5s e News eeTheLUtheran Synod meet *soek at Lexington. R kHill is erecting a nev c'a -nIt will contain 16 cells Some fine hogs, were. showi ti Cheroke& county's Lie Stool s ow at Gaffney last week. -Diisn'Engineer Jonesof th South&/ Western, writes th railroad cmmision that hi N iadiill br6teady for final in r an0 d regular operatio todB tinburg in a few days. W. .Jordan, a Greenvilll contractor, hasbeenawardeath4 conjiract for buiding a hands6m< new hotel in Fountain Inn Ork on this~uildiligtill star soon. The cost of this hotel i saidto be estinated at betweei $20000 and 30,000. Co.roner J. M. Stevens o Greenwood 'county, who wa lected to his office in the prima ry of 1908 was found dead in hi bed last. Thursday morning Heart failure is snpposedto hav been the cause of his death Mr. StevexIs had been troubkl with. heart' disease for som time. Logan Berry was struel/by Coast Line. train at Newberr on Thursday and instantly kill ed. He and Joe Lawrence wer w-lking downthe track betwee: Prosperity and Newberry whe struck. Lawrence was knocke off, ibut not injured. Lawrenc - says .Berry claimed to-be frox Greenville. Croup is .most prevalent. during tI dry cold weather of the early wintA months. Parents of young ,childre should be prepaied for it. All 'thaz needed is a bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy. Many mothers ai never without it in.theirhgmes and has never disappointed them. 'Sold t aM Dealers The corner stone of the ne3 St. Paul's Methodist church which is being built at the it tersection 6f Pendleton an Anderson street, in Greer ville. #ill be laid on Thanksgis~ ing Day in the afternoon;b: Re*e S. R.. Belk; of 'Atlants Thiese arrangqment hgve bee: made' within, the lastfew day by the members of the church The building is-rapidly rogress ing'and will cost about $16,00X -The pi'esent pastor, Rev. R. I Hol~oyd, has been with th< church since the incipiency o the new building and will be il charge when it is completed Many school children suffer fror -constipation, which is often the caus of seemingestupidity at lessons. Chair berlain's Stomach and Liver,Tablets ar an ideal medicine to give aW child. fc they are mild and gentle in their effeci and will cure even chronic constipatio Sold by all Dealers. In-1entencing a negro to lif imprisonment for murder a Bamberg, Judge Ga~ge remarket on the increase of crime amion; theanegroes in that county. H said the causes were whiske3 K pistols and women in almos F every case. That while nian: wilite men-went armed, mos f all ofhhe negroes carried pistols which was al fearful conditior Touble adanloer Suspest il How To Ptna Out. S Finlabottleorcommon glass with you water and let it stand twenty-ourhour 9 stringy ormik ehealthy -condi ..-pass it or paini, the back are also tosthat tell yoi the kidneys and b 'd rare out of orde What To Do. Siere is comfort in the knowledge s< oftena expressed, that Dr. Kilmer' Swap-R~tthe great kidney remedy ii'shalost every wishi in correcting rheU3natism, pain in the back, kidney: 47 lier,bladderandevrprotheurinar passage." Carrects' biitthold wate andsacalding pain sin g it, or bal effects fonlowmng use oflquor-, wine o anr~Rd overcomes that unpleasant ne ofompeingdto go oftea Urghthe day, and to get up manr -~sn~drigthe niht The mnld and jnnediate effect ofSwamp-Root i sodna realsed It stands the highest be sauseofitsremnarkable ~es. If yonned -- you should ebest. Soldby bottle sentire Paragraphed. Hilbert Henery, one of the negro prisoners .that escaped fro&i the Greenville jail two weeks ago, has been captured. The capture of Henery makes the fourth one apprehended since the escape. McCullough was captured a few minutes after 3 the delivery, and John Cuffie 3 anA Oscar Johnson was captur- 5 ed last Friday. Henery was - convicted in the last term of the i general sessions court on a charge of forging a note for for- ty dollars. rev. T. W. Sloan, pastor of the -First Presbyterian church of Greenville, preached a sensa- tional sermon Sunday for allow- s ing gambling and vice to exist i in the city. The largest seizure of contra- E band liquor in the history of 3 Charleston county, was made - Monday morning by Chief Bate- s man and his squadof dispensary constables ten miles north of the city on the Ashley river, when six hundred gall6ns of high grade whiskey, valued at about e $1,500, were captured in two wagons and several store houses. * When cold becomes settled in the - system, it will take several days' treat- e ment to cure it, and the beet remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and 1 also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition, Sold by all Dealers e- Mary Gaillard, colored, five years old, was accidentally' shot and -killed by Abram Porcher, coloied, 14 years old, in Charles- ton. The boy was sitting in a is chair examining a shot gun a when it was accidentally dis- charged. Y Fire broke out in Gregory Brothers' store in Rock Hill Sun- i day morning about 4 o'clock and completely gutted the establish- -ment before being subdued. The SNew York Ten-Cent Store next door is damaged by smoke and water, as is Davis's store on the other side. 1Lame hack comes on suddenly and is extremnely painful. It ik caused by S rheumatism of the muscles. Quick re- -lief is afforded by applying Chamber- I ain's Liniment. Sold by all Dealers. Gaffney Ledger: "Among a the numerous singular exhibits f at the stock.show Saturday, was i a palf owned by Mr. Eugene .Black, only four months old, that will be giving milk before e it is twelve months .old. The calf is a Jersey and is being rais- eed byr Mr. Black on his farm r a few miles from Gaffney. SMr. E. R. Cash's pig, which took first prize was five months old and weighed 244 pounds. e Mr. 0. B. Turner exhibited a pig t four months old which weighed 1100 pounds. The exhibit was Shighly creditable, and the people s of the county are determined to 'have the show on a much larger Sscale next year, as everybody Swas delighted with the exhibits. ,The old, old story, told time without .number,...and repeated over and over again for the last386 fears, but it is a'- ways-a welconre story-to those in search of health-There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly ,as Chambeylain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all Dealers. The engineers have already staked off the ground for the rAlice rpills at Easley and the Sbooks are now open for subscrip- tions. Mr. E. H. Shanklin is at the head of the newr mill. He is at present superint ndent of the Easley mills but will resign about the first of December. Not- Szisters Now and again you see two womien ps inlg down the street who look Like uister You are astonished to learn that they al mother and daughiter, and you realize th ra woman at forty or forty-five ought~ to . at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it s The general health of woman is so 's ~, timately associatedewith the local heali of the essentially feminine organs th: there can be no red cheeks and rouw - form where there is female weakness. Women who have suffered from Ithis trouble have found prompt re~et and cure in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I organs of womanhood. It clears eyes and reddensathe cheeks. ~No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is 1.Any sick woman may consultDrP .- sacredly confidential, and The 39&d You Have Always I in use for over 30 years, ~ andi sonal Afloi All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle wit] Infants and Cbildren-Expe What is C Castoria Is a harmless sub goric, Drops and Soothing contains neither Opium, M substance. Its age Is its gn and anlays Feverishness. It Colic. , It relieves Teething and Flatulency. It assian Stomach and Boweis, givin The Children's'Panacea-Ti CENUINE CAS Bears the The, K4You Ha In Use For 0 WEK CENTUR @@EPNY.'f Young Girls Are Victims of headache,- as well as older women but all get quick relief and prompt, curt from Dr. Kings New Life Pills, th< orld's best remedy for sick and ner vous headache. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up you health. Try Them, 25c at all Drug gists A negro man named "Shoat' Hammond was waylaid an( shot Saturday night On Mr. W cD. Brown's plantation or Catawba river in Lancastel county. Hammond was return lg home from Mr. Culp's stori i the neighborhood when som< nknown party concealed 01 te roadside fired upon him, th< all striking him in the arm be teen the shoulder and elbow aking a serious wound. . Porced Into Exile - win. Upchurch cf Glen Oak, Akla as an exile from home. Mountain air e thought, would cure a frightful lung acing cough that had defied all reni dies for two years. After six month hereturned, death dogging his steps "hen I began to use Dr. King's Nes iscovery," ho writes "and after takin, sibottles I am as well asNyver."~ I aves thousands yearly from desperat ung diseases. Infallible for Cough ad Colds, it dispels Hoarseness ani ore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitii eorrages, Asthma, Croup, Whool: g Cough. 50c and $1 00, tnal botti ee, guaranteed by all Druggists. OODFOR A YEAR u............sos Mia................24Oq Butter..............100Th. E..........-----....r. vegetabl...............slbo. This represents a fair ra- on for a man for a year. But some people eat and at and grow ti~nner. This means a defective digestion ad unsuitable food. A large size bottle of Soff's Emulsion quals insiourishing proper- ies ten pounds of meat. our physician can tell you ow it does it. J0E SALE BY ALL DEUGGISTS Send 10c.. name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Sayings Bank and Child'. sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Pennyr. SCOTr & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. New York - . vigor and vitality to the e coplexonbrightens the coy' in "Favorite Prescription." by letter, free. Every letter is rdin a plain envelope. Address: r.Rv.. eF. Buffalo N.Y. OR I 7/ 3ought, and which has been has borne the signature of as been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this. and "Just-as-good" are but i and endanger the health of rience against Experiment. ASTORIA ititute for Castor Oil, Pare- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It drphine nor other Narcotic arantee. It destroys Worms cures Diairhea and Wind Troubles, cures Constipation ates the Food, regulates the g healthy and natural sleep. ke Mother's Friefd. rORIA ALWAYS Signature of io ways Bought ver 3O Years. 111"' 6"reE. NewYO om CM. Brenzina'Suber, colored, whc was shot by Thomas Badgett," a well known white man of Spar- tanbuig, several nights ago, died Wednesday night as a result of the wound she received. Bad- gett is confined in the county jail on the charge of mnrder, he having been rearrested on a war- rent issued by Magistrate Kirby. Eills Her Foe Of 20 Years "The most merciless enemy I had for .20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan. of Hanesville, Me.. "Dyspepsia. I Suf- fered intensely after eating or dritiking and could scarcely sleep. After many reme lies had failed and several dloctors gavenme up. I tried Electric Ritters which cured me completely. Now ] canaat anything. I am 70 years old and am ogerjoyed to get my healh and strengih back again." For Indi-.Es. tion; loss of Appetite, Kidney Trouble. Lame hack,. F emale Complain ts, it is unequaled. Only 50c at all Druggists. -The new Spartanburg city council took the oath of office Monday afternoon. J. H. Hil] was elected chief of police ovei R. C. Hall, the former chief. SMoss Hayes, police captain, threE lieutenants and three sergeants, two plain clothes men, two turn- keys, and twenty-four privates -were elected, which is a consid- erable increase. Sweeping changes were made in the pri yates only a few of the old mer .being retained. Revenue officers destroyed tw< illicit stills in Greenville county. Because of differences witl> the new city ad ministration, al the members of the Spartanburg board of health have resigned. A Scalde:i En's heie'a horrifiad his grandmother. Maria Tray lor, of Nebo, Ky.. writes that, when al thought he would die. Buck!en's Ar'nict Salve wholly cured him. Infallible foi Barns, Scalds, Cuts. Corns, wounds Bruises. Cures Feve, -Sores, Eoils. Skiz Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands Soon routs Piles. 25c at all Druggists. THATyour BAD is a SIG TST Aik TO-DAY. You will feel better almost immediately, and'still better To-MoPPOW THE CENUINE has the RED Z on -the front of each package and the &CO.n the sde hi RED. ZI - FOR SAL By AUnDUCeST-r An incident thnt created more excitement than damage occur- red on the carnival g'rounds last night at Florence. While the animal trainer was bringing ore of their baby lions to the front for the 1>urpose of exhibiting it free, the beast nracked a little girl and fastencd its claws into the chikPs ciothing. Fortuniate- lv the trainer managed to break the lion's hold before it had time to hurt the child. The child's dress was torn a littl by the animal's claws, but there was no flesh wound. The in-I cident gave the large crowd of onlookers a terriable fright. esoecially the mothers, but. the management apologized very promptly and they will be more careful with the baby lion hereafter TATE OF OHIO, C ITY OFTOLEDO, SS. LUcAs COUNTY. Frank J. Cheny makes oath that he is senior partrir of the firm of F. J. Cheri- ey & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and that sid tirm wi1n pay tho- .um of ONE HUNDLE!imD DOLLARS fcr each and tevery case of Catarrh that cantot be cure(l by the n-' of 1ali's Catarrh Czre. Flk.K J. Cher.e.. Sworn to) h:"r .1-- miv und subseril ed in my prtsence. this Goh day of December, C A . 1). lzIid. n (SEAL) A. W. GLEASON, ti NOTAY PUBLIC. Hall's (tarrrh Core is taken internal ly. and acts directly on the bood arip newous si-face of the system. Send y for testimoniais fr.p F. J. CFENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. Sold by all Drugzists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- 'T tion. A white baby, a few hours old. was found on the doorsteps of the Salvation Army head- quarters in Charleston yester- A day. , J. B. Crovaet, an electric light i lineman in Charleston, caught I hold of a live wire and was t almost electrocuted. ( - 0 2 L Gl:NS Return this ad, with $2.95 and we will ship you by Express, prepaid to any Southern Express office, one 2-gallon jug of Straight White or Yellow Corn i Whiskey, reduced in proof by the addition of dis-. tilled water only. Guaranteed by us unider' the t Florida and National pure food and drug act. If you consider the 2 ga!!ons worth $5.00 keep it;: otherwise drink what you want; return the bal- E ance and get all of your money back, just as cheer- fully as it was received. TIhis ofter is made at a ( direct loss, and for the purpose of obtaining I0.000 t new customers inside of 60 days. Order today. Southerr Distrlbuting Coumary, Jackcsony!Ilo, Florida. f Whisky 2.95: TO CONTEST ELECTION. Defeated Candidate at Memphis Asks f Recount of Ballots. S Memphis, Tenn.--By a plurality at d 79 votes over former' Mayor J. J. $ Williams, his nearest opponent. Ed- y ward H. Crump won out on the face Ic of the returns in the mayoralty elec- t tion. The contest was- the closest~ ever held in Memphis and nearly Jb,- t 000 votes were pciled. Mr. Williamas rt fiused to accept the returns as announced and said that Ic he will file a petition with the county c election commis sion.. asking for a re- count of the tallots. Murder Verdict Found by dury. ~Rome. Ga.-"Wc, the jury, find that Will Nelston came to his death from a gunshot wound inflicted by a person unknown to the jury.'' This was the verdict reached by the' coroner's jury: I In the denth of Will Zelson, who was shot near the ca.ml. cf the Rome and Northern Railroad Cornstruction corps, and lingered for' a week before his death. Coroner' Miller has been con- ducting a rigid investigation and it is believed certain now that he will ap- c prehend the siny'cr. - CASTOR IA SFor Tnfants and Children. The Kind You Hav8 Always Bought Bears the I Sign~atur'e of ss.7 4 ' It * Autot * Avol I Whei you are sick, or troubles peculiar to womer dui that well-known and si men. Thousands of wome been benefited. Why nol chances. Get Cardui, th< remedy, for women of all e >i TAKE CAI It Will HO Mrs. Luzania Morgan, Sneed years I suffered with the turn of without relief. I had pains all ov not sit up. At last I took Cardui , I have told many ladies about Car< women." Try it. AT ALL DRI The new division of the South i arolina Presbytery which was .ade by the synod at Charles- )n 'meeting, met at Greenwood esday night and formally or- anized. The new presbytery ill include Greenwood, Abbe- le, Newberry, Saluda and a art of Lexington counties. 'he moderator who presided at uesday night's. first meeting' as Rev. T. P. Burgess. The ew moderator is Rev. J. P. [illhouse 'of Abbeville. The ext meeting will be held at forris chapel in Newberry >unty next April. The follow- g trustees were elected: R. P. lake of Greenwood, also the easurer; F. B. Cobb of Green- reenwood, R. J. Nickels of f Hodges, W. A. Stevenson of Lbbeville and J. C. Thomas of, Lbbeville. That rats disseminate disease is ason enough for a campaign against em,. but the new Association Inter- ationale pour la Destruction Ration: lie des Rats, a society originating in openhagen, made, its first appeal to e thrifty Danes on economic rounds. In the capital and Jts en- rons the association's emissaries agged more than a hundred thousand ats, at a cost, for capture and destruc- :on, of about three cents each. ow,"' argued the committee, "you ill agree that each rat eats and des- oys each day- a half-cent's worth ofi od and material. One hundred thou- ad rats would do $200,000 worth of mage, at least.,. Having spent about 3,500 on killing them, we have saved:: u $190,000 odd." Both farmers and I9 ity folk were won by this demonstra- on, and now ghe government is abet. ng the association in its work of "ra- ional destruction." ~1 "Canned music" is what Mr. Sousa ails the phonograph product and he bects to his music .being canned ithout any profit to himself. The >pyright law hardly covers such use, owever, and It is difficult to see ho; e composer can protect himself ainst the canned. Lord Fairfax, an American~ who' nent to England to &ecept the title of ~aron Fairfax, has returned to New ork. He is a member of a firm of ankers in that city, and It Is 'under- tood will resume his business career New York. Some cold-blooded statistician has iscovered that 27,000 wives in New 'ork are supporting their husbands. hether marriage would be regarded a failure in their case would de. end much on the point of view. It will be difficult to induce the av- rage spinster to, believe that the year 908 will be unfortunate-it is leali ear, a time of special feminine priv- In marveling at the shrunken condi- Ion of your coal pile you probably verlook the fact that you' had to use great deal of coal during the winter last summer. We are to have living music on the tage next. We hope the women will ot be driven to the extremity of 'ashing dishes on the stage just to ake a merry show. Two Pittsburg men have been sen-~ nced to the penitentiary for stealing bree cents. Let people who are ad-I icted to the habit of robbing their abies' banks beware. - - P.P .P. P purifies the blood, build~ en- to) weaken-ed nierves, expels di ,1-. .hr. sickness, gloomy feeling 'I',.,son, mercurial poison, 1n d seases, like blotches, pimp <a I m wi thout fear of. contradie1 'cvihse stems are posned ai a du ( o intruli irreguarities,. c c"- d blood cleansing prope E.. V. LIPPMAN, I suffermg from any of the ,don't delay-take Car- .Iccessful remedy for wo- n have used Cardui and you? Don't take any old, reliable, oft-tried ges. J 40 1p You ville, Tenn., writes: "For ten life, and tried many remedies r my body and at times I could nd now I can do my housework. Lui and recommend it to all sie YG STORES Do not strza 'four eye-s' ok.ig ,rsperity, but get out help it Liong. Gertrude Atherton finds Edithi vharton "dull." We await Edith's ross-counter. In the new year it is believed that L. larger number than ever will try to wear off their taxes. This Thaw trial is to be less sensa- tonal than the former one was. An- Dther splendid sign of improvement A Norfolk, Va.. boy hit a mule with a. rifle and is dead. The gun wasn't loaded, but the mule, as usual, was. Now that the Japs in Vancouver have become the aggf ors what wil be the international i the ase? What would the naval doct command do if his boat were seized with a sinking spell? Inject nitrogly- erine? Botanic Blood Balm (B B. B.)Cres Throughthe Bloed ~Baod Poison, Rheumatism, Eczema, Itching ilumors. B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Blood) is th mfly Blood Remedy that kills tbe poison n the blood and then purifies it-end- ng a flood of ure, rich blood direct to - he skin surface, bones. joints, and herever the disease is located. In this ray all sores. ulcers. pimples, eruptions tre healed and cured, pains and aches i Rheumatism cease, swellings subside. 3. B. B. completely changes the body nto a clean healthy condition, giving he skin the rich, red brte of perfect waltdh. B. B. B. cures the woist old ass. Try it. 3TANIC BLOOD BALM-B BB Spleas.ant and sate to tahe: composed of PUre otanic ingredients. It purities and enricbes he blood. . U. L . strengthens the nerves .nd builds up) the broken down system. Drug- ists $1 .00 PER LARGE BOTTLE with diree. ions for home cure. Sold at All Drug Stores. P. PP. wiH lfand vtalize your blohd,creaeagooappetiteand giveyour wholesystem tone and strength. A prominent railr-nad sprintendent at Savannah. sultering with iarLsDpe. sain, and Rhenzmatim says: "After tka F. P'.P. henever felt-sowelIn hislfean~ feels as if he could liveforever,if he cud always gnt P. P. P." Ifryou are tired out from oveanwork and close confinement, take ~P.P.P P. If you are feellnsr hay In the spring and out of sorts, take P. P. P. Tf your digestive organs need toninguip, P. P. P. If yo u suiffer with headache, inigesion, debility and weakness, tak SIf you s er with nervnus potiotln, norlsunt "unig and a gnra let da.wn of the system, take focr rined Poison. Rheumnatismn, Sernf- ula, Oldi Sores. Malaria, Chronic Female Compaaints, take P. P. P. Prickly As'i, Pokt Foot erdPctzssi::n. The best lood purifier in the warld. untheweak ad debliathie s ad lssiudefirt revailed.. . malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood les, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald ;ionl that P. P. P. isthe best blood id whose blood is in. an impure con- Lre peculiari benefitted by the won- rties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke ,AVANNAH, CA.

5s News I Avol I - historicnewspapers.sc.edu · 5s eNews eeTheLUtheran Synod meet *soekatLexington. R kHill is erecting a nev c'a-nItwillcontain16cells Some fine hogs, were. showi

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Page 1: 5s News I Avol I - historicnewspapers.sc.edu · 5s eNews eeTheLUtheran Synod meet *soekatLexington. R kHill is erecting a nev c'a-nItwillcontain16cells Some fine hogs, were. showi

5s e News

eeTheLUtheran Synod meet*soek at Lexington.R kHill is erecting a nevc'a-nIt will contain16 cellsSome fine hogs, were. showitiCheroke& county'sLie Stool

s ow at Gaffney last week.-Diisn'Engineer Jonesof th

South&/ Western, writes thrailroad cmmision that hiN iadiill br6teady for final in

ran0 d regular operatiotodB tinburg in a few days.W. .Jordan, a Greenvilll

contractor, hasbeenawardeath4conjiract for buiding a hands6m<new hotel in Fountain Inn

Ork on this~uildiligtill starsoon. The cost of this hotel isaidto be estinated at betweei$20000 and 30,000.

Co.roner J. M. Stevens o

Greenwood 'county, who wa

lected to his office in the primary of 1908 was found dead in hibed last. Thursday morningHeart failure is snpposedto havbeen the cause of his deathMr. StevexIs had been troubklwith. heart' disease for som

time.Logan Berry was struel/by

Coast Line. train at Newberron Thursday and instantly killed. He and Joe Lawrence werw-lking downthe track betwee:Prosperity and Newberry whestruck. Lawrence wasknockeoff, ibut not injured. Lawrenc

- says .Berry claimed to-be froxGreenville.Croup is.most prevalent. during tI

dry cold weather of the early wintAmonths. Parents of young ,childreshould be prepaied for it. All 'thazneeded is a bottle of ChamberlainCough Remedy. Many mothers ai

never without it in.theirhgmes andhas never disappointed them. 'Sold t

aM DealersThe corner stone of the ne3

St. Paul's Methodist churchwhich is being built atthe it

tersection 6f Pendleton anAnderson street, in Greerville. #ill be laid on Thanksgis~ing Day in the afternoon;b:Re*e S. R.. Belk; of 'AtlantsThiese arrangqment hgve bee:made' within, the lastfew dayby the members of the churchThe building is-rapidly rogressing'and will cost about $16,00X

-The pi'esent pastor, Rev. R. IHol~oyd, has been with th<church since the incipiency othe new building and will be ilcharge when it is completedMany school children suffer fror

-constipation, which is often the causof seemingestupidity at lessons. Chairberlain's Stomach and Liver,Tablets aran ideal medicine to give aW child. fcthey are mild and gentle in their effeciand will cure even chronic constipatioSold by all Dealers.

In-1entencing a negro to lifimprisonment for murder aBamberg, Judge Ga~ge remarketon the increase of crime amion;theanegroes inthatcounty. Hsaid the causes were whiske3

K pistols and women in almosF every case. That while nian:wilite men-went armed, mos

f all ofhhe negroes carried pistolswhich was al fearful conditior

Touble adanloer Suspest ilHow To Ptna Out.

S Finlabottleorcommon glass withyouwater and let it stand twenty-ourhour

9 stringy ormik

ehealthy -condi

..-pass itorpaini,the back are also tosthat tell yoithe kidneys and b 'drare out of orde

What To Do.Siere is comfort in the knowledge s<

oftena expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'Swap-R~tthe great kidney remedyii'shalost every wishi in correcting

rheU3natism, pain in the back, kidney:47 lier,bladderandevrprotheurinar

passage." Carrects' biittholdwateandsacalding pain sin g it, or baleffects fonlowmng use oflquor-, wine o

anr~Rd overcomes that unpleasant neofompeingdtogo oftea

Urghthe day, and to get up manr-~sn~drigthe niht The mnld and

jnnediate effect ofSwamp-Root isodna realsed It stands the highest besauseofitsremnarkable~es. Ifyonned

-- you shouldebest. Soldby

bottle sentire


Hilbert Henery, one of thenegro prisoners .that escapedfro&i the Greenville jail twoweeks ago, has been captured.The capture of Henery makesthe fourthone apprehended sincethe escape. McCullough was

captured a few minutes after3 the delivery, and John Cuffie3anA Oscar Johnson was captur-

5 ed last Friday. Henery was- convicted in the last term of thei general sessions court on a

charge of forging a note for for-ty dollars.

rev. T. W. Sloan, pastor of the-First Presbyterian church ofGreenville, preached a sensa-tional sermon Sunday for allow-

s inggambling and vice to existi in the city.

The largest seizure of contra-E band liquor in the history of3 Charleston county, was made- Monday morning by Chief Bate-s man and his squadof dispensaryconstables ten miles north of thecity on the Ashley river, whensix hundred gall6ns of highgrade whiskey, valued at about

e $1,500, were captured in twowagons and several store houses.

*When cold becomes settled in the- system, it will take several days' treat-

e ment to cure it, and the beet remedy touse is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.It will cure quicker than any other, and

1also leaves the system in a natural andhealthy condition, Sold by all Dealerse-

Mary Gaillard, colored, fiveyears old, was accidentally' shotand -killed by Abram Porcher,coloied, 14 years old, in Charles-ton. The boy was sitting in a

is chair examining a shot guna when it was accidentally dis-charged.

Y Fire broke out in GregoryBrothers' store in Rock Hill Sun-iday morning about 4 o'clock andcompletely gutted the establish--ment before being subdued. TheSNew York Ten-Cent Store nextdoor is damaged by smoke andwater, as is Davis's store on theother side.

1Lame hack comes on suddenly and isextremnely painful. It ik caused by

S rheumatism of the muscles. Quick re--lief is afforded by applying Chamber-Iain's Liniment. Sold by all Dealers.

Gaffney Ledger: "Amonga the numerous singular exhibitsf at the stock.show Saturday, wasi a palf owned by Mr. Eugene.Black, only four months old,that will be giving milk before

e it is twelve months .old. Thecalf is a Jerseyandisbeingrais-eed byr Mr. Black on his farm

r a few miles from Gaffney.SMr. E. R. Cash's pig, whichtook first prize was five monthsold and weighed 244 pounds.e Mr. 0. B. Turner exhibited a pig

t four months old which weighed1100 pounds. The exhibit wasShighly creditable, and the people

s of the county are determined to'have the show on a much largerSscale next year, as everybodySwas delighted with the exhibits.

,The old, old story, told time without.number,...and repeated over and overagain for the last386 fears, but it is a'-ways-a welconre story-to those in searchof health-There is nothing in the worldthat cures coughs and colds as quickly

,asChambeylain's Cough Remedy. Soldby all Dealers.

The engineers have alreadystaked off the ground for therAlice rpills at Easley and theSbooks are now open for subscrip-tions. Mr. E. H. Shanklin is atthe headofthe newr mill. Heis at present superint ndent ofthe Easley mills but will resignabout the first of December.

Not- SzistersNow and again you see two womien psinlg down the street who look Like uisterYou are astonished to learn that they almother and daughiter, and you realize thra woman at forty or forty-five ought~ to

. at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it sThe general health of woman is so 's

~, timately associatedewith the local healiof the essentially feminine organs th:there can be no red cheeks and rouw

- form where there is female weakness.Women who have suffered from

Ithis trouble have found promptre~et and cure in the use of Dr.Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Iorgans of womanhood. It clearseyes and reddensathe cheeks.

~No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is

1.Any sick woman may consultDrP.- sacredly confidential, and

The 39&d You Have Always Iin use for over 30 years,

~ andisonalAfloi

All Counterfeits, ImitationsExperiments that trifle wit]Infants and Cbildren-Expe

What is CCastoria Is a harmless subgoric, Drops and Soothingcontains neither Opium, Msubstance. Its age Is its gnand anlays Feverishness. ItColic. , It relieves Teethingand Flatulency. It assianStomach and Boweis, givinThe Children's'Panacea-Ti


The,K4You HaIn Use For 0


Young Girls Are Victimsofheadache,- as well as older women

butall get quick relief and prompt, curt

from Dr. Kings New Life Pills, th<orld's best remedy for sick and ner

vous headache. They make pure bloodand strong nerves and build up youhealth. Try Them, 25c at all Druggists

A negro man named "Shoat'Hammond was waylaid an(shot Saturday night On Mr. WcD. Brown's plantation orCatawba river in Lancastelcounty. Hammond was returnlg home from Mr. Culp's stori

i the neighborhood when som<nknown party concealed 01

te roadside fired upon him, th<all striking him in the arm beteen the shoulder and elbowaking a serious wound.

. Porced Into Exile -

win. Upchurch cf Glen Oak, Aklaas an exile from home. Mountain airethought, would cure a frightful lungacing cough that had defied all renidies for two years. After six monthhereturned, death dogging his steps"hen I began to use Dr. King's Nesiscovery," ho writes "and after takin,sibottles I am as well asNyver."~ Iaves thousands yearly from desperatung diseases. Infallible for Coughad Colds, it dispels Hoarseness ani

ore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitiieorrages, Asthma, Croup, Whool:g Cough. 50c and $1 00, tnal bottiee, guaranteed by all Druggists.

OODFOR A YEARu............sos



This represents a fair ra-

on for a man for a year.

But some people eat andat and grow ti~nner. Thismeans a defective digestionad unsuitable food. Alarge

size bottle of

Soff's Emulsionquals insiourishing proper-ies ten pounds of meat.our physician can tell youow it does it.J0E SALE BY ALL DEUGGISTS

Send 10c.. name of paper and this ad. for ourbeautiful Sayings Bank and Child'. sketch-Book.

Eachbank contains a Good Luck Pennyr.SCOTr & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. New York

- . vigor and vitality to thee coplexonbrightens the

coy' in "Favorite Prescription."by letter, free. Every letter is

rdin a plain envelope. Address:r.Rv.. eF. Buffalo N.Y.

OR I 7/

3ought, and which has beenhas borne the signature ofas beenmade under his per-supervision since its infancy.no one todeceiveyouin this.and "Just-as-good" are buti and endanger the health ofrience against Experiment.

ASTORIAititute for Castor Oil, Pare-Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itdrphine nor other Narcoticarantee. It destroys Wormscures Diairhea and Wind

Troubles, cures Constipationates the Food, regulates theg healthy and natural sleep.ke Mother's Friefd.

rORIA ALWAYSSignature of

io ways Boughtver 3O Years.111"' 6"reE. NewYO omCM.

Brenzina'Suber, colored, whcwas shot by Thomas Badgett," a

well known white man of Spar-tanbuig, several nights ago, diedWednesday night as a result ofthe wound she received. Bad-gett is confined in the countyjail on the charge of mnrder, hehaving been rearrested on a war-

rent issued by Magistrate Kirby.

Eills Her Foe Of 20 Years"The most merciless enemy I had for

.20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan.of Hanesville, Me.. "Dyspepsia. I Suf-fered intensely after eating or dritikingand could scarcely sleep. After manyreme lies had failed and several dloctorsgavenme up. I tried Electric Ritterswhich cured me completely. Now ]canaat anything. I am 70 years oldand am ogerjoyed to get my healhand strengih back again." For Indi-.Es.tion; loss of Appetite, Kidney Trouble.Lame hack,. Female Complain ts, it isunequaled. Only 50c at all Druggists.

-The new Spartanburg citycouncil took the oath of officeMonday afternoon. J. H. Hil]was elected chief of police oveiR. C. Hall, the former chief.SMoss Hayes, police captain, threElieutenants and three sergeants,two plain clothes men, two turn-keys, and twenty-four privates-were elected, which is a consid-erable increase. Sweepingchanges were made in the priyates only a few of the old mer

.being retained.Revenue officers destroyed tw<

illicit stills in Greenville county.Because of differences witl>

the new city ad ministration, althe members of the Spartanburgboard of health have resigned.

A Scalde:i En's heie'ahorrifiad his grandmother. Maria Traylor, of Nebo, Ky.. writes that, when althought he would die. Buck!en's Ar'nictSalve wholly cured him. Infallible foiBarns, Scalds, Cuts. Corns, woundsBruises. Cures Feve, -Sores, Eoils. SkizEruptions, Chilblains, Chapped HandsSoon routs Piles. 25c at all Druggists.

THATyourBAD is a



TO-DAY.You will feel better almostimmediately, and'still better


-the front of each package and the

&CO.n the sde hiRED. ZI


An incident thnt created moreexcitement than damage occur-

red on the carnival g'rounds lastnight at Florence. While theanimal trainer was bringing oreof their baby lions to the frontfor the 1>urpose of exhibiting itfree, the beast nracked a littlegirl and fastencd its claws intothe chikPs ciothing. Fortuniate-lv the trainer managed to breakthe lion's hold before it hadtime to hurt the child. Thechild's dress was torn a littlby the animal's claws, but therewas no flesh wound. The in-Icident gave the large crowd ofonlookers a terriable fright.esoecially the mothers, but.the management apologizedvery promptly and they will bemore careful with the baby lionhereafter


Frank J. Cheny makes oath that he issenior partrir of the firm of F. J. Cheri-ey & Co., doing business in the City ofToledo. County and State aforesaid. andthat sid tirm wi1n pay tho- .um of ONEHUNDLE!imD DOLLARS fcr each andtevery case of Catarrh that cantot becure(l by the n-' of 1ali's CatarrhCzre. Flk.K J. Cher.e..Sworn to) h:"r .1-- miv und subseril ed in

my prtsence. this Goh day of December, CA . 1). lzIid. n


Hall's (tarrrh Core is taken internally. and acts directly on the bood aripnewous si-face of the system. Send yfor testimoniais fr.p

F. J. CFENEY & CO., Toledo. 0.Sold by all Drugzists. 75c.Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- 'T


A white baby, a few hoursold. was found on the doorstepsof the Salvation Army head-quarters in Charleston yester- Aday.

,J. B. Crovaet, an electric light ilineman in Charleston, caught Ihold of a live wire and was talmost electrocuted. (

- 0

2 LGl:NSReturn this ad, with $2.95 and we will ship you byExpress, prepaid to any Southern Express office,one 2-gallon jug of Straight White or Yellow Corn iWhiskey, reduced in proof by the addition of dis-.tilled water only. Guaranteed by us unider' the tFlorida and National pure food and drug act. Ifyou consider the 2 ga!!ons worth $5.00 keep it;:otherwise drink what you want; return the bal- Eance and get all of your money back, just as cheer-fully as it was received. TIhis ofter is made at a (direct loss, and for the purpose of obtaining I0.000 tnew customers inside of 60 days. Order today.

Southerr Distrlbuting Coumary, Jackcsony!Ilo, Florida. f


Defeated Candidate at Memphis Asks fRecount of Ballots. S

Memphis, Tenn.--By a plurality at d79 votes over former' Mayor J. J. $Williams, his nearest opponent. Ed- yward H. Crump won out on the face Icof the returns in the mayoralty elec- ttion. The contest was- the closest~ever held in Memphis and nearly Jb,- t000 votes were pciled.Mr. Williamas rt fiused to accept the

returns as announced and said that Iche will file a petition with the county celection commis sion.. asking for a re-count of the tallots.

Murder Verdict Found by dury.~Rome. Ga.-"Wc, the jury, find that

Will Nelston came to his death from agunshot wound inflicted by a personunknown to the jury.'' This was theverdict reached by the' coroner's jury: IIn the denth of Will Zelson, who wasshot near the ca.ml. cf the Rome andNorthern Railroad Cornstruction corps,and lingered for' a week before hisdeath. Coroner' Miller has been con-ducting a rigid investigation and it isbelieved certain now that he will ap- cprehend the siny'cr. -

CASTORIASFor Tnfants and Children.

The Kind You Hav8 Always BoughtBears the I

Sign~atur'e of ss.7 4 '



Avol IWhei you are sick, or

troubles peculiar to womerdui that well-known and si

men. Thousands of wome

been benefited. Why nolchances. Get Cardui, th<remedy, for women of all e


Mrs. Luzania Morgan, Sneedyears I suffered with the turn ofwithout relief. I had pains all ovnot sit up. At last I took Cardui ,

I have told many ladies about Car<women." Try it.


The new division of the South iarolina Presbytery which was

.ade by the synod at Charles-)n 'meeting, met at Greenwoodesday night and formally or-

anized. The new presbyteryill include Greenwood, Abbe-le, Newberry, Saluda and a

art of Lexington counties.'he moderator who presided atuesday night's. first meeting'as Rev. T. P. Burgess. Theew moderator is Rev. J. P.[illhouse 'of Abbeville. Theext meeting will be held atforris chapel in Newberry>unty next April. The follow-g trustees were elected: R. P.lake of Greenwood, also theeasurer; F. B. Cobb of Green-reenwood, R. J. Nickels offHodges, W. A. Stevenson ofLbbeville and J. C. Thomas of,


That rats disseminate disease isason enough for a campaign againstem,. but the new Association Inter-ationale pour la Destruction Ration:lie des Rats, a society originating inopenhagen, made, its first appeal toe thrifty Danes on economicrounds. In the capital and Jts en-rons the association's emissariesagged more than a hundred thousandats, at a cost, for capture and destruc-:on, of about three cents each.

ow,"' argued the committee, "youillagree that each rat eats and des-oys each day- a half-cent's worth ofiod and material. One hundred thou-

ad rats would do $200,000 worth ofmage, at least.,. Having spent about3,500 on killing them, we have saved::u $190,000 odd." Both farmers and I9ityfolk were won by this demonstra-on, and now ghe government is abet.ng the association in its work of "ra-ional destruction."

~1"Canned music" is what Mr. Sousaails the phonograph product and hebects to his music .being cannedithout any profit to himself. The>pyright law hardly covers such use,owever, and It is difficult to see ho;e composer can protect himselfainst the canned.

Lord Fairfax, an American~ who'nent to England to &ecept the title of~aron Fairfax, has returned to Nework. He is a member of a firm ofankers in that city, and It Is 'under-tood will resume his business careerNew York.

Some cold-blooded statistician hasiscovered that 27,000 wives in New'ork are supporting their husbands.hether marriage would be regardeda failure in their case would de.

end much on the point of view.

It will be difficult to induce the av-

rage spinster to, believe that the year908 will be unfortunate-it is lealiear, a time of special feminine priv-

In marveling at the shrunken condi-Ionof your coal pile you probablyverlook the fact that you' had to use

great deal of coal during the winterlast summer.

We are to have living music on thetage next. We hope the women willot be driven to the extremity of'ashing dishes on the stage just toake a merry show.

Two Pittsburg men have been sen-~nced to the penitentiary for stealing

bree cents. Let people who are ad-Iicted to the habit of robbing their

abies' banks beware.- -

P.P.P. P purifies the blood, build~en- to) weaken-ed nierves, expels di

,1-..hr. sickness, gloomy feeling'I',.,son, mercurial poison,1n d seases, like blotches, pimp

<aI m wi thout fear of. contradie1

'cvihse stems are posned aia du (o intruli irreguarities,.cc"- d blood cleansing prope


suffermg from any of the,don't delay-take Car-

.Iccessful remedy for wo-

n have used Cardui andyou? Don't take anyold, reliable, oft-tried


J 40

1p Youville, Tenn., writes: "For tenlife, and tried many remediesr my body and at times I couldnd now I can do my housework.

Lui and recommend it to all sie


Do not strza 'four eye-s' ok.ig,rsperity, but get out help itLiong.

Gertrude Atherton finds Edithivharton "dull." We await Edith'sross-counter.

In the new year it is believed thatL. larger number than ever will try towear off their taxes.

This Thaw trial is to be less sensa-tonal than the former one was. An-Dther splendid sign of improvementA Norfolk, Va.. boy hit a mule with

a. rifle and is dead. The gun wasn'tloaded, but the mule, as usual, was.

Now that the Japs in Vancouverhave become the aggf ors what wilbe the international i thease?

What would the naval doctcommand do if his boat were seizedwith a sinking spell? Inject nitrogly-erine?


(B B. B.)Cres Throughthe Bloed~Baod Poison,

Rheumatism, Eczema,Itching ilumors.

B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Blood) is thmfly Blood Remedy that kills tbe poison

n the blood and then purifies it-end-ng a flood of ure, rich blood direct to -

he skin surface, bones. joints, andherever the disease is located. In thisrayall sores. ulcers. pimples, eruptionstrehealed and cured, pains and achesiRheumatism cease, swellings subside.3.B. B. completely changes the body

nto a clean healthy condition, givinghe skin the rich, red brte of perfectwaltdh. B. B. B. cures the woist oldass. Try it.

3TANIC BLOOD BALM-B BBSpleas.ant and sate to tahe: composed of PUreotanic ingredients. It purities and enricbeshe blood. . U.L . strengthens the nerves.ndbuilds up) the broken down system. Drug-ists $1 .00 PER LARGE BOTTLE with diree.ions for home cure.

Sold at All Drug Stores.

P.PP. wiH lfand vtalize yourblohd,creaeagooappetiteand giveyourwholesystem tone and strength.A prominent railr-nad sprintendent at

Savannah. sultering with iarLsDpe.sain, and Rhenzmatim says: "After tkaF.P'.P.heneverfelt-sowelInhislfean~feels as if hecould liveforever,if he cudalways gnt P. P. P."

Ifryou are tired out from oveanworkandclose confinement, take

~P.P.PP.If you are feellnsr hay In the spring

and out of sorts, take

P. P. P.Tf your digestive organs needtoninguip,

P. P. P.If you suiffer with headache, inigesion,

debility and weakness, tak

SIf you s er with nervnus potiotln,norlsunt "unig and a gnra let da.wn

of the system, take

focr rined Poison. Rheumnatismn, Sernf-ula, Oldi Sores. Malaria, Chronic FemaleCompaaints, take

P. P. P.Prickly As'i, Pokt Foot

erdPctzssi::n.The best lood purifier in the warld.

untheweak ad debliathies adlssiudefirt revailed..


malaria, dyspepsia, and in all bloodles,old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald;ionlthat P. P. P. isthe best blood

idwhose blood is in. an impure con-Lrepeculiari benefitted by the won-rtiesof P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke