. ,. citrEaito- . ' TH ' ‘^yoLio.Nu.'tss. I f " = s = |Rebel Genera I Columns Do^ Highways 1 iFasdst Battle Line Arch( r I Tliree Sides As Go^ • , ders Counter-j (Br Tb* A»oeut« FascUt iMttfgent l^OM yder which the govemment hopwl to i toent of jt^drld. Tbe Insurgent battle line archei ftides, ItA contours similar to those owing Madrid Xrom tho east. Fascist captors of Bargas stood hornhiirdment-tluring wMeh»—“ govemment aviators, .tholr iii directions - confused, dropped lfl/| o i i u ^ i B«r. Beports naehine Uiboa,nrtuiu. Mid ,th»t 600 faichU »e« be- iltged «t Blrecho Db Qulnto, wJ i Ub ' (boM OD tlw ?rtneh bordtr heird that- M pnrtniment *jrmp»UU«r» ^ hid barricaded thenwlves in »«cm- Mill isanr liulde Toledo, .aplured bjr . rueliU earlier in » General rraneo- dror# coliumia iJora ihtee wutbera hlghwajn lead* lii{ to Madrid lo u i eKott (o pre* _Tjnt.r?yeniratnt_«jpe_la that_^- Bl Js T* Bflicbard SnbuA. InnirBent leader* uld they itlll belle Jioped Madrid wmla bc taken by comi *re*r rather than force," «id uld oaet. — t t K l r i t n t ^ vould*b»-tfr-bombanl. —Th _Midfld_«i»burt».jlriring « ^ lled vW« popuUee Into the SiyltaeirW ore detH K Ilnal Infantry uaauft. ««ni One fa'iclal column ’marched on elioi }ia<ral Camero, a eecond beyond 11- line IWM and a third cn Aran Jues. Mon each of vhlch li on a main louth* not i im Midrid highway. • ' - disci Madrid sowmment, In an »e^ (Ountlnued on Paje S, Col. 3) " 8i Y I UlQ ] L i g h t s and s , SH A D O W S s ; In Day’s E m U .IS ‘ (By The ApcUted Pren) Qn Seatli iDtenreBM-^ Ull - -ifr OhIo-WhUa U n .'& u Jones « u ^ Jf liking funeral arrantemenl* for her hutbapd, Jolut. Jones, 90, kltled tn an automobile accident, her ault for dlrorce tu flied In common pleu court. MnrJonenoW-ihrhad-pteied ------ the dlrorce peUUon vlth her at- . '* lomer several daya prevloui and • lud nejlected to noUfy him ot her huiband'i death. ^ J ------ Whll Too Many Hogs- cand — •TBEMOirrrO.'^ranner-Adaa M-hi noth h u too many hogs on his loela farm, noth lold filierUt T«m Fask ried (hat the hogs-91' ot 'em-had aim- allor ply ‘taken tip’ ' at his place and cago, wuldn't leave, and lhat lie w u geU iwt Uns pretty tired o(. feeding them agalr while n ln lr hunting ihclr owner. Polb ... — . Ya Ell foco Bod- . BflKNEAPOUS - Slolen ablo ■JleenM plates provide too etfkllre a dlsgulM, Eugene OUbert, a war* , Sent t^ SUllwaUr. Minnesota, to collect a speeder's fine, he-equlppcd ills car wlth-*tclcn.ll«n«i plalei ta iTj^- dltffulse It. SUUwRltr police threw n u Iilm In Jall. I b coUecled tlie speed- er's fine-after convincing police Jie , was an ofllcer on duly..................... -Booster’s Lament- ' ^tni ' lOTBTON. N. 0. - When Carl the i Thigpen went to his chicken house,' said: he found four choice bens had been ing . Itolen and a cardboard placard from . about a rooster’s neck reading: "How he e: Md I am." I ten I M em ber o f ‘S p i t - a n ’-11 D e fe n d s C laim s t o D KmaSTON, M. M, Oct. m - “Nt "P-f*f*t-{-t*t-t,“ w u the succinct prett: comment of Jim "Narrow" Qsge to- but II dsy when news ef a -brond.spltUng- again record ot a dosen plus feet trickled "P- — lnto-thls-almott»alisndmtd..lIKle. _aai nilnln* camp, where the ons and ,pp„ only •‘spll-an’-whltlle club" jeal- inj o ously guanto lls rites and reputa- jt,Ie I “riaw I hear tell lhat a .feller , 7^' nsmfd Jupet.O>iTls down In FUh- . ' errUle.’Virginia, BillTed-olt-and ‘ ^ spit a sIus. 13 feel, nine Inches, —dtiwled lanky, lanlem-Jawed “Nor- ^ nw,-'cocking his feet up on a — craefceri»* -and o-elng a sawduit* ^ filled box halfway across lhe room. '*rf; ■Wall, that alnt a bad »pil-put. V —cor iJ It eojurrible eood. LeastwUe ““ ii* n ain't A wotld nwrd.~llk« this '"Y( feller claims. l>s»t “WhT Vie Wtttner here, our ’'high lyeed' jnlttorlum,’ won nii noilSKbl# ix>- TCTOl •.»ltlon this year by drowning a over crasjhopper nt IS leetM l Inches. , •■T^ And say, did I tTer-tCtTjou about that I m r J#.footer7 Ineet "Yn sir, that w u a humdinger. By- hut the boys ruled 11 cul 'f*UM a Club" big yellerjucket wuek up bsck of pay. ' my neck »nd let loos« Just u 1 rules; r'ared back lo splU you,' . r . • uwMta Atnm BOBlaO o r CTBCtnJitiowB al Drives C )wnThree I To Madrid I ihes Around City 0^: I ovemment Or- ' I r-Attacks . ■ lattdPreu) - H er General'Francisco Franco 0 prevent completo encircle- hed around Madrid on three I 050 o l a grasping /iat shad- /M od off a heavy land and air l a i r s M I . SFB VESSEL I lullny Indicated as Ownsrs I Disclaim Responsibility . for Passengers BUENOS AIREa. Oct, 1 (J) - 'wo-Arjentlne -warsliips tonlglit----- uarded ttie Spanish liner Cape Stn * * jitonlo oulsldo the harbor here, arc. cllevlnj a recalcitrant crew w u In __ jmmand vlth Uto ciptala a prts- ------ ,The.ihIpJelt:th«.cout_of.Mpnlei _ A . Ideo yesterday where It lisa been £ \ etamM."ftnanurowncrs,-Uio-lbarra unpany ol Seville. Spain, made no Kort lo contact It. Offices of the . ne here, a t Sanlos. Braill,' ond . lonlevldeo asserted lli# tlilp Hid ot been ordered on lU wyago and ^ Isclalmefl responsibility for.pas- Q fl' :ngcrs and crcw. pert auUioritles of Uie Uuto cities •fused to permit the slilp to dock. Slevard, Seatnan la Camnund Uruguayan olflcl^ vho boardetl __^ 10 ship said they lound a s le w d ^ nd a seaman apparently In com- a di und, Tliey demanded to bce the oppt splalD, Jose Luu. Ue wu brought M. I )rth, bul Uie stewwd and laUor st onUiiued to parUdptte In lhe con- jn g erttUons and answered questions ddreiwd to him.,,. liiB iiii'i ififiB l ------- suppo lomraunlst Candidate for —President— Released— From Jall li? TEIUIB HAUTE, Ind., Ocl. 1 (^V- mile Earl Browdir. communlil indldate for president who spent l-houm-lo-Jslt-hero-with-four-a*- lelates en vanniney charges, hur* " ed toward New York tonlglit. his itorner. David J. Bentall ot Oil- Igo, prepared charges ot faU« ar* «t 'and false ImprUonment :aln!t Mayor Sam Deccher and ____ Bllce Chief James C. Yates. ' Yatea appeared unconcerned over _ e n u n InlenUcm uying -ThoM mmunlJls-know we mean.bu»l- !ss about staying out of town," Tlie ayor u ld , "1 denounce eommun* m, and I wUI do everything In my iBtE_tarTrKBCS==5mrai5yjfc _ ^ leecnes and demonstrations In trte Ilnute." l 9 T)kliw;lDiirs‘Rai(ks OfNewDcalAuthors WASHINQTON. Oct. 1 MV-Hirrr . Hopkins, work* progress admin* trntor ^ald today he hnd Joined 10 mnks of New Deal authors. He lid he had written a book. “Spend* lg to Save." dealing wilh relief om 1920 to the present time, which B expects to bo released, In about in days. ■W hittle Club’ I D istance Records ‘'Now this Juper Oarlj may be elly good tn his neck of Uie woods, it If he w u to come out and go up :alnst VIc here, or me, why— •'P-t-f-t.t.t-L- Oaje.accoiDpaiiled his words-wlUi._____ iproprlale action; A minute open- ‘ \ e of the lips, a scarcely per^l* le Ughlening of the Jaw muKles. The glistening globule of tobacco I Ice arched high and true, teemed i heillate nn Instant In midair, and nded'“w llh "a uUsfylng "pinp" uarely In lhe center ol the saviluit IX. •' ■> T h a t there'A the way s e da It :re." aald "Narror," romjilncent* . "We aim lor accuracy as well a.i stance, and ve get both. "Ycan.-nn-Ju3t-a-lltr!ejurprl6eil — -A tl In t siaJe where giwd Wiair- \| ■ed'll raised w cKleii-’Jtcly. they ' )uld lel us Wralcnit.n l>ill H ill cr tbcm. "Tbe only wny I can account for ^ a l to practice. Sir. pmcllce. Keep- gewrluUngly at It brtngssiiccfis." By-laws ot the "Spit and Whitilc ub" abflolulelyban all wi'k for y'. There are only iw oilitr _ les; "Alwny.i whillle away Irom 'U,' and "never spit Into Un alnd." SCCVRAT. vm t TW Declares For ] • * *7 flm lj/ BcHetic that the rm rc suffering from ioda;/ is the elcci y-Smith Gal Election C )ne Time Democratic Pn Points To ‘Way Out . <Dy The Assoelatec -WBW- VOniC, Oct. !.■ m '' Bm>»i bitter critic of President Roosev pposltlon tonight and urged the [. Landon of Kansas, to the presl Standing while-faced bcforo a sl i gray old Camegle hall the “hap cmocratic campaign eight years ilnistratlon of Franklin D. Roosci -“I- firmly belleve-that-the*:— :medy for all the ills that we ment ■c •.tu/rcring Srom today is aboui IC clcctlon of Alfred M.Lan* fnm -nt- . • - V „ Prt "Ilow." he orled out abova » e ed ■< owing din ^ k crowd Uut had one e used wliat was coming, "can 1 "Wot pport a failure?" - did r Amrrlcan Flnl lume ;'I am an American bclore I am "v< Detnoefatra-Bepubllcan-or-any- t t r l in* elsel- uie 1 As he spoke Qovemor Landons me. Ills faco w u grim, and there ~ t f kl no tmco ot a smile. and : In lho shouting rear Uial burst uy." rill there w u a momentaty dls- ^ rbance about mid-way bacic In _ 0 Im li^ man'strug'gledTcira mo-T (C Kidding Ourt ^ JU.IPUR ^ ^iM-cecuRiTy. • (7E-3CN KSSOCTATEI) P I m m nVIN FA1X3, IDAHO, FMDAY r Landon Adi > T ! p : (ew llooj ficmi l^tra blgh Beat) ; xn< ttelort ' nil ttoa] follow group <'Tll( ' In .JH H HH H ipBBK l I^irbe emedv for all the Ws that ive coi IccHon of Alfred Af. landon," ,a ea ' velt { tober ills-For- - g Of Landon 3 _ _ _ *breat Pre^ential Nominee lutOf Our Ills’ ■'S' ------------ i;:o ated Press) jIHtr-formep-friejMl-buWonff !Sp. uevclt, went all the way In he clcctlon of Governor Alt residency. 1 shouting, screaming Ih'fong happy warrior” of the losing ars ago, disavowed the ad- tnd ■ ascvclt and shouted; -r, lent In a Unglo of raised arms bout him wjd flnalljr w u hustled lom Uw building. ^ Prtvloasly.-SmlOi h(d been h « » . d a t one point In his address by ne of his heaitra who arose lo ask; ” Won’t you pleaso explain why you [?•, ; Id not agree wlUj the peojile lhat ... , jmed against Hooserelt?" " ^ u liad tetter put Uiat In bet* Kni ie former’New York govemor rt- leles : lied. “I have llie plattprm. Aller I curt, et finished, you ean 'get up here nd have u mueh u j-ou want to "Tli »y." lure. On the floor ot Uie lull and In “ih “ TCOTtlnuca'on Page"'B,“ C6l.“ 61 (0 jrselves About Easy Strec IwrfOOfrtvijusr { IfVf iTToouwewES, ^eccT? . J .! (a*” v \v A. y . \ y l I ® i tttP Vi,\u^T' i'iu"tuen« Copyrifin, 1W6. By ' PRESS NEW SPAPBlpCC .S DA ►AY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1! Roosemtt New Dea In Cam Administration Policy T , Termed ‘Financial Dance Of Death’ ( Calls for Action” ' (By Tlie Assocliled Press) ! PnTSBURGH, Oct. 1— A !ew minutes before President iloosevelt spoke six bloclcs _ iwny. Colonel Frank Knox. Republican vice. presidcnilaT Somlnee, assailed the admin- stratlon's flscol policies to- light as a "financial dance of leath." a ! Knox spoke in Duquesne Garden letore a nepubllcan rally, riBf Ills address went on a na* acl|; ional radio neta-oric ftom S:30 p. m. T mUl 9 o'clock, with Uie presldenl Rep ollowlne Immediately on the u m e inc( iroup of staUons. utes Tlie president made, his address roor :n lhe Pittsburgh baseball park, n i; ftrbes field. eroi -------- Beeaai Old Pledge#-■ ------- ers. Colonel Knox lurked his fire on m earlier address President Roose- relt delivered In PltUburgh on Oc* = ;ober l». igu, In llw Uilck of Uie floonnvll'lfotwr campslgn. Tl Iclts In Ill'll spwciii Khdx de* Oared: "It t find any belUr words than appalling' and 'slaggerlng' and breath.calclilnp.' I'll usa tliem" A crowd pKked the hall, which i p _ leals 0.000, for the candidate's ap* | s u xarance. As he strode down Uie aisle at l;:o the crowd wawd hundredi ot Unerican flap and gavo him a ihrlll cheer of welcome.____________ a Valaes In Jeopardy bur: 'nilUng In ahort aenlences. Knox and ised the PltUburgh appearance to iinf !«.opcn hLi charges'that financial ,,_i jracUces of Uie administration cn- langer the value of life Insurance ind savings accounts. "f do not believe tho admlnlstra- C lald. “It Jusl does not know how to ■ bi Itop. Out the people know how to jlfl OT»4.(iy,tt«JlUlIWlLt»-. !.'i' Ilnd Iho rostrum wtre former Unlt- td s u ta Senator Darid Reed, Hen- 7.P..Plelcher, fotmer chairman ot h i Republican naUonal committee, md L. T. Weir, PennsylvanU steel nuler. U/n Knox renewed his declaraUon that cle* leave "no Insurance policy se- ttle, no ssvlngs account safe." Iramtdtale laioe “This U not a mstler of the fu* ure. It Is here now," he declared. w ,.i "The value of the uvlngs dollan "TConUnuea on PagfarCom ------ ~ ■■■■— !>way 1 brlnji . — and __________________• bcrli slier yii \ \ ' mean j* , ' Mill "Sifr siii .'I ' ----------- rate aJL’X \/\ . 1 what ___I— 2P£L‘ V .r*— v \ '^ 5 < ^ I , A * . Icged W r *- ~ ttSaJ I u -'•I*' ”“3 " I kew i . /• with I "■ ■ of frl By Tht New Yotk Tribune, Inc. the n( COMPLSTB.' ' VILY , 193G TDefmt^ aVsFinan npaignPri Landon Meet Strikes At h Former President Talks With Nominee; Seei (By The AsjoctaU TOPEKA, Kns., Oct. 1—Govern l)resldcnMal"CotnpaignTilans~fonii Hoover today and ll»e /ormer pres. nen "Tho Republican cause Is ma: ••What I’m going to say about.tl !sy in front of a microphone," Ho ilde Landon on tho tront porch right hand thrust into his trouseri Iclphla October 10," >--- Tlie Colifornlan and the _ Republican presidential nom- nee had talked for 55 mln- ihn utes In tlie high eelllnged llring room o( the govcmort mansion. h.„, lliey came out lojetlier to face a „orl irou_p ot rcpqrUr* and photograph- pj,, "Have you anj-tlilnj to add to Mr! Hoonr's remarks]" Landon w u i Radicals-BIai Explosion. Police Cliiet Declares 1 Intimidate Non-Ui (By The Assoclab RALINAH. Cnllf^. O rt 1 -A n >rp iarrlcoded Sallnul VaUcy Icc com ind Pollco Chief Ocorge Griffin lief 'it was dyiiamllc. set off by union worters, ' ' ' . .The blast did not break the gat was reported injured. Chief Grlffla declared the explo iiHit I ____ _ who bVorkcrs and Shipowners —eiearWayiorPcrma=— nentPeace ‘ .t“ -1— ares SAN PRANCIKO, Oct, I (IT) - Jarlllme unions and .shipowners, forking under a IJ-day tnieo agree- , wntrfpeeded-tip lagging waterfront T il 'Pcratlons today and cleared Uie , .•ay fer negollallons dcdgncd' lo ring i>rniuinent pence lo Uie long* roubled IndusUj'. With Ih# Kro hour upon Uiem - T l nd ihrealcnlng lo deve(op a ticup whll nvplvlng 37.000 maritime workers crill ild all west cout shipping, boUi stro Ides early llils momlng agreed'lo earlj mice propoMl for which ihe newly rcated United Stales ihai^lme ,, n M J Tlie iniM.Mllwl fnr-4-fontlr'ii. nco of old agiwmenU until Octo* old i erlS and a 4S-day cxleiisloo Uiere- Itcr If boUi sides agreed. In Uie t j ; leanUmo to arbitrate any differ- IG i nces remaining uiueltled In volun- ] (Continued on Page 6, Col. 3i ---------------------- - B( K.i|ilCTS lilltary*Patrols Augmented^ in Potential Trouble Zoncarsiiangtiai thM ; Aust SlfANOHAI. rFrldny) Oct. 3 (.1 ^ aged ilncje cHlwnv In near-panic, of o failed tod.iy a «rdlct In Uie ^ (akayima csJie" u Japan aug- ----- entcd lt.1 military patrols ajid f lat may be a nex trouble tone TT ipearcd In north-Ciilna. ______ A verdict In the trial ot Uie al- . sed sl/iyem of Hndco Nnkayama. Japanese naval warrani officer, |___ expected llil^ aftemoon. A Clilnwe report s.ild the Jap- nicli. lese wnuld withdraw Uielr armed the rccs ftom tlie llongtew area, jnU- aeed_iin'''‘ ,r_*'.!<l'ltn marUal Is r own. sterdar. proTldrd there‘wtro "Tio “ iib doward svenU" 3i houra alter nutti e Kif.j Jaiunrw residents of l^niilao, lodaj ean'i.hlle. pelUlonrd the lirad* "nicy iart«rs of-tha-north-chla*-sJap- thejr. lew csrrtun al TlenUln a.i^klng III dftional iroopj to protect ihelr ding 4tonal«,- Ther' de.* tU)ed Hi> at* eonst isphere In Shantung province as gestl( lost dangerous." uve "Uttle Tokyo." Uic Japaneie Hon* eeekl w quarter o f' SlianKhal which sever rdeis Uie Chinese Chapel dls- An ct, wa»vxurrounaed by marine* her . th fixed bsyonrls bul the sUram porU frighlened Clilnc.M; evacuating morr e netglibcrhood dilndled. a ly[ NEV ncial Oper rive On P it ‘ts Hoover, Intolerance Iks Campaign Plans ^ :cB G.O.P. Gains ^ taled Press) ^ smor AU M , Landon talked resident attcrwaM told news- die! naking progress." Hot t thls.campalgn,.rm golng-to rin Hoover added as he stood be- »ov :h of tho executive mansion, cou sera pocket, »I start In PhUa- yea: uked. Just befors ths oonfereoee J xincluded. -,i,S “It's been t very pleasant vUlt,' he candidate replied, lumlng back f," Irom Uie door. .-I 'w u delighted to wve Mr. Hoover hero for an op- fi" wrtunlly to Ulk over campaign ^ jtans." -One of tha flrtt-quaUons to-Booi ? - (ConUnued on Page S. Col, 4) b imed-For I! « - I t At Salinas!? ________ tho Blast Designed To pii Union Workers, my^ ------------ . ----------------------------- :UledPrtM) 8U^ ompany lettuce plont tonight ^ in immediately expreiM be- un jy "radicals", among jtrlklng s< {atcs of the plant and .no one plosion was an effort U]f " ra d -1/1 lcalB’-!-he sald~wer«>«upport- Hfl Ing the striking fruit andyeg- ■''' stable worken' union, to. in -, I llmldat« non-union FUi^o al /eld iin Tho 'mhdsjr'of thaUUuce vMku . !rs' itrik# w u generaUr .tnnqull •xcept for ft report by j. w ; Jar, a , 'wW vho reported to Slierlff Cari Ab- » lt Uiat he w u fired at by six irUtera while driving a toad of let* 11^ tft HiH n n fffttn ■ Moro lhan 3JOO worken art' on pi ilrlko In the fiallnu*WatsonTllle a*ni >rea, «eeUng pretercDtUI hiring fer ^ inlon members. . , nogj ----- vital rhree Persons Burn— w» To Death In Cottage com OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 3 (Prlds4>U«>^ ^ -niree personi were,burned fatally vhll# uleep and'a tturlh suffered ,.v. :rillc*l burns In a Hre that de- itroycj tlielr frame colt^e here ,na The dead arc: ^ Mra. Mary Dlngcldelji, aboul 63; nulll ler daughter. Mn, Helen Broakey, "Jl t,'.- Id daughter of itrs. Jlroskey.' less ---------------------- U U [dalio Court Studies S. Union Party’s Claim BOIflE. Oct. 1 - The Su. Be reme court took urtder considers- aiKi Ion today Hi# question of wheUier Kntl lie names ot preildenUal candl* ^ewi alea Lemke's Union pariy.-eleeton nd aaplranta for atato oftlce ahall invit e prUiled on Uie Idaho general lecU5n ballot. Jan; ----------- -- ---------- . Cow Vustrfa Repudiates ' Post War Agreement u>. ____ J mini VIENNA,'Oct. 1 I^V-RepudlaUngikno' ie post-war treaty of St. Oermaln., "H uslrla today ailed 8.000 youUu.;assai ged 31, lo the colon for a perlod are i t compulsory military service. leonw U tahn D esigns Engage G irl W ho “B a iO T SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 1 (/T) - Solej Ichard O. Saley, 52, preaentcd lo tasks le girl who "balled him out of floor; ill- loday a diamond ring of Ills Syi Resign. .....— . . ,to .gl lie and the ring rtclplem.'ltta kept uth Peterson, 71, completed Uielr to se. ■lf-lmpo«ed week ot "Jall jcrrlce" uie. day and went trousseau-slwpplng. "W hey will be married October-IS, Jall i iey aald.-------------------------------- - II w u U avoid delaying Uieir wed- time, ng Uiat City Judge A. H. Blelt It's U atlon tlial she 's/ia« lier^'ptxapec- Sal ve husband's IS-day Jall tenn for Uce, <kless driving. Uius reducing It to to sp iven and-a-lialf days tor each. prese. Acionllngly the young woman quit enga( er iob In a beauty shop aad re- Dried lo police headquarten eaeh prett] lornlne for clglit hours o f work u Ij’pbt In tin Idtnimcalloa bureau. wUl I Prica rations ■| ttsburgh^ Preside'nt (Jounts On I Rising Income To 5 Balance Budget | Recalls tanergency i » -------- i (By -ni# Associated Prtai) •' FORBES FIELD, PfTIS- BURGH, Oct. 1 — President r. Roosevelt stood under brll- . Hant floodHg^^^ Forbes' . Held tonlght.and told.an w - ,' Hence of - thousands U* na- ^ Llonal Income continued to ! rise-asit;hBa beeQ'tlBlng.'tbe ' [tbvemment’s . annua! budget : :ould be-balanced "within a '' year or two- vlUioul addlUooal ; He'dwelt a'lencUt-oo-tht-na^ -i Uooal debl tn tho aeeotid major td« : i drtu In hla'campaign'for r*«leci tlonandasfuredlilsllstenentnUw . lammed b*U park of Uw PlUilwtgti ■;i PlnUs that the deficit, w u not - lolneto b« met by.“opprt*itv« taza aa.firtura.e«nerilloni"_____________ : BtrikaalOppealtles ' Back in im , the prealdent tald. , national Income and. goremment Uld the Eorenuanit had to eir» ror a growlntJumLof desUluta and LereUlng otf a t hi*' Republican ' ' >ppoilUoni he Old he eairatlde a- ~ ‘do-noUilns or a walt-and*iee poll- ' 7" and "rerened ths policy of :he .previous admlnlitiaUon.’' . , It cost mon#7. he lald, but the >eol>lB knew in 1B33 th a t It would. "1 had promised," bs uld,' "and ny admlnlitraUon waa determined. o-keep-the-people-of-the-TTntted— ; Italea from atarraUon." . - , In combatUng-tiw dewtaloa' h# - I itid''thriannnbt^roniia'ij65ai>”.'. td the publle debt eight bUlloR'doN' . ars. ' ' Bome people, h> added,'«wUl tell | ..(OopUnuedoaPage e..pol. !)• j S S im I Senaiorieoalls^dministrav-i tion's /ittacks U|ioh. Conitllutlon . PHn^ADttPHIA, Oct. 1 (fl - lenator Arthur R. Vandenberg (R» .uch) said lonlght Uiat Ffeiiaent toosevelt had toad# "our neareat in- ItaUon to open nulHflcatloa" ot ths Jnlted States OonsUtuUoa “in 7S ------------------------------------------- Referring to Uw president’* raes- age tq eongreu on Um Guffey coal onud act, ih# Ulehlgan aenator ‘ fcctared In a campaign speeeh pre- *red for delivery: ’President'Roosevelt .'ddlberalely,' '> *ked congress to Ignora lu ConsU- utlonal scruples, ‘however reason- blc;. In onlft to ntlnse hlm.to an / nU'ConstlluUonal adventure. Tluie ru our nearest InvltaUon fo open • ; ullltlcaUon In TS }-eara. ' "Jt wu a fluh of revealing can-___i- fir-T/K jiiVrilyljp't^raiit^but-no--., !ss cumuIaUve in IU significance, I I the record of an admlnlstiaUon 'lilch liu.otKiier coUlded wlUi Uio ttnstilutlon and Uw supremo court . ; lian any oUier admlnlslrallon In .meriean history." Dlietisae# Challenge Senalor Vandenberg tumed to a ' Iscusslon of a tlebata challenge re- entlr Issued by Senator J. Hamilton «wls 10-111). He declared: "A dlsUngulshed senator recenUy ivltcd mo 10 debate wlUi him Uw uesUon WheUier Uie Rooseitlt , arly had 'knowingly' vIoUled Ui# ' lonsilluUon. t am always happy lo ; nlerlaln debates. But that subject * tl Impossible. I would not under- . : Ike lo prove tha^ the Roosevelt ad- i ilniJtraUon h u ever done anyUUng , :nowlngly,‘ :; "It makes no difference wlicUicr uaulU upon Uie piuiadelplila Ideal re conscious, sub-conscious or un* insclous. Results ars whal count." igem ent R ing for j ^ im O u t^ Jail’ [ nley, a taxi-driver, did regular A s around. Hit stAtlon ~ pwpplng oors. washing windows. SympsUieUc oUlcen allowed them p.go oul for. lunch togellier, but' ■■ !pt"a"clowthciir upon" the'tlnw”"” I see Uut they relumed on sched- e. •: -with RuUi Uiere, It wasn't like .11 al all," Baley asserted. And his lracUve-flancc.aere*d,»rMy,-Uw------- me.went fut. But Just Uw saato S Uw Iu t weTe gofnr to ture to ■ iw im tall.ti" Saley, a former jeweler's apprtn- ' :e, waited unUl hb release loday spring his ble surprise. Then be -esenled RuUt wlUi a sparUlng leageflsent ring he made hlmself. I've never seen anoUier half as ' etty," Miss Ptlenon/ctlcd, After a wedding trip, tba .couplr II Urt In Loi Angelea.

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

. , . c i t r E a i to - .

' TH'‘ ^ y o L i o . N u . ' t s s .I f " = s =

|Rebel Genera I Columns Do

Highways 1iFasdst Battle Line Arch( r I Tliree Sides As Go^• , ‘ ders Counter-j

(Br Tb* A»oeut«FascUt iMttfgent l^ O M y d e r

which the govemment hopwl to i toent of jt^d rld .

Tbe Insurgent battle line archei ftides, ItA contours similar to those owing Madrid Xrom tho east.

Fascist captors of Bargas stood hornhiirdment-tluring wMeh»—“ govemment aviators, .tholr i i i directions - confused, dropped lfl/|

o i i u ^ i B«r.Beports naehine U ib o a ,n rtu iu .

Mid ,th»t 600 faichU » e « be- iltged «t Blrecho Db Qulnto, wJiUb

' (boM OD tlw ?rtneh bordtr heird that- M pnrtniment *jrmp»UU«r»

^ h id barricaded thenwlves in »«cm- Mill isanr liulde Toledo, .aplured bjr . rueliU earlier in • ‘

» General rraneo- dror# coliumia iJora ihtee wutbera hlghwajn lead* lii{ to Madrid lo u i eKott (o pre*

_T jn t.r?yeniratn t_« jpe_la that_^- Bl

J sT* Bflicbard SnbuA.

InnirBent leader* u ld they itlll belle Jioped Madrid wmla bc taken by comi *re*r rather than force," « id u ld oaet.

— t t K l r i t n t ^ vould*b»-tfr-bombanl. —Th _Midfld_«i»burt».j lriring « ^ lled vW«

popuUee Into the S iy lta e irW o re detH K Ilnal Infantry uaauft. ««ni

One fa'iclal column ’ marched on elioi }ia<ral Camero, a eecond beyond 11- line IW M and a third cn Aran Jues. Mon each of vhlch li on a main louth* not i im Midrid highway. • ' - disci

Madrid sowmment, In an » e ^

(Ountlnued on Paje S, Col. 3)■ " 8i

Y ‘ • I UlQ ]

Li g h t s a n d s ,

S H A D O W S s ;

I n D a y ’s E m U . I S

‘ (By The A pcU ted Pren) Q n

Seatli iDtenreBM -^ U ll- - i f r

OhIo-WhUa U n . '& u Jones « u ^ J f l ik in g funeral arrantemenl* for her hutbapd, Jolut. Jones, 90, kltled tn an automobile accident, her ault for dlrorce t u flied In common p leu court.

— M n rJ o n e n o W -ih rh a d -p te ie d ------the dlrorce peUUon v lth her a t- . '* lomer several daya prevloui and

• lud nejlected to noUfy him ot her huiband'i death. ^

J ------ WhllToo M any H o g s- cand— •T B E M O irrrO .'^ ran n e r-A d aa M-hi

noth h u too many hogs on his loela farm, noth lold filierUt T«m Fask ried (hat the hogs-91' ot 'em -had aim- allor ply ‘taken tip’' a t his place and cago, w uldn 't leave, and lhat lie w u geU iw t Uns pretty tired o(. feeding them agalr while n ln lr hunting ihclr owner. Polb

... — . YaE l l f o c o B o d - .

BflKNEAPOUS - Slolen ablo ■JleenM plates provide too e tfkllre a dlsgulM, Eugene OUbert, a war* ,

Sent t^ SUllwaUr. Minnesota, to collect a speeder's fine, he-equlppcd ills car wlth-*tclcn.ll« n « i plalei ta i Tj^ - dltffulse It. SUUwRltr police threw n u Iilm In Jall. I b coUecled tlie speed- er's fine-after convincing police Jie

, was an ofllcer on duly.....................

-Booster’s L am en t- ' ^tni ' lOTBTON. N. 0 . - When Carl the i Thigpen went to his chicken house,' sa id : he found four choice bens had been ing

. Itolen and a cardboard placard from . about a rooster’s neck reading: "How he e:

Md I am." I ten I

M e m b e r o f ‘S p i t - a n ’-11 D e f e n d s C l a i m s t o D

KmaSTON, M. M , Oct. m - “Nt "P-f*f*t-{-t*t-t,“ w u the succinct prett: comment of Jim "Narrow" Qsge to- but II dsy when news ef a -brond.spltUng- again record ot a dosen plus feet trickled "P-

— lnto-thls-almott»alisndmtd..lIKle. _ a a i nilnln* camp, where the ons and ,p p „ only •‘spll-an’-whltlle club" jeal- in j o ously guanto lls rites and reputa- jt,Ie I

“riaw I hear tell lhat a .feller , 7^ ' nsmfd Jupet.O>iTls down In FUh- .

' errUle.’ Virginia, BillTed-olt-and ‘ spit a sIus. 13 feel, nine Inches,

—dtiwled lanky, lanlem-Jawed “Nor- ^ nw,-'cocking his feet up on a ’

— craefceri»* -and o-elng a sawduit* ^ filled box halfway across lhe room. '* rf;

■Wall, that a ln t a bad »pil-put. V —cor iJ It eojurrible eood. LeastwUe ““ ii*

n ain't A wotld nwrd.~llk« this '"Y ( feller claims. • l>s»t

“WhT Vie Wtttner here, our ’'high lyeed' jnlttorlum,’ won nii noilSKbl# ix>- TCTOl

•.»ltlon this year by drowning a over ■ crasjhopper nt IS leetM l Inches. , •■T

And say, did I tTer-tCtTjou about that I mr J#.footer7 Ineet

"Y n sir, that w u a humdinger. By- hut the boys ruled 11 cul 'f*UM a Club" big yellerjucket wuek up bsck of pay.

' my neck »nd let loos« Just u 1 rules; r'ared back lo splU you,'

. r . •

u w M ta Atnm BOBlaO o r CTBCtnJitiowB

al Drives C )wnThree I To Madrid Iihes Around City 0: I ovem m ent Or- ' I r-A ttacks . ■lattdP reu) - Her G en e ra l'F ran c isc o F ra n co ■

0 p re v e n t com pleto encircle- ■

hed a ro u n d M adrid on th re e I 050 o l a g rasp in g / ia t s h a d - / M

od o ff a h e av y la n d a n d a ir ■

l a i r s M I

. SFB VESSEL Ilullny Indicated as Ownsrs I

Disclaim Responsibility ■ . for Passengers ■

BUENOS AIREa. Oct, 1 (J) -'wo-Arjentlne -warsliips ton lg lit-----uarded ttie Spanish liner Cape Stn * * jitonlo oulsldo the harbor here, a rc .cllevlnj a recalcitrant crew w u In __jmmand v lth Uto ciptala a prts- ------

,The.ihIpJelt:th«.cout_of.Mpnlei _ A . Ideo yesterday where It lisa been £ \ etamM."ftnanurowncrs,-Uio-lbarra unpany ol Seville. Spain, made no Kort lo contact It. Offices of the . ne here, a t Sanlos. Braill,' ond . lonlevldeo asserted lli# tlilp Hid ot been ordered on lU wyago and ^ Isclalmefl responsibility for.pas- Q fl ' :ngcrs and crcw.pert auUioritles of Uie Uuto cities

•fused to permit the slilp to dock. Slevard, Seatnan la Camnund

Uruguayan o lf lc l^ vho boardetl __^10 ship said they lound a s l e w d ^ nd a seaman apparently In com- a di und, Tliey demanded to bce the oppt splalD, Jose L uu . Ue w u brought M. I )rth, bul Uie stewwd and laUor s t onUiiued to parUdptte In lhe con- jn g erttUons and answered questions ddreiwd to him.,,.

l i i B i i i i ' ii f i f i B l

------- suppo

lomraunlst Candidate for —President— Released—

From Jall li?

TEIUIB HAUTE, Ind., Ocl. 1 (^V- mile Earl Browdir. communlil indldate for president who spent l-houm-lo-Jslt-hero-with-four-a*- lelates en vanniney charges, hur* " ed toward New York tonlglit. his itorner. David J. Bentall ot Oil- Igo, prepared charges ot faU« ar*« t 'a n d false ImprUonment:aln!t Mayor Sam Deccher and ____Bllce Chief James C. Yates. 'Yatea appeared unconcerned over _ e n u n InlenUcm uying -ThoM mmunlJls-know we mean.bu»l- !ss about staying out of town," Tlie ayor u ld , "1 denounce eommun* m, and I wUI do everything In myiBtE_tarTrKBCS==5m rai5yjfc _ ^leecnes and demonstrations In trte Ilnute."

l9T)kliw;lDiirs‘Rai(ksO fNewD calAuthorsWASHINQTON. Oct. 1 MV-Hirrr . Hopkins, work* progress admin* trntor ^ald today he hnd Joined 10 mnks of New Deal authors. He lid he had written a book. “Spend* lg to Save." dealing wilh relief om 1920 to the present time, which B expects to bo released, In about in days.

■ W h i t t l e C l u b ’ I

D i s t a n c e R e c o r d s

‘'Now this Ju p e r Oarlj may be elly good tn his neck of Uie woods, it If he w u to come out and go up :alnst VIc here, or me, why— •'P-t-f-t.t.t-L-Oaje.accoiDpaiiled his words-wlUi._____iproprlale action; A minute open- ‘ \ e of the lips, a scarcely p e r^ l* le Ughlening of the Jaw muKles.The glistening globule of tobacco I Ice arched high and true, teemed i heillate nn Instant In midair, and

nded'“w llh " a uUsfylng "pinp" uarely In lhe center ol the saviluitIX. • ' ■>T h a t there'A the way se da It :re." aald "Narror," romjilncent*. "We aim lor accuracy as well a.i stance, and ve get both. "Ycan.-nn-Ju3t-a-lltr!ejurprl6eil — -A t l In t siaJe where giwd Wiair- \| ■ed'll raised w cKleii-’Jtcly. they ' )uld lel us Wralcnit.n l>ill H ill cr tbcm."Tbe only wny I can account for ^ a l to practice. Sir. pmcllce. Keep- gewrluUngly a t It brtngssiiccfis." By-laws ot the "Spit and Whitilc ub" abflolulelyban all wi'k for y'. There are only iw oilitr _ les; "Alwny.i whillle away Irom 'U,' and "never spit Into Un alnd."

S C C V R A T .

v m t■ TW

Declares For ]

• * *7 flm lj/ BcHetic that the r m rc suffering from ioda;/ is the elcci

y-Smith Gal Election C

)ne Time Democratic Pn Points To ‘Way Out

. <Dy The Assoelatec -WBW- VOniC, Oct. !.■ m ' ' Bm>»i b i t te r c ritic o f P residen t Roosev

pposltlon to n ig h t and u rged the [. L andon of K ansas, to th e presl S tan d in g w h ile-faced bcforo a sl

i g ra y old Cam egle h a ll th e “hap c m o cra tic cam paign e ig h t years iln is tra tlo n of F ra n k lin D. Roosci -“I - f irm ly b e l le v e - th a t - th e * :— :m edy for a ll th e ills th a t we ment ■c • .tu /rcring Srom today is aboui IC c lcc tlon of A lfred M .L an* fnm-nt- . • - V „ Prt"Ilow." he orled out abova » e ed ■< owing din ^ k crowd U ut had one e used wliat was coming, "can 1 "Wot pport a failure?" - did r

Amrrlcan Flnl lume;'I am an American bclore I am "v< Detnoefatra-Bepubllcan-or-any- t t r l in* elsel- uie 1As he spoke Qovemor Landons me. Ills faco w u grim, and there ~ t f kl no tmco ot a smile. and :In lho shouting rear Uial burst uy." rill there w u a momentaty dls- ^ rbance about mid-way bacic In _ 0 I m li^ man'strug'gledTcira mo-T (C

Kidding Ourt


^ ^ iM - c e c u R i T y . •



r Landon

Adi > T

! p :(ewlloo j

ficmi l^ tra b lgh Beat) ; xn< ttelort ' n il ttoa]

follow group <'Tll(

' In. J H H H H H i p B B K l I irbe

em edv fo r a ll th e Ws th a t ive coi IccHon o f A lfre d Af. la n d o n ," , a ea

' velt {tober

ills-For- - gOf Landon 3

_ _ _ *breat

P re ^ e n tia l Nomineelu tO f Our Ills’ ■'S'------------ i;:oated Press)jIH tr-form ep-friejM l-buW onff !S p . uevclt, w en t a ll th e w ay In h e c lcc tlo n of G overnor A lt ™ residency. ‘1 sh o u tin g , sc ream ing Ih'fong happy w arr io r” of th e losing a rs ago, disavow ed th e a d - tnd ■ ascvclt a n d shou ted ; - r ,

lent In a Unglo of raised arms bout him wjd flnalljr w u hustled lom Uw building. ^Prtvloasly.-SmlOi h(d been h « » .

d a t one point In his address by ne of his heaitra who arose lo ask; ” Won’t you pleaso explain why you [?•, ; Id not agree wlUj the peojile lhat . . . , jmed against Hooserelt?"" ^ u liad tette r put Uiat In bet* Kni

ie former’New York govemor r t- leles : lied. “I have llie plattprm. Aller I curt, et finished, you ean 'get up here nd have u mueh u j-ou w an t to "Tli »y." lure.On the floor ot Uie lu ll and In “ih

“TCOTtlnuca'on Page"'B,“C6l.“61 (0

jrselves About Easy Strec

Iw rfO O frtv iju s r {IfVf iTToouwewES,

^ e c c T ? . J .!

‘ ( a * ”v \ v A . y . \y l

I ®i tttP

V i , \ u ^ T ' i'iu"tuen«

Copyrifin, 1W6. By '

P R E S S N E W S P A P B l p C C


Roosemtt New Dea

In CamAdministration Policy T , Termed ‘Financial

Dance Of Death’ (

Calls for Action”' (By Tlie Assocliled Press)! P nT S B U R G H , O ct. 1— A !ew m inu tes before P re s id e n t iloosevelt spoke s ix bloclcs _ iwny. Colonel F ran k K n o x. Republican v i c e . presidcn ilaT Somlnee, assailed th e a d m in - s tra tlo n 's flscol policies to - lig h t a s a " fin an c ia l d a nce of le a th ." a! Knox spoke in Duquesne Garden letore a nepubllcan rally, riBfIlls address went on a na* acl|;

ional radio neta-oric ftom S:30 p. m. T mUl 9 o'clock, with Uie presldenl Rep ollowlne Immediately on the u m e inc( iroup of staUons. utes

Tlie president made, his address roor :n lhe Pittsburgh baseball park, n i ; ftrbes field. eroi-------- Beeaai Old Pledge#-■------- ers.

Colonel Knox lurked his fire on m earlier address President Roose- relt delivered In PltUburgh on Oc* = ;ober l». igu , In llw Uilck of Uie floonnvll'lfotwr campslgn. T l

Iclts In Ill'll spwciii Khdx de*Oared:

" It t find any belUr words than appalling' and 'slaggerlng' and breath.calclilnp.' I'll usa tliem"

A crowd pKked the hall, which i p _ leals 0.000, for the candidate's ap* | s u xarance.

As he strode down Uie aisle at l;:o the crowd wawd hundredi ot Unerican flap and gavo him aihrlll cheer of welcome.____________ a

Valaes In Jeopardy bur:'nilUng In ahort aenlences. Knox and

ised the PltUburgh appearance to iinf !«.opcn hLi charges'that financial ,,_i jracUces of Uie administration cn- langer the value of life Insurance ind savings accounts.

"f do not believe tho admlnlstra- C

lald. “I t Jusl does not know how to ■ bi Itop. Out the people know how to jlfl

OT»4.(iy,tt«JlUlIWlLt»-. ! . ' i ' Ilnd Iho rostrum wtre former Unlt- td s u t a Senator Darid Reed, Hen- 7.P..Plelcher, fotmer chairman ot h i Republican naUonal committee, md L. T. Weir, PennsylvanU steel nuler. U/n

Knox renewed his declaraUon that

cle* leave "no Insurance policy se­ttle, no ssvlngs account safe."

Iramtdtale laioe “This U not a mstler of the fu*

ure. It Is here now," he declared. w ,.i "The value of the uvlngs dollan

"TConUnuea on P a g fa rC o m

------ ~ ■■■■— !> way1 brlnji

. — and__________________•

bcrli ■ slier

y i i \ \ ' mean


• , ' Mill

" S i f r s ii i. ' I ' ----------- r a t e’aJ L ’ X \ / \

. 1 what___I— 2P£L‘

V .r* — v \ ' ^ 5 < ^ I , A *. Icged

Wr —*- ~

t tS a J I u -'•I*'

”“3 "I kew i

. / • with I"■ ■ ■ of frl

By Tht New Yotk Tribune, Inc. the n(

C O M P L S T B . ' '

VILY, 193G

TDefmt^aVsFinannpaignPriLandon Meet Strikes At h

Former President Talks With Nominee; Seei

(By The AsjoctaU TOPEKA, Kns., Oct. 1—G overn

l)resldcnMal"CotnpaignTilans~fonii Hoover today and ll»e /o rm er pres. n e n "Tho R epublican cause Is ma:

••W hat I ’m going to say a bou t.tl !sy in f ro n t o f a microphone," Ho ilde L andon on tho tro n t porch righ t han d th ru s t in to h is trouseri Iclph la O ctober 10," > - - -

T lie C olifornlan a n d th e _ Republican presidentia l nom- nee had ta lked for 55 m ln - ihn utes In tlie high eelllnged llring room o( the govcmort mansion. h.„, lliey came out lojetlier to face a „orl irou_p ot rcpqrUr* and photograph- pj,,

"Have you anj-tlilnj to add to Mr! Hoonr's remarks]" Landon w u i

Radicals-BIai Explosion.

Police Cliiet Declares 1 Intimidate Non-Ui

(By The Assoclab RALINAH. Cnllf^. O rt 1 - A n >rp

ia rrlcoded S allnu l VaUcy Icc com in d Pollco Chief O corge G riffin lief 'i t was dyiiam llc. s e t o ff by union w orters , ' ' '. .The b la st did no t b reak th e gat

was repo rted in jured.C hief G rlffla declared th e explo

iiH it I____ _ who

bVorkcrs and Shipowners —eiearWayiorPcrma=—

nentPeace ‘ .t“-1— — ares

SAN PRANCIKO, Oct, I (IT) - Jarlllme unions and .shipowners, forking under a IJ-day tnieo agree- , wntrfpeeded-tip lagging waterfront T i l 'Pcratlons today and cleared Uie , .•ay fer negollallons dcdgncd' lo ring i>rniuinent pence lo Uie long* roubled IndusUj'.With Ih# Kro hour upon Uiem - T l

nd ihrealcnlng lo deve(op a ticup whll nvplvlng 37.000 maritime workers crill ild all west cou t shipping, boUi stro Ides early llils momlng agreed'lo earlj mice propoMl for which ihe newly

rcated United Stales ihai^lme , , — n M „ JTlie iniM.Mllwl fnr-4-fontlr'ii.

nco of old agiwmenU until Octo* old i e rlS and a 4S-day cxleiisloo Uiere- Itcr If boUi sides agreed. In Uie t j ; leanUmo to arbitrate any differ- IG i nces remaining uiueltled In volun- ]

(Continued on Page 6, Col. 3i---------------------- - B(

K .i|ilC T Slilltary*Patrols Augmented^

in Potential Trouble Zoncarsiiangtiai thM

; — AustSlfANOHAI. rFrldny) Oct. 3 ( .1 ^ aged ilncje cHlwnv In near-panic, of o failed tod.iy a «rdlct In Uie ^(akayima csJie" u Japan aug- -----entcd lt.1 military patrols ajid f lat may be a nex trouble tone TTipearcd In north-Ciilna. ______A verdict In the trial ot Uie al- . sed sl/iyem of Hndco Nnkayama.Japanese naval warrani officer, |___expected llil^ aftemoon.

A Clilnwe report s.ild the Jap- nicli. lese wnuld withdraw Uielr armed the rccs ftom tlie llongtew area, jnU- aeed_iin'''‘,r_*'.!<l'ltn marUal I s r own. sterdar. proTldrd there‘wtro "Tio “ i ib doward svenU" 3i houra alter nutti e Kif.jJaiunrw residents of l^niilao, lodaj ean'i.hlle. pelUlonrd the lirad* "nicy iart«rs of-tha-north-chla*-sJap- thejr. lew csrrtun al TlenUln a.i klng III dftional iroopj to protect ihelr ding 4tonal«,- Ther' de.* tU)ed Hi> at* eonst isphere In Shantung province as gestl( lost dangerous." uve"Uttle Tokyo." Uic Japaneie Hon* eeekl w quarter o f ' SlianKhal which sever rdeis Uie Chinese Chapel dls- An ct, wa»vxurrounaed by marine* her . th fixed bsyonrls bul the sUram porU

frighlened Clilnc.M; evacuating morr e netglibcrhood dilndled. a ly[


ncial Oper rive On Pit‘ts Hoover, IntoleranceIks Campaign Plans ^ :cB G.O.P. Gains ^taled Press) ^sm o r A U M , L andon ta lked

residen t attcrwaM told n ew s- die! na k in g progress." Hott th ls .c a m p a lg n ,.rm go lng -to r in H oover a d d ed a s h e stood be - »ov :h of th o executive m ansion , cou sera pocket, » I s ta r t In PhU a- yea:

uked. Just befors ths oonfereoee J xincluded. -,i,S

“It's been t very pleasant vUlt,' he candidate replied, lumlng back f , " Irom Uie door. .-I 'w u delighted to wve Mr. Hoover hero for an op- f i " wrtunlly to Ulk over campaign ^ jtans."-O ne of tha flrtt-quaUons to-Booi ? -

(ConUnued on Page S. Col, 4) b

imed-For I!■ ■ « • - I t

At Salinas!?________ tho

B last Designed To p i i

Union W orkers, my^------------ . -----------------------------

:UledPrtM) 8U^

om pany le ttuce p lo n t to n ig h t ^ in im m edia te ly e x p re iM be- u n jy " rad icals" , am ong jtr lk ln g s<

{atcs of th e p la n t and .no one

plosion w as a n e ffo rt U]f " r a d - 1/1 lcalB’-!-he sald~w er«>«upport- Hfl Ing th e s tr ik in g f ru i t a n d y e g - ■ ' '' stab le w o rk e n ' union , to . i n - , I llm ldat« non -un ion F U i ^ o a l /eld i i n

Tho 'm hdsjr'o f thaUUuce vMku .!rs' itrik# w u generaUr .tnnqull •xcept for ft report by j . w ; Jar, a , 'wW vho reported to Slierlff Cari Ab- » l t Uiat he w u fired at by six irUtera while driving a toad of let*11^ tft HiH nn fffttn ■

Moro lhan 3JOO worken art' on pi ilrlko In the fiallnu*WatsonTllle a*ni >rea, «eeUng pretercDtUI hiring fer ^ inlon members. . , nogj

----- vital

rh ree Persons Burn— w» To Death In Cottage

comOMAHA, Neb., Oct. 3 (Prlds4>U«> ^

-n iree personi were,burned fatally vhll# uleep and 'a tturlh suffered , .v . :rillc*l burns In a Hre that de- itroycj tlielr frame colt^e here

, n aThe dead arc: ^Mra. Mary Dlngcldelji, aboul 63; nulll

ler daughter. Mn, Helen Broakey, "Jl t , ' . -

Id daughter of itrs. Jlroskey.' less ---------------------- U U

[dalio Court Studies S . Union Party’s Claim

BOIflE. Oct. 1 - The Su. Bereme court took urtder considers- aiKi Ion today Hi# question of wheUier Kntllie names ot preildenUal candl* ^ewi alea Lemke's Union pariy.-eleetonnd aaplranta for atato oftlce ahall invit e prUiled on Uie Idaho generallecU5n ballot. Jan;■ • ------------- ---------- . CowVustrfa Repudiates ' Post W ar Agreement u>.

____ J miniVIENNA,'Oct. 1 I^V-RepudlaUngikno'

ie post-war treaty of St. Oermaln., "H uslrla today a iled 8.000 youUu.;assai ged 31, lo the colon for a perlod are i t compulsory military service. leonw

U t a h n D e s i g n s E n g a g e

G i r l W h o “B a i O T

SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 1 (/T) - Solej Ichard O. Saley, 52, preaentcd lo tasks le girl who "balled him out of floor; ill- loday a diamond ring of Ills SyiR e s ig n . .....— . . ,to .gllie and the ring rtclp lem .'ltta kept uth Peterson, 71, completed Uielr to se. ■lf-lmpo«ed week ot "Jall jcrrlce" uie. day and went trousseau-slwpplng. "W hey will be married October-IS, Jall iiey aald.-------------------------------- -II w u U avoid delaying Uieir wed- time, ng Uiat City Judge A. H. Blelt It's U

atlon tlial she 's/ia« lier 'ptxapec- Salve husband's IS-day Jall tenn for Uce,<kless driving. Uius reducing It to to spiven and-a-lialf days tor each. prese.Acionllngly the young woman quit enga( er iob In a beauty shop aad re-Dried lo police headquarten eaeh prett] lornlne for clglit hours o f work uIj’pb t In tin Idtnimcalloa bureau. wUl I

‘ Prica

rations ■| ttsburgh^Preside'nt (Jounts On I

R ising Income To 5 Balance Budget |

Recalls tanergency i» -------- i

(By -ni# Associated Prtai) • ' FORBES FIELD , P f T I S -

BURGH, O ct. 1 — P re s id e n t r. Roosevelt s tood u n d e r b r ll- . H ant floodHg^^^ F o rb es ' . Held to n lg h t .a n d to ld .a n w - ,' Hence of - th o u sa n d s U* n a - ^ Llonal Incom e c o n tin u ed to ! r ise -a s it;h B a be eQ 'tlB ln g .'tb e ' [tbvem m ent’s . a n n u a ! b u d g e t : :ould b e -b a la n c e d " w ith in a '' year or two- vlUioul addlUooal ;

He'dwelt a 'le n cU t-o o -th t-n a^ -i Uooal debl tn tho aeeotid major td« : i d rtu In hla 'cam paign'for r*«leci tlonandasfured lilsllstenen tnU w . lammed b*U park of Uw PlUilwtgti ■ ;i PlnUs tha t the deficit, w u n o t - lolneto b« met by.“opprt*itv« ta z aaa.firtura.e«nerilloni"_____________ :

BtrikaalO ppealtles ' Back in i m , the prealdent tald. ,

national Income and. goremment

Uld the Eorenuanit had to eir» ror a growlntJumLof desUluta and

LereUlng otf a t hi*' Republican ' ' >ppoilUoni he O ld he eaira tlde a - ~ ‘do-noUilns or a walt-and*iee poll- '7 " and "rerened ths policy of :he . previous admlnlitiaUon.’' . ,

I t cost mon#7. he lald, but the >eol>lB knew in 1B33 tha t It would.

"1 had promised," bs u ld ,' "and ny admlnlitraUon waa determined. o-keep-the-people-of-the-TTntted— ; Italea from atarraUon." . - ,

In combatUng-tiw dew taloa ' h# - I itid''thriannnbt roniia'ij65ai>”.'.td the publle debt eight bUlloR'doN' . ars. ' ■ '

Bome people, h> added,'«wUl tell |

..(OopUnuedoaPage e..pol. !)• j

S S im ISenaiorieoalls^dministrav-i

tion's /ittacks U|ioh. Conitllutlon .

PHn^ADttPHIA, Oct. 1 (fl - lenator Arthur R. Vandenberg (R» .uch) said lonlght Uiat Ffeiiaent ’ toosevelt had toad# "our neareat in- ItaUon to open nulHflcatloa" ot ths Jnlted States OonsUtuUoa “in 7S-------------------------------------------Referring to Uw president’* raes-

age tq eongreu on Um Guffey coal o nud act, ih# Ulehlgan aenator ‘ fcctared In a campaign speeeh pre- *red for delivery:’President'Roosevelt .'ddlberalely,' '>

*ked congress to Ignora lu ConsU- ■ utlonal scruples, ‘however reason- blc;. In o n lft to n tlnse hlm.to an / nU'ConstlluUonal adventure. Tluie ru our nearest InvltaUon fo open • ; ullltlcaUon In TS }-eara. ' •"Jt w u a flu h of revealing can-___i-

fir-T /K jiiVrilyljp 't^raiit^but-no--., !ss cumuIaUve in IU significance, I I the record of an admlnlstiaUon 'lilch liu.otKiier coUlded wlUi Uio ttnstilutlon and Uw supremo court . ; lian any oUier admlnlslrallon In .meriean history."

Dlietisae# Challenge Senalor Vandenberg tumed to a '

Iscusslon of a tlebata challenge re- entlr Issued by Senator J. Hamilton «wls 10-111). He declared:"A dlsUngulshed senator recenUy

ivltcd mo 10 debate wlUi him Uw uesUon WheUier Uie Rooseitlt , arly had 'knowingly' vIoUled Ui# ' lonsilluUon. t am always happy lo ; nlerlaln debates. But that subject * t l Impossible. I would not under- . : Ike lo prove tha^ the Roosevelt ad- i ilniJtraUon h u ever done anyUUng , :nowlngly,‘ :;" It makes no difference wlicUicr uaulU upon Uie piuiadelplila Ideal re conscious, sub-conscious or un* insclous. Results ars whal count."

i g e m e n t R i n g for j ^ i m O u t ^ J a i l ’ [

nley, a taxi-driver, did regular A s around. Hit stAtlon ~ pwpplng oors. washing windows.SympsUieUc oUlcen allowed them p .go oul for. lunch togellier, but' ■■ !pt"a"clow thciir upon" th e 'tln w ”"”I see U ut they relumed on sched-e. • •:-with RuUi Uiere, It wasn't like .11 a l all," Baley asserted. And hislracUve-flancc.aere*d,»rMy,-Uw-------me.went fu t. But Just Uw saato S Uw Iu t weTe gofnr to tu re to ■iwimtall.ti"Saley, a former jeweler's apprtn- ':e, waited unUl hb release loday spring his ble surprise. Then be

-esenled RuUt wlUi a sparUlng leageflsent ring he made hlmself.I 'v e never seen anoUier half as ' etty," Miss Ptlenon/ctlcd,After a wedding trip, tba .couplrII Urt In Loi Angelea.

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

n n s IE l l l L a i F i iridahoan ReoKei Causes fo r H

Tum From Demooratio B ■ M y , . ■

■ B O im 'o e t. I ( « - JBloa OM- | n eolAcli. nho iritMIew .two TO'

. u e W UM TowBiend un(U<Ut« iot ' th* Miut*. u u iw iv U ll '^Mt • Itn m 1 « t»Jlo r, DemocnUe »Ul« ■

' cbalimu. ■ ■' - Tw lot e au te d D t/tnbuh "nM ■, U ji.Tw nw nd clubi.out for » n jM H. of potUc«r when he Mtlrtd In f i - H^.Tor ot vnnUm.C..B<na>. Repub- Mr UCU eudldtte. g

i i n ix i iw iU »M nrtl.H U h n g T - _ «Mf o. uaM t . .

. Cu m for, 8bUt ' m

'■ -If' ttlM- tt 'Uf •hUtlBI »W r t . (lem O i p a ao m u o p irtr, » wui -B0( ntM b lip ftoffl me.- D tfio - =tie h « ld ta - « iU U a » n t .J o lV l« , ------

’ T U t t t r ---------------------- ---—ttw ufl butnucrtoy- r

'..afid dkutonhlp,’ the eoormoui J

Ult te peuttol pu p o ta , tha plow- io f tmder c t a w y third rew, the I tfa a e w and loiulttni ptaper ee- K emJty act, lb# la lii t u on th* i» -

.«*iaitoiofU f«ilb*_exim n»r»clp- ne a t taiUti, th* m tU eH and un- tlu t

' aenpaloui pttMcnUon of T om iend PuU>^ a Dimooratte eooireea - tb* p7Ua m t «*U r itato admlalitnUoa rtjj

. th a t Idtho h u erer knenwlhe** HdU. a n afflODT th* Otlatt that a n ^j»laitB i.aboutjb*_»hU t Trtlc^th* “le t

itat* •ehalniao- M tm to h* i&-UdptUa,.- nlm

nn--------- ' a lti

-iLliENlllKENS- i

____ tho

:.BIumWli» Authority to Re-' = duce Oold Content of

t o y . n-ryilt!l.-OcL 1

.n ia td fraaa. bon t ^ fln tl itamp n t ,

■ S f i S T A e a i S K ^

IS H M d tn b r-aa ld ’dtbaUBcand _ «TaBtitnr>Mtweai tha 'teaaU and

^ e b t t b t t ’ ta ir i.la J illpp rtlL .T lfl,-! S f . to r r fo ru u p n m u r .

*B»iri»dntli«ltjr to r»due* the wtad . i'laltf edBtatofssase aiHtth* bum

^ i ^ - ^ M ^ ^ n f s t a d ' - t x M cloud: ;,to |Sv*liim vnbiid i*dd*crtapover H im ■: hi i tk td ..Y M lir .b * bad te r a t . coDttti n a ft naadaU t« tnu* dt-... er*««.iab)*ek t« approral ot a na<“ ttaal^^wSmte-floimea.------- - r - S p !

U fl IfldtftolJ*

*^~OffloUia'lfldlcit*d th i lovtm - ’ .m u t vlll ao t att«mp( Immediatalr

-te t u ft dtfialte n iu * of th* frane.Ihty v ltt 1« 11 And lU ovn lertl

-vta-VBrld'-aM hani*-valiua-vtthln .th*'UmUi. of iS to « mimirami

• ; l t ^ ^ w t o ^^proTld*d under th t

; < £ d i S i d J j S i S M v ^ f f i. bar* beea M o f a e ^ o p v S to n i la ..m u tlU tt. ' bend* or foreUn • ex- .cbant*. v tn -ra open tomorrev.

:But ft thna taa td atrO* of »fiOOe t Partf hotelt, n iU u - b«im

raaU and u fM may brlni «a l a - cko«i mediate te it o t th t pover ju it rot-

„e4.to,tha.iOTem&(tit.aQd.eeoMm- la oomieU to toroe atbttratlon ot la- lm a

" t t i f f f l ? f f i S t nSr*i?*taS rS ScnBkiycn to d tn a s d t ' vhlch' la - Firtti

'd t td td tmntdlat* alcaatura ot a Sh,*; ooneotlr* eeotnet, and tubttltoUon t« i ie f fixed pereentacet for Upt. |* a |i

' — S

D e a t h s o f F l i e r s O v e r ^ a d o w A i t R a i

R a c e s t o A f r i c a Sm

jtiK A m asB vkt, south Altic.,Oct. 1 UV-Onnhadoired br the q( ^

-dea th ie rtvacon ta tanU inac rM h , thin • tb* H O W zatlaad«to«Johum et. „i]roi

burt air derbjrcnvned Itt f ln t vln- tlon ' n en todar v ltb tvo othtr •n tnnU ceniU .ttu i itrlTtot to reach the egipln'i cajrii ’ t r e t |old" wllhln the in>hour a i Um* H alt. , • dljcui

At etoYdt feltd the wlimert, thdr Charlet W. A. aoott and h ii com- tleiii)! panloa OUta Oulhrle, the bodle* of the Ir Uax E. Fladlar. St. and h l in d lo Tiu

—cperator, A.4L-Uot«an. avallMl fu* ihtrU naral anaastaen ta a t Abertoni, tlonal Ntirtham Bhodeda. ' proml

A. B. Olouilon. In eecond place, of hn vaa held vp a t Khartoum bx cnilne I lii trouble, aad Victor Smith, , vbott miulo plan*, v u th* onlr olhir auhrlror c h trr

-«f-U Je-otlB nal field of nlae, v m the ci

' th* UU I t o caapbell-Black of the■ i m Boilaad-AuiUftUa a ir r a ^ and

Outhrle, Mnplclnl th* fiix^mlli p |n ' , M p tro a B u iaad a c o u th t t it tc h t 5 * “ :

. areoTlimctt-lafettad heart ot Af- 0 ■tka ta a . J m n and M m lnutej ^ : f l u r vott-tha ipeclal ipeed prtre

------ tt a j


.ltA K X S ,O d .im -E u te n lo C ir- reteni dlsal PBoeU. papal tecn ta iy of ahorel. au te, laibed la tbo erd la trr robct Alth

;ot ft hoabl* eedefUtUe, tailed to- w en i day aboard to lUl^an ilaer for h li tane* i W fat* 'T fteatloo t f lp to th e t f t l t - to be i M atfttrt, • " _ tfw



M Uler from M*h». dftUret -lUItlflC frem Deaomtl* partr I

•— •- tradiu ---------------------- ■■ ’I widow

Siamese ■ TwlHS-7 - — if Travel On One wn,

Kailroad -Ticket SSS*------- , from t

ItEOKUK. tova. Oet. 1 MV-0. houtaB. oummlnn. fluillniton raU- itw dain t i diUcUri, npcrted today d ttthfUl Oondurtor O eont Keniuai oflulled out ot here lait nl*ht itiU , 7,6;,iT ln rto flfunouthovtocollK t i t Buc;vo ftrea from B ltaeu tvini, t t r of id ln i oa 'h li tn ln .

- n u tvlai," cummlDit tald, >*•“ 'let oa a t Bt. K uli, Ho, bound •or-8t-P«ul.-M lim.-whtn-Kta. ilof a iktd for th tlr tlckett they n n him one. aad Inililed tbrytltayi t n n l f d en ont ticket. <ii,a

•'Kcnnlm didn't kaov ju tt siaptflthat to do about It, u he ttle- of Saln ^ h ed tb t patMoger.actnt a t. cofflpai31. Louit-for'lnitrttcUoai. ni<mip

'Well,'* ounm lop u ld , "the eniiag ittn t v lrtd U ckr • - -

*2f uaabl* to collect extra fan . aeottunake no attempt to put on* of t^nudhem off the train." . . utooh---------------- --------------------------- 1 fon qa s g = s = = ^ " Buckla

- --------- — in HM H H H M W “uaotri

ralher■ I S S l l f l l B H i B E d n n

UeredHrOBMAIT rO B io 'd a t a n d 1®J J iM to a ao w - Idaboi W r Fri- y aad Salurdayt modtraU ,t«a-

_____ . eUlmsI t n or

Oith. and low temperatures yei- uclety. rday a t nported 17 the govem-t t t veatherobMPrerwen-W-and----------

dereea: then vm a nrUbl* ad aad th t Iky va t clear; bam- r i Q [ itrto p rtttu n a t 9 p. ffl. « i t w .is r i n r that ta d th t hualdiiy ran tr,-U I IH L id s ^ - c c a f t o f i a t u r a ^ , . •Weather a year «io v u portly 'U P'S5“ UluprinkleB-Of-Rain—

In Western StatesPreuure* eoaUnut lov ortr p u kleau and Pacino lUtet. and MAA erywhen eUe over the Held o( ot>> With ‘ nation, with tepanle creiU o n r >l(ht, i b tru and North' Monlana"and m o n 't eeentral^plalhiTtfloa. , UtenceLliht tprlnUtt ot ralo f te nport- of dlti 1 a t San Fnaclico aad Denver, Bandot .lh lome cloOdlntlt o n r the weit- s r in a p lttetu a m , tba sonb Pael/lo (tta, ind eiiU m pUlnt aad Great ikat Mctloai, and Iht eentrtt At- t qUo coait. ^ J

llw ______ Jl t t .M a m ’inrnat — 14 It M ClMtf . m ..S i’ = i S S .fC ffiubZ m S r S - S - S ^ K ’

i e a S i r ln» lUi B tu — u M cuaar Onlr tls s t r f s s a s Ki.aV as?, S S ' S S ’ t J ' ' ; ¥ !S d i= 3 B 3 g S ’ T f a , — H ! s s s f f s i t . irln niK —Tt M M ciMt quHIe I uUattoB - I I H . .N Closer Ini ed(

. ____ duoowcoutal

tailroadsln Q uestO f JSfJ iurcharge •Substitute "■»»

. EriaiWASHDtOTON, Oci. I «/P>-Prt- council iilaaiy itepa looking te rtcoveiy Pl*at a ilibsUnllal portion ot themore model >

in I100.000MO n n a u e Asurtcan n H Po Urotdi «U1 lote vllh the erplra- - m of turchtrte rate* n n t De- mber-Jl-wtra.taken.today.by_tha .w „ _ , nJm, r a t i\ ro u p repreieollni th* rotdi T m KuiHd wllh leading - ahlppen cir pnpojali dficrlbed u “pnc- Illy complete' for idJuitmenU In t frelfht n te ilructutre. ,n u aurcharjei vhlch expln o rtly -rlelded-cam m -anladdl. aal $100,000,000 Uit yetr, and imlifd mon In IWfl on th* baiU ® hfurler tnHlc. Th»

nie Inlenlale commeree com- CUco i ulon decUaed to mtke tbe tu r- and vl i r n t permancnl. but lu tttiie d olulu 1 I carrlen to th n u |h Ihelr n ie Inc- ucture, aad Mlect Itamt vhlch The •y lc n \c u irVir'inor*TaH ff.--- m m

last Causes Delay m O rT H ipw ayftoJecty v ^ . c j j ^ i . i M - A 'ulruction today mored a huge uad of dirt In tuch a way it (ell .ween the itt tm iborel aad the ek and the track canylng the eno mpply of gaioUae tor the _ irel.athoufh the thorri and truck ■ » 1 almoit wllhln touching dii- I J e* of each other,,the truck h id I I M ilrlTeQ:aIfflci3t 40 mllet In or^ tp tc ta rq u a d tbe pile o f dirt.

M l'S I B D i y i i s n i i i |o U i i r i i t m B m m i e W

to New Home at Marl- borough Houso L

>ONDOtf, Oct. 1 H7 - f in . - ■ 1 atrufgled belveto tean .and a Qt wlitful smile u Queen Mary, er U yean u mUtreu'ot Buck- bam palace, tnored today late ■ s n r bom i a t Uariboroufb

■rQUdly erect, a tUlely (Igun In ck. th* aging quoen tumed once look back a t th* huge grey-eloaa H act vh en for m on than ft q u in of a cenlury ihe lud nigned u r ' ' ' .

<ort to the UU.Xlag aeorge V. [ /J , lu n . v lth .a war« o( her ilored ■' • id a t the imall group of onlook- v . -i

n-<olond royal Umnililne, tol- ^ed by her monarch aon. King i#* ,rard V m , and dror* tbe ahort ^ance'to Marlborough houie. the ' r f dltlonat reildence of Brllaln’tOWM Queeni QJ*

~QiMn'a SUnaatd L«v«i^ ’’ “ To^l

i n i E d w ^ remained v ith hUJu r for aomitlm* alU r her per- =U itandard had iwen bn te n r —n th t flagtUlf a t Marlborough g i ite - tha t ln l time a queen'a H iIdard h u novn then ilnce th t _th of Quten Aiextodrli, vldow CKing Sdvard TO. *hen Bdward nlum ed to hU detk u m

[eaavhlU, th t pottlbUlty ot an Unit fflclal American hoeUti la the for thi ic*,Ja.tb*-PBaon.ol.K lni W-_ ilgn .j' d'a friend, Mrt. Emeit (“Wai- you ar i-S lm p t^ en ftied Mayfair. prtrllei h i vlrailoui, dark-eyed Mn..pun, formerly WallU wartleld, Th* Baltimore, M arylant who ac- cerulr ipaaled tbe 43<year-old bachelor Kclllni u n h ' dn hit- ik-week holiday lot. lie In tho Adrbtle act, and then rfjjd ba 'W i giBW-to Id rard 'a « • : Itlib teat a t Babnoral (uUe, n - wllllns u d v lth Edward In a (pedal rlghU. oh car today * fev houn be- diM a I Queen Mary'a departure from Magbao. : ha1 Jleu of a royal bride lo act u ottlcial" boitett a t tho imall, lerlaformal dinner partka which n rd dellgbU to_ glre. It Is-be-

th t iparkllag-vitted Amerkan ^ nan vhoao twlft -uplake" la , rerutlon nputidly h u fuel- td him beyond all the urgent ms of naUro debutanlw. dova- ‘7 « I ond ducheite* of Bigllih high

'-y- __________ ..1

i i i s s i f ®niiUii=^

------- n«“ a'gging Operations Reiume <itT m m flfSaThWillfoul r r i

Flpes .

MiaiiFMXD, O n . Oct. 1 m - I Itn tl victory tor flrttlsh ten In for all t. Muthveitim Oregon tumed mrTOJ o 'to ihe roullne ot normil’e r- jj . Lar we tonight alter nearly a veek dlm lraui ( lm vhlch lerelled .doa and cauied l l deathi. - rljadler Oenenl Wley, penonal ttenUClra of OoTemor Charles T Martin la command of the f ln », tonight gnnted permlU te 1 lonlng opentloni In foreit dow u vb en no flrei v e n burning. he geiienl, reoorililng th t pot-! Cook, nty o( (urther fUrtupt along Itppear -fln-Un*i,-lald dova.onfuU y-^ loday.I inH rt>trlclioni. Qryratinnn ui- and a< lUam equtpmrat vUl tie b j u r ^ l l i ^ l ’ jr tbou campa on telephone Unea Lost thoH malnulnlng communlca- Mn. » wllh foreitry hcadquarten may from i

1- ■ (ully tlU thU afternoon. 300 men and

edgti of (Irti. Thete llr« v e n L ^ o n r td a t a foc bUnkoimg the Ital-territory lUtod. I t 'v u fog .Cookt • other (aronbl# vealher*«a. ’ a n i-th a l eniblfd renlroJ ef «laimy 111 lhat raged ihrough large With 4 o u ot a 400,000 aen ana. BUUln rfar Freed, national Antrgtncy the eo' ncU director for Oregon, u id Kramp u vere undervay to erect a Ul'Clty a t Bandon (or )U nor-


ire Announced For fourney'On Clipper I h f l ^

------- ’ I dam c

AK m u c i o o o . M I . Oct. t ' S ■ ^ t orem libt trip from Ban nclKO to Honolulu on a Pan * ^ r .frlcan-ellpper-ihtp wni'-.eoit---Merf J, or IMS for the round trip. j[f, „ i he cllppen wlll lear* Ban n a n - lhat ri 0 en ry Wednesday afternoon, conccc . vm be tcheduled to reach Hon- ture. 1 u for breaU iit the next mom- le^'enl

; For 1he air f a n for tho 'a.OOO mUe Ue rallit tu MihiUKin t)t i7n ,‘ia d lu - ' 'BitniTt20 for lhe'round trtp. v |lng th

RENO RACK-------------------p t m a c r

and CIDER yA\l b t

sTT TONIT R - A - D - l - Q - 1

TW m FALL8 DAILY mm w 8 , T W M F A I M , IP A H O ,T

Standard Furled [[ |

b olh*



vMcii! 9 | | | R S | 7 I V ^ H viack

In w> th* 0

' oni . I

tm in

B B'M-, court

ot lh

UECH UABir, nlitrtM ef Bock- N om iDiham palae* for U y u r t, m om Vaa to B eT ile* rb8m rit-II»nb«« jh TBltttt Ifoflte.' raUl

' " "f i i g h l i g h b O f

S m i t h A d d m i'JBW VORK, Oct. I MV-Hl|b- hU. from th t addreu of Alfred I Bmllh hero tonight foUovti ^7nlt*t you a n ready to lubtertbe ' tha new deal ffl) per feo fand Q jour.nam e on lha_doltetf line h a i ^ 1 a n a Tory. You t n a p rln« of P“ ‘, ' rtlege.

• ■ senlen

n u Amerlcaa tm ilntii' man U ttlnly ha rtn i a tvtU time of It S " “ ling kicked.»round.iIl.OT«r_tbc

* ■ Lor*' . . Includi

' • The new deaJ'VU n jU n lru a - y,j3 Un; to meet the liiuet of tUUs hU -They preferred to ge up a er V .: rk alley and do It under coTtr. eherlli

: haro no grtidgo agalnit Ihe na- n tl admlnlitnUon or anybody i,,g mected with It. My fault wllh :m U th t t they har* betnyed the

_____ • Jury_ct ei t r Ihere n u a narrow, per- lai and -partlun admlnlittatlon. dlctlrt agalnit ererybody that “ !ta‘t agno-wllh lu leaden. I t u t new dtal, and that kind of ad- , • ili ja tlo n cannot be DemoenUc. [ y p

* Who U tckti, vho U WalUce, LAU Lvbo.UHopklAt.andlnth«.ntaa. . n , . nU th a e ^ good and holy, who u n D L g ttll, an iv jehen did ho blow

I m ayor) U O utrdia ft D ^ - i . i t . t t If h t U. th in I am a c u e t - Hllth n with a ^ c u t q

Jk youratlf th it quttUen: U the ' r dtal right and U ererrbody I In the Unlled fiUtea wrong? ^

• If th t pnildent hlmtelf,hid 'doaToi i]« good on hll prealMf, I vM d muiica b l on tms platfonLtoaUht, Rythm

. I - . , aRomi firmly belltre th i t the nmedy v ty te all th* UU that w* a n tulter- 'Hie

-waay U th t eltcUoa of Alfred only ai Landoa'---------------------------- -- «ned-l

beea j— t oenca

)Urt Returns Baby u,omi To F o s te r^ o fh e r m J b

lOWLIKO OBEBN, 0., Oet. I -Curly.halred Jamet Bd*%rd )k, 10-inonthi-old. made a n m-u,# leannco tn common pleu court tunn >i ay .to be iakin-irom-bU-aolher. L Bar 1 awarted ta hU foittr'-ffiotliir; ” CPauiin* Kramp. 1*.. ,m t montli th* baby'* aatlier.«. Mary Oook; won hU n ium n th* fetter pannU. She lear- ' y UtlUled lhe had only'loaned set whtn h t v u a month old a u n ahe eould nol prortdt for

loday. tn aniver lo a charge of ;un to prorlde, lad-faced Mn. tt >k told ProbaU Judgi B. 0 . BUt- 9; "I am not able to c an for

^ ‘out further teiUmony. Judge K d Ulno mad* the child a vard of

eourt and pUeed him in Mn.»mp-i euitodr.

v llh e Ther

last Damages Dam ''n . i [n W ater R ight W ar »“ ;•lACKAY, ld»ho. Oct. 1 H V O n ^I eO-foot-hlgh face 0( Dry e tek s = n on the UtUe Lott R ln r to llh central Idaho w u vrllttn •“ *** lay, wlUrtlynamlU. Uie liU tt M iptcr o( ft loag TiUey feud overter righU. ■ ■ ■ le rllt flhuirCuiU r couiily'ther- " I . laid he U InniUgtUng a b lu t I kt r lp p ^ ft 3S-(oot tquan tUb ol | ic9l« from the fice of the iliue- I t . Th* reteri'Olr h u been empty [e n l monthi. ' I ’or many yean farmen of tha Ut- [■ Ttlley have quamled orer Inl- I

Jtinn tt a f i re a n rB tt le n 'c I t tm t r— Ic they have luperlor r ig h ti... r . ' '

------------ - ------------

b e Bcrrcd


U A - N - D

iORimirl i l l l J I B l l l l J

— PI

Fate o( Tacoma Triple Slayer Jg Moves Step Toward ■'

Determination j!!!t

B0I8B,. 0et. 1 ( « H n i i f a U 'e f W he Tacoma,' W atk , tript* tlayir, yeur ?ougUa Van VUck, tonight v u . a teor iiep neanr deUrmnatlon by th*Idaho lupnm* eourt vhlch rtoilrad TY oday a brief oharglai 9S proeed- nun iral erron to tha trial iudg* who piop enUnced tin prlionir te b* bangid.

SUU't atlomeya hara lo dayi tn la Khlch lo aniwir Uu brUf; Van ft dc n a ck 'a U v y cn h a v ea ae tb ax d iy i te b( n vhlch to nply to lti aad Uun b t n h t oourt VlU fU Ull daU to b tar lera in l. a n u a ta u . a u IVan VUck, 12-yctr-eld formir noUi

;m nrllty ' of Wuhlngton b u ilu t i idmlalitraUon' itudenl, v u found X u U ^ lh ' tba ' T w ld ~ ra il' dUtrlct toli( ourt nb ruary ^ 1(I4, on ft e h am mun: i( ihooUng hU former vlf*, UUi Uua: lUdred Hook, » , alM ot T t m i t .0 d iath near Tvln Falli, Idabo, 'V) {QTtmStr IS, 19U, 1M4 Van Vlack, durtni Ui* UUl. ad* agali

a ltu d -flr ta r.th r-a h eU -lh aH ia n j------lU i to .fiU u T T ftf/uo /fiocrltta -l 2fli un t cooper and Deputy Bherlff'tplra Itnry O lnnt, v h in Uiey attamptad naUo1 halt 'hlm near Buhl In U u au te-' ite n lobU* In vhlch he v u fUtlnf valui cro*t touUi Idaho vlUi hU » - comt Ife,

niii.iic it«M J •The black, buihy-halred prlionir, vorkl ho v u bom a t © ie. Pa., July 1, m ,n o v a n lan u U a liU U ^ p rU o a . Pn en, v u ainUnced by Judg* Adam Inen , Barclay on n b ruaiy 11 to b*,Uin* uigtd April }, but a noUo* of a p -'tlo a ta r to“ the-*uprcrao-eourt-ButOf ihov laUcally stayed eiecuUoa of Uw Iner* iiunce. n it 1Van VUck'Mltwwy*- 2. V. U r - doUai in of Tvln n o n and u o T ia u ot for 11 acoma, relied on IniaiUly u a de------------------ -----------------------Lonon, In Uu brlet (Ued today, Itain icluded III hU auim m enu of error, ment ie » potoU; ~ ■ '• ' h w i The ludge erred In allowlnf W alt-' Amir ■ V. Boetley, Bolt* newspaperman, Amtr iieritf E. Forreit Prater and Police Aaur (fleer A. C. Parker of Buhl to tea- ^ regarding oerUln lU tenunU I I 1 IB prisoner aiiertedly mad* vhlIe|lncRi I JaU a l Tvln PiUi; that Ui* Judg* crean red when he lefused to glv* Uw by la try certain of Uio defenia ftttor-

fnUct n^ h rb* -lT O ^^ 'C f f la t the erldenc* v u Uuuldcleal te H . ipport th t dtaU teatenn. Q

i c i i i l i si P i t f l f H E l

_____ bema

llth Elting Threatens to & Quit; Britons All But 2?"

Mob Box Olllce »

LONDOlf, OcU W H lh e Lon- “ au j ia~ 5^ IK I~ o( J lmmy^D onahutftTaitr uilcal Bhow, TraniatlanUo m be rUim,* tonlghl tum ed out to b« « t ai Roman holiday ot good old Broad- elect* ly temperament. tlon iThe revue vent on, all right, but comm lly after RuUi StU ai had Uinat- Uie f iB d-te-qult-becauM -ih*-hadn't — «n ptld, after mad backitogi (Q fr m et In vhlch Lupe VeJe* u n g a tlo number lo quiet hollering owglrls, and after extra bobbles id been caUed lo keep Ui* UnaUr Jm being mobbed by curlout Lon- men vho wanted to eumlne inl(«lolloni ot American Uie- rlcal doings.Mil* EttlngdecUndMonahue, heir ■Uie WoolworUi fIve-and-Un (or- ne ihand by lili couiln. Uw (orm- , :Barbar» Kutton,-badn't.p*ld.her_^*„,fl

To which Donahue t«pUed‘n i r 7 ^ u a t goIni to link any mon jney Inlo aaybody'i^ov.

Jimmy" viJi**imdmtood to havt W c veiled US,000 In “TraniaUanUe, i rUim," and hU partner. Felix ■* irry, MO,000. ' •The theaUr w u a wild tc to t be-1 W t r t Uie curtain (Inally rose. Back- - K n Ige v u ■crammed wllh mUUng Weaa ovdi of lhe curious, and Uie per- raged rm en hsd a tom h battle gelling *■ bloc and from Uielr dreailng roomi. »w i

Buddenly. up i p n y Lup« Vele* im W u v e lhe ihow. Onto a ehalr ihe c o ^ c

mped, leelerlng u the pletded .th everybody to be quiet. contaiThen ahe had an Idea. Bhe tang oienu lh. aveet Mj-itcry of Life." | — „ That did lomeUUng. but not ucli. niuUeThe performen saw tbe box of- while, n being mobbed by Londoner!, - f t h


'■ ' T ^

' 1034 s T i r o m k E R ^ -SEDAN ......................... 9 3

1934 C H E V R O L E T - ^ A 'C O U P E ................ ..... ........9 4

You’ll discover new w place o f dependability.


Roosevelt L Highlights

przTBB tm oa; oet. i («H iugh- llghU-of-Pntldini.aoeiavtlt:t.ftd- C, I r t^ a t ForbM JltJd {onight:

1 a a coavlnotd Uiat vhen gonm - ' tnenl f inance ..,u b o n « t . , . l t li luit pUlntconboard ftrtUuaiUe.

W b ia U u j^ lB u n a i t f f l t n lo f I rour Uam took c h tm , Uw naUonal Me loonboard looind prttty bad, Ooi

. • — . • , Lal T t* only vay te lu tp ft l e n m - mt

n n t eut of Uw r*d U te kt*p Uw Re) MopU out o f .t^ r v d . , oei

— — — rei]la lN I.M tiaU onallnooffliw uln Inii

I dovnvard ipInU, BontUilttt had y e b td o a i . A naUonal cbelo* bad te Uie M o a d l. . . .a « M t t o f i t - Vho la t pre iereiifiiy(U ilcintbo*iday»-^n»d u u n * to . . .e o n U n u e f t .p ^ o f d e I ^ e n teUilDt. 1 n jio u d U ut advlc*. > &

X nfuMd te Hare human n**di e iily~ln 'U irtii& A of looal' o o i ^ ^ auniuti looal eefflaunlUn vhleii u u h iauelvn v m a iae rt bankrupt 1

foun b a U B N O tt rb u d n t in l tU o r Tt

M 4or»}fveuldbaT ib*infte tlB * Ui* l> lnrtU iiA m»rte>np*ctf*. tee,

a t r t o f lU p p « ] - t ^ 'tth i QUJck ed< plnletdiflaU OQ .taddK Ua*lnU u Um AUonal taeoai) w* v in t oa to re- chu le n -purehailai pevir, to raUi tmi aluM aad te tU ri Uu satlcoal in- £ oau upvard. reUi

— — hep■nu p tep U .ukn tv ln ''t»U and Uie

My know in I M Uiat U u pUn b out ■Brklni, NOV U tu ilook a t Uu eotl. ^

Pnaldint Itoom ^ adalnliUaUon niU len atid Uw naUooal d iU .,.ove r chu in * bUUon dollan la Uine d tp ru - tald oa y ia n and Uur* v u UtU* to , lov for lt.-MyadffllnUmU0n h u lertaaid Uw naUonal d ib t In Uu It amount of about tight bUUen oUan and Uien I t au ch to thov

**'■ _____ , Ul*1 -a il ry o u ‘ Uu-iimpU qutiticn: P " ’ i m t It betn a wunder Inratl- lent for u i durlni Uiete pa it Ume can to - ipend tigh t billions • for mirloan Induitry, American (amu. a trlean hom n -an d -U u -c an -o l mcrican clUie&t? X C

I I U going to b t paid out of an m a te d naUoaal Incoma and In- MNd IndlMdiui Income produced , " r Incnailng naUonal prosperily,

' _ chai

itephan Carries w G . O . P . C a m p a i g n

T o N o r t h I d a h o ;,‘ ” i

IXWIBTOK, Idaho, Oct. 1 S l{ be -b K 'U tlc a l pandt'U irough irUi Idabe It on In fuU force.R a n k L SUphan, RepubUcan gu- tmatorUI nomlnte, tpok*' a t a . ,ic irty rally here tonight. Mayor uiUla Clark of -Idaho FUls, the filta emocnUo gubematorUl nominee eoun id RepmeaUtUv* Compton L to t! ■hiu F ln t eongrttilontl dUtrlrt and emocnUe caadldau, vlll ipeak khk morrow* "PSUphan advocaUd repeal of Uu crar Jer-tair^rged'ttal*-U qucr-prof«I be diverted to nUef. and pUdg- » „ L an iccaottilca] government if trted gcted. U* alio u ld h* would'ttne- )n a non-partUan lUh and gami q^q| mmlulen. and Imptavemnt ol ,e North and SouUi highway. ^

3tay-Away Strike’Of Students Ends *o'n

------- c u t .JASPZn, All., ocu i lif) - A ^ Isy-airay elriko" of aehool chU- CT ciuied by a dUpuW ortr un-oUaUon of Uachen ended today M

Walktr couniy. heart of north ■ IA btaa'i coal fltlds. I jT tu itrlk* v u called tevenl dayt M to vben U un membin of Uunerteaa-FMiraUon-ot-Clsssrooa . _

M ti* 5 th i couniy board cf edu- ^ UCD.renatchee Battles

Business Zone F ire ,WtNATCHU, Wash, OcU I W F in Itrtklng in th* heart of Uie eaatchco builnea dUtrict today ged (or tvo houn Uirough halt block oCbuUainp, cauilng dani'- ' ” * vhlch (Ifemin-roughly e»t(- lUd a l I300M0, before It v u I- nUoUid. ^Four Of Uu clly'i larger buUdlngi, 'J nUlnlng offlcti, itoret and apart- enU, w tn deiiroyed. - f j

uUed'thli derelopment orer a B hlle, and a l lait the thow went on H « halt hour laU. ' 1 ■

I K T Y .

C A F T C .R H E .P lS C .O \fE I?sM«tRtcA-wy Diovn np.

5 5 0 T O D A r

J S Q . - S P E C I A t

worlds of satisfaction ii [y. We sell cars (ha t are il

3B R t,.m S

i ie i i iE s s r i iLD.S,fflEii

i5,000TM em ber8 o l-C h u re h Ai

~ Relief Soolely H ear ' Melvin J..B allard

sAi;;r l a k s o m , o e t i ( * h jMelvin J . BaUard, member ot Uu w r OouacU ot Twelve ApoiUes ef Uie pnL aiur Day sam u church, told 1,000 m m m ben c t U u' LDB. Woaun’i k u ReUcf society today "no Uu* happi- . neti awalu penoni vho thlrk ths » retponilbUlly ot bringlni ehlldnn ^ Inlo Ul* vorld."

He iboke' a t a f tn e n l Motion e t ami Uie ReUef loclety conference which ^ preceded Uu openlai tomorrov of mai Uu church-t loeUi temUanual m - q eral coaference. moi

Mr. BaUard urged h it UiUnen net ^ te p u t Uu reipoDiiiruity tor tplritu- eau

o n ^ Kboti ct ^Uu Relltf society. ' S n

Tht heae, he u ld , m uil b t Uu ui^ foundaUon of U u cburoh, n .,The cburch leader, chairman of b u

Ul* U D. B. leclal ttaurU y.coaail. w tee. nprcaeed appnoUUon t o r Uu S u (Inajrork-Uu raUef-Udaty.perform- ~ eddurlofU iiium ffltr^lnadrarelnf . Uw prognm of Itk ln i D**dy ~ ~ church memben from dlrwt |q t - ^imment relief. .........................Doj*

larUir, Mn. Louli* » , Robinson, Buh reUef toclity pm ldint, b id tald tbe Hoped Uu Ume vould eomi "vhen t « t Lhe talnU wlU b* gUd to glvo wlUi.5Ut cndlt.- Tl

“I hope U ut vben v t haw lorai- “ b ttiln g lo tp a n v iw U lb ig U d te d o - P* ’ u U It to Uu reUet society and Uie diurch itcurlty vtnhouie," ahe d n i laid. Uin

"The church h u had t t ^ help U<1 n .io tU l..t«urlty --V ork .la-tn*b . P-.l itilch ll an ladlcatlon tha t all itlei W nU.ara deeply la tm tted tn U» tide, jroiran.** M:

Mn. RuU) May TtO, pm ldent of Yori ;h* Touag Wofflent Mutual lm - *na jnvimenVauocUUctt.totd U>f eco-. }“l ' lenne* tho "uaderlylni prtodpU of blgo mr organUaUon U te teach-young t |* xopli.to b* good SalnU.". . a m

. .. . n .

roffiTg Democrats Of “ ■«;Idaho Seek Debate mm

- - , ------- . • ll h)BOISE, Oct. 1 WT-Bilph IHvU

if Bolie, president of th* yoting *t*il )emocntlo elsbi e t Idaho, U ned a haUeai* to RepubUcaa tU U bead- vTn ffxarten te-drtiaU-»t«y-Um »-and ■*»»

i r U eompoted ot Ralph Otmitaad, eenUry to t;nlUd BUUa Benator . < amet p , pope, and ParU Martin, AC r., Bolt* U v y e r . ,

31ayer„Sui¥ender8____ ,A t Police Station ^

— druc,109 ANDEUtS. Oct. 1 •> SU- nav) eyalfijl.' vilt<aed. ’ and, t “ bed comi i f j u the Uinat, Cbarlu toya, 38. Ada ounty hoipiui cook, itumbUd In- m U ft tbe c«ntnl poUoe lUUon today hen nd n ld hj-iUrlcally te the duk HI frgeint: llngt"Put a a In Jill X I Juit weal who

n iy and kUled my wife." and‘He-tald-he-«tit-htr-threa»-vilh trttli

n to r he h id viUi- hbn and had taiy ried lo kill himself, bul Uie rator Myri foke. Offleen 'took' U ie -ln itru ' of 11 lent ftom him and went to hit Th ome. vb en they found U -ytar- edgi Id Elilt Phelton Loya. brid* of fune: m n-aonthirtbno«t-dee*plU t*dr (ug> "I couldn't liand Uu Uiought of chur

er Uavlai me, bteauie I lond h tr Hart I mueh, to 1 look my raaor aad Rtv( ul M r Uiroat," he ttld . tor c

- b y - L l

IHAW'EAVI''cAaifc H t i GO pewN

g | tijiaGC.T A Qc

o S iE A & y r tR M vU K t >«3U

r ^ ^ ^ y ^ H E R j O ^

" m fCH E V R O M r s . TRUra.,_____VLS ■ IMS CHEVROLI

S E D A N _______

in the kind of car you ( ; in step with our reputatl

■ l l S i l l *i i ) i M s i ;

A n h u a l-T h re o -D a y -C o n v e n .- tlon a t Jerom e' Draws

to Close .m a a , o o i t ~ w m a d .

W itiht 01 IdiAo n i l s n u preildent of th t BiptUt eon-

a S ' h . ’S M S h r ^ * ' ^ ' .OU»r offleen elecUd; Rev. E,

A. Berr, e( Bubl, f ln l vice preal< dtnli Earl 00(7 of Blaokfoot, we< o n i vie* pnaldint; U n Harley. Bmllh ot OUtkitoo, UUrd vke pres- Idinli P, Olen Oarotr pf New Ply- moutli, fourth vie* prtsldent; Rev, L 0 . Roddy ot PoaUUo, recording tte n u n rj W. A. BuU of Boise, Ireatunr; MUi K audi lUr>ro(t ot Ball Lake City, u tU la at tn u u r tr ,

vere Rer. H. W. Butklaibim of Kiapa; R«v. I 'O . Roddy ot Poea« lelto;W. M. W11& ef PocaUUo, E.(I. OoulUr of W ilnr, Rer. Roy K, BamttI e f Tvln rallt, R«r; L. O. m tle r ef Caidwtll and U n 'A . B. U ifVa of Tvla

TtuiUaa ilteUd v«re Brr, R. P. SoufUtt of <alt X«Jc« Oftr. Wi A. lull of Bou*. Worth D. Wrigb) ot :dth» FaUl, H. & W«bar of SUck* oot.and oha]lt*-W . nm iro y ol MateUo.T h t aoo d tltialM Vment voUd

e buld Ul* i m ecDVtaUon a t N ta<)ft next f t a ^

Di'ie Wtktm Of Twin ra ll t »d< v IrttMd th i eonvanUon today on ' hr*t toclal p n b lta i, liquor, crime jsd n r , and give n p o ru e f B. v ,*. 0 . youUj eoafenncat wblch b* itlended'tt'Ohleago and k t la k c ^ '" ' Ide, Ohlo;Mlis U ly One* MaUieten of Ke»

fork City addretted afutnoon atid renlm tetUbni en Umpennee, uy* Qg’ thal ' ‘peopl* Uv* a t ft auch il|h ir nU 'o f tp te d ln Uili day and— 4* and cannot afford Ib tlov Uielr Dlndi ^ tb ' liquor.* n u n J . 'A n d tn o n ,'ira ld ra t'. 'o f '

tofUld eollet*. McMUmvtUe, O n - ■en; iald'Uia»-“yw nfp*op lt» -n« iglon U Juit u good now u It v u u n y y tan aio, but Uw IMS model I htrder to wock out."Pm ldenl Andtnon brought tb*

eulon to a elo*» tonltht vhen he nUrtalntd Uw a ln ltU n and tbelr rTvet at a fellovtblp dlaaer a t the


U m ira l Sims Rests Among Heroic Dead

■ W ABimiaTOH rO cl.-l"(SV iT0 he acecopanlmmt of ' auffled Irumi, lalutbw fu ss and t a ^ tbe lary today eonilsatd lU warUm* ommaader la Curoptan vaU n , ■ idmlral WUUaa 4S. Blffli, to h it U ll uUng pUce amoni Ui»-nation'sin le dead...................................High en a grauy ilop* In Ar-

ington nallonal eemeUry, U u man rbo "Uughtlhe navy bow te ihool," nd wbo alio w u ont of lU te n re tl 1 r ltla . wu burIed-vlU>-fnll-mUl«— vr honon u U u cannon of Fort (yrr boomtd Ui* a d a lr t l l uu il* -f iT 'iun i.-----------------------------------The ceremony a l Uu flower-baak-

d gnvtilde foUoved brief Eplicoptl lueral ritual proaouaoid ever Ui* la g -dnp*d -easkrt-la-8 tr-Johnf— hunh by Uw Renw ad OUvtr' J.Urt, rector of S t Jo b u .a n d th t itvtnnd ArUlur L. m o v in g . r*c- . JT of Trinity djoren,aotlon.

Lind Auto Service

L —^ To ' •J

qo o p

! ! ! $ 1 0 0 ^

. . . . . $ 4 5 0 j[ can get a t th is 1 iHon.

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

e lE P m m r.Publisher Attacks Policy

" Toward Frenth De­valuation !

WA8HIN0T0H. P « I W — Crill- \ .iiClun by WDIlAm Bnndolph H n n t v o l tlis «dmlnlitn»tlon'i poller to- ,

;« in l French dentuatlon lodar d n * I \ i t n m SocreUrr Morttnlhau an u * J

lertion tli i t "on ono point tho pub-tacu u s Ineorrcct.” . :

■' In ft signed edltfrUl In till n en *- papers <Jil» momlne. 2!eanl d t- t 'n u n d fd : "Wliy should Amcrlca— \ ■ or n the r, the noosevelc admnis*• . ira tlon -nuh Inlo tlis situation to .. »T0 th* Itanc?"

Asked a t hi] preu conlertnce ■' whether ha " m d Mr. U eiril'i edi* '’ torUl ihlj raomlnj." UorgsnUiau

a n m rtd , “Y o. I dld.'\ T^>en r«-

’‘;WrUl, UlS trtMury chlel continued:- ‘Tlis only Ung 1 n n t to u y li.

h il tK ii are Incoircct «ticn )is u ld■. —•moreover, wliat right liave v t to

lead money lo Prftticer"“Wo liaven’l loaned any money

to rrance."' __Tha trt'power raoneUty a ^ "

meet; matle pubic l u t wetk, pledged - " thla country, lojeUier wJU* Ofwl ' Britain and Prance, to "u» approp-

rUt« a«lU>)le ttsourcej- lo prevent : dlituctunce* In InlemaUonal ex*

clianso retultlni from devaluntlon of ths fmnc.

Uiet SUlilliutlon I'undt

Mocstnlhau lisi u ld ' that "ap '' proprlalo available rewurces" means

' ' UlS UM of tlablllzailon funds. • j "America's tubllltallon tund «as ' >

, ' Intended (or Uie sublllzallon of our ^.. .oR-n currcocjV Uearst.ffrole, "Wiy '

Ihould Mr. nooscvelt use ll to jUbll- ^, i n rrencJi currency?’' ^' ' Dluuulng the moncUry situation i

. generally. MorjenUiau reported t lu t ;- ttie Bant e l Fnnce ywlcnlay made /

Jranu ftvaUiOileJiiJlcH_Vorlc.ftnd _ ^ London to enable buslneu men who ' h id dealings «.ilh m n c c lo mike .

v'UiouUi>cnd comnierelal utUementa.. . ■ Ths trsMury secreUry cxpWned

thsro liad been ”a lack.of franci,”, i i n uiual comincrclal clianneli and ■ •, tiuil In order "lo keep Uilngs open’" *-

ih# Bank of Franco h id supplied them.

Slim Summerville’s ^ Wife Gets Divorce r

L03 ANOELES, Oct. 1 MV-Hio ■Wlfo of 811m Summerrllle, ud.faced

{) comedian, ha^ been granted an ln>— terloeutonr-dltofeo'-d«r«,-aupctlor-

court rtoords dlseloicd.CT ahsrW is-BlTtn-U ie-dK rw-U il-

Monday In Judie Chulei Boius's court,

o„ BummervlUo may be funny on tho ...acreen.liut. hla wife teiUfled, aa % '..huAlnnd hs w u ao t amuiln&

Judffs Boguo gave her-a decrte on. grounds of mental cruelty. v

'. N atural Cause Found r ’For-W onran’g Dcstlv -

LOa AHOBtES, Oil, I m ~ An , Inquiry toto Uie death of Mrs. Anna I- CrookJhanlt, TS, ended today with

the Rports of lhe countr chemUt ^■»na*iutopJTTurFeon-Uiat-jh»-dled - ■‘• .la s f Seplember 9 from natural *' eauset.' ’Thiddeui Plekeu, 21>year*.;d

friend of ths woman and chief bene- ary In her will, was ijueilloned

nboul her deatlu

SFederal Ageficy To1 Supply Housemaids!

W h o r o T d t o ^ l ^ d M v t ^United Stales emplonnenl lerrlee

iWlll npply help lo houiewlnt and fill other calls from p rln le Indus*try.

*Tbs p rln te employment shall, howofer, be for more th in Uirte dayi; wages shill be equlvalenl lo or exceed U a wtek and board and room, and Uie pay n ie m u t l ^ Uial In common usage," I!ood.ull;>.<'.

m L

Hatwo tw o'flu. / ,

' JOB in y Q

~tt*o iu*r»((or eliail and Iruak). end ..

9 *t d aoll (h’ot IoIUm wilh b«lH .■litil That'f w iy Haws do#mt 1 eluleli Ul* enteh or btjge and Wff.

---- Uek lb«•C h a m p '-Je r comiertl S** a I H ucn 'D ieltr twisy. P. H. Hobm .

■Xa!ttl«ffCo..Wlnitea.SoI«i.K.a :

n f i m w ‘tr^>4 oktT*. . f l * l l l l l | S nj

OnvUlMnllHti'l ■

nfH-«Mnv Wi<... rM IY IM ililM

S !n n ju (D s u o tn -u « M > 4 U (M .

2 ' •

,\^ o .S a id The.bid Ru(

Mrs. Cai

__!— N oteJIhese___CrawfordFeatures

• H ilo T d ssId Sw jtchc i .

• Drawer Action (hen

• StBbilbed Oren Heal -

• T r i p p l e Aulomnlic•“ 'T im eCoritrol__________

• Illumlnatied Thermo­sta t Dial and Tern- peratare Indlcntor



T W IN F A U S D A I L Y N E ^

tugged Cattle Rustling D

' € wllmOkLCopjrrlght, »38. Bj

irlotta Gar------------Factory, ilepres

■ of th!


invites you

CooRing^a t 2 p . A


Mrs. Garrison will coo ~~ MrrSee~arid^taste~the

prepared on the NliW


A sprantrc

' - I Wliitc


i t d m l l l l lC. Andenon Co.

, n V IN FA L L S

E W S , T w n t F A U S , ID A H O ,;F I

^ ;___ P e ;Days Were'Gone ■.

. '■■ ■ I c

T. «

G l / ! ^ triedJ

(,W ' nl*ht

■ 3/^/{ -~s **'^l

) f r n t -h r ^ n g ^ V M / f / / / / , J that 1

l i l l lm / l f l '■

W w ^ ,1


, B r The New York Tribune, Inc.'


ihe .

fordR anges^ |)u to a

^ P a r t ^ I "

, M . ' j


ook an oven din- he:doliciou3~food" M ~ W (JKAWiUKU. j


The Cottage

Special j

$jg.50sp le n d id th r e e u n i t

IRC a t n f e a tu r e d p r ic c . i h l te p o rc e la in e n a m e l th b lac k I J a k e litc a n d 11 .rom e t r im a n d '


s m c i i E s : . ■ ■

Convenient Payments ;



D eath -S ununons— rciuli

C o n g r e s s i o n a l Xvld ,

F o e o f H o o v e r r '

____ Hojr e u

TOWANDA. P i . Oct. KiTVLouls hfcar ~ Ucnddfd. former RepubWcin (h« | epreienUUve In congrcss who twice ried UMUcccMfully to Impeach TMldfnl Herbert Hoover, d ied to . * light Irom a heart atU ck In ft New D jf" reik Cilv hoipltal. ’

McPiKlden. 60 y ta rs old. 'repre- ‘ enied die U lh or "H oneilioe" dl«* Mc rlct of Pennsylvania In congrcu Iu t or 31 jeara. tnore than ha lf nf the I ha t lime as-ehalrm an o f Uie pow* win ■ rful hom e banking and currtncy tlon,


I I 1 ^ ^ F i in T ^

E X T R A H EA V Y 'Fancy braid and hem slllcli^ ed trimming. E xtra h e a ^ y . weight. AUo in e x ln M A m ilKS and lengthi _ / “ V


’Ta’o-plece outlntr pa jam u'In - iltra 4 to n.-Nursery pattcnis- -

and Kay itripea, also p li in i> h a d n _____ / J F ®

SL E E P E R SChildren's outing Meepcrs In

. fast color nuracry pattern.? Jand p lain pastels. /Bites 2 to B ____ _ 3 7 V / .

-f lH O S -F R O C K S - -. J u t t tn , ft new ih lpm ent ot

•■Spun ru n - (wool lUel fabric frocks In plain and point pal* le n u . Slzra to 16 A Q a yeara. r a i l color*— y

______ l V I d i h i _ _ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ f cto n


S pecm ! frroup o f n c e ta io p r in ts rouK h \vcave.s, j ih ’w e ll a a nil p la in c rq tc f l. U c d tic ed f a r w pck -cfid . HD-inch ,jd S

— iv itic .’P c r y n rd -n :r7 ^ r::T rr .T 4 J*

2 5 % w e r o xBLANKETS

O u r “ C h a m p io n ’’ h e a \7 p ln ld 1 k e t .i f i r m ly w o v en , w a rm , b( w i th m a tc h in g p n tin e , n n d Kua le e d t o c o n ta in n t l e a s t 2r>'o ; Lni'KC aijie. 6 ^ > I ’a i r ............................

P A R T WOOL BEACiFam ouK H c.icon V ik iiiK b U so ld ln.<it se ,i50n a l $2 .08 . Do plaid .s w ith n ia tc h in K ' .<<ntino 1 in ir. E x lrn larfrc 7 2 x 8 1 N o w

S p . i r ..................$ M

M en’s a n d B o y s’ WOOL SOCKS

Hesular and Bool trpes. Wo boug too many Inst year and m uil r duce our ilock. Sold Uiese a t ll 39c Biid M inc.nt 49c la^t j-cor ai wool socks (ire evm .lilsher this yci bul take youreliolcc a t .... ............. ... * 3 '

P A R T WOOL tm iO lG e n u in e I lanc .s ( |u a l ! ly —

- - - .^ecvfi ‘nn ll « iik I tf 'I « i iK lh 'w ilh 1 t e d c u f f a n d a n k le s . G ood w ei ■part ■ d f w o o l ............................. . 3 r f l

S P U D P IC K E n S ’


Nap-out canvas gloves Vllh elastic w iliU -m e - dlum, largo . - a to s. 2 p a i r - i j C


itntnHtte._____ _ _______ . i , ,A tterhu attaeks on.uooverftsft

Mult Ot Um war debt tnoralorium. tie Republican parly stripped him , f hLi patronage prlvllegea Mid Da. ^ id A. need, then Unlled states ^ enator, "read him out of the par- ‘'77 r . ' asMHoaever, he was relunieri to m i . koo

resa In UU by a big mnjorily. npd the ecams one of- ths d m to nitnck wall Ne new deal.He lost In Uie U34 inlniariM by houi few hundred vote* lo c, Elmer wou

iltlrlcli. Tunkhannock Dcniucml. Tlio fter Iwo strong Dfmocmtli: coun- lene .ra had betn iddrri to hl^ dlMrirt, one- McFaddrn atlemiitcd a rnmpback Tl

u t fprlng but wa.1 deli'iiird ’for cam tie RcpublicaJi nomUmiloii. He dltl July 'In lhe prohibition party ncmiim- M; :on,’lio»w r. • jsB, t

I C ^ o l d e n jC & A rd.r»i

L a d ie s ’


I c a t o f jfood woiVJit oiitin ff— F ii llle y o k e — p a s te ls , w h ite n n d o \ ’t

........i S i c ;

M .'M S(

M M H BM K ^ H ....1lm ' n l s

1 1 1 R o e a r

I f V t ■

^rositaIA imart black sued*

‘ Ilz eftlcl tie with - leilhrr t r i m on

______ throat and highcon* __tinenlal heel, e iiei ~ AAA lo B -« ! i 10 9.


In ts an d a ll s ilk

:ir th i s

Id b lan*

R u a ran -.0 w oo l. y M H w y

’4 9 m iiCON - - ■b la n k e t ffl I f m l r i BD ouble

10 b in d - o w se ll

'S’ ^8fii mcugiii ys B I•I te . , . - V B | ■t 3]e. u l Tr and T S Ily c a r .. |W

5 c MEN’S TOPC— — 19.17 m o d e ls in cho [ O N S ‘ h ados ui

I f o r d a n d b ro w n . D oi~ n]., I.rn-;.)..,! u-ilh fn, S 5 f ' ' i w t b a ck R .''T h .\v lo.'™ ' " ’ m b , bu t A f ,

' t h e p r ic e is . . . . V * '

1 ^ ^ C. C. Anderson_______________ T O IN FALI


Jury epnvicts;Four:= P ickets Of Assault g"

COEUR ^ALENE, Idaho. Oct 1 = 'THA 'dlsWct court Jury loday con*flcted four logging itrike pickets of ,u u u lt with deadly nenpons in r A{ooteiiftl-county's only vlolence of M110 recent, eight-week lumberjack ■valkoul. ■

Tlie Jury deliberated lea.t thin four Hlours, Judgs B. A. Reed u ld ha ■rould senlence the men.Saturdsy. ■mo law provides a maximum Mn* HencQ of 14 yean-In prlun and a Hinc-ycar minimum, H

Tlio men convicted o( Iteaiing H’amt) foreman Ralph timlih lu t H'uiy .27, were; William K.Maudy, ■4; W. A. Maiwrll. 20; Jamcj Peek, HB, nnd Oeorge I'cliei, 38. Q |

t t i i . ’______________________



F in e n ll.K 'ool tuccAter.'t in o \ c r o r c o a t s ty le s _aj^d Koods lm d c s . S iz e s ......... A O mw to 3 G ___________ ! r ® v

I K c l a l P u r c h a s e j

I I • A1I.1

» e a l i n e =- 34.45

C o a t s. 12 o f th c M s m a r t S e a lin o ^ i t a t i o n S e n l) f u r c o a ta n t n• lo w p r ic e — w ell m ad o t tin fi g o o d l i n in g H iS i i e iM .a O . Bro»

f a t l y p,“ir

V r V V fnant

h e r F u r C o a ts to J139 .S 0

^ N e w .

D e x d a le

H O S E ^New.FAll ihades In llie famoua Silk

‘ Dexdnls'IIoM Wlih tripple heel-tnd

S1.00 r.. 3 L

. ■ ■ u

^ FLA NNp C o a t s ty lo w ill:■ t n n , ffToy o r I3 ^ - .s ires in rcR tila:j f l ^ L . o n t th e y RO n t

------------------- wH h — ^ D E D EE h ^ ^ H Co5!!nck s t y l e t

w i th s p o r t bill

pockets ........

MjB H W co ssA <

- H e a v y .12-or. reiH-'llant w ith , tw o s la s h iwcH'

■ r a f f l ' , A re a l b u y a t ..

a m M EN’S

3 ^ R m iN C

I V B R E E C ^I Kort. t grrrn nnd iI Cray whipcord wlliI button pmkrt.t amj ' blndini; In bull

U H double; >r, t and

'COA TS:hcck .s. ii!ai(I.s .'

1 8 . 5 0

nRiilei[ 4 f t W C o m p a n y

L L L S _____________________ ___

. .D r . ^ C * .n r a U r C h to « V ( M ^ u | Fleotrlcat-tiT tlm rat'rM t'eeflV ettiinl ConanlUUen free., m . M ; A n v l c M

NEW C U SSES I f lroAlIComDmlal8*b>«is,

EACn UONDAT ' ! ^ D .ir sad x i a s T ■ ‘< m


lllN K ’s ]H ScbMl et B o laM . ' .’M H r b t M . u i '


ll.wool sweaters, coat or ip-over styles, In- noTeUjr : nlu and Plata button style..

„ _ R m iN GB R EE C H E S

fhlp.cord rldlnr 'breechej, cll laUorcd with suede knee !lnforccment, BUck, Tan.' rown. or 'Oreen. 34-Ji

r . - _ _ - $ a . 4 9 '

.ood weight white ouU u anneL38-hichwtdefttaTety _ «clal price. I Q - e r y a r d ________


illk Sealed n u r-re i ls tin i......................

md t*ltor*d lofc--. — - - - —

. $ a .8S____________ „

MEN’S N EL S H IR T S'f l! i tw o b u t t o n p o c k e ts , r b lu e . J f o s t l y l a r g e r

S:’‘.;!:.!“.69cMEN’S----- --------- - -IE~}AXKETS------ ~le s u e d e J c n th c r ja cke t.^ b a c k a n d z ip j ie r f r o n t

$4.98MEN’S ACK COATSz. b lu e M e llo n w a te r* !t h ,r u l l z ip p e r f r o n t a n d

?.'‘";.....$2.98 ■’S j m I .

P i 1

i . 9 m I

ING BOOTS i;in t v a te r .p ro o f b o o ts 1ib k s o l o n n d a r c h su p - ;TT T w dting ^ rcp^w H rn t— — ~

$9.50rs from $ 3 .4 5 j

F IE L D HOOTS.A..splcnil|d boot, of oU

t i n n e d .water-proof iMiher with L-utcpslnp BuUldc counler-'


. .1 '

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera


only •dlUm (BUM u momM d u i os - m iu r . 19(U t. U ll u u» poiuiino* t l m

m il , idtba. unfl«r tt» %cx el ibrea a. Ifl


~ — 5 r g g ---------------

1 iS f iK»"“ ■„ail udsi&i , r>nU ( u Mnse* IUn n * U t t i ^ h riitf i in »anni)* — J

--Bj BiU «iM«b«r* u idUMiI l t u . n«M ll ts kdTUC* «4 Ouuidl BUU^Ot Ut&ai1 T m . m » « » tn tanaw W

H n n i o r m so c u tid m t a«Tb» ANOCUtM PTMt U UClUUliU UUU<s £ i “s r - r r r . “ j s ‘x acwuud ta u u v»pa u d u tt* i«oU eti pueiiiMd BtrttnTZu rt(&u ef rapubllatU ot ipecul aupMClm fcgun ii*e wwmd.

tn ana* imoHUti fnm _________U4aib« A ourO urM et CtreuUtloa*.

■ KAnoKU. urBXsnrTATivuMODDtH. x n o AKD rntTDDBt, Kl

TecK onwMB, Bia jnacuca.Ttie R m utnaM .'H ilaAsdii mpeni

blUtjr tor cinnvtn';Wi*rUMaate bul I CM* «&m Ul* ptMt U M <*ult ■ eocnenc

' \ j S T z s s s p , . v s i s s nUiliMi wetUr. M l be vaUliUd la (be fTKs s f - r M f f i s r a a a s !»r Clupttf IM. m i aMMa U wi M

N O T T tf o W IS E Ko m atte r w h a t;w e .ia iy think of

Communltt party , or-the'lntluence of Ci mimUt KocW nf upon th « youth of country; w hether we’fegard Communto ft whoUy erU th taB -or nbt, th tre l i n fo r quesUon u to th e wisdom of Idcl iip Communist »peaker# In city Jails t m eans o t p ro tw tlog society from the t of th e Red p h ilo s o p h y .- r ■'

. E arl BrowderSCotnmunlsi candldat«

.P residen t, w en i^o ' T e m ttau to to del -a-CommunisUo<>i^(bus.' A ciln t tmdei-

BtracUons of somB t t t t the chief o f pt 'c au sed h is f t r r e h ^ ^ 'a t chaj^e of n n c y u td «henv;tb6.: time for Browd address'B rriT etf.-finiW ir himself woj

..the hoosegow on » c h 's ^ of Tigrsncy. th e action taken w u of no araU as Br de t’s -a tto rn e y hurried to a radio sU t go t h im self'locked.sicurely Into a brc castlnK cabinet and deUTcred th e Broi

:• speeeh o te r th e a ir word for word asB r der would have deUvered i t had he t

' Bo I t does no t-ap p e a r th a t much accomplished by the ' authorities la tbe o f p rm n tln 'k th e dlssemlnaUon of C munlstlo 'teaching bu t I t Is quite poii th a t ta m any quarters serious thought

-t»T llrec ted -to -th lrm m p le-o f* cu rta lla - of th e r igh t o f free speech. I t m ight I ■~been w lse r'to perm it the. ipeaker to i

eeed w ith h is add reu and If I t appei tha tl h is rem aria constituted a treason o r otherwise anUw ful a ttadc ttpoa thh i em m ent place h im under arrest forth' upon c h a ^ of Tiolatlon of w hsterer o r laws v e re TloUted.

G ranted tha t_;|om m unlaA n advoe th e O Terthrowol the Amerlean goremn by force If necessary, and the lubsUtu

• therefor o f ft Red dictatorship slmlla :^ thatJn!B ussla ,.stU l.there should be a

te r way to deal w ith the menace, crown of m artyrdom , be I t rememberei ft widely sought honor w ith the Comn

~ l s t s . - i r i s th e ;so r t o f thh ig they lore to ft considerable extent they th r iw i Jn st such incidents. ' ’

. p a r t y I w g h t sI t is slnderely to be hoped th a t a

,way m ay b« found by thie Supreme C whereby th e nam es of the Union p electors moy appear upon the election lot.

— m n k lln -O lra rd rS e c re ta ry of fiUle,-

M lldly upon th e le tte r o l the law In ftgatnst sucb filing. He coul

b a re done any th ing else. As an ofllcli th e S ta te of Idaho h e Is charged with forcing th e legal wgulottons with rei to th e ’ filing of pa rty UckcU. Appar« th e U n ion .pa rty w aited a day too long fore a ttend ing to th e m a tte r and as i su it th e party 's filing of Its candid nam es was rejected.

B ut in ft broad sense the desires of pollUcal group are o t poram ount imi ftnce and a very considerable numbe Idaho Toters a re anxious for a n oppot Uy to vote for William Lemke for prcilt They thould n o t be dcprUed of th is t

. merely because of a n error on Bomeb( p a r t OS to th e expiration date o f thep< of filing, If nny legal wsy can-be foun restore it.

A SO U N D ST E P U Is gratltylng to note th a t nn e((o

to be made to revise existing ctlmlnAl and crim inal procedure w ith respecl tc question of Insanity os U enters into c Inal trials in Idaho.

Tlie Idaho B ar Commission has oppt ed a committee to prepare sucli revisloi submission to the next UgLslatlre ses

«««*Beygttd~doubt-wme-sort -of-rertslo *neccssa.ry.. In practically every u ia w h lch 'm urder Ir'chargcd this qucsUo Insanity is raised by iJie defense. Tlic s o reason why It'shouldn 't be but Ihc.

-very-B ood reason Indeed to-riisard Uie. cedure now in ' Togue as serving onl .becloud, the . Issue and contuse the .

' o ften to th e ex ten t o f Imp&iritig pi confidence In th e processes o tla w .

W here Insanity Is Introduced into tiie fense w hy,m ake Uie question a p a rt ol trlalT W hy n o t se ttle th e point In ndvi e t th e tr ia l, th en . I t Insanity is esUblis

• Ib e re becom e no need of a tr ia l a t alInsanity caano t be esubllshed

..... r H ' ttfttl'ihonid- t e ? d - ‘W U mSVB or insanity enUrely iI Such procedure would appr, i» to a moro common sense me “ *• now followed when boUi pi

defease may introduce exper Bill physicians wiiose oplnl.oDfl;ab m 2 other and whose tcsUmonj

comprehensible to, th e aver I t is to be hoped th a t 1

will find Ume for a thoroug: . t x m a tte r and tiiat its reconur i , , be accepted nnd given lega!

4 J « FRA NK T A L K TO. S A courageaus Oerman aurt ’ ,. inand'Sauerbruch of Dresdei

J 'fbllow countrymen some pla dressing a congress of Qe m en and naturol scientists, poUtlcai regime Uiat science

fvM work withoul freedom. aUM "In *P'“ of necessar f** -he said, "llbtrly rem ains an

aclerlstlc of «ience , and spl Ullectual frcctlom la a necet

"£ven/ true scfenfW d a Ml nallon. Jfh icorki hou be conplele il tt li merely

|L ^ - ffte-na»on. Ilis reseorcft l» •uea aealion ol Ihls Im m eilat “* “* ff Is closelv related to e

- =7n3)IJ7'-^--------------- ----------Mb' Ju s t tiow much of sucb ^ leaders cnn take rem ains t<

sauerbrueh had onoUier mt______I young people of Germany, »

•cheering nnd marching wl , .u complete and unquestioning

Nazi Uieorles, he sold: r com* . .. complete ut

0/ f/i< iMf/d i* a reiitK 0 “ anrf hard experience. Tftt

* m'ujf be repeatedly tested I I«cf. An ideolotv Is tomethl

‘ matured and fried men 6 '^*™s lor themselves.

,no allair o l vouth. which *i*,i • ' strcntlh . amblHon, la ith “ “ y " TAese c/ioraclerUilcs o /'y . ler-ln - ■■ crate; h m c n e rr it-ii-d o e .

I^ollce ^noicledi^e and undersfani 'f . I n other words, don 't,th ln l

about’Uie world now. Seek k dersundlng and experience,

By. B u t examine these thlinlong. I t Is advice Uiat is eq

h d ' youth “"y

SA P eir OF DOLLAR J iBrow* (yUfj Ob«rvcr-Di»pi0 been Fnthk Knot. Rtpubllcan can

piUlOdU, luu liiuU«Iil fUtWAiJ ;h was nfely et u v ln p bank depoiKi

•**’S y no lire Uuurance pol ' bunk, U ttte." deelared tho cam» “ l*>le lown. P i , and ho lias made sli iht will clMvhen. i lUaent- — ThiM-«UUii)g^.hara been.X it hava K*‘ of bli ipctchca and ho Is m

tanks and Ituurance companlts ■® P™’ whleh U nol iiU aivumtnl a t a: ipeared what Knox l5 a m b g is the lonable Inmtlon broujht aboul ly esc lb gov- by ihe iovtmmeDt, k ipendln rthwith woney lhan the toveminent.ls

V .- a prinllnjr ot government rer law jomewhil »taUtr lo tho.prlntlr

Knox U mcrtlr putllnc Into roeates guags whst Uie claaileal profM mm ent saying, namely Uut Uie gortmmSuU on I""*, . Uierefore lhe cheapening of Ih“ W “> ot Uie dollar. ProftMor Kemmera bet* financial tloclor to naUons. has

e The Ing h> tiring thli eame vaVtilm

^ ' bul Uiat tho buying poirtr of lavlnn »«ouM or in an ln iu r

ite-and i# eui in imlf. or mort. e upon In luch a circumstance. Uie

get his dollar whenever ho wl dollar ealted (pr In Uie Insun when >10 went out to bur a >u a beefiUtk. or a houte, ho won

1 .ome wouWneed two dollars where ‘ ®°"'® one dollar lodsy.} c o u n ijhi, u 1, meant by liI party de*uuellon of bank accounts on bai* pclkles. Eixn' now iwo dolltn

t tm lhe Interot that one dollar: I . If prices oreommodlUei ehouW iC '- ^ k iy;5^Mliir»lly-flxrf-|umj-ornK-6-»ta>d. .thtl^-buJfln^powe^.---------------

in his ----------------------louldn'l 'QDODDV o a u i■lel-i of (DCS Moines Rcglilr l No»- Iron-willed devotion I4 .

Ideal U all very fine, but whea «*P«C) jpendlnj 0 some « million ilo larently ment, funds we' UJUallj-. In a C nnir tv . K> know Uiat Mo aren't (olng . - So »hen Uils Passamiijuodilr i* * It was submitted lo Uio enjinci idldates pvVA. Seerelaiy Ickes w u alre

It, and Uie enjlnterlng dlvUloi ol nny mLiglvlnji. TJie PWA board (

Import- WlUl the ensweer*. 1

of engineering eorpi wouldnt hiporlun- do WlUl IUesldcnt And yel U]e Presldeht. wleldUII rlsh t nccorded him In connection wl

locations of wotk-rellef funds, lion dollan Into Possamaquoddy

8 period jion congrtu, continued ' jund to what goreniraenl engineers agn

luideruklng were ipeelflcally rt, Idenl noosci'ell says, ”We artQuoddyl"------------

As we have said, ntlck-to-ltlv< ■ffari It 'y '0 ^ »dmlred. Tlien

‘t : ever, the fellow who. looking ; n w law baltlelleld wouldn't qut tap L to the sjiciis unlll h r found a good 0 0 crlm- ■' —

Maybe after 4h«e WPA woi nrwliii » vacaUon WlUl pay. some 1

be made for a bonus.-Indlan»pslon lor ______________session. '

iir;rt'''BiiEiKP5ST-;U6n Of -____lie re Is • Tlir intrcliondL lng deparlmethere Is ’uilHiy In a large city was re<lift nro . of’ technical 1

, ■ mfhls 'diirlifR-ft-largB-convnitonly to piipicutu btlng held In U ia l.■8 Jury, the Window dtTiilay of X-ray n

public ttt'i’ti . healUi Umps, ele.. was nicaied looking liutnimenl uw

J , Jiuclnalfd an fls«l Nejro who'uie ue- play‘window K im l limes lr. of the wonder. Finill}'. !U.i euriojUy gidvance him end lie come Into Uie itorbllshed, *“ •

,, T lia t Is an nphlhalmometer. n u . i i niuuerta lUc Nesro,

. ,~ o away cautiously. •’Dat'i i-hai 1

r a r < i K s u 6 i n 9 rly eliminated. ‘ NATIONiippear to am ount (N E W S BB

pert testim ony by ~:about offset each o ,ony U often In- t e s t e d . AlUioiTcrage layman, from mtcroKoplo,t th e Committee '"olumo In WaU sl

mmendatlons will 7],^ yruhlngton >gal endorsement, lo the Ueker upes w Pranco-BrlUsh-AaY tV A 7 i(j m ey figured thoX) N A Z IS lunn , to boost ilturgeon, Dr. Ferd- unwary customers iden,-has told his f ln t hour's quick u plain truths. Ad- ly lereUed off. InG erm an' medlcol ^ *

nee cannot do Its lUbUliy Uian In 1legisiaUon it getUi

sary limitaUona," now.sn essential char- ^ lU i Uie exceptl

-1.1 kel's gustdUns feispir ua^.and ln - eamingiicessity for sclen- over, w hich'furnl

desires to serve ranging from 800,0 nw ccr, ta jno l■«),... ..Mlf,.. if, anyone menUoMelv a service to ^e:I Is no t alone a ^ ■:iato world, bu l EXPLOSIVE. Ai) eternal cues- turned from a loi

i to ' be seen. Dr. intlde tnformatlimessagei To the Aragoil wm be resr, who hove been Hmt«d form of mo; w ith n p i» t .n u r_ " - represented by the

ng acceptance o t » iu domini' most exciting pros]

understanding is Uie turning evet 0/ fonff io6or IsUnds to''Als exDCrienee Ceula to Hitler. Tt

« f . V-7.1 1*0•d bv fhe In tel- a,id « r e r BriU lnltftin^ th a t OIUU tlons via the Medlfl end tcomen i t will mean are s ' Id eo lo n Is BrlUsh. who are no

!tn and nope. poetponB4 t to thof'VOUth degen- that liuer will Uienfoes—nef-see fc— lltne-promlsing-scondlriff." *or Parisian neutral link y?u know auk knowledge, u n - t n subject lo ehice, and uae your today U an eaplothings aa you go keenest diplomats.

genUiau rebuked Rutho atabilisaUon dei

I MENACED would expect a s< Umatch) exhibit, candldsie fo r^^ce ^

>j|(s and insurance of Moscow's prac‘ • Ifeanl-SmlUi-Coug:nellcT no asvlnn admlnlsUaUon wlU

S t e a t Allen, even talk of a Ui‘ similar asserUons especially as ll hoisimilar a»cru ambasiador hasn lifted out of Uio C. num il's placc. c “ made lo say Uial election as p re«nt lies are tottering- Aeluaily Uio <luitt a i l ^ iUrllng by Russia w Uie did menace of »«Uon. Moscow hac esetaslve ipendlng Pound would settle ding of far more “ 1 1 ? ^ of hc fh t; is taking In and good.> But Uie cham nt bonds which U PolUlcally happy llnUng of money. uw sury pu b lle l^ 1 Ito every dsy lan- emllons of Uie m

ra iZ E .T H ee x lr nnsled prices and Ing the Roo«velt.D

Iho buying power Uie curiosity of ,pi Tierer eC Princeton, sides, has been outstand- Mr. 'LaOuaidla w hing ' nomination for ma]iie banks will fall Alf Landon. Ko eai of the dollar In a in the cabinet—wi sumnce policy will elected, and if the

................. Ills luck again In Ulie ilepiisltor would to fight for Uje ma wtslied ll. or Uio Uie adminlslraUon

mrance policy, but by entering a Roos sull of.elothes. or In i m . I t w u a

would llnd thal ho ih sl placed Mr. I*( -re he rrqulres bul J'ear of Uie New E

Tammany braves V InHallon. by the published detalls-n Its and Insurance LaQuardla s tra t^n sn are rtoulred to altr. If known, wtr lar formerly earned, slonals would beha’ luW advance greati » knife or embrae ‘money would lo« ' agieement"contcmp________________ Waihlngtfln^Uicitb____ umph In 18J7 In K<dust' . Hamilton could uUl

gliter) Ttscr." II would.!IQ a glvtn task or aviall Oovemoc Le hen 11 Inrolves Uie Jury charges agains ilolUr* of govern- New York's « elec

a demoeraey, want prlte In Uils heller ng oft lialf-cocked.ly project camo up. D imCDLT. Prli ineetlnj division of Uierwlsh Uielr cor slready nkeptlcal of a few breaks to U Ulon confirmed hla Unes-reUU, industi d ot rtvlcw got 11 itnietlon. r*. The ftileral pow- Indmlrles whose bs down, -nie army publlcan-mlnded-rS

have anything to Uons. automoblle-tof the rtcovtry proi

Idlng the free hand grudges against U with the early aU eorapcmioii, itgula

Ids. pul wren mil- extra dividends, n ddy. At llip lasl ses- planU. Usulng newII niKnilliures on Ing ammunition fo igreetl wai a foolUh And they aren't 0 • r tje tir t. Dul Prts- wide or a t oflen u are colni; lo have Landon strategbi

Ing an answer. Clis lilvenf.M \\ ctncral- elieen when ho at litre wn.i nbo, Iiow- Undon's nomlnaUo lg for louvenlrs on meni set in monUi tapiitiiR uiicxplodfd simply conclude: "1 d ont.------- SIGNinCANT. ■worken manate lo banken' r« en t 6a: ne arrangemcni can lurned In rosy repo napolli News. toward the Hew Di------- RPC-er JeaSe J

■ ■ Kheduled speecli w

C FOOB ' ^ M ^ d ^ e d %be a speaker symp

— Otherwise, the barimcnt of an elecrlo embarras.iing, partreeenUy holding a a vocfil duel woulc

ll specUlty inslni- «tedlnsi into .a ientlon ofspeclalUt ihat^MrrijonefdWat clly. included In preartanged efforty machines, fluoro- uUcal as wtll as nras a raUier comp- a liappy escape fo used by ocultsla. II 'n ic Ineldenl stri>'ho'passed the dls- extremely slgnlflcai, In .open-mouUied Ing community huy got the beller of it's tlms to make pIlore nnd asked the Uie poUUcos. Thei

duslrlaUsu, utUllaM?r.- _ - may also tempersro, as lie bucked -economle royallitII lea re d I t n s i '^ . i tecUo a ,.


B B H m b.T H B N E W S ) ^UcCIun NeWipapcT.eyDdleitO T j


thougli flEC-ers are eye-weary _____3la lannlng of prices and .tales _ u i 11 itretl, Uiey haven't discovered , ndercovcr professionals Irylng lo - 10 fro a .peculaUro coups. jton waUlien glued Uielr opUcs ape during tho negoUallons orer ' “*■ •Amerlean currency stsbUlxatloh. ho 'p ru might stlio Uils oppor- . stocks artiricUlly and take Uie W ^ l ers for a merry-|0>rlde. Bul Uie 1 ^ ;k upturn stowed down and final- , In other yesn September has U when smart operators capital- I l M DcerlalnUes to snsg a few stray f f ^

Uie market has shown greater f j- jB in any campaign In yean. .SEO { - i t f etUng lls most severe teat right

eptlon of a few stocks. Ute mar- u M I feel llial prices aro nol out of WUA !ngi and lulure ptospecls. TUm- X a jrnlslies speeulsllvs profits to ' rratorerhafr-berftHfaieJy-ilmlledr00.0«0 to ifiOOjM u le s a day. 60 experts hero simply grin when 5^^ J M Uie ‘'boom'* which Secretaiyh e a d l l ^ Gray <

, Amerlean aeouls reeenUy re- _ ®?.^ lour of foreign capitals anUcl-

■hsn Uie.flpanlth . rebeU'-i asctsU. and Oennany-hana Uieir biU lo ^Id govemment -latlon hlftts Uiat Uie Prince of ,5" T i restored to Uie Uirone under a monoKhy similar to Oreat flrl- -•«. In Hut event Uio IntereiU the ehurth, Uio army and ,land “ ‘“ 1 Blnate tho new regime. But U» jrospecl from a wotld viewpoint ] over by Spain of Uie Baleario

loUnl and Ui* African seaport of " ,*f " ..Those ctssloni would bring- Uie " tee to fsce wlUi Olbraltar's guns L'.‘ ' In t lifeline to her Indian posses-

, another liuinlllsllon for tho J not yet ready lo resent aggres- Uilng more forceful than notes. pheclts on a major war now tho spring of »M. Tho word U Jien'movoagaliutBussU,mean- [-security to m n e e .in .re tnm ilrallty. ll 's undentood Uiat Mus- -write Serlln'i guarantee to Blum1. All llieso predictions, of course. And change wllhoul noUce. Europe who ll«

iploslvo QuesUon mark to our th* lie its. rhyme:

I test WlUl which flecrelary Mor- a iltiie I Russia for seeking lo "sabotage" snd a 1 I deal was more gleeful Umn you I secrelary of Uie.treasury to Wash

ono for1 New Dtalcn iiave been walUng fortlng

iracUces, thereby spiking Uie for a n Ouglilln strategy of linking' the I>wlgglr wlUi "communists." T hen was fire seal

Uireat lo rescind recognlUon, wood ai IOS tumed oul lo be no bargala hi* srat has been named to fUl William thing V e. and none will be unlll afler l“ t of t(ent plans aland,-------------------find Ihdumping of-:,000.000 pounds of up wltH la was a normal fmanclal irans- reUrc. I had no lowdown on where Uie Ing hi t ■ttle or be pegged, and mov*d , f holdfiigs while Uie selling was One 0 lance to sock the •tedi'* was so of a R y Uut, for the f ln t Ume. Uie terrasse *d Uie ordinarily mysterious op- Madelel w.000,000,000 sUbllUatlon fund.

rxtraordlnary secrecy aurround- and •! 1 ,t-Laauardla relaUonshIp piques g lo o ^ f pracUcal politicians on boUi

a will probably be denied a re- rhurw ■ mayer because of his boll- from In Uie can undoubtedly have a place a Jehu

-war or labor-lf FOB Is rs- c ^ d e Uie -Lltlle Plower" doesn't try of i ^ n n Manhattan. Bul if ho decides wojid .i. mayonllly as an Indepcndeql. juddw^

lon could hnpreve his dunces tousiea looseveU-Psrley ticket as -It did ses

a spUlup of Tammany forces U «s do lAGuardla In office In the fln l gmi> w Deal.ves would like lo know the un- l*-and right now. noose«Il- l^gy as ,11 Invoh-es Uie ma>-or- h p o ^ i would decide how tho profes- ot lous

eha\-e on election dsy-whethcr Jngly iraee Mr. Roosevelt And If Uie boys la mplates-a- UOuardla-slilft-to « v e d J

” m ™uUUie Uie old, old Issue of “Uie homo 0:d tie in Uie O.OP.'s plsn to river ds

Lehman' for dismissing grand of glossilnst DUtrlct Attorney Qeoghan. of wintelectoral votes are Uie pollllcal Uielr tftlur-sktlter nuneuvtrlng, window!

- — ^ • of stakiPrlvaUly G.O.P.-en confide thal liemm«corporallon friends would ai^ly eternal0 tho cunent expansion In all lustrUl, financial, railroads, con- There

' p i n g Ihoie moguls art tradltlonallj- ne- sigh fot 1-steel, railroads, communlca- and 8fl e-gally swing along in the van the klU procession. They luve numerous ,1 Uie New Deal-taxes, federal [ulaUon-bul Uiey are declaring1, raising wages. erecUng new ,. iewsecuriUes..Theyarefumhh- I for FDR’s eampagn speeches.'t openng ihelr pocketbooti aa I u expected a few monlhs ago.•gbts are having trouble devls- aialrm an Ilamlion pro>-okcd no I allributcd Uie advance to Mr. aUon because the upward move- mH ' mUu before. Astute Rtpubilcans [1: "It'S hard to-Riht-pm pcrliy.'

T. Administration scouts a l the I ^ H San m nelsco convention havo

tporU on Uie ftnanclen' altitude

[ Jones' failure lo deliver his h was Uie principal example. Ex- lng,ffSll»d telatedy-UiariC ^ i ^ H

rmpaUiello to O m m or Landon. banken might be pUeed In an

wrUsan light Bul ilaglng such ould have transformed lhe pro- a pollflcar harangue, It'a tnie -dld'Tiot-feel flt-enough-tor Ids &m | | fo rt but he stole away for po- IS medical conilderalloa\. I t was ! for eveo'body. • ’strikes Washington obiencn u . . .

ricant 11 Indlcata Uial Uic bank- 1. : • h u tcached Uie conclusion lhal

ce peace and slop acrapplng wlih l— mebr atUtude will influence In- BLAC Ullarlans apd business men.' I t ler Uie president’s'treatm ent of ” ** ilUU- ta the event of hli re- (o»l

EWS, TWIN fa l l s ’, IDAHO, FB

’K e w Y o r k " t l D a y ^ D a y T

By 0 ; 0 . M cIN T Y R E

NEW YORK, O ct 3 - ThoughU llto atrolUng: Wonder whal CUrk stale Uilnks of Robert Taylor, ood fires and burning leaves. And e smeU of Uiem. What melloV

lost dreams Uiey Ti— I—* hark frem the

past O, to stand

stream and aee

leaves plnuetle

What's become.

'WooUcotl? Who

Udles u s e d to 4n W B ^ m die Uielr hair 'i;■ I H w i lh w a l n u t i/h0. a » e l s l n i sU ln tU o s tp e - %

_____________ ople^— to * l e t — miring is Uie season. Spriii* Uie 'is l awakener. fiiklndlcr of cheer. -It give me Uio drear of PWI and ' i t, u d moods of frustration. TVost \/,\■ay dsys. . \mSpring means life and hope. Re- \ l / .wai. Birds .and flowen. And tho VTJ word -P a ir has ominous sound. \Mi liOnymflUTwinniefestrMayboTrr — B U Boys are those wlih some hid- n qulrk-~a bent for gloaUng over 9 decline and decay of things out US.-A taste for sombre'alten-

i^emoiy: H u t old pUy, -WlUiIn ) U w ," and a Idler of endorM- irit from T. R. paneled in Uie Iby, Those dummy ladles In Uie >p wlndowa resembling Uie stars Ui<i moment In Holl}-wood.-Cant i away somehow from those drab islngs of pau. Tho hickory rocker _ ll stands on. the porch all ytar.I n ili Guy for Fall. November Jeer a rs In Ohio. Woods adrlp In the a t Uie gilt momlng sun after a nlghl ot Somo tit frost. Boys scattering walnuts shop 1 the old woodshed roofs. D ing-' ness 1

3g' of tchool bells. Sampering-bobbln i squirrels. Thehonk of wild ducks Amonji g l n g - a w s r . -------------------- ^skirts.

, ------- I alde-atnd there was Uie toa-n souse ;Uve^0 lived In a alisnly and died wlUi good c1 lionort, and his royslerlng , ■ 'tne: 'T he melanclioly days have And ne, Uie saddest of the year. l l 's ,—« s n Itlle too warm for whiskey, boys, « n g b I a little, too cool for beer." wofU> ■

_____ MoonVsshlngton Irving w«- a g r a l Uie hu I for the wood fire and Ita com- OUp h Ung warmth. When trawling he f o w av t tenl a courier ahead to arUcIe, Ptrtce a room wlUi open hearth. Clare Igglns, the cartoonist. Is a wood r sealot. His whole camp in IloUy- xl and upstate are bullt around grate. He Is responsive to any-

ng U ut glows. And ono ot the; of the tliecl warmen. lUs guests _____1 Ihdr beds have been Asled with warming pads when Uiey « o j

I t . Drelscr..tes, thinks best rock- " jov^ In the glow of fllckerlngTogi. Tww^

- compeme or my treasured memories is Jbo •« a Fall evening In Paris. On a i» o b< rasse somewhere between U io -f« « * delelne and Uie Concorde—;nmg i tier's I Imagine. Tbe spirited sum- Vlsll r crewd lud i-anlshed. My wife of Oxi 1 'I were sole patrons, save two, Uio ho omy Prenchmen wlUi spade grove. Ids. dressed all in b la e t who sa t Ume. a nearby table m er steaming Beti ms chaud. Tourlsta hsd flown whom Uie middle of broad rue Royale lives ehu WlUl shabby patent leaUier.ln S t kaded hat perched on Uio box,hero r nis red-whctled fiacre, for all Uie Leai :ld llko 'a moulUng sparrow. A meeUn ,den'lnaullous-and-chUly gun'g roup ' sled a Ulllo pile of maple leaves play I ) scatur. Pin pricks ot charcoal group. IS dolled the boulei-ards. I t was play, a ll ' U9B

_ demonlitre was a bleak loi'ellness In A lr''T

roads and fields girding 0«1- S s. m lilt In Uio I'all. Birches stripped Meel foliage stood gaunt, yel enlranc- of one ly slivery In Uio moonlight Tho Kitkpi s In front of Uie Smoke Shop munlty ved-Uiel£-sldewalk.ch«!r8. Inside. recepU . Henry House brought In his evenln nnimrcter—ita d ln p - fro m his nesday no on Uie bluff owlooklng lho Refr >r dally. All lho ll\-eslock shom compai {loss and duU m Uie first sprout agemsi winter coat Umps flickering comple lr tesselUUons Uirough thullertd eiator idows a t S p. m. Tho hammering dred It stakes in backyards. EveryUilng n o n nmed in-paUently walUng the M n. j mat rhyUim of change. week J

. J------ UwmcIhere's gcnerallya'snccr for-tap- tag.— a this ago vein. Kow absurd lo VUlt n for Uio mud toad, red flannels sons, : 1 Saturday night ablutions by. been v I kltchtn rangel Bul Uiose who home 1

Black Legion

:.ACK L E G IO N m em bers n re p lct conviction o f th e m a rd e r o f C h u l (b archeade il) . U rban L ipps. Albe t y s h e r i i r (V e a r lo s h a tb a n d Tbo



r r --------- / A W EE K ..--- -----------4 GREATER R

r ^ ~ ~ ~ = = A ' t o u 5TAJ3 n h o u r e a



T are r n e n lly teeret mourners r , Uio blef of the hone and buggy, mo faint strain from a barber )p quartet seeps Into conscious- n | | IS and they are back to apple- V 9bln' and clsp-ln and clsp-out. W k iong mtlda with K 'itn goitd I jM rts. And while cracklngwlito over | H e-cars a t "No. 31.” are flgUra* 'W ely behind Uio bam. having a Kl cry.

ind whst charm In these words iarrest Moonl Ho wonder lho oW lg by Nora Bayes and Jack Nor- ' :.•> rUisun1ves.6hI-l-no«nltor-vesl ' , o a Up In Uio ak-yel Time for •. t huskin' bee. Tune up Uio fiddles. ip leaUiers to lumber. GenUemen 1., ; ward and ladles back. Swing your rtner and do-sl-dol - 11^ -

(Cupyiioiii. 1V.1D, . n .McNaught Syndicate) , H ;

HANSEN Ikioves 1* lU nK n-E . L. Hatard ■ ivxd MondaV o l'lW s wetk ftom ■Umils to Hansen. Ho hoSTust. ■ npeted' negoUatlons and leased V »-service station from Mr.- ZiickJ W li

bought. Uio supplies on liand ^ ra Mr. Foran. who has been run- 1— lg the staUon. LAWfislta Brelher-W. T. Petlygrove An Oxford* Nebraska. Is visiting a l by I home of his brother. E. N. Pe tty ted ive. He plans to lemaln lor »ome lU le. 'U tu m i' Heme - Mrs. ’ Rlnsdorf. bee0 made a monUi's visit with rela- W es In Kenosho. Wisconsin, andS t Louis, relumed to her home -e recently. John>agoe K am Ptay - Al a recent Dawi eUng of the EpworUi Leaguo tlie motoi nip' decided to'.give' a ' three-act Sundi y W h tlp mlse lund# for Ih t isvj « lUp. F#y Sheesley wlU direct Uie imy. • w . pJquid A lr-James WUIlams will hj nonstrata tho “Wonden of Liquid a m p

Tuesday momlng,‘Dctober C at viuik ,. m. a l Uie ichool audllorium. ij f ttlln rP oslpcned-D uolo death p n one of Uie members, k tn . l^lyrtle | rkpalrick. women of Uio Com- ,.j,en w iy CouncU have postponed thelt V, epUon,.t9.h a .v o ^ n J e ld n ;Id « l Prlar. nlng, unUl Uie following Wed- ^ d iday erening, Oclober 7. giuchleW nraler P U n l-n . 11 SmUh attI npany of Hansen, under Uie man- -meal of J.' C. Osgood, recenUy j npltled liatallftlton ot a tefrlg- ^ c tor plant contalnlng three hun- d 4 locker boxes. Uo Klo s e From Moantalns^Mr. and s August Nelson relumed last ek from a Uiree weeks outing In q c c1 mountains In Idaho and W>-om-

'islt p « tn t» -M n . A. C. Daw and .IS, KtnneUi and Leonard, have DUl Xi \tilUtsg the PMl week a l llic were ne of her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. jjunloi

on Men Convicted Of Mu

itc ln red &s litey le d th e D e tro it ( u l e i A . P o d l^ They d re : ( le f t to I b t r t S l tv cn ? . U arvcy D av ls jvnd I Cbosias C ra iff^> T ^ P b o to .' -

B i ^ u s m e s s

I SALARY 15' .TW O DOLLARS : . . .B U T IT INVOLVESi r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , / f f i i Y rART ^ O R K A N EARLIER A N P ^.IN OVERTIME ) ^4 N E C E S S A R Y ^ g IM

B ' , 4 H

___________________ . / J - i - ‘

Convicted By Nazis H

lo ra

■ ^ tors- ' - i M l H gene;

i r , - - oppo

I- - a

L ' gresi

m briniB ' 1 H " ’’ ' <3eH unde

H : ' : befothealt other

: I medl

u : la

AWBENCE SIMPSOK faboTe), doier American seaman, was eenvicled Th by Uie peattlea eoati a t B«Ua-«( IslU; aedUlen In a swift, ene-dsy trlsL chlldi II* w u sentenced t* Uiree yean In'medli prison. Im the 14 months he bad "If ] been held in Jall awalltag IriaL - j-ouH ^ rbeto. mue^___________________________ • Th'------------------------------------------- Uie (ihn Carlson, a t Idaho f u u . Ur. layln sw and her brother, Oliver Everelt “Thi otorcd up Baturday and relumed lecte< inday wlUi Mrs.'Daw accompany- mam g Uiem. tblUtRelnm to Iswfc-Mr. at\d Mrs,'A.•. Posten. who have been \-biilng

lhe home of Mr. and Mn. OUs impson rtluraed lo tbelr home In ■'i®.* IllsCa, Iowa, I u t w tc t Mr. Posten Mrs. Sampson's broUier. 'Fire a t Itanscn-Flre caused dam- la e to cloUies Saturday momlng “ J? icn 11 broke out In the closet al 0 home of Mr. and Itrs. Harry laL-Tha-caiw w as.unknow und IS discowred before It had gained jch hudway.Arrlres a t Hansen - Mrs. Jack . ^ iwklns arrived from her liomo In [ n Pranclsco, Soturday when sho J called here by Iho serious Illness j d deaUi of her moUier, Mrs. Myr- ‘



BUHL JUNIOB HIGHm_____ secret

BUHU O et I - Class elecUons ter. r« held Uie past week a t Buhl 1-B llo r Wgh seboOl wtth lhe loUow-

lu rd e r to?tB'A

'''00 teeret bun.




II eonrtroom foUonlntr their to r igh t) John Bnnncrman a Ervin D . L e e wUh a dcpn-

p | ^ ■

Guiding Your Child

ByALICZ S"T>ui* B ldH U O H D ___

FAMILY rinrfiiciA N A Child Should look upon his doe*

ir u his best Irlend after his par- nta. If. however, hs changes doe- ws t i t ty few weeks, or If he never res the doctor except in an emer- ency whtre Uie medical treatment uy bo severe, he h u w ry Ullle pportunlly to become acqualnled IU1 him.Child clinics, semi-annual vUita to

10 d « ^ J u i l ^ ^ K k ^ p ^ u m

rest value, nol only a t healUi mea- ires, bul also are Important If Uiey ring children Into easy contact wilii friendly dwlor.Oenerally a child who h u been nder the doctor's care from the art Itams to know and lore him efore there Is any need for radicalealUi messures.Thejhlld. bn tho___her hand, wliose f ln l experience of - .edical'are Is the operaUng room r e n n an InoculaUon, comes to as- itlate docton w ilh’pain. Uie,-od6r : dUlnfectanU, anaesthcUcs, and a nen other unpleatsnlnesses.There are parenta who very fool- lily use Uie doctor as-a threat lo illdren. “If you don’l take your edletae 111 caU Uio doclor." or 1 If I havo U) call in Uie doctor luH be soriy. He will come and do lueh worse Uian this to you."The molher or fsUier who hold.i le doctor up u .a bogey-msn Is ylng up trouble for Uio future.Tho family physician should be te­cted WlUl care, as much for his anner-wlUt-children as tor h is - ilUty to dUgnose and Uesl dlseu- . Ko thould not be changed a t him or becaute of some passing ssgrtement bul only alter thought Id for some n ild reason..ahs.4hUdien.should.leam-to Jove------Id confide In him. lUs word musl 1 law to Uie enUre family, parenta I well u children. Only by the;^ . cans can.Uio best results be ob- Ined In t i e b o s and in healUi atid Ith child and parenta will be ben- l le l ^

g.offlcen being elected: g-A-Pretldent Frank Sumner:M president’ Helen Jeane Staoud: welary-trtuurer. Nadine fllee. 8-lB.<pTesident Jim Hamilton:» tiresident Cecil Dennli; tecre- ry. BarbaTft Buller; Ueaturpr. lymond Brandon. r-A -Preiident Carl Van PaUen:» pretident Dwane Iifaehaeek: jretaiT-tnasurer. Marian St«w-

7-B-Presldent Wllla Oerber:M president' RuUi Hagedom: _ :retaty-Ueuurer. Qale Mohlen- ink; monitor, DUier Rangen. m e Sdence club offlcera elected .J r the f ln t icmeater were:. 5-A-Pretldent Pauline Plngetson, ' <e president EUiabelh Hamilton; zetary-lreaiurer, WUlard Ralh-

l-B-Presldent VadU Killian;;a pretident Mariam Cunnlng- m; Mcretary.-trcasurtr, Pat Ham- in.

T E L U S O i n R O S ™ _IranlU jiod Marti* ftloBnoenls

and Marken

o r n o f A N b t a b d -J l Blala Ave. E u i, Twin Falli

Telipben* gq-W


A L F A L F A -A N D R E D : — CLO V ER SE E D

llUhest tnatkrt prfees paid ,for thrtsher nm or ttcleaatd iaeed. - *Shipman Transfer Banding t

WESTLAND s m CO. Joe. 1rbon* l l i \

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

ilf tss iB tffD rh

------- v uba(4

TILER, Ort. 1 - Kler Wemin’* te«ii club held in optn mecUnj W«dnu* ^ fUr tfiernooo wllh 50 womtn -tt- Undlnr. Fbllowlnc (hs builneu meellnj «id reports of commltltei. a projttra w u glwn whleh eon- •ifled ot Mver»l numben by th# niiio Dixie Jublleo tln tert: movUv pie- ,,^1 lurei of lo a l scenes by L. A. Selhel .w. , ■nd O. W. Anthony, tnvel Ulki by Mn. O. J. Childs Rnd Mr*. E. ^ u , M. luyborn; k docrlpUon o( the |„ .

■ IndUn sun dsnce »t F\srt Hslt In- ^ dlin reKn-itlon by Mn. Jesse 6ls(* lord. IlottesKs tor lhe trlemoon were Mesdames C. W. Crump. Ed(M -jtlt D,yineenl,ClMrlesOrm,O.E.Qrie-

•str .'Ir^ lnaM iilx . . tlvln

r . w - “ f,jThe old members of the FUer lerdj

cnde and high Khool faculties en- inclc lerUlned Monday evenlns *t Twin chili

treJllmenu, tor new faculty nsem- prali ben. Walt

fiu r 80^ dub will iponsor k of T benefit, danc* Thursday evenln* a t tomi the new d u c t b a ll..

TJler chipter, Order o( tu le m ' 8 t«r. Is pUnnlnt a 'Home Tund”

. card party for th# Wednesday U.nlnt, OctobcrJ_____________ PUl

Ur. and Mn. E. Jf.JU ybom Uld , , U r. and Mn. R. F. Corless enUr* U talned Tuesday erenlng wllh six | | | Ubits of bridt* .a t th* Raybom

. home. Mr*. LewU Hack aad Lynn- ‘' Till* Brown rtceved hl(h scores and

M n; C. R. Fox rtcelved (ha Invel- Qyv, lm trU ..

A ia llU aM ..U . J “ Anerlean Legion AusllUiy *U1

. meet Uonday artemoon, October 5. event with U n . Esrl UoreUnd. Itier* will -ph b t elecllon ot otflcen. AU memben •I* urged to b* present. elude

- - Mrs. & A. Beem entertained wllh Metr a luncheon Wednesday for Urs. W. tnn,. W. UcDonough . an d . Mn. J. F. Kh;^ UarUn. to Ui

U n . Oeorge Erhardt will enter- optn tain her contract bridge club Fri* gnler dsy-wlth a dessert lilncheon. . o tt . Camp Ftr* Olrls a ri planning a „ „ t l

' doughnut sale for Saturday. Octo- tion • ber 10. and I

.............. Dlimw P a rty ------------Ur. and U n . 0 . W. Ulller enter- fo: o;

Ulned a t dinner Sunday for WU- ci thi lUm nag tr and Royd Uishler of the 6 l^)^llsnd and Roy WlUon of Filer.

Mn. D. IL Bhowen entertained Thi . a t her home Frldsy wllh a no-hoit Ideu

luncheon tor (ha teachers ot Ur caulli MethodUt fiunday school Ten wom- and i

tlecled superintendent of the prl- len’Ic mary department. lerml

— ot t> • mUiii

generReal E sta te T ran sfe rs • » 4

- PutBUhedfay.tluJIvla.PalU.'ntli. quesi' afla-3U»tr«e{' oflop tfly ' '

t • • J gilt (. .‘MONDAY, BEPTEMBER 21 Deed; H. Bmllh to W. L. Blue, ii to

tUO. Lol 2:, block ), Munyon's ad- (or ii dlllon.- en a

Deed: 0 . Moore to W. Conner, ^lont. |12». Lot IB, block M, Buhl. prope

‘ Deed: E. M. Raybom to 0 . W. ____Raybom. l l ; NE',; SEiC snd SW'.i ------of NB u n U n . . Cher

Deed; C. W. Raybom to F. It. jJ . Aria,'II; NEU IT 11 17.

Detd: J. D. UcOUl to D. MeGlU, p-.L* tl . E^NW as 10 11 I**

DeedrnockCreekReallycompany „_v. to M. D. Pownall MOO. P»rt Bee. 18

...1017.__________ _ ______Deed: WesUrn Loan and Build- =

In? tompany lo A. F. Warren, 110.', Lr-;i 30.31. block 115, BuhL k . I —

nred: U K. Bnow. admlnUUslor. |13 W.-Mem Loan and Building com- • i

11. LOU 30.31. block 115. Buhl. J

TUESDAT. 8EPTESBER t t Deed: W. C. Achenbach to Twin J

Twin FalU North Side Invejlfflent, company. Ltd, « . ,Lot fl, bloek 18. Jnvcjton iecond.

— 0 « d i-L r-a J 4 e a u ik y - l0 -U -A j------Dnke. MOO. Lots 18. 17, 18, part ] f lot 15. block 68. Buhl. ^

Deed: N. Emery to E. L. Rayborn 13000. U U 1. J. 3. NENW 18 12 18. Fl

D «d: N. Emery lo E U Raybom.II. NWNE. NENW 131118.

DefdiW .O.fiamraontoO.Bsmp- “ “ wit, 11. Lou 25, 58. block 88. T*1n

- FalU. HDeed: J. D. Keulcr to F. Norman ■

115. Lols 35. 38, J7. block 8. Blue Lakes addition.

Deed: P. K. Coa-glU to H. J. Tay­lor. JIO, Part lot IJ, llolohan nddl- tlon.

WEDNESDAV. sr.PTEMflER » < D «d: nol^e Alin. Credit Men.,

Lid., to T. E Lucss '»25. rola 1, 3. 3.Block J. Blue Lakes nddiilon.

Detd: C. E fiievew, county Iress- iirer to Bolje Assn. Credit Men.Ltd.. I15fl.«. LoU 1. 5. 2. block 2.Blu; Lilies addition. „ *

D::rt: E p. Bweel lo E 8. Mel- [


under terms of the wlll of the il« U n . LouUa J . Barlow which u .tiled with a ptliUon tor pro- 1(4 In tha probate court Jiera yes- :rW . the esUle consUtlng of resI nd penonal property « lued al mo, U to be dUlrlbuted equally clwcen her adept«d daughter, Mn. faxlni K auttnan of Twin FalU. nd her foster son. W. K. Hall of Illlon. MonUna. alter payment ot peeUled bequcsU ineludlng 1100 to ne OhrUtUn churth ot Twin FalU nd UOO in InslallmenU lo Mn. Uuflman’s son. Mrs. Barlow died u t September 17. Bluart II. Taylor «s nnmed u executor of the wlll rhleh v u drown in Auguit. 1935.[arry Benoll of Twin PalU U (he etitloner's attorney.IL L. Praler. of Twin F»IU. sur- '

Ivlng husband ot U n . Eva O. Pn* er who died' October 30. 1133. sp- illed to tlw probata court here yes- erdsy tor a decree that her estati ■ ncludlQg a tire acre-tract In Or< halua addlUon to Twin FalU w u

nlsergrwcre R. O. Taylor. E. R.W U and Wynn Smith. W. L. Dunn f Twin Falls U the peUUoner's at* jmey.

I I ■EBP15

BthiL, OcL 1 — At a meeting of uhl Chamber ot Commerce Mon- ' ly evening a t the Roytl cafe, 11 u dcclded to ha^Y a program ot :n Sllrtr Dollar days with one rand prUe event at Uie close ot the '

Thls' plan w u submitted by the lerchanli' commlllee which In- udes lAATcnce Van Riper, Charles letrlck and Iiarry Orimes, chair lan. The first Sliver DolUr day 1 Jieduled for Saturday, October 10,' Um commiltee asks prompt eo- xrstion from the merchanta In 'der to gel the program under way.Olhtr matten- dlscussed-at” the - eellng were Uie earlier Installa- m of lhe OhrUlmu decorations id the colored IlghU in the down- 'wn dlauicl; anoUier maUer tak- I into consldentlon w u Uw plan

OperaUng Uie flllver Dollar days ' that they would not conflict with « Saturday fami aucllon sales.

Olber Ideas The Chamber aUo dUcuswd other e u which Included: added pre- lUllon to protect school children id pcdesliians from speeding au-mnhliei; pnm u r* .to ,t« p ro i^ b m __n'ice, whleh w u described ta In- rmitlent and unsatUUclory: ^ale ' Uianks to Buhl hlghway'-ttm- Usijnera for obUlnlng olllii)r and ■nenl Improvement ot Clear a k e s . . . . >ad.A more strict survellUneo o[ all lecks lo prevent some of the tre-lesl. forgeries.. was_dlscus*eduu __ ^

■Joopemtnn bflieen 'ejie '— ' tl day commlUee and Saturday icllon to devote all UKir prognnrf the benefit of all and 'ah ettort to be made to require elate twnd r livestock buj'ers lo proiect sell- s against bad checks and auc- meer sgalnit telling ot stolen operly. .

ler, 'lO.’-part 8WBE; IS 10 IT.Deed: c . L. ParU to E W. Frs- •i, $275. Lou 1,3, block 3. Tenaceirk Place. - .................... ...Lease: D. L. CarUoh to F. Bi­nd!. Lols 1, 2, block 132, Twin ilU. •

SchillingP u n B ^ ^ A n i L i A .

r e ta in s U s d e l ic a te

~ fT nvcr //) a i /

FROZEN Y d e s s e r t #

W A N T E D !





TWM F A ^ P * a Y SCTl

O c t o b e r ’ s t f

Y o u ’l l w a i t

W e f e e l t h a

i n t r a d e - i n i

b a r g a i n s o f

‘ — ■ W F o rd D i ’34 F o rd Dl '35 Ford Tt ’35 F o rd Tl ’35 F ord D

■ ■ ^ ^ 5 I ^ r d D_ _________ ’33 Ford Tl

’3 6 F o rd P i ’35 Plym ot

...... ..... - ’36 Willys-'

______ . _ _ J 3 1 E o r d j a

’31 Ford V: '31 F ord P: ’30 Chrysle ’30 Ghrysle


’29 Pontiac ’34 Ford Pi ’30 Dodge I ’29 Dodge ’29 Foi-d Tl ’SONasliLi

'30 Graharr ’34 F ord Ti ’3 4 F o i y T i '

’35-Ford Ti '29 C hiyde

' ’StrCtievro:

5 W 8 . 1 W F A I X 8 , n ) A n O , n i

t h e m o n t h ' . H e r e ’s t h e

l i t a l o n g t i m e b e f o r e

n v a l u e d a i l y w i l l t a k e :

o f f e r e d , t o o b t a i n b 6 t t

DeLu.xe Fo rdo r SedanD eLuxe F ordor S e d a n ....T udor Touring, t r u n k .....Tudoi' S e d a n .................D eLuxe C o u p e ..............


D eLuxe C o u p e ......... .....Tud o r Sedan, new m otorPickup,’lilte n e w ...... :.....lOuth Sedan ...... .............’S 'l l Sedan” :.::”;..” — ; ;


JTudor.Sedan--------V ic to r ia ................ ........P ickup ,................. .......

s ler Coacli .!....................3ler Sedan ........ :.........

[ O N E Y B A C K G U A R

iac C o u p e .... ........ :..........P ic k u p .............. ...........e S e d a n ........................:e Sedan ..............T u d o iiS e d an .................L ig h t Six C oupe... .

S P j E C I A L T E R M

am C o u p e ........... ;...........T rack , 1.57.... ’.............. .Ti'QCk', liiV, new molor, tireTruck, 157, new m o to r ...5 L e x i lQ u p .e _ , ,^ „ . . . . , : .^ .^ ,---------

ro let Coupe

N i O ^■


H O e

F IO >


h e p l a c e f o r t h e f i n e s t

r e y o u s e e b a r g a i n s l i i

( e a d v a n t a g e o f t i i i s O i

f i t t e r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n f i

............ - $ 4 2 5 1


........ ....................$ 5 3 5 .

............................$ 4 9 5

..................... $ 4 9 5 f


1 = : ^ : . : $ 3 6 5 l, i

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................... $ 4 9 5

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...........................$ 2 4 5

...........................$ 1 9 5

...........................$ 1 7 5

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........ ........- $ 1 9 5 n


S R t . lS S S

^ a l e :


s t b a r g a i n s y o u e v e r

l i l i e t h i s a g a i n .

r t t t a t a r e - g r o w i n g i e e

O c t o b c r s a l e , w i t h n e i

f o r w i n t e r .

- P r o f i t - b y t h e s e - a m a

s a l e r e d u c t i o n s — c i

- T O D A Y ! O u r W r i l

a n t e e P r o t e c t s y o u o i

D e a l C a r .


f .


HE]T H E IE v e r y c a r o n t h e l o t

m o s t c a s e s y o u r p r e s i

t u r e a r e a l l y o u n e e d

c a r . E a s y a n d c o n v c i

r a n g e d w i t h p a y m c

m o n t h l y .


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e e s t I y r t f t o p e r a { f r a n d 4 (

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lazing^ctober^Clearar come — see for ypursi ritten Money Back Gui oneveryR&GorSqua

) B E m

l O X T f l—

RE’SP L A C Ei t i s a b a r g a i n s p e c i a l ;

; s e i i t t a r a n d y o u r s i g n

; d t o d r i v e a w a y a b e t t

c n i e n t t e r m s q u i c k l y s

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Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

K i i ; | nP B i l L :Court Reilsves Salmon Pro- j -■ jeot Farmers of Bond


. Monej.tn tba Iwak fer which the . j atp<»ltor-»ceepU % "Uine cerUfl- 3a l« ' 'U e o l id e p o t l tb u t u ib m l> 1 went, D litrlrt JudjB’AdJun B. Bar- d i r TUled h m y ts ic n l i ; In iiutain- i

k'dsmurrer and KnnUnt k mo* . . . ^ Uoa for dtemlmi o( tbe Salmon Rlrer O intI eomptnjf* »uit for »:.•»SUI from m e n Salmon lUver pro>J « t farmer# i»boaSsn«dinlndemnl- «£ty bond in May, 1931. Ut luwanlM D»a payn tn t of- tbe canil company idepMlU tn tbe Bank ef HoUliter |„ , ,irS S . a iled ?% bn i» ryu .l9» .^ _. H ie canal company claimed It

A i mmS S S B S I T S S « d u lU oved tbe bank at Uie Ume t l , ' , m m . I t »ou*b» to rteorer Uie W.- - [ s e s j l balance frem Uie bank's ||_[|

Judge Barclay. In dltmlulng Uie w it. also ordered dUeharBtd wrlia TVln ol attachment coTcrlnt tlie crops Comme

U M coiiw r. W. 0. niff. A. E. o d lu t CaWwell, W. N. Knudwn. P. 0 . KUli n» jlns and Jesse A. OrtlflUi.

- . B. Rob


for trej

(CooUnmd Fren Pat* one) pojt,,

you that Uie Inotaie In the nsUontl ■ deW b U i l r ^ bUllons Instead of

............ i '’ - ' ’ ‘nuted' CMDpanUlra AecBtaey field (

■ n jeo .lna rtm aik»h Ich*u ten .,son , J. enuy bellered to hare IndlreeUy r a . , DetweU

•tored tq-Coleoel Prank-Kncx, B«.;Or-PhII tnii? i|fn Tlce>preddentlal candl* | Uemt date, be added Uiat Uw Uilrteen mlttee bUUon compuUUoo'U “technically youn«, aod morally just u correct u tell* Whlla s Inc you |ood people ber* In P p n * ,eytranla Uiat nm* of your bank c ip C 'depotiU or Insuianee policies wtr*

A half-mile away, Knox had Just] concluded anoUier asuult on Uie- Twin Kew Deal complet

Xt w u Knox who In Allentown, clau rt P s , Beptember 6. declared no In* ion.)r..

' luranee policy w u secure nor bank srd Ils dtpetits safe under New Deal mone* retary*!

■|sr?,poUries---------- -------------- | A tntG r« M b l I t a m m i -------

u , s i . r s ‘rouU from Uie depot lo Uie basebsU ‘"f* ” ^ i k . ' ’ Iff**""

• A freat. cheer wtnl up from the lb m i( crammed into the park and ^

-out on Uie dUmond as Mr. Roose* n i t rolled onto Uve lofleld and

.took bli place on Uie fU^cqrered FINAI

i f ^ S a T a n d cheers rreelei[ lbs ’ * ‘f p r t^ e n fs rem u ti from the n ry

' TUrelni -lo a dlK u^on of na* *<”• Uonal finance condlUons'oear Uie coDClusioo Of bis remarks. Uie pres* bule y Ident tald: ^

“The deficit of Uie naUonal jov- cmmeotbas.been steadily decUnlns Uusl< for Uiree y ta n running, alUiough technically, Uils year It did not de* "Hie ( dine, because we paid Uie bonus. pui>e<t WIUwQt U» bonus Uie deflcltwould P«U1> bare declined Uds year.-' — OUs 6j

•T b t truUi' Is Uiat we are doing ScoU oj beUer Uian we anUclpated In IBS. uid On mOcUahaTB'beenlcsaUiuJTe.ex- ;;inler peeled. Treasury receipts ar* in* etety. creailnc.”

p n m m e n t of 'UUs great MARI naUeo, solrent,’sound In crtdll. U cotdlng'Uirough a crisis as gnve u war wlUMUt having sacrificed Am* erlean democracy or Uie Ideals of <Coi Amertcaa Ufe.“

-Tee,- specttton responded when be uked If It did not make “com* men aense" to say Uiat “the only »“ PP« way tO’ keep a goTemment out of

l« tn vm-]\ people-out-of isUie red."

Re tald and Os■^e bad to balance Uie budget of <!’ Uia Amerlcaa people before « could balance Uie budget of Uie na* !

goTtmmtnt."He touched oft loud ‘-boos" when

he referrtd to “my predecessor- NE\V and U un aOenced (he crowd' 3U str bolding up bis hand. • filates

Back In 1933, Uie president said, agreem if ha bad accepted advice lo -let flcUls i nature taka Ils course and conUnue icrs sa: a poUey of doing noUilng," ll would boau. Ii ba\-e meant;. » hour

A conUnued wipbg out of people The Df small means—the conUnued I w about i ef Uielr homea and farmt and small before businesses. or effot

n ie 'lo ss of all Uie rcMurccs ot ine fin a-nu lU lude of Indiriduah and ers' ur families and smsU corponlions. rtipoiu - A concenlntlon of property ovn* men taenhIp tn the hands of one or two ia .j__per cenl of the populaUon. dtcllnir , “In UiOM dark days, belween us had lo and a balanced budget stood mU- The i liai}s ot needy Amertcans. denied ed Uie ths promise of an American life, money

Humanity, he tald. came lin t and when i Uis ‘ Tl^ous Ughlenlng circle of our to spec

Orand FA mtnnfacltjrer has shipped Inlo

NEW Ghmd Piano which will he s(

-nfbtr-ihsiK re-ahlpi-or-lf-unsble'

• ^ r i j f w J l h - r e s p o n t f M r i a r t p —


: Jackson Blvd., 6

symiewaite HIHI-IBy EOBEBT QDttU N J 8EI


cues* SIclher lom mf beiUr'n Id does. IVbea I io wmdhing renr, hs alwsn Uiinks I’m lullly.It sb* w ra't bellere i f trtct te i

M r n i F t t____ had dou

vin Falls Junior Chamber of “" f imercc will elect new officen Idsy ewnlng at eight o'clock a t raincniurffirHncUU «moune* u t evening with a report of Uie ’ J r a j insUng commltlee.

lobertson to succeed Clsude .tL reUcr as president and present- ff®®®" the nsme of Rulon Dunn to w rtst. e«d Arthur Bockwlti as secre*

ck IL.Klngsbuiy and James 0. lolds w fe ^ m e d as candidates g treasurer and four were noml* d-for Uie two Tice presldenUal ^ wrniam R. Heed and Harry MweUer for flnl Tice president » Alton J. Young and Ptank L. ’'*•

5 for second vice .president.« dlrecton wUl be elected from J « J Id composed of Oeorge U.Psal*J, H. Blaadfotd. CUud* H.

reller, WlllUm Oerber, filanlry •hllUps-and-CoUman Biilgn... - S t m unben of Uie nomlnsUng com- w n may ee w en John Soden.' Uoyd P- ai lg. Bruce 'Johnson, TOm R. '

ECTION OF OFFICERS lOMPLETED AT SCHOOLtin Palls hlih"*choot elecUons "nd E. C pJeted yesterday are; Junior s o w cn I rrpresentatire. Asher B. Wll*Jr.. senior class president. Rich- Ilarbert: and senior class sec*ry-treasurer. Ids Lee Lamb. B ■%.aeeung of the Pnneh Circle P Ky in Palls high school w u hjin _ trdsy aflemoon. The pfMldeiit,, Tolbert, presided, rieanor Hol* flen B< n rU i was elected secreUry- Mr. and surer ol the dub. The president Palis yes I the consUtuUon. and Caro- ium. Dudley led Uie group Iii French[. raren l• ---------------------- L .E .C nlA L TRIBUTE PAID -R E SID E N T lO F HANSEN■'/ — ^ • I P lans; ra. MyrUe Kirkpatrick of lUn* er yciter who died Tueaday al Twin FsUs permit U ity hospital, w u psid final trl* garage oi I yesterdsy altemoon a t ser- joses ad s held a t Uie White mortuary Ml Dr. C U White olficUted. Appilti usie w u prorlded by'Mrs. Tom p n t t ye l.w hosang‘'ln theasrden ''and mil lo < e Old Rugged •Cross.'’ socom* itoring o led by Mrt. P. P. Kelloig. - .tore on tUbearen were WJUls Sampson,

Sampson. Lock Kelley. A. It. Uecnn i and Pred Kopp. all ol Hansen. Alien o f : Orris McVey ol Tiler. o t ^ siU rm ent,^.ln 'rw in y> lU «m . FiiUobt f ' Twin Pl


' Essicjc 0IConUnued Proa Page Ooe) born tonegotiations. Marti

lagoing com m w . which all but p e d -u old wslerfront agree*Its expired t f mldnigiit. began . ___ ick up slowly. Twenty one ships - “ I " " ' rbelhg-WrkSTtTSsVPrahcIsM Oakland ports and four oUien '

J due lo anii-e sliorUy. T ie Bui *'«’ (icisco port usittlly h a n d le s

•. • Liner SalU U te . .EV/ YORK. Ocl. I t / n - -me Striking seamen of Uie United n|n«'ye» es liner RoosereK reached an <mcnl todsy with company of- J’’* ils and tiie cn il, whose passen- ‘reaimer sailed for Europo on two oUier

J. lefl wlih mail and cargo aboul Wedne«l .ours bciUnd schedule. ■ - (le crew walked off Uis liner o , .Jt noon ycitenUy-len minutes o ta tC ire sailing time-Uie ouigrowUi p ffotu ot two groups in the mar- ^ firemen, ollen and water t id * union 10 gain recognUlon u BOIBE

— —~ collectorIning national Income simply The fllo be broken." - of such

le goremment. he said, accept- IS.Uie responslbUIty of spending . Compiey tfle r all tUe had failed and not avaln no one else had money left in ratespend. • qusrten

n » ' .C HPianoto thin r lc ln ity a brand

! sold a l A reduced prica ^ ' A

)l«-(o-sell-w ill-con8ider • O h (

■-------A d d rtsf------- 7 ------- - --------

r A G E R

Chicago, Illinois

.................... o e b b b

LINE OFFtt L[ im m m |swell Predloli Belter U Mall and Passenger H

Service Hrry J . OrcswcU of Bolte, rice dent and geneni manager ot lal Air Lines, who U In Twin | H In a a effort lo build up plane

traflio o n r the.touUiem0 reule, last D lgbt'Uld Uitt Ine ts Uie forerunner of better and passenger senice and te*

ition of larger ships.*' llhUonelA.OeanofTarln Palls. dent of the corponUon. Cres*' epent yeslerday conUcUng ineu men throughout the d l s - H | te a n effort to pu lo n racam * ! H H1 whereby airltee UO scrip I are told for M2.SD as a mea*|

ToitatSn a m o iliM oS a^p le r'j '

U ae Sneecssfii] 1»well said Uiat the “Itee is d o - f ^ H n i r and added Uiat buslneu* iloubled during Uie p u t monUi' that If Uie Increase continues Itee will toon replsce Its fire oger plane wlUi a s e r e n j ^ ^ H

In PSUlichsnber o f Commeree! ibind the scrip telling cam* ' i-and Wednesday erenteg. a a t w u held a t the chamber rmmerce office to agiute te* .v-..

i t t ,Idresalng Uie teeslon • assured • P dumber Uut Twte Palla will, (e r el -airmaU serrtce te the near, la T« t. ,Yo*t pointed out Uiat If two dnetU I were mailed a t Boise a t 4 p.j plaae no, by regular maU to Twin oal t^ and U » other by airmail to .,

York Clty-Uie Twin Pall* let- — “ rould be dellrered wbea Uie V | | | | | |

iwelLpoteted out U iat.a.pcr. — nfli- t ty board a plane here a l s;as p {. arrlre a t Pocatello a t 6:19 p. I UL Id an hour later take Uis Na- i Parks Airways plaae for Salt . , City, A ooniiectloD. be u id . Amerli

alto be had for Bulle t l 1:S3 ^ Kivanis

J in attendance a t th* meet* * tere Walter York, president, '5. 0 . Harlan, secrelary, ot the Chamber of Commerce. lerday. ’

of succe:■ I — — includtei


------- Ma ” LBern — A son w u bom to dsnce r

nd Mrs. L. E. Crane of Twte Billy Lc yesterdsy t t Woodi suilttr* demonsti

rible;".— - - dancejJ

ents of Son — Mr. andM rs. Puglsno. Crane are tha parenu of a son c ^ . y yesUrday at Wood* priraU dng. cf

iHum. TS3 Second areniie c u (. oison. ^ — K— V Morrlsor

tu DwtUIng — C. R. Delwell* Johmon. iterday applied for a building Harries, t lo erect a tUOO dwelling and ]{osg. Ev e on Tenth arenue e u t In the shlrley r

addition. . • _ ', The pi

>ilt* for Permit — CUud' C. yeiterday applied for a per- cholrmai

0 erect a *900 structure ^ j^ v v g oil t l hb tourist camp and dub nn on Addison annue west.

(W»d le Wed - John Alfred p i|IJp |; of Long Beacli. CallfomU, and ” 5 ! n LouUe Sommer of Twin PCobtoliled.a.marTUgs licanseal ■ .........Pails county recorder’s office • Funen

rdsy. dsy afte-■ * mortuary

-n a t HetpiUl — A daughter vho died bom to Mr. and MnL Rubr Dr. Rsyr t of Hansen and a son was dial chui to Mr. and Mn. 0. H. Callen „ artaugli a t Twin Falls eounty tsi mslemliy home Wednee- ” light. . ' Paiibci

....... Rffse Isrnlghl VWlars — Mrs. Don Oleson.-and-daughler.—Piotwcf.—ot KImes.—u. Alberta. Canada, enroule tonew home in Vancouver, vere■ight guesu W«Jne«l«y i t tiie' of Mr. and Mrs. Georgeicir.

m i i in rail - Betty >t>»r. I T T year-old daugiiter of Mr. ami I . I U E. Fraser. U a patleni at ■ I I nunty geneni hospital uiuler ■ ■ ■ nent for a broken arm wlilcli eceived in a fali from a hone V A lesday evciilng. H ■

tc Income Tax Collections Listed

IBC, Oct. 1 {T}—Income ttfx xlions tor ISIS In Idaho toUicd . ^1,918 tonlglit a t-ihe sute-lox Haj :lor'a oHlce.a fteal semi'SnQutMnstslImrnt w ich tsses was due September

n p a n tln figures for 1934 were available becauM of the ciiange les as spplled to liie last Uiree M en of It]}. ■ ■


.. B U T T E R SC(iC E C R E /

•AND A,SPECIAL 3-LA ilierry ™-Lemon Sherbet^

A t Your Favorite F




Airline CWff

I h ^■ . ■ Uie Chl

^ progm

'* ’ K l a ^ - ■'0*i Evelyn

H I A' f l B n ^You D< two-me

OougUs' l ' U W hite;:

’ V '1 0 ^ a fth e ’t

. I K

h o l d !Tlie I

P P V r r r | — rT— d*y-*It

; ^ L ^ guesu 1’v McDowe

' . .;■> ' Assendni- ,, ',- ; .;* — - r ^ . v , The pn■ y, .''CB conduct<------ — --------— 1 « u ,jt a r J. CRE8WELI. or BoUe, of Mn. !« prtsldenl and geaerat maaa* conlest r ef CaotUl Air Unes. nhe Is Oraham Twte Falls and rleinlty eoa* Mrs. J.

ictteg a esmpUgn te build np elephant ise paswoter iraflie throsgh* luncheoi I the souibem Idaho territory, be with ____________________ • Melrte

i lS M lE S SmicrsiiNiijiiiEs:

w u opei

nerlcan poUUcal history since . eg(e(ei was ■'reviewed for Twin Palls jhurcM 1

mU club memben by W. B. in conne ii. superintendent of iS rin T^IU (ivg], a )ls tnd a member of lhe club. Kluendei weekly meeUng a t luncheon yes* be in c ly. The speaker ouUlned Usues meeting ccessire presldenUal campaigns, (ocislly. ding Uiose of Uie current cam* ed refrej 1, wlihout Indicating hU own meeting.lu slon t-------------------------------------------number of jMarle^Dunn HeW s

' Lou Glib gave a song and Mrs. F e number, "I Wanna Woo;" the mei

Logan and Oerene Worley Qulid T instnted T h e Traffic Is Ter* Rev. J

Barban Itarries, rythm lions for e;JU rban.Jolinson and.Mufel be.held. mo.' song and dance. “Ooody Roberlso iy.y Taking part In the "Wed* teriitlcs ef Jack tnd Jill" were Lols Mrs. F 1. Nolt Jeanne Mlneliew, Jun^ McAle* Isenr Marilyn Robbins, Barbara ' son, Muriel Pugliano, B trb a n JiECEP'. les. Oerene Worley. Mary Ann f . EN’elyn Dean, Jackio Itobblns. p. ey Itosa and Betty Lou Thomas, e program w u arranged by IL emoon t HedsUom. retiring prognm a shortman. ..................... A Uoii w u

y Washburn, president' of tlw presided. _ _


aeral services were held Thun* afUmoon a t Uie Twte Falls itry chapel for Charles Zllkey died a t hU home here Monday.laymond S. Rees of Uie-.MeUi5i----------:hurch officiated.e musle w u furnished by the , m y i Falls mortuary. *

ilbctren were Chac* Anderson.I DarU. James Reese. Axel W M m. A. V. Erickson tn d John H M

em unl w u In T»in Falls cem- .


Hagle Clly Feed A Fatl Co. ■ .

H. V.Nye Leonard Araal ■Clartnee H. Nye H '

HAY -.C E A W — FEED li ■COAL ■ Nc

oSi i i i i i i i i n i i i i u i i i u J


C O T C Hi A M .

.AYER BRICK sf^B utttirscotch^ ■— '________________________ : .— I t


J Foun ta in S 'r cot

!6 e a m e b y ■-


u . ........ ^ - r - -

S O C IE T Y cn .Phone82

ISSIO N A R Y SO C IE TY pastor W a U S S T S M EET here,dn . Van B. Wright entertained I Ladies’ MUslonary Society o 2 L “ ! ) Church of the Brethren, a t her , * ? , ae yesterday afWmoon. Mrs. B .KsrUn-ied.Ua.derotionaU, The ildent, M n. C. W. Ronk. con- ^ :led Uio business mecUng. The igram w u t e ' charge ot Mrs. ‘’' 2 ^ to r Mellon aod eonsUled ot sev- i readings concerning Uie lives _h« h, some of Uie Misiionsries, who are iV.-ri f te China. Virginia Kerlte and ilyn Brewer, accompanied by ry Wright sang "Whst Would ' u Do Without Je susr •niirty* " I memben and six guesU wen sent. QuesU wen Mn. KenoeUi ifU ." : u ilu . Mn. amlll,, Mn. N. H.Ilte; Mn. Primeau bf Twin PaUs,. The I. O. L Kloui of Kimberly, and U D. I rA nn'K H aarSTH IBIBB , WU*' iBTaT itia. T in next meeting wlll be son, M the home of Mn. C. H. Kemple* acUng n, Kovember fifUi. Uie foi

------- H e te■AMROCKCLUB . ler a t)LDS M EETINGlie Shamrock Club-mct yester*

Jtrl 'H il to n memben tnd fire s u were present, Mrs. J. W.Dowell. Mra. IL W. Rledeman. “ I. Ralph-Assendrup.-Mrs.-Ray endrup, and Mrs. 0 . H. Durllng., president. Mn. Don SUfford, ducted Uie business meeUng and

enUrUtement w u te charge Mn. M. P, WhiU. Prises for Uie Ust wen won by Mrs. R. ^Aam and M n A. C, Sklllman. • u J. A. OrifflUi won the white ihant. lUe hosUss serred a Uay P :heon. The next meeUng .wm Kith Mra. R. P. Busli, viUi Mrs. 'A K b r te Anderson te charge of the ^ O R j fram. -Iblrt.

■ ChurchC IA l AFTERNOON WednesR AID SO C IE TY P*«y /.he U d lu ’-A liU U hL L utheran ircb met te th* church psrlon *"»**« erday afUmoon. The meeting u t n v opened withi derotionsls led by chairman. Plans were made for ifeUrta dtener lo be held te the Mrx rcM basement October eicrenth, were ht onnectimi with Uie Mission Fet* ths Mel 1. Heanor Rommetvedt, LydU Umoon rnder, and Rebecca Etilen will R. A. i in charge. After Uie business Mrs, J. ting lhe slUmoon w u spent buslnesi Illy. Mrs. Hlsabeth Davl* r s T . flcera fi •efreshmenU a l the close ot Uie as folio ttog. • * dent: h_______ • ident; :E TIN G OF tafy; ^• S e O F M r a i / f iD n . P. P. McAtee w a hostess to

memben of the Episcopal Id mursday altemoon. • '!v. James Butler gtre Instruc*$ for the coming Conrocstlon to leld-UiU-Wttk.fnd. Mr*. T..M. ' crtson spoke on'"The Chsrtc- tics of Uie American Negro." " “-ffi® rt. R. J. Vallton assisted Mrs. ^,le* in serving rcfrethmenU. oslnn<

:E P T I0 N f o r ' e ? u Ss . PEARSO N . aeteus le I^sbyterUn Ladles’ Aid heldregular meeUng. yesterday aft* GUES, lon at tiie church parlors. After FE A Tllort business meeUng a recep* The 1w u hdd for kin. A. O. Pear- the hoiof Pendleton. ’Oregon." wife of yesterdi late Rer. A. 0 . Ptarson, former WlllUm

A h e a d o o th e r-c o i

l y i w o m u i w h o U k e i f l a v o r , itr<

This woosfl writesj’’/A4rr«*/tfAl;)ftrp tn .lnunA n lah t< u l» f»U U i

N « e th u (hll user ranitions '';rrr»|.'/ . ’* You’re got ro bare strenrUi (a tbe c

jou're going to h s n |o o d flsrof n (ie coffee mild, oedium or itfoog. You can o ih tfw if,

M J -B ’l-Cunou*'’Strtngth Euemisl" bleo(fing o f the world'* finen coffees at Ih ls icuutct a coftsttflc ridineu o f uue < ga in o f M*J'B sod brings out flsvor < licking otbm-iic,

" It 'sa you cugii

• Cjleil is iiiufseteed tijtbt for Diip, P<r- ^ H □ | 1

ot'ssy (Ult- cafr^(rul[er fou liie.



„aC L U B S I. PhantI . • Wink)___________■ » n «

' gan Iitor of th* PresbyUrisn chureh t .t pUno solo. “Ksmenol-ostrow,’' Margaret Peek, tvo pUnolocues ‘

iigeegee" and 'TTie Usual Way,- L B readiJig. "Oppertunity," by py Ui irida Smith, a duet. “Kow Sweet te t w I Htme-Dl Jesus.- by .Mn. Rleff:’' and Miss Turner comprised Uie ‘ ■gram.*'ellow Upers and flowtn dec* CAM led the Isce conred Ua tabU. H O L e hostesses were Mesdames J . K. Tha uidon. SUphsR. o . J . OlrU rdling.'J. 0 . Hayden, T. Sander* Watul I. F. F. Dneken, H. W. WalUce U n.1 W. O. SmiUi. ; iJ ten

i w s i , ? '-he Ward R«lltf Societies of tin D. S. Ohurch'beld a iotet meet* f— ■at Ul*, M a Ward tn d U n. ArrtegUe V Int u hosUttes; They arranged L « _

following prognm: Vocal *olo, ea- Johason wiUi JennU Crow*. a t Uu palao; humorous ptper, ^ iiiU Hull; quarUl. MesdamM with 1 ry. Stokes, Robertson snd Brown; aveau I. Mrs. Kevy accompanied by o'clocl■BtyTnwriBw:------- ^ -------- c im nebeeca WsUon spoke on her re- bo tltt I trip lo'AUska and exhlbiUd testing .curios brought from AUEB re. The^ Ward and M a Arringtoa erican rtssed Uieir spprecUtion of the Saturt re^t taken te Uie toclety and of Mi ed fuUin attendance. arenuiallowing th* program a social tertsU r a t which refreshmeVu'wer* ed to ed w u enjoyed te Uie recrea- ‘fw m . . , ' m ab(

S c S . . £hlrty.youog peopU-mel a t the irch ot Uie Pour Square Oospel Inesday night, fer a farewell FAST ;y /or Fnnces Ludlngton. evan* The It. wbo left Thunday for Lo* Ladlestlea.------------------------------Repub

a t a <R V r i r HOME- Helen•iNER,PLANNED Men.rx A. -R. Ostnnder'j division 5 hosusses to Uie Ladies’ Aid ef MeUiodUt Church yesUrdoy af* lOon in Uie ehurch parlon. Mrs.A. Sutclirf led Uie derotlonaU. . , . J. E. Tomlin presided over Uie ®*?' nes* meeting, during which of- y ^ rs for the yesr were introduced ° ollovt. Mrs. J. E. Tomlin, presl* — l: Mn. T. M. Knight, vice pres*It; Mn. Scott ElUworth. secre*; Mn. Usrold Fisher. reelccUd

irest home dinner, lo be held E .iM ember fifth. Each dIvUlon g a n {}|M IS for the season's work. Tbe [ram, te charge of Mrs. T. L. h t e t mey. consisted of a pUno solo r ' w Barbara SuicilH; reading and loiogue by Patricia Smith; vlo* solo by Vl^InU'Fn'neU accom* I C led by Mn. A. E. Fnnds. 1 - ra; RoyTalnUr and Mra. A. B. ( rsnder presided at the lice cot* ■I tea tttte-dectinUd.wlihllgnt* 4 ;apert and tenured v tte Mich* « . ;] u s daUles. j j

E SSIN Q C O N TW r % 5KTVRE OF PROGRAM J tie Maroa Women’s Club met a t % - home of Mrs. Ida WUUamson 0

erdsy atumoon. vith Helena V Urns u assisting lyMteu. The k

= — rof a l l :i l l e e s " ^i t r e n g lh a n d B C o n o m T ^

W M - h 1 ^ 1 .


H i -K fl I'/'.’' ’rhuitw hsttheffltsm ; k *‘iiecoffee/orif(iatheiin)if J ltie a /w b e tb e fjw m sk e % -caa’tbrefsM frs/ffitisnj- ^

l l" >1 developed Iff perfea 1landaipcas lrrrtffrM if. W ^uecofieCKisjsaetinereir J jtiOf quslities thst would be ^

• j h r t o n T i i i f ' ^ 1

T g by yoiir gtom I'fifl, ! % P1

■ ^ a« u ta fr ,o u r^ ,. 5 g fealyiaernj*!,. k |

I h

3R-2,W8B'-: : ; : ■

itU ni opened.irllh.tbe«tegtef.or r p am u , led by Lauia TW uanea. I- h n . O n Oned WM n ta s u u d .u ■ • • « ' anber and M n. Ouy MUIer w u tea te u a.new member. Mrs. ctorla WtekU won Ui* wbtu ele* ant. U te Ramseyer tn d Victoria - InkU presenUd Uu program, with lue ttte f conUst won by EUa Te* n tn d M n. I W . GuesU ef Uie “ y j lb were Mn. l»ost of K ansu * ty, M n. Perd K uU r, Mn. Ouy Uer. M n. Ralph Brown of PUer. d u n . MtenU Ramboe of Kew w ney, RefreshmenU wen strred Ul* bosUts, T b t club wm meet two weeks a t Uit «hool house,

m r*CliUder»-and-0!gt-M tlone 11 b* b o * U « e ^ • p ™

K W S o i s ,rhe Wsyukla group ot Campfin rU held a Jotet meeUng wiUi Uie ituhiyl group, a t Uu hobie of ■s. Jloyd CampbeU Wednesday P " " eniooo. Weteen and nunhm al- n w tn toasUd a t Ui* outdoor E X epUce, and game* w tn played.

------------- RUP

C o m i n g t u e n u ^

■ I I .................. ........ * dU dtBXJIATI10N9 a V B U» h me P u t Matrons dub wUl meet O. E. ;h M n. Jam et SmIUi, MO Fourth Bht mu* north. Priday erenteg a t •lock. > ta . Bertha T y c and Mr*, trano

lu try- _____ rangei

ITOCAiaZATION COimCIL .He opening meeUng of the Am* :anlsaUon CouncU will b t held lurday a t 3 o'clock at th e ’home M n. J. M. Pahan, 544 Third

nue north. Any organUations in* , (Sled te AmericanitaUon ara ask* to haro a repreeenUUn present, ^jjj ^

lEOA WOMEN'S CLUBll* Uaroa Women's club Is to l,d *■ recepUtia for Uie teachen ,____iurday erenteg. October 3, a t 8 — iock.ln tb* i^hoo) bouse..

ST FBE81DENT8 CLUB lie P u t PresldenU dub of Uie Uet of Ul* O nnd Army of Uie subtle wUl-meel-Pridty-aftemoon a o’clock, a t Uie bome of Mn. e a Beebout, one mUe e u t of in.


lapUsmsI tervices will be held the U D. fi. Ubemsde, Sstur*V October 3. a t 3 o'doct

■ WITH 10 Wf


" ' l i l i 'R e r i U r S l i e - . • l U Bars fo r ......:.....................

D A T E S -2 lb, packagc,- ” cellopliane w rapped............

O Y S T E nS -“Wa!lnpa" Btlecled pack, 16 oz. c a n ................... ..

CORNED BEEF—“Anglo” fnncj meat, 12 oi. c a n ................

PE A S^iender iinfn'adcd pea.H, Ul . No, 2 can — ............................

MIXED V EGETABLES-“Nalui , brand, No. 2 c a n .......................

O VALTINE^the Food Beverai Urge can .......

SORGHUM~Pure cane sorghum N o ,2 » /H ca n ..........................

CHEESE—Full cream curcd chc 1 poiind ..._......2' ...........'.............

•PINEAHPLE—“Vita Pine" sUce l i b . ean .«ach .............................

SUGAR—Fine sraln—While Sal Itnuiulatcd, 10 Ib, b a g ...............

SALM ON-Faney Pink Fish, l i b , tall ean. each ......- ...... .......

PEANUT B U n E R —"Gold Gc IVs Ib .'J a r ........ .......................

FLO U R -*‘Gold«n Special" aofl wheat,, 48 Ib. bag .. .

CORN MEAL—Eastern w hitt oi 9 lb. b a g ____________ __

“BABO" CLEANSER-for all po: enamel w are...............................

“ W A8H0"—Granulated Soap, .kind* of washing, large size package.....................

HOR8ERADISH-"Home Made” 7 or. boH!«..... ................. .. .......

L IQUrn FLOOR W A J^^^O ^^ pollihlnj. Quart o n , Mch ...u

Use our Free Delivery F ree—DelivcricsTEacIi-


IM NTIiS-IFrlJiiMEfTIJSEUnder 'senUne* of Uire* monUu infinemenl te Twte PaUi eounty U for lUalteg chldcess. a ' ftlony_ ider Idaho Uw, LouU Steveni tn*. tn Uie dlsUlct coilrl liere yester* ly 'hU noUc* of appeal te Ui* tU supreme eourt SUrens w u found guilty a t trial st week on a diarge of tUaUng t hen* frem a Buhl district farm.The offense under Idaho Uw U inUhabl* by Imprlsohmmt te the lU p^tenU ary tor not m an an 10 yean or ftee not to exceed00 or a JaU term of not more Uiaa . c monUis.District Judge Adam B. BarcUy onounced Judgment la tt Friday. Stevens' attomey te Uie appelUta. oeeedlngs Is W. L. Dunn of Twteau.


n . Chsries R. Knight ot Rupert,Id a t eight o’doek UiU erentef at » hom* of her gnndfaUier, .Judg*

E. l o u d e r te Rupert ahe ^ bom August 31, IMS. and furrlred by her partnU tn d ber tndfaUier.

try In Buriey pending funeral ar* ngements.


^ n e n l senlces for Mrs. Jennie sn of Hansen, who died i t Twte Us county. hosplUI .Wednesdsy,1 be held Fridty a t 3:30 al.Uie In PalU mortuary. Rer. K L. ' liU will hare charge and burUl1 be te the Twte FalU cemetery.


R IN K . . .}U BMead Setlh

OPEN SATtmOAT tiM 'liil 4:N and '

g:H 'IU lOiOO For PrInU FarUe*. St*

Maaagtiw WM, 0 . HULBERT


. . : : : ^ i . . : . : ! 3 o r i r

id w M l,™

n c y q m llly

t i u h p . . k ,

^!!!L:-10c i! ! ! ! : S O c | ^

" ! : : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 3 0 c ;

!!"!... 2bc ^' ! ! : ..........J O c l

57c i|' ......... ICc ^

" 19c I ^

porcelain and A W ........- 3 fo r J l ^ C ^ .I. Guaranteed for all W

.........25c S!::___ i9 c .jS ;L 73 c1 ' ■y Service—Four ^ ii—D ay ."G rocery :^—

t . S i o r e i jSRiilG i t 'b a c k ^ I

■ ' I

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

T O G f f l F t flISCffi FilGE i

Publlo a n d P r iv a l t D eb t U s s I t

Now T han In 1 9 3 2 ,1 9 2 9 M

O lm stead A v e n M

B o n r r r , i m » , o e t i m - Knt]ph- W. Olmitctd. wentMy to Benitor Juo i* P. Pope (D-M»ho) told ft Democnllo pollUol m»tUn< h e n l u t n lih t ttiA t]» poblle uiil J prlTiU dtbt of the Unlltd BUtes "now U le u Uun it WM In HJJ end IWS.”

"The mulmum expenditure of the RooMrtlC edmlnUtntlon Khlch \< . t muit be n p tld bjr the t& ipem s U $7,000,000,000 or eppnnlmetelr m L - , per ttpJU," ht uia. \(£,1

•At ■ rm lt of th l t expendltura lhe niUoiud Income h u IneretMd «3tMO,000^. whleh metni t a tn< nutl Increue In the per c ip llt In* Ife.*. cone cf llto . T h t Ttlue of mtrtctl- ‘— aM tecuriUoi in the uniud SOI^ I j r ; h u Incm std by •100,000,000,000. or ♦aOO per ftplla .

"Intertit ptymenti by the W ertl eo

aJM to 3JU . The M e rt l income ttx ” n te u a»K tInf cIUk u oC idtho h u not been Incrttsed; > tt the eol> ■ p i i

~7K toTBnntem il-rem iue-for'ldiho | i H lU tn h t (w k 389 per eent more L U J moniy in 16U th in he did In 1931, '

' " " n i e United Stttes jovcniment 11 h u a debt » per cent i u i t r ih th H | it w u In 1SS3. The Increue h u been wliely (pent with pn tiub le _ _ rtfUlU tn d ths govtmment h u tn . Income ipproxlnalely 300 per cent J*- l in e r with whlcl} to pty It.".

8 M I 8 I F 1 1 TD =

BEOIH HO I■ B tm u Oct. I - At lhe rtp iU r I meetljir of tbe Buhl elty eouneil . ■

-o n Tuetdty-erenlD i flntl pUni ■ wtre m td t for the oUlni tn d eurb> ■ Ini of the itreeti In Buhl. Rifold ■ Uerrltt,TwlnFUUenslne«rlicom> ■ p l i t i^ the p ltn i tnd u uon u ■ men tre in llib le tbe work wlU be> ■ tin . ■

The publle h e tiln i w u held on ■ Tueidty oTfnlnr with only one ■ wTltlen p ro tu t on file. Wedneidty ■ noon I t the tdjoumed meeting of the council the ordlntnca w u h m - «d which luthorlR i the crutlon of loetl im pronaent 'dlitrict Ko. 9

. end provldu method of nU lni fundi fo r the worlc.

^_^AW»m«nt:n»lU ,- ------td out M t notice of ne tnn t on we lubJect c tn be published looa. It ll expected th i t grading tn d (ti^*(lint will be dona th li fill tnd th it 'iome curbt wUI be Inittlled It tho w ith e r do« not tum too 0 cold to permit eoncret« work. Oil-

, l n ; operilloni tro to fellow In the iprini,

■BUH L^EACHER'H O LD S . n C L A S ^ T U M B L I N G ; ' B

BOHU Oct. 1 - M itt Dorothy *Armilrong. one of the new teicJien MIn B'ilil hl<h Khool. h u made iiltni Hfor a c lu i tn tumbling which ‘will R conllnue unUl the b u ie tb tll tea*to n liv ellu n d erw ty in if wlUprott* »ably resume In the 'ip rin i. About M33 glrU have tum ed-cut for tha ■d tu e i and tn exhlbllion teun will K jbe choaen a t a later date from the IUdaises to put on prosrami ihowlni ■thclr woilL ■.. Ta-o c ltuei wlU .be. jlven. each....... I IevcDlnK. one the l u t period o! ichool ■rr-1 one a t four o'clock. Tbe pupili ■

• be 'U u ih t bilanctog, Mmer* ■. , 'j of Ttrtout Undi, ihoulder ■Hindi, pyrtmlda, fllpt tnd-anl> ■m il walfci. together with exhibition ■ilunti. Tbe tumbUng unlformi t n ■blue rompert tn d white locki tnd ■ihoeL ■

RUSHING PER IO D ENDS 1 . :„ A T -C O L U G E -O F _ ID A H Q ____ ’

CAIDWSLL.' OcL I-Pofty.Hve llrJj. moetly frtihmen iludenti, were pledged to the three eotoriliei I t the College of -Idiho Mondiy erening lo ellmix.tho tnnuil two ■ wcekt nuhlng period. ■

The pledcei Induded: ■ning dub-rRulh McCluikey tnd ■

Rulh Busamnn. Buhl; Mtry Blen ' H Orlrve, Twin Ftlli. S

8, E. club-M ary.Jine WtU. BuhL

You F are Better a t

THE MAJESTIC\V h«th<r it '» a sandwich

^o r » BundM you’ve *‘ * * y B n '* 'f o r r y o a 'l l< in d 'th t '---------

MaiesHc'fl f a re more U m ptinff, ta < ty a n d aa- tis fy in g . D ro p In today fo r lunch « r an a fU r - t n i

j io o n _ in * c k ~ » n d _ ta .? tc _ _ c » fo r y ou rse lf. c w

■” ~ r “ T i d e T h w a t t s f

• ■ . / O W V i '# 5 2 a J S S S '

. f i

f l

-.SSSr - t - . .

'M ir'/-r-d ' ' I

vf,.? ju<ni.I t

4 \ k ' b J / V V & A .

j M . f f o r U o b l K l c i h . k . ' r K F o r dynam ited th e e tea m er Ja ta-M eni could l in k , th e tid e » » n n j i l i r o u •h lp» lo e n le r th e h a rb o r , lh e be i

ITilNEJlfiBmHUui Bt

StTRLSr, Oct. 1 -L d an d Bennelt. Ing hi died I t the ftmlly home In Ihe iltlon

tndvlew dlitrlct a t nine o'elodt jirage il momlng foUowlng t Jlsgering (or fc

/w HO IO R O IA x l l B O f C O I M A ^


H y n K g f t l U j

_ _ k w H B k i _________

n iiN rw ro s T \ ^ 6 ® S \s m * i « u » i _____m m m -ro o w

w ti^ m

T W IN F A U ^ D A a Y .im W S

s SDanlahitpyallBts’ ‘Stri

o f i 'a s a je s be fo re eT aeua ttn r tlTc end i. T h e explo tion . b rok* th e ahl round.and deposHed i t on th e be >eat p o rt n e a r Bilbao.— Photo,

leu. __________ forcedle w u bom I t Albion April a , B«Ic 3. Ihe ion of Burt tnd Con “ melt, tnd w u mmied to'W>-rtle 1th on June JO,' 1931, i t Bur- Mr. Bennett w u t grtduale of “ Burley high ichool and follow* >»tt ai hli.paduatlon accepted a po* Burley,

on ai. mechinie wilh the Ford The age here which poMUon he held tuary

four y e in and unUl Ulneu menu.

' ^ ^ J l _ F M N e il.S C iiM Il> T ,.fb m S E L O ltio.BuuUninnlty.ita

'get '

M t u t ^ b u d T i

H S ”


t r a t e g y r r : : 7 ; z _ x ^

I Cowlwill opi 13. wltl bench, numbei lo be )

Hair llcnue 3S to and B They ' by Jud

Leavi ton. wl mobile Uken I round

ind Wl medlci Itl.—

I Adal'Phle U Vlelor ceneral

th e c ity , S pan tah b y a l ls ts i ''’" ^ sh ip In tw o, b u t b e fo re it Mn. < bead ),- a llow ing in su rg e n t » Rut

_____________________ X-* -* -■ tion at

ced h to to rwlgn- •________leiidu h li wife he li ^ V e ^ b y df r ion, OUT U Bennett, 4. hU „gnthi t n t i two brothen, Bm er tnd j> ; |„ j srte Bennelt, tn d thrte iliten, jj, i : Myrtle H trrli. Mn. Lucy P u - gf t and j i i t t Pem Bennett, all of 0 ,,,^, fley. ty offtHe body rtsU a l the Piyne mor- md Tl .ry pending funeral am nge- of Pair nU. . week.





__________ O l Y M P I C D l l

,.fi»thiU.£pa£li.------"IC H O O llO .lt" RO,itatni"KUiXllS T lR m 'f im M i^ b i og tabliil Tliey lure “(oct for ‘ HU twfliTorwlcbtM "111 ur they b i r t (t lovbolewbtrt.*' liTor io icirir* '


H u s k i e s , i ] je d i£ w h o le - w h e a t . f

g o io g U ke w ild>firel ' lo r ” tbetD , to o . . . t l

I c ru n c h y f lak e s o f i i\ w h o le w hea t!

\ ^ A o d f lO w o o d e f tY o u ’ve \ a fliT o r q u ite U ke HUSK \ M (U o v ,R Jc i> .ru ll.b o < li* \ i / ^ c r i i p i a m i l k o f c r e u

■ \ B u t HUSKIES p a c k a loi - \ • f la v o r • • • g o ^ t i tb i

\ T h i / r e r i c h l o f o o d - e a w i \ . fo o d e i i e n i i t l i w lw o ld i \ c u T f l i to re d u p fo ry o u lo w \ J u i t lo o k w h i ie r e ty U f f l

^ \ fu l o f H U IK IU s h e c 70UI 1 ' V ^ » n f o r b ) » 4 . HtfiTf

> e n » o n i h e th . C a rlith / r . ( M ^ n e rB y . f i t h l n i f t__________ :H ig » d * ,_ A p d _ y jfo m lM i

0 - tw p e r t a n t t e i H d H t ;


= - B U H t E y ------ ----- K

Cowt C envcB «e-0^e t' court SUh U open here 00 TUBdty. October pUnjei , with Judge T. BaUey Lee on the d u ie i neh. Ftour crlcilnal e tte i tn d t enrotli imber of d^ll cwei u e ichcdulid Ihroug be heard. handw

Hanltd a t Boriey-A mirrUge wUl t nue w u luued here Seplember and ol

to C ynj Albertioo of • Albion id Barbara Otoae of Haitllon. ley were married the um e diy

Judfo Henry W. -nicker. “ ‘ “‘ J

n. who w u. injured In an auUh R Dbile accident Wedneeday tnd ken to the ColUge hoeplul. w ii und lo be not lerlouily Injured ‘ id w u dlKharged aller reoelvtni tdlcil attention for minor in/ur-


AdallUd (e BeipUal->Mn. So- lie Meier, 0, A. Jonet and Mra. Bin etor DalMcllo entered Rupert Thom neral hoipUil th li week for treat* her*HIT--------------------------------------- « t? iaBm Bem—A eea w u bom to nomli n . O rue /Plowman Wedneidiy drirlnj Rupert general boiplUl. dHren

n e n underwent t ma)or opera* n ,, » >n a t Rupert general hoiplta^Mon*

L nU ecd -U ^aU -ew ln -Parm aa -C2Uc u lined, m 'a n d lenteneed to five Usitec snthi 'ln Jail by JutUce of the able ti aco Howard'Snoke bere Wednet* believe y.. He pleaded guUty to a eharge travell; diiturblng Ihe peace. . weel,

Wfieen V U l l ^ ^ C am u coun- Ume t offlcili. Sheriff R. T . Baldwin obilrui

,d Treuurer B.-W.-8lruble^,.boU» weedi. Palrfleld, t-iilled In Rupert this lihed

■ek. ' _ bidJy i

[ t i l l

' U W I T H A F

n -A S T E ttm mp MUSCLE


' HUSKlESl K l wriiei; welieirKUlK: ire (be £ric nM certtl wbole wbeil /

I iwtQ OM ta G

5R0CER HAS H UR PACKAGE 1differen t, n e w You »ee, there’i

I t . f l a k e i , a r e s r e i t ttb le te t ii]e l Y ou’U " g o good t e d « « 1 0. th e ie c risp , try 'em w iiii m i

t iu o * r ip e a e d your ow a u t te 1 u siy , b r tn d n r

lu'veneverttieed BelUSKIBS before^ 8 " ' “ odJtd. A o d tb f /UVtSi .

‘i " " | T H E i a i > S .l0K j7 . . . l a * e O N M Y

t m m A REt M s p t i a i ^ i . E A T i N G ’

l» i |J » n p i i n l T D O I ilH lN l.r i1 n n a V jrb ah y iirf tti fer1 H h t ip bullA - M H f l HM J i S BiHtrtrittew, ^ | M m P


SOKL, Oct. 2 - Mill BertJii Rip* nger Opened her kindergarten iie i on Monday with 11 puplUj rollid. ahe announoei thal roughout the fall the lonp tnd ndwork Uught-to the youngitm 11 be eeuonal wilh Halloween d other Ideu worked into them, rh i pupUi enrolled are; Dal nee. Wayne M ler, Raymond lUghn, BUly l im ty , Letha Han, tt McBroom, Mont j<m War* r, Rulh Irene Croll, Patty Olea* tanner. Doris U e Boring, Anne ake, Hden Jean Bordewiek. Car- ne Curtli and Pttiy WUion.

i i i i i i 1

m m u ] BuiL[fBURLEY. Oct. t - Chirle* lomton il in. CotUge hoiplltl r* lutferint from inlurlee te*Ived at T l 4 oUock m U rday ” >mlng when the ear which he w u Ivlng colUded with a maditne Iven by Uoyd WllUnion a t tho meetlon of Burton avenue and e highway. WlUclnion receh'cd nor ic n tch u and bruliei.

aU{tj?CEDlittJl(l]L£aiUIlh.llilSfc. _ Ited the accident and w u un> te tb lU U the exact uu ie , bul ileved • the iwe men.- Ttiomion reling louth and 'WUkinion going Jl, lalled lo tee eacli other in le to avoid the collUIon, due-to C ilrueUon of view by lall dead edi. Thomlon'a car w u demol- led while Wllklmon'i car w u lly damaged.

e r e


iFORE—£, T o o rf r ....... -

^ ' H e 0 4 C . I

m m

;SK iU bive every ifalog.-


re’i t r t l l re u o n why* ^sijr HUSKIES id tl t (o 10 good for you. J m t m ilk o r crc im d A nd le will; t t l l you w h tt t new flivor HUSKIES .Be lu re to u k - y o u r SKIES lodtyj

i t 1W5-

H O GA C C E S S (

• H i g h S t y

• To Mate]

• Or .Contr

Handbags ^ __________

;_________ A glorious selection of aIated le a th e rs a t . 88e>

_ , a u ed e s.a t >1.95.

Smart Gloves

?T h e fu h lo n a b lo h igh sl and brow n a re show n In


D om estic and im iw rted Y _ m j c t y of il« ip } « jin d c

Bright Flowers

Flow ers a re nn Im porta F a ll ciiMmble.'W e'ro'flKo tion.

Van Raalte Glo

V an R aalt« F icn it and S . p le n ty o f colors to m atch

Costume Jewelr

-------- — W e’ve th e fu h io n a b le cosI be w om m uch th is seaso

Phoenix Hosier;

~ ^ ' i ' '

G orgeous F a ll shades th a t • new o u tf it. In chiffons or


9 8 c I $ 1 .9 5 II styli^and-colors. SimoJ'. 1 ^ e> grained leathers tn d J ^ l

' ■ ■ - • ' I

‘. " i

$1.95 : ' ;$ 2 .9 5shadei aa 'wett u tia e k ^In kid, cape and ^igakiiL ‘


2 5 e- 4 9 c -d handkerchiefs lo a w ld«-. d colors. , . •


4 9 c9 8 c

r ta n f accessory-for yonp iKowIni jt v try ncw ielfto-*'' “


I Suede Fabric Gloves in J tch or contrast. a

Iry “

4 9 c : i 9 8 c i

astum ejtw «Ir7,that.Trin. _ ! ason. U o d e ra t^ .priced.- 1

ry;; _; _ j

^ 9 c 9 8 c -

la t Will compliment yoOT, or Hrvice weight*.

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

p M T Ot l? 5 ,0 0 0 ' G n iw ers Receive ; T o ta l 'o f * 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0

- .U nder P ro aram II , ..WASHINOTON. Oct. 1 |]I ^aTnuQt ot S3 cenU t toa to *(»( I l .g ro w enw bopw tclp« tcd ln t} io»U |

Cedenl con tn l p n « n m « w an* I Bn.".xiouDoed today by U)q tsrU uItunl I S I-'ad justm ent'u lm ln liinuoa. [f g V OUlclkIs B id thU payment » u In He'.addlUoa to Ul SQ.ccnti ptr ton

j'^ payment tlready made. Tliey u tl- |i. mated tha t 7S.OOO nisar betl Kro«* ]*’' » would neelra a (oLal ol h‘ |10;X)0,000 under tlis IBU proram.[. o t vhlch about M.000,000h u already- been paid, •

I Vnder the J934-U AAA lUgar R|a progK w ^bw t growOT

N wllh AAA payjnenU maklnj up the •^ dUferenee belweea thU price-aod H-: tb i arerage’, market price received g v trom proceeun.

^ U.17 ATerate Price

'R i n i l parity price determined tor i p IMS WM MW a ton and the average _ |M|. price w u tnnounced a t tS.T7 wlin c i 'K . till JeacIlL jaym eD t o t t t . t t ot i E-TThleh -io centa liad been paid. i m - ' I r UM the pu lly price w u M.79 i H; • ton tn d lh e benetlt paymenu

I «1.75 on an averafo market price — .'. of tisa . T hat year 119^.000 w u r ~ 1 .paid to beet grower* by the AAA.

Ottlcial* aald 'lt v u not poulble ; to determine the final payment*:: until the.markeUng teaion ended

In SepUmber became proeejsoti p tld produetra a perttWage of lalc* ~

. ■ through the entire leann.


(Continued fmm Figrbne)

and the Ufe Jniuraoee dollin h u been eut nearly 30 per cent alnce tbe preient admlnUtraUon took oN

• illee," Kno* u ld . - in addlUon. the tatersit rate on u»lng» account* In

- thOM diluted .deUart h u been re- : doced' * * ahd dirtdendl on life

tnaurance pollclea hare been d ru - ' tkally cut.V " n i l (teady ind relentku dllu-V Uon and adulteration of the valui

ot the UTlngs of tJie American peo-. pie by thU admlnUtraUon have been

brought to the ittentlog of a hun- igS• dred mlUlBn u v e a ThU wltleti at- _ |2

eused nitlonai attention on a real f l tnue. I t h u forced the American ■

' .people to comlder couc()uenee« of ■ ! . gerenimental profligacy.' B

The Chicago publisher - auerted ■ . ryour Ute Iniuranw.and jour u y - _ — Inga account are already lir danger” J* "“ trom'*adflclt ilnandng" with the

(orenuoenlal detlctU a e t by bor- fj'»“ ro'Jlni “orerwhetmlngly from the “ ** banks."

"But they are being eaten away by another procedure of this id- HilnlstrtUon," h i eonUnued. “The detldt financing of thi* govern- Tr n e n l h u speedily reduced the earn­ing power ot uvtng* and latest-

nneed ef Debt Ued

•Ai the endleu flood of gorem- tlelh n u t debt poun out ef the treuury, ing the asset* of the banka aad Insur- ater. ance companlu become Increasingly presa gohtfd with lov-eaming federal ihe

' bonds. They must keep on buying love - • th em , to keep their abnormal mar- _F r

ket r Im' from eoU a^g,*' he aaldi and KRox Quoted O m I Adjuni ot Balt vllh

U ke City, a vice president of the June American Banker*' aawelatlon as ’ FU uvlng l u t Juiy that a drop .ot 10 sucli poinlj In goremment bonds would gripe wipe out M per cent of the espltal pliai' ot tha national banks. gA^

. PromUfl ot Economy Itself The publisher reviewed the noose- Ba:

te lt admlnlstraUon-* hlslory. Prom- comn Eks of economy, he aald. elected the Moni

' DemocraUo Ueket In 1933, and he Pmvl_eonUnued:__________ ____ _ ___to lU

Terhape th i best of U im all w u ft apeech delivered In your clly on unwl

•October 19, 1933, by Uie preseni Iquo prealdenL X can not surpass lhal plea for economy.'I cannot ewn tie J t tweei

"All r ean do Is lo promise Uiat f « « wben the Republicans take office J*"”* In January they wlli try to live up

• to lhe principles their laid down. “‘I .• Tho principles are a UtUe rusty from -S '

' disuse, but they are sUll good."AiuBlt en Daslnrw ■‘'’‘I'

Knax continued by saying lhat in- I""* alead of performing lu promised ' “"y, program the admlnlstraUon launch- , , ed an assault on business unUI "bus- Ineas look lo the trees.” The nation „ • t length “rose cn matae,” he aild, “ “f* and the admlnlJtraUon'a "enUre

.. -program collapxd In ruins." This led. he dcclarcd. to the adoption of = "the final and faUi policy" of "aauiiiderlns lhe public money."

•'Poivyctrt ago he (the president)■ calied f defleJt of someUilr.it oier a

bUllM and a half a 'staggering defl-

. "He laid lueh a de//e|{ makes us "catch our breaU:,' If & deficit of

_ n ng -and_a half-hllliciu .m r<«f ealch our breath. wh«t does a four tn d three-Auarler billion deficit

. make us catch?" ' ^’ ' l l y rocabulsry Is Insdnuale."' Concluding. Knoa said tbe na- -----con Is "on the way out" of the de-

“ O f f P o r i l i i

CABBTINO fall flrid eqvlpmrnl, tht«e sbowo mareUag te.ltie trant a t Btrtln nanegTCTS'since ihr rrlnlredsclion ot brosibt te America by Ifas illndeobnrg.

■AMUSEIWAt the Idaho Tl

BtglMlng (oday at Ihe Idaho theaUr la »t falrlgnltig romame btasled by a day of i Doolefy tJad h n . daofcr and oaay Jhrii Uewlyy, Isabel JewtU and SUpla FeleUL 1 Dsderaea Klngdonk" Ne. f, earloon i&d Idaho b Warner Olsnd In "Charlie Chaa a .Dke, Helen n'oods, and Thanks Beck.


Till dramatic siar.thcil U prom- led In "The Road lo Glory," Twen- ■ ielh Cenluty-Fox production com- lg Sunday to Uie Orpheum the- ^ ter. Featuring the year's most lm- n f l ressiye cast, the (ilm Is hailed u § ■ tie strangest, strontrst drama- of )ve t v t i brought to Uie screen.Frederla, March, Warner Baxter y -

hd Lionet Barrymore' ard starred, k V ■ith U)e supporting o s t hraded by * une Long and Oregory Ralolf.Fired wllh lhe Inspired acting of jcli pcrfotmen, llie (Ilm tells a ripping story o( love In a ll. lUi - ^ e « , painted on a canvu as ^

self. "U f" 'Baxter is seen as Uie war-weary "« ler immander of a valorous regiment, cemed [onique, a' lovely French nurse, boy ai mvldes him wllh his only inlensi Uaxy I life. «'«»'«PredrirUarehTBTsteFrcliiet ald; 't tw t nwllllngty laUs In love wiUt Mon- _ iue too. unaware that Baxter cares Kply lor the girl IlatofiThe triangle creates a crisis be- comes veen lhe two men. which Is in- imeni xased when Baxter, lo hls-aston- Barr>-: hmenl. dtscovera that hls_father. Whi Isoel iisrrymorf. u .« . prfvate In men i le regiment. ■ mm IGlowing with pride over the old swlitli ildier's heroism, Baxter's sense ot Ing cl: Jty compels him to order Barry- lore to liir rear, lor liie capUln lily rrallses that ir one man should d c r T In hU duly, liie rnlire company light be endnngtred. COLBammore it not so easily dlv U || lurand, liowevrr, and his burtiins fslre to «n-e ills llag under his , in. prompts him lo bribe Gregor)’ -

iwsqurculon, Uien dcclarcd: aulom"The ixople a're nol going to iiave aiiipti lU ble-wd recowry destroyed by und u te . . . lhe savlnp o( the people by tht ;presenl the hopes and uplraUons head I the whole nation. The people are street ot going to permit this precious uranu serve to be frittered away by a calaic oveHimcnr liiafdoea 'iHif'SnDW —ii -t here It Is join: (or (our long yeara. decres "Stfl whal the hundred mlUlon »iuilr ivers do on November Jrd." The


f lleiir This Werid-Be- i J n m m r k i f

Amertca't Poremsii p< and Psyc^oinaiyit. Oli riilm lilm "TilC MOS


_____ Fiye_FreiFOR M ts Dynamfe Kestih, A Keen, Ac

Spirit. EmslisDil Stability and P FOBtrO.MEN Health. VoDth.BeaBty at

In. Throoib Sclentlfie Food Select ladlspensable lo Women.-A Comp: Both Sexes. Both )(en and Wemei


T w m

h e ‘Front*

u 8 5 S S 6 B r a 5 5 6 6 f *





u j



-ix ><earl


'«e Qermao iniaatry rcMrres are' can rlM (n Gfm any's tin t fsac'KaJe "i ot conscription. ,Tbls plelore w u that

irg.— Ftieto. aboimlsi

^ "1--------------------------------------

^E N T S■ cuu:

, DemT h e a te r ■«





he r *iud]





Is "3* n o a n lo KDI." In 'a night .*7* of le rn r. CloHa'!liBiri.arid Brian f r ' - hrtUf. Tbe essi fnclodes Dosgfu t The progtam U coopleled with f''* ' Dd heua. Coming Snnday te .the “ “ a al' lhe Ilaee T tatks' wllh Keye


In Nfjw W oslern Film on” ,,------- ^ celved

i i H i iflat P

u I- w i B w S f w w n i K t

! quaeliI • rteelv

Atlon' . ® B u 2 j™ 1 B . ' '* I ture 0

I >Il7 b

liuk-JoD es.-aod : UlUs .-'BUUe easierrnd-give you a new kind ef U>ego•tern, one lhat Is pstked * llh Bs«lUnedy and Ueghs in "The Cow- werer and Ilje KW al Uncle Joe-K'a ‘ho axy today and Silurdsy-and e t Ugesine there 1« k new chspler ef Insur?lash-Cerdon."............................... ............

toff lo “lose" Uie order wlicn ll nes Ihrough. TTius. when the reg- \ f enl moves towards the (roni, f f l rrymore Ls iti the rsnks. 1 *iVhat glory doe* to the hcarti of \ •n and Ime lo th t hearts of to - n U revealed u tho film moves Idly, strongly, on to lit crnwn- ^


ort ' to consolidate northern Bsque sup;>ort for Its cause, granted Hlonvmy lo the province* of Aliva H liptizcoa ami Vlscaya.-Jn'ler 'tlie autonomy laws passed Hthe Cortes u planes roared over- ■Id and men marched In the HteU, lhe . provinces 'would be Vmted home rule similar to thal in Itaionia.. ■f ^ a s expected the newiutonomy I .:rees would be put Into ettect IJi|n two weeks. Irhe only'maior city In the norUi- ■

lA T -1 P. M.------- j I■Renowned tleVlih'tdae'a^^ ■a i v i ^ e r c r m u i r " ' ' ■

Food iiclenUsl. rsjcboletlst ■OUtinguiibed Edueiton Pro- i i l


e e _ ^ c jt u r e s - J. Ace«ra(e 3f(nd, A COfignerlBg ■ I Poise, BDslaeu Effldeney. ■' aod Charm Built Frem Wllh- ■ teetlon and Olber Information mpletie PhUoaophy «f Ute tor men Admitted lo All Leetotea.Cor 2nd Are, Znd 8L Cast ■


(Contlsued Prom Pagi One) 9

rer la (he brlet preu cootereoce Iw u ; M

"Where ire you going to speakT" D |"We'ra been talking about th a t m

Uy first speech wlil be a t Phlladel- Mphla October IS. Therell be varl- Hous note* to add to Uiat laler on." f l

He declined to list oUier ipeethea ■U ut he WlU make under the tuiplce* [■of Ull Itepubllcan national com- ■mittee. The number, he u ld . had ■not been determined. (fl

Asked what he and Qovemor ■Landon had dlscusud, lie replied: I

"We discussed the campaign In Mgeneral." .Ie

"Just campaign plans in general," HBUndon added. M

"({ow does the campaign look?" IK. "I think the Republican cause li UL

making prosress," Hoover replied. ■-What Is the reaction lo Oover- :»

nor Undon's speeches?’* , •""I thUik il's good." u ld HooYcr. MDreawd In a Mack. slng'lB-breuted • B

business suit. Hoover stepped off his (jj train, smiimg a grectm rtu t uuad*- eJgathered s t the station. • ,«

Net Above R e ^ a c h ife□aboraUng a l a press conference K

before Hoover's arrival upon hla Hearlier statement dlscialmtog sup- ' 'port of 'any elementa who are en- | |deavoring lo bring racial ptfjudicei 'and religious bigotries Inlo Ameri- i4cart' l if f . ' tSnduii u W .. ' " - n

- t ihlnk there can be a suspicion ^ lhal tiie Dcmocrallo parly Is not •— above reproach for ettempUng to misrepresent my p o s i t i o n . " t SCE

“The allempu to *Ur up racial .sl< prejudice and cne thing or another de sre evldcnl In many ways," he add- doNl. -----

Ttie ondldate'i statment cn In- ;olerance. which was under dls- ai :uision wiien he referred lo the ".** ^srawraUc'party, u ld :

"My attention h u recently been Urected to-the actlvlUes of a num- (iler' ot agendea which, for seUish -----lurpojcj or pollUcal reasons, are ■ndeavoring lo exploit prejudice be-,.™nn ween groui* of American ciUxens.'I • • s cam;"If eTer'Utt-day_ahouId.comi.ln ., 6ir

his country Uiat would see persc- Jndei uUons of any nclal group or »ect worn ecftuse of n e e or religion, conlrtry aUon D Uie bUl of rIghU. I would aUnd natia mong Uielr defenders." At

Social SMsrfly Bepert PreslLandon also commented loday on failui

lAlemenls made In New York when "bestI released yesterday a eriUcal roll t ludy of the Kew Deal's social se- Uie 1 urily law which he said waa "msde Cln r the ■mntleth Century fund lup- proac orted by.lhe Fllene foundation." and i Evans Clark, fund director, saldiutioi tie material w u given 'Landen ndmii with the express stipulation that .1933 be treated as cCtiddentlal," | to hi

md'a old age ^nsion eomi^Uec.l hear lid the report Iiad not been acted pon by the committee and repre- ... . :nted only the viewa of a alaff * lember."Tlie statement whlcli I reicu- 1." the nominee said when que»- onTd abourihe Iwo'iUtemenia, " rrT .^ d not receive trom any memberi “J ■ Uie staff or from anyone con- ^ jcted in any way with the Twen-! tth Century Fund research staff.", “ Undon added Inter (hat Ihere! “l “?' ere "two reporis" .and that "lhe f l 10 lhat 1 made public w u nol re- ■Ived in confidence and waa not 1°, celved trom any member ot lhe J®*, P' aft." oeucvThe report released by Undon cri- :lied lha ic f* provision'*-for fl- mcing old-age Insurance throucli it payroll and wage taxes u pul- * ng th# financial burden on ./“ Pi am en." 5II added also lhat the law. dc- P^u<l. llie what were termed "Inade- laelei and-short-comlngs.'i should .>UShl eelve "tuU credit" a* "real foiind- Spe lon on which t satisfactory struc- < re of old age tecurily may evenlu-ly be built.-' he he_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ claim

dent.stem COASUI sector still'iield by Ing a e govemment w u Bilbao. In wlilth^ "tlUy-' isque naUonallstx and anarchuta Ko :re reported tighUng tonight over to o( 0 anarchliU' demand thal hos- asked ges be executed in reUUation (or t surgent air raids. Dev

i i MS T A R T S T O D A

a iS o ^ ^ ^ H P ^ ^ H b S"Undersea Klogdam* K M V S S

No. >


Detour For Firs


SCE.VE5 like Ihls were common In Denvi storms ia yean broke trees and powei ielaur Ihnagh tUrrt and e n r M t n downtown'district. Thousands ot I rm


(Continued From .Pago One) torr

every iilgii tier Uiere were Undon ,yJ* Bunnowcni and rcpe.itedly the'band plaj'ed "O Susannah," the Undoncampaign song. ‘

Bmllh spoke under auspices of UieIndependent Cwlltlon o( Americtin »boiWomen, nn antl-Rooieveli organU- con:aUon. and his address.i>'3s broadcast f>lUnationally. proi

At one point, wlille SmUh atUcked OPPPresident Roosevelt (or asserted Uiofailure'to make uso of the eotuilry'a so-c"best brains" for advice, a sleady Uonroll ot boos .and hisses arose’from 6c;hs liall. . ' 6mi

Clieen mounted as Smith ap- criUjroached the climax of hb speech Hiind whea nfter aJwuUng Uiraccu- *928lation' t l i a t ' President Roosevelt's to 1idminlstraUon iiad forsaken the "I o1933 OcmocraUc platform, he came grol:o his endorsement of U ndon lib In

were almost imMssible io agB lear in the din.

No Fassyfoeler ^ "1 have nevxr—In my long.public

rareer ducked, dodged or pussy- ^ ■ooted-" he sliouled. “I luve neveround fault wlUi anything iiniej* I „.|J; vas prepared to suggest a remedy,;nd while I may dl/ter cn matter* f r ,,if tradlUonai party policy, 1 iiegard ®‘ “\ t i t things In Ihe crisis of today ss merely my own. 1 am aaUsded u -0 Uio bu lc and fundamental needs ■if this eounlry. Sound and tn u l- Hrorthy (Undon) can be relied upon H0 eherlsli. preser\'o Uie tundamen- W v tl principles of America. I firmly I f i cUcve thal tiie remedy for ali Ihe I f l Ils Uiat wo are suffering from today U1 Uie elecUon of Alfred V. Undon." SmIUi appeared in the haU amid ' • •

I tumult; liie band w u playing ^ Happy Days Are H en Again" and he crowds were cheering ond ap- lUiudlng. He was dressed.ln a sober, * ' Jack business suil and he smiled **iighU i',:,.. ..................! 'Speaking .with 'sharp sarcasm, he

sld erltla had charged Wm wllh lavlng a "high hat." but. ho said, am lO had t "brown derby,,too.'! Any lalm Uiat he w u angered a l Presi- M :cnt Roosevelt Ihrough not rectlr- 1 1 fig a cabinet post he dismissed u J silly." ■Ho added he had been prepared W B

0 offer advice, but w u "never | U iked,"

\ No U n itr DemocnUo = Developing the assertion thal Mr.

A V f " • • " V n 1 3r V X • Mat. l!i5 - Eve. 7 Cot

' Cot

- V


I ^t

2 2 B G 9 ^ S uS 1 D I H ! k h--------------------------------------------

rst Snowstorm

1^- ''M p I


g g g M ::enver u ono of Ibe wont September w ower Ibes. MotorlsU were forccd te : ewsJk* la » a a / place* ta r a e h Ih t ee* were n>lBed.-W) Photo, • ' ' “

--------- ■ , , - J . ____ DRooseveli'* parly -wu no longer ^ Democratic. SmiUi said, there .wen Ll men In Uie admlnlstraUon who had q , never "read lhe Democntlo plat- ^ form." • . . • • • • . et

"AntiviMS the New Deal.alwayi nt support DemocnLs.ln.ptlmary-and n< geneni elecUons?" he asked.“ "Not: a t a il

"Wliat aboul Nebraska? .What aboul-MihiicMU?-WhafBlMurWir - consln, whcre.men of tho,opposite falUi, because Uiey caii themselves nc progressives and put the sUmp' ot wi ■pproval on Uie New. Deal, receive 8r Uio strengUi and <he. powet'of iho *» so-called IJemoentlo adnilnlstra- lei llo n r Al

Senator Glass; Virginia' Democnl, Bmllh listed as one of the shan>est u critics o( tho Kew Deal. ’ pe

He Kferred a t ono point to Uie sa 1938 election, saying Q lau had-nme u> his eld In Virginia and adding: ot ■I owe him a very personal debt ot cr gnUtude because he balUcd to r me In 1928 In the stale of VlrglnU '- sgainst'a*iropeless proposition." _------- Un liead Uld b ttK I----------- r

The counlry loday, SmlUi asserted, wa.s "on the dead end street called failure; dismal, duil, dark .. drear failure."

Alter lhe elecllon.in 1933. he said. "Iiio-presldeni wos-the-Coiint of ■ tfoHle CrtiW. He waTsitUhgTin top )f the world and tiio world belonged

. . . M kta riMtm(i • >U« ttri. 9

■toti, «»ir, •» Mtici V y f




— .rpNCLE*J0E.K '8 -----


Comedy - TICKETS PLEASE" -..-.Carto«a.-News-E»»nU— - —

'FLASH cbrtiTos” “ j

STA RTS SU N D A Y ! , |

1 §

NOTE: It's it> Fun. and WeNever Rabe Our Prices! i S

KIDDIES l»e' - ADLLTS Mo , g

OBER 2.1938 '

Francisco Franco ; Becomes Potential

D ictator Of Spain ;—---- 1

-BUROOa, Spain, Oct. 1 l!P ^ 1 Oenenl Pranclsco Franco, com- i mander-ln-chiet ot Uie 8panbh Faxlst armle*. today. assumed tha leadenhip of the Insurgent liunla; Uius becoming Uie poten- J (u i dlcUtor of Spain U Pasebt* iverthnrw Uie Madrid-Soclalbt-

{ 4ddres*lng a cheering crowd I from a balcony after Oenenl Ml-jguel CabaneUu, his predecessor 1u head .pf Uie Junta, transmit? jted Ihe supreme power to him, <General Franco asked fo r'th e 1aid of all Spaniards' in wlmt he icalled "resurretUon ot tha Span- IIsh empire." s

"We wlU Mvi tbe land trom tlhe Red* who want lo destroy it," ■he declared. .

"Our work demand* ucriflce*of all. especially uerifice* of ,Ihose who hava lAueh to benetlt ,

. ■ • ■ .■ . . . . . I . , h . . . I "Our goal b the defense of the

clvlUallon of Uie world. On us . depends Uie reeunecllon of theapanbhempire." i

ed ihe.best brains of the counlo'. | No man w u e n r given greater |

Ipower'by congress. And look whal ■ we gol." - - R ' "It'U ie administration In Wash­ington. no matter whal It desires lo call Itself, had lived up to that DemocraUe pUltorm tbat w u adop­ted In Chleago In 1933-and If It - had remained true lo Uie principles V< of Jefferson Uiat Iiave kept the DemocnUe party aUve In thb coun- - try after one bitter defeat after an- ^ oUier-lf Uio president himself had made good cn hb promises, I would not-be-here-lonlghU"----------- •

Undon Voices Weicomt

TOPEKA, Ku.. Oct. 1 {/TVOover- nor Alf M. Undon said tonlglit he i,] welcomed' Uie' sppport of Alfred bt Smith' and was "luppy to tight » shoulder to shoulder" with such jn leaden tor Uio presen'iUon offi;, American principles. I

The Republican nM ldale, wiien' k asked for commeiit on Sm l'i 'a ap-jco peal for hb election as pruldent, idt said: _. te

"1 deeply appreciate tlie support cti ot Allied E. SmiUi. a greal Demo-. ci c n l and a great American. He luu s<

r s


l l COMING S l

f / I

7 J E 5 - . £ f i i

i c -o B i,

J .


- pU etd'coU Q try'tbovn'pirt^aBihipr^ The issuu ot Uib c tm ptlf^ t n lO’ V tiii amm tt l Uiey, U i ^ i ^ ; P t r i j r

"This eleciloa WlU deeld /tfirtonn . ot govemment Vo tbtU p ta ;o n to . • tuture n a en U tu x I «m happy ta flghl aheulder to'ihoulder wlUi *och leaden u Alfrtd. E.' SmIUi la UtU conlest for the .preaervallba of American principle*."

Man Plays Checkers While Awaiting Death’

FLORENCE. A llt, Oct. l.W ) - Roland IL (Jerry) Cochnne, 3(* year-old former U. B. marine, played checken in the *Ute penltenUary here today while he awaited death a t dawn tomorrow for tbe t3.U holdup stsylng In'Phoenix of .'Rich* ard Ollci, Chandler,'Arlt.. catUa buyer.“ Acrus the board w u hU' father, . Howard Cociinne of Phoen|x.• Twice deconted for bnvery while fighting bandits In Nicaragua, Coch- n n e said loday he w u not "afnld

I ' T o o C a t e I

MimM iiiii!t:ifiiiiiu 'm M iWUBfi ROOU WITH BOARD, CLOSE IN. '

31S 2nd Ave. No.',

' 50 1-lfEAR.OLb WHTfB LEo’- ■ hom hens will be sold on Bai*

Grounds Saturday. . ‘

i WANT OIRL OR WOMAN FOR ' gen. housework. Ph. 1»3R .. . . '

LOST -^'BEDROLL, R Q U io 'm tent, 3 comforts, blanket, fuUier* bed. So. of Porcupine - Springs Camp. ReHim to New*. Rew ard.___

M O S Q U I T O E S _______

No need now,io be chewed to bit* by those biood-Uiirsty pesU'l Just bum a little BUIIACH on your porch — or whereitr you want to ■' spend the night in comfort — you won't be bothered agiUi.

I Moyiuitoes KATE the pleaunt ; odor ot bumlng BUIIACD and wont (come an>T.'here I'lear It. It's sure deelli to them If Uiey doi So pro­tect youraelf from Uiese pesli thi* cheap, easy way. In Handy SUUr CiRS 25« up a t-a lt Dreg. Grooety.Seed S tem and.Pet Sbepa,



S U N D A Y ! ^ ! ■

f f i -


V 'I

^ r t l t ld -

3 M E W


Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

cmjiEs ^ in Y m iL i

BOnij. Oct. I - Mr. Uld M rt Peter B. Qrten cclebmedJbelr toI> den m ddlc t tnnlTcru;; on 8un> dty WlUl b tiralljr reunion i t the homa of tbelr jrounttit wn. O k u Drecn. Mr. and Mn. Oreen n r a ifatnied on S e p te m b e r 1(U In Uu L. D. & templd kt Ui(u). Uttlu

T « n ty -»eren 'peraoni gathered um n d Uie Ubis vhlch wts dteo- n led in pink tnd white rosei u th l eenlerpleee.

’ TIh h prewnt (or the occttlon wwt Mr. tnd Mrt. Peter Orrtn.

. Mr. tn d Mrs. lum an Oreen tnd two mtiTltd dauglilen and a unall ton - of Brlghia. u ttli; Mr. and Mn.

- Jot Janllne and two children ot LtwlMIe, Idtho; Mr. and Mra. le tte r Oreen and four children of • Idtho F tlb : Burt Otten ot Twin . Filli: Mr. tn d Mrs. Otctr Oreen and two children and MUi 8W lt , Oreen. Mr. tnd Mrt. P. A. Cle>

Uihok'wert also preaent;Mn. Okmont tn d Mn. Wether- T p

itoM a rt tUt«r> of Mr..Oreen tnd ■ ,tUended Uw wedltai in iUd. ^

• P opularV oteon inS ta t^ a le s Tax

WALMOB. Idtho, .Uct. I W) - [j . ' Mayor B tnU lt W. Cltrk 6f Idtho

FtlU. DemocraUo ctndldtte for tor* •mor, lisunl a tlttement- todty an- Jl

' aouncln)(.hs * 111 tblde by Uie Um< wUhu c t Uie mtjorlty \-ot« on Uie >7 1 ttles tax referendum In the Novem- beu

• ber election." yeti'■Idtlio's tales ttx w u tdopted for ven

a ipedflo purpose, to fumlnli relief the— fundi for the-ttate,” he eald...........««

*The meuure, dratted to meet tn the emertency w tt ouds effccUi-e only Ihti for a tpecUls period and Uitt period

■ ends M trch 'lS ,'J9n . Mtehlnfiy U *crc tlR tdy te t up In the referendum tlon whereby tha people of Idtho c tn 9 rc

' determine for U\cmsel«-es wheUier or mer , M l they w tnt to conUnue the itlrs

------------------- I t :


L e a n /e r UUh •> Jack Pohlmtn n- aod Albert Pohlman lelt T uudty K l

for a tli l t WlUl reltUTCt t t Btlt . I ^ e - C l l y . - (

N endtn VlilU - Chtrlet L Ctld-- well ot McCoy, Nertdt, spent Uie

week-end wlUi his ptrents. Mr. tnd

n«me Frem ItMpital - Qus B<Itothermel tus returned to his dfPi homo from Twin h l l i county hot-plttl whero he submltted to tn tp - Uiln

' pendloltlt operation. Id---- :------ :— .... - »«»

- ■ ■ - ...I, cent

J E R O M E d i^■ ■ ■ ■lda^

FIrM S I ( ^ - icrome CWo club, tor I t f flrrt raeeUnj c t the yetr, *>-1)1 fetture a teeepUon for Its *

, p u t pre.<Jdenti Tuesdty, October Tl 6 I t S;SO p, m. t t U» club room*. «np'

Vblt Son — Mn. Rou TTpdeptff to 1 will leave Prldty for a week's Tlitt M P with her ton, Joe M tir tlpdegrtW. Tc kt .Vorth Powder, Oreffon. Re is cent letcnins in the high tchool t t m ]| NorUi Powder tnd Is a gndutte of Untletd college.

CrwiweUBpeaki-TbeTtfUino- t m dUtrl« goremor. Dr, John, n. Cropimllef,ao«ltng,,wM.a.Tl<e. .==llor t t Jerome notary Tue»dty noon tnd spoko on the de\-elopment of _ . Acquilnltnce as tn opportunity for Uf r r l :e Pollowlng Uwrcgultr meet- I T |I', it meellncot Uie.tuembly w tt Jqhc;(l compost ot ortleers, direct- j .ora tn d eomnltte# hetds. Tha gor- . emor rtctlred reporti ot club tc-UrlUes and progreti and offend hsuggetUont along then lines. U t t



n e w __ _’dS>-FO RD D cLoxo CO U PE, r e c

a n tee d ....... — ...---------------’34— FO R D COACH, low tnllengi

' '3 4 - F O R D COACir, ta n fin ish , < ’3 4 - C H E V . SPO RT SE D A N , ba '3 4 - C H E V . M A STER SED A N , t '3 2 - C H E V ; SPO RT CO U PE, rad '3 1 - C H E V . COUPE, e * tn i jfoo '3 1 - F O R D V IC T O m A COUPE

teed ...........................................'30— FO R D COUPE, c x tm Rood ’3 0 :-F O R D COACH, new fin ish '2 9 - F O R D SED A N , ru n s good ’2 9 - F O R D SPO RT COVPE, m ’2i)— FO RD TO lIR IN fl. c x ira r w

_____’S I ^ H E V . C O A C H .--Iiot_w aitr u n k ................................... ..

'3 0 - C H E V . SED A N , Rood eond '29— C H E V . COACH, new fin ish . ’3 1 -C H E V .. SPC. SED A N , side

new fin ish .............................- ’3 0 -P O N T IA C SED A N , new f ir

'2 !V :iSTU D E»A K ER .SED A N , m J fiT -C H B V rC O A C H . ’3R liccnse ’27— BUICK COACH, ru n s Rood ’2 7 -N A S H SED A N . Rood finisl ’26 -C A D IL L A C SED A N . low n '3 5 -C H E V . PICK -U P. 4-spccd, j

- ’a Z -C H E V .P lC K -U P .n c a r lrn c — ’,1 1 - CH EV . m ^ e i$ ^ iy j- tn n . id .



Texas City I

T H IS p ic tu re show s lh e e x te n t ol ' sw ep t ove r a la rg e seetlon of Wai

W B tc r.nuhed .over^ the approach and w ere h o m e le s i—(/F) Phot.o

iEEHii”i m m m s e e d p

JEROME, Oct. 1 - For Uie tlr»l lime In sereral years Jerome coun- -I ly farmen htve produced certified }Ctn5 tor teed. The teed grown thli rear U the Ttrlety known as Uni- realty of Idtho No. 123, which is Jie moit recent selection. Produeen it« elated orer-the resulti trtiltlntd.;he bctns yleld’lng from 37 to more Ihtn'SO bujhels to the acre.-Butks broihen ot Jeromo-had 3« jcrct which passed field Inspec- :Ion; Ctitrlcf Barlow ot KtKllon,> Bcreii C. M. Parish, V.i acres. El­ner lUemin, 8!4 tcrei; E trl Btum.IH t e r e t e • •

Hie seed will ba cleaned and held tt Oulow warehouse a t Httelton »nd,tt Burkhtlter wtrehouse In Jer- )me.

B u s i n e s s R i d e s

O n W a y e T o w a r d

D e p r e s s i o n E n d

BOISE, Oct. i't/TV-Tlie butlneu leprestlon In Idtho. federal's ta- hUcs jibowed todty It almott a H hlng of the p a it 1=

ReUlI u le t for 1833 ioUled . . . . mooo,000,;an--lnerea*» ofiW per t n t orer iotal sales In 1033 and ' ire going higher, B, A. Tlionuuvj llrector of tho.buslnesi.eenjuj tn

6tles*ln'1933 totaled ts7.i0fl.000 in = ,13B ttorei; in 1D3S, e.S53 stores did , business of |I3«««,000,Tlio avertgo number ot persons

mploycd jumped from In 19330 17jnt l u l year, tn Increase ot M M 3 per cent.Total ptyrolls Increased St per H |

enl from an aggregate of «7,9{0,0001 1933 to tlSmOOO in 1935. H Active proprlelon o t unlneorpor- i H j

ted businesses are not Included Intie count ot employes or payrolls.

M o t h e r s ! hl a troatin ; chlldrcn’a ccldi, H Igg_ygi<s|

n T E N G U A R A N T E E

ruararitccd ............v....f«25O U P E , looks a lra w t like

_____________ $53Sreconditioned m o to r, n u r - --------- ------------- _ 4 S 0 0a g f l ------------- -----

h, e x tra good „ . „ _ 4 4 8 5built-in t r u n k _____ fS S Of, ta n f in ish , t r a n k ..$ 5 5 0 radio, s id e in o a n ts ._ $ 3 3 5rood ......................P E , new f in ish , gua ran -....................................... .$ 2 S 5o d __________________$ 2 3 58 h ......... .................... : .$ 2 0 0» d ................................. $ 1 2 5tew f in i s h ........._ . . . $ 1 2 5Bin>d.............................$ 1 2 5v a lc c -h c a tc r ,-K a r l -K c c n - !

..$ 2 3 5m dition ..................$ 2 5 0ih, good r u b b e r ....... .$ 1 8 5de m oun is , luggage rack .

$ 3 3 5tini3h-..-.T.;::..T.;.v.-....-_.$l85 1new f in ish ___ :.$ 1 7 5

ise $ 4 0od $ 7 5 ;lish $ 6 5 i■ m ile a g e .............. .:„ .$X 2S i1. g u a ra n te e d ...........$ 4 « 5 fncw G ;ply t I r M “ $ 2 3 5 - }Idng U'.H. d u a l ......$3(K ) |



— ' ! ..


inundated By Flooding!


, o f a flood w hen th e B ra ro s rivei Vaco, Texan. T h e c ity pow er plan iches to tw o ra ilro a d bridges in tl 1.0

C o m m u n i s t C a n d i d i

g m

Ani. BROWDEB.. (center). prMldcnlltl. p tr l^ and two eompu^ons, Hrymoar Frank (lell), are pietBred u thrjr wtre 1 u they leti Ihe train t l Terre Italie, lodlo mtke.an addrets*—Wl fhete.-----------

' ••

tTOWEaiHGhave been ij Twin Falls Last Monih.

8 Of The


Contracted b

Falls Lumb

Think of i t . . . 8 d \vcllinR coi There m u s t b c f io m c th in g back h a v e n h o m e n o w t i ia u e v e r bc fo f e w e r o b s ta c le s t o ovc rc o m c . Our

- c o m e t l i e s e o b s tn c le s lo w e r ci m o ro e f f i c i e n t R crv icc ^ind rc ti rcn so m i f o r o t i r le n d in b u ild in g

— ............................... — -IM M fiDIA '

• P r.AN N lN G -SI

.FREE! T o Our Custo

Twin Falls lui205 4TH A V E.

..L O C A T E D ON T H E T U

| K ^ I —4

r „ ' i ^ * Prt

| T ^ v * K

wu a ttu

; Pn, Ihej


: OUi:Iver b roke o r e r I t s b anks a n d , ilont h e re won flooded, and ocor \ th e fo re g ro u n d . Tw o th o u ^ :

’ ■ Just

;iotidate A rrested S,a

he n Cicvi icmi


7 i>au(

- ciuuI

>u>dcity,“ ved

■ H M ' I B 1 0 ^ 1



lttLeanaiatie_.ofJhe Commonltl _ 0 ^ mr Waldman Irlcht) and Waldo ^omc re arresied on charjet ot Tafranej! ™ Ind, whero Browder w u leh^uled 10

----------------- , ot C-------- BLES

M r -

■ T tf

S' PERMITS jl_____________ ____________ ;.Jng-i

issued Inno ot

s During HOn«

• ’ who I■ • • • Van-:


Tiese Perm its mm

: WEe1 ( W ere -m, lum

i .b y . . . The Twin S Sthis t

nber Company! “ “and c

c o n tra c ts In ono w e e k ! ' [>*<5/ nek o f i t . I t ’s o s s ie r to f ? ? ,.1 cforc. Bccaiisc th e ro a re - j 1 Dur jo b h a s been to over- when r ca-its, b e t te r m n tc r ln ls ,- J'h*L rctil p ro tec tion a re the ing c on trac ts . o«at

me tl' I OCTU

tnyih'IA T E „ »>!?»«’Rltd t•S ER V IC E ___________ [ a h u

E ! ^ ! ■ «

istom crs ' s u f1 h#.i btM nil

^ ------------------ helptn

umber Co. Wtull b(

rE . W. nert*,other

T R U C K L A N E eonutTAOE -Ton


g R iv e n . 1 "^


H i g h S p o t s I n \

S q u a r in g iv T r ia n g le - ATLANTA, Oct. 1 MV-IIypnotlim

w u dbclosed todty as a m tleritl Thi aid in relieving a young mtnlcd mtn of an obtetslonti laftluaUon t n t tor a woman not his wife. m n

Prof, H. W. MtrUa ot Emory uni- , „ vertliy fold ot Uie incident In tn j.i„ Intenlcw. Ho tald Uie man htd eome ^ to him “highly nervous and irrlt- npc, tble," seeking advleo ‘on how lo break away.

At tho man'i request, tho pjyclioU ogy proteuor said, ho liypnotlsed lilm, give him a good lecture, and succeeded in ellmlntling Uie mortl thR contllcu s

}>rof. MtrUn ttld Uie unlrenUy w u “not conducilng a ellnlc." tnd w u interrtted In liypnoUsm’only u a a tturty ot pqchologlcal principles.

Prot. Martin said h li work with the young man loltowed the general lirtiiclpio Uiat hj'pnoilsm may bo UMd to gel rid ot IncUiuiUoDS or tendencies not too Uioroughly esltb:. _ ., lUhed.

OUison— O a n 't V ote— ,SALT LAKE CITV, Oct. i </P) -

Oeorge WUltm Wttts. 73, for the tir»t time In tO yeftn wUi be untblo to \'oto thU ftll-bectu i« ha h u Just become.a

not rote lor SO dtyi^-whJch ban , lhe aged IJtalian from polls al which ho luu been raUng-Ulegtlly. he nov h is letmed—tlnce Qrorer ' CIcreltnd « v elected lo h it l ln l icmi u presldenl.

‘America t iu always been my counwy," Walts expUlned today. "I ne itr knew It w u n i legally, until l u t May."

A ntllvo of PortsmouUi, Digland, who camo to Uie United Sitles wlUi hit parenis In lt85, W<tt* loughl a pau[iorl- l u l spring. Ttien he dlt- covercd lie had no'proof ot AmerlctnclUttiuhlp.---------------------------------

Poilllve Ilia faUier, Thomti Wtlli, lud been nturalUed In MichiganCity,-Jndlanii—where - tho fam ily-----lived for 30 yean, the UUh man im le tor Uie papen. Counly author* •- Ules Informed him Uiere were none.

60 WalU M ays appUed for cltl- lenslilp-rigliti. niii.appUeatlon wai


"I Took Soda C onstan tly to Get R e lie f from Stom achGng.” S a v s M rs. B a ld w in___W idely-K now n O r e g o n L ady . N ow V an.T nge H as E nded H e r M is ir} i

- O u-and bloat, after every. metU Some folks luftcr in ' thU horrible way for YEARS, literally afraid 10 est tor tho ml«cry Uisy suffrr . _ « te n » lM .~ B u t'a rU 5l. IhoutandV ot Oregon peopla hava found BLESSED nELIET iklUi Uie aooUi-

-I am OLAD to Endone Van- T trel" S a n Mr*. Joseph Bald- I win. inioM Amailnc SUlenenl ■ Abest the Great Rellet ll Gave ■

'H enrP fib lliH ea’B ilew :^ ^ ---------■

ny mwllMlgd hwhi flf Van-Tage I iccorillng to druRsItlA al Schramm- ■ :oha‘:on Dnls. t03 N. Main itreet ■ 10 oUier medldne h u ever created ■ 0 great a sensation hrre. and a ■ lood 'of tesUmonlals ts pouring in ■ rom ewry part ot the sUte. ■ One pf tha many Or«on people ■

tho tesUty to tho greni powen of ■ ran-Tage t* Mra. Jawpli Baldwin. ■ efferson. Ore. (tihotograph above). • ■ tctd Mrs. Bsldwln'a rfmwktble ■ tatement: I

BLOATCI) .w m i GAS I•AH Uie tood I ata setmed to I

um tour and form » u which I iloaled me up. Al times I could 1 iirdly gel my brealh becauM of bit awful c u pretsure. and I h td 9 ttke baking toda almo«t con-> lanllT. My bowels were ilugglth nd consUpated. too, and I always :ad a heavy, depre.ved feeling In ha loirer psrt of my slomach and jte.itlne*."I lisd Jiat abou\ clveii up hope

:hen I liesfd about Van-Tsse. and;hst_il w u dolnic tor oHiera.-ao I ____I'ade iip my mind io e’H r.ome and ry It. I can. truUifully. wy Uili treat M'lltelnc hsi tlniir 'unre fnr ie tluin' everythlnc e l« PUT TO* ICTHER. Now I can rs t mout nyiWng I want, and no sas or loatlng afier«-ard. I am more than lad'fp endorse Van-Tsge for whtt ', h u done for me," • '

vm T T E fi o\vN nE iins .IS MAGIC FOnSllIA •

SUFTEREnai ThU Formula a.i been t«ted-by Uie saIc of over) million botUea. VAN-TAOB ll ____elptne'TnoCSANDS o f men'andtrnifil rleht hrre In Twin Palln. ___ :is fi«l Is very lo « - ll U WITHIN . HE nEACIl OF ALL. Por Ju»t few ce'nu a dty. you csn get Uit .

ill benefit ot 31 ot Nature’s Ptnnt lertw. t l well u n ttrly a doien Iher Vtlusble Ingredients — iH mltlned In eaeh bolUe ot VAN* - AOE 60 don’t hesltatel Get Sl •TODAY-af Schramm-Johnson tug, 103 Mals itraet on th . ■■

IER 2,-11)88 •

W o r l d N e w sgranted this week.

OtT h ere ’s a L im it— a 1

NEW YORK. Oct. 1 OPV-Masls- !l?, tit le Mark Rudlck drew lodsy upon i.q pertooal nwmorlet-lji Uie matter ot n,, a member of his timily who once played the m oplione-and convlst* ed Sidney Brown of making uo- necetraty nolte.

Brown, h li neighbors complained, nol only played Uie Instnunenl to ] Uielr'dlstreu and dltcomfori, but ot brought along lo his apartment frt UirweUierfeUowi Who pltyed itxo- thi

LASI--------- ; -M o re thsut h a lf-a 0

_______ la s t year. Som e waiO th ers e id ic r p u t ic ta ln io g alcohol (the freeze o n the m arke is,) 'ou know , and ai

O o th e o ther side th ro u g h the w io tc i

I f y ou w an t g m vast, all winter lon^ a r o n th e ch a r t beic

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tion fm m now iin filG o to any dea le r

. low th e best advicc

* I - - * . . - — '

1 ' ’ s 3 S S 5 » '“ -----I Jsissr f - :

■ ‘S-is?- niii-

■ t i i , - " ' ”■H Pu,-M------- -------■ ' » ? ! ! « ' :iii! H■ ‘ s S w y -

M ^


T H E G U A R A N T j

T h b W i •E ttr td J j P m h

phones.— — --------------------------- -*u r t . Sadie Rubin brought forward

Uia 'compltlat, and to her U u « u rt at addressed ,Uii^ remark:

'X c tn undersljuid UUs ,womth:i poitUon. I can aympaUilte wlUi her. ty On# member of my family played a tajophone-for a wlUle. Now, per* h tp t Uie ltw ctnnol pfeserlba-Bow mueh one may prtcUce in tili ■home—.- But. when you import 8* Uiree oUiers you tro making a busl- - n e a out of it—ond I rule you can­not do Jt any longer.’ '

T w in s’ . M a rr ia g e on E o c k s - LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1 w j-O ne

ot two twin Bitten seeking dinrcea from S4-year-oId twin brothen ot the U n lt^ Bltlet mtrines won her ^


r m nT WINT

[ O ffld p I S ta liiH ci ]

I m iliion-A raericati m otoristJ va itcd to o lo n g before putting in s tra ig h t alcohol o r u sed a n

h e r e a rc a pproxioucely SO suet k e t—so ld u n d e r v arious names as tbey foiaid out, boils'ofF.

de o f th e p ic tu rc millions o f tiur e r w id i E vercady P xc jto p e , . .y,

uranteed p ro tection a ^ i n s t fc< ng, y ou w ane Eveready P reston e l o ^ s e e how little i t costs fo r c

er fly ing the Evercady P restone ce a n y servicc m an can g iv e you

^ ^ D t f a r f a r l v a r a i d y f r M t t M -

p ^ l t th a r a i t e f tlia WInUr.

^ - n s : : : : ^“ . B n * ; - •

: : :

.'1-5 «iV«i.“ lS,’5».»:V,:5- ■ S S S S S - ." - .- '’*"

• W T " " '" '" ’''" '

" - w .t ;I- ! ', ; '. : k K ! ....... .. 5!>5’

4 -Jl

............... * % “

.1 t.

i m r ^T E E D A L L - W I N T E R A N

tttm i" art t h tnJ* mtri V C

iP A O S i^

[ileere^today,--------‘n » couplet n iR iad aad ' |i

tied a t Uu tuna U a t t ; Mr'I Loulaa May Bebrti)c,A dlr Roy Ctlrln sebring. cbtrftDf c ly and noa-iupport, .tOB .rf chtrges, her tlster, Lols Matida ring, «U1 CO betore Sujwler J a Ben B. Lindsey Umomir. u d '. a dlrorce trom Boy'i twin, Kay 4 0 » b ^ . • ■'

" d a y s S S o l I ! ^N I C H ^ H O O L ; ;

L I N K ' S 5

n n 1

E UP IER! !jgot-intt>^ trouble— 7— •ingjn.aotirfrewct:^_________

in anti-frecze con* ich brands of anti* les). And alcohol,

lar owners breezed .without a worry. fceeze*upi against one. Look tip your . rcompleteprotebi ■

------------------ - -ne banner sod fbl* ou:

_____ 1.;___ ____ l o i

SEi . n - " ' ^

' J '51 -w

.U"*i Irt -»*" » -n -*•

i ' l + i j i i : ;

4l» + I -^5

**"'* iS -«>

___ \

W ■'

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

W N• t i . m

I f : :;< jpaianid ' m m U i t im e )

K ' .'.'■» _ v ^K / 'S n tO r Q I S : Tw « m Uahony liisR - e a tr lM ta I |b tR M M 4 n n U IU c . bd7£;. t h s .a in K v . M d Both F tu tr HiRr t ro a AnbroM U n e a ^ devprnU "1

^ t t a t e t U taapp tn . AlUuttih ha poU. liB otnre,T atB M thli>kil]B m jir mI be m pccted o t ' the a s rd e r ct he i

. n a ' i m tle] a em th e ln i. «h tn u w: h i B(«te I«»WB near bU h o w . »■> asd U w iea n m i i i (bat Tm ace badr 'M«einpa&7 U m 'lo Uio UtUe J u tV h'eiat, T m oce a p m . Del he dli- be 1

llk tt'U w een’i . KDUK ron(ld«nr«ti. tha t't ie iBfplciea caa altarb le beer? »““• _____,

I: • ' BETBAIAL •' W b a th e jrh u l^ T rn a ib o rtc U i* ban f taaea in tbe direction oC tbo LltUe'i oppc J booaeU w B onU ppedonlbeilin la a t t

front ot Wm end ilanaUfJl tbs waidrlrer to ttop. ■ ? tbs i

■ moment,- he itld , "I want tm e jroura S K B T --------------------1------------------ »

l l ie ttx t stopped, tnd Uwwn |o t p m out tnd entered t «naU tobaeeo- taee.

i n U fi Mabonr noUMd «»» •<« 1 ' ib o p ti l« n « h lc h ia ld ;’'PubUeTet- ‘ X

epboni. He trownrd. Uwion. hs elalo •knew-nnoked-Baltan Sobrantf i ^ It t t » - ■- m ualQetr that be vouJd be able Doni : to' sH tbtm a t that snail, ihoddr to i t

E ibop. In that ease he had probably w u - £ entered the ibop In order to um the He K' ittephone.f i But what fort m a t the detU w u ibcn f U w wn up to now, he wonderrt. pW«r-W u he plannlnB to hare ths taxi , "W ’ taUn«>ted before 11 retched the l»Jlni I tltUs'a hoiue? He ilJpped h lj band « « « ' Into hto pocket: hto Jlnfcr* eloeed ^■ on 'the butt ot hto.tutomaUc. The « « , teil ot It eomtorted him. W Lnwon

WMpUnaln* to put orer t t u t one ' he w u retdy for tU He telt tine.

___ But.nothln*.hapi?en,ed„to_lnter.tereTntb the ttxl. U drew up ufely ®‘ ^

1 ogtilde tbe tlttls-i houw tn d U w - » ^ -reon-pild-the-drtTer-tnd-nm B the " “ •. tn ra l door-bell. A trim maid admit-

ted tbem tn d thowed Ihem Into a “ " . r ' ; drtw lnj room whtre EUa, t ihort. „ 'l*

f tlr man. tn d t Ull. dark-halred “ !l° m tn ot thlrty.thrfe cr -four were

' ilttlns. The dark man w u Inipec- ■' m . i . . . tor Kennedy. touck. -oood momloi. Etoa.’ a id U w - . Kn. 'IV s brought Mr. Mahony alont

to ace jmi. Well, Kennedy, how, are , . on tb

•. •W hen did you meet Ur. Uw- -son?'' ttked Bba.

' Her loreljr face wu- pale and her AQ ^ ihowed ilin t ot recent weep- telt ( inr. Al ahe atked Mahony that ilm* In t rtequertJon tbere w u an t i r o tiup- h ^

" tbouther*that w u noTeaiy to a ^ waa t : count tor. I t affected the othen tn EUa fc the roomr.bolb'Uwton and K en-hlip t 4 nedr were Itotenlnt in atUtudes c t bad k £expectant tUenUon. - • . ofnlligl- - I met* h im u t thL.end ot Dui- ins t): ^ iferton Street, near hto house," Ma- after g 'hofiy ■ t mwei'cd.-:— 1- ~ — - •- • tufflel & ' Now both Kennedy tn d Uwton of lai Kwere looklps a t EUa. And EUa w u rbbon IU botint.ttM ahony.O a b c r ja ^ wm to tet ^ ixprenlon of the motl uUer hor- tortbe E n r . tn d dtoUke. He might turn been -On C 'tem s tort ot bUr, white, polunoui your, p i l u t , tbe w ty the looked a l him. ia it s x 'B b i ipoks ilowly and cleorly: nedy.

' 1 recognUe this man'a voice. Ite Mo); ' wai the m tn wbo w uw lh me in tbe 'Vei ) atudy lu t night," the tald. been i

. — know,’ R n wordi itruck Mahony wltli ati ;! tbetoree e t tn unexpected blow be- ' • tween the eyes. He htd ihought ll In ' the Ju t d r ^ Improbable Uutl Elsa gjg^n,

would remember bU voice. And he i u . m) objecled ilrongly to her Uilnking m ual

" <>i«t h.i< tillx l h»i- tmfli- Ttll. J ' hotior tn d eontemt>t in her eyei ho^ .

stunt him. The S in n D(>iUituUon u te b in Uw wn'i eyea Infuriated him. For - i i

' t lecand he w u mored to Indignant body pnteit. . . detlng

. "It w u a t I who murdered your “Ko. ttncle," ha u ld hotly. »boul(l

At that Inipector Kennedy leaned Londo 'torwtrd lUghUy with the eager ti r Ther of t tiger about to grip lla prey. next <

“80 you know Ur. LItUe haa betn ond < , m u rd e ^ " be u ld keenly. "Will 'I t

- M A K E -T H IS M O D ]Twin Palls Daily N


I '. ' ^ flO a ; cnke-t

^■1 oM ■ 4155 I

ng MurdererHUGH atV E L Y _________ J ' JJ


rou expUln how you know that? ^ rh i newt h u nol been publtibed In ^ u y of the newipapen yet." ' /

Heptuied. '"1 have to warn }-ou Uial I tm a

Mllce -olflcer. and tbat anythInK rou lay may be uted u evidence." le added. “You a n nol obliged to miwer my quetUont now."

I t w u obvlout to Mahony that he u d made t bad ilip. The knowledge erked him into t reallntlon th i t i le had to keep bU wtU nbout him. /

"How do you Uilnk I ktioW he'a _1 >een murdered?* be aaked bluntly. Uwion told me'on lhe »»y here." “Whal1,Uiatt" cxcUlmed Uwton.For t moment he thoired hto I—

rhlle IteUs J n a tmlle.- Ite woutd lave tmlled In tlt' tame way a l tn ippontntw bobidm adtagocltbot ‘J .t tennto. particularly If the abot r u Dot quite r » d enough (e wlo r — b l point. ‘ SEI-(4-4UdftVmenlloiHh»-aurd«M» - m ou on the wty here," bs tald. - 7: T a a u u y itn M t t him witir»n'«*f " ~ d irealoa ot utter tmaxemeul on hla ue. He appwTd to UUnk that Uw - on bad suddenly gone quile mad.•You didnt mention IU* he ex-

lalmed. ‘Why, good beareni. man. ffl hfnlly t i lkwl ftf inythlpg el^ - - e n t you nrntmber aikiny me not 'V I Itay too lonr, beciute Mlu UlUeu T iry u p je t?" ------ > 7Ue r ^ teemed to beiien wbat ^9 ttld. For t moment he pauted. _ bea bs icowled tnd went on tu t- cioutly:"Whalt Uie Idea? Why are you iPp. ylnr to pretend U ui you.dldn'l enUon lbs murderJ- » '«He tetmed to tuipecl U irtcn ot irk deed! tn d tlnbler Uilentloni. C m iwion retalUted by merely look- giuperlor. H sthrujgedhlithoul- n wllh t nonchalini air. <3 <•Tha man who cam# running oultho houte when Oil tontUblo and --------arrlred, thortly alter Uie murder, t me and the conttable very hardUl hto nit,“ 'h s ob jtrred 'C lipa f--------inately.Ile nude a tUght geiture toward] thony't right lund."How did you gel Uut g n u on ------ur knucUei]!*-hs atked.Uthony glanced down . at bit iuckiei. Ke had m u d them lockinc out one p l Mulgflve't slh. /"I tell o rtr and tcripcd my hand :. the pavtmtnt," he answered. |

AQ hto IndlgnaUon had gone; he it quite cool and collected now. t way, he w u raUier enjoying

mtelt. Ue recogntoed U ui hli ilUon w r e t T ayw ard . bul ll IB not necetiarliy dtoutrout. - "EUa claimed to have recogntoed Tl by hto voice u Uie mtn who ■— d killed her uncle, but that rec- olllon Ilone, eipecially conilder- I Uie dued tlale ths had been In *^7.;er her uncle's murder, w u not rfltlenl-to eonrlct^hlm-ln a eourt Uw wUhout t good dtal of cor- “ •"" 'J x n U rr tr ld tn c e .l tw uup tob lm " tee 'that no such evidence w u

Ihconilni.'............. .......................rye*,'•Can you give ma in iccount of “ J ‘j) ' jr.moremtnU tf l t r ten o'clock t night?'- uked lip K to r Ken- ly. - . * brokeMahony thrufged hto ihoulden. "Vou 'Very roughly" he an iw ered .'m lent p m tway lor im u I lour years, you Kenned ow, and lu l night I tlmply wan- of engt red alone about London tctlng Uie h u nev hit. X walked along Oxford -No," te l, the Strand, and’btck by the ,.n . , tuies of Parlltment. Elbuiy street, tj,. rm »ne ilTttl and Hyde pork. I “ ■yed In Uie park for tome lime lenliij lo.one of.Uie tlump tpeak- “ “ “"5 irl-donl know w hil Uma I got Bntt: me. but It mutt l u n been prelty IT. wha e becauie everybody w u atleep." i t ­'i tuppou you dldn'l mett any- “A r ly you knew during your wan- tald (h tlngtl- uked tha Inipector. when y ‘No. But It's not likely Uial 1 went a wld. I hardly know anyboir In Wend I ndon." explained Mahony. “Yet,''here w u a pause. The Intpeclor’t "He (t quesiton came very kuddtnly TOun. I d curtly. • - «pector.'I undenUnd U ut >-ou hara re- "Vei,'

"We Wl " : ■ = * " H m

' ' I J-ou Uu

3 H .-A T H O M Etomethl

News P a tte rn , '"Bm,J _______________________ _ J be lUliWO APRONS FBOM filNOtE TTEIW AnE WILUSO. FAST-


i>iOf>,«cCfJcni 'Pen ehanws to one. you’re need- !’'«: t pair of Uiete year-Tound

rijhl noKl.It to. ttop pro- 5»«lbill illualln* and order lhe pallemit Rlres you double value — iwo ------ |Frons tor Uie price of one; Anne amt dtilgned tho one above for itealng. the one below for bear- = = ; lhe brunt of kitchen duties.10 wouldn't perk up a t tight of ■J in a Ityle u pretty u "A". U brlsliily flowered dimity or ba- ■ ’ ;e, wllli an eter-'io-jimart ruJfl.;• And »ho could beat you pt ce-baklnif , when you're dressed u P '• Uin Jol) In n good torery aprott - 1? ^ h Uw fine polntt of ••D'’?..Tlie diier" bick keeps streps frcm P f i iplng. *’attem iia j Li avalliMe In I'lrea t nil, medium. Inrge and extra ge. Smtll size apron 'A lakes .. yards, aa . Inch. f a b r i c ; - a ^ .Jl es I’i yjtfdj.

4Dd r t r r t n c c ^ i (ik) ib eotu' p i C Ship

u c tm u a .ITI« aS£t*T. ' by

«t1tB TO ITATI S M _ctp|

: s sk kCC(Mi3>inl U4TS how m ll7 reu


Sdrtu erttn le T*In n iu RMrt. Pbai l»ro Dtpiruatat, Iwl# I'tlK JiU. | _ _ _

P O P E Y E - ^ r — : - "

VDU MEPiNTO 5fW VOO K l - n W ftW T W THE FCR'ftRDj - “I H °J-0 f t r CERTIN61.V NOT! fi M iN U T eyQ urrpE S T E B aN ^

JU S T K ID S -REMEMBER TO LOOK U P \ 1m M <-D aw M a e r o i a .H J i t ^ T H

I C l ! 0 5 5 - m E ; / _ A w

^ - r


^coK otv------— AAn>—

.m a . i N 6■•MANKSTb ^




: -m & V R r• w iN i/rt.-,: t ' ' . - r . . - - .

X T '."? '- --------- • i ni n tJ .r .u i4 .t» - i

Jy rttum ed tram a four yean' n i n t i in China. Did you- know-any-

r out Uiere enpged in the dope P ] tlc-exporUnr drugs. 1 mean?" . lony hesitated for a'm oment, ~ _ . .7 Q he decided to bc quite truth- ^j^A U

’ct," he replied. " I-a e t t-m an there who UUcd lo me obout " i ^ort of Uilnj. Kb w u a Raulan Te"*) eii- Vladimir Kosolf. I beUivo Diitlelr oke h ll Jaw." ^ Daf<’ou seem lo bo a tomewhal vlo- A,

perton," observed Inipector ^ nedy. "I lake 11 U ut Uia thoughi . ' 7 " ngaglng In that trade yo-jnelf n e w occurred to y ou?"' temoer, Io," inswered Mahony.>0 you dlMppreve of ll?" aaked “ inipector. ^think ll't a filthy traffic," said noor tc

lony- ■ . wa-'n-t:It ba wondered, a tIUIe tnxlout- caugtil shat the Inipecior w u gtlUng cn wrn

L mosl creditable ttnUmeni,” tho Inspector blandly. “And T |t |.v

n you relurntd lo England you I at once to tt«y wllh your r Id Mr. Itos.1?" • - ,■ft," agrttd Mahony. 'Ie U » partlcuUr friend of 1 . 1 taka ll?" penlaled tho in - tor.>1," agreed Mthony again.

wen a l tchool togetlier." lai lt 'ev e r been 'tligiesied lo llu l Mr. n o u U a dope iddlct?" ‘VcMmi d tho inipeclor. ll'e ‘riiabony. had-been waiting for :thlnr like IbaiTHla « u ready “ > It. tice.Ully Ross a dope iddlctl Dont - lUly," he u ld contemptuously, le Inspector had not tald: -n o u A dope addict." Ih lha manner of stating a fact; he had Mid.

I ll been luggesicd to >-ou Uut : Is A dope addict," In lhe man- of one eeeklng tor Infotmsilon dmlsslons, Someone, quite cil- ty, lutd pul Ibis'dope Idea Inlo Injpecior-s mind, and he aas :Iy engiiged on.exploring lu 'Ibilltles. i Iipyrlglit, 1N 8, Hugh Clefely) 1 |

itonllnued In Next Usue) i

— ' I?' LY! ijJive W ings to . ; S x p re ^ P a rc e ls ^rom Twin Vails

to_ / I• BURLEV

. # . - l ’OCATELLO• . NA!>tl»A _ t • n o iS E ” ^

Ihlp packagn. pareets, part* y AIR EXPRESS. PUne I (avn Twin FalU dally, ex-tpl.Simday.___ ; --------------- —

i!:o A. 9t..rrtttt Namp»___8:15 A J I .imi’f t U oIk '......j ! j a A. .11.' —

S:3S r . AL irrlte* narley ...... S;45 P. M..rrlrri P»ralell9...8:1S P. M.


'han. 2M Twin r»lU




AN‘ JES* TO I Iyuh a o r 1 aorTHlN14H»R- D O W N -^ / A 'a a gIWINSTOM HEARTED /SSCRE■' CARftffiS LOOK ON V ON M, A 6U N 1L, yUH-SCE.

ionne Q uin tup lets 1 P lay \V ith B ro th e rs „

ALLAN^En. O nC oc t. I Ml - K Dionne quintupleta played wllh iT-lV-

r brothers for the f ln t time to- ']! ........ - ............p 9 c !

en-year-old Emesl Dionne and M ntour, paid tlielr first vlsll' 9 M Qifoe nunerr tn d played with J W a I tlstcrs tor an hour. They had

ittn Uiem since tho gulnu.B moved to the nursery from' r home across the road In 8ep* 1 l r . ber, 193*.- i F v -meil took Uis vtolt. calmly a t f , 'V .; and w u content to watch his OUI tlslen from t dlslarM. D an-. i ^ got rlghi down on Uie nursery r to frolic wllh them and ll n’t long before mechanical toya ■;hl Ernest's Interest tnd nil tev-' wrre pitying together. B H

iry Says Suspect N ot Child’s F a th e rw ------- , • THEE

K'K FRANCISCO. Oct. I M V e t 01ury of seven women tn d f ln cey CI decided yesterday tha t Tom te r t<X. beUlnu .commissioner, to not tiggfaUier of 10-year-oId N olt Me- ^ewn's seven-months'old ion.".MUii '" r te t r.imn had tued for tupport of rboli trial. Mli* McMlnn greeted thellct_w(th an atUck of J i y t ^ a - - - r

an attempt to icralch Kyne't — ■■■■

D iscard Y our CRUTCHES! !

Them A t T he S '

FridayDANCEi; I



KF u n a n d F r o l i c COU


’A Sw ing B and .K

F ree P unch ce”------------------- ----- I . ..Fl

S om elh ing E n tire ly ^

D IFFER EN T IIn A Swell E vcnbif; G

■ • , C«tt------------------------------------------ ? — si

■ ' - .the: CflB

A dm : 2oc P e r P erson ; n ' FibI

ISpontor: Tosnf RepBbllean' ces

_O Q b ef.Twin FaIU)._ j

m m a a m m w i —

iraws. TWIN FALLS. mAHO, F

: — ^ ^ e l l , - b l o w M I


FQ R ‘f f i P ^ TO

a o T ! |w w A T \ d i CAKrr j (w w « - l W f ? ! T 'T B f c t • TWI


J .

~ T o * W ed \:o u n t -

trollerp rew

ter.' in it .tM0,0(

J-^ * r V V picu,

. 4 ^ ^ H - i u b s t AL > I!<->:’ orbiUi


■ -.’■' •/..■ r m m

IE ENGAGEMENT o t pretty Jaa- — rt OlMil. dao(bUrotMr«.Cba«m- »y Oleotl and Uie Uta aoltd *e- e r to Count FbUllppe da Men- Igu e t Paris w u tnDoanctd al IW <tw York. The eonnt U an ts lo I rtetr tn a -tlrp lan a -p a at.---M 1 Pbel,. .. _________________________ IMO

________ - z : : i r r ter

T i f f l n—n r m i H i K J i ^ A M I f U i ' U l t t z H v A n -------- 1 KI


KNOX . . . >«•V. fl. Senator, tVM. E. BOBAII U S. Congrenman, nE.VBT


■ ^ B ir e p K A ^ ' '^ '' ^ " iwUtttl. Gevtrwr. B. H. TOUNO . coac See. cf Stale, B. E. TIiOMAB Atlomey General. L. E.

GLENNON su te Treat, JAMES W. . . . .

KEATING *.SopL of Pablto-lnttmetlon,

ELLEN PETERSON SUle »tlne Tnipector. 3. E.

K onns IM» lO U N T Y :-— -----------------------state Senator, E. M. IIAY- |

DORNR rproenU llm . FRED P.


County Coramlulonfr*. 'Flnt- DUln ER.VEST ........... I

MOLANDEB . .— SMBna oucrC Aiii:------------r nnrf


Profecntlnt; Attomey. C. M.SWEELEY :

-Cotmly-Treatwtr.MFJt.-----------GENEVIE>X D tn c n T

CenntT A B ti«r, S T U .m — -BEVEKL.NH— T"--------------------------

Sheriff, nniM AN E. DEISS Cosniy Sept. of Sehnois. MRS. .

DORIS STRADLEY . m b a te Jodge. C. A. Bailey | TCounty SrtrrtyoT. HAROLD , W5t. s iE R R rrr -

Cowntr CoreBtr.-DRrF. TT.--------------


H E - i 3 0 W N - . ^ ---------- ■

'W E e H O S T E D O U R W M 'l F S a E h N ftR O O N O T H tW O R li l i W E M U £ .T ft5 W E D C M > N M

K E E U P E K rV B f tD .H E r W

W W I AFTEB A U . | |w E U . - £I IW Iwn l l l l l t I — ■■ — .__KB ■TIM B ^T 'lT nO cD ’ K In c M ^ TJH C C W - Y U H r — TD YOW ^ 7 TBU . ; — tkS t P l

H BRB ?i i T A M ^ Q W P e !

' t :

^ ‘ 7 l-N E V E R . W ju f l P f T ,.; I TH 006H T-w rt w y i r d f r t

io '

V /rJI\' ' *1 a g ir 1

^Bilant~Tax®s »en in. Wake of ., ising Public'DebtVAaHINQTON."*Oct. r . W - y ingihe publle fltbt to—menae- — !ly high" already, former Comp- )Iler Oenerel J. H. McCarl ex- tw d the opinion lost nlghl tlu l ll lutd reach 139,000.000,000 thto wln-

Inlerest cliargca are now neatly M.000.00a annually, he u ld . In t l oadcAsl under Republican ius-1 ^ :u , "tnd wilt probably go to a! ^ Uon dollars a year before we can Mttnlltlly eurull our debt." nio effcct. ha added, wlll be "ex- liU nt .Uxes. such t takUig away 'Income for taxes t s ' t o hamper ' ' lustry In morlrig forward — In rtUnr Jobs.”

USiD I IH U jCKSIINO intemtUonal lU-tpeed, mo­tor ind Urei good. B e e t.b cd -_ ____

$125.00tR »-O odg»-lsf' wheelbue, ntw i . duito. n te t b e d - I-

$250.00in i Ford V>l Pickup. rxl;t Ijw mlltsge- . .

$550.00 OlIfU Int naUonal l-lckup. m -wbTSii? , i r w n n u,-Hir»'gooTcoodllta.- 0

$ 6 0 0 . 0 0 ;;i m Dodge rickup, ejtia c » d - ^

$500.00 :1M» Ford Truck, wiih U tt bed, lood condition—... ........ . . .

$175.00 4------- fl

IMI Chevrolel Cotch-

$7^opIM i'C hS refC o ich -------------

$50.00 ”------- ‘ IS

lU0J3nham Sedan -________ ' <>'

$liM.0b 1


fflk 2,1938 •

IM E .P O O K V , Sfs\U D RS»'H f p (1 . M L S U P Ir STISWMOS. VGU ie DONE i \ ) i ‘ ABOOT A.6 .u c UJE PLEASED U1H\UEU)E j , ^W A S STOUJ'D A U JA V -V . i . H A O - A t« C E ^ ^ t t , . r ^ ‘;FREE TRIP i J 'AH’ N o w ; ’v

NEARIN’B A m C L E \ l B K - ~ / ; is L f tN a iu:.


C S JIO N T VUH') . ( m E B B ^- MUMBt:e n — «6— ^-T K tfT------SU R S E L P -JE S O / wo uld BE

I ^ W R » H T —



____ - r r r . ......... .............MUsWomen's division of Twin Palis retarj unty Republican headquarter* Mli loned yesterday In Uie htadquar- public rs otflee In T^-ln FalU Bank snd at Ui -uil company buUdihg, .M. IteiU desire

f ^ U s t c h a n (

S t o c k R e (


ColiJR—RolnB—g one! Only a yoii to anv« n t .o iir g rea t S lot

■ u m l c a n . t.ii«t m tn iiio trm ir hnVo b ro u g h t u i m nny m ore < tn cJiooso fro in . Priceii liiive luvrcr th a n bcrore to nuMirc c|i o u r advice nnd ro u te in no ir- m in u te |ir ic e -n itii ou “ G cw l V


Olduioblle 1»« Six Cyl Coaeh Rr wllh bolll-ln trank, radio aad . duheaUr. One ot the beit u e d cylc.ir valaet wo have ever olfer- &n ed. Car thewt praetleally newear. Don't m ls ttili big um

$ 575.00rorillaTlMi Sedin'BllFrb'iiitU'------ll( trunk, six wtied model. Hat ' J " radio and heater. An ideal family car. SpeeUl for on ly - '"®

$ 525.00 ‘

$ i l 4 5 “$195 “

Ittt* PontUe----- 6 « « p -------1«Sedan______ „ 9 l l 9 se<

4iles J. BrowM AIN AND-1TH-:

B y -E .C .S E G A R iJ

POOKV. UlrtAT O lO jM • VE


I I c e s ' AS I TH0U6HT [ ■ ------------- H & S — A -------------------

6EN U W IK 1£= D E S P E R A D O -

AJJTBR MV CWN . MgAgrn . y r .— _____


fcCoy, count? commiltee woman, ntiounccd last evening. •'In chnrga ol tho ollice wlll be Us Mtrls Newlon. uccuIItb tec- . . .tary. — ---------' ■ — -Mlu McCoy urged thal evtry Re- ibllcan womtn In lhe county call 1

Uie otllce for tny InformHlicn sired. 7 ■

n e e t o s a v e a t o u r

e d u c t i o n S a l e o f

S E D ARSa fcvr jfio rc h o u rs for

lock H eiluction Solo o f - idr-lna on rtcw Ponllacr* e (Ictirablo car* fo r you live 1k-cu d ro p p ed even cpiick rlen rnnce . T ak e

IW—profit hv th c M l a a t ,1 W ill” u te d c n n . ‘

PAYHEHT RE- OH EASY TERMSRraham I9U SU Cyllndrr Se­dan. ThU imart, roomy aU cylinder car offcrt tome buyer tn unatnal opportunity to •ave on a fine, dependable med rtr . Reduced during ta h lo only—

$ 4 9 5 .0 0

IU t Dnirk Sedan, tlx whrel model wllh trunk. Ona of the moil dtpendabla ra n en the road and one of onr b ^ t buya at only— j

$ 5 M . f l O

^ ^ ^ l _ $ i 4 S “ 7S T " _ _ $ 2 2 5

a i ° ^ r r $ i 9 5 —

wning Inc. )H-EAST I

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

>Delay Fw w t f ? ■

Buhl-Fiia ir a

Jack Doyle ] OddsRemai And Take 1

Postponement Assures Exi Hubbell; Yankees ]


Br ALAN GOI (Auoclated P n u Spo

NBW YOBK, Oct. 1 - T h o combli . creaslngly h e a ^ ra ltL a n d o n jm i li

th e d ra in a g e fac ilit ies o t l h e near. Polo grounda, b ro u g h t a postppnet of th o w orld sc ries today.

— p r o ra c H rT O W 6 v e i tT ? n n e ir ttn n tomorrow, In ste ad o f th e th ird coi dlum , os h e orig inally h a d p lanne ponem e n t o f - g -w o rld - se r ie s^ ” g tm e I 'n ^ g h t years . F ”

T he delay ap p ea red to f o r- T tlfy th e p itch in g a d v an ta g e T iJ ru d ; gained br ttis GUnU u % ruult or C trt Hubbell't mutcrtul

. triumpH Offer th# Y «ike« In the f mail u d n la ot open* Inccu iu .

DflbbcU GeU R«*t ^It u tu re i *n e x tn d»y or rest f J

for HubbeU'i ulenltd left ftnn whUe- • i» rW th» w ror-ft-duel tomor.

r w between H il Schumacher, link* er-biU itM of th# NiUanal le«uochimploni, ind the KruthpftW ace « « of lh» YfthkcM, VeffiDirGomcr:—

, 'mrco houn before todoy'a Khed- f» .i uled alartlm tlm# for Ih# iecond «"«[ cun*, Oommluloner Keneaaw y f MouaUlo U ndli poked h li walklns

lUck Into the w g r aurface of the rjh7olo crounda, examined mud llmt nimi * « feUock*decp anund the baie-pithi, aad agreed with rival man* , i ie n .tb a t the croundi were in noeondltlon for play. , . p„_

roJlowtaf th# poilponemcnt. tlie i’ "lun cam# ou . temperaturei row and * " a brlik breeM helped dry out theva terlo n ^ premlics. Sy early aft* g•moon Ui6 entire Held looked play- ji» ,able. ■ . ; tUr

Uiidtf Uu cLcuimtain.ii>. l>uU- T enm r , OfflcUU of both clubi eon* l«(>, eurred Kith LandU In the beliefth lt the postponement was praotl- j j , ,cal from Uie lUndpolnt ot pUyera ,vhlu n U u apecthtor^ i , .)

With prospecla of. better and much »Mrmer weather for the rcit of the „.week, the *arrln».clani hope to w -lum»-th9-b»Ule-toaiatn5W under niU y improved condiUoni.

Atlendanco lljurei ihould lm- prow In keeplnrwlth the wealher, V;

(with tho Polo snw ndi-like ly-to “ >•»hsld ft crowd much closw to lls ca* I------

padty of !JWO than the hardy ga- = •thirtni of J9.410 that brared pneti* noDla rUki to lee the Giants ^ e . the opener from the iklddlnj Yan­kee] by » fl to 1 count.

Wa Chanw to Oddi Today** poslponement aused no I

ehangs in the betting oddi. Jack 4 Ooylet Broadway commissioner, aald l _ _

[ It was itUl “4 to 6 and take your ^ pick," for the aerie*.

n n Yankee! ruled favorllti to jijy. j 1. win Uu tecond same, desplto Indl- g( (hg i caUoni that Schumacher U-baek-Jn ‘ top lorm and reedy lo back up Hub- , ■ beU*! great work the way he did '. in Ipeedlng Uie GUnl.1 lo Uielr de* .n u

clilve 1933 victory over ttie Eenar Bomo ton. But tl

Whether Schumaoher wlni or e n wi loK*. tomonow.-Manager Bill Ter* annoti Tt of Uie GUnU indicated lie will |„ dre Hubbell a full three dayi rest before aendlng hU wuthpaw ace "EU baek to Um ftrtag Une. men?'

'm i miani rred Fltalmmoni ulous; likely wm dnw Uia lUrtlng aailgn- ment for Um UiW 'game: Baturdw, On* at th* Vankee itadlum, with Hub- s^, IT btll working Uie fourth game Bun- io u

- d a y . .......... - ■...........................FTora Ult Yankee lUndpolnt the

diy off figure* to give Joo McCar- Uiy^ young m en 'tha t mueh ex tn Th time to pull themielvu together to tl ind regain Ihe confidence Jhey iUu< Itemed lo lose In Ihe-mud during did 0 lhe cloilng lUges of yesterdays Inrtf

of Uie Yankees itUl be- and ( UiTQ Ui^lr favoriUi ean concede the iislni GUnU two gamei. with HubbeU Dllchlag. and ilUl collKt the win*

-M rt.ih a ie of Uie world tcrles play* . oiv(

Uon. ll

Vandals Entrain, 6am

For Coasl CilyE■___ ‘-Rabb

tlie B(Waho Foolbali Team H eads m tnr

lo r S eattle and Game K J 'W ll f i Huskies . ™

— — o w tMOSCOW. Idahe, Oct. 1 - of ba

Thirty three Unlvmlly of Idaha m.irirfoelhaU pUyer* we« ordered lo nail aienlrajn tonljhl for BealUe, whew .Uiw'wia beet ihe Unlvenlly cf " '

— WaaUwUB^atnrday In » Paclfle _ .f'uj’■CcMt eofilerenee game. Vemc

Btonko PavkOT, stocky guard, did piubinot report for praeUee last night J** mcobeauie ot an Influenn attack, bul he clabb

~ ^ l l make Uib trip, Four bocks. CUr- told i -flire-DevUn,-Edgaf^WUson.4UroId

noise and Rex WllUrd, all were “C*-illtn frO oaeh^-B ank -M W .----------»»keJ

The tenlaUre lUrtlng lineup: innniUon Oreen and Joe Harrell, endi: home

Dick Tnuskownkl and Jim Moort, le t aI taeklfs; Kenneth Carberty and John op at

Cooper, guardi: Ralph SpauCT. ccn- orderter- Walter ^ruilal, quirter: Rex pU et

• WllUrd or. Oenld Dellmger, left gotwihalf: Earl omtory, right lalf. Tony whatWUloll, lUUbact “ “ •!

^ortifiest t f t f ' t f t f '

iler Grudt f ‘ t f * -------

Reports »inJk»to„5 IYour Pick’ IIxtraD nyO fRestFor H I FavoritifB To , I d Game p30UU>SporU Edllor,ib ination of tw o days of In - j Fm isually -h lK h .tlde , blociclng h i / ,la r-sca-level d iam ond a t th e W ,nem en t o f th e se co n d 'g am e | |

ir gam c ' g t - t h rP o lg -g ro tm d y I - # co n tes t a t th e Y ankee s t a r \ M m ed. I t w aa th o f i r s t p o s t- ■

Probable W L ineups | |^

NEW XORK. Oct. 1 WV-Preb* abla baiting order* flf the YM- ke«a and GUnU fer tbe aeeond TOF- lame ot the world aeriet tomor* /Iri row.~ahewlnr pUyet*, iMHUou,' k t i jaltlnc iUnee. and hllUag a m * " n n e t In Ihe fln t game of Ibe yjn wriei„(In Uu eaa« of.tbe.pUchi rrt, Ihe wen and leit record tor Ihe leasen U ihown):

YANKEES • Bata Avge. , actCrenetlJ, I * ---------- ,..-R JM |paftolfe, Sb _____ _____ - .1 . JJS CJ,Dl>Uiile, e f ------------ R n w ^ ,

Selkirk, rr ------------ L iSO Pf''^irell. J f ___________ R[*neH, 2b _________ R .000 cr.Bomei. p ----------------- 1. n - I

GIANTS DaU Avge / i ,Moore. If.______ -___ L ' .000torieti. M .................... .R

5H, r f ____________ L l.»ee DielUneuK, fl -------------R J U Dl!iVhltehead. I b _______ R .000 /rolaekaon, Jb - _ J _____R .OOO- theicbtmueher, p _____ -R U-13 jtr ,

Umplrei: Oelatl, (A.L), a t the jf j i jlale;. SUgtrkorlh <N,L),- fln t)u«i fiM m en 'T ?a.),'-»»< onr *)aie; Fflreun lN.U)rJhlrd bate. : =

Gane time: 11:30 p. m. (Moun- _


K m YORK, Oct. 1 {/!V-CommU* mer tandU was on th# spot to- y. U# postponed Ui* iecond gtme „ . Uie'wotldierlei before Uio tcrlbei d-rtcovered rrom Uie night bo* -“ V I T, and then he wnilied.

IIU announcement was brief: "The fe ra , tno U off because of wet groundi." Coaet :t UlU w u not enough. The writ* feren< I wanted him lo elabonte on Uie gridlr nouncement. They c o rn e ^ _ lto _ a 1i1u lUs hotel. ■ ' imoo-.h

'EUbonlo on wet gromiiU, gentle* in?" ho asked. -Why th a fi rldlc- ’US.” ^ UlU al5n*-Tiporler-laiIit«d.'"AU'tight; boya-w , m eUbonte,” beamed Uie Judge, mlnule ou may say I aald the game U games

bfcaiiw .of very, wet grounds.",_______Even

n * poilpooement did noUUog I the betting odd^.Thry Ulll aud a t 4-S on elUitr team. It d ds aotnelhlng lo the boji wl.o iTtfted In tlekeu, bewcrtr. There * aa a 'good lopply aU over town. ‘ id Ibe broken were even adver* ? ? , , , !

I K '------- Ing ab

liven an off-day, 500. vUlUng ; wpapcrmcn, a lobbj-ful of baae- I oUleUU, ond a IttUo aUmuU- n. ll wat inevitable llu l Ui* rum- , would bo flj'lng by nIghUalL \ i m wai too lanustlc. 5 [«“ "

Umplcs: (1) Bill Terry will move p lsrc« D lho Giants' tront olflce as gen- to flll I manager. Bill McICecJinle will sliow* ve Ul# Bees lo Uke hts place, and Turner abbll" ilaranvlUe irtll manage I Bees. (2) U rry MacPhall. who po»e enlly quit as vln-prtsldent and «ould leral manager of Uie Reds, def- putilcr ;ely will (a)_ljuy Uie Browns wlUi ju a rd t inch Rickey, tb) uke over Uie ^er o r ' Igen, (e) buy Uie Reds, (d) Uko pmnk ' T the Toronto club, (e) get oul ^icewo:

baseball altogether, and (3) ends. I ririr r>T -<i-n »ni leave Cincln-.lir,<«rt. 1 and manage Uie Cubs. halves.. .__________ te t •

• Oth?ifunnleil-m in ot Ihe.day « U melt C rmon •'lefty" Gome*, Yankee John C tcher. Sehedoted to pitch the TUmer. eond game, he arrired a t the Bui.Cr ibboBae among Ihe flnt. He waa price.Id a t ence tbe pm e w u olt. .

- a n yoB tmaglne that!" h e ' m : i „ k e i “Called eff aa jiccOBtit of, nihlne? Uliat do 1 do? I go W me and worry aU night. I don’t t a wink ot lUcp and then I get > and ge to a refUaranl and I Tn,o v i der Uie blgteat lUak In lhe »e«. Boy, I flgnte I'm Jfally uuffft-o nna have power ont Iherr. And jhunp], u t happeni: They caU c lt Uie th* mt U'gamo.*' to oot.

i P i t c h i it f . t f t f , t f t f ^

dge Batt" ' F i n t W

OP—Selkirk's homer tcores / I r s t ru n o /J « r f c j . r / i c Y o n -'K «» dreu>7frs( Wood fn f h e ” ^ "fubtcaif” ba iebalt baffle with the Giants on this M i hom«-run-bii George S e lk irk - ^ fft the third inning of the l i n t game oil CarlHubbell. « • ' acB O font pitcher. But i t ■"'J icfljn’t crioHffft, /o r fh e G Jan fj KioK Q io 1. Selkirk

shown crossing the plate. VS. with, Red Rufling, Yanftco pitcher, congratulating Mm. « fo n c u jo f jf /ic C fa « fc a < o h - R r j er. -;%»

GHT — Rookie sensation (ftroicn out. Tcrrv,' Giants' w(A manager and fijfst baseman, K V

loftfe fhroiu bi/-' 5 fto r(sfop & Dick Bartell lo put QUt Joe ^ DlMaggto, Yankee rookior Irom the Pacific coast, fn b the first inning of the loorld , M le rlc i opener flt New York. rfte umpire is Gelsel o f the r a iljn c f lc an Ic f lg u c .J /p )P i2 f< y

ruins Ready for 1 Idaho Falls lilt

Wl------- Ntw

i r e f s Takes 2 4 Bruins on Invasion Whlcli Will I

Open Season I >. i>Keyed up for Ihclr fln l Uat c( Pl*)' e~.aMion.'Cbach.Haak Pow en' •"***' d I t Twin FallaJImlni will em* rk a t 1:30 o 'd ^ IhU momlng aP<^ r a ballle thli a flV oon agalnit rrosr M b Red Jaeoby'i % Ten eon- ball nnee T Ip n on ihe\daho Falli L .,Idlron..-. ' \ s ------tthouKhadmlttedl}-nolmvtngAA < » ’.h a machln'o as opened tho | j U f I fcnson for lho Bnilni, Powers _ , . nlghl casuilly Intimated tha t I) n g e n will have Ihelr hands full ^I altemoon and u ld that "the i-wlU-bein-thrirflghtlngreteiy — ^—luU. We're golns to win as many '----- -KS as M can this year." BUI

N .U S..««H ,O L.---------- S “ J 'r :n though lhe team li nol.a.<- •Olh a'm iehlno as lu 'i yrnr's ^^d 1 regatlon, Poa-ers reporl#^ that aRgregatlon 1* jitrcncrr in nil U5.y, four posltloitf. Tlie guard' h»« ihowlng lop form, enri. have ^yjj,

1 strengthened eonilderably. Bill ta U more powerful lhan ever at tackle, ToVe eiaUr has increas- ^tils punllng. paulng and plung- j, ablllly al fiiUb.-iek and Cliace

E" Anderson h bigiter and bet* j j ^ y lhan ever a l half. jjoiciK-wd conaldenbly U Uie tower- .Bob Milts a t right tackle, fled ,

ler Mallon at quarter and Ihe „ king wlurd CUiiiIe Mlddlelon al it half, although rtplaeemeni Y n are showing up well. And rill out tbe leam. Mac Hopkln M prcipetfU of filling up Ray g „ r t ner'a shoes a t the pivot post. ^

fiUrter* Named Tli#5»ers lasl nljht lald that he Mr. ai Id sU rl Hopkln at center. Rnj' I cier and Kenneth Eke'en at C a / i , rd t J i t e s anlelthcr EllU Oard- ‘JV * -’ or Wa^-no Stokea a t Uckle* and rri lk Perrlne and elUier Sherwood 1 1 iwonger or Willard Bpeneer al I. Backs will be Slater at full, anon-and-R ank-Csrpfnlrr nt,},i-}t-» •es and EIIU Andreas at-ijuar.

Boih 1th?rs making Uie trip are Em- „orlnc l.a ib b . An5l lllll,-Raji-MUX j a „ n f1 Quallf. Art Tnnmer, .Wajne ^ ^n tr . ner. Bniee Painter. Carl Lowe. . .Crockett, Bud Boolh and Dud during

tlon fm__ — — ' •______________ .lyrcenj

i l w a u k e e i B r e w c r s llo atar

Win ‘t i t t l e S e r i e s ’------ ------------------ class, r

JPPA1.0. N. Y„ Oct, 1 i-V; - Iton, IMilwaukee Brewers of lhe Am- Benoit,in ftiioclallon orerwhelmed the Chaur.ta’o Blions, International league cla.\.i,nploni, a tn I. tonight lo n1n U w rcrmu# tT)rId lerles. four gamea Hoiuf.o t ' , ■ • ■ McRia


ing Advt f t f ^ , . t f t f t f

t i e T o ^W o r l d S e r i e a P l c t i i n

B a c e b a l l . ' ~ | G o (

T o d a y — ' i n

wilb fair wealbar foreuit at i«w York Ihe Newt U prepared0 present Ihe poalpooed aeeond MM ot Ihe GUnt-Yankeerorld series on lU big baaeball Ufl «ard loday. sUrtlng a t 1I:U « m.A rompleU pletore ot e v ^

Uy lo Ihe annual elaatic li tor- at i Jsh e d -b r tha board whleh-h t s y i : e c ^ by AMoelaieif Prea* high- peed wire mtt lec frtrni tbe Polo rosnd*. acen* ot today'a baae* all eonfllet. ^ p

I Inger ' : — day a

uhlShotmaker Drives For Ace tSI -ALCleanJLakes.MS"

------- . .onlytflBUHL. Oct. 1 - AnoUier ihot- Wcki etker eniered golfdom's hall of Alblo int) lodayw iitn ' H enryT Jiiik"" lost-omInesar, former Buhl high rcliool to ttii! id lowa.SUU-coUege .aUilete. * ?0 iickcd 5 Ut K hole..ln one on the college5-yard nuiiilier five hole' ot Tmta r Lakei Counlry club course, havhigWlneiur, playing with Rupert *hUe illllnm'-3ti of W er and Pretl UaU ofono of Twin FalU, drovo the tlonallyr Ultte hole shot with a Jive »nd anm for Uie third ace ever accom-. AlWoi shed oi-cr the 33*par coune, ' year, SC n Ohleld-1 bf Duht aeed the lamele three yean ago and Jim RTirt of Buhl scored Uio tccond VANIle In ono on the niunber three WlUonle of the courre Iwo yean ago. P'Playing hU iecond year of golf his airice he took up the game lu l rlvef nir«n. Wlnegar carded a 43 for Wand9 nine holei. Stone was on« was Cyrr nsr with a 33 and Wllllim- _____1 shot ft 39. . ' " ni# shot was also wlUiessed by h h | -. nnd Mrr. Enoch Wall of Buhl.

)ccer Aces Pky K l To. Scorelcss Tie ^oc.fr tcwni ol T-*ln FalU Junlnr

111 yr.\ter(Iay'« exhibition game. ll teams- booted the ball Into H i l rlni; lerrilor}’ icura l Umet, but C S I

[ n r . - - ------ome room teams are pracUclnf . W S Ing the noon hour In prepars- I for the annii«l toumamenl be- • Ven th? Red an<i_\vhlic.riiviiioM___ _ fitudenls. The toumey Iv slated »tart nexi! Mond.iy noon. ylayeni In y«lcrday> game were: • X rr.'iice Lundln's third pe.lod • / , s, Pallon, Lowe. Bpeneer. John. /1, Lojan. U lham. Mott, Ion;i. olt. Shepherd. Tyler and -Oott. iur.cy Abbotfs special period .1, Trelkelf}, Slettler. Jenkln*. ircnee. Fuller. Calwrt, Ballj'.Uf. RoberUon. Hansmgi Cr»«. u a and Gclsler. 1

IW8, T w m F A iia , niAHO,.M

vantage* t f . t f t f t f «

rSouth cj r e a




ss::CalialOtrtn— ■ ■ . , rotdtuiiu t i

^ ■ • a ' A■ I * ; ; <] Kary:

ustI u . »

W K . ^ i S g l ^ J SSL


' It.'' V w '

M lg iM lL if lB BBW w . Hralh! r nuh l, / v V ^ T B E i W H i « i g < l » ] n o o



| H B | 1= = = = = = i

looing Bobcats ''"’IPlay at Albion,

_ , . s

olleglans V ie. lo r D lslrlc t J i i Honors In Annual Fool*

ball B attle > . t>mp:_____ Chlr,

_A Lni01|f,.0et.ljr-_fi«Ui Cm .n l ldab o 'i.u u m l foolbaU'taDd,. ctween Ccaeb Oem Parbern'* { j ji? loedlDg eoUeg* Bcbcali and loaeh Orrllt* IIdII-i Albion Nor* ^ u l PanUien. will awing Inlo be- u , lg on lho Albion gridiron Batur* ctibs ay aflrmooti. Carle'trh* battle ihU year U Kheduled be Uie hardest fought In hUtory tho ta-o oultlU are rated «i be*

{ fairly ewnly mached. With t h, werful outfit for the flrat tlm# “ -many aeasonj, Uie BobcaU tore- -U»-gam*-all.Uie-way-l«l. w eek.-TO ? ly to drop an 8 to 0 decblon to the U l eolletfe Vikings. ™Mblon to date has won one and t-onp.-dropplng a-15-to 0 opener till! College of Idaho anil frorlng 20 to 0 win over Westminster :le»o of sa il Uko Clly,

Tne BobcaU aro henldfd u " ' ’J'® vhig ft heavy powerhoust attack. ' „ lUe the Panther offensive con- . u of an avenge line, an eicen- . nally light but apecdy backlWd , d an array of aerial talent. A f i l ' Ublon won the annual game laat ir, 20 to d.

STUDENT PILOT KILLED C. M MNCOinrER. D, C., Oct. I WV- Underllson Edwards, 23-year-old ilu* dent ant pilot, w u killed todiy when preildcI alrptan# /ell tnto tho Fraier Memoier near the Civic a l r p o r ^ Lulu day atand 13 miles soulh orlVere, He occulcJ Qylng alone. 100 i t i

h H


e Gain<t f t f t f t f ^ t f

Central 1' Jhis )Yeek's f GRID games!(N «i» I m aUkt iin f ; htmi (um mixl nn t throuilioui: ,im >rorti „

IV Boitd la parmlhoMl.ntlPAT, OCTOBtB t

X K S i S ^ S l S r ! ! !

- - ,rA» WMT ( o c r . :). C. U A.-U«n(ina U i ,ti>|(lu <NJ

iATUMAr, >

: i E i ’ 0

LUaneva'(lS-ll)*l)rl><ili (t>*1) Vllt*. plQi KAIT (UCTODCn 1) M

rtnr-Wa ih. ,

i ls i lE u ila e 7-T,ri,- -~ w l!? “ vw£krtmouia «>)>Vtnnont (0) lUnoirr l i r xdtiam L M. (1) _ N n Yoik W .utiid'ARihmi . . ... Cifflbrim I f l . Cte<i <lil>rroiK<nc« II) WtrcHltt H ’ •nhattaa <U)>NU|m (1) Krw YorkirT-OavUiOB - ___— AaDipotlt |ran («).UIij»ll« (») .PhtUdilBbU i't" (/) lantaa (tt)>niltUmt ll) niacelea iraeuu lll)>CUrluon (I) _trracuMili-Cotntll ______ ____ i»«w IliTCB

UIDMrUT (OCTOngK )) Bn I. (ttl-truti. (It. L.) « ) .Clucnpaliaichlita |i)-Kl(>i.‘iirTu>'AnB.Aik«r

lOUni (OCTOIIRR 1) .abima (U)-cteinwa (•) ..TaiMtona , »eflda>Tti« Ciudii „ . .._a>i>imuu An9. Tt(b <U)-lmnre (*) ___aiUnUuiluckT-Vlrilnla Mllllirr J.ulB|lon 'fir . J«).f«Bnw« (l») Clut>el IIIU [I"Car. II. CIMV. ror. (I) lUIilih IK) Bai

'. Carolina <N-Dul» «1> _ ColumbUlUne (0}-ABhurn (10) . .New Otleaai ..u rolr (#)-«if}tind II) ..n u n tk i U'« as. * ttirr (tD)-vininu id Koriou eni

BouTiiwm (ocTonut ii Eq lU. A. A ai.-xani. tlal* ..StUlailft that . MMh»dl>t-Ttut A. * I. -lUlUl X CMli. (IJ)*AikanMt l» n . WofUi MUl

rAR WBIT (ocT ontii)) elgn iiii. (i»).*i. (0) — ntikdcr beco

HI. (HJ'H'lllimttli l*> Mllliixl in . mllirrn Cal.>Ort|on Lei AaitlM , aihlniloa (ll).tdiho I*) _ iratllt WlU uhlniton ai.'Sttnrord _..riillman "PlOCKY MDUNTAIN (ocTontn 3) mau£ ; r a .} K ; r i ! ^ f f ; ; a ^

aUNUAV. lacTontn <i KiU .au CUu»-rortUBfl U. _ _ * » b Joit J.ftr

--------------------- Ihe

Vhite Sox Win :0verGubs,5-ii|

im e r ic a n .L c a o u e rs -C a p lu re ..

Opening G am e o l

C lly S e ries

TIIICAGO, Oct. 1 m - a d .•ago'* huiting While Box picked ip loday where Ihey lett elf two rean ago, and with Vemon Ken* ledy permitting Ibe Cobi only oor hill, belled oul a S. to I Irl* imph In lho opening game of Ihe .‘hlrago elly ehamplonthlp lerlei, t Wriiley field.Delayed a day by yeiterday'i n in , „ #-«m»*WM-played’beforo~orily ‘ J J14 fam who saw Jimmy Dykes' _ hlte Sox cnm *11 their punch Into *1 .0 Inning, tho flfUi, a t Uio expense F big Bill Let. who sUrted for the *■

ibj. .to (scoro t i r theft runs. Tex U irlelon. who replaced Leo ifU r t; e luity firth, was a flno- pllcher. s :Idlng only two hlU and striking t six baUmen In four.Innings, but e best tho Cubs could do against rnnedy was a run In the iilnlli,ired wilh Uie aid of an error. ' __Tlie Mrles tcene”w]ll movBTo mlskey patk, (he Sox stronghold, norrow. with Monte Stratton chtng for. today's viclor*. nnd lo n ameke, the Cubs’ old rrilable, rking for the Nniloital leaguen.4eore by lnning>; R.II.E.hlU Sox......MO »U 00(M 6 1ba ............. COO 000 OOl-l 4 1 .j;Kennedy anil Sewell; Lee, Carle- n I ahd HartndL ,,

• _______________ Il

g r e e m e n t E n d s .

S t u d e n t W a l k o u t '

^ .^M P B E L U "^ iJct. L t , n ' - f der an agrrenirnt betaeen lUi- C It alrtkera snd Um tdiool board ^ ildent, clashes resumed todiy f t taorlal high school atter ft four- r alrlke hi whkh police on' ontf u lo n dispersed approximately I ItudenU allh tear g u bombs.


SR t l9 8 6 _________ ' ■

ed By 4r t f t f f t W

I d a h o G it f f t f t

Football Gan Be Played'

Fields Iir h r e e T e a m f l T r a v e l T o

C o m p e t i t i o n ; I

________________ M e e t I d a h o

o il to l i l t lo o tb B ll w a n a s a l n . S ro n so ld ie rs w ill a e e a c t io n o n 12 > clng p la y e d w i th in t h e d i s t r ic t ilBce o n fo r e ig n so il.

H e a d lin e r o f t h e n u m e ro u s c o n t ) a t t lo 'b o tw e e n B u h l I n d ia n s o n d I le ld . A B ig T e n c o n fe re n c e a t t r a c i o d # y - l f M h e T i ls t r ic W s T x p e c te d : t -------------------------- ------------- * tq I

Ifonien Advance E To Semi-Finals •'s

_____ P io rI u t

! r i i i s l i C h a m p io n a n d 'T h r e e ""4 : A m e r ic a n s B a t t le l o r im >

U . S , G o ll T i t le i i s

B u jn t r r , k . j , ' o e t i m ) - « « «Amerlean golf leemed headed «*-. day te r i l l tecond International final ot the yew a t P aneU (Pam) * '" • Barton, iloeky .BrlUsh UUaholder, ‘"j?* and th n e Amerleani advaneed to the K m l.rina lt e t Ihe V. S. wom* en 'i goir ehamplonshlp. ~ Tn Equally probable w u Ihe prospect ***J5

h a t tho lB»year-old tltU n-halred ; lU f Barton, Uie m oit le rlou i for- ® , Ign Uireat since Enid WlUon, might ecomo the f ln t Invader In 53 y ean 9 carry the (rophy a crou the big rater hole. . •'Pam- was Joined In the penuUt* , ‘

nato round by Marlon Mlley, a ' ^ lack-halred youngster from the lufl g n u rrglnniflLIzxInglnn^K)f.T‘ p in t U U )0 n Hemphill, who only a few e a n ago w u Uio No, 1 player on ^ . he ColumbU, 8. 0 ., high ichool u r r loyi' golf team, and th« -v e (en n >Uureen O rcult Orewi of Engle* rood, N. J . a fUuUUt fl y e a n ago. ,

In tomorrow't matches MUi Bar* goo( on will meet M ist Mlley. and MUa _ _ lemphlU will play Mrs. Crtwi. ........ .......


"Wiien You ', .

T h e L a r g e s t - a n d - M o a t I

m e n t o f G u n s , i n S o u t l P r i c c s Y o u W i l l L i k e t o I u l a r R i f l e . f o r S p o r t s m e i

F r e s h S t o c k o f S h e l l s f o

“ W E H A V E T H E G l T H E P R I C

HNBUHEB y B u y in g a S h o lg u :

llO -l’O -If in iid 12 G a u g e S in g le HiD ouble B n rrc II ( J u n s ...................H c iie a te r S h o t ( i u n » .................... .A u ln m a tlc S h o t U u n n ...................

t D O N ’T B

C o le m a n G aso lin '

C o lc m n n G n so H m

C o le m n n C n m p

T H IN G ! G a lv .in iz c il C oa l

______________ H oc!.s ....................F i f e ~

B n r ic y Fork 'n J S W • r o t a t o F o r k s ' -

t Snw.s ............... ......

C h o p per.^ ..'.........

C u t t e r s ............G ood A la rm c iw k .t

Dianionil Han

Giafflf[rid B i l

f t ■' t f t f ' I ; J B

mes To J . OnNin^i;! n D istrict

Fo Foreign Soil K a ^ Bruins To f? :

10 Falls

I, Soulh Ctnlrai Idaho'a itid- 12 f ro n ts today, n in e g u h e i ''

c t w ith t h n e m ore to t a l i >

sn te s ts Is th e a n n u a l gnigga d F l ie r W ildcats on th e B a V I rac tlo n —th e only one p l y e d • d '. t o n t tr a c C 'h i in d r c d ir u r iu is '0 th e W est E nd d ty . to ^ W t- i less in a c tio n ooe of tb e m o s t ' ow erfu l c om binations ev ib lar: e p re sen t F i le r a n d t . dtH ci ion« .entiy.-from.Buhl. w h k h ^ tA ^ ate ^hat thown eonildnaMlIX trength. - • . ,PolnUng for the FUer tUt, C o i^ ,

loyd Bowen girded h it n in io n ^ u t evening,'madt no prtdleUoMV nd'mado It pUln Uiat Buhl would::Ire 'Ih t in n d e n ths btUlo e f l b t t j n i . in n U r, Coach Jimmy 0'B il*a^ ecreed h it team to be In egetlliak 'v liape after a week o( hard prae«.':i; iee-and-ialdi-KWe-hftre-ft-vtUr Minded alUck In boUi pan ln i aDAl'/ iinnlng. We txpeet a hard-iune .t-' ut will use only enough ilu tr . to ln .-8«v*n l-nM rrta 'h»v t becntl^ lowing up well and wlU imdouM-- illy pUy mueh o t Uu tune." ■

Bnilaa Havt Cbaac* <Twin falU-Bnilni wlU opea th i t r ' : : ;aion loday a t Idaho FalU. Gea> rally n te d u the underdop, Uie.i': ruuia havs been drUllng bard tbi''.^ u t week and are glren a ebanc* >> uim their more cxpertc&ced foe* len. Th'o n n u , whll* IV u b*tinen; ;1-0 Big Ten conftrtne* ttami.,«Ul ; ot count u one ot th t Bniioi' eeo* > rrtnco tUU, b u tJ u t beeasltcntd: conterence game for the ‘ng trt. '

n l! 'an fa lii Beayera tn d a n f a re r^ .■> retum with ft cosftreDc* vie* , iry under Uielr- belu. -•Two Glau A, non*BIC'TeB, coa« 'j irenee tliu are on th* bU); Op«n« : lg their aeaaon on hom e-cnbid, •. ioodlng genaton a n p lc i^ to •",

......{CooUmief - c a J P * * # ^ ’-™ !U r

rH IN G " IrANT- iW a n ili" I

t Complete A sso rt-ithern Idaho — A t \) Pay — Every Pop- 1* len—and a Strictly “i to r Rifles.------------------- |

G U N S - AND [CES”-------------------------.j

---------- — I

SANT CONTEST ;gun o r ShellnD a r r e lb .............9 7 .2 5 up

.................................. . $ 1 9 3 0_____ .... . .„ $ 2 4 .9 8 and u p '.................... f S 4 .9 8 a n d u p

BE WITHOUT lOD LIGHTlino " ^ | « A C ............up

$4.85 Tp ! $4.40JGS YOU NEED

.........65c ■■i:,:z :2 5 c ......... ..7.5c

$li49....„98c ^

.......:1..75c^ .

....::...89c .

dware Co.T ^ l

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

M a rk e t’s O b se rv e rs ^

5 ; , 'N o l e U n d e r to n e o l ; I S 1

•■‘Q u ie t C on fldenoe

l : : ! i , — . ! S !

:;ij[»RKET8 ATAaLANCE||_ V w R W O R a:. o e t. 1 (iP) - . 1

)- «pclu-P lnB i< iuIet#eI«V tT 8 ,

* 90B ^ •> U ln d : tfomutle \V itm tum jr; im itn B emUe.• Ootb - top rw ed ; » few ip«-

'eW tlu »U rplr np. _ p^,,CMchi nt o — I^wbtj montt

:poaBd.f»inehunlt,nlW er<Iown. “ njn i.iebU oo: T o y »te»dy; « U tb ;e m i n t u d tn d s boylsr- . jUfHp B o ftr; B>«Iy «te»dr; h r iX ^

: '>Cot(n — Lorer; forclm uD - - ;

OKIOAOO: y ir; •,'Wliiat — irreiuJM: Wlanipe*

!»““ J S ’

' « -

B r IBCOEBIOK QABONEB j t j l ! ’''jCtaniiUted T n u PUuncUl w rtttf) 3,4, ,

JJIW VORK. O et 1-B u y en ig- 3, , , , ' noK l the tuu tl itoek nurkei l«Tor> «: ... i4 tH tn U r tn d m m m through the 3. ... o u t pUklaf up a v id i Maortm^nt 3, , , ,

(pecUlUtt and tome flL*. aetebaodlM , h n n tm plenent.uid , ’xtQ equipment sh tt tt . ■ , v , ,' O enenllr t n undertooe o( QuUt ‘.tflpfldenee In the bull mum w u ^ „■ 'W M b r m uket obK m n. But ~ ”

' Tloui-iewloat remtlned t d n # on '

S -.lti ruL * ^ '■ ^ T ^ U o o i dropped ta >,1«T.170 3;4i;< ■ i ta m from I,SM,W the d i r be- 3U i4ir<e«.-Th#-AiiocUt«d - P r m - tTer---------W o t to itocki w u one<teolh of ,'*• potat hlfher t t 87.7. TTiu* the ne i i ntiTOw n n c e it tetlUd Into tR « r- t quiet;

ip n rt l u t W u rd ir <» the fnnc u .7j . d m ln iU ^ m o re w u prolonged. lUadj

■ U ^ ’ T^aden W»lt M4J0 ■I U 107 tn d e rt itemed to think tUtd}

better part 6 t wisdom w u to B u t i M t tn d lee aner the fortlpi ex* s t. 1

: : th a n p nurket f ttu m i to mote Quick ..oo tin tl condition* tnd • E u r o ^ num. ;;tppr»U ilf of J h e fianc'e poilUenj -'.ctn .be judged more clearlr.■. c ^ f o r

’ iharec. in- _: • 'C Jeartafftw ayof d lr td e n d trre tr- ,: .*C*» itn tlo ed a buUUh nurket la- " ..J? ;'floenoe.- Bulora watch touched a ,aew petk and flnUhed a ii higher ■u the comptnr ordered payment of on preferred aeerualito p a n the war for dlvtdendi on »

■ ^ * S S if i io m o U W pfeJe’rwdtd.- -nnced 3 tt on ’ncwi lufflclent com- mon itockhoJdera h td aoented to 0 *“ a nom nU atioa pUn to permit the nipU

A tonpanr to leefc cour t conllrmtUoD.

B A R S U V U 9» »J• NBW VOBK. Oct. 1 W) - B tr to JM lU m tle tdy tn d unchinged at et«W

. « « ' • ■ ^ e , s rUONET

: la w T O B K . Oct. 1 ( n - CtU mhci a o iu r Iteadr. 1 per cent tU d tr : » ^ n Prtffl* ecmmeicW ptper « per i t « t cent: .time lo tn t itcadr. M d a rH noa tb f IK per oent; banken tc - uniett

' ceptaneei unchtnged. RedUcount Uta tl n t ^ N. Y. m e rre bink. 14 per

■ ' ro i tn O N EXCHANQC • moiitt HBW TORK. Oct, 1 W) - Por- colore

• lA 'c w tn ^ d e e U n e d In nUtlon rx k 1 to -tba doIUr In foreign exchtnge deallna t o ^ aa rraoc« neaied chlekt

denlutU oa of the tnxteftmne.

Cloilnf New York rates: m n c e »hlte■ demtndr4.M; ctbk* « « : lU lr de- rming

mand 7J0 cablet 7J0. M oalh tl In dackj M V York :0M1 9/l«: New York geese In M ontm l. W 8 m .___ _______


TWINFALmflARKETS'!:^ts * Twla nil* dUttiel Burtrt tm- ^

• m m ock B9 tu

p s r = = K i s iSii."YMrllBC ItaM iM.M 771 BprUf lu n ta '---------------------- VM

roBitn encUiiUt« pnc* M ruc&) M lo

glS 3fc."U V ,i“-_ = :K „Osl«r«d hnu. usdrr 4 pounu le SAttfo n ? r ^ t m .“oTer« pouixl* _ IMCotorol ftrcrt. to 4 Ibt. ___ Uc -Uthattt Trrm. o»rr ] lb»------------ lie —3JHl*«lwn broUen. J5i to 2 Ibfc----- IM cll«»

<S Om— r - POI

I mrfuct lurker o L e«a pile*--------------Uo 10 :oe _JlUltCTfH. «0. l --------------------VcnutUTKI, Ho. 3 ____________ M

tr. a. a m i Hottii«Ru. n». n0 . e. a m t wontmu. no. _ i u i »l«djBmill ItcOi, Ko. J l ______ U.7) lr It'a a tii IU*. No. :• — o .« lo mjo g>;

J l ”-!? ” “ «•“ “ couQnio aad nui retd extra

lt«tiU Prlea v nK«* eemb boarr. tw to r -----------U« ^ ^

" U m w a o w a ~ ^ ';^ ' .T i" . "rw na n i( tr

S ™”!i - ta o o c rtm h

. c i“JluHB-. rueh mry■uutr. cmmerj «0o ^ «o 3.4I i«** ■ “ Z7C , 1,, FVmr R«Jl

■ '"'i* n e u —p - *■“ ,

' A ■ 0 - I

S to o k 'H a r lc e tA v e ra je j ®

tauUtd t>T Thi Auodilrf n w ) V^ ’" S O » U i

.. . Jn<Jli Itill'i tu i'i BtotU t etuBi* _ .4 J —.J I,r S - S 5 S! V.. K j r j f _ - S : ! s : S J S i

i li? S11 lo* ll-J 51» aottratol In rcceal wtn: a i e w _ i i J n n « iw » biih - j t e j m » 110 iH.i IT Io* _ # ! ;« __ K3 a n e u

-T rend of S taple Price?NEW VORK, Oct, 1- n t e Asm- Ited Preas weighted ‘Viholwale’ '••Ice Index of 35 commodities loday nnced lo 81J7. 'Prerlouj day 81.18, »cek *80 81.18,)Mh tgo 80.U, year sro IB.M. e - g lUDge of recent ycnrt:

»M1P}5 1M4 1M3gh ___ 81.47 78,88 7t.9l 6SJ3>W ^ . ^ 1 3 1 UM C1.M 41-00 ____g

'cOVEE.VStENT,BONDS | £NEW YORK. Ocl. 1 (<T) - Bond lOUUena: ‘

( t ^^HS~Z'. Z Z . Z ^ ----- 108-17 A[ii«i c,« .84 ________ — -------- ."3-31i» 48-58 ’— I----------------- l '- -» Am C»i

S I ' S ' t t i S i ' t i z i i i s rIt 4f _________________ IM. Am tm!il 41-48^ZZ__________ lM-11 A™ "Tf'

;s 49.33 _____________ - lM-14 AtehiMi

! S = = = = z z = K 5 - . ; ; a _ ----------------- :

;s 81*M — _____10<'2* Cm* thJVdmU Farm Mart*«re c b « a

4 7 ---------------------------- *W.8 Chl M un ______ ______103.31 0 n I *

____... • ]Oi?q Clirj»lcrOiiiieti i o * n ~ -------

A H --------------------------

^ ' m TTAU ■ ilP(BW YORK. Oct. 1 MVCopper gulel;-electfolylle-apet-and-ruWreij,MTo»7«: export M,77!4. Tin barely tri« n « ly : spot tnd nearby 845.79 to m -, future 845J0 lo 8U.40. Lead a „ ,5 i *dy; ipot New York 14.61) to M « : omtm: s t au LouU 84.45. ZIno duU; East . LouU ipot tnd future $433. ooodrMi ilckillver IH to.883. Iron, aluml- aoojjtti m. tnllmony, platinum and wolf*BSlU unchinged. u m t w

_____ Hup? ICOTTON

I w u Irwfulir today wllh ear- to idTtnces followed by reactions Ktnnteo

Icfr were psrtUlly recovered tn u t i m e-tradlnj. ' u»iiiieMjecembef. »«er telling olf from 33 to 13.07, cloied a t 13.18 with utw uri » general market 1 to 3 polnU w |- o ^i W t o . . . ffiSr------ ----------■ ........... Hult-U

cniCAGo raoDUCE U;‘ g j JinCAOO. OcL I m Butter: Re- {j;| ^ pu 10,383 tubi; Iteady; cream- Ktt tm r^pecUU <8J eecre 53 to 3JWc; N J c* iru (93 ) 334c; extra flnU (90- I SIK to 3te; flnU (88-89) 30li NorUm JlUc: standard* (90 centrallied :loU)S3e...- -:gg»! Receipts 5 r3 cues: ateady; = = ira flnU local 28c. ctra « U e ; , »h graded flnU local Mc, cars * f “ * lie; cuTOit recelpU a « c ; re- “ lenlor lU ndtrds 35Hc; relrlger-» a l r u 38c. I---------Poultry: Ure, 1 car, 19 trucki; - . p settled; hens 4H poundi up IBlic; t thsn 4« pounds 18c; leghorn S —— ns 13fic; springs 4 pounda up, ( rmouth and whllo rock l»c, color- CHIC Tl»He.-ka* thnn 4 poun4i-PJy- -«PoUl luth rock ISC, whllo rock HHc. tnck : lond 13c; Plymoulh snd white o«l: b« :k brollera 18c, colored I5c; leg- dertone m chickens ISUc; bareback <lo«; 1 lekens j:c; roosters 14c, leghorn aett Bu x ten ISc; turkeyt 18 to lOc; old dlllon cks 4ti pounds up 14‘ic, young 1 Ilte duck* 4!i poundi up lewc, »3J0; I ung colored 14!ic; small While Ruuet eks 14<ic; imsll colored 13c; old to I34i ess I3e, young lie. Colorad

_ 83.10 to- t o s ANGEtESTRODUCE N a l ) LOS ANOnjSS, Oct. 1 <;r) tPro- ice Exchange) RecclpU: Butter LOI jno lbs; cheeso none; eggs none. tOOEggs and pculltT unchanged.------DA)—Butler-1-93 tcore 36c; 2-01. oro 3J‘ic ;. 3-90 score 33e: 4 - ---------


CinCAGO, Oct. 1 W7 (USDA) - FAN nloas; fiuppUes Including truck eou: celpU htary. demand fair, mar- OD^iU it sleady. Carlot track sales — badt I alio M ib. sacks; Valencias: U. a. 10.80. t 1 Inch and larger, few talcs 75 ssm ]< 77!ic. Tnck sales leas than car- odd gcx

l*~ldaho Ulah iO lb. sacks, Vai- netdsy eUi, UA No. 1,3 inch ami Urger, then i lo 85c, msstty 80 to 83‘ie . Csitl

I norllierSAN FttA^'CISCO PBODUdE Smssy

BAN mU CISCO , OcU 1 (<P)(U8 *t««« K) - Butter, tcore! S»3-0i'ic: 01 good Ci JJSc: »0-3Jc: 89-32C, E gp and low cut letse unchanged. . heavyOnons, poutoes unclianged. quoted PouUr)': lU tts (Uve) 8 to IJc! n«day, rkeys (drrs.«ed) 7t to J8e. Others ‘« « f ichsnjed. CiUves;

_____ (jiioledEVAPOllATED rnU lT liMi

NEWYOmCOct-TlAvEvspor- ed apples unquoted. Prunes bare-

stesdy. Cnlifomla (J0-40j) 6>4 8?if; Oregon (3(HOs) 6Sc. Ap-

:oU bnrely steady; choice 13c;tra'cholce- 14nc;-fancy 15'ic; ‘sches ilcsdj-. sUndard 0‘jc; . r o nolco 9Sc; exlra cliolco O »i:iojc, W-1I<JieL.arUclca^uUUa&d.unchang> ICF-C?

. to Clio' • ____ _____________ up to I

SUGAR WJO;NEW YORK. Oet. I (-D - Raw Ing sotarwas'nncharged today ^ t WO o r r r -ir spots. Sale of 27,000 bags ot llRht filllpplnes. Jor October and No- above., mbeLtni7aljr£rtjcDorlc(l.at.thls,-el. tnosilyFutures closed 5 to S {»ln& net fl.-eak :n r . Sties 9350 tons. tots tioClOfJng: November :.4i bid. Jan- oul bICrr 3.43 bid. Msrcl) 3.40 bid. Msy ter ete<1 bid, July 3.41 bid. Bepiember up to3 bid. cortimcP.etlncd was uncbinged a t 4.75 cutter:• fine granulated bul demand was fhrlli-'ht aod cnl>’ of t.rou ttoa char- to mpd

1 - . . ■

D I X I E D U G A N — —


g ^ B B f U l“ Ch«? * D7i.iM'‘ a j ’* a*'"*I cntimm ■■ • Uli iV.i JT{« lUdio <rlun C a n ____I« IH IM n«iDiMaC4f & w S0!> __^ 4liocotsoun M li i l dbiU li

s , s a i . — 'S i! ' n , i ’s »S ! \ T f r _ 4 3 '- S i j S " i

§ ! : S ' S S J SKhem aim SB'k es ctli fluutd c/Idd Meb 30 a>i »•« Sinm t

' ruk in t ____U'b U U lt atudib*.m>t b llKl* — lolk 10 10 T«SH C.diu) racitie__12 u u 'm s tam t .n i ^ — m ii IM!^ W ll T w ^

\ Se Ohio J I Z n j i n '* »?'* Uoioo ( u u t l '& p p l - . 3j( Hi ait t'Bloa JJ * p ________ II, J*, J), UDlt«dtier Corp ____m il I2li» Iilll tlBlt*d

oola --------- IJ15I m jji'.i U a IwB lH i~ l» )i «-a-Rua s — 'a ■!!! ‘ik?JUS!

a : g |! s :s 3 JX S i = ’!! 1!:

,ffl: .S l! ™ »‘n.n Kodg ^ n ou IO '. iMl.pawtr a r t i m n J t i nu^^tTi^^^IItte*ln n ------------18*. li l i Uli c«ntf»itom Ru6brt _ 3}(i *38 a . Citr sur*l Bk ____U li U ll Ul« PtctrloIn roodi ___ 401. !»>i *0V, neciTlom: Mai0« - _ _ - e tu eo*i iiecia klea Oo ■-.431, 4] ' 43U NtUooUDuit ■ 1]1( I3H I31| Nl*(tra

reac Rubbtr __ Utl UJ* a j i auntbtmW ^ u h b e r pf. n j , « | i « j j T*«b»lnI Horin R r 'p i~ 2t% u i* ‘ HI*I WNl B \iu . . . U1i Ml, U li sudi>nuy,-.,~~T ^ Mli «l4 5«li' Hole ll in » u r tS'.i M |. m iO 9

i!i-‘ i f S T i i , X A .SI;

S’*u a t p * p pf. 2ii; J(!i a4li TtieonUi >url raetlla _ 3U 31,. u \ Amertal )utl Paclllo pf_ S»» S>, sn Panswu«omK7 Wud _ 41^ 4l|« 4SU DaUonal( w&Kl ------- a>t & li' a i i AuburnI-Uotor U !i-)M .- m « wut*-}Cun net A _ n u J in »% n m p nDairy_______ » 3<>. 3«ti No. AmtDHUller*____« a ) , . »1, CurUu '

rovtr & Lft —. lili l l‘> 111.CetllnJ 4>ii 44>, 4l>i OCUbfT}«U *lltX d ._ 4 4 4! /UtOMljb Amir Co . ^ 3 l < i »U ' 11 Uarelt 1bttn^PKllW _ J 7 l , W iltd botor ___ I l'i Il’i lltl Uoustalim Publl*-------11 i:»» m i Waller I

r Vllh some second hands avail' beef coat 4.85. above;

—— -------------------- b g klnc ----------------------------------------1 cholco I

POTATO MARKETS ' S " t--------------------------------------- - Shesp

CHICAGO POTATOES IlICAGO. Ocl. I (^1 (D 8 D A) « " " )tatocs^RecelpU-88 carloads; on J*" k »4 ; toUl U. a ahlpmehU barely steady itlth weaker un-

one, supplies moderate, demand :; sicked per c « t Idtho Rus- OHIO Burbanks ftlr quality and eon- Hon: 1

m showing Immaturity 83 to *>th V ); good qualily tnd condition tdvtnet ); u .a . No. 1 IliO ; Wsshlngloi Keaty set Burbsnks U. S. No. 1 8iaS >08 hl| 13.40; combination grade 83.15; Pnmds wdo. Red,McClures D. a N0.-1 ) to 8IJ5; Brown BesuUe* V J k to • n i .9 $ 1 o 8 3 j5 ............ S te h ”

LOS ANCEU5 POTATOES fh o '" . o a ANOEIiES. Oct. 1 OP) lOa ‘“ra J** >— Poutoesjmchanged.- - -

'• Holdovt

LIVESTOCK M ARKETS » u u r t/relUble.

' ■ ■' held frtN tttANCISCO LIVESTOCK hid* lo 3UT1I SAN FRANOlfiCO. Ocl. I -lU 0 D A)-Hogi: 300; two lois- i« 183 to 300 pound Callfomlu >. top; psekage 140 pound aver- 00,^4 1 1.10J5; lew 385 pound* 1030; ^ . i j n , good sows up to 8M; Ute Wed-

Uy aboul'threo loads loc*l but- r» mainly 1055 to 10.40. ^Sllle; 175. haU load deslnbJ# w i i T Ihem CallfomU • 1035 pound n uy steen 7J50; good light fed i_ i , . . rs ouotfd around 8.00 to SiO; ”1 coxs quoled up to 6.50; bulk >»,. >,| cutters, cutlen 3J0 to 4.00; few ^ vy dairy cows up to 4.75; bulU V .u led mostly 5 .» dorm, Ute Wed- • , lay, t«o loads 8T5 to.705 pound ler hellers 6.75r llghUy soded. ies; 75;. good, choice svealer. “ ,w 0 led around 8.00 to 9A0. *;lieep: 50; good wooijktns quoted S „ i - lo -8 J5 ;- i» rt tleck-llO-pound I ? ; " - ' rt-wooled yearlings 8.40; sutdy, ^ d choice ewes quoled around 3iO

• rORTI,AND LIVESTOCK.ORTLAND, Oct. 1 on (U a D _ r 5 s , rUosK nectlpU.M iJKTiLflW ^uVh“ _Ml)iiMlet_ab(iut.el«sdyua94. cliolce 185 to 300 pound drlvelns tollCi;3»and3Hipound welghU _ ^ V ■0; few light IlghU 89J0; pack- f,,ht 1

so»T. mostly I8J 5; few hold- 52und r -fe«der-pln -unsold: 'thole# Mund* It feeders quotable to I8J0 and ^ ve., cutterattle: RecelpU .100; calves 60; bulU 3 fiiy a pedairrigmarketl'Rurulw hcaryl ik a t earlier declines eeattered c j kind holdovers nvalllbiei nm a with- (c« cal bids; cutler to common slaugh- nogs tteers 83.85 to HJO; fleshy steer* .ctlra to U2i; some held higher; few lo sc imon heifers $< to 84JO; low saiea 11 lerandcutlerfcowsl3J0 10 83.35; u lo lb' kinds down to ll.50; common weight npdlum co>-|.«.7S to {4;U;‘good Urgeljr


TMERSIDE A 8IN M I59 / \N 'T H £ T ' G A L^ IN,

IM E hr~EBIT 09 ______n s iu « •an R ____ u j i n u » i i »te*dy,nun lb* ---------S l , at , sm u n ew

a K . r . - S j ! S " 151!“ . . “”— Mjt »?♦ i> fleshy

mr Vacuum __ _ llll lij i u l [ •BT.JiU> CUit KUoa . IIU »<* W i ~CIcm:

ro u “ & ; . i = i i ; : i i i s ’ow‘!n

2 .?J ‘t i Aircraft — « n 3« l Jlji 4d Oa* * Imp. isn is«i u4i fered. (

lad ««bol l | j . 14|, 34h iu„b6

Kcs Uowa ___ n t i u^ i m u sUuihti

ctmBMAiturr------------- aSo-lo«nr T onr. oct. 1 ti^cJuib quo- ,w an-auptr r u w , ytariteix ^ u t - B ^ tM , , , Mi K ansuirlo aod B b m ____ a l iMO Bond aod B&ar* p{ ----- n i , 85.75 toa UlnlDS _____ __ I4)i lo U i

« S , iS l^e r“ I^* .— ........... . . i '■ M«i ^

SKCML VriRB LOS“' " M d T w a ^ " ' * W S3ti pn cent du* IMS iei>i lo 1* D A )-

0 9 p«r e n t to ii ateady;

It lno*Bban«___________ ^ J l Cattk

rleaa M*er aad U |bt I3!i »«er* I ms Fenr aod U ibt i4ii U r gra<ntlnifiui _____ t u to «].}jrtcaa Oai aad B.actll#-------« l i^ B i i c S l t ^ • . • ■ » |i ' a a ; su iir'ifS:;;:--------------— — •> * W-W.*®---- M** “BhejpAmcnean ArtaUoa------------ -H i calfedilu Wrlsht ____ _ (>i t l u

foUto rutnfM , „

---------- g s I- Mit-Uk* Mtoly ......... — OMAl

ntalB Cliy Oopp*r — rfJO to n .« Hogs: IItr UlaUg --- -------- I l « to | 1« ,

, ,S3 to lOc 1 cow*-quoUbI« to''84J0; and

!f. bulls 84J0 to 85; ouUUnd- S u kind* up to 85J0; vealen tcarw.CO light welghU Quot^lo to 89;ral loU a lre* unsold, under- ^

ie;p; ReoelpU 400; demand PM .Vi •ow; no etrly ules. asking stea- tr up to 87.50 or abon for good i lamhs: eood to'cholc* ewe* ^

ibtb '83 to -W 3i. « “ ;y“

CmCAQO UVESTOCK tnOAOO, O et 1 «0 0 5 D A ) - tn d J t s: 11.000: elostng mosUy ittady tnd n i1 W edneaday '* 'tvengerxartr ittekentnee lost on medium velghu. tteady* 17 buUhen and towi around mostlr higher. WelghU under 190 to«o tc

^6s 10 to 15c lower In In- bc ice*. PncUcal Ute top 10.40. « ( to p p r hogs cleared befon mar- la t j . 'wea]utiedrnw 'U(rto'':8( r ^ h d * c n lOJO to 10J5. eirlcuy ,ca 183 pound* 10.00 Ute. Ued- ^ 140 to 180 pound* fairly num- u l , . ,

IS-at U S to 9.00. ...Beat light Iht u m 9M. Bhlppen 1500, to w n 3000.sttle^ 5000; c tlres 1000; dosing , et on weighty steer* n th e r un- ible. Serenl loadt mainly kinds ” 7 , " l from Wednesday unsold with I lower. PJtsh arrlTals mainly dy. however, best yearling »teen 5; heifer yeartlnn 10J5; the ; 1580 pound steers 935; 1400 nd average* 9.65; fed steen and J” ™” rllngs telling in line with Wed- J* """ ' u y * closing tnde ; all gndes I strong to 35c higher; cutter common beef cow ugnenlty 10 OOD

150 higher; not much beef In R on: : ; mott Inbetween helfera 7.50 tbout 1 1.7S; wllh gnssers a t tSO down best bt IJO; weighty cutter cows up to medlun ; bulU steady a t 8iS dom but 810 doi venly lower a t 10.00 down; few .Catll }. tale, n tie«p 9000; fat lambs mostly lud es dy to weak: top natives to (eeder .11 klllen 9.85; bulk around 935 cows I t 9J0 paid sparingly by Urger |3.75 t reaU; moet western* 935; tort- down; » per cent and less: native and ]o( ge'owe* aJO to SiO mostly; feed- « i« i lambt reUUrciy scarce; quot- f^der

' _____ J car*

DENVER UVX8T0CK iD m a t. O c t .: Wl «o s - d - a ) attle: 1000; calWa 300; range ight«f-«h>-atock-prfrtnmlMltng; ^ . — idr^totetroR ft— olher—classes rr- idy, but Miocker? s a r te : few ts fa t steer* 6.00 to 7JXI; load BOBTC it fed steen ' 9.15; load 814 Dem*n< Dd fed heifer* 8i0; 3 can 80# ned te nd~grat*“Tielfen 8J0; o th 'cn8*le< i , to 835; beet cow* 4J4 to 5J0; loU of ler grade* mostly 3JX) lo 3.75; erally. Is 3J0 to 4 ^ ; top vealen 9J)0; pr;;e* 1 rycaivcanIMUT’BiOduaii, fattiten tJy- ilnd 7A0; tlock steen 4.00 to 5J». calves 535. _

logs: 1000;'7 tlnglea direct; m on DULi Its than early; buUhen strong tnck 3 5c higher: *ows-strong,;.tarly ber 3.0 a 185 to 350 pound butchen 10.- te 10.40; early top 10.40; other ghl butcher* dull: 'good sows POIf [eljr 9.00 to 9M i odd loU strict- iteidy.


________ D A N G E R L . , ..........

smooth slightly higher. | | l | ]Sheep: i t m Included tround ll/ in DO through; trucked loU f t t | | | H |nb* opened tbout tteady, b u lk _____Iter grtde 826 to n.w; Mme'held , {her; eommon 8.00 to 7J0; no rloU , sold, asking fully ateady; ' ne Interests talking weak; thecp ' ady, few common to medium na- fl ewes liO to 3iO; breeding ewes W hp.0 to 8J0; Ute Wednejday "bulklEi i t tim im u » “ ’J»; Csigr feedeu 8.00.

s r . JOSEPH U^XBTQCK ■ rr.JOSEPH,OCL 1 Wl ( U B d a ) i ;Icm: H on: RecelpU 3000; clos- (Assoi mMtly tteady wllh Wednesday OHK all-weight*, tmder 300 pounds' llreria

w and barely ateady. U te deslr- tncU a ITO.to 330 pounds $935 to 810: larged tll lot 385 pounds included' a t south* 1.10, top. influenI b ^ : RecelpU 8000, Umbs today. *tly steady; acattered loU sheep Pear rhanged. Load-llghUy sorted Ida- tober1 8935; no choloe westetns of- v t n c ed. One load unsold. TOp naUve month iba 89. Better gndes 88.75 to busheli

;atUe:'RM!pu” 9 0 0 ^ tle r gride United ughter *tten and yearllnp clos- winter weak to 35e loatr; kind* seal- per ce:

; over 1000 pound* mosUy 15 to i83S0.c ,-lower.'.Choice 1138 pound fed Expc en 8935; bulk fed 'steera-and wlieaf iriten-8»-lo-89-lncluding_led 740,000 n su a t 88 lo 88.75; mosl com- mklng A to medium westerns artmnd , rs to 87,80; bulk beef cows 8435 ' M35; few to 88; bulU mostly ' Rene to 85. "n)? vealen 89. Othera # cent

JO to 8850. eloaed■ compa

LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK JM ANOEUS, Oct. 1 (/P) (U 8 A )-H on : RecelpU 150; slow,

ady; b\ilk 810.75 to 811; best held

;attle: RecelpU 350; holdovtw.; quality, plain; *le»dy; medium , cn 87; cows 8 4 « to 8515; cut- gndes 83.75 to 8435; buU* 84,50 8535. com <Jtlres: RecelpU 300; holdovers j,u.),i;i ; stetdy; good w*ler* 89; a lves , M to 88i0. c l , . r,’]lhejp: necelpU-800; *teady;-lo- fed *hom Umbs 88JO; good ewe*

». ruled------- Prov

OMAHA LIVESTOCK es In t)MAHA, O clfU ff) ( U S D A ) - • ^ n : Recelpis-4500:~closed-fair1y iro to all InteresU; fully, steady n u tj 10c higher thsn Wedneadaj-. 'in- nM* up moro on 150 pounds J“ » m : small lot cholee 300-pomid ^c«a- IghU 89.75; top 810 on best buteh- im ; good and choUo 1«- fo 170 JJJJ jnd* 88.40 to P iO ; medium grades o>l>- m to 87.75; deslnble slaughter 3 87 to 8835: feeder pigs 855)8735, according to weight and r j» -

id; good light and medium weight r* 88iS to 89.10; stepped a t 89 e;-tllghUy.mU«l-IoU--to-«3S:- o « - ivy *0** down to 88.75 and un- ■; shippen lSOO. ^:ttUe: RecelpU 5000; fed steen Jan d je tr l in n slow, steady; bulls d vetlen strong to shtda higher; ^ liken tn d feeden *1ow, about ady; fed steen tn d yearling* C stly 8835 to 8935; few yesrilngs CHI 80 to 89.78; fed helfen 88 to 9; vheat Ik beef cows 8435 to 8539; cut- Con ■ gnde* 8335 to 84; few do ra tng; I -83;-bulU.aottly:.'84.7S.to.8US;. U ke. r IlghU and western* 84 to 84J0; 11.07 I sctkMl top vealen 87; *tocker Nd. 3 d feeder sleen mostly 853S to billing 35; plain yearlings 84 to 85. 11.07; Sheep: RecelpU-7500:-aD-cUMea no ,-s itdy; medium lo choice nngo umpli n ts 8825 to 8935; bulk torted OaU olce gnde naUre Umba 8935; odd k to •* mediums down to 88; “oul" No. 3 1 lives. moiUy 88 to .88.75; fed j9»; t

r lambs 8835; medium to 43c; l ewe* 83 to'83JO; bulk range no : ^ g lambs 8735 to 87,75; 4 can soy

ort term breeding ewes 101 pound Bari en m 83; 3-year-old ewes 15 and to B5< arling ewn to 88i0. 11,48


OODEN, Oct. 1 M>) fUSDA) - Clot >n: 100; no early sale*; few bids out steady: asking lOo higher on 811.03; I t butehen, or 810.15 for Biolce sllum wciglis; mUed drlveins n te 3 down; sows 87iO to 8835.CatUa: 800; about 800 for aucllon vheat le, mostly holdoven; slow; lim- northi !d early u le s ateady; few -plr.'n i.ojtj. Nier steen 85; common to good oat; ws Ute Wednesday and loday 4]>i, ,75 to 84JO; cutter gndes 83J0 wn; few bulU loday 84i0 to 85;;good.VetlEn.8#35,_______W aBheep; 4800; 93 hetd truckedln , (der Wtabs etrly 87; Wednesday • h i car* 81 lb. Idaho fat Umbs 88; out 2 load* 75 Ib. mUed UUh b d Bhs_87J0: ie « n t lots tnickedln gfcrel (den 87 to 87.40; about, dcck 89 ip p n _ f^ e n ^ truckedln. 87.35. . ^^onli

W6"oC TT!l“» t o n ! bet. 1 W) (U .6 D A) H mand for wool In Boeton conllii- d to be very restricted todty le« were conftned mostly^to tmall —* of fine wool*, tnd dealera gen- ally (ound It diffinilt to, obtain ;;es a t tha top of tha ranges re- „ ttiM ,U O U d _ — ^

FLAXDULUTH. Oct. t w v -ru x on; tck 3.0m ; October 3.01’i ; Decem-, r 2.0Hi: Uay 1J9'.». - | ]


. . 4 /


..............., ; I


W S iE S l_____ _ form

h e a t C loses I r r c ju la r a w S

C h ic a g o i.W in te r C rop ' f

— * c re aa e -£ n la F 8 e i)— J right

By JO«N P. BOUOHAN ?“ {; u*o^te<| P re u M*,fcet Editor) JHICAOO, Oct. I W ~ Big de-;ric» oh Winnipeg October con- “eu together wllh report* of en- ?* “ ^ domesUc winter crop acreageithwest. exercised * wctkenlnt ^lueneo of Chicago wheat value* “ W *Xf. ' markV an of ItquidaUon In the Oc- W t<<r wheat future a t Winnipeg "Vi» cxpresoed because first of the condln th deliveries touied 9,4D2JX0 of ytinels- Meanwhile, tn unofficial Uics«taate-placed - t h e - l n crease-ct (er-ttied S u tes acreage seeded to nothiIter wheat t.i amounting to 11 (uil <

aggregating catlliW.ooo tcre*. the largest in yem . ot Kaport purchues of . canadUn uoin e a r today-were-flgured-at-only>,000-bu»heU,-*ith-Oreat-Drluin____Jng but mtle.

Mtriiet Clow* Irregular p tencUng from adrance* of tbout :ent, the Chicago whett market sed Irreguitr, S off to *i up nptrtd wllh >-csterd*y* (inlsh,cember in i i -U . May lllH -S , t1 !^:y nsij.*;. com a t s declined to k-,jL.advance, December 93!j-H ,.uay jerosi - ’i , July 85H.08U '.i-S down, ,cember 40»;, and rye f lower to oaklllilRtici. Piuilsiulu lesulu Tfrletl r e wm 10 cents setback t t an-equal .. n.:om weakened after Issuanca of TlvunoKlcUl estimate tliat the ISM wUll

•n crop would loUl li»i97,000 ellngihel*. m is . however, was after- Ing lrd revised to l,499i97,000 bush- Uch',• r,’hlch compares wllh the fov- Uttleimrnt September estimate " o f l ? tlvo- 1395.000 biisheU. O'aU and o-efd euy with other gnlns. are *rovtslona mainly reflected Chang-In the com and hog markeU. On

— "■ eonfciHCAoe. Oct. I m-:. Cull« le a t- Cl»i» Klml : l.ll’i-^ il.ll’- iU lliU lU - 'iT i.iiu -lii.u iii.ii> ii.ii> i.> i liveT »!« »7U M'i-le WhUe

r s . ': g ! K i . t ;u t» - 4l'i 4«i 40«if 4|>. 4p [ «0>i 4lO tilt a

in . I l 'i ««, 37\ »*rd

S ^ ' ■ *9’i W'i W i J»» . MS 11'. 7J!, ■M'i XTt “l z „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N cr I t s !I:S I I S I t s

" " ue o „ _ _ . 11.43 New

V - - >»» unsei"ciUtAGO CASH GRAIN------^

: h ica o o . Oct. 1 Wl - C uh ISroleat: No. 5 mixed 81.13fi. Tn :om : No. 3 mixed 81.07 Lake bm.i: Na 1 }-elIow 81.07 to $1.07>j; 14 1ke-bllllng 81.071s;.Jio,i3_3-eIlow ^ n , 07 to g IM 'j; Lake billing 11,06;' to thI. 3 yellow 81.08 to 81.07'i: Uke ncling 81J30; No. 4 yellow $104 t t am e07; No. 5 yellow 81.03 to llJ)5«ij » « «p,~S-whlM!--Uke bl!llne ll,15!j; w *rnple gnde 81.01 to 81.05. ii^ot3aU: No. 3 bixetJ 4Ic; No. I whiu ani 1 to 48c; No. 2 white <J'; to45i;r.I. a whlte43'.; to 44!lc; No. 4 white

to 4Hic: umple gnde 40 to D n U ke bllbng 41’,ic,

No T)«.3of beaiu! No. J j'eJiB*- H.JftSarley: Aeiual sale 11.48; feed 70 vp

4 8 V m r rnmothy sm J «;■} 10 i s m . ; ^ w crop 85i0 to 85.75 ca t. ^Dlorer *eed 817 to t3 i cwL " i " [*rd: Tierces 811J5; loose Urd m;u, 1.02; i*llie* 813.75.

W ISN trtG GRAtS ■ ■ tVINNIPEO, Oct, 1 (41 _ caah thu ■ leal; No, I northem l.07*i: No, 2 with rlhera 1,07’i ; Nb, 3 northem Tear. 0 \ . . chos(Oau: No. 3 while 45'i; No. 3 It hs

. --------- ------------ - ■ he t

Wallace Appeals F o r- = Election Of N orrisBEATRICE. N ^ Ocl. 1 - 3 ■"*V‘5’'-’f(*’i?HS‘S!}‘s!!L1H'Ved an ipeal for tte're-elw ion of Senator ?rtU.ot Nebraska, vetenn inde-


- C L E A N

■ C O T T O N T t S g S " ■ ^


a a a , IM I

B y J . P . M c K V O Y a n d J .

endent Republican; with t sUte- “ T lent lhat Oovemor Alf U..Undon ol

asking a retum to “1933 condl. .

Of Norrts, wiioso Independenl can- J R S Idacy h u lha support ot the sUte §Jpt„ cmwntle organlnUon although irmer RepresenUttve Terry Car- Amyl enter U the Dcaflchtie nominee. ralUce tald: - •"ThU'gnnd old warrior l iu fought nd won more bttUes (or human

came to Nebraska tod*y fln t of U tt 'n p rcss my profound respect uiold ir him end my great hope lhat the rople of Nebraska will retum him uimei I ths United SUte* senate where uiinei t a n continue hU devoted aenlee ■*■ I govemment for tho people." uiidii He urged Nebrask* farmen to n - ill “the dUasttous condlUons which <oo jtrked the desperate yean that led w*« J to 1933," and added: ' —"You farmera who remember those ! mdillons must shudder when somo : your 'would.be' friends ask that icse conditions be relumed. I re- In th i-to-those who say^Uitt-lhen-U -U i- ithlng more satisfying tlian »~crlb of ill of com and plenty of hogs and o f ' lUla In tha lot. u the g o \ ^ r J. P. r K an su -u ld last week la Des lolnes."

----- ------------------- . • AllU



(Continued Ftom Page It) 'tile

im back the ini-aslon of the Kim- NeJ i r BuUdogs, In a nlghl baltle a t w jirome. Coach John Norby'* Tig- hels play Coaeh U. C. Cnoney* wiakley HomeU and are n ted an uti r i.UjtB Um Cassun r ------------------ I 7H

North Bldt Canet dnTliree Class B North Side games *j‘Ull)e played with King HlU trav- ^ing to Hagerman. Fairfield mak- «>'g the trip to'RIchdsId and-Dlel- —6h“inv#dlng Shoshone. Although “Itle h u been learned o( compara- w«-«trength-of-the-*ggregalioos, - { ’« agerman. FSIrfleld. tnd ei»06honft_}f■a general favorite* by nirrow *fargini. ‘On .the Class B South Bide.'two nia inference ttlU will-Uke plac* u am uUefort and Hansen pUy at llvi imbetly and -ItaMlten Invades ,.dei eclo. Castleford, with two impres- km ve sUrt*. U favored, a t Hansen. Jai hlle Declo'* poworh&ise alUclc U Ta ven an edge over the green H u - hel ton eleven.---------------------------------Tt: Olenn* rerry *nd Eden, n te d on E. psr, will pity a non<onference Tn

It a t Eden and Hailey traveU < s t- u» ard for a game a t Areo. ' ' • ui.

------------------— Coi

iJew Mexico Storm’s e

Fourth Victim Found 5LAB VEOAS, N. M, Oct> 1 l>P)- Ids 'ew Uexico'* fourth victim .of.tn Bseatonabla tnowstoTm w u found TH •Dsen.tOLdealhJn th_e whlte-ctpped greet lounu in so tth e aa n u ra 'n itlo n al /endi (rest after a foui>day hunt. yoi Track* tn lha snow which fell last comp eek-end •shoa-ed. Donlcio OarcU. int I; I, wandered in cirelee, before he enth ropped .exhausted.and;sum m b^ of Ic I lha cold. ' Coun New* of the dlsco>-ery of the body tiff, ime shortly after funeral tervices lo »| ere'held In Albuquerque for 12 comp rar oId-Jo99-ChBve2.-one of three Krvli inon nut hunten who were tn p - m d ed tnd died In the weekend storm, unles

------------------------- ttld l

) o u g h n u t I n d u s t r y M r

A t t a i n s N e w P e a k “ i i ;------- -------------------- the I

NEW YOltK, Oct. 1 (/P) - The sUle<jughnut Industry U “definitely out 'obJec[ the lioIe," the Nallonal Doughnut fti-orisocUtlon w u assured a t lU an- on tutl convention todty. - - tcrlbiP. E. Nounnon, secreUry cf the suchatlonal Doughnut Uonlh com- clotliilltee, lold ;rtpre*enUllve* of'200 /romikery organltallons that 30 dough- thereuU per' caplU' weit consumed In (ei^ilU country Ust }-ear u compared rlghl. 1th 25 In 1929.-lhe prertou* peak tse* i ear. He explained October w u jolnelosen for doughnut month because Uiere

ha* two “o'*." plain "What r'* have done for oysters.'* it be' e u ld . “o't thould do for dough- anduta.* , 1 tltlei= ^ = = » = s : ^ = - -«ldl

-------- the c

T h e Q u i c k e s t W a y tliere

t o B u y o r S f f l

“ P H O N E i r ” 7

W A N T ™

' A D S £ ° !■' refer








" tynn Crandill,,, *at«raut*t.' for ptcmbtr M. u lelleni

(torai*. Aci* F*»t nirlcaa r*lli —t -*?!-!!!’k* Walcott , ________

*imm-now,.*M«n* Ptrt111* . ....______ 4JM .0 43»aedtiil*--------3.S0S - = - z z : < S ™ 1.1.)W ll PlfTT ---- 1 ^ ^

Bliinleairsttoad Fitt loldoia. «. a. _ »1 | — _ ^.sidote. 8. a. _ . .4 « l l ' •■Intr. *8. a, ___ 1,00 • a - 1.00Inir te n Uft _ ' *0 • 10 ■ 0A. Ul*r»l ----- « l ■

ilDir. K. a. J j— I.OM) 'U* WoodrUI* _ 3.W ' .p ' " - - ..™ . ■ ffwily tfpofta b*mft«f. * ^

L e ja l A d v e r tls e m e n ti ' ,

ANOniE* SUMMONS •I the DUtrict Court of the Oeren- - Ui-JudicUl-OUtxlct-of-tU'-Bttte— of Idaho. In and for the C ount/" of Twin Palls.'P. t h Ou a k .

PUlnUff, vs. '______

II lha Unknown heln ud'd tvliee*

known heln tn d devlwe* ot U try k. Lehman, deceased; tU ;the un­known heirs and devisees of P. B. j Lehman, deceased;'tll'tha un- / known heln and devUees of I James W. White, deccued; tl l A tiie unknown heln thd'devisce* of £ NetUe White, decetaed; qtrson 0 White, if living; t l l the unknown £ heirs tn d devisees o r . .C i r to a f White, If deceased; Lora* WhIte.R if living; tU the.unknow n.helnf.

deceased; Bert White.'If'Uvla|:f.'. tl l the unknown he ln a n d ' d e - t . : vUees of Bert ,W hlte..if deceu-W‘ . etli Edward White,' I f l l i ln i ; all)-; . the_unknown heln and_devU«sj)fi Edwtrd \Vhlte.'lf deeetied:’ Jane; White, if living; t i l the unknown heln and d o i t r a of Jane ^ l u , > 'If decea$^; Kartyn.B ; L e h ^ n .; if living; aU the.unknown heln* i and devUeta of Martyn B. i«h« ! f: m tn. If decet*c<]; H anty;E . Tilt^- C tn d tUo known'ta H. B.*T*lt, t t ^ living; tli lha unknown.tiein'tod >' dnlsces o f lUrvey E. Tt»,'tUB-* knom u H. E.'TUt; If deeetttd;: ::: Jane Doe T tll, wife of Harvejnfe ,• Tail, if .living; ti l the'unkaowllA U heln tn d devtscdt of J tn t O o rrV T lit, if decetsed,.wlfe of Uirvey 7 E. Talt: Twin P U I * .3 ^ and '■ Trust Cothptny, t'corporaUon;<tll the unknown o im cn'O f.thtt ttr - u in retl properly.In' Twla nU * County, Idaho, described « i:- Lou FDrty-sIx (48). r>rty<Mr-

en (47) tn d Forty-eight (48)- -:lnJ]lodclbR<!.(3)aLBIueUkes .

AddlUon to the C ity 'of Twin Palls, in Twin P^IU Oouiltr.


THE STATE OP IDAHO tend* -eeilnn to the above named de- tidanu. •You are hereby noUfled th t t - t impIalnt h u been filed against you It he District Court.of'tha.BleV' lUi JudlcUl District of the BUte

Idaho, in. ind.f«r.-.Twin...P*Us-^ ounty by the above tumed pUln- ff, end you t n . hereby-directed I appctr tn d pletd to the «aid implalnt within twenty dtys ot Uia rvlce of thU Another'Summons;- Id you tre furUier noUfled tlu t ile« you-so tppe tr and pletd to .Id cempalnt wluun the time here- I specified, the 'pUinUff will Uke . idgment against you u preyed,-in .id complaint.And you are further notUled th a t . . . , le nature of Uie cause of action aled In the compUInt tnd the ijcci thereof U to have decreed In ,1-or ot pUlnUtf an equiuble lien 1 the premises hereinafter ...de- nbed tn d Uu strlet fbreclesitn o r ^ ^ tch lien WlUiout n ie tn d ' W t* ' I otlng tn d barring the defendanU 1 om any and tll Interest tnd'equllr ’1 lereln tn d decreeing that Uie de- - * nd fcu in a etcli bf ihem hive lio ghl, title or interest In the prem- e* and be forever barred tnd en- lined from tstertlng tny cUlm lereln tn d UUt UUe be quieted In ainUff'tgainst'the defendanU tnd be' decreed th t t plaintiff h u full .

Id complete legal and'equlUble Ueitnd ownership of tha premUe.i l O j « 7 _ P S r t i5 w e o L t j id _ ^ t_ _ le defendanU a n w llhw l tny In- rest in tald premise* and bave0 right, tlUe, cUlm or'In tere it lereln; Uiat the premUea nferred1 io the complalnt.tnd Involved in . iis'tcUon; t n situated ifl' Twin ~ alls Couniy, Idaho to d detcrlbed

~ E 6 tg ^ l7 -« n d 'tt ;l ir* lo d t-8 --------ot BliM Ltke* Addltltm.,to-.tb«City of Twla PUU la.TwlQ FtUs County. Idaho;i.o fjrh lth mpre fully ajipetrs from___le (Mmplalnt In said aciftn .filed, :(erenco to which, U heresy made ir greater cerUlnty.^

t Uie u ld DUtriel.Cou'rt, 'thU'9ihly of September, 1 9 1 8 .^ >

. niANK J . s u i m . 1 • a e r t h

LORA ROBERTP, Deputy, i f SEAL)' ^ ••,-altert, N n y i t T tom aa... ■ttomeys for PlalnUtf, ■ending a t T j» ia '? ^ .I 4 t) i f c . , . ^

. i V ' i . "t * , I

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

Drive SaW A N t'A D . RATES

ttATM n a U K I r u o * i : ‘ i u « u j t .p t f u u p M i p k n a u iA ]n i r M d iy M » r U M p « d . j_ J o „ r t o ,Dm te r . per Um ...,•____ n„~iM

88 2 /8 fo D iM O unt p u t u' -F o r C ash; • u«tutj

T S .


tUlM lOI Olll ^AUU Btmn. Pin* « »iMUtT BbOM « .BuilocM OlrKtoiT ** * „ ,Builaiu OpportuDltlM —liOliUUM (bplir _ I l.W ^ ThilOML W004 Ic* p *_jaw

* "M u * u iH toa * JruniJi Uilp n»Btid — K *nortatt — ■ ----- 4 »for (Uat uumUu m ui K ^

mix* uwi Vtt#UK*i ------------- II * ¥ ¥ ‘ruatn l Dineten i ' ■ —'—iMmitun (at e*it a

IWft. w y pf^^ l l * S4 TWlutrueUoD ,I . p ■— i-U 'ji~ b ^t s r ™ . ‘ 5 ! L - r = d

uoTiac. eu>»(< .. . . -wPtnoul* 4 U ro Rp n iin u d SuppiiM ■ - , » 23 Chi

Bit% 55*“ ;lUtl b lM lor T?MU M r r ChelUti DUU w u u d . . , , t« JO Doi!

- - f i

B l s s r ------- J]5SIS i »m 641* or ina* J i I

^ .... ...........TEI RIWB WtsnXB' TO UAU

II elMT CO t«tdin or tt* eUHj> *(IM ptl* U»i tbm IS • iBid ¥ Low

- n iU -n t ia t t - f im r u T - u m u m - y ---------tl InloRBtUoa nsetnilBi 'b ind ^

- r r h e------------------ -------------------------- 1 » 1« , --------- ■■ » WE

P e rso n als ' 4 « « « <

HIGH BLOOD PREflSITRE SUP*. f s t n l V u AUlmln ^ n c a ot

CkMlc Panley Tibleti. Vtliatfle S'" tt r ttdudnc btood pressure. No ' td U . No odor. No dcuo. Tvolrs tbri' (retdnent SOe. Oct lrc« book* ig jt

J t L » t W >lCttn.Dnit Blorc.____ mrtln.t':r', r - — : r , ; , i» »

’.L o st a n d Found 5 e iu

L08T-D IU ND LE DULL DOO. la jJ '- Vhlta f«ce. Ph. — - u k

LC6T--3 SACKS BEANS ON ROAD 'to. of Tw(n Filli. Nime Andrewa in t i j . Reward, fieiurn (o Feed tf lee

. . . . ___________ : 19HLOST-l HOLSTEIN COW, WITH 3 -bos tlfi|L ln,etr.J-U oU teln caU . gerc : m a ! pound U t No. J8 In . _ ■ !»r. Not Y W; J. Hollenbeck. [___

B e au ty S hops 6 ij

w ro iA L - p erm a n en ts" " »i w i w t u u i n eomplele. PlRli Ave. Bc#uty jai™ BliOp, 419 Sth E. Ph. G3t\r.

PniMANENTS II JO TO M. SItAM* ' ~ poo Uld ilnger m\-e »c . bUbel FC

Shop, l20M .ln N .^ j2 mS

0 0 . PERMANENTS PROU II.M. WritePiagw w»¥lnt, h»lr eutUnj, hUr ---------djrelot, fwltU. Cravrord Dc&uty $Balon. 112 U iln Bo., Ph. 1S74. ----------o\-er DeU'i CKu- Store. lA D V ,:

PmUANCNTS I1.M TO I4.S0. OV- id#ia) t r Itoqr Thealre. Rulh Perruen — Browa In charst durlnt U n . PRAOTI Bt&nur^ absence. hoiuek

• w i ’c u i BMPtTi’-^M a i a -n n i c*

r I V E A H -E V EA N P T H E Dl

I H IP IN G 0M E A N W H IL E - U $ 0 \ IKJ T H E BACK \ g g J ? RO O M O F A \ C l O O F W R E T C H E D -------

■ i O ' llli \\\m\ W Min

■r " ---------------------

I H 0P6 VOOflE S A T IS B E d!^ • t r HAS 7AK6KJ MBARLV fl • VNO W E e k S T O C E T )

CTRAiartTBM EO U P M- - I - A P T C R VO UR F R ieW D S / J i

W W i

afely, Ci-Beauty8h6ps-’ - 6 - 8!

Uaawi t r w W e a S j O riw ) <0«»tU*

^ i f T w A viw or F w o ia t m i u irtnt; marceUtnt. hair dyalnt. »«>t» | laU.lndlrtdu»lhalreiiltln».OU .,ttoa._n o in in u fron itiO , Artutlolutr ftooD. & d noor, l u uaiD .Busl

r o S l EUAL! OIL PEUIAmHTB (1, , S lo tto o« p tm . t t « lu « w u S t Sn.

» . B n m A w .c .m . i m -

. A u l a i f o r s a n 7 , , f , , , , , , , , , ,

*w « = = =

9 Pord Coupe, run* good.* ,1h li car U priced ia r t « * w._bul.we don't oMd It, U ^ V

Wo TVad# lo t »iUlUe* ^ -JOHN-tWJONNOR— » - w n a r

USED OAR CO. I 5 ^3 1 l8 h « h o o .W -t J jU r g i

» » » » » » » » » » » »

— ' ' I 10(1. LPtord V .| Tudor'-----------IMJ quick ipm npuU r<?oteft-=gcp*r;t~ —BuJflt Ooupft 5 U r a ------373 — -■—Dhemlet CoTipe----------» m , FOF irord’rouflflg, txtra good »1W -----------Ohiv, flundard coach 4MS AN EXO•Wd Tudor — — --------- IIM UwrougChrjriler Coupe, 21 Chrrtler and Vin. rangeiChev. Coach. SI Chit. Ooupe. Power (Jodjfl Sedan, n t n good. — - - 7 7

C a aainm K ta u

1138 orJno. B.- White .-557751<« Becoad Av«. Korth pfottci

I root *1

¥ ¥ » “ S V * i

)3I Chev. standard Tudor '« ; , ow mileage. Porm.fllUng ¥'— Kirrl.Kecn-trunlc-------- * j-^ied

h e - A ■ t J T 0 ^ a ■ A R T - ! ! i -m S 'IM to l a Are. Weit ' * ^ •

WE B(«-SELL-TB A B * * :

STUDEBAKER 11-------^JEBiiJ-lia^.OC n 0 *M CHEAP, B9( pljmouUi Ooupt, 9 whe«U traUerIn. hriilfr. nfttLtlffi___________ X U !0W9 Biilck Sedan i l ^ in r r»1 Dlft Sedan, fl wh. P in t :1m condition. '

1R2I Ply Sedan, n w p t ln f • **' jjO.Dodto ledan \m iYW O het.-sedan------- --- " f i ,m PontJM Sedan, niw llrti. ' J r good eoadlUoa. . . S * 'r a c i..r.-e rtim . - - - - 928 rord 2-Door, *pn PpnUac Sedia. ,

- - J l "ereraJ good used truck* h o u ^ .


Male HUd W anted 9fTED - PARU HAND WITH fumltui ty experience. Box 97, eare eleetrioHI. . . Uton I — uhlngB.Female Help Wanted 10 J i i iIAN POR COOKINO ANO J * * leral houtework on dud# ruich. ;Ite Box m care N tw t. * ,

Sltualloirs Wariled 1 4 ; g SIf. 30, WITH OIRL 11, WANTS * uework. Write Box M3, Pller, *

,jnC A L N U R S IN G OR • uekeeplatforadulti.Ph. 1707J. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

M U r o i u iix T B '-n o a * s -TnscAL

~ T h




1 ^ 1 ^ M ". W TH BY RS ‘« l> I

8 .. N O ------- • IMTO 11 -F R IE M O S ^ CR BD E M O P AW D-1W M'SJE. .W E R B .

r } n i h


lomfortaS ltu a tlm i W anted 1 4 F o r !

a w l (ww C*lwa> (C*auan

RIENOEO STENOORAPHER NBW SIU pultlon, either part pr (ull (ulljr e<i i._ltettrentti. Ph. 781. With.

usiness O pportunltleTrBm r r s e r v i c e s t a t i o n a t luppuea ihone.l3W ea.hnecem rr.Ph.

- - menti,XRY AND UEAT UARIOT, Twin F Uld Up to d ito Itock, doLag

1 eath buitnw , good loe»> WOVEN, chup rent. Caanoa'i. C u - *1 « .« )rd. tda-

Money, to Loan 1 6 W anteSV t o LOAN, 8ft, NO BROK- i q r T d te; or S!J% and brokenge o l jjeka i per IIOOO. y mo. lo aoo'cio. ,ptr. .

- . PLWT^IlOU NEED UONEY. SEE jm kinr a t Twin PlxUi Loan Oftlce. _______Ualn Are. E. PURNtn....... ■ II uied fun TO LOAN ON UWELL- uid le<I. Lowett (Stei. long t«nai, < u m ,k Mnrlee. Baagtr-Joaai P^l i J ____

ir Sale, Mlsoeiianeous 17 w H wXOELLENT SELECTION OPouslUy recoadiuoaed Hotpotnt ^

WejtlnghouM uied ’ eltotrlc d elICIOtei U available a t the Idaho Biaywer Co. office a t bargain prlcu. .not wi

CUT ON 180 ELECTRIC her, used only 7 weeki, Ph. OELICIC I or *Tlte P. O. Sox flie. Bring <

, a R E E X -e m H au 'sT A in .eel and beautify your new APPLES,WlUl llnieed oU ihlngli italn from S

i-wiil.it«y.gT*ea » long Ume. _____ -5, Uooal. APPLES,


USED mPLEUENTS “ ot'wiSied-UeConnlckiDMrtn|-rld.- ~ ~ —beet puller. - TREEied-hor»e»drawn-potalo-d!g»- —prunes

Kollmeivenl uied Jolin Deere hortc comtr m 2-way plowi.-UKd grain driU. ® ' S , !John Deere manure ipreader w m -«-

All 'Priced to Selli DELIcicW. IL and M. CO. ,

— ' Prom 1. ■ So. Ph

tP, ONE 18 FT. BOAT AND -----------ler In rood condition. Selle* UcINTOiI Bfoi. Ridlntor Worki. tree ri

• ■' ortlunKTV STOVE WITH WATER .5 so.cet, ilmoit new, rtuonablo. ...i...) Shoihone E. ITALIA^

lY PAY W A R P R IC E S ? S o carload of Uuroco In bulk.

’ what you need, bring bock >t p u luve left. Wo loan you . rmli to put It on wlUi free. _ _ IcMurti? Houm Paint.- 4. Flir-E nam eU B oor^snd-U n-: —10 Varahh driei In two T R /^E I r».-A Urge itock ot Waller. TYPEWT— MOON’S--------- -BOX,??.IN PALLS PHONE S --------^

IITURE - NEW AND USED -----------Jturo ot all kinds, coal ranges, -----------irio rmngei, eoal itoves. clrcu* EXTRAn and other household turn* TUREigi. uoon's. Ph. a. store No. 1; TURK119. Store No. 2.- Four-

t J t .¥ ¥ ¥ * * * ¥ * ¥ * p?S2f ,^^ Ellht

I Anh-ed New Fteil»: Cltin ♦ im rw ABERDEEN COAL - * holllert.

aiek. Nut. Pea, stove, ♦Medium or lArge Lump ♦ o„.^. >jn-t You Need Some? * fTERMOUNTAlN SEED ¥


CALL ran R£SirLTI*-rboa« K "IIII CAL

H E G i r W P S Z f H i

<— -1! --------------- — A w h a t ^S E W l W A N T T D <3 J B A C K T O I


G A S O L W E - A L l E Y - ~ A \

l o o k e i T ^ N BCI THBIR • TIw B ■ w e i

. tM 'S w o t' / BELIEVE

® _ O K * .V . J ~ — f tL - p \ C K\ TME T 6 J<

11 WL"


ably Ini r8 a le ,M Iso e Ila n e o u jl7 FuiuaM< riu i PrtMllai Coluu) (C«itud(

SHUl/r TRAILER HOUSB CABLE.J 1 equipped. 1 ml. E , « No. of gnnd p. Ih. ichool^ Wm. Rudi. ' W„ l<i

B5C0 PAINT. ENAUSL, REPOSSE Rllh and all klndi of painting all kind pile*. Krengel'i Hardwar*.-'- nnge tr

) BEER-DEALER IN UON- iti, markin. SM Ualn 8 . V

____________ — w S T t ;EN W WI nNClNQ. BARB . to move.

= a = = f g g-—. ' , 'I !■■ uied tur

nted Miscellaneous 17-A j ^ u o o n2DEER,PERUnBP0RUlN- y, ta Reserve. Ph. 630, Daa Oil- ______

mW Q fUB*Am WORS. p a _f^n.-No. I K nagi^ H anltan . -------------

im m e w a otto - w e boy ________1 tumliun, coal ranges. M om : UNPUR1 tee boxes. We pay caih. Ph. KclIon,

r s s s a* ™ T m m n n m B fB h liir1f l —

-----------FURNISHITY OP APPLES, COME AND housekei 'em. Bring ecnUlnen. 1 mi. ■—

t, S So. Klmberlj-.. 2 . ROOM

CIO0S, JONATHAN ANO ^ .^ 1 * ^ ! ymen Wlnesap applet, wiped. FURNISH

wailicd. Pa-ued Inipecllon. Ph. 4St

CIOUS APPLES &0e BU. Simpui ng.contalclen, 3 ml. E.. *4 No. JoUnHn ih. school. Ph. (H81-R2.

XS. 1 ML SO, l ‘i WEST apU Bui

___________ 7 ? ^ ^XS, YOU PICK. PAROO OR* 319 3rd rd. -

CIOUS APPLES, H MI. SO. _____Klmberly,_ShMJbaugh. r o o m ai

2 R IP E N E D ITALIAN ines-will-«Urt-plcking-Oot,-J. BOARD A llmeyer Ranch, J eait of NX. w . Ph ntr c t Buhl. • ------------

ET CIDER. H. T. BLAKE, PH. ingion 0-R5. m ml. u . Soulh Park.

:CIOUS APPLES, tlJS BUUC ° m ' e ^ Its on tniekloidi, Hyde Ranch. ... m Klmbetly, a miles eail, 2H rURNlSH Ph. MR4, Kimberly. . and boa

rroSH ^ P L E S .” PRUNB0, ROOSTI t y tn td a t E, U Wwycott without

Sa from eaii end of Ualn Sti

.IAN PRUNES, PEARS AND melt gtapei Publle Uark«t.JlJ jihoaeN.

ITHAN APPLES, 1 ml. NO, X VII It Waililnglon'School. —

, - t ....................................nooM ^o

For Sale-or Trade ~213E PACKARD CAR POR RES-ice lot: Bwlm-ImtitmenVCa. .


Furniture lo r Sale 23 riEu' HItnprovei

j IU perrRA FINE UBED PURNI* i and 110U IN HOOSIER PURNI- m t flnlIE COMPANY BASEMENT ance. b>ur-pleee w lnul PoiUr Bed* prlnclpa:n let, oak Interior, all duit . . , ,it, a good buy a t ____ tMiO MODERNIht piece Mlig. flnlih Din- -an d il^Room Set. blue leather up- fireplacetertd teau. round Uble. Urge tge. 22<et, t o r _____________4 « J0 and’baline two-pltcc nu t color relour flS. Swl ng Room « t . Urge ll»e,.-.,-|aJ« above pricoj are for caih 8TOUM /n o ln d e ln i . «« P « ‘

XJSIER PURNITURE 00. dow'h, b * . Swim' Ir

CALL roR U in .T S ~ -n e s r» T i l l CAU

i l b E c i s i d N

‘S - H E -W -O IA .M O N D S p l |( I OGO 8 0 YOU f o o l V I ' X) HIS W n t H A SA &AQ | INQ H FULL O F ' E M - P JS E i^W O R T H MILLIONS'-


w. 1 1

A W , S K I P I T

ev E R V B O c r/ ^ e R e J T ^ i M AKES MISTAKES <O U Se. '0SJC6 IKI ‘A 'IE - W W IL E .- P IW L U S .- .CK- OOT ----------- — g JSIOANTS. Y ■ , J r


I One 0F u rn itu re (o r S a le 2 3 Rei

iud(« (r«a n w l la i C e liu ) (OHtUii Z*NELSON U P R r i O H T * » * * nd pUno, A*1 condlUon. 2 ml. ¥■I ’i So. of SouU i'Part' . ¥ iMrty

-■ ■ ,ii. — ¥ Twla issEssED p u R N m n ic OP « highly kinds, 60 used tu ig m Prices * good, se tram 110 up. Uooal.. . « , tuOO.■ — m - s -s i i . J ^

W an ted to. Buy ' :2 5 ", S '

T TO BUY SMALL HOUSE t noYe.ValHendinon. ■ * ^ S i J

JITURE WANTED-WB BUY *•1 fumlture. coal nmgta, ( tons * BUOU Ice boxtt Wo pay caih. Phone *

Jpon'l.___________________ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

H ouses lo r H en t 2 7 ° S . i 'Si'nwiA'

No. Ph. m g. V ------- T ~ - ------ :----------- — P lV t*R(

A partm en ts 2 8 mapio

IFURNISHED ROOMS, MRS.Ion. Sugar Faetoqr Road. ph, bs7


«8HED APT. POR LIOHT ' w keeplng. 412 Main No.

joM PURKISHED APART- princlpi It. lia . Adulu. 480 Third Ave. E. 13000. t

'JIBHED, JUSTAMERE INN,4St and OMU Ph. 871. h o ie ,

OOMS AND BATH OVER S'"*,.,* npsoii Mwlc Co. See IL a nwn. 601 Main Aw. W. 15 ^cR l

i o n MODERN FURNISHED '. Bungalow ApU. 2nd Ave. E. mjUOAl


“ p

Rooms lo r R en t 2 9 S , S

« AND BOARD POR 3 MEN,■4111 Averw .'phrw ojit ■ — • Vale*oi- . ■ . . . AuoeUItO'AND ROOM. 4812ND AVE. Oregon. Ph. 1487R. — =

ID AND ROOU - IM WASH- , ton Weit. LegiU) AND ROOM, GENTLE- NOTTCe" 1 prercrred, 813 No, Main. THC T

!OSHED ROOM OR ROOM in , h / £ I board. Ph. 1719M. ^"coISiW

U POR, RENT, WITH OR “ tiout board. Ph. 390W._________

\l AND BOARD, 120 OUl AVE. made Oh Ilu______________________ 1938,^1011

U AND BOARD - U l THI X m " bM I- Nft Ph ML • . u w d i j . .

W anted, to Rent " 31rt:O R 8PACC FOR. REPAIR p, ground floor. Ph. 1007.. ‘ “ y

D-M OR 130-Ar HAVE OOOD and lor-l iptnent. Cin tlnanee self. Oood Dovo Buc srencei. J. U Rhodei, Rupert, of letlen I t . ] , Ph. 91DR. wher* ar

^ l " E s S t 7 f o r S a l I l 2 ‘£ FOR SALE->139 A. WQjL iroved, cn Twin nUli tn c t, at per acre, 110 per aero down 110 per aero per year, apply* ■' ' ■ , f ln t on Uxei and malnien* *"

e. baUnce on IntereJt and NOTICE iclpal; Swim Inveitment Co......................... . . . In the DlERN RESIDENCE, S ROOMS SUtes I

Sleeping poreli. oak floors, souther plaee. lawns, ihads treei, gar- in tlie U , 224 Pieree S t, $3300, •; down 'balance 10*yraf amorUaUon, To the Swim Inveitmont Co.. . erU, ot 1

Ir BAN TRACT, 130x»0 PT, pavement, city water, power », Khool bui, price HOO, 1100 ,h, balance IIO per mooUi. “ J m inveitment Co, , , „ t „cAU'roa.BUtiLTi--rkes* » be held at



)f Thes(Real E ita to fo r Sale 3 2 . Cta il* t f ftw rtU i o*it»i>

t ^ 4 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ . f f i ,

rty acrei 2!i mllu from « CALL Ol'la m i l , TTiU plieo u ¥ Boilonihiy Improved. Uad u « i m a a xl. w aten good. Price ♦100, luOf caili. 40 aerei 4li * F(lei from Twin n ils , good ¥ —uM. fair oulWdgi. ite. * TEAM O:le« tMOO, halt caili )U ¥ ot Km' tts wwt ot Jefome, good ♦ pvmu.. price ll»,00ff, halt ♦

J .

IDLER. WSOENER fc 00, *•

'■ ■ Ted VOP THE FINEST HOMES IN noodin.1 for sale or will trade tor _______nble tarm. H. W.- Herman, PUREBB

............................... Proctoi-ROOM MODERN .HOUSE, — — >10 floon. furnace, fireplace, MtUC ' igi, 4-room houio partly mod* 81.

iniiulro a t 1231 ^Ih Art. E, ,ew*i S


IRES, leS PER. 11200 DOWN, per yr. latluding inlereit Uid " J «

clpal, 3-room houie, 40 acres,0. IIOOO down, baUnce lo lult. Iom house and otliir buUd*, 10 acres, good termi, B-roora ^ se, gange, deep well, and a OOOI • frulU I« 1 U um y, Pller,I47*J8. .

CRES. LONO TIUE PAY* Da, lU. Low Inuttsu Ph. 0291-M. ____^

JATED LANDS W R BALE,(M he pwyhM_and_yaIe Gov* benrprb jeeu ior UJM'to wB STI » per acre. Abundance ot wa* all klm Deen soil.'Oood-Khooli and

iwayi. Delightful cUtAato. M ut ----------lucUro Undi In WuU Write « ___«i.Owylia« ..U n d Seltlemeni B n a k « KlaUon for Ulenlure, Nyua, n jon. ■*

^ = ^ = = s s JONES

egal Adv ertlsem entiCE FOR PUBLICATION OP ?"Hrnd! ; TIUB APPOINTBO FOB hl.U r" ,rn o v iN a w i m etc .I Probate Court of Twin W to ^«y. e u ^ ot Idaho. „ a k « noI Matter ot the BiUte ot ],u

. .on Uie lit day ot October, to terre notlfo U hereby given Uiat Qnten ;iday, the 14Ui diy ot Oclober, n n u in I I t ten (10) o'clock A. U. ot Andenon ay. I t me Court Room ol u ld u n of i

a l Uie Court Home In Uie rshevfd I I Tftln FBlli, County ot Twin jje w n l iu been appointed u U>e hti.rlght

md pJaco'for proving Uie Will ing a t .; d Ulnnlo Thomuin.'dieeu«dr u ie ir l i f or-hearlng the appllcaUon ot um « hu Buck tor Uie U m n » to herten tcstamenUry, when and ----------

any penon Intereiled.may iig n ^ R r and conteit Uie lame. a- T nut 1 (d.- this 111 day ot- October, on Uie i:

2 o’clockGUY L. KINNEY. . iime Uie

Piobate Judge and E«. p ron me o»clo Cl»k. ________ eumine


c n E o m jB s I DUUIct Court o( Uie United cs for Uu DUtrict ot Idaho, ':hem DIvSilon. a r r T s ri Matter ot Warren RoberU, i — ' *

Danknipu;he credlton e t W itrtn Rob* I l< 3f Declo, Couniy ot CauU,■litrlct aforesaid, a bankrupt: ___M U hereby given. Uiat on ith day ot Seplember, 193«,Id yvanen RoberU woi duly , ' ealed' t bankrupt; and thal hu It meeUig of hU crtdlton wUl i. Lshir 1 a t UiB oftlce of Uu under*

I . , K Cuntl° --------- " Ik IlfOO*.......... 1-----------’ ------- li_JI«uUl


------1"^ - -Ull‘ I lin;I tn. Plltl

:l Aiutl


’1, li! I'fitii li. iiiu r

l i '

’ iL Aiwi

r?¥ ll= = = = =

T T *— J T ~

--------------- - 2 T -

t v B O D V ) m mv o a DO. . -__________J 28 27

— _ _ — . . . . . . -- . JJ*- -

S ’ “


M J ' . l l



e UsedD ogi, O ther P e t i 36 <

OtSTXRCD PSaNOXSI, 3 . £ lUrt. Pb. 1S77. —


S l i i S « = F S j r Eand coi

For Sale Livestock 36t OP MULEs Tj EAk T 2!Tt o . tUuhCt Kmberly. Mst. J,

m iT E PACED CRWORED « A V E ? U, f ln t. clau condition. 4H ML Ptr So. and H c u t ot Burley, Ph. ■I-RI, Burley.

lUTE PACED EWES, MIXED I, J Hampihlre bucks. Inquire ; WUson, 4 miiM norUt of '


^ r!* O n C ly ,'T d a la .^ ^ " , ^


) CROSSBRED B R S D tN a nSi” *' « S U d 0 yean old. I I head 01

t e * '" "tarabhi iTuq'S!*iruaiy 7, Ewn are lart». shear*' j n u »n im lbs. WOOL Priw tor ewei

bucki for whole herd. 15.00 ^ hnd . AIu IS eroubred De-

1 and Uncoln bucks 113.00 _ tl. W, a HunUr, Rupert. Ida- **


i ^ * l ^ J S a e = r s = s = -

Poultry and Supplies 3 7 -IE - GEO. P. PETERSON, no M89-R1, RU a. ^ 8il«

STILL DUY POUX/XHt ' c P an ins . klndi. WUdman ProduM O o.. -

' I .-, .1 L*IT« I -------------------- — Anim .

i k o B i t e J P a t a l ______

T o F a i t h . H e a l e r ® ^

<iaviLLR Vs!! Oct. 1 on - t t i lS i r ' I Uireo Umes by in ik u dur-

demoMtntlon »t a hollneu » m here Bunday, tho Ren H. 0 . *indenon, 83-year-old "falUi | y | guu r" died aller 41 houn et

may not recorer. but- that ^I no difference to me;- he told ^>n, Hugh, between periodi of "ini. - It I d l e l t a g ^ n g to n 7 - ^ H H t r e - « H » n t im » u a tis ^

en tevenl Umei befora by •In Rimllar dimonitnUons, r>J7rr|

ion lold friendi Uiat tho pol* n lU jl if a eopper*lieid inaki only Kt him of high blood preiiure, -I ' ' iwrmltted a copperixad lo bito ' t " Ih t h*nd oncc Sunday tnom- — ^ it .firm home Mrrloea, and lit'lwir-ralUesnakn-blU tho hand lite r that day.-•

I Rcteree In Twin PMli Dank i* A k iu l Dulldlng. Twin Palli, Idaho, I . . 1 7 s 12U1 day of October, 1918. a t [ v O h xk In Uie atiemoon. a t whleh ( 9 Uie u ld creditors may atlend, U Uielr eUlnu. appoint a truilee, ne Uie bankrupt and Iraniact sUier builnns a i may proper* ne betoro lald meeUng. —tember Sotli, ll)30.

O. p. DUVALL, ^ ^ ^ -3Referee In Bankruptcy. \2S*1

)aily Cross-WoiaW BR— eolullin ef YMtirdiy*! Pu'Aiyn

leltj'nslV - . ^ d !a 1y B I “

■tthilo <>,’U«iiSaw . L Cliinx ' islimiBt fer ig ggur «il«r

lu?7* IL K.» Z«ala»d tLltriiirtcur or [Xtril <, rincrloUfBmtBl (L Anctr l. Unit «r i•ulMlli* t , (:«.»h»j>«d S, Th*mt»•111 or nil* * ArMnnni* T. tur* me Ini < , OrntmtnUI et (OOnnt < WIIJ inlm tl' L rroptrUi

t o ' Al“" r " • Or5*k"p<'l^I*n*Illutt «L Ih* JjC

JL P«reo i'*» ll. fro tia 'i

Y g A s 14" [7 18 m .

\ i k ^ r "P M 1 ^ ^ Jl I

■;CafcBUSINESS ' '- I

D l R E m R Y .

In su ra n o i ' „ . |

“T N S U R ju J S r T w H S ScoaUaU In Twin PB lIs.ltja . '^ hundnd for Uie term ot

i Let Ul UU you aboul ottr . bet pUn. wltbout aay extri.."r.. J ,K .ao b erts . Agtney.-. -

EY TABER 0 0 , INC. PBOldi,Plre and tu lo laiurtBaa.-

Stioe Repair ; [1-.) WEATHER IS JUST: md Uie comer, let us n p a tt ' i : famlly'a’ihoes a l a rtaabaabl*. . : e. 133 W. Sho. Twin PalU Sho* . p. . .'

T i m e t a b l e s

4 s t t «( ru*«ai*r « n a s ^ > ' V n m r a s o i i n n ra g b t w t l ; ..O ifO O ^M O W UMI ' \

atK tll^JlllB U T II. >itt>

S ! , a g ------ J S i S V;

“ " “ K n u s n 'oe u t im .imoN rA cm o n a o u

' ■ • — h i i

' = ! S i ar a H i S f f l ' s a r . P s a i ■:

:---------j . t -

* '*■« a £ . I ..... - t g M i : .

— IH /" I W C T M /W l

— r-C ./- - 3 2 0 M 1 1 4 \ L ^ - ( O lU N SA LO T^ . .

- - _ \ ;b F e u iL T J IM ra '

i w M o ’ p t r r T s S j l ' . '3 M IW 1

)rd PuzzleI P unll tt. Cenplili cel*

.........."i i l E » . I I.V .W 'J< J (iru la ^

I A P B wTunc Im- ? 5 L f c J t '■S l c n »«• i*«*pon4 t o k \^ ■ C ■Umuliit 13' g g 5 -IT.T»|nMB

g I*. ** Iii: 'd s t - " ' ■

>vvK .

y! It 1=1:'..<r work ts. lUcpri. rc.moon Miltillrkieplai U. r*itilnin**ru!ri'.( H . s i X * ■ tutiMU i t . Uiiuiirirciit1 ’- “ “ .I.To:ru^ha s T o 't f le. rm w « V t ir er CrIO couUliS’ wiitr «i' u*fw*

I/O |/7 | / i p3

’ ] > ' • W /

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF66/... · . ,. citrEaito- . ' TH '‘^yoLio.N u.'tss. I f " = s =|Rebel Genera

: I Q} S t a r t i n


i f =I 0 ^

I 0 \



K 1 7 1 PAIRS w o n

-I Dress


All Sizes a n in v id th s From ' U ualcr Brow n F ine Shoc»<

~ ^ — ■ — —W c ^ jlc v c This Spci- ^ - Shw

^ . ■ FBID

~ { ~ = = ± = = = = — — / ! n n r p n Y n r l - A

i f O'Ckim Self P tC v PLOOR WJ \ Q u a r t Cfl]

| j - ^


3 ! Q

l g T h e M o

E C IA■ SAVE $5.10





tk i^ fB B rc u l

^ ~ 8 i^ es~ * ^^ C o T o i N avy Nav

■ H m R ^ T he so f t ficcco t — of A M crct'proc<

; 1 you A flccccd fn / m very w nrm nnd ( n b e tte r th a n any

T ho w ciffhts nre ’ th o lig h t N nnicr

. fo r th is country



sSHOIiFor Fall^1.97

ETtrjr Shoe O am nlrti____ _ Rfjnlir IU 5 Or

Ja il \ Verr tacky Ci Miae Br Mr. Dclltnr, &ti Sboe StpirincD l Hli'tn The S»tha»} Sbee Slmr Th«« Are All BU U ali 1

. ,E « ry ra lr GBmolctdt r ' Qn*U(j.

5 f t 1*g « BUck 8»lla T

M BBrown Trte O ut

j B ^ liUck SUln Drtuy TIti

Oluk SDFde rn

om A A A lo B - > M oslly H am ilton c»— Cuban H eels, Spike H eels and________H eels. _________ipecial Gives You ThcO ulslnndinR - hoc V alue O f T h e Year.


[»ARTM ENT . ' ^ __________ G

Poiishfriff " • m ~ x :


5 - - J _

a n th O f 0<


' s




51 .....u in e JB ra d le :s ^ e r e o a t s

1 9 . 9 0lALLY A D V E R TIZ E D A T $25.00

5 lo 44 — R egular, S ho rt a n d Lo lU B e lts a n d H alf B e lts - Sinsl< :as(e<Is — Sei*in Sleeves and

oTora.6f: M e d iu m J jr a i i L I g h tn favy M ix tu re , C hK o la te B row n, I C hecks, Sm all B row n Checks.

0 m a tcrfa ls fn thcao coats ts the ' r ■ ocess 'd c v clo p c d b y B m d tcy rth at 1 fabric th a t w o n 't w ea r o ff. I t is

nd y e t n o t h eavy a n d I t docs w ea ny fleeced fa b r ic on th e m arke t, nre th e so-callcd C aliforn ia welghi [cr w cigh t. T\s’o w eigh ts th n t a rc try .



Planned , Boui


'C Ol« 4 To D . A ■ F o r * i m Vtlat..

CMh PnrchMt F>"«M v u ftr Ot Oor T h n t A re Regti Itn n» A ti« 4 r i J,, J Q Jww ia S t Icait. , , , . ill nn* shw i - M anufacturer td To B« F ln l • O n .T

$ 4l u k - l k t

All Sil:i(t u d rumtti.

__ SlflcUy rirtl Qw. Wm i c h ftk i aim

on B row n nnd md B oulevard •

HR-Fine - ■nioe are ihe nmVorlt. TTify nre r t b bctns aliown an

■»•«.. »liy wc urgo you i

G RO CERY nE PA R T M E N T w — ------------------

p e a n i Tt b u t t e r!>/> Pound Jn r

1 9 c

T m N F A L iaP A IL Y il

) c to b e r W i




35________ And All We Ct

These Wome Heavily F u r '

Winter ^ . , $ 8 . 1

L ongigle >

I H I a H BI 'G r a y * - "‘ U rre . II«*yy Far Com1, Sm all Bore ADd Batn« Jahsnr

ImlUtlM Fox - 1 S^nlmleea » Frl

le r e su l t E n r r Coat Lined WKb a t g ives EwJ.Olo U n le n - Krt

vear f a r jioreUr F«brici u d w a Dirk C m n . Rich BUtI

g h t a n d . . .w 5 lu i Fram•rc laea i probably tho mwt uauj

viklueforw omentobeor •• Tlier rtprtM nl a bmU 1

able to clou out for caati they had. Thty ;Ron't la tarly.

THE S P E C U L EVENT I EADY-TO-W ARDEPAltouRhl and H tH B a ck F o r T h is Ol

_90le Winter

)ATSJChildren i

n ie r C oa ts F o r C h ild ren n y C : e g u lar J9 .50 lo $9.90 V o lu c s ^ r

lu l F ro m th e N ew Y ork irer* S o T h ey C an B e Sold i .T h ls S p e c ia l .F o r .

1 * 5 0 4S ires F ro m 3 lo 14 ■

Qoallly-MaterlaU ot A iinkhan, Tallrtio Mm T Iim .ritM StU ot U k Ib i , Cap and

t h i S jw l Coil T«?«.. J'lEASE NOTE

i tn E u Vp lo Size 1< Thtre Artn't a C -T n ss -T m src rirc o R C ix -c o A f-s rE ' flDHt and h u tiu l sn d e ciMta thnt Mr*, B rtally beautltul coata and It you «U1 Ju I around Io td a t anyvticre ncar thlj prlM ou (0 itrontly to take advantage of Uiti o

$ 4.50| _ . GRO CERY DE

1 | PINK S^I "O ccanic" B rand No.

T «


^^ith G oldei

IT S k;PA R E--------5CIAL'


i S ^CnllM Prft Of ' A r i l

iinen’9 Fine,ur Trimmed ^ | M

r Coats ^ .9 0 ■

-- ■ -:«llan la n e 'S a r r y ' ' ~ ------------—isny Stylet In Fnn Of- Vienna Fox

. W ok BeaTtr

Crept and KTtry CMt II Folly T T U l

•Uned.— Drevy Btylei In W eam ~ Colon Of

Blaekj and AotnmnJWB.rom » io « .uauiual winter coal . * ‘***' ®‘*

M otfered this u u o a . '7uU lot t tu t v e vero m h and we took alt ,

a last long, 10 eome T h e Impcri M unslngw (

T IN T H E>ARTMENTs O clo b tr S ly le C ircular

Ilrtio. Chlnehniai,' Fltecn aad . i t I and Mntf. Doth For Trinuntd jH^ B

a C ttal Many Large Siita. B? r t n A i m E c s u s r = --------------BUrt, T um tr Closrt oul la Ne^' ' ■ 111 just compare them to what ■ price J-ou wUl tee Immediately ■ ntl offer. n


Fan cy - i .------------- f lSALMON 1

N o. 1 T all C a n - 3 F o r , ■

I9C II Ie j t j r j t j e ^ j e x a g ^ T j


mBn S a v in g s

^ - F E T O D A Y J


^ DireclLferim-t W ILLBEO FFERE

In T he D ry Goods D epi ' S uccess 0



►men’s Balbi


r e I r re g u la r s o f (1.49 nnd 11.98 L a b e l - P

T ea rose in Color t K rfe c tio n s o re so s lig h t th a t wo p^ 'ca r scconds a ro a s p c rfcc t os

Tiicie Ja ii A rrlr^tN E W FE L T H A T S .

In the Smartest Riit 6Cyl««

69c“A ^ r rm B B ffT u rrM m p iro rT i------- style In-lhe B n d ff iin n rs tH

Brim ij-pe «li1ej . SU leading Fall colon

Urge hcaa sites < Ribbon. Quli), Veil and on




fs I n T h e \MATURED A n d S A T l

lA SPECIAL -the-M unsingw ear-Facti ;ED FRIDAY AND SATle p a r tm e n t A s T h e i r C on lribu llpn I O f T h is O ctober S ly le C ircuh ir

—144^\Ittnsi -Balbri^

PAJA]T hat Sold Regulai

B utTheyW illB esoliSATURDA

9 8S iric tly F i rs t Q uallly - Sm

r T h e re A re F o u r D iffe re n t 1 T h e S i te s A re Sm all, M(

’ T heso a ro discontinued numbe: m sn affc r o f tb e D ry Goods Dej:

F ^ - i s i H h e fac to ry a t-« in n c a |i I w ith d raw n fro m th e re g u la r II F ab le to o f fe r such an ou ts tand !


1 2 0

)riggan G O 9 8 c

98 N um ber* — -E ver? G o tm Cm • R egu la r a n d E x tra Sizes, r w ith B lue and P each T rim m ings wo will (rua ran tee th a t you w on’l a s so-callcd f i r s t q u a lity goods f r

i" "

K 0


t’" ' L ’- T O i r r f t --------------

. i •ornament I . «p?“'


\ . S o ^

' T 5 < '9

1 • "

m lH i IW a y O f !) - 1 U R D A Y {

— , 1ctoiy-------------IURDAY Vipn T o T h e k

an g w ear— s- iggan - 5


larly For $1.98 ^

old FRIDAY and ^ AY F o r. f f

ic IS m art Two>PIece S ty les k I t Color C om binationsM e d lum ^ nd L arg e ^

ibers a n d M r. H aclilu llcn , "W)e p a rtm c n t j u s t happened J ;a polis t h e -d ay - th ey w e r r —■ line. T h a i’s w hy w c a rc . J lid ln g vnluo. ■ ^

)WNS IC a rrie s (he M onslngH-ear ' ' W

; S -)n 't bc ab le to fin d th e m . . f ro m unb randed lines. ; ^

------- 1 ^S ' ................I f1 0 ? 1 5

i | : t

9 9 il' t {

..................... : L

. T ..........