Akoya Biosciences, Inc., 68 Elm Street, Hopkinton, MA USA (855) 896-8401 www.akoyabio.com Day 2 Day 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 AS750 tumor signal Control Sulindac Tumor Blood Vessel Leakiness Bar: s.e.m. n = 8 P < 0.0001 n = 5 P = 0.0007 A Fully-Automated Multiplex Fluorescence IHC Assay with Whole Slide Multispectral Imaging on Mouse Tissue: Phenoptics™ Quantitative Pathology Solutions Translational Workflow Yi Zheng, Carla Coltharp, Rachel Schaefer, Linying Liu, Ryan Dilworth, Victoria Duckworth, William Kennedy, Darryn Unfricht, Jen-Chieh Tseng, Jeffrey D. Peterson, Milind Rajopadhye, Peter Miller Background 1 Methods 2 Conclusions Developing biomarker research strategies for clinically relevant therapies in immuno-oncology (IO) is predicated on the ability to execute fully translational research studies. Here, we demonstrated whole slide analysis utilizing the novel Opal Polaris 7-Color assay plus Opal Polymer anti-Rabbit HRP. The results showed unique tumor vascular signatures and immune context heterogeneity between tumors as well as within tumors. This new application has expanded Phenoptics into whole slide IO tissue research including animal studies, creating a truly translational platform. 4 Results: 3 Mouse Breast Cancer Model BOND RX is for Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. BOND is a trademark of Leica Biosystems Melbourne Pty Ltd. Fig 2. Whole Slide Scan of Opal Polaris 7-Color Fluorescent IHC Assay on Mouse Breast Cancer FFPE Section. A) Whole slide MSI of mouse breast cancer section from control group (top) and 10-day Sulindac treatment group (bottom). Functional classes represented in the multi-marker panel include: Proliferative cells (Ki67), Tumor infiltration lymphocytes (CD4 & CD8), Tumor associated macrophage (F4/80), Angiogenesis (CD31) & Anti-apoptotic cells (Bcl-2). Component planes for each individual marker from the whole slide scan from control group (B) and Sulindac treated group (C). Phenoptics™ quantitative pathology solutions (QPS) is a comprehensive, end-to-end solution consisting of multiplex fluorescence immunohistochemistry staining along with multispectral imaging and tissue analysis. Here we describe a robust, fully-automated 7- color Opal staining procedure on Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) section of mouse breast cancer followed by a multispectral whole slide scan and image analysis. BALB/c @6 weeks 4T1 mouse BrCa cell line injected on Day -8 Day 0 10-day treatment of Sulindac Control In-vivo Imaging Opal™ Multiplex IHC Day 10 Fig 1. Mouse Breast Cancer Model. BALB/c mice (6 weeks old from Charles River lab) were injected subcutaneously with 1 × 10 6 4T1 tumor cells in the right flank. Eight days after inoculation, tumor- bearing mice were treated intraperitoneally with or without with 60 mg/kg Sulindac once daily for consecutive 10 days. Mouse in-vivo Imaging Opal Polaris 7-Color Assay & Multispectral imaging on Vectra Polaris Ten days after Sulindac treatment, tumors from both untreated and treated group were collected then fixed with Formalin for processing to formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) blocks. Tissue sections from mouse breast cancer FFPE blocks were immunostained using Opal™ Polaris 7-Color Automation IHC kit and Opal Polymer Anti-Rabbit HRP Kit on Leica BOND RX ™ automated stainer. Multispectral fluorescence imagery was acquired on a Vectra Polaris® automated imaging system and analyzed with inForm®, Phenochart®, Image J and R software. Sulindac Reduces Tumor Neovascularization 7-Color Whole Slide Multispectral Imaging Control Sulindac Whole slide Tissue Segmentation and Cell Phenotyping Ki67-Opal Polaris 780 CD31-Opal 690 Bcl-2 Opal 520 CD8a-Opal Polaris 480 F4/80-Opal 620 CD4-Opal 570 C Phenotype Densities (cells/mm2) in both Live & Dead Zones A Ctrl-Live Zone Sulin-Live Zone Sulin-Dead Zone Ctrl-Dead Zone B Fig 4. Mouse Breast Cancer Tumor Angiogenesis. A) Tumor Inflammation and Angiogenesis/Leakiness were measured by the intensity of PS 750 and AS750 respectively using in-vivo imaging. Data is represented as an average of tumor Radiant Efficiency, a measure of total fluorescence in the tumors. B) Representative CD31 staining component planes from Fig. 2 In-vivo imaging results give an overall information that Sulindac effectively reduces tumor angiogenesis. Additionally, CD31 staining from multiplex IHC shows the heterogeneous nature of breast cancer samples and indicates the mechanism of reduced angiogenesis in Sulindac treated group due to reduced micro vessels in the Live Zone of tumor. A B Fig 3. Immune Profiling on Whole Slide View Based on Opal Polaris 7-Color Fluorescent IHC. A) Representative image from whole slide tissue segmentation of mouse breast cancer section based on Ki67 staining (Ki67+: Live Zone & Ki67-: Dead Zone). B) Zoomed in views of composite images (top) and tissue segmentation with cell phenotypes(i&ii) or CD31 object segmentation (iii) (bottom). C) Cell densities of each phenotype marker within Live Zone and Dead Zone of each tissue section. A Whole Slide Tissue Segmentation Tumor Proliferation Fig 5. Proliferation of Mouse Breast Cancer Tumors. Percentages of Live Zone and Dead Zone of each tumor were calculated by using areas from tissue segmentation based on Ki67 staining. Bcl-2 Ki67 Bcl-2+Ki67+ CD8a CD4 F4/80 CD31 B Cell Phenotyping on Whole Slide MSI in both Live Zone & Dead Zone i iii ii Ki67-Opal Polaris 780 CD31-Opal 690 Bcl-2 Opal 520 CD8a-Opal Polaris 480 F4/80-Opal 620 CD4-Opal 570 C 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Ctrl Sulin F4/80+ 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Ctrl Sulin Bcl2+ 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Ctrl Sulin Bcl-2+ F4/80+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Ctrl Sulin CD4+ Dead Zone Live Zone Live Zone Dead Zone Control Sulindac Control Sulindac 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Live Zone Dead Zone Control Sulindac 1 2 3 1 2 3 Non-invasive assessment of Sulindac effects on tumors were assessed on day 2 and 10 post- treatment by fluorescent imaging on the IVIS® SpectrumCT. Treated and untreated 4T1 tumor- bearing mice were anesthetized and injected with either AngioSense 750 EX (AS750, NIR fluorescent vascular probe) or ProSense 750EX (PS750, NIR fluorescent cathepsin activatable probe). Epifluorescence images were captured 24h later, and flank tumor regions were quantified by careful analysis using Living Image® 4.5. Day 2 Day 10 0 5 10 9 1 10 10 1.5 10 10 2 10 10 PS750 tumor signal Radiant Efficiency Control Sulindac Tumor Inflammation n = 8 P = 0.0661 n = 5 P = 0.8821

A Fully-Automated Multiplex Fluorescence IHC …...Akoya Biosciences, Inc., 68 Elm Street, Hopkinton, MA USA (855) 896-8401 D a y y2 D a y 1 0 0 2 u1 0 1 0 4 u1 0 1 0 6 u1 0 1 0 A

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Page 1: A Fully-Automated Multiplex Fluorescence IHC …...Akoya Biosciences, Inc., 68 Elm Street, Hopkinton, MA USA (855) 896-8401 D a y y2 D a y 1 0 0 2 u1 0 1 0 4 u1 0 1 0 6 u1 0 1 0 A

Akoya Biosciences, Inc., 68 Elm Street, Hopkinton, MA USA (855) 896-8401 www.akoyabio.com

D a y 2 D a y 1 0


21 0 1 0

41 0 1 0

61 0 1 0

A S 7 5 0 tu m o r s ig n a l








C o n tro l

S u lin d a c

Tumor Blood Vessel

LeakinessBar: s.e.m.

n = 8

P < 0.0001

n = 5

P = 0.0007

A Fully-Automated Multiplex Fluorescence IHC Assay with Whole Slide Multispectral Imaging on Mouse Tissue: Phenoptics™ Quantitative Pathology Solutions Translational Workflow

Yi Zheng, Carla Coltharp, Rachel Schaefer, Linying Liu, Ryan Dilworth, Victoria Duckworth, William Kennedy, Darryn Unfricht, Jen-Chieh Tseng, Jeffrey D. Peterson, Milind Rajopadhye, Peter Miller



ConclusionsDeveloping biomarker research strategies for clinically relevant therapies in immuno-oncology (IO) is predicated on the ability to execute fully translational research studies. Here, we demonstrated whole slide analysis utilizing the novel Opal Polaris 7-Color assay plus Opal Polymer anti-Rabbit HRP. The results showed unique tumor vascular signatures and immune context heterogeneity between tumors as well as within tumors. This new application has expanded Phenoptics into whole slide IO tissue research including animal studies, creating a truly translational platform.



Mouse Breast Cancer Model

BOND RX is for Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH.BOND is a trademark of Leica Biosystems Melbourne Pty Ltd.

Fig 2. Whole Slide Scan of Opal Polaris 7-Color Fluorescent IHC Assay on Mouse Breast Cancer FFPE Section. A) Whole slide MSI of mouse breast cancer section from control group (top) and 10-day Sulindac treatment group (bottom). Functional classes represented in the multi-marker panel include: Proliferative cells (Ki67), Tumor infiltration lymphocytes (CD4 & CD8), Tumor associated macrophage (F4/80), Angiogenesis (CD31) & Anti-apoptotic cells (Bcl-2). Component planes for each individual marker from the whole slide scan from control group (B) and Sulindac treated group (C).

Phenoptics™ quantitative pathology solutions

(QPS) is a comprehensive, end-to-end solution consisting of multiplex fluorescence immunohistochemistry staining along with multispectral imaging and tissue analysis.

Here we describe a robust, fully-automated 7-color Opal staining procedure on Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) section of mouse breast cancer followed by a multispectral whole slide scan and image analysis.

BALB/c @6 weeks

4T1 mouse BrCacell line injected on

Day -8

Day 0

10-day treatment of Sulindac


• In-vivo Imaging

• Opal™ Multiplex IHC

Day 10

Fig 1. Mouse Breast Cancer Model. BALB/c mice (6 weeks old from Charles River lab) were injected subcutaneously with 1 × 106 4T1 tumor cells in the

right flank. Eight days after inoculation, tumor-bearing mice were treated intraperitoneally with or without with 60 mg/kg Sulindac once daily for

consecutive 10 days.

Mouse in-vivo Imaging

Opal Polaris 7-Color Assay &

Multispectral imaging on Vectra Polaris

Ten days after Sulindac treatment, tumors from both untreated and treated group were collected then fixed with Formalin for processing to formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) blocks. Tissue sections from mouse breast cancer FFPE blocks were immunostained using Opal™ Polaris 7-Color Automation IHC kit and Opal Polymer Anti-Rabbit HRP Kit on Leica BOND RX ™ automated stainer. Multispectral fluorescence imagery was acquired on a Vectra Polaris® automated imaging system and analyzed with inForm®, Phenochart®, Image J and R software.

Sulindac Reduces Tumor Neovascularization

7-Color Whole Slide Multispectral Imaging








Whole slide Tissue Segmentation and Cell Phenotyping

Ki67-Opal Polaris 780 CD31-Opal 690

Bcl-2 –Opal 520 CD8a-Opal Polaris


F4/80-Opal 620 CD4-Opal 570

C Phenotype Densities (cells/mm2) in both Live & Dead



Ctrl-Live Zone Sulin-Live Zone

Sulin-Dead ZoneCtrl-Dead Zone


Fig 4. Mouse Breast Cancer Tumor Angiogenesis. A) Tumor Inflammation and Angiogenesis/Leakiness were measured by the intensity of PS 750 and AS750 respectively using in-vivo imaging. Data is represented as an average of tumor Radiant Efficiency, a measure of total fluorescence in the tumors. B) Representative CD31 staining component planes from Fig. 2

In-vivo imaging results give an overall information that Sulindac effectively reduces tumor angiogenesis. Additionally, CD31 staining from multiplex IHC shows the heterogeneous nature of breast cancer samples and indicates the mechanism of reduced angiogenesis in Sulindac treated group due to reduced micro vessels in the Live Zone of tumor.



Fig 3. Immune Profiling on Whole Slide View Based on Opal Polaris 7-Color Fluorescent IHC. A) Representative image from whole slide tissue segmentation of mouse breast cancer section based on Ki67 staining (Ki67+: Live Zone & Ki67-: Dead Zone). B) Zoomed in views of composite images (top) and tissue segmentation with cell phenotypes(i&ii) or CD31 object segmentation (iii) (bottom). C) Cell densities of each phenotype marker within Live Zone and Dead Zone of each tissue section.

A Whole Slide Tissue Segmentation

Tumor Proliferation

Fig 5. Proliferation of Mouse Breast Cancer Tumors. Percentages of Live Zone and Dead Zone of each tumor were calculated by using areas from tissue segmentation based on Ki67 staining.








B Cell Phenotyping on Whole Slide MSI in both Live Zone & Dead


i iiiii

Ki67-Opal Polaris 780 CD31-Opal 690

Bcl-2 –Opal 520 CD8a-Opal Polaris


F4/80-Opal 620 CD4-Opal 570












Ctrl Sulin











Ctrl Sulin










Ctrl Sulin

Bcl-2+ F4/80+









Ctrl Sulin


Dead Zone

Live Zone

Live Zone

Dead Zone

Control Sulindac

Control Sulindac












Live Zone

Dead Zone

Control Sulindac1 2


1 2


Non-invasive assessment of Sulindac effects on tumors were assessed on day 2 and 10 post-treatment by fluorescent imaging on the IVIS® SpectrumCT. Treated and untreated 4T1 tumor-bearing mice were anesthetized and injected with either AngioSense 750 EX (AS750, NIR fluorescent vascular probe) or ProSense 750EX (PS750, NIR fluorescent cathepsin activatableprobe). Epifluorescence images were captured 24h later, and flank tumor regions were quantified by careful analysis using Living Image® 4.5.

D a y 2 D a y 1 0


51 0 9

11 0 1 0

1 .51 0 1 0

21 0 1 0

P S 7 5 0 tu m o r s ig n a l








C o n tro l

S u lin d a c

Tumor Inflammation

n = 8

P = 0.0661

n = 5

P = 0.8821