THE OMF AFTERU twi : v o t: a. HO. 47: «ffln ^ FORM PERPETRATORS OF ^ DEPARTMENT OF J NO STONE VNTVRIS •^EVIDENCE. HEAD OF PITTSBURG AITER HAND TO HAI P I T T S B U R G , OT— R o l oif the i. W. W. here, and as a radical, was arreste ters. When detectives .I tered he opened fire with lets passing through the . WABHnrOTOK, (flv-D epart! tbe ooTmtry today bf anarohlBts wbo laat ni to oTortbrow the go\ liigh explbsiire t>ombB govemmei oppoaed ib the spread of organiz 'Bxplodou tooV placo in WMhin(^<> toa. Pittjbur{f« Cl«voIiini1, N'ovrtonvillc, Moai.. Boston, Philadelphia, Fatoraon, ft: J.. and Now. York. Nono of tho ; mou for Hboia tha bombs wor« iatead* •od was hurt, but onoTnau, n watchmaa ia New York, waa klllod, soveral pei' SODS were. lajnr»d, boUdinK* wroeV«ic! a&d In WaahlDg^ton ono of tba plotters lilm aalf w a S 'b j^o .to.pieeea whea aa inferaal machine intended for Attoraey Oenoral A. Mitehell ^ Im e r exploded Tirematurely. •• A blooAitalnod coQiIuetor's idontifi- «atlos eheck,' found In front of JJr^. Telnor'a jrealdeneo showa tbat tho an* 1 arcUata arHvad ia Waahington at 10:50 ‘ o'clock Uat n irtt from Philadelphia. Ho went diTcetljr ftom tho Uaiou ata* tioo to the Palmer home. Onlx a few -xniactca beforo the ezplosicA ho was ■aeea aHghHn(t frora * 'street'car a fow f :bl»ck« awajr by C. B. Briggs of Marlon, S. c. ABuehlat' aa. nuias ■ The poHce-bave.astabUabed tiiat. tbo , •dead OTlaKibist whe^waa' probably ao ' - ! -. lioriog th*t*the nation-wide plot waa ; conceived in and directed frotn tbnt , ..Itr. , ' ^|N ■^Hope' waa.bold out by federal annts B H b a t tho plotters might bo apprehenct* ' ^ «d. Tbe Identity of the anarchist who ' waa killed apparently haa been eataV ' lished, nnd tho next ntcp is to deter. , mine wbo wore bis associates. Tba otstraffe* w m ballored to b« a seqoal to tha May Day bomb plot, ' whan tefenial n acbinaa ware n«n- .ad to a aoora of promlneat maa ! ovai tba cotmtry. 1 Tbe axplodoaa laat sl«lit wexa accotrpaatod by tba-scatteflnc of anarrM<tlff marature by peneaoa^ito w tn aot lUltexat*. Tb<t ntaratnre eontaiaed tba atock doc- trlnas of radicals wbo bara baea > pxaaeblaf ettaa' w>r. . Protect Promlneat Mea, The homes and pcriona of prominent , officials and butmcM men In Wash- . in^fton nnd olsewhero were bclnR pro- tocted today against furthor outrajw, Aectdeat Savad Palmar The police oro confident tbo plana to blow up the bouso of the nitomcy Rcn* oral and k ill its occupants would not bavo mlaearrJcd had not thc« nnarchlst : in’hSs cxcHetnent In the darkncw.'emb- bed his toe on B low roplnjf ids feot . from tho front door wlicre. It wn* ob- vious. ho inJenilfcl to plnre tbt* pow-r* fu l infernal MinchUic. Tlii- lopiofj trip - ped him nod whon he* foil thi’ concur- aion apparcntl.v *<t •>({ the Imnib. Faablonable Kelsbborbood Tlio iiclRhborlioo.i in wliich -flio c*- plosion occurroil i« hop «( the mn«t fashionable in \Vn.i!iiiii;ton. Two ttoors nway liven Benntor Swnnjioii of Vlrjjin. •• jL fContlnu--^ on pac* foor) PENfllGE ISMEHSED Ail^ppers Disappear an;l Demand for Them Increases Stead- ily to Pay Taxes. WASniNOTOX, (ffl-Kvfry nilat In the United 8tat«s ha« been pnt to work by Direetor Ray Baker tnrolns ont onp- «;ent pleaaa in an effort to keep pae«« S k sth the anoraoDS demand for this roln. lostitatla^ a 2i-honr dav the output baa b««a paah«d to 90,000,000'«ests a -TBoath- have- been ~a'pproilmat/«lr 3,- «00,000,000 aae-erot piores coined in ' thia eoratiy,” Ifr. Baker said todar, < “ bnt wbere they bare gone Is a rajV • tery. Tba »nb-lrea*urlea c r* Inundated witb ordan froa baaka, which keep is- aslof tbe copper coins for ns0 ia par. | Bwat of edd'eeat taxes aad street ear ‘ fves, bnt tbe demaad contiaoes.’' j The Vay ontpnt of the mlata was I 64,98«,000 coins, of which 60,978,000' were oa»-««8t plaeea. Nleksla'also were ' in lots* devuad, 2,043,000 belnr coin-. ed. tba raaaladar of the prodaetioB be-. ing m jw half dollara, 178,000 qaor-; t*ra a ^ 370,000 dlaea. j tNOON PAPER m IDAI PA ----------------^ ' n r IARCH I8TS ' BOMB Outrages in JUSTICE WILL LEAVE INED IN SEARCH FOR IG I. W. W. ARRESTED ySfP REVOLVER DUEL obert Johnson, president id internationally known ted at L W . W . headauar- 3 .and federal agents en- th a revolver, several b u l- c lo th in g o f a detective. rtmont of juBtioe agents and po- lay w«re bunting the* organized night lannohed^hat tbey called government by assasBinating with ient officials and prominent men lized lawlessness. riflOGEnNos S copy OF THE ^ mmTi Republcian Leader Brings Mat- I ter:Up In Senate Which He » Says Is Alone Denied the Right to See It. WiBHINOTOJf, WV-8Bii«tor Loclm, chalrmaa of tbe sennto foroifni rola- tiona committee, tol<] tbo seu&to todav o he bad 'aooa -in tho bondn nf business Jg American representative at Paris, bnt ,» withhold by tlio stato dcpnrtincnt from tho aenate. The ntatcment cauac.l a sUarit <l^liate J. upon tbe courne nf PrpnMcnt Wilson Q and the ntato department rPKariliiip tlio ^ I.ubUcation. of the trenty text, p, “ The trooty in in New Vork,*'.Baid Sonator LodKe. “ I saw n. cop.v of H ycntonlay. 1 won offered a copy, buf I refused »o abeept it, nayiiiK it'wonld Iiot come Into my handn witliout lieinn ]>ublished. I heard of four eopien in New York. How mnny morn them riay bu throughout tho country I do not know. As fnr nn I enci n«nk.- out the only placo It ia not nllowed to coiuo is tho acnttte of tho United Btnten.’* SCANDINAVIAN NATIONS at.t. DEOLINB TO BLOOSADE PARIB, (;P>—Swelen and Dcttuark hnvo notified.the peari' .oiiferencp thn; they w ill not join in n bloekod.- ..f Oermany In tho cvmt of n (Jmiuin ro funol tn nipi the peace trontv. Thcvl ^ stoto that a blockade ro-ild ‘ij.- mnd- effective without Iheir violntlnt tholr \ ni'utrnlity. it ----------- ---- ----- --- )- . it J W O RLD NE> ------------------------------------------------ O O P E N H & a E N , (vP>— E th o i token Petrograd, according i ^ rocolvod by tb© National Hide - WASHINOTON, (/P)— Modi] hibition law so the working m beor was nrgod today by roprc at the first of tho hearings i mittee tipon liqnor moasaros. CHIOAOO, (JP )— Harry Joh loft Ashbornojield, Chicago, ; in a Oanadian-Otutiss airplam ... to Denver. He purchaaed tho j expccts to arrive in Denver al carried two passengers .and c: one stop. . - EL PASO (^P>_More th ^i^ ° cial messages sent by Bniz St here, were relayed'to Ohihtiahi e less the messages remain nx sponso to inquiries, was infon ft m it his te le g ra j to that point Oity last night. '■* __ n ” ■ 1 ' Texas and Oklahoma - ; J Arrive on S. S. Troy •j N'K\V YOKK. (;P) — More than : r ; S.OOO former national pianlm rn j ] from Texa* ond Oklnhoma arrived a . today on fhe transport Troy. *The 0| principal nnit wa* tbo m « t infnn- . e; trr. :irtth divlnlon, <52 offli-ers, t,‘ I-, P20 mea. Amonir fhe minor .lelaiU < wa* thQ SOth divisions' m ilitarr •• • iKv|tr-«« tnmpwny’anl th ' W ith nn<l I 111th *npply trsia*. mO^CARRYiNG THE F ilM S IW H f TAIXS IDAHO. TDI Police Find More Fragments of the Blownup Anarchist Soaroh Continues for! As^ooi- ^ ates by Departent of . 1 Justice. k WABHINaTON. No onoata Uod beea.made tbls aftazsooa in 0 the plot te naaasrtaiite w ltli hl«h exploslva bomba moay gavatameat om clali sad prominent tmsiaaas, fV bat police aad ageata o f the de- partmaat of Jottice throughoat tba ii/ couatry w M hoatliv aaaocUtea of K aaax^ilst who waa b lo w F ^ pleeea while attempting to,.'' ' i,aa in* ' feraal , * (ho honaa of ^ A A- ^ MltcheUPalP' D Tlw dea' ..i- -ald by . ^ ttto poI«'.* ^ 'S?' ’ ^O.'^* identified L j a» » ' A : ■ ^ot hii aane haa\ oO ^ puhUc. Th* , 4 . poUeov ^ as«st» espeet to b« able .entUy his atioclat«» T\ aoap o f. ./aom tmdoohtedly ware coaeeraed la-«xp!odons v b id i took place laat night iti a m n l dtlM. , Throoghont th f' day th* polioe 1** coatlnoed.to dlacorvr pertioas of I the dead man's aastomy.Toea, and thomba, ware fetmd^; One eae-slse- - a waa located, r* Palmer Baek st Wotk. 0* The Attnser gmmtfi w«Bt to id ' work as osoal at his daak later la ,(i the dsy le»'Tlag^ the sesrch for the plottem la the hands of sobordln* stea wbo dealed thst oay gdasrsi in rooadnp of “ reda" hsd bean er* dered throoghotxt ths eooatzy, tmk t h a t m im y . WOrS QttdST t i t ~ vestlgatloa. » Ooagxeaa aad sU offlelsl Wsab-' lagtoa deeply stirred by ths new- est ontbreak by enemlea of Is v sad order considered whst atepe might be tskea to cnrb s astioasl msa- see. President Robinson 1/ Demands Regulation [ of Road Employes Head of Bailroad Association , I- Scores Oovernment Uan* I0 ' agement of Bailroads. le WABIlLN'bTOX. (iP) — Demand- thnt raitronil omplo.ven nuhnilt to' {{overnment rotfulntious nn do fho ; ooinpanioK wnn nindc by Pronidnnt ;e, Blrdo M. Bobinnon, today nt tbe . 1 la- cnnventinn hero of ,'lbo -A a e rie s ir. ly Short Line rallroaA asMciation. Its ' WhUe -."(coVernaent. j-eculation, at employes are le ft to cxerelse tbelr im own nwpot will, which they offen du in A-inoNt atilo<*rntSc way. Tho - te vrnKo dcmnndn bave alnorbod al> nu rendy th<- «l,ono.l)Ofl,<)OD rate in- lio orenne wbich In iKdiig l)uiil hv the puldlr.’* id . In view of the “ reeklesK rxtrn- •f v.ipinee*’ of the Rovprpment in alt uf its business,_Mr. lt<»binBon nnld, the Id demnnrl for rnllroml e'roiiomy was iK “ riilleuloun." “ TWIN FALLS '/VS EXAIVIPLE • ot ' he Boiso Oood Boada AdTOcates Bonda for ’ »» Fnnd o f $2,000,000 | (Spocial to The Newnl 1 H0I8K* ~ Till- vntlnc of *l.^.'0,00n 1 IE ht^fhway honds in tho*Twin fVlln hl(;h- 1 •wny disfrirf nnd of SSOO ,000 boniU in 1 rk the Nnuipa diotrlef In polntod out as nn 1 h; nrcin'ienl in fnvor of tho mining in Ilf Alta eounty of a <1’.000,000 fund for per- ■0 iiinni-iit highwny*. Onohnlf of tlii«i 1 •ylnmoiint would be mined hy the comity 1 'l?*pjiid the' balnnco donated liy, tlio feci- 1 lr ernl Kovornmcnf. friendn of llio mov-.*- i j nioiil projiono. ~ ^ ;W S E V E N T ^ ; bonian and Finnish forces havo g to an nn/’^^iTirmcd telegram idendo. XV edification of the war*timo pro- man may havc light wines and presontatives of organized labor s by the house judiciary com* 08. Johnson, hn aviator of Denver, at 8:45 o'clock this moming ano with the intention of flying bo machine hore yesterday. He about noon tomorrow. Johnson 1 cxpccts to mako tho trip with __ ______ ^'.rr 1 twelve hours after urgent offi- Sandoval, Mexican vTce^^onsnl thna O i^from Saltillo, by wire* unanswered. . Sandoval, in re- armed that Saltillo would trans* int by the wireless to Ohihuabua -iThousands strike y\ on Paris Subway I PARrs, {JF)—Ti,t' l*arln-*ubwny j Unes are abnt down tbia mominf; I as a result of a strike of the em- ployes. Tbe ntrike w** ileclare.^ last nif^bt at n niretinj; aftondo.i < by moro than 6.500 workom. A dis- patch frora Idlle afstri that ap* proximstcly 4S.OOO mea aro out in the irrneral strike in the Pa* de Caiaia mining regioa. | FULL DAY leased Wt^ I3A11 , TUESDAY, Jtnra s. 1018. iTWO COI ^ BEALU r W l l l T I l i l l i l s i l 1 F M lL V p illO IIIE ' la Adjutant-. Oener^ ^ahris Ad- vises Governor of Change , ' to Status. ^ » BOISE—-The 1 4 ^ field srtillary rtg- imont haa been deslgnatod for early re- turn from* Sifropo, Afljt. Oen. F. C. • Harris advised Gov. D. ,W. Davis Mon- S d s y . ........................... . It was bnlglaally pianaed tbat the sr- " tillorynea spould sail for home May ■< 25, b u f theso plans wore Jator changed 2 Tho exs« dsto of the home*coming 7 haa not'yet been fixod, bnt it la re- * gardod as'Ikoly that the. troopa will _ move aoiM time. tUa nontb. Z Tbe re c e n t inclndea the Twin Falls, t Coear .d^ttaa, Sondpoint and Nampa , unlts-raf-i&^u'Swoad Idaho rogiment. It , ' participated ia tbe Marne defeoaive, J tbo Maaae; Miblel and Argonne of* < . fenaea and ia now stationod witb tbe anny of occnpation at Bendorf Qer* < ; many. * i MOLIRSEND . r EEiiSmiKE ' JBfllllWEBZ in Would : Deport Participators es Wlio Threatened to Go Oul Because Rhenish Provinces Want td Set Up as Republic. -rALL PROMPTLFweNT i- BACK ON THEIR JOBS It Effort of Pj^osied Bepublio to 11 ‘ ^' .^eour^yyo^tloncI'gOs 'to ^ " v Aow? fOOiptiu.' A^Uiority; lr throughout tbe Amsrtcsa occnpied I n ares was ileclszed by tte Oermaas 0 ' St nine o'clock todsy aa s protoat l> ssAinat tha reported iMmrhing of I- the Bheniah republic at Wloabadea. 0 It was very brief however, being only four boora la dwatlon. tbo I- workmen returaiag to the^r labora ' C It at oao o'clock thia aftemooa ^te r e being warned o f the coaseQi^ences K by the Americaa mUltary autborl. tiea. Tho prlneipftj strikern were the raU- wny oiuployen nud the street cnr work- ers nl Treven and (?oIileii7 . The .\m- {Qf oHcnns aent woric to the Inbor tenderi that uulenn tho Qernann roturwd to •work by one o'clock tbe lendom and all tho other strikers would bo <)eport* 000 ed into neetionn of Oermnny tiiiorciii>ied gh- by American troopn. Thr intcr-nllied ill railway romminnion reported flint nil. nn the workers hnd returnod t>i their jobn. * 4 ii Want To Bo BecognUed ’’’ >er- Telejjramn IntimntlnK fhnt rccoKiii- ^ ;liii rion of tlio iJheninh reptildio reported Ilty tu'havo been cjifnbliHUcd o« Sunday is i*' ’eci- dosirod, hnve beon nent to ron>niaiic)or<< IV-'- (if tho nrniion of occupntioii alontf tho ii Hliine. They benr the nicnnfiiro of Dr. P ___ Piirton, Hnid to hnvo l.ocn nnmod protil- cc ---- dnnl of tbo now repubUc. liut the «>t- ' ---- 1 flcinln of the Amoricnn Third nriiiv , have not received nny offli-inl notifi- |. ciifii'M of uny KOfh nctioa b.v tlio no>v ' (jmcrniiieiit. __ 1 Itr. Dortoii a«.-iorfn fhnt delf>;ntcs iil KMoninh I'niniiin. old .Mn.'rnii. Hlieiii^h lliH.ic and tho I'nldtiiinte. nftor mo % ii'k;' ill Aix-1.1 Chnpello, .Mnycniie nu ; V. i<.!«l.ucli.-n. bad doclnr.'d tlu- nutono- ' r.iy of llic Khi'nisli re|iiiblic fmm Jiiii-' _ firsi. Aflor tierliirinjj fhat tlio Rhen- S irh loiml.lic- ia willin>; to ccncluili'jm - nicd!;i<o iic.ico, fho tolegram ntaton that the i>coplo of tbo Bldno lands bnve :ioi dci-ire to oncnpe thoir war obllKntionsi an.far an re.pnration is concerned anij that -iJicy nro fceokinj; rocoenifioii at the j'cacc poufori'iico. Tiio identity ol r>r. Dortcn i.t unknown to -Vriorionii’" The Aroi’rican^ nr'- <n-n]iornlintJ » i:li iJii' Driii.'.h and bn'c- mloptod an atti- tu'le of taking any actiun nc.-<ei*tir.v o^’arnnt domonstrniionn within the o-*- j| copioil nrea*. j| The American.^ M»y there nre no in- dirations that fho Oormans Kcnornlly ^ desire a jopnblii; aad attribute th.’ , movement to a hanclfnl »f iiitriijucrs. j but thoy aro unwilling' to ponnit th" .Ameriean aroa to becomo n I’ltttte ground for rival faetlun.i. j Thr American authorition doridocl'to-1j. day that th^ro wn* no foundation for| a cbarj;.' t f hi;;ti lreaiu<n a;;aiunt i:i- > habitnntn of fho American oeeujurd C area, su far *»-tl>e Oen..»u j;ovrmmcni was concerned. They reaeh^ this eon- I elusion as tbe m u lt of a tneeaaf^e srnt ---- by Berlin waniiue civilians not to pri> mntl' tbe ratablinhiuont of the .Uhenisb topnldic. ^ JU rORMEB WTOHINO OFFICIAL '' FINED FOB STOBINO BOOZB ■ff DENVEB, Olo., yp> — Herman D. c I- Oafe-v former atate treanurer of Wyom- 7 hI in?, wan fine<l $300 aad costs in police « •T“ court today for havinjj Htjnor In hin J »- poasession. Oates’ n<*w home In the ti >■ fashioaable Capltol. H ill district wss & n raided by the polie^tPriday nlRhf aaJ 0 le •evrrsi *hnodred gallons of whisker was f |M-iicd. Tbe fine paid. r ;.,v- 1 /V' ■ IRE REPORT OF THE nce M g OWED G iiCILOFFOUR ID IFIG IIT ION OF General Conditions t Europe. Late Rumors by Eathonian and Fir • Regime in Hu'ngaiyTI VIOLATION OF-ARMli GERMAflT TROOPS ] PABIB, Two ohaagn k territorial and the oiher fu i^ ^ oooDoU o f fonr, it beoajnb Imbin: President Wilson is .oonsnlting objeotions TAised. Increased Rates Must Be Allowed to Stand Longer Dkeotor.Ooneral Hines Testi- fies BefoVa^ HoBse Commit-^ tee; Wages to Be Kept Up. WASniN'aTON. • (ffV-Only by Incroaaod ratos can tho (Jtfrtfrnmeut eontrollod railroads moot oporating oxoensoa. Director Go^'ral Hines, of the railroad sdmlRUtration-to- •Uy told tho bouae appropriationa eommittoe. He in opposetl to any incrcane *at this.tim e, however^ bo* cauao it m i{^t advAnec tho cust of neeeasities of life. ' Mr. Hinoa, who appcSrod (o' oak for #1,200,000.000 additional for the. railroad administratiou'a revolving .. fnnd for lho remainder of thia cal- endar ^oar, declared tbat whUo tbe wagon of rsilroa<l • employea had been inrroased 51 to S3 per eent during governmenf eontrol they- now wore only "rasaonable anil ‘ fair." ISe added thst he could seo no ph>«p<^t of r^uelng thea.^ UBEfONf Chairman Watson Calls Matter of Constitutional Amendment Before U. S. Senate. WABHINOTON. (/p) — The sen- ate failed to reach a vote today on the house woman aoffrage resoltt* tloa aad flaal actloa la expected tomorrow. , WA8H7NGTON, (;p^Today waa woman suffrage day in tho senate. In necordaneo with fomaal notico given last week by Chairman Watson of tho woman nuffVago commlttec, the bouae rosolution proposing submission of an equal franchise conntifutionnl nmend- ment won called tip for what itn friends hoped wn.n finnl action. A vote before adjournment wnn be- lieved poHdililo by advocnten, but op- powntn doubted whother n roll eall^ could bo reached today. RflTElif BLiCJLLEI Senate Committee Favors Giv- ing Control of Wire Charges to Interstate Commission. \VASinNfITf).V. (/T^—Tho j-cnntc* i:i . tomtnto cnmmorc.- cninmiflcc liy iiii.-'iii-; votv tiolftv 'irdoTt-vl fiiv»rnldy i"- I'.irle.l n I'i'l liy .'Jiiilmmn Ciiinminn ro ttoriii;r at ..iii-i- til.'- rnto ninkinir p«w-; tT\ of thr int,‘'•‘•.It.' .i.iiini.-ic- .•Olll-1 Nf> i>ro»iMiiii wn.' niu'h' fi'r confinei. injj t.-I.-i;rnidi ifitoH «hi.-1i ...... nlly w.Te incrcane.1 Iiy order of I’oKtni.-jstor Go'i-] <-r.il Hiirio«'i)n whri«c' ncticm wns-sns- tninci yo-tcTclny »<y tin- •nprrinc court.i ('i.TroiM-’ n. -Mni-kay. jin.iidi'iit of tho I’o^tal^ T.-lei:r;ipli Cnlile compBny, in rr- rent Ic'ifiTs to incmlM-r^ of crtugros.i urj;- ini; iiriiicillatc return of fho wire* prom- , l»-d n pcf ,J..-cToa!i.c In the I I rtilen li.v hi.H cocnjiany. BARBER shop'LAW INVALIDj District Jndge McCarthy Oranta W tit la Test Oaae at Bolae (5p««is Jto The Newa.) BOrSF—Tbe law paaaed by tbe laat' eeaslon of the legisUture prorldiag that " it shall be unlawfnl for any jieraoiw or persons to keep open foi^tialsefi^ or to work ftt the l>srlier*« trade'tn anj" ctfy of tbe flrat or second cUaa after 7 o ’clock p. m.. on aay working day,''j wss declared to bo nncoasUtntlonal bv Jndce Charlea P. McCarthy ot tbe dia- triet court in the matter of tho appli- catioa of Cbaalre W. Pearce for w rit of habeas eorpoa, a test eaae brought for the purpose of asceftaininit tko, validity of thia aectioa ef the it«t«te... ' 'E: A S S O C I A T E P m m m ^^i lESW PBIOB PJVB v?N W - )NS MAY iERMANS R GO iliEeiNG FJEiSOFfflEllTIf Unchanged Throughout :s o f C a p tu re o f P etrograd 'innish Troops. Bolsheviki Tottering. ili'T IC E TER M S B Y 5 REPORTE D B Y POLES I is the ,Q«rmu pciau tem>, oae iiU iil, ;are b e ^ ^oaaUwed ty the , w ji toidiiyrlt W M «t»ied to a ^ ih s t ; ing Aaetloan erperti on ep«^o OeiasB proposal to psy «ii, tadsD*>' Bltar Of 100,000,600, aurttli’ irhlcJi . _ w U di IsvolTs diMoUttiob ef ..tbs . T snied ttnso^ oomhilisfam ,tp wtodi ths Q«nasaa,straagly oUiKt. nisiadmtooathsut^pnpesst hss stroag stq^ort in eertsltl «os^^; t e n . V The iNoend proposal is for bisdts la SUaala la ordor to sat^ satse. to OeiBUBr s cosi stqn^ from tbe aOstisa nlsea. . experts of tbi! VBitsA atiitSf.. Frsao*.GK«sS M ts l& s a d Its ty on; the iBTltstiaB of ths hrnmifMn . - . ] • poses eoamlsiloasit, srs. sapecSid^ v- to meet hs soon ss poatUs to .«&■'s . ehsnge Tlsm rsfsidlac ths-saiwar: . to the Qennaa conater-BBDinttls.. Dr. Karl Bonner, Austrian cbsae«Uor^'' anO head of the peaio miaaion of .thi>' • fonner dual empire,.ia expected to leave " P ^a for Swititerlud t«usy. It 1> prob* able bo will proeeiri sa fsr. ss the Atla-. I trian frontlor where he la expected te meet nombera o f,bia.a^Iaet^ who w ill . diacuaa wUh Um Austria's snawer to , . the allied terms. The Aiiatrisa: reply . ladue JaaolT.' ' tj : aM'dsoNcapp^Miti^ An nneonfirmed tolegrsai tMoived in. ‘ Copenhsgcn fttm Vardoe 'reports tbiit P £sthonlaa aadVFinaish .troopa hsve tok*: on PtJtrdgrsd. Dispatches reaoblnir Parfa from. VI- eans r is Basle atate that tbo Bolsbevik regime In Hungary baa boea rcpUejyJ jp by-a'govcmmont headed by Her^ Oer- jnan, fonner mlniater of r tho Karolyi cabinet. Herr Gemu la reported to have been InviWd to go to Parla to confcr with allied representa- tives, - '• ' A Gerxnan detacbmcnt is aaid to bavo violated tho armistieo agreement 'w ith ' tbo Polos aad to have crossed the Po- lish frontier from east Prusaftu The Warsaw dlapatch tolling of tbla.aetlon' OS oa the psrt of the Germans aays that In the Polos launched a coonier"attack BU smd succcedcd In rcpulalag tbo Invnd- ho ora. ao " ' War Sent Ship Values '>• Up to ward the Sky WASHINOTON-, hi.w r,i toculnr was tho rino in nhip values rtnr* ing tho war was shown today In an an- nouncement by the wnr rink bureau thnt tho Standard Oil comjiany’n steam- er John D. Archbold, firnt ship iniurcl by the t’^'ernmonf .pjroncy.' wnn pro- tected b.v a policy for #770,000 in 1914, but wbc'n at»e wan torpedoed in 1017 Q lier innuranco hnd boon Increaned to .*l’ ,'Jflo,ni)o. Till* mnrino nnd nenmen'n divinio:! of the liurenii. whifh in wlnd- ini; up it< nffnirn now- that <ian8orb fiom inioei nnd Mibmnrinea no lonRor ,, cxiit. ps , loh^oc. on l.’>2 vessels w ith a ’/* tonnagft. o f :107,0.'0 .ond on '275 liven ' lo«t Iiy tho hazrnrd* of war. Total monetary loinen were f.10,000,000. IDAHO WEATHEB : Tonight and Wednestlay fair; cool- "' :cr tonight witii lij;ht frost. lyOSPElSENDS iiSTRONpOTEST r'J Telegraphs Mayor of EI Paso to Oppose Permitting »f ' Mexicans to Enter Texas Dj KL-PABO. T«., CUrlM iDavU'today received a. dji^lch from tit I B^prrnentatlve Hudnpeth jjs_W%shiaK» . ton lo the effeet tbat AetCi^Betrrtary Polk in reconsideriag hla-refusal to al-' '- . low Mexican .trMpa to paas throogh the ^ United Slates. a»d- loay give bbi eos- « t tent to !b*^V»x)can eovemaaat.- onji^WASlIlNGTON. 0^-^tata. .depart-' W. rsMt ofUciala aaid today tke Aaferkm. xy ^vcrem enil’. was oot reeonsiderfag* Its'^ ■ :er 'Mexisaa troops \tti ,»'!«ass throajV the Uaited States tran by Sonora te ChtkoahDa sad * th a t' th e re ' is- was BO lateatlea of rwoaddsHs# s t . Ji- thU time- Is-view of oathnsfc e< Tso- -V: nt <n| ladlsoa fa Beam the. bt ^ Moieaa federal treeprTfteiv.w k iK k«iregs^ed by

mmTi - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ form perpetrators of ^ department of j no stone vntvris •^evidence

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t w i :v o t : a. HO. 47:



•^E V ID E N C E .H E A D O F P IT T S B U R G A I T E R H A N D T O H A I

P IT T S B U R G , OT— R o l o if th e i . W . W . h e re , a n d a s a ra d ic a l, w as a r re s te te r s . W h e n d e te c tiv e s . I te re d h e opened f i r e w ith le ts p a s s in g th r o u g h th e

. W ABHnrOTOK, ( f lv -D e p a r t !tb e o o T m try to d a y

b f a n a ro h lB ts w b o la a t n i t o o T o r tb r o w th e g o \

l i i g h e x p lb s iire t>ombB g o v e m m e i o p p o a e d i b t h e s p re a d o f o rg a n iz

'B xp lodou tooV placo in WMhin(^<> toa. Pittjbur{f« Cl«voIiini1, N'ovrtonvillc, M oai.. Boston, Philadelphia, Fatoraon, f t : J.. and Now. York. Nono o f tho

; mou fo r Hboia tha bombs wor« iatead* •od was hurt, bu t onoTnau, n watchmaa ia New York, waa klllod, soveral pe i' SODS were. la jnr»d, boUdinK* wroeV«ic! a&d In WaahlDg^ton ono o f tba plotters lilm a a lf w a S 'b j^ o .to.pieeea whea aa in fe ra a l machine intended fo r A ttoraey Oenoral A . M itehell ^ Im e r exploded Tirematurely. ••

A blooAitalnod coQiIuetor's idon tifi- «a tlos eheck,' found In fro n t o f JJr^. T e ln o r 'a jrealdeneo showa tba t tho an* 1 arcUata arHvad ia Waahington a t 10:50 ‘ o 'c lo ck U at n i r t t from Philadelphia. H o w ent diTcetljr ftom tho Uaiou ata* tioo to the Palmer home. Onlx a few -xniactca beforo the ezplosicA ho was ■aeea aHghHn(t frora * ' street'car a fow

f :bl»ck« awajr by C. B. Briggs o f Marlon,S . c . ■

ABuehlat' aa. n u ia s ■The poHce-bave.astabUabed t iia t. tbo ,

•dead OTlaKibist whe^waa' probably ao '

- ! -. lio r io g th * t* th e nation-wide plo t waa ;

conceived in and directed frotn tbn t , . . I t r . , '

^ | N ■^Hope' waa.bold out by federal a n n ts B H b a t tho plotters might bo apprehenct* ' ^ «d. Tbe Iden tity o f the anarchist who '

waa k illed apparently haa been eataV ' lished, nnd tho next ntcp is to deter. , m ine wbo wore bis associates.

Tba otstraffe* w m ballored to b« a seqoal to tha M ay Day bomb p lo t, ' whan te fen ia l n acbinaa ware n « n -

.ad to a aoora o f promlneat maa ! ovai tba cotmtry. 1

Tbe axplodoaa laat s l« lit wexa accotrpaatod by tba-scatte flnc o f anarrM<tlff m arature b ypeneaoa^ito w t n ao t lU ltexat*. Tb<t ntaratnre eontaiaed tba atock doc- trlnas o f radicals wbo bara baea > pxaaeblaf ettaa' w>r. .

Protect Promlneat M e a ,The homes and pcriona o f prominent ,

o ff ic ia ls and butmcM men In Wash- . in^fton nnd olsewhero were bclnR pro- tocted today against fu rtho r ou tra jw ,

Aectdeat Savad Palmar The police oro confident tbo plana to

b low up the bouso o f the n itom cy Rcn* o ra l and k i l l its occupants would not bavo mlaearrJcd had not thc« nnarchlst : in ’ hSs cxcHetnent In the darkncw.'emb- bed his toe on B low rop ln jf ids feot

. from tho fro n t door wlicre. I t wn* ob­vious. ho inJenilfcl to plnre tbt* pow-r* f u l infernal MinchUic. Tlii- lop io fj tr ip ­ped him nod whon he* fo il thi’ concur- aion apparcntl.v *<t •>({ the Imnib.

Faablonable Kelsbborbood T lio iiclRhborlioo.i in wliich -flio c*-

plosion occurroil i« hop «( the mn«t fashionable in \Vn.i!iiiii;ton. Two ttoors nway liven Benntor Swnnjioii o f V lrjjin .

•• jL fContlnu--^ on pac* foor)


Ail^ppers Disappear an;l Demand ■ for Them Increases Stead­

ily to Pay Taxes.W ASniN O TO X, ( f f l - K v f r y n ila t In

the United 8tat«s ha« been pnt to work b y D ireetor Ray Baker tn ro lns ont onp- «;ent pleaaa in an e ffo rt to keep pae««

S k s th the anoraoDS demand fo r th is roln. lo s tita tla ^ a 2i-honr dav the output

baa b««a paah«d to 90,000,000'«ests a -TBoath-

have- been ~a'pproilmat/«lr 3,- «00,000,000 aae-erot piores coined in ' th ia e o ra tiy ,” I f r . Baker said todar, < “ bnt wbere they bare gone Is a ra jV • tery. Tba »nb-lrea*urlea c r * Inundated w itb o rdan fro a baaka, which keep is- a s lo f tbe copper coins for ns0 ia p a r. | Bwat o f edd'eeat taxes aad street ear ‘ fv e s , bn t tbe demaad contiaoes.’ ' j

The V a y ontpnt o f the mlata was I 64,98«,000 coins, o f which 60,978,000' were oa»-««8t plaeea. Nleksla'also were ' in lo ts * devuad, 2,043,000 be ln r co in -. ed. tba raaaladar o f the prodaetioB b e -. ing m j w h a lf dollara, 178,000 qa o r-; t* ra a ^ 370,000 dlaea. j


PA----------------^ '

n rIARCHI8TS' B O M B Ou t r a g e s i nJU S T IC E W IL L L E A V E IN E D IN SEARCH FOR

IG I . W . W . A R R E S T E D y S fP R E V O L V E R D U E L

o b e r t J o h n s o n , p r e s i d e n t

i d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y k n o w n t e d a t L W . W . h e a d a u a r -

3 . a n d f e d e r a l a g e n t s e n ­

t h a r e v o l v e r , s e v e r a l b u l -

c l o t h i n g o f a d e t e c t i v e .r tm o n t o f juB tioe agen ts and po- la y w « re b u n tin g th e * o rg an ize d n ig h t la n n o h e d ^ h a t tb e y ca lled

governm ent b y assasB ina ting w ith ie n t o f f ic ia ls and p ro m in e n t m en l iz e d law lessness.

riflOGEnNos S copy OF THE mmTi

Republcian Leader Brings Mat- I ter:Up In Senate Which He » Says Is Alone Denied the

Right to See It.W iB H IN O T O Jf, W V -8B ii« to r Loclm,

chalrmaa o f tbe sennto foroifn i rola- tiona committee, tol<] tbo seu&to todav

o he bad 'aooa -in tho bondn n f business

Jg American representative a t Paris, bnt ,» w ithhold by tlio stato dcpnrtincnt from

tho aenate.The ntatcment cauac.l a sUarit <l^liate

J. upon tbe courne n f PrpnMcnt Wilson Q and the ntato department rPKariliiip tlio ^ I.ubUcation. o f the tren ty text, p, “ The trooty in in New Vork,*'.Baid

Sonator LodKe. “ I saw n. cop.v o f H ycntonlay. 1 won offered a copy, buf I refused »o abeept i t , nayiiiK it'w on ld I io t come Into my handn w itliout lieinn ]>ublished. I heard o f four eopien in New Y ork. How mnny morn them riay bu throughout tho country I do not know. As fn r nn I enci n«nk.- out the only placo I t ia not nllowed to coiuo is tho acnttte o f tho United Btnten.’*


PARIB, (;P>—Swelen and Dcttuark hnvo notified.the peari' .oiiferencp thn; they w ill not jo in in n bloekod.- .. f Oermany In tho cvm t o f n (Jmiuin ro funol tn n ip i the peace trontv. Thcvl

^ stoto tha t a blockade ro-ild ‘ij.- mnd- e ffective w ithout Iheir v io ln t ln t tholr

\ n i'u trn lity .it — ----------- ---- --------)- . it

J W O R L D N E >— ------------------------------------------------

O O PE N H & aEN , (vP>— E th o i to k e n P e tro g ra d , a cco rd in g i

^ ro co lvo d b y tb© N a tio n a l H ide

- W A S H IN O TO N , (/P)— M odi] h ib i t io n la w so th e w o rk in g m beo r w a s n rg od to d a y b y ro p rc a t th e f i r s t o f tho h ea rin g s i m itte e tipon liq n o r m oasaros.

CHIOAOO, (JP)— H a r ry Joh lo f t A s h b o rn o jie ld , C hicago, ; in a O an a d ia n -O tu tiss a irp la m

... to D enve r. He purchaaed tho j e xpcc ts to a rr iv e in D e n ve r a l

c a rr ie d tw o passengers .and c: one s top . . -

E L PASO (^P > _M ore t h ^ i ^ ° c ia l m essages se n t b y B n iz St

he re , w e re re la y e d 'to O h ih tiah i e less th e m essages re m a in nx

sponso to in q u ir ie s , w a s in fo n ft m i t h is t e l e g r a j to t h a t p o in t

O ity la s t n ig h t. '■* __

n ” ■ 1'Texas and Oklahoma - ;

J A rr iv e on S. S. T roy• j N'K\V YOKK. (;P) — More than :r ; S.OOO former national p ia n lm rn j

] from Texa* ond Oklnhoma arriveda . today on fhe transport Troy. *The0 | principal nnit wa* tbo m « t infnn- .e ; t r r . :irtth divlnlon, <52 offli-ers, t , ‘I - , P20 mea. Amonir fhe minor .le la iU

< wa* thQ SOth div is ions' m ilita rr•• • iKv|tr-«« tnmpwny’a n l t h ' W ith nn<l

I 111th *npply trs ia*.

m O ^C A R R Y iN G T H E F


Police F in d M ore F ragm ents o f the

B lo w nup A narch is tS oaroh C o n tin u es fo r ! A s^oo i-

^ a te s b y D e p a rte n t o f .1 Ju s tice .

k W A B H IN aTO N . No onoata ■ Uod beea.made tb ls aftazsooa in0 the p lo t te naaasrtaiite w lt l i hl«h

exploslva bomba moay gavatameat o m c la li sad prominent tmsiaaas,

fV ba t police aad ageata o f the de- „ partm aat o f Jottice throughoat tba i i / couatry w M h o a t liv aaaocUtea o f

K aaax^ils t who waa b lo w F ^ pleeea while attemptin g to,.'' ' i,aa in*

' fe raa l , * (hohonaa o f ^ A A-

^ M ltcheU PalP 'D T lw d e a ' . . i - -a ld b y .^ ttto poI«'.* ^ 'S? ' ’ ^O.' * iden tified L j a» » ' A : ■ ^ o t h i i aane

h a a \ oO ^ puhUc. Th*,4. poUeov ^ as«st» espeet to

b« able .entUy h is atioclat«»T\ aoap o f . ./aom tmdoohtedly ware

coaeeraed la-«xp!odons v b id i took place laat n ig h t i t i a m n l d t lM .

, Throoghont t h f ' day th * polioe 1** coa tlnoed.to dlacorvr pertioas o f

I the dead m an's aastomy.Toea, and thomba, ware fetm d^; One eae-slse- -

a waa located, r * Palmer Baek s t W otk.0* The A t tn s e r gmmtfi w«Bt to id ' w ork as osoal a t h is daak la te r la ,(i the d sy le»'Tlag^ the sesrch fo r the

plottem la the hands o f sobordln* stea wbo dealed th s t o a y gdasrsi

in rooadnp o f “ reda " hsd bean er* dered throoghotxt ths eooatzy, tmk

th a t m im y. WOrS QttdST t i t~ vestlgatloa. »

Ooagxeaa aad sU o ff le ls l Wsab-' lagtoa deeply s tirred b y th s new­est ontbreak b y enemlea o f Is v sad order considered w h s t atepe m ight be tskea to cnrb s astioas l msa- see.

President Robinson 1/ Demands R egu la tion [ o f R oad E mployes

H e ad o f B a ilro a d A s s o c ia tio n , I- S cores O ove rn m e n t U a n *I0 ' age m e n t o f B a ilro a d s .le W ABIlLN 'bTOX. (iP) — Demand- ’

thn t raitronil omplo.ven nuhnilt to ' {{overnment rotfulntious nn do fho ; ooinpanioK wnn nindc by Pronidnnt

;e, B lrdo M . Bobinnon, today n t tbe . 1 la- cnnventinn hero o f ,'lbo -A a e r i e s i r . ly Short L ine rallroaA asMciation.Its ' “ WhUe -."(coVernaent. j-ecu la tion ,

at employes are le f t to cxerelse tbelr im own nwpot w ill, which they offen

du in A-inoNt atilo<*rntSc way. Tho - te vrnKo dcmnndn bave alnorbod al> nu rendy th<- «l,ono.l)Ofl,<)OD rate in- lio orenne wbich In iKdiig l)u iil hv the

p u ld lr .’*id . In view o f the “ reeklesK rx trn- •f v.ipinee*’ o f the Rovprpment in alt uf its business,_Mr. lt<»binBon nnld, the Id demnnrl fo r rnllrom l e'roiiomy was iK “ riilleu loun." ‘

“ TWIN FALLS '/VS EXAIVIPLE •ot — 'he Boiso Oood Boada AdTOcates Bonda fo r ’ »» Fnnd o f $2,000,000 |

(Spocial to The Newnl 1H 0I8K * ~ T ill- v n t ln c o f *l.^ .'0 ,0 0 n 1

IE ht^fhway honds in tho*Twin fV lln hl(;h- 1 •wny d is fr ir f nnd o f SSOO,000 boniU in 1

rk the Nnuipa diotrlef In polntod out as nn 1 h; nrcin'ienl in fnvo r o f tho mining in Ilf Alta eounty o f a <1’ .000,000 fund fo r per- ■0 iiinni-iit highwny*. O nohnlf o f tlii«i 1 •ylnm oiin t would be mined hy the comity 1 'l?*pjiid the' balnnco donated liy, tlio feci- 1 lr ernl Kovornmcnf. friendn o f llio mov-.*- i

j nioiil projiono.


; W S E V E N T ^ ;

bonian a nd F in n is h fo rc e s havo g to a n nn/’ ^ iT irm c d te le g ra m idendo. XVe d ifica tio n o f the w a r* t im o p ro ­m an m a y h a v c l ig h t w in e s and

p re son ta tive s o f o rg an ize d la b o r s b y th e house ju d ic ia r y com*08.

Johnson, hn a v ia to r o f D enver, a t 8 :4 5 o 'c lo c k th is m o m in g

ano w ith th e in te n t io n o f f ly in g bo m a ch ine hore y e s te rd a y . He a b o u t noon to m o rro w . Johnson

1 c x p c c ts to m a k o th o t r ip w ith

__ ______ ^ '.r r1 tw e lv e h o u rs a f te r u rg e n t o f f i- S andova l, M e x ic a n vTce^^onsnl

th n a O i^ f r o m S a lti llo , b y w ire * una nsw ered . . S andova l, in re ­

arm ed th a t S a lt i l lo w o u ld tra n s * in t b y th e w ire le s s to O hihuabua

-iThousands s tr ik e y\ on P aris Subway

I PAR rs, {JF)—Ti,t' l*arln-*ubwny j Unes are abnt down tb ia mominf;I as a result o f a strike o f the em­

ployes. Tbe ntrike w ** ileclare.^ last nif^bt at n n ire tin j; aftondo.i < by moro than 6.500 workom. A dis­patch frora Id lle a fs tr i that ap* proxim stcly 4S.OOO mea aro out in the irrneral s trike in the Pa* de

■ Caiaia m in ing regioa. |

F U L L D A Y l e a s e d Wt^

I3A11, TUESDAY, J tn r a s. 1018.


r W l l l T I l i l l i l s i l

1 F M l L V p i l l O I I I E '

la A d jutant-. O ener^ ^ah ris Ad- vises Governor o f Change

“ , ' to Status. ^» BOISE—-The 1 4 ^ fie ld s r tilla ry rtg-

im ont haa been deslgnatod fo r early re- tu rn from* Sifropo, A fljt . Oen. F . C.

• H arris advised Gov. D. ,W. Davis Mon-S d s y . ...........................

. I t was bnlglaally pianaed tba t the sr- " tillo ry n e a spould sa il fo r home M ay ■< ” 25, b u f theso plans wore Jator changed2 Tho e xs« dsto o f the home*coming 7 haa n o t 'y e t been fixod , bnt i t la re- * gardod a s 'Ik o ly tha t the. troopa w ill _ move aoiM tim e. tU a nontb .Z Tbe r e c e n t inclndea the Tw in Falls, t

Coear .d ^ t ta a , Sondpoint and Nampa ,unlts-raf-i&^u'Swoad Idaho rogiment. I t ,

' participated ia tbe Marne defeoaive, Jtbo Maaae; M ib le l and Argonne of* <

. fenaea and ia now stationod w itb tbeanny o f occnpation a t Bendorf Qer* <

; many. * i

MOLIRSEND . r EEiiSmiKE ' JBfllllWEBZi n Would : Deport Participators es Wlio Threatened to Go Oul

Because Rhenish Provinces ’ Want td Set Up as Republic.

-rALL PROMPTLFweNT i- BACK ON THEIR JOBSIt E ffo r t o f P j^o s ie d Bepublio to 11 ‘ ^ ' .^ e o u r^ y y o ^ t lo n c I 'g O s 'to

^ " v A o w ? fO O iptiu.' A ^U io rity ;

lr throughout tbe Amsrtcsa occnpied I n ares was ileclszed b y t t e Oermaas 0 ' St nine o'clock todsy aa s protoat l> ssAinat tha reported iM m rhing o f I- the Bheniah republic a t Wloabadea.0 I t was very b rie f however, being

only fo u r boora la dw atlon. tbo I- workmen retura iag to the^r labora ' C It a t oao o'clock th ia aftemooa ^ t e r e being warned o f the coaseQi^ences K by the Americaa m Ultary autborl.

tiea.Tho prlneipftj strikern were the raU-

wny oiuployen nud the street cnr work­ers n l Treven and (?oIileii7. The .\m-

{Qf oHcnns aent woric to the Inbor tenderi that uulenn tho Qernann ro tu rw d to •work by one o'clock tbe lendom and a ll tho other strikers would bo <)eport*

000 ed in to neetionn o f Oermnny tiiiorciii>ied gh- by American troopn. T h r intcr-nllied il l ra ilway romminnion reported flin t nil. nn the workers hnd returnod t>i their jobn. * 4 ii W ant To Bo BecognUed ’’’

>er- Telejjramn Intim ntlnK fhnt rccoKiii- ^ ; l i i i rion o f tlio iJheninh reptildio reported Ilty tu 'havo been cjifnbliHUcd o« Sunday is i*' ’eci- dosirod, hnve beon nent to ron>niaiic)or<< IV-'- (if tho nrniion o f occupntioii alontf tho ii

Hliine. They benr the nicnnfiiro of Dr. P___ Piirton, Hnid to hnvo l.ocn nnmod protil- cc---- dnnl o f tbo now repubUc. liu t the «>t- '----1 flcinln o f the Amoricnn Th ird nriiiv, have no t rece ive d nny o f f l i- in l n o t i f i - |. c iifii'M o f un y KOfh nc tio a b.v tl io no>v ' ( jm c rn ii ie iit .__ 1 Itr. Dortoii a«.-iorfn fhnt delf>;ntcs i i l

KMoninh I'n in ii in . o ld .Mn.'rnii. H lie iii^h l liH .ic and tho I 'n ld t i i in te . n f to r mo % ii'k ; ' i l l Aix-1.1 C h n p e llo , .M nycniie nu ;V. i<.!«l.ucli.-n. bad do c lnr.'d tlu- nutono- ' r.iy o f l l ic K h i'n is li re |iiib lic fm m J i i ii - ' _ f i r s i . A f lo r t ie r l i ir in j j fh a t tl io Rhen- S irh lo im l.lic- ia w illin > ; to c c n c lu i l i ' jm - nicd!;i<o iic .ico, fho to legram ntaton th a t th e i>coplo o f tb o B ld no lands bnve :io i dci-ire to oncnpe th o ir w a r ob llK n tio ns i a n . fa r an re.pnration is concerned a n i j th a t -iJicy n ro fceokinj; ro co e n if io ii at th e j'cacc po u fo ri'iico . T iio id e n t i ty o l r>r. D o rtcn i.t un know n to -V rio r io n ii’"

The Aroi’ rican^ nr'- <n-n]iornlintJ » i: l i iJii' Driii.'.h and bn'c- mloptod an a tti- tu'le o f taking any actiun nc.-<ei*tir.v o ’arnnt domonstrniionn w ith in the o-*- j| copioil nrea*. j|

The American.^ M»y there nre no in- d irations that fho Oormans Kcnornlly desire a jopnblii; aad a ttribu te th.’ , movement to a hanclfnl »f iiitr iijucrs . j but thoy aro u n w illin g ' to ponnit th " .Ameriean aroa to becomo n I’ ltttte ground fo r r iv a l faetlun.i. j

Thr American authorition doridocl'to- 1 j. day that th^ro wn* no foundation fo r| a cbarj;.' t f hi;;ti lreaiu<n a;;aiunt i:i- > habitnntn o f fho American oeeujurd C area, su fa r *»-tl>e Oen..»u j;ovrm m cni was concerned. They rea e h ^ this eon- I elusion as tbe m u lt o f a tneeaaf^e srnt

---- by Berlin w an iiue c iv ilians not to pri>mntl' tbe ratablinhiuont o f the .Uhenisb topnldic. ^


■ff DENVEB, O lo ., yp> — Herman D. cI- Oafe-v former atate treanurer o f Wyom- 7hI in?, wan fine<l $300 aad costs in police « •T“ court today fo r hav in jj Htjnor In hin J»- poasession. Oates’ n<*w home In the ti>■ fashioaable C a p lto l. H il l d is tric t wss &n raided by the polie^tPriday nlRhf aaJ 0le •evrrs i *hnodred gallons o f whisker was f

|M -iicd. Tbe fine paid. r

;.,v- 1/V' ■



G e n e ra l C o n d it io n s t E u ro p e . L a te R u m o rs b y E a th o n ia n a n d F i r

• R e g im e in H u 'n g a iy T I

V IO L A T IO N O F -A R M li G E R M A flT T R O O P S ]

PABIB, Tw o oha agn k te rr ito r ia l and the o ih e r f u i ^ ^ oooDoU o f fon r, i t beoajnb Im bin: President W ilson is .oonsnlting objeotions TAised.

Increased Rates M ust Be A llow ed

to Stand LongerD ke oto r.O on era l Hines T es ti­

fies BefoVa^ HoBse Commit-^ tee; Wages to Be Kept Up.W A S niN 'aTO N . • (ffV -O n ly by

Incroaaod ratos can tho (Jtfrtfrnmeut eontrollod railroads moot oporating oxoensoa. D irector G o^'ra l Hines, o f the railroad sdm lRUtration-to- •Uy to ld tho bouae appropriationa eommittoe. He in opposetl to any incrcane *at th is .tim e, however^ bo* cauao i t m i{^ t advAnec tho cust of neeeasities o f life . '

M r. Hinoa, who appcSrod (o' oak fo r #1,200 ,000.000 additional fo r the. ra ilroad administratiou'a revolv ing .. fnnd fo r lho remainder o f thia cal­endar ^oa r, declared tba t whUo tbe wagon o f rsilroa<l • employea had been inrroased 51 to S3 per eent during governmenf eontrol they- now wore only "rasaonable anil ‘ fa ir . " ISe added th s t he could seo no ph>«p<^t o f r^ u e ln g thea.^

UBEfONfChairman Watson Calls Matter of Constitutional Amendment

Before U. S. Senate.W ABHINOTON. (/p) — The sen­

ate fa iled to reach a vote today on the house woman aoffrage resoltt* tlo a aad f la a l actloa la expected tomorrow. ,WA8H7NGTON, ( ;p ^ T o d a y waa

woman suffrage day in tho senate. In necordaneo w ith fomaal notico given last week by Chairman Watson o f tho woman nuffVago commlttec, the bouae rosolution proposing submission o f an equal franchise conntifutionnl nmend- ment won called tip fo r what itn friends hoped wn.n finn l action.

A vote before adjournment wnn be­lieved poHdililo by advocnten, bu t op- powntn doubted whother n roll eall^ could bo reached today.


Senate Committee Favors Giv­ing Control of Wire Charges to Interstate Commission.

\V A S inN fIT f).V . (/T^—Tho j-cnntc* i:i . tomtnto cnmmorc.- cninmiflcc liy iiii.-'iii-;

votv tiolftv 'irdoTt-vl fiiv»rnldy i"- I'. irle.l n I ' i ' l liy .'Jiiilm m n Ciiinminn ro tto r iii;r at ..iii-i- til.'- rnto ninkinir p«w-;tT\ of th r in t,‘ '•‘ •.It.' .i.iiin i.-ic - .•Olll-1

Nf> i>ro»iMiiii wn.' niu'h' f i ' r confinei.in jj t.-I.-i;rnidi ifitoH «hi.-1i ......n lly w.Teincrcane.1 Iiy order o f I ’oKtni.-jstor Go'i-] <-r.il Hiirio«'i)n whri«c' ncticm wns-sns- tn in c i yo-tcTclny »<y tin- •nprrinc court.i ( 'i.TroiM-’ n . -Mni-kay. jin .iid i'iit of tho I ’o^tal^ T.-lei:r;ipli Cnlile compBny, in rr- rent Ic'ifiTs to incmlM-r^ o f crtugros.i urj;- in i; iir iiic illa tc return o f fho wire* prom-

, l»-d n p c f ,J..-cToa!i.c In th e II rtilen li.v hi.H cocnjiany.

BARBER shop'LAW INVALIDjD is tr ic t Jndge McCarthy Oranta W tit

la Test Oaae a t Bolae(5p««is Jto The Newa.)

BOrSF—Tbe law paaaed by tbe laat' eeaslon o f the legisUture p ro rld iag tha t " i t shall be unlaw fn l fo r any jieraoiw or persons to keep open fo i^ t ia ls e fi^ or to work ftt the l>srlier*« trade 'tn an j" c tfy o f tbe f lra t or second cUaa a fte r 7 o ’clock p. m.. on aay working d a y , ''j wss declared to bo nncoasUtntlonal bv Jndce Charlea P. McCarthy ot tbe dia­tr ie t court in the m atter o f tho appli- catioa o f Cbaalre W. Pearce fo r w r it o f habeas eorpoa, a test eaae brought fo r the purpose o f asceftaininit tko, va lid ity o f th ia aectioa e f the it« t« te . .. '

'E: A S S O C IA T E P m m m ^ i


)NS MAY iERM ANSR GOiliEeiNG FJEiSOFfflEllTIfU n c h a n g e d T h r o u g h o u t

: s o f C a p t u r e o f P e t r o g r a d

' i n n i s h T r o o p s . B o l s h e v i k i T o t t e r i n g .

i l i ' T I C E T E R M S B Y

5 R E P O R T E D B Y P O L E S

I i s th e , Q « r m u p c ia u t e m > , o a e i iU i i l , ;a r e b e ^ ^ o a a U w e d t y t h e , w j i t o i d i i y r l t W M « t » ie d t o a ^ i h s t ; ing A a e tlo a n e rp e r t i on e p « ^ o

O eiasB proposal to psy « ii, tadsD*>'Bltar Of 100,000,600, a u r tt l i ’ irh lcJ i .

_ w U d i IsvolTs diMoUttiob e f ..tbs .T snied t t n s o ^ oomhilisfam ,tp

w to d i ths Q«nasaa,straagly oU iK t. n i s ia d m t o o a t h s u t ^ p n p e s s t hss stroag s tq ^o rt in eertsltl «os^^; t e n . V

The iNoend proposal is fo r b isd ts la SUaala la ordor to sa t^ sa tse . to OeiBUBr s cosi s tq n ^ from tbe aOstisa nlsea. .

experts o f tb i! VB itsA a tiitS f.. Frsao*.GK«sS M ts l& s a d Its ty on; the iBTltstiaB o f ths hrnmifMn . - .

] • poses eoam lsiloasit, srs . sapecSid^ v- to meet hs soon ss p oa tU s to .«&■'s

. ehsnge T ls m rs fs id la c ths-sa iwar: . to the Qennaa c o n a te r - B B D in t t ls . . Dr. K arl Bonner, Austrian cbsae«Uor^''

anO head o f the peaio miaaion o f .thi>' • fonner dual empire,.ia expected to leave

" P ^ a fo r S w itite r lu d t«usy. I t 1> prob* able bo w ill proeeiri sa fs r. ss the Atla-.

I tr ia n fro n tlo r where he la expected te ‘ meet nombera o f ,bia .a^Iae t^ who w il l .• diacuaa wUh U m A ustria 's snawer to , . the allied terms. The A iia trisa: reply .

• ladue J a a o lT . '

'tj: a M 'd s o N c a p p ^ M it i^An nneonfirmed tolegrsai tM oived in . ‘

Copenhsgcn f t t m Vardoe 'reports tb iit

P £sthonlaa aadVFinaish .troopa hsve tok*:■ on PtJtrdgrsd.

■ Dispatches reaoblnir Parfa from. VI- eans r i s Basle atate tha t tbo Bolsbevik regime In Hungary baa boea rcpUejyJ

jp by-a 'govcm m ont headed by Her^ Oer-jnan, fonner mlniater o f

r tho K a ro ly i cabinet. H e rr G e m u la reported to have been InviWd to go to Parla to confcr w ith allied representa- tives, - • '• '

A Gerxnan detacbmcnt is aaid to bavo violated tho armistieo agreement 'w ith ' tbo Polos aad to have crossed the Po­lish fro n tie r from east Prusaftu The Warsaw dlapatch to llin g o f tb la.aetlon'

OS oa the p srt o f the Germans aays th a t In the Polos launched a coonier"attack BU smd succcedcd In rcpulalag tbo Invnd- ho ora.ao " ' •

W ar Sent Sh ip Values '>• Up t o w ard the Sky

WASHINOTON-, hi.wr , i tocu ln r was tho rino in nhip values rtnr*

ing tho war was shown today In an an­nouncement by the wnr rink bureau thnt tho Standard O il comjiany’n steam­er John D. Archbold, firn t ship in iu rc l by the t’^ 'ernm onf .pjroncy.' wnn pro­tected b.v a policy fo r #770,000 in 1914, bu t wbc'n at»e wan torpedoed in 1017

Q lie r innuranco hnd boon Increaned to .*l’ ,'Jflo,ni)o. T ill* m nrino nnd nenmen'n d iv in io :! o f the liu re n ii. w h ifh in w lnd - in i ; up it< n f fn irn now- th a t <ian8orb f io m in io e i nnd M ibm nrinea no lonRor

,, c x i i t . ps , loh^oc. on l.’>2 vessels w ith a ’/ * tonnag ft. o f :107,0.'0 .ond on '275 liven ' lo« t Iiy tho h a z rn rd * o f w a r. T o ta l

m on e ta ry loinen w ere f.10,000,000.

IDAHO W E ATH EB: Tonight and Wednestlay fa ir ; cool-

" ' :c r tonight w it ii l ij;h t frost.

lyOSPElSENDSiiSTRONpOTESTr'J Telegraphs Mayor of EI Paso

to Oppose Permitting »f ' Mexicans to Enter Texas

D j KL-PABO. T « . , C U rlMiD a vU 'to d a y received a. d j i ^ lc h from

t i t I B^prrnentatlve Hudnpeth jjs_W %shiaK» . ton lo the effeet tb a t A e tC i^B e trrta ry Polk in reconsideriag hla-refusal to a l- ' '-

. low Mexican .trMpa to paas throogh the ^ United Slates. a»d- loay give bbi eos- « t ten t to !b*^V»x)can eovemaaat.- o n ji^W A S lIlN G T O N . 0 ^ - ^ ta ta . .depart-'W . rs M t ofUciala aaid today tke A a fe rkm . xy ^v c re m e n il’. was oot reeonsiderfag* Its'^ ■ :er 'Mexisaa troops \tti,» '!«ass th ro a jV the Uaited States tran by Sonora te ChtkoahDa sad * th a t ' t h e r e ' is- was BO la teatlea o f rw oaddsH s# s t . Ji- th U time- Is -v ie w o f oathnsfc e< Tso- -V: n t <n| lad lsoa fa B e a m the. b t ^ M o ie a a federal tre e p rT fte iv . w k i K k « ire g s ^e d by


Consulting American Adviser! on Eoonomic Phases of Ger man Reply and on Questioi of Reparations.

P A-RTH, ( / { ^ P r e s id e n t W llsom mo th o A m o r ica n oxportA a t th o H o t« l D< Q riU pn th is m o m in g an d d iicussod w i t i tb om th o quoa tion o f tho rop lio s to b< made to th o O u m a ii n o te i ou rcpftrn t io n s and t l io econom ic phoaca o f l lu poaco to ra a . Tho m octiD g Tatcr dovc l opod In to a general conforonco o f th< f u l l A m orican do U ga tlon ove r th o Got m an eo tin to r proposals.

B r ig . Oon. Qcorgo FI. I ln r r ic s , th« c h io f A m o rica n m il i ta ry ad v iso r regard in f f O erm an a f fa ir s , a r r iv e d in P a ris to d a y fro m B o r iin . • I t is bo liovod th a t h ii v ia i t is fo r conB u lta tion rcR a rd ing ,thc m il i t a r y measnroa to bo ta k o n in th< o v o n t o f a G erm an re fo aa l to s ig n the pooco tre a ty .


Organized IJnder Pretense ol Keeping Order They Join the.

Spartacist IHovement.W IT H T H E A M E n iC A N A B M Y 0 1

O C C U P A T IO N , <^o“ t ro l o f th« “ H om o G uarda" bas bocomo ao acnt<

. . a p rob lom in va rio u n pa rta o f unoccU' p io d ' G erm any tb n t tb o P raa s laa goV' o rn m o n t has a tte m p te d to m oo t the a lt' u a tio n w ith rog u la tlo na to cove r a l l t l x

. u n ita , acco rd in g to in fo rm n tio n reac li' in g A m o rica n in te lU g cn ro o ffie e rn . Ki>‘ tn rrou n ITomo G u a tiI rom |>nnicji from t im o to t im o have tu ru ed ou t to >■<' S p o rta c in t iicatft, w hen Uin.jriU’ r.s oped, b u t on th e o tho r h n ix l I lo in r G uarda B crv lng o n ly on c n ll nre on;iy to re c ru it, am i are «n ri* ly iiro ilt- i l in »-v- o ry com m u n ity beenune o f th e h n lf: K p a rta c ia t and h a lf- ro b b e r hon iln w hii-h lia v o appeared a lm on t evorywhero .

N o w reg u la tio n s fo r th«* H om o GitnnlH { iro v id o th t | t th o y nhn ll l>c uh do r tl ie su p e rv is io n o f th o loca l i l is t r i i ' t nn 'i to w n n u tb o r itio a , w ith the ro n p c rn tio n o f tb o w o rk m e n ’a councUn uu<l fa rm - ora* cou tic tln .' W o r volcrunK m ust o b ta in e d ao fa r ns poaib lo. A pIcclK<' ■« th o rop ub lie au fo rm o f gove rn m e n t and lo y a lty to a u th o r i ty m us t bo ta kon . Of- f lp o ra Hhnll be o le c te il, b u t onco elected NhaU havo f u l l a u th o r ity . , ,


Senator ellog Reports Favor­able Progress on Telegraph

Measure.W A S H IN G T O N , Favo rn b li- re ­

p o r t on tho b i l l o f S ena to r KeUogj,'. n - p u b lic n n o f M in n e so ta , fo r th c imme- d U t« re tn m o f th o te lephone nnd te l- <'graph w ir r s to p r iv a te ow n ersh ip w as o rd e red to ila y b v th c nennte in tc re ta to com m erco eo m m itto e a f to r th o meaanro ho d t m n am endod so as to c o n t in iu e^cU ting te lephone ra te s fo r s ix ty d a n a f t e r f ^ a l a c t io n b y congrosa. The v o te o f th e com m itteo waa unan im ous.


Invading Force Driven Back After a Sharp Encounter

on the Frontier.I 'A K ia , ( / ^ — A O erm nn ileSuchtnt-nt.

l, i;0 0 n tro n c . fru m rru m iia . c ro « -<•<1 f l ie I ’ o lifih fr< *n tio r nnrl n t ta c k i'. l tho I'n IiK h n ' iv iin re K ii.ir ijti. n f i ' i i r i l i i i j ; In n l ln v a * -li.npatch fro m W nr^aw . r< ili» li r . - in fo r r i 'm c n tn w ere h n i t i l y summnned un d c o u n te r a t la c k e il be tw een Casoviec an d G ra je vo . In a s h o rt, aharp a c tlo a th e Germ ana w ero rep tilaed w ltb heavy loaoea


Held Fast in D ike I t Escapcd ' A tte n tio n o f D ivers fo r a |

Lon^ Time.B E R L IN , (S u n d a y , Jun e 1) (yP>— The j

Ix x ly o f Roaa L u xe m b u rg , the rn d irn l n •o e la l i i t , w bo w as k i l le d b y a m ob in D a r lin e a r ly in tbe p rM e n t ye a r a t th«> M m e tim e D r. K a r l L le b kn e ch t waa ait-

■ ao M lB ate d. baa been fo u n d In th e Land- w e h r can a l. T h o b o d y baa held fa a t in th e d ik e , p r e m t ia g i t s r c o r ry b y d iv ­e r*.

A d is p a tc h f ro m B o r i in F o b m a ry 10 a ia d th e b o d y o f a wom aa appar-

• e n t } f - tb a t o f B o n L ia e ia b a rg , bad b«ea fe o s d ^ t h * I ^ d w s h r canaL

A B S IV B 8 W I T H TEO O PS JfB W T O B K , T h e tra n a p o rt A r-

a r r iv o d h t re to d a y w itb 1,1• n t a n d t t .o a M le n . eom RosM o f a aum-

e a n a l.re m p a B le t . v



Senator Thomas S te rlla * o f i ,u Soath DakoU l i fu n o in g fo r bol-

ahovlk*. H e 'w ill fa the r a blU tn the next congrats lu k fn g th a t un-

f “ ® loyal a lien* b * deported w ithou t t r ia l U ca o fh t parUclpaUng ta rerolnUonary r io u : to p ro h ib it tbo red flag ; and censorohlp or l lt« ra ta r« which preaches dlaloy- a lty


Seven Million Dollars Involvei Of in Case Against Kilborn and ;utl ■ Clarl< on Patents.:cu-fov. SAN FBANCrS(K). (>P)—Wi-veu mil ait- lion ilollnrn in elnims nml <lnmnR('n, t4 tlio 000,000 o f them befnro tho Unite tell- Stnten Court o f ClaimM, and tho r i ij 'i Nil- o f mnuy traiiH-oeeanic ntul ecmnlwix rom vonrfcia to uho \rireli-an Motn nre involv

lie ed in tho eone Tif the Mnri-oni Wirelea k‘>l- Telcgrnph eoinpnny K ilh iin)ino nnd Clnrk WireleM L-oni|iniiy «if Senttli n;iy nre bef(*r(‘ thc Uiiitc«l Stiitei< Cireut ev- Court n f Appcnin here fo r oral nr^'ii n lf: nient on n iluul npix-nl fro m ’tlii> Unite lieh Stnten -HiHtrii-t CmiH in Henttle.

Olalmad, In fringem cat j j j " 111 the «rit;innl nuil the .Mnrenni .-om

. ]>nhy •■)iiiriii-d |>nte;it inrriiigem ciit ui i iT ln ii i o f ita trnnH in ittiii^ uti<l receiv i i i^ upparntiia fentnrcn, nnd aet Ihi n ioiietnry daniucen at uppruximntuh

^ f; i,000.000. Tho United Stnten iinv^ . wiw jo in tly rhnrged w ith uning nume <•,

the ]iatent'n 'claluie<l oxi hinively by thi Mnreoni C(iiii|iuuv, nnd u pleading' foi #1,000,01)0 dninagen wn>« filed in tlii (Jo iirt'o f Cluim.t. The aetim i wnn atnrt ed in Auguat, 1015.

■ ; Defendants Deny ^ ' ' Tho K ilburn and Clark eompauy hel<

tha t there wna no infringement un il ■ | used a tra iia in ittiu (' nnd rcecivliig uj> I I pnrutua ontiroly dialinet from plnin H t i f f company. "On Deeembor 11, ID lti

thu Seattle court adjudged thnt oortnin o f the cinima u f the Mareoni eonipuiiy regarding whut ure kuown nn tho Oii>-

r~ er J. I<»i|go |>atenln were Miritniiivd, hut tlia t tlic patent righ t hnn expireil an>{ no dninngea nhuuld bu forthcoming. Cer< tu in othur patent rlnimn ot the Mnr' coni euiiipnny were deciare<l valid, hut i t wnn held lhat Ihere wun no in frin^u nicnt <111 the pnrt of <iefeiidnnt i-oin' i'nny.

p|. The ilefominnt - cuni|>nny aiipralod from tlu it portion o f tho decrec which auatained Ihe Marconi pntenta. Ttic p la in t if f appealed bocauso tho court

g . bold tho defendant’s apparatua did not _ in fringe on tho Marconi meehaninni. h« ■ N avy Cause* Postponement JH. The nnvy department secured a post-

l«inumciil o f the hearing u n til a fte r .A p ril y, IBID, “ i f thu war sliould bo over nt tha t time,” nn It fe lt n jir io r jiidg ineni m ight uffeet itn «vnr netiv- itv . A mntion wiia cntereil in the C ii-

S uuit Court on A jir il 7, MHI*. hy the Mareoni eniupnny ankiiig fn r nu liiimL-- d intc liearing.

The nav\i .Ifii.artiiient, throiijjh Kruir;- iin U. IJoonevelt. un^ifltuiit nrcretnry, re- nintud, n.-iviny tlie ivnr wnn nnt vet (>v

j< er. Aa.t«rni y neiiurul A. M iti h. ll l>nlm or held that tho action nhould be liearil nt nnce nn i tiie ir re«]'i-i'llve elaiinn were jireM-nle>t tn the t-miri'. In netting; thi- onne fo r .Inne a nnd 4 Ihe rnurt v ir t i- n lly ndju.li^eii that the war han rott-r

t. to nn end.a- Wlreloas tn Court Boom10 The inao wan enliveiie.l further ’ y j n the iiin ln lta tiim an^l wnrkin^; of t)u 'j ill Iip(in<ilijj wlri'le-** ^I'ln in till' i-m iitjd loom. I'C T«-rliiiii .ally lhe ease revnlveil aronnd I a t l i i * eoiitenlion:y 'I'lii- .Mnrrniii apjiaratnn ■ (mlninn :i |

priinury o v il la l i i i j : e iri-tiit nnil n il ojK'ii o s r illn liiij; r ir rn it , the two in- ih ie tiv fly rnupli'd nn.l tonn i lo oa-h jither. effoi tin j; >\ in-loM t rnnoniinsion. T ill' K ill- iirn and Clark tipparatun a.v «nrdilig In Dll- <li-feni!aiit rl.Tinin, coit tain*! a nou o?>'iIl:itin^; primary e ircu il

“ nnt ilid u rtivu ly ro tifle .l tn nn <ipeit oi* e illa ting eireui*. The M arroni artion

I rla iinn that tlirre in an indurtivc rou- p lin j; ill the npponinjj nierliani«ni a n ! tlierein lie * 'l l ie iiifrinsem cnt.

W ould S trip B ig Shlpa ■" .juilcnieiit fr>r tlie M arroni run-

• jwiiiy W iitiM inran eollprfinn ..f Ih e . j .n i- I ajje.i ini'nimnp.l nn.l tin- ntrippiug of


J , To open June 7th

Opening Dance June 6U osic b j Lyon’s Zylophono .

Jass Band E. W. Behnbert

' Kana^ement,


Presbyterian Minister Convict- I ;ed by, Japanese in Korea;9 Carry Up Case. ,!

r V E N O T A N G , K o re a — (Correai-ou. deiu-o o f th o AaHocinted 1’ ren.H)— T h t fu l l te x t o f thu ju ilg m e n t re ce n tly pass-

.ed by Iho P yeng Y a ng d ia tr ie t e o u rt on Rov. E . M . M o w ry . on A m ericnn Preu h y to r in n m iiudonary, o f M n n n fie ld , O. liaa beon inndo pu b lic . M r. M o w ry wah aon'tc’ncud to aix m on ths pena l w rv it t id e

b fo r H hc llurinK K<irenu n g itn to rn . The I ju d g n ie iit HuyH;I ‘T l l l i acrunod, a pnntor o f th c A u ie ii- I en ii P resb y te ria n m inaion und pro fe< ‘ I 8nr o f th e S o jitnn college a l Pyunp * ^a n g . ectnbliBhed l iy th e I 're n b y tc r ln ii ^ nitnsiou, beeamo fr io n tU o f, nnd ohjo

e in ted w ith , th re o K o re an atudunta of A tho an id collcgo and tw o o th o r K onran

students o f th o S o jits u m id d io achool. o f also b e lo n g in g to tb o A m e rica n Presby.

te ria n minalon- “ A im A t Indepcnedncot t t “ On .Mnrch 1. 1010, th e abovo u ie ii' l a t io iie il f iv e ntudenln, in connp iraey w ith l i t . tho K o re an membera o f tho P ren by te r o f inn chu re li a t P ye ng Y a n g supporle tl ly - the tnovem ent u im in g n t th e independ-

onco o f K o rea, s ta rted b y H a ik i nnd h ii com p atrio ta , w ho ho ld a m eo ting o l m any Koreans, C h r is tia n b c lio vo rs 'an d K o re an students on th e ground o f Ihc H o jitsu aehool on M nrch 1.

“ T h e y road a de c la ra tio n o f th e in- dejiondencu o f K o re a and d iH tribu te i!

I f l ^^e assemblage o ld fing n o f the■ I I fo r i i lo r K o re an em p ire u n d 'e o p le n o l . 1 1 tho sa id dcc la rn tion . M oreo ve r, llio y I U made speeches e x p la in in g fhe o b je c t of

th e ir m ovem ent, ad vo irn tiu g th o inde- J pemlonee o f K o re a nnd th e y waved

1/60 fo rm e r Ko renn flng a , sh o n tln j; •.Man- J ne i' ( I^ong L iv o K o re a ).

M a rc h T h ro u g h ' P ye ng V a n g "T h o u th o y proceeded th ro ug h tho

ntreetn- o f P yeng Yang . Tho f iv e stu- i i i i l - denfn above* inoutiuned w hu w ere being $4.. scurehod f o r by tho ]>olicc w en t to tho

lite .l oceumjd, R ov. M o w ry , nnd requested l ^ ' i t h im to g ivo them n nh o lte r n t l i ia houso wine in the hopo th n t t lie ro th e y w o u ld not •olv- bo nrren tod b y th e po lice . The accu-j- •Iraa cd, k iio w iM g .th e fa e t th n t the s tu d c n ti >urn Wero be ing trnced by th e polieo on nc- tth>. count o f th o Ir p a r tic ip a t io n in t l io i i i- e u it «Iependenen movement nnd tho m ob dis- r ^u - tn rb iiuee , rom plie?! w ith th e ir request i t c I nnd gnve n lie lte r to them t lu r in g M areh

r> nnd A p r i l 4, thun v io la t in g th u la w .” i l r . M t»wry hnn nppeuled to h ighe r

eourts nnd has ruthine<i the ncrvices o f n w e ll know n Jopan en o .ln w vor.

I IE W '


aj>- -----------jjj Came in Form of Government :»>n Check for Soldiers and Had SX Been Cashed to Meet De- “ mands at Camp Grant. ■ ■In r- ‘ 'H K ’ A f lO , (>P)— O ne' m ill io n . leu h u t do lln rn in r ii r re n ry wnn niixn-

od hy tw e n ty - fo n r hours when ih ioven li.w ere il a HOO pound ntcel na fc from Ihc f i f t h f lo o r o f a rm y heaitqun rters

I I l i i i l i l t r i g down the f ir e enrnpe I 'a r lv onIk i; ..... . ............. “r i i ’ '

nh inh le pn|>or» were in lh e nnfe. b n l ' , Ihe ntiiount o f inntiev eonta inod in m il

rovw .Icd.T ill- i;o ve rn in rn l nent n i-lieek fo r $1,-

i-<i(>.()On to pny o f f noldicrn he ln if m ils- ^ t - I , , . , , I ,,i,t o t Cnmp G ran t und one fo r

#10.1100 fo r puy o f t l i i r a p ) and F o r t e iio rid n n emplovea. The eh ivkn w ?re

I"* ' rp re ivc il on F r id n y iiio rn in u a ho lidn y , •“ * b n l Cnmp G rnn t needed money und th ”

I ’ ig fh e rk wn.^ cnnhed h y the fr<Yorai renerve bank. T h c nm nlle r rh e rk was i.o t ranhed u n t i l S a tu rd ay.

1'^- To f in d n enpablr o f f ic c he lpe r is re- noinetiiiien ,n m ig h ty u rg e n t - m a tte r i t v ’ w ith n buniness m an. The c lasa ified lui- a lw ays n rrvcs h im e f f ie ie n t ly .

LT,. Don't »>o con trn t w ith an un ilrn lm b le ,, f itn iU h r. l room—fo r In tho c lttM lfled you

win tiaO soo<} onea niJvcrtlned.

' many h it; 'e ns i-h and hunillenn ro lire rn n n f .i[>|>.iralIIH r ii i i ta in ii i ; . ' Ihe iinentio iied

. I'a len tn. A jii< lj;m ent f< ir the K ilb u rn .- uu<l C la rk i-omi>anv w m ild in ra n n lonn ' ‘ ^ '|n f th ,. M a r rn iii w iro len* r ia im n nnd the ' j> i t ; ii t o f t ill- ile fe nd .in l rn rp n ra tio n !o

. | i -n l. - r i ie i i r r a l ly in lo the w ire le im h u '- • ineM. ■ _ !

I f A L B E ^ R T /

:i 530,000 Dry andu Lands are located in Southid the best in th a t famons d is ti

uoder irr iga tio n , tho balanco itTV„■ The lands are being pu t o:»r time and tbe company Is lool a A ll lands w ith in a radius o f tc A point.

D ry U nda are be ing eold a t I I S to I $M per aere, w b leb inc ludes w a te r ri, ebarge I1..50 per Ir r ig a b le acre pe r yeai

A l fa l fa , g ra in , f ie ld peaa, poU toes grow s.

W rite d ire c t to tb e eom pany fo r f i

Canada Land & irrigaLethbridge

A lbe rU . CV i l

■ j .


PROPAEIINOII IT ' JER COBLENZ«ct- German Writers Pretend to ; Give Impressions of Army

of Ooeupation.•B]>ou- (!ORLEN'>{^i*T- (CorrenpondcHce o f the —The Anaociated I 're iw )— ConiiideM iblo nn tl- pass- A in e riL itn -p rn pn gn nd a is be ing pubiinh-

i r t on cd iu Germ an ncwnpoporH liy Gorinnn Preu- newTipnpur men w ho .have v in ite tl tho

J, O., R hino r.ono oeeupied b y t l io A m oricnn r wrth nrm y. ' Somo o f Ih e ir w r it in g s set fo rth itu d e w hn t pu rpo rts to he t l ie lr ow n o jiin io ns

The o f th o eonduet o f the Am urieuun o r th ij feolingB o f th e Germans in tho occiipitiU

.u ie ii- te rr ito ry .rofe<- The w r it in g s o f ono Germ an in a *yeng Le ipn ic newnpnper hnvo a ffo rd e d much :c r lnn nn iusoinunt to tho Am erienn in te liig cn co OHJO- o ffie e rs though ho w ro te w ith th o ovi-

ita o f dent in te n t io n to p u t Am oricnns in a on?Bn bnd l ig h t be fo ro th o Oerm an c iv ilia n s , chool. - Q ennasa D is s a tis fie d f •esby. “ On nccount o f the sun dry a n no y ing

ncta o f tho n u t lio r it ie a ," he w rite s , “ tho pu pu ln tio u is no t a t a l l aa tis fied w ith

men* tho A m erican oeeupatiun und Ih loud w ith in i t s abuso o f theso m olesta tions, a l-

jy tu r - though , to bo sure, th is is n i l ke p t w ith - lo rted in closed w a lls . N ob od y daren to mako pend- nu y e r itie is m in pu b lic s inco recent td h is heavy scntencos w ero impose*! ou thono g o f g u i l ty o f c a r t) lc u rum ors.*' a 'a n d C iv il ia n v is ito rs fro m unocrupied f Iho G orm any cxp e c t to f in d g re a t s tocks o f

fo o d in a l l stores, m any com ing to the i<‘ i l l- occupied a rea w ith tl io hopo o f necur- bu ted in g supplies fo r thom aolvos.and ta k in g i f th e i t oack w ith thom . T h is Ih no t a llow ed, en o f reg a rd in g fo od tho w r ito r in Ihe Ijo ipni.;

th o y nowspaper aays:•Ct o f Oan Purchaso Th in gsindu- ‘ 'T li i' re hnvo heen a l l k in d s o f ntor-

■Mnn L e ip s ir re e e iitly nh ou t th e mnr-volous th ln en onc enn purchaso in the A m oricnn oerup led te r r i to ry . T t wtsi

C re lated th a t A m erienn; ntorcn hnd been‘ efltnb linhrd w horo n il k im ls o f fo od wnn ’ f t '* ' sold n t u n b e lie v t j i ly low priccn. T hn t

ia n il v e ry tru e — bu t th e O erm an in-0 hn h itn u la nre p e n n ltte d o n ly to look ested m n i l b e a u tifu l a rtlc ie s . T h ry houso j,n v no th in g . E ve r> *th ing ia fo r d no t ,],p troopn o n ly . A n d o n ly to bo g a io l lecu-j- n j ),y Jhe Oormnnn n ro th o doughnuts, dents the nav(irj- odora o f ^vlileh f i l l th c cl»y “ o f ( ’ob lcuz, nn tl w li'ieh nre bnkod from

v ‘* e a rly m orn in g u n til In to a t n ig h t by b HIS- th e ‘ Am erienn noldiern in no Ic.ns thnn quest tw e n fy great hakcH en." law ! ■ System P re va le n tIghe r Tho w r ite r nlno lou rh cs on tho w ork es o f *he m il i tn ry po|iee, s a y in g : “ A very

un jilenna iit i im t i tu t io n in Coblenr. ift Ihu > - apy Hvnteni. I ’osaeaaion o f A m orican

p ro p e rly i.« fo r ld d ile n . W hoever buya fro m .\m e rirn n n o ld io rn T ig a rc tto s . fom i, shoen nnd c lo th in g und in eaught w i i l i the goodn is puninhe'd ,'w ith n dra s tic fin e n r |> rinon,-»cntenre .”

S u m m a riz ing , a f te r w r i t in g novcral j polumnn, tho w r i te r snys In eonclusion:1 ' ‘ D is re g n rd ln g th e 'a r ro g a n t behav ior ' o f Ih o conqueror, th c A n ic ricn ns in ' Co- R j T bleuT- nnd the l/ri< lg(Jiead on tho r ig h t p , o f th e . I f l i i r to eondoe* th cu m id ve s 'in n n verj- prope r, m anner. O f eourse; there I - l « nro* ensen o f d istu rhancen b y eoldiera

now nnd Ihen . bn t i f nn A m erican sol- IP n t nssaull. n O ennan and n'*'***■ m il i ta ry policem an ia near enough I.) H a d so ld ie r, one m ny rent annur-

ed th a t the m il i ta ry eo urt w -lll ]>unl<th D S ” the Am eriean acco rd ing ly .

P leased w i th Annoyance ' ' “ A l l In n i l , jud gm en t o f the Am eri-

eana m ay be auniincd up th us : The y di> jen n o t in re a li ty behnve worse th a n w ou ld

iiixn- on y o th e r a rm y o f oe^ui>ation, a lth o u g li oven th e sold iers <lo annoy Ih o p o p u lo tlo n — rrom annoy i t in nm ny ’ renpeetn. And th a t fte rs in a 'd en irahle n tiite o f a f fa ir s . Thore- V- on i iy th c idea o f nepa ralion , w h ich hnn ‘ a lre a d y made ennniderablc progrenn here

and th e re in th e B liin e ln n d . w i l l lone b u t nio re end m oro o f its supporters, an i " ' • t i t w i l l bo easier fn r the people o f the

n h in c la n d n to rem n in n p a r t o f the eni- _ * ' . • p i r e . " I

n ils - » I 'f o r N o t m uch o ^ e n s e and n {^ mnoh

P o rt d e la y in v o lv e d in g e tt in g resu lts fro m v?re c laa s ified n d ve rtls ln g .

'*5 ,'I V«.-». n d ve n tn ln r O ut It m ust, p .iy Ih r custom er o f iv s lom before the

o ra l ruprclm nt can f in d h is p ro fit Jn It.

✓ " SPHILLEOnble


■run HANDLE YOtTR ^ .^ L E B

i ! PHONE 872

' A l a n d s ]md irrigable Acresju thern A lberta and are among lis tr ic t , 200,000 acres w ill be CO is being sold fo r g ra in grow-'

I t on the m arke t fo r the f irs t looking fo r bona fido settlers.) f ten m iles o r less to' shipping

5 to $30 pe r a c re -r lr r ig a b le la n d * lo e r r ig h t— opera tion aad m ala ienaaee r yea r— « * *y i^ fm e n U and low ia te re s t >toes and ro o t cropa eao be tu ee ea s fu llr

toT fo I p a rtie a la ra and pem pble ts.

rigation Gompany, Lid. IMedicine Hat

a, Canada


Champion Jes* W illa rd Is In d condition r ig h t now fo r d©-

0 lunse o f b it t lt lo against Jack , Dempsey, a t Toledo. O., Ja ly 4.1 Unbeknown to' friends be wo* do>

tng llg b t v o rk a t h i* Kaosos boma asd In making a m oring

J pietnre rocently , he h«# trained t down to w itb in easy reach o t hU Q "ftgh tlng w e ig h t”


i PABIS, (/F}—P ori* ha* jns t lost a cen' '• t ’ unarlan iu tho MarquUo d 'E avrin '

court, born .Deeembor 31, 1814, when Nopoleoa wns plnnnlng his last ottort i l l tho lalo o f Elba. Sho was nearly 105

■ years old. The Gormans sacked het , chateau in 1870 and again in 1014.

1 '


Farmers Who1

Have a frien1

f o r a d v ic e a n d h e li : q u ite su re in th e i ' . m o n e y end o f fa r m i

; A n d i t ’s because on I g e t th is h e lp in ca rr

p ro b le m s , t h a t th e y tfer a t te n t io n to c a r

; ’ d a y fa r m in g .

W e ’ l l do th is f o r y c a ll.

TWIN FALLS BAIMember Federal


'^T lT jU Esjk!

= 1 BC O N S IS

— E x c e lle n t F i l l i n g ' — S w in g R e v e rs ib le — N oise le ss B e l t D r i ' .— R u s t-P ro o f F ra m e — L a rg e S m o o th -R u iA sk f o r D em onstra t

E le c tr ic


T W I N F A L L S . i

TffiHHT”iiijs iiuirL ikes to Do Speotacolar Things

in Charging. H is Enemies;I - P a rra l a Sample.

E L P A 80, Tox., Mexrcaas ail- dom do anytliing w ithou t an oye fo r thb ;picturc8qoe and |Fnuiei*oo V illa sooms to rcoct to tlio Bpeetacolar. When J

I he attacks n town It Is usually on some ' I holidny. Ho almost always starts hi»

nanault .innt beforo dawn to hoigbtoit tho o ffcc t and gallops in to town, once i t has fa llen, w ith a ll o f the awe in- spring trappings tho Mexicans love. Evon u t Columbus, N. M ., T i l la donned his ono nnd only fu ll dross uniform , p in­ned hifl vnlor modnl to hln brunat and ^ chnrgcd a t tho head o f h i* bandits. f l

Attacked on Easter. ' * The attack and capturo o f Parral ob

Kaster Saturday and Sunday i* an Ulus* trn tion o f V illa 's capacity fo r doing tho picturcsquc. The attack oa the town was started from tho side o f Sierra do la Cnis, (tho b ill o f the Cres*) on IToIy^ -

° Saturdny when a ll o f tbo native* wero ^ wcnriug the ir mourning dress to the , l it t lo adobo church. A l l day the batUe w was fought and late in to the n igb t. Next J morning, as tbo bo ll* were ralHng tho g fa ith fu l to Saator morning m m , V illa d made bis viotorion* entry in to the town, lc r id ing his b ig whito horse nnd sUvet

(\pnrs elAnkng to tbe M a to i o f U s steed.

= H I* f ir s t order w m to eontinue tho Eostcr-services and tha t no one *boiil3

_ _ be molested dnring the church worship, l i t the meantime be had ordered- old Jose die ia Ln* H errera aad h i* two aon* executed in the cem eterj back of

rin- the cbnrch and the Easter moss waa hen ponetoated b y the staeeato ehot* o f tho

n r iu g squad dealing death to tho aged , ” and beloved mayor o f P arra l aad hla1“ "™ _________

Advertlso i t in the Claasified eolaran*.

0 0ank Here

md ToiOo To3lp w h e n th e y a re n o t e i r m in d s a b o u t th e m ing .

o u r fa r m e r c u s to m e rs • r r y in g th e i r f in a n c ia l i ey a re a b le to p u t b e t- ’ i r r y i n g o n th e ir e v e ry

y o u too . M a ke u s a ( j

ANK & TRUST COra l Beserve Bystem (U.LS, IDAHO. .

____-------- ' •___________________J

[S TS O F? T u b . mB W r in g e r .rive .le .;u n n in g C asto rs .a tio n o f the W oodrow lc W asher

TRIG SUPPLY CO.JO LA 8 . M aam cir

: l O A B O

' zuBSDy , im b ri

3 U B S ]M 17 » i U K B S, Z 9 ie .


» FOR in ClClaims That Investors Are Dis- . couraged Through Assertion

That^She Cannot Govern0 Herself. ____

LTM BRICK, Iro lnnd — (Corrcspon- «1enco b f tho AtBociatcd Prona)— Th<! Irie tim aii’a elnim to po litica l indopon- lionco is not' wholly s«ntlroontal, nc- coTtllnff to AlphoHBua O’Mara, mnyor c t L im orick, nnil ono o f itn loaiUnu manufacturorfl. Tlic-rc i». lie Bayn, a

y^.tntieh more practjcnl hIQo to ilio qucS' * tion , tho doairo fo r etionomir iiidpponil-

«iKo and tho opportuuity fu r imhishi- n l ftdvnncemont which Jho Iriahmun 'foola ho can novor nttaii^ un til lio ia ^pormittod to mako hiti own InuTi and 'iloal au thorita tive ly w ith his own proli. lomB. •

Enslaod Makes P ro fit ‘ •Materia l adTantaffcn hnvo comc oul

■of every movomont o f the Irinh for freedom, bu t tho main (^ievnnco ro-

• mains,” eaid M r. O ’Mnra. “ Tho onc point ie wo aro heavily ovcr-tnxod. This year England is making a p ro fit of twenty m illion out o f ua. That is shs ta tax ing us th ir ty - fiv e milliona ami (giving UB a govornmont which eoata 'her no n>oro tban fifte e n millious. These fjgures nre no t ours but W f havoBngland's word fo r it.

"Ire land has Improved its position in tho post yoars, bu t wo have not ad- vaiteed Industria lly . We lack o ip itn l and we lack confideneo boeuirso Eng- TiEKiTand'England's stateamen hnvi> told ns tbn t we sro not f i t to govern nur- solves, th a t wo lack thoso cssentinlH which make fo r solf-governnient o f tlie -mass and thereforo o f the indivjilunl. Our fa rm in f; population, absorbing th<a

' sentiment through o ft re iteration; bavo w ithheld th e ir monev when i t wob neod- <d h y Ir ish enterprise. Tbey have de­posited i t in banks, vaat Bums of it, -nnd tho money ban boen loaned to £ng- lishmen fo r the dovolopment o f Kug- lish industry. .

Merchant Marine Oone “ L im erick somo 75 years ngo hnd n

prosperous mercantile marin<\ Now tUo ShnnnQn boarB not on its boaom a -single ship tha t cAn call Lim erick ita homo port.• “ Also wo had a flno textile indus­try , w ith moro textile workers In Ire ­land than thero woro thon in England.

“ Wo havo hero fho fincat river In ^ tho x'orld fo r shipbuilding. Wo rould W. lino th r shores o f tho Shannon ,w ith1 lu s y f-blpyards and workshops. But the pooplo wbo would tako tho in itia tlvu

have not tho monoy, nnd because ws aro to ld wo ore uot capable o f self- Rf.vernment, tbo pooplo who have the monoy w ill not lend I t to thoso who eould uso It,

Oannot Help Herself k “ 'Tho world is paaslng through ‘ in

induatrial crisis. Every nation—Ant- cricn, Kngland, Pronce and even Oi-r- jfiany, in mnking prcjmratians fo r -wurlil trade. B u t -Irotnnd is not alIo\vod lo tako ' any induslrin l stop thnt would help hor pooplo horo n t homo. Why, tho B ritiah goTomment oven refused me n passport whon I wanted to go to Am­erica to place the natural advantngi'a o f L lm oriek boforo your investors nnd

■ shipownors. 80 horo we nro, high an.l dry, w ith tho'ocean o f prosperity nil around ua. '

“ Wo could oaly take tho atops neces­sary to dovolop th is eountrj’ i f wo were asaured Ireland would bo-allowed to mnke its own laws nnd provide its own government fo r in no other wny couM wo givo Amorican investors any gunr- anteo tha t England would not tax their invcNtmouts out o f existence.

M ost Help ThemMlTos “ I don’ t hnvo a gro«^t_<irnl o f fn ltii

in whnt tho rrat o f the world Is going . to d o /fo r us unless we do somcthi\i,j

fo r oursolvos. We havc stated our principles and a t the present uiomoul a gtA-cmmcnl o f tho peoplo o f Ireland is i|( o ffiee in Dublin- O f courso this govornmont ean’ t have nny real power un til England withdrnw« her nrmy of occupation and tha t can only be brought nbout by procure from outside o f Ire land ."


Former Emperor Has Cut Up Two Thousand Trees Dur­

ing His Experience.f e AMBRONOi;.V. (/P)—Former IJmper- W or W illiam saw.-d his 2.000H. tree re-

re n tir in tho preneni-o «>f the nenlltiek fam ily nnd tbe Uurgomsslcr o f Amer- ongen. Tho 'tree ha* l>cen cut ti)> ln t > blocks Inreribed W. l l ” amiMven hnvo beon prrsented fo frirm ls in Amefongon.

FestlTlUcs Indolsen In ^ Thero were festiv ities at Ihe eattleB in honor o f tho eonfirm alioti o f ('otint ^ Bentinck's youngc-«t Fon. Herr Hohen-

xo llem ’s sawing companion. A fte r tho religious ceremony, the boy wns *iim- moned to tho castle where the one time monarch congralulateil btm nnd gao- him a gold tie-pia repre»«nling n crowned eagle, personally s ttn rh ing th • pin to bis companion'll tie.

In tbe Tillftgo one o<-eBainnanv hears sucb qnestion* as: - What is the fellow doiag bore; form erly he had no u*- (•>’ Amerongvn. The Sooner he clear« mif the better, fo r you never know whnt may happen to tis while he is here.”

B euera oad answers o f claatified sds mn prmeUcoJ fo lks, seeking qoiek I so lo tin a fo r lm aediat« seeds.

SOLDIERS HHENO THE SCHOOLS OF THE MP rim a ry Grades P u t in Where

N N eeded; Spend M a n y H ours I f t t C a re fu l S tu d y .

P A lllS — (Correspondence o f th- Associated Press)—Scoros o f thousandi

j - o f American soldiors eagerly hnv> grasped the opportunity to attend th<

[nn lehools which thu armj* now is provid ing fo r n il tho mon o f tho Amcricar

>Pf] Expeditionary Force, under tho diroc tion o f the Educational Corpe.

Tho post sehoola 'whieb aro prim arj grades o t this achool syatom aro used

ion- whoroTor they can f in d a roo f to ahel


Ung j , ;i ............................... .


re- --T p— f r ^ n —

:h iiof



I in ad-ita l .




■HR- ,;ng-

d arow

tre- ! ',nd. I

inuld •^ith >' ...... — ........................tho ■ ..............................................ivu ' .........W'J

elf- I ■............ .......


I i j f ^ul.i ,I.y, • . . - mo


'”.1 i " -E very man 1

<■" I k n o w you shis becausc i t

uM I! W c are liv in

W hen you h, , i - ' ____ ,.p o de fin ite I

Inc : V '• '" ^ S tro n g proba »'.f i > ' ■" o r o tE cr o f c ' i j 1 to save monifijj ; and constani

: W hen you hllic : F.ive 80 m uc

] '.iK'.nan averi m uch less. 1; s lip o f papei■ you m ake a fI ed so m uch

W h ile the m 'P vested in th t

i loose and avforeseen eme always obtaii

n'!‘ E very do lla rW h e n you e

j'» fa r m ore t o ;invested. I f

II.- yo u can alwi - w i l i havc aci

s f mangging


lit ' 1 nt

“ i I -----------


. T W I N F A L L S Ite r thom. Floundering through Ui'J mud o f aomo l i t t lo hanilct whoro Am­erican soldiors aro stationed, ono is llko*

I I V stumble upon sueh a aehool iny i f fu ll operntion. A n army chaplain ro-

I cently ehnnecd upon sueh a srliool the pupils u f whieh woYo standing on thn

ei-Q benches beeauao the floor wu» und;r a it inehcs o f wator and in a room dim- ly lighted by candlcs stuck in bottles. Thu sorgennt-teneber wns using a piece o f tarred popor on blackboard. I t wus I I

thv o'clock nt night nnd fourteen w-.-n mds whoao m ilita ry duties provonted them invo from nttonding In regular hours com- tho posed the oxtra claiw.

I'l ''- ByniDol o f B o lr lt -This l it t lo scono is syinbolie. o f the

sp irit w ith which tho Amorican soldiers lary havo taken aUvantogo o f tho educntiun- ised al tra in ing , offorod them by tho army }iel* school oyglem.

j I J

~ , =


OU W>uldBuUd1 know s he ought to save m should . T h e o n ly reason you i t is a d if f ic u lt th in g to do.

in g in an age o f com fo rts an 1 bave a ten a o lla r b i l l in you r ] : place in vievv to p i i t i t , the i babiU ty th a t i t w i l lb e spent fo i f d o u b tfu l pe rm anent value. ! m ey easily y o u m ust establis m t m o tive fo r saving.

1 b u ild a house y o u obligate uch each m o n th . I t m ig h t h ■erage re n t and again i t m i( . In re tu rn fo r re n t money yc ie r w h ic h is abso lu te ly useles J paym ent on y o u r home you i h m oney. I t is yours; i t canm

m oney you p u i in to b u ild in g he safest o f a ll securities, i t wi available. I f yo u should run i nergency which^dem ands moi a in I t w ith y o u r p ro p e rty as se

a r p u t in to y o u r hom e grow I en tire ly o w n y o u r property Q yo u tha n the actua l num bei [ f you have located w ise ly ani Ways sell a t a p ro fit. F u rth t icq u ire d the p rospe rity habil Q£ y o u r m o ney and g e ttin g al

P U B L IS H E D I N T H E W T w in F a l ls B a n k & T ru s J. S. K e e l.W illiam G. Reed Twin Fa lls T itle & Abstr Nibley-Channel Lumber <


I Ui<} Men in eomo cases aro working eight, 1 Atu- ten nnd twelve hours n dny nt m ilitn ry 1 llko* duties nnd then studying! nt n ight In

d1 in tho post schools, tired In body but dog- ( n TO- godly doterminod. In somo cnaes they g I the have vo luntarily worked n t liigh t no , 1 thn as to bo allowed to nttond a lectnr>> nr ] m d;r school session In the dn>- timo. l l l l t - , dim- emt« men who havo been tnught to j, ttlcs. read and w rito often nsk permission to , piece tako tho ir dog-eared primers honio w ith ( us I I them when the ir divisions s tart fo r Am- \ ni-.'ii I erica. Thousands o f such men have ]

them I been atarted on tho road to *-d'icatlon j com- III tho pnat few months. But i t must t

nut bo m istakably nssumcd'that a ll tho j soldier boys aro coming back “ w ith n

, higher education." Tho b ig idea o f diers corps Is to givo a mon j

fl atart and onoblo him to " f in d him- i army «oIf,’ ’ eo to apeak. Many n soldior has c

boon a round peg in a squoro hole back 1

a E H H H H H H H H H ia imaiyiWG tilri'TTT iit?!

' - = i

*“= n im nifc---------

d SaveJ It Into a I: money. Y ou In b u ild in g yyou don ’ t save lected the saf0 . in g b u t you s

J , . and lit t le one i and l^ u r ie s . yourself, lu r pocke t w i t h .there is a very N o -m an reall t fo r som ethm e the sheltele. I f you w ish da ily w o rk . "Jbhsh a s trong rnany renter^

should cease- 'ate you rse lf to homeless.

F o r the prese....... i t is y o u r bus

fu tu re welfar, Jess b u t \v.. . realization o f ou have invest- ^ ^ finnot get away, b u ild in g y .u

in g w i l l be in - 't w ill a lways be There is no rcon in to an im - “ n be gnineimoney yo u can ‘ f true , that h,s security. day b u t they a

some tim e inrows in va lue .;rty i t is w o rth F o r any in fo iib e r o f do lla rs pe rta in in g toand b u ilt w e ll ments, equ ip i

rtherm ore yo u architects, ccab it—the h a b it In fo rm a tio n 1g ahead. deal to g ive a

h vT E R E S T S O F A G R E A T Ir u s t Co. S a llad£

E rn e s t O s tra n i

is t ra c t Co. Id a h o ]ie r Co. T w in J


home; Tho army in helping thcso men to get stnrted ou the right groove.

P rn c tirn llty is the key word of .>11 tho cdiicntionnl eourseli. The soldier is not going to nchool merely fo r the “ fun of it.* ’ l lo wants results tlm t w ill help him w ith hia Job bock homo ond ho^s ge tting thom. Vocntionol trn in ing- is

lun im portant and succoaHful feature o f tho post school ^uid there uro few trudi's tnu t nre nut taught in some of them. In tho acnileinii* course, history. English nnd mathomntics hold tho i)iit- jo r plncea. I f thero is sufficient de­mand fo r tho tdarhing o f n givon'suh jec t i t Is place on tho curriculum.

A gricu ltu ra l courscs ore provided in many o f tho schools and fin d muny pu­pils. F i f t y por cont o f tho men in the army iire from rum l districts and many; o f them intend to return to Ihc lr fnnns., Thouaanda o f c ity mon who hav6 had I

££».| i l l

^jjij p

/loney EHomeyo u r ow n hom e you n o t o: ifest and m ost sensible mei are d o in g y o u r d u ty towai es and in s u r in g a happy, si

lly wants to go th ro u g h l i f e r o f h im se lf arid loved pn Y e t th is is exacdy the casi ■i. W h a t w o u ld happen i f vi ;—perhaps forever? W o u ld , o r secure in a hom e o f t l

lent co m fo rt and safety o f isiness to beg in saving todc re i t is- r ig h t tha t you cor f the«crK a / danger o f uselc est, surest, bcst way to sav< ;ir mvn home at oner.

cal rc.ison lo r de lay ing loae :d by w a iting . A u th o n t ir t b u ild in g costs are somcu'b: also state th a t costs cannot a the fu tu re as ye t unforesi

)n n a tip r i yo u m ay d ra ire on 3 locations, plans, • fin ish in pments, costs, in fo rm a tio n on tracto rs, etc.—c a ll at t O ffice . N o t a th in g to sell away!

E R T W IN F A L L S B Y ^la y H a rd w a re Co. t W h ite . - . . . i d e r L u m b e r Co. ... P o w e r Co.

F a l ls N a t io n a l B a n k .-

nen thoir. f lra t daya o f ootdoor life sineo thoy jo ined tho army doclaro tboy w ill novor roturn to tho o ffico atool. They

- i(j Uko tboindopondeoco o f tho formor and (un bope to gd Into agricu ltu ra l work whon elp thOT return. •

.The practical phasea o£ .form lng am- it, being iaug lft to thtf men.ure Toocblng o f citizenship la on import*'nw eourso. Undor th is head comev la*of bor problems and aubjoctB v itn l to the

,ry, national wolfaro.

ID A H O A K S O K O ABU ALTT U B Tul,. Current caaualty lis ta reported by

tho commanding genornl o f the Amori- • can oxpoditionory forces includo tho

names o f tho fo llow ing Idabo men: Ihl- sovoroly, P riva to ’ A lv in W.

Long, Boiao; woundod dogroo undotor- ’ * mlnod, P rivato Jobn M . W hito,'W us* na. ton : wounded s ligh tly , Wagooer John lad A . Boborta, BlacIuooU

. j

iieLsilyo n ly havc sc-

le th od o f sav- rard y o u r w ife , seeure fu tu re

. ilife dependentjncs up on hi■ i .ase a m o n ^ so■vottr earnn ips jfd y o u r fa ail.V 1th e ir ow n? |

)f y o u r (a in ii)' day. F o r the ir ome to a fu ll ;lcss spending .IVC w fo hep-in


i i t fc i N o th in g r t . concede, i t 'b a t h ig h e r to ­o t be lo w e r fo r :seen.

on any sub ject l i n ^ j fu m is h - in con ce rn in g ^-

the B u ild in g d l, b u t a g rea t

—y • • _ '


\-m \H fa L ls daily news-----------------

' BOY. A i B E A D _____________^-P re tiden tJO H N 0. H iB V B Y ______ Now* E d ito r

• Tdnphona M

Today’s News TodayEntered oa aecond cIujm m all m Atta r

* a t tbo^poatoK lco a t T w inIdaho, unde r the A c t o f M arch S.

• 1B79. -I

STTBSOBIPTION BATESM ail CarrierU.OO................. One Yoor .................U.0013.6 0 G M oiU lia ................... iS.OOfl.21>................... S M onths ................... tl.SO1 .6 0 1 Month ....... . . . . . . I .<0

AdvortisTng B a to i TTpon ApplleationEastern RoproaoritAtlvea: i Oeorse B .

D av id ' Co., Inc., 171 M adison Avc., Now Y o rk . K i t I to r t fo rd g u l l Jing . Ch!cu<o.. N o res jM oslb llltjr Is assumed fo r tbo core -« ( unso llcued m nnuscrlpt. photo* ffraphs o r o th e r con tribu ted in iit tc r . A rd - ciea sub m itted fo r publica tion w ill bo tis M o r no t n l tho d iscretion o f «he od ito r and no m anuscripts w ill bo n jlu m e d un -

; less aeeompanied b / the i>ecen8ury post* 0£fc___________________________ ______ __M EM DEB

The Associated Press Is escluislvcJy on* t i l le d to Iho uso fo r repub lica tion o f all nows dispatches credited to i t . o r no t otherw ise cred ited . In th la paper, and Also tho loca l news published herein. A ll r ls h ls o f repub lica tion o f special d ls - patches her«la_ttre a ^ rese rve^______

TH E A N A B O m S T PLOTS.M ark Twain, in HovernI o f liis in ­

im itable essays, toiiclica on tho dispoal* tioa o f somo sentiuental fo lks to m^ko boroos out o f mardorora and other law- breftkora. Tbo idea -tha t th o / w ill bo i the objoctB o f notorie ty and o f a certain , dogrco o f maudlin aympathy from a <-;vv , fooliah porBon* i f caught; imdoublcdly « impoi* m o a j woak-xnindcd poople, fillo d t w ith tbo unhoaltby aopbiatry o f vtoUuit ( agitators, to commit deoda ouch aa thoH ] perpetrate^ or-attem pted by nnnrchinta i lost night.' ' t

Thoro w ill no dniib t be sonut who arc poraonally harmless who. w ill ncei'iit iva « truo to some degreo the ehargr hhI fo rth c in thc cop / o f * ’P lain Wordn" foimd ) oa the body o f tho man wbo was Mown I to death by bis own bomb in fro n t o f i tbe reaidcnco o f thn attornt^y general t o f tho Cnltcd States, thot prosocutioiia fo r sedition aro to blame. Every per- c SOB procoeded against fo r opposing the ti prosecution o f the war was lookod upon n oa o m artyr by tho perverts who »ym- li pathizod w ith him, dnd thi-ne prosecu- t tloQft havo doubtless been usod to «tU / up tho pefpotratora o f crimcs; but to n ^ i l to proaccutc would havo meant a o cowardly neglect o f du ty on the pa rt o f b o ffic ia la and would havo resulted in tho k il l in g o f thousanda more o f the bravu e boya who woro fig h tin g to aecure libe rty fo r a lt the pcoplo o f the worhl, includ- '> lag the misguided crim inals who throw t bombs. Honcc, on ly those lacking hai- f once and sound patrio tism w il l say that It tho prosecution o f (hose opposing thO R laws, enacted fo r the protoction o f ,t< American lodependeoce and na tionality, c io accordance v i t h the constitution, are reaponaible fo r aueh crimes. I

That the p rinc ipa l object o f tbese I crim inals is not to avenge real or I fancied wrongs by o ffic ia ls In discharge o f tW ir 'd u tie a is mado clcar by thi? • f M t tb » t the M lfl v ic tim o f th t bomb e a tnC M o f M ay 1 waa former Benator H a rdw ick whose fa m ily and sorvonta H

■ Rofforcd from an explosion o f nn in ­fe rna l machine s A t to bia homo. >'otr H a rd w ic k ' was ■ ncnator who fought almoat every measure looking tnwUrd the prevention o f an ti war ac tiv ity . II® 7' denounced tb r espionage law, the d ra ft law and other measurrn o f tbe sort and ul was so j>eniJ»tent in th is renpeet tbnt, although a democrat, I ’ reiiidcnt W iisoii p, denounced him fo r fa ilu re to Husiain tn the war, and be wan dofealod nt the prim aries on Ih i* very iasuf. This fsv'-t is notorious and must have lioeii Itnown ni to tb r man who nent him liie homb.

Government o ffic ia ls ari- reported lo- i• loy lo be puzrlecl o'vor thc il.- jilru fljo ti o f a church by anarchintx, i f ltu- i»o|p <it>jcct was to punish certain indivitluals. t | ‘ Tbo fn c t is tha t the punishment o f iti- d iv idua l o ff ic ia l* '*-as only an inci- ,|, dcot. Tbo maiu object o f tbe anarchist {‘ ! • io OTWthrow tha aoclal order. Thc cbureh stands in his way. Tho iden o f | ru the Creator as s Inw g iver sots pp n n j* ''' ideal fo r human l>eings to fo llow ; th i' ideal o f progress w itb in a law maile in j n- ro n fo rm ity to the rn ive rsa l I ’ lon; the 1 I ’f anarchist bales tho idea o f law, there- fore, down w ilh tho Creator and w ith

__everyth ing thnt does Him honor, fiiin l-la r ly aa o ffic ia l, any o ffic ia l, being in some degree a representative o f law, is to b« atrieken down, therefore, K a rl- al' w ick, wbo epposctl the espionage law was j t u t as mncb an object o f hatred ,i«. by th ia class aa Judge I..andis or A ttor- aey General Palmer, wbo enforced it.

No ssch U w prompted the assassinh- , tioa o f M cK in ley, wbo was also per-

so n a lly lored by a ll regardless o f par- ty - B a t ha atood fo r gorerament, thero- j fo r* , hfl moat bo kUled. '

T how aoft aeaHme»tal6 fa who con- | . *e 5 e S « e il^ ^ U Ia .8 0 r tb y ;e x p re e s in c .->•

p«prtnU or% oil th * theory [ aaarehist* in a noddled way

§ aro 'atanding up fo r oqual righta, fa il to aoo th a t what tho anarchist wanta la not equal righta u t all, but tho most iron clad sort o f class dominntiou., lie is jjo t satiaficd w ith having tho pro-

y Ictnrinn have n share government ^ in proportion to numbor; bo wanta tho

n ilo o f a ainglo class and tho aupprcs- ^ alon o f tho rights o f a ll otbor clajuoa,

including tbo organized laborers, er II I Ruaala tbo BoBhovlki, adopting in !oo p/nctlco tho tboory o f tho anarchists, ;|o ovortumed tho aoclal revolutionary par-

ty o f Kerensky, eliminated tho modcr- —• ato party o f social domoccats, dlsaolvod IW organizations o f peasants and o f regular

labor unions and drovo out n t t h i point o f 'the bayonet a national aaaombly oloctod by tbo votes o f a ll tho MOPS'

or They di'd not want populor rtil6, they il« wonted their o'vn despotism^^ Duriug tho war, the dopa«m^irl^«t>f ^ justico o f t ho .United States waa assoi!- Ul cd by two clnsses o f critics. One id thoWKl^t U v-’Qti t«o twvcTC, anothor gi thought i t wns not-severo enough. ^In ^ somo degree tho deportment o ffic ia ls

pleaded gu ilty to both chargos.Tbnt in, thoy admitted thnt iu a fow

_ iiifltniicON thc prosi'rutlons were corrioil on. w ith such zenl bj- local d ix tric t at- tornoys Uiat men were actually convict- ed on insu ffic ien t evidonce. On iho uthor hand, they adm ittC iFthnt certain d is tr ic t a tomeys showed a degreo of la x ity tha t indicated a lock o f fu ll roal- ization o f couditlons. Those who wero

“ convictcd w ithout n fa ir t r ia l have gon* erally been nble to get Ihe verdict set

y aside and a now tr ia l (granted. Whore tr ia ls woro un fa ir tbo department and

t tho- peoplo generally deplore tbo fact,« and there ia nothing In such conditions » to warrant tho conclusion that human

society must bo v lo loptly overthrown, c B u t the troublo w itb tho aimnchlatic a critics and the ir sentimenVnl aynipathiz- ll crs is tha t tbo ir grievance la not againat ll tho manner in which the law was on* n forced, but againat tbo law itaelf. They f deny tho righ t o f tho organized state 1 to poovldo fo r Us owa protection, a According to Emma Goldhian, anar- ■- chy is to he defined as philosophy o f 5 govornmeat based upon tho theory that J n il govomment Is founded upon vio-- lonco and-nut upon the democratic- tenet o f the conscnt o f the governed, r Anarchism presupposes tho idea that i man as a wholo is n pre tty docent aort V o f ejiap and may be depended upon to I! be righ t o f hla own froo w ill aud ac- s cord, w ithout nny law or legal rales ofu conduct whatever. * |,* Tho fa ls ity o f this sort o f reasoning •• was nevnr a«en to better advtu>Vage 1 r than in tbo crimea o f thc past twenty- ‘- four bourn. Crimes which nothing under , t heaven can ju s t ify and wbleh no cloan-> minded man or womnn would .attempt ! to condono. Anarchy itse lf is orgnni/.ed , c rinu iio litv townvds Qod ond man.


Head of Pittsburg I. W. W. Ar­rested After Hand to Hand

Revolver Duel.(Continued from page one)

in. IH re o lly o|i|>oniIi* l i v i - IN-nr A il- m ira l Theodore K. .lew o ll. Tho hoin.- o f H o liue r H . H rvn , .Norw.-^’ inn iftin - i^ te r , a . ljo in s th n t o f A . lm irn l .low o ll nnd A s a iiita iil S eoro la rv o f the N avy T ru u k li i i J>. J{oci.ov,-lt liv .N » Rhort d iv tance nwnv,

lte«i.l.-M.’ .- i i l th r ... it irc l . lo rk W.-,o • tn ii in i'i' il . W iiirldH 's >vcn- n lu it t i 'n <1 an-! the fro n tn o f nome o f lhe Iiouhoo wore j nic-koci liv o f f ly in i ; rm ic r i'tc . oI ’n rt« o f ' i h o • ttnar,-hih t’ wore Ijlow n Ii

I t l.ro iiK li !.oin.' o f th c « iii, l i.w ^ . <•i Blown Through Windows ii

S<-viTaI i i i i - i i i in i i tu o f the n e a r ly «• i i ii - lu i l in i; th r ^onl^ o f th e N or- t

w i j ; i ; i i i in in in fo r, woro th ro w n from tt l io i r Ix '.Ik tn- tho fo r. .- n f th .- ox|>t<- o

A l ...........a ii i fo l o x trn iiro -m it .d u ty n in l tho ru le a i'u in ;-! brin> ;iM r |iaokni:o« » f anv «ort in to Iho r . i |> i to ll^ ;i»d tho hniixe nm l oonatv o f f i r , ’ l . u i t . l - j , ii.K " wu« r ig id ly o n fo rro .l. T h e ,s a m .'|^

I ru le w a* K o in i; n p p lio il in >;oi- ,jo n .tn c n t Im il. lin K -. „j• .A tto rn o v { ;,-n i- r j| J 'n in i.r 11.1 no t Ko i, ( to li i« ..f(i<-0 niv.l a«-.i«tau’ « „ I r<-fu«r.| In .ii«-I.>i<o WliiTO Ih- an-l M r I. ! |-n )m o r, n l.o l r f l t l io ir l.on.,- n f to r th>- tc -x i.Io -ion InM n i j ; l i : . h .id tn lu -n up th - i r

A l l ava ilnh f.- mon o f tho l>uroan o f i> in v r« t i|.p it jiin !in»-r* l>oon a M it. i i '‘d to tKc.

Congress Ec»dy to A c t “in l.o t l i the Uousu- and ’ <•

a le M li.I tnd.-»y thc-y w.-ro ready t i . ac t im m o d i.it. ' lv in | in * " in i; any lo f^ in ls tin ii ;* no<-r»«ary t.. li.-al '» ilh a r !. . o f v io lcnoe J*’ .lon igno.l t i l o v r f th ro w th e go^'en tm ent, l iu t somo l> d ievc.l rx iK tin ;^ la w w a " ' ^ U f f ir io n t. - »>«

Head Block a Block T h f hoad o f th e .loa .i nnari-hise wss

fo u n d on tb e ru o f o f a h..u»o mot.- [“ th a a a b lock awa f ro m th e sconr o f the exp losion.

H a t la In ta c t Sy a stringe . fw a k o f t h i ex-- I

ploaloa tho m an’s ha t raoaised In tact. On tha w eathand waa In-

•>a«nk«d th a .a & m * « r “ D * Z^ca \ i B n & . Battars. 910 Sooth S lghth ho S trM t. PhUadalphia." dr

I t waa a t f l n t thtfO fht th a t t w of

- n OUR FOUNDAIost ———— — — — —


“■ IIi-SI

-in t 5 b '

IW p“ m . ..................t“ t lm

( i fro mSmS m i’ I g I


•t, . . - U , ! , . . ■ ' — . ...

G e r m a n . S u f f e r i nI t _ - ______

”t' L i t t l e E v id e n c e o t A c t i A re a , A c c o rd in g to I

V to T w in P a lls B u s ir i.to I •

T h a t G erm any is n o t 's u f fe r in g h a lf as mueh ns nho w ouhl fm ve th e w orld be lieve nnd th a t, as a m o tte r o f foot tb o in .lic a tio n s nre t h a t ' she hns su f- -

®‘ fn ro d IcM fro m th e i%'ar th an ' an y sin- ic jfle na tio n invo lv© .!, nro p o in ts set fo r th ij. in o le t te r o f unusual in te re /i| rcteciveil

" fro m n fo rm e r rom rnde in F rnnee bv L . L . Breeken ridR o o f T w in F a lls ,

r t G erm any waa com pelled to « liiit, bu t th a t she w ns de feated, o r ly i l l ncknow l- udge even tn he rse lf th a t she w as bonr- en is nn t ap pa ren t In tb o a t t itu d e o f

i f tb e Q e rin n ii p o pu la tio n o r iu the con- < iitionn iid iich o b ta in in*, th n t Jiortimk o f th o country- n o w in a ll ie d bands.

S The le t te r is o f unusual in te re s t in a ;e w um lw r n f w ays and ,m ay bv acccpt«»l

ns a f i r s t han.l an a lys is o f a e lu n i eo:i- . l i t io n s com ing w ith in the ob servn tio ii

’r o f th o rn rresponden t. I t fo llo w s :V ’’ Oerm nny looks p e rfe c t ly beau- . t i f i i t nu theao lo v e ly M a y <li>ys.

T h o y hnve sueh w e ll tille< i fie ld s , d .-lean ya rd s , such w c ll buU L’

linmes, n iir li su>>ntantl&I~'ruads and liridR cs, and-sQ m any cvldencca o f ’

j thoronghncKS eve ryw here th o t one ou n 't bel|> b u t w onder w by th e y ov ­o r mnde suob a g re ot n iis tn hc an io s tn r f th is w n r. S u re ly the^- were on n h ig h road to eom m orria l grea t-

\ neM i i in ro u g h t tn hovo been sa tis ­fie d w ith th n t fo rm o f ronqucs l.

I W h .'ii I rend th a t th ey rn ise nrrI liusholH o f w hcn t on evorj- nere j

th e y BOW, w h ile w c raise nn nver- I ngo o f 1:: tA l-l* bushels, ou ovo ry | n iT r w .' sow in A m erica , 1 fee l I th a t thoso o ld fa rm ors have som.- l(■^son^t fo r ou r l>oys. T ho y (th o hoys) seem s a t is f ii '. l , how ever, to m ake fu n o f t l io i r ox team s, or ro w teonm in fa e t, and o f th e ir

m en had been k i l le d b y th e explo- eia lon, because p a rta o f tw o logs m

,1 w ere fo u n d w here th e y ha d l>«en b lo w n . L a te r , h o w le r , i t w as eo- .tabUabod o n ly one m an lu u l been ,|.k il le d - \

I- P a m p h le t Found s>! ■ K v i.I . ’ ii.-V th a t th e p lo t wns e n re fu lly l ’« e p la n iic ii wun ro n ln in o d in u '-jM im phlet '. on titJo rl •• jiln in w or.Is ’ ’ fo u n .l n t IheII home .‘ f A t to r n . y ( i. -n rro l . \ . i l i t c h - nj

e ll i 'a ln i r r , whom- house in the fosb- in ion n lilo se rtio n horo was ( la r t ly wreoK- h;

>• Oli l.y a l.om b. g iv i i iK w a rn in g 'th a t ■ '» n,- lim o hun rom .' when the s o rin l ciurs- „ j i t i o i i ’s so lu tion rnn Ix- lir la v c d no lon ij-- o r ; rtnon Wnr is on n i.il r n n ii . i t ronso 'il.w i w itb n ro n ip l. t i ' v ir* n ry fo r th.- in ­

i j to rn a t io n a l p r i> lo ta ri" t . ’■ ® •j The jm n ij.h lo t. on.- .. f :i Inrgo n tim l..-r |J ‘ Iso n tto red n l.ou t n f te r th r l^ .m h , whioh ..• |h a d ........ in rrn .le .l to .le ..tr..v M r. I'liJ.'Im o r . |.r rm a tu ro ly exploded and b irw

l.> b i l l the ttu th c r o f thc r r im o . wnn j r-iiftiod ••The A i ia r rh is t ir F ijjh to r '. .”I I un.In>i).l.-.||v wnn in ten .led ox a s l- na l to nhow tho r r i ; : i i o f lo rro r is m w a^l on.

P a lm e r A c t ir e Prosecutor .Mr. T a lm er has l>een a c t iv e in ury- or

in g n n t i Il»1shevi<m meanures a n il the h i o t to r k on h im as w e ll ns on vorionn o t cc.urt ju i i i f r s and o f f i r ia ls as rei.rciK’n- ta tivo n t i f la w nn il o t.Ic r are obvioun lo th e a n th o r it irn , l.u t governm ent j j j , agentn w rre a t a Iont tn um lers tnnd th c a lto m p te .l . lo t t ru r t io n o f a chureh in JM iilad ri|.h ia , The fu l l lin t o f r it io s in w h ich cXji!e»ions iK -m rred w ere N ew » Y o rk . W sshin j.'ton . C leve lan.l. T ilts - bu rg Iw o , I ’h ila d e lp h ia tw o, Boston. I ’ <- te rson und .N rw io n v ille , Mass. (

F o llo w in g so oloxoly Ihe ou trages o f m l la«t m otxih tb r sna reh is tic ou tb re a k last n ig b t i l pxp e rtr^ l to hasten actio n o f l i i l ls now l>efore rongrcss d e a lin g ' w ith suppression n f anarehism and de- ‘ jo r ta t io n o f un .les irab le oUcns.

Sam * O ang B e lie f th<BOtJTON. C tfV -T b e p o lire a w ton-1 sod

\ in c o iU b o pxplosiona las t a ig h t a t th e io ia home o f P o lire Judge A lb m F . H ay-1 the il r n in the R oxb nry d iiU r{ i^ and th a t tan. o f S ta te B e p re s c o ta tir iL :-laad Pow lA n


I ^


C l l l ‘■ n i B B B ' m S L ^


‘V W \i i ^ C S v ^

. 1 " \ 8

- ........— i — ■ -------------------- d. — * 0

rin g N o t . . A p p a r e n t t

tc tu a l W a n t in O ccu p ie d to E y e W itn e s s in L e t te r ;‘j siness M a n . - T.

i>ilo l f n ld -fasb ioned plown nud harrow s,,r ld novor once th in k in g th n t th c ir a." ,,

. hushels o f w heat per nere m ny coniuin to o o m pe tition w ith ou r 1:2 busb- ^

• els J.er acre, i>, n fe w yeors. I t is lin - ron m rknb le w hn t l i t t l e , expense r th Ibene people have in pro<lucing th o S. .e it b ig erops fh ey raise. Tho y pny ,, b y n o th in g fo r loo ls, n o th tn g fo r la-

hn r, liv e , very s im p le , so eve ry- I liu l th in g th ey get is 'v e lv e t. ’ A n d I w l- rn n see no evidences o f po ve rty nr- ovo r bere. I ’ ve heen in Coblonz o . o f .lozon tim e s ; olao in B o n n nnd Co- .

on- logno,' nnd have to rtu red in aamo In * e ig h ty . vIllBges .n n .( -e it io s , und , ds. wbiliN Ih ere is nn absolute, la ck o f j

n nomo th in g s l ik e fa ts , s t i l l th eyhave an ivlwndanve o f vegetnW vs l l

i>M- on .l eggs, i t M'cins l<i me. The re I I io>i in a sbortnge o f m ea ls nnd w i l l bo l|1

fo r some tim e , as n il fo rm s o f s to rk | w ere k i l le . l to m nko fa ts in the w ar. fn m nny ways, 1 suppose, it is tru e th a t th ey havi- su ffe rc .l se-

L’ . v c re lj- . fro m the w ar. where theI ' 'o o s u a l v is i to r . .Ioes no t soo o r ap ­

p re c ia te I t . B u t they il l. bave fiu e homes. H ousi's lik e the one we Q j

occuple.i In S t. Om cr ore tbe ru le . hero, w i lb a l l m odern conveniencos,

lu a l l o f Ib e b e lte r c la ss v illages..E ve n eve rj- l i t t le villagT^aJm ost bns ita c le r t r i r lig h ts and ^ sewer-nge- - '

' . “ B u t n t tho i«»mc lim e one ean j fe e l th a t tb oy hn .l n w ro n g a t t l tu i le I lo w a r.l the liu ts ido w o r ld , and vory I < lo fin ite ly needed tb is de fe a t, an.l I som etiM en one feels tb a t th ey need- JT'’

ed a .iT ffe re n t de fe a t fro m th c one th e y are g e tt in g . Some th in g s one I''* r a n ’ t m ake good w ith m oney. B u t I n p p ro rio te th a t th is i i no t fo r me to pass ujvon."

om..................t io

era in N e w to n v illo . w ore p a r t . o f the o f n a tio n w id e p lo t.

jA u n p h le tn e ittU le .l • ‘■|.lui4i i\>.rdfc”- wero fo u n .l scattere .l ou ts i.le the H oy

.l.-n h.iuMO nn .l alno in Iho w ro rknge.No nno wnn in jiire< l in e ith .-r explo- sinn . . \ l.n rn ro o f the l ln v d rn fa m ilv a j

Iv i. ro b a l. ly nnvcil t l io ir l iv rs ; ^J t B a d ica ls Bounded U p _ “f" ' A roundu|. o f ra d ira ls wnn begun by

ngents o f the .lep artm on t o f ju n t ire an .l •] b ’ in a sho rt tim o f if te e n m en, m ostly H u-- | „ „ *1- siann, ha.t l.ron arrented os sus jie rts i.i '» l l ie w r .c k in g o f f iv o honion horo in tbo

n a t io i iw i. I r bomb o iitrng e. •]Searching in O h io ilic

C U H V K l. . \N | t . (;p )— l-« U .o oC Clove- ‘ n la n .l, Columi.IIS nn.l o tli.-r r il i . - s nre to- A t •lay no a rrh in g fo r tw o n irn w ho .o re U -iio vcd to huvo p ln n t. '.I fl l« im b ut

■ ' the homo . j f M ny .ir H n rry I * U avis la tt ' las t i i ig i i i . .Vo’ ono was in ju re d . s"■ Tho bi.m b wnn ph in tod under n n - l - ' i

la r w in d o w , nud ih e exp losion wun so! .• t e r r i f i r th a t i t lor.- ou i p r n r t i r f t l lv t l i . ' v ' e n tire n o rth ni.fo . . f tho h.iuso. W ii,- i'

.l.iWB in m anv h .iu .,-. f , . r n rve rn l l,l,.,-kn 1 w ere bro keu . ..

M a yo r P av in wan noato.l ..n tho Inwn i g- on tho oj>|Ki»iIe f i. le . . f thu hoiMo wit.S 10 h is w ife on.l se v rra l f r i. -m l* whon th i- <-iii i!i .-xplosion o o ru r re l. - o fI- P ltU b u rg PoUce A c U re" • I I ' iT T S n U IU J . ro rd o u o f po .■

licem eti and d c tc c tiv rn »-nn th ro w tr j''' ' a round I ’ i l ts b u rg lod ay in on e f fo r t .** to apprehend th o iK T p e tra to r* o f tw o ! " ' •* Iw m b explosions in d iffc r.< n t se rllons

o f th e c i t y . ' The outragos w oro . t ire r t- *■ ed ag a in s t l 'n it e d S taten D is tr ic t Judge ’ ’*■ W . H . S. Thomp».)n, an .l \V . W . H ib ray ,

I e b ie f insp ec to r o f th e bureau o f im - ^ m ig ra tio n . No one was in ju re ! .

tn T e * tl« a ta la P h ila d e lp h ia ;,nl:" I ’ H I I ^ D K L I ’ H IA , {/?>) — A u th o r i t i r i V , are ia v e s tig a tin g the t>oml. exp losions o ia i

w b ich lat<> la s t n ig b t b a d ly .lam aged In.d th e re c to ry o f a C atho lic chnreh and ^he Ib e residence o f a jew rJe r. Three per- Ider

- js n n a w ere in jure<I, one sc rlo ns ly . One t ic l i R fO iaa .b aa b e e » -a rre s tM - T be f r o n t n f keyj - j i b e chureh w u to ra aw ay and a worn- badI I an. and a g i r l paaaiag b y w re In jo re d . a o a

: .^ n aged wom an was injur«>d w hea tb e aain



Officers in Uniform Given Priv­ilege of Entering; Warm Welcome Given by General Obregon to Visitors. - •

XOGALf:S, A rlr-, Acting undor instructions from Wanhington, Colonel Knri Carnohon. commanding fhe m ili­ta ry Bubdistrict o f Nogales, accompi- niod by Colloctor o f Customa Charles T. I ln rd y ond formor Mnyor W ir t C. Bowmon o f >Togalc8, crossed tho in te r­national border yoatorday and obtalno.} tho permission u f I^esldcnt Cardonas of^Nogales, Sonora^ fo r officcra o f the United States army In uniform .to en­te r Nogalo;), Sonora. Thia o ffic ia l an-

The prosidento gavo tho American o ffic ia ls n warm wolcomc and immoili ately grontod the ir request. The vlsl- tora nlso wero roceivcd by Oenoral Al- voro Obrogon 'an.l Colloctor o f Customs Diaz o f Sonora, botb o f whom announo- cd they woro pleased to see tho United Slotea renewing Us e ffo rts to promote friend ly rclnllo iis wUh.3roxie6.

Demand Protection fo r AmericanaWASHINOTON-, </P>— Keiiorts o f dis­

turbed eonditions iu tho Ynqul VQlloy iu Sonora hovo caused tho state depart­ment through tho Amoricon embassy in the c ity n f Mexton to request Mex- icrtij njiflioritJcM to stntion eiiotigji of tbo ir troops in lh a t section to snfo- guar.i Amerienn lives and property.

On O ffic ia l BuaineaaLAREDO, Tex., ( ^ —Gonorni (,’andi-

do Aguilar, Mexirnn miniater o f fo r­eign rcilnlions nrrived early lodoy at Nuevo Lnredo, ui.posite htn'o, on his way to WuNhington from Mexien City. Tho* jiurpoHo o f tbe tr ip was givon "js " o ffk in l l>wni»en«.”

LARKDO, Tex., (/P)—Andres Garcln, Moxicnn oonsul general a t Kl Posn. ur- rive.l here today to confor w ith Can- <lido Aguilar, Ihe Carranznz inlnlst-jr o f foreigu relations, who is on hla w-iy lo Washington. Oarcin sold he hod not been summoned tu Mexico C ity na hnd been reported.

B«90Cta MialwadtngOnrein, who declared he eomo hero

‘ “ merely tn poy his respects’-’ to tbe cab ine t‘o ffic lo ls, snl.l mnny news re­ports ou the situation in tbe state o f , Chibimhuo were very mislco.hng and ' exnggerate.l, fo r whilo somo V illa ban­dits n c tiv ity ha.l ocrurrcd, ho snid. | there hnd been no <leveIopmenls o f im- [.ortniice.

V illa in rejmrte<l to hnvp about -’ ,000 men on tbe way lo ottoek Chihuahua C ity, ho said, but so fo r ns he hns been ‘ able to learn the attack has not yet l.w'n mndo. When i t eomcs, hnwevcr, V il l* " w ill b\' defeated by tho most of- ‘ fectlve force yet ’opposc«l to hlm,” /Onr: io p re d ic te d . I r


3ig Bruiser Takes Up Task of Training in Earnest; Is In . I

Good Condition.TOLEDO, (/p) — Thoroughly renfo.l

’rom hln tiresome joiirnev from Cali- ornia ,.>ess W illa r.l is rendy to settle lowu fo trn in ing nt his oamp ou Ihe 'bores o f .Mnumee bny fo r his heavy- re ight ohnmpionnlilp mnlent w ith Jaek i, Dempsey bere Ju ly 4. The flfb -h o ld e r ilanncrt lo go on ilio roa.l fo r five niles, ood tn do hin firs t boxing iu Iho amp this afternoon; ,

Tex Rickarti, promntof.'^-.ns so pleav in tly surprised ov.t W illa rd ’s .ondi , ion tbn t he said p irh ing the winnei i f fhc« mntob would be n guesn.

O B N B B A l. S T B IK B O A L Z ^VAN-COUVKR. n. I*., m —\ gon- r

rnl s iriko wns onlle.l hero a t 11 n. ni. fi oday.

idverfise i t in tbo Claaslfiod columns. ^

nlerior . if llie jow.-l.-r’n houn.- wiis rrerko.l. .Tho niitomoliile imod bv Iho n.on who

..n.liod the Calholir rhu rrli wus fouml «= arlv to.lnv nlinndone.l in Fnirmoiint ■nri. The’ onr hud been stolon.

Tho polieo nrr noiirrbing f..r rhioH f.. he i.le n tily o f th.- muu who wan kilh-d n exploiliui: a l.omb ul fho homo -.f Uf.irney O .n rriil I ’lilmor in Wnnhin-.!

Bald May Have HelpedrU K 'A t.v ). (>P)—:-«<«ibilifv th.-it .

•noni.- o f the allege.I rndirals takon in a rai.I •••vornl dnvji ngo wero ron- . r rn r . l in lh,- .vid.-«pro!id bomb plot wan n.|von.-o.| to.lay a* tho roiisoi.IXI .-xpbinionn took i>Ia>-o here Innl nii;ht. O f tho -.-nro o f men nrr...[.‘.I in tho raid, righ t now are await j i.i;: d.-|K)rtatiiin. .A fte r firn t r.'t’ortn o f exj.lonions spo-1

iill i:iinrds wore |.lnred nl.oiit’ hon..'i>! f ^ r x 'is l {loblir nion horo. * ;

One la K ille d ;NKW VORK. (ilp)—Onr mnn wns k ill-

1 uml nevoral men nml w..mrii ha.l a arrow »<u-aj-' esrlv fo ln v when a bomb Lirrd nt A ban.-ment o'ntranrc to the -.mo <if Judgo Chorion C. .Nott o f gru- . ral M>snir>n> eonrt exploile.l. The froat nrt o f fhe N .itf reii.lenoo. was blo-»n Hi nnd bounes nrarby on Hast S ix ty m t ntreet. were damnge.l. Judge Nott as away from bonu-. Mrs. N ott, who an as lrrp .m tho srcund fI.>or. wjn slnjuTt-d.W illiam Horhnor. o private wat.-h an. was blown to pieces, pnrfn o f hi*■ ly I.eing found half a blork from le frcne o f the explosinn. He was e n tifird l<y hi* two sons froni par­ries o f his clothing an.l a ring of •ys. For the last ten yean Boehnor id l>een employe.1 aa wotrhman fo r a « imber o f private dwelling* In fhe Jgkhcrbeed o f Jodge N o tf ’s hnme.

“My business is different—I can't advertise, ” . . ;_____

Stop right there, please.The vcTji fact that your busi-

D ness IS different is the reason < you CAN advertise.

I fa l l stores were exactly . alike, advertising tvould bc a 'difficult problem-

I The question ts not, “ ConI use advertising?* - It is,CAN I SURVIVE WITH- '


il'il COMPETITION [is grcm-. ( pt- . ing keener.C. Business men are feeling

" j today morethan'ev^ the ' las trenjendous business build-

ing poiver o f publicity. They ^ in- are talking about their mer- JJJJ chandise and their scrvice to ' il l thousands of people daily ^}; through their netcspaper ad- ma vertisements.,'d According to Bradstreet

and DurC, 84 per c e ^ of ,, business failures are among



RECOGNITION s RHMPLEIII- Two Telegrams Forwarded by

Dorten to the Paris Peace Conference.

WIESBADE^r; (S ’—D'- Dorlon, iiformer state’s attornoy on.l head o f thc. nrovlslonal government o f , tho Rhen*Ish ropublic yesterday forwarded two

, telegrams to tho oliied peace delega* .K tions at Pnris. Iu ouo bo onnouneo.t

that the delognfes o f tho Rhenish rc- " publio had assembled a t Wiesbaden an.l

proclaimed tho Rhenish republic, ud- ! • ding:

•■They do not proiwso to shirk the oldlgntlnus eomiceted.wlth thc woTk « f restoration iu Belgium and Northern Prnnee. They Iniploro tho protoction o f tfie Freneh nutborities ogalnst the ir ,

' opponents an.l beg thc privilege of coming to Paris fo r negotlotiona.*'

' Tho acpomi telegram waa aa fpllowa: - ‘■'Bvorj-thlng Is- quiet in 'Mayonee. ■

: Tho m njority o f the population la w ith

i l i l l ; OPfOiiROER

Under Arrest in Hasting, Neb..! for Killing Her Own

, Little Baby. ■• . HASTINGS, Neb.. 7/P) “ Complaint ’’ charging f ir s t .legreo murdor today wos filed in d is tric t coijrt by tho rounty

'■ atloroey against M innie Owens aald. to - .* bo a fonnor resident o f Douglaa. Wyo.,

who yesterdny killod her two'm onths';'' old baby by slashing Its throat w ith a *■ l.ntcher* kn ife . Tho woman ia bolng

held ponding an investigation aa to her - ' sanity. She camo to ICaatiags la i t April.

Ruaty SteeLTo clean rusty stoel. o il well th» .

■ n if ty porta and n«>t nsldp In tb ls state- . fo r two-or three ilnyw. Theo wipe dry

w ith elenn mgs iin>l polish w ith em­ery nr p iiin ire Mfono. When very n js ty

■ nnd n lilc Ii pollnb Is desired m b ih»' nrtlcle w ltb ti l l t l le nlnck llnie.

Advertiao i t in the Claasified colnmoa.


Th is wotosB h M th« p n d d * t back o f har os l b * tmom th« mtw ooncTMi m akloy d a m a g e io r b « r MX. I t b M n . Mo«d W ood PBrk. ehairmaa o f the O o a o w la n l ComtBJttM e f tbe N oU om l B « f. trace Aaeo«iatSan. Tke ■— etitfcin Js d e a u d lB v

• lh a t the C nl ted M ite a mmr he the. c m > l f a a t tw th * 'wmU t * c r u t e«M ] • • W M K

JUNE 8, 1010.


- POBiyCTi® Babcock Issues Writ oJ Habeu!

Corpus, in Case of Paii Charged with l\/lal<ing Wai with Girl.

• D is tric t J uiIro W. A. Babcock on i w r it o f habcuB corpuB Momlny rclcMO(

' from custody I-Vnnk G iillcn nnd* Lin: v y Martinox, Mexicans, in (’as

nia county w ith - abiluction o f Am; F a irc lillil, agc j 10 yonr«. ilaughtor oi M m . Amy Pondcrprnirs o f Burloy. The g ir l ifl allcgcil to havu Io ft Iioro home in Burloy on tho night o f A p r il 2S nncl her pronent whcroabonti) aro un

^ known.P rio r to tha t tlmo bIio appcar<<<l witl:

Oullon a t the offico o f tho countv clerk os on applicant fo r n marriage licenac, which wna rofuscil bcenuac «t hor youth.

■ tJnc l*, Takea H and.Tortimony at iirc lim innry pjtamlna-

tions in tho caiWB o f tljo Mcxii-nnB wn* to the o ffcc t that Mnrtinoz prcvailod upon Prank ra irch iM . undo o f the girl, to appeal to her mother ami ntopfnthcr fo r consent to her niarriago to Gullcn

■ 'um lor throat o f n iinatio t\ o f the fo m ilj i f i t wore rcfuBPil.

T lio tCBtim ony o f J. B. Torry< nn au to ­m ob ile driver was to tho o f fo c t th n t on th e n ig h t o f April 28, nt th o in-

.■ «tan<‘ o a t F ra n k P a jrc Ii i lJ , h r ha il ra r- ric il c o rU in porBon« n» pnBHcnROrfi fro m Burley to Minidoka. Ono o f Uio paBSflngerS'be id u n tif io d fro m a ph o to ­g raph , as the Fairchild g ir l. Tho othe r, ho snid , wan M artlne s . ITo m id tha t the g i r l hnd pa id tho fa n*. Several witneBDrii tc n tif ie d thnt Q ullnn wan not nw n y fro m Burley on th e occaaion o f th o a ljogcd abduction o r (lubBcqucnr.

' ly.■ A rr«st Ma^le Here.

Oulten and Martinez were arrontod hero reeently by Sheriff Smith o f Caa- flin county. They wore held to answor in tho din trict court undor bondn o f (1000 cacb a fto r examinationn before Probato Judgo T . E. Harper of Cawla rounty. '

Testimony o f the g i r l ’B m otbor Avas tba t Bho had corrcspomlcdvd w ith Gullen fo r a b o u t 'two yoa ra-and th a t aho had

■received prcBcnta from h im im -lud ing a r in g and a lovo lic rc .

Oullou in «viil to lm a part owner of a Mcxican rooming houno in Tw in t'alln, nnd a worker in tho.beot fioldn. Ho claima rcaidonccB a t Burley. Tw in F uDb and PocateUo, i t is «tatcd.

?VETElilyTEm m w u m

H Returned Service Men of World War to Meet with G. A. R.

Members.Returned aoldiera, aailorii and ma-

rinea. o f tho world war hnve 1ie<Mi in­vited by the vctorani* o f the e iv il war to tako an active part in tlic Maho de­p a rtm en t' ottcampmout o f the Orand A rm y o f tho Repnblie to be held hi'ro June 17, 18 and Ifl. Tho iilans, aa kiv- on by Copfain C. U liongley. chairman o f fho committee in charge, iu a le tter lo the ticcrotary o f tho Twin. Fnlls pout, Amerienn Ixsgion, provide fo r Ihc par­tic ipation by M many rotnniod i.erviro men o f-tho present war an enn bo ns- aembled in tbe parado to be atagcd on WeJneadav afternoon, Juno 18, nnd for tnlka bv 'C a p ta in 1*. W. M rltoborts, Captain'C. H. Krcngel and othorn at a

~ jo in t jtcaaion o f tho velernim o f all Am­erican wara in the, hijjh nchtHil audi­torium on the evening o f that dny.


y •______ I/ Democrats and Labor Men Run !

Candidates: Republicans Have ; Contest in Congess. |:

.M TN EAU . A la T u a T w V -A la - ik a ’n vo l- ] , I'ta w ere, choosing today n to r r i to r ia l 1 «le legate tn rongroM lo Riirreed Ihe la ta 1 i lia *. A . 8u lr.c r, <leino<rrnt. 1

Oebrne O rjgaby. fo rm e r a tto rn e y gen­era l o f A la ska , is the do nn .e ra tir ean- .l i i la to fo r Ih c I>o*t. !^ l« > r unions aro r rp o r te d «up]>orting K. (). .Iuni-«. fo rn i ir

■ s iii> e rin ten ilcn t <>f K e te h iknn srhools. Hepublieana hnve no ea nd idn te aa

• Jam es W ickersham . tb o ir candidate , " w ho w as defeated b v H u ltc w las t >o-1

▼ e a b e r, haa f i lo d a content in eongress! fo r the poat.

CMi«y aa • V«nl«f. ; |Comlox up t o ^ r d Saodr Hook n

R Perfectly p ladd • « we were blesMd { ^ w llh J tm tbat amount o f bate which [

tom ed Coney Island Into Venice. Ar- Ib u r EL Shipley wrltea In Serlboer’* i JIncaiJne. Tba aea woa an Adriatic lag iion: w« m isht hate le ft Trlesti OTcmlgbtl Tbe aame merdfuJ mist chnnffed tho clear-cnt outline* o f lhe j ■k.r*crai>en» Jnto T u m rr’a p lc to r t* ond . llll* Boy and lhe Poel l>emnm ew tn th i _ w ltb tbe Kxlasy o f yonth.

JvatOne day Jaoe wn» lo o k lo f at th e j*

dealh n o ilcw and when asked why «he | ‘ rra<llnc them ahe rcp llo fl: " I

------ .n-mnt to ae« If Uncle Blm la dead yet." •______________ ! ]

'v« a r t a«aia m aslaf ttoekfood. Th«; I T«ri« fW la H H k. | <

SUB8DAT, JUNB S, 1919. '

tmv ® ,o f . Tbla g ir l may b« tho a o rt queoo

•PI,, o f 'England I f tbo “ guoaaoa" o f omo Qrltlab roya lty may bo baaed nn tipoQ any rc&i kno«l«dse. Kor “2’ name la .Lady PhyliU King,

daughtor o f tbo E a ri oM^oTalace. Tbo Prince o f Wales baa beon «

peraiatent caller o f late.

ago - = a = s ^ = : ^ = : s<it ■

jo c a ljQ r e - v it ie jwna

' i r f Vacation—Mias Ijaura McIIvaiiu*,her “ county hoaiiitnl, lo ft onI Monday to apcnd hor month's vacation l i ly Portland and Seattle.

Loavo fo r Former Homo—Miss Fran- [tf^ COB Agar and hor mother lo ft Mondny hnt morning fo r Chieago and pointa in In- *u- nianu nnd Michigan, tho lr old homo.ors Fathor’a lU a w Calls—.Mrs. \V. W. Ibo ra rish nnd .Mrs. W. 8. Parish le ft th is to- morning fo r Montieollo, I llino is , whuro or, thoy wero enllcd by word o f tho aorl- la t ous illness o f tho lr father. • rai •

Is Oaert Hero—Miss M attio H a ll, l„n Miles C ity, Montana, ia v is iting nl the

homo o f Q. M. SimpHoii. Mias’ Hnll is a tencher of domestie seleueo in - th o high flchool o f Milns City, nnd is on her way to 'tho Uni'ioraitv o f Washing-

od ton.aa- ' *■ - " ,mr 3alnbrldge Zs Betained—J. T. Bain- o f bridgo was Kappointed aa loader o f tho >ro Tw in FalU band by tho e ity couneil da a t its mooting laat ovoning. M r. Bain-,

bridgo has Borvcd in tb ls capacity fo r as soveral vearB and ia also loader o f tbo en high Bchool band.

n|{ Sanitarinm Movo—8. C. W yatt ami W.' A. Brown, propriolors o f the

o f W hite Croas Chiropractic sanitarium. ,Ih now locatcd on M nin uvoniio oas1, nrc ilo making plann fo r removni nbout Bcp- ]]g tomber 1 in lo tho residence o f Dr. W.

F . Pike at tho cornor o f Th ird nvoiuio and Second atroet north rocently pur-

E chaaod by thom fo r this puq>osc.

F e d ^ Job Open—A flrom an cxaml- nation to f i l l tho position o f fireman-

S laborer in tho cuatodiaa serriee, Fed­eral buUding, Tw in Falls, a t an annual aalary o f $720, ia announcod by tho c iv il aorvico commiaaion to bo beld hero J u ly 2. Tho ozamination consiats o f f i l in g an applieation w ith Ihe distriet

d aeeretary, Bcaltlo, prior to tho hour o f closing buainess on Ju ly 2. •

Tank Maa Betoms—Theodore T. Budrow, Bon o f M r. and Urs. 0 . T. Budrow, former residents o f Tw in Falla and now liv in g noniTpocatcllo, return- od Monday from overseas sorvico w ith the American tank corpa and la spend- fug a fow daya hero. M r. Budrow is a former member o f tho Twin Falla u n it o f the Idaho regiment. I io became separ/iled from this un it through il l- neas when i t sailed and later joined the

7 tank corps, taking part in ,tho figh ting ’ on the Ht. M ih ie i and Argonuo soe.toia.


i [ p o c i a l*1a

Fred B. Itussell. fianc-o J>f Miss Fom Kinrs, orrivc<l in Twin Fnlls todny from Vukon. Oklahnmn. The dnte o f Iho Kmes weddint; hnn been chnn»;eil f*!«»» the fifteen th lo Sundny, the eighth.

Mrs. K. 8. Lamed entiTtninod twon- ty ladies nt brtiiue Monilnv evening in

* honor o f Mrs. K. .M. ywoeley. The l^ r - , nod home tv.ts lie n n llf iilly deeornted in

roHos. A flo r n very pleBH^ul evoninc m Ut (-nnls the gin-sl* won- "erved w itb

delieioua refreshments. The priro fo r fl high score, a ninho;jnny eandlestick,

went t» Mm. Robbins. The tfucsts were I MCndnmoa O. D. Aiken, Tnylor Com-

mills. I* (Tiis, Mnxwell K. A. Walters,I H. A- Rond. T. J . W.Kids, I^-onnrd Smith,

W ilbur I l i l l . llnm ilton , .\slior Wilson, t- M. .1- Sweoley. U w is , W. H. Qroon- il how. K ing, Wnrron, C. H. Burton, <•'.3 K, IJooth. W. II. PrieJ>c. .Mi»<o« Grcen-

how mill .Tnne Mnxwoll.I- •I- Unexpected Information.® A cIcrKymnn Inst bis horae ud a S:it- ^ anlny evonlni;. A fle r bunting w llli n

boy un til n f lc r uildnlKbl ho gnvo up j*l ID dw pn lr. The next tiny, soinowlini I-’ i dejected / it hip loss, bc went Into Ibo is! pu lp it and took fo r hls loxi the follow-

; lng pussne*' from Job: "Oh. tlm t I iine\«’ wlM-r.‘ I m lcht Hnd liln i." T»<e

I hoy, sti|*|»<>«lrn:.tlM- lior-'..- «iiH s till III''I M in io n I ' f t l i o i i j i i . . r t . - . i m il : " I k n o "

, 1 wbiT<‘ ho Ik. U vs hi Smllb-a

| | - ........ ...................................Thr (Ussirird columns aolve a wide '

’ ' mnre of selllnc protxlenia for you.

• j |“ Q 1 < ^ J ' S ± f ± e d ~

(T o o 'la ta fo r elaaamcatloa.)

' WANTET>—.Middle agi-d” woman (im : f { necessarily a nurme) In carc for Invalid . la n d as"ii«t w ith beu»ework. I ’ho-i*- I t U2-VT, or ra il at Sth Ave. H■ ; Battery Ckarglag aad repair work.

. Bzpert worVmanahTp. We lav ita you e ; to call* D. C. Wateon Compaay, de«J- ) | f r r , Tw la Palla, Idaho. . adr. ,


Council Acts on Petltltins of Property Owners Request­

ing Change.Aeting on Uio petitions o f aovora!

property ownora affected tho c ity cou • I c il nt ila mooting lost ovoning, diroctod tho drawing o f an ordinaneo providing fo r cu tting o f f tivo foet o f tho 'curb along eertan ccntral atreots and avcu- non nnd tho widuning o f theao thorough­fares by th is me'ana.

J Tho Btreotfl and avenues affected nro Thind nvonuo north and eaat, ono block each way from Shoahono; Bccond nv- enuo north and oast; ono block cach wny from Shoahono, and Socond alroet north and weat, -one block each wny from U a in . Tho aTonoes aro to bo mado 00 foot wido and the ttrooU 40 feo t wide.

Tho additional cost o f u v in g ^ n d o th^r ln<provementa entailsd by the chaugo is to bo assamed by tbe prop- e rty owneng.

. Tho ordinaileo p rov id ing,-for n a r-’ rower thorouglifarea.was adopted by*tho _ J council aomo ten or twelvo yeara ngo.

Thd council, olao recoivod potitiona filo d by proporty. ownora M k lng fo r

' eztonaioo o f tho paving* d is tr ic t to in- jqq cludo Fourth nvenuo eaat and Third

ftTcnuo west.Tho matter o f creating tho new jmv-.

‘an- ing d ia tr iH together w ith actiou on dny the ordinaneo widening tho strceea ia In - to bo takon up a t the next mooting o f

the .a^oneiLw *■. . ‘ Transportation o f the Future.

'^nnaportatlOD la the (unjlnmcntaJ ori- o f progress In 'clT llltaUon. A ll tb liijrs

m iis l pnsa through It as Utrougb the ncck o f-a bottle. I f wu cnn tn insport on«Tgy w ithout using cum cn rry It. there Is ju s t so much gnJn. K luctric ity

tho ** energy w ithout subHtaucc. Us tm nsiiilsslon cbIIb fo r no vehicle other

n^. tbon n eoppcr wire. Ilcncc la It obvi­ous tbnt we must look lo e lectric ity fo r (llHtrlbutlng lho power on which

*“ • our ec-oiiomic fiiiu iV na a notion d©-

in., - --------- — ■ror epe^ctea .<bo The word ta derived from the La tin

••Hpoctuculuin.*' which menns ahow. n tt « h lb lt lo n . dlaplny fo r the grau ilca- , ;1,P lion o f tho eye. etc. Tb6 word easily im. nccommodntcd ItBclf to describe the u c Klnfl-ses Invented In the th irteenth ccn- op- tury, some pay by n F lorentine monk : 'V . nnmed Alensandro dl Splwi. nnd olh-

era by RoRer Bncon. Tbey surely cre- Ittcd n apeclnclo fo r persons long lu- ' dieted w ith defccUve sight.

nl- -------------------------— 1in- By-Product*. ixl- By-products arc subfitnuces or re*. i ^ suits obtnlnw l colln lerally or Incld^n- .

in lly Id tbe operntion o f a spcclHc ’ process o r mnnufncturo o f somothlnB 1 else. In huntlnR gnme fo r food tbo ‘ bides nnd fonthers nre by-proilucta; In ' m nnufnctoring lumber sawdUHi nnd ■ sbnvlngs nrc by-products; In the mun*

T. ufncture o f pna. coke la n' by-product, , T. though not the only one evolved In tho j Ua •process. in - ___________________ <th < J. Engllah Worda. ,Is I t wonld bc Impoaaible to civo thn , l i t exact number .of wortla In Ihc KnR* j ne llah language, Words arc cons iiiiitly i 11- being coined nnd foreign words nre be* le |q£ added to the lani^Jngc. A rccent 1

edition o f a lending dictionary givea ' •• between 400.000 and' 600.000 worda. I

Uany o f tbem are dcrtratlTea, aa nm .. ‘ rtm slng, ran, mnaer. etc.

Qluten. “ 'G lafen Is the main nu tritive element i

tn a ll floor mnde from grain, though I t <™ esiata In larger proportion In some ra* i(,,, Holies o f wheat than In othera, nnd In *

hnrd wheat more Ihnn In s o ft Gluten Iflour is flour from which Ihc starch ielement bns been wbolly o r pnrtly ro- (

ll- m<ivc<l. tbcn'by belicrlnK It fo r the usa <>>i « f diabetic pntlenls. Ir ___________________ 1I” Makaahlft, aa It Were. | i[l, A strange fam ily Imd roopnlly moved or Into the neighborhood. Hobert had k, mnde tbe acquaintance o f the small rc aon and hnd^ lenmed from him tbnt e n- the mon wna only the iMiy’a stcpfnth- r

er. and. In explnnntion lo me. Robert | “ > nald: " I t nln‘t Jnmes* own daddy. |

mnmmn; bo’s Just n second-haDd^ ] n [*.' one."—Chlcjyfo Tribune. 1 i1- ------------------------------ j I'

Raising Foxes on Ranshe*. IB n l-iliij: ntnrli-hrw l fnxcs un In- I ''

dustry ibnt Is holnc cnrrletl nn e i* *1 I- len«lvely In nil tbeCiinniUnn provlno*a," In nt lenst n dozen o f the norihem- I’ most stntes o f the Unlle<1 Stntes, nnd I* boKlnnlnc in Jnpnn nnd Nonvny, nil .0 ly lnc In mucb lb«» snme rllm n tc t)e1t,• ndiipicd to <lome"tli-ntlng the black. .1 fo t. nnder tbe mott favorable condi* „ - " I- ____________A W r mee mgmia making atoekfood. T ba , a rw iu Kalla Flour UUIa.—Adv.

m il r»lftte iletUrr bHpi to nuikr .1 t iln rrr and finer city. Tho clivsiiiried

1 nds. iherTifore. or* c jt j l>oll<ler*. <■

H o t a n d ColS p e c ia lly f in e Itinches a re s e r f ro m hom e baked goods.


: H O M E B•y T w in FaHi,J-



RESPOillLITy. Head of Delegation Declares

That Nation Should Be Ac- ct„d quitted o f,Things Done by curb Empire.VCU- - ’ ---ugb- ST. G EEM AIX, (iP)— U|«n receiv­

ing lbe tren iy from the nllies horo to- aro day, Dr. K n ri Bcnnor, chnirmnn o f thn

lock Austrian lUffprntion, outlined l>riefly nv- tho hiatory o f tho oatabliahment o f thtf

cach GormDn-Austrlan ropublic and declared roet i t hod no rolatlon w ith the former Hn:>- wny burg empire.I b« “ For a long Umo tho people o f Ger- B 40 man-Austria woro w aiting in distress

fo r th is preaont day to come, whieli j;n d ahall relievo tho tenaion causcd by Ilto the uncertainty as to tho t peooplo fu tu ro ®

irop- atoto,*' ho aaid.‘ T io Danube monarchy against

u a r- which tho allied nnd associnled powers r th o havo wagered war w ith whieh thev '0. havo concluded and annlatiee, has ;iona eons4-d to oxist. The tw e lfth o f Noveni-

£or ber, 1918, ma.v bo considored tho day ,I in- o f ita denth. From this dny ou there h ird was no monarchy any moro, nor a big

power over -which ho could hold his ' pav-. sway. There wns no more the fn tn l

on dunlism, neither nn Auatrinn nor n nnn- a s ia gnrinn govornmont; no nrmy or any ; o f other reeognisod institntion vo.'<lo(l ^

w ith piiblin power.Short Order Porliamenta - «

....“ There remninod only eight naliun- * Jtttl a llies liuprived o f nny publie orgnni/.a-

lion, nnd over night they erented tho ir ff , „ own parlinmenta. the ir own governnicnt

‘ * nnd tlie lr own armies; in short, the ir M own independent states. In thq snmo

■It. tvny ns-thn other nationnr atutoH, our - : ity ,in)w republic too hns sprung into lifo .Us Cousoqwcnl-ly, sli« onu no more than

her *hc former be conaidoreil sui-cessor o f 8 ljv-|. the Into monnrcliy. Fri>jii 'thin vory , j,_ point nrises the fnndamonlnl enntri'- ileb under which wo nre Inbiiring ^, tho most nnd whieh is w aiting to be

elenrod Ivofore this high nssonihly.Never Declored War. w

“ The' Oermnn AiiHtrinn ropnlille, in F ils present shnpe, bns novor ileelnrod

itiB ' ' ‘■'■‘'I' onrriotl on n wnr, in rolu-tion lo tho western powors, nover hu'l .

I ■ fho position o f n wnrrin i; power from nn intornntionnl point o f vieiv.

-W e .woro before you na ono o f llio pnits n f the vnnqui«{ie 1 nnd fnllon eiii-

'cn- |,iro. Wo nssumo our portion of tho in k lin liilit ie s growing onf n f those, our ri5- H >ll>- Intionn' to the allied powers, nnd we tr :re- are woll aware o f tho fact Ihnt our Ir lu- fa te iB reatlng in your hands. ||<

W ant inalienable Bight. m*‘ Wtf hope and boiievo thnt tbe eon- q

si'ieneo o f tho world shnll not deny lo our people nnr cnrtnil 4ho innlionoblo

re*, rigbt o f jo l f d^term innlion, wWoh Ih., “ 1 en* olnlmed lo be the vory nim o f tholr war IHc woKod ntjninst the Hnpsbnrg nnd tho Inc Hoheni'.oUern monnrehios, n right whieh ch Ibo l*C'>ph', confiding in tho principled ^

m recognijied by fbo nllied powors. hnve md -ndopled ns a fnndnnienta) bnsis o f llio ir

hew conatitutioD. nn* jyygj thn t Ihe w orld ’s commonJC'- sense w ill not hnve in view nor w jll tho jie rn iit our oe.onomle ru iii. Tho destni.--

lion o f the eeonomic un it o f tlio nionur- chy, Ibo separation of our mountnin- ous eounlry from nil its nntlonnl rer sourres hns eondomned us, lhes<> last six months, lo privationa whieh are by

IR* fn r osi-eo<liug the suffering* onduro.l tly in wnr time.:>e* It was only due to the Kcnorous ro- mt lie f netion organized by M r. Hoover,■ea ou rosolutlons ]<ias4>tl by the nJUed fta. powers, that wo have Ik-cii «ived from TW, downright s tarvation."

One* Fowerful Empire.NVi country, not even Esypt. made

~ A d(*cpcr ntnt'k In the history o f the •nt n iiden t world than Mea^'^potniiiln. For I t th.nisnnda o f years It was the seat of

ra> lbe Anayrlnn aud Bnbylonlau einplroa.In To the bountifu l reaourccj; o f notnro cn Its peoples addod those n f act .and ch aclfncc, and the country during the ro- ceiilurles wnxotl not f-nly In mnterlal ise we;iltb nnd iD lllln ry power, but also

In cuUurc. T lie anelont glory of Moaopotnmlii haa passed, bot the

I Blamour n-ninlnn.ed ______________________ ,Qd , These Oaya of Kyaterla.>11 I t Is clnlmo<l Uml cbvss plnying la a t dylnB out. In the old dnys, when hy*- h- forin <lid not hnve posRosalon o f the ■rt land nnd Iho Inhnblinnts tlioroof. chess ly> pbiylnc xvna <iulCe p<ipular. Now we ed j lire n stonm-hontod clvlllLntlon. w ith no

! llmo for.study fo r the mere delight o f I li-nrnlni;. ncmenibcr when Pnul U or- j pliy o f Now Orlenns wna lho cheaa

In. 1 w lznnl of U>e w o rld !—Loa Angeles .1. Time*. *ea. ------------------------------'" I Much Sameness In Mankind.

; Con.Molo yoursrif. donr old mnn nnd bro thor; whnlever you mny he suro of.

• bo sure nt lonat o f this, ihn t you nro ,, * drentlfu lly like other peoplo, llumnn

nntnro bns a much jn-onter penlus fo r J t^IneIlo^^ thnn fo r o r ls in iit lly .—1/OwelL

•bai ------------------------------Course N o t

— Suld the fnet-tlous feller. *XJonnH‘ ~ 1 I'ood Is not W\c kind i l ia l Vs aerved In


o ld L u n c h e sse rve d a t a l l tim ea— pre pa re d


B A K E . R YIda h o


F R O M J U V f iN I L E W O R E

Doing Juvenile work in CtttCBgo Ured itio amDiuo&fe or u iaa Mar- caret W Stewart, daughter o t Etholbort Stowart o f tbe Depart­ment o t Labor Study and work In legal a ffa ir* followed and now Miaa StowaH baa Jnat been «d* m itted ■» lo praeUee before ' tha Utalted SUte* Bopwma Coon.

P e x - i O M . a . 1 s

.Ineob Helloseh o f Buhl wnn hero on business Mondny.

Paul Swearingen from Kim borly wna In Tw in Falls Monday.

Mrs. Pottigrovo o f K im berly wns shopping in th is e ity Mondny.

Mr. nnd Mrn. 8. Tijrr>- o f Bnhl wero viMitora in Tw in Falls Monday.

.Mrs. 3f. Kood' of Tiork Crcok npciit Mondny shopping in this city.

Mra. F rnnk.S tone o f Nnmpn is n guest n t the homo o f C. 1-'., Booth.

P. G. Warner o f Cnstloford spent Monday in Tw in Falla un-rbusiness.

M r. nnd Mrs. Robert Kvans o f Caatlo- ford woro visitors in this o ity Mondny.

A. P. Bcnlor from R5phfi^ld spenl Sunday ^vith bis fnm ily in Tw in t'alla.

I^upl. John J. Corcoran o f K im berly wna n husmoss vis ito r in Twin Falla | Mominy. ^

Mrs. 8. A. G illo tt from Castloford wns nn out u f town shop]K'r in Tw in Fulls Mondny.

.Mr. und Mrs. .r. C. Bnll and MVs.’ En thor Uaniolson o f .\shtnn, Mnho, wore visitors in Tw in Fnlls Monday.

Japan's Delightfu l Climate,Jnpnn Is oonsldered. because o f I t*

do llK litfiil cllmnto. tbe plnygt^und o f tho Enst. Uesldentn o f other coun­tries o f the fn r I2nst Indies, tho Phil* Ipplncs. and Uso S iro lls sottlcmcnta. Hock lo Jnpan In tho hot nummer montha to enjoy Ita mounloln rcMrta. Owing to- tho large tourist buslnca* some o f tbcso reaort* prvscnt a ll tb * up-to-date advantages.

The mnn wftA^ta tliinklnK of buyinit It hom>* becomoe n rogulni reader of the clniiBiriod. .


l iI l l x ^

H ik s ii, W icj

T h e re ’s more s to u t m a n ’s th a n m ore clY es, inde ed , th e re ’s a ' ed la b o r in th e c u t t in g

N o w o n d e r, th e n , tha1 w ire S to u ts , c u t a n d £ m en w h o ha ve specii m a k in g ju s t th is one c te r W a n a n yo n e e lse e' in g i t , a re p r o v in g so £

W e ’ l l be m ig h ty g la d a n d s a t is fa c t io n c la : c lo th e s .

T h e H irs h , W ic k w ir d o u b le s o u r g n a ra n te * s is t on h a v in g i t in yo

_ _ T A b G re eTh a h o D e p a r t m ]^ O p to d a t * n ? i i? g 7

R e a l E s t a t e T r a n s l e r s

Furniahed By the' T w in Fan* T l* ' tie and Abstract Oompaay

Beod, C. H. W illiams lo Emma 1?. 1‘orter, lo t 11,'block .'57. Buhl.

Deod, W. a. Hvdc to L. i f , Wells, 4(100, lot n , block 4, Liw. 1st Add., Buhl.

Deed, L . E. H igloy to G. E. Higlov, ♦SCO, lots n and M, bloek 8.1, Buhl.

Deod, U tah Conat, Co. to U. 8., NE N E i;n5-i7 :

Deed, D. Hayes, Jr., to E. 8, Chad­wick. « ], lo t 10, block- 2, Idn. OrCh. Land.

Deed, M ary C. Ballenger to C. H. Homploman, «4,000, lo t Id, block 112,

- T. F.Dood. J. a 0 “ Brion lo .r. Orocndyk.i,

*1, lota : i l and 32, bloek 117, T. P.l>eod,-0. 8. Oilbam to B. C. McCoit-

uol, 91, Und. 1-2 lo t.2 , block 107, T. F.Dood, B, W ilborg to K. 0 . Sheets, lot

.1, b lock-114. T. F.Deed, L . Jenaen ot al to 1. W’. Stork,

»2S0, lo t 14, block IS, McColltim Add,, Bnhl.

= * • Doed, Bortlia Neodhnni to F. W. Brown, *14.000, lo t 18, bloek 8S, T. i \

Dood, J. M. M axwoll to J. 8. Kiiiivs,, MOO, lo t JS, block 21, T . !■:. ' ,—' Doed. Mary E. Ixignn lo 15. D. Da-

vies, »tl00, lo l .12, block :i, Enatlawii- 8nb. T. P.

Deod, J. T. Evans to .Mrs, A. U An­derson, <1, lo t 2, block i n , T. F.


Tw in FaUa Bcbool Boaitl WlU Be-Ad-▼ertlse fo r Proposala on E icara-

tlo a fo r New H igh Scbool

n Trustees o f the Twin Fnlls sch-.d i l is t r ie t , nt a special mooting lost evoii- ing, rejected thn only b iil submitted on oxcnvalion fo r tho jun io r high school nddition to thn present high achool

In- huihling nnd decideil lo re-advortlBO y. fo r bids to bo oponed nt tbo regular

meeting on Monday evening next. W il- Ig liam Harkins wan tho only biilder aub-

m itUng a propoaal a t th« meeting Inal ly evening.I>" I Architect Bnrton E. J[orso ndvlsol

tho tmstees that thn genoral eontrnet r j fo r oonatmclion o f tho building would In be rondy fo r submisaion to bids w ith ­

in tho noxt IQ daya-

H elpful Chariie.L lt t lo 4-yenr-#ld Chnrlli* wns miss­

ing ono day. n in mother going In search o f him llna lly found blm In

J, Ibo lib ra ry sprinkling a vnlunble book thM waa on the table. "W hy, roy boy.

J. whnt are you doing spollInK that nice book o f ‘dnd'n?” " I wn* Jiisl wetting It fo r 'him bocnuse bp w ild ' i t waa too aw fu lly dry,” hc .rop lkd .

B atte ry Charging and ropair work. Expert workmanabip. We Invite you to eall. D . a Watson Compaay, deal­ers, T w in Fa ll*, Idaho. . adv. ^

It «aervlns youT

f W \ \

l 'C X -

^ICJlWUUt C o,

*e to a > s u it : lo tha w o r ld o f e x tra , a d d - i g a n d s t i tc h in g .

a t th e se H ir s h , W ic k -1 s t i tc h e d b y h a n d b y ____c ia liz e d f o r y e a rs in J c la ss o f c lo th in g b e t- e v e r th o u g h t o f m a k -

5 s a t is fa c to ry .

d to p ro v e o u r se rv ice la im s to yo u in the se

'i r e la b e l in a s u it « e o f s a t is fa c t io n . In - ro u r c lo th in g . . . “

s e t t e r ^

Store Ltd.i i i i ' M i l : ! Prcgrasm ivt

. ■ rAomrrn i."

. . r - -


Supt. John J. Pilgerrim Says Filtration Plant Is Being Tested Out and-Pure Water for Twin Falls at Hand.

On Momlay o f next wock, undor tho VroBonl plnii.H. filto re tl wntor w ill bo ih-IlviToii to T w in I-'nIls conuuninra through nit o f tho nminB nnd plpos o f lh(< muntcipnl watornrorkii HyHtum.

Tian Jb tho Htntcmont mndo today Ly .I.ihn J. P ilgerrim . iiupprintL’«<lont r i ' 'iHlerworkH.

TJic nnnoiincomcnt hns boon dofor* rf<t from timo to timo fo r novernl laya

l.rrnufic o f leaks dovclopiof' in •lit* i.i 't ilin j; bnHtn from whirh wator is tiko n into tho f i lte r bcdn, nlthough t lu filtra tio n plant proper has boon c and rondy fo t oporation fo rn t'M jy .tb 'o wook«.

L im it to Oome O ff O ) tho dny tha t filtered water is

turned into tho'-mnins, Suporintondent J'ifR iirrim statod, tho ralo p rov iiliog -fo r Iftwn Bprinklinp only on altom ato days

' w il l bo- suspended.Tho now filtra tio n plant has a capac­

ity o f C.000,000 gallons every 24 hoort. Superintondont Pilf^orrim estlmatet tha t bno-th!rd o f tho capacity w ii l b« nnipio fo r tho jaaximnm prMont n«otU o f Tw in Falls. This gives SOO gallo iu da ily tjie a c h consomor.'

O n J y ^ te ro d wator w il l bo dolirorod through tho mains onco tbo fU tra tloo p lan t is sot in oporation, and i t w i l l bo delivered through tho-mains ones the

■ f lU m tio n plant is sot la operation, aad i t w ill bo furnished both fo r domoftie uso an<l fo r lawn sprinkliag.

anard Against Tronble Tho filtra t io n plant is beinR testnd

out a t . tho prosont timo undor tho su­pervision o f roproscntativcs o f • tho I ’ lttsb u rc F ilte r company, wbich in- fltnllod i t ; 8upor%-ising Ifngincor. Carl

' E. Pointer, Suporintondent P ilgorrim nnd Julius Gagnon, wbo^is to bo in ehorgo o f tho plant.

Further troublo tha t mny bo oxpcri- cnrcd w ith tho settling beds Is not to 1)0 permitted to in terrupt tho <lclivory o f filte red water onco tho plnnt is sot in operation. Tho bods nro two in num­ber nnd in tho event o f a lenit or other < llfficu lty dovoloping in ono. i t w il l bc • Irnincd nnd tho supply tnkon from tho other bed.


and Fiiaeds A tte o d Oommwiao- B tea t-B ze fc fM .,

(Special to The N on io . K IM B B K L 7 — Mombors o f the grad­

uating class o t tho Klmborly^ biffh nrhool w ith the ir relatives nnd fr ie n u , Sundny ovening-’ in tbo high school an* d ito rium auomblod fo r the baccolau- roato program. .T ho sormon on “ Tho P n w rr^ il U fo ,” was dolivorcd by^ R«r/. O. E. Mnngun. Follow ing tho proces- Hlonnl. Miss Marguorit« K errigan play* cd the voluntoor and Mlsg A lm a 8t«el- vm ith gave a v io lin solo. A t the oloM o f thc sermon Miss A lta K in g and Miss Luc illo Wood gavo a duot.. Tho foUowing^ arc tbo mombors o f the

grndunting clasa: N e llie P. Campbell, N e ttie .E d ith Montooth, Opal O. A tk in -

• son. M e ila Farnsworth, Bosaie M . Hal- fe r ty , Marcus A . Pomoroy, Tbreaa M. Strong, Margaret McVey, Jean Hyde, JlnchcJ McKwen, 'Erachcl A . Prabm, . M nrgucrito I ’omcToy, Cephus N . Jo&es, Bunn Bollo McGrow, Mildred OUI, E lis- nbeth Roberts, Mae E. Voss, F a j J . ' Frnhni. Balph J . Baisch.

The class colorsVro v io le t and croam; i its flow er tho li lo r , and its motto, “ Be Square.’ ' i

FILE AMENDED COMPLAINT iOattlemott S a lt Against Local i

Sheeymen fo r $26,000 Damagea.

An ^mended complaint was filed M o nday \in d ls tr ir t eourt hcro In tho j case o f Bobort Bogcrsnn nnd Munlo McLeod, partners, from whom dnaiagos j in . tho sum o f •25,000 is sought t>y God. Schodde and othora on the grounds thn t | tb e ir sheep in tho number o f 7000 last <] M arch tnspassed on leasrd In n l nnd damages the grazing grounds lo th a t extent. Tho p la in t if fs arc Goorge Schodde, Schodde Livestock companv; Low is Nelson, Cliarles Matson. %V. W.. Custer, Oeorge W. Brown, C. E. Mvcr«, [] y. C. Webb, J . P. K e lly and Ohirch v Sm ith doing bnsiness as lhe I.in.-oln and M inidoka Counties Cattle <>nd Horse association. J . R. Both.vi<ll nnd W . O rr Chapman represont tho p la in ­t i f fs , and Walters & Hodgin nnd James >' H . Wise, the defendants. y

RELIEVE NOTE SURETIESJnx7 In D li t i le t Oonrt Says Maker

A lone B e ^ n a lb ld fo r Paynent. ”

The ju ry in d is tr ic t court Monday in ^ tho case o f J. J . Jacobs against J. B. K in g and others, found in its v r rd ir t J. H . Pierson, signora aa security on a fo r the defendants, J. W.- Irons mid note given by K in g and Jacobs In Uio amonnt o f |3(K> which suit fo r collec' tion was brought. Tbe court ordur-'d judgm ent entered against K ing fo r the amount o f the noto w ith 12 por ren t in terest fo r three y rn ra and a t to rn e y 's

.leea. Tbe ju ry accepted tbe statemrnrs o f the de fe n d u ts Iron and Pierson, tb a t tbey had signed a blaak hole w ith the idea t ^ t i t was to be given to aaotbar

.person aad ia the enm o f gSOO.C ot Xhls Oot asd Tak» I t W ith TmL

A maa often forgeU the exaet same o f the artic le he wlahea to pttrehaaa, aad aa. • laat reaort takea something elae Instead. T bat ia always dlaarpolst- iag- and onaatiafaetorj. The aafe way ia te cs t th ia oot and take i t w ith yon • • M te aaka aare o f ge tting Chamher-

Tkbteta. . Ton w iU f in d .nothLag aa aBtiafaeteiy (o r eonstipatloa j

. . i d tm d lp t to i. adv.


ys Conflicting Reports on Fish tc ig Be Found in Various Streams er Are Brought Back by Firsi

Day Excursionists.■ho E xro jit whore high or minldy wato; bo wuiild linve put to unnght th r e ffn rti nrs o f the mont n k il lf i i l nnglor. the remilti o f o f finhing cxcurnionn in th is region «>i

tho iiponlng dny o f the winHon Stmdn,’ ay so fn r ns Tw in Fnlls fishermen nre ro ll m t eernod, ncrm to hnve been in propor

tion to tho Hkill or luek o f the indivi>l or- im l fishermon engaged. Out o f fiiu) O'a pnrtien fo r in/ttanro, ^retuming fron in the dny’n fixh ing on S ilvor creok, tw< is roportod splendid rutchoH nn<l two ro

gh ported DO Itirk n t n il. Tholiamo is tru( on w ith respi'i-t to fiHherinen whtkJupnir 'o r od to tho Malad rivor. Rork creek

Sninion r ive r nnd-Sanil-springs, nccord iug to tho reports brought back b j

is the fishermen, were w ithout »linfti> n t pointments fo r tho anglers, whllo no- 'or W d y ; seems to hnvu had nny lu rk oi: ,ys Ballinger creok, Wood rive r nr Flat

Creek.ic- Stories They Tellr t . Out o f tho reports 'brought back l i j ;et T w in Falls fishcnnon oa Sunday— an ; be nearly ovcry town mnn wnnring an un rla usual touch o f sunburn js io be suspe.;t ua ed o f having spent the day at tho w.i-

tersido w ith his fiah ing o u tf it— tho fo l ed low ing hnve been most diHcussed;90 D. R. Johnson and p a rty on tho M 0 ‘ be nd rivor, cjiught tho lim it, using fios. be O. W. Shrout, A. O. ISshcr, Frank id McAuloy, Edw in A . W ilson on Silvor :1a creok, report groat luck w ith the uso

o i f lic s and spinnora.W. n . Wngner, Paul R. Tabor, Davo

id O irdner and Aubroy Oox found tho u- fish ing good on Salmon rive r, among tie tho flies used, queou o f tho ^mters and n- g ray hacklo seeming to be tho most j 1 productivo o f rosnlts. m L. F . Morso and- iia rty on McMullen in creek, cuught n uicn niesit <if sniitll

frys .rl- G eo^^ W. W ilcox. C. K. M cM illc ji, to .M. W. Denoyer and the ir fnm ilics, fisli- ry ing botwoen thc hours o f 10 ii. ni. and ot 4 p. Ul. on upper Rock i-ruek, < nuglit n- 14.'l trout using spinner and hnil. er Dr. O liver Iln rs tad and John Smith. )C w ith . t l io ir fam ilies fonnd fa ir finhi'iK 10 ou tho Maind river.

R. B. K in g Olid fnm ily nt Snn<! Springs, hfld grent luek.

l-'rank Robs nml I ’ rlinn T rnrcy hnd _ no luck nt .F ln t vreek becnnne o f higii S wnter.

. W. O. Thompson and fam ily Hpent M tbo day on Ballinger creok on the Iln-

gtirman road, w ith no luck.W vS; H ill. W. R. I ’riobe, W. K. N l* .

r ive r 'a n d S ilvo r creek, w ith 'n o roitulln. W alter Dufresne, Hugh Unvin au.l

3- famlHcs, w ith Frnnk Ju. Ptilnnm pur th fluod the same course w ith sim ilarly uu- S, satisfactory rosuUs. n* Ud. O uttcry nncl Charles Darrow npent u* tho day on thu MaInd river, liut got 10 no fish.V. ................ f■»-

S' R e a l E s l a l e T r a n s f e r s»e .sa ---------- ------ ---------- ■'

runU shed B y the T w in FaUs T t­io • t ie and A b t tn e t Compaay - ft. » ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ■ ■d- ----------£. Satorday, M ay 31.

Deed, J . C. Goodman to W . W. Bolton, “ • ♦475, Jots 17 and 18, block 08, BjihL ^ Dood, J . M . Durfeo to B. F . Duncan,

ICSOO SWSW 13 and N E N E 23-9-15.Dood, E. D. H un t to J . F. Honry,

$COOO, ].t. BW 8K 36-10-19. to Deed, J. Weber, Jr., io A . -M uollor

«13(ro00 W-1-2 NE "9-9-ie._ Deed, J . MacCalman. to W. A. .\^m- I Iirose, samo land.

Deed, J. G. J iniopolls c t al to M. P ink 1 »2.'>00 lot 9, block 14(1, T w in Falls.

Deed, P. M. F ritrc n to L I I . Taylor *3250, lo t 0, b lock C2, T w in Falls.

i Deed C. J. Hahn lo Mrs. Yctto Leo-0 poid 1700 lo t 10, bloek 8, T w in Falls.“ W. H. Schuirt to C. I I . Quinn <2000,* K 1-2 NW N E N W , 1310-17.

L . B. Whipple to C. P. Wertrbaughor1 11, E 1-2, lo t 12, block 4, M urlaugh Add.\ Tw in Falls.* Deed, F rank I . Davies lo D. D. D.i- vies 11, lots S nnd (i, Mock DO and l i t

’ It, block 24, Tw in FalU.. A w indow plncnrd. "P 'o r K e n l." «Io»*s

iio l coat m uch—uii a cnrd. f iu l to r<-)]r ' upon It to fin d you a le n n n i in.-xy lx> a I Very c««tly po licy. ' __________

I Booze la K o t a Oood Onre.1 From tho Amea Iowa Intclligencer.

When a roan comes to you a ll doubled I UJI w ith pain and declares ho w ill die in

your pri-M’nre unless you procure him a d rink o f whiskey, send bim to n doc-

; to r or else give him a dtise o f Cliombcf- la ln ’s Colic nnd Diarrhoea Remedy.

* There is a mistaken notion among a whole lo t o f people tha t booie is the hest rem rily fo r eolic and stomach, adv.



T W I N F A L L S :

j B re a th o f Scho(5 ftn 1 '' \Gto

ms rst ;

a te r J M M P i Y n & H K j H H Hortnu lts


romtw o .

truo .


nn,'!-QO*0.1 J»i.aPr ^ T T

? la t - / t A

^ » \ i nan 1 ____________________ / 1un- W

e.rt* Vw.^- O rg a o d te * . w b i te And f lg n rfo l. ' “• c h o o l d a y " f ih i r lc s w h ic h ih e m l

lacenee o f a tu d y 'h o n ra w h ic h hsM a. ta c k e d u n t i l d la tlncC c h a ra c te r o t 1os. M ie c t lo n s . H e m a tlte h e d n e t ( r l l lam k • ! « . cQ m blaod- l n som e on o o f tb iv e r V U h lo o A r t d o llo e a to ra .

ieOARO REFERS : TSACTIONON I NURSES’ HOMEi ih . Opens and Considers Bids on

General Contract and Plumb- ing Heating; Early Award Is Indicated in Statements.

I l j i i ____ -T he c o u n ty ccjnm lsaionera M on da y

.. opened th re e b id s on th o go ncra l con- t r u r t fo r constnnstion o f a nu rses ' bome

' to bo b u i l t on th o counU ' genera l bo»- p i ln l g rounds nnd eonsidered ns m any

J proposals fo r the in s ta lla tio n o f plum b- and h e n t ii ig f ix tu re s o f the bu ih l-

in g , b u t lo o k no ne tio n e ith e r to ncc‘'j i t o r ro jo c t au y o r a l l bids,

c u t N ecesa ity la p e ra t lv e .g u t Tho p ro b a b il ity o f e n r ly acceptflnce

o f th e low e s t b ids, how over, is ind ica te d i l l s tn tem ents o f th c con im lssioncrs to

" * ' the e f fe c t th n t n lth ou gh b u ild in g costs hnve n d vnn rcd m a to r in lly s ince the b i l i td in g o f tho s tru e tu ro was f i r s t p ro ­posed, thu necessity fo r th e b u ild in g li&s in rrensed ra th e r th nn d im ln isho d nnd the m n tte r is one w h ich dem nnds Jm ^e- i l i i i te d tle n tic in .

T he pn>j)osed b u i ld in g ,-b y t.Tking fro m th e ho np itn l b u ild in g pro pu r bo tb the em ployes o f tho in s t i tu t io n nn d tho p a tie n ts re g u la r ly cnrcd fo r as >:ounty

on, chnrt'es w i l l double the cap a c ity o f tho lio H iiitn l i t in n la tcd .

■n, B id s B n bm ltte d .B id s on Ih o general co n tra c t wore

r y , s u b m ilte d ns fo llo w s : K n rl F e lt, T w in F n lls , 132,400; W ill ia m O. Reed, <>28,-

lo r 24.’>: E rne s t W h ite <25,540.T h o fo llo w in g b id s fo r h e .itln g and

g j. p lu m b in g f ix tu re s n is tn llc d we.-c cc.n- s ide re d: Hom o P lu m b in g Sc H e a tin g

u j j com pany, h e a lin g $3220. jilu m b in g $3,- 000; O ^ ra r Johnson, bo th ]d u ii ib in ; ; and

l-_ he n tin g , #.S07G; K. i*. K«vnnk, h e a tin g , ?.TJ2.*: p lu m b in g #4093.

T h o cost o f th e b u ild in g Inst y i i i r Avhcn p la ns fo r its ro n s lru e tli» i \vere nbnndaned- becniise o f w a r eou UHonrt

' nnd b u ild in g rrx t r ic t lo n s , w o rild l::lv c been nh ou t 921,000, i t is sta ted .

The <o«t o f th e ho sp ita l b tiib D n g p n ip e r, b i i i l i in I f l " , was np p rii.x in in le lv

'•V ,.w o lt l tti<- Ions w a it fo r a h u y fr—ortver-

tls i- l l ia t ronl rn tn tr In Ilie cbinsirled.

r . F o r th e B e lie f o f*K henm aU c P a isa .ly W hen ynu have s tiffn e s s aad soreness “ o f th e muscles, ach ing jo in ts a jld f in d

i t d i f f ic u l t to m ove w ith o u t p a in t r y m asnaging Ihe n f fe c tc il p a rta w ith C h n m lu T ln in ’s L in im e n t. I t w i l l relle%'e

?d 111'' p a in nn .l make rest and sleep possl- in Ide. ' adv.



Bargain Prices ;O ne Five-Passenger |

C ole in G ood con­d ition .

MAGEL BROS.Phone 96 T w ia Fftlls

i . ■ , ■ , . f'-

. 1

[ . S D A I L Y N E W S

lOol Days in These

'. *7 J ■ ■'- ( J / i ■!

flgn red ! .Oeorgeues u td n ^ ara U ie .^ le tnlas is to wear th la n u n iM r to rem ln* i l h a re retreated. A l i are f r i l le d and r o t (he indlTidQal-ia b roagh t o a t u t&e (r l l la , pafflnga o t lae«: H ifllt» afad pottea •r.tb e fo o r Q0W -iB (^e la ahowa here by


IS ORDEIIEO nP r e s i d e n t ’ s S p e c i a l S h i p P r e > p a r e s t o S a i l a t T w e l v e H o n r s

L N o t i c o A f t e r J n n e B .

r BREST, w v -T h o lin e r Oeorgo Wash­ington, in which Presidont Wilson has three, times crossod thc A tla n tic , Ims

o n been ordered to be ready to sail on 12 .h'ours’ notice nt anv tim e, a fte r miil-

n iD - nlirht June 5.d Is V ernon 'w ith 15,000 reg-j-

lars from tho sixth division under com- mand o f M ajor General W alfer I I . Gor- don, willed this morning fo r New YorK.

, The Sibony and tho Oriraba. c.nch rnr-* ry iiig 4,000 men o f the e igh ty-firs t di-

iomc night fo r Newport


Tired o f Those to' Whom Tbey Were A ss l^e d B ritons Patronize

New Store.;atcd ______'» LONDON, {Corncspondehco o f Thoposts Associated Press).— Nearly everyone in-

Eugland has changed butchers in tho JJf®' past few weeks.or ia doing bo now.

: has Whon' s tric t ra tion ing was in forcc w id each householder was compelled to reg-

ister w ith one butcher and buy a ll mcut from him. Peoplo woro standing ,1a

king ii„e fo r tho butcher’s supplies, h is hop. “ Otb j „ . „ ,vrre cleaned e ve r/ day before hisI customers could get whnt they wanted,

nnd he was irrita ted at prlc.e nnd alli>t- ment. A few shar]> words and soon the butcher and the consumer were hnrdl.v on speaking terms. This went

kvcrc on during tho war bccause tho butcher i f 'w in he had meat was forced to supply tho P28,- rrg is tran t, he rou ld not ovort^chargo

him and tSb registrant was forced to and purchaso from tho t butcher. cc.n- 17,0 result wna thn t when thc gov-

ernment decided housoholdcrs could * register w ith another firm nearly every-

body dlrb They a ll calculated thoy could not in jure th e ir position,

v in r ®l” ce yesterday the consumer is no vere rc<piired to give coupons fo r

. moat, bu tle r and sugar. Tho groccr and ■ tve butcher s t i l l is rationed, however,

and they deal out to tb e ir customoreII obout tho some amount delivered to le lv when rou|>ons wpro required. Tho

' supplies to tho retailers oro rap id ly be­ing increased. Tlie food m in is try prom-

vrr- isi's Ihnt i l w ill not bo long u n til one of the most necessary but moat irksome systems o f the war w il l havo ended and

sess coupon l>ook be' discarded.

E\cenciit hog fre .l fo r sale. Th.' r ith (Adv.) ieve ------ ■- 'issi- , Iid v . I

T REAL BARGAINS!50x05 concrete garage. F o lly I

equipped, 2 lo ts 50x125 eacti. |Price fo r a il >5500.00. *3000 eash. {

I I balance 3 yearly payments. IFor rent, 3 acres and 3-room

house, a ll plowed and ready fo r > sugar beeta.i Absolutely modem new 5-room

house^^^ood location a t 13050. f2 1 5 tf^s h , balance 2 1-2 years.

I have several bosiness build- I ings fo r sale.I 3 bosiness lots on Snd Ave. j North . Prico #500 per tot.[ 30-room rooming house, a ll fnr- I nbhed, priee fo r bargain. 112 -• 000—»fl,eoo do w n .

100 acree w ell improved farm , good aoU, p lenty o f wsate water,1-S mile from Holliater, «122 per aere. 1-2 o f the erop goes w ith Jt.

Have a buyer fo r three or foor room bonse.

GASPER NYGORDom aa u« shd a tb . so.

. TalephOBa. naldanee 642; o ffiee X7B


First of Series of Gathering a Which Many Organization Will Mal<e Effort to Combini to Push Common Interests.

SALT L A K K C IT y , (i'p)—Tlic fir< o f a series o f mootings o f farm era’ oi

^ ganizatlons fo bo hold in western state fo r tho purpose o f nccomplisbing a f t ■lion o f flll cconoiiiie. ngricultunU, hoi ticu ltu m l nnd dairy ing orgnnizntion in the United States, oponed here toda undor thc nuspires of- fho In term oiif tn in I'lin n rrs ' aa.ioelatinn, fonnorl kno^m as tho Interm ountaln Associi tion o f SugAr Boot Growers.

Among tbo apoakors scheduled to nc dress today'a gathering aro Unite Stnten Senator 'Thomas P. Oore, G iffo r Pinchot, Dr. W. J. Bpillman, od itor «i tho Farm Journal o f Pennsylvania; 11 •A. McSparrun, master o f tho Pcnnsy vania stoto grnngo; Charles fi. Barrett national prosi<lciit o f thc formers’ ui: ion; M ilo D. Campbell, president o f t li Nationol Fedcrotlou e f M ilk Produ( crs, and M orris M cA u llff, presidont o tho formers^ union o f Kansoa.

O thw Meetings Seheduled According .to A'. A. Elmoro c t 6p(

kano. prcflldcn.t o f tho Washingto State farm ora ’ nnion, who ia chairma o f tbe orgoiii» ttion committco o f th

* National Board o f Farm Orgnnizationi i t is hopod throngh tho serioa o f moot ings to bo Leld in western states th i month, to federate the fa rm ing orrani zutlons o f tho sections represented. .

In o roecnt intor\'iow ou tlin ing th , purpose o f tho meeting, M r.' Elmor

said tho t besides tho purpose o f forn: ing a national organization o f farmon n second purposo is to secure sujipot o f tho farmors fo r tho proposod pla^ t

f orcct a national temple o f agricu ltur in Washington, D. C., in which woul bo housed tbe various national fa n r ers' organiuitions, nnd a th ird purpos«

‘ to .b ind togctKer a ll fnrmora orgnnlrji tious o f tho nation Into ono body, whic ran make its influence fe lt in tho ni fa irs o f tbo country.

Excellent hog feed fo r sale. Th J T w in m i l * P lonr M U lt (A d r.

OFFICE.S te e l a n d W o o c

■ o f a l

M ateria ls fo r A rc h




IR R IG A T E D L yP ir a t -N & tlo n & l fifcnH

^ A. & F. ELEC

i ; ■

I !•f/ i ■3 ^ ll'iI i''

f fI _____________________________

irTA ciu TO a m m t r tari

A M E .R IC A N EOS. L . D lN K E l

205 M ilii Sfreet U$t

P a r is H a s I ta O w n L i t t le M o n te C a rlo

PABIS, (J?)—I t may not bo generally known th a t Paris haa ita own UtUe. Monte-Carlo o fow mileb from iU gate# w ith ,a boautlfu l Casino whare roulette

■ I and othor gambling games may be play* H I cd, and con ta in ingn e lnb*(w ithon t any [ I I intricacies o f eloetion). where baccarat f l l and ita Hke may. bo indulged In , Ita

name is Enghlen-lca-Bains, the b a th i . and mineral waters o f tho lit t le town

> d t boiug o f modical value su ffic ien t to o n s ^ noeoaaity fo r ita

l in s The dangora o f a gambling center a t , tho vory gates o f Paria lod tho oham- >• bor o f deputiea to voto in 1013 tha t no

caalnQ nhould be nllowed w ith in a ix ^ t i r s t miles o f tho copltal. The b i l l was s t i l l ’ Of* beforo tho Mnato when the war b e « n

and Eogheln’s Casino beoame a hospital >■ and la to bo brought up 7or dlseoasion hor- again aoon.

:ions * _________;_________ •aday ■



o u ll

i idalio Vulc. WorksPHONE. 802

Th- .Twin Falls, : : : Idahodv.. _____________________________________ k

— ,---- ,1— ,--------------------------------I- ------------

, SUPPLIES3 d F il in g C a b in e tsa l l K in d *

chitects and D raftsm en

> O K S T O R B L j' A L L S , Z D A H O I



:>AN D S C O M P A N Y.n K B u l ld lD C . T w i n F > I I a


Costa Less

M ore E f f ic ie n t

M ore D u ra b le

R equ ires N o P lu m b in g

A n y W ire m a n Can In s ta l l

In su re s A m p le iH o t W a te r A t A l l T im es .

{P ra c t ic a l Econom y


iu » u t ia m

E L E C T R IC CO..ELA C K C .R . Mar.



If You've Decided to Sell- - - -• ---------------- T i m » ‘


' b U S IO T S S O A B D B A I T S

Coe ln««rtion, per C. On« weok, per _____»26c 0m Oae montb, per Hnw------- ’ inm 0W P nO N E 82

■> O:W IN D O W G L A S S _ “

WTWjpOW OTiAflfl " A3ao eabinot,work, ' Moon's S&op, phono 'S.

K A N O T D N S a

h PIANO TDOTNQ— PUone 108. Logsn W Moeio Co.


~ a t t o S b S ' ~

B. W lliS O If—Lawyer.

NOBTH * 8TE F H & K , B . & T. Bldg. P]

B. V . 'Z J lB SO K— General praotieo. CotiUlon H a ll Bldg. In

T A Y LO B C D M a n m Babcock i31dg , Probate and c iv il praetiee.

e W £ E L E 7 & 8W I2ELEY—Attornoys ' a t Law . Practice In a ll Coorta, Twia Palla, Idaho. •

B. a . W O&TB—Lawyer, 'Booma 0 and 6. over Idaho Department Store, Tw in i FaUa, Idaho.

Collection Department. Offices, pin Booma 6 aad 7, over T w in PaUa Eaak ■— & T m at Co., Tw in Palla, Idaho. 1

gttIA O O O U N T A N T S

3. W O LFEN D EK— 113 Main Ave. £ . Phono 201. i ~ j

E N Q IN E E B ! l ! !

J. O. PO BTSBFIBLD —O ir ^ Hydrau- sal* Uo aad M in ing Engineer. iS r in PaUa, — Idaho. Phone 164-J.-------------------------------1

--------— — ------------------ -------------------------- plaO H IB O P B A O T O B S . ~

DB. W T IiY 'S om aO P B A iJT IO SANI- - lA B IU M —AU forma o f E lectric ity , ^ M inera l Vapor and Eloetrie U g h t j, Batha. 804 P ifth Avo. E. TeL 200. j

planta a t the OroonhouH, South Main ^ ' avenno Biggest stock in tbe country, nioi

Here aro pfieoa a t the groenhooao: or Planta fo r gonoral uao, tomato, pep- — per and eggpUiata, 22c per dozen, $1.76 f hundred. Cauliflower, 20e dozon, eab- bago, early and lato, ISo dozon, $1 por ^ hundred. Colery 75« por hundred. Aster ^ planta 80e dozon. Panaioa in bud,. 6Qe ti^c dozen. I f by m ail, 10c extra, dozen; 26c »44 hundred fo r packing aad postage. —


. i i F B E D a U O T E. S N O ok — desirea to announce tha t he resumed £ tbe practice o f dentistry nnd ia now located in hia now offices in the Snook « P Dldjr.. 323 Shoahone Ot. N., T w in Falla. r~= Idaho.

Honra: 0 a. u . to 4 p. m.Tolephone 700. adv. ___ ;

ARE INVADING P O U l i j---------- Seo

S m u g g le i n M o n e y to S t a r t ^ B e v o ln t lo n ; U a n y P la c e d p

U n d o r A r r e s t :______ tra tLONDON, ifP) ~ A Ru^lnn Bobl.o-

v ik p lo t on a wirlo nonlo hft" been ilin- jCj rovoroil in Finlantl, n ffon ltnR to an Kzchanjrp Ti’ leRraplt .liujwitrh from Co- penhnRcn. ^iany nrro>itH l i jw f 1m>'‘»i nm.lo. ' '

RpvpfaI Cnillion iimrkn hml boeu ___nmiiRRlrd Into Finlnm l propHmtorj- to n ron tcm r|fttc il rrvo 'i^ 'io ii. Hit' tclp- owd (jram ntatcn, nml n lio ln liovik rrpr<<iion- to f tativo at Uclninjtforn hml <Hntrilnitc<l Jaml more than !l,000,000 initrkn o f th!». Ida tQuantiticn o f wcaponn hn<l l>o<-n given ------«iut nmonc llio uncmiiloycil. but t!ic P< roU[> il'c tJ it that was pmn«o<l was ponnl "ow iny to ilevclopitii'nfs in K im - inun • in .” W ri

• .------------ taugT f l l the n jtu m o d aoMler w hnt .k ind o f ____

u Jol> yon havo fo r l i ltn —through lho I u r (.laasirioO. i » n h

■ ■■ • I lnnc<Jf you wero lo o k tn r fo r i i p'.aeo tn ju u y c

board you w ou ld f lra t r«i<J th<« rla»fiiri«*<l •d>. I f you are looktna fo r n iM n le r . | I f UM tbem.

- , .1 m iloo k l■Thft w an t ad w ay” l« erow.l«sl w l lh ' , ,

trave ler* w ho ore on ih r ronJMfi marlset. | AUv

P O m G S O F T H E V A N

A M R .J 0 N £ 5 h a d aA P R O lN T fv lS M T WITkVa t « ) . 3 o - h e r e .’

>T ts NOVI 1 0 .1 5 ' A N D K e »3N*T H S R E

' --------- CEIO e*ZV T H A Tl o p c ;cx3o

l l


I _____ ^

ji that Property, do it in a

[c l a s s i f i e d ^ADVERTISEMENTS ^

OLASSIFIED B A T E fliJ Ono insertion, per word_________ ____ 2c t

Ono weok (D a lly and W eekly)_____lOoOno montb (D aily and W ookly)____25o ~

Minimum cbargo fo r each insertion v o f nny classified nd, 15 cents. Ads r must run. fo r a stated porlod o f timo. _


W hat Is a good positlOQ m r tb to ~ c you? A good position means ono n to which yoar ablUty counts fo r yonr employer and yio lds the bert possiblyretnxns to yon. In tho v a y ->

- o f Balazy o r wages. I t ^ ha id to compnto the VAXUE to you o f th is ^ aott o f a position—bat tho cost o f “ secozlng I t throngb Turing the claasl­fled In a persistent tray, wiU „ scarcely draw npon your baak ao- connt a t a ll. I t may no t oven cot "■ ▼ery deeply in to yoor spending ^ money.

f o r 8al« ' iPOE SALE—Soda founU ln. Phono le

1.-7-W. ,j,

FOB SALK—3 room house. Torms. Phono 888^ .

POB SALE—Bicyelo in good ropair. Inquiro Nowa Offiee. _

FOR SALE}—M njcstic range, praetl- . . c t l ly now. I ’hono 294-M.

PO B SALE—atoek bo tter m ilk . Ap- p ly Sterling Creamery.

“ f o r SALE>-12x10 w all ten t w ith *~ /ly . .r. WalJcor, Bock Crook, P. O.

We are agCfn making stoekfood. Tho ~ T v in PallB F lonr MiUs. ' (Adv.)

f o r SAX^E—Tomato and cabbngo —: plants, 16e p«r dos. 628 4th A to E.

FOR SALE—K im ba ll ‘piano, a ba^ '—; gain a t $160. CaU 326 8rd Avo N. ■

FOB SALE— Cheap, Studebaker; good —; ab now. Phono 003J. P. 0 . Box 648.'

FOB BALE—Mhhogniiy enso piano, ‘ cl cheap'. Phono 280J. 407 4th Avo.*N . *—]

TOR 8 iTLB—l.is h t .l7 livi-ry cur fo r «*■= sftlo n t bargain. Call a t 147 Quincy Sl.

FOB S A L I-> -y fllow plum tomnto plants ( fo r preserving) nt Spnckniau'n. ~

NOTIC'Ii—Cherries nro rljie at L’rys- ° h ta l Spring's orchanl. Como and bring Hi; boxes. —

FOR SALI3— Large young team. 0 . — I. Harlow, on ' Strawberry Buatty ' Itnneli.

FOU SALE— Almost new Ford nuto- mobile. L ilio rn l disvount. Coro Nows, P*3 or Phono 108.

FOR. SALE—About 100 tons o f hay.R. C.' Souders, 0 3-4 milbs south ami 1 oast o f foundry.

FOR 8AL12—Bargains ' ia bicycles, < tiros, Bupplioa. fish ing tackle. Werner'a :44 2nd St. E._______________________________________ thu

POn SALE—Shetland, S years old, —- tn sell or trade fo r L ibo rty bond. Pbono 340W. 001 Third WesL Jor-------------------------------------------------------------jeci

FOB BALE—Bieyelea, tlrea, •ccot- fre loriea a iid fiahing t o ^ e . Womer'a S. ^ p a ir Bhop, 244 2nd St. E. ^

POB SALE— Leather Duofolil D a\- ___inport, hcnting atovo and music cabi- S let. almost new. Phone 427<J. ua

FOR SALE—About 160 head pure- ~ T ired Han>x>8hiro owos.'and bucks; six Dreniles south, ono west o f K im borly. A . son,J, Joumey. • ■—

POR SALE, BEN T 01^ EXCHANGE ---- ;—Good rebu ilt typewriters o f n il makea. y lee Hoover a t Businoaa College or w rito T in r. B . Biehey, Bnpert, Idaho. —

FOR BALB—Celery plants Jl.C.l per “ 00 ; also tomato and cabbagc plauts; attx ransnlamtod ^ocIC good roots; nny looli imo oxcopt Sundays n t Spnckman's. samFOB BA LE —«40 acre hom este^ fo r wer

aio; good water and p lon ly o f fa ll and ^ pt pring rango. Prico «1,S0U. Phono or j jjj vrito Bank o f Rogorson, Rogerson, Id vo- ___________ _________________Po.FOB SALE—100 pnrebrod L in c o ln -----

wOa about 70 per cont lambod. Ono _ _ 0 fou r yeara old. $2,600 takes ewea, |r“ unba and wooL F ile r Beod Co., F ilor, daho.

FOB SALE— 66 acres d mUos from lurtAugh on stato h^hw ay, a ll in crop, mmedlate possession, easy terma.V rito or call Murtaugb Garago, -Mur- Hugh.G rt In toucli. ihrouKh tho clft*«Jflcd.

•Hh 5-our "pro»pecl«." In tr.ndo V‘*r- incc. you know, a prosixfCl la ii I'Osslblo | uycr. II f you were looklnE for a ponltlon you ould rend tho clnaalflM. I f 5 ou or® 1 mklnR for hrlp, ua« (hi- cLiiulfli'd. i.dvortise i t in 'th o Claaaified columna. j l L -

N L O O N S ____________________

~ A H ^ f - B lu e .S M IT H W AM E \ T O B S . H G R E . IO

1 3 H A H P T « .S -m A l^ O U T T H A T B lt-C ;

R E i VE .T M A » c e A F>AVMBJ»T IT 'S N E A R .l. 'Y I I3D S.* ____ N e w A N D NO 3 l<

----------- ^


I a business-like way. OffH ELP W A N T :^ . I

WANTED— ChnnilicrmniJ wnnteil 01 N' Jnhusoii Booma.

W ANTED—O irl fo r genernl liou.nc- work. 327 -1th, A.vo. E. Plioffo 188.

W ANTED—Expcrleuced nlteratiou Ci wiiuian in oJoali nmi suit <iepn«tnii.iil, -

J Fnbbion Shop. ’ I f

5 ~ \V A N T K i> —Lnily fo r K.-iioral houao » work. Good wogos to righ t p a rly , y,, » Phone 684-J or 43.

WA.NTED —' Mnrt-ied mnu to tako- chnrgo o f-P il ln r Falla stock fnrm . PJ'

Clinnee to'Icnso fo r 1920. Edwin Dani- mnn. Phono 534-J. ' J’*j

P O ra f io N ’ w A N T E D (^-----------------—----------------------------------------CII' HOUSE cleaning. General houso- So

work por d a y or hour. 540 3rd Weet. pn!

BBiVMSTRESfl w ill go out sewing by tho day or take bumo work. 541 4th eoc West Ba

w t i m r o l ^ ^ j i A N E o u B " " i ” '

' " T ^ W 'c U O T O M E R lh o r T v i i r ^ '3 or -I room houae. Call T. J. Wqod«.

W ANTEDt- A responsible pnrty to |o- ' leaso lunch and fountain buaiuuHS. Ad- 1*

dress caro o f Newa.____________________________ • inW ANTED— Icwa or Minnesota lan-1

wanted in oxchnngo fo r iny improved dui Northside SO. H B. Ilsloy. S p irit Lake, elc lowa. dui

W A N T E D -A U kinds c lo w o r aeod— |'|"ored. nlsike, while, swoot. Tbo A lbo rt 0x0Dickinson Co., Cnicngo. Local buyer, (rinB. B. Spafford. Phono 106. j),

r o r B e n t dayTOR RENT—M ^ V n furiUshcd "room. . ^

Main. _____

• FOR RENT—Furnished room. Cna fu rn ish board. 240 7lh Ave. E.

FOR BENT—Front room, fnmiahed. votiPhono 807-M. 001 2nd Avo. W. elecI________ — ---------------------------------------------sine

FOR BENT— Now gnrnge. luquiro mxi 2»5 Sth Avo. X . O ffico phone 15H-J.

FOB RENT—t'ron t o ffico room iit Moorman building, opposlto I ’crrino bo tel. Tolcphono 195-W.• FOB KENT—Parlor bod room- U o X ~ orn, easy walking diatanco. W ill ront n r a t $12 a month. Call a l 835 M ain W. J |L

w a n t o d I to ’^ j t

" ■ ^ N T E D TO BENT— Water tanic on wrtgon fo r use cn reads. Tw in Fnlla Highway District^__________________ Th<

________ M isce H a n e o n aWall paper cleaning. Estluatoa giv.

cn. I ’hono 799-R. adr. T'----------------------------------------------------- il---- o f

OaU Otis, ttia soccnd-hanJ maa. He goerpays the highest eaah priee fo r os«d rentfn m itn re . 008W. Run

. T A K E YOUn LA W N M 0W EK8 °°'j; W emor's fo r .repairing or grinding. 24-1 2nd St. E. Phono 028. ,

C ITV LO ANS-that codt-yoH Icob nn-l Wh(get vou out o f debt, on completed prop- Tomcrtien and to aasist in building. A r- ht*' thur L. Swim. •_________________________________ ;-------- refu

POB INTORM ATION concerning tho tionJordan Valley, Oregon, i r r i^ t io n pro- K>k8ject. Rich soil, abundance o f wntor, feedfree range. Pliono 741-J-, or w rite S. ed 'S. A ll. 241 Cth Ave. N., Tw in Falls. epld

S T B A T E D TlSTBAYED— 1 weanling Pofand Chi- ‘’ 'K*'

na pig. PhoDc 508-J2.D AR K bny horse taken up a t Frod eil ii

Dreher place, 2 1-2 mUcs aouth o f Hau- bein !on, branded NE. • *___________ _ — i nfei

POUND dlapc

TOUND— Licenso tag 685.1. Brown Tiro & Vul. Co. □„}(_" "M rrw ia ie r Oared o7 Indigestion. '

“ Somo time in 1009 when I had an m a ck o f indigestion ond ovorythiag • looked gloomy to mc, I received a froo , lamplo o f C haaberU in's Tableta by ■nail. 1 gavo them a tr ia l M d they ‘ K'cru sueh a help to me tha t 1 bought X packagc and I can tru th fu lly say that [ have no l hnd n sim ilar a ttack sinee,*’ irrites Wm. B. Wialor, DouglaasvUlo,Po. adv. .VI

' t-intT

P h o n e 809 ;;£!MOWDRAYIor

“ That Best” -J™SUMNER COALKing, Akefdccn. Kenncrtr and u ith

P « « ck .

M o w b r a y & S h a n k o l

= = = ^ = = s = = ^ = i j ‘ 0

______________ _ r I HA.P A O A T E 1V A S 4 e i N ^ A T I I . 15" w n » J O lO o k L o a c H e . WAS cCaiNC r ba ^ T & r S S O rO E « W £UCT AT-iD C X /S T O M e .R S .' \1

I 2 . . V O A I-R E A D

I ’TO £


= = : ^ = = = = =

Offer it through the ClassilI . L EQ AI. A D V E B IIS B M IH T a -------



__ COUNTY OP T W IN F A L L S -ss .>n C iTV OP TW IN PALLS, l i , • Notico is noretjy given, according to j.

luw nnd tbo [irovlalona o f Chnptor 100,- lilid io Session Imws. llH ll, and Ordl-I*'’ nanco No. 251. o f tho C ity o f Tw ia .li,. y- Palls, in tho County o f Tw in Falls, In

Lho Htato o f Idaho, pussod and adoptod ,,(.n by tho C ity Council thereof, nnd an- „.l il

_ proved by thoj-M oyor lEcreof, A p r il 28th, 191l>,-tbat a ll qualified eloctora pHr iu m id state, wbo shall have rosidod Op(>

_ w ith in tho lim its o f said c ity fo r thrco t | , „ (3) months prcccding tho-Special M uni- ip

. cipal Coupon, Intorsoctlon, Bridgo and {f,„, )- Sower Bond oloction, to bo hold n t tho

pnUing places in said c itj^ designated ,\.L- as followa; ,1. , y Ward No. 1: Tho o fflco o f tho Over-b aoor o f Btroeta in the C ity Water Worka

Bnild lng, a ( tho corncr o f Seeond Avo-- enuo Nortb and Seeond .Street Nortb, “

in tho C ity o f Tw in Falls, Idaho;. •’‘•'■fly Ward No. 2: Tho Johnson Auto Sales ••'O* room on East Shoshono Street in tho “ “ o*

City o f Tw in Falls, Idaho, on F riday, ‘*r ta to-w it. tho Oth day o f Juno, 1019. shall " ‘>p» . l.e entitled to vole at such cleciion, pro- O' 1

vlded auch'oloctor is registered as and they . in tho mnnnor provided by law 'ven1 'T h o uniloralgnod C ity Clerk, or his rnpt 1 duly appointed deputy, w il l register fit lr ; •, electors fo r aaid election n t nny timo

during o ffico hours a t tbo ofico o f tho ,- undersigned, W. A . M innick, Clork o f ^ c , " tbo aaid ‘c ity , In said c ity , ovory day 4.,, „ fc excopt Sandays and legal holidays, be-* {Tinning on Iho 14th day o f May, A. ,

i). 1010, and.'continuing up to 0:00* o'clock p. m., of tho dny preceding Si\ld rou„,

day o f oleetion. tliimProvided, however, tha t I t shaU aot , ]p „ j

‘ he ncccssary fo r any voter who haa reg* prene . istered nnd voted at the biennial elos- ^j,, j I tlon beld In said e lty on tho 22nd day ...

o f A p r il, 1010, fo r tho oleetion o f e ity i i ie i i . offic ia ls, to register ngain in order to ,„Qy

votb a t said oleetion, providing such elector has continued to live in anid e ity (V£;xt sinco such biennial oleetion and la a >rnrv taxpayer o f’ saJd c ity . l „ „ . i

W . A . M D ra iO K . ' ‘ Clerk o f the C ity o f Tw in Falls. “ in tho Connty o f T w in ra ils , « s =

State o f Idaho.

HEFKS FLOCK TO |ymiBsin weo

Thonsands Gather at Tomsk Buasia; Bed Cross W orks,

from A ll Parts o f EuropeanTOMSK, Silii-ria — (CiirroHpoiidon.-o

o f fho A*Bnrint<vl ProMH)—Tho refn- geetc at Toiimk. the grcnt iin ivernity center o f S ibrrin. who nro mostly from ItuHsia, nre estimati'd to nunibcr l.'iO.- 000.

In to this distrii-t o f Hanl(ilii|i and suffering the Amerienn Red CroHH hna cuinn c n e rg d lif^ y nnd Huctuiufnlly.Whon four .\meriejin girlH rcneheil Tonixk an i. organired lU’d CroBs work here, ty|iliun fever was fl|iro.adlng rap- iilly nnd a ll uf lhe ]>lnees where tho refugees ninssed were points o f infec­tion nnd dissemination. I t wns niw- lesa to disiribute clothing or attempt feeding unless nieaim were f irs t devis­ed to atop Ihe n^iread n f the ilendlv epldemie.

Many Barracka UaedThe Red Cross now hns taken over

eighteen bnrraeks Into which Iho ref- 'ugeeK ha\\* herded, and each o f these biii’rneks w ill be cleaned and disinfect­ed in turn, the ir inhabitants meanwhile being housed at n rlenring.stntion. This station is provided w ilh baths and dis­infecting ap]iaratus fo r clothes and has ■ IlKiiensniv nnil simple hospitnl faeill- ties. I

I ’ ndor the direction o f the Hed t'roMs ■ unit, there hns been, estnblished n sew- I ing room where refugee women nrc giv- on employment. The c ity gave rent _ free, a large well lighted nnd weli wartneil room and a number o f sewing O innchines, Amerienn made. The R'*ci Cross has nceoptod the o ffe r o f the Temsk U niversity' medicnl school to Jj

I turn over its elinieal lios[iital. Anier- .. I icnn d.K-lors w ill rome iu Iuter.

Mode Self-Supporting ^.Vll tl'o H fd r . i. fs work focuses'1.11

]>ri>vi<liiig iminediute re lie f to meet tho g 1 eintTgeuey ifn iil tho refugee.n ’can bc- ,enmo Ndf supporting. Kmployment ia

i d if f ie u lt lo iilitn ln . Ilinvcver, plans lire being developed to pnivlde emplov- _

I m int fo r the women »tiil get tbe chll- ^ dren to school. I t is oxpeeted thnt th is Hjiring n large proportion o f the _ idle men enu find work cither on thu 'fnrms or on tho Trans-Siberian rail- ro.Td. Tomsk has n nnmber o f fnctor-

l i t * , l.u l owing to tho brenk down In rnilway trauKportalion, many are clos e.l liecnuse they i-nnnot get materials ,u ith nhieh to operate.

Tho reason why your classified nd w ill rcach tho r ig h t people la found in ^ the fa c t tha t sclf-intorcst draws peoplo to the classified. V , ^

A n j n

rE HeRE u i, .r » T IP M E

g W F U t . NEJiW Y ,T ,5

/SiOCY a v c p Bs ^ e N C Y ^ a S T \ TTO B e . , ^ / V m* v n c t u a V ^ [ I c

ificd— using adequate s|

IUSfC-FOR MOl>J«S^ - ■ h, ■ HATH IVIANY CHARMS „o f MiixcoTites Q ulittM by the !!|

Strains o f the Moslcal -pInstnuaents. ■

■ ----------- pIX>NDON — (Correiipondeneo o f the BHoeiateil P ress)-One o f the most in- Tcstiiig phnses o f life iu ItusHin sinee le revolntion Ims been fhe imsHlon for D uf'ic dlsplnyeil by the mnsjii'H o f th" •ople. Albert Contej*. nn KngliHhiiii'n ho h’l i juHt relurneil from I ’efrogra'I here fo r-ycnc* ho was i.ni- oT Ihe •incipal' eonduetors ,of the Imiierlul pera, snyn the Russian proletnrint ronga tbeatura and eoneorls. inTho eduentod music-loving publle o f ini nnor days has nimost entire ly ilis- po ipenrod, M r. Coates snys. Th’o ono »UJ nt hns lukon Its ]>lace in a now pub- ' consisting o f work people, poasnnts, tio Idlers nnd sailors. Ch

Quiota the Crowds i'* '“ I . thoroughly runlir.ed during Ihe 72 volution,” ho wont on, “ tho foree o f ,0 proverb 'Music hath ehnrma to , ntho Ihe snvngo brenst,’ fo r whnfev-fho 'jiooplo’ do in *ho polltleal nnd .

d ftl sphere— and tho ir reeord is pr»-t- 2 *' bad—at coneerls nnd n t the opera

py s ll ns reverently ns though Ihey .To in ehureh, nnd listen w ith Ih;'|it expression o f ehildren to whnm ^ iryland is suddenly rovenled.

Got Up and Thank ' I I has often liniipened thut a ftor <<\'

:oneert some Hiinple pensnnt hns ris- i,oj nnd form ally ’ thnnkod im> nnd tho cnr

hestrn fo r fhe ]>Icasnro wu hud giv- jmc them. Often, u f le r n symphony, n ijjo

lup o f work people havc crowdod ind me nnd nskod to havo explained ngs in tho music they hnd not un- ■stood. They ahowed n marked prof- bo neo fo r modem and complleated xnu- j,

in finU o ly preferring I t to tho old- and simnlo forms u f Bussian music. {,g(, .•ir special favorite, strnnge ■ as i t y i»oom, is Serlnbiu, nniJ a fte r u per- mance n f fhis eomposer’a ‘ Pocmo i f ase’ th a t I w a j conducting n t tho • A rylnaky theatre, tho publie, which ®f slstod mostly o f tho ‘ people, nhout- thomaelvus hoarao w ith onthusiwrn. Ad^



Prize-Winning Perc!a t your acrvice th is season, can o f the brood. I t pays i t th is t ii

OABSINO, No. 109918, tw icc Idaho State F a ir; sired by 0am tiona l Grand Ohampion stallion, and Grand Ohampion sta llion a t *

We stand Oarsino a t the Pa stand D ijon and General Wayno in Bohl.

Be suro to seo oor horses bofo Take advantago o f th is great o;

W A L T E RBreeders and D

^ Pure Bred Perchcron HoEvery care w ill bo taken to p:

not bo rcsponsiblo shonid any oc

r w a y , t l i e r e a r e s o m e y

1 p J W R P T L Y '^ fO H r iM E . , I Iv + e F i e , c ) T o B S \ - r> i. s A T iO 'U J X K \ \ Z

w o w iX . y q - J \T io N T \M - i - T H » 5 A P P £ » N T -\ \« \E N T B U T I ’M < S l A O V / \ V kTO hiRS-T SO Me owe r . V a m — i s

\ C A N A .

' I

space to tell ‘the story.^ £ftd novor dreumod _tl>oy would un- 1 deratnnri if.

‘ 'A fte r tho performance I was co.i- s ta iilly receiving ru(|ucsts— wbrk poo­plo usod lo stop lilo, i l l the streota—lo get up nuother concert ond conduct tlio ‘Poemo d’Extnao.” ’

Peers in JapanD e fe n d Chinese

Doclaro Tha t Friendship o f Celestial Land Should Be

Oultivated.TOKIO, (Correspondence o f tho Aaao-

cinled Press.)— Sovernl j io llt lc a l groupa n lho bouso o f poors have Joined In an

Indletment o f tbo government’s foreign policies, cspocinlly townrd China. An ausunarlEod in the J ^ i, the peon ox* liressetl Ihe opinion thn i the raeo <|ues- tion is unimportant compared to the Chinese nucsllon, and thn t tho real in ­ju ry which Japan snffered a t Paris waa tho diaclosnro o f Chlnose antagon­ism.

The jieers expressed tho view thnt ruo friendship between Jnpan and

C hina ' ahould bo cultivated. Chinn should bo helped In tho laying o f a oundntion fo r a stnblo ndiulnislralton.

They voiced Iho fenr fhat .lopan ia fnst losing hor poaitlon In Chinn ond tha t America is replacing Japan.

Bnadan laaao V ltaL The J i j i aummariied the peers’ vluw

on fho Russian questiou as followa:“ What about our policy towards Si- borla f America’a pVna are fost being carricd eut nnd as a reault o f Amorica'a success In Siberia i t la posaiblo tha t tho pcaco o f tho Orient w ill bo destroy­ed. B ut thoro ia no ono among tho govornment authoritica hero >iflio can -» clearly answer tho questIo;i whnt shall bo dono w ith S ib e ria ." '

As fo r 'o s Korea ia concorncd tho peera aaid tha t tbo govornmont shonid eatabliah n permanont policy e f be­friending tho Koroona ao as to givo them'caao c f m ind and contontmout.

A tapoe In rental Jncomo wfll take aU of tbe profit and satUfoctton out or properly-owntor-HW uao the elaaainod.Advertiae i t in tbe Claaalfiod eohtmns.



ciieron Stallionsarry ing tho beat blood linos tim e to breed to the best.

ico Grand OhampioB a t the- im o t, thd $40,000 Interna- 3n, Dam by Oasino, jun ior.I t W orld ’s F a ir a t St. Lonis.F a ir Grounds in F ile r, and no a t tho Lnce Horse Barns

/E5foro you breed y o u r mares,


L B R O S .Dealers in

Horses, F ile r, Idaho1 prevent accidents, but w ill occur.

__ _______________________________^

you can count onr t J J U S T ClAME e R S . T O COULCCT r w is B IU - you o w s CJREEK A M D Co,


^ oF=.

iYJT m i f y •* ’


^ 5 * > i iu a , -P M a ~ : .


i BOTHJEmGIp Secretary Redfield Address J: Pan-American (ConferenI: on Mutual Sei-vlce in Co


WILL F A IJJ^ DECLARIM e x ica ns U a k e D ip lo m a

P ro te s t C once rn ing Addr< o f S peaker O ille t t Befc O a th e rin g T e s te rd a y .

W ASHINGTON, (yPh-8ooroUry B f lo ld woa tho principa l sMaker Kt i morning Bvssinn o f tho Pon-Americ commorclal conforonco today. Ho t fo llowod by M iniator Tudola o f IVj

kc/nolo o f Socrotary Rmlficl addross was mutual sorvico o f cu morco.

P o inting out how Amorican bttHtiti mon now woro.ablo to extend croclit o no longer wore compollod to , iIojk upon tbo fleets o f competing nations

, handle iho lr goods, ho announced t l " a t tbo roquest ot tho ahippiag }>oa

bo had suggested two now stuaouil rou tes ono to tbo north and ono to t

> uouth o f South America, not ouly 1 ' communications- botwvcn tlic Unit

Statea and tbo South American citi trios, but alio fo r communtqAtl^u I tween statos o f ^ u t h Amerieu tho selves. Ho pointed out what tmd coi to Oormany by a policy o f nafjonal bo! iahnpss instead o f national hulpfulnci

"U n less we sorve yo ii wo shall fa il bo said, "u n le s i you servo us you w fa i l , and unless wo both servo tho wor

' a ll wU l fa i l . "

-WABHUCOTON (/P>—Diplomatic pt OUlAtt Osllad U axico Zmpedljnont.

te s t bos boen made by the Mexican ci faassy against the speech dclivercil I S pe ikor O ille tt yoslcrdav a t the Pa AJDOrieon congrvos iB whlch be doclari M exico the greatest impodimont to tl cstAbUstuuent o f eaVafifitory trnilo t la tions between tho AmeHcan' r ^ u b l l t

Tbe protest declares,^^aker Q ille tt nttcrancos false so! f a j ^ thoy relate to tbe state of Mcxican -cjj|mmerco whli

• i t la aiserted has fchVim'rcniarkoble d vclopment during tho past year or tw

8 t« t« department o ffic ia ls are dl turl>ed h j the incident and aro expcet( to deny re ^ n s ib l l i t y and probably press reg re t


Personal Interview instead Military Rule Probable o Account of Attitude of Po lice. ,

W IN N IP E a , i f a n , «7*pathiaers -who hAve'teade 'tb n « p a r ^ i tb bt« provincial pariiam ent dnee P i day and who yBat«rday.aaooitBe{>3 a im ila r dem oa^n tlo a w o n ]! b« h«] t o ^ y , changed their* minds ahortly 1>< foh ) aoon. A sm all parado proeMdc to V ie to ria park fo r a maaa msetii) and several o f the leadei* weat t« m liam ent to obtain a peraoaal l a t w w

/ w ith Premier T . O. Nonia.When several hundred o f the syrapi

th ix rra gntberod ia M arkot aqnare tA forenoon i t waa reportod tha t tbe mQ tn ry authoritiea wero prepared to a< i f the panidcrs attempted diaorderl tactics.

U U lta r j ProtecttOB X ike lr. Poss ib ility o f m ilita ry protection fc

W iunli)rt» w»n IncrcaMii today. I t wn announred a l tbe c ity ba ll (hat cxeci tives o f tbo policeman’s union bavo foi m a lly notified tbe c ity th a t i f nn ai tem pt is mado to enforcc tbe new pc lieem en’s pledge; tho entire j>olico fore w i l l go on strik^c. Tbe c ity police eon mission reeeatly demanded tho t evor policeman sign a pledge that be woul no t participate in sympntbotic * f r ik « Tbey deelinod to sign but pledged fbem nelven to oee llia t orOrr w nt l.rt i 'r a m otlifird " ic n d .

' Ballrosdere.Kor the f irs t time aince the sympa

the tic strike was declared, the Labo Kews today asMlJod tbe ra ilw ay broth erhoods. Tbia atatement waa publiabed

“ Aa fo r tbe running trades c ffoctln i & settlement, there were tbe old Torlc o f fhe labor movement. I>»t JliP ulriK

_ eommittee ia accepting the ir o ffe r o mediation hOa shown Ita wilHncness t t r y a ll aveaoee th a t m igbt lead to i ■ettlemaaC''^

Tbe brotherhoods have fo rm slly dis approved tbe Ooe D ig Union movement w bieh labor leadors and tbe labor newj are eopportisg.

S em e* M an X>rop Cat. O ffic ia ls o f the W ar Teterans* aaao

- I- c ia tio M explained tha t most o f the re t u n e d soldisra who figured la the pre vkma parade “ aee^ted the advice ol

i ' ' . th e ir exeeutivea" to re fra in from fa r th e r demoaatratisBa. Thay inrtmata^ th a t the p a r a ^ ‘ *prc4>afclv- ta t th ro n g * * baeaoaa ^ tk & fae t.

% s n m C A V gUOOBBDB f. V A S D B M ^ iJ B P&BSZX>Ein

I ; WBW TOaK, {yPT— ?riek Arthu)S ' V aaderiip aaneoaced teday hts resignaK tiem aa preaideat e f the Katieeai C itiK baak. M r. Yaatlerlip was elM ted proeB id e s t l» Janaary. 19d». Jaaoa A. StiH K - mta, MB e f tfce Is te pMoideat e f tk ie bank, who bore the suae aaase. w uR a im U i U U a p)»ea.

e oLomsiiiP!;» jmEpppf

Several Out of Commission i l l iu Others Will Soon Be; Usei esses forT^ets.

W ASHINGTON, TwolvotilllrC drendnaught battlcshipn w ill bo rei C o m - octlvo duty w ith tiio fleet, pli

out o f eommlsAion nnd eventually b cn up fo r ju n k or unect as tor(;ct« more modorn yeiuoln under plans boing worked out by tho nnvy doj niont. Tbo ships arc o f tIio "m"ixed

IR E S “ Ot cbnsicluroibo o f any vnluo njjninat lnto«t figh

n a t io p o jjf (),p imtfleshipn, tho bUt irC SS Hquadron e(ini|>rifl1nK tbe Oregon, c fo re Iowa nnd Mnn.mchusotts, >:

already bc<m rolo^piteil to tlio nt bonj>. The remnitiing eight, njipar

_ ly doomed to the snme fnte. arc Konrnnrge, Kontneky, IlIiuolH, A ll nin, Wisconain, Mnine, Missouri

erican Obio.

. 1 1^ Tho twelve veBStfa, bn ilt butw reprcBont a totnl

p i'ndituro fo r hulla nnd moebin J nloue o f moro thnn $:i:i,.'>00,(H)0. W

it nud eomniiMion they w illoiwnd ni'l>r')*i»‘ “ ‘ «b'jns to enlisted men ami nearlyI th n t officors,Li*r/J Tbo ships long ago outlived tbo ir 1

. J ' fuhicas na eombntant nnitri in a fi> tbl)■ W‘'ro nmong tbe moat foriiiids

1 1 war veBSolif afloat. A ll were uned i „ in*: tbo war w ith Oermnny nn train

] '/ Ih ips or const dofenno luiifi*. Slow ihc'm- pmoU eool rnpncity. liii

I ‘ io r ordnojiee efjulpmeiit nn.l liis iif f ent proteetion ngiiiuHt jireaont dnv I jeetilea the ahipa, i f kept in eonin

' “ “ t , «ion w ou M 1... m nro o t n UbI.IM Ui-H an nunet in tbe opinfon^Jif urtvnl

‘ pert^i.. Tbey nre arm >d old t;world j 2 the n»nin I

tories and eight in rljM n Ibe aerond: defense. ^ '

■pro. ,,„eation oC^wbnt lo do w itbmaav prncticnllj^uNeleria l>nttleslii]ia ter they havo teen plneed out o f et

,, ^ niisaion Is before the ilepartment. 1 , historic old Oregon bns been offered

tbo stato o f Oregon to he ui*ed as ' ® state BOOS f i t fo r memorial purpo ® nnd i)robnblv w ill be ncrepfeil.

Seme Broken Up latcd 1'be Iowa, Indiann nnd Mnaam-buHe rhich probably w ill be broken up fo r tbe ni e de- The remaining elgUt probably vtwo. ho used as targets fo r experimcnta d l j . tbo offccta o f modern gunfire, an v

>etod oW Tern*. r K'X- . M ay S ink Foor

I t has been auggoafeil that n numl o f tho veaaela eould bo woll u t i l i2e>l const defense units by sinking thorn nboal water a t t!Ie cntrnnee to the im im portant harbors, mokiug thom vc table fo rts . I t is poaaible thnt four them w il l be uaed fo r tbln purpoae

W ith these tw rlve nhipw atrlcli from tho navy regiator tho fl^'et v

’ roiuprise fo r ty dreadnoughts and p drvadnoughts, o f them o f tbo m

I T modern type an<l eleven o f K lightly oI I I or class. Included in the drendnnnj I I I elaas arc the ships frotn tbo Michij: I I and ^ u t h CaroliDn claaa through I

uew Colorado nnd Maanttchus«'ttH clo os, not yet completed..

on QUITS FIGHT ON CHARCA . T. 2>aljiell, Denied OoatiDBaD

Pleads O n llty to Boose Possession.

A lbe rt T . Dalzell, charged w ith iUcj possession o f in tox ica ting liquor, wh<

y ? raao waa sot fo r t r ia l in 'i l is t r ic t coi ^ ’ bero Monday, waived tbo sta tutory t i

and ontcrcil a p lra o f g u ilty wbon 1 r lu t. «o tlon fo r continuance o f tha caao n

denied «>y the court. Saturdoy nc was sot na the timo fo r pronounei

^ 2 * judgment in tbo ease.

Y o ur tAxes so on even I f yo u r tont movRfi uw a r- A vo id tapses and losi

^BERLNORDEIIS li-mESTIPTHE I mHEA”v l‘! Would Jail Dorten; Protes "i": Made Against III Behavior i

French Officials in Occupii nps. Provinces of Rhineland.ibo r ----------oth- BKRLIN’, T b r Oerman goveijcd : Mii'itt hni> i«suo.l an o n lrr fo r flio .nrri t in g o f Dr. Durten. Ihe presiilent o f iho m irics Kbenish re in ib lir. the* North Oerm rike Oaietto announce.^.- o f Tbo govrrnment alao. th r nowapsji s to states, has entered protestn hoth nc I'. ;o a *« nnii at .8pu. t h i ' hca'Iqiiarterx u f t

s r ih ifllirc rf>J7iJnJ«*jon ngain.il Ibc I. havior n f tho Fren- li. nuthorilion in f!

ent, ‘ ’'‘‘ upird area o f th«* Ithinelnnd. eirs BeUeved F o m e r Assewor

The president o f tb r ucw Rbenish t publie probabh' i« Dr. H. Dorte o f Oberkasel, near Bonn. K a r lir r e Ided advices regarding Dr. Dorfrn «t«

p „ . «-<l tba t b r was from Bona ani( brM I o f 1'■‘ ''• lieu offiee before the war. Dr. 1 fnp. I A. Dorten is listed ia a pro-war O'-

nian d irrr to ry as an as.«ea«or nt OhrSS ^t f TOU have aom eth ins to yoi

' road CO mailceC Is a ahort an4 ptaasai one. leaJfns th rough (be cla«Bin,ML

a tr — — — ^ .

i r ^ s i i i ^ n i n i v i i i T n f i a i t f i iroe.

r ■


Paots in Recon!

>ED | M In and || Ksed J| L

0 pro-

. placo.i y brolc- ?cts by nsdeport-



scrnp parent- ire the Alob.i- r i nu(]

utwoen ‘^^^BSSSSSSSSex-

'binerv' U When 1

v ill | H Hten W

’ fight-e bu ilt J'd ’ dui't Tbo «yea Of th e ,n a tio n <u•nininu' p ro jreaa (n tbe twl_‘ afalfung o f power u tb ls «e«il

replace Democrats. On tbe rtgb lo ff ir l. Bepnbllcsn w h ip In tho Senat 1 * Speaker P redrtck FL o m o ttA '*

.n.Li« Honae. On tbe r t» iic Senator iJ+trnTT— 0?® w m o f the Senato a w l ra

l2 t9 rs ta te com m ercr-w hich lias ] type e 3 e = a = s s s s e a s = ^ s ^ = s = s : s


rponenlieporf Shows Large Im iori

.uwtis and Exports; State Exempts ' Enterprise from Tax.

W ASHINGTON, T lo r t jM rt the Mexican government tn exjiorts f the year 1018, received today throne o ffic ia l channels and shows tbo tot

limber oxport business aa 307,305,451 toil .11 o f wbich Great B rita in took 4,372.0 uni iu 074,800 pesos. Thero was shipped : ■ more Europo goods valued o t 0,034,000 pete

veri- o f which rOoat B rita in took 4,372,A >ur o f jH!8oa; Spoin 10.'iC,400 pesos and Pmm oae. only COOO peaos. D ifficu ltie s o f tran rick fu portotion because o f the li^or nccouutt t w ill fo r tbo smoll shipments to Europe.1 pre- The to ta l imports made public pr

moat vioualy, showed a to ta l o f 104,-I7'1,0{y out- ppAflii, o f whleh tbe United States su; nnght pHp.i 141,157800 pesos nnd Europo 1( rhiga'J 058,700 pesos. Tho govemmont reveii' h t .v itorived from both Imports and •xpnt'

totnlk-d 37,700,000 posoNTotals A re Large.

In the tabulation o f tho exports frri; RGE ^ioxico minerals totalled 213,932,Of • pesoa, o f which petroleum amountcil i

g^aca, ■14-t,Sl>0,000 Jieaoa. Agricultural- pr oo, ducta amounts' lo 128,037,000 pesos, l iv i

stork 700 peaoB whilp monufnillegal lured pruducta omounted to only 4,S0( whoso 000 [leaoa.coujt I t ' was also learned, from offie i:

r time aourees today thn t the state o f Coahul •n Ilia haa jm t enacted a law exempting fro0 w a i taxation />»r « p<-f-io{.of (cfi 'years ar

noxt I new entorprlso establlshod In tho statineing and i l is o ffic ia lly stated the “ prlncipi

purpose o f th is law is to a ttract foreig capital, preferably Amorican,' becoui

tonant o f ifs p rop inqu ity ."These nro oxnetly tho conditions oi

tablished aa an Inducement fo r invea ors in oil development to enter tho Tan

1 pifu oil fir lila . Tho Moxiran govenI I I V K I I I------------------E r a iJests / 34r^*X

,v.r„ V\ X ^ r noon d a i


W M Af t h ‘ w ■ M m.I

V R e ftre th in g , N o u r is l i io ] r e a - M f f l A lw a y s tb« s a m e g o tx

r. I I . 1 ^ ^ . B L A T Z . M 3 w

Dhri i t i i W.W.C.n«imliC«.,Oisi'nraS* MS >sasusii. ma,

roaruant ■ w j l | n l H T

1 1 1 I IV


j n ^ t r u c t i o n ^ C o h ^ ^ ^

> n ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ W a a n ln s ^ as new legialaUoD10 iw jn a iru c t iv n penod l» promised. The sesston meaoe a in r fsess ss RapubUcana , r tg b t U Bonator Cbiirlea C nrtls o t Kansas. Jonate: In U»« w n w r, a now p lctitrA o f lU A 'O f MsMse&asetts. «e bla deek In tbs ia to r A lb e rt Cttmmlns o t Iow a, president Rl ra n id n s member o t the com m ittee on

bas cbsrse o f ra ilro a d leds ls ttoa .

1 1 ment observed tho tax exemption pro I I I visions only two years. The Dloz gov I I ernment then waa overthrown and tb I suecee<Ung govommenta'I^ Mexico bav

E levied nad collectod taxes.



. BBUSSELS, {iP>—Blnce tbo armlstlccip O rtS the Americnn Bod Cross commission to in to Ilelgiuut has distributed somo 8,000,001 ip iS franca fo r the benefit o f various Bel

glau cbaritoblo works; 1,300,000 franc * tu bolp Belgian refugees returning t<

f the ir homes; 1,000,000 franca fo r thi fnr m utilated soldiers and c iv ilians; 1,250,

OOO franc* fo r d o ltitu te children; 1, .. 200,000 francs fo r organizations com

.1 .7 . ba tting tuberculosis; 120,000 francs fo ITO nnn m ilita ry hospitals; SSO,000' francs fo w d to civUlan hospitals, and BO,000 francs fo: ^ _ bu ild ing woodon houses fo r Tormondi n^A nn ivhich woa.burned by tbo Qermana i i v m V o 1014 nnd where nearly 7000 people an

trails liv in g in tbo rulna o f the ir devnaouutea

P A M 0U 8 D IO KEN p EBSOBT 17™!S 18 T O B B F P T OH S A U

IPflS lC H , E i j . , ( f lV T h o Orco W hite hotel, one o f tire-ftunous oJ Dickens inns, Is to be'sold.

' ^ Thia ia the Inn mentioned in “ Pickwick papers” where M r. P ickw ick, t( hia horror, found himself in tho bedrnon o f a middle-aged lady la curl patwrs.

53-,000 Over fho front>porch, tbo sign, do scribed by M r. P ickw ick o f a "s to w stotutf ot eame mapagiooa aaimal, w it l flow ing mono ond to il, d is tinc tly re

mufnc- b ling nn iuaaiie eort horse," ia atil 4,800,- in flxlBtcnce.

jf f ie ia l O E B M A H T T O IK O B B A S i”7ahuUa H E B T A X 017 TOBAOOO£g from Iira any B E S L IN , ( ff j—Oermaay plans to ma-r stnto, te r ia lly increase ita income through inIncipal ereased elgarotte and toboeeo taxes'oreign Smokers see prospects o f fa rthe r har^lecauao sbipa in this. Tbe cigarette tax yield-

od 520,000,000 marks in tho f ir s t nine>ns OS- montbs of IDIO. Simultaneously, slgsr-invest- ottea atendlly deteriorated In quality ucD Tam- l i l they both were expenBive urfd;overn-1 wretchedly poor. . ' / ’

M en who work hard *1 need the “ punch” , |

v^rage adds to their | day lunch. m

T o d i y - 3 l ^ a . r k o t a

Obtcago. Xdrastoek. •CHICAGO, (U . S. Bureau o f M srkt

Becelpts 58,000; ias» openod 10c to loo lower than yes day's general trade, moatly lOe to

' lower; corly top $20.50; bulk $20.1 20.3S; heavy weight [email protected]; dlum woight $20;[email protected]; Ught wei [email protected] l lg h t l ig h t $18.76020,

I heavy packing cows smooth $lD.7i5(§ packing sowa rough [email protected]; r

, [email protected]. >». » iOattio—Beeeipts 15,000; boof )

> bufcbor cattlo slow, bidding lo^ ralves b idding 25c to 50c lowor; food woak; boof. stoors, medium and hOi w eight; choico ahd primo, $15@ia, modium and good $1S@15; - comt

■ «[email protected]; Hght woight goo.d- . choice ♦[email protected]; common and ; dlum, [email protected]; butcher cattle, h firs 47J5@13; cows [email protected]; conn nnd cuttora $5.76@7; veal ealves, II and bondy weight $14@15; feo steers [email protected]; stockor atoers, $7.7 12M.

Sbeep—Bocelpts 15,000; deaira I grodps atoady to strong,''others alt

lambs,' 84 pounds down [email protected]; pounds up [email protected]; culls and ci mon'-|[email protected]; springs $15.75@1^; y< lin g wethora [email protected]; owos, i

. dlum, good and choice [email protected]; ci nnd common [email protected].

Omaha Xlvestock.OMAHA- ( f f^ H o g ^ B e c o ip ts 15,5

mnrket generally GlhiOc lower; top $ bu lk $10.70@10i)0; heavy weight $11 @20; modium weight $10.85@20; ll| weight $1I)[email protected]; llg b t lig h ts $1| 10.7S; heavy packing sows, amoc [email protected]; packing sows, rot [email protected]; pigs, medium $17.71 18.7G.

CatfJo—Receipts 4£0p; market stoi beof steers: medium, choico and p ri $14@15; medium and good $12@14.: common [email protected]; .ligh t weight, gc and chocio [email protected]; common a medium [email protected]; butcher cattlo : he era [email protected];-cow8 $7@12; cann and cutters; covrs nnd belfenh $5.50^ veal enlves: lig h t and bandy weig

ro. [email protected]; feeder stoors $10®13.l ov- stockor steers $7.50@12; stoeker ca)< the [email protected] Sheep—Receipts 3500; markot stea

to 2Sc higher: lambs,' 84 pound dot $13.%0@14; lambs, 63 pounda up $12 @13.75; Imoba: eulla and commhn $(

WS 12.50; spring lambs, medium' $13.2; 18.25; yeorllag wethers $11.50@12.! on'ca, [email protected]; awea, euVa oad eo

OT ______el- ■ M<nr T o rk Produco1C* NEW YORK, (fl>) — Butter wento croamory higher than- extrna 54 1-:he 55c; creameiy oxtraa 53 l-2®54c; f i riO,- 53®53c; pacaing stock currcnt m i1,- No. g, 44 J-S&4r>c.m- Eggs weak; frosh gotherod extrasfor 1-2@<5c; .frcaft' gathered firs ts norfor om Roetion •t0@40 l-2c; southern aror tson 30 l-20>4Oe.ido Cbeeao nnsottled; ,nfnte whole min fla ts curront makes npeclals 32iQiro l-2c : nvernge ruu 3HS>.11 3-4e; stjIS* wholo m ilk tw ins curront make ap

[JB ,

1 Boyd II LABOI3s T w in F,to-La­os.


A new (lep artm en t o f t; luDfl v u liid b ic n id to w n rd

A V ith o u t a p ro p e r d ia ^ i I (?rly trentiK j.

I ) iw ‘n8e.s,'8 uch n8 typU atU 'iiii:!, in fh ie n

IiI(kh1 and nervous «3*fiton^ o r, can bc ilia-indHOfl by 1

Ju neurly every dinchfn as w e ll ns p ro jin a s tic a id a m in a tio n o f the ten tx . K]K*cimen8 o f tiRsm bcrcu low B jr lnnds, b a c to rif f lu id contcu tn , a nd in f la pna in t l io lun};, etc.

N'o di.'M*nHo i« o f such p a tie n t is n o t j t is t i f ie d in w a rd nn noi'umt«! d ingnoi

T O B aD A T.'JTO B 3, 1910;

— ~| iaia 32c; average'run 31 1-2@31 3-4c.

r iS’ o it jr Mvesteck.____ - KAN SAS OITT, <U. 'S. Burean o f

Marketa) W>)—Hoga—Beeeipts 22,000; • lower; heavies, [email protected]; lights

irkets) [email protected]; packing $10.75@20; p ip , B srket [email protected] CottlorrReceipts 10,000 and 1000 to 25o calves; slow: steors, $14.75@16; heifers 10.10® [email protected]; cowa, $fl.40®i2.60: calves 0; me- [email protected]; atockora $7.£%13.26. w eight Sbeep—E ce ip ts 8000; atesdy;^20.10; 84 pounds down $13@14.^5; 85 pounds 5@20; up $12.75@I4; ewes $4®0.75.'» l>Js> _ Josepb Uvortock.I a -,, BT. JOSEPH, ( ff)—Hoga—Beeeipta,lower: lowor; top $20.45; bulk, $20@ 'o'odorshoavy <^attlo— Recolpta 1500; steady; ateors

) lf l5 0 - [email protected] cows and hoifors $5@14;jmmon *7^14.75. • - - .(L and Sheep— Bocelpts 4500; steady; spring,d [email protected]; c lip lambs $18.50®I, ho lf- owes, [email protected] .......... .: lis h t Eansaa C ity Prodnee.fooder KANSAS OITY, ( ff)—Bnttor, packing>7.75® lower, 44o; othor gm der aro nn-

^ ohangod.lirah lo Egge—l-2c lowor; firs ts 3ffe.

PouUry-~-BroUers le lower, 30@42e;05; 85 uncbonged.

? vo S i' Chicago Prodnee. •, CHICAGO, ( ff)—Butter, unchanged.

• culls Eggs— Lower, receipts 58,578 oases; ' firs ts S81-£@8i) I Se; ordinary firata,

87@38e; a t mark, COSOS include^ 38 1-2 *. @39 l-2o; storage packed firs ts 41@

,6 ROQ. 41 l-4c ; extras 42c. p jo o j P ou ltry—Alive, lower; fow ls 31c. $10010 _. lif fh t Com Is P iim .$19® CHICAGO, (/P ^U n favo rab le weath-

aooth conditiotis tended today to j^ v e flrm - uesa to tho c o ^ market. There' woro

7.75© bullish repo'rts current tb a t planted . ^ ocreogo was amallor than a year ngo

itoady ^*‘0 status o f the, crop wasprime normal. On the other band, re*14.25- hero were again large.. Opening good prieea, wblcb ranged from the aaaa na

n and .vestordoy’s fin is bto 7-8o higher w ith . Ju ly $1.60 [email protected] 5-8 and September

$1.42 [email protected] 3-4, were followed by a }0® 7 ‘ nodorato setback, bu t hot o f a lasting re ilh t character.13.25- lacked snpport A fte r opeaing calves unchanged to l-4e U tk e r, iBolndnlg J u ly

a t €8 1-4@(J8 l-2c, the market nndor- Iteady considerable aag.down. Provisions were dulL Weakness c f $12J!0 he? markot hod-somowhat depr-MS- I ing effeet.

12 0^ - Prices A n Lower.n e w YORK, (ff>—Priccs sought aro

genemUy lowor levels during the mohi- ing. Speeulators who made good prof-

• its on recont purchasea wero Inclined cvenk; lo realize, and the publie was apparent- 1-2® disinclined to buy as freely as here- flTata tofcu-o. in view o f uncertain nwtney out- malre look nnd a note o f warning founded by

hankers as to the daagora o t e xe e ^re ros 44 speculation. H igh ly ^ c u la t lv e Issues north- broke badly, Mexican PetrQleum, Stude- n aee- baker and United States'Alcohol losing

5 pointa pr more. Standard ra ils were m ilk down 1 to 2 points. Toward midday a

121^32 rapid upturn in Baldwin Locomotive state and sharp reeovei^ In oils, iafioeneed spec- a bettor tone in the list.

HospitaliRATORYF a lls , Id a h o

b l is h e d 1905

f the h o s p ita l, fu l ly equ ipped to rd m a k in g n d iagnoais.

ttsnoais, no disease can bo p rop-

pUoid, a y p h ilis , m a la ria , tub o r- enza, obscure diseases o f the om , B r ig h t ’s disease, a nd cane- y la b o ra to ry testa alone.

itfkf know n , ra lu n b !e dia^^TJOstic, l id cnn be p v ^ n by c a ro fu l cx - d , u r in e , s p ii lu n i, ;Ja-‘i t r ic con- sue, Hucb ns cancerous and tu- ‘r in i o x n iu in a tio n s o f p us s p in a l f la in m n to r r exudntess such as

i:b m in o r im p o rta n c e th a t the in d e m a n d in g every means to-
