3 Heroes to Champion Your Business Transformation E-Book www.totalmobile.co.uk

3 Heroes - Totalmobile · The Three Heroes Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation 1. Learn your staff needs 2. Remove outdated processes 3. Love Your Customer

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Page 1: 3 Heroes - Totalmobile · The Three Heroes Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation 1. Learn your staff needs 2. Remove outdated processes 3. Love Your Customer

3 Heroes to Champion Your Business Transformation



Page 2: 3 Heroes - Totalmobile · The Three Heroes Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation 1. Learn your staff needs 2. Remove outdated processes 3. Love Your Customer

Business Transformation is no easy task and more companies are recruiting for these roles specifically to enable change and strengthen the business’s strategic direction for the future. Improving the company strategy, streamlining processes and leading the way for the future, all whilst improving efficiency and achieving ROI are the transformative considerations you will be worrying about.

We’ve identified three key metrics – or our three “heroes” that have the power to transform your organisation and achieve your business goals:

1. More Time2. Increased Efficiency3. Improved Service Delivery

In this eBook, we explore steps that will help you improve in these areas, highlighting practical steps that can be implemented at any stage and that will transform your organisation and ensure that our three transformational heroes will emerge and help you achieve your targets.

Those three heroes are three metrics that will signal that your business is working at it’s optimum, in sync and prospering. Read on to learn more.


Page 3: 3 Heroes - Totalmobile · The Three Heroes Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation 1. Learn your staff needs 2. Remove outdated processes 3. Love Your Customer

The Three Heroes

Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation

1. Learn your staff needs2. Remove outdated processes3. Love Your Customer4. Look to the future5. Invest in the Right Technology

How do they appear/What to do with them?



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Page 4: 3 Heroes - Totalmobile · The Three Heroes Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Transformation 1. Learn your staff needs 2. Remove outdated processes 3. Love Your Customer

To begin with we’ll explore briefly, who or rather what those three heroes are. It’s important to realise what your organisation requires to transform and to achieve success, for many it will be these core stats.

The Three Heroes


These three transformational metrics will materialise when your business is in sync, when processes are working well and staff are working efficiently. Once those areas are working together, there shouldn’t be anything in your way of achieving those transformational strategic targets. By having the appropriate technology in place to facilitate change will ensure that you have the competitive edge and the ability to maintain and welcome these three heroes of a successful business.

With these heroes, you can achieve transformation within your organisation. But achieving those heroes can be difficult, particularly during a time of budget cuts, issues with workforce, etc. Before they emerge it’s important to take essential steps within the organisation to make sure that each area is working at it’s optimum, only then can transformation take place.

This commitment starts from the top of the organisation and trickles its way down. It requires communication with key stakeholders and your staff to ensure that they are working from the same page at all times.

More Time Increased Efficiency Improved Service Delivery

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As a transformational leader, you have an instrumental task ahead, but it can be difficult to know if you are heading in the right direction. It’s important to evaluate your current situation, audit the business and find out exactly where you are in terms of resources, processes and staff.

These five steps are essential, perhaps you already implement some of these steps or maybe none. But the good news is that none of them are difficult to initiate or measure. Even better news, once you’ve completed this essential checklist you can start paving the way to achieving those three heroes of success.

Five Steps to Ready Your Business for Success

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1. Learn your staff needs

For you and the management team, it is important to take the time to listen to your staff, figure out exactly what they need to do their job. For many years, the focus has been on the customer and raising their satisfaction levels, but now the focus is shifting to take into consideration staff morale and loyalty as one transformative model. After all, if your staff are happy in their work, they will be the ideal brand advocates – knowledgeable and enthusiastic. In the latest report from the CIPD, Employee Outlook Spring 2017, staff are growing increasingly satisfied with their job roles, 64% said they were satisfied with only 16% dissatisfied. It highlights that initiatives around control over their career, using their skills effectively and motivation are working, staff are happier. The direct result from all this hard work – increased effort. Staff said that they would be willing to take on more work to help relieve colleagues’ workloads. Even more optimistically, staff said they would be willing to work harder to help their organisation succeed.

By learning exactly what they believe they need in order to do their job more effectively, you can identify the challenges they face and what makes their job more difficult. Fundamentally, this enables you to make change that will allow them to work better and deliver better service. Morale is a subsequent benefit as their work life is improved and staff feel valued.

Your staff may require improved tools to help make them more efficient, as old systems can hinder and slow down work, causing backlogs and heightening stress. By investing in technology that improves these processes staff will be able to work better, resulting in greater efficiency and time savings, they’ll feel more valued and therefore promote what you as a business are offering.

By listening to staff and their needs and then putting in place measures to improve their workplace, you will increase their smorale. Staff may want more opportunities to develop their skills or improve their career opportunities, facilitate this with courses and opportunities to train.

Not only will staff feel the benefits of being listened to but the business will as well. Retention will be higher as you develop a positive team who are proud to work in the business and contribute more time and effort. What better recruitment incentive than a happy workforce who love what they do? By analysing staff needs and providing them with the right tools for their jobs and systems that are well supported and efficient, you will attract new staff who also want to be part of the team.

In the latest report from the CIPD, Employee Outlook Spring 2017, staff are growing increasingly satisfied with their job roles,

64% said they were satisfied with only

16% dissatisfied

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That’s right, it’s not me, it’s you. Those outdated systems and processes are doing more damage to your business than anything else. Many organisations face a culture of needless documentation, duplication of effort and lack of regulation. The result? Time sapping activity, unhappy staff and needless expense for management. Outdated processes can be imposed by outdated technology. Not all technology enables you to work more efficiently, in fact many old technologies can restrict the opportunity for innovation and enforce inefficient ways of working.

2. Remove outdated processes

Look at any process that doesn’t add value to your customer, question why it is there. Look at activity which takes time away from service delivery, are these activities necessary or are there changes you can make or technology you can implement to transform efficiency? Combining these two steps will ensure that every process and every system in the organisation is working at it’s optimum. By implementing “lean” principles, you can eliminate those processes that are causing more damage than good and prepare the business for transformation.

What lean principles can work for you? Take a look at your businesses inefficiencies and any wasted time, manage those problem areas and smooth out any non-value time being spent. This could mean implementing a mobile workforce management platform to help your staff working remotely to deliver services.

The other important lean principle is linked to the previous step, your staff. Make sure that you are utilising their skills to the best of their ability. They’ve been paid to do a job, so make sure that the majority of their time is spent doing this job and not unnecessary tasks. They will appreciate it and you will reap the benefits of a happy, satisfied team and increased productivity. As well as reducing the risk of any unnecessary tasks. By removing outdated processes and systems you are allowing them to focus on doing their job and by reducing administration, they can increase their capabilities leading to increased productivity.

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Your customer has never been so important, in this digital era customers have more opportunity and ability to promote or criticise your brand. Making sure they are happy, invested in your brand and value the service you are delivering to them is vital.

3. Love Your Customer

Take a look at customer satisfaction levels, listen to what they have to say, your customers will be the first indicator on how things are going, well or otherwise. From there you can make some further plans and implement new processes such as workforce management solutions, to enable those who work face to face with your customers to be more productive and deliver a better service to them. Your customers will be face to face with your staff, so ensuring that both are happy is vital, happy staff will result in better customer service. Stats highlight that people will go the extra mile to get the customer service they want - up to 60% of consumers will pay more for a better customer experience.

It’s important to involve customers in every aspect of your business, especially when any changes occur within your organisation. Customers want to see continual improvement and expect to see steps put in place to achieve this.

Customers want to see you being successful as it means they are receiving a great experience as well. Consistent service delivery is good and expected, however, ever improving service is better.

Although it might seem like an archaic saying, the customer is always right, but it’s true, they are. So, reassuring them that you will put their needs first when it comes to the business will help ensure that they respond positively to the organisation. What does all this mean for you and achieving those essentials figures? It means that you have a dedicated customer base, who feel valued and will return time and time again.

- up to

60% of consumers will pay more for a better customer experience.

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That You Take Advantag


The future is now. We have been inundated with new developments in all areas of our lives. Innovations like the Internet of Things are making our lives more connected than ever. Banking is all done at the touch of a screen, shopping is predominately online and our conversations are very much based in a digital landscape. Our lives have seen a digital transformation, now is the time for a business transformation as well.

4. Look to the future

For businesses, data has become the driving force behind identifying emerging trends and making clever business decisions. Without having this data or the ability to look to the future, a business will fall behind in the digital race.

Currently, good enough is not good enough. As organisations are improving, the competitive landscape becomes more challenging, meaning that there is no time to sit still, there is a constant need and expectation to improve. There is plenty of innovative technology already available that can drive transformation and deliver ROI. But with even more on the horizon now is the time to ensure that you and your organisation are in a position to take advantage of these. Expectations are increasingly growing; your customers will expect your business to have the latest technology that enhances their lives.

The benefits of ensuring you are invested in the future will engage your staff and your customers, both will feel valued and that the business is investing in their future as well. Staff will have the tools to work in a smart manner and customers will find their experience with business easy and innovative. Collectively, these will support business transformation.

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With the multitude of technologies that are becoming widely available it isn’t only about being ready, but also about choosing which ones are going to be most effective in transforming your business and in making you a market leader. This is no easy task, particularly when management are often constrained by budgets, savings and legislative changes.

5. Invest in the Right Technology

The first step to take is to know your business inside out, then you must analyse your business needs. Take a look at what you already have in place and couple this with your business transformation strategy. When things have been done a certain way for a long time it can be difficult to see where you can improve things, often this can be around the processes leading to service delivery. However, improving these areas will benefit the business in the long run, as staff will be more efficient, happy and ultimately provide better customer service.

The next step is to make sure that the technology you are investing in will grow with your business. There is nothing worse than spending a huge chunk of your budget on a shiny new platform, only to find that the organisation who supplied it doesn’t provide any integration or upgrade support. Within months or a few years, you are left with a system that is causing more problems than it is solving.

Always have a back-up plan. With the rise of technology also comes all the potential pitfalls of technology. They do crash or randomly need turned off and on again. This can result in loss of data and without a backup, it’s gone. For good. When it comes to looking after customers and their personal information ensuring you have a robust security and backup system in place is key. You also need to ensure that you are protected with your purchase. Good security but more importantly a good relationship and on-going development from your software provider is vital. You need a product that is future-proofed, that will continue to grow with your transformation and not become obsolete in 12 months.

Most importantly, when choosing your technology, don’t forget about the support and training. Staff will stop using a new service if they find it difficult or if they haven’t been provided with training. It’s important that the technology fits into their lives seamlessly. We’re all used to using technology and we require something that is easy to follow, so ensuring that the product is based around native platforms we are already familiar with is important. If the device or application is too complicated adoption will be poor. Instead of improving and transforming their lives it will only make things more difficult and cause more stress.

By following these simple steps you can ensure that the right technology is implemented and that it will help you achieve business transformation. If you have followed these five tips you will find yourself starting to see gradual improvements and statistics that you require to transform your business. It is here, at this point that you will see the three heroes begin to emerge and the positive effect they have on achieving your key goals.

You’ll soon have: 1. More Time2. Increased Efficiency3. Improved Service Delivery

More Time Increased Efficiency Improved Service Delivery

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That You Take Advantag


How do they appear/What to do with them?

They saw:

• Cost savings of £20 million • Visits went up from 9 to 14

per operative, per day.


Nottinghamshire County Council saw a saving of £600 per annum per employee in travel savings.

They saw:

• 36% more visits• Jobs completed 35% quickerA member of the mobile working team had this to say:

“We don’t have to ask them [the tenants] questions and we can get straight on with the job, therefore we can see more tenants and get more jobs done.” This more reactive service ensured customers were being seen in a more timely fashion and were receiving a better quality of service as a result.

With more time, staff can take on more jobs or spend more time with their customers. For you, this means more and better business; it means a return on investment. But it also means that the customer receives a better service, increasing their trust in the brand. With more time, staff feel less stressed and better able to manage their workload, positively effecting staff morale and customer satisfaction simultaneously.

In a real-world example, by implementing the five key steps alongside investing in our Digital Workforce Management Platform, Virgin Care were able to see significant improvements across the board but particularly with time savings.

More Time

Increased EfficiencyBy working through staff issues, outlawing outdated systems and providing them with the tools they need to complete their work effectively, efficiency will improve. This hero of your business will help increase your staff’s ability to work more effectively and have huge cost savings, allowing you to invest in other areas of your business and your customers.

For Fife Council, this was particularly the case, after implementing these positive steps and a new digital workforce management platform to help their staff perform more efficiently, they saw excellent costs savings.

Improved Service Delivery

Most businesses face a bit of squeeze when it comes to resources and capabilities, so ensuring that you get the most out of your organisation is key. When listening to staff and looking at existing and future systems, it’s important to realise where you could be improving the quality of the services you deliver.

Quite often it is an old outdated system that is holding your staff back or even a lack of a system all together. When customer, City of York Council adopted a new workforce management system they were able to free more time and improved service delivery. Just think what you could do with those extra resources.

They saw:

• 30% increase in the amount of time spent with patients

• 2 additional visits per day• 60% reduction in time spent

on admin• 30% reduction in travel time

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With our five steps, you can begin to transform and achieve those key business aims, once these steps have been implemented and your business is working in sync, with efficient processes and minimum waste, the three heroes of business will emerge. Those three heroes of time, efficiency and improved service delivery will help your business soar, achieving cost and time savings that will better the business and the lives of your staff.

In the future, we will explore each of these three heroes in detail. We will look at exactly what each of them mean for your business and the transformative possibilities they promise.


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Every day we help thousands of mobile workers stay focused on doing what they were trained to do. We give them everything they need to manage and record their work at the point of service delivery in one simple app. From engineers, nurses and social workers - to surveyors, inspectors and construction workers and more – organisations use our technology to keep their teams out of the office and in the field delivering outstanding service.

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