcern is a legitimate one. The mutual ministry committee is not a complaint committee,but it seeks to find ways for pastor(s), other leaders, and congregation to work together for the sake of the Gospel. When a perception or concern is considered illegitimate, the mutualministry committee seeks ways to be thoughtfully corrective. While complaints and concernsmust be addressed, the mutual ministry committee is not the congregation’s advocate for oragainst the pastor (or vice versa). The mutual ministry committee’s focus is always on thecongregation’s ministry, and how it may be carried out effectively for the sake of the Gospeland not for the sake of any individual, pastor or lay person.

Address conflicts among members that may affect the congregation’s ministry, as well as between members of the congregation and the pastor or other rostered leaders. Conflicts should be addressed, not from the assumption that one party is right and the other wrong, butfrom the perspective that conflicts, regardless of who is right or wrong, may interfere with the congregation’s true purpose—the mission of our Lord Jesus. Viewed from such a perspective,conflicts can become useful in that they drive the congregation to reconsider what it means for everyone in the congregation.

The assumption is that the mutual ministry committee is not directly responsible for the ful-fillment of the congregation’s goals, but rather routinely monitors the effectiveness of the congregation’s ministry.

(from Mutual Ministry Handbook)

Please share your thoughts with members of this committee.

In Christ,

Sue Piel, Council President

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 5

Cross of Christ Call Committee Formed

Council has appointed a Call Committee that will eventuallyrecommend a new pastor for our Congregation. The team willreview pastor candidate profiles, interview the candidates, andlisten to their sermons.

The members are Lisa Bernaitis, Bob Blewitt, Blanche Feero,Judy Juraschka, Ric Lawton, and Keith Weston. Pastor Paul Sinnottfrom the Synod provided a 90 minute call process training sessionfor the team on May 17th.

On May 22, our Ministry Site Profile was approved for postingby the synod bishop. The Call Committee will work to develop a setof standard questions for each interview.

Please feel free to contact any of the team members with yourquestions or concerns.

Office Assistant HoursTuesday - 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. to NoonThursday - 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Office Phone Number(203) 604-2200

Office [email protected]

Pastor Kraft’s Office HoursTuesday - Noon to 4:30 p.m.;Wednesday - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Pastor’s Phone NumberChurch - (203) 604-2200Cell - (203) 560-1260

Pastor’s [email protected]

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6 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

Investment Account Use* Originally Status

Building Fund / TD Bank D ZionIn queue; to be done

Youth / Skyline Credit Union D Zion

Campership / Pruden�al D ZionCompleted

Scholarship / Pruden�al D Zion

General / Merrill Lynch G Zion Final paperwork submi�ed; in process

General / Thrivent Brokerage G First Addi�onal paperwork req’d; in process

General / Thrivent Mutual Fund G Zion


Scholarship / Thrivent Mutual Fund D First

Campership / Thrivent Mutual Fund D Zion

Memorials / Thrivent Mutual Fund R Zion

Reihl Fund / Thrivent Mutual Fund R First

Bank Account

TD Bank Cross of Christ Checking B CCLCW Completed

TD Bank First Checking B First Luther’s Lunch; to be done

WebsterBank Checking B Zion Closed / Completed

Trust Account Income

Hellmann Trust T First

Wilmington Trust T Zion

*B - Bank Account; D - Designated Use Account; G - General Use Account; R - Restricted Account;*T - Trust (income only) Account


Investments Consolidation Update / Status

2018 Objective and tasks (as reported at the January 2018 annual meeting)

By the end of the 2018, present understandable, timely, investment management recommenda-tions and reports to strengthen in-reach, outreach, and support ministries.

1. Transfer ownership of all investment accounts to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. In process.2. Create fresh start by forgiving all owed/owes. Done.1. Evaluate/report on funds’ performance. On going / monthly basis.2. Consolidate like-intentioned accounts. Target: begin July 2018.3. Configure accounts for on-line access. Transitioned accounts have on-line access available.4. Monitor and provide legible, understandable reports on a regular (monthly) basis to council and

annually to congregation. Format created and monthly report provided to council.

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 7

2017 Financial AuditCompleted in April

The internal financial audit conductedby Bob Blewitt using the ELCA auditguide concluded that the books and therecords of Cross of Christ LutheranChurch appear to be materially accuratein all respects. Testing also found that,except for one serious finding related toCouncil spending limits, all of thecontrols governing the financialoperations process appear to be in placeand operating as intended. Since thenew Constitution and the By-Laws havenot been approved, there are no definedspending limits set for Council. Inresponse to this finding, the Cross ofChrist Constitution and the By-LawsTask Force is working to update thedraft versions and to request finalapproval.

Submitted by Bob Blewitt

Church Sign Task ForceUpdate!

CT Signcraft from Naugatuck was selected byBob Blewitt as the vendor to replace the twopanels on the RT-69 lighted sign, to update thesmall sign on the island near Largay Travel, andto install a Cross of Christ nameplate on the lawnsign. Sign layouts were approved and a depositof $635 was paid. Weather permitting, the workshould be completed by early June.

The lawn sign was installed by the vendor andElaine Weston and Judy Juraschka updated thelettering. The small sign is being updated andthe RT-69 sign replacement panels are being fab-ricated. The vendor will investigate why the up-per portion of the sign sways and why the signlights are not working. Thanks to Keith Westonfor removing two trees blocking access to thesign. The landscaping around the RT-69 signbase needs replacing --- Joe Berglund will becontacted first for ideas and estimates.

As a memorial to Joyce Blinstrubas, her familywill provide a donation to pay for the RT-69 signupdate cost. The church will pay for the land-scaping costs.

Submitted by Bob Blewitt

Conference Series

Monday June 18 - Greg Nole will come back again torepeat his presentation on his recent trip to the HolyLand in Israel. This informative and exciting programis offered at no charge.

R������� to submityour CROSSROADSnews stories, calendar

items, or pictures for thenext edition ofCROSSROADS

to the officebefore July 23.

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8 CROSSROADS June / July 2018


Donation of bilingual Spanish-English books to "Read to Grow" for young children in our com-munity. Thank you to our members for contributing approximately $162 through the Lenten De-votional Donation program. We have applied for a special program through Scholastic Bookswhich gives us the opportunity to purchase 40-80 books to donate to "Read to Grow."

GWIM D��������

Seita and Sharon are our COCL delegates. Chairperson, Rev. Strachan, has retired. At the April12, 2018 meeting delegates present voted to continue working together to support GWIM. Rev.Dennis McGuire will chair the next meeting, June 14 at 6:30 p.m. at First Congregational Churchin Waterbury.

S����� A�������

The Earth Day 2018 program was well attended and reviews were positive. Visit the bulletinboard in the Hjelm Room to read additional information about environmental issues, social issues,etc. Share what you find and we will make a collage for Earth Day 2019. Help us to be relevantfor you. What topics are of interest to you? Environment? Social Justice? Environmental Justice?Current Affairs (local, regional, state-wide, national, international)?

C��� C��� M�������

For the first quarter of 2018 (Jan-March), 74 cards were sent out. Our Card Ministry is growing.Please help us by donating five stamps on June 3 or June 10. Put your donated stamps in thedecorated box in the Narthex.

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 9

In May, NewBeginningspurchased seven $30gift cards for SafeHaven for summerclothes.

New Beginnings alsoworks with SafeHaven to provideschool uniforms.

"Love your neighbor as yourself…."Mark 12:31

finally, it can provide an inclusive faith community that may fully meet their current needs anddesires.

That’s it for now! Please know I have been keeping you all in my daily prayers and lookforward to seeing you this summer! Let me close with a brief message from my sermon texton the Sixth Sunday of Easter: (John 15:9-17)

“You were chosen, through the waters of your Baptism, to go and bear the fruit of love inaction. When we love God and obey God’s commandments, it becomes the way in which wecan love the other children of God. (1 John) My prayer for you all is that we strive together toabide in the heart of Jesus, experience God’s pleasure, and then joyfully go to serve and loveour neighbors, wherever we meet them, because we are friends of Jesus!”


SISTER CAROL (Continued from page 3)

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10 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

T���� Y�� to everyone for ourcollective efforts: In 2017, the NewEngland Synod congregations andindividuals raised $483,201 for theELCA World Hunger Appeal. Thismakes us the 9th highest giving synod,which is quite significant consideringthat Lutherans are fewer in number here.

Mennonite Disaster Service is looking for individuals interested inhelping with disaster recovery in Puerto Rico over the next fewmonths for one week increments. Details may be foundat www.mds.mennonite.net.

Headlines from The Lutheran World Federation

The Lutheran World Federation defines itself as "...a global communion of 145 churches in theLutheran tradition, representing over 74 million Christians in 98 countries...."

Promoting good leadership in the Lutheran churches of the AmericasEmpowering the churches for mission was the focus of the recent leadership conference of theLWF member churches in the North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean regions.

Opening doors to Lutheran theological educationIn many parts of the world, Lutheran theological education is inaccessible. The Twelfth Assemblyin Windhoek, Namibia, issued a resolution calling for the LWF to propose a strategy for creating anetwork of member churches, theological institutions, mission agencies and ecumenical partnersaimed at improving access.

Encourage the churches to be churches for othersHuman rights and dignity: "We talk about inclusive churches that make space for people who havebeen marginalized or pushed out of society."

We work with girls and women, people with disabilities, youth and children in vulnerablepositions, and ethnic and language minorities. We want to talk about the sharing of the resourcesof the world, and we also do advocacy for just peace, because the ... theme of hope is peace andreconciliation.

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 11

Save the date! “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday will be Sunday, September 9,2018. This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the EvangelicalLutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love ourneighbor.

Service ac�vi�es offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convic�ons as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, inevery daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.

You work every day to make your community a be�er place. Let us con�nue doing this work together in 2018! Share your ideas on how you would supportCross of Christ’s par�cipa�on. Visit h�p://www.elca.org/doyofservice to viewa video and access addi�onal resources so you can help guide OURcongrega�on’s planning, promo�on and more.

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12 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

In our efforts to beenvironmentally friendly,we’ve placed a recyclingcontainer for deposit bottlesin the dining room. We alsoposted notices in the kitchento remind everyone to bringhome plastic containers andcardboard to dispose of inyour home recycling bins.Please do your part—anddon’t leave it for someoneelse.

Altar Guild - Shiny Silver

Have you noticed? Many thanks to Carolyn Edquist,Nancy Salcito, Delphine Blewitt, and Judy Juraschkawho polished all the silver chalices, bowls, pitchers andflagons in late April. The large flagon donated by KayLaRosa in memory of her husband, Raymond, has beenplaced in the display case in the narthex.

Delphine Blewitt

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 13

Gardening God’s Way

Plant three rows of peas:Peace of mindPeace of heartPeace of soul

Plant four rows of squash:Squash gossipSquash indifferenceSquash grumblingSquash selfishness

Plant four rows of lettuce:Lettuce be faithfulLettuce be kindLettuce be obedientLettuce really love one another

No garden without turnips:Turnip for meetingsTurnip for serviceTurnip to help one another

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love.There is much fruit in your gardenBecause you reap what you sow.

To conclude our garden we must have thyme:Thyme for GodThyme for studyThyme for prayer

-- courtesy of Daryl and Joyce Coffey

From kubik.org/lighter/garden.htm

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14 CROSSROADS June / July 2018

G����� J�������, 35, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday,April 7, 2018, at his home. He was the beloved husband of Seema(Rajcoomar) Jagsaran.

Gordon was born on July 15, 1982, in Newark, N.J., a son of Amarand Uma (Gumtie) Jagsaran. He was a graduate of Crosby HighSchool. Prior to his passing, he was employed as the GeneralManager at Town Fair Tire in Southington where he worked formore than 18 years. His hobbies included music, electronics,computers, cooking, traveling, working on cars and enjoying life.His greatest joy, however, was being with his family and friends,especially his children.

Besides his wife and parents, both of Waterbury, he leaves his children, Dominic B. andSophia O. Jagsaran, both of Waterbury; his sister Subrina Alvarez and her husband, Uriel,of Bristol and their children, Tristan and Grayson; his mother-in-law Parbatie Rajcoomar;his brothers-in-law Krishna, Christopher and Francis Rajcoomar; a large extended familyand many friends; and his bunny “Fofo”.

The funeral was Tuesday, April 10 at Chase Parkway Memorial/Albini Family FuneralHome, 430 Chase Parkway, Waterbury. Burial followed in All Saints Cemetery inWaterbury.

Memorial contributions may be made to Jagsaran Children’s Education Fund, c/o TD Bank,1254 W. Main St., Waterbury, CT 06708.

Tag Sale– Great Job Everyone!

O�� B�� T�� S��� Saturday, May 19th was a big success in manyways: It brought many of our members together for work, fun, and asense of accomplishment. We opened our doors to a large number ofcustomers in a spirit of welcome and friendliness. We sold hundredsof items, priced very low, and raised just over $500.00. Because ofthe pouring rain that day, we had many shoppers seeking an indoorvenue!

Many Thanks to all of you who donated items; we had a great vari-ety to sell. And special thanks to all who generously gave their time before and during the eventto make it happen: Elaine W., Judy J., Lisa B., Linda N., Delphine & Bob B., Gene & Nancy S.,Sue P., Joan F., Tish H., Hannelore S. and her friend Pauline. WONDERFUL TEAM EFFORT!

Now moving on to dispose of the leftover items….

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June / July 2018 CROSSROADS 15

Sundays:8:45 a.m. — Choir9:30 a.m. — Worship with Holy Communion 9:30 a.m.Coffee and fellowship following Sunday worship

Sun, June 3 Following Worship - Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Tue, June 12 6:30 p.m. Church Council; Conference Room

Fri-Sat, June 7-9 NE Synod Assembly, Springfield, MA (Pastor Kraft, Rick Bunde, Janine Kifer)

Sat, June 16 9:30 a.m. Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Mon, June 18 6:30 p.m. Conference Series: Greg Nole’s Holy Land trip; Hjelm Room

Sat, June 23 9:30 a.m. Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Sun, July 1 Following Worship - Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Tue, July 3 9:30 a.m. Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Tue, July 10 6:30 p.m. Church Council; Conference Room

Sat, July 21 9:30 a.m. Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room

Sat, July 28 9:30 a.m. Luther’s Lunch - bag lunch preparation; Hjelm Room