HSG216 Introduction Passenger-carrying miniature railways Guidance on safe practice

8627 2 colum - Vulcan Works · The guidance has been agreed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Miniature Railway Liaison Group. The following associations are represented

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IntroductionPassenger-carrying miniature railwaysGuidance on safe practice

© Crown copyright 2001Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: CopyrightUnit, Her Majesty's Stationery Office,St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQFirst published 2001

ISBN 0 7176 2035 2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission ofthe copyright owner.

This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive.Following the guidance is not compulsory and you are free totake other action. But if you do follow the guidance you willnormally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health andsafety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law andmay refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.

The Health and Safety Executive gratefully acknowledgesthe assistance of M B Beevers, C Fincken and J A Haylock inproviding photographs for this publication.


Preface v

Introduction 1

Implementation 1Definitions and abbreviations 2

Risk assessment 3

Track 4

General 4Sleepers and rail supports 4Rails and fixings 4Elevated track 5Ground-level track 5Ballast 5Switches and crossings (points) 5Portable track 6

Infrastructure 7

Clearances for train and passenger safety 7Earthworks 7Bridges, tunnels and viaducts 7Fencing 7Stations 8Platform layout 8Platform construction 8Other public areas in a station 8

Signalling 9

Level crossings 10

Locomotives and rolling stock 11

Locomotives 11Boiler systems 11Rolling stock 11Couplings 12Brakes 12Wheels 12

Operation 13

General 13Management of operations 13Recording and reporting incidents 13Trains 14Servicing of locomotives 14Pre-running inspection 14The self-employed 15Insurance 15

Maintenance of equipment 16

Appendices 17

1 Guidance on health and safety law 17

2 Example of an incident report form 18

3 HSE Form F2508 Report of an injury or 19dangerous occurrence

Further reading 21



Passenger-carrying miniature railwaysGuidance on safe practice


The guidance has been agreed by the Health andSafety Executive (HSE) and the Miniature RailwayLiaison Group.

The following associations are represented withinthe Group:

• The Northern Association of Model EngineeringSocieties

• The Southern Federation of Model EngineeringSocieties

• The Midlands Federation of Model EngineeringSocieties

• Society of Model and Experimental Engineers

• Ground Level 5" Gauge Main Line Association

• 7 " Gauge Society

• Representatives from trade, manufacturersand press

• Representatives from private railways




IntroductionPassenger-carrying miniature railwaysGuidance on safe practice



1 This book explains how to work safely andcomply with the law if you are involved in miniaturerailways. It concentrates on the safety of employers,employees, volunteers (who may be club or societymembers) and the general public. The guidance givesadvice on measures that can be taken to ensure thatrisks are controlled.

2 The Miniature Railway Liaison Group has workedfor some time to raise the level of safety awarenessamong miniature railway operators, to improvestandards and to exchange information. Miniaturerailways have been shown to be relatively safe, butthere have been a small number of accidentsinvolving either the general public and/or operators.Risks therefore need to be kept to acceptable levels.

3 The book replaces Technical Note 3 Guidelines onthe application of the Health and Safety at Work Act1974 to miniature railways, issued by Her Majesty’sRailway Inspectorate (HMRI) in August 1992. Therevision is necessary because of a major shift inhealth and safety legislation towards riskmanagement through assessment. The new guidancealso differentiates between the safety requirementsfor fairground and amusement park rides andattractions and those for miniature railways.

Passengers enjoying rides on both elevated and ground-leveltracks at a club open day

4 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974(HSW Act) places duties on those who design, plan,construct, operate and maintain miniature railways.All of these people have a duty to ensure that a

miniature railway has been constructed so that it canbe operated safely. Further information on healthand safety law applicable to miniature railways iscontained in Appendix 1.

5 It is recommended that this guidance is followedby clubs and societies, as well as the individualperson who constructs or operates a miniaturerailway for pleasure purposes but intends to offerfacilities for the general public to view or ride on thesystem.

6 Members of the Miniature Railways LiaisonGroup, who helped write this guidance, recommendthe criteria for key components of the miniaturerailway infrastructure, rolling stock and theappropriate systems and procedures to ensure safeoperation. Clubs, societies or individuals are free tomeet their legal obligations in other ways, but needto be able to show that what they have done isequally effective.

7 The guidance is based on the processes ofhazard identification and risk assessment to identifymeans of controlling risks as required by health andsafety law.

8 Occupational risks, such as manual handling,exposure to substances hazardous to health, noiseetc, are not covered. Advice on general health andsafety requirements is given in HSE book Essentialsof health and safety at work (see ‘Further reading’).

Implementation9 This guidance covers miniature railways of lessthan 350 mm gauge. Railways may be those thatprovide a genuine transport facility within a site,those that constitute a tourist attraction or simply arailway that acts as an expression of the engineeringskills of the owner or group involved.

10 HSE’s Railway Inspectors will inspect thoseminiature railways below 350 mm gauge whichoperate under statutory provisions because theycross a public highway or have other worksauthorised by a private Act of Parliament or anorder under the Light Railway Act 1896. They will



advise whether this guidance or the Railway safetyprinciples and guidance (RSPG) need to be applied.

11 General principles to ensure safe practice areprovided but the various organisations representingspecific aspects of miniature railways may wish todevelop and publish their own detailed standards.

A general scene on a ground-level track

12 Any new miniature railways that areconstructed should follow this guidance and it is alsorecommended to operators of existing miniaturerailways.There is no need to apply this guidanceretrospectively but in cases where there are widevariances, or an accident has occurred, you need toconsider improving safety by adopting it.

13 This book provides advice on both ground-leveland raised-track miniature railways. Where there isno specific reference to one or other of these in anyparagraph then the guidance is applicable to bothtypes of miniature railway.

Definitions and abbreviationsCheck rail Rails placed on the inside of the

running rail to assist vehicles in thenegotiation of small radius curvesor pointwork

Flangeway The distance between the runningedge of the rail and the contact edgeof the check rail

Gauge The distance between the inside edgeof the two running rails

Locomotive Any form of motive power includingany associated tender and/or drivingtruck if used

MR Miniature railway (a railway with agauge of less than 350 mm)

PER Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999

PSSR Pressure Systems Safety Regulations2000

RSPG Railway Safety Principles and Guidance

Staff Any person involved in the operationof the railway, whether an employee,volunteer or member of a club orsociety

Train A number of vehicles coupled together,normally headed by a locomotive butin some cases may be hand-propelled

14 Miniature railway operators need to introduceprocedures to identify hazards and assess risks todetermine what control measures should be adoptedto avoid risk or reduce it to acceptable levels.Procedures for existing miniature railways should bekept under review in order to identify whether anychanges to the control measures are needed.

15 Most accidents happen because simpleprecautions are not taken. An assessment of risksinvolves looking at what can go wrong, the likelihoodof it going wrong and what needs to be done toprevent it from happening. Risk assessment is oftenabout applying common sense in a logical way.

16 A good risk assessment needs to:

• identify the hazards;

• look at who might be harmed and with whatdegree of severity;

• decide whether the risks are alreadyadequately controlled; and

• determine what further action (if any) isnecessary to control the risks.

17 A risk assessment needs to be carried outduring each stage of the design, planning,construction, operation and maintenance of aminiature railway. For an existing miniature railway, arisk assessment needs to be carried out for theongoing infrastructure and operation.

18 A risk assessment may be carried out byanyone who has suitable knowledge and experienceof the operations involved. Remember that theowner or operator is responsible for seeing that therisk assessment is done and is adequate.

19 The recommended approach to riskassessment consists of five steps as indicated below.

Step 1 Look for the hazards‘Hazard’ means anything that can cause harm(eg hot ashes, runaway vehicles). Look at all of theactivities, including non-routine tasks. Look at whatactually happens rather than what should happen.

Step 2 Decide who might be harmed, and howThere are employees, volunteers, members of the clubor society and members of the public to consider.

Think about how people may be at risk either incarrying out their tasks or as spectators orpassengers.

Step 3 For each hazard, evaluate the chance, big orsmall, of harm actually being done and decide whetherexisting precautions are adequate or more shouldbe done.For each hazard, consider what would be the worstresult. Would it be damage to limbs, someone beingburned, scalded or even killed? How likely is it tohappen? If you consider more needs to be done tocontrol the risk, ask yourself if you can avoid thehazard by performing the task in a different way. Ifnot, you need to think about controlling the hazardmore effectively:

• Choose the most important thing to tackle first.

• Work with those performing the task to solvethe problems and agree precautions.

• Don’t forget that new training and informationmay be required.

Remember, even after all precautions have beentaken, some risk will often remain. The importantthings you need to decide are whether the hazard issignificant, and whether you have taken satisfactoryprecautions so that the risk is as small as possible.Check this when you assess the risks.

Step 4 Record the significant findings of yourrisk assessmentA ‘significant’ hazard has the potential to cause seriousharm. You can keep paper or electronic records butmake sure these are easily accessible. Remember, youonly need to record significant findings. These wouldinclude the hazards, the existing control measures andthe people who may be affected.

Step 5 Review your assessment from time to time,and revise it if necessaryRemember that things change - you might start newoperations or there may be technological or socialchanges. Rules get broken and people don’t always doas they have been told. The only way to find outabout changes like these is by checking. Don’t waituntil something has gone wrong. Check that thehazards are the same and that the precautions are stilladequate. You should record the results of the review.

Risk assessment


General20 Track is used to support and guide the trains.It should be designed, installed and maintained to astandard suitable for the loadings and speeds of thetraffic it has to carry. You need to ensure the stabilityof the gauge, line and level of the track under allconditions of load and temperature.

21 Drainage needs to be provided if required andit may be necessary to take additional measures toensure stability on weak or unstable ground.

22 There may be other methods of supporting andcorrectly locating the rails than the traditional ballastand sleepers. Any other arrangement that is usedshould meet the standards achieved with ballast andsleepers.

Sleepers and rail supports23 Sleepers may be made of wood, concrete, steel,plastic or other suitable material. They are used tohold the rails to the correct gauge and distribute theloads imposed by the trains to the supportingstructure. They also need to be of suitabledimensions to ensure that these functions areadequately performed.

24 The distance between sleeper centres will bedependent upon the rail section being used, the sizeof the sleepers and the planned maximum loads tobe carried on the track. Sleepers immediately oneach side of a rail joint should be pitched so thatthey minimise the risk of dipped joints.

Rails and fixings25 The rail should be of a suitable weight andprofile for the maximum axle loadings and speed ofthe trains on the railway. In cases where a mixture oflocomotive types and rolling stock is used, the railneeds to be suited to the longest and heaviestvehicles.

26 The fixings attaching the rails to the sleepers orsupport should be able to hold the rails to gaugeand withstand vibration and any temperature

changes. The fixings used to secure the ends of therails should hold them in vertical and horizontalalignment and, where appropriate, accommodateexpansion and contraction.

An example of ground-level track showing sleepers, fixingsand ballast

27 When curved track is required, the radiusshould be as large as is possible, with transition bothbefore and after the curve. The minimum acceptableradius of curved track depends on the gauge, type ofstock used and the operating speeds.

28 On curved track it may be advisable to providesuper-elevation by the outer rail being higher thanthe inner one to balance the forces acting on thevehicle so as to load both rails equally. The super-elevation or cant needs to be gradually introducedat the start of a curve and similarly reduced at theend. The amount of super-elevation or cant needs tobe appropriate to the speed of the trains and theheight of the centre of gravity of a loaded train.When train speeds are very low, super-elevationmay not be required.

29 The gauge may be widened slightly on curvedtrack as a means of improving the ride around thecurve and to reduce the wear both on the rails andwheels.

30 Ensure that the track does not move out ofalignment when there are changes in temperature.



Elevated track31 When a track is installed on a formation raisedfrom the ground, the foundations must be adequateto bear the loads of both the superstructure and theloaded trains to be carried. The structures need tobe so designed and installed as to ensure theirstability and that of the trackwork.

32 An adequate system should be provided toprevent any passenger-carrying vehicles from tipping.This may be achieved by a combination of suitabledesign of the track structure, provision of anti-tippingrails, or the design of the vehicles.

Train running on an elevated track with concrete supportsand longitudinal timber beams

33 Any traversers, turntables or other devices builtinto the track need to have a system installed whichensures that it is not possible to run on to themwithout their being properly and securely in place.

Ground-level trackBallast34 Ballast has four main functions;

• to distribute the load from the sleepers tothe larger bearing surface of the track bed;

• to retain the sleepers in position;

• to allow both line and levels to be adjusted; and

• to provide adequate drainage of surface water.

35 The ballast should be of a hard, crushed, angularmaterial and be large enough to provide resistance

to the sideways movement of the sleepers. Shingleor crushed beach stones do not provide sufficientresistance and are not recommended for use.

36 The size of ballast may vary according tosleeper size, spacing and rail sections used but itneeds to be of larger than scale appearance to befunctional. It needs to extend beyond the ends ofthe sleepers in order to retain them. The finishedlevel of all of the ballast should be level with the topsurface of the sleepers.

Switches and crossings (points)37 It is preferable to lay trailing points but in caseswhere the layout requires facing points they need tobe kept to a minimum and have some form of routeindication. There needs to be a means of establishingthat the switchblades are fully ‘home’ in the correctdirection for the signalling.

An example of a switch showing the major componentsThe facing direction is a movement from left to right in theabove diagram and trailing direction is the opposite.The terminology used may vary and the diagram is forillustrative purposes only

38 The gauge of the track should be maintainedthrough any points in either direction. Check railsshould be provided to ensure that the wheels areunable to take other than the intended direction oftravel. The moving switchblades should bemanufactured to fit against the appropriate fixed railand may need to be recessed accordingly to ensurethey allow the wheels to pass in the correctdirection.

39 The clearances of flangeways and crossingsneed to be compatible with the profile of thewheels in use.



StraightSwitch/point blades



Closing railWing rail

Check rail

Check railStraight stock rail

Wing railCurved stock rail




40 At remote locations a system using spring-loaded points or weighted levers may need to beinstalled at turning or passing loops. You need toindicate the direction in which the points are set.

Note: In all cases the driver is responsible for ensuringthe points are set for the correct route and theswitchblades are fully home before passing over them.

Portable track41 Portable track (consisting of pre-formed trackpanels complete with rails, fixings and sleepers)needs to be erected so that the track is level. Anypacking necessary to achieve this levelling should beof suitable size and material to ensure that it canbear the loads imposed upon the tracks andtransfers them to the ground without distortion. Thespacing of any packing should be close enough toprevent twist and the support should be rigidenough to prevent significant deflection under traffic.

Portable track in use at an outside event

42 Where a portable track is a simple ‘out andback’ layout, you need to consider providing upwardsslopes on the approach to each end, to assist inbraking, together with buffer stops or an adequateover-run area.

43 Where a portable track is used, suitable barriersmay be required to control the movement ofpeople.

Clearances for train andpassenger safety44 Wherever possible, the clearances shouldensure that passengers cannot reach out and strikeany passing trains, structure or other object(including trees). Where this is not possible, warningindications need to be displayed.

45 All structures and earthworks should bedesigned to ensure that there is a clearance ofadequate width on each side of the widest stockused on the line to allow for passengers to get offtrains in an emergency.

Earthworks46 Earthworks (usually embankments and cuttings)need to be designed and constructed with suitablematerials to provide adequate support and stability.

47 Any earthworks need to be graded to providelong-term stability while allowing the use ofmechanical machinery for grass cutting etc and safeaccess for maintenance. Precautions may be requiredin steep-sided cuttings to ensure materials do not fallonto the line.

Track on an embankment showing side clearances to allowfor passengers to get off the train in an emergency

Bridges, tunnels and viaducts48 Bridges and viaducts should be strong enoughto bear the weight of the trains. If walkways andhandrails are provided on bridges and viaducts, theyneed to be strong enough to bear the weight of thevehicles on them and also the likely number ofpassengers who may use them.

49 Tunnels and bridges should be designed withadequate width and headroom to ensure safety incases where it is necessary for passengers to get offthe train.

Fencing50 Consider fencing off areas where the public arelikely to congregate, especially around station areaswhere there will be flows of pedestrians.

51 Unfenced track is acceptable provided drivershave a clear and unobstructed view of the areas onboth sides of the track. Where this is not the case,consider providing fencing or regulating train speeds.



StationsPlatform layout

Station layout showing both elevated and ground-level trackswith safety fencing and overbridge for access

52 Stations should be designed with straightplatforms where practicable but in all cases thereneeds to be good visibility for the train crew of thefull length of the train.They should be on as levelgradient as is possible. Any buildings or canopiesneed to be built and located so as not to interferewith the driver's line of sight.

Platform construction53 Platforms should be long enough toaccommodate the longest train operated and wideenough for the greatest number of passengers likelyto use them at any one time. Platform buildings orother obstructions should be designed to avoidundue restrictions to the movement of passengers.Where the layout permits, provide separate loadingand unloading platforms or a barrier system toprevent the platform becoming overcrowded.

54 The level of the platform should allow ease ofaccess to the rolling stock in use and avoid thepossibility of people trapping their legs or feet. Theplatform surface needs to be of a suitable materialto minimise the risk of slips or trips and have agentle slope away from the edge of the platform toensure objects left unattended do not roll onto thetrack. The edges of the platform surface should bemarked with a white line.

Other public areas in a station55 The public areas of stations should be designedto allow the unimpeded movement of passengerswhen those areas are at their busiest. Wherepassenger numbers are higher than usual, there maybe a need to introduce additional measures forcrowd control.

56 All floors, steps, treads etc should be designedwith due consideration to the environmentalconditions and should minimise the risks of slippingand tripping. All columns, posts, seats and otherobstructions in the public areas should be clearlyvisible.


57 Any miniature railway that has more than onetrain in operation needs a system to preventconflicting movements. The system of control needsto be as simple as possible, while ensuring the safeoperation of the railway.

58 The primary function of any control or signallingsystem is to:

• prevent collisions between trains;

• give indications of the route that has been set;

• control access of trains to a section of the line;and

• protect level crossings.

59 Where the safety of operation of a miniaturerailway can be ensured by a system of driving on aline-of-sight basis, no signalling system may berequired. Train speeds need to be regulated so thatthe driver can stop within line of sight at all times.

60 Where a signalling system is installed on aminiature railway, the complexity will depend on thetype of line and the speed and frequency of trains.

Semaphore signalling at the departure end of a stationshowing controlling signal box

61 There are various types of suitable controlsystems in addition to full signalling. These includeone engine in-use, tokens giving authority overspecific areas of the line and two-way radiocommunication. There may be cases where it isadvisable to use a mixture of systems, in which caseyou need to ensure that the basic functions listed

earlier are ensured. The choice of signalling systemneeds to be supported by an appropriate riskassessment.

62 The signals need to be spaced at appropriateintervals for the frequency, speed and brakingperformance of all trains using the line. Signals mayinclude visual indications passed to the train crew bymeans of coloured lights, semaphore signals, fixedmarkers, coloured flags or similar manual operations.Where these are to be used during the hours ofdarkness or reduced levels of visibility, they need tohave supporting lighted indications.

63 Signal aspects need to be visible for anadequate length of time on the approach to thesignal and when a train has stopped at the signal.Where an adequate sighting cannot be obtained,another signal, which repeats the main one, may beprovided on the approach.

64 Any signalling system provided should ensurethat, in case of failure, all signals return to danger.Points should remain in the same position as theywere at the time of the failure.



65 In situations where a level crossing has to beprovided, there should be an adequate form ofprotection. The extent of this will depend on thepotential for conflicting movements of trains, vehiclesand people.

66 At unmanned level crossings, warning signs,whistle boards and a train speed restriction mayprovide enough protection. The driver of anapproaching train needs to have an unobstructedview of the approach areas on both sides of thecrossing.

67 Where there is a level crossing of a road whichprovides access to public vehicles, you need toensure that the requirements of the Level CrossingsAct 1983 (as amended by the Level CrossingsRegulations 1997) are complied with. You shouldconsult HSE’s Railway Inspectors in the early stagesof planning, as they are the authority that will giveultimate approval. The requirements are contained inthe Railway safety principles and guidance, Part 2Section E ‘Level crossings’ (available from HSEBooks).

68 Where a level crossing is authorised, you needto ensure adequate co-operation between therailway and the person responsible for the road,paying particular attention to the visibility for bothroad and rail traffic.

Level crossings


Locomotives69 Locomotives need to be:

• constructed to provide safety and reliabilityin service;

• provided with a system to give an audiblewarning of approach; and

• provided with a system to ensure safety whenthe locomotive is left unattended or stabled.

Boiler systems70 The Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999(PER) cover placing boilers above a certain size onthe market and putting them into service. TheRegulations do not apply to a privately built boilerput into service by the same person for theirown use.

71 The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000(PSSR) provide for the ongoing safety of all vesselswith a pressure in excess of 0.5 bar (7 psi) aboveatmospheric pressure (ie 22 psi absolute) or steamat any pressure. The purpose of the Regulations is toprevent the risk of serious injury from stored energyand steam being released as a result of the failure ofa pressure system or part of one. Steam locomotivesfall under the definition of ‘installed systems’ for thepurposes of the Regulations (they are excluded fromthe definition of ‘mobile system’).

72 The Regulations require that boilers areproperly designed and constructed from suitablematerials. They also require that examinations arecarried out in accordance with a written scheme ofexamination detailing the various items to beincluded and the frequency of examinations.

73 The Regulations require inspections to becarried out by a person who is competent toexamine that particular piece of equipment. Theyalso require that adequate records of theexaminations are kept. The maximum intervalsbetween examinations should be specified and eachreport should indicate the latest date of the nextexamination.

74 When a boiler is to be used other than in thecourse of a business by a member of a club orsociety or by a private individual, the examinationarrangements provided by one of the modelassociations or federations may be used. Theseprocedures need to cover aspects provided for inPSSR. Boilers having certificates issued under thesearrangements may still be acceptable as visitors onlines operating as a business but this will depend onthe insurance cover and management of theparticular railway concerned.

Rolling stock75 Passenger-carrying vehicles need to be stable,with enough protection to ensure that they minimisethe risk of people being able to move their feet intoa position of danger, trap any of their limbs or strikelineside objects. Arrangements should also be inplace to make it impossible for a passenger to trap alimb between the vehicles.

76 Rolling stock should have adequate suspension,buffers and couplings to ensure that it can beoperated safely.

Sit-inside passenger carriages on a ground-level track

Locomotives and rolling stock


Couplings77 The design of any coupling should be adequatefor the purpose and ensure that the rolling stock issecurely coupled in all circumstances, eg whenpropelling or in a derailment. You need to preventover-riding in the event of a collision. There are anumber of different coupling systems which may beappropriate including three-link with side buffers,bars secured with pins and combined centralbuffer/coupling. The use of scale couplings of thethree-link, instanter or screw type are notrecommended as in scale form they have insufficientstrength to ensure safety in all circumstances.

78 Safety chains should be considered between thelocomotive and tender or driving truck. Their usebetween other vehicles in a train could prevent adivision even if the main coupling fails.

79 On miniature railways where propelling of trainstakes place, you need to consider ensuring thelateral stability of the vehicles within the train duringthis operation.

Elevated track passenger carriages showing valances andflexible coverings between the top and sides of the vehicles

Brakes80 A braking system is required which is adequatefor the loaded train weight, normal speed of running,gradients and operating methods. This system needsto be capable of bringing the train to a stop innormal and emergency conditions, in a safe distance.

81 If the braking system is of a continuous type,operating on the coaches and locomotives, it shouldbe capable of being worked from the locomotive bythe driver, in emergency by the guard (if carried) orbe applied automatically in the event of a division ofthe train. Brakes used as the normal ‘service brake’should be capable of being applied gradually to stopthe train smoothly.

82 When the brakes have been applied, theyshould remain on in order to hold the vehicle(s) foran adequate length of time.

83 Lightweight trains may be operated with a non-automatic brake of adequate power. Where smalllocomotives are used, it is common to provide abraked ‘driving truck’, rather than rely on thelocomotive brakes.

84 If locomotives are using one of the variouspropulsion systems involving a chain, gear orhydraulic drive, the transmission system cannot berelied upon to provide an adequate train brakingsystem. The severance of any chain or gear drive tothe wheels would lead to the driver being unable tocontrol the speed of the train. The brakes need toact directly onto the wheels or axle-mounted discsand not be of the sled or skid type that operate onthe rails in view of the danger of this type of systemlifting the vehicles off the track.

Wheels85 The wheels on any wheelset and the suspensionof a vehicle need to be compatible with the railprofile, track geometry, infrastructure and vehicle ortrain speed.


General86 Any miniature railway, even a simple operation,needs to have operating rules to provide for safeoperation in both normal and emergency situations.The rules should be appropriate to the railway, easyto understand by all staff and not too complex.

87 Miniature railways need to ensure that all staffinvolved are competent and have declared theirmedical and physical fitness for the duties they are toperform.

88 Miniature railways should ensure that all staffinvolved are not under the adverse influence ofalcohol or drugs.

89 Miniature railways need to prepare proceduresto cover safe operation, and in particular undertakea risk assessment for their operations. The attentionto detail in the risk assessment needs to becommensurate with the scale of operations.Separate risk assessments may be required foroperations of fixed and portable tracks. The resultsof the risk assessments and any control measuresintroduced to reduce risks should be recorded.

90 Where people below the age of 18 areinvolved in any activities on a miniature railway, youneed to ensure that a risk assessment has beencarried out which takes into consideration theinexperience and reduced attention span of theindividuals concerned. This requirement is in orderto comply with the legislation in connection withyoung persons undertaking work and, provided theyhave been assessed as competent, does not precludethem from any particular activity (such as driving).

91 Miniature railways should have the followingdocumentation. Copies should be reasonably availableat all times and on request by any party concerned:

• general description of miniature railway;

• plan of track and site, showing public accessareas, junctions, pathways, gradients, speedrestrictions, signals etc;

• risk assessment documentation; and

• operating rules, byelaws etc as appropriate tothe operation.

Management of operations92 It is recommended that for each running sessionyou appoint a person in charge who has theauthority to ensure that all procedures laid down arefollowed.

93 The person in charge should have details of theemergency plans and a list of emergency contacttelephone numbers. All of the staff involved shouldbe made aware of the procedures in case ofemergency. On all occasions that the railwayoperates, a record should be kept of the date,locomotives run on the track and staff in attendance.

Recording and reporting incidents94 A record needs to be maintained giving detailsof all incidents and near misses that happen duringany operating session. Full details of the occurrenceand the people involved, together with anywitnesses, should be recorded. This record needs tobe completed at the time of the event in order toensure that full details are available in the event oftheir being required at a later date.The form shownin Appendix 2 provides some indication of theinformation that may need to be recorded.

95 You are legally required to report certainincidents causing injury or dangerous occurrences.Notification is required when:

• members of the public are taken to hospital fortreatment;

• employees suffer certain injuries or are unableto work for more than three days; or

• any unintended collision of a train or vehiclewith any other train, vehicle or stationary objectoccurs which might have caused death or majorinjury to any person.

More detail is contained in A Guide to the Reportingof Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous OccurrencesRegulations 1995 (see ‘Further reading’).

96 When you report an incident, use form F2508(see example shown in Appendix 3). This can eitherbe directly to the appropriate enforcing authority(your local HSE office or local authority) or through



the Incident Contact Centre. If you use the centreyou do not need to be concerned about which isthe appropriate enforcing authority, as they willprocess the report for you. If you do not have acopy of the form, contact the centre and you will besent one.

Incident Contact CentreCaerphilly Business ParkCaerphillyCF83 3GGTel: 0845 300 9923Fax: 0845 300 [email protected] reports: www.riddor.gov.uk

97 You need to investigate and record the causesof any incident and, if necessary, reassess theoperations in the light of what has occurred.

Trains98 When trains are operating with more than onepassenger-carrying vehicle, you need to considerproviding a guard to ride on the train.

99 You need to consider the load of trains forvarious sizes of locomotives, taking into account thespeed, braking and hauling capabilities. These shouldbe reviewed if there are any changes in theoperational circumstances. The main changes to beconsidered would be a reduction in the brakingcapacity or a change in the rail conditions (ie fromdry to wet) reducing adhesion.

100 In darkness or reduced visibility, the train needsto carry a lighted red tail-lamp on the rear of thelast vehicle. In other conditions it is recommendedthat some form of red indicator marks the rear ofthe train.

101 Drivers are responsible for ensuring theirlocomotive or train is under control at all times and,in cases where no guard is carried, are alsoresponsible for the safety of the passengers.

102 The guard, where one is provided, isresponsible for the safety of the train including anypassengers or goods. This person needs to be in a

position to enable them to see as much of the trainas is reasonably practicable. It is preferable that theyhave access to an emergency brake control, but ifnot, there needs to be a system of audible warningcommunication between the guard and driver.

Servicing of locomotives103 The operations involved with the preparationand disposal of locomotives, such as using a blowerto raise steam, dropping the fire and blowing downboilers, should be carried out carefully, in areas awayfrom the public. Care needs to be taken to avoid therisk of injury to other staff and to avoid any spreadof fire.

104 Refuelling of diesel, petrol or gas-firedlocomotives should be carried out well away frompublic areas and places where steam locomotivesare being prepared or ash disposed of. Care shouldalso be taken when charging or changing batteries incase any sparking could create hazardous conditions.

Pre-running inspection105 A visual inspection of the track and adjacentareas should be made before starting any runningsession to ensure that it is safe for use. The personmaking this inspection needs to make any entry tothis effect in the record of the running session andsign it.

106 A visual inspection of any locomotive shouldbe made before it is used. In the case of a steamlocomotive, a further inspection needs to be madeduring steam raising to look out for any leaks orfailures. This latter inspection needs to includechecking the water feeds to the boiler, blowing downthe water gauges and observing the correct actionof the safety valve(s). In all cases, the inspectionshould include the testing of the audible warningdevice and any braking system. Any defects found inthese items should be remedied before thelocomotive is used.

107 All items of rolling stock should be inspectedbefore being used in any running session to ensurethat they are safe for use.


The self-employed108 If people working under the control anddirection of others are treated as self-employed fortax and National Insurance purposes, they arenevertheless treated as employees for health andsafety purposes. If any doubt exists about who isresponsible for an individual’s health and safety, itshould be clarified in the terms of contract.However, remember that a criminal legal duty cannotbe absolved nor transferred by means of contract.Legal advice should always be sought beforeattempting to employ workers on the basis that theywill be responsible for their own health and safety.

Insurance109 The operator of any miniature railway needsto have a suitable level of public, product oremployer’s liability insurance. Ensure that suchinsurance covers the ages of all people likely toperform duties. If any age limits are imposed by theinsurers, for particular duties, ensure they areadhered to.


110 In order to ensure that any railway continuesto remain serviceable, all items of trackwork,locomotives, rolling stock and buildings etc shouldreceive adequate maintenance.The frequency anddetail of the various examinations will vary accordingto the complexity of the individual piece ofequipment and how much it is used.

111 Any system of maintenance should ensure thefollowing:

• Regular maintenance (including, as necessary,inspection, testing, adjustment, lubrications andcleaning) should be carried out at suitableintervals, taking into account the level of use ofthe item of equipment concerned.

• Any defects should be identified and remedied.If necessary, arrangements need to be madefor the affected vehicle or infrastructure not tobe used in the meantime. If the defect cannotbe rectified immediately, it may be necessary toimpose conditions which will ensure that safetyis not compromised.

• Regular maintenance and remedial workshould be carried out properly (and to thesame or improved standards of the original).

112 Keep suitable records of the work inspectionsand any work carried out.

Maintenance of equipment


1 The main piece of health and safety legislation isthe Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWAct). This sets out the general duties that employers,the self-employed, and people in control of premiseshave towards their employees, and others who couldbe affected by the work activities. It also givesemployees the general duty to ensure the health andsafety of themselves and each other.

General duties of employersand the self-employed2 Where any organisation, such as a miniaturerailway, has at least one paid employee anywhere intheir organisation, it is considered to be an‘employer’ for the purposes of the HSW Act and theregulations made under it.

3 Section 2 of the HSW Act places a duty onemployers to ensure, so far as is reasonablypracticable, the health, safety and welfare of theiremployees while at work.

4 Section 3 of the HSW Act places a duty onemployers and the self-employed to conduct theirundertakings in a way that ensures, so far as isreasonably practicable, that people other than theiremployees (eg voluntary workers, club or societymembers and members of the public) are notexposed to risks to their health or safety.

5 The Management of Health and Safety at WorkRegulations 1999 place a duty on both employersand the self-employed to assess the risks toemployees and anyone else (eg voluntary workers,club or society members and members of thepublic) who may be affected by the activities beingundertaken. As a result of this assessment,appropriate preventative and protective measureshave to be taken to reduce the risks identified if theyare not adequately controlled at present. Furtherguidance is given in the ‘Risk assessment’ sectionearlier in this guide.

Other general duties inhealth and safety law6 Section 4 of the HSW Act places a duty onpeople in control of non-domestic premises (eg theowner/operator or management committee of anyclub or society) to ensure, so far as is reasonablypracticable, that access arrangements, any activitiescarried out and any equipment or substance in thepremises are safe and without risk to health. Theduty is in relation to non-employees (eg voluntaryworkers or members of a club/society) who use thepremises as a place of work, or where they carryout any activities in a public place.

Application of health andsafety standards to voluntaryworkers (includingclub/society members)7 In general, the same health and safety standardsshould be applied to voluntary workers as theywould to employees exposed to the same risks.However, if the risk assessment shows that the risksto voluntary workers are different, the preventativeand protective measures taken should reflect thedifferent risks.

8 HSE considers it good practice for a volunteeruser or management committee of a club or societyto provide the same level of health and safetyprotection as they would in an employer/employeerelationship, irrespective of whether there are strictlegal duties.

9 If you have any doubts about your health andsafety responsibilities towards your employees orothers who may be affected by the work activities ofyour miniature railway undertaking, you should seekfurther advice. See also HSE Information SheetETIS12 Safe operation of miniature railways, tractionengines and road vehicles.

Appendix 1 Guidance on health and safety law


This form is an example that may be used to record incidents that did or might have had an effect on the safeoperation of the miniature railway, whether involving staff or members of the public. Forms should becompleted as soon as possible after the incident and be processed according to your procedures.

Appendix 2 Example of an incident report form


Appendix 3 HSE Form F2508

Report of an injury or dangerous occurrence



Management of health and safety at work.Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations1999. Approved Code of Practice and guidanceL21 HSE Books 2000 ISBN 0 7176 2488 9

An introduction to health and safetyHSE Books 1997 INDG259 Free leaflet

Five steps to risk assessment HSE Books 1998 LeafletINDG163(rev1) Single copies free; also available inpriced packs ISBN 0 7176 1565 0

Five steps to risk assessment: Case studies HSG183HSE Books 1998 ISBN 0 7176 1580 4

Young people at work: A guide for employers HSG165(Second edition) HSE Books 2000 ISBN 0 7176 1889 7

Essentials of health and safety at workHSE Books 1996 ISBN 0 7176 0716 X

Charity and voluntary workers: A guide to health andsafety at work HSG192 HSE Books 1999ISBN 0 7176 2424 2

Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999SI 1999/2001 The Stationery Office

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000SI 2000/128 The Stationery Office

Safety of pressure systems. Pressure Systems SafetyRegulations 2000. Approved Code of Practice L122HSE Books 2000 ISBN 0 7176 1767 X

A Guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases andDangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 L73 (Secondedition) HSE Books 1999 ISBN 0 7176 2431 5

Safe operation of miniature railways, traction engines androad vehicles Entertainment Information Sheet ETIS12HSE Books 2000

Requirements for the examination/testing of miniaturesteam boilers

Copies are available from the Secretaries of:

Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies.

Northern Association of Model Engineering Societies

The Midlands Federation of Model EngineeringSocieties

7 " Gauge Society

While every effort has been made to ensure theaccuracy of the references listed in this publication, theirfuture availability cannot be guaranteed.

HSE priced and free publications are available by mailorder from HSE Books: PO Box 1999, Sudbury,Suffolk CO10 2WATel: 01787 881165 Fax: 01787 313995Website: www.hsebooks.co.uk (HSE priced publicationsare also available from bookshops.)

The Stationery Office (formerly HMSO) publicationsare available from: The Publications Centre,PO Box 276, London SW8 5DTTel: 0870 600 5522 Fax: 0870 600 5533Website: www.clicktso.com (They are also availablefrom bookshops.)

Further reading



Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive

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