4 International Conference th on Heritage and Sustainable Development green lines institute for sustainable development CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Guimarães, Portugal 22 - 25 July 2014

4 International Conference th on Heritage and …heritage2014.greenlines-institute.org/h2014website/...web.pdf · Gregory Ashworth Groningen University ... Avondale College, Australia

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4 I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c et h

o n H e r i t a g e a n d S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t


institutefor susta inable deve lopment


Guimarães, Portugal22 - 25 July 2014

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Conference Programme 22 - 25 July 2014

Organising Committee

Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, Cristina Pinheiro Green Lines Institute

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


July 2014 Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development Green Lines Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Av. Alcaides de Faria, 377 S.12 4750-106 Barcelos Portugal T (+) 351 253 815 037 F (+) 351 253 824 730 http://www.greenlines-institute.org [email protected]

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development



Scope 5

Partners 7

Venue 8

Conference Topics 12

Scientific Committee 13

Conference Programme Overview 15

Schedule of Sessions 19

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Scope HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development follows the path of the previous editions: it aims at establishing a state of the art event regarding the relationships between forms and kinds of heritage and the framework of sustainable development concepts. Once again the four dimensions of sustainable development (environment, economics, society and culture) are the pillars of this event, defining a singular approach on how to deal with the specific subject of heritage sustainability. Furthermore, beyond the traditional aspects of heritage preservation and safeguarding, the relevance and significance of the sustainable development concept is to be discussed and scrutinised by some of the most eminent worldwide experts. Heritage is no longer considered as a mere memory or a cultural reference, or even a place or an object. As the previous editions of “Heritage” (2008, 2010 and 2012) have proven, heritage is moving towards broader and wider scenarios, where it becomes often the driven forces for commerce, business, leisure and politics. During recent years, specialised research has remarkably expressed that sustainable development is being brought much forward than the concept expressed in the book “Our Common Future”, commonly known as “The Brundtland Report”. The role of culture and social aspects enlarged the initial statement where environment and economics had the main role. The environmentalist approach (conceiving the world as a whole ecological system) enhanced the idea of a globalized world, where different geographic dimensions of actions, both local and global, emerged as the main relationships between producers, consumers and cultural specificities of peoples, philosophies and religions. In such a global context heritage became one of the key aspects for the enlargement of sustainable development concepts. Heritage is often seen through its cultural definition. However, sustainable development brings heritage concepts to another dimension, as it establishes profound relationships with economics, environment, and social aspects. Nowadays, heritage preservation and safeguarding is facing new and complex problems. Degradation of Heritage sites is not any more just a result of materials ageing or environmental actions. Factors such as global and local pollution, climate change, poverty, religion, tourism, commodification, ideologies and war (among others) are now in the cutting edge for the emerging of new approaches, concerns and visions about heritage.

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Thus, Heritage 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development proposes a global view on how heritage is being contextualized in relation with the four dimensions of sustainable development. What is being done in terms of research, future directions, methodologies, working tools and other significant aspects of both theoretical and field approaches will be the aims of this International Conference. Furthermore, heritage governance, and education are brought into discussion as the key factors for enlightenment of future global strategies for heritage preservation and safeguarding. A special chapter on Heritage and Cultural Tourism was included in this edition, as cultural tourism became a major theme and a major area of research. Applied field research as well as theoretical approaches are welcome in this special chapter that is meant to be a wide and meaningful forum of debate on this topic. As in the previous edition Early Stage Researchers are welcome to share the results of their research projects, namely post-graduation projects and doctoral projects among others. Special registration conditions are previewed for their best contributions, under the Scientific Committee evaluation.

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development



HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Venue GUIMARÃES Guimarães is located in the District of Braga, in the North of Portugal. Its population is of circa 52,000 inhabitants living in an area of circa 243.000 Km2. Human presence is documented ever since pre-historical times and significant settlements dating from the Iron Age are well preserved and can be visited as archaeological sites. The early Middle Ages were an important period: ca. 950 Mumadona Dias, a local noblewoman, established in her will the foundation of a monastery; for the purpose, she donated substantial land property to the monastery, stretching from Galiza (North) to Beiras (South), on the border of Muslim territory. That monastery then became one of the main reasons for the development of the medieval “Vimaranes”, side by side with the castle, located up-hill. In the following century, Vimaranes was to become the main town and administrative centre of the Condado Portucalense, i.e. the feudal lands between the Lima and Ave rivers under the rule of the Kings of León (Spain). According to the local tradition the first king of Portugal (Afonso Henriques) was born and baptised in Vimaranes, in the early years of the 12th century, although there is no indisputable evidence of this. Nonetheless, in 1128 he fought and won the battle of S. Mamede, in a field nearby the town the battle being commonly referred as the beginning of his ruling. However, the independence of the new kingdom was only recognised by his cousin (the Emperor of Léon Y Castilla) in 1143, and by the Pope in 1179. The administrative role of Guimarães decreased with the Reconquista progressing into the south and the Portuguese Kings leading a war far away from the original lands of the Condado. Meanwhile, the monastery of Guimaraẽs became a Colegiada and grew in importance and prestige, due to the grants and gifts received from kings and noble families. The city also grew under the protection of the castle, which was partially reconstructed in the 13th century. City walls were built for the protection of the inhabitants and of their crafts and trade houses. Until the 15th century the number of streets and houses inside the walls kept growing and a significant part of the urban plan has remained nearly unchanged ever since. The arrival of new religious orders (Franciscans and Dominicans) in town is contemporary of the establishment of a new urban organisation, asthe city was expanding outside the walls and occupying a vast area.

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


By the late 18th century, beginning of the 19th century the medieval walls had lost their purpose and were demolished, the stones being then used in other constructions. Only parts of the walls remained in place, but these are still visible and can be visited today. In the first half of the 20th century Guimarães became an industrial town, located in one of the most industrialised areas of the country. The decadence of the textile industry, late in the 20th century, established new economic patterns to the city. The University of Minho, founded in 1973 brought a new impulse to the city, regenerating its population and raising new standars of growing sich as innovation, quality, welfare and culture. In 2001, the Historic Centre of Guimarães was declared as WORLD HERITAGE SITE by UNESCO. In 2012, Guimarães was European Capital of Culture.

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Conference Topics

01- Heritage and governance for sustainability

02- Heritage and society

03- Heritage and environment

04- Heritage and economics

05- Heritage and culture

06- Heritage and education for the future

07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures

08- Special Chapter: Heritage and cultural tourism

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Scientific Committee

Alessandro De Masi Milan Polytechnic - II, Italy

Alexander Bauer City University of New York, USA

Alison McCleery Napier University, United Kingdom

Alistair McCleery Napier University, United Kingdom

Ana Lídia Virtudes University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Ángela Barrios Padura University of Seville, Spain

Anna Leask Napier University, United Kingdom

Anne Moignet-Gaultier Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville, France

Annette B. Fromm Florida International University, USA

Antonio Nogués-Pedregal University Miguel Hernándezi, Spain

Asafa Jalata The University of Tennessee, USA

Ataa Alsalloum Damascus University, Syria

Austin Parsons Dalhousie University, Canada

Brian Osborne Queen’s University, Canada

Carla Almeida Santos University of Illinois, USA

Christian Wilson Frost Kingston University, UK

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Cláudia Ramos University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal

Elizabeth Carnegie Sheffield University, United Kingdom

Ellis P. Judson Durham University, United Kingdom

Francisco Queiroga University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal

Gabriella Caterina University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Gabriella Duca University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Gregory Ashworth Groningen University, The Netherlands

Guillerme André CNAM-CDHTE Paris, France

Isotta Cortesi University of Catania, Italy

Janet Eldred University of Kentucky, USA

John Carman University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

John Skrzypaszek Avondale College, Australia

John Tunbridge Carleton University, Canada

Judith Sterner Alberta College of Art and Design, Canada

Maria Gloria de Sá University of Massachusetts, USA

Mary Kenny Eastern Connecticut State University, USA

Michael Ripmeester Brock University, Canada

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Pamela Sezgin Gainesville State College, USA

Paulo Lourenço University of Minho, Portugal

Paulo Seixas Lisbon Technical University, Portugal

Peter Davis Newcastle University, UK

Remah Gharib Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Richard Field Saint Mary's University, Canada

Robert Barelkowski Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Rogério Amoêda University Lusíada, Portugal

Roy Jones Curtin University, Australia

Sérgio Lira Green Lines Institute, Portugal

Teresa Ferreira University of Porto, Portugal

Sidney Cheung Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Conference Programme Overview

22 July - Tuesday – Palácio Vila Flor

10:00 - Opening Reception Desk and Check-in 14:30 - Opening Session 15:00 - Plenary Session: Municipality of Guimarães 16:30 - Coffee break 17:00 - Visit to the historical centre of Guimarães 19:00 - Welcome drink (Verde de Honra) city centre 20:00 - Evening Check-in at Hotel Guimarães

23 July - Wednesday – Palácio Vila Flor

08:00 - Opening Reception Desk 09:00 - Working Sessions S01, S02, S03 and S04 10:30 - Coffee break 11:00 - Working Sessions S05, S06, S07 and S08 13:00 - Lunch 14:30 - Working Sessions S09, S10, S11 and S12 16:30 - Coffee break 17:00 - Working Sessions S13, S14, S15 and S16

24 July - Thursday – Palácio Vila Flor

08:30 - Opening Reception Desk 09:00 - Technical visit to Citânia de Briteiros (Meeting point: Palácio Vila Flor) 13:00 - Lunch 14:30 - Working Sessions S17, S18, S19 and S20 17:00 - Coffee break 17:30 - Working Sessions S21, S22, S23 and S24 19:00 - Departure to Pousada St.ª Marinha da Costa (Meeting point: Hotel Guimarães) 20:00 - Social Dinner at Pousada St.ª Marinha da Costa (dress code: smart casual or business informal)

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


25 July - Friday – Palácio Vila Flor

08:30 - Opening Reception Desk 09:00 - Working Sessions S25, S26, S27 and S28 10:30 - Coffee break 11:00 - Working Sessions S29, S30 and S31 13:00 - Lunch 14:30 - Working Sessions S32 and S33 16:00 - Coffee break 16:30 - Plenary Session: Final debate 17:30 - Best papers awards and Closing Session

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Schedule of Working Sessions

23 July - Wednesday – Palácio Vila Flor

9:00 - 10:30: Working Sessions S01, S02, S03 and S04 Session S01 (Room 1) Topic 1: Heritage and governance for sustainability

J. Pardoe & C. Stone - Authenticity, commodification and sustainable development: construction of destination image for Chester, UK

A. Góral - Cultural heritage in cobweb of meanings

R. H. J. Bennink, L. Veldpaus & A. P. Roders - The ‘Ideal State Method’: tackling data absence in World Heritage monitoring

E. A. Rose - High hopes and paper lies: heritage protection in Nelson, New Zealand B. Ellickson - Sustainable settlements: fostering a ‘new human scale’

Session S02 (Room 2) Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism T. Cuccia, C. Guccio & I. Rizzo - Does UNESCO inscription affect the performance of tourism destinations? A regional perspective

P. Spearritt - Bridge climbs: new money for cultural tourism

G. Pultrone - Cultural Heritage and tourism, a key relationship for smarter and sustainable development

A. Barresi - The dual role of cultural heritage as attractor of tourism and local economic resource F. Geremia - Digital narration of urban transformations: scientific research for advancement of cultural tourism

Session S03 (Room 3) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures D. Diano - The smart railway station: a new concept for the historic railway station Napoli-Mergellina

M. Tanac Zeren & Ç. Kircali - Refunctioning civil architecture samples with the art function “Izmir Samples”

J. Kaeferhaus - Historic buildings as Museums: sustainability and energy saving in museums, depots, churches and historic buildings

G. A. Berlinger - The politics of preservation and heritage construction at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Session S04 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism A. Cabana Iglesia & E. Freire Paz - Awaiting a new rurality: effects of the Ancares-Courel Park proposal in Galicia

F. Lopez-Palomeque & A. Torres-Delgado - Assigning value to assets of cultural and natural heritage in tourism: guidelines for building an integrated network of tourism products associated with the Llobregat River (Catalonia, Spain)

L. A. Mancini & M. L. da Costa - Heritage and Identity: the challenges for the development of the cultural tourism in Vale do Ivaí - Paraná State - Brazil

M. El Amrousi & E. L. Reus - UAE’S modern heritage between preservation and oblivion in wake of the 2020 World Expo

11:00 - 13:00: Working Sessions S05, S06, S07 and S08 Session S05 (Room 1) Topic 2: Heritage and society G. J. Ashworth - What is the future for a past that nobody claims? Options for the Paramaribo World Heritage Site

N. Black - “History’s gone here”: exploring understandings of heritage through forms of social connections within cultural festivals

R. Recalcati - Growing old prohibited! The vengeance of the porn restorer

A. Klamer, A. Mignosa & L. Petrova - Cultural heritage policies: a new framework for our past M. Leonardi - Eco-tourist ways and heritage. Morphologic resetting of spaces for public uses Session S06 (Room 2) Topic 5: Heritage and culture C. Warren - World Heritage and agrarian identities: critical perspectives on 'The Cultural Landscape of Bali'

S. Wickler - The materiality of South Sea Islander heritage in Queensland, Australia

R. Zuk - Architectural heritage and migration

L. Demeter - Assessing the cultural value of the communist legacy in Romania

N. I. Teufel-Shone - The curative power of ceremony, social cohesion and reflection in Native American wellness

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Session S07 (Room 3) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures V. P. Matos - Evolution of the building to let in Lisbon, reuse and maintenance M. Pisanu & P. Sanjust - The challenging issues of restoring a Modern building while respecting the project’s principles of “sustainability”: the case study of the Tavolara Pavilion

M. Borsotti & C. Campanella - An atlas of "architectural design for existing buildings": towards a definition of founding design actions

A. Cardaci, A. Versaci, D. Indelicato, L. R. Fauzia & C. Speranza - Heritage at risk: investigation and vulnerabilities management for the safeguarding of an old fortified town K. Wilson, E. Miller & C. Desha - Facilitating sustainability in heritage buildings in Australia: learning from the design profession

Session S08 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures J. Lluís, A. Costa, S. Coll & J. M. Puche - Graphic techniques for the constructive identification of masonry vaults

J. Calvo Serrano & F. García Carrillo - Dar Ben Marzok, a traditional and patrimonial house-patio in the Medina of Tetouan. Bases for its rehabilitation and functional adaptation as an Interpretation Center of the Mediterranean Navigation

C. Rodríguez-Liñán, M. J. Morales-Conde, P. Rubio de Hita & R. Rodríguez-García - Assessment of structural stone columns using non-destructive techniques of ultrasound and thermal measurements in a 18th century Spanish Cloister

L. M. L. Sêrro - The building of Granjinhos: restoration and expansion J. C. Pérez Sánchez & B. Piedecausa García - Construction of 17 - 19th century domes in the province of Alicante (Spain): the case of San Juan Bautista in Cox

14:30 - 16:30: Working Sessions S09, S10, S11 and S12

Session S09 (Room 1) Topic 2: Heritage and society D. Whelan - The challenge of community-based heritage projects in an emergent democracy: a case study

P. F. Biancamano & A. Onesti - The peri-urban landscape of Pompeii. Conflicts and synergies

M. Chalana - Conservation overlay zoning and neighbourhood character: Pike/Pine, Seattle

F. Mazzino - Cultural landscapes in the urban fringes: the case of villa Scassi of Genoa (Italy)

P. Fleming - The Bodiam adventure: a case study in developing a sustainable visitor attraction for an Under-Utilised Site

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Session S10 (Room 2) Topic 3: Heritage and environment R. J. Green - A perceptually based approach for assessing the contribution of street trees to ‘neighborhood character’

D. Brand - Enduring structures: a disaster approach to urbanism in Christchurch

K. Nedvedova - Analysis of vulnerability of cultural heritage against floods

J. J. Wang - Flood risk assessment and analysis to cultural asset in Taiwan

A. Bayyati - Modern Surveying Technology: availability, suitability and cost for Heritage Building Surveying and Heritage Building Information Models (HerBIM)

Session S11 (Room 3) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures F. Cantone - Valorising the past as a strategy for sustainable development for the future. The Convent of the Capuchin Friars in Buscemi (Syracuse, Sicily – Italy)

F. Zangheri & E. Ciocchini - Mirasole Abbey: a new project for an ancient (re)use

Y. J. Tseng, I. C. Chen & H. Y. Huang - Architectural heritage conservation under the influence of dominant culture - a case study of the Island of Kinmen

Z. H. Tokay & S. A. Can - An adventure of sustainability: Tophane-i Amire (imperial cannon foundry) R. Morganti, A. Tosone & D. Di Donato - Sustainable marginality: conservation and re-use of “Colonie climatiche di soggiorno” in the Abruzzo region

Session S12 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 3: Heritage and environment P. Mercader-Moyano, J. Garrido-Piñero & A. Ramírez-de-Arellano-Agudo - A review of environmental impact assessment methods for historic districts

M. E. Yajnes, S. M. Sutelman, S. Caruso, L. A. Tosi, J. Meilan & M. Verduguez - Sustainable solutions for masonry construccion using recycled materials

A. Jaramillo-Morilla, E. J. Mascort-Albea, J. Ruiz-Jaramillo & M. Martín-Vega - A low skyscraper, “Cajasol-Caixa-Pelli-Ayesa Tower” against the Environment and Heritage in Seville

B. Del Espino Hidalgo - Sustainability in historic city centres of medium-sized Andalusian cities M. I. Sardón de Taboada & A. Morales Morillo - The different stages of intervention in heritage and its economic impact on sustainability

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


17:00 - 18:30: Working Sessions S13, S14, S15 and S16 Session S13 (Room 1) Topic 2: Heritage and society K. N. Penna & J. H. T. Flechas - World Heritage status and sustainable development: promises and realities of a title

S. Howard - Heritage and Society: locating archaeology within world systems for the long-term sustainability of the discipline

J. F. Bajec - The uses of cultural heritage for innovative development of rural communities

I. F. de Mata - The enemy within: ethnographic heritage in Castilla y León

Session S14 (Room 2) Panel: Safeguarding ICH trought tourism: an example from Scotland A. McCleery, A. McCleery, J. Bowers, E. Lambie & K. Wardrop Session S15 (Room 3) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures T. van Dijk - How New Towns designs include the history of their locations

G. Caterina, Z. ul Abedin, M. R. Pinto, S. Viola, D. Bianchi, A. Diano, T. Napolitano, M. Bagheri, T. Henry, T. Stuurman, P. Guzmán & A. P. Roders - Land use changes on historic urban areas: a curse or a blessing? Querétaro as a case study

K. R. Merlino Urban grain, sustainability & heritage: The metrics of buildings and neighborhoods

Session S16 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism F. García Carrillo & J. Calvo Serrano - Potentiality of the traditional earthen architecture for touristic uses. Amnay Kasbah, a hostel in Bou T'Aghrar, M'Goun River Valley, Morocco

J. Gallego Roca - Torres Bermejas: a project for tourism and culture. The value of authenticity

J. Latorre & J. Sola - The limited modification and revision of the official Urban Catalogue of Gijón

C. M. Calderón Aguilera & C. Robles Cairo - Vanishing cultural heritage. The historic center of Ensenada Mexico

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


24 July - Thursday – Palácio Vila Flor

14:30 - 16:30: Working Sessions S17, S18, S19 and S20 Session S17 (Room 1) Topic 1: Heritage and governance for sustainability D. Ikiz - Complex City Istanbul: managing a global heritage city

L. Veldpaus & A. P. Roders - The historic urban landscape: learning from a legacy

K. N. Penna & M. Campelo - Sustainable conservation: transforming conceptual dualism in harmony for the safeguard of historic cities in developing countries

M. R. Letourneau - Sustainable heritage districts: The Ontario experience R. Fuller, U. De Jong & F. Gray - A holistic view of sustainable development - lessons from the coastal town of Queenscliff in Victoria, Australia

Session S18 (Room 2) Topic 6: Heritage and education for the future J. Skrzypaszek - Cultural Heritage: transformational and inspirational framework for future education

D. Michoinová & G. Setunská - Castle as a classroom

K. Devine - The educational affordances of navigable time P. Leverton, H. Russell & S. Bickell - Conservation and the sustainable management of the Historic Environment S. Sabo, J. Guernsey de Zapien, N. I. Teufel-Shone & C. Rosale - Entre Fronteras (Between Borders): the power of service-learning in cultural exchange and social action in the United States -Mexico borderlands

Session S19 (Room 3) Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism D. Maior-Barron - Was this really Marie Antoinette’s house? Who was she anyway?

E. L. Login - Memory tourism in eastern France

E. Scarbrough - Visiting the ruins of Detroit: cultural tourism or poverty tour?

E. Bondioni, S. Corbari & M. T. Feraboli - The renovation of the heliotherapy colony of Cremona and the riverside of the Modern: an itinerary towards the future

R. E. Butland & M. W. Rofe - Boutiques hotels and the packaging of 'Asia' for tourist consumption: the spatial and temporal re-imagining of heritage in a cultural World Heritage site

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Session S20 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 7: Inclusivity of historical sites, buildings and structures Á. Barrios Padura, A. J. Serrano Jiménez, F. J. Lizana Moral & J. C. Mariñas Luis - Architectural heritage in prefabrication. Protection and enhancement of the construction technique

M. Hernández, O. Irulegi & A. Serra - Comfort conditions in San Sebastian’s extension along the 20th century. Energy zoning

L. Rocha & A. Tostões - Recommendations for the preservation of the Modern Movement Heritage in Oporto: the case of spatial adaptability of modern multifamily housing between 1940 and 1960 B. Jiménez Alcalá - Interpretation of the urban area around the Convent of “San Francisco el Grande” in Madrid C. Romero de la Torre & M. A. Anibarro - Madrid´s Ciudad Universitaria, a defensive landscape to be discovered

17:00 - 18:30: Working Sessions S21, S22, S23 and S24 Session S21 (Room 1) Topic 1: Heritage and governance for sustainability C. T. Ramos & S. Lira - Democratisation and cultural institutions: an enquiry into the cultural contexts of democracy and development

F. Baker - Has the government done something right? Changes to listed building legislation

M. A. ElGamal - Exploring the gap between heritage conservation and local development in the Global South: Success and failure of strategies applied

D. Hart & H. Clift - Challenges and opportunities in Heritage management in Langa: Cape Town’s oldest formal (Black) Township Session S22 (Room 2) Topic 6: Heritage and education for the future I. Veliute - Cutting-edge technology for preservation and promotion of Architectural Heritage

J. Beard - Structured analysis of heritage, preservation and architectural history masters programs: identification of program emphases, exposure of potential gaps and development of a proposed interdisciplinary heritage and preservation masters program incorporating urban sustainability

E. Johann - Treasures in the forest - awareness rising and education in Austria

N. Lukšionyte & V. Migonyte - Wooden architecture in Kaunas: hopes of preserving

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


Session S23 (Room 3) Topic 4: Heritage and economics L. M. Grobar - Preserving cultural heritage in handicrafts in an Era of globalization

C. Branzanti & M. Podestà - The relationship between traditional cultural activities and creative firms: a revenue perspective

M. Junainah, I. Suriatini & Ab R. Rosdi - The need to improve existing method of valuation for cultural heritage asset M. Alkateb - Traditional crafts and supply chains: Lessons from the Syrian silk craft

Session S24 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 3: Heritage and environment P. G. de Terreros Guardiola, J. M. Rivero Reynel, B. Blandón González & A. Vilches Such - Urban regeneration of the residential compound built during the 20th century in Seville. Neighbourhood of Nuestra Señora del Carmen O. Ormaetxea, A. Sáenz de Olazagoitia & A. Ibisate - From a natural resource to heritage: the new sustainability of a territory D. P. Curi, E. L. C. Frigelg, G. F. da Silva & S. M. L. Raia - Green initiatives: education for maintenance of the environmental heritage X. A. Armesto-López, M. B. Gómez-Martín & M. Cors-Iglesias - Natural heritage, rural tourism and climate change in the Alt Empordà (Catalonia)

25 July - Friday – Palácio Vila Flor

9:00 - 10:30: Working Sessions S25, S26, S27 and S28 Session S25 (Room 1) Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism E. Katsali & A. Kostarelli - Network of byzantine churches in Euboea island, Greece: following the traces of the Greek sovereigns during the Latin occupation. A cultural route: concept, design, implementation, presentation and opportunities

U. N. Zain, G. Caterina, M. R. Pinto, S. Viola, A. Bianchi, D. Diano, T. Napolitano, A. Masoud, Z. Huma & Z. ul Abedin - An experimental requalification of Historic Rawat Fort near Islamabad, Pakistan

M. Bagheri, P. Guzmán & A. P. Roders - The tourism sprawl in historic urban areas: Querétaro as case study

Y.-C. Lu - Artworks in Heritage Conservation and Cultural Tourism: a study on conservation of Treasure Hill in Taiwan

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


Session S26 (Room 2) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures C. Limoge-Schraen, C. Giry, F. Ragueneau, C. Desprez & M. Brocato - Toward a general method for structural seismic assessment of cultural heritage

G. Di Giovanni, A. Tosone & A. Bellicoso - Preservation and post-earthquake rehabilitation of Palazzo Palitti. An historical building in L’Aquila (Italy)

D. Rapone, G. Brando, E. Spacone & G. De Matteis - Seismic vulnerability assessment of the old historic centre of Scanno - Italy

T. Ferreira - Diary of a historical building intervention in Oporto. The careful management of change

Session S27 (Room 3) Topic 5: Heritage and culture J. Carman - A divided heritage for a divided world: a manifesto for understanding heritage practices

T. Morrison, H. Giggins & K. Goddard - Preserving the Cultural Heritage of iconic Newcastle hotels

P. C. Guzmán, A. P. Roders & B. J. F. Colenbrander - Measuring Cultural Heritage within the urban context: an analysis of existing dimensions and related urban indicators

Session S28 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 6: Heritage and education for the future A. Ibáñez-Etxeberria, O. Fontal, J. M. Cuenca, N. Vicent & I. Gillate - Trends in the use of mobile technologies in Heritage Education in Spain

L. G. Jaramillo - Cultural heritage in Colombia´s education system: an academic and civic axis of training?

D. Branco, I. Vieira & A. Rodrigues - Multidisciplinary in tourism: designing cultural itineraries

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development


11:00 - 13:00: Working Sessions S29, S30 and S31 Session S29 (Room 1) Topic 8: Heritage and cultural tourism M. M. Gonçalves - On the trail of the storks. Proposal for a pedestrian circuit in Faro (Algarve, Portugal)

S. Rosendahl - The Geological Heritage of Algarve and its potential for Geoturism

M. Capone - Borders between analogical and digital world: designing interfaces to archaeological sites

P. Miano & G. Aquilar - Innovative forms of Cultural Tourism in the territories of archaeology L. Bollini & R. Pietra - Mobile apps for a sustainable cultural-tourism experience. “The Betrothed 3.0” an Italian case study

Session S30 (Room 2) Topic 7: Preservation of historic buildings and structures R. Cacciotti - Monitoring and conditions assessment of built heritage: an introduction to MONDIS mobile application

H. Reza, B. Zhang, M. Hernandez Montoya & N. Gupta - Assessment of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones using greyscale imaging techniques

A. De Masi - Advanced 3D recording techniques and reality-based modeling of multi-scale for the digital preservation of Cultural Heritage and Sites

R. Lambert - Xi’an, China: what is a historic city? E. Abis & A. Dessì - The coastal system of the Iglesiente among ancient mining harbors and environmental contexts

Session S31 (Room 4) SPANISH/PORTUGUESE Topic 5: Heritage and culture M. Albarrán & S. Glez Moratiel - Global urban study of Ávila, a World Heritage site

F. J. García Fernández & B. Del Espino Hidalgo - Cultural heritage and ordinary landscapes. Keys for their valorization and protection

E. J. Rodríguez Romero & B. Jiménez Alcalá - Cultural identity of urban areas between the square of Santa Bárbara and the Paseo de Recoletos in Madrid L. Aguiar - Smuggling memories as an intangible heritage: the Cultural Tourism, benefits to a sustainable development. The case study of Melgaço

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent


14:30 - 16:00: Working Sessions S32 and S33 Session S32 (Room 1) Topic 8: Heritage and culture M. W. Rofe & M. Karimi - At home in heritage: an Inquiry into belonging and a sense of place in a World Heritage Site in Isfahan City, Iran

E. Park, B. K. Choi & M. K. Choun - Authenticity in cultural heritage tourism

L. Yu, F. Ping & Y. Yan - West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre: safeguarding and revitalising intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong

Session S33 (Room 2) Topic 3: Heritage and environment G. Loddo, D. Ludoni, G. P. Cossu & M. Pittaluga - Application of sustainable technologies in the future of historic buildings: electrochromic glass

M. R. Vitale, F. Castagneto, A. M. Salvia & P. Valastro - From a “ghost old city” to an energetically efficient town. The case study of Marignane’s historical

A. Tritto - Towards a sustainable tourism industry in China: an analysis of the use of eco-innovation in the management of Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site A. Kocabas - 21st century sustainable urban conservation: a multi-dimensional conceptual framework

HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development



HERITAGE 2014 – 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developent




REHAB 2015

Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabil i tation

of Historical Buildings and Structures

2 International Conference onnd


institutefor susta inable deve lopment