, .' . APPENDICES A Geo-Hydrologist's Report B Geological Report Re: Contamination of Ground water C Laboratory Analysis of water Samples D Restrictive Covenants E Technical Specifications F Rules and Regulations for Hana Company

,~ .. l.'.9.oL ..... DRILLING COMPLETED ..... 1 ..... 7.6 ... DRILLER ..... Tro.y .. Cunmngham 4 month year ... ..... inch dia. to ..... ft. below drilling platform . ..... .inclt

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A Geo-Hydrologist's Report

B Geological Report Re: Contamination of Ground water

C Laboratory Analysis of water Samples

D Restrictive Covenants

E Technical Specifications

F Rules and Regulations for Hana Wa~r Company

"'-"'~-""""'""I"'"''''~-~I '1.''''

DOWAL~~m 71(1) " sTAn:.;-

DESCRIPTION Date ,_ report .... ~L?9L7.ft ............. ~;~ .......... Person filing report ....... L .. H •.. .Runnells. ........................................................ .

. ~" WELL .

A. OWNER ...... :tJ;.~P.:~ .. B:~~~h .................. NAME ............................................................................ ISLAND .. MauL .................. . B. GENERAL LOCATION ......... JI~~ .................................................................................................................................................. . C. DRILLING COMPANY ......... Roseo.e .. Mo.ss .. C.o .............................. . D. TYPE OF RIG .... C~9.l,~ .. l.'.9.oL .......... DRILLING COMPLETED ...... 1 ............. 7.6 ... DRILLER ..... Tro.y .. Cunmngham

4 month year •. E. ELEVATION, msl: Top of drilting platform ........ ,Q.! ................ ft. Bench mark and method used to determine

Height of drilling platform above ground surface .... JL ..... ft. elevation: ..... ;:::. .................................................................. . F. HOLE SIZE: ........... J.4 ........... inch dia. to ..... 4~.~ ...... ft. below drilling platfor,." .

............................ inch dia. to .................. ft. below drilling platform .

........................... .inclt. dia. to .................. ft. below drilling platform. G. CASING INSTALLED: .J.9 ..... in. 1.0. x 5l.UL in. wall solid section to ... 3.9.4 ....... ft. below drilling platform .

.. J.9 .... in. 1.0. x .5iJJt in. wall perforated section to .. 426. ........ ft. below drilling platform. Type of ~rforation ............................................................... : .................................................................... .

H. ANNULUS: Grouted ... 0 ............. ft' to ....... 1QO ... ft. below drilling platform .. Gravel packed .. }.QQ ...... ft. to .. ~~.~ ........ ft. below drilling plattorm.

I. PERMANENT PUMP INSTALLATION: . • Pump type, make, serial no ....................................................................................... ~ .................. Capacity .................... g.p.m.

Motor type, H.P., .voltage, r.p.m ...................................................................................................................................................... .. Depth of pump intake setting ................ ft. below ................................................................ which elevation is ................ ft. Depth of bottom of airline ................ ft. below ...................................................... ~~ ............ which elevation is ................ ft.

HYDROLOGY J. INITIAL WATER LEVEL ....... ~.~.~ ..... ft. below drilling platform. Date of measurement. ..... 11/15/.7.5.: ................... .. K. INITIAL CHLORIDE: .... 1.6 ......... ppm, total depth of well ... 426. ....... ft. below drilling platform ....................................... .

. :. . Sampling Date L. PUMPING TESTS: Reference point (R.P.) used: .................. which elevation is ................ ft.

Date ............................................................ Date ........................................................... . Start water level ................................... ft. below R. P. Start water level ........................................... ft. below R. P. End water level ..................................... ft. below R. P. End water level ............................................. ft. below R. P. Depth of well ................................ 'r ....... ft. below R. P. Depth of well ..... ~ ........................................... ft. below R. P.

Elapsed Rate Draw': CI- Temp. Elapsed Rate Draw- CI- Temp. Time (hours) (gpm) down (ft.) (ppm) of Time (hours) ", (gpm) down (ft.) (ppm) of

.............. to ........................................... , .............. .............. . ............. to .......... + ...................................................... ..

. ~~!.4.§ .... to'!'Q;;9.0. J.9.0 .... ~.~ ... JL. .. ~. . .... 1fL. .............. . ............. to ·····7·dJ' ······TF:!:/t. .... a .... jj: ..... PIt?jF"f

Ifo:~fo::: : ~f~~::::i~:: :~::::~~;J--:~!::::: :=:::: I tl..~Q.Q .. tof.or.., .... ':. .. ............ ~:""'"'''''' .............. .............. . ............. to ..... w.~... .............. t;/Nf::M.Q.ft..J .... ,=?!Y~T..!. "( .............. to'r.a .. b.r.s ... 2.7.2.... .. ...... 2.[·' ...... 1.6... .............. . ............. to ........... ;;;..E4M .. p .. 1F;'!21 .... -li+!e~:r,...·


Water level Water level Depth, ft. Rock Description: & Remarks ft. Depth, ft. . Rock Description & Remarks ft .

..... .JL .. to ... ~......... . .... CJg.g~~.S ..... ;.~................... .............. . .. 36.9 .... to ... 3.8.5 .. ;, :: .... Har.d.hlack.r.eck...... .. ........... .

..... ) ...... to J.1....... .. ... M.~g~ .. h.~d..;r.9.g.k......... .............. ..3.85 ..... to .... 3.9.5.. . ...... Gray..rock.and .. clay ............. .

... !7 ....... to .. ~.1:....... . ... G.:rgy., ... :r.~.g .. t.Qgk.l ... g.tlJ.q.e.r.s..... . ... 3.9.5 .. to ... 4.0.5.... ...... Med... .. hard .. g.ray.rock. ......... ..

..... ?~ .... to .. .JHL ...... ;J?l.~~k .. :r9.gJ~.:h~~.g......... .............. .:4Q5 ..... to .... 4.1.0 .. , ~ ...... Har.d.lI.c**"'.br..wn .rock. ..

..... ~!? ..... to .... 1~..... .. .. M.~g~ ... ~;r.g .. ZQt;~W'fi .............. .410 ...... to 42.6....... .. ....... Har.d.gray .. rock, .. soft .. s:t.reaks

.. i~3 .... to .. ·i·0.4... .. .. it!Bibr .. Bla~~. -~- ·r,(!)ek·hard .. stredR:s ........ · .. ·~· ... m ................................... m...... .. .......... ..

........ ~ .... to ...... ~.5... . ... S..ft.r.ed .. c.:illdex.s .. &.r •. ck....... . ............. to .................................................................. . ........... ..

.... J.1:.~. to .J.~.~.... .. ....... ftr;:9.W.~ .. g~ ... ~ .. ;r.Q.g;k.............. . ............. to ............. :'.................................................... . ............ .

.... ~.~.~ .. to ·3~t~··· ........ ~~a:··bi~~·r~~~gt{g··streaks ......... to .............. .................................................... . ............ .

.............. to .............. . ............................ _ .•.. g ...... y....... .............. .. ............ to .............. .................................................... . ............ .

...... 3.4.0 to ... 3.6.9... . ...... .Gr.a.y ..... b.I1lpn.rock. . .clay:.. .. ............ to .............. .................................................... .. ........... .

N. REMARKS: .................................... "f, ............................................................................................................ n ...................................... .

FOR DRILLER'S USE INSTRucnCIIIs: Send three(3) copies to: Manager...chief Engineer, Division of Water anti land Development, P. O. Box 373, Honolulu,Hawaii 96809.

FOR OFFICIAL USE Latitude .~P. ... i1. .... Q.L .....

",- j

~ ~ ~.. .. , ;i 1li t"





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WAILUKU, MAUl, HAWAII 96793 .. ,

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of Basal Groundwater Pollution from Cesspools

A question has been raised about the possible short-

circuiting of cesspool effluent from the Kaeleku Agricultural

Subdivision to the basal groundwater body some 400 feet below

the land surface. In this instance, short-circuiting presumably

means the direct, unimpeded vertical transfer of a water

particle from a cesspool to the water table. There is virtually

no possibility that such a phenomenon could occur; 400 feet of

complicated geological conditions between the surface and the

water table guarantees that any particle of water will follow an

extremely tortuous path in its downward movement. The pathway

will be through weathered and fresh Hana series lava flows, then

weathered and fresh Kula series lava flows, then finally through

a weathered zone before reaching the water table in fresh

Honomanu series flows near sea level.

The drainage of vertical infiltration through weathered and

fresh basalt flows of thickness in excess of 50 feet rarely, and

probably never-except in extraordinary situations where large

caverns occur-retain either bacterial or viral contaminants with

which it was originally charged. Only inorganic non-reactive

chemical species, such as nitrate, will percolate to the water

table, but the quantity of these constituents will be so small

in relation to the enormous flux of groundwater that they will

be diluted to trace amounts to a few mg/l.

Elsewhere in Hawaii, cesspools and septic tanks have been

constructed near and above domestic water sources with no

experience of organic contaminants ever reaching the water table.

An excellent example was the cesspooled area on the heights

lying above the Honolulu Board of Water Supply water development

shaft on Waialae Avenue; water from the shaft has never shown

evidence of contamination, although several mg/l nitrate may

have been contributed to the water's composition over the long

term. In the Pearl Harbor region, a vast infiltration scheme

has been carried out since the turn of the century in the form

of irrigation; no contamination by herbicides or pesticides of

the groundwater several hundred feet below the surface has been

experienced, although an increase of nitrate to a steady state

concentration of from 5 to 10 mg/l, far below acceptable

standards, has taken place.

Recent experiments by the Water Resources Research Center

of the Univeristy of Hawaii over a several year period in which

effluent containing viruses and organics from the Mililani

treatment plant was used to irrigate sugar cane on fields lying

directly above the basal water have shown that neither contaminant

is able to drain beyond about 10 feet of soil and weathered rock.

In the Xaeleku region, the complex geology includes not only

surface residuum but subsurface unconformities of weathered

rock and probably soil. Given the nature of the overburden

lying between the surface, where the cesspools are to be driven,

, -!

• and the basal water table, the probability of organic or viral

contamination of the groundwater is remote, if not impossible.

Any chemical species, in particular nitrate, which would penetrate

to the aquifer from the agricultural subdivision would suffer

such great dilution that its occurence would be nearly undetectable.


John F. Mink Hydrologist-Geologist

Mr. John F. Mink, Consultant in Earth Sciences c/o 346 Federal Building Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Dear John,

June 10, 1975

Re: Kae1eku Agricultural Subdivision

As I mentioned to you, Mr. Maurice Kruth, Chief Engineer, Maui Environmental Health Division for the Department of Health, raised the question concerning the possibility of a short circuit between cesspool and the proposec well.

We would appreciate a statement from you regarding this matter.

Enclosed are copies of your previous correspondence to us which you requested.

Please bill us for your services.


Warren S. Unemori







Mr. Warren Unemori Wailuku, Maui, Hi.

Dear Warren:

May 11, 1975


VVASHINGTON. D.C 20024 TEL 202.~54·49' 9

aae 8 I WEET


The specificatiobs for the Kaeleku Well for Hana Ranch appear to be adequate, but I believe pumping during testing should be restricted to 300 gpm and less. Based on the data for the State well nearby, the aquifer in the region is extraordinarily permeable and therefore the head is quite low even at great distances fro~ the coast. A highly permeable aquifer suffers little drawdown during pumping, but if there is no confining layer to retard discharge to the sea heads cannot build up very high. As a result, the lens will be thin.

Fortunately in the Hana region a very large ~low of groundwater passes through the aquifer and therefore the disadvantages of low head are alunterbalanced by the large flux. Nevertheless, a thin lens always requires great care in development. Depth of the well below sea level is especially important, as is pump capacity. Depth to -30 feet is allowable, whereas depth to -40 Or-SO feet might be catastrophic. A tight control must be practiced with respect to depth. Nor can pump capacity be large. The maximum allowable size will be determined from the pump test, but it is not likely to be more than several hundred gpm.

I would prefer that the step drawdown test be conducted at 50-100-200-300 gpm, and that even cleaning of the well should be done at no more than 300 gpm. From your original report, you will not need a very large pump in any event.

We can discuss this well in more detail when I return home in a-few weeks.


~r. John Mink, Hydrologist c/o 2338 Rayburr, Blolililing Washington, D. C. 20515

Dear John,

Subject: Kaeleku Well for Hana Ranc:" I:1c.

Transmitted herewith is a copy of preliminary plans and specs for the proposed well at Kaeleku, Hana, Maui.

Please review sa~e and advise us of any changes or modifications that should be incorporated. Bill us directly for your services.


Warren s. Unemori

Mr. Shiget.o Murayama, Director Oepar~~ent of Wat.er Supply County of Maui Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

Dear ~~. Muray~~a:

April 25, 1975

Re; Kaeleku Agricultural Subdivision TMK l-3-03~4 , 16 Hana, Maui File l~o. 1.63

SubnLittea herewith for your approval is a set of plans and specs for a well that Hana Ranch ia planning to drill for their above subdivision. The well will be part of a private water system. Capacity we are looking for is between 100-200 gpm. our consultant, Or. John Mink, has informed us that there should be no problem in getting this.

Hana Ranch would like to have t.lte plans out for bids in mid May. Therefore, an early reply and approval will be appreciated.


warren S. Unemori

cc: Mel Hewett

• Decer.l'b er 30, 1974

T~lf·. f:.l~~· ~lr:a("p !:e(",'lc.[l~ CO!ldd"t2or.~ i"" t~e vlci . ..-:!t.y cf i\G.e~eY..l..i, I',a:.::, a~e

corr:!'?y., d.l.,.f1:: becf..u:e e seqLier:ce c·: tt:-E:€ d:'~::n~t Y~lc~r.i~ ~Er!€!O' h":.ve ::>~H. ide' u.ne~ :~, thif: :F..s:-t 0: t.he i:la~d. Tne ccc..:.rreflce of these fOT.~,&.tio;.;;: if. vf>rtic2.1 SJCc(:~:·.[.iQr. i!'::t='::":\e~ the preser.ce 0: l1!1Co:-':-o!"Jr.ities ami per!'.;.;:: i'":t';;<:ive~. bot!", of whic~; co~::l.! ti(1!,:<" cc:.:.lci p!'Ovice grou-:h;cte:- p-=rche-: on reln.tiveJy i!'.­permealle e-i:!:'ata far c.bon: 5P.? level. nOl-;€vcr, t!:e pri!".ci}:;le :resr. C~ot.:".dr;C!tE-r :-eso!,;!'C'e o,:c~rs as c le::~' 0: resal water lo'flose ur-per ~L:rrac€, cr he'.:.:i, lie:-. close to se2. If>ve2. •. >r.v develop·,er.t well if: tl-;€ areE: r:t.:f''t be !:·la~.r:e:: to read: tao-a water for certai!', cucc~s!,;, btlt if perched water is e~cc-'..:.r.:ere; itc exter ..... shoulc be eV"cilua ted -beca~lse the cost of punpir;{; it to the s;rrfac€: would be les~ tho;; fo!' 1asal ~;ater a::s H~· quality ;;0:.:1:: not te s~tject to sea. water i!·.trusior •• Record~; 0: the two well!", alrea.dy drilled in the haDa regio:: ( the State wei} ad a HaGa Rar.ch well, fr55) do not indicate the occ~rre~ce 0: exploitable perched wa te!'.

The tasE.l aqllifeT at Kn.eleku is cOJr.pose::' 0: very perF-leal,le HO:Jo",a:-,;; tcsalt. To reach this volcanic series, a~L1t 100 feet 0: as!'. a!:d l:asalt of the Har;a Sf<:'­

ies, which i::; also very permeable, and pe!"ha?~ 50 feet of l:!.!la re.salt, which is les!! permea l,le thE!!l the Ha;l2. and Honomanu se!"iea but neverthelesf' qu~ te per­meable, will have to be per,etrated. ~ncc!1fordties of alluvium ani weathered rna teriaJ m?4y sepe.ra ts the VE.!'ious series 'bL1t should provide no u!,usual d!'illi;.; p:-o'blems. A t the proro!'5ed WEll 5i te, the HO:.orrar.:J l:&sal t should be e!x'o!,;,;tere:: above sea. level.

The Hor.o!i~r:u rasa. 1 t, rased or: inteTFretatio!:s of records from the State well and well 55, is extraord im:.rily permeable, which mea!'.s that grour.dwater ea~ ily flows through thE' aquifer but also that ar. appreciable fresb ~ater level above sea level ca::!'let bdlc up. The low head i:-: the r€'7io!: res tric ts depth to which well~ could be drilled and FUrr.P sizes because~o~ither wo~ld induce salinizat:o~.

The-basal head at the propoced site shoulc be .5 feet or less. The high per­meability of the lavas will permit extractior. of moderate volumes of water fro~ a small diameter well drilled to a shallow depth below sea level. Accoroin: to the statement of expected useage at the subdivision, the maxim~ draft will be but 102,000 gpd, equivalent t0a,0n1y 71 gpm. This is a very small quantity of water and would require no more tan 8 inch diameter well drilled to -25 feet. In fact, such a well would be capable of yle1dir~ co!':side:ra.bly more thar: the anticipated draft. The specific capacity of such a well would exce8c 100 gpr.l per foot of drawdown, which means that a rate of 100 gpm would re~ult in about-1 foot of drawdown. The quality of basal wate~ would be exceller.t, with chloride content substantially less than 100 DIG/l at controlled pumping.

The 10ea tior.. of the proposed well is a ppropria te for the pro jec t. p. well drilled to a maximum of -30 feet elevation would ea~ily provide the expected demand of the agricultural subdivision.

~ -L .\

- ~ __ -T ' 1~--,/ JohrJ F. Kink .

- Hydrologist-Geologist

, . i






e11 eTH PL.ACE S VV.

VVASHINGTON D.C. 20024 TEL. 202.554.4919



~I~ '~-4(:. f~,t p .. \t .

\ Dece~ber 30, 1974

r·:~ ..... arrer, S. t:nemori

Dec..r ~'a:!:Ter::

Enclosed is a brief meno evaluatir.g the hydroCeologic conditions a~u~a Kaeleku and corr~e!'ltinc on the likelihood of a successful well. YOll should have no trouble if the depth of the well is held below -50 feet and the capac! ty rea~onable, say 200 gpm or less. Please let me see a copy of the final design for the well so I !ray cOr'"_":er.t Of; it.

7he:re are interestinG geologic conditions in the Kaeleku wkich cculd cor.fuse c.. driller. v:ater Resources International drille:i the r:ea.rby State well and probably has a feel for the area.


f .. •

Mr. Maury Kruth Chief ::.ngineer State Department of Health Environmental Health-Maui Wailuku: Raw6ii 96793

Dear Maury,

June 17. 1975

Re. Keeleku A9ricultural Subdivision Kaeleku, Hana, Maui

Enclosed herewith i. a copy of a report preparee by our consultant, Dr. John Kink. concernin; the question of contamination of groundwater by the cesspool e~fluent. His conclusion 1. that this will not happen.

cc: JotUl Mink Mel Hewett

Very truly yours,

Warren S. Unemori


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DOWAlD Form 73 (4)




WELL OR PROJECT NAME _____ ,~::4~?:-~~------------------------------------- ________________ ISLAND ____ ~~/--------------------.::- - .

OWNER OF WELL -----------M--C4--e::::~~---------------~~I--l--------------------~---------------------- -- _________________________________ .... ,-~:"f Mailing Address -- ____ .. __ 4s:.,.3.:r_7 _______ L1 ___ ~_~_::4:A __________ ;.,rr _________ ,-----n.-'t!9::N.e~~ ____________________________________ ..... :::::,~

DR I LLI NG COM PANY .. ____ .. Oee:E1N. __ .. _____ 0e?Y __________ ;)RL~L-Al-f::------ ________________________________________________ .. _____ . ___ . Ma iii ng Address _ .. ____ .. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .. ;, ~.~>/ _ . _

Proposed Construction DateS~_ZSProposed Completion Date j)c::t!. __ Z.s:: Proposed Depth ------~Q---fl..:~-~t~~~~

PROPOSED USE OF WELL: (a) Domestic -------- __ 6 ________________________________________ _ (e) Waste Disposal (type) ________________ ... __ ... ___ ,: .. . (b) Irrigation ______________________________________________________ __ (f) Soi Is Invest. _____________________________________________ .... . (c) Industrial (type) ________________________________________ __ (d) Cool ing (type) _____ , ______________________________________ _

(g) Foundation I.nvest. _________________________________ " ___ .;~j, ... ~ (h) Others (specify) _______ . ________________________________ ._,."~:,._; ":O •• ;;!

LOCATION OF WELL: (Attach copy of tax map, USGS topographic map, plantation field map, road map, or pre-' pared drawing showing exact location. If not available, prepare a hand-drawn sketch map (not necessarily to, scale) in the space below showing sufficient landmaks, distances, and directions for location in the field) -


. Date Submitted ___ ._._. __ ..... __________ .. ______ . ______ . ________ . __ .. __ . __________ . Signature of Owner ____ ... ______ ~ __ . ______________________ . __ . ______________ . __ __


Job Name ____ ................ ____ .. ..

Job. No ............... -- .. ----.-- __ . __ __

Title (If Applicable) __ ~.-------------------- .. ------------.--.------.-----------_

INSTRUCTIONS: Send three (3) copies to: Manager-Chief Engineer, Divi­sion of Water and Land Development, P. O. Box 373, Honolulu, HI 96809,

REFERENCE: Chapter 178 entitled "Wells, Generally," Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended by Act 123, SLH, 1970.