A High Eta Forward Muon Trigger & Tracking detector for CMS Archana Sharma for Duccio Abbaneo, Stephane Bally, Hans Postema, Antonio Conde Garcia, Jean Paul Chatelain, Gerard Faber, Leszek Ropelewski, Serge Duarte Pinto, Marco Villa, Gabriel Croci, Matteo Alfonsi, Miranda Van Stenis, Sunil Kumar, Krishna P, Archana Sharma CERN Geneva Switzerland Stefano Bianco, Stefano Colafranceschi, Luigi Benussi, Franco Fabbri, Davide Piccolo, Giovanna Saviano LNF Frascati, Italy Nicola Turini, Eraldo Oliveri, Guido Magazzu Universita' Degli Studi di Siena INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Italy Andrey Marinov, Michael Tytgat, Nicolas Zaganidis Gent University, Gent, Belgium Marcus Hohlmann and Kondo Gnanve Dept. of Physics and Space Sciences Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL 32901 USA Yong Ban, Haiyun Teng, Jingxin Cai Peking University Beijing China [email protected]

A High Eta Forward Muon Trigger & Tracking detector for CMS

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A High Eta Forward Muon Trigger & Tracking detector for CMS. Archana Sharma for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A High Eta Forward Muon Trigger & Tracking detector for CMS12th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD10) 7 - 10 June 2010 Siena, ItalyArchana Sharma for

Duccio Abbaneo, Stephane Bally, Hans Postema, Antonio Conde Garcia, Jean Paul Chatelain, Gerard Faber, Leszek Ropelewski, Serge Duarte Pinto, Marco Villa, Gabriel Croci, Matteo Alfonsi, Miranda Van Stenis, Sunil Kumar, Krishna P, Archana SharmaCERN Geneva SwitzerlandStefano Bianco, Stefano Colafranceschi, Luigi Benussi, Franco Fabbri, Davide Piccolo, Giovanna Saviano LNF Frascati, Italy Nicola Turini, Eraldo Oliveri, Guido MagazzuUniversita' Degli Studi di Siena INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Italy Andrey Marinov, Michael Tytgat, Nicolas ZaganidisGent University, Gent, Belgium Marcus Hohlmann and Kondo Gnanve Dept. of Physics and Space Sciences Florida Institute of TechnologyMelbourne, FL 32901 USAYong Ban, Haiyun Teng, Jingxin CaiPeking University Beijing China

[email protected]

2RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010

RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010


RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010Velocity field


Reducing inlets diameters (1mm) the velocity field is more uniform but slower in the sector 3 and 4Field is asymmetricPROBLEMS..

RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010

RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010 9

CMS Prototype GEM - Stack 10CMS Prototype GEM - Stack

CMS Prototype GEM - Test BoxLarge Drift Electrode Sample under test

Jean-Paul Chatelain11Ongoing Drift Electrode Tests

RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201012All I/V scans

RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 20101314Honeycomb GEM studies

without the honeycomb between drift and first gem14


countsAnalysis of GEM spectrum X displacementMoving the GEM (under x rays) along x,y direction with 0,25mm steps

CMS single mask GEM1Marco Villa

17Single GEM Electrodes18TOPBOTTOM

Top LeftBottom - RightGEM 1GEM 2GEM 3Siena June 201018and cross section pictures (1)19TOPBOTTOM

Sample 1Sample 2Siena June 201019and cross section pictures (2)20TOPBOTTOM

Sample 3Sample 4Siena June 201020Preparing the experimental setup21DriftGEM1Anode3.05 mm2.15 mm GEM active area: 10 x 10 cm2 Gas mixture: Ar/CO2 70/30 Gas flow: ~ 5 l/h Water content: ~ 100 ppm H2O Radiation source: Cu Xray tube

Siena June 201021Taking spectra22

Ed = 2 kV/cm

Ei = 3 kV/cm

DV GEM = 480 V

Rate ~ 32 Hz/mm2

Energy resolution @ 8.04 keV ~ 19.6 % FWHM/peakSiena June 201022Measuring the gain curve23 Ed = 2 kV/cm

Ei = 3 kV/cm

Rate ~ 180 kHz/mm2

Spark voltage ~ 530 V

Max gain ~ 1080

Siena June 2010232442cm x 990 cmRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010LGEM PROCESS by single mask methodBase material 50 m polyimide foil coppercladPhotoresist lamination, masking,exposure, developmentChemical etching of copper TopPolyimide etching in 2 stepsElectrochemical etching of copper Bot + over-etchedPolyimide etching to transform hole geometryPhotoresist lamination, masking,exposure, development to define electrodesChemical etching of copper Top and Bot, Cleaning and electrical test12345678-The LGEM are actually in step 5.Serge FERRY-4/06/2010Chambers for June: (SEE Stefanos talk tomorrow)CMS Triple GEM prototype 10 x 10 cmHoneycomb Triple GEMSingle Mask GEMMeasure Efficiency for perpendicular tracksMeasure Efficiency for inclined tracks with trackingOptimization of time resolutionTests with Front End electronics for mipsSpace and time resolution October Gas StudiesMagnetic Field OperationLarge Prototype testCMS High Eta Upgrade StudiesTest Beam Plan 2010 26RD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010The setupTracking: Standard GEMs chambers: T1, T2, T3

Data-taking: GEMs chambers have been tested: Timing chamber Honeycomb chamber Single mask chamber

Gas mixtures used:1. Ar(70%) + CO2(30%)2. Ar(45%) + CO2(15%) + CF4(40%) [LHCb Mixture]

27PRELIMINARYSee Stefanos talk for detailsRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201027Beam Test June 2010 Preliminary Online Results

Summary28Summary Results for Ar-CO2 70-30Efficiency scan Eff./Gain

PRELIMINARYTiming GEMRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201029Summary Results for Ar-CO2 70-30RMS of the arriving time vs Gain

PRELIMINARYTiming GEMRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201030Summary Results for Ar-CO2-CF4 15-45-40 and gaps 3/2/2/2mmEfficiency scan vs Gain

PRELIMINARYTiming GEMRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201031Summary for the last Eff scan with new spacers 3/1/2/1mm and LHCb gas

PRELIMINARYTiming GEMRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 201032Honeycomb GEM Data analysis continues

PRELIMINARYRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010331. Prototype (standard, honeycomb, single mask) tests in lab, beam - continue 2. Beam tests and analysis 2010 continue3. Detail mechanical design for mock up and proto~ final4. Definition of readout, electronics and its mechanical support- ongoingServices and routing HV, Gas, LV, cooling - ongoing5. Mockup realization of detectorDone, some details missing 6. Production of prototype expected to be completed by end of JuneTests of prototype Feasibility / simulation studies of integration with CMS trigger and tracking to be done (not yet started) STATUS AND OUTLOOKRD51 Mini Week July 19-21, 2010