November 18, 2018 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion We Pray Church Location: 3280 W. 1st St (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 Confession: (Sat) 3:45-4:45 pm Vigil Mass; (Sat) 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 9:30 am & 11:00 am 12:30 pm (Spanish) Chapel Location 810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mon.-Fri. Daily Mass: 8:30 am Sunday Masses at 8:00 am and 2:00 pm (Latin) We Teach School & Chapel Location: 800810 S Oak Ave., Sanford FL 32771 Mrs. Barbara Schirard, Interim Principal Mrs. Mary Moran, Assistant . Principal 407.322.7090 Christian Formation & Pastoral Formation Holly Hooton (Location: Parish Office) 407.322.3795 We Serve Office Location & Mailing Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford FL 32771 407.322.3795 ~ Fax: 407.322.11131 Monday—Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Cemetery Location: Hardy Avenue and 25th Street, Sanford, FL All Souls Cemetery All Souls Catholic School All Souls Historic Chapel All Souls Church Complete our Parish Survey online here: www.disciplemaker index.com The Survey is also available in the Narthex of the Church, Chapel and at the School & Parish Offices. Remember deadline submission: Nov. 27, 2018 Parish Clergy Fr. David P. Vivero, Parish Priest [email protected] Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz, Deacon [email protected] Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller, Deacon Parish Staff Interim Director of Operations: Henry Esparza [email protected] Secretary to Fr. Vivero/Office Manager: Ann Cammarata [email protected] Receptionist: Amy Scott [email protected] Hispanic Secretary: Beatriz Perez De Koeneke [email protected] Coordinator for Spanish Community: Deacon Wenny Cruz [email protected] Parish Catechetical Leader: Holly Hooton [email protected] Youth Minister: Michelle Murphy [email protected] Director of Music & Liturgy: David McGhee [email protected] Web site: www.allsoulsmusic.com Associate Director of Music: Nancy Pfingsten [email protected] Facilities: Mary Valente [email protected] For Cemetery information: Contact Mary Valente at the Parish Office Please join us for Mass at 9:00 a.m. at the Church on SR#46, on Thanksgiving Morning, November 22nd, as we gather together to give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us this past year.

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments

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November 18, 2018

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church;

Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion

We Pray Church Location: 3280 W. 1st St (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771

Confession: (Sat) 3:45-4:45 pm Vigil Mass; (Sat) 5:00 pm

Sunday Masses: 9:30 am & 11:00 am 12:30 pm (Spanish)

Chapel Location 810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771

Mon.-Fri. Daily Mass: 8:30 am Sunday Masses at 8:00 am and 2:00 pm (Latin)

We Teach School & Chapel Location: 800—810 S Oak Ave., Sanford FL 32771 Mrs. Barbara Schirard, Interim Principal Mrs. Mary Moran, Assistant . Principal 407.322.7090 Christian Formation & Pastoral Formation Holly Hooton (Location: Parish Office)


We Serve Office Location & Mailing Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford FL 32771 407.322.3795 ~ Fax: 407.322.11131 Monday—Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Cemetery Location: Hardy Avenue and 25th Street, Sanford, FL

All Souls Cemetery

All Souls Catholic School

All Souls Historic Chapel

All Souls Church

Complete our Parish Survey online here:

www.disciplemaker index.com

The Survey is also

available in the Narthex of the

Church, Chapel and at the School & Parish Offices.

Remember deadline

submission: Nov. 27, 2018

Parish Clergy Fr. David P. Vivero, Parish Priest [email protected] Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz, Deacon [email protected] Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller, Deacon

Parish Staff Interim Director of Operations: Henry Esparza [email protected] Secretary to Fr. Vivero/Office Manager: Ann Cammarata [email protected] Receptionist: Amy Scott [email protected] Hispanic Secretary: Beatriz Perez De Koeneke [email protected] Coordinator for Spanish Community: Deacon Wenny Cruz [email protected] Parish Catechetical Leader: Holly Hooton [email protected] Youth Minister: Michelle Murphy [email protected] Director of Music & Liturgy: David McGhee [email protected] Web site: www.allsoulsmusic.com Associate Director of Music: Nancy Pfingsten [email protected] Facilities: Mary Valente [email protected] For Cemetery information:

Contact Mary Valente at the Parish Office

Please join us for Mass at 9:00 a.m. at the Church on SR#46, on Thanksgiving Morning, November 22nd, as we gather together to give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us this past year.

All Souls Catholic Church 2 November 18, 2018

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All Souls Catholic Community

All Souls Catholic Cemetery

All Souls Community Harvest Festival

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messages through our Flocknote service.

We regularly send updates about parish

activities, events, and announcements. You

can sign-up to receive our email and free* text alerts by texting

Allsouls to: 84576 (*Standard messaging rates may apply from

your cell phone provider)

Follow us on Twitter: @AllSoulsSanford

Visit our Parish Website: https://www.allsoulssanford.org

Let ’s Stay Connected!

The Promise of God

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are heard each week on Saturday at the Church (SR #46) from 3:45pm to 4:45pm Learn more about this beautiful sacrament by visiting our website: www.allsoulssanford.org/reconciliation The Sacrament of Baptism: Call the parish office to learn the necessary requirements and make an appointment with Father David Vivero to have your child baptized. Ask us about the requirements for Godparents. The Sacrament of Marriage: Getting married? Congratulations! The process of being married in the Catholic Church could take between 6 months to a year to complete. Please contact Ann Cammarata at the parish office as soon as possible after your engagement if you would like to be married at All Souls Catholic Church. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. The Rite of Anointing tells us there is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death to receive the Sacrament. Did you know that the Sacrament may be repeated if the person becomes sick again? A person should be anointed before surgery when a dangerous illness is the reason for the intervention. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: If you are unable to attend Mass, please call the parish office so we may assist you in having a visit from one of our ministers or one of our priests. Catholic Funeral and Burial: Please call the parish office or have the funeral home director contact us to arrange the Funeral Mass and for more information about burial at All Souls Catholic Cemetery.

The Sacraments

"At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; it shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, others shall be in everlasting horror and disgrace. But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever." Daniel 12:1-3 As we hear the Lord’s promise of providence and salvation in our First Reading, we see a specific way of witnessing the goodness of God. We can also encounter God through the goodness of men to his brethren. And, in giving thanks to the Lord for His everlasting love, can now be expressed and manifested in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I invite you and your family to join us this coming Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 am as we gather together to give thanks to God for all of His blessings this past year.

Please help us! Our deadline for the submission and participation of the PARISH SURVEY is drawing near—November 27th. Please drop off your completed survey at one of the following locations: Parish Office, Chapel, Church, or mail it to All Souls Office, 301 W. 8th St., Sanford, FL

32771. You may participate online by visiting: www.disciplemakerindex.com As of this past Wednesday we have had 138 online responses and paper returns are running at about 100. Our average weekend attendance is over 1,000. We would like a much greater response rate for the survey to ensure a more accurate reflection of our parish needs. PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY TODAY!

Father David Vivero "En ese momento se levantará Michael, el gran príncipe, guardián de su pueblo; será un momento de inseguridad en la angustia desde que las naciones comenzaron hasta ese momento. En ese momento su gente escapará, todos los que se encuentren escritos en el libro. Muchos de los que duermen en el polvo de la tierra se despertarán, algunos vivirán para siempre, otros estarán en el horror y la desgracia eternos, pero los sabios brillarán brillantemente como el esplendor del firmamento, y los que guían a los muchos a la justicia Sé como las estrellas para siempre ". Daniel 12: 1-3 Al escuchar la promesa del Señor de la providencia y la salvación en nuestra primera lectura, vemos una manera específica de ser testigos de la bondad de Dios. También podemos encontrarnos con Dios a través de la bondad de los hombres para con sus hermanos. Y, al dar gracias al Señor por su amor eterno, ahora puede expresarse y manifestarse en el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa. Los invito a usted y a su familia a unirse a nosotros esta mañana de Acción de Gracias a las 9:00 am mientras nos reunimos para dar gracias a Dios por todas sus bendiciones el año pasado. ¡Por favor ayudenos! Nuestro plazo para la presentación y participación de la ENCUESTA PARROQUIAL se acerca el 27 de noviembre. Deje su encuesta completa en uno de los siguientes lugares: Oficina Parroquial, Capilla, Iglesia o envíela por correo a la Oficina de Todas las Almas, 301 W. 8th St., Sanford, FL 32771. Puede participar en línea visitando: www.disciplemakerindex .com A partir del miércoles pasado, hemos tenido 138 respuestas en línea y las devoluciones en papel se están ejecutando en alrededor de 100. Nuestra asistencia promedio de fin de semana es de más de 1,000. Nos gustaría un índice de respuesta mucho mayor para la encuesta para asegurar un reflejo más preciso de las necesidades de nuestra parroquia. ¡POR FAVOR COMPLETE SU ENCUESTA HOY!

Father David Vivero

The 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 www.allsoulssanford.org

Make Al l Souls your parish home!

Offertory Collection 11/11/18 $ 14,425 Offertory Online Giving via WeShare $ 3,428 St. Vincent de Paul Collection 11/11/18 $ 632 St. Vincent de Paul Online Giving via WeShare $ 120 Church Mortgage Principal Balance 9/30/2018 $1,716,900.85 Debt Reduction Collection 11/11/18 $ 555 Debt Reduction via WeShare $ 1,848 Did you forget your envelope today? Register today! Lost your envelope? Why not set up automatic donations? It’s easy to give online with our secure site: WeShare. Call the parish office for set up assistance or visit:

https://allsoulssanford.weshareonline.org/ Visitor offertory envelopes may be found in pew or at the welcome desk in the Narthex of the Church and may be used should you forget your envelope.

All are welcome here…If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely—with unconditional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we

are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together. All Souls loves visitors and accepts anyone who wants to share in the life of the parish regardless of where they live. Please register as an affirmation of your wish to share in the community life of All Souls. Registration cards may be found in the narthex of the church or chapel, the parish office during the week, or online at our parish website: www.allsoulssanford.org. Why not sign up today? We love new members!

Attendance November 11, 2018 5:00 pm 276 8:00 am 128 9:30 am 365 11:00 am 460 12:30 pm 305 2:00 pm 107 Total: 1,641

Happy Thanksgiving!! All Catholic men of the parish, 18 and older, are welcome to join us in serving Jesus Christ through activities that directly benefit our church and our community. We are about "doing good work" which complements our faith

in response to the call of Jesus. Knights of Columbus social meeting, first Tuesday of the month,

Columbus Club Meeting Hall, 2504 South Oak Ave, Sanford. Talk

to a Knight for more information or call 321.262.5865.

Please help us by participating in the a 10-15 minute Disciple Maker Survey online. The survey can be accessed at www.disciplemakerindex.com until Nov 27, 2018 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on our

parish’s efforts to help you grow. All responses will be confidential (your email address is optional) and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole.

We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to me and our various ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results this spring/summer at which time we will share what we have learned with the entire parish. If you don’t use the computer - there will be opportunities to complete the survey after daily and Sunday Mass and you can obtain a paper copy by contacting Ann Cammarata at the parish office at 407.322.3795.

Our Counci l of Cathol ic Women

The All Souls Council of Catholic Women wishes you a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Let us be thankful for the small things that have meaning. We as a faith community are thankful for our clergy and the people that volunteer in

all the ministries. Hermanas en Cristo, El ASCCW les desea un bendecido y feliz día de acción de gracias ( Thanksgiving).Demos gracias por las pequeñas cosas qué tienen gran significado. Nosotros cómo la comunidad de fe qué somos estamos agradecidos por maestro clerk y to-dos loss voluntaries end differences minister iOS. Tenedos mochas rezones para dark gracias,el sacrificio de nuestro señor Jesucristo por nosotros y nuestra salvación. Reflexionemos en familia y por los menos afortunados. Mantengamos en oración a las victimas de los incendios forestales en California. Y los valientes hombres y mujeres de nuestra milicia qué no estarán con sus familias. Finalmente oremos por un retorno seguro por todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas qué estarán viajando durante las festividades. Amén

Love will prevail,El amor prevalecerá Yesenia ( Jessie) Colón, President

[email protected], 407.792.9911

Bishop Noonan and The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida have informed us that All Souls Catholic Church has pledged $200,336.75 for

the Catholic Appeal held in February. Our remaining pledge balance is $25,687.58. If you have not pledged please do so now. If you’ve pledged, please continue your pledge payments—which should be mailed directly to Our Catholic Appeal, P.O. Box 4905, Orlando, FL 32802-4905 or online at:

http://www.cfocf.org/Our-Catholic-Appeal. Your generosity shows your understanding of the true breadth and scope of the ministries funded through Our Catholic Appeal, and shows the love of our merciful Father to those in need in our diocese. No gift is too small.

All Souls Catholic Church 4 November 18, 2018

United States Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School Excellence in Catholic Education 810 S. Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771

If you are considering enrolling your child in All Souls Catholic School please contact the school office for more information.

Mrs. Barbara Schirard,

Interim Principal Mrs. Mary Moran, Asst. Principal

Phone: 407.322.7090 FAX: 407.321.7255

Visit our website: www.allsoulscatholicschool.org

All Souls Catholic School is collecting Box Tops for Education. These can be found on packaging for such items as General Mills cereals, Old El Paso taco

kits, Chex Mix and many more. Each unexpired BoxTops we collect is worth TEN CENTS for the school. That can really add up quickly. You can donate your BoxTops, by bringing them to the back of church. There is a small purple BoxTops container where you can leave them. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]

Save the Date Breakfast with Santa and Kris Kringle Shop The annual Kris Kringle sale for the children will be held on December 15th in the All Souls Social Hall along with Breakfast with Santa. Watch the bulletin for more details!

Donations for Kris Kringle Shop We are accepting donations of items that children may purchase to give to family members, teachers and friends at the holidays. We also need tape, gift

bags (all sizes), lots of tissue paper and gift tags. Items may be dropped off at the church office or to the narthex at the Church. Please mark: “For Santa’s Shop”. Contact Michelle Murphy with your questions or for more information 407.322.3795 [email protected]

It’s beginning to look a lot like....

Happy Thanksgiving to our Faith Formation Families! Our First Reconciliation “Spirit Day” - brought children and parents together to participate in various activities in preparation for the sacrament of First Reconciliation. Children learned about the 10 Commandments, listened to the Parable of the Lost Sheep, created a special banner to commemorate the celebration of the sacrament, won prizes playing Reconciliation Bingo, as well as participate in a self-guided tour of All Souls Historic Chapel and so much more! A very special thank you to those parents and catechists who volunteered their time sharing their faith with our children. It was a special day and a fun time was had by volunteer parents as well as the children. There will be another retreat held in April in preparation for First Eucharist. If you missed your chance to volunteer you will still have a chance to help out for this one. Our First Reconciliation Penance Service was held on the evening of Monday, November 12th, 2018. It was a beautiful celebration. May God bless all those children and their families who celebrated their 1st Reconciliation. Please continue to pray for these families as they begin preparations for First Eucharist. Our Living Nativity Practice for this Sunday, November 18th, 2018 (2:00pm to 4:00PM) will be held in the TRC Room NOT the Social Hall. Signs will be posted to direct the cast. If you should have any questions please contact our show director Kelly Lane at 618.531.1975. Our Living Nativity Production will take place on the lawn of our Historic Chapel on Saturday, December 1st at 6:30 pm. You absolutely don’t want to miss your chance to observe this moving reflection of the story of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The children of our faith family along with many volunteers have worked countless hours rehearsing in order to provide us a unique spiritual opportunity. As part of the 2018 Sanford Historic Trust Holiday Home Tour, All Souls Historic Chapel will be a feature along with our Living Nativity. People near and far will get to experience this unique event allowing them the opportunity to get yet another glimpse of the peace offered by the All Souls Faith Community. What a wonderful way to begin this glorious season of giving! We hope to see you at 6:30 pm on Saturday, December 1st!

FORMED is the revolutionary digital platform that gives you unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. Whether fallen away or deeply engaged, at the parish or on the go, FORMED helps you reach your flock anytime, anywhere. It's like NETFLIX PLUS for Catholics! You can also access FORMED on the Go! Every All Souls parishioner has 24/7 access to this rich content via computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access. 300+ episodes of video-based study programs 35+ feature films and movies 45+ audio presentations 25+ eBooks Available in English and Spanish! ALL FREE!

Sign up today! www.allsoulsanford.formed.org Parish Code: FGHN8H

The 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 www.allsoulssanford.org

Our Sanctuary lights at the Church and Chapel burn this week in celebration of the wedding anniversary of Annette & Bob Tolle. Happy Anniversary and many more! Our Altar Flowers at the Church this week are given in loving memory of Grace Hults, as requested by Sandra Hults. May she

rest in everlasting peace.

Place: Date: Day: Mass Time: Intention: Requested by:

Chapel November 17 Saturday 8:30 am †Jean & †Marie Joseph Le By C. Anh Le Doan

Church November 17 Saturday 5:00 pm †Thomas Nulty By Mary Nulty

Chapel November 18 Sunday 8:00 am People of the Parish By the Parishioners of All Souls

Church November 18 Sunday 9:30 am †George Opolka By a friend

Church November 18 Sunday 11:00 am †Coleta & Bob Anderson By their daughter

Church November 18 Sunday 12:30 (Spanish) †Michael Nina By Mercedes Garcia

Chapel November 18 Sunday 2:00 pm (Latin) †William “Bill” Will By Tim Gergely

Chapel November 19 Monday 8:30 am †Isabel Baquero By Paul Baquero

Chapel November 20 Tuesday 8:30 am †Br. John Peralta By the Moore Family

Chapel November 21 Wednesday 8:30 am †Adela Figuero By her family

Church November 22 Thursday 9:00 am Mass of Thanksgiving By the Parishioners of All Souls

Chapel November 23 Friday 8:30 am †Thomas Nulty By Mary Nulty

Chapel November 24 Saturday 8:30 am †Padro Rodriguez By Dulce Rodriguez

Church November 24 Saturday 5:00 pm †Jenni Heneghan By the Heneghan Family

Chapel November 25 Sunday 8:00 am †Louis Baumann By the Palmer Family

Church November 25 Sunday 9:30 am People of the Parish By the Parishioners of All Souls

Church November 25 Sunday 11:00 am †Sean Macher By Cheri, Rachel & Don Macher

Church November 25 Sunday 12:30 (Spanish) Myrna & Edwin Miranda By their family

Chapel November 25 Sunday 2:00 pm (Latin) †Sr. Mary Bertha By the Thomas Family

Readings for the Week of November 18, 2018 Sunday Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Monday Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday Thanksgiving Day Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1, 1-2, 5; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37 "To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us -- and He has given us everything." --Thomas Merton

The 2019 Mass Intention Book is now open and we are accepting your Mass reservations for next year. Please visit the parish office during business hours to reserve a Mass for your loved one—living or deceased.

All parishioners, their families and visiting guests from out of town are invited to a special Mass of Thanksgiving at 9:00 am at the Church on SR#46 on Thanksgiving Day morning. Please bring a loaf or two of bread with you to take home or to be shared; at the conclusion of Mass the bread will be blessed. The bread is a wonderful reminder of the Thanksgiving table of the altar around which we, as a parish family, have gathered, to above all, give thanks to God in the most perfect way—the Eucharistic Banquet. Please join us Thursday morning to give thanks for all the blessings we have received this year. Happy Thanksgiving!

The parish office will be closed on Friday, November 23rd.

All Souls Catholic Church 6 November 18, 2018

St. Vincent ’s Corner

CH - New Church on SR 46; CP - Historic Chapel on Oak Ave.); SH - Social Hall; SVDP House (9th/Myrtle);

SL - Science Lab; CR - Parish Conference Room; Suite C - Parish Office Suite C, upstairs; TRC - Technical Research Center;

CGR - Church Gathering Room; R - Rectory; COLH (Columbus Hall)

11/18 CCW Thanksgiving Day Dinner, 3:00 pm (SH)

11/19 Knights of Columbus Mtg., 7:00 pm (COLH) Spanish Prayer Group, 7:15 pm (CP)

11/20 Spanish Choir, 6:00 pm (CH) NO Faith Formation, 6:30 pm (School) Parish Choir, 7:00 pm (CH)


Adult Bible Study, 10:00 am or 6:30 pm (Totally Yours, 1st Street, Sanford) NO Faith Formation, 6:30 pm (School) DAWG, 6:30 pm (SH) NO RCIA, 7:00 pm, (CR)

11/22 Happy Thanksgiving!

11/23 Parish Office Closed

Nuestro Grupo de Oración Jesús María y José cordialmente te invita a su reunión tradicional en la Capilla Histórica lunes a las 7:15 pm, comenzando con el rezo del rosario, oraciones y la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. Todos están invitados a asistir. Por favor únase a

Padres y Madres Oracion el primer sábado del mes las 6:30 pm en la Capilla Histórica y permanezca después para la confraternidad en el Salón Social. Nuestro grupo se reúne el primer sábado de cada mes. Se proporciona cuidado de niños.

How You Help Us Help Others: Kathy, recently diagnosed with cancer, turned to us for help with a power bill she was not able to pay. Thanks to your generosity, we helped keep the lights on and comforted her about her health challenges. Please pray for Kathy for healing and strength. Food Pantry Need of the Week: Canned Tuna please! Last Week: 210 items donated at a value of $535. Thanks!

Next Meeting – Join Us! You’re invited to be a part of our gathering this Monday, November 19 at 7 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall (2509 S. Myrtle Ave.) in Sanford. News from St. Vincent de Paul Orlando: This year, with assistance from our St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Thrift Stores, nearly $300,000 in clothing, furniture and household items were offered at no cost to individuals and families in need.

DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE? PLEASE CALL US! SVDP Assistance Hotline call: 407.330.4400

SVDP for Pick up of donations: 1.888.986.4483 Thrift Store Location: 216 N. Hwy 17-92,

Suite #150 – Big Lots Plaza, Longwood, 32750, Hours: Mon. to Fri.: 10 am to 7 pm; Sat. 9 am to 6 pm

*Closed Sunday*

Grupos de Oración Spanish

Christmas with the Basilica Choir

(Orlando) The Choir and Orchestra of the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, will present their annual holiday concert entitled Christmas with the Basilica Choir on Friday, December 7th at 7:30 pm, as part of the Basilica’s 2018-2019 Concert Series. At this popular annual event, the Basilica Choir

will present a wide variety of sacred and secular Advent and Christmas music. An audience sing-a-long of Christmas carols will round out the evening. The Basilica Choir was founded to minister to the many tourists and visitors to the central Florida area, and to provide sacred music at weekend Masses. The singers in the choir are all professional musicians in the Orlando area and are under the direction of Dr. William Picher. Before the concert, the Basilica Gift Shop and Fine Arts Museum will offer its Annual Holiday Open House. Gift store discounts, refreshments, hor d’oeuvres and door prizes will add to the festive event. There is no charge for attending the Open House which begins at 5:30pm. Admission charge for the concert is $25 for adults, under 12 are free. Tickets are available online at

http://maryqueenoftheuniverse.org/concerts/ or by calling 407.239.6600. Tickets are also available in advance at the Basilica Gift Shop. The Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe is located at 8300 Vineland Avenue in Orlando, near the Lake Buena Vista of I-4 (exit 68). Complimentary parking is available.

As we edge closer to the closing of the liturgical year, the Church selects readings that remind us of the final close: the second coming of Christ. It's easy, perhaps, to forget that this is a dogma of our Catholic faith. We see this dramatic end times language in today's Gospel. "The sun will be darkened ? and the stars will be falling from the sky." As Christians and as human beings, we know all things will come to an end. "But of that day or hour, no one knows." The "end of the world" and end of time at Jesus' coming is in a future unknown. But God has given us beautiful reminders of this truth. We see the signs and symbols of ending all around us -- nightfall at the end of each day; the life cycle of crops coming alive, bearing fruit, and being harvested; our own death. That, too, will come at an unknown day and hour. But that is the way of things. Even as God created in Genesis, He gave us a sense of time -- the sun rising and setting, a beginning and an end -- to mark our days. So how do we welcome these built-in forms of measurement? Do we take time to quietly recollect at the end of each day? Do we see every morning as a fresh start for mercies new? Do we observe the seasons and reflect on what they might be speaking to us of God and His glory? "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my works will not pass away." The little beginnings and little ends are opportunities to renew our faith in Jesus, if only we have the eyes to see! LPI, Inc.

Reflect & Respond to Scripture... First Reading: The prophet Daniel shares a vision he received about a coming time of divine judgement. What is your reaction to this vision as a believing Christian? Second Reading: The author of Hebrews speaks of Jesus' offering of his life as a sacrifice for sins. And in this action, believers are "consecrated." How do you show appreciation for this divine gift? Gospel Reading: In the Gospel reading, Jesus speaks to his disciples about the end times and the coming of the Son of Man. How is this a message of hope for you? LPI, Inc.