21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 | www.saintjoachim.net December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

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Page 1: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 | www.saintjoachim.net

December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Page 2: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Típico de los compradores de Navidad de úl!mo minuto, una madre corría furiosamente de !enda a !enda. De repente se percató que la mano enrojecida de su hijo de tres años de edad ya no estaba agarrada de la de ella. En pánico, ella volvió sobre sus pasos y lo encontró de pie con su nariz poco presionada contra una ventana escarchada. Él estaba mirando una escena del pesebre. Escuchando la llamada casi histérica de su madre, se volvió y gritó con alegría de inocente, "mira Mami! Es Jesús – El Niño Jesús en el heno!" Con evidente indiferencia a su gozo y maravilla, ella lo jaló impacientemente diciendo: "No tenemos !empo para eso!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Las 3 etapas del hombre:

Él cree en Santa Claus.

Él no cree en Santa Claus.

Él se convierte en Santa Claus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Era víspera de Navidad en un supermercado y una mujer buscaba ansiosamente entre los pavos restantes con la esperanza de encontrar uno grande. En su desesperación llamó a una ayudante de !enda y dijo "Disculpe. ¿Estos pavos serán mas grandes?" "No" le respondió: "Están todos muertos". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unos días antes de Navidad, dos hermanos jóvenes pasaban la noche en casa de sus abuelos. Cuando era hora de irse a la cama, ansiosos por hacer lo correcto, se arrodillaron a decir sus oraciones. De repente, el más joven comenzó a hacerlo en voz muy alta. "Querido Señor, por favor pídele a Santa Claus que me traiga una play-sta!on, una bicicleta de montaña y un telescopio".

Su hermano se inclinó y empujando a su hermano y dijo, "¿por qué gritas tus oraciones? Dios no es sordo."

"Yo sé," contestó. Pero la Abuela lo es!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"¿Cuántas personas asisten a su Iglesia?" un pastor le preguntó a otro. "Sesenta regulares y aproximadamente trescientos N y P." "¿Qué es N y P?" le preguntó el primero. Vino la respuesta rápida: "Navidad y Pascua. Le llamamos flores de Pascua y Lirios de Pascua." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justo antes de Navidad un profesor universitario leyó lo siguiente en un examen: "solo Dios sabe la respuesta a esta pregunta. Feliz Navidad." En el mismo papel el profesor escribió: "Dios ob!ene una A; usted ob!ene una F. Feliz Año Nuevo". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un hombre compró a su esposa un anillo de diamantes para la Navidad. Un amigo suyo dijo: "Pensé que quería uno de esos depor!stas vehículos tracción en las 4 ruedas . "Ella lo hizo," contestó. "Pero, ¿dónde era yo a encontrar un Jeep falso?"

From the Pastor’s Desk: Nota de nuestro pastor:

Typical of last minute Christmas shoppers, a mother was running furiously from store to store. Suddenly she became aware that the pudgy li%le hand of her three-year-old son was no longer clutched in hers. In a panic, she retraced her steps and found him

standing with his li%le nose pressed flat against a frosty window. He was gazing at a manger scene. Hearing his mother’s near hysterical call, he turned and shouted with innocent glee, "Look Mommy! It’s Jesus - Baby Jesus in the hay!" With obvious indifference to his joy and wonder, she impa!ently jerked him away saying, "We don’t have !me for that!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 3 stages of man:

He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn't believe in Santa Claus. He becomes Santa Claus -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was Christmas Eve in a supermarket and a woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a large one. In despera!on she called over a shop assistant and said "Excuse me. Do these turkeys get any bigger?" "No" he replied, "They're all dead". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few days before Christmas, two young brothers were spending the night at their grandparent's house. When it was !me to go to bed, anxious to do the right thing, they both knelt down to say their prayers. Suddenly, the younger one began to do so in a very loud voice. "Dear Lord, please ask Santa Claus to bring me a play-sta!on, a mountain-bike and a telescope." His older brother leaned over and nudged his brother and said, "Why are you shou!ng your prayers? God isn't deaf." "I know," he replied. "But Grandma is!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"How many people a%end your Church?" one pastor asked another. "Sixty regular, and about three hundred C and E." "What's C and E?" the first asked. Came the quick answer: "Christmas and Easter. We call them Poinse)as and Easter Lilies." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just before Christmas a college professor read the following on an examina!on paper: "God only knows the answer to this ques!on. Merry Christmas." Across the same paper the professor wrote: "God gets an A; you get an F. Happy New Year." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A guy bought his wife a beau!ful diamond ring for Christmas. A friend of his said, "I thought she wanted one of those sporty 4-Wheel drive vehicles." "She did," he replied. "But where in the heck was I gonna find a fake Jeep?"

Page 3: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph


Readings for the week of December 27, 2015

Sun/Dom: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Ps 84:2-3, 5

-6, 9-10/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/

Lk 2:41-52

Mon/Lunes: 1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Ps 124:2-5, 7-8/Mt 2:13-18

Tues/Martes: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-3, 5-6/Lk 2:22-35

Wed/Mier: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-10/Lk 2:36-40

Thurs/Vier: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-13/Jn 1:1-18

Fri/Vier: Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21

Sat/Sab: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 1:19-28

Next Sun/Dom: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt


OFFICE INFO Parish Office 783-2766

Parish Fax 783-2760

Parish Email [email protected]

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PM Saturday 10 AM-4 PM Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM Sunday 9 AM-4 PM Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM


Rev. Joseph Antony Sebas"an,

SVD Pastor Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 AM to 12 PM 5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes 10 AM a 12 PM 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD Parochial Vicar Monday, Wednesday Thursday, and Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment) lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes 10:30 AM a 12:00 PM 5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

Ariel Mayormita Music Director/ Director de Música Phone Ext. #223 [email protected]

Flor Herce Bookkeeper

Pat Ludwig Administrative Assistant

Faith Forma"on Office 785-1818 Oficina de Formación de Fe

Glenda Aragón Director of Faith Formation [email protected]

Abraham Gonzalez Faith Formation Coordinator /Youth Minister 550-6878 / [email protected]

Bertha Cruz Administrative Assistant


St. Vincent de Paul 783-0344

Office hours 1:30-3PM ONLY Monday-Friday

San Vicente de Paul Gary Enos President


St. Joachim School 783-3177 Escuela de San Joaquín

Armond Seishas Principal Sandra Garzon School Secretary

St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604

Marisa Melgarejo Director


Sunday Dec 27th Hospitality Sunday In the hall after all the Morning Masses Thursday December 31st New Years Eve Celebration Spanish—after the 7:00 PM Mass. in the Hall Thursday December 31st New Years Eve Masses 5:00 PM Mass in English & 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish Friday January 1st New Years Day Mass 10:00AM Bilingual Mass

Page 4: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph


Mehrunissa K. Serang

Michele Lozano

Joselino M. Alejandrino

Edward Boris

Georgie Dwonch

Duyen Corbridge

Ann F. Kishimori

Angel Delval

Felix Chavez

Vivienne Malig

Sheila Bacallo

Anita Z. Ruedas

Fabian Abellana

Helen Karas

Ken Freitas

FOOD DONATIONS St. Vincent de Paul

Food offering for next


Canned Meats or Tuna

Carne enlatada o atun

DONATION AMOUNT FOR December 20, 2015 not available at press Time



December 13th

The Plate Collection $ 11,319.00

EFT Collection $ 936.00

On Line Giving $ 55.00

Our Lady Of Guadalupe Masses

$ 3,929.00 TOTAL

for the WEEK $ 16,239.00

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Page 5: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule ~~ New Years Day

Thursday Dec 31st—5 PM—English

Thursday Dec 31st— 7 PM Spanish

Thursday Dec 31st— 11:30 PM Benediction

Friday Jan 1st — 10 AM Bilingual

Con!nued ... Mercy is a theme very dear to

Pope Francis. He has recounted his

very first experience of God’s mercy in his own life, when he walked into a

confessional as a 17 year old in Buenos Aires and walked out knowing that

he was called to consecrate his life to the Lord. That date, September

21st, marked the feast of the conversion of St Ma%hew – the tax collector.

Tax collectors in the days of St. Ma%hew were social outcasts. Devout

Jews avoided them because they were usually dishonest (the job carried

no salary, and they were expected to make their profits by chea!ng the

people from whom they collected taxes). Patrio!c and na!onalis!c Jews

hated them because they were agents of the Roman government, the

conquerors, and double hatred them (like Ma%hew) because they were

Jews, who had gone over to the enemy, betraying their own people for

money. Jesus said to Ma%hew ‘Follow Me! And Ma%hew got up and

followed Him. Jesus said ‘I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’

Centuries later, a homily by St. Bede addressed the gaze of Jesus on the

tax collector St. Ma%hew. St. Bede used the words “By having mercy, by choosing him” as that sen!ment in the heart of

Jesus. Pope Francis must be picturing Jesus looking down on him in a similar way, because Francis chose these words for

his moto as bishop. A-er his elec!on as Pope he stated “Feeling mercy, that this word changes everything. This is the best

thing we can feel: it changes the world. A li%le mercy makes the world less cold and more just. We need to understand

properly this mercy of God, this merciful Father who is so pa!ent.” We are living in the age of mercy”. Pope Francis

expressed: “How greatly I desire that all those places where the Church is present, especially our parishes and our

communi!es, may become islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference!.” He said the call of Jesus pushes each

of us never to stop at the surface of things, especially when we are dealing with a person. We are called to look beyond, to

focus on the heart to see how much generosity everyone is capable. No one can be excluded from the mercy of God;

everyone knows the way to access it and the Church is the house that welcomes all and refuses no one. Its doors remain

wide open, so that those who are touched by grace can find the certainty of forgiveness. The greater the sin, so much the

greater must be the love that the Church expresses toward those who convert. “Dear brothers and sisters, I have o-en

thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is a journey that begins with a

spiritual conversion. For this reason, I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee that is to have the mercy of God at its

center. It shall be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live this Year in the light of the Lord's words: “Be merciful, just as your

Father is merciful. to be con!nued … Sources: Justusanglican.org, telegraph.co.uk, Va!can radio, archlou.org


Page 6: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

MASS INTENTIONS December 26, 2015 ~~ January 2, 2016

Saturday 4:30 PM

Fabian Abellana (healing)

Saturday 6:00 PM

Maria Elena Ventura (cumpleanos)

Jesus Fuentes † (4th aniversario) Animas del Purgatorio

Sunday 7:30 AM

Maria Consunto †

Sunday 9:00 AM

Kyle Salta (birthday) Crescenciana Maglaya † (20th anniversary)

Rosita De Villa (†-birthday)

Sunday 10:30 AM

Diosdado Buendia † (birthday)

Sunday 12:15 PM

Milo & Jean Tolen!no (31st wedding anniversary)

Sunday 2:00 PM

Maria & Reynaldo Ventura (46th wedding anniversary) Jose David Hernandez (cumpleanos)

Sunday 6:00 PM Antonio & Cuca Magallon (58th aniversario de boda) Federico Prado † Godofredo Guevara †

Monday 7:00 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Monday 8:30 AM

Rosa Alvarado † (anniversary)

Tuesday 7:00 AM

Feliza Arengo † (anniversary)

Tuesday 8:30 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 7:00 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 8 :30 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 7:00 PM

The Community of St. Joachim

Thursday 7:00 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Thursday 8:30 AM

Ronwaldo Temporosa †

Thursday 5:00 PM

The Community of St. Joachim

Thursday 7:00 PM

The Community of St. Joachim

Friday 10:00 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Saturday 8:30 AM

The Community of St. Joachim

Page 7: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Remember in your prayers all those

affected by the a'acks in Paris—

November 13, 2015

Recuerde en sus oraciones a todos los

afectados por los atentados de París—

13 de noviembre de 2015

Thanks for making Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration a Success

G R A C I A s

Page 8: 21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/20151227B.pdf · December 27, 2015 ~~ The Holy family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph