360Edge Training Calendar Jan-June 2018 · ;@È=a1?@5;:? È ;:@-/@Èa?È-@È@>-5:5:3 1031 /;9 -aÈ;>È È È È-:0È?;91;:1È2>;9È@41È2-.a8;a?È 031È@1-9Èc588È.1È-b-58-.81È@;È-??5?@

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Page 1: 360Edge Training Calendar Jan-June 2018 · ;@È=a1?@5;:? È ;:@-/@Èa?È-@È@>-5:5:3 1031 /;9 -aÈ;>È È È È-:0È?;91;:1È2>;9È@41È2-.a8;a?È 031È@1-9Èc588È.1È-b-58-.81È@;È-??5?@

Introductory and advanced

workshops and masterclasses in 

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Motivational Interviewing

Domestic and Family ViolenceFamily Practice 

Melbourne, 2018

Professional development tailored for AOD practitioners


[email protected]  |  360edge.com.au  |  1300 988 184

Page 2: 360Edge Training Calendar Jan-June 2018 · ;@È=a1?@5;:? È ;:@-/@Èa?È-@È@>-5:5:3 1031 /;9 -aÈ;>È È È È-:0È?;91;:1È2>;9È@41È2-.a8;a?È 031È@1-9Èc588È.1È-b-58-.81È@;È-??5?@

4 day intensive  CBT masterclassTake your practice to the next level. Find out what makes CBT tick and unlock the art and

science of therapy. This masterclass uses a self reflection, self practice format so come

ready to develop real skills from extensive practice and clinical demonstrations. This is a

small group masterclass for those with intermediate or advanced knowledge of CBT.

17-20 April 2018

Cost: Earlybird (before 3 April): $990  |  Standard: $1390

Intro to DFV for AOD workers

Advanced DFV responses in AODThis workshop is for intermediate and advanced practitioners who can provide counselling

interventions for people in AOD treatment who have experienced DFV. Understand the

unique context of DFV in AOD treatment, which interventions are effective and how to

apply them in practice.

30 May 2018

Do you know how to respond effectively to the estimated 50-90% of people in AOD

treatment who have experienced domestic or family violence as an adult or child?

Understand the unique model that applies to the AOD sector, and learn how to raise the

issue, reduce harms and respond sensitively within the limits of AOD work.

29 May 2018

Cost: Earlybird (before 14 May): $350  |  Standard: $450

Cost: Earlybird (before 14 May): $350  |  Standard: $450  | add to Intro to DFV for $210

Page 3: 360Edge Training Calendar Jan-June 2018 · ;@È=a1?@5;:? È ;:@-/@Èa?È-@È@>-5:5:3 1031 /;9 -aÈ;>È È È È-:0È?;91;:1È2>;9È@41È2-.a8;a?È 031È@1-9Èc588È.1È-b-58-.81È@;È-??5?@

Intro to CBT

Integrating MI and CBTFind out how to effectively blend the two core interventions in AOD treatment to achieve

better client outcomes. This practice based workshop shows you how and when to utilise

MI and CBT seamlessly throughout treatment from assessment to closure. This workshop

is for those with some basic knowledge of CBT and MI wanting to refine their practice.

22 August 2018

It's more than just A-B-Cs! Understand the 'why' and the 'how' of CBT in this interactive

introduction to the transdiagnostic application of CBT in AOD practice. This foundation

workshop offers a practical introduction to the core practice skills in AOD treatment. This

workshop is for those new to CBT and those wanting to brush up on their core CBT skills.

21 August 2018

Cost: Earlybird (before 7 August): $350  |  Standard: $450

Cost: Earlybird (before 7 August): $350  |  Standard: $450  | add to Intro CBT for $210

Working with families masterclassDiscover the most effective ways to help families of people who use alcohol

and other drugs. This masterclass is for anyone who wants to develop their

skills in AOD family practice. You'll learn how to conceptualise and work with

complex family dynamics and take a systems approach to family work.

19 June 2018

Cost: Earlybird (before 5 June): $350  |  Standard: $450

Bookings 360edge.com.au/events

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Got questions? Contact us at [email protected] or 1300 988 184

and someone from the fabulous 360Edge team will be available to assist.

Our expert trainers are the key to effective learning.

We use best practice learning methods to teach you what you need to know to take your practice to the next step and see better

outcomes for your clients.

We provide enough theory for a solid understanding of the ‘why’ but with a practical focus on the ‘how’.

Our clinical trainers not only have qualifications in adult education and extensive experience teaching alcohol and other drug

workers across Australia, but also have decades of real experience in mental health and alcohol and other drug practice.

PROFESSOR NICOLE LEE is an international leader in all things alcohol and drug policy and

practice. Not your typical academic, her entertaining presentation style makes best practice

come alive.

PAULA ROSS is a clinical leader in working with families of people who use alcohol and other

drugs. Her engaging expert masterclasses are not to be missed. Participants love her straight-

forward and witty training style.

LINDA JENNER is well known throughout Australia for her expertise in mental health and drug

treatment and was the first CNC for Dual Diagnosis in the alcohol and other drug sector.

Participants love her warm and engaging training style and her clinical smarts.

SANDRA SIMPSON is our frontline specialist and trainer extraordinaire. Her

captivating clinical workshops are lauded throughout the land. Her constant smile and her

positive attitude make for an unmissable training experience.