7-2-15 Ltr to Yoho Regaring Obumercare

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  • 8/20/2019 7-2-15 Ltr to Yoho Regaring Obumercare


    Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

    1529 NW 143rd StreetGainesville, Florida 32606

    Tel: (352) 332-9144

    Fa: (352) 332-9144!all6603"#ellso$t%&net

    T%$rsda', $l' 2, 2015

    e*resentative Ted +o%o511 annon o$se .//i!e $ildinWas%inton, && 20515

    ear e*resentative +o%o:

    re!eived 'o$r issive reardin t%e S$*ree o$rts tae on .#$er!are& aree 7it% and s$**ort 'o$r

    reasonin /or o**osin it& t is tr$e

    e*$#li!an leaders%i* %as /ailed to lead

    ot% *arties atte*t to r$le #' dividin and !on8$erin&

    T%e t7o *art' s'ste is destro'in t%is !o$nt' #e!a$se t%ere is not a tiners da di//eren!e #et7een t%e& resident .#aa 7ill not a!!e*t a e*$#li!an *lan t%at re*eals and re*la!es %is ost *ried leislative


    t is also tr$e t%at noti!ea#l' a#sent in 'o$r issive is re/eren!e to !onstit$tional illealit' o/ .#$er!are, 7%i!% liet%is *residen!', is t%e res$lt o/ !riinal !onresses, /orer and *resent; doin 7%at t%e' do #est Sin!e *ast !onresses re/$sed to a!t it, it /ollo7s =t%is !onress is/ollo7in *re!edent #' re/$sin to a!t&> T%is /ort%ri%t adission on 'o$r *art s*eas vol$es as to 7%' t%is !o$ntr'is in tro$#le& t also *oints to !onress res*onsi#ilit' /or t%e !$rrent ess&

    onress !o$ntenan!e and !ontin$ed la7lessness #e!oes !learer 7%en one !onsiders

    ?rti!le , Se!tion 2 ives onress t%e a$t%orit' to liit t%e a**ellate @$risdi!tion o/ t%e S$*ree o$rt,

    eanin t%at i/ 7e do not 7ant t%e S$*ree o$rt to %ear !ases on s*e!i/i! to*i!s, onress %as t%ea$t%orit' to do @$st t%at&

     ?rti!le , Se!tion 1 states t%at @$sti!es #ot% o/ t%e S$*ree o$rt and lesser !o$rts s%all %old o//i!e d$rin

    Aood #e%avior&A

    s r$lin aainst t%e onstit$tion an ea*le o/ Aood #e%aviorAB o 'o$ #elieve t%ese nine #la! ro#ed !$lt$ralFas!istsCDarists are e%i#itin ood #e%aviorB

    onress re/$sal to a!t t$rns 'o$r issive into *oliti!al s*ea and a ta!it adission !%anes to t%e stat$s 8$o arenot /ort%!oin& adire 'o$r *rin!i*led stan!e on a $ltit$de o/ iss$es& o7ever, /a!ts s*ea /or t%eselves& +o$%ave a res*onsi#ilit' as an =oat% taer> to !ontin$e resistin leaders%i*s !riinalit', la7lessness, and irres*onsi#ilit'& e*e!t 'o$ to !ontin$e 7%at 'o$ are doin&

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  • 8/20/2019 7-2-15 Ltr to Yoho Regaring Obumercare


    $rin o$r last, /a!e to /a!e, 7e dis!$ssed i*ea!%ent and reionalis& +o$ ased e 7%o is oin to lead t%e*arade to /i 7%at is o#vio$sl' 7ron& 8$i**ed 7e need a !onress o/ Ted +o%os to do t%e @o#& eant 7%at saidand started to s*ea t%e o#vio$s #' sa'in t%e !o$rt s'ste is !orr$*t and t%e #allot #o is not 7orin 7%i!%leaves t%e !artride #o 7%i!% is t%e reason /or t%e /o$nders in!l$sions o/ t%e 2nd ?endent t%at no#od' 7ants toa!no7lede or tal a#o$t #$t %eld ' ton$e&

    Nevert%eless, t%e la7lessness and anar!%' 7e see toda' is attri#$ta#leto t%e leaders%i* t%e ?eri!an *eo*le see /ro *$#li! o//i!ials at all levels o/overnent& T%e S$*ree o$rt *rovides t%e latest ea*le 7it%onress allo7in nine !$lt$ral /as!istCDarists to %ave t%eir 7a'

     7it%o$t a 7%i*er or res*e!t to t%e r$le o/ la7 e#odied in t%e onstit$tion&

    n !losin, /eel t%e need to reiterate %ere, 7%at said in ' $ne 22, 2015letter& T%e onoin e//ort to diso7n and reove t%e !on/ederate #attle /la/ro t%e *$#i! s8$are, lie reliion, is cultural fascism on steroids& s$**ort and 7ill de/end t%is s'#ol /or reasons o#vio$s in t%is letter& t is andreains a s'#ol o/ resistan!e to /ederal t'rann' as $!% as an't%in else&

    t is also a %istori! s'#ol and re!onition o/ t%e *arent resistin its o//s*rins t'rann' denied #' *$#li! ed$!ation&anis%in t%is /la /ro t%e *$#li! s8$are and releatin it to a $se$ as a reli! is *s'!%oloi!al 7ar/are #' a*oliti!al !lass %ell #ent on d$#in do7n ?eri!ans 7%ile den'in o$r %istor' and %eritae& did not /i%t /or nor did' /ello7 Darines die /or ot%er *eo*les /reedo to !oe #a! to t%is&

    Wis%in 'o$ a %a**' nde*enden!e a' reain

    +o$rs in t%e ill o/ i%ts,

    o' G& alla%an

    $#an Dissile risisCEietna Eeteranetired nvestiator, $#li! e/enders .//i!e, t% $di!ial ir!$iti/elon oat% ee*er

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